#eventually Sersi and Dane have a good long talk
softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Hi love!! How are you?
May i ask for another part of the human Thena/eternal Gil Au pretty please?, it's a very interesting concept. Thank you 🤍🩷
Thena froze. She completely froze. What the hell was that thing? It rose up out of the water like it was a demon, its skin and flesh crawling around on its wiry body. She squeaked, "G-Gil?"
The creature floated over to her, examining her curiously. It had a maw of teeth like she had never seen before. "Th...ee...na."
Why did it know her name? What kind of nightmare was this? She tried to run but her knees trembled as she scraped her boot back on the cobblestones. "G-Gil-"
The beast lurched closer, something like vines growing from its neck. "Gil...ga...mesh."
A new chill flooded through her. This thing--it couldn't possibly be the one Gil fought on the news, could it? Sure, they weren't going to parade around the corpse of a monster like that, but surely it would have been reported of something like this was still alive.
"Find," its breath puffed from its jaws like smoke, "Gilgamesh."
"Gil!" Thena got out before turning her face away from the beast. She didn't know why that was the only thing coming to mind, but she was prepared for his name to be her last breath.
"Don't move!"
Well, it wasn't Gil. But rather, Sersi leapt over the railing of the bridge above. She held out her hand--her completely empty, open palm. The thing took a swipe at her but she used her other hand to swipe back. As her finger left the stone cobbles below their feet, shards of glass left her fingertips.
The thing retreated, hissing at the glass in its eyes.
Now her legs worked. Thena followed Sersi down the canal, looking over her shoulder only once. "What is that thing?!"
"It's a long story!"
Maybe all Eternals were bad at communication. Thena followed up the ramp and back to the surface street, although she could barely hear over her heart in her ears. "Where's Gil?"
"He'll be here," Sersi breathed heavily, hands still held out. "He's on his way."
"Sersi," Thena pressed, moving closer to the woman who had her back to her (in an attempt to protect her). "Why did that thing know my name?"
"What?" the other woman fully turned around.
"It spoke, it knew my name, and Gil's," she scowled, more and more tired of being left in the dark.
"Thena," Sersi shook her head, "Deviants can't speak."
"This one can," she corrected, although it didn't last. Sersi took her hand, yanking her away again in a fell blown run. "What is it?"
"I don't know!" It was at least an honest answer. "Dane!"
Dane, undeniably human, was trying to direct the general populace away from the danger. He turned back to them, "Sersi, it's-!"
Thena stumbled as Sersi was picked up by that thing. Its body was already huge to begin with, but it was elevated up on its tentacle-like appendages. She picked herself up as Dane charged at it. "Wait!"
The beast opened its mouth. Just like its eyes, whatever comprised its insides had a sickly, ominous glow to it. It held Sersi by the neck, as if inhaling her air could rob her of her life.
"Let her go!"
Thena's ears popped as charging sound hit the air, followed by sheer impact. The thing went flying back into the water below. Gold particles floated in the air like dust. A second, lighter impact sounded, feet meeting concrete heavily. "Gil?"
"You okay?" he asked Sersi as they landed. She nodded, leaning on his shoulder as she rubbed her neck under her scarf.
"I'll be fine," Sersi assured him. If the powers weren't enough evidence, no human would be able to breathe, let alone speak after the way that thing had handled her. She gasped as Dane plowed into her, hugging her tight despite her brother's presence. She didn't mind it either, happily embracing him in return, "I'm okay, Dane."
Thena watched from a few paces away. Part of her imagined running to Gil the same way, but they hadn't actually spoken since their tense discussion at the museum two weeks ago. She had told him she needed time, and he had respected that, only checking on her well being after the attack, as he had asked to do.
Part of her was glad he had respected her boundary. The other part had been waiting for him to call or text all week.
Gil moved away from his sister and her boyfriend, happy not to watch their affections. He jogged over to her, his hands floating around but never actually landing. "Are you okay?"
She just nodded, her throat completely stiff and dry. That thing never emerged from the water, but she hardly thought that meant it was dead down there. "Gil, what-"
"I don't know," he answered immediately, also looking for the thing or any trace of it. But, not immediately seeing any signs, he focused on her again. And he did manage to bridge the gap and pull her into his arms. His hand rested on her hair, "I don't know, sweetheart."
She could just demand answer--real, proper answers. This was not only not the first time something like this had come up from his past life, but now it was involving her more directly. That thing had spoken her name like a walking nightmare.
Gil tightened his hold on her as she buried her face in his chest. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner."
She could remember how she had screamed his name as if it were synonymous with 'help'. All she had thought in that moment was that surely he would come to save her. As if she were some cliched damsel in a work of fiction. It was laughable.
But Gil buried his nose in her hair, pressed his lips to her temple. "Are you hurt?"
She pulled away from him, shaking her head. "It said my name."
Gil wasn't nearly as shocked or appalled as Sersi had been. His face was grim. "It's the same one I fought before. It's different from the other ones we've faced in the past. It learns differently. They've never been able to speak before."
That had all kinds of horrific implications for the biology and evolution of such a creature. "It's the same one?"
He sighed heavily, guiding her away from the damage of everything as crowds started reemerging. He wrapped his arm around her. "It got away from me that time. But it stuck one of those vines in me--I think it got in my head."
That would explain its learning pattern with speech, and unfortunately, why it had known her name. It even seemed to have hunted her down out of recognition. She shivered.
"It's okay," Gil whispered to her, even pulling off his jacket and putting it around her shoulders, despite her having her own. "Nothing is going to happen to you, Thena."
As strong and inhuman as he was, it still sounded somewhat empty as a promise. She let him pull her off the main streets and aside, in front of an old, dimly lit laundromat.
She took him in, watching as he checked that no one was lingering or looking, able to catch them saying something incriminating. "Gil."
He knew what she was asking. He gave her his full attention, taking her hands in his. "Anything you wanna know--go for it."
There was a myriad of things. She looked down at their joined hands. "Why didn't you tell me it wasn't dead?"
"I wasn't sure either," he professed, and she believed it was honesty. "Even if I had my suspicions, I thought it was just scare you if you knew."
She frowned, "I may be human, but I'm not going to cower at the idea of some story."
Maybe that was putting on a brave face of sorts, though. Looking that thing in the eye had been the single worst experience of her life.
"I know," Gil conceded, though. He ran his thumb against the outer edge of hers. "I should give you more credit than that. But I honestly didn't know how to tell you--or anyone. Not even Sersi knew."
That was clear, at least. Sersi had looked completely aghast at the idea that the thing had spoken.
"I don't know if the rest of us know either," he leapt into the next leg of his honesty. "We don't exactly talk much."
She supposed she could understand that. Humans didn't necessarily excel at keeping in touch with their families either. "Perhaps you should try to talk, at least now that you've seen it again?"
He sighed heavily, but nodded.
She huffed more impatiently; she wasn't his mother, or some nagging girlfriend. She wouldn't be the sidelined love interest urging him to go do what he needed to while she waited indefinitely for him. "Gil, whatever that thing is-"
"It's a Deviant, the things we killed--we thought! The last one I fought was in the 17th century," he grumbled, although as soon as he gave her hands a squeeze he relaxed himself again. Did it take practice for him to learn not to squeeze too hard with humans, she wondered. "But that thing...I think maybe it has something to do with Ikaris."
She frowned, "Sersi's ex-husband?"
He glanced around, as if Sersi would catch him talking about it and give him hell for it (they really were siblings). "We haven't heard anything from him or Ajak, not even after the blip."
So, they were aware of the blip! And by the sounds of it, none of them had blipped. Now, she shad even more questions (she had blipped, mercifully, it sounded like).
She gulped. "What does that mean for you?"
He shook his head. He didn't know either. But he was still holding her hands. "I-I don't know. But, Thena-"
She leaned in, tilting her head up to kiss him. It wasn't their first kiss, by any means, but it felt just as significant.
When she leaned back, Gil had the most grave look she had ever seen on his face. "Tell me that wasn't a goodbye kiss."
She wasn't entirely sure, in the moment. But it was not, at the very least, a petty breakup kiss. She gave his hands a squeeze of her own before stepping back. "It's a 'I-trust-you'll-tell-me-more-when-you-know-more' kiss."
That made him brighten considerably, and she was frustratingly happy to see his smile return.
"Gil?" Sersi's voice floated over to them from around the corner. "I guess we need to talk."
He made a face, as if his sister needing him was more trivial than the impending doom they had just faced. He looked away from the corner and back at her with those big brown eyes of his. But she gave him a look. He rolled his eyes, "fine."
Sersi was waiting with Dane, also hand in hand with her human. "You know what we have to do."
"Unfortunately," he grumbled. Thena nudged him; her hand was also still clasped in his. "Let's get home first, try to catch our breath, okay?"
"Not a bad idea, I think," Dane spoke up surprisingly firmly. Gil had described him as someone rather nervous, but perhaps he had an underlying confidence to him when needed.
Thena smiled at the way he kept Sersi close to him. It didn't bother him in the least that his partner was immeasurably strong and fast in comparison, perhaps not even that she was immortal. Watching them walk ahead, they were just a couple whose date had been ruined.
Her last date with Gil had been dinner after work, talking about her day, asking him about the food and what he thought. He had mentioned her meeting his sister, and his sister's new boyfriend he wasn't totally sure about. It was unfortunate that these were the circumstances under which they were actually doing so.
"Hey," he whispered, leaning close to her as they walked a few paces behind. He averted his eyes as Sersi laid her head on Dane's shoulder. "You okay?"
"Yeah," she let out a breath. It looked inviting, although she wasn't sure if she and Gil were in that same place in their relationship. She wasn't sure what their relationship was anymore, entirely of her own doing.
Gil was the one to decide. He pulled his hand from hers, only so he could wrap his arm around her waist. She stumbled into him but he used the opportunity to press his lips to her forehead. "Whatever is about to come our way, I'm glad you're here with me, Thena."
She closed her eyes, relishing the small window of affection. She wasn't sure what was coming their way either. But she was here for it--she was probably a little too willing to face whatever was to come, all things considered. For someone who had told him she needed time, she had come very close to professing her love on what she had thought was her deathbed mere moments ago.
But she should probably decide if she was his girlfriend or not first. "I'm with you, Gil."
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sortofanobsession · 2 years
To Cry for the Moon Part 7 (Moon Knight x Female Eternal!Reader)
Author's Note: The next couple chapters will be mainly the Eternals with mentions to Moon Knight. So if you are here for the guys, please hang in there, they will be back. I am not a mythology expert, and things get changed for these stories obviously. I'm trying my best. Also I'll try to update every day or two. I can't guarantee they will be everyday. So if you want to be tagged let me know, replies are the easiest but any way works. Minor DNI
The story idea by @jupitersmoon167 (the original post I saw is here!) Also realized I should probably add content warnings, so I did and tagged them. If you think I missed a warning please send me an ask. I try to tw tag even the tiniest thing so no one has to suffer if I can help it.
Y/N = Your Name. Y/N/N = Your Nickname. Reader pronouns She/Her. Story is 3rd person POV. Italics are the reflected alter talking.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Tagged: @rosaren2498, @yuugenmomo, @faefanatic, @urlocallsimp, @assassinsasha23, @queenariesofnarnia, @rmoonstoner, @crypticruler
Primary Pairing: Steven Grant x Eternal!Reader, Marc Spector x Eternal!Reader, Khonshu x Ma'at!Reader (It’ll make sense eventually)
Content Warning: Death, fear, depression
Word Count: 1k+
WIP Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Part 7: The World Keeps Turning
Y/N didn't really listen or help Sersi explain to Dane that they have powers because they are Eternals from the planet Olympia and have been on Earth for over 7,000 years, fighting Deviants. Until 5 centuries ago. He learned more about Sersi and Ikaris but the main thing was that Dane accepted her explanation and reasoning far better than Marc had. Y/N didn't miss the sad look they both gave her. 
"He'll come around, probably just the shock of it all," Dane tells her.
"You handled it alright, and you don't have a centuries-old Egyptian god in your brain. Moon Knight does. They even know about some of my powers. I told them when they told me about their personalities, though they conveniently left out Khonshu. It was Truth for Truth. The full story wasn't my story to tell. Doing so might have raised questions about Sersi and Sprite. That wouldn't be fair to them or you, but I guess that doesn't matter." She sighs. "I'm glad you don't hate us. I hate to do this but can I ask you a favor? Can you watch Noob and maybe feed Bas until we get back? I would ask Steven, but even if he would talk to me, I don't think Marc would let him."
"Of course," he nods.
"Thanks, Dane, I owe you one."
"You guys saved my life and a lot of other people, the least I can do is pet sit."
"Least you can do is nothing, but I appreciate it. I know you'll be kind to them. Sorry, I can't make you a giraffe either, but I can say if you ever need anything." She takes the feather keychain off her keys and holds it in her hands, imbuing it with a tiny fraction of her powers before handing it to him. "If something really bad happens. Hold it to your heart and I will hear it. We may not have cell signal, but as long as I’m on this planet it’ll work. It works for Osiris and he’s in the underworld, it should work for you."
"Osiris? Like the Egyptian god of the Dead? He has a direct line to you? Does your family?" 
"Osiris does, my family doesn't. Sadly, I cannot feel the Eternals like I can humans. I think Arishem thinks that would be a distraction. But humans, like you, I can hear. And you, you have a good heart Dane, that's why we know we can trust you with all of this. I don't even need my scales to know your heart balances. Sersi wouldn't be with you if it didn't. Take care of yourself." 
She moves to join Sprite while Sersi says her own goodbye.
Y/N was physically sore and absolutely exhausted on the flight to the States. The only thing giving her comfort was being surrounded by so many human hearts. She reached out just a bit with her powers to feel them. She focuses on one of a child, a young girl, that seems to be enjoying a show on a tablet. An innocent and pure heart full of joy. It reminds her that humans were worth fighting for. That little girl had so much life ahead of her. As upset and sad as Y/N might be, knowing innocence and good still existed even after so many years without the Eternals' assistance was comforting. It was a constant that she could always rely on.
"You okay?" Sersi asks, drawing her attention back. 
Y/N nods. "I'm fine."
"You should try and sleep," Sersi tells her. "You fought harder than most of us and took most of the hits."
"I'm not that fragile," Y/N assures her.
"No, but we have no idea when we might get the chance to again. Might as well embrace it while we can."
"Point taken," Y/N admits and as she usually does, she takes Sersi's advice.
As they left the airport and headed to their rental car, she pulled out her phone and calls Steven. He doesn't answer. She leaves a voicemail.
“Hey, just landed in the States. We’re headed to Ajak’s place, I’ll call you when we get to her house.”
When Ajak fails to greet them, something instantly feels off. Y/N reaches out but feels nothing. No humans for miles and no apparent threats. What they do find shakes them all. Ajak is dead. Her body was cold, drained of power. Y/N couldn't breathe for a moment. It is too much. They've never lost anyone before. Ajak always healed them. She kept them alive even through the most brutal of battles. Ajak was gone. Their leader was gone. They were on their own. Y/N could feel her hands start to shake. The ache in her knee returned. They were on their own against Deviants stronger than ever and they lost their healer. Ajak had kept them alive and safe for millennia. Now, what were they supposed to do?
Ikaris admits to being the last one to see her. To say that Ajak sent him to London to check on them. But the Deviant must have gotten her before he actually made it to London because as Sprite points out the Deviant healed like Ajak. They now had an enemy that could take their powers. None of them were safe in a fight if that was true. They are all shocked when Sersi tells them the sphere Ajak used to speak with Arishem went to her. That she spoke to Arishem. Ajak chose Sersi to replace her. Not Ikaris, which was surprising. He had always been more of a leader than most of them. He was devoted to the mission Arishem gave them.
Y/N put a hand on Ajak's cold chest. 
"May we meet again in the next life," Y/N says, hoping that no matter what afterlife awaited Eternals they would hopefully be together someday. 
They agreed to gather the rest of the team starting with Kingo.
Ancient Egypt, the beginning of the age of gods.
Y/N places a set of scales before the Ennead in the Chamber of the Gods. 
"Phastos says these scales will allow you to better judge a person's heart, even when I am not here. We formed them using my powers." She takes the large feather that the people had given her long ago because of her wings that she often included in her outfit out of appreciation and holds it tight between her hands, calling on the majority of her power and channeling it into the feather. It made her lightheaded as her hands and the feather began to glow. She wills a fraction of her own heart and powers into it. When she pulls her powers back the feather continues to have a sort of ethereal glow. "This feather," she holds it out to the small cluster of gods before her. "The feather of truth," she deems it. "I've put everything I know, everything I use to aid in judgment, into this feather. Weigh a person's heart against this feather and you will know their true nature, their heart. If it balances, they have a good heart, they deserve to see paradise."
"And they shall see the field of reeds," Osiris assures her.
"And if they don't balance?" Horus asks.
"If the feather rises, and the heart stays weighted down, they have failed. Their heart has shown their true nature, that their heart is filled with malice and should be justly condemned. If the scales move back and forth that means there is conflict in the person's heart. They are not inherently good or bad. They should be given a chance to process this, to look deep within themselves and if they can balance then they have made peace with their conflict. If they can't, they shall face proper justice."
"Justice shall be swift," Osiris adds. 
"You can judge both living and the dead to ensure justice and truth remain standard as time goes on and the kingdom grows. As long as I live, the feather of truth will hold the standards I have deemed fair and just. It is part of me. You have my judgment as long as the smallest spark of my power remains. We are bound, we are one." 
Modern Egyptian Underworld
"They've never done this before." Anubis, Taweret, and Osiris watch the scales shift without anything being weighed against the feather. 
"Keep watch," Osiris commands them. "We will see what Ma'at has to say."
South Dakota, USA
Y/N tries again to call Steven and Marc. 
“Hey, um, so we got to Ajak’s. She…got attacked by a deviant and is…Anyway, we’re flying back out again, probably going to find Kingo. Let me know if you get this, we’re in the middle of nowhere in South Dakota, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not getting any service.”
As she puts her phone away. She is shocked to see the path to the temple open before her. 
"Sprite!" She calls the younger Eternal.
"Is that what I think it is?" Sprite says as she eyes the long open tunnel. "Tell Sersi I will meet you in Mumbai." Sprite nods.
Modern Egypt: Temple of the Gods
"Osiris," Y/N greets the glowing eyes of the avatar before her. 
"Ma'at," he greets her. "I am sure you are curious why I summoned you."
She sighs, "I have an idea about that and I will share what I know, you only ever have to ask."
"Your scales shifted while not in use. The others are concerned."
"I…I have concerning news for you, Osiris. The deviants have returned, they are stronger, faster and I'm afraid I can no longer guarantee that we, that I, will survive."
"What do you mean?" He asks. "How have you come to this conclusion?"
"One attacked us in London. Ikaris, Sersi, Sprite, and I were unable to kill it. Ikaris and I could only drive it back. The concerning thing is that it healed itself, Osiris. We went to consult Ajak and she was dead. The monster had stolen her powers and in doing so became stronger and harder to fight. In 7,000 years no Eternal has died. I'm afraid the shock may have momentarily shifted and shaken my beliefs. But the scales should be steady now. We are going to gather the rest of the Eternals and return to our mission, losing our healer will not deter us. We shall do our best to remove this threat to humanity. My only request is that should anything happen and my feather fade. Please tell Khonshu that I have failed. He will know why."
"That can be done. We will be observing," Osiris tells her. "Call upon us if you have a need. Isis would be devastated if we lost you, little feather. Your heart beats here. It shall remain protected." 
Mumbai, India
Y/N steps out into the busy streets of the city. She reaches out to feel the hearts around her. Now she had to wait for the rest of the team to get there. She takes out her phone and calls Steven.
"Osiris called me to the temple, my powers wavered after finding Ajak. I filled him in on what was happening. With Ajak gone we…Osiris will let Khonshu know if anything truly bad happens, he told me he would. I'm in India now. I got here before the others because of the temple path. I'll let you know more soon. I really do miss you both."
Before putting her phone away she sent a text to Sersi letting her know that she was in India.
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simplymakkari · 2 years
Ok but hear me out a Drukkari rom com in which Makkari goes to Ikaris/Sersi wedding (those wedding that takes 4 days before it actually happens lol) only to find out the guy she spent one night with is Ikaris (much younger) brother.
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Makkari flys out early to Sersi's and Ikaris' house and she's heard so much about Ikaris' family and the second she walks into the kitchen to help out (and she's hungry from the long journey), there's Druig in his leather jacket, eating like strawberries and Gilgamesh is cooking. Druig freezes and nearly chokes at the last minute but composes himself super quick and Makkari just like stares at him and points at him ("you???? what the hell are you doing here??? You said you were going on vacation!"), when Gilgamesh's back is turned because one) holy shit what are the fucking chances??? and two) remembering what an amazing time that one night stand was. (Druig just snaps back this is my vacation! I didn't lie!!!) She's heard stories of Ikaris's younger brother being a complete asshole but she knows Druig is nothing like she remembers from that night.
Gilgamesh automatically catches the vibes between the two and how they totally pretend like they don't know each other lmao ("Dru, this is Makkari/Makkari, this is Druig, Ikaris' younger brother. He knows sign as well!") and gives them a push. Shenanigans ensue and it's hilarious them pretending like they don't already know each other and introducing themselves to one another.
Eros somehow gatecrashes the rehearsal dinners and flirts hard-core with Makkari and Makkari having no other choice, is desperate and like automatically goes to Druig’s side. He understands the situation and gets her out much to her relief and the two agree to be each other's wedding date for the rest of the week and so they can stop being pestered about why they're both single. They eventually talk about their one night hook-up. Sexual tension (for days, just oozing and dripping 🤌🤌🤌) throughout the next two days and they grow even closer than before and pull pranks on the family. The family learns what absolutely menaces they are and how much Jack's got them wrapped around his fingers being the cool aunt and uncle ahaha
Eros tries to flirt with Druig when he's drunk and Makkari just grabs Druig's hand and leads him away and kisses him to make Eros get the hint. She can't stop thinking about the kiss later that night 😏
The night of, the family finds out some dark shit and it gets out, Ikaris is not the good guy everyone thinks he is and Druig just straight up punches him because Sersi is so sweet and she doesn't deserve a guy like him and he's glad to call her his sister and the two get into a brawl and the wedding is called off.
Makkari tends to his bruise eye, kisses it and Druig and Makkari aren't sure what they'll do now that the wedding is called off ("what do we call this? When we go back home ... are we friends or ...? // Makkari admits to him, she doesn't "want to be 'just friends.' I want us to be more ... if you'd like.") One things leads to another, more kisses and such and then the two just make love that night. Druig just tells her that night, "Wherever you decide to go for tomorrow, I'll follow you anywhere."
the weddings still called off but Sersi decides its a waste of money and its not being put to good use and decides to turn it into a party. Everyone gets cake, even random people popping in, Dane shows up and comforts Sersi and asks her to dance and Sersi is happy and grateful he's there. While they dance, Sersi is happy and laughing again. Dane and Sersi two remain friends but grow closer and Dane finally gathers the courage to ask her out within two years, they're engaged and everyone's happy for them. Druig and Makkari travel the world and become engaged as well and come back to find out everyone had a bet on them the week of the wedding as they thought they were already together 🤣
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rey-of-luke · 3 years
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#like i knew this was gonna be an intense episode but i was expecting stan or geri to be involved with emily's death
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Me: *is so fucking behind on NCIS*
34 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 03:18:31 GMT
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for @mal-zoya 
“I’m sorry, you’re saying you’re - ”
“the devil, yes, yada yada. i much prefer ‘aleksander’ though. or ‘the darkling’. fits better, don’t you think?”
“don’t, though, his ego is big enough as it is. trust me.”
“alina, you wound me.”
“i’ll show you a wound.”
“not in front of your pet human. you’re too afraid to let him see that darkness in you. he wouldn’t care, you know. he has a thing for the dark.”
“‘he’ is also standing right here.”
Aleksander Morozova. Alina Starkov. Immortal beings of immense power on opposing sides of a feud that has been ongoing since the dawn of creation. Aleksander is determined to have Alina fall and join him in co-ruling Hell. Alina is determined to watch over and protect Mal Orestsev, a human whose life she saved as a child and has become good friends with over the years. Naturally, Aleksander goes to check out this... human... that Alina has taken such an interest in. And, well, he’s not terrible... for a human.
Suddenly Aleksander is doing his best to ensure Mal’s soul will end up in Hell - after all, it’s become quite clear to him that Alina will follow her little pet human anywhere, probably even into Hell itself - while Alina does her best to ensure the opposite, doing her best to resist the temptation Aleksander has always posed.
For his part, all Mal wanted to do was hang out with his long-time crush and best friend and this hot but probably slightly unstable dude they both are clearly attracted to. He wasn’t exactly expecting to get caught up between the eons long feud where a literal angel and the Devil were fighting over his immortal soul, where apparently the Devil will stop at nothing to have both Alina and Mal by his side.
Basically, angel!alina, devil!darkling, and human!mal with eventual dark!alina, co-rulers!darklina, consort!mal. Because the angel au we talked about ages ago refuses to leave me alone so *yeets this in your direction* I had to get it off my mind somehow.
psd: oblivion-crackships
42 notes • Posted 2021-06-21 20:01:09 GMT
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Walker + Onion Headlines/Text Posts [1/?]
51 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 22:51:05 GMT
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OT3 AESTHETICS --> Ikaris x Sersi x Dane Whitman (Eternals 2021)
“So that’s your ex, huh?”
psd: oblivion-crackships
52 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 03:18:53 GMT
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FAVORITE TUMBLR HATED SHIPS --> Jareth x Sarah Williams (The Labyrinth)
“Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.”
psd: twdcreates
73 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 03:32:15 GMT
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