evermoreranch 5 years
Smurf enjoys watching the loaches. #aquarium #farmcatproject #bestcatever #loach #angelfish #tanktuesday #timetocleanthetank #evermoreranch #fishfun #everclusive (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3E1-S5DGSJ/?igshid=1g820ypw49b8b
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thequaillady 5 years
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Not the best hiding place for a black goat 馃槖馃槀 . . . . . . . #hidegoseek, #dairygoat, #absolutelystellargoats, #absolutelystellar, #stellargamebirds, #evermorestellar, #mexicansunflower, #tifoniadiversifolia, #minilamancha, #mini, #homesteading, #eatingofftheland, #selfsufficient, #goats . . . . . . Make sure you follow @absolutelystellarg if you haven't done so. That is the page for our goats @stellargamebirds is the homestead Home of @thequaillady Sister farm @evermoreranch https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nw4t_gXEF/?igshid=qaqhu5tbb5ng
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Meet Wednesday. She is a One day old mini Lamancha. Coming inside for people cuddles while momma eats with the herd. . . . . #minigoat #minimancha #minimilker #elfears #dairygoat #dairyfarming #evermorestellar #evermoreranch #everclusive #everclusivefuture #evermoreranch (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B27G7VdDrR0/?igshid=vbesxotudbu7
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Newest baby born this evening. Will get better photos tomorrow. #minimancha #minigoat #minimilker #elfears #dairygoat #farmlife #evermorestellar #evermorestellarfuture #everclusive #everclusivefuture #nigeriandwarf #evermoreranch (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B23KSJsDNRi/?igshid=db157ttcw05n
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evermoreranch 5 years
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A juvenile shamo rooster. This guy has such personality. Not strutting his tall stature since I holding his foot. #evermoreranch #everclusive #shamo #orientalgame #chicken #homesteading #everclusivefuture #evermoreranchhatchery (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sNmRTAGhs/?igshid=6x8bgzslqxf5
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Harley is a #nigeriandwarf #dairygoat #evermoreranch #pastureprettyproject #minigoat (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Zlj0_jOtH/?igshid=1vz7w4cy8wntw
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Emma chilling waiting on me to go away so she can wallow. Lol #evermoreranch #donkey (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZjbLHj5u3/?igshid=14e37k4217yly
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Jo is this year's herd sire. He has lovely blue eyes and is one of the sweetest boys we have ever had. Very excited to see all the baby bumps. Looks like we may see kids around Halloween. #evermoreranch #everclusive #everclusivefuture #dairyfarming #dairygoat #nigeriandwarf #minimancha #minisaanen #minimilker #evermorestellar #evermorestellarfuture (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZjBkJj-UW/?igshid=1q10uw1qjva3z
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evermoreranch 5 years
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I just love this boy. One of the best guardians here. Those spots never faded. #evermoreranch #everclusive #everclusiveguardians #everclusivefuture #greatkomondor #filterfree #thespotsarereal #safelivestock (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZhyG0j8dx/?igshid=1aj9djdvo8d75
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Squiggy and miss piggy greeting me at the fence this morning. #evermoreranch #everclusive #everclusivefuture #pigs #kunekunepig #kunekune #pasturepigs #theygrazetoo (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZgsBNjqEV/?igshid=wq96n48z3scy
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Looks like I have plenty of toms to choose from. Since from different bloodlines I believe we will set up a couple of turkey pens. #blueslateturkey #turkey #gobble #evermoreranch #everclusive #everclusivefuture #evermorestellar https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZgEhOD763/?igshid=1gcjr1u71jtu5
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Lol. When I'm late with the treats this is the look I get. . . #turkey #blueslateturkey #evermoreranch #homesteading #evermorestellar #everclusive (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zvceogbh_/?igshid=r0z2zcnejwx5
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evermoreranch 5 years
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So boys, where am I supposed to sit? . . . #evermoreranch #evermorestellargermanshepherds #sablegermanshepherd #tinyliving #spoiledpup #evermorestellarfuture (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1hgo4jA6_8/?igshid=aj7jhzbdylxh
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evermoreranch 5 years
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My view from the front door today. Lol. Booboo and her momma mowing the grass for me. . . . #evermoreranch. #minihorse #farmlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B1hPP0Ug15i/?igshid=1shaghxlxt6rj
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Boy I loving how silver and how much black we are seeing at 17 almost 18 weeks old. #evermorestellargermanshepherds #evermorestellarfuture #evermoreranch #stellargamebirds #sablegermanshepherd #germanshepherd (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ehlZIjEdT/?igshid=s83e1qgcxxyp
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evermoreranch 5 years
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Dutchess helping mow the grass up by cabin today too. #evermoreranch #minihorse (at Evermore Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Z6IHLAnYJ/?igshid=1atc9gnx4sc4f
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