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questvoices-blog · 13 years ago
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Bennelong: Caught between two worlds [thanks Ben + Hogan]
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questvoices-blog · 13 years ago
Why should I care about the environment?
We as people should care about the environment because we live in it. As we damage things it doesn’t just damage that certain thing, it affects the whole ecosystem. If you take out a dingo out of an ecosystem, the population of mice would grow and as their numbers grew the spider and insect population that they eat would drop dramatically. As one animal or plant is taken out of an ecosystem it affects the rest of that ecosystem and more.
Another reason we should care for the environment is we use the resources it provides. We eat animals from the environment and if we take away their food they wouldn’t survive and we wouldn’t be able to eat them.  Another resource we get from the environment is wood. Deforestation is hurting the environment. It is taking away animals habitats. Companies that do cut down trees should have to replace them. The land that companies clear to dig for coal, oil, gold and other non renewable resources also hurts the environment. The way they actual dig up these resources can pollute the environment.
The way everyone in the world is living is damaging the environment. They pollute the environment with greenhouse gases and rubbish. Almost everything we use is made in huge plants that create greenhouse gases. They make the products we use and don’t even care that they are polluting the environment. Land fill also damages the environment because as the rubbish breaks down, it turns into more bad gases and stays there for a long time.
We also get much enjoyment out of the environment. We enjoy seeing the beautiful scenery, riding through the hilly landscapes, go fishing and surfing, swimming and messing around at the beach. The people of the future should also be able to enjoy this beautiful world and that is why we should care about the environment.
Everybody should care about the environment because the environment is a large provider for the human race. We use the environment for resources such as wood and for resources underneath the ground such as oil. The environment also provides us with life necessities like oxygen, water and food. Every part of an environment is full of animals and plants. To destroy part of an environment would destroy an animal’s habitat. Every organism in an ecosystem is linked by a food web that shows the flow of energy between animals and what animals eat. To destroy an organism’s habitat could wipe out that organism in that region. Then animals that would have been eaten by that animal would overflow in population, and the animals that would have eaten that animal would starve and die. There are many ways that humans hare destroying the environment. Firstly, pollution and arsonists are destroying the environment through contaminated water and land, as well as bushfires. Pollution is increasing by the minute in well-populated areas. For example, in Sydney the city is well populated. Cars are everywhere and this causes car fumes to destroy the environment as well as our ozone layer. The harbor is close by so chemical runoff and pollution is damaging the most spectacular harbor in the world. Secondly, humans are logging tones of wood every day. We are destroying the rainforest and bush and this consequently causes habitats to die. This in turn causes the destruction of the whole ecosystem because of the few wiped out organisms due to the destruction of their habitat.   Destroying the environment and not caring for it would be a real mistake and would destroy the environment that we so badly need. That is why I should care for the environment.
We should care about the environment because it is our home, where we live and as occupants of this world it is our duty to ensure that our choices and actions lead to benefits of the world as opposed to further deterioration.
The environment has many resources which helps to sustain us and if we do not care about the environment those resources will run out from over consumption. The earth is a fragile place with insufficient resources to sustain us forever so we need to look after and preserve it whilst we can.
We should also care about the environment as our actions on the earth will affect future generations. If we continue to cause the earth further destruction of the world, what will be left for people who will be around in 2100? There won’t be any oil or many resources left and 1/3 of the animals currently here will be extinct. Don’t we want them to enjoy all the things we take for granted such as fresh air, clean water and essential resources?
Everything we do has an effect on the environment and in a negative way. We should care about the environment so it might still be there when our great grandchildren. We also need to care about the environment so we don’t run out of resources, earth doesn’t have sufficient resources to sustain us forever and if we don’t start choosing and acting in ways that will benefit the earth in a few years there won’t be an earth.
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questvoices-blog · 13 years ago
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Food webs for the local environment [thanks Dan + James!]
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