#ever since i watched mha i have just loved the idea of st*ner shoto
ihatebnha · 3 years
Not me binging all of your work cause DAMN this is pure fucking gold ✨
Okay but I need someone to imagine with me... I’m unsure if you agree with the use of marijuana but I love getting high cause I’m the horniest when I reach my peak 👌🏼 like tmi - but it lasts for hours and I’m just a squirming/twitching mess for a good few hours.. maybe something with who’d be down for a little smoke ride and appreciate the results🙏🏼 ❤️
Bahaha, you're too kind, legend... thank you so much!!!
As for a little smoke and ride, I'm not sure if this fits the exact prompt, but hear me out, okay...?
Todoroki, surprisingly, is most definitely down to smoke... I mean, have you seen his family life? Dude most definitely needs a break from things and needs a break from them OFTEN.
He's the stoner who no one really knows is a stoner, happy to go off and get high by himself, or to sit in the back of Deku's car absolutely cooked while the green-haired boy drives around the squad.
Even though I see mostly see him doing it to help him sleep, and as someone who's main goal is always to pleasure you... high Todoroki also loves it when you give him a little body worship while he's in the zone, pushing him down onto the bed only to use him for all he's worth.
He practically drools when you sit on his cock, his eyes rolling right back into his skull as his head bumps against your headboard... and it's almost embarrassing that he can hardly keep his hands steady on your hips too; his toes curling at the feel of your tight walls around his cock and languid strokes that slap dutifully against his thighs...
Does he cum quick? That's for you to know alone, however does he also practically fall asleep after shooting his load? Yes, and he most definitely drags you down with him... pressing kiss after kiss onto your lips as his legs shake against and tangle with yours...
For a stoned Sho, falling asleep with you naked and high is always what he looks forward to.
This is a lot less plausible, and would probably never happen... but I was just thinking about stoner!Bakugo the other day, too... who probably only takes edibles and always accidentally ends up fucked up.
He's the needy stoner, getting high in brief increments to ease sore muscles or forget about any upcoming shifts... and it's only when he's sky high that he starts getting real clingy with you, calling you names and demanding that you let him lay on top of you until he falls asleep, cheek to cheek, your hands scratching the skin right under his shirt... or that you let him settle between your thighs and eat you out for as long as you can possibly stand.
He's so cute like that, with his eyes all droopy as he kisses down your body, eager to settle down with a leg over his shoulder. He also doesn't even blink when you put on a movie to help pass the time, too busy with his tongue already wetting the silk of your panties and one of yours hands gripped tightly in his, preparing for when he really makes you squeal...
And when he's done, mouth covered in a mixture of his spit and your cum, he still just wants to lay his head on your thigh with your fingers tangled in his hair, biting and kissing at your clit every so often... because his second favorite thing is to eye you like a cat as you slowly recover from the amount of overstim he just put you through and he starts coming down from his own high.
Stoned!Bakugo may be a rarity... but that doesn't mean getting baked with you isn't his most guilty pleasure.
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