#every lesbian I know has an archnemesis
The loyal pin just revealed to me a dynamic I love and want to see more : sassy lesbian has beef with a man who doesn't even know she exists
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The Intervention, or, "How to stop being a useless lesbian in 5 easy steps"
Inspired loosely by this post by @vexic929. Starring Vexic's OCs Eoland and Berrie Thawne, and my OC, Siv Thawne.
"I think you know why we've invited you here."
Eoland frowned. Her doppelgangers' brats had dragged her to an empty university lecture hall, where a projector showed the first slide of a powerpoint, which had a picture of an animated man with a massive head and blue skin, reading "No Bitches?" on it, and text framing the image- "How to stop being a useless lesbian in 5 easy steps".
"It was high time someone staged an intervention for you." The older of the brats said, not once looking up from her phone. "You're a little too far off the deep end. And that's coming from me."
"They're right, you know." The younger brat, a child with shoulder length auburn hair and bright, wide eyes that just reeked of childhood innocence, finished hooking up the laptop to the projector.
"You need help, m'dude, or else you're going to be bitch-less for the rest of your life." The older brat poked Eoland in the chest. "Do you want to have No Bitches-itis for the rest of your life?"
"I don't need 'bitches'. I have an archnemesis." Eoland replied. "Now get your hands off me before I remove them for you, insufferable brat."
"Excuse me?" The older brat snorted. "What did you just call me? I only respond to 'Siv', 'Sivonne', or 'Hot Shit'."
"I'm not calling you 'Hot Shit'." Eoland glared down at Siv, who just looked up at her with an eyebrow raised, unamused.
"Also, if you so much as lay a finger on me, you're going to find out why you don't mess with the 5'2 lesbian with daddy issues that flow like the mighty Mississippi."
"Chihuahua energy." The younger brat, Berrie, added. "Welcome to your intervention- How to stop being a useless lesbian in 5 easy steps. Step one- acknowledge you're a lesbian."
"We're using 'lesbian' as an umbrella term here because we couldn't figure out how to make "Acknowledge that you are a sapphic" as catchy." Siv shrugged. "So just replace that with 'bi', 'pan', 'ace', et cetera, as you see fit."
"With this step, you acknowledge your attraction, and you acknowledge that it's the driving force behind your 'useless lesbian' activities, such as bursting into tears or stuttering at the sight of a pretty girl, forgetting how to 'people' when a girl looks at you, or, in your case, getting obsessed with a girl to the point that you don't have a life outside of her." Berrie read off the slide.
"I'm... not a lesbian." Eoland said.
"Bitch, please." Siv snorted. "There's one thing every variant of you has in common- you're gayer than a box of Froot Loops."
"Having an archnemesis is pretty gay." Berrie added. "I mean, the sexual tension..."
"How do you even know that phrase? You're like, eight." Siv crossed her arms.
"I'm fifteen, or did you forget how to count?" Berrie replied.
Eoland took the brief moment of bickering between the two teens as an excuse to escape. She had made it to the door, when she discovered that it was locked, and when she attempted to phase through it, a spray of glitter hit her in the face.
"To be fair, that was his idea." Siv pointed at Berrie. "Just... admit that you're gay for Barbara and we can continue with this, and you can go back to whatever dark cave you call home."
Eoland frowned. "Fine. If that's what you brats want to believe, then sure."
Berrie continued with the presentation, reading off the next slide. "Step two: Talk to girls. This step can be the hardest, since one is usually far too flustered to actually get the words out. Also, you can really build your relationship with the object of your affection, and maybe in time, your feelings will be mutual."
Eoland rolled her eyes. What her and Barbara had was more than love, though her nemesis didn't know it yet. These children had no idea what they were talking about.
"Step three: Be normal." Berrie emphasized the word 'normal'. "Girls won't want to talk to someone who they think is a weirdo, so try to be as normal as possible. There's nothing wrong with being quirky, but try to stay out of 'creep-o pervert' territory."
"This one's really important for you." Siv said. "Since, you know, you don't have a chill bone in your body."
"That's rich, coming from you." Berrie said.
"Jesus Fucking Christ-"
"As the older sibling-"
"Oh, dear god can you please shut up about that? You're not even allowed out after 11pm by yourself yet."
This was going to be a long night.
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Nina's Story TV Tropes
Had some fun putting together a list of Tropes that might be found in Nina and Bruno's storyline.
Because why not. XD
A Mistake Is Born: A character is unwanted by their family or the character is unplanned.
Relative Ridicule: Making fun of someone's family members, or mocking them for whom they are related to.
Give the Baby a Father: A woman is pregnant and a man who's not the father proposes to her to protect her honor in a society that frowns on sex/conception outside of marriage. (Nina's "step"father steps up)
Bespectacled Cutie: A sweet bespectacled character that's adorable because of their glasses.
Blind Without 'Em: A character who wears glasses can't see a thing without them on.
Glasses Are Sexy: (more accurately, The Glasses Stay On)
Animal Lover
Beautiful Singing Voice: A character is acknowledged in-universe as having a great singing voice.
Friendship Trinket: (Necklace of a piece of vision tablet from Bruno, she wears every day after her quinces, even before realizing her feelings are romantic)
Accidental Hand-Hold: Moment where two characters end up locking hands with each other when they reach for the same item.
Age-Gap Romance: Romance where one partner is notably older or younger than the other.
Anchored Ship: A potential romantic pairing that's been put on hold.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl: attractive, energetic, high on life, full of wacky quirks and idiosyncrasies (generally including childlike playfulness). Obsessed with our hero, on whom she will focus her kuh-razy antics until he learns to live freely and love madly.
Rebellious Spirit: A character who doesn't abide by the rules.
Black Sheep
Small Town, Big Hell: has its own drama since everyone knows each other, and so when something happens (usually something bad), the whole town gets the news and everyone takes sides
There Are No Therapists
Oblivious to Love: (Bruno is oblivious to the fact that she's in love with him)
The Chaste Hero: (Her future partner, Bruno, really)
Will They or Won't They?
Animal Motif/Animal Metaphor: (Fireflies, additionally sometimes goats)(in love with someone with many rats)
Color Motif: (Green to match love interest, represents strangeness, down-to-earth nature, connection to main animal motif)
Motif Merger: (Both wear green, hourglasses and infinity symbols look similar, though represent seemingly opposite things, till you turn it on its side.)
Symbol Motif Clothing: (Infinity symbols and fireflies) (Bruno wears hourglasses)
Leitmotif: (If she had one, it'd be pan pipes with spanish guitar)
Single Woman Seeks Good Man
She Is All Grown Up
Secret Relationship
Happily Married: (eventually)
If It's You, It's Okay: A lover who defies usual gender preferences.
Outdoorsy Gal: A girl who would rather play outside than inside.
Tomboy with a Girly Streak: A tomboy with possibly a girly interest or two.
Single-Target Sexuality: (Bruno is demisexual)
Cute Bruiser: Cute, young/youthful-appearing character (often female) capable of kicking ass and taking a hit.
Dude, She's A Lesbian: A person is informed that the person he is hitting on is gay. (While Nina's actually Bi, she is more promiscuous with women in her youth, leading her love interest to believe she is lesbian)
Archnemesis Dad: (Birth father is a terrible person, and eventually finds the crack in the mountain, returning and meeting his daughter.)
I Am Not My Father
Cool Aunt: (Becomes the cool aunt with no kids of her own)
Family Business: (Family owns/runs a farm)
Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: I've got a very specific phobia that I'm too scared to even talk about! (Water, she will not swim)
Not Wanting Kids Is Weird: (Ridiculed for inability to/disinterest in having children)
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