#every interesting thing i noticed here: in the good ending Saeyoung tells MC to call him by his real name and no longer by Luciel or 707
killjoy-prince · 3 months
I beat Saeyoung's route, now I'm on the secret ending and guess who arrived!
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The woman of the hour!!
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
I'm that anon with the cutting request. It's ok that you don't want to write it I understand that like you said it's a really sensitiv topic😊 Can I have a Headcanon with the RFA+Minor Duo who play Shooter Games like Borderlands, Bioshock or Games like that together with MC who loves this kind of Games and is really good at it insted?
RFA + Minor Duo with a Mc who likes and plays shooting games and is good at them 
Okay babe! Here you are! Sry for the long wait, I also had to watch some videos on YouTuber since I’m not a gamer, lol! I hope you enjoy it!
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,,Oh oh oh oh oh!’’ you suddenly cursed as loud noises were heard.
Jumin Han just came home and rushed into the living room where he heard your voice.
He was a bit scared of what he would find there. There were loud noises, but all he found was you playing a game.
It was winter apparently, and you seemed to run.
,,Are those little dragons?’’ he suddenly asked you, making you shriek and look up at him.
,,Oh dear, Jumin, you scared me!’’ you giggled and kissed him.
,,Welcome home, husband. I’m sorry that I didn’t welcome you,’’ you told him and hugged him.
The game was on pause and somehow Jumin wanted to know what you were doing.
And so, just a few minutes later the both of you sat in front of the device while you began to explain what the game was about.
,,Like, basically you fight against different enemies and gather different things until you get a key to open the -’’ suddenly you stopped.
,,Actually no, let’s just play. I don’t want to spoil it for you,’’ you laughed and made him play.
At first it was pretty hard for your husband, but you also got to laugh a lot, making him grin too.
,,Woah, I never thought that we wouldn’t win something, but we have to play the second game to see what we really are fighting for. That’s a good marketing technique…’’ he mumbled.
You nodded.
,,It is and I think that they were also pretty good at it,’’ you nodded and showed him all the games you owned.
,,Let’s have a game night, Jumin!’’ you tapped him and began to play once again.
,,You’re a gamer?’’ Zen asked you when you begged him to enter GameStop.
You nodded and looked at their latest games.
,,I love shooting games and I’m good at them. I know everything, Borderlands, Bioshock, Call of Duty. Hell, there are so many games!’’ you laughed and looked at him.
,,I don’t believe you. How can a girl be good at such violent games?’’ Zen asked you, making you fired up.
The both of you spend the whole night playing together and really - you were always the winner.
You even showed him some new tricks and taught him how to play different games.
,,Oh babe, I never thought that you could be so good at them. I mean, I’m baffled!’’ he laughed as he looked at the ranks.
You nodded and clapped on your shoulders, turning off the TV and kissing Zen.
With your hands you signed a gun.
,,Hands up and promise me that we will play every weekend so that you can become better or you’ll embarrass me when I make you meet my friends!’’ you laughed and kissed Zen, who was now  kind of scared of your environment.
,,What is my husband doing?’’ you asked him as you looked over his shoulder, seeing that he was playing LOLOL.
,,Mhh… you still play it?’’ you asked him and got a nod.
,,I need to teach you one day. It’s such an amazing game!’’ he happily told you, making you shake your head.
,,Everyone has a different taste but,’’ you began ,,I know games which make you fall in their abyss even more than LOLOL,’’
Well, this was something that your husband just couldn’t believe and so the both of you made a bet and began to play all the games you knew.
However, you won and ended up playing three hours with him in some shooting games.
You were pretty good at them and Yoosung wondered what you were doing all your life.
,,I think I know now why you always defended me and supported me,’’ he began as he paused the game to brew you some coffee and take out some Honey Buddha Chips you stole from Seven.
,,Yeah, because we’re the same. You don’t wanna know how many lessons I missed,’’ you laughed and began to explain to him how to play Devil May Cry, turning on your PS4 and grinning like crazy at him.
,,Oh, I don’t think that these kinds of games are my taste,’’ Jaehee honestly told you.
The young brown haired woman was still hesitant and looked at the console as you tried to pressure her into playing.
,,Killzone: Shadow Fall, old but gold,’’ you told Jaehee, wetting your lips as you put the DVD into the device.
,,Shouldn’t we watch Zen’s DVD instead?’’ she asked you.
,,Shooting games really aren’t something for me. I don't like the violence in there,’’ she told you.
You nodded and then made a good deal.
,,Let’s play one round. If you hate it so much, we will watch two DVDs, but f you like the first round, we’ll play a second one and watch only one DVD, okay?’’ you asked her.
Indeed, Jaehee found it rather interesting.
Yes, there was a lot of blood and it seemed a bit...odd, but she did want to play a second round.
The two of you, however, didn’t stop at the second round, but instead spent more hours playing the game.
You were so good at it that Jaehee just couldn’t stop observing you.
And besides, her fingertips were itching to play too, and so you spent way more time than you actually planned in front of the TV.
,,OH MY GOSH!’’ you suddenly whined.
,,Mh?’’ Saeyoung asked you as he worriedly looked at you.
,,I can’t play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive anymore!’’ you whined louder.
,,I always knew that you weren’t an innocent lady like everyone said,’’ your fiancé chuckled and began to type something on the computer.
Half an hour later, he finally told you that you could play again.
,,You really hacked the server?’’ you asked him. However, before he could even answer, you were already deep in your game, not looking to him anymore and instead shooting down your enemies.
,,Holy cow, babe, I’m scared of you…’’ he laughed when he saw how good you actually were.
You happily grinned since you thought that Saeyoung was joking, but the truth was that you were really amazing.
,,Your opinion on Destiny 2?’’ he suddenly asked you.
,,Mhhh…’’ you mumbled and shook your head.
,,So many problems. They didn’t reset the trials and now we have Loot-Problems,’’ you sighed.
Saeyoung nodded as he followed you.
,,So my 606 is a gamer. I like you even more now,’’ he laughed and kissed you.
Afterwards, he played with you and noticed that you were much better than you seemed.
Your boyfriend looked away as you shot down another enemy.
,,I don’t like it,’’ he whispered and made you look at him.
,,I’m sorry, Saeran,’’ you apologetically smiled.
You felt guilty since you really loved shooting games.
However, over the years, Saeran got used to the games you played, to the noises of the guns, screams from characters, and to the sounds of the characters walking through the forest.
And at some point, he even tried to play it too.
However, even though you were a really good player, you were pretty bad at explaining.
But at least it was always pretty easy to decide on a present for you.
Weekends like these were always the best.
The two of you on the couch, the console in your hands, and you guys playing together to shoot down enemies.
,,We’re a dream team!’’ you laughed and kissed him.
,,We will always be,’’ he nodded and kept shooting down another figure.  
Since Jihyun’s eyesight wasn’t the best yet, you tried to hold back.
But there weren't many times when the both of you could play.
Even though you were a big fan of violent and loud shooting games, you were still a mother.
And so you wanted to protect your daughter Lucy.
But you still played a lot and you were still the best between the both of you.
,,Hahaha, you still can’t achieve that level,’’ you teased him.
You still remembered when you first confessed that you liked to play these kinds of games.
Jihyun didn’t really like it since there was a lot of violence and triggers.
But by now he noticed that as long the both of you kept playing with limits, playing was okay.
And he actually enjoyed going to conventions with you and Yoosung, shooting pictures of all the new contacts you guys made and then returning home.
25.03.2020// 22:10 MEST
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mysticsituations · 6 years
Hello, this is a bit high school romance cliche, hope you dont mind ^^ some girls (who kinda idolize/admire RFA&Saeran&V) call MC out to threaten her to stay away from them cos MC doesn't deserve them etc. MC refuses and these mean girls are about to bully/hit her. Luckily RFA&Saeran&V is nearby and heard everything. What will they do? Thank you.
(Anon) Hi, can you please write about when there is another girl that keep flirting with RFA+V+Saeran even when they are already a couple with MC so MC feels a bit jealous and sad. How will they react? Thanks a lot.
hohoho so like some of these will be like bully as in say mean shit, but not really like hit her. The scenarios I came up with never really ended that way- sorry!
-It was the internet cafe waitress DUN DUN DUN!
-Yoosung is so nice and tips so well, she was into it.
-  one day you come in to pick him up from the internet cafe and you stay for a few minutes to watch him play.
-Thats when the waitress comes up. She’s like, all over him? despite the fact that you are right there???
-You even start flirting with Yoosung on top of her, and she doesn’t back down. Yoosung doesn’t seem to notice either, and that kinda pisses you off.
-You go to the bathroom and the waitress intercepts you.
- “Hello, MC.”
-”O-Oh! Hey… You. You have been very… attentive…  today. Do you need something?”
-”Yes, I need you to leave Yoosung.”
- you are like ?!!??!?! Excuse me bitch
- “You see, Yoosung isn’t like a lot of the boys here. He never yells out horrible things or is violent with the equipment. His smile is bright and he tips well. He deserves a good girl to appreciate him.”
- You puff your chest out and plant your hands on your hips (God you’re cute) and try to be intimidating You are not.
-”I will not be leaving Yoosung just so you can have him.”
- “Then it looks like we will have a problem.” She says with a sadistic smile and honestly you are scared for a second?
-Suddenly Yoosung comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you.
- “I’m sorry, whatever-your-name-is, but I don’t appreciate the way you are talking to my girlfriend.” He says calmly, and the look in his eyes sends chills down your spine.
-Yandere!Yoosung is out.
- “O-Oh! Yoosung, I just-”
- “ I just think you were apologizing for being rude to my girlfriend as I reported you to your manager. I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate you harrassing the customers.”
- The girl blushed deeply and mumbled an apology before pushing past you.
- Yoosung breathed out as he tightened his grip on you.
-”MC, I’m so sorry. I had no idea she felt that way. I would never have come here if I knew she was flirting with me like that.”
- You smile, knowing of course Yoosung didn’t realize what was happening.
- You give him punishment for making you jealous later ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-so it was his costar.
-You had seen the way she was all over him at rehearsals.
-You had visited a few times and saw her just fawning all over him, and Zen was politely accepting the compliments, but trying to shut it down. He wasn’t oblivious, but he really didn’t know how to make her stop.
- Today was the day of the last show, and you were going to see Zen in his dressing room after it was done!
-However little miss thang was already heading towards his door.
-Oh Hell No.
-”Oh, hi! You did great in the show tonight!” You said kindly, and she honestly did, “Do you have business with Zen?”
-”Oh yes. I wanted to see if he wanted to go out to dinner with me~” She said shamelessly.
- Insert eye twitch.
- “Actually, Zen and I are going to celebrate together. Sorry.”
- “Oh, that doesn’t scare me. I’m sure he’ll choose me~” She says sharply, and you blink.
- “Excuse me?”
-”You heard me. You’re not that pretty, and obviously you’re just some nobody. Zen can’t have any real attachment to you. I suggest you step aside and let me have him.”
-You scowl, trying to find the words to say to that, when the door opens.
- Out walks Zen, fire in his eyes.
- He swoops over to you, dipping you and kissing you passionately.
- He spins you up and turns to his costar and smiles brightly.
- “Oh, hi! My beautiful, wonderful, loving girlfriend and I are on our way out. I have tried to be nice to you, but hearing you be mean to my girlfriend has broke the straw. Please leave, and don’t approach me again.”
-”B-But Zenny-” She starts, and he quickly interupts.
-”Do NOT call me Zenny. Only my love can call me Zenny, and you will NEVER be my love.”
-Pissed, the girl stomps off.
- This time you kiss him passionately.
- “Zenny, that was hot.”
-”Careful, Babe, you might bring out the beast.”
-You look lustfully at him.
- “Bring him out, then.”
- You couldn’t walk the next day
this one is with a homophobic guy, so warning here.
-Fuckboi™ customer
-dumbass can’t even see she’s into girls
- Comes in and says “hey beautiful, mind if I get something sweet?”
- Jaehee is trying to be professional and is like “Of course, sir. Can I recommend you something from our bakery? Or we have drinks with a sugary after taste.”
-”I think I’d like to order something off menu if you know what I mean.”
- You had been listening and decided to step in.
- “Jaehee, Love, can you go clean up by table 10? I’ll handle this.”
- Jaehee eyed you cautiously, making sure he didn’t pull the same move on you. You gave her an encouraging smile.
- Fuckboi is eyeing her as she walks away.
- “How may I help you, sir?”
- “You can bring back the hot one- That’ll definitely help.”
- You bristle.
- “Well, the ‘hot one’ as you put it is my girlfriend, and I’d appreciate if you’d leave her alone.”
- “Oh… she’s into pussy huh? Bet I could change her with a good dick down.”
- You slam your hands on the counter.
- “I’m sorry sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
- He snorts. “Yeah, like I’m gunna listen to the ugly one.”
- Insert Baehee in Full Anger Mode.
- “Sir, my beautiful girlfriend and I do not cater to people like you. Before I forcibly evict you from the premises, I suggest you take yourself out.”
- “See- this is why I hate lesbians. You’re all the same.” He says with disgust. Jaehee is fighting to not judo his ass into next week, taking a threatening step forward, but you hold her back.
- As he walks out the door, she pulls you into the backroom.
- You let out a breath, situations like that always tense and unnerving, and she brushes your hair out of your face.
- “People like that must not only be horrible but also blind to think You’re the ugly one…” She says with such desire in her eyes it makes you hot under the collar.
- You pull her in for a deep kiss that leaves you both breathless.
-another Sarah-like character.
-Jumin is used to it tbh, but it still is so annoying
- You were at a dinner party, Jumin of course inviting his beautiful wife.
- And most girls at the party respected that Jumin wasn’t single anymore, if only because they weren’t so daring as to cross you, but this girl was not that smart
- She comes up to Jumin and is doing the whole Rich-Girl Flirting that Jumin is used to, and he is annoyed but handling it.
-You go to get a drink cuz its sickening to watch tbh.
- Then he excuses himself to talk to someone else, and she comes over to where you are at the bar.
- “Hello Mrs. Han. Nice to see you here.” She says in a fake nice voice.
- “Oh! I’m surprised you knew who I was.” you say in the same fake voice. “Are you a business partner with my husband?”
- “Not yet… I was just hoping he would be open to a… what did you call it- Partnership? with me after he was done with you.”
- Oh bitch hell no.
- “What makes you think he’ll be done with me?” You ask sharply, dropping the act.
- “Well, you’ve seen his father, haven’t you? The Han men aren’t known for being loyal.”
- “My Jumin is loyal. I can assure you of that.” You say coldly. “I trust him completely. He would not abandon me just because you walked in.”
- “Maybe not.” She says calmly. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t humiliate you~”
-Then the bitch throws wine all over you.
- You jump back and everyone in the party looks at you.
- “Oh dear, I’m so clumsy… To think I wasted such good wine on that hideous dress~”
- People start whispering, and you are frozen in place, trying to figure out what to do, when Jumin comes behind you.
- “My Love, let me assist you.” He says smoothly as he pulls you to the side. He shoots a cold and calculated glare at the horrible woman. “As for you miss, I would appreciate it if you stayed away from my lovely wife. I wouldn’t want your horrible personality rubbing off on her brilliance.”
- Cue woman scoffing and walking off.
- He pulls you into the hallway and dabs ur dress with a napkin he grabbed.
- “Dear I am so sorry. I have been trying to free myself from her all night, and it seems she went straight to you when I escaped. I should have had a closer eye on you.”
- You smile softly. “It’s okay, Juju. I’m just glad we are out of there.”
- He kisses your cheek softly as he plays with a strand of your hair.
- “Let’s take this as an excuse to go home and let me prove my devotion to you, my Love.”
-You two had started going to a cat cafe every Friday.
- It was mostly to get away, but it was also because you were trying to teach him to not be abusively kind to cats.
- There was this girl that worked there that always seemed to be interested in Saeyoung though.
- She would bring him a lot of cats and talk to him a lot.
- To be honest you didn’t even realize she was flirting with him at first- You thought she was just very attentive.
-That was until she followed you into the bakery part of the cafe one day.
- “Oh hey!” You said to her as she came and started sweeping near your table. “How is Saeyoung doing?”
-”Better now that you are gone.” She said softly.
- Oh but you heard it.
- “Um… Excuse me?” You said incredulously, furrowing your brow.
- “I said he’s doing better without you. He’s such a nice guy- He loves cats so much! You don’t appreciate it! I can tell!”
- You stood up.
- “I appreciate Saeyoung very much! I don’t know who you think you are-”
- “I’m someone better for him! He needs someone like me! You are just-”
- Suddenly the jukebox in the corner turned on the speakers.
- And you knew that song.
- That was you and Saeyoung’s song (These Broken Hands of Mine by Joe Brooks)
-Suddenly Saeyoung was behind you, leading you to a small place on the floor in front of the juke box. He started dancing with you right there in front of everyone.
- He was looking into your eyes, a fire in his own.
- “You know you are the only one for me, MC. You are like a gravitational force with me, my soul forever in orbit around you.”
- When the song ended, he kissed you deeply and everyone clapped.
- Bitchface got her ass fired. Saeyoung made sure of that.
- So it was a model.
- After you and Jihyun got together, you were often a subject of his paintings.
- And this girl was looking at your collection while he was presenting, making a lot of comments of the color choice and compostion and blah blah blah
- You didn’t think too much of it- people gushed over Jihyun all the time.
- But then she got you alone.
- “So you are the model, huh? You don’t look like the paintings.”
- You bristle.
- “I’m sorry?”
- “I mean I can tell you aren’t a professional model. Your body isn’t made for this kind of thing. Jihyun needs a beautiful woman to model for him- to be with him.”
- You feel sick to your stomach, but before you can say anything, Jihyun is behind you.
- “Oh, hello. I saw you looking at my paintings earlier.” He says smoothly, but you can see something harsh in his eyes, a rare sight for Jihyun.
- “Oh yes, I was just telling your model about-”
- “Yes, isn’t she a wonderful model? I try to capture the souls of the things I paint, and since her soul is so beautiful, she always creates beautiful art.”
-His eyes then turn cold, but a wide smile is on his face.
- “It’s for that reason that I can’t accept your request to model. I’m afraid your soul wouldn’t create a beautiful painting.”
- You’re speechless, the woman’s speechless, Jihyun just takes your hand and leads you out.
- God you love that man.
-It was the ice cream girl!
- Saeran has his favorite ice cream joint, and you go there all the time.
- There’s this girl that works there all the time, and she’s sweet on Saeran.
- Saeran, the sweet bean, doesn’t notice, but you don’t want to take away his favorite ice cream place just because you are jealous.
- One day Saeran gets a phone call and steps outside to take it, and you are ordering alone.
- The girl gets bold.
- “So how long have you been together?”
- You mention that it hasn’t been that long, and she gets a smug look.
- “That’s good.”
- You frown.
- “Excuse me?”
- She realizes her mistake, but decides to own it.
- “I just really like him. I would hope you would acknowledge that.”
- You are taken aback by her forwardness.
- “S-Saeran is my boyfriend, MIss. I would hope you would acknowledge THAT.”
- “Yes well... that can be fixed quite easily.”
- Suddenly you are being dipped and Saeran’s tongue is in your mouth.
- You melt into it, sitting there heavily kissing for a good minute, little miss thang awkwardly looking at the ground, before he picks up and just leads you out of the place.
- You look up at him, eyes wide, before he looks into your eyes. 
- “I apologize if that was too forward, Angel, but I just had to make sure she knew how devoted I was to you.”
- The girl is fired when you go back and that night, you show him just how devoted you are to HIM too~
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Forget Me Not - Ch. 8
Pairing: Saeran/Reader
Word count: 5,758
Summary: The RFA party was finally here, and Saeran had you to accompany him. Though getting any alone time proved to be difficult at an event like this.
Warning: There are hints of spoilers from Saeyoung’s route & Secret Ending and possibly Another Story. 
A/N: So this is where the story starts to get….interesting. I also put a lot of time into this chapter, any comments would be appreciated ^^
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Saeran had been to all three of the previous RFA parties so he knew exactly what to expect. It starts with some mingling and drinks, idle chitchat between wealthy funders, party attendees and the RFA. Then there’s an introduction, usually given by Jumin, to talk about why they have these parties and to thank everyone for attending. More mingling before the silent auction starts, an assortment of high-end items and services donated to them, including V’s photos. And once that was over, the fun part of the party began. The part that would go late into the night, everyone having fun as they danced and let loose, the RFA members being no exception.
Saeran always found himself seated to the side at this time of night. He would have a fun time with his fellow members, but feeling a sense of loneliness in a room full of people and leaving a little earlier than the rest. He always claimed that he was getting tired, but never admitted to feeling so isolated.
Though the hand holding his squeezed tight as they got close, reminding him that this party was going to be different. It was going to be different because he was with you. And he was set on making this a night you’ll remember because he had a plan. He was going to ask you to dance, hold you close in his arms, look you in the eyes as you two swayed to the music and finally, he was going to kiss you. He was going to make sure you knew how he felt. It was much easier said than done he realized as he looked over to you, meeting your gaze and feeling his nerves spike at the thought of doing that. With how easily you fluster him, he knew this was going to be a long night.
As soon as you two got to the door, you noticed all the reporters and flashing lights right outside the door. The building from the outside looked regal in it’s height and details. You looked over to Saeran, who seemed unfazed by it all, holding your hand that much tighter as he made his way through the bustling crowd.
“Just how big is this party?” you had to ask.
“Oh, it’s just a small, very intimate setting,” he responded, a teasing smile on his face as you let out a small laugh.
Once you two reached the entrance, you noticed a woman with clipboard in hand with what you assumed was a guest list. Her long blonde hair bounced as she turned, green eyes that almost glittered with joy, and a smile that felt inviting and warm. She almost felt like an old friend with the way she greeted you two, offering a hug to you before moving onto Saeran. Though something about their demeanor seemed off, almost forced.
“MC, I’m so glad that you were able to come! Saeran has talked a lot about you,” she said, making Saeran’s face turn red, “I’m so happy I finally get to put a face to the name!”
You were a bit surprised to hear your name, but you quickly realize who this is, Saeran had mentioned her before. He talked so highly of her, and you could easily see why with the way she welcomed you. This was Rika, head of the Rika Fundraising Association and the reason this party exists in the first place.
“It’s really nice to meet you too,” you replied, smiling back at her in hopes that it seemed sincere, “Saeran and Saeyoung have told me a bit about you as well.”
“All good things, I hope,” she laughed, turning to Saeran, “I know you said she was pretty, but I don’t think your words compare.”
“Yeah, words just don’t really do justice when it comes to her beauty,” he said, meeting your eyes with a small, genuine smile and flushed cheeks.
“Well go ahead in, everyone’s been dying to meet you MC,” she said, stepping aside to usher you two in. As you made your way passed, Saeran felt a tug on his arm from the other direction, Rika looking at him with concern.
“Remember what I told you. Be careful,” she said quickly, releasing him before you noticed. He felt that same unnerved sense from her that he did after the chatroom, still unsure of what she meant. He never got the feeling that he had to be wary of you since he knew that you genuinely cared for him, and he genuinely cared for you. It showed in every little action towards him, every little word he held onto that felt sincere. He quickly shook the thought, lacing his fingers back into yours with a reassuring smile.
The look of absolute awe on your face had to be evident, mouth agape as you took in the intricate decorations and surroundings. Crystal chandeliers hanging from the tall ceilings, cascading the entire room with its reflective gems. Red curtains that draped along the walls, correlating with the tables. The most impressive were the floral centerpieces, tall and extravagant with an assortment of colors that coordinated with the rest of the room. It made you wonder just how much time Saeran had put into each piece. The place looked like royalty belonged there, and you wondered how you even got through.
“What do you think so far?” he asked, pulling you out of your awestruck state. You truly were at a loss for words, looking at him with wide, doe-like eyes as you still tried to take in what was around you. He found the look on your face captivating, thinking about how he wanted to always be the one who leaves you speechless like this.
“It’s…really something,” you said, “and you did this?”
“Well, I helped,” he said, hand moving to rub the back of his neck, “All my efforts really went into the centerpieces.”
“They turned out amazing. Now I’m really looking forward to that bouquet for the second date,” you laughed, your hand gripping his a little tighter as you met his eyes. He felt himself getting lost in your gaze, smiling as he slowly leaned in, ready to capture your lips in his.
“Saeraaaaaan!” a voice getting louder as it got closer, making Saeran pull back before you noticed. You two looked in the direction of the source, seeing a blonde-haired, younger looking man approach. His wide smile and eager bounce made him just that much cuter, a boyish charm to the way he greeted you two.
“Is this MC?” he asked, looking at you the way you must have looked at the room, jaw slacked and in awe. His cheeks tinted, switching to a bashful expression as he realized how he was coming off, instead extending a hand out for a shake, “I’m Yoosung. I’m not sure if Saeran has mentioned me, but I’m apart of the RFA as well.”
“Yeah, he’s told me a bit. It’s really nice to meet you,” you said, taking his hand in a shake.
“Really? What has he said?” his curiosity getting the best of him as he leaned in without truly realizing it. You could only let out a small laugh at his eagerness, seeing his expression shift to a pouty one at that.
“MC!” you heard a familiar voice call before responding to Yoosung, turning to see Zen approaching with someone you didn’t recognize, though she had a small smile that felt friendly. As he approached, he greeted you with a kiss to the cheek.
“It’s really nice to see another familiar, lovely face among the crowd,” he said. You felt the hand intertwined in yours move to your side, pulling a little you closer.
“Great to see you too,” Saeran responded. You didn’t take him for the jealous type, but the way he held you, almost protectively, made you wonder.
“It’s good to see you again, Zen,” you said, hand coming forward to shake his. Though as soon as he took it, he brought it up to his lips, pressing a light kiss to your knuckles. Saeran’s hold on you tightened just a bit more.
“Not as good as seeing you,” he said with a wink.
“Jaehee, this is MC,” Saeran practically blurted out, gesturing to the woman beside Zen. His interruption caught you by surprise, though you noticed the smirk on Zen’s face at this.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jaehee smiled, extending her own hand for you to take.
“The pleasure is all mine,” you smiled back. Her eyes had a soft gaze which only surprised you to feel such a tight grip.
Out of the corner of his eye, Saeran noticed the usual teal hair he could recognize from a mile away, excited to finally introduce you to someone very important to him.
“V!” Saeran called out, gaining the attention of a tall, mint-haired man within earshot, “I want you to meet MC.”
As he approached, you reached your hand out for him to take, wondering whether he was making eye contact or not behind his sunglasses. Sunglasses that were dark in tint, making it impossible to tell. And maybe it was your imagination, but you could see the smallest hint of purple just off the visible part of his cheekbone.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” he said, “I’ve been looking forward to seeing who Saeran has been gushing about in the messenger.”
You noticed the hold on your side get tighter, Saeran trying to hide the growing blush on his face. It only made your face flush as well, wondering what he could be saying in this messenger, finding it cute how easily flustered he can get. Though, once you looked back up to V, you felt uneasy once again. Worried for him in a way you didn’t fully understand, but you could only smile in return.
“It’s nice to meet you too, V,” you said, “Saeran gushes about you too, but in a different way.”
He let out a laugh, seeming almost carefree and relaxed in his demeanor. A friendly smile that felt warm and welcoming. Nothing about him held some sense of animosity, which only made you worry more for what he hid behind those glasses.
“Unless he’s said that I was most beautiful person he had ever seen, then I’ll take your word for it,” he teased, making you laugh in return.
“Saeran really said that about me?” you asked, turning to see your date’s face flushed in crimson, “Well it’s a good thing I think the same of him.”
Before he or V could respond, you felt a hand brush against your shoulder. The other hand came up to V, making their way in the circle that formed with a patient smile. Rika’s hands weren’t necessarily cold, but you noticed V tense up at the touch. The genuine smile faltered a bit to one that looked almost forced, scared even.
“We should start taking our seats,” she said, “MC, Saeran, will you be joining our table?”
You couldn’t quite place why, but you didn’t really want to sit with her. There was something strange about the air around her, you just had to ask Saeran about it aside. The hesitant look on your face evident as you turned to Saeran for him to answer.
“Uh, you’ll have to give us a minute,” Saeran replied, picking up on your reluctance.
“Alright, well we’ll save you two seats next to us, just in case,” Rika said before walking off, hand in hand with V. The rest of the group followed, leaving you alone with your date.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
You couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling, the sense that something was going on. Something you weren’t even sure Saeran was aware of. His questioning look only adding to that thought, and you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything about it.
“Nothing, let’s go join them.”
He only felt more confused by your answer, watching as you walked ahead and to the group. The smile you gave him felt faked, knowing that something was probably occupying your thoughts. Though his mind wandered back to what Rika said to him, about having to be careful. And it made him wonder whether that caution wasn’t necessarily of you, but of what could possibly be making you so nervous.
As soon as you two took your seats, the introduction began. Jumin looked cool and collected, not a stutter in his speech as he talked about the RFA. Why they created the organization, the party’s purpose, and just who the RFA are. You had already heard all this from Saeran, but it still impressed you to see just how dedicated they all were to making such an extravagant event for a good cause, especially when you could see how hard they worked on every detail. And with a huge turn out, their efforts weren’t in vain.
You flashed a quick smile to Saeran next to you, a silent way of letting him know that you were proud of his efforts. He obviously had a lot to do with helping, but you knew he wouldn’t admit it. He could only smile in return, a small blush forming at the unspoken support.
His focus wasn’t at all on what Jumin could be saying, considering he heard this same thing every party, but it was fixed on you. How eagerly you watched him talk, the smiles and glances you’d exchange with the rest of the group, and the very specific way you looked at him. It was different from the way you looked at everyone else, it felt like they were full of love and admiration. He found himself nervous and hesitant to make any attempt at contact, letting his hand settle on the back of your seat.
He didn’t expect you to notice, nonetheless lean into him. The warmth you radiated felt comforting, so secure. And it brought him a certain peace of mind to see how comfortable you were in his touch, letting his hand rest on your shoulder and bringing you closer. He studied every little detail, taking in the sweet scent of your hair, leaning down to leave a kiss at the crown of your head.
Gaining your attention once again, you looked up, beaming smile at his action. The look in his eyes indicated he was caught off guard, stunned to see such a wide grin from that. It was almost enchanting to witness so up close, the small bounce as you let out a small laugh and a breathless ‘what?’ stopped all his thoughts. He wanted nothing more than to press his lips to yours, leaning a bit to do so until he felt a tap from the other side of his shoulder.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but Rika asked that you assist me with the auction,” Jaehee said. He then noticed a few more of the RFA members missing from the table.
“Yeah, I’ll be back to help. Give me one minute,” he said to Jaehee before she walked off. He looked back down at you with an apologetic look in his eyes.
“Go, I’ll still be here when you get back,” you interject just before he could say anything. He felt warm at the thought of you waiting for him, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before getting up.
“I won’t be long,” he said, leaving you with Saeyoung, Zen, and Yoosung. The blush that crept on your cheeks and the smile you were trying to bite back was much more noticeable than you expected.
“Awww, MC’s blushing!” Saeyoung exclaimed, flustering you further.
“But did you see how much Saeran was blushing too?” Yoosung practically gushed, “I didn’t even think he was capable of that.”
“That’s nothing, did you see how protective he got when I greeted her,” Zen laughed, the other two snickering along.
“Knock it off! Saeran’s probably nervous about the party, that’s all,” you retorted, only for them to laugh even harder.
“MC, no party before this has he been so wound up,” Saeyoung replied once he regained his composure, a teasing tone replacing his previous one, “Besides, that doesn’t explain why you’re equally as anxious.”
Your face only deepened in color. You didn’t think Saeyoung could be so observant, but you hated how accurately he seemed to read. You only gave him a roll of the eyes before returning your attention to the event, the silent auction starting shortly after. Saeran and Jaehee were up on the stage, introducing item after expensive item. As the auction went on, you felt your eyes drawn to Saeran almost the entire time. Studying the little habits he seemed to have, a smile gracing his face every time he looked over at you from his spot.
Soon enough, they introduced V’s work. He joined the other two on stage, talking about his collection titled ‘The Sun.’ From what you can see, it was beautiful. Appearance-wise, it was radiant and warm, but you couldn’t understand the chill that ran down your spine as you looked at it. Unnerved by how seemingly perfect it was, yet it had an unfamiliar sensation.
You wondered whether you were the only one to feel that as you saw hands spring up with every piece that was presented. Every price that was thrown out was met with a sea of hands, desperate to pay any price for one of the many photographs. V seemed unfazed by the overwhelming amount of bidders, casual in the way he looked off into the crowd that was eager to obtain something he made. Not in a way that felt smug or proud, but rather truly unaware. Unaware of the seeming impact and feelings they brought forth or the beauty they had.
Photograph after photograph, you could easily see why they were so desirable and why V had such a high reputation in the photography world. Though as the last piece was presented, you felt that same unnerved feeling grow. The sun pictured was bright, but the silhouette against it wasn’t. You could barely make out features, but the figure looked familiar, easily figuring out it was Rika. The only thing that stuck out from the shadows were her green eyes, glowing in a way that looked unnatural and piercing.
You couldn’t bear to look at it any longer, averting your gaze to meet Saeran’s. He offered a sincere smile that calmed your nerves, making you smile in return. Even with how far he was, you were captivated with those mint eyes of his.
“With that, we will conclude our auction. Thank you for your time and participation, the party will resume shortly,“ Jaehee said, gaining your attention once again. You weren’t sure how long you two had been looking at each other, but with the way Saeyoung eyed you with a smug look on his face, you’d guess it was a noticeable amount.
“What?” you asked, biting back your smile.
“Nothing, I’ve just never seen two people look at each other so much,” he goaded.
“It’s not like that, I just-“
“Just think he’s so dreamy? Could get lost in his eyes? Want to kiss those lips that look so irresistible?”
“Saeran was right, you really don’t seem to have boundaries,” you laughed, “I’m gonna go look for him.”
With that, you got up, leaving the three men to watch as you disappeared in the direction you suspected Saeran to be. You just couldn't sit through their scrutiny, wanting to see him as soon as you could. Though you left them all with one thought sitting on their mind.
“Awww, they must really like each other,” Yoosung mused, “Do you think they’re going to kiss by the end of the night?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they kissed right now,” Saeyoung replied.
“I would, have you seen how tense he’s been? It’s gonna take him a few hours and drinks before he gets the guts to,” Zen chimed in.
“You wanna bet?” Saeyoung said, eyeing the other two with a sly smile
You made your way through the guests, maneuvering between the sea of people. It was hard to see over them, eyes darting around you to find the white hair you could usually pick out from a crowd. A few minutes of looking, you didn’t realize how distracted you were until you felt yourself slam right into someone. You tried to apologize hastily, looking up to notice the mint hair that you knew could only belong to one.
“MC, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, sorry V,” you replied, though you couldn’t read his expression, making you anxious in his presence.
“It’s alright, are you looking for Saeran?” he asked. Even behind those glasses, he could see how eager you were to find him.
“Yeah, do you know where he went?”
“He actually went that way looking for you,” pointing to the direction you just came from.
“Thanks V,” flashing him quick smile before turning and taking a few steps.
“And MC,” he said, making you turn back to see him, “I really like you with Saeran. I can tell he’s really happy around you.”
“I really appreciate that,” the smile on your face widening at his genuine words. Just as you turned, you felt one question burn in your mind that you had to turn back around and ask.
“What’s ’The Sun’ about?”
“‘The Sun,’ your pictures. I just assumed that they maybe had a subject to them besides the sun. If there is, I’d like to know.”
“Yeah, they’re centered around the light of my life and the almost all-consuming warmth it’s brought me,” he paused, “Much like the sun, they’ve given me life. I know that I should look away sometimes, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.”
“Well you should at least blink once in a while,” you said. Though it made you wonder whether he wore those glasses because of his ‘sun.’
“Beside that, I really liked them.”
“Thank you,” he said, though he seemed taken aback at the compliment. You offered him a small smile and nod before turning to continue your search for Saeran.
“And MC?” he said, gaining your attention once again, “Take care of yourself.”
With that, he continued on his way, leaving you with those four words. Never has there been a set of words more unsettling or nerve-wracking than those. You could tell they weren’t ill-willed, more of a genuine concern than anything. But you wondered just exactly what he meant, what sort of warning he was giving you. And yet, you had a feeling you knew exactly what he was referring to.
The thick of the crowd only seemed to increase as you made your way out, going in the direction of where Saeran had supposedly went. Your eyes were darting left and right, trying to find some sign of him. You were growing impatient and frustrated the longer you went, making your way back to where you had started your search.
You noticed Saeyoung, Zen, and Yoosung had gone off, probably to enjoy the party that just begun. Though you found Jaehee by herself. She had a drink in hand, a tense demeanor you could feel from far away. Once she noticed you approaching, she perked up. That same soft smile returning and melting away her tension, or at least hiding it.
“Hey Jaehee, have you seen Saeran?”
“He was actually just here,” she said, her smile faltering a bit, “He was looking for you, but Rika needed some assistance with some of the guests. I offered to help, but she insisted on him. Though I’m sure he’ll be back shortly.”
“I see,” you said, pulling up the seat beside her, “Then I’ll keep you company, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” she beamed, taking a sip from her glass. You noticed the dark amber of the liquid, watching her drink without so much as wincing. Saeran had told you about her schedule and the stress she undergoes working with Jumin. In this moment though, she seemed laid back and at ease.
“I’ve actually been curious about the person Saeran has been talking about in the messenger,” she said, setting her glass down before looking at you.
“Oh, there’s not much to tell.”
“From the way he talks about you, I would say otherwise,” she laughed, “He hasn’t even told us how you two met.”
You bit back the smile that threatened to spread. The thought of what he could be saying about you made you anxious, but in a good way. It made you curious to see just how he described you to others. But with the way everyone teased him about it, you guessed it wasn’t bad.
Pushing those thoughts aside, you told her all about your first encounter. The way it felt like you knew something deeper was going to happen from it. All the days that followed and how close you two got.
You were having a good time talking to Jaehee, easily comforted by the way she listened to your tales patiently and chimed in with her own. Though you couldn’t help but wonder just when Saeran would be coming back. Ten minutes easily turned into almost an hour as you two talked away, occasionally taking a glance around to try and find white hair among the crowd.
Once Saeran finished up his task, he made his way back over to where he hoped you would be. He felt bad for being pulled left and right practically all night, having almost no time with you. But he wasn’t going to let anything stand in his way now, ready to practically sweep you off your feet and implement his plan. His plan to finally make you his, in the best way he knew how.
His eyes landed on an arrangement nearby, hand grazed over the viscarias, thinking for a second before pulling it from its vase. Toying with it in his hands, he finally found you at the other side of the room, talking to Jaehee as you watched the center of the room fill with couples pairing up as the music slowed down. He noticed you looking around slightly, and he felt his heart swell at the thought that maybe you were looking for him. Smiling to himself, he made his way over, eyes never leaving your sight. The knot in his stomach growing tighter as he got closer.
Just as he reached you, you noticed him and flashed the widest smile at the sight and in that moment, he was sure his heart had stopped. His throat felt dry, hands clamming up and the words he wanted to say didn’t form. His thoughts came to a halt, only focused on the nerves that surfaced.
“Saeran! Do I finally get to have you for the night?” you asked teasingly, gaze falling to the bundle in his hands, “What’s with the flowers?”
“Will you dance with me?” he asked, though it was almost blurted out from his nerves, extending the flowers out for you take, ”That’s, um, what these flowers mean.”
The smile on your face only seemed to grow, a rosy tint to your cheeks that made you glow in his eyes. You carefully took the flowers, observing them before your eyes met his.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Taking his hand in yours, he led you into the crowd. The instrumental of the music filled the room, drowning out any outside noise and in one swift movement, he pulled you close to him. One hand resting on the small of your back, the other in your hand as he took the lead. Your hand moved to rest on his shoulder, twirling the flower between your fingers as you two moved.
Though you weren’t focused on the plant, only on the mint eyes that were fixed on yours. You could almost read every thought that ran right behind them and how unsure he truly was. You could see every doubt he had throughout the night, every hesitant attempt that never panned out. He was a nervous mess, but he didn’t want you to see that.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he replied.
“Are you nervous?”
“To be honest, a little bit,” he admitted, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Why?” you asked with a small tilt to your head and questioning look. He could only stare for a second before averting his gaze. He wasn’t sure whether you were looking at him with curiosity or scrutiny, but it felt scorching. He wasn’t sure how to answer you, only falling silent.
“Well you don’t have to be, at least not with me,” you said, a reassuring smile putting his mind at ease. Your eyes softened as he looked back at you, a sincerity in them that made him comfortable in your presence once again.
“I’m actually nervous because of you,” he admitted, a bit surprised at his own confession. You gave him another questioning look, though the small smile you were holding back made him bold.
“I’ve never met someone as captivating as you. Someone that can make my heart race just by looking at them or put me at such a loss for words,” he paused, “I’ve never met someone like you, and that makes me nervous.”
The silence that fell between you two had him tense. He couldn't read your expression and his mind was racing through every possible outcome. Though seeing you crack a smile after that pause had him taken aback.
“Would it make you less nervous if I told I felt the same way?”
Those few words were enough to stop every thought going through his head. Looking at you with wide-eyes and trying to understand just exactly what you said. And once he realized, he was dumbfounded.
The hold he had on you tightened, pulling you just a bit closer. The proximity, setting, and feeling was just right, pondering if he could close the gap between you two with his lips. Your eyes were inviting, dilating under his stare. And he knew for a fact now, above any other thought that could intrude, you felt the same way.
The flutter in his stomach multiplying as he inched closer, noticing you do the same. He was nervous, but so sure that he wanted this. Your eyes were shut, waiting for the warmth of his lips to meet yours, only to feel a sudden absence. His eyes sprung open as he felt an almost aggressive pull on him. He could only see you getting further from him, hands instinctively reaching for you as he was dragged away.
“Saeran, I’m so glad I found you! I’m having a bit of an emergency,” the voice that was pulling at him said. His eyes finally turned to see the bouncing blonde hair that had a tight grip on him. She seemed almost oblivious to what she had just done.
“Rika, what’s going on?”
“I’m having a problem and I thought you could help,” she said almost casually.
“Did you not see me with MC?” he asked, a hint of irritation evident in his tone.
“I did, but I knew she’d be understanding,” she replied, “and don’t you want the party to be a success? I thought you’d be willing to help with anything.”
“I do, I really do, but-“
“But what?” she interrupted, tone almost venomous as she awaited his response.
“But I just don’t understand why I have been the only one you’ve been pulling aside and asking for all night when there are six other members ready to help as well,” he retorted, freeing himself from her grasp and taking a step back. She paused, tilting her head with a small smile.
“Because I trust you the most. Out of all of them, I see the most potential in you and I don’t want to see you waste that,” she simply said, though he knew in that moment what she was trying to insinuate.
“Do you have something against MC?”
“No, I just don’t want her to suffocate what I see in you,” she admitted, pausing as she thought over her next words, “I don’t want to see you burned by your own sun.”
He could only stare in confusion. The look in her eyes seemed vacant. Never had he seen such a distant look on her face, her words eerie and holding no significance. It was all too unsettling for him to bear.  
“Rika, I’m going back to MC. I’ll send Jaehee over to help you with whatever this task is,” he said, turning to walk away.
“Saeran, you go and I will not forget this.”
He had to look away, walk off before he could give into the guilt, but he could feel her stare burning holes in the back of his head. He knew she had been different lately, but this didn’t seem like the Rika he knew. One thing that didn’t sit right with him were her last few words, ‘I don’t want to see you burned by your own sun.’
Those thoughts quickly subsided once he saw you, sitting at a table close to where he left you. You were scanning the room once again, but he could tell it was different. You looked so disheartened, a small frown on your features that ached his heart. He wanted nothing more than to run to you, to make you feel better and to apologize for what had happened. Though, as he got close, he kept his composure.
“MC, I’m so sorry about that, I really don’t know what that was about and-“
“It’s okay, you’re fine,” you reassured, though the look in your eyes said otherwise.
“Well do you want to finish that dance?”
“It is getting late, I think I should get going.”
“W-Wait!” he exclaimed, a lot louder than he expected.
He felt his nerves spike once again, his hands clammy as he tried to figure out how to word this. He wondered whether you’d take it the wrong way, but he just couldn’t bare the thought of parting ways just yet. He couldn’t wrap his head around having to go back home alone after tonight, especially when he felt like he was robbed of time with you.
“Do you wanna go back to my place?” he finally said, though as soon as the words left his mouth, he almost regretted them until he heard your response.
“I’d love to.”
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mrsjihyunkim · 6 years
A Witch’s Heart Ch 11
Happy Magical Monday guys! Tumblr may be going to hell but I’m still gonna post. So here is a new chapter for all of you to enjoy and hopefully the next update will be 20sob, but we’ll see.
Only mere seconds had passed since she had emerged from her teleport when she sensed something flying at her. Not bothering to move she deflected throwing stars that were aimed at her. However they didn't stop there. Another assault came from behind her but she dogged it with ease. "Enough Yuki. I'm not here to fight." Nothing but silence answered her until a woman in purple robes with grey hair stepped out of the shadows. She was twirling a kuni around her finger with a pout on her lips.
"You're no fun sis. I haven't seen you in centuries and you don't even want to spar with me?" MC rolled her eyes at Yuki's whining. Four hundred years and she hasn't changed a bit. Noticing the serious glare on her face made Yuki frown but her eyes softened a bit. "Fine. I'll put the knives away for now. You look too much like Saizo when you frown like that." That was enough to almost make MC laugh but instead she just let her face fall flat.
"I didn't come here to talk about him. I need your help Yuki." MC pulled one of the books out of her satchel. "I need your codex to decode something from the hunters." This peeked Yuki's interest and she walked closer to MC, taking the book.
"You didn't go and wipe out another clan did you?" MC rolled her eyes and followed Yuki as she walked away. "What? I wouldn't judge. I just killed some this morning. They were snooping around some poor town and harassing pretty girls." MC only rolled her eyes.
"You know I don't live like that anymore." They stopped at a bookcase and Yuki picked one off and handed it to MC. "Wait you're just going to give it to me? No games, no tricks, no catch?" Yuki smiled at her and MC knew there was indeed a catch.
"Now I never said that my sweet baby sister. All I want little one is to see you more. After all you're the only connection I have left to Saizo and I miss my little brother. So if you want my codex I want you to stay with me for a while. I'm thinking at least a month." MC frowned at her conditions but Yuki didn't seem to notice.
"Yuki I can't stay here with you. I have things to take care of that can't wait. I was attacked by another witch and I need to find out if she has a coven for me to worry about. Plus I have a life now. I can't just up and disappear for a month." This really surprised Yuki and now she was curious.
"You have a life? Since when? I'm hurt that you never told me." MC rolled her eyes and Yuki frowned at the lack of information. "Are you really not going to tell me anything? That hurts sis. I thought we were family." MC let out a sigh and looked up from the codex.
"Yuki Saizo is dead and so is my marriage with him. Plus every time I see you, it ends in a near death experience. And I just had one of those so I don't need another." Yuki smiled in amusement.
"Well you really have been busy. And here it seemed like you didn't have any fight in you. So at least tell me why this other witch attacked you of all people. Obviously she didn't know who you were." Knowing that Yuki wasn't going to just drop the subject MC sighed and closed the book.
"She attacked people I care about. At first I thought she was just a twisted human but she was was tainted by dark magic. So I had to imprison her inside of this stone." MC help up the stone that she now wore as a necklace and Yuki didn't hide her shock.
"A forbidden spell? How did you live through that?" MC just shrugged not wanting to tell her about V and the twins.
"Old age and two familiars. Plus Saizo wouldn't let me cross over." Yuki laughed began to sharpen her knife.
"That sounds like him. I wonder what his reason was though. Saizo loved you more than anything. He would only keep you on this plane if you were happy here. Care to share?" Yuki was still trying to push the subject but MC had gotten what she needed from her and needed to get home.
"Something like that. Yuki would you mind doing me one last favor?" Yuki raised her eyebrow and put her knife on the table. "Sleep for me." Yuki's eyes went wide when she realized what MC was doing but it was too late to counter it. Her mind had become a fog and her vision grew dark. Soon she had slumped down on the table in a deep sleep. MC left a note and a plate of dango for when she woke up. Yuki was a pain to deal with most of the time but she was Saizo's sister, and that made her family. "Utsusemi did you find the other codex?" The crow cawed from across the room and MC walked over to him. He was pecking at a book and MC pulled it off the shelf. It looked like a simple cookbook but MC could tell that it was cloaked. "Of course she would. Let's go home Utsusemi" The crow flew down onto her shoulder and she teleported home. Once she opened her eyes she saw that she was in her garden. She let out a relieved sigh and Utsusemi flew off into the trees. She walked back inside and saw Jumin and V still sitting at the table. When they saw her come in V instantly relaxed and smiled at her.
"Well home. Did everything go ok?" MC nodded and put the books back on the table.
"Jumin I know these books are important to you but would you mind if I held onto them a little bit longer? It's going to take me a while to work through all the codes.
"By all means go ahead. I'm certainly not using them. Keep them as long as you need to." He paused as if thinking. "I only have one request for letting you keep them." MC raised an eyebrow but he only smiled. "You let me come back here not only to spend time with V but also to learn more about magic." Her eyes widened in surprise but quickly filled with suspicion.
"Why do you want to learn magic? Hunters normally can normally only deflect it but I've never heard of one who can cast it." Jumin only shrugged but gave her a confident smile.
"Good thing I don't consider myself a hunter then." Seeing that she wasn't satisfied with his answer Jumin let out a sigh. "There's something inside of me that I can feel being pulled towards magic. I didn't realize it until I saw you use it though. It almost made me feel happy. Ever since I learned about my family and magic I haven't quite known who I am. It's as if I lost my bearings but I feel like you can help me find answers." MC saw the flicker of pain in his eyes and let out a sigh.
"I swear old age has made me soft. Fine. First we'll have to see if you're capable of even casting but it will have to come at a later date. For now read this book until you have it memorized. Then we'll go from there." She waved her hand towards him and a small brown book appeared in front of him. He picked it up and looked it over reading the title.
"Basics of Practical Magic." Jumin tried not to sound skeptical but it sounded like such an obvious title. "What is the point of reading this?" MC rolled her eyes and frowned at him.
"Magic requires studying. Plus not all people can be accepting of magic so it's a good way to gauge. If you truly want to learn magic with good intentions then you'll have no problem understanding the material." Jumin was confused by her answer but liked the idea of the challenge. "However I can't let you take it out of the house." Jumin was about to say something when the front door opened and the twins came into the kitchen. The sight of Jumin and the floating books made their jaws drop.
"Mom! What's going on?" Saeran was the first to recover and he seemed to be on guard.
"Jumin, magic, mom? 707 has stopped working." The idea that Jumin was ok with magic baffled Saeyoung. Jumin was the most logical person he knew and magic defied all that calculated logic. "Jumin are you alright?"
"Of course I am. Why would you ask such a ridiculous question." Not understand their shock Jumin began to thumb through the book MC had given him. Realizing that Jumin wouldn't give them an explanation the twins looked to MC and she sighed.
"Jumin already knows about magic." She could tell that they had more questions but she didn't really want to go over everything right now. In her eyes the most important thing right now was to decode these books before Yuki decided to come get the codexes back. She had maybe three or four days before that happened. "I'll answer your questions later. For now why don't you go in the garden and practice. You both need to work on conserving your energy. You can't always depend on energy potions." MC didn't even bother looking away from the books floating in front of her as she talked. Knowing not to fight with her the twins did as they were told. V debated on following them but he still had questions about Yuki and other things. Feeling his eyes on her MC glanced over at V. "Is everything ok V?" He could tell that her attention wasn't fully on him but she had still picked up on his busy mind.
"Yes everything's fine. I'm just thinking and wondering." He debated if he should say more but MC only smiled at him, as if she already knew.
"You have questions about Yuki and the books don't you?" V only nodded as his cheeks blushed. No matter how much he tired to hide things from her he always ended up being transparent. So he nodded and she bit her lip. It was probably the safest option to tell him about Yuki, considering how Yuki was. Letting out a sigh she let the books float down to the table. "What do you want to know?" Hearing what she said Jumin looked up from his own book and listened.
"Well I guess my first question is, how is she still alive? Is she a witch too?" Pouring herself another cup of tea MC tired to think of the best way to explain.
"I don't know if you could really call her a witch. She stole one of my spell books a long time ago and learned just enough magic to keep her from aging. She was the oldest child of the Kirigakure children and Saizo was not on good terms with her, but that was normal with shinobi families. However unlike with his brother, Hotoro, Saizo was never able to form a relationship with Yuki." V was in awe at all of this new information. It made him realize that he really knew only a little bit of MC's past even when it seemed like a lot.
"Why wasn't he able to get along with her?" Jumin had asked the questions only mere seconds before V could.
"Honestly I was never really sure. I think that way deep down Yuki cared for her brothers but she also tried to kill Saizo on several occasions. She also tried on several occasions to use me to get to Saizo. One time she even poisoned me and made Saizo fight her for the antidote." The look of shock on both their faces only made MC smile. "To be fair to Yuki though she only made it seem like it killed me. I think that was the final straw for Saizo though. I guess in the end their personalities were just too different. Yuki is a hedonist who enjoys teasing others and Saizo would just rather sleep in trees all day." When she was finished speaking V was absolutely dumb found. He had no idea that MC had went to see someone so reckless. It really made him feel uneasy.
"If she's Saizo's sister though why didn't you tell me about her?" MC frowned at his question and the hurt sound in his voice. It's not like she was keeping it a secret. She just didn't think it would ever be important enough to mention. It had been at least two hundred years since she'd seen Yuki herself.
"Two reasons. The first being that it didn't matter. I haven't her in centuries due to our different styles of living. The second one being, Yuki can in no way know about my current life. Despite her teasing ways she sticks to her code. Yuki is extremely ruthless and will cut down anything she doesn't approve of, with no regard to who it effects. And if you did earn her approval she would constantly cross the line just like she did with Saizo." Having said it outloud MC realized how terrified she was of that happening. Yuki was just too much for her to handle. V still had questions but he understood her reasons. If she wasn't intentionally hiding it then he had no other reason to push the issue. Jumin on the other hand was far from satisfied.
"What do you mean by cross the line?" MC's eyes narrowed slightly has she looked at Jumin and it was obvious that she was annoyed.
"It doesn't matter what it means. I would do anything to protect everyone from her but no matter what she's still Saizo's sister. I honestly don't know if I could do anything to actually hurt Yuki." Jumin was about to say more but V put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. V trusted MC and if Yuki was bad news then she probably was. Not to mention he could tell that MC was done talking about it.
"Jumin just leave it. If she says it's a bad idea then I trust her." Thinking it over Jumin finally dropped the issue and V was thankful. The last thing he wanted was those two butting head again. "I'm curious though MC. Did the books you got from Yuki help you any?" MC looked up the books and sighed.
"In a way yes. I've been able to decode segments but it's a lot more complex than I thought it'd be. To be honest it would go faster if Saeyoung could help me but I don't want him to read any of this." She looked to Jumin. "Your grandfather was rather ruthless. Most hunters would just kill a witch and burn her body but he seemed to enjoy torturing them. I think he might of been trying to study them or something." Jumin frowned at this information. He knew that his grandfather had killed witches but actually hearing that it was true made him feel terrible.
"My father always said that he was a rather cold man. I'm sorry MC." He wasn't sure what he was apologizing for but he felt that it needed to be said. "People don't deserve to die for the way they live their life. I hate the idea of there being people out there who would hurt someone who's different. Someone like you. And I'm sorry that my family was one of them." Jumin's words carried such a conviction that MC could almost feel his hatred for violence. She never in a million years thought she would hear a hunter apologize. In fact she knew that having it happen wasn't just a chance. The air of the whole room had changed with those few words, and MC knew it had set something motion.
"Thank you Jumin. That actually means a lot. We thank you." Jumin raised an eyebrow at her and she smiled. It was the first time she genuinely smiled at him. "All witches are connected even after death. Everything is this house not only flows with my magic but traces of the previous owners. I am old and have seen many witches fall before their time. So when you apologize I could feel the peace that washed over their spirits. There is power in words and that power is even stronger when you believe in them." Both Jumin and V took a moment to absorb her words. V did notice somewhat of a shift in the air after Jumin apologize. He looked at MC as she went back to her books and just stared. Even though she didn't think much of herself V could see everything that she was. He saw her kindness in how she thought of others before herself, and he saw how much she loved in spite of her pain. There were still many things he didn't know about MC but he wanted to learn them. No matter how long it took. MC could feel V staring at her and was fighting the blush it was causing. She continued to face the book but smiled. "Something the matter dear?" V blushed at being caught and tried to recover.
"No I'm just admiring the view." Now MC was blushing and she nearly dropped the book she was holding. V smiled in victory as MC cleared her throat and covered her face with the book.
"You're ridiculous." She hissed at him but he could see the softness of her eyes. V grabbed her hand and laid a kiss on it.
"Yet you love me anyway." It had sounded more like a question which surprised him. MC noticed and put the book down. She squeezed his hand and looked at him with nothing but utter fondness.
"Of course I do. I have since I met you." This was news to him and his cheeks grew a deep red. He was about to say something when Faust began to hiss in his ear. Hungry. The snake slithered down V's arm, onto the floor, and then left through back door. MC looked at the time and noticed that it late. She was about to go get the twins when they came in through the back door.
"Moooooooooom we're starving. What do we have to eat?" Saeyoung collapsed in the chair next to her and leaned his head on her shoulder. MC rolled her eyes but clearly didn't mind.
"I was just about to ask what you boys wanted to eat. I'm too busy to cook right now but I can order a pizza something like that." The twins seemed to be thinking and she looked to Jumin. "Will you being staying for dinner Jumin?" He looked up from his own book and seemed surprised by the question.
"Is it that late already?" He checked his watch to see for himself and frowned. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. I'd like to read as much of this book as possible before I leave." MC nodded at him and looked at the other three.
"Pizza is probably the best option then. Is that ok with everyone?" When no one objected Saeran pulled out his cell phone.
"I'll order it and then we'll go get it. Just the usual?" Everyone nodded again and Saeran began the order. The room fell silent and Saeyoung noticed that he had never seen any of the books on the table.
"Mom what are all of these books? I've never seen any of them before." He picked one up and looked through it. His eyes lit up when he realized that they were in code. "They're coded! Oh mom please let me do one! You know how much I love this kind of stuff. Do you have a codex or are you making one?" MC bit her lip still debating if she should let him help.
"Their hunter journals that I recently acquired. Yes their coded but I really don't think you should help me with these. The hunter that wrote these was especially twisted and graphic. It's almost two much for me to handle. The emotions imprinted on them alone is hard to take in." This was an update that none of them had been expecting. It seemed to set a morbid curiosity in the air as well. Everyone wanted to know more but didn't know it it was ok to ask.
"I'll be ok mom. Is it any worse than what you've written in your journals?" V's eyes went wide after Saeyoung spoke and MC just glared at him.
"I knew I should of burned those when I adopted you two." Saeyoung only shrugged and went to pick up another book. "You can help me tomorrow. For now why don't you and your brother go pick up the pizza. But don't use any magic. Not even teleporting." Everyone gave her a curious look but she pretended not to notice. "It's a precaution. Rika might not be our only enemy, so just trust me." She wasn't looking at them but the twins could hear the seriousness in her voice. They knew she was worried about something, so they listened.
"All right. We'll be back in a bit." Each of the twins gave her a hug and then left the house. When it was clear that they were gone Jumin cleared his throat and looked at MC.
"MC do you plan on telling the twins about me?" MC looked at Jumin and raised an eyebrow at him. "Considering that you raised them I can only imagine that they too have a strong dislike for hunters." He paused and sorted out his words. "I know it may not seem like it but I do consider everyone in the RFA to be family. My point is that I worry them knowing about me will damage my relationship with them, and I don't want that." Hearing Jumin say all of that made V smile and when he looked at MC she was smiling too.
"I don't think you have to worry about that. I didn't raise my sons to be so close minded. They'll definitely be shocked to find out that someone they look up to is a hunter but it won't change how they feel about you." She paused seemed to be thinking. "I won't tell them about you but only because I think it should come from you." Jumin nodded and smiled at her.
"Fair enough I'll tell them after dinner. Thank you MC." She only shrugged and stood up from the table.
"No reason to thank me. I'm putting my trust in you. I hope you can keep it." In one swift motion she had cleared off the table and Jumin was again left impressed. Sensing that MC didn't want to talk anymore V piped up.
"Jumin would you mind stepping outside with me. There's something I wanted to ask you about." Jumin raised an eyebrow at his friend but V was already addressing MC. "Is that alright with you?" MC nodded and smiled at V.
"Just stay close to the house. The sun is setting and there's no telling what could be in the woods tonight." Her tone was ominous but V held his questions back. It was obvious that she needed some space to herself. He kissed her cheek before leading Jumin into the garden. With Jumin and V gone MC finally let all of the emotions wash over her. The books were crawling with traces of magic. Everytime she picked one flashes of all the pain and torture that the witches went through. Some of them had actually left injuries on her and she could feel the blood under her dress. Even though they healed right away the pain stayed like a phantom. Getting up from the table her body shook with pain. "Alonzo bring me some herbs." The owl flew around the house until it dropped a dried bundle of herbs in her hand. She lit it on fire and blew it out causing it to smoke. After leaving it near the journals MC moved over to her desk. There were several unopened envelopes on the desk and she frowned. Opening one of them her eyes scanned over it and she sighed setting it back down. Alonzo hooted at her and she sighed. "It's a problem for another day. Besides they're only angry because I'm not dead." Feeling the exhaustion inside her body she laid down on the couch. Her plan was to just rest but soon she felt her eyelids closing just as the last of the sun slipped behind the horizon.
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saey-bae · 7 years
hc: rfa+saeran react to otome writer!mc
look @ this 
look @ my first request ◕3◕
this turned out so much longer than it was meant to be and ohgod i don’t exactly have the time to do this but let’s go
i hope this meets expectations !!
check out my masterpost here
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as a gamer, yoosung’s been introduced to nearly every hot game on the market at some point, whether it’s through friends, chatrooms, or gaming sites 
rarely do heavy-text based games catch his attention, but a new one just surfaced three months ago and people have been raving
huh, this new game’s getting a lot of attention --i think i saw mc playing this, too... wonder what it is
he’s been catching you play otome games lately even though you should be studying for your upcoming exams oops
he’s lying when he says he isn’t just the tiniest bit jealous that you spend so much time with virtual men your phone 
so he stares at the icon, a pink square with a little heart in the middle
it’s called little loves ew how cheesy
he downloads the game off schteam, then starts it up
lots of reading involved, though the choices are pretty interesting and the writing is hella good
he’s halfway into one of the female routes when a red headed dude is introduced
he’s a happy-go-lucky computer science genius who lives off of chips and soda
and he says the most random shit wtf
it almost sounds like....... seven?
“hey mc” yoosung picks up his laptop and heads over to the kitchen table, where you’re tapping away at your own device “doesn’t this......”
peering closer, he realizes you’re writing something-- writing text? he recognizes one of the names you type down-- it’s one of the characters from the game !!!!! 
“mc, you wrote little hearts?” 
you nearly have a heart attack
“don’t sneak up on me like that!!!” you’re blushing, but he’s having none of it
“you’re so talented why didn’t you ever tell me you wanted to pursue writing?????” he pulled you out of your chair and swung you around, voice filled with pride “do you know how good that game is? everyone’s been talking about it !!”
despite your protests, he takes you out for dinner that night bc we need to celebrate mc !! also, do i have a route, too?
this puppy is so, so supportive and sweet
still pretty jealous about the virtual men tho
the moment you released your game, your boyfriend was downloading and playing it 
he was even in one of the chatrooms that your small fanbase had created, fangirling along with them bc omg his girlfriend is such a fabulous writer
you sat next to him on the couch, cuddled up to him as you watched him play
“mc, how do i get this character’s route?” he’s pointing at the pretty brunette, pouting at you as his crimson eyes widened to puppy proportions
you only smirk hah i’m immune to that look now, sucker
as he keeps playing, he realizes something
“hey, this girl’s like.... jaehee... and this guy’s like.... yoosung?”
zen’s pretty into game until he isn’t
“is that supposed to be jumin?”
catch these hands, virtual jumin
you notice his choices began changing, favouring other characters more often than jumin
it was a romance game, after all, and he seemed desperate to have anyone else
“are you.... going after yoosung?” you snork you were so going to tell yoosung later
what you didn’t tell your boyfriend was that virtual jumin was the first character everyone got, no matter their options
zen’s furious
he plays the beginning over and over again
he gives up on the eighth try
you’re laughing so hard, no sound makes it past your lips
zen pouts, but he finishes jumin’s route 
that’s the end of that
“babe, i love you, but I can’t approve of --what's his face again? c’mon, you just played his route-- kyong”
according to zen, one jumin was more than enough as it was
however, you're contemplating whether or not to make all the characters in your next game relatable to jumin in some way 
just to irk your boyfriend a little more hehe
Is it okay if I swap out Jaehee for Saeran? Sorry, babe, I’m just way too uncertain when it comes to her character if it doesn’t involve coffee in some way LOL. 
your boyfriend is a busy, busy man
lots of things to do, very little time to get it all accomplished
but he somehow manages to run a campaign for your game to develop it further and to sell more aw juju you sweetheart
however, you do manage to get him to play it 
and, at first, he’s a little hesitant
but when you’re looking at him like that while the two of you were cuddling together in bed, he can’t say no
so he pulls out his phone and downloads the app
let’s play yay
the two of you go through one route in a little less than an hour and a half
he doesn’t even notice how many rfa member traits are incorporated in the characters ok so he’s a little dense in that regard
“that man’s design --the white hair-- is similar to zen’s” is as far as he goes
ok he’s finished. you yawn it’s, like, twelve am probably not smart to have started a route
“it was a very intriguing and thought-provoking story, mc. i think i’d like to read another”
he starts off on another route??
“jumin, baby, it’s getting late and we both have work tomorrow........”
he kisses your brow tenderly “just one more, my love”
yaaaaawn “oh... alright”
another hour and a half passes
jumin’s starting a new route
“i must know what happens to this character, my love”
you doze off some time around three am
when you wake up, jumin’s still on his phone how is the battery not dead??
“did you sleep at all last night?????”
“i need to know, love”
“i wrote the stories, i can tell you....”
“nono, i want to read them, darling; you don’t understand”
jumin’s basically us. we are jumin
know about it?
who do you think helped you with the coding?
he even set up a tripter bot for it, though he did so without your permission ahh you need to get permission for these things saeyoung
currently, he’s sitting on your lap while playing the game, leaning his head on yours while your arms are around his waist
and you can already tell by his choices that he’s romancing his own character
was he doing this on purpose? should you let him know?
“saeyoung, uh-”
“shh, busy” he’s reading intently
“s-saeyoung, that’s um...”
“what? what is it?” his golden eyes set on you, mildly irritated bc you pulled him away from the game it was so good mc why
“that’s you” you mumble into his shoulder meekly
“oh, i know”
a blush heats your cheeks
he just grins saucily at you “naughty of you to put me in here, babe. don’t you need my permission to do that, by the way?”
was it hot in here or was it just saeyoung’s taunting?
“not gonna lie, zen’s character is pretty hot too you did a good job”
he’s petting your head now while you blush
it seems pretty innocent
but the huge grin on his face says otherwise
that’s right, mc, suffer
he goes back to playing the game, choosing the most romantic, cheesiest options
he pouts when he loses his own affections
bad ending
“mc, did you really think i was that cold to you before we got together?”
why is my character so mean;;;; he’s pouting and it’s so cute ahfsjhfs
the minute you leave the room, saeran scuttles over to your laptop
he doesn’t understand what you do on your devices all day laptop and phone?? but he’s right here !! who are you talking to?????
and he has a split second of doubt are you cheating on him already?? you’ve been together for less than a year and he loves you so much please don’t be cheating his fragile heart’s going to break
he stares at your laptop’s locked screen
alright time to do a little hacking cracks knuckles don’t do that saeran it’s bad for your hands
then he realizes 
password? “1-1-1-1″
there we go
ok if your password’s that easy, you’re probably not cheating, he reasons
the pain in his chest eases and he has to take a minute to remind himself that you love him very much and that he did trust you fully
and he has absolutely no right to look through your stuff it was an exercise you were helping him with and he was doing so well he didn’t want to disappoint you now
he doesn’t want to disappoint you and you both love each other
logs off the laptop without checking anything and waits for you to come back before asking about your internet activities
you’re surprised he’s taken an interest or noticed, but you show him your website and explain the concepts of an otome game
he catches on pretty fast and soon enough, he’s playing your newest game
like his twin, he almost immediately realizes who these characters are based off of
and he refuses to play after that
“it doesn’t feel right”
he starts monitoring your website behind your back, though
and soon enough, you see that more and more people are downloading your games
your fanbase is growing so quickly what’s going on 
saeran never says a word about your games again
except when he grumbles about the characters, which is more often than not no he’s not jealous what are you saying, stupid
but he’s certainly going to make sure his wifey’s game is successful
soft saeran is the best saeran
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commander-yinello · 7 years
Jumin’s Birthday Party
A fic for the @juminzenweek mini event to celebrate our awesome CEO and cat lover! I’ve been sick lately so hopefully there are not too many errors in this. I hope you enjoy!
The CEO got showered in confetti the second he stepped through the door. Saeyoung had made sure to add a whole bucket of glitter as well, making Jumin’s dark hair sparkle like the galaxy. Yoosung was so kind to give him a decorative napkin while Zen snorted and Jaehee facepalmed.
“This was not necessary, my birthday is not something unique compared to other days,” Jumin commented, attempting to wipe the glitter off his suit.
Of course that riled up Zen. “We went through all this trouble to host you this party, at least appreciate it, you jerk!”
The redhead continued to act like the host, ignoring it the two. “Games, cake and gifts await in this fun-tastic evening!” He waved his hand at the scene. The RFA had decided to use their party HQ to celebrate Jumin’s birthday. It was decorated with every possible streamer and balloon they could find, together with a large banner with HAPPY BIRTHDAY on it. In his mind, it was perfect.
While Jumin accepted his fate and allowed Yoosung to lead him to the table laden with purple cupcakes, MC gently poked his side.
“Psst, Saeyoung!” MC whispered. “There’s a problem!”
“Houston, we have a problem! What kind?”
“We don’t have a gift for Jumin.”
Saeyoung gasped. That was a problem indeed. “What happened to buying the super deluxe gold-plated bowl?”
“Too expensive. Also Yoosung said Jumin might have it already.”
“Good point.” Saeyoung pondered. “You guys think of something, and I’ll distract him in the meantime!”
“How?” MC immediately knew she said a silly thing as Saeyoung pranced towards the large plastic crate in the corner. When he found his treasure, he ran to the middle of the group, once again grabbing all the attention.
“As promised, the fun and games! Jumin, as the birthday boy you’re expected to participate.” He held up the color box for all to see.
“Twister?! Are you serious?”
Why was Zen forever the party pooper? “Why, think you can’t win? And here I thought you exercised so much,” he grinned, defying the albino.
“Please! I’ll win with my eyes closed!” Zen already discarded his jacket and his shoes while Saeyoung put the plastic tarp on the floor, grinning. Tsunderes were so predictable.
Jumin watched Zen with fascination as the actor stood proudly on the tiny tarp.
“How does one do this… twister?” he asked as Yoosung and MC took off their shoes as well.
“When I call out a body part and a color, it is everyone’s duty to put said body part on the right color dot. You can only move that body part if it is called again, otherwise you must keep it on that dot. If you fail to do so or fall, you lose,” Saeyoung explained.
It was doubtful that Jumin understood, but he dutifully followed the others. No matter how much MC begged, Jaehee refused to participate, conveniently excusing herself to check on the birthday cake. Naturally, as the game master, Saeyoung didn’t join either, leaving four of the RFA to battle it out.
Saeyoung spun the wheel before anyone got to change their mind. “Right hand red!”
Yoosung and MC took the easy route by kneeling but Zen had to show off and touch a red dot further from him, grinning smugly as his body stretched over the tarp and giving the other contenders are harder time reaching things. Jumin wasn’t deterred and grabbed a dot close to Zen. That caused the actor to drop his grin.
“Dude, personal space!” he said as Jumin’s crouched body hovered near him.
“Seriously Zen?” Yoosung remarked quite aptly.
Saeyoung watched the scene unfold and a wicked idea came to mind. He pretended to spin the wheel. “Left foot yellow!”
MC got mixed up and accidentally moved her foot to the wrong dot, taking her out of the game early. Being on the edge of the tarp, Jumin had no choice to move his foot over Zen’s leg to reach the yellow dot. Zen wobbled upon this yet impressively held his balance.
“I thought dancers were supposed to be agile,” Jumin sassed the younger albino, who was turning red.
“Your shittiness caught me off-guard! I’ll still win this!”
“Left hand blue!”
Yoosung misplaced his hand and ended on his butt, though no one noticed as everyone was focused on the last two. Jumin was now hovering above Zen’s body, his body a suspended bridge to match Zen’s reversed one. It was so hard for Saeyoung not to laugh, Zen’s emotional battle between saving his dignity or wanting victory displayed on his face.
“You’re doing this on purpose!!” the albino screeched.
“Come now Zen, you know I’m not the game master.” Jumin didn’t seem to mind this predicament at all. The redhead found this very interesting.
“Shut up, shut up!!”
There was one more thing he could do to get the bickering duo to move even closer. How could he not choose that? “Right hand green.”
It was a lovely thing when people did exactly what he predicted. Jumin moved the hand that was near the edge to the one on the other side of Zen’s head, causing him to perfectly lean over Zen. Zen’s brain short-circuited, staring only at the CEO, his face redder than the dots underneath him.
“No protest this time? I guess you don’t mind this, do you?”
“H-have you gone mad?!” Zen yelled, but his arms gave way and he fell flat on his back.
“Hurray, Jumin wins!” MC cheered.
Saeyoung pouted. Couldn’t Zen have held on a little longer? There were so many more compromising positions he wanted to put them in!
“Cake’s here!” Yoosung pointed to Jaehee entering the room with a large cake in her hands. The assistant took one look at the group and looked relieved to have missed the ‘fun’. Zen hastily scrambled to get away while Jumin calmly got up and put on his shoes.
Soon most RFA members were busy with the cake, preferring to eat it over singing the standard birthday song, some of them still shoe-less. Seeing Zen sitting on the floor angry and grumbling how Jumin didn’t play fair, gave Saeyoung another brilliant idea. He tapped MC on her shoulder.
“I know what we can give Jumin,” he whispered.
“Oh?” she asked and followed Saeyoung’s gaze to a certain man. “Oh! But won’t that just make them both really angry? Especially Zen?”
“Maybe. Maybe we’ll have to run for our lives. But it’s worth it.”
They both cackled and rubbed their hands together as they approached the unsuspecting albino.
“Tada! Enjoy!”
Jumin had already been suspicious when Zen, Saeyoung and MC had gone missing while Assistant Kang had cut the cake. Even more when two of them returned, albino-less. Tripling when they asked him to follow them to a unique, RFA-only gift.
The moment he stepped into the side room, the two closed the door behind him and locked it, giggling like maniacs. In the room Zen sat on the couch, his body wrapped in a large red ribbon, accompanied with a big curly bow on his head.
Jumin couldn’t help but smile. A unique gift indeed, albeit a little silly.
Zen faintly struggled with his ribbon bindings. His blush had dissipated a bit since the twister game. “I did not agree to this!”
“But you do look very good.” Jumin joined Zen on the couch, gingerly putting a lock of hair behind Zen’s ear. Zen’s blush returned, but this time there were no fake glares. “Does this mean Saeyoung and MC know?”
“I doubt it, but you’re doing a very poor job of hiding your feelings,” Zen said, following Jumin’s hand as it trailed down from his head towards his thigh. A quiver ran through the actor’s body.
“I can’t help it. Besides, Saeyoung obviously rigged the game.”
Zen frowned. “When we get out of here, I’m going to punch that little pervert.”
“Fair enough. In the meantime, how about I make the most of my ‘gift’?” Jumin leaned in, hearing Zen’s breath quicken.
“Don’t you want to save this for tonight?” Zen whispered, his body language telling Jumin not to stop.
“It’s my birthday. I can indulge.”
Zen agreed in the form of a heated kiss, and Jumin smiled.
Later when they were released to eat the last slices of cake, they didn’t see a piece of ribbon dangling from Zen’s pants.
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Does the Past Make the Future
So, I posted this on ao3 a long time ago, but I have been encouraged to post it on here as well, and not simply sharing the link. So! Here is Chapter 1 of my Saeyoung x Reader fic 
Warnings: (in later chapters) NSFW
Summary: MC IS NOT READER.MC is your best friend. You haven't seen her in two months because she suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. When she comes back she brings a her new boyfriend, Yoosung, and the cute and funny Seven. You quickly fall for him, but this means you have to open up about your sad past.
I hope you enjoy!
You were so excited. The reason is because your best friend was introducing you to her new boyfriend. You hadn’t been able to see her for while. It was like she dropped off the face of the earth for a couple of months. Turns out she met a new guy and became completely focussed on him, you knew the way she avoided your eyes when she explained this that she wasn't telling the whole story. You didn't push though, seeing as you have secrets of your own.
She said she was bringing two of their friends as well. There were three possible reasons for this: one, she was super proud of her new friends and wanted to include you, two, she was trying to hook you up again, or three, it was a mix of the two.
The two of you have been friends since middle school. You were the new kid and a socially awkward one to boot. MC was outgoing and didn’t want anyone to be left out, she went out of her way to make sure you were a part of everything. Eventually you guys ended up being inseparable, she is also the reason you are more comfortable in social situations in your adulthood. But, because of your childhood tendencies, she feels the need to try and get you laid. Even though, you are fully capable of doing this yourself.
You agreed to meet at this cute coffee shop that MC said another one of her friends recently opened. You weren't a huge fan of coffee but she promised there would be sweets, which was your weakness.
You purposely took longer to get ready because you didn't want to arrive first, and be forced to stand there by yourself. Also, even with her constantly trying to hook you up, MC has great taste in men. You had your hair up in a high ponytail with your bangs plus some extra hanging down the side of your face. The outfit was high-waisted jean shorts, a crop-top that had a galaxy look to it, and gladiator sandals.
As you walk up to the coffee shop you see MC holding hands with a cute little blonde. You actually recognize him, you have seen him on campus a few times. You only take a few classes there because oddly enough you enjoy learning. The classes tend to have a psychology feel to them, although you do enjoy cooking classes.
Next to them are two different boys. One is tall with white hair that looks like a weird mullet. Even with the odd hairstyle you had to admit he was very attractive with his red eyes and the structure of his face. The boy next him was even cuter. He had a mop of red hair and these huge yellow and black glasses, behind them are golden eyes. He was slightly shorter than the weird mullet man, but he was still taller than you.
You are about 5 steps away from them when MC finally notices you and jumps in for a hug with all her might. You almost lose your balance but you have ninja reflexes (hahaha) so you manage to make yourself upright before your ass hits pavement.
“___! Oh my god! I've missed you!” She practically yells in your ear.
“MC, you just saw me a week ago. Although you did abandon me for two months.” You put on your best pout but end up laughing at her guilty expression, which makes her laugh in turn.
“___, this is my boyfriend, Yoosung.” She grabs the blonde boy's hand again and he beams. You have to admit, they are adorable.
“Oh so that's your name,” you exclaim, “I've seen you on campus a few times. I take a few classes every now and then.”
“Although she doesn't need to,” MC states, “this girl already owns a spa.” She beams at you, she seems more proud of that fact then you are. She turns to the others. “This is Zen,” she gestures to the mullet man, “And this is Seven,” she points at the red head.
Zen offers his hand and you take it expecting a handshake. Instead, he raises your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles. “Lovely to meet you.” He was probably expecting a flush but instead you simple quirk an eyebrow at him and say, “Likewise.” Zen looks slightly offended and you hear MC giggle next to you.
Seven actually shakes your hand and says, “Nice to meet you!” His smile is so bright, you have to smile in return. “How long have you owned a spa?! How old are you?! I always thought people who owned spas are wrinkled old ladies!”
You giggle, “ Only a couple of months, and I'm actually only 21. Yes, before you ask that is very young. And no my parents didn't give it to me. I bought it on my own.” You smile gently, you've learned that people tend to get offended when you answer like that but they always have the same questions, so you hope this saves you of that.
“How?!?! Is that even possible?! Plus you take classes? Are you human?” Yoosung practically shouts next to MC. You wink at him and put a finger to your face.
“An expert never reveals their secrets. And I do believe I am human. No one has said otherwise!” You laugh good-naturedly.
Zen looks super excited when he exclaims, “Oh, is that one by the gym on Walnut?! Sensations Massage?”
“Actually, yes it is.” You look up at with a small smile and tilted head. “Why?”
“I go to the gym right next to it. I went in once to get a quick message after a rehearsal. It was amazing! The incense you use is great and the employees are so nice!” Zen is practically jumping up and down in his excitement.
You beam at him, “Thank you! That actually means a lot!”
“Let's go in and say hi to Jahee!” MC grabs your arm and pulls you into the cafe. You hear the boys snicker at MCs antics.
MC introduces you to Jahee, she seems like a sweet girl and you instantly like her. You order three snicker doodles only to have MC roll her eyes at you. You stick your tongue out at her and catch Seven smiling at you. You instantly close your mouth and flush slightly.
You follow MC and others to a large table, which is actually two pushed together, with you next to MC and Seven across from you. Yoosung is right next to MC. Talking to Zen about a play.
“What about a play?” you ask.
“Oh! I'm sorry!” Yoosung waves his hands in Zen's direction, “Zen is an actor, he recently got a roll in a musical. Rehearsals start tomorrow, right Zen?”
“Yes! I'm very excited!” Zen then continues to talk about the role and how he is a perfect fit for the role because of his “good looks” and “amazing voice.” You soon tune out because his ego grates on your nerves.
Seven notices that you are spaced out with a cookie hanging out of your mouth and pokes your arm. You startle into awareness, this forces part of the cookie to fall on the floor. You pout at it before picking it up and pouting more until you wrap it in a napkin and place it on the table. You finally look at Seven to see him trying to hold in his laugh.
“What's so funny?!” you poke him in the arm as well.
“Your face…” he finally begins to laugh, very uncontrollably. Everyone is staring at him by this point. He soon calms down enough to get out, “your… face when the… the cookie fell was… it was so cute… I can't….” he bursts into laughter again. Your face is bright red and you try to hide it. Seven notices and grabs your wrists to prevent you from doing so.
“No! Don't hide.” You stare at him and he blinks, wrenching his hands back as if he didn't realise his own movements. MC elbows you in the side and you glare at her.
The rest of the visit was pretty uneventful. Zen continued to talk about his role, everyone filled you in on his success which lessened the dislike of his ego a bit, if he was that good he deserved to brag some. Yoosung and you talked about classes, even though neither of you took the same classes it was fun. It was also a bonus that Seven seemed impressed. You would be lying if you didn't find the eccentric red head interesting and cute as fuck. He made jokes and silly comments the whole time. He was also very intelligent. The two of you bonded over memes, psychology, and cats. You both even laughed as soon as Zen started sneezing complaining to you both to shut up.
The downside was the whole time your face was red because every time you would try and sneak a glance at Seven he would already be watching you. This did fill you with a sense of pride but it was also very embarrassing. It ended all too soon when Seven said he had to go home because his brother was calling him complaining that there wasn't any food.
“It would be easier if he would eat Honey Buddha chips and PhD. Pepper like me!” he exclaimed as he stood.
“You can't expect that of him! That is way too unhealthy!” MC laughs as well as Zen.
“It is a perfectly okay diet! Haters!” he feigns upset while crossing his arms until his phone dings again. “Ah geez, okay I'll talk to you guys later. It was nice meeting you, ___.” He turns to leave and is almost to the door when he abruptly turns around and walks back. His face is a little red when looks at you.
“Actually, um… ___?” he fidgets.
“Yes?” You look up at him confused.
“Can I um…” he glances at MC whom you feel move next to you, you have no idea what she did but it seems to spur Seven on. “Can I get your number?” He looks at you hopefully but you can see his nerves and his doubt. You can feel your chest tighten and your breath catches.
“Oh um yeah sure… Definitely,” You flush at your apparent excitement and his sincerity. He hands you his phone and quickly type in your number and name. When he has his phone back he looks and beams, he types a few more things and then looks at you.
“Great! Thanks! I'll text you?” You smile and nod. “Bye guys!” he waves and practically skips out of the cafe.
You turn back to everyone and they are beaming at you. This forces your face to get even redder. MC elbows you again and giggles. You huff but can't hold back a small smile.
Everyone left pretty soon after that. You bought more cookies before leaving, much to Jahee’s excitement. The two of you exchange information because you ended up staying and talking to each other. You get along swimmingly and her baking is amazing. So, bonus.
Once you are finally home to kick off your shoes and flop onto the couch. You can't help but giggle to yourself because today was so much fun. You saw MC, her boyfriend is adorable, her new friends are amazing, and Seven is so adorable you feel like your heart is going to poop it’s pants.
Right then your cat, Mari, jumps right on your stomach causing you to grunt. She is a dark grey fluff ball with a black face and green eyes. She curls up on you and starts purring like a freight train. You hear your phone ding and you reach over to the coffee table, trying your best not to disturb Mari. It was from an unknown number and you hope that it is from Seven. You unlock your phone and grin.
Hey! It's Seven!~ Sorry it look so long to text you! Searan made me go get him ice cream as well! >_<
No problem! ^-^ Is he at least enjoying it?
Searan will always enjoy ice cream!!
You receive a picture of, whom you are assuming is Searan, looking completely content. You in turn snap a picture of Mari on your stomach and send it to him saying. He looks as happy as Mari here!!
OMG! Is that a cat?! YOU HAVE A CAT?! She is so cute! Almost as cute as Elley!
Who is Elley? O:
My friends cat! He won't let me hold her though! :'(
For shame! You can always hold Mari! She loves cuddles. P:
For real?!?! A cute girl and a cuddly cat?! I won the Jack-pot!
You flush and giggle. Before you can reply you get another text.
Sooo… I know we just met buuuuut….. Would you like to go on a date with me? o///o
As if you could say no.
I would love to!! :3
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scummy-writes · 7 years
Oh, hi!! I'm the person who requested the gay Yoosung post and for some reason when you said to read the rules I didn't think they had changed?? I'm so sorry ;;; instead of the whole RFA reacting to finding out Yoosung likes guys, maybe just Zen, Jaehee, and V? I think there's might've most interesting to hear....either way, again, I'm so sorry!
You're okay, buddy! I hope this is okay! Sorry if its long. Just as a heads up, Mc might be dating different people in each scenario.Jaehee- Yoosung hardly saw Jaehee outside of the messenger. They were friends? Kinda? But not enough to plan hang out days, especially when she was so extremely busy.- Granted, they were still close, since she was always willing to give him helpful advice. Even when his questions were stupid.- Often, after work if she didn't have to work over, she would stop by whatever local coffee shop was still open and grab a drink to help her get through finishing some reports. The most interaction she would have would be with the cashier, given that she didn't have many people she could consider friends, if at all.- Though, as she turned around and went to leave, she spotted a familar face at a coffee table. Yoosung. He looked nervous, fumbling with his hands a lot as he sat at a table alone with a half-empty coffee. She was tempted to go say hi, or ask what he was doing so far from his dorm, when some man rushed past her to join him.- They apparently didn't know each other well, with how Yoosung scrambled out of his seat to awkwardly shake the other's hand, and she could tell he was stuttering from her place at the counter.- All the while Yoosung's cheeks stayed a solid pink. After a moment of watching, their eyes met, and she had never seen Yoosung look so scared before. Weird... She gave him a small wave, and went on her way.- It wasn't until the next morning that she checked her phone, surprised by the slew of messages from Yoosung.- First he was explaining that he was just meeting a friend, then how he couldn't say sorry because he didn't want to be rude to his date, and then there were a good five texts of him panicking over saying 'date' before a message begging her not to tell anyone.- Already confused, she called him to sort whatever this was out while she started getting breakfast ready. Yoosung answered immediately, and it took her a few tries to get him to stop stuttering excuses and to let her talk.- "Yoosung, I never have any direct contact with your family, so I have no idea why or what it is you're not wanting me to tell them."- Granted she had an idea, but she didn't want to risk being wrong. Better to let him explain it.- Once he finally got the full story out, about how he was branching out and seeing if he might 'swing the other way', Jaehee started brewing a cup of coffee for the day, already desperately needing one.- "Yoosung. It personally does not matter to me who you get involved with, no matter the gender. All I care about is that you stay safe and don't get mixed up with people who are bad for you. But yes, I won't mention this to anyone else until you do. Your secret is safe with me."- "Really?"- "Yes, really. So cheer up, get ready for school. You're completely normal and no one is upset. If your parents get mad, well. I'm sure the R.F.A. will help you out no matter what. And as long as you keep the place clean, you would be free to come here, if it was necessary."- She never thought she could hear someone cry more than the characters from the dvds she owned, but...At least it was happy crying.V- It was hard. For the both of them. When Mc had gotten together with Jumin, one if her requests was for V and Yoosung to try to get along more. Jumin backed the idea up wholeheartedly, insisting it would be for the benefit of the whole R.F.A.- And now, months down the line, their relationship was a little better. Not the best, but it was decent enough to where Yoosung could start trusting him little by little. Especially when V had opened up about Rika more. Even though it had hurt, Yoosung appreciated finally getting some insight on why she had hurt herself.- Now they were on a trail. Yoosung was helping V carry some of his camera equipment. Nothing too much, especially since the man's eyes still weren't the greatest, but...Yoosung wanted to at least humor him, even if these trips never produced any photos.- They sat down at a clearing and appreciated the view. There were no sounds of city life, just endless noises of the preserved woods, and Yoosung felt...calm. Safe. Like he wasn't recovering from a hectic school year and depression.- He assumed, from the soft sigh from V, that he felt the same.- They listened to the noises around them for a while, Yoosung contemplating on if he could tell V just one thing that he had been struggling with lately. With V, he felt like he would be taken seriously about it. No teasing, no chiding that he didn't know any better- They were still at the stage of repairing their friendship, that V took every word Yoosung said seriously.- Or maybe that was just how the man was, and Yoosung had never noticed.- "Yoosung, you've been quiet lately."- "Mhm."- "...Do you have more questions?"- He always did. Always had questions that the answers were always unsatisfying, but he had a different one today.- "Do...You think it's wrong for...guys to like each other?"- He felt V move, felt the tension in the air, before looking at him and seeing the small hint of surprise on his face.- "I....No, I...I don't think so, Yoosung."- "Okay." Deep breath. "So...So if-"- "If you were like that, then there's nothing wrong with that either."- As usual, V knew the questions he had before he had been given a chance to say them. Yoosung nodding as he went quiet again.- Carefully, V pat his back.- "Take care of yourself. Let me know if some certain people in your life don't take kindly to that. My home is always open for you, as are the other's."- Yoosung didn't need to be told he was talking about the R.F.A. He nodded, a bit more tensely this time as he tried to take another deep breath.- Going out to secluded areas with V was always nice. Only V had to see him cry, and thankfully the man never judged him for it.Zen- Zen only finds out when they get drunk together again. It's after the events of Mc coming into their lives, off happily with Saeyoung, and they both thought it would be fun to have a guys night!- Of course they wanted to invite Saeyoung along, but he was too wrapped up in plans he had already made, so...Just the two of them it was.- They were pretty relaxed, just sipping on a few beers while catching up and watching tv. Zen had been busy with another hardworking play, and Yoosung was actually trying to get himself focused in school again.- "So, any cute girls been asking you out?"- Yoosung's cheeks were already red from being buzzed, but they turned darker as he firmly shook his head. - "One day bud, don't give up hope!" He chuckled, giving Yoosung a pat on the back. He had always seemed to look forward to the day when he could finally date for the first time. Zen felt bad it had been this long.- Most if their night continued with normal discussions like that, occasionally sprinkled in with future girlfriend talk. Zen kept lamenting over his job restricting him on having the time to spoil a woman, while Yoosung just turned quiet when the topic was brought back up again.- It wasn't until he had downed three beers, a surprising amount for Yoosung, that he finally cut Zen off from talking.- "You make fun of Jumin a lot. For that rumor he has."- Zen just cocked an eyebrow at him, a confused smile on his lips. "Yeah? It's the only time I can get the dude to shut up."- "Well, what if he was, you know, actually gay? A-And you were hurting his feelings or something."- Towards the end, Yoosung's words became quieter, but Zen still got the gist.- "Well, fuck. I mean, if he was that'd be whatever, you know? And if I hurt his feelings I guess I'd say sorry or something."- "Just whatever?"- "He'd still be just the same old Jumin to me, but it would explain his uh, empty date life."- Yoosung just muttered a soft 'oh', sipping his beer again, but Zen was curious now.- "Why?"- "Jus' wonderin'."- Weird. Alright. He went to focus on the tv again, but Yoosung spoke up.- "What if I was, y'know. That."- "...If you liked dudes?"- "....yeah."- Zen's eyes widened. "W-Well, uh. That'd. You'd still be Yoosung? But I mean. I'd stop sending workout photos, maybe."- Yoosung scoffed and rolled his eyes, the alcohol making him loosen up. "Who says you're even my type?"- "W-What??"
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justa-mysticmess · 7 years
Hi... so since your requests are open and relatively not busy, would it be okay for me to suggest rfa+v reacting to an mc who has been mentally abused? It could be by parents or their s/o or someone they worked with. Anything you feel writing in really :) Your writing is the cutest too !
someone please ! make sure i write hc’s instead of mini ficlets when you asked for hc’s xD i apologize for the lengthiness! though personally i quite enjoy writing these… which is probably why i get carried away so much! also! don’t ever believe anything bad that happened to you or was said to you was your fault or brought upon you because of yourself! the rfa and i love you anon and i really sincerely hope you never suffered such bad treatment! 
it’s honestly the worst way to find out
at least jumin thinks so
after that week where he had been super s u p E R busy and had ended up unintentionally ignoring mc
when he returns though, after week worth of successful deal with that very important client and having taken care of his dad’s side of the business as well as the launching of that new cat clothing line
he expects an armful of mc the moment he steps in and he hasn’t forgotten to praise mc for having endured his extra busy week so well
but mc is distant and much quieter, only responding to  what jumin asks and not keeping up any conversation
he doesn’t understand the flinching, subdued mc that is wrapping themself in a cocoon and jumin panics on the inside when he notices what’s happening
but he deals with it nicely and stays calm on the outside
when he manages to  sit close enough to mc in the same room for them to know of his presence but not be overwhelmed by it, he starts talking
first tells mc all about his day, and what he ate and what he had wanted to have as dinner with them
when mc has calmed down he expertly drives the conversation till he is able to gently but firmly coax mc into talking about what has been bothering them
is shocked and upset to find out that mc had been ignored by their closest of friends and even their family when they most needed it. that it was like they were nothing more than a bother other people couldn’t stand
that they sure used to come to mc when they needed any sort of help, whether it was with chores, or to dump their emotional stress on mc but would always discard them and ignore their attempts to get close
it was mc’s bad luck they had only ever encountered such people before they met rfa, but they were still skeptical and would get worried easily
then he gets so angry and is ready to sue each and every one of them!!
but first he knows he needs to be there for and comfort mc
to let them know he is NOT like that and he will always make time to talk to mc
and he vows to himself to keep that promise always, but also wants to get mc help for all that emotional abuse they had been suffering through
only gets the best help available while always keeping mc’s comfort in mind!
it goes somewhat like this
you are at a book store, browsing through your genres, just minding your own business lost in your own thoughts 
when you happen to reach the celebrity magazines and books aisle
you are quickly about to backtrack because there is obviously nothing of your interest here
but then you hear hushed whispers of ‘yeah, it’s them, the person zen’s dating’, ‘ugh so plain, why is he even interested in them?!’ 
they are just mean comments and you are good at avoiding them and staying out of their way
after all, you had much more practice since long before zen started dating you and putting the spotlight on you as well at that memorable first party
what you didn’t expect was being followed back to the fiction aisle and actually being approached by a haughty fan who got all in your face
‘what did you do to get him to date you?’ they glared ‘what game did you play and just what blackmail materials did you use? he obviously needed a way out after that echo girl incident, otherwise he would never date a pathetic nobody like you’
the words hurt but you were frozen in spot because instead of the so-called fan, now you were seeing your parents in their place and the fan’s voice had turned into their hateful, angry voices
it was too much and you broke out of your trance when the shop keeper came to tell the rancid fan off for making a scene. and you f l e d
just like that
you’d say you had never been humiliated like that in your life about the incident, but that just wouldn’t be true now would it?
zen was pleasantly surprised to see you home sooner than he had expected 
that however changed the moment he saw your panicked, tearful eyes and how all color and drained, leaving you looking pale. like a corpse
and that did not sit well with him!
is all over you ‘who hurt you? what did they do mc?? who do i gotta punch?!’ but calms himself down when he notices his loudness only made you worse 
sits you down on the couch and wraps you in a warm blanket
gets you a big mug of your favorite hot drink and then sits next to you
when you tell him what happened, he is l i v id
but when you further explain about how their words had taken you back to a worse time, he feels something in himself b r e a k
hugs you so tight and tells you how you meant the world to him and how amazing you are
he would also tell you how anybody who says otherwise is just a big liar and deserves a nice knuckle sandwich, no matter who they are
let’s you cry all the hurt out and doesn’t leave till you are stable and have managed to fall asleep
as he cleans up the kitchen, zen vows to himself never to let anybody hurt you or your parents to get anywhere near you again
after all, who better to understand the hurt a parents words cause than himself?!
and that fan? 
oh he will make sure they pay for everything they said
calls seven and thanks god you told him the name of your favorite bookstore 
had guessed mc wasn’t close with their family because from what he had seen on their social media till now, they never really talked about or mentioned them at all
when he came over to rika’s apartment to guard mc, he had doubtlessly acted like an asshole
to keep mc away, for their own good
no matter how much it hurt him to say those awful things and to keep pushing their every attempt to even ask him what was wrong and how they could help 
the thing with saeran having suddenly appear did not help things, only making him lash out in a worse way and the anger making it easier to say hurtful things
when mc finally locked themself away in the apartment, he felt guilty and relieved, but the guilt would weigh so much and it just wouldn’t let him work
after much wasting of time trying to concentrate on his task, he told himself he’d just check in and if mc wasn’t crying their eyes out, he would focus on his work till he got everything done
so when he came in to an empty apartment
panicked and searched everywhere! even under the bed and in the shower and in the kitchen cabinets
dear lord, what had he done?!
just as he was about to step into the elevator, he saw mc in there
they looked absolutely horrible with the bags under their eyes so much darker and their eyes swollen red and their damp face
he didn’t notice his strict glare fall off and be replaced by a concerned expression instead
it hurt so much when mc flinched away as he reached an arm out to them
then they ran past him and into the apartment
silently brought all his equipment inside and sat opposite mc after giving them a cool glass of water
‘i’m sorry-’
but he was cut off by mc’s soft voice
saeyoung felt so bad when they told him about how their parents had done the same thing always
that though their verbal abuse was worse and more hurtful, his had been too much too quickly and that he had acted the same detached way 
that the way he had treated mc had intimidated them and reminded so much of when they were stuck with their parents
actually c r i e s because how could he have thought acting that way would be a good idea?!
doesn’t think he deserves to even comfort mc so he just apologizes and tries explaining his actions
because mc deserves answers really wishes mc would say something mean back but the most they say is that he hurt them too much
promises once saeran is found and the issue is resolved he will make up to them and never hurt them like that again. not even by mistake!
also privately promises himself to find and make mc’s parent’s lives hell
this fricken angel!
calls mc his ‘moon’ because of obvious bad memories and times associated with rika and the sun
doesn’t do it too much or too often because it hasn’t been too long since they started going out and he doesn’t want to rush anything on mc
notices mc gets kind of lost in thought and closed off whenever he does call them the nickname
thinks he did something wrong and feels so bad!!
but in reality it’s just the fact that mc feels he calls them his moon because even though it is the opposite of the sun, they are both still related
they feel that it is inevitable that he will start confusing them with rika 
only to leave them when he realizes they are in fact not rika at all
when life is not so hectic, he takes a hold of mc’s hand to get their attention
‘dearest, did i do something wrong?’ feels relieved when mc tells him that no, he didn’t do anything wrong
so he ventures  further and asks  them why they seem to dislike being called his moon
feels the need to apologize immediately as he feels mc stiffen beside him
but they beat him to it with their response, ‘um… it’s because when you call me that, i feel you still wish for rika somewhere in the back of your mind’
he is shook?! is about to launch in and vigorously explain to mc 
but then they continue and tell him about the only time they got into a relationship but that person cheated on them
and when mc had asked them why, they had said that they weren’t good enough and they had been too ‘good’ for their taste
when mc says he can tell them if he is still confused and wants rika so they can break up before either of them gets hurt, 
he is so sad!
hugs mc so tight and tells them 1) it’s good mc left that person because they didn’t deserve mc!
and 2) that mc is his one and only now and that it was due to them that he was able to get out of rika’s clutches and that it was mc who had made him realize what he had been doing was not love, it was something very unhealthy and crippling for himself
he tells them they should never worry because he loves them so much and he cares for their every feeling and emotion and that will never change
mc actually melts against him when he calls them his apple blossom and wants to c r y in relief!
because the knowledge that they are jihyun’s preference means everything to them in that moment!
calls mc many flower names from then on
but mostly mc is his ever loving, ever lasting apple blossom and he makes sure to always let them know that!
the cafe had been doing rather well recently
which meant increase in customers and increase in work hours
which was just fine because jaehee and mc both liked working and their customers were generally all really sweet people
that meant some of them would stay till closing hours and want to spend time with them both
mc was kind of awkward always and they thought it was just their paranoid self making things up and that they themself were the cause and source of any awkwardness
it all still didn’t feel good though, because they knew all that and they tried changing, to actively engage too, but they always felt so isolated
things got to the point that jaehee noticed, and after they got home that day, she watched mc dejectedly putting away their shoes and coat
she softly asked mc if everything was okay and why they were so awkward whenever they went out with their new friends
mc felt so humiliated because holy hell jaehee noticed!! now she probably thinks i am a big loser! 
as if to prove that point, they saw jaehee’s eyes widen as she rushed to engulf them in a hug
and why was she shushing them? in the tightness of the hug, mc noticed that they were shaking
because they were sobbing uncontrollably 
when jaehee managed to calm them down she pulled them to sit on the couch so they were half in her lap and half on the other side of the couch
she gently ran her fingers though their hair, murmuring gentle nothings to them till they stopped shaking
coaxing the reason for their sudden panic attack was hard work
but she was determined to find out!
baehee is so shocked when mc tells her about the times they had been emotionally isolated by different people in their life and how they thought jaehee would think lesser of them
when mc added that they knew they were probably overreacting and making things up, she firmly told them to stop right there! because
those were just mind games idiots play to make someone they are jealous of feel inferior
she knew all too well of such people because of her aunt and her daughters to see the pattern
and it concerned her greatly to realize that their new ‘friends’ had been doing the same
though they hadn’t been so obvious and didn’t verbally insult mc so it took longer for her to notice their purposeful ignorance and exclusion of mc and now that she remembered, they had always disagreed with and invalidated anything mc had said when they weren’t ignoring mc!
it took her so long because now that she remembered, mc would barely speak after the first week 
she was livid! though she had calmed mc down and sent them off to clean up before a movie marathon that night
she made a mental note to make those people leave after they had taken their orders and to not accept any offers of hanging out
comes home to find mc’s favorite mug laying shattered against the wall, as if they had hurled it angrily
and mc silently weeping with their back pressed against the opposite wall
lil puppy is so alarmed at first because mc! you didn’t get hurt did you!?
quickly pulls mc off the floor and brushes them down so there’s no glass shards on them and is relieved to see they are not cut anywhere
first of all gets them out of the kitchen and immediate danger zone 
once they are safely deposited on the bed, he hugs them and gently rubs their back, asking what had happened
when they tearfully tell him about the phone call from their aunt and all the mean things she said to them
and how she would always belittle and find ways to humiliate mc every chance she got 
yoosung was so sad
then angry
he doesn’t know which side to listen to! 
asks them if the mug they broke was given to them by that aunt
when mc nods, he asks why they had kept it if their aunt was so mean to them
mc tells him about how she had gotten that for them when she had come to live with them after her divorce
she had sort of been nice before that because mc only met her at family gatherings and her jabs at mc had not been too mean
yoosung wants to call that shitty aunt and give her a piece of his mind!
he wraps mc in a hug and tells them they did the right thing by getting rid of something that would only hurt them
and that they should never care about what their aunt says to or about them again
because mc is awesome and the coolest person he is met
orders lots of different pizza’s and requests a box of hunny buddah chips from seven in return for doing his chores for a week
is honestly such a blessing, this pure thing!
mc never has to worry about their awful aunt again
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nessackerman · 7 years
REQUEST! - MC with a tragic past x 707/Saeyoung
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Hiiiiiiii there little beans!
So... okay, maybe it’s a little too long (?) But I wanted this request to be like a “mini one-shot” so I could explain the character as you wanted it to be. There’s no way I could write about an MC like that by writing an scenario...  Am I explaining myself? Dammit, sorry ;;
And one more thing before you read this... so, I think this is the first time I write such a long post in english, like I said it’s not my main language although I do write and talk in english almost every day (I’m studying English and Spanish language and literature at university) but it’s not that easy to me yet... So just that, if you find mistakes or any typo please tell me nicely and be patient with me, I’m trying my best ಥ_ಥ
This was a difficult request tbh, but you know what? I LOVE CHALLENGES! So, here you have! I really hope you enjoy reading this and please tell me if you like it and request and ask and askdfnsdf no im not nERVOUS YOU aRE ;; omfgfuck
The first thing Saeyoung did when you joined the RFA was do a background check, he didn't found much and that really surprised him, everyone has something, either is good or bad, but you? You were clean.
He found some profiles on different social media platforms but that was it, you didn't interact that much with people, no actualized information about family or friends, just a few photos and the list of where you had studied and worked within these years. The only interesting thing he found about you was something about adoption, he found out you became orphan when you were ten and then they adopted you and you spent the rest of your days in Korea. 
That made Saeyoung wonder... What kind of past might be hidding under the covers? You were always so shy and serious, at first he thought you were the poor version of Jumin, dammit, your politeness and your serious manners almost fooled him. But, for some reason, he started seeing something that the other members of the rfa didn't seem to notice, your serious attitude was just a façade to hide how damn broken you were inside. Maybe he knew something was wrong, maybe he knew you were wearing a mask because he was wearing his own mask to hide his own demons. Maybe that was why you could unterstand him better than anyone, and you were able to say what he needed to hear in the exact moment he needed to hear it.
He didn't know anything, he tried to search more than a couple of times something that could have led him to understand why you were like that, what had happened to you... he tried to pull the threads of the adoption issue but nothing came out, just names and dates, nothing relevant. It almost seemed like you were a ghost, a fantasy of his shattered mind to release some pain, to feel loved... 
You always tried to avoid talking about your past and he did too, it was something mutual but, when everything went bat shit crazy and Saeran appeared and you finally discovered Saeyoung's past... You felt kind of guilty, guilty for not being able to tell him about yours too, every damn time you tried but couldn’t tell him felt like a knife stabbing your chest. 
You felt that you owed him that much, the truth, the... the pieces to the puzzle you were, you wanted him to fully understand you, and for that to happen you needed to tell him the truth. Not telling him was betraying his confidence in you and you just couldn't afford losing him, not ever, not in a million years. He was the only thing you had, he made you feel loved for the first time in... well, too many years, and you couldn't risk that, just... you could never risk that much.  
So one day, after three months of dating, you gathered the courage to tell him the truth. You cried, it was the first time in years you opened to someone, so everything you had been hidding inside a box in your heart suddenly opened and floded your entire being; every memory, every word, all the lonely nights suddenly came to your eyes and your lips. You cried, and sobbed and hiccuped and you explained him all about you, what you remembered and what you knew from your adoptive parents, everything. 
You remember you had a poor family but you were happy and everyone was kind and loyal, you had such lovely, brave parents... But the fairy tail ended once the war started in your country, with such bad luck that your house was in the same district were the rebellious were hidding. 
It was days since you had eaten, the war had stopped the whole city on an hiatus and without a job your parents couldn't gain money and without money there was no food... so they sneaked out to try to get something to eat for you and that was the last time you saw them, they got killed in the middle of a gun fight.
The only memory you have after that it's about you, wandering through the streets, crying and calling your parents until someone picked you up and the nightmare begun. You were alone, the people who picked you up used to beat you up and used you as a slave until war paused and someone from the gobernment found about you and picked you up to south Korea. 
Your adoptive parents were good people, you needed time and therapy but you finally could start to love them and be kind and more open to them. They died in a car accident when you were twenty and you ended up alone once again, that was the moment you decided you wouldn't open to anyone again, you wouldn't love or care for anyone again, everyone that you loved ended up dead, that was the reason why it was so hard to get to open to Saeyoung, and you still were afraid to fully love him...
All the time while you were trying to explain yourself Saeyoung was hugging you, kissing your tears away, kissing your hair, your forehead, your hands, every scar you have... He tried to gave you strenght to continue and smiled tenderly every time you stopped to breath and wash your tears. 
He was finally able to pick up the pieces from the puzzle but he couldn't believe how bad, how traumatic your past was, how broken you might be inside, he couldn't even imagine how fucking hard that could have been for you. He cried too that night, he couldn't sleep in days thinking about your history. He tried to be the best person for you since that moment, the most lovely and tender and understanding, always there when you might crash down from memories suddenly floding you head, always there to hug you to sleep after every nightmare. Always there.
He understands you're not a prankster like him, he still do prank you anyways, he loves teasing you and see you laugh, he adores you. Oh, and that time you bought that "MEME GUIDE FOR DUMMIES" He felt something warming up in his soul, that was so cute... He laughed a bit tho, the moment had been pretty hilarious. Nonetheless, he will do whatever it takes to make you happy, even if that means watch romantic movies and take long walks or go buy you some ice cream at 3AM at that Mc Donalds drive thru at the other side of the town.
That's one of those nights, you had a nightmare and he couldn't sleep either so... It was something like this:
You were sweeting and moving to much in bed, he tried to cuddle you but then you started screaming and crying and he had to wake you up.
-Hey! MC...MC! MC are you okay? Please wake up babe, you're scaring me, wake up my angel... -He tries to wake you up with sweet words and tender touches.
When you finally wake up you're dead scared and still crying and sobbing. He sits in the bed with his back to the header, you're lying on your side in a fetal position, in between his legs and with your head on his chest (I don't know if it's clear, if not I'll search and post a photo of this posture). He's the sweetest and the most understanding boyfriend you could ever ask for. 
-Okay, it's okay little alien, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here with you... -He sing-songs, like a lullaby, calming you down.
-They... they were... and you... -You try to speak but still the fear is more powerful than you.
-Shh babe, I'm here with you, listen to my heart, it will be alright alien -He says with a sweet voice, slowly running his fingers through your hair, giving you all the time you need to recover.
After a while you're relaxed and feeling almost at bliss, he's like a balm, his voice, his touches, his kind and lovely words... He's the best thing that has happened to you, the best thing ever.
-I love you, you don't know how much... don't ever leave me, please Saeyoung... -You say and then you re-position yourself to be able to kiss him.
And you do, slow and smooth, you try to express how you feel through the kiss but it's not long before you two start wanting more and run out of air, you move away from each other lips just to breath and clash again in a quite suffocated kiss, he cups your cheeks in his hands and you put yours in his shoulders so you don't lose balance and you sink your nails on his flesh, his response is almost immediate, he moans and brokes the kiss to grasp for air. 
-MC... You... I... I love you -He says and looks at you with tender eyes.
Sometimes you love teasing him, you're not a cheerful person, you're quite serious most of the time to be honest, but tonight you feel like teasing him a little now that you're feeling better -maybe it's your way of avoiding your thoughts tonight, who cares, if it works for you then it's okay- so you stand up from bed and look at Saeyoung, who's looking back at you with a mix of lust and confusion.
-I want ice cream, let's go to Mc Donalds's drive thru! -You say all of a sudden, and you obviously think it's not going to work, you think he's going to grab you by the waist to drag you back to him and kiss you again... but, oh, dear... you're quite surprised when he stands up too.
-Let's go then, nothing I wouldn't do for my little alien! -And he smiles and starts dressing, leaving you standing there, half naked and confused af.
So that's how you end up in a Mc Donalds's drive thru at 3 AM to buy a fucking McFlurry. That's how it is, one moment you're crying in the middle of a nightmare, then you're kissing him and an hour later you're buying ice cream. You're happy just like that, it may seem crazy... but you love that, you're in love with him, with his madness, with every inch of him, you're in love with the life you're living, even if it's hard as hell sometimes.
And one day you're going to marry him in the space station, that's for sure.
That’s it, have a nice day little beans  (っ◔◡◔)っ ❤
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
RFA plus V and Sarean found out MC can transform into different animals. They catch her when she’s secretly in the middle of transformation
RFA + Minor Duo catch Mc while she’s transforming into an Animal
I just thought about Tokyo Mew Mew Lmao 
Your husband was on guard the last days. 
He noticed that his beloved cat was outside a lot with another cat. 
He wanted to consul with you but whenever he saw the brown cat you were nowhere to be found. 
One day he decided to just chase out the cat but saw how the cat transformed into….you?! 
He was speechless as you patted your clothes to get the grass away. 
,,Jumin?!“ you called out when you noticed him. 
The atmosphere was quite odd but you decided to tell him the truth about your form. 
You were human and could transform into animals. 
,,Although, I still don’t know why I have this power…“ you mumbled and told him about the time when you transformed into a fish and were about to get fished. 
He didn’t think that it was funny when he heard it….
,,Don’t transform into animals that are easy to kill...“ he begged. 
Since then none other than you was allowed to kill insects or to order to let them bring outside. 
,,Mc…why did you become an ant…?“
,,JUMIN HAN YOUR WIFE IS BEHIND YOU!“ you laughed while being human. 
You were kind of troubled. 
You would often transform into cats and you knew how allergic he was against cats. 
Well you could also transform into dogs or rabbits. 
You could transform into every animal. 
Zen found out when he searched you and found a dog instead. 
He wanted to chase the dog out but your time was running out and you transformed back. 
,,ZEN!“ you yelled when he collapsed in the next moment. 
,,I had a nightmare….“ he croaked. 
,,No you didn’t babe…“ you answered and explained that you were the animal’s queen who had the tasks to figure out the animals problem and solve them as a human. 
Your husband was really surprised when all the animals approached you. 
He didn’t think much of it however. 
They seemed to love you and this was enough for him. 
But then you transformed into a fish. 
Yoosung was so puzzled when your fishy form twitched. 
He reacted immediately and put you into water. 
,,Thank you…“ you mumbled when you transformed back. 
,,What happened…?“ he asked you with a trembling voice. 
,,My family is under a curse. I transform into different animals and can change the curse only of I do the right thing.“ you explained. 
,,I somehow don’t get it…what’s the right thing to do…?“ he asked you. 
,,Not sure yet…“ you answered and laughed. 
,,Mc? Mc!“ she called you once again. 
When she opened your door and saw an owl, she was so shocked. 
 But she was even more shocked when she saw that the owl transformed into you. 
,,Jaehee! What are you-“
,,Oh dear….“ 
Jaehee was quite shocked to know the truth. 
You were a fairy and one of your powers was to transform into animals. 
The good thing was that you could transform into an elephant and let her ride on your back to let her see the world from up there. 
,,We need to be cautious or else they will take you to the Zoo…“ she laughed when the two of you had to hide. 
He somehow already knew although he thought it was unrealistic. 
But everything was confirmed once he found a dolphin in the tub. 
It was kind of odd to explain him this power but at least the two of you could trick Jumin. 
,,Transform into Elly and let him get shocked!“ your fiancé laughed. 
,,No, he will rush here or home and Jaehee will end up working overtime again!“ you tried to hide your excitement. 
,,Transform into a mice and let’s scare Saeran!“ 
He tried to make fun of the situation but you also knew that he was worried. 
Before chasing out a spider he always looked around for you in order to not kill you. 
,,Huh?“ he gasped when he saw you coming out of the sea. 
Just now there was….wasn’t it an animal? 
Did he look wrong? 
,,Leader is back.“ you said into your bracelet and saw Saeran observing you. 
The two of you first sat down. 
You told him the truth, you were a hero and could transform into the animal which was needed the most. 
,,Okay but…isn’t it kind of dangerous?“ he asked you. 
You saw how worried he was. 
This was the reason for your secret. 
It took him a while until he got used to your form but it wasn’t that severe as he thought. 
It was kind of odd that Jihyun‘s reaction wasn’t as crazy as you thought. 
A few minutes ago he just saw you transforming into a cat and becoming human again. 
But instead he thought that this made you even more something special. 
,,So, you don’t have anything against it?“ you asked him unsure. 
,,Of course I don’t have anything against it. I‘m happy that you‘re that way, it makes you so special.“ he laughed. 
,,Can you control the power?“ he asked you. 
You thought that it was really sweet that he was so interested into you. 
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graymalkyn · 7 years
Hello! Um... Could i ask for the sassy comments one for the RFA? Yoosung and Saeyoung is my favorite pairring, but anybody else would be good too? =(^•.•^)=
This universe takes place two years after the RFA party, and MC (Noona) and V are married. Headcanon!Seven is genderfluid with preferred pronouns, and Yoosung is his boyfriend and partner in crime. This one was hard because lots of ‘Office Staring’ are purely physical and they don’t translate well into text. At least not for me. Regardless, it was interesting, so thanks for the prompt!
3) Yoosung and Saeyoung ~ Whispering sassy comments to each other and ‘staring into the cameralike they’re in The Office’ looks but they’re each other’s cameras
“Is the camera ready?”
“Camera ready,” Seven announced, adjusting his glasses.
“Is my hair okay?”
“That’s the latest LOLOL spell!”
“It’s also a Spanish word for ‘great’, my uncultured kitten. Ready? And…rolling!”
“Okay, so today we’re going to have dinner at V’s,” Yoosung explained. “We’vebrought snacks and drinks because someonecan’t live without Dr. Pepper.”
“That’s me,” Seven said to the rear-view mirror. “He’s talking about me.Hey babe.”
“What’s up babe. Anyway, we’ve got this bet going on, mostly on threethings: Zen’s love for cameras, V’s long-running sentences, and Jumin’s failureto understand informal language.”
“Excuse me,” Jaehee said from the backseat. “But we’ve been parked forlike 5 minutes now. Isn’t it time for us to get out of the car and let themknow we’re here?”
“Sure, go ahead, Jaehee!” Seven replied merrily.
“This is a two-door car, Luciel!” Jaehee barked. “Unless you want me tostep on your head or slash through the roof, I suggest you let me out now!”
“Ack! Not my Baby Rolls-Royce!” he cried, quickly opening the door.
“Let me tell you,” she stated as she stepped out, “that Mr. Han has beenbrowsing that urbandictionary thing every free moment he has, so don’t test himon informal language. He might surprise you, and not in a good way. Sometimeshe has no sense of timing whatsoever.”
“Aaargh, we should have teased him that time during the last RFA party!”Seven groaned.
The doorman let them in and as they rode the elevator, Yoosung wondered,“So in the end, as a camera, would you go ‘Snap!’ or ‘Click!’?”
“Despite my appearance, I’m old school. First I’d go ‘Whiiiiirr’, then‘Click-clack’!”
“Ooh, you’d click-clack! Neato!”
“… I want to get out of here,” Jaehee sighed. “I swear it’s likebabysitting.”
“You’d rather look after Elly, then?”
A look of confused horror that seemed to spell out cat hair appeared in Jaehee’s face. The elevator pinged and sherushed out, leaving behind the smirking couple.
“Jumin has just called to say he’ll be here shortly,” V said, while hehelped put the things away. “I had no idea he would be taking part in the negotiationswith the council of the national development agency for the arts. I thought itwould be Chairman Han’s responsibility, since he’s always aimed at becoming apatron of the arts and this is the first step in that direction.” He blinkedwhen he noticed Yoosung and Seven staring at each other with a ‘that didn’t take long’ expression intheir faces. “Have I said something that perhaps I shouldn’t have?”
Jaehee stifled a chuckle and cleared her throat. “Ah, where’s Zen?”
“He’s smoking in the balcony,” Noona replied, handing V two platterswith snacks. She sighed. “Luciel, we can’t have this much sodium.You’ll be taking the leftovers with you. But… On second thoughts… No, youshouldn’t relapse either. How long did it take you to quit those Honey Buddhachips?”  
Seven gave Yoosung an all-knowing look. “Now that Noona is pregnant,I’ll admit it feels a little bit like having a mother. RFA’s favorite doll,Noonya, comes with a PhD and a mouth for nagging. Batteries not includ—Eeee!”he squealed as Noona slipped an ice cube into his shirt. “Meanie!”
“There, there,” Yoosung patted him. “Want to go take pictures of Zen?”
As expected, Zen was highly cooperative when it came to posing. “Give mepassion!” Seven shouted as Zen bit his lower lip. “Click-clack! Now give mestrength!” He watched Zen flex his muscles. “Click-clack!”
“Are… Are you really taking the pictures with your glasses?”
“What are you saying?”
“Well…” Zen said slowly, “I can’t help but notice you’re making thesounds with your mouth…”
“That’s just to make you feel as if you were in a studio. You’re a star,Zen! Click-clack!”
“Oh… Okay then!” Zen beamed.
“Such a luminous smile, my heart goes dugeun-dugeun! Give me a roar!”
“Click-clack! Give me a howl!”
“Click-clack! Give me a meow!”
“NYAAA! Eh?”
“Seven, you jerk! Come here!”
Seven ran into the apartment and into the living room when he bumpedinto Jumin. “Ouch! Mr. Director! You’re finally here! I’ve got a businessproposal.”
“Not interested,” Jumin replied laconically. He looked over Seven’sshoulder and said, “Ah, you’re here, Assistant Kang, and with Zen. V and Noonaare waiting for you to start the meal.”
“I bet that jerk hasn’t even noticed I’m wearing a Ferragamo jackettoday, courtesy of my latest sponsor. Apparently, she gave it to the presidentof my fan club because she heard I’d be having a TV interview next week. Such aclassy lady, heh… Unlike Jumin Han. That bastard is always so unimpressed,” Zengrunted as they sat down around the coffee table.
“Mr. Han’s like that because he’s never been a fan of anything, exceptfor cats,” Jaehee pointed out. “And if you tried to explain it to him, I don’tthink he would understand how fandoms work.”
“But he is part of a fandom. The Jesusfandom,” Seven whispered, as he turned to Yoosung.
“Religion is not a fandom, guys,” Zen chuckled.
“But… Well, I suppose that could be argued,” Noona mused. “There aresome common traits, right? Some sort of subcultural interconnection, and adisplay of devotion that at times can be too fervent. And if you consider themany limited edition items that can be acquired, like the Splinters of the TrueCross-”
“Miss, Miss!” Seven pssted.“Stop talking dirty, or else V will get turned on!”
V gigglesnorted. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s nice to see V laughing this way,” Zen smiled. “You know what theysay, ‘a smile is a curve that setseverything straight.’”
“Except for Jumin,” Seven said to Yoosung. “Nothing could turn himstraight.”
“We should know about this,” he replied with a grin. “Meanwhile, Seven’sonly straight-ish when she wears her Mary Vanderwood 3rd costume forme.”
Seven shrugged, reluctantly impressed. “Technically, I can’t argue withthat.”
V blushed and waved his hands. “Guys, we don’t… I’m sure you wouldrather we respected your intimacy, so perhaps you should hold this discussionat another time?”
“Whenever V speaks with long words none of us can really understand him,”Seven said, staring at Yoosung. “He doesn’t know this, but we have this secretcode to stop him, and when he starts with the long sentences, we mentionElizabeth 3rd.”
“That’s the code for when Zen becomes a bit of a narcissistic douche,”Yoosung replied in deadpan fashion.
“Oi!” Zen snapped, blushing upon hearing Jumin’s discreet snicker.
“Am… Am I really that hard to understand?” V murmured to Noona.
“And that’s how you create a hashtag sad face,” Seven said to Yoosung,clicking his tongue.
Noona wrapped her arms around him and kissed his forehead. “They’re justmessing with you, honey, you know what they’re like… Right?” A flash of angercrossed her eyes, which seemed to say Ifyou don’t apologize I’ll strangle you.
“It’s just a joke,” Jaehee reassured V. “They’ve been fooling around forhours. It’s probably the sugar rush talking. You two, come to the kitchen tohelp me with some things.” As soon as they went in, she grabbed Seven by thearm and whispered, “Will you be uploading those photos to the Tripter bot?”
“Puh-lease. Does Jumin Han is gay?” Seven asked, as if the answer wasobvious.
“I’ve already told you he isn’t.”
“Oh. Well, yes, they’ve already been queued.”
“Excellent. Please bring over the fondue,” Jaehee chirped merrily,taking with her a bread basket. She bumped into Jumin on the way out.
“Luciel,” he asked, closing the door behind him, “I understand you’vemanaged to take a photograph or two of certain people acting like cats?”
“Sir, yes sir! Just as planned! Don’t worry, I’ll forward them to youre-mail address.”
“Much appreciated.”
Seven turned to Yoosung. “Jumin really wants the D.”
“Excuse me?” Jumin raised an eyebrow.
“The Dee-gital Images!” Seven grinned.
“I’ve heard of photographs referred to in that way, but not as ‘D’.Perhaps that’s something I should add to that entry in the urbandictionary…” herambled as he walked away.
In the kitchen, Seven and Yoosung roared with laughter.
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Could you do something where MC is swedish? (I'm swedish and I don't see much about it regarding MM ^^)
Hello there! Our former Mod Yoo did this ask and she sent me her responce to this ask. ~Madre Mod
Hej! Louise. Tack! For your ask. You’re absolutely right, I have to confess that I’m not familiar with Swedish culture other than the fact that I love going to IKEA for some very mystical reasons so I’ve done some very simple research before writing this answer, I hope you’ll like it. Do let me know if there’s anything to improve. Love, Mod Yoo.Here’s a little something for MM Characters x Swedish Fem!MC. Inclusive of a random favourite food canon for each pair, from MC’s home country.
Yoo-sung Kim 
- His attention was drawn to MC in the lobby of his campus, she wasn’t smiling a whole lot. 
- Doesn’t stop him from thinking that she looks totally stunning. 
- He wanted to talk to her so badly but is worried that he’d scare her off. 
- Got to know from some of his university peers that she’s an exchange student from Sweden. 
- Realises that he knows nothing about her birth country. 
- He finally mustered enough courage to go up to her and said hi. 
- “Hi, My name is Yoo-sung Kim, I’m a final year student here. I heard that you’re on a student exchange program. I hope you’ve made yourself comfortable around here. You can talk to me if you need any help,” 
- Before she could say anything, he excused himself and paced away quickly trying to cool down his searing hot cheeks.
 - It took her awhile to approach him again, his patience was running out. “Was I too eager? Have I scared her off? Maybe she’s just not interested…” Random thoughts like these kept flashing across his mind.
 - “Hi, you’re Yoo-sung, right? The one who spoke to me in the students’ hall and left in a hurry.” He turned around to find her across him along the corridor. 
- He swore he could feel all his blood rise to his cheeks again. “Yes, that’s me. How can I assist you today?” 
- To her, he seemed genially shy, kind and helpful, so she decides to trust him. 
- “I don’t need anything particular, thank you. Perhaps, would you like to Fika after classes later?”
- “F-fika?” Suddenly he remembers about his research. “O-of course, I’d love to.” 
- That was the start of a beautiful friendship. This pair enjoys Kanelbullar (Cinnamon Rolls), Kottbullar med brunsas (Meatballs in Cream Sauce) and Vasterbottenpaj (Cheese Pie)
Zen a.k.a. Hyun-ryu 
- The moment he saw her at one of his musical practice, he thought she’s beautiful. In fact, she’s more beautiful than himself to him. 
- “Hey Min-soo ya.” He called out to one of his production crew. “Who’s the little lady in a grey sweater? I’ve never seen her before.” 
- “Oh! You mean MC. She just arrived this morning. Heard from Mr Director that she’s an intern who’ll be helping us to prepare for the performance.” 
- “Ah, where’s she from?” He asked. “Sweden. If I remembered correctly.” 
- He grabbed an extra bottle of water and walks up to MC. 
- “Hi MC, it’s your first day today. I’m Zen, one of the actor in this performance.” He beamed and continued “May I know the major of your studies?” 
- MC was caught off guard by him towering over her. He’s so fair… Good looking, too. 
- “Oh. Uh. Yea. Fine Arts.” Is what she managed to utter, looking down at her shoes. She hoped that he hadn’t notice the dusting of pink over her cheeks. 
- He was alotwhoyoukiddingzen a little disappointed sensing the indifference in her reaction, but shook it off and handed her the water bottle nonetheless. 
- “Oh. Okay, sure. Keep yourself hydrated and take care, I’m just gonna go and resume practice.” Slowly withdrawing his steps from her and goes back on stage. 
- Practice for the day has finally come to an end. He was packing up when he heard someone say something. 
- “Hello. My name is MC, the girl from earlier.” He was surprised, “Of course, MC. Is there anything you need? I hope your day went well.” 
- “I’m good, thanks. I apologise that I sounded aloof earlier, I don’t do well in front of new people. I’ve watched you practice and wondered… If you could explain this part of the music and facial expression to me?” 
- He scrunched his face funny and sang a few verse.- His grin got wider as she snorts and chuckled. 
- “You know what? Come on, let’s go to Hemlagat idontknowhowhefoundit, I heard they’re famous in Seoul. I haven’t tried Swedish food before, I’m starving. Care to join me for dinner? My treat.” He asked, hopeful that she’d agree. 
- “No.” His heart sank. “I’ll go with you only if I’m paying for my own share.” 
- They had a great time at dinner, sharing the same passion for fine arts. Deep down, they hoped to see more of each other in the future. This pair enjoys Gubbrora (Egg Salad with Anchovies), Kladdkaka (Sticky Chocolate Cake) and Spenatsoppa med agg (Spinach Soup with Soft-boiled Egg & Horseradish)
 Jae-hee Kang 
- “Mr Han. Please tell me that you’re joking. This is her first time in Korea.”- “I’ve personally gone through her resume, it’s quite impressive. She’ll make a good assistant for you. It’s final. You’ll expect her here in an hour.” 
- She’d known that it’s impossible to change her boss’s decision to hire her a Swedish assistant. “What is he thinking! How long am I expected to train her…” 
- “Good morning, Ms Kang?” Her chain of thoughts broken at the greeting. 
- “Yes. I’m Jae-hee Kang, Chief Secretary for the Executive Director. I assume you’re MC?” She said as a matter-of-factly as possible, trying to stay calm. 
- “You’re right. I understand your concern about my lack of local working experience in this country. I can assure you, that you’ll not be disappointed.” 
- “Ah, that’s good to know. Thank you.” She’s genuinely amused by MC’s professional attitude. Things doesn’t look as dull as it seemed before. 
- As she spends months down the road having MC as her assistant, her workload has been delegated and more effectively completed. 
- She respects that MC is humble, a vigorous planner, independent, and doesn’t let her emotions affect work. 
- They’ve since became such good friends, to which she’s very grateful of.- She holds very high hopes for MC to have a bright future in C&R, and is determined to groom MC to take her own place in case if anything happens to herself. 
- Both of them loves coffee so much that they’d almost always spend their free time cafe hopping around town.This pair enjoys Lingonparfait (Lingonberry Parfait), Flugande jakob (Baked Chicken with Bananas and Peanuts) and Jordgubbar med mjolkoch socker (Strawberries with Milk and Sugar).
Ju-min Han
 - He met one of the most beautiful woman he’s ever come across in C&R’s annual business forum. 
- He’s never seen someone so graceful with her every gesture. 
- Despite having dealt with many kinds of people from the opposite gender. 
- For the first time, he could feel that she’s different from the others. 
 - His confidence to approach her slowly ebb away.
 - He stood deep in thoughts while waiting for his wine to be refilled. 
- Only to have his mind yanked open on a soft voice “Mr Han, Jumin?” 
- There she was right in front of him, both hands holding a glass of wine. 
- “I noticed that you needed to focus on something in your head so I took the honour to…” 
 - Before she could complete her sentence, he’d already have one of the glass in his hands. 
- “My apologies, I’ve had a small moment of absent-mindedness there. I shouldn’t have let such a special person like you be looking out for me.” He barely managed to cover up the stammers in his own voice. juminhannostammers. 
- She lightly chuckled as she passed him a piece of note. In the most soothing voice she said “It’s been my honour. I’ve to excuse myself to another event with my colleague, take care.” before stepping away. 
- When she’s finally disappeared from his sight, he opened her note that reads, “No matter what you’re thinking, never forget that you’re special. Everything is going to be okay. I’d like to see you again if it’s okay with you… There’s a (name of Swedish restaurant) beside my hotel, where we can meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow evening, before my flight home the next day.” 
- He then takes a sip of wine, his eyes widen when he noticed a perfectly full lipstick stain, a small smile and blush immediately crept on his face as her message flashes across his mind again.This pair enjoys Inkokta Paron (Poached Pears with cinnamon, vanilla and whipped cream), Biff Ryberg (Beef Ryberg), and Gravad Lax Med Potatissallad (Cured Salmon with potato salad).
Saeyoung Choi 
- This secret agent was on a mission in Sweden when he spotted an angel.
- He was lying in ambush from a target.
- There was a crying little girl who stood by the side of the road across him. 
- It was then when he saw his angel walked up towards the crying child, gently taking the child’s hand and started having small pep talks. 
- Her attempt to soothe the child was more than miraculous. 
- All he sees are now smiles and nods. 
- He swore his heart had halted as his sight shifted to the suspect exiting the building behind them, and he.had.a.weapon. 
- Decided it was too risky to take the shot, he leaped out from hiding and attempted to subdue his target away from possibly harming his angel and the child. 
- Despite receiving some bruises and cuts, he manage to pin the man down in waiting for the authorities to arrive. 
- The child’s parents was also notified and they came to pick them up. 
- After all the commotion when everything seems to be settling back to normal, “Well… Hello to my stranger-knight-in-shining-armour…” omgdidanangeljustspoke “The name’s 707, o-or you can call me Luciel, I’m sure you’ve been frightened earlier but I’m glad that no one’s hurt.” 
- “That’s all thanks to you, Luciel… You look like no one from around the area. If you don’t mind, I’d like to invite you to my place, where your injuries can be tend to and you can catch some rest too. As a bonus, my parents are great cooks.” 
- “Sounds like a wonderful idea.” Saeyoung says as he contemplates in his mind. He’ll leave at dawn and before anyone realises and he’ll never see her again. 
- He quietly exits the back door after leaving her family a thank you note. He’s never felt this sad in a long time.
- To his greater surprise, he found a small handmade pouch in his bag containing all the med supplies she used to treat him and a piece of blank paper. “Wha..?” 
- His tears flowing when the handwritten message appeared on the paper before his lighter. 
- “I don’t know anything about you, except your name; but I’ve got an inkling. Please take care of yourself and be safe in everything you do, in my heart I’ll always keep you. I know you’ll come back for me one day.” idiedheretooThis pair enjoys Shu Sorters Kakor (7 kinds of cookies), Raggmunk Med Rimmat Sidflask (Potato Pancakes with bacon and Lingonberry jam), and Janssons Frestelse (Jansson’s Temptation).
80 notes · View notes
606mc · 8 years
RFA University AU [Chapter 5]
Author’s note: So i was finally able to finish this chapter and i’m honestly relieved bc i thought it would take more time. I hope that if you read this chapter you take time to read this note since almost at the end; the opera, is inspired by this [video] so yeah... I hope that if you read this you enjoy it, and please feel free to let me know what you think ♥
[Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]
Once my Tuesday classes have finished, I start making my way down the hallway to the photography club so I can turn in the few pictures that I’ve been taking in the past week. Progress is what they want to see after all, even If it’s quite small.
As I turn to the right, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out and notice that I received a text from Saeyoung. I unlock my phone and tap on the RFA messenger app.
Saeyoung: -Hey MC are you on your way to your club?-
After he sends the message, he adds a little emoticon that looks exactly like him. How cute.
MC: -Yes, why? Is there something you need?-
Saeyoung: -Nah, I just wanted to remind you that you can start inviting people for the event, so I thought that you invite everyone from your club-
MC: -Yes, it’s a good idea, thank you Saeyoung!-
After including one of my emoticons I close the messenger and put my phone back inside my pocket to keep walking towards the photography club.
I knock on the door twice before letting myself in, the room is filled with several equipment and in the walls most of the work done by students is hanged for exhibit. Two students; who seem to be comparing a few photographs, greet me as I walk inside.
“Hello MC, it’s nice to see you” Says one of them; who I remember said he was the president of the club. “You brought some of your work for us to see?”
“Yes, do you have a moment?” I ask him.
“Yes of course, just give me a second.” He answers happily before turning to the girl beside him, pointing at the photographs in her hands “Change the lighting of the second set and bring them in next week, the other ones are really good.”
“Alright, thank you so much Rui” The girl answers as she grabs her backpack and heads out the door, “I’ll see you next week! Goodbye. The girl waves and he waves back before turning to look at me once again.
“How are you MC?” He asks, I walk closer to him and I reach for my camera inside my bag. “I’m glad you could come today to show your progress.”
“I’m good,” I tell him “I was free the other day so I went out to take some pictures, but after looking the pictures in the wall I’m sure mine are really bad.” Rui laughs and pats my shoulder with reassurance.
“MC don’t worry about that” He says, “We all have to start from somewhere, and we are not going to be very good at first. But it’s alright because that’s why we’re here for, to learn and improve.” He takes my camera in his hands and starts going through the pictures one by one. “You are not as bad as you probably think you are.” He confesses, “I like them.”
“Really?” I ask him.
“Yeah,” He tells me “Some of them could use a better lighting, but you’ll learn more about that with experience.” Rui returns the camera to me and then walks to the back of the room looking for something. “I actually want to lend you the lens I used when I started coming to the club.” He says as he continues searching for the object. “I think you can out it to good use.” As he keeps looking around all his equipment, I observe closely the framed photographs in the walls; some of them have Rui’s signatures at the bottom, others have the names of other students, but the one in front of me has the letter V at the bottom right; Jihyun’s signature.
“Here it is” Rui says while holding a small lens in his hands. He returns to my side and hands me the expensive-looking piece. “I just need you to write your name and date in here.” He explains as he puts a notebook in front of me along with a pen. Once I sign the bottom of the page, he closes the notebook and smiles. “You’re free to go MC.”
“That’s it?” I ask him. “You’re going to give me the lens just like that?”
“Yes,” He starts “Most of the equipment here belongs to the students, we are able to buy things for the school with the money we earn from selling our own photographs, so when we upgrade our equipment we leave the old stuff behind for everyone to use whenever they want.”
“That’s really interesting” I tell him, “But also strange that you can easily trust someone with something quite valuable.”
“Well, if something happens to it you’re going to have to pay for it” He says, “but you can always earn money by working hard and delivering good photographs for us to sell. With this I’m not saying that you don’t have to be careful, what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to worry about it too much.”
“Alright Rui” I say, “I’ll take care of it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He says, and he smiles at me. “Is there something else you need?”
“Actually yes,” I start “Before I go I want you to invite you to the party at the end of the semester the RFA is preparing.”
“You are part of the RFA?” He asks, “You must know Jihyun then.”
“I don’t know much about him but I’ve met him.” I confess.
“It’s funny because the lens I gave you was his.” Rui tells me, “And yes I’d love to go, thank you MC.”
“Alright, thanks Rui” I say as I start to gather my things, “I’ll let you know the details via email later.”
“Sounds cool,” He concludes, and he waves at me as I walk out of the room. “Goodbye MC.”
As I walk through the hallway, I feel my phone buzz repeatedly in my pocket.
“Hello?” I say once I answer the call.
“MC, it’s me Jumin Han” he says, “Are you still at school?”
“Yeah, I’m actually on my way out” I answer, “Why do you ask?”
“If you are not busy I want to suggest that we continue with our project.” He continues, “Is that okay with you?”
“Sure, I’m free all afternoon.” I say. “Where are you?”
“I’m outside,” he tells me “Driver Kim is going to take us to my apartment, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” I answer, and I start walking to the entrance to meet Jumin outside.
As I walk down the stairs I notice a black car parked beside the side walk, and I see Jumin standing there starring at his phone as he waits for me.
“How long have you been waiting here?” I ask him, getting his attention away from his phone.
“Hello MC” he says to me as he puts his phone on his pocket and opens the door for me to get in the car. “Not very long.” Once we are both inside, he tells driver Kim to take us to his apartment.
“How was your day?” I ask him, and I hear him sigh deeply.
“It was a long day” He answers and he seems more serious than usual. “I’d rather not get into details.”
“Are you alright?” I ask worried, “If you want we can continue with the project some other day, so you don’t feel stressed.” Jumin smiles and puts his hand on mine, giving it a small squeeze.
“Its fine MC, don’t worry about it.” He reassures me, “I actually want to distract myself today, and having you as company makes me feel quite relaxed as well.”
“Oh, well then I’m glad.” I say smiling back at him.
“How was your day?” He asks me.
“It was alright,” I say “I went to class and after that I went to the photography club. I invited Rui to the party and told him that I would email him later, and he also lent me a camera lens.” I tell him as I start digging through my stuff looking for said object. “Rui said it was Jihyun’s” I put the small lens in Jumin’s hand so he can take a closer look at it.
“This was one of his favorites.” Jumin says, as he examines the object in his hands. “I remember going with him to buy it a long time ago.”
“For how long have you been friends with Jihyun?” I ask.
“Since we were little kids,” He explains “We grew up in the same neighborhood and we saw each other quite often.”
“Oh, so he’s your childhood friend” I say; more to myself than to Jumin, “He must mean a lot to you.”
“Yes, V is one of few people I consider close to me.” Jumin explains.
“That’s good,” I tell him, feeling relieved that he has someone who he trusts in his life, but then I remember something else. “Do you miss him?”
“I do,” he admits “But we still keep in contact every now and then.”
“I’m glad,” I say “Keeping your friends close even if they are far away is really good.”
“Do you have childhood friends MC?” Jumin asks, and I stay quiet. I look down at my shoes as some memories start to come back to me unconsciously; even after so many years it’s something I can’t completely forget. Jumin puts his hand on my shoulder and calls my name, bringing me back to reality.
“Are you alright MC?” He asks concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I answer, “I just got a little bit dizzy that’s all.”
“Driver Kim can you hand me a bottle of water?” Jumin asks the man in the front seat, and thanks him once he has the bottle in his hands. “Here, drink this.” Jumin hands me the bottle and I start taking small sips of the water. “We’re almost there.” He reassures me.
“I’m feeling better,” I tell him “Thank you Jumin.”
“You’re welcome.” He says, and as I look at him I realize that in his mind there are several questions and doubts going around, just like in mine.
I stretch my arms and let out a sigh once I set down my pencil on the table in Jumin’s study room.
“I think we’re done for today.” I tell him, and he nods as he leans back in his chair. Jumin stands up to open the door and let Elizabeth inside, and as he does I start looking around.  My eyes land on one of the many bookshelves in the room.
“Oh! You got some books for our language class” I say, as I stand up and reach for one of the books.
“Yes I’ve been studying.” He tells me, making his way to me with Elizabeth in his arms.
“Really? Can you read this?” I ask him as I walk to the navy blue couch at the corner of the room. Jumin sits by my side and sets Elizabeth between us as he takes the small book from my hands. I run my hands over Elizabeth’s fur as Jumin reads, and I notice that his pronunciation is really good.  Between some sentences he stops; going over and over a certain word that he can’t completely comprehend, but I quickly help him so he can continue with his reading.
“You’re really good” I tell him, “If you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you get a perfect grade on our first exam? You definitely seem to have the knowledge.” Jumin puts the book down and smiles before answering.
“I didn’t know much about it back then, but languages is something I’m usually good at and I learn pretty fast.” He explains.
“That’s amazing” I say, still petting Elizabeth gently as I listen to her soft purring. “I wish I could learn that fast.”
“How did you learn though?” He inquires. “You seem to have a broad knowledge on the language.”
“Well that’s because it’s my grandparents and mother’s first language.” I tell him, trying to open up a little. “So they taught me since I was very young.”
“Your family was very smart in doing so,” He says “You seem to know perfectly both languages.”
“Do you know more languages?” I ask him, glad that I’m able to know more about him.
“I do, actually I’ve learned most of them by traveling around the world.” He answers as he smiles, possibly remembering all the places he’s been before. He seems to be as interested as I am on getting to know each other, because he asks me if I like traveling.
“I do,” I admit “My family couldn’t really afford to do it often, but we had fun whenever we did.”
“Have you traveled somewhere recently?” He asks again, his eyes wandering from my lips to my eyes every now and then, giving me his full attention.
“Not really since I haven’t seen my parents in a while, and I don’t have the money or the time to travel by myself.” I tell him, and he only nods. “Besides, even if I could, I don’t think it would be nice to go alone.”
“What do you mean?” Jumin inquires, and I notice the way his head tilts slightly when he’s looking for an answer.
“Well, I think the best way to travel is with someone by your side.” I explain, “Some things are better when you do them with someone else, and they lose their meaning when you do them all alone.”
“Like happiness that you can only obtain a certain way?”
“Yes, something like that.” I say “Happiness can come in several ways, and because of that it can have different meanings, even sometimes a certain feeling of happiness is stronger than another one.”
“You have an interesting way of seeing things.” Jumin says, and I can’t help but blush.
“I’m sure it’s just a regular way of thinking.” I tell him, “To be honest sometimes I just say things that don’t make a lot of sense, so I apologize if what I say is confusing.”
“Don’t worry MC,” He reassures me, moving his hand to pet Elizabeth the third and brushing my hand on the way. Perhaps by accident, but he smiles nonetheless. “I think I know what you meant to say.”
I smile at his words and his eyes travel down to our hands. Elizabeth stretches a bit, looking satisfied with the attention we’re providing her. I pat her head, and then turn to look at the clock on the wall; I should leave now, it’s getting late.
“It’s getting late so I probably should go now.” I tell Jumin, and I notice how his smile slowly starts to fade away; turning into his usual serious features.
“Let me walk you outside,” He says as he starts to walk towards the door. “Driver Kim will take you home.”
“Oh, it’s not necessary” I reassure him, but I still let him walk by my side on my way out. “I can take a cab.”
“No Please,” He says, “I want you to return home safe, I insist.”
“Alright, thank you.” I say after a few seconds of hesitation, and then he escorts me out of the building. Jumin opens he car door for me, and asks Driver Kim to take me home safely.
“See you tomorrow” I say once I’m inside the car. Jumin nods and smiles once again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow MC” He says lastly, waiting for the car to disappear from his sight before returning back inside the building.
“Ah, I’m so glad tomorrow is Friday” Jaehee says with a smile on her face as we walk along the hallways of the school. “I would love to take a break and watch one of Zen’s musicals once I finish all the work I have.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” I tell her “I think you should relax for a while since you always work so hard.” Jaehee blushes slightly and thanks me for the compliment.
“Perhaps if you don’t return too late from the Opera we could watch it together” She adds, and then she looks behind me to look at Jumin “Are you two going to return late tomorrow?” She asks him.
“I don’t believe we will.” He answers, and I turn my head to look at him. I smile sweetly at him, and I see him return the gesture before I turn my head back at Jaehee who’s still walking by my left side.
“I won’t return too late,” I reassure her “we’ll watch it together don’t worry”. Jaehee smiles brightly once more, before redirecting her attention to something beeping inside her bag. She pulls her phone out and looks at the time; turning her alarm off.
“Oh, I have a Judo class today” She says, putting her phone back in her bag. “I should get going if I want to get there in time.” Jaehee starts to make her way to the exit, but I call her before she can get out.
“Take his with you.” I say to her, as I hand her the keys of my car.
“Are you sure MC?” She inquires, unsure if she should take the car instead of the bus.
“Of course,” I tell her “This way you’ll get there faster.”
“Alright then,” She says and she smiles as she thanks me. “I’ll see you at home later MC.”
I wave at Jaehee goodbye, and I watch her make her way to the parking lot, looking for my car. Jumin and I walk side by side on the small garden at the front of the school. I see him turn to look at me and open his mouth to say something, but he is interrupted by Zen; who arrives driving his motorcycle.
“MC! Hello” He greets me, switching of the engine and taking off his helmet. “What are you doing?”
“Hello Zen, I’m just walking home.” I answer, “Do you need anything?” Zen smiles and he steps away from the motorcycle, walking closer to Jumin and I.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go on a ride” He explains, “I got you a helmet.”
“Sure that sounds fun” I answer, but before I’m able to reach for one of the helmets Zen is holding, Jumin grabs me by the arm stopping me completely. I turn to look at him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. What is he doing?
“I’m sorry but I can’t let you go with him MC.” Jumin says in a strict tone. “It’s too dangerous.”
“But I’m going to have a helmet on at all times” I say, moving my arm trying to make him let go of it. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Let go of her arm you jerk.” Zen scoffs, finally acknowledging the man in front of him, but Jumin doesn’t listen.
“I’m going to take MC home safely.” Jumin insists, his grip never softening.
“Jumin let go of my arm.” I say to him; never raising my voice but always maintaining a harsh tone. My words seem to work on him because he finally let’s go of me slowly.
“Since when do you care for anyone who’s not yourself?” Zen questions, sounding more irritated by each second that passes.
“She’s a member of the RFA,” Jumin clarifies, as if it was the most obvious answer. “I think I need to be responsible for everyone since V and Rika are gone.”
“Well you don’t have to worry about that since she’s going with me.” Zen says, “Now go, your driver must be waiting for your spoiled ass to take you home.” I turn around to look at Zen, and I notice that his face is slightly red from anger.
“Zen, don’t speak to him like that.” I say, starting to get mad at both of them for being so childish. I turn around once more, to face Jumin again. “I know you don’t want me to go, but it’s my decision to do so.” I explain in a softer tone, but Jumin’s expression never changes. I can see he’s trying not to show any emotions, but deep down I know he’s very angry; both at me and Zen.
I turn around and walk back to Zen, taking one of the helmets and putting it on my head. Jumin doesn’t say anything anymore, but he watches me take a sit behind Zen and wrap my arms around his waist for stability. I close my eyes, wishing he’d stop looking at me like that. I know I shouldn’t feel guilty for this; going on a ride on a motorcycle is something I want. But still, in my mind three words are being repeated over and over again. “I’m sorry Jumin.”
“Where are we?” I ask Zen, once we stop completely.
“This is my secret place” He answers once he takes off his helmet, and he helps me get down the motorcycle carefully.
I take off my helmet and walk close to the edge of what seems to be a mountain. A big part of the city lies in front of us, and I can’t help but wonder how it would look if we got closer to the top.
“This place is amazing Zen!” I tell him, unable to take my eyes away from the splendid view. “How did you find it?”
“Well” he starts, as he walks closer to me “Whenever I wanted to be alone, I took my motorcycle and drove around the city.” Zen rests his arms on the wooden railing in front of us; the one that prevents us from falling off of the cliff, and then he continues talking. “One day I came up here, and I noticed that thing” He says, as he turns around and motions what seems like an unfinished grey building made of concrete. “It kind of looks like the ruins of a castle, doesn’t it?”
“It does, a little bit” I admit, before turning my attention to him again. “How often do you come to this place?”
“I don’t do it very often since I only come here when I want to think or be by myself.” He explains, “But I think it’s a really nice place, and I thought you would really like it.”
“I do,” I say to him as I look around to look at the flowers and the trees. Zen takes a deep breath and smiles, but when he turns to look at me he stares at my left arm; the one Jumin held into.
“Did he hurt you?” Zen asks concerned, leaning over to observe my arm carefully.
“No, he didn’t.” I say to him. “His grip was firm not violent.”
“I think it’s going to bruise MC” He tells me, and I look down at my arm; unable to see anything.
“I don’t think it will,” I object “perhaps you are exaggerating It a little bit.”
“I am not.” He elaborates, “He really shouldn’t have treated you that way! I mean seriously what was that jerk thinking?”
“Why do you hate Jumin?” I ask suddenly, and Zen looks back at me with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to answer but words fail to come out. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then he looks at me again.
“I don’t hate Jumin Han, I just can’t help but find him extremely annoying since he reminds me a lot of my brother.” He answers, “Always thinking that money can get you anything and it can solve all your problems, but not everything that matters has to be related to money.”
“You don’t get along with your brother?” I ask him, careful that my words don’t sound nosey and inappropriate.
“I don’t really get along with anyone from my family.” He answers, “I haven’t talked to them for several years.”
“I’m sorry Zen,” I say to him. “I had no idea.”
“It’s alright MC,” He says “It was my decision to run away from my home after all.” Zen sighs and looks down at the city, “My family never supported me or my dreams, and I always felt like I didn’t belong with them since I was so different,” He continues. “The only one that cared for me was my brother, but only for a short time.”
“You don’t miss him?” I ask, and he thinks about it for a few seconds.
“I do sometimes.” He admits, turning his head to look at me. “A few months ago my brother sent me an email; asking me if we could meet, but I never answered.” I ask Zen the reason why and he only shrugs. “I guess I’m scared.”
“Perhaps, you should think about it.” I advise him, “If you brother sent you an email then I think that means that he still cares for you.” Zen nods slightly but doesn’t seem too convinced about it. “I do not know what happened between you two or what you went through Zen, but if you miss him I think you should see him at least once, and see how it goes.” He stays quiet and looks down at his feet, so I continue speaking. “If anything, you know that we are your family Zen, and we will always be with you.” He smiles and nods, finally turning to look at me.
“Thank you MC” He says, “I’ll think about it.”
“Will you also try to be a bit more considerate of Jumin?” I say almost as if I’m begging him, and Zen rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.
“Can’t promise anything,” He says, and he puts his hand on my shoulder “But I guess I can try just for you.” I look at Zen and as I return the smile, he pulls me closer in a hug. “It’s going to be late soon, I should take you home” he tells me once he pulls away and I nod.
“Let’s go.” I say as he takes my hand, guiding me back to his motorcycle.
I make my way home along with Jaehee after a morning filled with awkward silence between Jumin and I, although we were sitting by each other’s side in class, neither of us even bothered to say a single word.
“At what time is Jumin going to pick you up?” Jaehee asks as she opens the door of our apartment.
“Ah, well… I don’t think we’ll be going to the opera today” I say to her, and she turns around looking confused.
“Are you still fighting for what happened yesterday?” She asks, concern filling her words. “You didn’t talk about it today with him, did you?”
“He is very stubborn Jaehee” I point out, but Jaehee doesn’t seem very happy with my answer. “I don’t know how to even approach him if he’s like that.”
“You are also very stubborn MC.” She scolds, and as much as I hate to admit it I know she’s right. “Eventually you’ll have to talk to him.”
“I know,” I say after letting out a long sigh, “But it’s probably too late for tonight’s event.”
“You don’t know that.” She says, caressing my shoulder once she notices the disappointment in my voice. “If you don’t go, we can cook dinner together here and watch a movie,” She continues trying to make me feel better, “I know it’s not what you want but we can watch whatever you want.”
“Thank you Jaehee,” I tell her as I smile “I’d like that.” She smiles back at me, and I turn around to walk inside my room. “If you need anything let me know.”
“I will MC,” She answers “I’ll make sure we have everything for dinner.”
I nod my head before closing the door and dropping my bag on the floor. Suddenly I start feeling very tired, but there are things I still need to do. I let my body fall on the chair in front of my desk, as I start looking around for something to do. I sigh once more and I open the laptop in front of me. I open a new document and start typing my assignment, but stop to turn my attention to my phone as it starts vibrating. I look at the ID caller hoping to see Jumin’s picture, but instead I see Yoosung’s cute face.
“Hello?” I say after picking up.
“Oh, you answered!” He says sounding surprised, “I thought you’d be busy with Jumin doing your project together, but I’m glad you could pick up!”
“Ah, I’m actually at home doing my homework” I explain to him, “But I have time to talk, what is it?”
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come to my place next week for lunch” He says “I found a few recipes online and I was wondering if you would want to try them out”
“Yeah, that sounds really fun Yoosung” I tell him, “Let me know when do you want me to go.”
“Alright MC, I’ll make sure to get everything we need and I’ll let you know! Bye Bye!” Yoosung says cheerfully before hanging up, and I realize that he must spend at least 80% of his life in a good mood; he always seems to cheer us up without even trying. I put my phone down and continue doing my work, now feeling a little bit more relaxed.
After two hours of typing and reading, I close my laptop and stretch my arms in my seat. As I stand up I hear my phone ring again, and I notice that this time it’s Jumin who’s calling.
“Jumin?” I ask, wondering what his reason of calling now could be.
“Driver Kim will pick you up in two hours, be ready.” He says in his usual serious voice before hanging up, not even letting me say something in return. I stay still for a few seconds, trying to process what he just told me. I get to go to the opera after all.
“Jaehee!” I shout loud enough for her to listen on the other room, and I hear several quick and loud steps getting closer to my room. Jaehee suddenly opens the door of my room agitated.
“MC are you alright?!” She asks as she catches her breath, and I realize that I made a mistake by screaming like that.
“Yes I’m fine,” I apologize “I just wanted to tell you that Ju-” I stop talking when I notice something different in her, “are you wearing glasses?” Jaehee lifts her hand and touches the pair of glasses on her face, blushing a little bit.
“Yes, I was only trying them out” She explains, “Do they make me look smart?” Her question surprises me, but I answer nonetheless.
“Jaehee, what do you mean?” I inquire, “You are smart. I don’t think you need glasses to look smart, but if you like them I think they are cute.” Jaehee smiles and takes her glasses off as she starts to walk closer to me.
“What was the thing you wanted to talk about?” She asks once she’s sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Oh right, Jumin just called me,” I start “He said that Driver Kim is going to pick me up in two hours, and that I need to be ready.”
“Really?” She asks surprised, “Did you guys talked about your problem?”
“Not really since he just told me to be ready and quickly hung up.” I explain. “But if he’s willing to listen then we’ll talk.” I notice how Jaehee shakes her head slightly but smiles nonetheless.
“Do you know what you’re going to wear?” She asks me, and I realize that I haven’t thought about that at all. My expression seems to answer her question, because she laughs lightly as she stands up. “I have a few dresses that might fit you, come on.”
I follow Jaehee to her room and she opens her closet, revealing both formal and cute dresses. She starts looking through them and takes out a black dress with a white edge at the top.
“Jaehee It’s beautiful” I tell her, and she nods.
“I think it’s perfect for tonight.” She says, handing me the dress.
In two hours I’m ready and waiting for Driver Kim to arrive. Jaehee stands beside me, fixing a few strands of my hair that are out of place.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay for dinner and a movie” I say to her.
“Don’t worry MC,” She reassures me “I know that you really want to go to the opera tonight, and we can have dinner and a movie another night.”
“Thank you Jaehee.” I say, turning around and giving her a hug.
“No problem MC.” She answers, returning the hug. When we hear the sounds of the doorbell, she lets me go and she smiles. “Have fun tonight.”
“I will” I answer as I make my way to the front door, “I’ll see you later”. When I step out, I see Driver Kim standing in front of a black car.
“Good evening Miss” He greets me as he opens the door for me.
“Hello Mr. Kim, Jumin’s not here?” I ask, noticing that he is not inside the car.
“No Miss, he had to solve some things at work.” He answers, closing the door after I enter. “He asked me to take you to his apartment and so then you can both go to the event.”
“Alright, thank you.” I tell him, just before the car starts moving.
Mr. Kim opens the door of Jumin’s apartment for me, letting me walk inside.
“Jumin’s not here?” I ask him, as I notice the place completely quiet and empty while I walk towards the kitchen.
“I believe he’s changing in his room,” Driver Kim answers, “He won’t take too long so please feel comfortable taking a sit.”
“Thank you Mr. Kim,” I say smiling, sitting down in one for the stools from the kitchen counter.
“I’ll be waiting for you both downstairs.” He says, before he steps out and starts closing the door.  “Please excuse me.”
I start looking around the apartment, seeing things that I never saw before since the only place I’ve stayed in is Jumin’s study room.
The kitchen is big and extremely tidy; almost as if no one ever uses it. To my left there’s a sliding door that must connect the kitchen to the living room and Jumin’s bedroom. Would it be wrong if I open it to take a look at the other side?
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by several knocks on the door. Perhaps Mr. Kim came back for something else. I stand up and walk towards the door, getting confused when I see a girl standing at the other side instead of Driver Kim after opening it completely.
“Hello.” I greet her awkwardly, realizing that she looks quite familiar and maybe I’ve seen her before somewhere.
“Are you going to let me in?” She asks in a slightly annoyed tone, crossing her arms on her chest and waiting for me to move.
“Oh sorry.” I say, moving to the side to let her walk through. She walks inside and my eyes follow her, almost never looking away from the dress she’s wearing; a bright purple puffy dress, making her resemble a big colorful cake.
“Where’s Jumin?” She asks suddenly, taking a seat on the stool I was sitting on a few moments ago.
“He’s in his room,” I answer “I think he’ll be out soon.”
She nods, taking her cellphone out of her purse and giving her complete attention to what she sees on the screen. I’m about to ask her for her name, but she speaks first.
“Can you bring me a glass of water?” She asks, not even bothering to look up from her phone. I stand next to her unsure whether to as she said or not for a few seconds before deciding that I don’t lose anything in doing so. Besides, this girl is Jumin’s guest.
“Sure.” I answer lastly, walking into the kitchen and serving a glass of water. I return to her and hand her the glass, the girl takes a sip and leaves the drink on the counter. “What’s your name?” I ask her, and she finally looks up from her phone. She stares at me and narrows her eyes, as if she can’t understand what I’m saying.
“I’m sorry for how long have you been working for Jumin?” She asks, and now it’s me who’s confused. Work for Jumin? What is she talking about?
“I apologize for taking so long.” Jumin suddenly speaks behind me, and I turn around to look at him; he’s wearing a very elegant black suit, with a striped white shirt underneath along with a black tie around his neck. “What’s going on in here?”
“Oh Jumin!” The woman says, as she stands up and walks towards him. “I’m glad you are finally done, so we can go already.” Jumin turns to look at the woman, looking her from her head to her toes and then tilting his head in confusion.
“Sarah, what are you doing here?” He inquires.
“What do you mean?” She asks, laughing awkwardly “I’m here so we can go to the play tonight.”
“I’m sorry but I already invited someone else tonight,” He answers, sounding almost uninterested in the woman in front of him “since you rejected the tickets that my father gave us the other day.” Sarah looks both confused and upset as she turns around to look at me.
“You’re taking your maid with you?” She asks, almost shocked. Maid? She thinks I’m his maid? I look down to see the dress I’m wearing; black and white, just below the knee and a bit elegant. Is this the reason why she thinks that way?
“I don’t work for Jumin.” I explain to her, feeling a little self-conscious “We are classmates, he’s my friend.”
“Yes, and we are also late.” He tells Sarah, “So please leave, before I have to call the guards.”
“Jumin Han if you call the guards I’m going to tell your father.” Sarah threatens, but she starts making her way outside the apartment nonetheless.
“Do as you please,” He answers in his usual monotone voice “I really couldn’t care less.”
Sarah walks out as she murmurs a few words about how she’s going to speak to her father about what happened and a few other things that are completely unintelligible. Jumin turns to look at me, but shows no expression whatsoever. Is he still angry at me?
“Are you ready?” He asks me, and I nod in response. “Let’s go then.”
The lights in the theater slowly dim as the show starts. Jumin, who’s sitting by my right, hasn’t said anything to me since we got out of his apartment. If he’s still mad at me, then why are we here?
He still seems to be mad at me, but then why did he invite me here if he’s upset?
The music starts playing softly, and everyone in the audience goes completely quiet. A woman comes out and starts singing beautifully; her voice is smooth and silky, always remaining in a peaceful and sweet pitch.
The story that’s being told is about a young woman, who falls in love at first sight with a man. He, as equally in love with her as she is with him, promises to give her the sun, the moon and the stars. The young couple then becomes blinded by their love and naivety, never realizing how their relationship is slowly turning unstable as time passes by. The man now feeling an unhealthy amount of love for her, kidnaps his lover; keeping her inside his empty basement. The woman dies of abuse and neglect after a while, and the man; unable to live without the love of his life takes his own life.
In my chest I feel my heart beat heavily; everything I’m seeing is absolutely breathtaking. Every single move and every single sound is filled with passion and pain. For a moment I stop breathing, and I concentrate on the woman’s face at her very last scene; she’s filled with fear and regret for not being careful enough, and for some reason I’m feeling it as well. At the corner of my eyes I feel the tears start to come out, and as she gives her last breath I finally exhale.
The lights around us enlighten the room once again, and as they do people start to clap and cheer for the artists. After a few minutes, Jumin stands up from his seat and walks by my side on our way out of the theater. He stops walking just before we reach the entrance doors.
“MC, wait.” He says, and I turn around to face him. Jumin hesitates for a few seconds before he speaks again. “I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I had no right in telling you what to do.” I look at him and in his eyes I can see the same pain the naïve lovers had a few moments ago; a mix of grief and fear for not being able to keep the person you care for by your side.
“I’m also sorry for yelling.” I confess, getting closer and taking one his hands in mine. “I know you had good intentions.” With his free hand, Jumin reaches over to his pocket and takes a small black box from it.
“I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to buy your forgiveness,” He explains as he opens the black box “But I wanted to give you this.”
“A butterfly.” I say, as I take out from the small box a silver necklace with a three small amethyst stones attached to the beautiful butterfly pendant.
“I thought it would be appropriate,” He starts, as he takes the necklace in his hands and taps my shoulder to turn around. “Since butterflies are lovely but not meant to be trapped.” Jumin adjusts the necklace and I turn around to face him again.
“I love it.” I say, as I smile to him and lean closer to embrace him. “Thank you Jumin.” He returns the hug right away, and I feel the way he rests his head on top of mine.
“Are you ready to return home?” He asks me, not moving from our embrace. I nod my head and he finally lets go of me, only to take my hand in his as we walk outside. “Let’s go then.”
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Practically Impractical
This is a Mystic Messanger Fic with a custom MC/Seven/Jumin.  It’s mostly fluff and angst.  You can find it up to date on my AO3 account here
Part One:
She should have said something sooner.  In the chat, they’d certainly asked her plenty about herself, but Seven’s background check had only revealed her sock accounts.  Besides she didn’t plan on seeing any of them again. 
Returning the phone had been a whim.  Overseas, alone, no one to judge her she’d finally taken her friends advice and installed a chat app.  One of those locals in your area, swipe left to accept things she’d been avoiding for years. She’d thought the lost phone was just someone’s clever hook up line.  So she packed her pepper spray, sent a text to a local friend and took a cab to the address.  But all she found was an empty apartment and the RFA.
The RFA was an excellent distraction.  She was in Korea for work, contemplating taking a job that would move her here.  She’d said no at first.  She was content being mostly behind the scenes at the small gaming media company, helping the tech department get the stream out, compiling soundtracks and acquiring media licences.  It had been a fluke getting her little niche half hour show.  She’d streamed games in her free time, mostly for friends and then someone had uploaded a 15 minute video of her playing Last of Us and singing along to the spice world soundtrack.  It had gone viral before she’d even known it was on youtube.  Suddenly 15 followers was 1500 and someone recognized her from crew appreciation and she got called into a meeting.  She got 30 minutes every Thursday evening with a guest dubbed Inappropriate Soundtrack Karaoke. 
She wasn’t convention appearance big, but she was frequently requested to host their coverage, so when they decided to send someone from their American studio to co-host Pro-Gamer tournaments with her Korean counterpart she was the first name to come up.
She’d declined at first.  Max was finally settled, finally had people, she didn’t want to ruin that.  But she agreed she’d do one.  It wasn’t just her popularity as a host that had extended the invitation but her background.  She’d grown up there, an army brat, and then stayed after her parents had been posted back to America.  She’d met Max’s father, a fresh faced Private, while she pursued a media communications degree.
Then they’d been posted back to the States, but not near either of their families and that’s when things had turned sour.  No work for her aside from sparse freelancing, no common ground, no mutual friends, and worst than the social isolation was that she could’t even go anywhere.  She’d let her license expire because she’d taken the train mostly but where they were stationed didn’t even have a bus system.  It was three years since they’d split and she was doing better than ever, and if not for Max, she would have seriously considered the move.
The party was a good distraction, and the chats.  She could work from the apartment.  All her production tasks were easy enough to complete, and the apartment ended up conveniently close to the convention centre she could shoot intros with her Korean counterpart and make it back to the apartment in time to catch Zen’s morning selfie.
By the time she felt bad about lying to them Seven was at the apartment and things had gone horribly wrong.  She’d had to call the studio and invent an illness, Seven had helped with fake documents. She’d been having fun chatting with him, had started to think about telling him who she really was, or at least encouraging him to look deeper.  It had been fun being young and unattached but with the RFA she could see herself taking the job, moving Max here and having a support system.
Seven had been so withdrawn in the apartment, with good reason, and she worried what would happen if she told him the truth, and then it all came to a head and there was no time.  She accepted the job via phone call in a hospital waiting room while Seven was in surgery.  Standing next to Jumin she made arrangements for Max and all the things she’d had in storage to meet her.  She supposed from the surprised faces now he must not have told anyone.
“You sing?” He asked in English, looking up from his phone, her wiki page open in the browser.
“Kind of,” she blushed.
Seven had insisted she stay at his place when he woke up.  And she did try, but it didn’t feel right to be there without him, so she’d taken up Zen on his offer to bunk there but she’d only lasted a few hours, Zen was nice enough, but something in his personality reminded her of her ex-husband in a way that had her constantly on edge.  So she planned to spend the next few days at the apartment, the one with the bomb, until Yoosung showed up with Rika.  He’d insisted she stay with him.  She’d tried to refuse but Vs funeral was coming up and she could see he had his hands full with Rika. 
“You don’t have to do that.”  Yoosung’s voice was quiet, barely audible over the hymn she was singing while she braided Rika’s hair.
“I don’t mind,” she smiled.
“After everything, you don’t have to be so nice to her.”
“I really don’t mind Yoosung.”
The way he draws in his breath, his chest puffed out, she knows he wants to say more.  She felt sorry for Rika.  Callie had seen what religion and mental illness could do first hand. Helping Yoosung while Seven monitored Saeran’s recovery was cathartic and Jumin had surprised her by asking her to sing at Vs service.
“Why are you so kind?” He says, under his breath and she twitches.
“I’m not.  Really.  I’ve just,” Callie sighs.  “When I was young I was very religious, Catholic like you, and I joined a youth group, it catered to my interests and my spirituality, except it was more sinster.”
“Like mint eye?”
“A cult, yeah.  I had a very close friend who was sick like Rika.  I’m not saying—”
“Yoosung, what she did was wrong, but she needed help, V shouldn’t have taken her mental health on as his personal burden, and he certainly suffered the most for that choice, don’t get me wrong.  But this is over, and if she recovers she’s going to have that on her conscience for the rest of her life.”
“But after everything—”
“She’s still a person, who was very sick.”
He’d hugged her then, and she’d held him while he cried.  The moment passed, and her guilt levels rose.  At any point she could have told someone.  But then again, so could Jumin.  He’d invited her to coffee, Yoosung and Zen had seemed relieved to see her leave that day, and Jumin had started interrogating her.
“I tried to let you bring this up yourself, but who is Max.”
“Jumin, I’m not sure I’m comfortable talking about this.”
“Because you haven’t told Saeyoung?”
“Fuck, really?” She hung her head.  “So is this a friendly threat?”
“It depends who Max is.  I assume whoever they are is the same person you frequently excuse yourself to talk to?”
“Jumin,” even Seven hadn’t noticed, he’d been so distracted by Saeran that he hadn’t even questioned her.  “I just, there’s so much happening.  I don’t want to add another cross to his pile.”
Jumin sat across from her eyes narrowed over his drink.  “Perhaps this is a conversation better suited to a  glass of wine.”
“A shot of tequila would be preferable.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I could arrange something.”
“No we’re here now,” she sighed. Resigned. “Max is my daughter.  She’s 8 and no I don’t even speak to her father, not when I can help it.”
The always composed Jumin Han stared mouth agape for what she estimated was a full 17 seconds.  He inhaled sharply though his nose and set his coffee aside.  “And she will be moving here with you.”
“Yeah in a few more weeks, I hope.  The studio is arranging to have one of my production staff escort her but—” she sighed.  One more sentence and this would be officially considered confiding.  Everyone else’s problems had seemed so large in comparison but she was starting to feel the cracks.  “Jumin, are you, are you ok?  You don’t need to listen to my problems.  How are you with everything that’s happened?”
For a minute she thought he might open up, but he smiled.  Content apparently that the offer had been made.  “I’ll be fine, but what were you going to say?”
She takes a long drink of her coffee and by the time the bitter sediment at the bottom of the mug has settled at the back of her tongue she’s decided to tell him.  “Her father is notoriously hard to contact and I have to have his permission to move Max out of the country.  Max was born here like me, she and I have dual citizenship but he’s a Servicemen and I have no idea if he’s not answering my lawyer because she’s my lawyer or because he’s deployed somewhere.” She sighs relieved.  There’s nothing to be done but it was nice to have been able to tell someone that, to express her frustration.
But Jumin’s eyes narrow and he’s already firing off who knows how many emails from his phone.  “I’ll contact my lawyer, certainly I can help with this, at the very least.”
“No, I appreciate it but you don’t really need to get involved.  I mean, I really appreciate the offer but I don’t want—”
“You don’t want my help?” Jumin offers.
She laughs.  “No, I’d love your help but I don’t want the headache.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s one thing for the contract Lawyer at the studio to do me a favor and occasionally handle my ex-husband.  But if a foreign lawyer, with connections to your name, aggressively contacts him in relation to moving Max out of the country?  I mean I’m sure you can understand how it looks.”
“You mean there would be gossip.”
“Even if there isn’t gossip, he’ll be unbearable.  I really appreciate the thought behind it, and if he was a different, reasonable, person I would take you up on it.  As frustrating as it is to wait and do it on his terms it’s just easier.”
“Will he be upset that you’re removing his access to your daughter?”
“Probably,” she shrugged. “But I doubt he’ll even bother to see Max before she leaves.  She might get a call or an email when she’s finally here.”
Jumin was quiet for a while.  “It must be hard to make travel arrangements then?”
“I think the plan is for my assistant to travel standby with Max as soon as he signs. I’d love to go and bring her back myself but even with the studio covering most of the costs, this hasn’t been cheap, and I just can’t justify it, and the studio is shelling out a lot to move me here.”
“Would you let me help with this then?”
“I could, perhaps authorize my plane to take you to meet your daughter.  As long as I have no other business when her papers are ready, if that is something you’re ok with.”
It was Callie’s turn to stare slackjaw. She nearly dove across the table to hug a very stiff Jumin. “Yes, yes, thank you, I would love that, we would...Jesus Jumin, this is.  Man.  Yeah.  OK.”
In the cab she took to Seven’s afterward she got texts from Zen and Jaehee that linked back to a gossip blog, already featuring a photo of her hugging Jumin in the coffee shop.  She laughed at the attempts to figure out who the strange American woman hugging the C&R director was.  It was a good day, and with such good news she had decided to tell Seven about Max.
She practiced how she would tell him right up until the moment she opened the door and saw the Choi twins covered in blood.
“Shit,” Seven laughs as her face pales.  She can see bruises on his neck and soaked bandages on Saeren’s wrists.
She doesn’t speak, her first aid kit was still in the car from their road trip and she knew she had put the tourniquet back.  Saeyoung is right behind her when she kneels in front of Saeran.  The smaller Choi does not speak or fight when she ties the tourniquet, trying to remember what her ex-husband had said about his field triage course.
“Do you need anything?”
She’s not sure if he’s speaking to her or his brother but she shakes her head, and removes the bandage, the cut is shallow, the wound in the wrong direction.  “I supposed going to a hospital is out of the question?” 
“Yeah,” Seven says.
She flushes the wound with alcohol and pats it dry.  “Hand me the steri-strips, no the whole package.”  She considers not using the tourniquet for the second arm, but she doesn’t want to let on, give anyone the idea that this was not worrisome or dangerous, or lend to any future attempts.  So she repeats the process, tourniquet, cleaning, steri-strips.  She covers the wounds with fresh bandages, and looks Saeren in the eyes, he looks away but she waits and gradually his eyes make their way back to hers.
“This isn’t ok,” she says softly.  “This is never the answer, no matter what you think the question is, ok?”  No response, just intense eyes staring back at her, and Saeyoung tugging at her elbows. “Even if you never feel like you can talk to him, talk to me.”
“So you can tell him, and laugh at me.”
“Oh honey,” she smiles and kisses him on the forehead.  “You have no idea the things I haven’t told your brother.”
If he had to guess he’d have said it was his fault she hadn’t said anything. Hell if anyone had asked he’d have told them that she’d probably told him, and thinking back to that time in Rika’s apartment he’d had plenty of opportunity to ask. He’d just been so distracted. Overwhelmed was a better word.
If he’d been paying attention he’d have noticed the way her voice changed for two calls a day. Just a slight change, an octave higher, a singsong lilt, but he had spent too much energy telling himself that he wasn’t noticing these things to really investigate their purpose.
If he really thought about it he knew her internet presence was too small, too clean, full of carefully curated tweets and pictures of her in what he now knew was a wig. Most of all she was guarded when she spoke about herself. He of all people had noticed that quite easily.
And somewhere in the back of his mind he’d told himself he would look deeper, push farther. Every time her wall slipped he made a mental note.
“No no,” he heard her laughing on the phone with Yoosung through the CCTV. “Way back in LOLOL history...Oh god now I’m dating myself.” She laughs again and there it is, that twinge of jealousy. “No Vanil- yes Vanilla...this is embarrassing Yoosung...Okay fine, I was kind of a big deal, for like a year and then,” there it is that change in her face, the way she stops herself from saying something. He makes another note to look deeper when he has more time. “Life got in the way...No, real lif— Yoosung when you’re older you’ll...” She laughs again and he can feel his heartbeat rise and fall with the pitch of it, he turns off the sound and goes back to his work.
He catches movement out of the corner of his eye on the CCTV, Vanderwood is distracted so he glances at the screen and, something isn’t right, ok there’s a stranger in the apartment, a stranger in a towel in the apartment. A woman with short, white hair; he starts to think that maybe he’d figured her out. Maybe she was gay and that was what she was hiding, that was why she drew the line at does Jumin Han is gay. Then the woman turns and a familiar face looks up at the CCTV, a quick flash of embarrassment and then she holds her finger to her lips and winks at the CCTV.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Vanderwood asks behind him. “You have work to do, we don’t pay you make your own Voyuer porn you pervert.”
Seven turns off the CCTV feed.
Something about the fickle way she interacts with Zen, the hot and cold. Always warm to start, and then the change. He makes a note of it. He’ll look into it when he has more time, but the agency and now the chatroom is hacked again. He watches her phone light up on the table in front of her and he can tell by the way she cringes that it’s Zen.
And she is so kind, so calm, every curveball thrown their way and she takes it all in stride. She even suggests he do more background checks on her. Maybe she’s in cahoots with the hacker he starts to wonder, or maybe the agency is testing him.
Maybe it’s all test from the agency. That’s what he’s leaning towards, this pretty girl with a secret past who falls flawlessly into the RFA winning even Jumin’s heart. V had gotten him into the agency, V could be in on it too. He had to focus on his work, but with her casually revealing secrets on the CCTV maybe she’s the real job.
And then the special security system got hacked. Even if she was a rival, or a test, why would she put herself at so much risk? Still with little explanation she’s happy to do what he says. He can see her eyes on the screen, frightened and yet her voice on the phone is so calm. What are you? He wants to yell. The words repeat inside his head until they become the soundtrack to everything he should be doing.
Even when Saeren is in the apartment she’s fearless. He watches her walk barefoot across the shattered glass as Saeren threatens her. He watches her stance lower and shift as she prepares to defend herself and then she sees him and yells his name and he can’t focus.
He can’t remember a thing said but he remembers the fear in her eyes as she bit down on his brother’s arm, the way her barefeet ground into the glass covered floor as she slammed her body backwards to loosen his grip on her, the way she felt behind him her breath steady and determined.
No matter how awful he is, she always speaks to him calmly and with kindness but her eyes betray her hurt, it’s not until he’s destroyed the robot cat, not until he looks up breathing heavy full of adrenaline that he sees her take that step back, sees the fear, that’s when his heart breaks.
But still he pushed her away, and she treated him with kindness. Even in her demands she’s kind. He swears she knows his mind better than he does. She talks to him while he works, asking him questions and looking at him like she knows what he’s going to say. When he finally decides to open the drawer she’s practically waiting with a crowbar.
“What are you doing,” he laughs. “We’re probably driving to our deaths and your colouring your hair?”
“Colouring our hair,” she smiles at him in the mirror.
“It’s a wash out,” she smiles “But it can’t hurt to look a little different since we’re on the lam.”
“The lam?” he laughs.
“Shut up and come here so I can do your hair.”
He concedes, just to see her smile. Of course she’s probably a little right, the agency could have local police looking for them, he would have to change the plate on his car before they leave and changing their appearance even a little wouldn’t hurt.
She doesn’t sleep, not for the whole drive, and after all that time she spent on their hair, she starts producing wigs out of her bag. A wig for every county line they cross. She laughs with him despite how terrified they both are and still she makes those quiet secret phone calls.
“You know,” she says, yawning, “I’m the oldest member of the RFA.”
He perks up, she’s starting to talk about herself. “Nah,” he smiles at her. “Jumin and V are almost 30.”
“I know Luciel,” she laughs. “I turned 30 in July.”
“No you didn’t,” he chuckles. “You’re facebook says—” What had her facebook said? No her age hadn’t been on her profile. Her age hadn’t been anywhere he looked. Just another thing he’d made a note to look deeper into but not found the time.”
“That’s weird right?” She’s nervous. Her knees drawn up to her chest, barefeet flat on the seat, she doesn’t even look at him. “Fuck, it’s weird right? I’m like 9 years older than you. You were 11 when I got married.”
Everything stops for a minute, he can hear the clunk of her head against the window and the sharp intake of breath.
“Married,” he says quietly.
“I’m not anymore. He left me three years ago.”
Seven snorts. “Is he stupid?”
She laughs. “Was that a compliment?”
He shrugs and they drive in silence for a while. “Is he Korean? Is that why you’re fluent?”
“No, he’s American. I was born in Camp Casey, my parents were American military, I’ve only been in the US for 10 years grew up off base.”
He could have asked her more questions then but he already had so much to process with Mint Eye and Saeren, he had to file this away for later.
And then everything happens so fast, and god help him she keeps it together the whole time. Even when he shoves Saeren and Vanderwood in the car, and he’s shot, she keeps it together.
“Hey, bitch in the fancy coat,” he can see her watching Vanderwood in the mirror.
Vanderwood says nothing, sneers back.
“You don’t have to talk to me but there’s a first aid kit in my duffel, I’ve got a tourniquet, do you know what that is?”
Vanderwood snorts.
Even trapped by Mint Eye, even with Rika, and then V being shot, she doesn’t falter. She holds it together, and when he feels like the pain and the blood loss might bring him down he just has to look at her determined face and another surge of adrenaline keeps him going.
He expects her to break down when Jumin gets there with his army of security guards but she stays by him, breathing steady determined breaths, and the last thing he remembers is the pitch of her voice when they take him out of the Ambulance.
“What do you mean I can’t go with him.”
But she’s there in his room when he wakes up, curled up behind is knees with her feet dangling off the tiny hospital bed.
“Hey,” he says softly carefully laying his hand on her head as she starts awake. “I thought you couldn’t come in with me?”
“That was in the ICU, but you’re out now.”
“And Jumin Han’s money doesn’t hurt?”
“And that,” she laughs. Her make-up is smudged, her face pale. She’s been crying but she’s also changed. “Jaehee brought me something to wear.” She answers without his asking.
“Is that Zen’s face?”
“I don’t know, I think maybe?” she laughs.
His recovery is fast, and despite his insistence she stays with Yoosung rather than in his house. He calls her every chance he gets, no more CCTV feeds but Saeren keeps him busy and it’s only a few days before he’s out.
She’s so calm when she finds them, covered in Saeren’s blood. So calm when she asks about the hospital, knowing the answer would be no. She ignores him behind her, with his shaking hands, and anxious breaths. The way she takes control, he should have known.
“Uh, Luciel.”
“Nope, I’m not going to look at the gate feed until she’s answered all my questions.”
“Seven you should really—”
“You can’t make me.”
In truth the smug look on Jumin’s face should have told him something. 707 the hacker would have connected her weekend away for work with Jumin’s sudden business trip.
“Dude,” Zen was laughing. Maybe he should look. But then he heard the gate click open and the door swing open and—
“Maxine Annette, we don’t slam doors.”
Everyone is quiet except for the little voice arguing that she definitely did not slam the door, until finally Jumin speaks. “Hello Maxine.”
“Hello Mr. Han.”
“It’s nice to see you again.”
“Didn’t you want to say something to Jumin, Max?”
“Thank you for the plane, Mr. Han, and the stuffed kitty.”
The entire room stares as Jumin Han kneels in front of the little girl with Callie. “Did you give her a name yet?”
“Mom said it should be something regal,” Seven can see Jumin’s face, he can read the expectations in that statement, but from the look on Callie’s face he’s not sure the little girl can meet them. “Her Royal Majesty Sparkleface Fluffbuttons the first.”
Jumin does a good job of hiding his disappointment. And the tension in the room fades as everyone quietly chuckles at his expense. Yoosung and Jaehee swoop down on the little one called Max and suddenly Callie is at his side.
“I’m really sorry,” she whispers.
“You have a kid,” he whispers back, but still there’s a smile on his face.
“I wanted to tell you.”
“When could you have?”
She shoves him a little. “You’re supposed to be mad at me.”
“I almost got you killed, you have a kid. I think we’re even.”
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