#every morning i wake up i would do my chores first and only when they're done i'll eat something as a reward
missazura · 2 years
not me getting sudden flashbacks of acting THE EXACT SAME WAY hunter did with belos back when he was the golden guard. i feel incredibly sick to the stomach.
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aledethanlast · 1 year
I want to clarify something about my Lawyer!Andrew post:
Andrew is not doing this to impress people. In fact he actively doesn't want to impress people. He is done being a superman who holds everyone's lives in his hands. It's not good for his mental health when he's doing it and it's not good for anyone when that he fails, because the law is too big and some of these fuckers are just legitimately dumber and more guilty than his literal murderous mafia husband.
Anyways. Andrew wakes up in the morning, goes to his closet and shoves aside the 15k dollar Armani suits so he can put on the two piece he got at Macy's (then tailored to fit, cause he still has standards), and a matching tie.
He goes to the office. Brad asks him if he heard about the latest draft picks. Andrew stares him down until Brad goes to Andrew's desk and drops a quarter in the "Asking Andrew about Exy" jar. Andrew's coworkers seem to think that he's gonna buy the office a Foosball table with the jar money. They are wrong. It is for a new cat tower. Also, no Andrew hasn't seen it, but he got the rundown from Neil and Kevin, so he knows enough to tell Brad not to bother with a season pass for the Sealions this year.
He has two cases to deal with today. The first is a vehicular manslaughter charge. The client is pleading self defense, and that the victim was a stalker. Andrew likes her because, despite bursting into tears every time they have a trial prep session, she actually listens to instructions and knows when to shut the fuck up. He's confident.
The second is grand larceny. The guy is so super incredibly guilty but Brad gave him this case because he knows Andrew loves police misconduct cases and this one is just so full of protocol breaches that Andrew only had to show Neil the file for him to burst out laughing.
Janet says he has a call waiting. Janet is the highest paid paralegal in the county, because she also filters his celebrity mail. Technically Neil's pr firm still represents him, but Janet knows to turn down the DA's gala invitations without needing to argue with him.
He picks up the phone. It's the DA. The man invites him to the police gala because he knows Andrew ignored the emails. Andrew assumes the man was banking on Andrew giving a polite refusal he can wheedle or harangue into compliance. The man is new to the job, so Andrew will forgive this embarrassing miscalculation.
They spend the next hour discussing court dates for a certain case. Andrew's client for that one is disabled and only has partial aid, and he won't let them set court dates that they know she won't be able to attend. The DA, despite his embarrassing naivate, seems to be on the same page in this regard, so hopefully this will go well when they bring the matter to the judge.
In the span of this phone call, two of Brad's clients come into the office, and within five minutes of walking in are made to contribute to the jar. They don't get their questions answered, because he's on the phone, and they're not Brad.
He has court tomorrow. Court is annoying, because it's a room full of strangers who hear his name and forget why he's there, and he's not allowed to bring the jar. Court is a chore, because he has to walk people through their own idiocy, and then occasionally convince the room of just how stupid or brilliant it actually was.
Court is also, maybe, just a teensy bit fun, because whatever the stereotype of a lawyer is, Andrew really isn't it, and that makes people take him a lot less seriously until he starts quoting their words back to them faster than the stenographer.
(Janet also filters job offers. They tend to crop up every few months.)
(It used to be more fun, back in the early days when Neil would sit in sometimes, until he remembered just how horrifically boring the whole thing is. But that's fine. Andrew is happy having his own thing.)
But really, court is easy. It's a place where your word has weight, where promises are binding, and when everything is going to shit, nobody looks at Andrew like he's the freak for keeping his head.
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jaywaslost · 7 months
Five Times Winnie Wanted to Confess, One Time Augustine Did
This has been in my docs done for ages I just never got around to posting it, written during a Cold Front obsession phase
Do excuse me if they're out of character or if I messed up any dates, I can't remember them all perfectly— Anyways, Enjoy!
Sypnosis: The first time Winnie realized he was in love was at the tender age of 12.
He hadn’t expected to think of that at all really, especially not at 4 in the morning of all times.
Word count: 8.9k
The first time Winnie realized he was in love was at the tender age of 12.
He hadn’t expected to think of that at all really, especially not at 4 in the morning of all times.
The date on his phone read February 14th, 20xx. He didn’t know why he was still awake, but something in him absolutely refused to get a wink of sleep, quite different to usual. On a normal day he was asleep by 11 maximum, with the exception of the first few days after moving away from his home (his mother was very concerned, he still remembers how she’d check on him during the night to see if he was sleeping or not. He’d pretend to the best of his ability until she left before he returned to wallowing in his sorrows again.).
Scrolling on his phone seemed to be the only form of entertainment at the time, if he got out of bed his parents would realize he was awake and he really didn’t feel like getting another lecture. He didn’t have any homework to busy himself with, nor did he really feel like looking for something else. Messaging Augustine had come to mind, but there was no doubt he was asleep at this time.
The other was stubborn, especially when it came to him staying up on weekends, but he never usually made it past 2. He would also sleep in until around 1PM every time he tried to be stubborn and stay awake longer and get scolded about it when he woke up, punished with doing extra chores. On those days he wouldn’t stop complaining about it, saying he was ‘a big boy now’ and that ‘it’s not fair others get to stay awake and get away with it!’. He couldn’t help finding his friend’s enraged expressions funny.
The blond didn’t end up saying anything so as not to wake him up, they could probably talk in the morning, anyway. With nothing better to do, he scrolled through anything he could find trying to distract himself or become tired enough to sleep and get the rest he needed.
When his eyes finally started to get heavier, he noticed a website that caught his attention. It was something posted merely moments ago, titled something along the lines of what to do on valentines day for your loved ones or whatever (he was too tired to process it properly). Out of curiosity, his fingers glided over the link to open it.
It was too late for him to process most of the words, but what stood out was the beginning of the article. It was nothing special, only the typical explanation of what the day is and why it's considered special, but his eyes lingered on a single phrase. ‘Valentine's day was a special occasion for everyone, the perfect day to confess to your crush, whether it's a friend, classmate, or even acquaintance who has lingered on your mind’ was the quote, the rest of the paragraph continued similarly.
His tired mind couldn’t help but wonder what could happen on this day, childish brain coming up with no more than the image of people like his parents, always together and in love, dedicated to each other to the point you could see it a mile away. He wondered what the day could mean for him, is there a special someone he should be thinking about? Is it normal this is the first time he really thinks about that? Is he gonna be the outcast again being alone in the morning while everyone else has someone by their side? Was he weird because he didn’t have his eyes set on a girl he wanted to…kiss? It shouldn’t be an issue he was twelve, but what if things in Saskatchewan were different or something, would they laugh at hi-
His thoughts came to a halt as the image of his one friend came to mind. Augustine didn’t have his eyes on any girls either, right? He would have known otherwise. They told each other everything, that wouldn’t be an exception!
..Did he know anything about this day? It was never acknowledged all that much in Quebec, was it the same here? Maybe he wasn't so weird after all? The thought calmed his nerves a little more than it should have.
Despite that, for some reason, the idea of being with his best friend during that day didn’t bother him as much as it should have. He felt his face rapidly heat up at the thought of holding his hand, it wouldn’t be the first time they did that they do so very often Augustine always liked to drag him places saying that it was easy and faster (which Winnie was offended by, he can walk fast too!) but for some reason that thought felt different, he didn’t know why.
If his reaction to finding out about the event was normal, this was definitely not. They’re friends, Auggie was his first and only friend after coming here. He didn’t pity him, he didn’t leave, he wanted to stay, he was why Winnie talked to other people at all even if to him they were enough on their own. Auggie was nice to him the way he wanted, he never left him out of things. The other boy was different, straight forward at best but Winnie liked that about him. He never lied about things (even if he did, he was so bad it was laughable), and he never laughed when Winnie’s emotions took the best of him. He supported him and it meant everything to the little boy.
Since they met, he visibly started feeling better. He finally came out of his shell and started crying less, eventually returning to his normal sleep schedule. Well, normal until today that was. But that's all they were, right? Nothing else, that's all they could be right? He wasn’t a girl, nor was the brunette, so that’s what they were.
..Their parents didn’t ever say anything about the way they acted, so it was okay right? Not much would change if they did do things together on that day. Would it be weird if he said he loved him in the morning?? That was the point of the day right? To celebrate love with people you like and enjoy the day together?
It would be okay if he tried to say something right? Nothing bad would happen, Auggie would probably be okay with it too. He didn’t want to be alone and he doubted the other did either, so it was good for them both right?
Winnie barely processed it when he yawned, just realizing how tired all that thinking had made him. Another look at the time told him over an hour had passed, 5:21 Am now instead of 4 when he last checked.
He had to rest so he knew what to say in the morning, otherwise he’ll mess up and forget later!
Finally, he closed his eyes and drifted off to a dreamless sleep 6 hours later than he would have typically wanted to.
It was 2 P.M when Winnie woke up, his head was pounding. His eyes hurt to open and he felt a lot more tired than usual, entirely disoriented.
The door creaked open as a woman with an appearance similar to the child peered her head in, perking up when she realized he was awake.
He really shouldn’t have stayed awake, his head hurt even more at hearing the words that he almost forgot to process his name being called. Mustering up the energy to fix his seating, he looked up at his mother to respond despite looking like an absolute wreck.
He was too out of it to really process what happened before he found himself near the lake with Augustine, the shorter kicking rocks into it paying little attention to him spacing out.
..Ah right, he was scolded for being awake for so long. Apparently his mother had realized he was awake when she went to take the laundry out of his room in the morning. His phone was warm, a clear sign he only got off of it recently. She ended up leaving after telling him to get ready for the day, that his best friend had been waiting for him for an hour by that point.
Hearing how long he left him standing, Winnie practically jumped out of bed already panicked as guilt overtook his senses. As soon as he was ready, he basically raced out the door to find his friend who was halfway up climbing a tree by the time he noticed him.
“Auggie!” he exclaimed while making his way over, whatever the other responded didn’t stick to his memory, too tired to really process how fast he typically spoke.
“-Winnie! Look at me already!”
The blond was snapped out of his trance by a flick to the forehead, blinking a few times before his eyes cooperated enough to notice how close his friend was to his face. He practically jumped back with a yelp, forgetting how he was sitting on the edge of the lake and falling into the water.
Augustine panicked and barely grabbed onto his hand, almost falling into the water himself. It’s not that Winnie was unable to swim, more that the water was cold if anything.
With some splashing, they eventually managed to pull him out, but he was absolutely soaked. Augustine couldn’t help but laugh at how wet he was, much to Winnie’s displeasure.
“DON’T LAUGH AT ME YOU’RE THE REASON I FELL AUGGIE” He huffed out, faking annoyance which only made his friend laugh harder.
It was.. Nice.
…until he began sneezing, that was.
The two ended up having to run to Winnie’s house as Augustine dragged him back by the hand once more, trying to warm him up as they went along.
The brunette ended up having to explain to their parents why Winnie was soaked when they were just meant to be playing as he dried himself off and changed, eventually making his way back to his room after Auggie had left to his own house again.
Their conversation can wait, he was too tired and it wasn’t the right time.
But that was okay.
They’ll always have time.
The second time Winnie thought about love, he was 14.
2 years had passed since his valentines day dilemma, safe to say time (and procrastination) had eventually made him forget all about his plans.
As they got older, Auggie had hardly changed. They were still together as they were since he moved, only fresh in highschool! Best friends, like they said they were.
During the past few years, he was pressured to talk to more people and make new friends. At some point, he no longer found himself obsessing over finding out why they wanted to be around him. Eventually, the thought of being approached out of pity felt only like a distant memory or something he imagined happening, though it was far from that. If not for that fear, his mother wouldn’t have talked to Augustine’s about him, they wouldn’t have had their c̶h̶a̶o̶t̶i̶c̶ first meeting, never gotten the chance to be this close.
He may not admit or even say it all that often, but that is one thing he’s grateful for. If not for that, he’d have still been dealing with the emotional wreck of being the new kid, outcast like he always expected to be. But he didn’t need to be, it was proven to him in the best way it ever could have been.
He had come to know Augustine’s other friends, they even liked him. The first time he couldn’t make it to school and they still invited Winnie to sit with them the boy was overjoyed, almost to the point he forgot about his friend’s absence for a while. By the time the day was over, he couldn’t help feeling empty without the energetic presence rambling alongside him as they walked back home.
It was one day, so it didn’t matter that much in the long run right?
From that day on, he became more comfortable with them. He didn’t worry as much about being wanted there or not, becoming visibly more comfortable. It came to the point that it was so clear the brunette asked him about it straight up during the middle of one of their walks.
“Hey Win?” Augustine paused, nearly causing the boy behind him to run into him.
The blond caught himself the last second, stabilizing his stance enough to make sure he wouldn’t fall before speaking again.
“Mm yea Auggie? Why’d you stop walking? I was gonna fall on you!” He whined.
“You’ve been more willing to sit with people recently, did something happen while I was gone?”
His questioning look was met with a big smile, almost like Winnie was waiting to talk about it.
“Oh!! That? When you didn’t come a few days ago, your friends came up to me and asked me to sit with them even if you weren’t there, they were really nice and-”
As he continued to ramble, Augustine returned to walking. While the other followed soon after, his expression stayed the same as his ramble- which the brunette stopped listening to- didn’t cease. He felt weird about that, why did it feel weird hearing how happy Winnie was hanging out with his friends on their own? That was what he wanted, right? To get him more friends?
It was probably nothing, doubt it mattered much anyway. It was one time and a normal thing.
“You never told me why you didn't show up to school that day though, did something happen? Mom didn’t let me check on you because she said you probably didn’t want to be bothered at the time” Winnie inquired all of a sudden, catching the other’s attention and cutting off his line of thought.
“I was sick, couldn’t get out of bed and recovered over the weekend” he quickly responded, it was no lie but saying he wasn’t bummed out by not seeing his friend would be a lie. It would have probably made him feel less like a glorified pile of muck on the side of the road.
At least now he knows he wasn’t ditched, it wasn’t intentional or voluntary at least.
Winnie didn��t abandon him because of them.
Of course he wouldn’t! Why would he ever leave someone like him, anyway? He was Winnie’s first and closest friend, nobody else. Others getting to know him wouldn’t change that, if they would have then Winnie wouldn’t have put his all into proving he was cool enough they’d be friends.
Winnie didn’t really notice the look on his friend’s face, too focused on making sure they crossed the road properly. The traffic lights were green and cars were zooming past, yet Augustine’s pace didn’t slow or pause at all. Rushing forward a little faster, he pulled the other back by his collar.
Augustine yelped, not expecting a sudden pull cutting off his breathing for a moment. Winnie gave him a sheepish smile as he coughed trying to breathe properly again, muttering out an awkward apology.
“You were about to walk into the road silly, why did you get so distracted suddenly?” He didn’t say how he found it funny, knowing the other would throw a dramatic fit over that. It was slightly endearing, in a way.
He only realized he sas silently staring at the one before him for a few minutes too long until he felt tapping on his forehead.
“Earth to Winnie, you didn’t hear a word I said didn’t you?” Augustine grumbled.
Winnie couldn't help but laugh once again, his antics really were different.
“We can cross the road now, hurry up before it turns green again!”
It seemed like his dear friend was back to being himself after that mini-distraction, it felt more right this way. He was, once again, taken by the hand as Auggie ran across the road to get them past as fast as possible without the light switching colours on them again.
Winnie could swear he almost tripped 3 times during that small distance run. He should really focus more.
As he looked back to his best friend he couldn’t help but sit there in silence for a few minutes. He wasn’t saying anything this time, only staring off at something god knows where again. As he did so, Winnie couldn’t help thinking back to his thoughts that night two years ago.
Should he bring it up? They were even closer now, so it was even less possible Auggie would react badly (if he did at all!)He had the energy for the conversation this time, they were alone like they needed to be too!
If he didn’t say anything, he’d be too much of a coward to do so again later. 2 years passing since the time he originally planned to and ended up ditching proved that!
With a deep breath and little to no plan, Winnie decided to just get it over with as he could quite literally feel himself inching closer to a heart attack.
“Hey Auggie?”
Augustine turned to him, suddenly losing interest in whatever had his attention moments ago.
“What is i-”
A voice of someone they hadn’t anticipated caught both the young boys off guard. Winnie recognized her, a girl from their math class earlier that day. She was insistent on talking to his friend almost the entire class which threw him off but he said nothing nonetheless.
Augustine’s attention snapped to the call of his name instead, focus shifting.
Winnie didn’t hear the conversation that transpired next, busy trying to understand why the sudden interruption annoyed him the way it did.
It happened sometimes, that was normal. Augustine knew everyone, it's only natural they came up to him sometimes too no? He wasn’t the only one.
“Winnie I need to go for a bit, Donna just said there’s something I need to see quickly or something? You can continue without me I’ll tell you when I’m back” the boy rushed out as he was being pulled away off to the complete opposite road of the path they were going on.
Winnie found himself nodding involuntarily, hardly processing it when the words “I’ll see you when you’re back then” came out of his mouth.
They were oddly dry, not the way he usually talks.
Augustine wasn’t able to dwell on that much further as the girl, now known as Donna, dragged him off somewhere else leaving Winnie alone.
Another time, surely it’d work out by then right?
The third time Winnie acknowledged love, he was 16.
Another two years had passed and, once again, he kept procrastinating and chickening out at the last second.
The one time he was finally about to say something, Augustine was dragged away and didn’t return until midnight. He was worried sick the entire day, what if something happened? He promised not to take long, why did he? Maybe he was dragged into something bad, maybe he got hurt and couldn’t come back yet what if he got kidnapped what if something worse happened he didn’t know what the’d do with himself if—
Their mothers were equally worried that day, apparently Augustine didn’t tell his parents he’d take longer because of whatever happened either. When he returned alone, Winnie was questioned about the others whereabouts and lacked a good answer, increasing their concern only for the boy in question to appear again a mere few hours later and get the scolding of his life.
He wasn’t hurt more than a few scratches here and there, some bruises sure but those were his own fault for not being careful as he should have been. Auggie never explained what happened that day, though. It’s not like he pressed for any further information but it was…weird.
Since then, he never brought it up again no matter how much the brunette pestered him to continue his sentence on that day, claiming he forgot or making up any excuse he could think of on the spot to avoid having that interaction when he was not yet prepared. He was procrastinating for so long it had to be perfect. That was the only thing that would make it feel worth the wait.
Winnie would tell him on the anniversary of their first meeting.
..was it excessive? To call it an anniversary, he doubted Auggie remembered the date as anything special but it meant the world to him at the time, and it does even as time passed. It was when he realized he didn’t have to feel so alone anymore, the day someone in this province finally made him feel wanted and welcome.
Because of him, he got closer to more people. The friends Augustine introduced him to, the ones who invited him to hang out with them alone, others around the school, they all wanted to know him for him now. He was the reason they started liking Winnie, the reason he has any other friends at all.
Of course, Augustine would forever stay his favourite and dearest one, but that didn’t mean others didn’t become valued too. Winnie had never been happier, people waving to him as he passed by, stopping to talk to him from time to time, it made him feel warm inside again.
He didn’t miss the glances he got, but it never felt like much of a concern.
At least, not for a while.
Or not yet.
What he had noticed was how Augustine had changed over the years, how he reacted whenever the blond introduced him to a new friend he’d make. How he tended to not respond the way he used to when they were talking about interests they had, especially Hockey.
Winnie knew his friend always loved that game. He was the best player their school had for years, close to all other members of the team and always telling him about it. H̶e̶ t̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ n̶o̶t̶ t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ h̶o̶w̶ c̶o̶n̶v̶e̶n̶i̶e̶n̶t̶l̶y̶ t̶h̶e̶ t̶i̶m̶e̶ A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ s̶t̶o̶p̶p̶e̶d̶ t̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶ l̶i̶n̶e̶d̶ u̶p̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ t̶h̶e̶ t̶i̶m̶e̶ w̶h̶e̶n̶ h̶e̶ j̶o̶i̶n̶e̶d̶ t̶h̶e̶ t̶e̶a̶m̶ a̶l̶o̶n̶g̶s̶i̶d̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶ b̶o̶y̶.
H̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶n̶'t̶ m̶i̶s̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶ d̶i̶s̶t̶a̶n̶t̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ f̶r̶o̶m̶ a̶c̶r̶o̶s̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶ r̶i̶n̶k̶, w̶h̶e̶n̶ A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶'s̶ e̶y̶e̶s̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶e̶d̶ c̶o̶l̶d̶e̶r̶ t̶h̶a̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ e̶v̶e̶r̶ h̶a̶d̶ b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶.
W̶h̶e̶n̶ h̶e̶ f̶e̶l̶t̶ d̶i̶f̶f̶e̶r̶e̶n̶t̶.
N̶o̶t̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ i̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ a̶n̶ i̶s̶s̶u̶e̶ t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶, t̶h̶e̶y̶ w̶e̶r̶e̶ f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶, r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶?̶ I̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ l̶i̶k̶e̶l̶y̶ h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ h̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶ b̶a̶d̶ d̶a̶y̶ a̶n̶y̶w̶a̶y̶, t̶h̶i̶s̶ y̶e̶a̶r̶ w̶a̶s̶ n̶o̶t̶ t̶r̶e̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ h̶i̶m̶ k̶i̶n̶d̶l̶y̶ b̶y̶ a̶n̶y̶ m̶e̶a̶n̶s̶.
They were still friends, accompanying each other to every class and doing things together as always. It was a good thing how they haven’t changed in that regard, people always came to associate them with the other.
Overtime, it became apparent that wherever Augustine is, Winnie was not far away and vice versa. They used to joke about it at first until it became frequent enough the joke itself got boring. Now, it’s nothing special.
Sure, they walked with other people and hung out with others sometimes. a̶t̶ l̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ h̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶, A̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ m̶u̶s̶t̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ t̶o̶o̶ n̶o̶?̶ h̶e̶ h̶a̶d̶ p̶l̶e̶n̶t̶y̶ o̶f̶ f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ a̶s̶ f̶a̶r̶ a̶s̶ h̶e̶ k̶n̶e̶w̶. But it never damaged their bond.
Winnie was planning this day for the past 4 months at this point, it almost felt funny how repetitive this routine felt by the third time. “The day he would stop being a coward, would say it to his friend’s face and wait for the response he yearns for” or whatever he always thought about, cheesy in a way but it wasn’t like he could exactly help that.
They were only walking through the halls during their lunch period when they passed by Winnie’s locker. A normal thing if not for the fact 3 people were crowded around it, whispering to themselves.
The duo didn’t pay it much time at first, preferring to continue their debate on the newest pointless subject they thought of: if oranges came first or if it was the colour. Augustine insisted the fruit did, whereas Winnie was prepared to die on the hill saying it was the other way around.
The group of 3 in front of the locker were not people the two were particularly friends with, Winnie recognized one as someone who sits next to him in.. biology? At least that's what he remembered. Augustine shrugged at the question of their names, saying it didn’t come up enough for him to remember them much, adding on how they weren’t particularly interesting enough for him to care beyond acquainting with anyway.
It wasn’t something Winnie needed to put much thought into either, trusting his friend’s judgement.
All that really mattered now was convincing Auggie to follow him to the rooftop where he could finally say what he wanted to in complete privacy, but until then he had to keep his cool and continue their seemingly endless bickering.
They were forced to snap out of their conversation when one of the boys pushed someone towards them, turning to see what the issue was. The girl pushed towards them by her friends lost her balance, but Winnie quickly caught her fall before any actual damage could be caused, at which her face turned red.
H̶e̶ c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ s̶w̶e̶a̶r̶ A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ g̶l̶a̶r̶e̶d̶ a̶t̶ h̶e̶r̶.
“Are you okay?” he inquired, looking between the three in obvious confusion.
The girl just nodded, fiddling with her hands seemingly unable to form a proper response. As he turned away to leave after telling them to be more careful, his arm was grabbed by her as a seemingly impulse decision she regretted almost immediately after.
W̶a̶y̶ t̶o̶ s̶e̶t̶ h̶i̶s̶ p̶l̶a̶n̶ o̶f̶f̶ a̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶, h̶e̶ o̶n̶l̶y̶ h̶a̶d̶ 1̶5̶ m̶i̶n̶u̶t̶e̶s̶ l̶e̶f̶t̶!̶
Before he could breathe, she finally spoke up.
“Can I- talk to you for a few minutes?”
Winnie looked back at his friend, seemingly at a loss. He didn’t want to stay, he planned so long for this but she didn’t have plans of letting him go yet and-
The look on Augustine’s face was cold as it was on those days in the rink, his expression changing to one Winnie couldn’t read in mere seconds after they were talking normally only moments ago.
At least that's what he thought, it’s what that looked like anyway.
“You can go, it’s fine” the brunette said, though Winnie knew better than to believe his tone was one of someone who really didn’t care what he did. He knew better than that, Augustine was annoyed, but what for?
It seemed like the girl took that as an invitation to drag him away, almost tripping Winnie in the meantime. Her friends cheered her on as Augustine only turned around and walked in the opposite direction instead of waiting for him to return after or interrupting her for dragging him off like that.
Whatever side of the school she was taking him to he didn’t quite notice, only realizing how far they’d gone when she shoved a letter into his hands and refused to look at him. Winnie could easily guess the implications of that, seeing the heart sticker on the front of it.
It was about to be a long conversation, one he didn’t want to be a part of.
Why was it so difficult for things to work out when he wanted to come clean?
Maybe another time, surely.
Winnie was 18 when they grew apart.
Their separation started slow, over the course of a few years.
It wasn’t entirely like that of course!- they were talking less is all, not really separate. They still hung out at school sometimes like they used to and sat together in one or two classes, W̶i̶n̶n̶i̶e̶ f̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ h̶i̶m̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ d̶r̶a̶g̶g̶e̶d̶ s̶o̶m̶e̶w̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ e̶l̶s̶e̶ m̶o̶r̶e̶ o̶f̶t̶e̶n̶ t̶h̶a̶n̶ n̶o̶t̶, A̶u̶g̶g̶i̶e̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ s̶t̶o̶p̶p̶e̶d̶ h̶i̶m̶ s̶o̶ h̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶n̶'t̶ t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ m̶u̶c̶h̶ o̶f̶ a̶ p̶r̶o̶b̶l̶e̶m̶ r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶?̶
They walked together after on their home, but Auggie never looked at him if he could help it. When he did, something felt wrong. Instead of the warm looks he always received when they were kids, it was like looking at a stranger.
Any conversations they had were started by him and died out quite quickly, the other giving the bare minimum of a response if not just nodding and moving along. The blond never figured out how to get him to talk like they used to again, nor the reason for the sudden change.
Something he noticed more and more as he approached his friend was the way the other would scoff, as if annoyed by his mere presence. Winnie remembers staying awake night after night thinking and trying to understand what happened, where he went wrong, what he did to make things this way.
He looked through every conversation he could find, recounting every single one he could remember trying to find what about him led his friend to being unhappy about his presence after so long.
Could it be that Augustine had grown tired of him?
Winnie shook his head- he was too tired to be thinking of this at the moment. They would be heading back home in a bit, it was 3:00 anyway, a few minutes left before the bell rings.
He would approach Auggie and have a proper conversation again if it was the last thing he did!
…He didn’t realize how hard that would be until he was already looking for the other, trying to make up any topic so they wouldn’t walk in silence again, and fate didn’t seem to be on his side as he found the person he was in search of before conjuring anything up.
Despite the cold air between them, Augustine still waited for him at the gate so they could walk back together. It made Winnie feel more at ease, knowing he at least didn’t mess up badly enough to get ditched entirely.
He didn’t respond to anyone calling him as he speed-walked over to the brunette, not wanting to make him wait longer than he already did. Heavens know the last thing Winnie wanted now was to have Augustine ditch him because he took too long.
As soon as he arrived, the brunette turned around and started walking down the path that's been imprinted into their memory over the years. It was always a routine of theirs to walk back together, the company was nice. The few times they were separated by something happening always ended up in an apology or hangout later that day to make up for the time.
Winnie both loved and hated how this walk started to feel overtime. The silence wasn’t comfortable as it used to be, his friend didn't look like he planned to break it either. As expected, the job fell on his shoulders.
The further they went, the worse it got. The familiarity of the path at least allowed him to space out and think more about what to do to make things less awkward.
It seemed as if his brain had other plans, by the way it didn’t cooperate. Whatever, they knew each other for years. The last few conversations couldn’t keep repeating, they’d never improve again if neither of them spoke up.
“Hey Auggie?” He began, with little clue as to where he planned to go with the conversation.
For the first time that day, Augustine looked up at him. “Yea?”
“I heard you had a test today, how did it go? Math right?” Winnie did not in fact hear of a math test, let alone one at all. A friend of his mentioned stressing over one the week prior and he just asked that based on someone else who probably wasn’t even in the same cla-
“Another calculus one, yes. Absurdly soon seeing when the last one was” he responded, looking back to the street instead of the one next to him.
That was something Winnie could work with, a start somewhere.
“How did it go? You were always complaining about that subject then finishing all the work before I even got halfway through the page, it was impressive”
There was a shift in Augustine’s expression, small, but noticeable. It was a good confirmation he was doing alright so far, which was all he needed.
The shorter just shrugged at the question. It was how he always reacted to those sorts of inquiries, Winnie couldn’t help letting out a small laugh.
H̶e̶ m̶i̶s̶s̶e̶d̶ t̶h̶e̶ w̶a̶y̶ A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ s̶t̶i̶f̶f̶e̶n̶e̶d̶ a̶t̶ t̶h̶e̶ s̶o̶u̶n̶d̶.
“How'd you know there was a test to benign with? We’re in different math classes” Augustine may have been staring at the road still, but he was less focused on their path more at kicking the rocks he found on the way. A classic thing he did, trying to get them to go as far as possible.
When they were younger they used to try and see who could do it better, but Winnie eventually grew out of it. Of the many things that changed about Augustine, that habit was not one.
“A friend was complaining about it the last time we talked, I assumed you might have the same teacher and I was right!” He answered. What to him seemed like a simple answer made Augustine pause. Pause for a lot longer than he should have as his expression shifted again.
..Winnie didn’t think he said anything wrong, did he?
Augustine didn’t respond, opting to go back to walking faster than before rather than say a word.
They would be silent again if he didn’t continue, it was going well for once his friend responded with proper sentences again instead of gestures or small sentences.
“I’m sure you did great, Auggie!” He saw the other smile and roll his eyes at those words, s̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶l̶y̶ r̶e̶l̶i̶e̶v̶e̶d̶?̶.
The direction he was going in seemed to be exactly what was needed, so Winnie went on. “Did you go to hockey practice last Friday? I had to miss it to help my parents with stuff after school but I couldn’t stop thinking about that”
Augustine scoffed and Winnie hesitated to say anything else as a strange feeling set in.
“I went, everyone kept asking about you though”
“That’s so nice of them, I didn’t-” He was cut off by the feeling of his wrist being grabbed roughly.
“What was that?”
Winnie blinked awkwardly, just noticing the expression on the other’s face.
“I just..said that it was nice?” Augustine held onto his wrist tighter at that.
“Don’t play dumb, repeat what you said again I dare you.”
He was angry.
Despite everything, Winnie had never seen the other angry with him. He saw him annoyed, yelling at others from time to time, but never him. Especially not while grabbing his arm like it had offended him somehow.
“I didn’t say anythi-”
“You think I’m stupid don’t you? I heard you, coward.” The brunette let go of him and Winnie held the now slightly reddened wrist as his confusion only grew.
“Of course you didn’t. Whatever, I’ll see you later.”
Before Winnie could respond or reach out to stop him, the other stormed off in the opposite direction on his own but not without sending him a glare before he left.
He messed up again.
The problem was he didn’t know what he said.
Did he not like hockey anymore? Was that topic a bad idea?
For the first time, Winnie felt like their end was near.
He didn't know how long he stood in place before his legs finally started moving again, what he did know was the chances of fixing their friendship were lower than they were previously at the start of the day. The Augustine he knew and the one he was faced with felt like different people now.
It was like there was a stranger in his skin.
Winnie was 18 when he wished he never thought about love at all.
A long time had passed since his last conversation with Augustine, and it was now the summer.
Their relationship only got worse after the conversation on their walk back to their houses, always off when the other one is present.
If anyone asked Winnie if he expected this only a few years prior, he would be beyond confused. The boy couldn’t have predicted a fallout as bad as this one.
He was going to move soon, they didn’t need to deal with this much longer.
That was what he thought, at least. When it came to the day right before they moved, their parents made them hang out together again. Instead of what they may have typically done a while back, they opted to go on one last car ride together to talk one last time.
It wasn’t like the fact they grew apart this badly wasn’t his fault. He’s the one who stopped talking despite Augustine’s attempts.
He’s the one who never responded after…
H̶e̶ n̶o̶t̶i̶c̶e̶d̶ A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶ a̶t̶ h̶i̶m̶ f̶r̶o̶m̶ a̶c̶r̶o̶s̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ c̶l̶a̶s̶s̶e̶s̶, c̶l̶u̶b̶s̶, a̶n̶y̶w̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ w̶e̶r̶e̶ t̶y̶p̶i̶c̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶. H̶e̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ s̶a̶i̶d̶ a̶n̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶.
That was what he thought, at least. When it came to the day right before they moved, their parents made them hang out together again. Instead of what they may have typically done a while back, they opted to go on one last car ride together to talk one last time.
Winnie was beyond nervous, but to say he wasn’t excited was a lie. As much as he may have avoided acknowledging it, he missed the other dearly. D̶e̶s̶p̶i̶t̶e̶ w̶h̶a̶t̶ h̶e̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ b̶e̶l̶i̶e̶v̶e̶, h̶e̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ s̶t̶o̶p̶p̶e̶d̶ l̶o̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ h̶i̶m̶ a̶n̶d̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ o̶n̶l̶y̶ m̶a̶d̶e̶ i̶t̶ h̶u̶r̶t̶ w̶o̶r̶s̶e̶.
He grabbed the nearest pair of glasses and rushed out the door.
A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ u̶s̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ j̶o̶k̶i̶n̶g̶l̶y̶ m̶a̶k̶e̶ f̶u̶n̶ o̶f̶ h̶i̶m̶ f̶o̶r̶ h̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ o̶n̶e̶s̶ a̶n̶d̶ t̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶w̶h̶e̶r̶e̶.
He found the other waiting for him outside, avoiding eye contact which Winnie didn’t blame him for. They got into the car in silence, the drive continued that way for a while.
Winnie didn’t know what to do, so he pretended nothing happened. He was too focused on making sure his legs don’t go numb while he’s driving, the last thing they needed was a car accident.
As if life was trying to make things hard for him intentionally, that's exactly what they found themselves set up for.
Stranded in a frozen car, suddenly in the middle of winter, dealing with situations beyond their comprehension after a fight in the car.
First staring at the frozen corpses of their child selves, being chased by an..elk-bear monstrosity, falling into what looked like an endless hole, the list went on..
Augustine was searching for a way to leave the entire time, to figure out what happened, but Winnie was unable to get himself to move or put in the same effort.
They were currently in his house, or what looked to be it, and Augustine was searching the rooms. He was sitting on the piles of boxes trying to think of something to help, trying not to freeze to his death.
His gaze lingered on the stairs as memories played out in his mind.
The day he fell down the stairs and broke his legs, the way Augustine left.
When he tripped and was found by someone else, when he waited for Augustine’s return before he passed out for it to never come.
When he truly started questioning the very core of their relationship.
He was not.. Angry. He was confused.
Months later, he still didn’t have an answer as to why. He didn’t know what they were anymore, and it hurt.
It hurt worse than anything, but he didn't blame the other. Augustine didn’t act without reason, he wasn’t the irrational type.
The phrase Augustine said moments before was looping endlessly in his head.
Before he fell- before Winnie LET him fall.
Begging him to hold onto his hands properly and pull him up.
“Please don’t let go. I’m your friend. We’re friends.”
The silence that followed will haunt him.
“We are friends, right?”
The same question he asked himself for months.
He was dragged out of his trance hearing mumbling behind him. Augustine was standing there, a dark look in his eyes.
Darker than Winnie had ever seen from him.
He was..worried.
The mumbling continued.
“Augustine? Hello?”
No response.
It took a while for the other to respond, he seemed just as confused as he was.
His chest felt heavy as they both stood there, while he could blame it on paranoia caused by the situation as they are both standing on top of a staircase reminding him of the fall, it wasn’t that.
They needed to talk.
They couldn’t go on like this, one of them needed to do something to break their silence.
Augustine tried and was either met with nothing before or what had happened when they were in the car, it was only right that he began.
“..We can’t go on like this.” He began.
Augustine’s eyes shot up to meet his and Winnie’s, and for the first time in a while he felt familiar.
He continued talking, only pausing to take a breath knowing if he stopped he would freeze up. For the first time in years, he saw himself getting through to his friend.
When he finished, he saw the way Augustine’s lips quivered, the way he shook slightly, he looked the most fragile he ever has. Like a single gust of wind could break him apart. Winnie hated seeing the one he looked up to and loved so dearly look that way, knowing he was part of the reason only made him hate it more.
The dams broke as Augustine’s words spilled out, years of struggle being put before his very eyes.
His chest felt tight, he never thought actions he never thought much of hurt the other this badly, yet here he was listening to it all.
Responding was something he didn’t feel himself do, more truthful than he ever was.
Pouring their hearts out in his house while it was snowing indoors was never something either of them expected to do, but here they were.
“There’s nothing in this world that can replace you.”
“I’m sorry…! I’m really sorry…!”
“I should’ve respected your line…!”
“I should’ve thought about how you’d feel, I should’ve put myself in your shoes…!”
“But I was too blinded by admiration back then that-”
“I couldn’t see that you were my one and only friend before my hero!”
“It must’ve been so frustrating… It must’ve been so upsetting…!”
“You don’t have to forgive me, I know apologizing now won’t change the past…”
“But I just want you to know this…!”
Winnie could hardly process a single word coming out of his mouth, Augustine stood in front of him with his mouth agape taking in everything.
He took that as an invitation to continue.
“You are the coolest and brightest person I have ever met in my whole life, Augustine!”
“I was only able to do all the things I’ve accomplished so far because you encouraged me back then…!”
“Because you gave me hope. You work hundreds, thousands, million times harder than me… And I remind myself every day how lucky I am to have ever met a friend like you…!”
“...-You’re amazing like that!-..”
Winnie’s heart ached at every tear that dropped, the other tried to stop but he couldn’t. They momentarily panicked when he couldn’t breathe through the tears, but it was only expected after such a long time of bottling everything up.
Everything felt worth it again when he saw his smile.
The one he knew, the smile that drew him in from the start.
This was the Augustine he knew.
They had to get back to reality, if his theory was correct then he knew how to do so.
They just needed to hurry up before their time runs out, Winnie believed in them, they could do it together.
He finally felt complete again, the hole in his heart filled simply by a single conversation.
Maybe he didn’t regret thinking about love all these years, all he needed was a reminder.
A reminder was exactly what he got, and he could not be more grateful for it.
For the first time in years, they were truly friends.
They were not alone.
It had been around 3 months since the car accident.
Since the two were trapped in an upside down car, experiencing a world made up of their own horrors.
Since they finally, truly became the friends they always thought they were.
The speech they had, the chance to finally bond again and come clean about everything, took so much more weight off of Augustine's shoulders than he could have ever imagined it would. Sure, the cost was a broken leg, but it also meant that Winnie got to stay longer too.
Augustine could never describe how it felt looking at his friend again, finally seeing a friend rather than a competitor. Someone to relax around again rather than someone he was inferior to. Winnie did all he did to be like him of all people and all he saw were false attempts to tear him down and take his place.
Part of him can’t imagine that anymore, the same part that yearned to talk to Winnie again since the accident the winter before that. The same part that kept him up at night about not helping, not doing something, anything to help him when he fell down those stairs and broke his legs.
He had one broken leg and support yet he was still struggling, still healing from the consequences of it. It had made for a fun joke though, making Winnie bring or do stuff for him because as the driver it was easy to blame him for the crash and therefore the break. At first Winnie looked incredibly guilty when it was brought up, going silent before apologizing so unlike himself. It took a few weeks to get him to see it as the joke it was, but when that worked he never got to live it down.
It wasn’t like he seemed to mind though, frequently asking Augustine if he wanted anything else after he brought up the idea of feeling like having something of any sort and getting up on his own, even if it was merely a passing thought or mood.
It was…nice.
What was not nice on the other hand was the days itching closer to the new moving date.
Augustine finally healed, which meant Winnie would be moving soon.
He would leave to go to the college they both wanted. Oddly, instead of sparking feelings of anger or envy this time, he felt more melancholic about the thought.
As the day came closer and closer, a sense of emptiness overtook him. Winnie was the same, they hung together a lot more than they have in the last few years as a whole, but the departure always felt wrong.
Despite their talk, they both knew there were still words unsaid between them. Neither of them had the guts to come clean about them, but they both knew something was still missing.
Augustine’s realization came when he felt funny after hanging out with Winnie for a while. The taller had gotten tired after their outing, falling asleep on him at some point during their conversation. He didn’t notice at first, too distracted going on about some topic that came up. He was a man of strong opinions, and those opinions he was gonna tell.
He only noticed when the sound of soft snoring reached his ears. The blond was fully leaned up against him, sound asleep.
This was..the most relaxed Augustine saw him in some time. It had been a long time since they were in a position like that, he never counted, though.
He couldn’t help but stare, a̶d̶m̶i̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ looking at the other. He had changed over the years (obviously), both mentally and physically as expected. He was a lot taller now, as opposed to the little height difference they had as children. Despite that and his generally bigger build, he still carried that gentle air around him, something he welcomed, really. A threatening Winnie didn’t sound very entertaining, he’d know by now.
Only after Winnie left did he realize how much..lighter? He had felt it. Something was different, but not in the same way as before. It was good, or at least so he thought. It didn’t feel suffocating or unfamiliar.
…He had fallen again, hadn’t he?
Augustine tried to push that thought away for days, as the thought of it made his brain hurt too much to think about it. He couldn’t be bothered and quite frankly preferred to ignore the existence of those feelings as a whole! And so that's what he did.
Winnie would move soon, the feelings would fade, they’d go back to just being best friends and he’d NEEEVER have to think about it again!
..or that's what he’d hoped, and oh how wrong he was.
The days passed fast. Faster than they should have, both of them hated it but time wouldn’t slow down for them. Afterall, it’s their own fault they didn’t speak for a long time, they lost their spark and almost burned down their friendship entirely out of their own stupidity.
That's why it didn’t feel real when they had to say goodbye. They may have nearly split apart, but they were always near. Winnie never felt as comfortable as he did with Augustine around anyone else, and Augustine never felt complete without him there.
It made his stomach churn.
“Don’t you dare end up falling down another set of stairs in that college will you? I can’t help you there to pay this back” The brunette half heartedly complained, visibly struggling to come up with anything to say.
“I won’t, I won't! You don’t set things on fire in exchange, deal?” Winnie giggled.
“That was ONE time-”
“One too many!~”
The sound of a car horn cut Augustine off before he could throw a witty response back at his companion, Winnie’s parents telling them to hurry up before they were late.
Whatever happy mood they were in dissipated as fast as it originally came along, both of them going silent.
“..You’ll come back eventually, right?” Augustine asked in a voice far quieter, smaller, than Winnie ever wanted to hear from him. It wasn’t right.
“Of course I will!” he shot back almost immediately, almost offended the other thought that at all. Really who did he take him for?
“Good, who else would praise elks for existing the same way you do every christmas?” Going back to the previous atmosphere and feel of their conversation felt better than keeping the heavy feeling their goodbye gave. At least one last bit of entertainment for them.
Though it couldn’t last long, Winnie’s parents were clearly getting impatient to the point both boys saw it without sparing them more than a simple glance.
“They’re still better than your bears, but we might need to continue this conversation another time, being late is hardly ideal for moving again, you know?” Although it was meant to be a joke, Winnie’s tone failed to convey that, sounding more down than anything.
“Stay safe on the car ride then you idiot”
“That's hardly up to me,but I can try?”
“Good, I’ll never let it go in the afterlife if you don’t” The eyeroll Augustine did could be felt, without even looking at him.
“I get it I get it, goodbye for now then? I’ll be back as soon as possible, I promise you” Tone changing from his usual up-beat one, Winnie gave his friend the last hug they would have for a long time.
Augustine didn’t hesitate to return the hug, hardly keeping himself together at all.
“I guess so”
“Do you not even want to say anything to me anymore? Im hurt</3”
Augustine sighed, his mind felt like too much of a wreck to process the events that followed.
They both had to separate as Winnie walked to his parents’ car, whatever washed over Agustine really decided to do so at the worst time possible because not even a moment after the other had turned around, he found himself blurting out the one sentence he was trying to avoid and forget about for months.
‘I love you’
Every part of him that hoped Winnie didn’t hear him was let down as he paused and turned to look at the brunette, who was processing the fact those words came out of his lips at all.
Opposed to what he was expecting, the one in blue smiled at him with a smile more genuine than he has ever seen from him.
“That will be something else we talk about when I come back” he said, voice maintaining the calm feel it carried with it earlier in the conversation.
“I- uhm- oka. Yes, it will be” Augustine stuttered, trying to gather his nerves and thoughts as fast as possible. What was that??
“For the record, I love you too”
With that, he turned and ran to the car, not hearing whatever the other said after him. Whatever he yelled out was a topic they were to tackle later.
Finally, after 6 years of pining, Winnie no longer felt strange.
His love was requited.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
Hii! I'd like to get shipped with someone of the boys, and it can be pretty much any character except from the seven
Info: I dyed my hair purple, I have blue eyes that seem gray in some lighting. I love fire for no particular reason, and I dress in more baggy clothing, and sometimes goth (minus the makeup). I enjoy all kinds of music, and usually put on music whenever I need to do chores or travel somewhere. I love going to second hand stores, but I dislike going furniture shopping
I love drawing, though I prefer drawing abstract things rather than realism. I love animals, and my favorite animal is a cow <3
I love wearing lots of rings and bracelets, and I enjoy necklaces too, but I often forget to put them on
I don't have any tattoos yet, but some day I'd love to get wings tattooed on my shoulder blades/back, I'm not sure whether I want bug wings or feathered wings yet, maybe I'll even do bat wings (so in this case, let's pretend I already have that)
I'm really good at being quiet and sneaking up on people, I often accidently scare people
I even manage walking up creaking stairs QUIETLY, somehow
I'm not a very fast runner, but I am steady when it comes to standing. Like, if someone would suddenly jump on my back, I'd barely stumble, so maybe that's interesting
Thank you so much!!
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Hi my love! I ship you with: Frenchie!!!! He loves your jewelry. He's not sure why it drives him wild, but seeing the many rings on your fingers and bracelets on your wrists just does it for him. He's always trying to find the perfect additions to your collection, shopping second hand for something as cool and unique as you as well as something that fits your overall style and aesthetic. He loves watching you take it off at night and put it on when you're getting ready in the morning. He also loves the idea of you getting tattoos. Frenchie is all for that aesthetic and definitely helps you figure out where and what you want to get. You'll look amazing with wings on your back.
You love his intelligence. Frenchie is incredibly smart and resourceful, but this kind of thing gets forgotten or ignored until The Boys need his help with something like isolating the virus. He knows a lot about random things and shows it off to you, more comfortable around you than anyone else. He was the first to pick up on Kimikos sign language and become fluent in it. He always gets the answer right when you're watching those cheesy game shows with wheels and hidden letters. He does the crossword puzzle in record time. His intelligence blows you away constantly and you're always reminding him he's more capable than he gives himself credit for. Your relationship is silly. You and Frenchie have so much drama in your lives, you both need an outlet that is fun and silly and goofy. You rarely take things seriously when it comes to your relationship. Your dates are spontaneous and impulsive and random. Even when you accidentally scare him because your footsteps are so quiet, it always ends in laughs. Of course when it's necessary, you two can have a serious conversation. After Butcher gets him back after turning himself in, you two have a long conversation about guilt and shame and not feeling good enough for one another. It's not always easy, especially with the lives you live, but you know, no matter what, you can come to one another looking for a laugh and a little relief from the every day stressors. Your first date isn't actually a date. Rather you and Frenchie are the last two to leave. Since neither of you want to go home, you end up watching movies together late into the night. He tells you random facts he knows about the weapons the bad guys use or the name of the camera angle they're using or what a certain scene is called. He just knows this kind of stuff. He laughs it off, calling it useless, but you don't think so. You two really get talking and end up falling asleep together, waking up only when Annie's walked in and brought coffee. You're embarrassed, but you also know something in your relationship has shifted. After that, you spend countless nights doing the same thing, watching and talking until you fall asleep. It's something you really look forward to after an especially hard day. Relationship Headcanon: Frenchie loves helping you dye your hair. He's been helping you with it for as long as you've been together and each time he gets a little better at it. He jokingly calls himself a professional and the apartment bathroom your salon. He still gets it all over himself, in his own hair, all over his hands and clothes, but he's never minded. He knows how much you like the purple, how confident it makes you feel, and that's all that matters. You do your best to clean him up afterwards, laughing at the bright purple stains across his face. He wears those spots with pride.
Hope you like it my love!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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creator-girl · 4 months
Chapter 3 - The Golden Girl of Lurelin Village
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⋆。˚🌿✧˖° Chapter 3 。𖦹🍃✧°
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  "What are you doing, girl?" Chessica's voice came from the entrance of the inn. Thea looked up from the ground, where she had been busy doing pushups in the sand. She let herself fall into a sitting position, her arms and upper back burning which she had to admit, felt kind of good.
        "I'm working out," Thea said. Chessica snorted.
        "Since when have you wanted to work out? Are you feeling inspired and want to mop the floor more efficiently or something?" she teased.
        Thea smiled bashfully before scrunching her nose, "Sure, you could say that. Also, I'm going to go out for a while. I'll be back to do my chores later."
        "Okay, don't get into too much mischief," Chessica said playfully before turning and heading back into the shadows of the inn.
        The village was finally waking up. Thea had busied herself with small workouts, taking advantage of the fact no one was around to do squats, lunges, pushups... but it was high time she had a rest. She knew her muscles were really going to be feeling it later--she might even have to request the fluffy bed. But no matter, for now.
        She walked briskly in the gentle heat of the morning sun over to the small dock behind the inn, where Mubs put up shop. Mubs was a thin woman with cropped black hair and very pointed but beautiful features, her cheeks lightly blushed. She wore a colorful necklace of large beads, a humble, loose white shirt, and beige patterned capris tied at the waist and calves with a pretty maroon fabric. She had her wares in little market displays along the dock, selling various Lurelin goods like the flavorful ironshell crabs and juicy mighty porgies. Today, it looked like her shop was bursting with delicious things--the red and blue glossy sheen of fish scales, ripe palm fruits piled in crates, and the spindly legs of crabs piled high in their wooden display. Normally, that's what Thea would purchase from her. Today was not a normal day.
        The salty breeze stirred up the water of the bay, rocking Mubs' boat gently from side to side.
        "Good morning! You're certainly up early," Mubs beamed at her, "What're you getting today? I might recommend these porgies, just caught 'em only an hour or so ago! They're so fresh they might as well be jumpin' back into the water!"
        "Thanks Mubs. I'm actually interested in your arrows? Er, how much are they?" Thea asked. Mubs glanced over to a her arrow displays, laden with bundles of them.
        "Ah, you shopping for some traveler or somethin'? No worries! They're 20 rupees a bundle. Super high quality, I might add," Mubs flashed a smile. Thea reached into a small pouch she had brought along, normally kept in Chessica's desk. Although Thea didn't earn much besides her bed and good company for her work at the inn, Chessica still managed to slip her a share of the money every time a traveler came by. After Regan, she found that the little money in her pouch had almost doubled. Maybe he really was striking it rich out there. She pulled out a red rupee and handed it over. Mubs picked up a bundle and held it out for her. Thea took it carefully.
        "Thanks so much! See you around," Thea smiled before walking back along the dock onto the sandy beach. Her first bundle of arrows. There were five of them, each carefully crafted with a sharp stone tip and a feather tail. She walked back over to the inn, grabbing her bow and quiver and filling it with her new arrows. She slipped it over her waist. Thea couldn't help but smile giddily as she felt the delicous weight of the bow in her hands and the arrows waiting impatiently in the quiver resting just on her back, just above her hips.
        She looked around. Armes was down on the beach, pushing a whale-shaped fishing boat into the water. She could faintly see the shape of Kiana hanging up laundry farther along, partially obscured by a hut. Mubs was back at the dock. Otherwise, no one was out. But still, she needed to find a good, secluded place to practice. She ran down the beach in the opposite direction of the entrance. There was another gate in this direction, marking the other end of the village which led out onto the dagger-shaped piece of land where not many ventured. But she wouldn't go that far.
        She took a left up a small grassy path, fortified by horizontal boards, closer to the wall of stone that rose up behind the village. At the top of the small slope there was a pool of midnight water, fed by a small waterfall cascading from the mountain above. This was where the village collected their fresh water. Otherwise, no one really came up here.
        Thea grabbed an arrow from her quiver, an unfamiliar movement. She took the arrow and fitted the end against the cord of the bow a bit clumsily, gripping the leather between the two metal pieces tightly with her left hand. She drew the arrow back with the cord, turning her body at the waist with her feet planted. Her muscles burned from the exercise she had done earlier that morning, tender. She drew the cord back as far as it would go, and then relaxed, not shooting it. That felt... nice. It wasn't really comfortable though, or all that natural for her. Yet. She was going to make it that way.
        She spent the rest of the afternoon pulling arrows from her quiver and nocking them, stretching her arms and back and getting accustomed to the movement. She eventually set up a small target out of soft driftwood, and geared up the courage to shoot it. Her arrow missed horribly. After that afternoon of practice, she had managed to shoot a wobbly arrow accurately enough that it clinked the driftwood target and fell into the grass below. But that was better than nothing. She grinned to herself as she picked up the fallen arrows and put them back in her quiver, her fingers raw from drawing back the cord so many times. Her stomach grumbled, gnawing at her side and demanding attention. She would get back to this later.
        Thea sat back with a contented sigh. Lunch had been nothing less than perfect--nothing beats juicy, tender, roasted porgy with a side of sticky, warm rice as the waves of the ocean lap gently nearby and the palms wave in the wind. She fell back in the sand, her hair fanning out behind her head in a wave of gold. The afternoon sun was high overhead now. Rozel, Chessica, and Numar, with whom she had eaten lunch, were chatting quietly to her left.
        "There's been more reports of monsters nearby," Rozel's familiar rasp met her ears, "but luckily we haven't had any within the village. They seem to not want to come any closer for whatever reason, which is most definitely good for us."
        Thea looked over at them, sleepy from the large meal and cradled by the heated sand. Rozel continued.
        "I have also heard of other structures that have erupted in different parts of Hyrule. Apparently, ones like that orange one up there have been common throughout Hyrule for quite some time, centuries, even... But only recently did many more erupt from the ground, like ours, along with large tower-like structures. I have no idea what the towers do or any other details really, but I know they're unfamiliar and not seen before... And they hold the same orange glow. Mysterious things are happening around Hyrule unlike anything I've heard before. But as long as this village is safe, I will remain unconcerned. I should hope you all will too."
        "Of course, Rozel. You do well in protecting our humble village. As long as there are fish in the sea and the sun still shines, I'm sure we'll be alright," Chessica said, tossing fish bones into the water absentmindedly. Numar nodded in agreement and Rozel dipped his head.
        "I appreciate it."
        Thea couldn't remember what happened next, as she must have drifted off to sleep in the soothing warmth of the sun and the familiar rhythm of the ocean.
        A few weeks passed in this manner. Thea would wake up before first light, exercise, practice her bow and arrows until lunch, eat, practice some more, do her chores, and sleep. It was funny how smoothly the bow and arrows integrated themselves into her routine.
        As she looked herself over one evening, she noticed that underneath the warm glow of her freckled skin, lean muscles had found their place. Her legs felt stronger as she mopped the floor, her arms felt quicker as she dusted the shelves, and her back felt stronger as she lifted, carried, and moved. She loved this feeling.
        "You certainly are bulking up, missy," Chessica smiled at her as they sat around the fire at the beach for dinner that night.
        "I've found a new hobby," Thea shrugged, biting into the soft, flavorful meat of an ironshell crab.
        "I can see that. Looks like you're succeeding. You've grown so much, Thea. I wanted to let you know I'm proud of you. I don't tell you enough," she said, her voice gentle and warm. Thea met her eyes, blue and sparkling in the dancing light of the fire.
        "Thank you, Chessica. Thanks for taking care of me," Thea smiled.
        "I want you to know that whatever you do in the future, I'll be proud of you. Even if you become a crazy traveler or a wild fisher like Numar and Armes. It's your life, and I'm happy to see you happy," Chessica stoked the fire carefully, her eyes a bit distant.
        "I don't have any plans like that just yet, Chessica," Thea laughed, taking a sip of palm fruit water. Chessica nodded in acquiescence, a small smile on her face. She picked up her own palm fruit and held it out.
        "Cheers," Chessica said, "to you, to me, and to Lurelin's future."
        "Cheers!" Thea hit her palm fruit against Chessica's, the water inside splashing, before taking a hardy sip of the sweet liquid.
        They covered up the fire with sand and headed back towards the inn, their spirits high and their stomachs full.
        Thea stopped so suddenly the palm fruit almost fell out of her hand.
        "What?" Chessica said, almost running into her from behind.
        Thea didn't really have any words yet, besides, "There."
        She pointed up to the hill where the orange shrine stood. But it wasn't orange anymore. The amber glow that had grown so familiar was gone, replaced by a bright blue like the sky on a clear day. She had no idea what that meant. Maybe this was normal for shrines? She wouldn't know.
        Thea met eyes with Chessica. Whatever they did, they would do it in the morning. Night was a dangerous time for Hylians. For all they knew, it was a horde of monsters that had turned the shrine blue. Thea gulped. Yeah, they would check it out in the morning.
        Although Thea was exhausted from her long day of exercise and practice, it was certainly difficult to sleep that night.
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looye29 · 2 years
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22,23,25,29,30,36,42,51 for your ship of choice <33
Hii! Thanks for the ask <33
I'll answer them for Birdflash bc these two keep popping into my head. I had to think about these for a while lmao
Asks are from this ask game
22: What reminds each of their partner?
What doesn't lmao
These two could look at a rock and be like "oh this reminds me of my partner"
23: Who's more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning?
Dick. Wally often gets up first because he's hungry, but Dick always manages to squeeze out "five more minutes" (read: an hour because they both fell back asleep)
25: Do they have any hobbies they share?
It’s not exactly a hobby, but they both love rollercoasters. Dick gets to feel like he’s flying, and Wally gets to experience speed without either of them having to put in the effort
29: Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
Neither of them likes elevators. They're both a little claustrophobic and prefer wide open spaces. Wally gets more anxious around them, though
30: Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
Oooh Wally will literally never get tired of seeing Dick in a suit. Nothing super fancy, just a dress shirt and slacks, nice jacket, maybe his hair is casually pushed back. But damn it if it doesn't leave Wally speechless every single time
Dick, on the other hand, loves seeing Wally a little disheveled. He probably hasn’t been awake too long, his hair is all over the place, he’s wearing basketball shorts and Dick’s t-shirt from the night before, and Dick is just so in love with him
36: Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Dick. Wally’s metabolism occasionally wakes him up at night if he didn’t eat enough during the day, so he’ll try to quietly sneak to the kitchen and make something, but Dick always wakes up (of course he does, you think he doesn’t notice his personal space heater leaving the bed lol)
42: What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
They love most types of weather, I think, but Dick loves going out on rooftops during really windy and/or stormy days (depends on his mood: usually windy but clear, but if he’s in a bad mood he’ll prefer cloudy skies and maybe an incoming thunderstorm) and feel like he’s on top of the world
Wally loves bright sunny days where he can just take Dick to the nearest park and lie in the grass with him all day
The weather they agree on, though, is fog. Thick banks of mist. It makes everything so, so quiet, and they love going on walks through the fog because everything seems new and unfamiliar
But also, they enjoy snowstorms because those usually mean they’ll get snowed in and no one will be able to interrupt their time together for at least a few days lol
51: What's a non verbal way they say I love you?
Dick does that very cute thing where he’ll hug Wally from behind at random moments and kisses the back of his neck
Wally will just take any chore that he can do with his superspeed out of Dick’s hands. Dick always protests, but Wally won’t hear it bc it only takes a second or two for him to finish it when it would take Dick much longer
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merakiui · 3 years
What do you think of the concept of yan!xiao, childe venti trapping their darling in a teapot?
I feel like they would be less restrictive since the darling wouldn't necessarily be able to escape most likely, so they wouldn't worry about restraint much. Esp in Ventis case...he is the God of freedom so while his darling isn't exactly 'free' they're still kinda free in a way that they have their own world to be free in?
Xiao would probably be somewhat restricted, but only just keep them in the house because he probably wouldn't trust them to be by themselves yet--he figures they may try to run off and hide from him or something
Childe would probably let them try to "escape" on purpose and would be absolutely amused when his darling finds out they wouldn't be able to leave
(cw: yandere, captivity, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, mention of children and implied stockholm syndrome for childe’s part)
Venti doesn't exactly lie to you, but he does trick you. He's aware that it's not the nicest thing to do and that it's not exactly captivity if you're living in a world that resembles the one outside. Only this pocket-sized world is nicer and happier and there aren't any people to get in the way. He tells you about it when you're vulnerable. Maybe you're drunk or you're crying your eyes out because something horrible happened. Either way, you're not in the right state of mind when you make the comment: "I wish I could live in my own ideal world for just one day." And this is great news for Venti because it makes relocation so much easier.
He shows you the teapot and explains it briefly, leaving out certain details. It's better if you don't know everything about how the teapot works. After all, ignorance is bliss. Venti tells you how to get in, but he doesn't tell you how to get out. And the way he describes it makes it sound so tempting—as if living inside this teapot for a bit will cure whatever's bothering you. You decide it wouldn't hurt to spend a day or two inside the teapot to see the little world Venti holds in the palms of his hands.
It's a lot of fun at first. You and Venti glide from the top of the mountains in Emerald Peak, he sings melodious ballads as you look up at the sky, and the two of you play hide-and-seek inside of the house, playfully popping out of rooms and laughing when you’re caught. Eventually the charm wears off and you start to yearn for the outside world. It’s not the same in the teapot. As pretty and peaceful as it may be, it still feels so empty. And when you bring it up to Venti he finds small ways to change the subject. It probably plays out like this:
“Venti, I’d like to go home now.”
“But we were just about to play another round of hide-and-seek! Come on! Don’t be a spoilsport! One more round? Then we’ll leave.”
Or he’ll tell you that you’re already home. There’s always a big smile on his face when he says stuff like that. He’s happy that he gets to spend so much time with you and no one can interfere. But it does get annoying when you start to beg for the old world. Your pleas to leave will fall upon his deaf ears. Venti does feel a little bad when you start to sulk, but his sympathy is short-lived. Let’s not forget that you were the one who wanted this. You wanted to live in your ‘ideal world.’ And isn’t this ideal?
As an adeptus, Xiao is aware of Sub-Space Creation and the effort it takes to construct a presentable teapot. He’s been working hard on his ever since you came into his life. Before he knew you he didn’t have a reason to put effort into it because he stays at Wangshu Inn, but after he met you he started working a lot harder. He tries to make the teapot as comfortable as possible. You mentioned you like dogs or cats in passing? You can find a few in the teapot. You said you like berry bushes and flower fields? There’s a bunch in his teapot. He probably has a nearly perfect model of your room in there as well. Before he brings you into the teapot, he’ll often sit in that room and make sure everything replicates the original, down to the bed frame and the fabric used for the pillow case.
He’ll put some of your things in it just so it feels more personal. Xiao knows he’s stealing from you whenever he does this, but it’s not like you ever noticed anything was missing. Besides, it’s all going in the teapot anyways. You won’t even need your real room or mortal possessions anymore. Xiao is actually quite proud of the teapot and manages to fool himself into thinking you’ll like it, too. And you do (for the first few days, that is). He’s very forward with his question of whether or not you’d like to see his teapot. And you eagerly nod because the two of you are friends and Xiao wants to show you something he made and he looks a little…excited? There’s definitely light in his eyes when he gets your agreement to view the inside of his teapot.
Once you’re inside, you’re genuinely surprised. It’s far more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. The Floating Abode is a really gorgeous landscape. You’re so caught up in looking at the sunset and the flowers and the animals that roam the teapot that you aren’t aware of the horrors that lie just beyond. You’ll find the room that resembles yours in no time and it’s really creepy. As much as you try to tell yourself that Xiao means well and wouldn’t actually do something like this on purpose, it’s hard to ignore the fact that everything is practically identical to your room. It’s so, so strange. You want to ignore it, but you just can’t. It’s so obvious.
It’s definitely creepy, but you don’t have the heart to tell him.
You hold your tongue because you don’t want to hurt his feelings. You’re really the only close friend he has, so you’d feel bad if you insulted his interior decorating skills. Xiao’s pleased to hear that you like it so much. Praise falls from your lips like a waterfall and it gives him a sense of relief. He’s so happy that you like it and since you’re okay with it it’ll be fine if you live here. When he tells you that, your brain freezes and you’re not sure how to respond.
“Live here? Like…permanently?”
And to your shock he nods.
Xiao is far less lenient than Venti. With Venti everything feels like eternal, childish fun with the idea of freedom sprinkled in. But with Xiao it’s definitely a harsher form of captivity. You aren’t allowed outside because he’s worried you might fall off of the bridges that connect the floating islands or you might try to find your way out of the teapot. So you’re confined to the mansion. It’s got everything you could ever need and the interior design matches that of your home perfectly. Just treat it like it’s your own home and it won’t be so bad. You definitely try to see the good in this situation because you care about Xiao, but it’s so hard when he’s keeping you here like you’re just another addition to his teapot.
It’s miserable, but at least you can count on him to visit you every single day.
Childe is very receptive to the idea of owning his own little world in a small teapot. Maybe he was holding you captive before he came upon the teapot and while you’re sleeping he relocates you. You don’t expect to wake up in a new location, but you assume you’re still somewhere in Liyue. Childe finds it cute that you’re so startled, clearly confused with the change in scenery. And when you glance at the surroundings on the Cool Isle, it feels like you might have a chance. Childe seems to think so because he waves you off, telling you with the sincerest voice that you’re ‘free to go.’
You don’t need to be told twice and so you run because you’re invigorated. You can leave and he’s not coming after you. Childe doesn’t even raise his bow in warning. You’re actually leaving him and he’s letting you! But it feels too good to be true. A day passes and you learn that there’s no one else to help you. So you find an empty shack on the shoreline and you hide in it because survival is the only thing you know right now. And the day goes by, the night comes, and morning makes its arrival. You’re still safe. He hasn’t found you.
And it really feels like you can make it out of this. Even if there’s no one around, you can still find something to help you. You’d take anything at this point. By the end of the week, you’re losing sight of your goal and you really just want to head back to the mansion and nap on a comfortable bed. You’ve been catching the crabs and the fish and doing what you can to start a long-lasting fire. When Childe finds you, you’re so exhausted from running and hiding that you collapse into his arms. And he smiles so sweetly while he tells you something that shatters your entire world.
“You did well, comrade, but this isn’t Liyue. You have no need to run.”
It’s not even Teyvat. It’s another world entirely—one existing solely within a teapot. And everything comes crashing down when you realize just how impossible that makes any escape attempts. No human contact. No energy or life that comes from meeting with friends and seeing family. It truly does feel like you and he are the only people in this world.
Childe knows that you’ll adjust to this new world whether you like it or not. It was fun to toy with you in the beginning (and it still is) when you didn’t realize this was the world inside the teapot. But now he just wants to settle into a comfortable life. He takes every chance he has to visit you and eventually you’ll find yourself succumbing to the relaxing pleasures of domestic life. You learn how to cook delicious meals with Childe’s help, you collect seashells on the shore to cure your boredom, and you’ll take care of any chores or housework. It warms Childe’s heart to see you accepting this life.
Maybe the two of you can start a family. Maybe he should get a few pets to liven up the house. It’s not like you can get away from him while inside the teapot, so it’s a recipe for anything to happen. And you’ve come to learn that what happens in the teapot stays in the teapot.
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kydrogendragon · 3 years
Do you have any random headcanons about the brothers? Unexpected hobbies, preferred subjects, favorite animal beyond their familiars, or something more obscure?
Oooooo, yes! Yes I do!! Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan are my faves, so I have more hc's for those three, but I do still have some for the others as well. There's some lengthy-ish world hc's at the bottom of Satan's section as well since it related to him the most.
Thanks for the ask btw! Sorry that this took a bit to answer, I had lots of ideas.
Characters: The Brothers
TW: None, necessarily, but some are a bit angsty and there are some references to more violent kinda acts, but nothing crazy.
Various HC's of the Brothers
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Lucifer has terrible bedhead, I will not take criticism. It's a fact. Boy crawls out of bed after getting rest for the first time in 36+ hours and looks like the girl from The Ring.
I also believe this man insisted on an en-suite bathroom because there's no way in Hell is he gonna let his brothers or anyone else see him in that state.
The first time MC stays the night with him, he absolutely slips out of bed to fix his hair and appearance before MC wakes up. He absolutely does this every time he has to share a room with Diavolo as well.
Levi gave him a fidget spinner once, mostly as a joke. Man uses it on the daily in his office.
Lucifer loves being a little shit to his brothers in his own way. Like speed reading over Satan's shoulder in the audio drama. He mostly messes with Satan, Belphie, and Mammon. He's tried messing with Beel and Asmo in the past, but Asmo just ends up enjoying the attention and Beel is usually just confused.
Boy got his ears pierced back in the Celestial realm when he was a lot younger in his attempt of being "rebellious". He took them out a month later after getting annoyed with Michael's half-serious teasing about getting a matching set with him. If you look closely, you can see the faint indents where they used to be.
Mammon actually got his ears pierced back in the Celestial realm when he heard Lucifer used to have them done and wanted to be like him. The next day after Mammon showed them off to Lucifer, he had re-pierced them because he knew Mammon would be ecstatic. That was the last time he wore earrings.
Genuinely enjoyed his Potions and Hexes classes. Of all the classes at R.A.D, it's definitely his favorite. Seductive Speech is probably his least favorite as he finds it a bit of a chore.
Whenever Satan hexes different things or tries to slip Lucifer some sort of potion, he's annoyed, sure, but does somewhat enjoy it as it's the closest he can get to sharing his enjoyment of potions and hexes with him.
Satan knows this, at least to a degree, and also knows Lucifer is exceptionally skilled at neutralizing hexes and potions, which is why he mostly uses these methods. He knows that Lucifer can most likely fix anything that goes wrong. Plus it becomes a challenge for him if he manages to get him with one.
Lucifer is very much a dog person, cause Cerberus, but also has a fondness for poison dart frogs. He just thinks they're neat and likes the different colors that they come in. He has a good sized vivarium for them in his bedroom. He enjoys waking up in the mornings and misting their enclosure before getting ready for the day.
His bangs get in the way while he's working a lot. If it's particularly bugging him that day, he'll lock his door and pin his hair up with hair clips that Asmo gave him.
Lucifer is also incredibly picky about his sleeping arrangements (which is partly why this man never gets much sleep). His room must be the optimal level of cool that his comforter isn't a burden, but a comfort, and the room must be pitch black as well. He used to only be able to sleep with the room dead quiet as well, but after they fell, he'd struggle with the silence as his mind would get the better of him, so now he can only sleep with either a fan on (which helps with temperature) or the sound of rain.
This man doesn't have much time for other hobbies with all the work he has to get through, but on the rare occasion he does have some down time, he enjoys drawing. He keeps a small sketchbook in his desk and will pull it out when he needs a small break. He likes being able to keep his hands and mind focused on something and he finds it helps his perceptiveness as well as he's often focused on looking at things exactly as they are.
His sketching is part of the reason he's so good at knowing if anyone was in his office as well as he's got the entire layout precisely memorized.
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Mammon loves money as we all know, but he loves collecting currency too from all over. He'll pick up different coins and bills from the human world when he's up there (if he hasn't spent it, that is.)
Levi actually helped him build a system to display all the coins and bills (man definitely knows how to display collections, just look at this room after all.) Mammon's got all the Celestial currency complete, all the Devildom currency complete as well, although he tends to "borrow" cash from that part of his collection a lot, but always tries to replace it. Human world currency is harder cause there's so many versions. He's got most of the British currency since that's where the Witches live and he's collected most of the US currency too (he's still trying to find the $2 bill which he's beginning to believe was a myth), and an assortment of currency from other countries.
His money collection is the reason he actually knows countries in the human world. He wouldn't care to learn otherwise. Mammon couldn't tell you much about all the different countries, but he could tell you exactly what the currency there looks like and which ones he still needs.
Mammon absolutely had ADHD and you cannot tell me otherwise.
Every couple of months or so, he gets the needs to redecorate or organize his room. This usually devolves in him having tossed all his belongings on the floor with him sitting in the middle of it, playing with some random thing he bought centuries ago.
Belphie will usually crash on his bed and point to places that stuff could or should go to help Mammon have room on his floor again. The extra body there helps him stay focused. Sometimes Beel will be that extra body too.
This man is super photogenic and it drives Asmo up the wall cause he can never get a bad photo of him, even when Mammon is sleeping.
Speaking of sleeping, I never see this talked about (other than the part of him sleeping nude) but in the early chapters when Levi said he snuck in his room to wake him up, he said that Mammon flipped out of bed and pinned Levi to the ground (something like that, anyways), so I totally see Mammon as a light sleeper. The moment anyone comes in his room when he's asleep, he's half-awake at least. And if you touch him or get too close and he's still in that half-asleep mode, he will absolutely pin you to the ground or the bed or something on defensive instinct.
Mammon definitely isn't a school person. He doesn't have many classes he actually enjoys, but he's actually decent in math as long as it's more story-problems or rephrased in a way that he cares about. Just straight equations? Hell no, he couldn't care less. Story problem that deals with figuring out how to maximize profits? Man has the answer in seconds.
I totally feel like Mamms had a photography streak for a bit. He bought the fanciest camera, lots of gear to go with it, and always carried it with him for a few years. Eventually, he got bored with it and moved on to something else. Totally tried to sell some of the pics on occasion, but secretly has a stash of photos over the years in a box in his closet. He used some of them to make a small photo album for Lucifer for his birthday one year. The two never talk about it, but sometimes Mammon will see Lucifer flipping through the pages late at night.
Mammon still uses the camera for events or celebrations that people want pics of, like birthdays or holidays. Asmo tends to ask bribe Mammon to help him with pics for his Devilgram at times too.
He loves his crows, but he also loves Dragons. He's never seen one, and to be honest, not sure if they really exist anymore, but loves them nonetheless. I also see him loving wolves. He will 100% deny that dogs are basically wolves and he will fight you on this. He has before and he will do it again.
Also, on the dragon note, when he finds out the human world has things called Komodo Dragons and Bearded Dragons, he's determined to own one. When, not if, but when he gets a bearded dragon, Levi helps him get a vivarium set up for it. Mammon walks around the house with him on his shoulder and absolutely named him Grimm. He starts eating more than just Cup Noodles when he's making food for himself cause he'll cut up veggies and fruit for Grimm for the day and make himself something with the same ingredients.
Totally didn't buy a set of black bat wings to put on Grimm at all, nope. Also totally didn't take a pic of him in his demon form with Grimm on his shoulder and send MC a pic of the two with the caption "Me and Mini-Me!" either.
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Levi has absolutely written fanfics of his favorite series. He consumes even more fanfic too. Boy is incredibly literate in AO3 (or the Devildom equivalent) tags and gets super peeved when fics aren't properly tagged. Leaves a comment on every fic he reads too.
I could also see this boy buying as well as creating his own Doujinshi for certain series. His first was a TSL one that focused more on The Lord of Shadows and Henry's day-to-day lives. He never ended up selling it, but if he and MC are really close, he might slip a copy under their door.
When he's bored and can't find a good anime to watch or game to play, he'll curl up in his tub and watch those aquascaping or vivarium building videos cause he finds them soothing. They also give him good ideas on how to redecorate Henry 2.0's fish tank or a future Henry 3.0's vivarium. (You can't tell me man doesn't plan on getting another snake again after knowing Henry 1.0 is doing plenty fine in the labyrinth below the castle.)
Has definitely learned to pick locks with the tip of his tail. Mammon has definitely tried to use this to his advantage. He has yet to be successful.
You cannot tell me this man doesn't nap in his aquarium from time to time, especially when he's feeling lonely or just having a particularly bad day. This goes hand-in-hand with my belief that Levi can breathe underwater.
When they first fell and before HoL looked as it does today, Levi would either hole up in his room to be alone, but sometimes the chaos in the house was too much and his sin was too much and everything was just too much, so he'd make his way to the closest lake (which idk if there's one close to HoL or not, but I like to believe there is back in the forest by them) and he'd sink to the bottom and stay there for hours on end, just existing in the still waters.
He has his aquarium now, which works great, but sometimes he still goes out to that lake if he needs to get away.
Man loves lots of creatures, but mostly reptiles, amphibians, and other aquatic creatures. He loves snakes and his goldfish the most, of course, but if he had to chose another, it'd be a toss up between eels or axolotls, but leaning towards axolotls since their gills remind him of his horns in his demon form.
He was super excited when axolotls got popular in the human realm. Pls buy this man the Build-a-Bear axolotl plush
Levi thought he'd enjoy the literature classes at R.A.D but soon found out that manga or light novels didn't count in the curriculum, much to his dismay. The following year, however, he got to take the Human World studies class and loved it as he got to focus on Japan for his course project.
He and Mammon have bi-weekly gaming sessions on Thursday nights. The games rotate, but if they can't decide, Devil Kart or Super Smash Devils are their go-to games. They try to keep it to just the two of them. Neither would admit it to each other, but they really look forward to those nights.
Levi bought a murder mystery VR game, partly because it had good reviews, but mostly because he knew Satan would absolutely love it. The day it arrived, he loaded it up and played it with Satan until 4 in the morning. The two were lucky it was a Friday night.
Levi has gotten a little too drunk during karaoke with Mammon, Asmo, and Satan and ended up getting gauges that night. He freaked out the next morning and stayed in his room for a solid week and a half afterwards. He doesn't usually wear them anymore, but on occasion, he'll put them back in. They've kinda grown on him. That same night, Satan got his tongue pierced to annoy Lucifer. He still has it and quite enjoys it.
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Satan has considered writing his own book one day, but always struggled with coming up with an acceptable plot that he approved of. He does write poetry, however, and would murder everyone on site if anyone found his notebook.
Has hundreds of different bookmarks of varying styles and colors, all of which are stuck in his mountains of books. He's only ever bought 2 bookmarks for himself in his life: one being cut out in the shape of a dangling cat, and another that was signed by one of his favorite authors. The rest are gifts from his brothers and a few from his friends/acquaintances.
His oldest bookmark was one he drew himself when he was a child. It's stuffed lovingly in the first book he was ever given: the Devildom version of "The Cat in the Hat" that Mammon bought for him. He keeps it close to his bed.
Man has a terrible habit of trying to psychoanalyze everyone he meets. You'd never know this unless you became a close friend of his in which he'd tell you what he's deduced and asks you how correct he was so he can further improve.
Multiple demons are freaked out by this but wouldn't dare to say it to the Avatar of Wrath's face. Not unless they had a death wish.
Satan loves learning potions and hexes, just like Lucifer. If anyone mentions this, he'll toss them a look that could kill (and depending on who it was, he may just kill). He's well aware of this, but much to his dismay, all other subjects, while are also quite interesting, aren't as good as potions and hexes. They just hold a special place in his heart and mind.
King of yoga. He started doing it to help control his anger, which it did help. Now he and Asmo do yoga together weekly (or more, depending on the week).
I headcanon Satan being Ace, but not opposed to such ~activities~.
When he was younger, not necessarily a child, but more teenage years, and his sin was terrible to try and control, he'd have to stay down in a section of the underground tomb a lot as to not destroy or burn down the house. Mammon would stay down there with him most of the time to keep him company and try to help him get his wrath out to calm down. It often lead to Satan attacking him blindly. Mammon would take it and any damage Satan inflicted. Some days were worse than others, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.
Mammon never let Satan see the damage either, refusing to let his younger brother feel guilty over something he couldn't yet control.
Whenever Mammon's injured from either Lucifer's punishments or from getting in trouble elsewhere, Satan is the first to make him healing salves or the like. Not only because he's the best at it, but also as a way to say thank you and repay him for all Mammon did when he was younger.
So, this relates more with some of my Devildom HC's, but I imagine that as the Avatars of Sin, they each rule over their sins and the sinners that are apart of it. With that comes rolling out the punishments, most of which can be taken care of by the Little D's, but not always. I feel like Satan, out of all of them, has the easiest time with this task. He's a born demon and the Avatar of Wrath at that, so that part of the job doesn't faze him much. If anything, he finds it a good way to help keep his wrath in check as he can use this time to get it out of his system.
In contrast, the rest of his brothers I feel struggle more with this to different degrees. Punishing the souls stuck in their sins tends to amplify their own sin in themselves. Beel gets exceptionally ravenous, often devouring some of the souls in his domain. Belphie often times has to be awoken by one of his brothers as he'll end up asleep for days at a time in his realm, surrounded by the withering souls of his domain who slowly erode into the landscape. Asmo's realm can be both emotionally and physically taxing as the souls here can only do one thing for eternity only to eventually wither away from exhaustion. Asmo often finds himself in a haze-like state for a few days after being there and tends to need lots of help grounding himself. It's not unusual to hear him near silent during this time. Levi's domain brings out the worst in himself as he fuels the envy in the souls of his area. The souls themselves tend to either tear each other down or tear themselves down. Levi has to relax in the lake or his aquarium for quite a while after being there. Mammon finds his greed amplified to the point where he'll hoard anything in sight. Should another demon or even one of his brothers come to his realm after he's been there for a while, he'll try to hoard them and their belongings as well. Lesser demons might find their own souls in his clutches. He's another one that will need dragging back as his desire to own will keep him from leaving. Lucifer is the only one who can bring him back without worrying about losing the inevitable fight that occurs. In Lucifer's domain, it may seem oddly calm in comparison to the others, but that calm only lasts so long. Pride come before the fall, after all, and the souls in his realm aren't any exceptions. They'll find what little pride or hold on some semblance of reality or stability ripped from them because they were too proud to seek help from the other souls nearby. Lucifer may seem the least affected by his realm, however it tends to maintain his level of pride higher than what it could have been, which in turn keeps him from accepting assistance from his brothers or any others.
Long bullet point aside, when the brothers have to return to their domains for some time, if Satan notices that his brother(s) are already looking worse for wear or if they'd been there recently, he'll often offer to go in their stead for some time, knowing that the effect of their domains aren't quite as taxing to him as they could be. He finds himself doing this often with Asmo or Mammon as both easily lose themselves in their sin to drastic lengths.
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Asmo has definitely created his own skincare line. He does use other products occasionally, especially to review them and figure out changes he could make to his own line.
He's also got his own makeup like as well, but it's still growing as he's very critical of his products. If they're going to be from him, they have to be the absolute best on the market after all!
Has absolutely made mini-pallets based on him and his brothers and absolutely gifted them each their own pallet. Is offended if they use products that aren't his.
Debates making an OnlyFans. He goes back and forth on this daily.
You cannot tell me he doesn't have a collection of super high-quality, fancy wigs for the days he wants a drastic hair style change but doesn't want to affect his current hair.
He got recommended an organizational Deviltube video once and he's been hooked ever since. There was a period of time that his Akuzon shopping was as bad as Levi's as he bought every recommended organizational item on his favorite Deviltubers rec list. He's still super organized. Everything's labels, color coordinated, and has a place in his room.
Loves cheesy reality television with a passion and doesn't bother hiding it. The more drama, the better. He and Satan have a few shows they always watch together, despite Satan's critiques.
Seductive Speechcraft is his favorite class as it comes easy to him, but really enjoyed an accounting class they all had to take, much to his own surprise.
He thinks sunflowers are just the cutest flowers in all the three realms. Has a silk sunflower scarf he wears as often as he can in the summertime.
Made the mistake of telling Satan his one-sleeve-off look wasn't terrible and now it's all he ever does. It drives Asmo crazy and he knows that's probably why Satan continues to do it. (Note: that's exactly the reason)
Listens to daily mantras in the morning, reminding him of his worth, his beauty, and the depth of his personality. It helps him, especially on days when he feels a little too much like a walking piece of art. Not that he minds that at times, but he is still a living, breathing person after all, and he feels like the world forgets that at times.
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Keeps a small trophy he got in the human world for a hot dog eating contest he accidentally joined. Boy ate all his hot dogs and some of the competitors' hot dogs as well.
Movie nights with everyone are his favorite as he likes to be in the center, surrounded by his family. It helps remind himself that everyone is safe and happy.
He'd make the best taste tester anyone could ask for. He could identify almost (if not all) ingredients in any dish he tastes. Barbatos appreciates his refined pallet when he's working on a new dish or the like. Beel is guaranteed to give good advice or comments.
Learned to knit so he could make Belphie a blanket. He's made sweaters for Asmo, a plush cat for Satan, mittens for Lucifer, a scarf for Levi, and a hat for Mammon so far.
Will make a cup of tea for Lucifer when he's getting a midnight snack and notices that he's still awake. It's often accompanies by a concerned look and a comment on how he should go to bed.
Beel loves bears, especially grizzly bears. No specific reason, he just think they're cool and strong. He wants to see one someday. (Please take him to the zoo to see one)
Satan taught Beel how to lucid dream when Belphie was in the attic after realizing that Belphie couldn't help with the nightmares. It doesn't always work, but it helps about half the time.
While they were all adjusting to their sins, Beel would try his hardest to eat average amounts of food, but it was incredibly hard and painful to do. It felt like his stomach was going to eat him from the inside out if he didn't pacify it with food. For a while, he'd cry himself to sleep over the aching pit in his stomach on top of all the other guilt and trauma and loss that they were dealing with. After a few weeks of this, part of him gave up and gave in to his newly gained hunger. It's less common nowadays, but there were many days that he's hate himself and what he'd become. He'd hate the never-ending hunger and the trouble it caused.
He loves clovers and dandelions. He thinks they're adorable and wishes the Devildom had some.
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Belphie has a designated sleeping spot (and accompanying pillow in case he didn't have his own) in each of his brothers' rooms.
Does genuinely enjoy nature. If he's not somewhere lounging in the house, often times he can be found in the forest behind the HoL, either napping in a tree or a bed of soft grass, watching the sky or the leaves above.
Sometimes when he's out there, he can close his eyes and almost feel like he's back in the Celestial realm.
Of all the brothers, I feel like Belphie misses the Celestial realm the most. Not necessarily because of anything there itself, and not really because he misses the people there, but he does miss the memories. He misses how he felt, how everything felt when they were back there. He'd never say any of this out loud. If you were to ask him, he'd say "fuck the Celestial realm" and he would mean that, to a degree. But some of his best dreams are just the memories playing on loop of his time there.
When he went back to the human realm with MC and his brothers, it was the first time he'd seen the sun in ages that wasn't tainted by his hatred of humans. He sat outside, just lying in its warmth for the whole day when they first got there, smiling, as he basked in the nostalgia it brought.
Enjoys Devildom History the most because it's always lectures and he can nap through it without worrying about being called on or having to present anything most of the time.
You'd think this man would like sloths considering he's the Avatar of Sloth, but no. In fact, he lowkey hates them. He'll never say why, exactly, but he does. He does, however, really like fireflies. He thinks they're some of the coolest creatures in the human realm. Lucifer wanted to get him a jar of them for his birthday, but couldn't get them to stay alive for very long. Instead, he charmed a jar with imitation fireflies and set the jar on Belphie's bed next to his sleeping figure, wordlessly. Belphie still keeps the jar next to his bed.
I'm still learning Belphie's character cause he's only recently started growing on me, so he has the fewest hc's. Sorry Belphie!!
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.22
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: It’s Rose and Willy’s first morning together. And things get a little heated between them.
Warnings: Soft smut.
A/N: Any chapter that has any kind of smut in it will be different versions of the original chapters on Wattpad. Tumblr is a lot more lenient with the smut than Wattpad is.
Tagging: @holdmeicant @willymywonkers @sleepiesapphicxoxo
Willy woke up before Rose that following morning. That was the best sleep he had ever had and it was all because of his starshine. Willy didn't want to wake her up yet. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she was sleeping. He simply admired her. Gently, her caressed her face and stroked her soft skin.
"Rose," He whispered her name softly. "My beautiful, beautiful, Rose" He saw her lips slightly twitch into a smile. His gaze lingered on her lips, wanting to wake her up with a kiss. Willy smirked slightly, before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers.
Rose was now awake but she didn't open her eyes yet. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Willy and pulled him closer to him so that their bodies were pressed against one another.
Willy pulled away from Rose slightly to greet her. "Good morning, starshine"
Rose smiled at him, bringing her hands up to cup his face. "The Earth says hello" She greeted him in return. They quickly went back to kissing.
It was becoming more and more heated, with Willy eventually taking control and rolling them both over so that Rose was laying on her back, and he was hovering above her.
"Willy..." Rose breathlessly said when his lips left hers.
"Starshine..." He spoke in that same breathless way. He began kissing her along her jaw and down her neck. "I love you" He mumbled against her skin. "I love you so much"
"I love you too" She purred back to him, her eyes closed in bliss. Rose was absolutely loving this affection.
And Willy, he was loving it too. He used to hate any sort of affection, but then he met Rose and that's all he ever wanted. Though, he only wanted it from her, and he wanted to give every bit of affection back to her.
Suddenly, Rose made a noise that she only ever made when she tasted the most heavenly treats. It happened when Willy kissed a particular spot on her neck. She couldn't help but let out a moan. Her eyes opened wide in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry..." She mustered out. "I didn't mean to... it's just... you were... and I..."
"It's okay, starshine" Willy told her. He wasn't going to lie. He loved the sound that came out of her mouth. It sent shivers down his spine. Rose bit her lip, staring up at him. She looked to be deep in thought. “Is everything okay?” Willy asked when she wasn’t saying anything.
“Do you...?” Rose started to ask, and then she paused.
“Do I what, starshine?” 
“Do you want to touch me?”
Willy swallowed. “You want me to what?”
Rose sighed. She sat up, shaking her head. Feeling embarrassed, she hid her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You don’t--”
Willy cut Rose off, taking her hands in his. “Rose, it’s okay” He assured her. Rose looked up at him and met his eyes. “I... I would like to touch you, starshine, but only if you’re okay with it”
She smiled at him. “Of course I’m okay with it. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t” She placed her hand on his cheek and leaned in, pressing her lips against his. “I’m gonna drop the top of my nightgown, okay?” Rose muttered against his soft and supple lips.
“Okay” Willy nodded. He leaned back and watched as Rose slipped her fingers under the straps of her nightgown and pushed them off her shoulders. The fabric dropped and bunched at her waist, revealing her breasts to him. 
His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. “Oh, starshine” He spoke ever so softly. “You’re beautiful” His lips curled into a smile. “May I?”
He reached over and started by grazing his fingers over the soft flesh of her breast. Rose gasped at the touch. Willy, afraid he’d done something to hurt her, immediately retracted his hand. “Did I hurt you?”
“No. That just felt good. Like when you were kissing my neck”
“Oh!” Willy giggled.
“You can grab them if you want” Rose urged him. “You don’t need to be afraid of hurting me”
He cupped his hands over both of her breasts. “They feel so soft” He began to knead at them. Rose’s eyes fluttered closed in bliss. His hands felt amazing massaging her breasts like this. She could just imagine where else his hands would be magic. 
“Am I doing okay, starshine?” Willy asked her.
“Yes” Rose breathed out as answer. “You’re doing just fine, cocoa bean” She felt his thumb flick against her nipple. Rose twitched at that and let a moan slip from her lips. 
Willy could tell that she liked that, and he smiled, feeling proud of the fact that he was making her feel good. “Did you like that?”
“Mmm, yes” Her eyes were still closed so she didn’t see Willy leaning in to place a soft kiss on her breast. She opened her eyes as soon as she felt his lips on her soft skin. Instinctively, she arched her back, pushing out her breasts forward. 
Willy couldn’t help but let out a small moan. He was enjoying this just as much as Rose was. His lips wrapped around her nipple. Rose rest an open palm on the bed, while the other hand tangled with Willy’s hair. He sucked at and flicked her nipple with his tongue for a bit, before moving over to the other breast to give it the same attention.
Once he was done, Willy sat up straight again and looked at Rose, a big smile plastered on his face. “I really enjoyed that, starshine” He confessed.
“I did too, cocoa bean” She smiled at him, touching his cheek.
Willy nuzzled into her touch and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Can we try more things later?”
“I would love that” She pulled her hand away and pushed her nightgown back up so that she was covered. “"I'll make us breakfast. Anything you want in particular, my handsome cocoa bean?"
"Surprise me, my beautiful starshine!" Willy said, kissing her on the cheek in return. "I'm sure I'll love whatever you cook up!" He got up and was about to leave the room to give Rose some privacy so she could get dressed.
"Cocoa bean, wait!" Rose called out to him. Willy stopped just before the curtain and turned to face her. "What colour are we wearing today?"
"Good question, starshine!" Willy said. He eyed Rose up and down. "Blue! I think you'll look really pretty in blue!" And with that, he left the room to give Rose some privacy. Just before he left the room, though, Rose was quick to notice the tent that had formed in his pyjama bottoms.
Rose was hard at work making crepes for breakfast. She was dressed in a midnight blue halter dress. The skirt of the dress was shorter in the front and then longer in the back. Of course, there was a W pinned onto the collar of her dress. She matched the dress with a sky blue sequined blazer and a pair of blue suede boots.
"It sure does smell good in here, starshine!" Willy said when he joined her in the kitchen. He was wearing an outfit to match Rose, every article of his clothing some shade of blue, with the exception of his hat and his purple gloves.
"Well, I hope it tastes as good as it looks" Rose said hopefully. Willy came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "What are you doing, cocoa bean?"
"I just love holding you in my arms" Willy said. He brought a hand up and pushed some of her hair back so that her neck was exposed. "I also love kissing you, starshine" He peppered kisses all along her neck.
Rose's eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his warm and soft lips against her skin. "Willy..." She gasped. "I'm trying to cook"
Willy let go of her with a smirk on his face. He let her get back to cooking as he went to take a seat at their little dining table. Rose eventually got the crepes done. She prepared the plates. She added some strawberries and blueberries to crepes, as well as whipped cream and then drizzled them with chocolate.
"Breakfast is served!" Rose announced as she walked over to Willy, carrying the two plates in her hand. She set one down in front of him, and set the other one in front of herself when she took a seat across from him.
"These look absolutely delectable, starshine!" Willy complimented her dish. He then took a bite out of the crepes and his mouth simply watered at the taste. "Oh, these are delectable!"
Rose giggled at how much he was enjoying her cooking. "Why, thank you!" She chirped happily. The two of them continued to enjoy breakfast and each other's company. "What's your plan for today, my love?" Rose proceeded to ask.
"Well, I wish we could spend the whole day together, just you and I" Willy confessed, reaching over the table to grab and squeeze Rose's hand. "But unfortunately, we both have a busy day today. I'm planning to work with Charlie in the inventing room for the most of the day, and there's chores that have to be done in some of the other rooms. I was hoping you could take care of some of them?"
"I'd be happy to" Rose smiled, returning Willy's affectionate squeeze.
"Of course, the Oompa-Loompas will be around to help, but I think it's a good idea that you do some work around the factory. Get to know it a little bit more. Oh, that means you'll need these!" Willy reached into his pocket, pulling out a ring of keys. "Your very own key ring" He handed it off to Rose. He then took out a list of tasks for Rose to do today. "Don't worry about getting those all done today. Anything that isn't done today, can be finished tomorrow"
Rose scanned the list. One particular task caught her eye. "Treat day for the squirrels?" She said with a giggle.
"They work hard, sorting those nuts all day! They get a special treat about once a week" Willy explained. "Don't forget! They'll be very upset if they don't get their treat, and they won't work as well"
"Don't worry. I'll make sure they're given a treat, and I'll get most of what's on this list done"
"I believe in you, starshine" Willy leaned forward a bit and brought Rose's hand up to his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "And stop by the inventing room when you get a chance. I don't want to go all day without seeing you"
"I will" Rose smiled lovingly at him. "I promise, cocoa bean"
Willy smiled and giggled. Hearing her call him by "cocoa bean" made him feel all warm and giddy inside. "I love it when you call me that!"
Once their breakfast was finished, Rose grabbed the dirty dishes and kissed Willy's cheek as she walked by him. She placed the dirty dishes in the sink. When she turned back around, she saw that Willy had disappeared on her. Rose just shrugged to herself and made her way for the door.
"Starshine! I have a few more presents for you!" Willy called out to her. "Close your eyes!" Rose closed her eyes. She felt Willy standing in front of her. He waved his hands in front of her eyes, making sure that they were closed. "Are they closed? Good!"
"What more could you possibly have for me?" Rose asked with a small giggle.
"You'll see soon enough. Now, keep your eyes closed until I tell them you can open them!" Willy said. Rose didn't know what he was doing but she felt something being placed on her head. Then, she felt Willy take and put something over her hands. She recognized the feel of latex. "Okay, open your eyes!"
Rose opened her eyes and the first thing she saw were purple gloves on her hand, much like the ones worn by Willy. She smiled at that and then touched whatever was put upon her head. It was a top hat. A black felt one with a silk black ribbon wrapped around it. "My own gloves and hat!" Rose cheered happily.
"Yep!" Willy said, nodding with a grin. "Like a Wonka should have!" Rose's heart leapt when she heard him say that. He just called her a Wonka... and they weren't even married yet. "Though, it's missing just one more thing" He then presented her with her own walking cane. It was striped with red and white, just like a candy cane, and the top of it was decorated with colourful jewels.
Rose's eyes lit up when she saw it. "Oh, Willy, I love it" She took the cane from him. "How do I look?" Rose asked, twirling around.
"Gorgeous" Willy muttered softly, staring at her with a lovesick grin. She looked perfect. She looked like a Wonka. But was it too soon to ask her to officially be one?
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the queen has summoned us lowly peasant stans, so may I please request headcanons for what it's like living with chrono, geten, and setsuno👉👈? maybe like how neat they are, what they're picky about, just domestic roomie or s/o stuff?
(Me, a queen??? Noooo, it’s backwards! You guys are the royalty here lol. I’m more like the jester that performs to keep yall entertained. And I love that by the way lol. Anyway, let’s try something different and do roommates for once instead of S/O’s)
~Roommate Hari, Geten, Toya~
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-He’s the chillest roommate, but also the most annoying depending on how you feel about peace and quiet. Hari is a tough one to try and live with, but if you set boundaries then it’s not so bad (depending on if he crosses them or not, of course).
-He’s the type of roommate to clean up after his on messes, but he will NOT touch yours unless you do something in return for him instead first. Like for example, say you get home late after pulling a double at work or something. The sink has a bunch of dishes from when you cooked a big breakfast that morning. He’ll wash your dishes for you if you agree to pay for the take-out he’s been too lazy to go out and get for the day. 
-You don’t really see him much when he works a lot, but you can manage to see him a lot on his off days because he’s always feet up on the living room table as he reclines on the couch. Sometimes you guys hang out together and even keep up with a TV show together. As a roommate you have a pretty solid friendship and you know you could always call Hari if you find yourself in hot water
-Now touching on the cons of being roommates with him...the speakers in his bedroom! He loves listening to music. Not just any music, but LOUD music. So this is fine sometimes, but not at 11:35 at night when you have work the next day at 7:00 a.m and all you can hear in the next room is NBA Youngboy and Pop Smoke. It’s a constant battle because you’ll tell him to turn it down and he’ll do it, but play it loudly the very next day. 
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-He’s alright on the roommate scale, but you might feel like he’s annoyed seeing you sometimes. He doesn’t hate you, he just has a weird way at showing you that he’s alright with you. It’s probably because of how little he speaks to you but I swear you just have to touch on the right subjects and then he’ll open up like a book. Until then, it’s going to be a whole lot of “Hey Geten, the weather is crazy today right?” *Geten scrolls through his phone without glancing up at you* “Yea.”
-Other than that, he’s pretty peaceful to live with and not really interested in your life honestly. Don’t ask him to join you to lame things like parties or karaoke with your friends because he really wouldn’t come. It’s not you, it’s just that he doesn’t feel like being surrounded by a bunch of people. BUT if you ask him to lunch with you at a cafe down the street then he’ll actually come and sometimes offer to pay your fees just to be nice. 
-The biggest issue with living with Geten is the messes he leaves behind. He’s the type of person to say he would get it later but later never comes...like ever dude.
-If you had a dollar for every time you cleaned up after him when he claimed he’d get it himself, you’d have enough money to afford a place of your own. After arguing with him about it for like a month straight, he finally makes an effort on his part to clean up (mostly just to get you off his ass). He literally takes the trash out every time he sees it filing up. The issue with this is that it is the ONLY chore he does now. “Geten that is literally not enough. I can’t clean the whole apartment by myself.” You complain and he sighs in annoyance. “It’s not all by yourself, I just took the trash out yesterday. That’s like 50% of the work done already. Now quit your harping, you’re interrupting my movie.” You roll your eyes and walk away lol
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-This is hands down the best roommate until you realize your space is fleeting because of him. 
-Toya is always in your face like 24/7 and you can’t tell if it’s because he has a crush on you or because he just genuinely likes being around you or not. As soon as you wake up he’s all in your face talking about how you two should spend the day together and shit because you’re off and that’s what a good roommate would do. You just shrug and go with it. Sometimes though, you’ve got to let him know you just wanna spend some time with yourself as well. In his head, he’s got to be the perfect roommate because that makes a good friendship.
-He always helps with the chores, and splits rent perfectly along with the bills too. The only time he’s not around is when he’s busy working and stuff. Aside from that, you two spend a considerable amount of time together and at this point you probably should consider yourselves some form of a couple after all. 
-There really are no other cons to living with him other than that of course. Setsuno is 10/10 on the roommate scale (aside from the constant interaction). And honestly he’s looking like a pretty good option to date as well.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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bettydice · 4 years
I didn’t expect you to be lonely (too)
Xicheng, Modern AU, JC&WWX reconciliation, E-Rated 
[Read on AO3]
Chapter 7
The night after their date, which was both a disaster and the best date he’s ever had, Jiang Cheng can't sleep. He keeps thinking about Lan Xichen’s shaking hands, the kiss, the kisses that followed, about not casually, about Wei Wuxian dating Lan Xichen's brother. About how if they're not casual, then he'll have to get over himself and at least be able to be in a room together with Wei Wuxian, or Lan Xichen will just be another person suffering from this stupid situation.
If they're… If they are something now. If it lasts. He wants it to last. Which is another thing keeping him awake. How much he already feels for Lan Xichen. How his brain has no problem providing him with… Domestic scenarios. That eventually turn into not so domestic ones. But he’s too tired to do anything about his arousal, so his brain instead comes up with scenarios where Lan Xichen tells him he regrets everything about yesterday and does not want to see him again. Those are… not fun.
Eventually, morning comes. Jiang Cheng stays in bed. He has nothing to do today, he’s tired, and there’s nothing waiting for him in his kitchen except for dirty dishes. So, he grabs his phone and watches some cute bunny compilations on YouTube. After the fifth video he does feel better, so when Wei Wuxian’s daily selfie arrives (Wei Wuxian holds up a very large mug of coffee, winking at the camera), Jiang Cheng doesn’t even get angry or sad. He actually has to smile.
He immediately gets up, gets dressed, doesn’t open the door to his kitchen, and takes the bus to his sister’s house.
Jiang Yanli doesn’t even question why he’s there, simply sets the breakfast table for one more person. Jin Zixuan also doesn’t question him, simply makes him some really strong coffee. After breakfast, he's handed Jin Ling, so his sister and her husband can do some chores, which suits him just fine, because Jin Ling is perfect and amazing and the only one who understands him. He's also a little tired and grumpy today - relatable - so Jiang Cheng ends up on the couch with Jin Ling napping on his chest. Which, alas, means he can't move because he'd wake his precious nephew. With Jin Ling’s reassuring weight keeping him glued to the couch, Jiang Cheng has no choice but to close his eyes.
"A-Cheng. Are you asleep?"
"A-Cheng, wake up."
When he pries open his eyes, he sees his sister, sitting in the armchair next to the sofa, smiling at them.
"I can't move," Jiang Cheng explains.
"I understand." Of course she does, A-Jie always understands.
He does try to assume a sort of sitting position, so he can better look at her, making sure A-Ling still stays in prime napping position. She has That Look on her face, meaning she wants to Talk About Things, but won't necessarily push him.
"It's really nice that you stopped by today," Jiang Yanli says, and without calling in advance to make sure Wei Wuxian definitely won't be there goes unsaid but not unheard.
"I missed my nephew." Jiang Cheng looks down at A-Ling and smiles. He can’t see much more than one of his chubby cheeks smushed against Jiang Cheng’s chest, and it’s adorable.
"And he missed you." Jiang Yanli smiles and leans forward, so she can gently stroke A-Ling's head. "Did you have a good week?"
Jiang Cheng has to think about Lan Xichen and his kisses and his smile widens, grows impossibly soft, before he quickly tries to wipe it off his face. His sister notices it, of course, as evidenced by her slightly raised eyebrows." Yeah… It was good. "
Jiang Cheng hesitates, because he's not actually sure whether he wants to tell his sister about… All of that. For one, she's paying for his sessions. And it still doesn't feel quite real. Ten days ago he felt horrible and lonely and now Lan Xichen kissed him and is attracted to him and said "slowly, but not casually", which… Does this mean they're boyfriends? That's too quickly, isn't it? But they're not dating, because they both hate dating, but they’re not casual, so the logical conclusion…
"A-Cheng?" Apparently not the first time she's called his name.
"I think I have a boyfriend," is not what he wanted to say and yet his stupid mouth fucking betrays him. Jiang Yanli looks stunned for a few seconds - understandable - then a warm smile spreads over her face. Jiang Cheng lifts his hand, before she can say anything. "I'm… I'm not sure I want to talk about it. It's obviously a recent and surprising turn of events and who knows if anything will actually come of it, you know how I am with relationships, they end before they can start - "
"It’s okay. You don’t need to say anything, if you’re not ready yet."
Jiang Cheng gives her a grateful smile. It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk about it, but…
"How are your massage sessions going? How many have you had yet?" A seemingly random change of topic, but considering…
"Oh… Those are… Good. Relaxing." Jiang Cheng narrows his eyes at his sister who looks so unassuming and innocent… Fuck. She knows. Jiang Cheng's face immediately grows hot. He doesn't know why he ever even tries to keep a secret in this family. "A-jie, how did you.. It's not… He is…"
"As I said, you don't have to talk about it. But you can. You can always talk to me. About anything."
She doesn’t mean it as a reprimand, but Jiang Cheng immediately feels guilty. He has been … many things, these past few months. Has sometimes been unfairly angry at his sister, because she still meets with Wei Wuxian, because Wei Wuxian didn't abandon her, too. Has visited less, and not only because he didn't want to risk bumping into his brother. Hadn’t wanted his sister to know how poorly he was doing, to realise how shitty everything in his life was going.
"I know. Sorry, A-jie."
"What are you apologizing for?"
"Just… For being an idiot."
His sister’s smile stays warm, but her tone is a little stern when she says: "You're not an idiot." She leans forward and gently strokes his forehead. Just like she usually does with A-Ling. Just like...
The door opens and someone enters the room. Jiang Cheng turns towards the wall, mortified. Since his sister isn’t home, it must be Wei Wuxian.
“Fuck off.”
Wei Wuxian does not, of course, fuck off. Instead, he comes over and sits down on the edge of the bed.
“I really liked your poem. Which is saying a lot, because I barely made it through without screaming. Horrifying subject matter.”
Jiang Cheng doesn’t answer, just squeezes his eyes shut and tries to get his tears to stop falling with the power of his mind.
“You described that dog in such vivid detail, I thought I’d have a heart attack!”
Is Wei Wuxian here to make fun of him? He knows it was just a stupid little poem that can’t compare to getting first place at that stupid science fair. Isn’t it enough to hear that from his mother - does his brother have to rub it in, too? He knows he’s pathetic, crying about this like a little boy.
“Huaisang was raving about it all afternoon. He really liked the… meter you used. Whatever that means.”
Jiang Cheng wipes his face and turns around. Just enough so he can see his brother out of the corner of his eye. “He said that?”
“Yeah! He also said ‘I didn’t realise Jiang Cheng was able to create such beautiful metaphors, I think I’m going to put him on my list of people I’d allow to give me a blowjob.”
Jiang Cheng groans and fully turns around, so he can throw a pillow at his brother. “He didn’t say that!”
Wei Wuxian easily catches the pillow and grins. “It was implied! Anyway… I thought, maybe you want to write some lyrics for Yiling Laozu? I feel like our metaphor game is really lacking at the moment.”
Jiang Cheng frowns. “If you’re just taking the piss…”
“I mean it!” Wei Wuxians reaches out like he wants to wipe Jiang Cheng’s tears, but seems to think better of it. Instead, he starts stroking Jiang Cheng’s forehead.
Jiang Cheng feels… like his tears are going to return. He frowns even harder. “I’m not a fucking baby. Stop that.”
“Aw, but that’s where you’re wrong! You’re my baby brother! Sweet little ChengCheng!”
“Fuck off!”
Jiang Cheng tries to shove Wei Wuxian from the bed with his foot, but Wei Wuxian tackles him instead, wraps his arms around him and squeezes him. Coos into his ear in a disgustingly sweet voice: “My talented Didi! My precious A-Di! Just a tiny, tiny baby with the heart of a poet!”
Jiang Cheng complains loudly and tries to free himself. But he can’t help but laugh.
"Wei Wuxian sends me a selfie every morning." Once again, his stupid mouth does things without his permission.
"Does he now." Jiang Yanli doesn’t even bat an eyelash at the fact Jiang Cheng’s word vomit jumps from possible boyfriend to Wei Wuxian’s selfies.
"He wouldn't do that if he didn't want anything to do with me… Right?"
"He wouldn't. He misses you.” Jiang Yanli, still stroking his head, hesitates, before she says: “Maybe you can consider it… an opening?"
Jiang Cheng closes his eyes for a while, as though that would help him sort the emotional chaos in his mind.
"Wei Wuxian is dating Lan Xichen's brother."
"Are they… Is it serious?"
Just like Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian never had relationships. But not because he was inherently unlovable or scared everyone off with his frown, or anything like that. He used to get crushes all the time that fizzled out just as quickly, said it would be too selfish to be tied down, everyone should be able to enjoy the wonders of being with Wei Wuxian. Though his brother also got way less action than he let people assume.
"Oh, they're… definitely serious." Jiang Yanli laughs.Jiang Cheng opens his eyes again. He wants to ask more, as though now he's fed the monster in his chest scraps of Wei Wuxian’s life, it has realised it’s been starving and craves more and more.
In comparison, it actually seems safer to talk about Lan Xichen. "Lan Xichen might be my boyfriend. Possibly. Hopefully?"
Jiang Yanli, once again, doesn’t comment on the topic change. She does pull back her hand and sits upright, a curious look on her face. "Might?"
"So, we went on a date and we concluded we both dislike dating but like each other and… And he said we should do this ‘slowly, but not casually’. And we… Well, the date ended very… It was nice. So. What do you think?"
He resolutely stares at a spot just above Jiang Yanli's shoulder, refusing to acknowledge his burning face. He's just hot because he's trapped under his nephew who is in the 93rd percentile of weight for toddlers his age. Jiang Cheng’s not sure what it means, but he chooses to believe that A-Ling is stronger and better than 92% of toddlers. And louder than 99%. He’s very proud of his nephew.
"It does sound as though you're both interested in pursuing a relationship with each other."
"So you don't think it's too early?"
"Too early for what?"
"Just… Thinking about him like that."
"You did already like him when you were a teenager."
"What the fuck?” Jiang Cheng does look at her then, mouth open in shock. ”How did you… Nie Huaisang told you, didn't he?"
"He didn't have to." Jiang Yanli tries to hide her smile behind her hand, but Jiang Cheng knows it's there.
Jiang Cheng is just… going to move past this. "But I didn't know him back then. I've not even known him for two weeks and already..."
I'm in love with him. It's not like it's not like him. Jiang Cheng doesn't fall for people often, but when he does, he falls hard. It's just that until now, none of them (none of the two people he’s liked like this before) had ever liked him back.
"Sometimes, two people just fit well together."
Jiang Cheng immediately wants to say "Nobody would fit well with me, I only have sharp edges" but his sister would disagree immediately. And… He can't deny it does feel like they… They just fit, somehow. Even if Jiang Cheng often feels like he doesn't even fit his own skin, like his life doesn't fit him. Spending time with Lan Xichen had been easy from the beginning, the only complications being the issues Jiang Cheng brings into every interaction with another human. And bunny pee.
Jiang Cheng can't help but laugh at the memory.
"Whatever is happening between you two... I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy, A-Cheng, no matter what you think." Jiang Yanli puts her hand on his shoulder, so he can’t help looking at her. Jiang Cheng does, even though his eyes are burning. His sister looks… intense. The way she looks when something is truly, deeply important to her. "You also deserve to find out that A-Xian doesn't hate you. That he loves and misses you. That he's just as scared he's lost you forever. One of you just has to be brave so you can both realize you still love each other."
Jiang Cheng is saved from having to give a response that's not just crying hysterically, by a very… specific sound coming from his nephew, followed by a very specific smell. Followed by A-Ling waking up and crying, loudly.
"Do you want to take care of this?" his sister asks, resigned to the fact he definitely won’t want to do that. Luckily, there's a solution.
"Jin Zixuan! Hey, come here! Your son is crying for you!" Jiang Cheng yells, sitting upright and carefully holds A-Ling away from his body.
Jin Zixuan does immediately come rushing into the living room, only to frown as soon as the smell hits him.
"Would you mind, A-Xuan…?" his sister asks with the sweetest smile and, of course, Jin Zixuan grabs A-Ling without any complaints, only sends a dark look in Jiang Cheng's direction, who smirks at him.
Jiang Cheng spends the entire day at their house. He helps his sister cook, takes A-Ling to the playground, takes another nap with A-Ling during the afternoon. When hehe falls into his bed at night, his mind feels much quieter and he can sleep peacefully.
Jiang Cheng’s next appointment isn’t until Tuesday, but they exchange a lot of messages in the meantime. Lan Xichen sends him pictures of the bunnies, of his plants, and of his meals. Jiang Cheng, who has neither pets nor meals worthy of taking pictures, suddenly finds himself going on a lot of walks, so he can send Lan Xichen pictures of trees and artsy shots of leaves in puddles. Lan Xichen told him to keep the scarf, so he wears it every time he leaves the house. It keeps him warm.
Now, standing in front of Lan Xichen’s door, Jiang Cheng suddenly feels nervous. They agreed to not mix business with pleasure, so to say. It will be just a very normal session. But Lan Xichen already invited him to stay for dinner after and Jiang Cheng enthusiastically agreed.
It's not a date, because they don't date, but… Will they kiss? He wouldn't mind more kisses…
Lan Xichen greets him with his usual smile and they stare awkwardly at each other for only about ten seconds before Lan Xichen asks him to come inside. He smiles when Jiang Cheng takes off the scarf.
They do manage to keep the session professional, except for one little moment. When Lan Xichen wraps Jiang Cheng in a towel and tucks in the edges, he also tucks a stray hair behind Jang Cheng’s ear. They share a soft look and a smile, then Lan Xichen clears his throat and leaves the room after turning on the music.
Later, they prepare dinner together, and his nervousness earlier turns out to be unfounded. It’s easy for them to just switch into… Jiang Cheng calls it ‘Boyfriend Mode’ in his head, though he’d never say it out loud. Lan Xichen is a very tactile person and Jiang Cheng finds he’s a person who… craves touch. Sometimes their hands will brush against each other, or Jiang Cheng will lean against Lan Xichen, or Lan Xichen will put his hand on Jiang Cheng’s waist or the small of his back. It just seems to come naturally for them and… He never knew or expected it could be this easy.
They kiss. It is simple, like their other touches. Lan Xichen is stirring the pot, while Jiang Cheng tells him about a cute dog he saw during one of his walks. Their eyes meet, Lan Xichen smiles, Jiang Cheng returns the smile. Lan Xichen leans towards him. They kiss. Short, but very tender. Lan Xichen smiles again, his whole face lights up and they kiss again, a little longer. It feels… like a habit. As though they’ve been doing this for a long time, as though they will be doing this for a long time. Which doesn’t mean it’s not also exciting. It makes him feel hot, but in a way that’s soothing… Like drinking hot cocoa after walking through the snow.
During dinner, Lan Xichen asks him about his weekend and Jiang Cheng tells him about the time he spent with A-Ling, which reminds him of the conversation he had with his sister. Jiang Cheng’s first instinct is to ignore that reminder… but Lan Xichen said honesty is very important to him. Jiang Cheng should be upfront. They need to talk about their families and how they want to tell them sooner or later anyway, if this is... And considering their brothers’ relationship… He doesn't want to be responsible for Lan Xichen getting in situations where he might have to lie to his brother or conceal something from him.
So Jiang Cheng spends the rest of the meal trying to mentally prepare himself for yet another conversation about their relationship, possibly about feelings, too. He’s had so many of those in the past few weeks. Maybe all the conversations he’s avoided over the past year can’t be pushed back anymore, and are now trying to break through all at once. Maybe it’s him being selfish… he knows he needs to sort out his life if he wants to be with Lan Xichen. Or maybe… when he cried in front of Lan Xichen and felt safe and understood instead of humiliated… maybe that helped him to stop running away from conversations that scared him.
"Lan-laoshi…There's something I wanted to talk about with you."
"Ah, maybe drop the laoshi when we're... like this?" Lan Xichen chuckles lightly, as he closes the dishwasher. Then he sits back down at the kitchen table and smiles warmly at Jiang Cheng. “What did you want to talk about?”
"Right, I can do that… anyway, I should tell you… I told my sister. About you. Us. This." Jiang Cheng takes a sip from his water, so he stops adding unnecessary words. "I hope that's okay? We didn't really discuss whether… and things are a little complicated right now anyway, with our families… "
Lan Xichen's eyes widen a little. He looks surprised, but not concerned. "Oh, of course. I don’t mind at all."
"Have you… have you told your brother yet?"
"Ah… Wangji knows that there is someone, but… “ Lan Xichen cocks his head, then says softly: “I understand your relationship with Wei Wuxian is somewhat tense at the moment, so… Would you want to tell your brother yourself?"
Jiang Cheng can't help the bitter laugh that escapes him. "I'm not talking to my brother at all these days."
"Oh, I didn't realise… That must be difficult, I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, it's my fault."
Right. Lan Xichen doesn't know. Once he knows, he'll probably be disappointed in him. Maybe get second thoughts after all. He really shouldn't have told his sister, it's too early, too fragile, Nie Huaisang knows too… Soon, they'll both know when Jiang Cheng gets rightfully dumped and…
Lan Xichen rests his hand warmly on top of Jiang Cheng's. His eyes and his smile are just as warm. The gesture is both a reassurance and an invitation. Jiang Cheng doesn’t have to talk about it, doesn’t have to say anything, but he could.
And he really can. He could… tell Lan Xichen anything. Show him the worst parts of himself and… Even if it changes his opinion of Jiang Cheng, he wouldn’t make him feel worse than he already does.
It's not really a conversation that can be avoided, is it? So he should just go ahead and get it over with.
“I do want to tell you… it’s just…” Jiang Cheng sighs and drags a hand over his face. “I’m not sure I can do… I’ve never… So I don’t know how I would… I might be a mess.”
Lan Xichen simply smiles, nods, and says: “Alright.”
Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Cheng is sitting on the couch, a pot of tea is on the table in front of him, and the bunnies are exploring the living room. Lan Xichen places a box of tissues on the couch table, before sitting down next to him. Jiang Cheng can’t help but laugh at that.
He’s never actually tried to put into words what happened, because Jiang Yanli knows what happened. He assumes Wei Wuxian told her, anyway, and the rest she must’ve guessed correctly because she knows them so well… And he’s been ignoring anyone else who could ask about it. So now he has to find words to give to Lan Xichen, has to tell him about how horrible Jiang Chang has been, can be, when he wants to show him anything but.
Jiang Cheng is too scared to look at him while he talks. Scared to see the very moment Lan Xichen switches from sympathy to judgment. He doesn’t want to see Lan Xichen’s eyes when they start seeing him the same way Jiang Cheng sees himself.
He tries to stick to the facts: After Jiang Yanli moved in with Jin Zixuan, they sold their family home.Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were going to get a flat closer to uni together. They found one; Jiang Cheng paid for the deposit. A week after the move, the day before their moving in party, Wei Wuxian told him he was moving in with the Wens instead to help take care of A-Yuan, since Wen Ning’s hospital stay didn’t seem to be a short one. Jiang Cheng got angry. They had a fight (Jiang Cheng barely remembers what they said) that ended with Jiang Cheng telling Wei Wuxian he’s free to leave. Specifically told him to ‘go the fuck away and stay away’. And Wei Wuxian listened. In the past year, they’ve seen each other two times: Jiang Yanli’s birthday and Jin Ling’s birthday.
Saying it out loud, hearing it out loud…
“So, in conclusion: I’m a fucking asshole. Now you know.” Jiang Cheng laughs, a bitter sound, and his fingernails dig into his palms. He still can’t look at Lan Xichen.
Lan Xichen… doesn’t say anything. But he takes his hand.
“Thank you for telling me.”
Jiang Cheng closes his eyes. Will this be followed by ‘I didn’t realise this is the kind of person you are’ or ‘You’re right, I shouldn’t be doing this with you’? He knows Lan Xichen won’t actually say either of this, but…
“Wanyin… would you look at me?”
Jiang Cheng really doesn’t want to, but… Lan Xichen said his name so carefully, so gently… He opens his eyes and turns his head.
Lan Xichen’s eyes are still kind.
Jiang Cheng’s heart draws tight, so tight it hurts. And then… it softens.
Lan Xichen smiles. This is not unusual. After all, he’s very generous with his smiles. Jiang Cheng still finds himself surprised.
“You must have been very hurt.” Lan Xichen squeezes his hand when he says this. Which is good, because Jiang Cheng can focus on that instead. On the warmth of his hand, his elegant, long fingers covering his. Instead of… How Lan Xichen picked this to focus on, after everything he said.
Did he make it sound like it was Wei Wuxian’s fault? He’s been hiding behind his anger and blame for so long, maybe that has influenced his telling of the events. Maybe Lan Xichen got the wrong idea. “I… Yes, but… that’s no excuse. He was just helping… he was doing the right thing, even if I… and it’s been so long, so I should really… I should have apologized a long time ago, I’m the one who messed it all up.”
“Are you waiting for him to make the first step?”
He can’t hear any judgment in Lan Xichen’s voice. He’s not saying ‘this is your fault, so you should be the one apologizing’. He’s simply asking about Jiang Cheng’s feelings, because he thinks they matter. Though there’s nothing simple about his feelings.
Jiang Cheng has verbalized this part many times. Has said ‘he abandoned me, he should be the one who apologises’, and variations of it, to his sister. But deep down it’s not what he actually thinks. Because Lan Xichen’s eyes are still kind, because he’s holding his hand, because there’s no judgment, because he doesn’t expect him to answer a certain way… Jiang Cheng tries to be honest.
“I think I am. He’s always… Whenever we fought, he was always the one… Well, he didn’t apologise, but he just went back to teasing me, went back to normal… He knows I just get angry, no matter what I actually feel, he used to know that… I thought it’d be the same this time. But… So, maybe he doesn’t want to make up.”
Tears burn in his eyes and he’s not sure it’s even worth the effort trying to hold them back. They’ll spill sooner or later, just like these words are spilling from his mouth, now that he’s allowing them to. He’s still looking at Lan Xichen’s hand. At both their hands, resting on Lan Xichen’s thigh. Lan Xichen’s thumb strokes the back of his hand, so Jiang Cheng continues.
“If I went to him, he would come back. He’s always… I know he would. But I don’t want to be an obligation or a burden for him. I don’t want him to feel pity for me. If he doesn’t want to… And I understand, our relationship has never been easy. We always existed in comparison to each other and I know he held himself back sometimes, to make up for my lacking… I had thought, with my parents gone it would be - which is a horrible thought - but I thought it would get easier, gentler. But I guess I’m still me. So… I understand. And if he thinks I hate him, he’ll stay away. He seems happy with his life, so…”
Jiang Cheng is crying now, can’t even be bothered by it. And there’s still more words waiting to burst out of him, finally freed after a year of living only in the darkest corners of Jiang Cheng’s heart. Lan Xichen still isn’t saying anything, just listens to everything, holds his hand, shares his warmth with Jiang Cheng, so he doesn’t feel cold while baring himself.
“I can’t help it though, I’m still… I’m still angry. Not just at myself, at him. He said we’d always be brothers, would always be together… I know it’s childish, but he shouldn’t have said it if he didn’t mean it. If he was able to just leave like that, he shouldn’t have… They were my friends, too, I could have helped! He just made his choice and left! And fine, if he’s happier that way… Fine! But then he sends me his stupid selfies, every fucking day! Who does that? Why would he… He should just stay gone, if that’s what he wants!”
He draws in a shuddering breath and sinks back against the couch. There. He’s said everything he’s been holding in. He feels… He doesn’t know what he feels. Drained? Relieved?
Though there’s one more thing, one last thought that wants to escape: “I miss him so much.”
They’re both quiet for a while. Jiang Cheng, who is avoiding Lan Xichen’s eyes again, grabs a tissue and wipes his face. He’s thinking about making a ‘funny’ comment about how the tissues did come in handy after all to break the silence, but Lan Xichen is quicker: “Can I give you a hug?”
Jiang Cheng turns to look at him and… He doesn’t know what to make of Lan Xichen’s expression, his voice. There’s understanding and sympathy, but he also looks… sad, maybe, and it feels like he’s asking to be hugged just as much as he’s asking to give a hug. Jiang Cheng nods and immediately, Lan Xichen lets go of his hand, wraps his arms around him and pulls him close. Jiang Cheng returns the hug tightly, buries his face in Lan Xichen’s hair. Tightens his hold whenever Lan Xichen does the same.
The hug is maybe one of the best he’s ever received. Lan Xichen hugs without restraint. Doesn't hold back, doesn’t feel embarrassed about wanting to hold someone. Doesn't feel embarrassed about seeking such closeness.
Jiang Cheng feels warm and safe and… liked. Even after everything he just said. So he keeps holding on to him until Lan Xichen eventually draws back. He doesn’t fully let go of Jiang Cheng, he only pulls away enough to smile down at him.
“Thank you for telling me. That can’t have been easy.”
“Uh, well, thank you for listening. And it… well, actually it ended up being too easy. Sorry, I just kinda barfed up all those words.” Oh fuck, way to ruin a moment.
However, Lan Xichen simply laughs, before he turns more serious again. “Do you want to hear my thoughts? Or do you just want to rest now?”
Oh… He is exhausted. But simply the fact Lan Xichen gives him this choice is enough to makes him want to keep talking. “I’d like to hear what you think.”
Lan Xichen turns a little, so they can look at each other more comfortably. Jiang Cheng also adjusts his position, until they’re facing each other. Lan Xichen takes Jiang Cheng’s hand again, while the other rests on Jiang Cheng’s knee.
“I don’t think you’re an asshole.”
Jiang Cheng grimaces at such an obvious lie. Lan Xichen chuckles and lifts his hand to smooth out Jiang Cheng’s frown with his fingertips. “Don’t frown, let me finish talking.”
He rolls his eyes a little, but stops frowning and nods.
“I think your anger is very understandable. Your hurt, too. It’s easy to look back at this moment and see everything that went wrong, what you could have done better. But back then you were shocked and hurt, so you lashed out. It doesn’t matter if your brother had good intentions, or did ‘the right thing’... that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be upset how it affected you.”
Lan Xichen casually wipes away a tear that escaped Jiang Cheng’s eye and continues talking.
“It seems you’ve carried around this moment since then, have thought about it every day, have regretted it every day. And every additional day you weren’t talking made what you did worse in your eyes. So with every day that goes by, trying to fix it becomes even harder. But I don’t think it’s impossible, not at all. What you told me just now… you could tell it to Wei Wuxian.”
Jiang Cheng, who had been stunned into silence by Lan Xichen’s words simultaneously piercing his heart and soothing it, adamantly shakes his head. Probably frowns again. “ Fuck no. I can’t talk with him about this… I’m not good at talking about my feelings.”
“Oh?” Lan Xichen seems to be holding back a laugh. “But you just did it. Very well, in my opinion.”
“That’s different!”
“Well… because you’re you. And Wei Wuxian and I… we never talked about the painful stuff because we knew it would end badly. And even if I would manage to talk about it without getting angry or saying hurtful things… Getting him to talk honestly about his feelings would be just as difficult.”
“Maybe he’s been thinking about this as much as you did and has his own regrets.”
Jiang Cheng's first instinct is, of course, to disagree, but… Lan Xichen has said so many things he wants to be true, has said things that felt true… “Yeah… maybe.”
“I know confronting the issue is scary. But maybe it’s more scary to think this… hm… this limbo you’re in will continue? You’re regretting, you’re missing him… but you’re also still hoping. I think so, anyway.”
“Yeah…” Jiang Cheng rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah… maybe… “
Lan Xichen looks at him fondly, eyes crinkling. He caresses his cheek again, wiping a few more tears in the process. Jiang Cheng would like to hug him again, would like to kiss him, to bury himself in his warmth. But he realises he really needs to blow his nose, so he does that instead of any of those much nicer things. “Ugh… sorry. Somehow I always end up crying all over you.”
“Ah, last time it was my turn, now you again… it can be our thing.”
Jiang Cheng gives him an incredulous look and they both laugh. “No thank you, that sounds exhausting. I’m sure we can think of something less emotionally draining.”
Lan Xichen hums, clearly amused and presses a kiss to the back of Jiang Cheng’s hand. “True, that would definitely be preferable. But… just for the record… I do not mind. Thank you for trusting me with this. I know how difficult it is to show someone… the parts of yourself you’re ashamed of. It’s something I’m still struggling with. ...As you know.”
Lan Xichen seems embarrassed, which Jiang Cheng cannot accept, so he lifts their hands and presses a kiss to Lan Xichen’s hand this time. “I do trust you. And I… you’re much better at all of this, of course, but you can trust me too, with stuff like that. I’ll try to be… you know... Uhm, anyway, I think I do feel catharsis now! So maybe that’s just our thing, haha.”
“Mhm, definitely sounds better than emotional devastation. Though I suppose they often are closely linked.”
They share another smile, and Jiang Cheng once again thinks how much he’d like to kiss him. But once again, he doesn’t. He suddenly becomes painfully aware of the dried tears on his cheeks, so he excuses himself to go wash his face. He returns to Lan Xichen sitting on the floor between the bunnies and joins him.
This time, Cloud doesn’t pee on him. Lan Xichen still drives him home later and they kiss in the car.
There’s an underlying tenderness every time Lan Xichen touches him. Jiang Cheng only hopes his own touch feels the same. But this kiss… It’s really… They’ve been good at kissing from the start. But this time…It leaves him breathless.
It’s a kiss like their hug earlier. Without embarrassment. Without the need to hold back or hide any feelings. Even though Lan Xichen would have every reason to be cautious.
Once they’ve caught their breath, Lan Xichen invites him over for Thursday afternoon. No massage this time. Just a walk, then tea and cake at his apartment after. Jiang Cheng agrees, obviously. Even if he had class or something, he’d probably still agree. After a kiss like that…
Later, he finds himself in bed with a notebook. It’s a present Wei Wuxian got him - made for him - for his 18th birthday. It has Jiang Cheng’s poems, in beautiful calligraphy… and with illustrations by Wei Wuxian. He even drew a dog for him.
Wei Wuxian… probably misses him, too.
Maybe they can be better brothers after all this. Maybe Jiang Cheng can be a better brother.
The thought of contacting him is still terrifying. But… it feels like the terror becomes smaller.
So, maybe soon…
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hello !!! Can I have Arthur x reader? Reader has been so caught up in her work that they forget to eat. They get extremely lightheaded and stumble a little. Arthur steadies them and he is worried when he finds out they forgot to eat. While he is making food they faint and land (luckily) on the couch. When he's done, he comes back , at first he thinks that they're just laying down but he kinda freaks out when he realizes that reader is unconscious. ( I forget to eat sometimes) THANK YOU🥺💚
Thank you for so much for your request @theichabbieclub !!! :)
I wrote you this piece and I hope you`ll like it !!! :)
Coming home from work was one of the best parts of the day for you. Especially since you moved into Arthurs apartment with him. Apartment 8J was not just a place to live. It was home to you. You have only been here for a couple of months now, but it felt like there was no life before Arthur. Sometimes you forgot what life felt like before his arms around you, before the unconditional love he felt for you. All those years before him didnt made sense. But sometimes things just don`t make sense until they do. He was your reason to get up in the morning. The reason why you always had a song on your mind. Every song you listened to seemed to be about him. Every poem you read reminded you of the love you shared. Arthur was everything you wanted and more. Even the simple act of turning the keys and openening the doorlock to get back home to him felt special. Sometimes you got so caught up in work, it felt like working was stealing your time. Knowing  Arthur would be home, waiting for you to lie down on the couch and relax with him helped you to get through the day. You kept a polaroid photo of the first day you met in your purse and looked at it, everytime it got stressful at your working place. The photo was all shaky because Arthur was really shy to get his photo taken. He was convinced that his hair didnt looked good enough so he tried to steal the camera from you. He loved being childish and playful at times. That was when the picture was taken and you loved the pure and honest engery to it. It was so him. You stumbled through the door and threw the keys beside. A headache started to set in and made you feel a little weak in the knees. You were thankful that the building had an elevator. Climbing up some stairs would have been a chore on days like these. "Artie, I am home". Arthur was sitting on the couch, writing in his journal as an old tape of the Murray Franklin show was playing. He immediately stood up to welcome you in his arms. You loved his sloppy kisses upon yor forehead. It was something he did a lot when you came home and you thought it was an adorable thing to do. What an loving and caring boyfriend he was. Always so thankful to have you on his side. You rubbed your own dimples "You`ve been writing?" Arthur pointed at his journaly "Yeah, I was making some notes about Murrays behaviour and his timing. I can learn a lot from him. And I wrote two or threee jokes. I have to figure out the punshline of the last one though." You nodded. Your vision seemed to blurr a bit. "Y/N? are you okay? You seem like you don`t feel so good? " Now that you were home it seemed like all the stress from work was falling off you. But you felt so incredibly weak. It was the kind of tiredness that got to your bones. "I´m okay. Just a little....dizzy" you covered your face with your hand and closed your eyes, hoping the dizzyness would go away as soon as you´ll open them again. "Oh baby, I dont don`t think so. I`m kinda worried. Is there anything I can do ?" you felt his hands stroking up and down your arm, but you weren`t even sure if this was really happening right now. Everything became a blurr, even the sensation of being touched. "Arthur....I....I dont....know....I´m not sure" you walked up to the bathroom "I`ll be back in a minute. You stumbled over your feet and almost landed on the floor. Thank god Arthur was there to make you steady. Everything about your condition seemed familar to him. Being lightheaded, stumbling, feeling dizzy and weak. He was struggeling with this a lot when he wasnt eating due to his medication. He supported you to stand up straight. "Did anything happen to you today Y/N? ? I mean, something is causing your condition. Are you in pain or something?" his hand caressed your back in small circles, which felt so good. His hands always managed to make you feel better. No matter how stressed or drained you felt. His hands gave you hope and life. The gentlesses of his touch was the most wonderful comfort you could have ever imagined. "I`m not sure...it`s hard to concentrate right now...is all so blurry" you mumbled into his hair as you hugged him. All you needed was him right now. His arms around you. To be steady. He would be there if you were about to fall. Your anchor. Arthur pettet the back of your head "Ummm...honey, I now how it feels. I feel like that when I`m unable to eat because of my meds. You gotta rest a bit. " Now that Arthur mentioned this, it came to your mind. You `ve been so cought up in work that you totally forgot to eat! His arms still held you tight, so your knees wouldnt give in. Arthur could feel the weakness of your body through his embrace. Usually he was the one who must have been held and supported. You couldnt even remember how many times you had to pick him up from the floor. Now he was there for you. And thats how you knew that no matter what, you would always still have each other. No matter what kinda storm was closing in. You and Arthur would face it togeteher. Hand in hand. Arthur loosened the embrace to be able to face you "What? Oh no Y/N. Thaat doesnt sound good. I`m familar with that. It can make you weak up until a point where you get very lightheaded. I dont want this to happen to you. You gotta eat something! I´ll be in the kitchen and make you some food. I´ll be right back, okay?" You nodded thankfully. "Yeah. Thank you,darling". He stroke your cheek "Can you stand?" "Yes Arthur. I guess I feel a bit better now compared to when I just got through the door". "Thats good. I`ll hurry up to get you something. You can take my journal and check out the last three pages if you want. Let me know what you think of my lastes jokes". Arthur smiled the sweetest smile when he got to the kitchen. You saw him standing there, making some sandwiches while you picked up his diary. There was no wall between the kitchen and the  living room, so you were able to watch him making you food. You loved him so much. He had a worried look upon his face but he was humming. It was something that calmed him down when he was nervous. He cared so much about you. Arthur glanced at you. You could tell from the look in his eyes that he was madly in love with you. You tried to read the latest stuff written in his diary but the letters became all blurry... Rubbing your eyes wouldnt help. It was impossible to concentrate on what has been written on the pages. You tried anyway "One clown says to another `Hey you know whats funnay?` ....." Your vision started to fade and you took a look around to the kitchen to check if Arthur is done making food, before everything blacked out. ... Arthur decorated the last sandwich with a little heart he cut out of a pickle. It was the little things. He loved to decorate your food to make it look a little bit more special and to make you feel loved. Cutting out little hearts of vegetables was one of his fave things to do. Showing you attention made him happy. He waited for someone who loved him back all his life and now that he finally had you, he wanted to make sure to make you feel loved every second you spent with each other. Sometimes you gave him so much love that he felt like it was hard to keep up with. He held all these feelings inside of him and tried his best to let them show. Some days it was a little harder for him to put them into words than others. So he was always thinking of a way to proof his love to you. "Y/N? Do you want tea, coffe or a hot chocloate?" he asked you, while he opened the cupboard. No answer "Baby?". Arthur looked over to the couch. It seemed like you fell asleep. For a moment he asked himself if it would be better to let you rest. But then again he really thought you should eat something. So he walked up to you and put the plate with the self made sandwhiches on the table. His hand caressed your cheek but you didnt felt it. " I`ve made you yor fave sandwiches. Wake up, my love." Arthur looked at you with concern "Y/N? " He realized that you lost your consciousness and -thank god- landed on the couch. "Oh no,no,no, Y/N....wake up, please". He touched your face with his shaking hand. Arthur. He felt overwhelmed by the situaton and started to sweat within seconds, running his hand through his hair.  "You gotta... wake up. Can you....can you hear me?" You looked like you had a fever dream but still no reaction. Arthurs eyes wandered to the phone. Should he call a doctor? He would, if you wouldnt wake up within the next two minutes.   He got up from the couch and walked up and down the room. What now? He never was in a sitiation like this before. Usually he was the one fainting or seeking help. He felt like he wasnt very good in what he was doing right now.  "Arthur. Think. Try to think for gods sake. She needs you now. Y/N needs you now. " he talked to himself, getting more nervous with every second that past. There was no time to waste. He had to wake you up now. He couldnt handle seeing you like this. The love of his life lying fainted on the couch. So powerless. He sat down beside you and kept talking to you, while his leg started to bounce. Something he had to deal with everytime he got nerveaous. And this time it was bad. He felt like his whole body was shaking from his bouncy leg. Arthur pressed his left hand against his  upper thigh. "Y/N....I`m right here. Can you hear me? Please answer me or give me a sign if you can hear me?! Otherwise I will call a doctor...please". Arthr felt a laugh crawling up his throath. Not now.  He coughed it away. Trying to keep it down. He felt his eyes watering. His heart was racing in his chest. Arthur flet close to a panic attack. He knew this. He felt it before. But never because of someone he loved as much as he loved you. This fear was worse. If anything every happened to you..... This was too much. But he had to stay calm for you. He was the only one who could help you right now. And he would. Arthur took your face between his hands "Baby?" You finally moved. A quiet mumble escaped your dry lips. Arthurs face lighted up. "Oh thank god" he whispered to himself. "Arthur?" "Yes Y/N....can you hear me now?" "Yeah....what....happened?" "You fainted and landed on the couch. I first thouht you fell alseep but you were unconciousness and couldnt hear me. Arthur would tell you that he was close to a panik attack. He wanted you to feel as save as possible. "Oh...Now I remember I was feeling dizzy when I got home.." your hand reached for his. "Right. You said you fotgot to eat. So I made you some sandwhiches and when I got bck from the kitchen thats how I found you. I got so worried...." "I`m so sorry I scared you, Artie. This happened to me before. Sometimes I just forget to eat and thats the result. I never wanted you to deal with this. Sorry, darling". He handed you the plate "Please eat something, okay? Your body needs it. No one knows that better than I do. Remember when I stopped eating for days because my meds made me feel sick everytime I took a bite? I couldnt even leave the bed anymore. Don`t do this to yourself. We need to stay strong for each other. And later I will try to eat something,too. Okay?" You nodded thankfully  and took a bite from the sandwhich "Mhh....self made?" "Of course! They will make you feel better soon" he smiled. "Ohhh Artthur. There is a little pickle heart! You`re always so thoughtful. Now that I know that you made it with so much love it tastes even better." Arthur placed the plate with the rest of the food in his lab and put his arm around you. "I`m glad to hear that Y/N." Arthur watched you eating and felt his muscles relax again. His leg was calm. Arthur took the last sandwhich in his hand and let you take a bite after another. "I´m feeling better now. Thank you so much, Arthur. For taking care of me." Your hand played with one of his brown curls. "Don`t thank me for that. Thats what im here for. Loving you. Taking care of you.  Just the way you do take care of me. And I know I am no easy patient to handle" . There was so much love in Arthurs eyes. "So what do you think of my new jokes?" " I wanted read them but I guess that was  the moment  I fainted". "Oh....I see. How about we cuddle up in bed after you finshed the sandwhich, I´ll make you a hot chocolate and read you my latest jokes? I guess you need some good laughs now?!"
You took the last bite of the sandwhich before you placed a soft kiss upon his lips "That sounds wonderful, Arthur. Your jokes are the best medicine anyway."
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dopposhusband · 4 years
I know I say it all the time, but I wanted to tell you directly for once: I think the stuff you write is genuinely great! Whether it be a few headcanons, a fic or a description of one of your AUs, I really love them! They're well written and always interesting to read, so thank you for posting your stuff! I'll always be looking forward to more! Once again, I have another question about your boys! Do you have some friendship HCs? Either between them or in general? ^^
@yokairu​ Youre the absolute sweetest!! It means the world to read that, I owe you so much, thank you! I wrote a whole thing about Doppo having friends once at three in the morning and its been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks so I thought the ideas I had there would be interesting here! I also put a lil hc what I think being friends with them would be like too!
Doppo doesn’t really have any friends outside of Jakurai and Hifumi which is a huge shame because I think he could get along with everyone! He really deserves more people to care about him!
💼 Dice inviting Doppo to try a more adventurist life for a night, have the two go gambling and drinking together. I just want Doppo to be able to loosen up and have some fun and I also want Dice to understand just how much of Doppos apology loops come from such an abusive work life. They’re complete opposites and they could learn something from each other!!!
💼 Doppo being a big brother figure for Ichiro, Doppo is literally the walking definition of exhaustion and having to take care of two baby brothers must’ve been tough on Ichiro. So Doppo can understand having to hide more negative emotions from his years hiding them from co-workers, managers, customers, and maybe even his own younger brother. Doppo might not be able to help carry the burden Ichiro has but let him give him like a nice lil head pat, tell him hes doing a great job!!!
💼 Also speaking of buster bros, Jiro and Saburo??? Like imagine Doppo teaching Saburo how to use Microsoft Excel!! Jiro catching Doppo on his lunch break and begging him to buy him lunch too, then Doppo complaining about how much his job sucks and Jiro giving him some of the worst career advice ever.
💼 Rio teaching him how to make all kinds of drinks and foods he can eat to relieve his stress and tension. Just Doppo out in the woods to clear his mind from the bustle of the city, taking in fresh air and just relaxing. Having someone like Rio who isn’t too talkative but is always willing to let him vent then after hes let it all out he can just lie back and look at the stars!!
💼 Even though Ramuda and Matenrou are on very tense terms but having him make clothes for Doppo. It could just be something small like a nicely designed tie but it’d be enough because itd liven him up knowing that this is something no one else in the world has!! And just having him model for Ramuda at all, it would be such a good boost to his self esteem and hed get to wear all kinds of pretty outfits!!
💼 DOPPO BOOK CLUB!!! DOPPO BOOK CLUB!!! On Doppos days off he host a book club with Gentaro and Rosho! They all talk about books they’ve read, Doppo usually only talks about chapters rather than full books because he rarely has time to read. Gentaro constantly lying about the ending of a book to goof on Rosho and Doppo but always feeling a little bad when Doppo takes it seriously and gets all bummed that it was taking him too long to finish.
💼 Sasara the funny clown man trying his damnedest to make Doppo laugh at one of his jokes!! The salaryman is sad too much he deserves a good laugh too and sometimes Sasaras funny so its perfect!!
👔 Being friends with Doppo changes the longer you know him, at first he’ll be very nervous and overly considerate, but after a long while he’ll eventually relax. He worries a lot about being a burden or about you thinking being friends with him is an obligation so you’ll have to be the one to initiate conversation with him at the beginning. Once he feels confidant that you really care about him then comes the second hurdle of him feeling terrible about never having any time. Time is an issue for Doppo but he tries his hardest to always answer whatever texts you send him and he always extends an invitation to you whenever he can! Slowly, he’ll also be more open about his emotions, not like he isn’t already but he’ll be less worried about expressing them. He’ll be less indecisive on vocalizing his annoyance if you do something that bothers him or if you’re doing something stupid alongside Hifumi. He’ll still be apologetic but less so when it comes to him keeping his ground because you guys are close enough for him not to worry about bending over backwards. Its all a long process but if you do make it to the end you have a very loving friend who is just glad to have you around!
Ichiro needs more people to hang out with, people he can de-stress with when he’s away from his brothers. MC BIG BRO DESERVES A BREAK!
🎧 I know I ship with IchiDice but the two would make great boyfriends and regular friends! Ichiro tends to avoid things that he’s too young so he can’t go gambling instead he gets Dice addicted to a gatcha games. Dice isnt huge on the anime stuff but he sure loves hitting those SSRs! The two are always talking about their pulls, bragging about the good and complaining about the bad almost 24/7. On the other side though when a day gets too stressful Dice is more than okay to listen to Ichiro vent a little, although it is rare and its not like Dice gives good advice but its nice to have an outlet. In return Ichiro always lets Dice crash at his place whenever he hits a massive losing streak.
🎧 Ramuda constantly complains about Ichiro and his brothers clothes so he has an excuse to make them new ones. He also loves texting Ichiro just to chat, always using stickers and litters his texts with emoticons.  。.:☆*:・'(*⌒―⌒*))) °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) ヽ( ̄ω ̄(。。 )ゝ
🎧 Okay, now hear me out, Rio and Ichiro. It’s the strangest combination but Rio is just such a sweetheart, after the DRB he came over to the Yamada household to check up on them and bring them food. After a little while of gaining his trust Ichiro would slowly warm up to him, I mean he helped with chores and cooked for them. (Even tho the food is a little suspicious being made literally anything) It must be hard to take care of two kids when you’re still a kid too so Rio wants to try and help a little.
🎧 I think there isn’t enough of a focus on him being on good terms with Jakurai and the two being friends. Like Rio, Jakurai worries about Ichiro and how much of his childhood was taken away from him so whenever the two are together he tries to take up the responsibility of paying or driving so he can relax. He takes him and his brothers out fishing occasionally, how much they catch depends on how much Jiro and Saburo argue though.
🔴 Ichiro is an absolutely amazing friend to have! Although his brotherly instincts can make him a little overbearing sometimes, always inviting you over for dinner or reprimanding you if you do something a bit more reckless. He loves involving people in his interests so if you even hint about anime or hip hop he’s on you in a second to drop everything he knows about the subjects, he has whole list of series, artists, and light novels he can’t wait to share! Of course he loves to hear about whatever you’re interested in at the time too and tries to get into it too! Day offs or slow days are anime days so be prepared to get hit with a spam of messages from Ichiro to watch that anime he kept talking about!
Dice travels literally all over the place, he deserves to know pretty much everyone, honestly.
🎲 Jiro and him are some rowdy boys, they get into all kinds of trouble! Whenever Jiro goes tagging sometimes Dice will tag along if he’s too broke to be gambling. If Jiro has any extra cash on him he’ll take Dice to get something cheap to eat since he can’t have him starving himself. Honestly, Dice is like having another older brother except he’s more embarrassing than Ichiro could ever dream to be.
🎲 He usually ends up seeing Samatoki at some of the casinos around Yokohama and like the true idiot he immediately begs for money, not the smartest thing to do to a yakuza but this is Dice. After being yelled a firm no, he’ll usually bum a smoke off him and the two will chat for a little. Sometimes if Samatoki is feeling friendly he’ll tell Dice about any gambling rings happening and if hes being even friendlier he’ll warn him about the dangers too.
🎲 Jyuto and him have run into each other a couple times although it was mainly him having to be escorted off private property. Every time Jyuto gets a call about about someone trespassing he gets so exhausted the moment he shows up and its just Dice again. After being pretend arrested Dice always ends up begging Jyuto to drive him to Rios camp.
🎲 Hifumi has found Dice in the alleyways he takes to the train station, the two usually chat on the way back to his apartment because Dice can’t say no to Hifumi’s cooking. After eating everything Hifumi would make him he’d usually either beg for gambling money or just enough to get back home. Although, on winning days he’ll visit the club, request Hifumi and a champagne call as thanks for feeding him with an extra bonus of downing a whole bottle of champagne. 
🎰 Congratulations you have gotten your very own stray cat! Dice is constantly coming and going so don’t be surprised to wake up and find him sleeping on your doorstep or couch if you gave him a key. He’ll be looking to you for food and the occasional pity 10,000 bills because he swears THE NEXT ONE IS THE WIN PLEASE. You never have to worry about telling him no though, his ability to go from groveling to standing on his feet to just chat is at a record speed. He usually spends his time gambling but if you can’t then he’s more than fine just talking a walk through the town pointing out places where he won or places he lost everything and had to hide while he waited for Gentaro. Past all the begging he’s a funky boy here for a good time and when he hits that 777 you are definitely one of the first people he goes to when its time to celebrate! 
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looye29 · 2 years
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