#eventually i looked up roughly how far away my dad probably was from the eruption because he lived up in northwest oregon at the time
saints-and-summers · 2 years
ASKSSSSSS!! 9!!! you always manage to have the most entertaining family stories ❤️
aaaaugh so many stories so little time. I'll talk about the volcano one.
So back when I was in elementary school I was obsessed with everything geology related, especially volcanoes. I don't know exactly why I honed in on volcanoes, but I do know that it was partially fueled by me learning about the eruption of Mount St. Helens. When I told my dad about it he was like "Yep, I remember that. We (him, my uncle, and my grandparents) didn't live very far away from where it happened. I even saw the eruption." And of course it stuck with me at the time because I never expected any close family, much less my dad, to get caught up in the fallout of a natural disaster.
My school's science fair was coming up, and I decided that for my project I would focus on, surprise, volcanoes. My parents helped me make the standard baking soda and vinegar model, but I also wanted to include other details that I found interesting as well. So on the trifold board practically everyone uses I put some things like what differentiates pumice and obsidian, how underwater volcanoes can cause tsunamis, random trivia, stuff like that. It wasn't absolutely ground breaking info (I was still in the first grade after all) but I wouldn't normally expect a first grader to tell me that "the eruption force of Mount St. Helens was equal to roughly 24 megatonnes of TNT".
Then a few weeks later my sixth birthday rolled around and my parents surprised me with an awesome cake. It was shaped like a volcano and there was a space in the middle where some dry ice and water were mixed up in and it made this really cool smoke/fog effect. 10/10 best party ever best day of the year. My geology interests eventually faded into the background as I got older, but some of my best memories were formed during that time in my life, and I'm glad it lasted as long as it did.
Though I still revisit the subject every so often.
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black-wolf066 · 7 years
Never a Dull Moment [4/?]
Rating: pg-13 to be on the safe side
Summary: In which the land of untold stories should have been a warning that it wasn’t just fairytales that were real. (Killian whump and BAMF Henry)
Words: 3637
[Part 1]  [Part 2]  [Part 3]  [4]  and  [FF.net Link]
((((((A/N: Sorry that this took so long. Between the holidays and my own muse jumping ship to write other things, it’s been difficult to just sit down and flesh the chapter out. There should be one more chapter before I call “Dull Moment” done, but we’ll see how that one goes.)))))))
Tagging @killianmesmalls @theonceoverthinker @killian-whump and @mcbrideannemgt
Chapter 4: Recovery
The distant echo of the falls, filtered in from the open archways of the room and into Henry’s ears as he sat with his thoughts. The repetitive rumble of the water was soothing, but it wasn’t enough to bring total relaxation as he shifted—for what felt like the umpteenth time—in the rough, wooden chair by Killian’s bedside.
It was late in the night, or possibly even early in the morning, but for the most part the metropolis was silent. The whirling of the vehicles and the low din from the markets had long since stopped; the citizens having all mostly gone to bed already. Not everyone was asleep however, for Henry could still hear a few of the healers, tasked with watching Killian’s fragile condition tonight, murmuring lowly in Atlantian in the adjoining room.
He shifted his legs once again on the mattress—being mindful not to knock into Killian’s own—to try and bring a bit of circulation back into them and his sore tailbone. He knew he should be sleeping in the second bed that was provided to him, but his mind was too wired to shut off. Not with the day’s chaotic happenings still running on loop; or the worry for their family in Storybrooke, and for Killian, still gnawing away at his nerves.
Henry would be lucky if sleep found him at all this night.
His bandaged hand gripped the uninjured flesh of Killian’s stump a little tighter; his mind veering off to one of his earlier conversations with Kida after being looked at by a healer, and being given a spare change of clothing.
“Tell me Henry, how is it your realm knows of Atlantis?”
Returning to his seat and flexing his hands against the stiff bindings of the cloth bandages; Henry replied. “Where I come from, it’s mostly myth, but there is one story that I find comes the closest to what I’ve seen here.”
“Really?” she asked with intrigue, silently gesturing for him to continue.
“Yes,” he nodded. “It… roughly chronicles how you and Milo met.” At her startled look, he gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry; I’m sure they got things wrong. My family isn’t from my realm either, and let me tell you, their stories aren’t depicted any better.”
“You aren’t from their realm?”
“I wasn’t born in the Enchanted Forest.”
She hummed in thought before curiously asking. “Are there any other worlds that have our stories?”
“Honestly?” he began; his mind suddenly wondering if there were any other realities involving his own family (a thought he filed away to think on later when he returned home). “I’m not exactly sure, but it is a high probability. I mean, in the Enchanted Forest, Atlantis was underwater and ruled by Poseidon and the Mer-people. And it my world, it’s nothing more than stories.”
“That’s… remarkable.” She breathed in awe. “I… I guess I should have expected it after meeting your father, but...”
“You never expected your home to exist… or suffer a different fate?” he finished gently for her when she trailed off.
Wanting his own questions answered, he began by starting off small. “Kida, in the tale from my world, there was a highway that led to your city, is that true?”
“There was,” She nodded. “Before it was destroyed. It was how my husband, and the crew he journeyed with, found Atlantis so long ago.”
“The stories never mentioned a second entrance, though.”
“The entrance you came through was built sometime after.” She explained, as she stood and motioned for him to follow her toward the open archway of the large throne room. “We had always had our presumptions that there was land above us, but it wasn’t until after the volcano had gone dormant again, that we discovered just how large that piece of land was.”
“And you found no one else living on it?”
“No one alive.” she answered solemnly. “The eruption must have wiped them out.” She shook her head as her face tilted upward toward the high cavern ceiling. “We learned of their existence around the same time we learned of the artifact that once belonged to them.”
“What about the crystals?” he prompted hopefully, Killian never straying far from his mind. “From what I remember, it was said that they hold a great power, and they were able to heal most wounds.” He glanced down at his bandaged hands and arms in confusion at that, just now realizing that the crystal hadn’t been used at all during the procedure, and looked up in time to see Kida smiling forlornly at him.
“I’m afraid it doesn’t work quite like how you think, young one.” her hand reached up to clutch at her own necklace as she explained. “You are right about one thing, Henry; these crystals do have great power. It’s what protects Atlantis and the people with in it. It’s what has kept us alive for thousands of years, but it does not heal wounds. If it did, my father would still be ruling this kingdom.”
Henry deflated visibly at that. “So, my—”
“That does not mean you should give up hope.” She cut in sternly. “Since my husband’s arrival, we have learned much in the course of four hundred years.” His eyes widened at that, vaguely remembering that Milo’s adventure had taken place in the early nineteen hundreds. Kida smiled gently at him as she broke him out of his thoughts by continuing. “Your father is in good hands, Henry.” Her gentle smile shifted toward the mischievous side then—a trait Hakan must have picked up on from her. “And if memory serves me right, he’s too stubborn to let something like this get to him.”
Henry snorted at the memory and at the surety in which Kida had spoken with. Even now, with Killian’s life still hanging in the balance, he could hear her optimism ringing in his head as his eyes shifted to the prone form on the straw mattress. He may have had the heart of the truest believer, but even Henry had his limits. After all, there were only so many times Killian could cheat death before eventually one of them stuck.
Henry just hoped this wasn’t that time.
There was also the matter of finding a way home.
“Is there anything I could use to get us back?”
“I’m not sure.” She answered and continued before he could allow the remorse to set in. “That does not mean it’s impossible. You have to understand, Henry, that there was a long period of time where our history was buried and forgotten amongst us. It’s through my husband’s knowledge, and my own tenacity, that we managed to get Atlantis back to a semblance of what it used to be.” She gestured to the stone pillars surrounding the throne room, and for the first time since stepping foot into the space, Henry took notice of the dull blue glow of the faces and hieroglyphs craved into them. “There are still things left of our history we have yet to uncover.”
“So, there could be something here?”
“I can’t make any promises, Henry, but if there is, Milo would be the one to find it.”
With a sigh, he squirmed around in his seat; the uncomfortable surface of the chair pulling him from his thoughts once again. Despite the urging from the healers (that he was no good to anyone exhausted, and Killian wouldn’t want him to suffer like this), Henry just couldn’t find it in himself to move away from the bedside. Not after being told there was nothing else they could do; that they would simply have to wait out the raging fever, and hope the tonics would counteract the plants venom. Killian’s scarred skin, even through the layer of bandages around Henry’s hand, felt hot to the touch and he prayed that Zeus wouldn’t claim him this night.
He already had one father up there in Olympus; Henry refused to allow Zeus to claim the other.
Eventually, as the time ticked by, Henry managed to conk out when he couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer. But it was far from restful; his subconscious hanging on the balance of awareness and sleep as the healers periodically came in through the night to check on Killian.
“Don’t make me forcibly remove you from this room, young man!”
He startled fully awake as he turned to stare at the elderly head healer (her no nonsense attitude reminding him a great deal of Granny, to the point he had a feeling the women would get along just great, if they were ever to meet). His blurry eyes cleared to see her disproving scowl, and he cringed, grinning sheepishly at her as he fidgeted in the seat.
“Sorry Aponi,” was all he could manage as he moved to stand, his stiff back and knees popping after being left in the uncomfortable position for so long.
He didn’t have a single doubt that her threat was a warning; her eyes watching his movements like a hawk as he ventured to the untouched bed on the other side of the room. When he was under the blankets, she nodded once in her satisfaction before moving to check on Killian, and he rolled onto his side and watched her as she worked. His eyes grew heavy again, but they refused to shut until he was sure everything was fine. And at Aponi’s gentle hum and nod, he sagged farther into the soft straw mattress and snorted as he watched her pick up the chair and leave with it with one final glare of warning.
Sleep claimed him not long after.
A distressed noise penetrated the fog of sleep and startled Henry back into alertness. He blinked his blurry eyes rapidly to clear them, the dull rays of sun beginning to filter in through the sheer curtains covering the archways as he rolled over.
“Dad!” he yelled the moment he heard the noise again. It was a sound caught between a grunt and a whine, and in a blink, he quickly disentangled himself from the sheets and was by Killian’s side in the next. “Dad?!” he hovered helplessly, his hands frozen in fear over Killian’s convulsing form; not knowing if he was having a seizure or battling the demons in his sleep. “Help! I need help!” he yelled out; the faint red color, seeping onto the white sheet, startling him into action as he finally moved to pin Killian down. Only to duck and narrowly avoid getting hit as his left arm unconsciously swung out. “Someone help!”
Within seconds, Aponi and four others—three women and a younger man—were swarming into the room and pulling him up and off.
Henry struggled against the stronger, male healer’s hold; all logical thought leaving as shock and panic found a home instead. He vaguely heard his name being called over the loud din of chaos, his ears ringing and his muscles straining to be freed as he was forcibly dragged from the room. It was only out in the hall, did Henry realize the loud noises were coming mostly from his own mouth. The healer, Paku—or had he introduced himself as Nahko—was saying something, but the words weren’t registering. Every time Henry tried to take a step back into the room, the man was in his way; pushing against his shoulders and uttering words that were probably meant to sooth if Henry were actually paying attention to them. When it became clear he wasn’t allowed back in, his irrational mind did the only other thing it could think of.
He pulled an Emma Swan and ran.
He ran as far and as fast as his feet and the uneven stone terrain would allow; racing down steps, past startled inhabitants and around sharp corners of market streets and buildings. He ran until he was at the outskirts of the city and even then he didn’t stop. The air felt like knives against his lungs with each breathe he took as he pushed forward, hopping from slippery rock to slippery rock to traverse over the water toward a small cluster of ruins.
He slid a few times against the stones as he rushed across, the final time actually landing him into the deep, surprisingly unmoving—considering the surrounding falls—water as he spluttered to the surface and swam the rest of the way. By the time he reached the edge of the island, he was sore and slightly cold; having made the trip with bare feet and nothing but the borrowed cloth pants he slept in. They were nothing more than minor grievances—still too far gone in his shock to care—as he ducked underneath a leaning pillar and sat behind one of the boulders.
What’s going to happen now? He thought dejectedly as he hunched in on himself and rested his cheek against his bent knees.
If Killian didn’t make it, what was he going to tell his mom when he finally saw her again? How was he going to tell her that Killian had sacrificed himself for the fifth time? How could he tell her that he had failed to save him; that he wasn’t cut out to be like the rest of his family?
The excitement he had felt at getting David’s sword—a symbol of courage and of a hero—now felt like a hollow undertaking that he couldn’t even dream of being able to fulfill.
He didn’t know how long he sat there; just long enough for everything to grow stiff and his pants to dry, but other than that, the passing of time was all but lost to Henry.
The gentle babble of the surrounding water, and the roar of the falls, had done absolutely nothing to sooth him and his inner turmoil. It wasn’t the crashing waves of the ocean. And the ruins he sat in, wasn’t the familiar and comforting wood of the Jolly either. He wanted this to be a dream.
He wanted to go home.
The sudden shadow blocking the light, and the clearing of a throat, brought Henry’s attention to the opening where a very tall man stood. His face was shadowed for only a moment until he ducked and made his way inside. He was pale skinned, solidly built, and looked for all the world like a Viking with his flaming red hair and bushy overgrown beard.
“There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you.” he uttered with a small gentle smile; the timber of his voice, deep and rich as he squeezed to sit in the space across from him. “Just thought you’d like to know that your father is alright; Aponi managed to get him stable again.”
Henry’s shoulders sagged in relief.
He could still die, his traitorous thoughts piped up.
He tensed again.
“I’m Milo.” The man spoke, effectively freeing Henry from the dark thoughts for now, as he shot his hand out for Henry to shake.
Henry simply gawked at him. Sure, he had had his suspicions the moment he saw him, but Milo was nowhere near to his cartoon counterpart; the earlier thought of Viking a far cry from the lanky, shorter scholar he was depicted as. Then his manners finally caught up and he fumbled forward to accept the offered handshake.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Milo.”
That gentle smile, half buried under red, curly whiskers, reappeared. “The pleasure is mine, Henry. I spoke with my wife and son last night, and they told me you seek of a way home?”
“Yes, do you know of anything?”
Milo shook his head. “I haven’t come across anything yet, but we’re still trying to free several stone slabs from the muck underneath the surface. Maybe there’s something there?”
“Maybe,” he trailed off, his thoughts creeping back.
Much like the day Emma stabbed Killian through the chest with Excalibur, the image of Killian convulsing wildly on the bed, would equally haunt his dreams for years to come.
“He’s going to be okay.” Milo urged.
“You don’t know that.” Henry couldn’t help but argue back. “What happened anyway?”
“Aponi believes it was a combination of the venom and a bad reaction to the tonic. He must have been allergic to one of the herbs and his body didn’t respond until after the second dosage.” He explained. “But the situation is under control now. Aponi is giving him a new tonic and they’ll be monitoring him more frequently to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” He then stood and extended his arm out once more as he gestured toward the exit of the nook. “Come, and I’ll show you the proof, myself.”
Henry refused to be removed from his bedside for the entire day and night after that; only straying out of the room when he needed to relieve himself or when Nahko would come in to clean up when Killian did.
Even Aponi knew better than to try; having brought in a comfier chair for him to sit on as he sat vigil by Killian’s side. And with the healers bringing him things to eat and drink every time they came in to check on Killian’s condition, Henry could do nothing more than sit back and wait.
On the second day, Killian’s fever broke.
There was a little more color to the pale pallor of his skin, and his breathing didn’t seem as strained as it had been from the start.
Aponi had high hopes that he would wake soon enough.
On the third day, Killian awoke for all of five minutes.
Henry had missed it.
The moment Killian’s fever had broken, and they deemed that the worst of the venom’s affects were over with; Aponi had gone straight back to nagging Henry from here to kingdom-come.
“You’ll hurt your back if you continue to sleep in that chair.”
“You’re too skinny; you need more meat on those bones, young man.”
“Go and stretch your legs a little; your father isn’t going anywhere.”
It was during one such occurrence of nagging—with Henry appeasing her by heading down for the market—that he had managed to miss it. By the time Nahko had arrived, out of breath, to tell him the news and bring him back, Killian had long since succumbed to his exhaustion.
Henry wasn’t willing to move from the room after that, no matter how much Aponi tried.
The second time came when Henry himself was asleep.
He was stationed back at Killian’s bedside (despite Aponi’s great displeasure against it); with his feet propped up on the straw mattress, and Killian’s stump clutched loosely in his right hand.
The feeling of his arm being moved, had disturbed his sleep enough for him to groan irritably and loudly; thinking it was nothing more than Aponi coming back to forcibly remove him from the chair herself. He was just about to tell her he was fine where he was, at least, until he realized the hand grasping his wasn’t dainty and wrinkled, but large and callused and no longer resting against the sheets of the bed.
His eyes snapped open and he swiveled his head to find Killian staring back; relief overruling the fatigue he could see on his face. There was a small moment where neither of them moved, for Henry couldn’t quite believe his eyes. Then the moment was over as he jumped up and leaned down to hug him; his face burying itself against the crook of Killian’s neck in his own relief.
“You’re an idiot.” Henry finally muttered against his skin as he felt Killian’s left arm shift up to return the hug.
The resulting chuckle ended quickly on a wince as Killian rasped out. “Don’t make me laugh, my boy; that hurt.”
“Yeah,” He snorted. “I stand by what I said.”
Once he retrieved water for Killian’s parched throat, and Nahko for a quick check up and some help with propping him up against the pillows; the questions came after. Henry filled in the gaps as best he could, relaying the parts of the story he felt necessary to tell, and how Milo and the others were working to figure out a way home for them.
“You know,” Killian began, “Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe how much you’ve grown. You aren’t the little boy I helped save all those years ago in Neverland.”
“I know; I hear it a lot from both moms…”
“You would hear it from your other father too, lad.” They both smiled sadly at that. “Bae would have been just as proud of you as I am, Henry; don’t ever forget that.”
The silence that fell afterwards was comfortable, until Henry felt the need to break it. Three days surrounded by strangers and his own worry, would do that he supposed. Not to mention the fact that Killian’s timber, no matter how raspy with disuse it was at the moment, always seemed to calm him in the past when Emma or Regina couldn’t.
“So,” he started; shifting in the chair and murmuring an apology as his foot knocked against Killian’s leg. “Atlantis, huh?”
“I’m sorry lad, I—”
“It’s okay, dad. I understand.” he cut him off with a smirk. “It’s just cool to hear you’ve always had the makings of a hero. Even when you were at your darkest.”
Killian shifted his attention uncomfortably away at that, before catching himself and gazing back. “Well… what can I say? I had the right people there to guide me and remind me that I could be a part of something.”
They shared a smile at that as the distant echo of the falls filled the silence once again.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 7 years
Pick Me Up
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Jai Courtney/OFC (Roo) Warnings: Language/ Slight Sexual References Rating: PG13 Length: Short Story Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.
A/N: Well, mystery is solved...or is it? Either way, you may wanna give this one a good read ;) ;) 
Read:  Overextended & Fall to Pieces
"Honey, do we have to go tomorrow?" Jai groaned, his head resting in the crook of her neck.
"Unfortunately, yes we do." She lazily ran her fingers through his curls.
Their last day in Paris, before heading back to sunny California and reality, was going to be yet another lazy day in their room. Today, they would do good to leave the bed long enough to eat, if they bothered to do so.
Jai had woke several hours ago, laying in bed waiting for a sign that his wife – he smiled every time he thought about that – had done the same. The second her eyes had popped open, he had been there snuggled up and delivering light little kisses. She was happy to lie in bed, alternating between chatting and the comfortable silence that took its turn surrounding them.
No stress, no worries, and no fears. Simply the two of them, wrapped in one another, enjoying the gorgeous morning in one of the most beautiful cities. She couldn't wait to come back and Jai had promised they would, eventually, and the next time they would actually do more in way of being tourists.
"We could stay, the joey can live with my sister, and we can use the house when we need it." Jai mumbled, his lips brushing against her collar bone. "Buy a vineyard, or maybe open a cafe." He teased.
"We'd drink all the wine, kill the grapes, and probably burn down the cafe." She laughed at the suggestions.
Everything about that morning had been peaceful, silly, and a little sexy. Wine was probably how they had gotten to this point, as well. Oh the wine! She had drank way too much of it and Jai hadn't helped her. If it wasn't the wine then it was the champagne, the sweet and bubbly alcohol had a way of making you drink too much, without even realizing it.
Lazy, mellow and pleasing would be the only way she could ever describe the moment. Soft and slow was overrated when it came to sex, had it been anything but then the whole thing would have thrown off the vibrations of the morning.
Being husband and wife hadn't stilled the hesitancy when Jai announced they were officially out of condoms – thank god for new, apparently better, birth control. She needed him and in no way was she willing to wait, even if one of them made the mad dash for a corner store, it would take too long.
A smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, the mere idea that they'd had that much sex was amusing. Who could blame her? It took one glance at her husband to know she would prefer him to stay in bed, never leaving, to fuck all day.
She loved the feel of his body on hers, the weight bearing down but never crushing, it was comforting. Her fingers played with the tufts of hair on his chest and stomach, delighted that it had finally came back. Under the hair and under her touch, Jai's stomach contracted, his muscled growing taught and tiny goosebumps rising on his skin. Gentle and ghostly her finger tips continued to explore his stomach, back, and shoulders.
Brushing his thumb across her cheek, he watched under hooded eyes as her face went from serene to pure bliss. Another tightening in his stomach caused his body to shudder, this time it was less to do with her hands, the way she was pulling him in; in every sense of the phrase, was mind blowing.
Kissing her roughly, Jai moaned and his body went completely stiff, she could feel him throbbing between her legs. Her hips tilting and her knees resting against his sides, she gasped into the kiss, whimpering and shaking. Fuck! Her mind blank except for the cliche stars and dots.
"I can't believe I didn't think of this, earlier." She muttered, digging the spoon into the carton if ice cream. "What a fucking idiot." She scolded herself through a sniffle.
The front door opened and closed, Jai's footsteps were heavy on the floor as he entered the house. Her husband was home and she couldn't find the strength to care, what did it matter anyway? Everything was a mess, including her. This evening was supposed to be perfect, everything was carefully planned, and her excitement had been through the roof.
What did that matter, now? The kitchen was a disaster, she was doubtful that he would even notice Dorito's new attire. Nor would he see that the fall centerpiece in the dinning room had been replaced; pink and blue gerbera daisies, picked to match the overall theme. If she were lucky, Jai may notice the giant baby themed balloons in the corner of the kitchen. Nobody could miss the metallic pink and blue baby shower balloons.
That slow, sexy, lazy morning in Paris was to blame for this!
"I'm home," Jai called out ahead of him, stashing his black leather travel bag on the floor by the stairs. Dorito eagerly bounced down the hall, coming from the kitchen, wagging his tail and dancing around Jai's feet.
7:30, Denzi wouldn't be far behind.
Jai had landed an hour early from Chicago, grabbing a cab home – despite the small fortune it has cost, in order to surprise his family. Coming home was always his favourite part of any trip, getting to be back in his own bed in familiar surroundings was a luxury. Getting to come home to his wife and son, knowing how much he had missed them, made it even sweeter. Jai frowned when the seconds ticked by without the sound of Denzi's excited running as he made a bee line for his dad.
"Roo? Denzi?" He called loudly, scratching Dorito under the new blue bandanna he wore around his neck. "Guys?"
Listening for any signs of his son and wife, Jai furrowed his brow. There were no noises coming from upstairs, seeing as it was growing dark outside they probably weren't outside playing. He would have smelled smoke, if they were having a bon fire. Her aging silver SUV was parked neatly in the garage, when he'd peeked in on his way by.
"Kitchen." She closed her eyes and squeaked.
Grabbing the favoured bottle of whiskey from his travel bag, Jai strode off to the kitchen, Dorito not far behind. He couldn't wait to hug his son and kiss his wife. Wife! He still smiled like an idiot, every time he thought about that. Despite the warnings that had come, from a hypothetical question with his manager, Jai was happy with the way things were right now.
He'd received word that the paperwork for her adoption of Denzi was almost final, in another week or so, his son would have a mum and dad. He was home for another month, at least. How much better could this week get?
"Hey, I wasn't sure you were here, but...." Jai stopped mid sentence. Glancing around the kitchen, he inhaled deeply, suppressing an outburst. This was a fucking mess! What had she done, while he was away?
Chaotic disaster was the only way to describe the scene before him. The kitchen counter was covered in sticky frosting, a smashed cake sat beside the sink, streamers falling from the corner of the fridge lead Jai's gaze to the balloons bobbing around by the patio door. In the middle of the chaos his wife sat on the floor, slouched against the dishwasher, her dress covered in the same frosting from the counter top. In her hand, a carton of...cotton candy ice cream?
She hated, absolutely despised, cotton candy ice cream.
"R-Roo?" Jai cautiously approached, sliding down into a squat in front of her.
"What?" She sniffled, wiping her sticky frosting covered hand across her nose.
"Babe, what's going on?" Jai rested on his feet. His hands steadying his balance by holding her knees.
"Forget it, it's not important." She choked a sob.
"Well, then, let's clean this up and you can tell me about it. I brought home some of that organic whiskey you like."
Whatever had happened, they would get it cleaned, then Jai would settle her on the couch with a nice whiskey and ginger, the way she liked it when she was stressed. He'd fix a quick dinner and they could enjoy the rest of their evening, until Denzi came back, from wherever he was.
A body shaking, ear piercing sob erupted from his wife, Jai flinched out of reaction. Nearly stumbling backwards and onto his ass. "Whiskey?" She snapped loudly, tears beginning to brim her eyes. "Whis...Oh, Jai. I want a drink, I need a drink, but I can't."
Regaining his wits, Jai gently placed his hand on her knee, setting the whiskey beside him on the tile flooring, "Roo, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I'm fine." She waved her hand in front of her face. "I'm just, this was supposed to be perfect, but the cake...it fell on the floor, and you were supposed to walk in and just know...obviously you...did you even look at the dog or the balloons?"
The only way to describe the expression on her husband's face was a pure what the fuck?! emotion. His blue eyes were squinted and his brows furrowed, his lips pursed, and nose scrunched. She had lost her mind.
"I saw Dorito." Jai glanced at the dog who brushed by, hearing his name. "Kind of hard not to see the balloons."
"You saw them, but did you actually look? No, because had you, then you would have known." She sniffled again, swallowing roughly trying to avoid a hiccup. "I'm pregnant, Jai. Hence the blue and the pink, the baby designs on the fucking balloons. I'm pregnant and this is not how I wanted you to know."
"Pregnant?" He spoke, allowing the words to sink in. "Preg...nant? Fuck."
Paralyzed by her words, the word tumbled out again, repeating the word for a fourth time with a throaty laugh, Jai could practically feel the kitchen spinning. How bad would it look right now, if he opened the bottle of perfectly aged whiskey and began to chug?
Obviously, she'd had some time – though he didn't know the exact time frame – to allow this to sink in. Here he was, crouched on the kitchen floor, his socks covered in ice cream or was that frosting? It didn't matter, grasping his wife's knee trying to make sense of what she'd told him.
"Pregnant." the fifth time was more of a confused whisper.
Jai's stomach sank before jolting up and into his throat, they were barely married and here they were with a baby on the way. The tears staining her cheeks weren't helping him, inside Jai felt like the world's shittiest husband. He should have known or have had some sort of inkling. Wasn't a man supposed to notice these things?
She must have been terrified, taking the test alone, seeing those two little lines and nobody there to comfort her. Gasping in a large breath of air, Jai slowly exhaled trying to stop the urge of vomiting. He couldn't even begin to imagine the freak out that she had endured seeing that result.
"You're mad." She whimpered, shoving a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
"No, I'm...shocked. I'm not mad, babe." Jai gently replied blinking back the tears that were trying to fall. The two of them crying would be useless. One of them had to keep their wits.
"You look mad," She replied with an accusing tone.
It had been no secret that Jai felt they weren't ready. He'd made that clear when he'd refused to speak to her over a broken condom, months ago. They were in a better place now, she was sure of it, after all she was his wife and on the way to her becoming the mother of his son, possibly sons. Who knew? Maybe his daughter?
"I'm not mad." He reiterated, "Are...are you mad?" She sniffled and shook her head No. "Why all the tears? Oh, babe." Jai rubbed his thumb against her cheek, brushing the tears away.
"Because I'm so," she hiccuped, "hap-py."
"Me too, firecracker." Jai laughed, flopping down next to her. "Wow, we're actually having a baby? A baby!"
Being a dad was one of the best things in his life, Jai wouldn't trade Denzi for anything, nor could he imagine life being as great without the little guy. A second baby would only make that even better, Jai was sure of it. Sudden and not at all planned, but then again the best things never were.
Sitting on the kitchen floor, of their home, allowing the news of a new baby, their baby, to sink in was almost surreal. A weird dream like moment, one which would be gut wrenching if one of them woke up to find they were comfortable, in bed upstairs.
"Oh god, Jai! We're having a baby." She was wide eyed and muttering.
"Yes, yes we are."
"A baby!" She wailed with a sudden sniffle. "We haven't even told Denzi that we're married. I still have to tell my mom!"
"Roo, it'll be okay. We'll figure it all out." Jai rubbed her back. Hoping he sounded somewhat convincing. This was not what he had wanted or expected to come home to.
This threw a whole new complication into his plan, after the less than pleasant conversation with his manager, on the hypothetical decision of Jai getting married. Great, not only did he have to tell a doubt filled manager that he was married, but he was also having a second child.
Telling his parents and Cora would be a walk in the park, they would be bitter at first, then sink into the idea loving the fact there would be a new baby. Everybody loved babies!
"We have to call them. We have to call our parents, Booms." She sobbed loudly squirming around on her bottom, trying to find the motivation to get off of the kitchen floor. "We can't just have a baby and never tell them."
"We don't have to do that right now." Jai gently grasped her elbow and pulled her back to him. "There will be time, Roo. Right now, we need to just enjoy it."
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