#evenn if u donteven kjnow if youll like T i still think u shouldget on it actauwlly
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pastadoughie · 27 days ago
thge fact that everyother dayy u see some1 unirronically going "well actuawklkly never transitioningg & beeing a perffectly gendder conforming girl is like. soo much moree racidall n progresseive then transsitioningg & doingall of that terrible disgussting hrt & surrgical mutilation" as if thats nota fuckingg insane & obvioussly bigotedd thing2 say. ur literally disscouraged at everry step 2 alwayss be feminine orleean femninine in some wayy & its like. no im. a man. i want to look like one. beeing constantlyy feminized & only everr seenas valueble in somekind of mysogenist "corrective" fetish lens isfucking tireing.
its parrt of why i dontt evenlike waffling aroundd when itcomes 2 reccomendingg medicall transition stuff anymore. likethat "ohhh onlyy if u want 2 !!! only if urr super superr sure!!" & its like. no actually. get on hrt. book the appointment. like even if youy are still onthe fence. these thingstake fucking insanelyy large ammnts of time 2 obtain & what? yourree gonna spendd months & yearss considering if youu hypotheticcally wanted to get hrt- & then decide that yes i do want this & then have 2 spend multtiple months & yearss actually persueing that? fuck off. get hrt. get surgury. people shoulddnt baby youuu abt the hypotheticcal of youu regreting it, you have 29279 steps at witch youre given an out. make the appointment. get hrt. get surgury. stop trying 2 cling to a womannhood that you dislikee & that is activelyy hostile twards you.
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