#events happen pre movies
vxnillite · 2 years
fluffy ZNoah drabble
Summary: it's just them training with gay tension and pining i cant come up with titles to save my life, sorry
Word count: 2212
[Edit: ok so i forgot to post this on ig, but then thought to edit it while i was here. nothing much changed, it even got 4 words shorter lol]
"I'm clocking out early today."
Kroi looked up from his work with genuine surprise. "But you're usually the last one out," he said.
Noah talked as they packed a small backpack with their water bottle and a change of clothes. They shrugged. "Z's giving me self-defense training or whatever."
"You agreed?"
"Shocked myself, too, actually." Noah slung a single strap over their left shoulder. "But she did have a point. She doesn't always come along for the school visits, and while the Na'vi are really skilled fighters, I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing if I were able to defend myself."
Grace emerged from the adjoined room. She looked oodly smug as she asked, "Is that the only reason?"
Noah raised a brow. "Should there be another?"
Kroi and Grace exchanged looks but said nothing. The latter smiled and patted Noah on the shoulder.
"Well, you've done enough at the lab today," she said, "Great work, as always."
The young scientist couldn't help but blush a bit, a bubble of pride swelling in their chest. They smiled. "Thanks, Grace."
"Alright, go get your strictly necessary training."
Kroi beamed, "See you at dinner, Noah!"
A slightly perplexed Noah waved goodbye as they left through the vacuum doors of the lab. They haven't told a soul, but they'd begun to notice the weird pattern of reaction whenever they mentioned the soldier to their friends, but Noah had never thought much of it, except that it was probably just a bunch of friendly yet fruitless teasing.
When the doors hissed to a close, then the other two scientists burst into lighthearted laughter.
"How are they so clueless," Kroi mused, "Z-Dog could outright tell Noah and they still wouldn't believe her."
"I made a bet with Dr. Patel that Noah might notice in two weeks."
The doctor mentioned chimed in from the other room, "You might as well hand me the money now, Dr. Augustine. That kid's never gonna notice that soldier girl's got a crush on them."
Noah's phone buzzed incessantly while they were on their way to the SecOps wing, much to their annoyance. They already knew who was blowing their phone up and thought it better to just walk the entire way in relative peace. A few paces later, their phone still wouldn't shut up, so Noah yanked their phone out of their pocket and read the messages.
'u out yet?'
'where r u'
'hurry up im bored'
'stop ignoring my texts'
'damn u slow'
"Puta, ingay," Noah muttered to themselves as they punched in a response.
'omw :P'
'walk faster'
'oh i forgot'
'short legs ;)'
With a sharp click of the tongue, Noah quickly shoved their phone back in their pocket. The thought of just turning right back around and heading to their sleeping quarters instead seemed rather enticing now. As of late, Z had become bolder with teasing Noah around like that, and it's been driving them insane. The dumb jokes and that stupid laugh she made whenever she got a reaction out of Noah… All of it would be stuck in their head for hours, and Noah didn't know how to deal with it.
They started walking faster as they recognized the corridor leading to the SecOps training rooms. The volume of soldiers passing by was growing by the meter. Noah could feel the confused looks that some were throwing at them, while others, thankfully, seemed like they didn't give a crap about the scientist.
Noah looked closely at the room labels placed above the doors, trying to recall the room number Z had told them to go to—without much success.
Just how many training rooms do a bunch of these grease monkey musclebrains need?
Unfortunately, after racking their brain a bit more in vain, Noah had no choice but to ask Z. They were impatient enough as is, and they genuinely couldn't remember that tiny bit of information to save their life. They groaned as they pulled their phone back out of their pocket.
'u forgot? :('
'nvm im going back'
Somewhere beside Noah, a bubblegum popped. "And, here I thought you were excited for training."
Noah jumped back a bit at Z just suddenly materializing in front of them. How did they not notice her?
Quickly composing themselves, Noah cleared their throat and said, "Stop playing games already. You were the one telling me to hurry up, weren't you?"
Z chuckled as she ruffled the scientist's hair. "Just wanted to see you sooner," she said, "Is that so wrong?"
Noah frantically pushed the hand off their head and looked around at the crowd in a panic. "Ugh, can you even hear yourself," they chided in hushed tones, "Just—! Let's just get to training already!"
They stormed off, and Z, knowing better, chased after Noah and pulled them along to the training room they'd be using, which was in the opposite direction that Noah was marching off to. Upon arrival, Noah checked first if it was empty. It was one of their conditions for this series of self-defense training with Z. The latter agreed, actually finding it ideal for her, too.
Satisfied that there was nary a human being in the room aside from them, Noah put their backpack down on a bench and plopped down beside it.
They looked up at Z expectantly. "So, what are we gonna do first," they asked.
Z stood across them, arms crossed under her chest. "First, have you ever had any sort of physical training before?"
Noah recounted their experiences on their fingers. "Failed high school phys-ed, used medical notes throughout college… Oh, and Kevin tried teaching me, but I guess I was a terrible student because I didn't learn shit."
"Oh, wow," Z chuckled, "We better get started then." 
The soldier cocked her head towards the small black bin by the door and spat the gum in her mouth straight in. The small spectacle shouldn't have been of any note to Noah, but it was. The fact lingered in the back of their mind, but they did their best to not let it show.
"Warm-up first," Z said as she motioned Noah over to the mat, "Some basic stretches can't be too hard for you, right?"
Noah snickered, "Don't count on it yet."
"Alright, nerd. Just follow my lead."
Z started doing some basic stretches. Noah seemed to be following along okay, but they kept tumbling over or losing their balance. At some point, it concerned Z, and she stopped stretching. When she spared Noah a little exasperated stare, the scientist stood up and looked back at her, confused.
"What's wrong?"
"Do the stretch we just did."
Although their brow was still raised, Noah just shrugged, then went back into the stretch. Z walked around them, humming in thought. When she came back to her spot, she had her conclusion.
"Your posture sucks, Noah," she said, trying not to laugh.
Noah immediately straightened up and clutched their braids, their eyes averted from Z in embarrassment in a fruitless attempt to hide their blushing face and ears. "Stop fucking giggling, you pinhead," they retorted, "It's not that bad!"
"Dude," the soldier wheezed, "It's why you keep falling over. It is that bad."
Noah twisted on their heel and began to storm off when Z caught their shoulders, then pulled them back towards the mat. "Don't just give up like that, idiot," she chuckled, "I didn't say I wouldn't help you."
"Still took a fucking sweet time to mock me, though," they huffed as they were dragged.
Z let them settle their feet back on the mat. "Alright, now do the stretch again."
"Ugh, fine."
A snarl and a string of curses came through as Noah redid the stretch. Z told them to relax as she went behind them and started correcting Noah's stance. But when she went to try and hold onto Noah's side, they jerked back and made a noise between a squeak and a yelp.
Noah, absolutely mortified, looked back at Z. It took the soldier a few seconds to process what she'd just heard.
"Was that… Was that you?"
Noah could feel their ears burning as frustration and humiliation created chaos within them. "You didn't fucking hear that!"
Z absolutely heard it, and she was suddenly in hysterics. "Noah, you're ticklish? Hah!"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Oh my god. That's just cute," Z smirked, "Who would've thought?"
Noah thought their ticklishness was something stupid, embarrassing, and totally unbecoming of them — but never 'cute'. That tiny comment echoed in Noah's head, as well as the loud pounding of their heart. It felt extremely weird that, no matter how hard they thought, they couldn't come up with anything to snark back at Z with. So they just stood there, stunned, hair pulled over their reddened ears. The same couldn't be done to hide their face though, as it burned a deep, cherry red.
"You're blushing," the soldier teased.
Noah hissed, "I know that!"
Z's laughter trailed into a softer chuckle, then she asked, "How sensitive are you?"
Z put a hand on her waist, looking expectantly at Noah. "I'm not trying to tease. I'm asking so I know how to help you in training."
Noah answered reluctantly, "It's really bad when I'm taken by surprise, like what you did just now. But I think if I see it coming…  it wouldn't bother me as much."
Having absorbed that little bit of information, Z went behind Noah again. As she guided them into the right position, she'd tell Noah beforehand if she was going to touch them and where. Noah still jerked back on reflex, but they tolerated the annoying tingling sensations until they actually eased into a sense of comfort. The feeling of Z's firm, heavy grip lingered on the areas she would touch, and it rendered Noah quite complacent to the soldier's instructions and helplessly flustered from the tiniest bits of praise.
When they got through the warm-up, Noah could barely feel their muscles burning over the heat they felt in their face. As soon as Z stepped away from them, Noah ran to the bench and chugged their water, purposefully turned away from Z as they mentally tried to calm themselves down.
It wasn't working that well.
"If you were that thirsty, you could've told me," Z said, both teasing and concerned. "And, don't drown yourself."
Noah drank almost the entire bottle of water and was panting as if they'd run a marathon when they put the tumbler down. They wiped away any stray water trails with the back of their hand, then turned back around to face Z.
"What's next," they huffed, expression steeled as if they weren't blushing crazily just moments ago.
Cute, Z thought. She stifled her laughter out of consideration for Noah's determination. "Alright, we'll start with the basics: just punching and kicking. Nothing too complicated"
An hour later, Noah was lying spread-eagled on the mat, drenched in sweat and eyes closed as they struggled to catch their breath. Every muscle in their body was screaming and Noah listened to their plea. They stayed still on the mat while Z looked on.
She snickered, "So, want to move on to lesson 2?"
Noah raised a middle finger at her, only for it to drop back down on the mat. They earned a hearty laugh from the soldier.
Z got her tumbler and Noah's towel from their bag, then handed both items to them, whom she had to pull up to a sitting position. They flung the towel on their head and started chugging down the bottle. It was empty in seconds.
"Ah, shit," they muttered, frowning at the empty bottle. Then they looked up at Z, their gaze soft and apologetic. "Sorry about that."
Z sat beside them. "Nah, it's fine," she said, "I've got an extra bottle in my bag."
"I'm real shitty at this physical stuff," Noah sighed. Training was rough, but halfway through it , they actually started having fun. They had to admit—and they really didn't expect it—their teacher was a pretty good one. But they couldn't help but feel bad about being so crap at following her directions at times.
Z laughed, "Yeah, you are." She patted Noah on the back and smiled. "But, you did good today. Tripped a few times, but hey, baby steps, right?"
Noah lightened up at the comment. "Right," they nodded. "Oh, by the way, I've got a pack of bubblegum in my bag. It's your favorite."
"You remember my favorite bubble gum flavor?"
"Uh, yeah, 'cus you're never not chewing on one."
Z suddenly tackled Noah into a headlock, laughing loudly as they tried to squirm out from under her arm to no avail.
"Isn't that sweet of you," she chuckled.
"Gago, bitawan mo nga 'ko!" [T/N: Let go of me!]
They tried pushing her off, but Noah's arms were twigs in strength compared to Z's. Yet as they cursed out the soldier, Noah was grinning and laughing along with her. Eventually, Z loosened her arm around their neck, and rested it over their shoulder. They didn't try to remove it.
"Same time tomorrow," they asked.
"You don't mind?"
Noah shook their head. Z grinned.
"It's a date, then."
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this is a formal apology for every time i've read ur fnaf theories, gone "ah... of course! yes!" and then forgotten to respond
This is a formal apology for every time I've read one of your asks, not immediately had a TQ&/E, and forgotten to respond
#The box can wait my questions that need to be answered are why there is already a body in a Fredbear suit before the Bite#and what can 'I will put you back together' mean solely within those four games#like yeah it's robot kids but it wasn't then#that isn't 'four games; one story' that's using the next game in the series to elaborate on the previous one#(and the then new addition of books)#also what the hell was Fnaf World on about but I think I'm the only person that's thought about Fnaf World in years#yeah yeah Happiest day it's about CC I got that WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE PLAYER WAS ONLY CREATED FOR THIS PURPOSE!!!#Okay yeah that's probably just an explanation for why the game exists but what the fuck is glitchy Fredbear#and why do *we* need to be told to rest#It's fucking important that they're clocks goddamnit#As of the Halloween update the story of Fnaf 4 still remained 'completely hidden'#So (I think) what Sister Location (AND THE SILVER EYES) tells us about it is the version of Fnaf 4 that the version of it that the communit#''''would accept''''#But the pieces didn't vanish into thin air after the custom night update for sister location dropped#And I think their being put together is reliant on the constant separation put between the GF kid and the rest of the MCI#And the body in the parts and service room#Could not tell you what CC saw though since I should hope that that kid's body hasn't been there for weeks#When I was talking about 'what if this isn't the first time CC had died' I mean basically dream theory with extra steps#I don't think I'm right but in literally every part of this franchise what is hammered in over an over is going into memories#and setting past events right to rest their soul#Happiest Day + Into the Pit being the biggest examples#And tangentially spirits not being fully anchored or aware after death#and reminding them of what happened to them involving crayon drawings and/or being shown their body#(The Fourth closet + Coming Home + the movie)#(and maybe Give Gifts Give Life....? it'd be stretchy)#Regardless of whether the Fnaf 4 gameplay and minigames are CC reliving the events leading to his death over and over as a wandering spirit#or pre-mortem nightmares or the effects of sound illusion disc gas on Micheal(/CC?) or any combination of the three or whatever else#I don't think the Crying Child's spirit was settled and aware until Happiest Day#(that being the first and only time a spirit is shown wearing a Fredbear mask and the kid has to put it on while the other four are already#And if for some godforsaken reason I am right about nightmare spirit journey Fnaf 4 then post Silver Eyes/Fourth Closet
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radioactive-cloud · 9 months
i'm spending my days rotting in my bedroom and rotting in my bedroom and rotting in my bedroom and rotting in my bedroom and it's driving me insane
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ellestra · 7 months
The Voice from the Outer World
Dune is a story of failure. SPOILERS for Dune Part 2 below
Power corrupts and all of that. We all know this. So we would be able to avoid it, right? If you know what happens you can chose another option. You would be different.
And here's a story that shows that even when you know all of this and more and can literally see the future it's still not enough.
I get why people often think that to avoid this the person in power shouldn't want that power. That this would make them somehow immune. And this logic has multiple faults (like - how can you be good at doing something you hate?) and one of them is that just not wanting to abuse power doesn't mean you would do right things with it.
We are reminded multiple times in the film (and the books also aren't shy about it) that Fremen religious belief in a saviour is not something that arose naturally. It's a belief seeded by Bene Gesserit's Missionaria Protectiva. They seeded superstitions and myths in different cultures so they could use them in a future emergency. Everything Fremen believe about their Mahdi was created so their faith could be used by a Bene Gesserit in need. And both Jessica and Paul are aware of this even before they even set a foot on Arrakis.
It's specifically made for the saviour to be a foreign one (Lisan al-Gaib is The Voice from the Outer World) because the people who made and planned to use this prophecy were ones from an outsider culture. Paul doesn't hijack Fremen beliefs to insert himself as their white saviour. These beliefs was specifically created for someone like him to use.
It was made with purpose of hijacking Fremen religion into protecting the foreigners who know how this prophecy was constructed. This is a parasitic belief (cuckoo-like faith) and the truth doesn't set anyone free. We see why with Stilgar as he wants to believe so much that everything becomes a sign. Even when he's told this has been fabricated and he was manipulated he warps it into something that supports his beliefs not undermines them. I'm sure you've seen this in real life, in real politics if not religion.
Jessica and Chani got changed the most from their book versions. They've become opposite sides of the ideological divide. Not between religion and lack of it - Jessica obviously not a believer - but between using people and letting them decide their own future.
Book Jessica is more apprehensive of Paul's choices. She's often more worried he may not survive the trials than pushing for them for power. In here she becomes the driving force for using the messianic belief Bene Gesserit implanted for Paul's benefit. She makes sure Fremen believe he fits the story. She doesn't care about Paul's wishes to avoid this burden. She knows it doesn't matter when he tells the people the truth about Bene Gesserit, their abilities and their manipulation techniques. Belief is impervious to proof and confirmation bias makes you reject all evidence to the contrary.
But then, in the film, Jessica is kind of possessed. Stilgar warns Paul not to listen to the djinn but neither he nor his mother can stop listening to the voices. The film removes Alia's book doings but replaces them with foreshadowing of what she becomes. She whispers the truths about the future to her mother even before she is born. Funny, how this change makes her, not Paul, the first fully prescient Atreides. She is manipulating the events when Paul refuses to and that's a foreshadowing too. When Jessica took the Water of Life while pregnant she did it for the power this new position among the Fremen would give her. Alia never stood a chance. She was pre-born into this.
The only one trying to stand in the way of succumbing to the power corruption is movie version of Chani. She was never believer in a saviour. She wants her people to save themselves. They already have a plan for a better future that doesn't involve killing worlds for the Empire they never wanted anything to do with. They were not supposed to be warriors of the prophet. She sees this for what it is - a way to control her people. She understands this is just another form of enslavement. The only difference is that this one is embraced. No one listens to her when she tells them the truth. They only see what they want to see.
The power that comes from being close to the rule is just as blinding when you stand close to the throne as it is when you sit on it.
And the sad part is she knows she played a part in this happening to as she convinced Paul to give this a try. She didn't see the visions he saw so she hoped he can remain the person she fell in love with. When he submits to the way prescience shows him and takes over the faith we feel her heartbreak. She watches him becoming what he feared and everyone around him stops her from trying to save him because they get something out of it (not just the other Fremen or Jessica - Gurney puts atomic arsenal in Paul's hands).
Paul doesn't bring freedom. He just changes who holds the power but in the end the structures of power remain (the similarities between Saudarkar and Fremen are not accidental). And billions die so it can happen. But billions is a an abstract number. It's much easier to feel the consequences when they hit close and personal.
Everyone around Paul gets to gain something - Gurney gets revenge on Rabban, Jessica and Stilgar get to destroy the Harkonnens and the Emperor. They are on top now. The power corrupts before you even hold it. Just the promise of power is enough.
This film version of Chani doesn't let us forget that this is what we watch. That what is happening is not a good thing. We as humans have tendency to gloss over big numbers of deaths when it's some unseen people with whom we have no emotional connections. Through her eyes the loss is so much more personal. She loses her Usul to Paul Muad'Dib. And he takes her people and her planet too.
As Paul says - they are Harkonnens too. And they do what Harkonnens do too. The difference was always cosmetic.
And one more thing. A lot is said about Arabic and Muslim influences in Fremen culture and religion but they aren't the only ones. One other is the word used for the places where Fremen live - Sietch. It comes from Zaporozhian Cossack name for their fortified encampments - sich.
In the West the name Cossacks invokes the cruel Russian Imperial forces that tsars used to pacify conquered territories. But this is not what comes to my mind first. In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth they were free people living in the borderlands of the Commonwealth on the territories often attacked by the Ottomans. The constant raids from the Turks meant they were warriors and constantly moving. But this also allowed for a lot of freedom as there wasn't a lot of direct control over these territories for the same reason. This meant that they were often joined by anyone wishing to have that freedom - from peasants escaping indenture to nobles escaping the law.
The dissatisfaction with the Polish rule eventually lead to an uprising and this part of Ukraine joined Russian Empire. That Empire destroyed all the freedoms Cossacks had and those independent warriors became just another enforcers of conformity for the Empire. They've become exactly what they fought against. I often wondered if Herbert chose the name Sietch intentionally to invoke this turn of events.
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ghoulpiled · 4 months
ʟᴏꜱ ᴀɢᴇʟᴇꜱꜱ || Part One
𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞? 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞? 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚘?
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❧𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Pre-War!Cooper Howard x fem!Reader
❧𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧g: E / MATURE! Minors, DO NOT interact!
❧ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ: Smut with plot, virgin!reader, cheating, lowkey alcoholic reader, oral (female receiving), fingering, penetration
❧𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡: ~6k
❧𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: From costars to strangers, it’s like fate keeps bringing the two of you together.
❧ɴᴏᴛᴇ:  Lots of switching from present to past tense as events happen. Also, added new parts from what the teaser had. Realized I wanted to make this a story with more than one part. If I kept just one part... it would be far too long.
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You have been in the acting game for far too long. Originally you were advertising royalty. Your mom first put you into commercial gigs at the young age of five. Luckily for your mom, BlamCo Mac & Cheese was looking for the new poster child. Your face was plastered on billboards all around Hollywood. “Nothing says dinner like BlamCo Mac & Cheese. Bring the family together for a dish everyone will enjoy.” This phrase will forever be etched into the grooves of your brain. But as all gigs go, you outgrew BlamCo. Once you hit age ten, you couldn’t be the cutesy little kid telling families to eat the most disgusting mac and cheese known to man. Like many gigs will do, you were dropped from the gig. It paid well. Well, it paid your mom well. 
She would go on lavish vacations without you. Only leaving you with a babysitter. This babysitter ended up raising you. Your mom would also buy herself expensive dresses and handbags. What would you get? Hand Me downs of whatever wardrobe on commercials could give you.  This was a common theme early on in your career. The money you made was promised to you once you hit eighteen. Enough money to go to college and make a name for yourself professionally. After the BlamCo gig, you hit a dry spell. No one wanted a kid going through puberty as the face of their brand. With money getting tight, your mom signed you up for every and any background character role in a film and TV show she could. That’s where Nuka Cola noticed you.
Upon hitting sixteen, Nuka Cola representatives came up to your mom offering you a four year contract to be the face of Nuka Cola. It paid insanely well. So you did it. Another gig with your face plastered everywhere. From highway billboards to full body cut outs of you in Red Rockets across the country, you were back in the limelight. But those four years went by quickly. Once the contract ended, you were eighteen. You were excited to throw your acting career away. Child stardom was too damn much. College was going to be a fresh start for you! To no one’s surprise, you never got your money. To make it worse, your mom kicked you out of the house. She didn’t see you as profitable anymore. Mainly because you are old enough to go your own way. 
Due to all these gigs, you never had time to make friends. So you took to crashing on random old co-star’s couches. You were back to background gigs. Which paid okay but not enough to help pay for college. Sadly, that was a dream you could never catch. It took three years for you to finally get your foot back in the door with big acting gigs. That gig being A Man and His Dog. A film in which you play the main female character who is supposed to seduce the main lead. It wasn’t really a film expected to go anywhere. The lead was a man straight out of the Sino-American War who had never acted a day in his life. This was also your first big gig, you’re not one to talk. Unknown to you, that man would become western movie royalty. A young and disgruntled Cooper Howard. 
First day on set was odd. No one really talked to you. Not even the director. There was no way you were to know if you were doing the role justice. They had you in a wedding dress with white face paint. It was embarrassing. You stand near your trailer, lighting up a cigarette during lunch. Rent was due that night and you had no money to pay it. If this gig didn’t make a lot of money, you’re screwed. With a shaky breath, you look down at the ground. You’re getting cigarette ash all over this dress. Wardrobe is going to kill you. 
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?”
The southern voice takes you out of your thoughts as you look up. You rub your eyes, messing up the makeup you have on. Now your hand is stained white. Great. Cooper walks over to you  before leaning against your trailer. He takes out a cigarette of his own and begins to smoke with you. This is the first person to speak with you and it's the lead of the film. You try to act natural but you’re smitten. There is some charm he holds. Maybe it’s the fact you’re playing weird lovers in the film or the fact you have never been in contact with such a gorgeous man before. This moment right now makes you realize you’ve never had your first kiss. Your life has been acting gig after acting gig. No time for personal relationships.
“Are ya just gon’ stare at me?” He chuckles, voice smooth like whiskey. 
You clear your throat and shake your head.
“Sorry, I’m not used to small talk.” Is all you can truly muster.
He offers you a kind smile. One that feels like sickly sweet honey on a hot day. It makes your stomach flutter with butterflies. He already has you wrapped around his finger. Maybe it’s the southern drawl that burns like a good bourbon. He is one hell of a charmer. 
“Ain’t small talk unless you want it to be.” He takes a long drag from his cigarette, licking his bottom lip.
“You’re killing it by the way. The director is- pardon my language- a dick.” Cooper scoffs, shaking his head. He flicks his cigarette onto the ground and stomps on it which causes you to do it to your own.
You can’t help but chuckle at that. 
“You can say that again.” You turn to face him, leaning against your own trailer.
Maybe this set wouldn’t be as bad as you thought. 
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During set, you would crash at Cooper’s apartment. A tiny place near filming. You ended up getting evicted because you couldn’t afford rent. It was only logical you still find somewhere to crash. You’re lucky you became close with Cooper. He’s a gentleman. Made you feel at home. You opened up about your childhood and he opened up about war. War. It was a scary thing. His stories kept you on the edge of your seat. Here you were, thinking you had a tough past. Almost all of Cooper’s friends are dead because of the war. You could only comfort him. 
It’s not like he didn’t have a support system. He had a beautiful fiancé who would stop by sometimes. You couldn’t help but feel a bit of jealousy when she came by. Of course you and Cooper were just friends but no one had shown you kindness the way he had. Maybe you fell for him out of convenience… or the feelings were real; Yet, the way he held her and the way she made him laugh was something you’ll never have with him. 
There were late nights at Cooper’s apartment where he would be on the phone with his fiancé nonstop. But then there were nights just for you. All his attention on you after wrapping. The two of you would share a few drinks and shoot the shit about set. Make fun of the director or one of your costars. There was one night in particular where the both of you got overly excited about drinking.
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It was a tough day after set and the two of you were sitting on his couch drinking the stress away. This was after filming an explicit scene with him. The way he was on top of you was burned into your brain. While there was no real sex that had happened, the performance was perfect. Hungry kisses were pressed to your neck and you fake biting his collarbone causing him to hiss in pain… 
While sitting next to him, three rum and Nukas in, you were getting handsy. So was he. He laid a hand on your knee and you have a hand on his chest.
“Never acted out a sex scene before…” You slur, biting your lip.
“It was kind of obvious, darlin’” Cooper takes another sip, causing you to swat at his chest.
“Coop! C’mon. It wasn’t that bad was it?” You whine and lean back against the couch.
“Well… I mean, think of it as if it was real. That should help your performance.”
You look up at Cooper and your cheeks turn red. It took a moment for him to realize what you were getting at. When he did, his own cheeks heated up. 
“You’re not sayin-”
“I am.” You say and he pulls his hand off of your knee. “Never kissed anyone either.”
Maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was pent up lust from the set, but he leans in. Against your better judgment, you lean in too. You could taste the rum against his soft lips. Wrapping your arms around him, you don’t question this one bit. Running his tongue over your bottom lip, you invite him inside your mouth. You run your tongue over his, feeling the rough bumps. He bites your tongue softly, sucking on it. It was enough to make you moan. You curl your fingers in his hair, tugging at it. Cooper pushes himself against you where you could feel just how hard you were making him. He bites down on your tongue once more before you realize what is going on. That this wasn’t acting. That you were actually making out with Cooper Howard. The taken actor. One who’s fiancé, Barb, considered you family.
You pull away and only a trail of spit was what was connecting you. You were going to apologize but he got up, leaving the room. No words were shared for the rest of the night. You feel guilty. But you were too damn drunk for this. So was he.
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After filming wrapped, you were thrust into the world of press. The both of you seemed to forget about the kiss. The one you shared with him while drunk. Thank god for that. The press tour with Cooper was something else. The director wanted you two to lean into a facade. He wanted the both of you to act like lovers. This was to sell the film, lean into that romance your two characters had. You couldn’t flirt for shit without a script. Cooper, however, was a complete natural.
You followed Cooper’s lead. You know it was all an act but you were falling for him. Hard. He was the first man to ever give you the time of day. You knew it was fake flirting but every blush that he caused was real. The film ended up being big enough to push both Cooper and you into the spotlight. Now you’re landing gigs like crazy as well as him.
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One night you called his hotel room, drunk. You had gone to his bar after a press interview with your other cast mates. Cooper stayed in. At a payphone, you rang him. It was right after a man tried to hit on you and take you to his place. It was less romantic and more forceful. He was a balding older man who seemed to hug his cup of on tap beer. Ultimately, you punched the man in the face. He tried to grope you. You had the right to fight back. Maybe you had a tough relationship with alcohol. You’ll address that later in life. But while at that payphone, you whined and cried to Cooper. This night you barely remember other than the fact that he came and got you. He went out of his way to help you. 
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You both play lovers again in another western B-film. This one didn’t have the same success as the prior film but it was still another film you did with Cooper. You loved working with him. It was always such a delight. But mid-this film, he got married. That ruined the tabloid rumors of the both of you together that were thrusting you into stardom with him. Hollywood loved rumors. You weren’t even invited to the damn wedding. That had put a rift between the both of you. He never told you why you weren’t invited. He was supposed to be your closest friend. After getting married, things changed. He didn’t act as friendly towards you. Actually, he ignored you. Barb started showing up to set more and more. You did not know at the time it would be the last time you’d be acting with him.
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After that film, you two were no longer casted together. He did a lot more solo cowboy films while you still got put into that innocent lover girl stereotype. But Hollywood really started to make you jaded. Any man who approached you only wanted sex. No one liked you for you. Your personal life was shit. You had no one. But Cooper? He seemed to have it all. A wife, a kid on the way, and a successful career.You only had a career. You yearned for love. 
About three years later, you worked on a western film; one with no relation to Cooper. You were the star. Maybe people started to realize that you weren’t as innocent as films made you seem. You played a jaded mayor who took matters into her own hands when the town,  mainly men, started to turn on your character. The director and writer were women which made the set far more comfortable than anything you have ever experienced. 
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Once that film wrapped, you were invited to an after party at the director’s home. Not just for your film but the other films that were filming in the lot. It was about time you had fun. For years you were on your own. No parties, just work. When you got there, the place was packed. It felt odd being dressed in a skin tight black dress, you were getting glares from older men and women. You shared hugs with a few cast and crew members before heading for the open bar. You get a vodka cranberry and find a secluded place away from most people. When you thought you were alone, you heard a familiar voice arguing.
“Did you have to invite all your coworkers?” 
Cooper. His voice is as sweet as the first day you met him. You’d recognize it anywhere.
“If we want to settle that commercial deal, you might as well get friendly with them.” 
His wife.
You scoff, rolling your eyes. Maybe she was nice. But it was almost like she knew you liked her husband. The awkward tension soured any companionship that could have happened. But that was for the best when you think about it in hindsight. You were under the influence at the moment, not exactly in the best state to talk to your ex-costar. Besides, his wife was a higher up at Vault-Tec, something a lot of actors and actresses seem to hate. There was a lot of drama going on with that. You better ignore those two like the plague, for your own sanity.
Looking from your hidden spot, you see his wife had walked away from him. She probably went to grab a drink. It made sense. He stood with a cigarette in between his fingers, still as pretty as the last time you saw him. Cooper’s eyes catch yours and you duck back to your secluded spot. You curse to yourself as you hear his footsteps come towards you.
“Ain’t no way that’s Y/N.” His southern accent is strong, causing you to swoon.
You step out of your hiding spot and sigh, offering him a friendly smile. He hugs you, acting like nothing happened. Like it hadn’t been years since you last saw him. He had a charming smile on his lips.
“Oh hey.” You shrug.
“Seen your latest picture, you killed it.” 
You didn’t know what else to say to him.
“How have you been?” He asks. It was a question you’ve been dreading.
“Fine.” You shake your head.
You down the rest of your drink, needing the liquid courage. You didn’t need to hear about how great his life was. How he had a beautiful wife and a child. Cooper seemed to take the hint, getting agitated himself.
“I can tell when I’m not wanted, darlin’.” He teases you. That nickname makes you want to vomit.
“You’re not wanted?” You scoff. You were being a bit of a dick but you’ll blame your actions on the alcohol. “Says the man who decided he couldn’t be my friend after getting married.”
“You think that was my choice?”
That shut you up. You look at him, confused. Then he continues, “She knew, you know.”
The kiss. He had to be talking about the kiss. It’s the only thing she could have known.
“I told her.” He admitted, shrugging. “How could I not? She’s my partner.”
“Wow, what a gentleman.” 
He shakes his head, sighing. “If you were in a relationship, you’d do the same. Like, if a guy came and kissed you, you’d tell your partner.”
“I didn’t kiss you.” You defend.
“But you kissed back. You could have stopped me.” Cooper shrugs.
You’re about to explode at him until Barb comes up to the two of you with drinks in her hands. She offers you a fake smile, passing a drink to him and wrapping her arm around his arm. 
“Y/N! I haven’t seen you in ages! How are you?” She asks. You must keep things civil.
“Hi. I’ve been just fine, so busy.” You laugh awkwardly. 
“I didn’t know you’d be here. Cooper and I actually have people to talk to but it’s been great seeing you.”
Just like that, she tears him away.
Good riddance.
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You spend the rest of the night drinking. People try to talk with you and it's just useless networking. Networking is great until you have to do that for hours on end. You watch Cooper and Barb, seeing them exchange kisses. The living room becomes an impromptu dance floor for couples. He tries to get her to dance with him but it's fruitless. They leave the living room to go somewhere. You hope they leave for a moment until you look at the time.
You’re about to leave when a handsome man approaches you. Hollywood’s newest playboy. Tall, brown slickback hair just like James Dean, and a killer smile. He wears a designer suit, sliding up next to you.
“You come here all alone, pretty thing?” He asks. 
Fuck it. You take his bait.
“Yes. It's been such a bore here all alone.” You pout, jutting your bottom lip out slightly. 
He wraps an arm around your waist, smirking. “Share a dance with me. Promise I don’t bite, baby girl.” 
You sway with him, hips pressed against his. His hands rest on your hips. You are far too drunk for this. All you can think about is Cooper. It’s wrong to think of Cooper when with another man. But when this man’s hand snakes up to cup your cheek and your lips connect, you think of your first kiss. The one you shared with Cooper. This doesn’t help one bit. But now you’re on the dancefloor, kissing this man as if he’s your reason for living. You moan against his lips, whining when he bites your bottom lip. He takes this as an invitation to squeeze your ass with his other hand. You open your eyes, making eye contact with Cooper. No Barb by him. Just him on his own. 
Maybe it was evil to do this, you keep your eyes in focus with Cooper’s as you kiss this stranger. He looks angry. Why should he be angry? In his words, he’s a married man. You close your eyes again, letting your tongue slip into this stranger’s. Staying like this, you’re content. That is until someone pulls the man away from you. You open your eyes and see an angry Cooper standing in front of you. Whining, you cross your arms.
“Hey, listen, I have dibs.” The man says, rolling his eyes.
Cooper looks at you with a certain flame in his eyes you can’t place.
“Aren’t you gonna say anything?” He scoffs.
All he can do is drop mister heartthrob on the ground, grabbing your hand. “We are leaving.”
Before you can protest, Cooper has dragged you outside. It’s only the two of you. 
“Why would you do that?” You whine, leaning against the nearest wall. Your head was pounding.
“I can’t watch you whore yourself out for some low-life’s attention. You’re better than that.” “Whore myself out? What the fuck is your problem, Howard? Don’t you have a wife to get back to?”
“She left.” 
Before you can get any other word out, he hungrily presses a kiss against your lips. He tastes like cigarettes and expensive liquor. You don’t protest. His hands grip at your hair, tugging the strands harshly. He pulls your head back so his lips can attach to your neck. 
You can’t deny the feelings you still hold for him. He’s the reason you haven’t been with anyone else since. The reason you’re in your late 20s and still a virgin. He bites down softly on your neck just to cause a reaction. You moan, tugging at his hair. Cooper finally pulls away, smirking. You look at him, face red. It’s easy to tell that the both of you are under the influence. 
“How many men do you fuck when you go to parties?” He asks, moving a hand down to cradle the small of your back.
That causes him to snap out of whatever haze he was under.
“None? Nice lie, darlin’.”
Would it be embarrassing to tell him you’re still a virgin? 
“Not a lie, Coop.”
You look at him, eyes innocent in this moment. You’ve been waiting for him, as embarrassing as it may seem. Cooper looks you up and down, a sickly sweet smirk plastered on his face. Maybe his wife doesn’t touch him anymore. That’s the only logical thought on why he’d be acting like this. But nothing is ever logical with Cooper Howard. 
“You’re hopeless.” He chuckles to himself before letting you go. Next thing you know, he’s turning to walk away.
You rest against the wall, not wanting this moment to end. You grab his wrist, pouting.
“Don’t leave me this time.” You beg.
“I gotta get home…”
“Fuck home.” You’re feeling gutsy.
“No. I have to go. If I stay, who knows what I’ll do, doll.” Cooper shakes his head, pulling away from your grip. He walks off to the end of the driveway, signaling a cab. 
Just like that, he’s gone.
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A week later and Cooper’s face is already plastered on billboards for Vault-Tec. He’s in a stupid blue and yellow suit. His signature colors. It didn’t matter where you went, Cooper was there. It’s a sick reminder of what you’ve been through. As more time passed, the more jaded you became. You lived in a shitty studio apartment in the hills. At night you’d drink away your sorrows. You had enough money to buy your own place but a big mansion would feel like you were overcompensating for something.
Roles started to stop coming in. No one wanted to hire you. You were this close to going back to ads. No offense to ads but you were over that. You were nearing your thirties. One evening your agent called, you thought he was going to drop you right then and there. Instead, he wanted to introduce you to someone. Being single this long and being in the spotlight makes rumors spread. A single woman? Label her a communist. That’s what started to happen. 
You meet this man your agent wants you to meet. Low and behold, it’s mister James Dean look-alike. His eyes light up, pressing a kiss to your hand when you meet again. Just like that, you were dating him and getting roles. You played his lover in a film about greasers. You were the innocent good girl next door. Tabloids ate that up. You moved in with him in his mansion. A big beautiful place with a hot tub and inground pool. You were arm candy for him. For you, it was almost like you had never aged. The only thing about you that made it noticeable that time passed was that you became more and more jaded.
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One night you have to head to your boyfriend’s premiere for a western he was in. You wear a long red dress that hugs your curves and shows off your breasts. From all directions paparazzi called for the both of you. Now your boyfriend never told you what this film was about but you damn near had a heart attack when you saw Cooper Howard on the carpet with his wife in his arms. He was wearing a black velvet suit with his hair slicked back. Just the sight of him made you nearly choke on air. When he catches a glimpse of you, he bites his bottom lip; however, he notices the man who is holding your waist. That smirk of his falls. Who is he one to judge? 
You find a spot in the theater and sit down. Looking around, you see Cooper with his wife. They’re overly flirty together tonight. Something you have never seen throughout your whole time knowing him. Once the lights dim in the theater, you lean over to your boyfriend and whisper something about going to the bathroom. You make it out of the theater and you never realized how jealous you were. Your relationship now? All forced. You didn’t even like the guy. Hell, he kisses like a fish out of water. 
Going to the family bathroom, you nearly kick the trash can in anger. In this moment you are hit by how fake your life is. How much shit you’ve been through and how love is not real. Well not real for you. You grab the sink and look at yourself in the mirror. You’re wearing more makeup than normal. It’s like you put makeup on a goddamn pig. Right now you have to play the role of a loving and loyal girlfriend. But is that you? Do you love him? 
Before you could continue questioning everything, the bathroom door opens. You must have not locked it.
“My bad I-” 
That fucking voice. Just hearing it right now is like the universe is taunting you.
You face him, a frown on your face. He doesn’t look any better. It’s like he’s seen a ghost. He comes into the bathroom, locking the door. Why would he do that? 
“Haven’t seen you in months… glad to see you’re doing well. I’m sorry about that party. What I did was wrong.” He begins to apologize. “If I knew you two were-”
“We weren’t.” You cut him off. “I should be going.”
You’re about to push past him and out of the bathroom until he grabs your wrist.
“Listen, I miss you. You were my best friend for a while an’ I just threw ya out like an old toy.”
You don’t answer.
“You look so pretty tonight. That dress… you look so good, sweetheart.”
“I don’t get you, Cooper Howard. I don’t understand how you work the way you do. You’ll kiss me and then act like nothing ever happened. You make me feel insane! What is it with you? Do you do this with any woman you act with? If you do, I feel horrible for your wife.”
His soft expression sours. You know what’s to come next.
“You are not one to talk.” He starts, “You know it’s crazy, I used to like you.”
That makes you laugh. Of course he did. “Oh sure you did.” You roll your eyes.
“I did!” He defends.
A part of you wants to believe him but he has been nothing but in love with his wife since day one. What makes him think now it is okay to say this? Is it because you’re with a guy? That you’re not single? At this moment, the tension in the room is too tough. You couldn’t even cut it with a knife. For once, you kiss him. You’re the one pressing your lips against his. Both of you are sober at this moment. Kissing him sober is so much better than before. Your cherry red lipstick is smearing across his lips. Neither of you seem to care. He has you pushed up against the sink, you can feel his arousal in his pants. You push your hips into his, moaning as he bites down on your lip. This time feels different than any time before. It’s like you know you’re going to cross a line. He lifts up your dress, pressing a finger against your soaked panties. He nearly growls at the feeling. 
“Can I?” He asks and you nod.
He instantly drops to his knees leaving you confused. In one swift motion, he pulls down your panties. Before you can look down, his tongue runs over your clit. You twirl your fingers in his hair, tugging at it softly. All the times you’ve almost had him have led up to this moment. Softly, he sucks on your clit. You’re about to moan his name but something else takes your attention. He’s shoving two fingers into you. 
“Coop!” You hiss, grinding your cunt against his face. 
He chuckles, swirling his tongue over your clit. You swear you’ve died and gone to heaven. No one has ever made you feel this good. There’s a fire in your core. He curls his fingers and starts to rock them in and out of you. This just started but you swear you’re going to cum soon. He nips at your clit, playing with it between his teeth.
“Close. Fuck, I’m close.” You moan out.
Without warning, he pulls his fingers out of you. Pressing a kiss to your thigh, he looks up at you. Without his fingers inside of you, you whine. Looking down at him, you meet his eyes.
“You’re going to cum on my cock, got it?” 
He stands up, struggling with his belt. You try to help him take it off but he swats your hands away. Once the belt is off, he pulls his pants and boxers down in one swift motion. He’s big. You don’t know how he’s going to fit inside of you. It’s possible but it looks like he could split you in two. Who knew he was packing this whole time?
Cooper lifts you up onto the sink so you’re on display. He pulls your dress up around your waist before coating himself with your arousal. 
“Beg for it.” He demands, “How badly do you want me?”
You’ve never begged before. But fuck it. “Badly.”
“How badly, darlin’? Use your words.” 
He’s constantly rubbing himself up and down your slit. Everytime he brushes against your clit you lose it, a tiny moan slipping past your lips.
“I want you to fuck me, Cooper. Like all those times you’ve kissed me. I need you. I ache for you.” You whine.
He accepts that, slowly pushing into you. It hurts. It’s bigger than any toy you’ve used on yourself. You wrap your arms loosely around his neck, whimpering. Cooper doesn’t seem to pick up on the discomfort because he’s already starting to thrust in and out of you. He rests his forehead against yours so he could look into your eyes and he fucks you. His jaw is hanging slightly as it seems he’s thinking with his cock rather than his head. Every time he hits a certain spot inside of you, you moan louder. 
“You’re tight, sweetheart. Bet your boyfriend doesn’t fuck you like this.” Cooper grunts, pressing a messy kiss to your lips. 
“Bet he doesn’t know how to make you cum.” He taunts.
You’re already starting to moan again, head tilting back. Maybe once this is over you can tell him that he’s your first. That you’ve been waiting for this day. To avoid saying anything stupid, you press a desperate kiss to his lips. It’s mainly to shut the both of you up. You’d never let your boyfriend touch you like this. He’s not Cooper. He’ll never be him. You feel nothing but bliss right now as Cooper fucks you. His thrusts are getting faster, messier. Pulling away from the kiss, he rests his forehead back on yours. Using a free hand, he starts to play with your clit. You feel like you’re on fire.
“Gonna cum. Fuck, Coop.” You moan.
This seems to encourage him, he’s getting sloppier. “Cum for me, sweetheart. Make a mess all over my cock.” He nearly growls.
You feel a knot explode in your lower stomach as you hit your climax. You’re digging your nails into his suit as you scream his name. Anyone outside the bathroom could hear the both of you. This was a risky game the two of you were playing. You clench down on him as you orgasm. His cock twitches inside of you as he quickly pulls out. You’re trying to catch your breath and he’s jerking his cock off. It’s aimed right at your clit. 
“Gonna cum all over your pretty pussy. Fuck.” He grunts, rambling to himself. 
His head falls back as he cums. It’s a lot. Some of it lands on the sink, your pussy, and your dress. You’re covered in his cum. Still trying to catch your breath, you look at Cooper. His hair is no longer slicked back, it’s falling into his face. Not just that but he’s drenched in sweat. He’s made a mess of himself. Made a mess of you. 
While the both of you catch your breath, you feel the urge to blurt something out. 
“I was a virgin.” 
He looks at you, confused and horrified. Confused because he could have sworn you’d have had sex by now and horrified because he took your virginity in the bathroom of a theater. Quickly, he pulls back up his pants. 
“I’m sorry.” Is all he can muster. He’s ashamed that your first time was here. That it wasn’t special. To him, you deserve nothing but the best in life. That’s why he was always scared to hurt you. 
His reaction is making you feel sick. This isn’t how it should be. It should be a cute moment shared between the both of you. You’re about to open your mouth but he quickly leaves the bathroom. Now you’re feeling ashamed. 
You take a few minutes before getting up. You wipe whatever bit of his cum off of you that you can. Next thing you do is leave the bathroom and go back to the theater. Sitting next to your boyfriend, the only thing on your head is that you smell like sex. 
You smell like Cooper Howard.
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tag list: @djarinsgirl27 , @cupid-club
part two coming soon
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celebrate-rise · 2 months
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------------------------------------------------ LET'S CELEBRATE RISE'S MOVIE SECOND ANNIVERSARY!!
Make posts about how much you love Rise during this THREE DAYS event!! I'll reblog them!
Transcript under the cut!
Theme: Pre-Movie
Make posts about what happened before the movie came out! Share your love for the series!
Pretend this is your first time seeing the trailer and react to it;
Say what you’d like to see in the movie;
Share art, fics, character analysis, GIFs, videos etc… from the series;
Talk about your favorite things from the series! ---
Theme: The Movie
Watch the movie and make posts about it! Share your love for the movie!
Pretend this is your first time seeing the movie and react to it;
Say what you liked most;
Share art, fics, character analysis, GIFs, videos etc… from the movie;
Talk about your favorite scenes! ---
Theme: Post-Movie
Make posts about what happened after the movie came out! Share your love for AUs, what ifs and more!
Say what you’d like to see in a season 3 / comic continuation;
Share art, fics, character analysis, GIFs, videos etc… about what happens post-movie;
Thoughts about what happened in apocalyptic future.
_________________________ 00:01:35 ━━━●───── 01:22:47 ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ↠ _________________________
Use the tags: #SaveROTTMNT #UnpauseROTTMNT #SaveRiseOfTheTMNT #RiseOfTheTMNT #ROTTMNT
Watch the movie on AUGUST 5TH
Tag this blog, so I don't miss your entry: @celebrate-rise
No shipping
No drug use
No hate for any TMNT version
Gore must be hidden under a read more and / or content warning
Use the Rise tags and @Celebrate-Rise so I don’t miss your entry!
I’ll be reblogging all posts that follow these rules! ---
Do I have to follow the pre / post movie schedule?
Not necessarily! It’s more of a theme and to give people ideas, but any post is welcome as long as it’s about loving Rise!
Can I post old art?
Of course! You can post / reblog older things you made!
Who is running this?
I’m @ROTTMNTS3When on Twitter!
This event is happening on twitter too @CelebrateRise!!
If you have more questions, I'll happily answer them!
225 notes · View notes
sai4u · 2 months
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★ — kiss me through the phone .ᐟ
⤷ how the boys act when they’re away from their lover
⌗ ft .∿ dream hyung line (mark, renjun, jeno, haechan) x reader
⌗ genre + warnings .∿ fluff + no warnings :)
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⤹ ⊹ mark lee .ᐟ
✶ some days mark is half sleep and other days, mans is up smiling and giggling at whatever you say. however, the time difference kills his energy a lot so expect to hear light snores from his end as you’re talking to him.
✶ but the days he has enough energy to talk, he’s casually telling you how the day went and constantly throwing in how much he misses you. the calls usually consist of any other regular phone call. sometimes they can be spontaneous (mostly on mark’s side), there’s stories of crazy fans, a storytime about of one of the members, or how this certain event went
✶ if it’s a fashion event or photoshoot, he’ll sneak you in some photos before they release. even though he’s not supposed to do that….but how could mark resist showing this pose that made him look crafted perfectly by the heavens. also your live reaction on the cal always gets to him, seeing you squeal or gasp has him grinning
✶ before the call ends, he would tell you how amazing you are, and how he can’t wait to see you again. he can get poetic and explain how beautiful you are and how much you mean to him as he’s dozing off. the light snores coming through and his eyes flicker to stay awake but no longer respond after some time, signaling that he’s fully asleep
✶ if you’re falling asleep first, he’ll whisper “I love you” as you doze off
⤹ ⊹ huang renjun .ᐟ
✶ strangely, you guys always end up doing some type of activity together on the phone. quality time is what renjun desires dearly between the two of you and the calls always satisfy that. whether it be night/day skin care routine, watching a movie, anything to fulfill the call
✶ the calls aren’t always full of conversation. sometimes renjun just wants to see your pretty face or just simply fall asleep with you :)
✶ the conversations usually consist of many ‘I miss you’ and ‘this happened…’, renjun always have a story to tell and a new way of telling you how much he misses you. he’ll say how he misses doing his night routines with you, your movie dates, or even just cuddling on the couch together with your arms wrapped around him
✶ there are times where renjun can’t answer the phone and he will immediately alert you, unless he accidentally missed the call cause he was sleeping. though, renjun always makes up for it by small paragraphs of how much he miss you or send you a video of whatever he’s doing
✶ renjun would show you cute souvenirs that he got while he was away and somehow they’re always linked back to you cause they more than likely remind him of you a lot
⤹ ⊹ lee jeno .ᐟ
✶ throughout the day jeno would send you cute selfies of him while he’s away so the absence of him wouldn’t be too unbearing
✶ phone calls filled with cute giggles, admiration, and a lot of ‘I miss you’. I would say a tear or two was shed cause jeno misses your presence so much and he feels strange without you
✶ jeno would send you magazine issues of him on the cover before they are published and the public sees it. you’re exceptional so of course you get a sneak peek before everyone else would
✶ jeno is always attentive but this time it heightens on the phone. not only that but he’s an amazing listener, he’ll let you sit there and talk till the sun comes up. a quiet man who lets his favorite yapper talk :)
✶ as the phone call goes, he drifts asleep. he tries hard to stay awake but you can hear the small snores from his side and they’re so cute, you can’t help but to take some screenshots while he’s not looking <3
⤹ ⊹ lee haechan .ᐟ
✶ haechan make sure you never realize he’s gone or a far distance from you. even if it feels like he’s gone, it doesn’t feel like it
✶ he would spam your phone with cute selfies and text messages, he never wants you to feel lonely. A good morning selfie, good night selfie, pre-concert selfie, he’ll send them all
✶ haechan adores facetime calls so he makes sure to set a scheduled time to facetime you. he misses your pretty so much, it eats him alive actually :(. even if you don’t feel the prettiest, he’ll try to convince you to show your face cause again, he misses your pretty face soooooo much
✶ throughout the call, he keeps throwing compliments and teases you heavily. he misses seeing you become flustered by him, and after he’ll continue with the rest of the story that he was telling like hello ?? sir you have my heart beating out of my chest and just move on like nothing happened ??
✶ this man would terribly beg for selfies from you. he doesn’t care if its 2 am and you have baggy eyes from watching 3 movies in a row, he wants to see you :(
✶ you guys would have a lil concert on the phone as well !! its starts off with haechan humming, then you join along, and now you guys have sung a whole album together. singing with you is something haechan enjoys with you on call, he loves that you love music and can easily enjoy singing together without feeling pressure
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౨ৎ i wanted to do all seven but i genuinely could not come up with anymore hcs I’m sorry 😭. but if you guys want more with the other 3, let me know :)
౨ৎ lemme know which is your fav <3
kisses to you all and God bless you 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟦 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝟦𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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sundrop-writes · 11 months
Picture Perfect
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(Perv)Sub!Mike Schmidt x Dom!Fem!Reader
You and Mike have been dating for a few months now, and you have a great thing going. You're both very horny people who are more than happy to indulge in your desires with each other. So why is it that you find him hiding a dirty picture from you when you catch him masturbating one morning?
(Perv)Sub!Mike Schmidt x Dom!Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut. Takes place outside the movie's canon.
Word Count: 5,100
Horror Characters Masterlist | AO3 Link
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: This is primarily a smut fic; this can be read with or without considering the events of the film, and has no spoilers for the plot of the movie. There are dom/sub dynamics here - Mike is more submissive and the reader is more dominant; because this is a pre-established relationship, the characters have been settled into these dynamics for a while and even though it's not discussed during the fic, we can assume they have established safewords and fully talked about each other's boundaries so everyone is safe and well cared for; she reader has female anatomy, and uses she/her pronouns (but with all my fics, most of the pronouns used are you/yours); this fic does use Y/N. 
For the main smutty parts: some dubious consent - Mike took a picture of the reader’s underwear/up the reader’s skirt before they were dating (when she was sleeping and could not consent) she was physically attracted to him at the time and would have consented to the photo being taken if he could have asked and finds the idea of this happening to be hot but he never asked permission and hid this from her well into their relationship; the reader finds this photo and ‘punishes’ Mike for it even though she likes the photo and enjoys his perverted thoughts about her; descriptions of masturbation - Mike jacks-off when the reader is not looking/not in the room and she walks in on him; mentions of Mike being gagged; mentions of Mike being tied up and overstimulated (multiple orgasms); mentions of Mike eating the reader’s pussy; Mike is called ‘good boy’, ‘Mikey’, ‘baby’; mentions of the reader riding Mike, mentions of creampie kink; mentions of orgasm restriction (toward Mike); marking kink - mentions of the reader biting/marking Mike during a previous sexual encounter; Perv!Mike; mentions of sexual photos being taken with consent (of the reader and of Mike); hair-pulling (towards Mike); thigh riding - Mike rides the reader's thigh as his punishment; mentions of a cock cage (not actually used in the fic); mild pain kink; some descriptions of subspace (even though it’s not called that in the fic); degradation kink (the reader verbally degrades Mike); mentions of spanking; undertones of humiliation kink; mentions of underwear stealing (Mike stole a pair of the reader’s panties in the past); (mild) Mommy kink - Mike calls the reader Mommy (once or twice, it’s not all that prevalent in the fic); finger sucking.
A/N: Here, I did go far beyond what was in the original request, but I saw the mention of Polaroid pictures in the request and my mind immediately went to perv!Mike?? I’m not even sure why. But I had fun with this lmao. And I keep thinking of writing a kind of ‘prequel’ fic of the situation where he originally took the photo, but idk. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! If you want to see more Mike Schmidt fics from me, definitely let me know by reblogging this or commenting on it.
When you got out of the shower, the last thing you were expecting to hear was the distinct sound of moans coming from the bedroom. 
Not that you were at all disappointed by the needy, choked off sounds that your boyfriend Mike made. You were just… surprised. 
After the night the two of you had before, the fact that Mike had the desire to masturbate was surprising to say the least. 
You thought that you would have tired him out and left his cock sore and worn out for at least a good day to follow. It had been a rare night when the two of you had the house all to yourselves - Abby was sleeping over at a friend’s place (Mike often credited you with Abby being more open and sociable and feeling up to doing things like this where she wouldn’t have before) - and so, you had certainly taken advantage of that. You enjoyed a night where you could get him in bed without having to gag him or shove his face into a pillow in order to assure his silence. 
You had indulged in his sounds, in fact. 
You had spent the night with him tied to the bed, curious about how many times you could make him cum before his body outright gave up. The answer to that burning question was four, which was a record for him. After the forth orgasm spurted up over his belly, covering him in even more mess, you continued to milk him through it and his softening dick gave you nothing but pathetic clear drips of non-cum - he wept and begged you to stop, threatening that he might pass out from the efforts. 
With the satisfaction of the answer under your belt, and taking in the sight of him so debauched one last time, you finally untied him. And then he spent some time between your thighs, enjoying a reward for being such a good boy, shoving his tongue deep inside of you while the morning sun warmed the curtains, signifying that the two of you had truly been at it all night. 
The two of you eventually slept for a few hours in the morning. After waking up from the haze, you had peeled yourself out from under his heavy grip on your waist when you read the numbers on the digital clock sitting on his nightstand, seeing that it was almost noon - Abby would need to be picked up from her friend’s house soon, and you wanted a shower while Mike was still asleep. 
The last thing you were expecting was to emerge from the shower to the sounds of him getting off yet again. One thing you knew for certain since you had started fucking him - he was insatiable. He was seemingly always horny the moment that he got you behind closed doors. (And often, he couldn’t even wait to get you behind closed doors - something you loved, even if it was inconvenient.) But you thought that a night like last night would tire out the libido of someone even as horny as him. 
But you liked a challenge. 
If he wanted his cock to be truly sore, if he wanted his balls so thoroughly drained - then you would pin him to the bed and ride him with harshness and haste before you had to go pick Abby up. It would be a waste of a shower, but you usually found the feeling of his cum sticking to the inside of your underwear to be a fond one. 
“Mikey,” You called out the playful nickname as you walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. 
You had a towel wrapped around your chest - mostly to keep the chill of the air off you and to keep your wet body from dripping all over the carpet. Modesty wasn’t really a thing between you and Mike, not when you were so intensely familiar with each other’s naked bodies now. 
At the sound of your voice, Mike let out a choked sound, and you saw his movements pause - which was entirely strange. It’s not like you hadn’t seen his naked cock before. It’s not like you hadn’t seen him masturbate before - several times, you had him do so just for your viewing pleasure. 
If he wasn’t allowed to touch himself as a punishment, you always told him so very clearly. But last night, you made no such rule. You simply expected that he wouldn’t want to after the thorough fucking you had given him. So you had to wonder why he was trying to hide from you. 
You walked to stand on his side of the bed, and he stared at you with wide, startled eyes, covering his hard cock with both hands. The sheet was draped around his thighs, revealing his nakedness, as well as showing off the many purpling bite marks that you had left on his chest, stomach, hips and thighs the night before. He was an absolutely perfect picture of sweet debauchery that you would hold fondly in your mind forever. 
“Baby, what are you doing?” You inquired gently, entirely curious as to why he had stopped. “You don’t have to hide from me.” 
“I - I thought you would be in the shower… longer.” He breathed out, pure guilt on his voice. It was almost adorable, seeing how he could go from fucked-out and begging to completely shy about his own desires. 
“I would have invited you to join me in the shower if I knew you wanted more,” You chuckled, stepping forward and running your fingers through his hair, petting him like the sweet puppy that he was. “Needy little thing, aren’t you?” 
Mike leaned into the touch, closing his eyes - the surge of soft pleasure that your simple touch pushed through him caused his arms to go loose, dropping away from shielding his crotch. This made him inadvertently drop something onto the sheets that he had been hiding from you in his closed fist. 
You noticed the ruffle of what sounded like paper and saw the object fall out of the corner of your eye. So you abandoned gently stroking your fingers across his scalp in favor of investigating what it was. 
Mike’s eyes widened in horror and he froze up, completely stiff as you picked up the polaroid picture, and raised it up to get a better look at it. 
Immediately, you knew it was a picture of yourself. 
You knew that Mike had a collection of dirty shots of you. It had only been a few weeks into your sex life when he had pulled out the camera and shyly asked to take pictures of you. You had bargained that he could take as many as he wanted, if you could take some photos of him in return. He kept his pictures of you in a shoebox under his bed and you kept yours in a special jewelry box on your vanity. 
But this picture wasn’t one that you recognized. 
It was your ass - a shot of your dress pulled up from behind, revealing you wearing a simple pair of cotton panties (not something you would have worn for the other ‘photoshoots’, not some impressive lingerie). In the photo, your legs were lazily parted, revealing the way the underwear was slightly caught between the lips of your cunt, even showing your pubes sticking out slightly from the fabric. If you weren’t mistaken, based on the color, that was Mike’s couch you were laying on. 
But when had the photo been taken? 
“Look, Y/N, please, I’m so sorry-” Mike swallowed harshly, desperate to get some air into his lungs as he begged for your forgiveness. “You were just so pretty - and - and - I couldn’t help myself. I know it was awful, just - please, please, don’t be mad.” 
That was when it clicked in your mind. 
You recognized the pattern on the fabric of your dress. You had worn it on the first night you had babysat Abby for Mike - back when the two of you weren’t even dating yet. That night, you had fallen asleep on the couch after you put Abby to bed. And later in the night, you thought nothing of it when you saw Mike’s polaroid camera sitting on a random side table when it hadn’t been there before. It hadn’t even crossed your mind as suspicious after he had woken you up, thanked you for helping out, and let you out the front door for the night. 
That dirty little pervert. 
You resisted the urge to grin at this realization, putting on a stony face and faking anger. You couldn’t have him thinking that this action would pass without punishment. Even if you heavily enjoyed the idea of being a perverted little admirer of you before the two of you even got together. 
You reached over and put your hand on the back of his head, this time digging sharp nails into his hair in a fierce, unforgiving grip instead of petting him so gently. He winced as this, and you noticed a distinct bit of precum weeping out of his still hard cock at the action. You yanked on his head harshly, forcing him to look up at you while you turned the photo around and shoved it in his face. 
Instinctively, knowing that it would likely only make his punishment worse to oggle over his mistakes, he looked you dead in the eyes, resisting the temptation to stare at your ass in the photo. 
“When did you take this?” You asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting him to say it. To emphasize your words, you yanked on his hair again and jabbed the picture closer to his face. 
He breathed out harshly, but didn’t fight against your grip, keeping his large, glossy, guilty eyes staring up at you. 
“Look, I know I did a bad boy thing, I know it was bad, but please, please, I’ll make it up to you.” He begged so beautifully. “I’ll be a good boy, I’ll be a good boy for you, I promise.” 
His words were pitched soft with need, and it was a unique tone that made your stomach clench. As tempting as the offer was, you couldn’t go soft on him now. 
“Answer the question!” You pressed, tugging his neck back even harsher with your grip on his hair. 
“It - it was a long time ago!” He rushed to answer. “I - I shouldn’t have done it, I know that! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” 
“Why did you do it if you knew it was bad?” You asked. 
This was the most interesting question to you. The thing you were most curious about. 
You wondered why Mike felt the need to invade your privacy with something like this when you simply would have given in to his advances if he had asked. 
You had been attracted to Mike since you met him. The entire reason you had taken on the job of babysitting his sister was because you found him to be so intensely attractive, and you wanted to get to know him better. At the time, he was someone who seemed shy and generally anti-social, you yearned to be closer to him. That night, if you had woken up and caught him staring at your panties, you probably would have taken them off and given them to him as a gift just to see his reaction. 
You were too curious to know why he felt that he had to sneak such a dirty photo of you and to this day, even after all that the two of you had done together - still kept that photo a secret. 
“I - I -” 
Mike’s whining stutters were cut off by the sound of the phone ringing. 
You heaved out a sigh and let go of him. On your way along to answer it, you shoved the photo into your purse, which was sitting open on his dresser. He was curious as to why you chose to keep it from him rather than destroying it. He heard your voice brightly from down the hall as you answered the phone and spoke to whoever it was on the other end, and he tattered with nerves as he heard you walking back down the hall. 
“Get dressed.” You barked at him when you reentered the bedroom. “We have to go pick Abby up. We’ll finish talking about this later.” 
Later. That certainly left a lovely slice of doom hanging over his head. 
You had your back turned to him, picking clothes out of the drawer he had cleared for you in his dresser (one step closer to you moving in, he had thought wistfully while moving your stuff into that drawer) - but this left one thing on his mind. 
“Okay.” Mike croaked quietly. “How should I-?” 
He trailed off, and you turned back around with a tee shirt and panties in your hand to see him loosely gripping his still hard cock, slowly beginning to touch himself again. 
You realized that he was asking you how he should finish off, and this caused a wave of spite to roll through you. He thought he still deserved to cum. 
“I didn’t say anything about your dick.” You said, tone harsh and biting. “You don’t get to cum right now. I said get dressed, so get dressed.” 
You dropped your towel casually, moving to get dressed for yourself. This caused a whine from him as your nakedness was once again revealed - something he had seen so many times now that still caused his cock to throb and weep precum, his eyes utterly fixated on the tantalizing sway of your breasts as you leaned down to hook your feet into the fresh panties you had picked out. 
Mike let out a breathy whine, but took his hand off his cock. He looked at you with utterly pleading eyes, clearly wanting you to reconsider - but you wouldn’t budge from the subject. When he didn’t make a move to get up from the bed, you said something that you knew would put some urgency in him. 
“Don’t make me get the cage.” You threatened quietly. 
Mike was up in a moment, moving toward the bathroom to freshen up, eager to follow your instructions. His dick ached at the thought of the cock cage that you had gotten just for him - it was one of the most torturous punishments you had thought up yet. Sometimes he spent whole days with his dick trapped in the metal, unable to get hard, absolutely dizzying - making him silently resent the key worn around your neck that everyone else perceived as an innocent piece of jewelry. 
The two of you got ready for the day and the conflict was soon forgotten when you had Abby in the car. You took her for lunch at some cute little diner that one of your friends had recommended - Sparky’s - and while you ate, you listened to Abby chatter on excitedly about everything she and her friend had done the night before, including ordering pizza, watching a PG13 rated movie (which Mike pretended to disapprove of), painting their nails, and staying up all night telling ‘scary stories’. You were proud of how far she had come, sharing her imagination and joy with others and having some true friends of her own age now. 
After lunch, you and Mike had taken Abby to get some new shoes because she complained that hers were getting too small, and then after some browsing around the mall, it was time to go home and make dinner (if it wasn’t for you, those two would rarely eat anything that wasn’t pre-packaged). After dinner, you helped Abby work on a solar system project for school while Mike napped on the couch (and you couldn’t blame the guy, he had a tiring time the night before). 
You had since put Abby to bed, and busied yourself with cleaning up, glad that Mike was still asleep while you did the dishes. It always pleased you when he slept well - one of the reasons you liked to wear him out with sex was because it was a more natural sleep aid than his medication, and caused him to have a deeper, dreamless sleep without the stupid nightmares. You were more focused on the tasks in front of you than thinking about any possible punishment you might give him over it. 
The fact that Mike had taken a pervy photo of you was all but forgotten in your mind even as you were cleaning up the kitchen later that night. 
The photo and the controversy, the burning questions you had about it only came back to mind as you were attempting to scrub a combination of dried glitter glue and pasta sauce off the table and you noticed Mike not-so-subtly creeping around behind you - attempting to reach into your purse. 
He was trying to take the photo back. 
You quickly tossed down the cloth you had been using to clean up and moved toward Mike instead. You were on him before he could blink, taking his wrist in a bruising grip before his hand could successfully come out of your purse with the photo. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, even though you already knew exactly what he was up to. 
With your thumb pushing harshly into the pulse point of his wrist, and your eyes glaring daggers into his - he was quickly becoming light-headed and soft, the way he always did whenever you were on top of him or when you called him baby boy in that fond, sweet way that you often did. He couldn’t conjure up any real explanation, not when he was feeling this way. 
All he could manage was: 
“But - it’s mine.” He breathed out softly, almost a whiny protest - as if you had taken one of his most precious toys and stashed it away because he had misbehaved. 
In a sense, that was exactly what you had done. 
You could only imagine how many times he had masturbated to the photo before you had caught him. How many times had he cum, looking at that picture of your barely covered ass and pussy before the two of you even got together? Before he even saw you naked for the first time? How many times did he make himself cum when that was his only source of sexual material for his fantasies around you? 
It was these burning questions and the thumping ache between your thighs that spurred your next move. 
You used your hold on his wrist to handle him how you pleased, knowing that a little bit of pain made him so easily pliant to your wills. You shoved him into the small kitchen and shoved him up against one of the counters, beside where your purse was sitting, and he huffed out a quiet whine as you trapped him there. You easily caged him in with one of your hands on either side of his waist, slotting your legs around his so that your thigh was right up against his denim clad crotch. 
You pressed forward slightly with your knee, applying a slight bit of pressure that might be painful on his tender cock and balls (especially after last night). But the roughness of the hard seam of his jeans pressing against his tender flesh, even through his underwear, only lit sparks through him and added to that soft, mushy headspace that he was in. 
He refused to look at you now, shifting his gaze off to the side as you pressed further into his personal space, pressing your nose against the side of his unshaven face. 
“It’s yours?” You posed in response to what he had said, your tone utterly mocking. “It’s yours, is it?” 
You reached off to the side and flawlessly grabbed the photo inside your bag without looking (the texture of a polaroid very unique to feel for) - and you held it up in his view, forcing him to look at it while you spoke again. 
“Then surely, you can explain to me how a good boy like you came to own something like this,” You said, your voice dripping with satire toward the ‘good boy’ title he had given himself earlier that day. 
“I’m sorry,” He whimpered, clearly apologetic about the subject. But- 
“That doesn’t explain how you got this, baby.” You told him, clicking your tongue in a scolding manner. “Come on, tell me about it.” 
You used a hand to grab him by both cheeks between your fingers, forcing him to look at you while he explained it. 
“I - I took it.” He admitted quietly. “I took a picture of you. When you weren’t looking. When you were… sleeping.” 
Again, something you already knew. But it was more satisfying to hear him say it, especially with the sharp bob of his throat as he gulped around his fear. 
“You just looked so pretty, I - I couldn’t help myself.” He whispered, clearly timid to admit his lack of self control. 
Though him lacking self control around you was an intense turn-on for you. 
“After everything I’ve given you, you just had to go and take. You had to be a greedy, filthy, bad boy,” You scolded him sharply. 
“It was different then.” He said quietly. “Then… I - I thought I couldn’t have you. I thought you wouldn’t give me anything at all. I - I didn’t think you’d ever want to fuck me.” 
“Oh?” You huffed quietly, your breath puffing out across his cheek, surprised by this revelation. “So you took this picture because you wanted a filthy little piece of me? You didn’t think I’d ever touch your pathetic needy cock so you had to perv on me in secret, huh?” 
He let out a sharp whine at this. It was rare that you degraded him so harshly, rather than praising him sweetly. Surely enough, even if it was unconsciously fueled by lust, his hips bucked toward you, dragging his cock along your thigh, still trapped inside of his jeans and rapidly hardening from the state of the conversation. 
“Look, I’m sorry-” 
“If you say ‘sorry’, one more time, I’m gonna spank you so fucking hard that you won’t be able to sit down for a week.” You threatened, your voice low and dark. 
He let out a whimper at this, and you weren’t entirely sure if the idea appealed to him or sounded like a true threat. He didn’t tempt you by speaking up again, so you continued. 
“Enough with the sorries.” You told him sharply. “How many times did you jack off to this picture without telling me? How often did you look at it, touching your hard, needy dick and thinking about what my cunt might feel like? Huh? Tell me, baby.” 
Mike jutted his hips again, grinding his hard cock against your thigh. 
“Please-” He croaked out. 
Clearly, he was begging for you to release him from the conversation, and to attend to his aching dick. But you didn’t have plans to do either. 
“If you want me to touch you again anytime soon, you’re going to get off against my thigh.” You demanded harshly. “Or you’re not going to get off at all.” 
Mike let out a pathetic, warbling whine in protest, sounding a lot like a kicked puppy. But still, he began to move more consistently against your leg - you stiffened your muscles on purpose and raised your thigh tighter against him, pushing your leg further into his crotch. This movement forced a puff of air from his lungs as you put more pressure on his hard cock. 
“And you’re going to answer my questions.” You added on, reaching behind him and grabbing his hair like you had earlier that day, knowing that a tight tug on his roots would certainly make him more pliant. 
“Ah! O-okay!” He shouted in return, and you hushed him gently. 
“When were you gonna tell me that you’re a dirty little pervert?” You asked, a mocking laughter dancing in your voice. 
Mike started up a rhythm as he fucked himself on your thigh. He whined in the back of his throat, his brow creasing - partially from the heat stirring in his gut and partially from the embarrassment of your interrogation - before he managed an answer. 
“I - I wasn’t.” He answered honestly. 
“How many other secret pervy pictures do you have of me?” You asked. 
“N-none!” He was quick to respond, eager to clear himself of this guilt. 
He definitely wasn’t going to tell you about the pair of your panties that he had stolen the first time he was over at your place. He also wasn’t going to mention the fact that he had snooped in your bathroom to see what brand of shampoo you used and bought the same one just so he could have your scent on tap. He didn’t need you thinking that he was totally pathetic.  
“Don’t lie to me!” You demanded, giving a sharp tug on his hair. 
“‘m not! I’m not! That’s the only one!” He slurred out, becoming more hazy and pleasure drunk as he ground himself harder into your thigh and his cock leaked into his underwear. His brain was absolutely fuzzy from the streaks of pain coming off his scalp when you pulled on his hair like that. 
“How many times have you jerked off to the picture?” You asked. 
More than once a week since he had taken it. It was his favorite guilty pleasure. 
Earlier that day, he hadn’t even meant to take out the photo and jerk off to it. He had been more than satisfied with everything that happened the night before. But when he had opened his nightstand looking for his watch to put it on for the day, and the photo fell from its place stuck underneath the drawer (a perfect hiding place, in his mind). And just like when he had taken the photo, as soon as he saw you so perfectly posed there, he just couldn’t help himself. The sight of your panties sticking out from under your dress just got to him. 
His cock was hard in seconds and next thing he knew, he was sitting there pumping his cock in one hand and holding the picture in the other, listening for the sound of the shower running and hoping he would finish before you did. 
Something about you was so absolutely intoxicating to him, sent his brain back to caveman levels of hormonal and caused him to make the stupidest dick-driven decisions ever. 
“Mommy,” He begged quietly. “Mommy, please.” 
Your stomach clenched - it was a name he used in an attempt to soften you up, trying to make you pliant to his big eyes and whimpering breaths. 
He grabbed both of your hips and tried shoving his face into your neck to hide himself as his hips stuttered against your leg, humping hopelessly like a needy puppy. You yanked him back by the hair before he could fully hide himself and he exhaled in a needy, simpering tone, deflating like a balloon as his shoulders sagged. For a moment, he stopped the movement of his hips altogether - as if expecting you to take over in some way and make him cum. 
“Mommy is only sweet to good boys.” You whispered in his ear. “Mommy punishes dirty little bad boys who can’t take their head out of their dick long enough to behave.” 
He squeezed out a hot breath, seemingly deflating more. You used your free hand to grab his hip, and began guiding him to hump along your thigh once again. 
“Come on, baby.” You encouraged him. “If you don’t cum like this, you don’t get to come for a week.” You gave a gentle warning. “Are you gonna be a good boy? Or are you a stupid little perv? Hmm?” 
The harsh degradation behind your words, the motivation for him to be seen as a good boy in your eyes - that truly got him going again. 
“I’m a good boy.” He said quietly, fucking himself against you, moaning quietly as the friction caused sharp tingles against his cock. “I’m - I’m a good boy.” 
“Show me.” You told him firmly. “Show me what a good boy does.” 
“Please,” He breathed out. “Fuck, Mommy. Please!” 
You knew that he needed more, and you did pity him to an extent - so you gave another tug on his hair and slipped your other hand under the back of his shirt, raking your nails across his back, making claw marks that you knew he loved. The stinging feeling of your nails biting into his skin causing pure sparks that sent heat straight between his thighs. When you leaned in and sharply bit his neck, that truly sent him over the edge, causing him to lose all sense of rhythm and having him bucking wildly, mindlessly against your thigh as he flooded the inside of his underwear with cum. 
“Fuck! Y/N!” He shouted. 
“Shut up!” You bit back. 
You stood back up to your full height, shoving your fingers between his lips to gag him. You knew that you had to be mindful of his volume when she was so deep in it, so absolutely lost in the pleasurable haze that he didn’t care how loud he was being. 
He rode out his orgasm gagging slightly with your fingers pressed against his tongue, his eyes tightly screwed shut, a light sweat gathered on his brow as he continued to hump against your leg, carrying himself through it. 
After a few moments, Mike’s rattling moans turned into harsh, open-mouthed pants around your fingers as he caught his breath, and you eased your fingers out of his mouth, enjoying the thread of spit that came off his lips far too much. 
When he collapsed his head onto your shoulder this time, you let him. 
“You’re - you’re not really mad about the picture, are you?” He asked, gently huffing the words into your shirt as he struggled to catch his breath. “Because if-” 
“I’m not mad about it.” You clarified, moving your hand from under his shirt to pet through his hair calmly, wanting to reassure him of this. “In fact, I think it’s pretty hot.” 
“Really?” He asked, his gaze shooting up to inspect your expression, almost not believing your words. Even though you were always very honest and transparent when communicating your feelings to him. 
“Yes.” You answered honestly. “I think it’s hot that you found me so attractive from the moment we met.” 
“‘Attractive’ is a bit of an understatement.” He mumbled quietly in response. 
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maplebellsmods · 1 year
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Here are the two new updates for the Senior trip and Expanded Storytelling Rel Bits mod.
Senior Trip
Mod's official post page for more info
The senior trip experience is now more detailed. Instead of your Sim voting and immediately going to the senior location, they will have to go through a few additional steps.
Sim World Names
Furthermore, I have added the option to go on the trip with Sims from existing worlds in the game, rather than worlds that do not "exist" in the game. You can choose which file you want to download.
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Pre-Senior Trip Meeting
The new features that I have added, Pre-Senior Trip Meetings, are meant to enhance the immersive experience. Your sim will be more actively involved in making the Senior Trip happen.
Before going on the trip, your sim will need to attend three senior trip meetings. I designed this to be flexible, allowing players with shorter lifespans to time the meetings as they prefer. For example, if someone has Seasons installed, they could attend meetings weekly, corresponding to the seasons (summer, fall, winter), and then go on the trip in spring. This is just one example of how you can use the mod.
After the first senior trip meeting, your sim will need to vote on a location. If you've used this mod before, you're familiar with the process. You will vote, and a few hours later, you will receive a notification about the chosen location.
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After the first meeting, you will be able to attend your second one. During the second meeting, you will vote on the fundraiser that your sim and their peers will be organizing. Your sim will leave the meeting, and a few hours later, they will receive a notification.
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Wait until you receive a call from the student. You will notice that there will still be the option to go to the 2nd meeting, ignore it though. Once you receive the you will immediately be able to attend the fundraiser, but be careful, it may flop.
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Once you receive a call about the fundraiser, you have a few options. For Movie Night and Game Night, you can purchase games, which will greatly contribute to the success of the fundraiser.
Additionally, you can make a post about the fundraiser. If you have enough followers or a high enough charisma level, your post may go viral, significantly boosting the fundraiser's success.
If your class chose the bake sale, you can even bake goods and bring them to the event. It will bring joy to everyone, and if your baked goods are excellent, the chances of a successful bake sale will be much higher.
(After you finish baking the food all you have to do is put it in your inventory before going to the fundraiser)
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Final Step
After the fundraiser, your sim will be able to go on their final pre-senior trip meeting. This meeting is just a debrief of how the fundraiser went. After the meeting, you will be able to go on the senior trip.
The next steps are covered in my official senior trip post, but it's pretty straightforward.
Finally, if you have Growing Together your teen sim will now get a milestone after they come back from the trip
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Expanded Storytelling Rel Bits
Mod's official post page for more info
I have made updates that will make this mod feel a bit more immersive. I have also fixed the llama icon that would show up instead of the actual photos.
Milestones (Optional, Growing Together Required)
If you have Growing Together you should keep the optional milestone package files. Once you set relationship bits a milestone will be unlocked in relation to the relationship bit.
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Break-Up Removes Some Relationship Bits
Now if your sims break up some of the relationship bits will now be removed.
Here are the ones that will be removed if your sims do have these relationship bits:
Long Distance Relationship
Star Crossed Lovers
Flirty Friends
Romantic Wanderers
Puppy Love
Contextual buffs after certain interactions
Depending on certain interaction and relationship bit status your sims may get contextual buffs.
For example here a some buffs that your sims may get after getting into a relationship:
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Relationships bit context buffs showed in the photo above left to right (High School Sweethearts, Flirty Friends, Childhood Sweethearts, Puppy Love)
Buffs that your sim may receive after getting engaged:
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Note: The "(From New Relationship)" text is a placeholder. I kept it there solely for the purpose of the buff photos, but each text in-game will correspond to the appropriate situation
Relationships bit context buffs showed in the photo above left to right (Childhood Sweethearts, Adventure Partners, Romantic Wanders, Long-Distance Relationship, Star-Crossed Lovers, Summer Romance)
Buffs that your sim may receive after woohooing:
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Note: The "(From New Relationship)" text is a placeholder. I kept it there solely for the purpose of the buff photos, but each text in-game will correspond to the appropriate situation
Relationships bit context buffs showed in the photo above left to right (Flirty Friends, Love-Hate Relationship, Flirty Friends x2, Love-Hate Relationship, Long-Distance Relationship, x2)
Buffs that your sim may receive after breaking up:
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Note: The "(From New Relationship)" text is a placeholder. I kept it there solely for the purpose of the buff photos, but each text in-game will correspond to the appropriate situation
Relationships bit context buffs showed in the photo above left to right (Puppy Love, Long-Distance Relationship, Star-Crossed Lovers, Love-Hate Relationship)
Set Relationship Bits using the Relationship Panel
You can now set the relationship bits using the relationship panel. It will still be in the same location, but now the sim does not have to be present for you to be able to set the bits.
Public August 5th
Download Here
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veren-cos · 4 months
Bachelors (sdv) and your first date!
Bachelors × gn! Reader
All of these are that you are in an established relationship (Aka you already asked them out / were asked out) but it's your first date!
Not proof read, based off of a request!
• Would take you to see live music!
• He is very much a big gestures person. So this was planned way in advance haha
• Like probably before y'all got together.
• But he has it planned with the band that he like sneaks away to "use the bathroom" but suddenly you just hear him on stage singing to you
• To some, cringy, but to you, it's adorable.
• He wrote the song especially for you, and wanted to make your first date with him extremely special.
• But once he is done, the two of you go back to having dinner and just talking.
• The night ends with him walking you home and a kiss.
• You go to a gridball match!
• Ngl I think this is a heart event with him(?) but idk what happens so here's this
• The date is mostly centered around the before and after!
• Before, the two of you are tailgating and just having a blast.
• He brought a boat load of snacks, and you get to hear him talk about his passions!
• He is just so happy to share his interests with you.
• You go to the game, the team he is rooting for wins!!
• But it's when you get back into town that he is just super sweet.
• He asked Evelyn for help with making a little picnic basket.
• So he had it all set up for the two of you to have a small picnic date for dinner.
• This is when you get to talk his ear off! He loves to listen to you, and learn about you.
• Overall, you both learned a lot about the other, and had a blast doing it!
• As much as I feel like a relationship with him would be fast paced, he probably takes the first date really slow because he doesn't want to scare you off haha, but you'll probably get a kiss at the end of the date ;)
• He is awkward as hell (/pos I love him)
• He was going to offer to plan the first date, but you beat him to the punch!
• Honestly, you knew he would be internally freaking out so this is what you did.
• You invited Sebastian and Sam over to your place to play Solorian Chronicles
• You knew he would loosen up and be less nervous if he had someone else there.
• But you had it pre-planned with Sam that he would leave in like a half hour because he got a call and 'it no there is a minor emergency at home and he needs to leave right now'
• Sam was a wingman in this for sure
• But now that you and Sebastian were alone, the two of you had so much fun!
• You played your little hearts out and defeated the evil overlord, successfully saving the princess!
• When you were done with the game, the two of you watched a movie, and pretty much ignored it-
• You cuddled a bit (shocking I know! But Sebastian I feel is very physically affectionate with friends so it isn't all that different.) (Only if no one else is around tho) (I might make a separate thing about this)
• You mostly made fun of the movie because it was so bad! So when you stopped paying attention you just talked. Super familiar so you were just really comfortable around the other.
• Maybe a kiss of the cheek if Sebastian is feeling confident <3
• He goes to an airshow with you!
• He explains every little thing about each plane, and you absolutely love seeing his face light up.
• The planes are super loud though, so he makes sure to bring headphones for both of you!!
• If you can't hear him trying to talk, he brings a little notepad and writes down all his verbal nonsense.
• It's so cute though, you keep the notes so you remember everything from that day
• Later, you go back to his place and have a really nice lunch.
• He is a sappy guy, lit a few candles and everything <3<3
• His go-to idea would be to take you to the saloon, but he doesn't want to put himself back in that environment on a date.
• So he compromises with himself and sets up a very low-key bar-esk setting in the field by his house!
• Aka, a small dart board and a beer ping table (but not actual beer)
• He is the shit at drinking and yard games, and he knows that you are competitive so he just wants to have a little fun.
• He also brought out a corn hole (or bags idk people call it different stuff) set, so you pkay that too!
• Eventually Jas joins in as well because she sees the fun you two are having.
• You learn mire about Shane and his interests, and he learns more about you and yours.
• Marnie eventually dragged Jas back inside, and Shane gives you a big kiss.
• He isn't shy, but he is not a fan of pda, especially not in front of jas lmao
• Overall, your date was really fun and cute, and you got a feel for what being with him would be like in the long run.
• Yard games would be a staple date for you in the warmer seasons
• Takes you to the library in the city!
• As much as he loves the local one, there is so much more to see in the city's library.
• Will read you sappy poetry he bought when you go home.
• Like. Dramatically reads you love poems.
• He tried to do this inside the library but that ended up drawing too much attention to him so you dragged him out before you got in trouble.
• Basically, you went for a really nice evening in the city! You held hands, went to a little café. He tried to make it as enjoyable as possible for the two of you, while staying true to himself.
• Gives you a kiss on your hand as he drops you off at home, but you pull him in for a kiss on the lips before he leaves.
• He walks home in a love-struck daze because of it
An* Oh geez I wrote a lot more than I was expecting- I just really loved this request, it was too cute!!
These also look way longer in my notes app then they do here
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vxnillite · 2 years
ZNoah comfort drabble
context: During their last field trip, Z-Dog was nearly killed by a pack of creatures that Noah had stubbornly insisted on taking a closer look at. It reminded them of when their brother had died from very similar circumstances, and the trauma and the flashbacks pushed Noah into a downward spiral of self-blame and self-neglect.
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to imply that this is specifically how people should react to a person having a panic attack. I based a lot of things about Noah on myself, and the descriptions here are kind of based on my own experiences with panic attacks, and how I wish I was comforted in those situations. So yeah, this is self-indulgent.
CW: mentions of self-harm, swearing
Grace wasn't surprised to know that Noah had called in sick again today, making it the third sick day in a row. That meant that they'd officially used up all their sick days for the month, but also that what happened on their last field trip was still eating up at Noah.
But Grace wasn't going to leave the poor kid alone wallowing in their own thoughts and self-pity any longer. At lunch break, Grace came around to Noah's quarters where she found them huddled in the far corner of the room, legs squashed against their chest and their face buried between their knees. Apart from the ticking clock on the wall, the room was dead silent.
"Noah," Grace crooned as she approached the bed, sitting right on the edge.
"Grace, please..." Noah could barely speak. "Not now..."
Grace stayed seated on the edge of the bed. "Have you visited her yet?"
Silence. Grace understood that as a 'no.'
"She'd want to see you," she continued.
"To kill me, for sure," Noah spat in one breath.
"You can ask her that yourself."
The door hissed open, followed by footsteps that sounded too familiar to Noah. They panicked, but still didn't look up.
No, they couldn't even bear the thought of meeting Zdinarsk's eyes after what happened.
Grace walked out of the room after a small exchange with Zdinarsk, who stood in the corner of the room opposite to Noah.
"First off, I'm not leaving even if you beg me to," Zdinarsk said. "Second, I—"
"You could've died."
"Right off the bat, huh? Alright then." 
Zdinarsk got on the bed and sat in the middle, leaving a bit of space between her and Noah. Then, just as she was about to touch their arm, a poorly stifled, erratic sobbing echoed from the scientist, whose body began to quiver violently.
There was only one other instance that Noah had come undone like this, completely removed from the brash, cold attitude they usually had.
Zdinarsk immediately caught Noah in her arms. Instantly, she felt their head burning, undoubtedly feverish. But she pulled Noah in as tightly as she could, even lightly wrapping her legs around their body. Still, they remained tense within her embrace.
"I'm sorry." Noah constantly repeated between fickle breaths.
"Hey, now," Zdinarsk crooned as she stroked their hair. "Noah, listen to me."
"It was all my fault."
"Breathe with me."
"I'm sorry."
"Focus on my voice."
"You could've died."
"But I'm right here, right now, Noah. I need you here with me, too."
As Noah still kept wheezing, Zdinarsk would continue to stroke their head, running her fingers through their hair the way they liked it. A few minutes passed, and Noah gradually started to calm down.
Zdinarsk smiled as she felt Noah's breathing calm down. "There you go," she encouraged, then she kissed them softly on the top of their head. "You're safe with me, remember?" 
Noah, still in a daze, laid the side of their head on Zdinarsk's shoulder as they took a few more deep breaths. The last one seemed more like a heavy sigh — full of dejection — as they saw the bandages on the soldier's arm. 
Ever since the field trip, images of Zdinarsk's near-death had been flashing and mixing with the vivid memory of Kevin's own demise in Noah's mind. Because of it, they haven't had any proper sleep as the visions still haunted even their dreams. They haven't eaten either, the guilt telling them they didn't deserve to eat.
Seeing Zdinarsk's entire arm bandaged only fuelled that guilt.
Noah clutched their brother's jacket tighter, fingers fidgeting. "I'm really sorry," they started, voice weak and dry, "I should've listened to you. I shouldn't have gone to that nest. If I'd just stayed put, you—"
"Look, what's done is done," Zdinarsk said, "2 days ago, I was still mad, of course. But now..." She squeezed the scientist reassuringly. "I'm just glad we both got back in one piece."
Zdinarsk peered over at Noah, but they wouldn't meet her eyes. They just sniffled and kept scratching their wrist, a habit that the soldier had begun to notice a while back. So she clasped her hand around Noah's own to stop them, but she also didn't say a word as she waited for Noah to calm down again.
Minutes later, the scientist broke the silence. "I filed some papers to get you off my security."
"What," Zdinarsk sputtered, "Noah—Why would you do that?"
"I have to."
"No, you don't, Noah. And you didn't tell me?"
Noah clicked their tongue. "Kasi I knew you'd react this way!"
Zdinarsk didn't want to be mad, but she was. "Why did you even think of—"
"Kasi, what if you actually die the next time?!"
With Noah finally looking straight at her, Zdinarsk had a clear view of them — rather, the aftermath of their emotional and psychological turmoil that had gone on for the past days. Puffy, red eyes, dried up tear streaks all over their cheeks... And Zdinarsk had never seen them this pale and hollow before.
"I try so hard, Z," they choked, hysterical, "So fucking hard to be a little less stupid and reckless out there. But I know that you know… I'm a ticking time bomb—a fucking accident waiting to happen! Eh, if it's going to happen anyway, edi sana—"
Zdinarsk grabbed Noah by the forearms and forced them to look at her. "Don't you finish that sentence," she chastised, feeling her own heart pound with anticipation.
Stubbornly, Noah finished it anyway. "I'd rather be the one to die out there than have you die because of me, Z." Then, they added softly, "I could never forgive myself if that happens again."
"Noah… How many times do I have to tell you this?" Zdinarsk's hands traveled down to the scientist's own and squeezed them. "Nothing out there is gonna kill me."
"Putangina, 'di mo 'yon alam!" [You don't fucking know that!]
"Yes, I do."
The soft chuckle in her voice made it hard for Noah to quip back.
The soldier continued, slowly pulling Noah back towards her. "You study these animals, right? You watch them aaaall day and make your little notes on them. And some of those notes are about how they hunt or attack, and we go over those notes together, right?" 
From the look on their face, Zdinarsk knew that Noah understood what she meant. Their muscles relaxed again; their gaze, once frenzied, then softened. 
"I know nothing out there is gonna get me because it's your research that helps me know what I'm dealing with—which kinda means you're the one keeping me alive out there."
Zdinarsk expected them to crack even the slightest smile — a chuckle, at best — but she nearly fell over when Noah threw themselves at her for a tight hug that said all the words that were left hanging in their chest, everything that they couldn't say without crumbling into incoherence all over again.
Noah smiled as they felt Zdinarsk hug them back. Of course, their face was hidden, buried snugly in the crook of the soldier's neck.
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Hey Kaya 🌸
I just saw a movie scene where a couple went to a charity event and the woman was teasing her husband under the dining people, he came in his pants 🐱🫠
I was thinking about Kenan yk 🤠🐱
If you could make this happen, I’ll sell my body to you 💋
Have a nice day bbygirl
A/N: WARNING SMUT!! I made this request into a part two, since a lot of you wanted it
Part 1
It’s payback time 😈
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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The sun had just dipped below the horizon, leaving a warm glow in the sky as Kenan and I prepared for our evening out, with his family.
I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the delicate straps of the dress I’d chosen—a sleek, figure-hugging number in deep red, one that clung to my curves in all the right places.
I added a touch of lipstick and smoothed down my hair, satisfied with the look. Tonight, I was determined to turn the tables on Kenan.
When I stepped out of the bathroom , Kenan was waiting in the bedroom, adjusting his watch. The moment his eyes landed on me, they darkened with desire.
He took a step forward, his gaze roaming appreciatively over my body.
“Y/N…” he murmured, almost in disbelief. “You look incredible.”
I could feel his eyes on me, taking in every detail, and it was exactly the reaction I’d hoped for. “Thank you,” I replied, giving him a small, teasing smile as I walked past him to grab my purse.
I could feel his eyes following me, the intensity of his gaze making my skin tingle.
Kenan moved closer, his hands finding my waist as he pulled me into his embrace. His lips brushed against my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.
“Are you sure we have to go out?” he whispered, his breath warm against my skin. “I’d much rather stay in.”
I laughed softly, turning to face him and pressing a finger to his lips. “Let’s not keep them waiting,” I said, gently pushing him away with a playful grin. “We have a dinner to get to.”
Kenan grinned, clearly trying to hide his excitement. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
We walked hand in hand to the restaurant, where his family was already seated. As we approached the table, Kenan’s hand lingered on mine, and his eyes kept drifting to me, clearly captivated.
As the main course was served and the conversation flowed, I decided it was time for a little payback.
While everyone was absorbed in their discussions about local cuisine and vacation plans.
"So, Kenan, how's work been?" his dad asked, taking a sip of wine.
I let my hand drift beneath the table. My fingers lightly brushed against Kenan’s inner thigh.
Kenan’s body tensed immediately. He tried to maintain his composure, but I could see the nervousness in his eyes.
Kenan fidgeted in his seat, already on edge. "Uh, yeah, it's been good. Busy, but good."
His breath quickened, and I could see the slight bulge forming in his pants.
I leaned in close, my lips brushing his ear, and whispered, "Be a good boy and stay quiet. Unless you want them to find out how dirty you are.”
His eyes widened, and he nodded, his mouth dry. I giggled softly, my hand now moving higher, caressing his hardening cock through his pants.
I slowly undid the button and zipper, careful not to draw attention, and slipped my hand inside.
His dick was thick and heavy in my hand, and I could feel the warmth of his arousal.
As we continued to engage in idle chit-chat with his family, my hand began to move gently up and down his shaft.
I teased the tip of his cock, feeling the pre-cum starting to leak out.
Kenan squirmed in his seat, biting his lip to stifle a moan. I loved having this power over him, driving him wild while he tried his best to maintain his composure.
His mom laughed at a joke his aunt told, and I used the moment to my advantage. I squeezed his dick a little tighter and quickened my strokes, my fingers teasing the sensitive head. "Oh, god, Y/n, I'm gonna cum," he whispered desperately.
I didn't stop, instead increasing the pace and pressure. “Go ahead, baby. Cum for me, fill your pants with your hot cum." My other hand reached down to rub his balls, massaging them gently as I stroked his shaft.
Kenan's breath hitched, and his body tensed. I knew he was close. With one last intense stroke, he came, his cock pulsing in my hand as he tried desperately to muffle his orgasm.
I could feel his warm cum filling his pants, the wetness spreading as I slowly milked him dry.
His body shuddered, and he let out a slight whimper, his family none the wiser.
"Oh, something wrong, Kenan?" his mom asked, concerned.
"No, no, just something stuck in my throat," he replied, his voice a little hoarse.
I giggled softly, my hand now covered in his cum. I brought my fingers to my mouth and sucked them clean, tasting his salty release. "Delicious," I murmured.
Kenan shot me a look of disbelief, his eyes wide as he realized what I'd done.
The rest of the dinner passed in a blur, with Kenan trying to hide his sticky pants and his obvious discomfort.
As we finally stood up to leave, I gave him a mischievous smile, my fingers gently stroking his still-sensitive cock through his pants. "That was just the beginning, baby. I'm not done with you yet."
We excused ourselves and made our way back to our room, his family none the wiser about the naughty game we'd played.
Once inside, I pushed him against the door, my lips crashing onto his in a passionate kiss.
Our tongues danced together as I reached down to feel the wetness in his pants, rubbing it between my fingers.
"You looked so sexy trying to hide your orgasm," I whispered between kisses. "But now it's time for round two."
I dropped to my knees in front of him and slowly pulled down his pants, revealing his semi-hard cock.
It twitched as I leaned in, my tongue flicking out to taste the remnants of his cum. I sucked his sensitive head into my mouth, moaning softly as I tasted him.
"Fuck, Y/n, that feels so good," he groaned, his hands tangling in my hair.
I took my time, sucking and licking his dick, enjoying the taste of his pre-cum mixing with the salty residue of his earlier orgasm.
My tongue swirled around the head, teasing the slit, before taking him deep into my throat. I savored the feeling of his cock pulsing in my mouth, his breath quickening as he got closer to the edge.
"I'm gonna cum again," he whispered, his hips thrusting gently.
I didn't let up, instead bobbing my head faster, my hand stroking the base of his shaft. His fingers gripped my hair tightly as he cried out, his cock erupting in my mouth.
I swallowed every drop, milking him dry once again, before finally releasing him with a satisfied sigh.
We collapsed onto the bed, our bodies sticky and satisfied.
Kenan smiled lazily, his eyes half-closed. "You’re unbelievable." he said with a chuckle, his hand finding mine. “That was payback and then some.”
I grinned, leaning in to kiss him softly on the cheek. “You had it coming, remember?”
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Lonely Dancers
main masterlist | misc. jackles characters masterlist
SPOILERS! this story is set after the events of the movie and it (vaguely) spoils the ending
summary: when your boyfriend cheats on you, it leads you to tom hanniger
pairing: tom hanniger x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 1.7k
warnings: language, cheating, mentions of death/murder, hearing voices (briefly, very end of the fic)
author’s note: happy valentine’s day! i wrote (and barely edited) this very quickly because i wanted to publish it while it was still valentine’s day in my timezone! enjoy!
music: lonely dancers by conan gray — incredible song by an incredible artist! go pre-save the upcoming album!
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Tears were still clouding your eyes as you sat at the bar. You’d driven here after walking in on your boyfriend with another woman—your two best friends had both betrayed you in the most gutwrenching way.
“Crappy Valentines?” the man a few seats down from you asked.
“Somethin’ like that,” you scoffed.
“Look no offense, but I’m really not in the mood to be hit on, okay? So kindly fuck off and let me drink in peace.”
He nodded curtly; “Ten-four.”
You finished the glass in front of you and gestured to the bartender for another. You downed that one quickly and again asked for another immediately after.
“Cheated on, huh?” the man from before asked and you finally turned to look at him. He had a small, sad smile on his plush, pink lips and his green eyes seemed to look at you with sympathy. 
“What makes you say that?” you asked.
“I, uh, I know the look,” he replied. “How about the next rounds are on me?” he offered, you smiled a little in thanks. “I’m Tom, by the way.” You told him your name, figuring it was the least you could do.
“So, Tom, I’m guessing your Valentine’s Day hasn’t been much better than mine?” you asked.
“What makes you say that?” he quoted you with a bit of a smirk.
“You’re drinking alone in a bar attached to a cheap-ass motel,” you retorted. 
“Touché,” he laughed. “So maybe my day’s been shitty too… or maybe I just came here to hit on the lonely hot chicks.”
You narrowed your gaze at him, stifling a laugh; “Maybe. But something tells me you came here for the booze and not the chicks.” His smile faded a little at that but he was quick to plaster it back onto his face. “So how about we drink together for a bit and when I’m buzzed enough we head over to the dance floor and act like our day hasn’t been hell?” you suggested. 
“Sounds like a plan, sweetheart.”
You both got to talking and eventually, you told him the whole story. He held back most of the comments he wanted to make; hope he drops fuckin’ dead, for example, or who in their right mind would do that to such a gorgeous fuckin’ woman!?
“Well, he sounds like a major dick,” he commented. 
You listened to his story too, though he clearly wasn’t being as open with you as you were with him. But, you couldn’t blame him. His issue seemed to be about trauma linked to the actual day and less about something that happened recently.
After nearly half an hour of talking, he took your hand and led you to the beat-down jukebox in the corner.
“Does this shitty thing even work?” you scoffed. 
“Let’s hope it does or this dancing thing is gonna be pretty awkward,” he joked. He managed to get a song playing. “May I have this dance?” He turned from the jukebox and looked at you, but quickly noticed the tears welling in your eyes. “Shit, you okay?”
You sighed with a nod; “This was kind of… our song,” you admitted.
“Of all the songs for me to pick,” he scoffed quietly, mentally kicking himself. “I… don’t know how to switch it.”
“That’s okay,��� you said softly, a sad smile gracing your lips though the tears stayed in your eyes.
“How about we dance to it anyway?” he offered. “That way it’ll become our song and the next time you hear it you won’t think of that cheating bastard, you’ll think of the somewhat good-looking guy you met while drinking yourself half to death?” He smirked and wiggled his brows a bit, making you let out a laugh. 
“Somewhat good-looking, huh? Have you looked in any kinda mirror recently?”
He shrugged, still smirking; “Didn’t wanna seem too cocky; had to downplay my looks a little, gauge your reaction.” You let him put his hands on your hips as you both started swaying to the music.
“That so?” You put your hands on his shoulders before you trailed them to the back of his neck. “And what’d my reaction tell you, handsome?”
“That this song is now officially ours,” he replied. “And every time you hear it you’re gonna remember my handsome face instead of that ugly asshole’s.”
“Thanks for that, Tom.” You smiled up at him, continuing to let him guide your movements. “I’d much rather think of you.”
You rested your head on his shoulder and his grip on your waist changed to wrap around your torso. The song was slow so he didn’t feel the need to change anything about the way you two were dancing—he just held you and gently swayed back and forth with the rhythm.
When the song ended the next one that played was more up-beat and “danceable” so you pulled away a little.
“Oh my god, I love this song!” you exclaimed, beginning to dance a more energetically while you still kept your hands on him.
He chuckled at your reaction and began dancing more too. His hands went back to your waist and he twirled you around. With your back pressed against his chest he turned up the heat a little; trailing his hands forward and up your body slowly. You smiled widely, enjoying the feeling of his touch over the thin fabric of your long-sleeved crop top. He twirled you back around, your hands catching your weight on his chest.
He looked down into your eyes; “Just thought I should gauge your reaction again.”
“And what’s it saying this time?” You smiled up at him, keeping your hands on his chest.
“That it might be okay if I kiss you right now?” 
You nodded before he leaned down to place a kiss on your eager lips. Before he could, however, your phone rang and you pulled back to check it.
“Damn it,” you mumbled, seeing the name.
“It’s him, isn’t it?” Tom asked and you nodded. You were about to answer but he whipped the phone from your hands and hit decline. “Stop,” he said when you reached for the phone, “forget that guy! He clearly doesn’t know how to love a woman like you—someone so gorgeous, funny… talented dancer.” The last one made you laugh through the sting of fresh tears. “And I hope he drops fuckin’ dead! How about we just keep dancing so I don’t have to see those tears slip down your pretty face, huh?”
“Guess I’m all yours tonight,” you replied.
“That’s more like it!” He took you back into his arms before he kissed you. 
You woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on your apartment door. You sighed and grabbed your pepper spray before going to answer it. When you looked through the peephole, however, you smiled and placed the weapon down on the table by your front entrance.
“Hey Tom, what’re you doing here?” You smiled after you opened the door. He held out the bouquet of roses he had been hiding behind his back.
“Happy belated Valentine’s Day,” he said. “I hope I made it a little less shitty for you and that you won’t hate this holiday the way I do.”
“Thank you,” you replied as you took them from him. You stepped aside so he could walk in. “I’m gonna find a vase for these, why don’t you make yourself comfortable?”
He nodded and made his way to your couch. He knew the layout of your home and where you lived because he had driven you home last night (well, earlier that day, technically) and made sure you got inside safely. You had offered to let him spend the night but he had declined politely, saying that as much as he enjoyed your company he didn’t want the two of you to become a one-night-stand. “Besides,” he had said, “I’ve got something important I’ve gotta do.”
The idea that Tom’s ‘important thing’ may have been just getting you flowers made your heart swoon in a way that you’d never felt before.  
You hurried and put the flowers in a vase before you went over and sat next to Tom on the couch. He smiled at you before you turned on the TV.
“Wanna watch something?” you asked but your eyes widened when you looked at the screen; “Oh my god.”
“Two individuals brutally murdered last night…” the news reporter went on to say the names of your ex and his new girlfriend (your former best friend). “Officials say it was a robbery gone wrong, due to a missing engagement ring presumably still in the romantic, heart-shaped box it was purchased in barely two weeks ago from a local jeweler. No suspects are in custody—” 
Tom shut the TV off as tears began rolling down your cheeks.
“Th-They’re both dead…” you barely whispered. The thought of the two people you cared most about being killed for no fucking reason made a scream erupt from your throat. Tom pulled you into his chest and you sobbed, gripping his shirt with all your might.
“I-I’m so fucking sorry,” Tom whispered. 
After a (very long) session of tears and Tom’s gentle shushing, Tom was making breakfast in your kitchen as you sat at the table. 
“It could’ve been me,” you said. “I-If he hadn’t cheated on me, if we hadn’t broken up, I would’ve been in her shoes. I’d be dead.”
“Thank god you aren’t,” Tom said. 
“Maybe if I had answered his call–”
“Don’t think like that,” he interrupted. “Just be grateful that you weren’t there and that you’re okay. This isn’t your fault at all in any fucking way, you understand me? It was just a robbery gone wrong and as tragic as that is, that isn’t on you.”
You smiled a little, though tears were still slipping down your cheeks. He had a point and even if he was technically still a stranger, he seemed to care about you. 
“We’ve got her now, Tom. She’s all ours.”
“What’d you say?” Tom looked at you over his shoulder.
“Nothing.” You smiled sadly at him. “Just…thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
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lightlycareless · 16 days
naoya would never take you on a disappointing date 😤😤 (pre redemption naoya we are ignoring you)
Omg I've almost forgotten of that horrible date I had. Well, it wasn't horrible, but... disappointing. I've long accepted that if it happens, good, if not, then good too :) I'm too busy with Naoya anyways HAHAHA Anyways, thank you for cheering me up 🥺❤️ I appreciate it a lot!!
Now, your ask made me want to write a little something, just a funny scenario between our favorite couple. A bit sweet too :>
warnings: fluff. highschool au. you and naoya are kinda new in the dating thing, I think. your dad is overprotective hahaha BUT SO ARE YOU REGARDING NAOYA. Though it's subtle here hehe.
Happy reading!
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Soon after the two officially become a couple, Naoya and you go on dates as frequently as possible, as much as school allowed it anyways—usually consisting of going out to eat, getting something to drink, watching a movie… just whatever the two felt like.
Up to that point there had never been a conversation of who’d be the one to take care of all expenses when out; however, because of his nature, alongside the teachings of his family, Naoya naturally assigned himself that role.
After all, he was the man in the relationship, the provider. The one that had to take care of his woman—and you… well, you went along with him, because you’d eventually grow tired of insisting otherwise.
Yet, you never went out unprepared, always carrying your own money thanks to your father’s advice:
“It’s good for a woman to have her own money! Regardless of whether her partner is willing to pay for everything; because some men—now, no need to look at me like that pumpkin, I’m not saying Naoya is like that—like to treat dates as transactions, expecting to be repaid just for a meal, if you know what I mean!
So yes, always have your own money in case you need to bail out!”
Thankfully, you never got to use it, mainly because Naoya had long proved to not be that kind of person (he was surprisingly shy with you, how unexpectedly adorable) and because he also didn’t want you to, circling back to the previously detailed points, though that was to change very soon after one misfortunate turn of events…
“What do you mean declined?!” Naoya scowled upon seeing the employee nervously glance back to him to tell him what he already assessed by that dreadful beep coming from the reader for the second time.
“It says—it says there aren’t enough funds—”
“That’s impossible!” He argues, taking out the card from the reader and placing it in once more. “Try again, now!”
“Naoya…” you quietly add, gently tugging at his arm to catch his attention.
“I—I wouldn’t recommend doing so, your card might get blocked—”
“Why does it even matter if it doesn’t have funds anyways?!” Naoya denounces once more, and by this time, you squeeze him slightly harder, finally getting his eyes on you.
“Naoya, it’s fine; let me pay.” You quietly suggest, but that only seemed to irk him even more.
“Are you crazy?! I can’t allow you to pay, I’m your boyfriend!”
“I know, but really, I don’t mind paying; things like these happen, probably an error with the back, so don’t worry, it’s not a big deal…”
“Well, it is to me,”
“Naoya—” you frown. “Please, just let me pay before we… well, we attract more attention.”
And as if pulling his head out of the water, your words finally helped Naoya snap out of his trance, to suddenly remember the company of those present at the café as well as feel their heavy gazes burning holes at his back, ignited by curiosity (if not disapproval) for the way he was behaving, and subsequently, exposing you to that same judgement.
It soon became clear that the longer he remained there, the more vulnerable he’d make you, and such, he quietly relents you the bill, watching how you take out a card and replace it with Naoya’s—with the poor employee letting out a sigh of relief, glad that the situation had finally come to an end when the two eventually leave.
But the issue lingered on Naoya’s mind, for the moment he stepped out of the establishment he was already thinking of ways to repay you for the misstep you were forced to cover; the calls he’d have to make, the people he’d have to scold—
If your gestures allowed him such, stopping him on his tracks by gently pulling his arm and placing a kiss on his cheek—Naoya freezes for a moment, struggling to either succumb to your warmth and forget all about it, or continue sulking about the humiliation he made you go through.
He chose the latter.
“I should’ve done that, you know? Pay for our date.”
“But you always do, it was about time I did it for once—”
“No. Absolutely not.” He insists. “My girlfriend will never spend a dime that isn’t mine.”
“Naoya… while I appreciate your consideration, I can’t help but wonder why are you so opposed to me paying? I don’t mind, really. In fact… I think it’s a way I could repay you for all the things you’ve done for me.”
“Having you by my side is enough compensation, if you must.”
“Well, not enough for me! You do quite a lot already… sometimes I have to assume you’ve gotten into trouble because of all you’ve spent on me.” Surely, must’ve been scolded at least once by one of his relatives. Even if he’s heir to the prestigious Zen’in clan, some limits must be imposed, or he’ll take them to the brink of bankruptcy!
Though Naoya would never confirm your suspicions, nor justify his family’s behavior—it’s not his fault that they don’t know how to treat a woman. If anything, he should be far more demanding with them; did they not want to secure the future of the clan? Because that’s exactly what he was doing!
Taking the necessary steps so he could live out the rest of his life with you in marital bliss…
“I’ll make it up to you for this horrible date; whatever you want, name it and it’s yours.” Naoya proceeds, making promises you had no interest in if their sole purpose was to torment himself, and not pass a genuinely good time with you…
“I won’t go out with you then.” You firmly declare, he gasps.
“What?! What do you mean you won’t go out with me??”
“Because you’re being too harsh on yourself—and I don’t like it when my boyfriend acts that way.” You said.
“But you—I’m trying to make you happy!”
“Then don’t. I don’t want you going out with me out of pity.”
Naoya sighs.
“Alright, I won’t insist anymore. We had enough with this bad date anyways.”
“Bad date? I’m sorry, but that was not a bad date.” You shake your head. “I would know since I’ve had some.”
“Ah, so you’ve dated other people before me?” Naoya raises an eyebrow, you do your best to hold back your laughter, failing soon after.
“If that one guy I went out with during middle school even counts!” you say. “I’m glad I no longer have to look anywhere else—you’ve exceeded all expectations! By far the best boyfriend I’ll ever have!”
“Are you implying you’ll date others after me…?”
“Of course not, silly! Never! Or at least I hope not…” you pout. “I was only teasing, you know…”
“I know.” He chuckles, placing a chaste kiss over your lips, and another, and another—removing that sulking look on your face. “You too are the best girlfriend I’ll ever have. Hopefully wife too…”
“O—Oh, Naoya—Don’t you think that’s too soon??” you fret, placing your hands over your cheeks to cover the heat forming on them.
“I—I was just saying—” Naoya stammers, looking away. “I mean, I don’t—I don’t see anyone else but you by my side.”
“Me too.” You confess. And though you may not openly discuss it, Naoya has long filled the shoes of the groom you’ve always longed for your dream wedding—and father of your children too.
“In time.” He promises, squeezing your hand. You nod, a bright smile on your face.
“In time.”
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When do you think Naoya will give you a card, filled with his own money, under the pretense of "making sure you have enough money to cover an emergency?" said emergencies being you wanting something sweet, or something nice you saw at the mall of course lol. (and actual emergencies too oof)
The Zen'in have definitely discussed his unusual extravagant expenses, but Naoya does not care. He'll continue to spend whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it too. As he always has :)
I think what probably got his card declined was his monthly allowance being done... or maybe he forgot to change his card after it expired who knows. Not that it mattered since he eventually got a credit card 🤣
Anyways, I'm living out the fantasy with Naoya. Is it delusional of my part? Maybe. BUT DOES IT MAKE US HAPPY? YES!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this little thing I wrote hehe. I love imagining scenarios between our two young lovebirds 🥺❤️ kagajkhgajghs all shy and stuff, hard to believe they eventually become big perverts for one another.
Now take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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asksythe · 1 year
Dead languages and maybe Wei Ying is long-lost royalty
Today I had a discussion with @pakhnokh​ regarding why Wei Wuxian didn’t know the deeper layer of meaning behind the Lan forehead band. It was a long discussion on Twitter, so I figured I should just make a post here and leave this information out for anyone who might find it useful. 
To start off: The reason why Wei Ying didn't know the deeper layer of meaning of the Lan forehead band was in the book. But it was written in a very opaque way, in one single throw-away line. In the book, when Wei Ying had to copy the Lan rules, he specifically complained that the rules were written in seal script. 
The Useless Ye Olde’ Script
Seal script is a script that predated traditional Mandarin. It was infamous for being needlessly complex and having dozens, if not hundreds different dialects and writing methods. Some forms of seal script were entirely different languages altogether. When Qin Shi Huang united ancient China, he burned a lot of books and forced people to adopt a standard way to write, thus cementing traditional Mandarin as a singular language that is still used today, 2000 years after. A way to visualize how complex seal script was, is that there were 22 different ways to write the word 'sword'.
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That is how mind-bogglingly complex it was. And worse, it was the source of much conflict in ancient times. To explain it simply, it was supposed to be one language. But if people could not even agree on how to write the same word, then how could they agree on more important things and cease warring against each other? 
Language standardization was one of Qin Shi Huang’s greatest achievements, if not the greatest, as it laid the foundation for more peace and eventual unification in later dynasties. 
This topic was made into an Academy Award-nominated movie, Hero by Zhang Yimou in 2002. 
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(the word ‘sword’ that Qin Shi Huang decided on, thus wiping out the other 20+ ways to write the same word) 
Dating Mo Dao Zu Shi in real history (or, Wei Ying might actually be long-lost royalty) 
In a very interesting turn of events, MXTX has confirmed in her latest interview in Subaru magazine, that the events of MDZS happened during Wei Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties (commonly referred to as the Six Dynasties era by English-speaking historians, even though these two don’t perfectly line up).
Yes, the same Wei 魏 in Wei Ying 魏婴, Wei Wuxian 魏无羡.
So the events in MDZS took place in the era immediately after the fall of the Qin dynasty (caused by Qin Shi Huang’s death and his sons not being able to measure up). Therefore, Wei Ying’s generation is in a time after the language has standardized into a single form. 
The Lan rules, at least the first set and the meaning of the forehead band, were written about 500 years before Wei Ying’s generation, at the founding of House Lan. So that would put it squarely in the pre-Qin, pre-lingual-standardization era. 
So by Wei Ying’s time, the Lan rules were essentially written in a dead, kinda useless, and very very hard-to-read-because-it-has-some-hundred-different-dialect language. 
That’s on top of the fact that it was probably written in the highest level of 书面语 shumianyu (written language) possible. I.e. extremely condensed and truncated (with zero punctuation). 
So the Lan rules are more or less a very thick law book of a different nation written in the strictest, most condensed dead language that is in no way, shape, or form still in practical use for Wei Ying (and most other people not Lan). Do you feel like reading it? I don’t. 
And that is why Wei Ying never figured out the original meaning of the forehead band despite having copied the rules hundreds of times (first day in class, he was already punished and sentenced to copying the rules 100 times by Lan Qiren). 
Because he was just copying the words without really reading them. This was mentioned when Wei Ying asked Lan Wangji the meaning of the Lan forehead band, and Lan Wangji replied with, you have copied the rules so many times and you still don’t know?  
But isn’t Wei Ying really well-read and smart, and what about the Wen book?
1/ Wei Ying is smart and well-read. There was one throw-away line in the book that mentioned his having read all the books available to him in Lotus Pier, and that he had read all kinds of trivia (including the Thousand Sores and Hundred Holes curse that got put on Jin Zixun). But it was also stated that he favored practical things or things that interested him. Lan rules in dead, extremely hard to read language are… well… yeah…
There was never any mention in canon where he remembered specific Lan rules unless it was literally beaten into him by teenage Lan Wangji.
2/ In the novel, the Lan rules are singled out as the only materials written in seal script. The Wen books were standard issued to everyone who took part in the Wen education camp. So the chance that it was written in seal script is low to none.  
Wei Ying is not the only person who doesn’t know the meaning of the Lan forehead band
Jiang Cheng didn't know either. Jin Ling didn't know either. During the Wen archery competition, when Wei Ying pulled off Lan Wangji's forehead band, he did ask Jiang Cheng what the hell was that, when Lan Wangji and other Lan members reacted like he did something shameful. Jiang Cheng replied with, how the hell would I know? Their house has so many rules. Just stop poking them. 
Jin Ling didn't know until the other Lan teenagers told him. The only characters who know this in canon are all members of Lan house. The impression that Wei Ying is the only one who doesn't know is 100 percent fanon. Keep in mind both Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling are clan heirs, so their education and knowledge of other houses absolutely are not low. 
In fact, the novel specifically shows that.....the rest of the cultivation world is not that clear on the actual specifics of Lan rules either. This is shown when Jin Zixun pressured Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji into drinking wine, a clear violation of Lan rules, and the rest of the cultivators in the banquet cheered him on.
 These cultivators were also heads of Houses or very high-ranking members. Many of them would have studied in Cloud Recess. So again, people who have high education… still know shit all about the actual specifics of Lan rules beyond a vague, general monk-like impression.
About the only other person aside from Wei Ying (and Lan members) who knew the specific rule that Lans do not drink in that banquet was Jin Guangyao, a character whose trademark is high intelligence and extreme social savvy (plus having roomed with Lan Xichen and taken care of him for unknown amount of time right before the Sunshot campaign)
Are there secret parts of the Lan rules?  
No. The Lan rules are public. The book is very clear on this. All Lan rules are carved into a massive stone placed at the foot of the mountain where Cloud Recess is, where anyone passing through or coming into House Lan can see it. 
This rule stone was first mentioned when Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian met for the first time. Wei Ying complained that he didn’t know the rules and why are there so many things forbidden in the Lan rules? Lan Wangji replied with, rules are written on the stone. Go read it yourself. 
The second time it was mentioned in the book, was Lan Qiren’s first class. The first thing he did was complained that even with the stone and rules being in open space, nobody bothered to read. So he will read the rules now. 
The book mentioned at least two different sets of Lan rules that both need to be obeyed: 礼则篇 Lize Pian (Book of Rites) 上义篇 Shang Yi Pian (Book of Justice). Whether the rules are separated further into more sets or not is unknown. 
Why are some Lan rules better known than others? 
Because Lan rules are based on 克己復禮 Keji Fuli, a real-life Confucius asceticism that calls for the restraint/purge of one’s ego and to return to the core rites. This is also newly confirmed in MXTX’s new interview, though it has been more or less heavily suggested in the book itself, with House Lan being known as the House of Gentlemen. 
Gentlemen here is not the Western ideal of Gentlemen, but rather a Confucius ideal and set of values. Confucius is the person who created this ideal in the first place. 
So it’s not that some rules are better known, but rather the entire image of Lan House is a huge pointer as to how they live their life: with great restraint. 
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uinmyheart · 2 months
[♡] "Hey, stranger"
"Hello, youuuu" you instantly smile after hearing his voice.
"How's everything going over there?" you ask. You're sitting in your pajamas, skincare routine already finished and putting some lotion on your legs. it's been ages since the last time you were able to do this properly.
"Well, our dear Hanni has been acting like a brat all day just because she misses you. She's been acting like i'm the devil." you hear a certain echo of his voice as well as the knocks of pans and silverware which probably means he's wrapping up the night routine while your call stays on speakers.
"I'm guessing you had an eventful day." you smile.
"And that's to say the least." you both giggle. "I'm not sure about letting Hanni continue with her football lessons. She's starting to grow some muscles and now I'm scared of a pre-teen that just happens to be my only daughter."
"I don't think it's the football lessons, babe. It's that age." you giggle. You're so happy to hear them and your heart aches now that you're not with them.
As soon as your daughter started growing, it was time to get back on your feet and start working again, but every single time you had to pack your things for a quick work trip, it became even more difficult than the previous one. Maybe it's the constant fear of missing out on things that happen in your house, or not being able to be in control of everything that's happening over there, but being completely honest, you cannot really complain about the perks that came with work travelling. The suite your workplace had provided for your stay, and the clean bathtub in your bathroom wasn't so bad either.
"I mean, you should've seen me driving over here with a car full of annoying teens making fun of everything that I did or said. The way they made fun of my nose for more than 20 minutes almost made me cry, honestly." hearing you giggle out loud makes him lightly smirk even though deep inside he still feels hurt by the way his own blood had betrayed him like that in front of all of her friends. "And feeding those demons.. It's insane. I'm going have to squeeze in a quick run to the grocery store. We're out of.. oh, yeah. Everything. They even found those special cookies we keep hidden for our movie nights."
"Ooh, babe. It was time you found out. Hanni has been eating them non-stop. That place is not a secret anymore. I just stopped restocking those because she always checks right after coming back home. It's taking a toll on our sweet treat budget." you deliver the bad news with a pretty big smile on your face, already imagining the look of confusion on his.
"That's insane. She's insane." "I know, right? But at least she's cute, though."
"Yeah, she really is. You should see the way she scrunches her nose when she runs on the field. Totally cute." he gushes and you can only hum in response. "What about you, though? How's my management & sales senior doing?"
"It's pretty boring over here, I must say." you sigh. "Boring deals with boring people. Cannot complain though, not allowed." you both giggle. "You wanna guess what I did today?" he hums.
"I had a 20 minute shower." he groans in response. "No complaints and no banging on the door."
"You're killing me over here!"
"And when I got out, I asked for room service. Had some fried chicken, some pizza and now I'm even waiting for dessert!"
"Are you guys hiring? Maybe I can squeeze in my résumé and a couple of interviews."
"I'm not sure relationships between coworkers are allowed over here.."
"For a night like that I could leave my wife." all jokes aside, "Hey!" you instantly exclaim, feigned offense laced in your voice.
"I know, baby. I know. Just joking." you smile at him. "So... what are you wearing? Do you miss me?"
Before you could even think about a cheeky response. A big, loud, and clear. "EW!" is heard right on cue. There's your girl.
"Dad, you're so disgusting." you can hear your husband loud complaints as well as your daughter's perfectly clear light hearted insults to his father.
"So what? Is it a crime to love your mother? I'm not apologizing for that."
"You're both too old for this! At least don't do it in a common area on speaker!"
As you stay silent for a couple of seconds you get to hear the way they go back and forth as Hanni continues to emphasize how embarrassed she feels by your behaviour. Teens can be so intense, you cannot help but roll your eyes.
"Anyways... Mom? Are you there?" your girl asks.
"Yes, my lovely daughter. How are you? Do you miss me?"
"Incredibly much. Dad over here is embarrassing me at school and at practice as well." you smile at what she tells you. You miss this banter even though you get to have a taste just by the phone.
"I'm sure he is. I made sure to give him instructions on how to!" Hanni whines on the phone and you can hear Jungkook in the background making slight fun of her.
"So, mom..." "Yes?" "I've been thinking.. since you're already there.." You know exactly where this is going. "Can i send some stuff for you to buy? There's this new lip glo-"
"Jeon Hanni! You're in so much trouble. Why would you use your time to talk to your mom to ask her stuff?!" Hanni whines as Jungkook continues. "That is not how I raised you!"
"Dad, you're so annoying. For real."
To cut things short, you ended up compromising on bringing your daughter this new lip gloss everyone's talking about and a new water bottle she insists that will help her performance on football practice. Absolutely ridiculous, yet you agreed on buying it just to make her happy.
And at the end of the night, when you're unable to get some sleep as you shine in the glow the television gives you, you're awoken from your trance-like state by a message from your husband.
It's the best way to end a mostly perfect day. A pictured of him and your daughter cuddling on your big bed together, her hiding on his chest already sleeping with her mouth wide open and him being his usual cheeky self with his big doe eyes and sticking his tongue out.
"She always caves ❤️ we miss you, honey! Come back soon"
and you cannot wait.
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