#even with the shortcuts! if you get on the excess express you are LOCKED into going to poshley Heights
luxrayz64 · 3 months
i cannot begin to imagine how absolutely fucking infuriating these sidequests would've been without the shortcut pipe room. genuinely what were the devs thinking. they wanted you to go from rogueport through the sewers to twilight town, then even further through the sewers to get to the boggly woods, and travel from there to the boggly tree? and then back through the woods. back through the sewers. trek to petalburg. back to the sewers. to twilight town again. this must be some kind of sick joke.
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thelibrarbian · 3 years
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Rating: T
Chapter word count: 2384
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Movement on the upper floor made Papyrus look up, just in time to see the door to Sans' room open and his brother step out. Sans shuffled up to the banister and leaned against it, looking down into the living room. When his gaze landed on the two skeletons on the couch, his eyebrows shot up, but all he said on the matter was a small "huh".
"did he wake up? thought i heard you guys talking."
"He did - well, somewhat." Papyrus glanced down at Fell, who appeared to be deeply asleep once again. It was less alarming now he knew that Fell wasn't Falling Down, but it was a strange sight nevertheless. He didn't even twitch in response to the talking right next to him, and Papyrus got the distinct impression that he wouldn't stir even if somebody broke down the door and started supplexing the couch. He made sure to keep his voice low anyway. "But I think he will be alright." Eventually. "For now, I suppose he has earned his rest."
Sans gave a vague hum of agreement, leaning heavily against the railing.
Papyrus looked his brother up and down, frowning slightly. "Sans… I know this is a rare thing for me to encourage, but I think you, too, should try to sleep a little. It's still the middle of the night, and while I may not need to nap for such an excessive amount of time, I do believe you're used to your eight hours of snoozing."
Sans chuckled and shook his head before pushing himself back from the banister.  "eh, it's fine." He began to shuffle down the stairs. "you keep telling me i should find hobbies other than napping, right?"
Papyrus raised an eyebrow. "That may be true, and far be it from me to curb your enthusiasm! But maybe we should postpone these plans to a time when you don't look like you're going to pass out standing up?" His quota for passed out skeletons this night was already filled.
"you mean i look bone tired?" Sans winked.
Papyrus let out a huff. "Do not attempt to distract me with your perpetual punning! That one was low even by your standards." He sighed. "But I suppose I can't be too hard on you today. How is Red?"
"still sleeping." Sans reached the bottom of the stairs and leaned against the banister. "and snoring like a chainsaw, that's why my napping's on hold."
Instead of pointing out that Sans usually had no trouble falling asleep even in the noisiest environments, Papyrus waved his brother over. He couldn't exactly give him a hug with Fell on his lap, so he settled for the closest alternative, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Sans raised an eyebrow. "you okay, bro? i mean, i'm not complaining about unprompted cuddles, but…"
Papyrus straightened himself. "Of course! I, the Great Papyrus, master of first aid and healing magic, am perfectly fine!"
Sans didn't look entirely convinced, which was absurd - after all, what reason did Papyrus have to not be okay? Everything was fine. Or would be fine very soon. No, Papyrus was more concerned about his brother - and he would have asked if he really was alright, but he already knew the question would just be shrugged off with another pun.
Setting that aside, though, there were currently two unconscious skeletons in their house, and even though everything was certainly going to be just fine, their unexpected guests would need something to help them recover both health and magic when they woke up. He shared the thought with his brother. "And as much as I would love to volunteer my culinary expertise, I am a little stuck here at the moment," he added. "So if you don't mind lending a hand again…"
"i gotcha, bro." Sans pat Papyrus' hand that was still on his shoulder. "and by that i mean, i'd get grillby's, but-"
Papyrus sighed. "But it's two in the morning," he finished the sentence for him. Grillby, too, belonged to the majority of monsters that slept at night, and therefore couldn't keep his establishment open around the clock. "Fortunately, because I can not in good conscience subject our guests to anything that comes out of that greasehole."
Sans chuckled faintly. "hey, you did like the milkshakes last time."
"The milkshakes are an exception! And do not distract from the issue at hand, brother! No Grillby's! You will need to make do with what we have. Such as…" Papyrus paused, mentally going through the contents of the fridge. Which was a rather small selection, now that he thought about it. Had he known that they would have visitors tonight, he would have moved his weekly shopping trip forward by a day. "Well, aside from your empty chips bag - which I am only tolerating because it's in your half of the fridge - there should be some spaghetti left over from yesterday…"
"oh. uh…" Sans looked aside, rubbing the back of his neck.
Papyrus was still waiting for the day when his brother would speak his honest opinion on his pasta, but today was not the time to have that conversation. He decided to rescue him. "I see what you are thinking, brother! Reheated pasta is not an appropriate meal for our recovering guests. It will be much better fresh, so we shall hold off on the spaghetti until I return with the groceries tomorrow."
Sans' shoulders visibly sagged in relief. "sounds great, bro."
"In the meantime, I believe we still have tomato soup in the freezer."
"nice." Sans gave an appreciative nod, the corners of his permanent grin rising up a little higher. "leave the tomato stuff to me, i got it."
"Thank you, brother." Papyrus gave Sans' shoulder another squeeze before letting him go.
It took a good minute before a realization struck him. "Sans!!" he whisper-yelled after him. "You are not going to put ketchup into that soup!"
All he heard in response was his brother bustling about in the kitchen.
It was hard to miss the exact moment when Red woke up. There was a thump and a muffled curse from the upper floor, then the sound of displaced air from a shortcut right next to the couch as Red appeared there, kicking a tangled blanket off his feet. The tension was practically oozing off of him, his eye lights darting once around the room before settling on his brother.
"is he…"
"He is going to be perfectly alright, yes." Papyrus made sure to inject as much sincerity as he could into the statement while still keeping his voice quiet. "He even woke up a little while ago, and I'm sure he will be on the mend in no time at all."
Red only gave a nod, his eye lights still fixed on his brother. Papyrus couldn't blame him.
"How are you feeling, Red? We were worried when you suddenly passed out - as comfortable as our carpet is, I do not think it was intended-"
"'m fine," Red interrupted him. The hollow tone to his voice, the dim eye lights, and the tense set of his shoulders told a different story, but Papyrus didn't press.
"My brother is making soup for all of us," he said instead. "Unless he has fallen asleep in the kitchen, that is. Which, while hardly surprising, would be rather ill-timed, not to mention a fire hazard…" He craned his neck to try and peer into the kitchen, hoping that Sans wasn't really asleep at the stove…
"nah, i'm soup-er awake over here," a familiar voice from the kitchen reassured him.
Red didn't even react to the pun. Instead, his eyes suddenly locked on the skeleton in Papyrus' lap with increased intensity, and Papyrus followed his gaze down.
Fell's sockets were open again. Maybe it was just Papyrus' imagination, but his eye lights looked a little brighter than before, even if he still didn't seem entirely aware. He wasn't trying to move, but the impression Papyrus got was more of a grouchy monster whose sleep had been disturbed rather than anything he really needed to worry about.
Red cracked a grin that was still looking strained. "heh. lookin' pretty cozy there, boss."
The only response was an unintelligible grumble and what seemed to be a weak attempt at a glare, although Papyrus couldn't tell for sure from his position. However, he didn't miss the way Red's shoulders sagged and his expression turned into something less of a tense grimace.
"Would you like to join us, Red?" Papyrus asked.
Red shook his head. "nah, 'm good. don't think ya two cuddle bugs have left enough space for my bony ass, anyway."
The pillow rustled as Fell lifted his head just slightly to look at his brother, and whatever Red saw on his face, it apparently made him change his mind. With a cautiousness Papyrus had never seen him use before, he shuffled over and perched on the very edge of the couch next to Fell's feet, settling a hand on an uninjured part of his leg. "there. happy?" he asked, the gruff tone to his voice not quite matching the care with which he was moving.
Fell gave a vaguely affirmative grunt and snuggled back into the pillows on Papyrus' lap, letting out a soft huff as his body relaxed again.
Red was watching his brother with a rare soft expression on his face that Papyrus had the strong feeling he wasn't supposed to see. He quickly looked away, occupying himself with rearranging the blankets.
There was a brief moment of silence before Red spoke up again. "y'know, i'd say sorry for dumping this on yer doorstep, but…"
Papyrus quickly shook his head. "Oh no, we're very happy to have you as our guests! I mean, I do wish we had you as our guests under different circumstances, but given the situation, I am very, very glad you came here!"
Red shrugged, leaning back against the arm of the couch. His hand remained on his brother's leg. "wasn't like we had much choice." His expression darkened slightly. "'t was either you guys or the doc, and who knows what she woulda…" He trailed off.
Before Papyrus could ask what the issue with their world's version of Alphys was, there was a familiar rush of displaced air as Sans appeared next to the couch, balancing a tray of soup bowls in his hands. "mornin', sleepybones," he greeted the latest arrival on the couch.
Red grumbled good-naturedly, grabbing a bowl before slumping back into his end of the couch, somehow without jostling Fell's legs in the slightest.
Sans unceremoniously plopped down on the ground with his own bowl after handing the third one to Papyrus. "bone appetit."
That particular pun was about as tired as Sans looked, but Papyrus still awarded the attempt with an eyeroll. He carefully took a sip - and yes, there was the unmistakable sweet tang of his brother's favorite condiment. "Sans…"
"'sup, bro?" He let his skull roll back against the couch, innocently grinning up at Papyrus.
"You know exactly what is 'up', brother." It didn't even taste bad, if Papyrus was completely honest, but it was a matter of principle.
"what, not a fan of the soup-prise ingredient? i think it tastes soup-erb."
Papyrus took the bait. "That's three times that you've used 'soup' in the span of five minutes!"
Sans shrugged. "what can i say, it's a classic. though i soup-pose i should ketchup on some new material…"
Papyrus let out a long-suffering sigh and turned to the other Sans in the room. "What about you, Red? Are you enjoying the soup? We can get you something" – he side-eyed his brother – "less ketchup-heavy…"
Red shook his head and gave a thumbs-up at the same time, emptying what appeared to be half the bowl in a single gulp. "nah, soup's perfect. gotta condiment yer cooking, comic."
"Don't encourage him!"
A snicker came from the ground next to the couch. "thanks. gotta admit, i've been stewing over it for a while, so i'm glad at least someone's relishing it."
Papyrus groaned. Quietly, of course, even though Fell seemed dead to the world again… no, that was a bad one.
Red's face suddenly split into a sharp-toothed grin that filled Papyrus with dread. "but ya know, i wonder if we could spice it up-"  
"Please do not wonder!" Papyrus tried to cut him off, but it was already too late.
"say no more." With an equally wide grin, Sans got up and disappeared into another shortcut. He returned a second later with a suspiciously yellow condiment bottle and tossed it at his alternate on the couch, who expertly caught it.
"Do not think I don't see how you're fully exploiting the fact that I can't get up right now!" Papyrus whisper-yelled.
Red made full eye contact as he uncapped the bottle and, teasingly slowly, turned it upside down above his bowl. Somehow, his grin widened even further.
Groaning, Papyrus threw an arm over his eye sockets (albeit slightly less dramatically than he would have done without a sleeping skeleton on his lap) so he didn't have to watch him squirt an ungodly amount of mustard into his soup. "Why??" he lamented. "Why must I be plagued by the only two monsters in existence who will ruin a perfectly good tomato soup with condiments?"
He sensed more than saw the bottle flying past him and back to Sans. There was another squelch of mustard being squeezed into soup.
"I swear, you're only doing this to torment me!"
"hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it, bro."
"I don't need to try it to know that mustard has no place in a tomato soup!"
"nah," Red chimed in. "i think ya just haven't mustard up the courage fer it."
Papyrus buried his face in his hands.
"what's the matter, creampuff? can't take what we're dishin' out?"
Papyrus let out a perfectly silent screech to keep himself from smiling at the horrendous puns. Not to smile at the two Sanses' laughter that rewarded him proved more difficult, though. Playing along with their jokes was comfortable, familiar - and just for a little while, it was easier to pretend that everything truly was alright.
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Checkered Skirt
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Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1330 words
Warning: Sub!Hendery, Dom!Reader, Spanking, Cross-dressing, Use of pet names, Oral sex (male receiving), Pegging, Overstimulation, Sexting at work, Hendery is whiny and horny
A/N: This fic is based on an ask as well as this pic (tho slightly altered). Originally planned to make this a brief drabble but I went overboard again, anyways I hope sub!Hendery feeds the lust of the sub!idol community and mine. 
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  When is Mistress coming home to take care of her needy pup’s problems?🐶
  A message from Hendery popped up on your phone screen while you are still bombarded by tedious paperwork you just want to rip through, exactly like how much you want to rip off your boyfriend’s clothes, and his whiny messages certainly aren’t helping.
  Be back in half an hour. Stay put. You warn
  😣😣😣. Came Hendery’s immediate reply. How about this?
  A sinful photo then leaps into your screen, in which Hendery posed in front of the mirror in his black leather collar with “Y/N’s pup” inscribed on it, and he is dressed up in a dark checkered shirt with a matching mini skirt barely covering his crotch, not to mention his hard-on. A pair of black knee-highs accentuated his lean figure wickedly perfectly, and the fact that he is kneeling on the around with his slender legs spread wide open, his hand around his clothed shaft, just fuels your frustration even more.
  Fuck you. You reply, irritated by the provoking sight.
  Language 😜. You feel as if you can hear his mischievous laugh even you are a screen apart. You always disciplined me for this, so why are you breaking your own rule?
  I follow no fucking rules in my house, pet. You sharply retort. But you’re right, you’re so getting properly disciplined again for this. You’d better be in your position once I am home. Understand?
  You then ignore his message affirming your order since you are in fervent need of getting your work done as quickly as possible now, and you swear your fingers have never worked this hastily on your keyboard before. Soon you find a shortcut to complete your workload, and in no time you are at your doorstep, satisfied by the sight in front of you.
  Hendery is on his hands and knees, his barely clad butt poking out as he’s gazing up at you with a naughty glint in those large piercing eyes, as well as a paddle between his grinning lips, his cock glistening with need.
  “Well, well, well.” You crouch down to his level. “Whose pretty puppy is this hmm?” You coo as you take the paddle out of his mouth, grazing his jawline with it.
  Before he can respond, you give a harsh yank on his hair, taking no time to force him up, dragging him to bedside table and quickly bending him over, before securing his torso onto it.
  “You don’t whore up while I am at work.” You hiss into his ear before landing a smack on his skirt-covered flesh with the paddle, the fabric buffering the sensation before he gets the taste of the real deal you’re up to, teasing his senses as well.
  “You don’t talk back to me like you know better than I do.” You chastise in between rough fervent spanks. “Last, “ You lift up his skirt, toying with the hem while caressing his freshly beaten flesh. “your Mistress follows no rules since I am just superior by nature, get it, slut?”
  “Ow-! Y-yes, Mistress-ah!” Hendery’s reply is interrupted by another sharp smack plus a lick on his buttock, as you proceed to suck and nibble on the supple flesh as if you’re enjoying your favorite meal, while your boyfriend is already a moaning squirming mess at the humiliating yet intimate feeling.
  “Mistress hnnnghh you feel so good…ahh...”  
  “Really?” You breath on the back of his cock. “But do puppy whores like you deserve to feel good hmm?” You inquire before lashing out with your paddle again.
  “Ah-no! Ahhhhh...I don’t deserve...ahhhhhh!” 
  “Care to explain why you don’t deserve to be pleasured?” You purr while caressing his hot skin, pinching his inner thigh from time to time, earning grunts from your sensitive boyfriend.
  “B-because I...I’ve been so bad…”
  “Bad is an understatement.”
  “Hahh...cuz I’ve been a horny pup wanking in heat...mmmm” His voice trails off into incoherent noises once you muffle him with a deep kiss, your palm lightly and sensually spanking him as he erotically moans along with each slap.
  “Such a depraved little pup…” You lovingly peck him before untying him and flipping him over on the table. “I’m gonna destroy you until those pretty doggy eyes of yours are all glossy and hazy...crying out to your Mistress for mercy…”
  “Destroy me then. Mistress.”
  You then bend down to moisten his shaft with your tongue, with your fingers busy lubricating his entrance before gradually adding them to stretch him. Hendery’s mesmerized, moaning loudly as he’s both serviced and humiliatingly intruded.
  When you finally reach up to unbutton his shirt, he attempted to take off his skirt. “No, keep that on, I prefer you partially nude, looking so disheveled and vitiated…” You continue as you exposed his nipples, planting sloppy kisses on them with one hand caressing the region still covered by the skirt, toying and pulling with the fabric, while the other hand is still busy fucking him deep and slow.
  Soon you are fully equipped with your strap, driving deep into his prostate with your free hand tangled in his silky strands, pounding into him hard and fast. 
  “F-ffuck puppy harder pleeaase…” Hendery pants as he pleads, fueling your pent-up lust even more as you pick up your pace, causing him to moan out even more lewdly. When he’s closer and closer to his peak, not only did he clench tighter against your ruthless cock, but also his sock-clad legs are wrapped closely around you, the smooth fabric turning you on as you can’t help but compliment how pretty he looks right now.
  “Such a beautiful fucked-out pup…” You lock your gaze with his, watching his expressions that are overwhelmed by extreme pleasure, before diving in for another round of wet sloppy kisses again. Sounds of contacting lips and entwining hips are interspersed by a few smacks on his ass, driving both of you insane and nearing your edge.
  Shoots of hot white liquid are followed by a series of broken cries, but you still relentlessly drill into him like a hungry beast ravishing its first ever meal in days. Hendery’s teary but also surprised gaze locks into yours, yet he can do nothing but indulge in the building pleasure over and over again as he cums twice in the next few minutes.
  “Please...please Mistress I can’t take it anymore...you are too good…”
  “I thought that’s what my filthy pup wanted hmm? Getting its insatiable needs completely filled…” You say as you wickedly pump his now ultra-sensitive dick.
  “Ahh-no! Please Mistress I-I am s-sorry for... riling you up earlier pleeaasee…stoppp” Hendery’s pain is evident in his struggle with words.
  “Really? Isn’t it my puppy who begged me to destroy him?”
  “Y-yes I was a s-slutty pup...but now Mistress please spare me I can’t take no more…” Hendery begs with tears that threaten to fall
  Satisfied with his realization of his proper place, you release your grip on his cock and replace it with soft, reassuring kisses all over his body, before wiping away the excess fluids on his belly as well as his tears, then you go on to remove his cum-stained clothing.
  “This is a reminder that you should never wear skirts again unless you want it wild and rough just like today…” You smirk as you present the dirtied spots on the checkered skirt to him.
  “You’re such an insufferable pervert.”
  “Look who’s talking!” You fail to hide your triumph behind your feigned indignation in your tone, before ditching those clothings in the laundry bin and returning to cuddle with Hendery back on the bed.
  Though there is total silence between you, your now tired boy’s arm is wrapped around your waist the whole time before he finally drifts off to sleep, leaving you mesmerised in thoughts of how lucky you are to have a man that is so compatible with you as your boyfriend.  
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accioecho · 4 years
Tkem Novel 10
Chapter 13 - “A made up mind”
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Gon hastily wrapped up the tasks that had accumulated in the short time he was gone and went back to his study. Tae-Eul must have been bored while waiting for him to get back.
He handed her a cold can of beer and watched her gulp it all down in one go. He had seen her drink beer before with unmatched enthusiasm but he had to admit that he was quite impressed seeing her drink again like this. She definitely held her liquor well.
Gon kept glancing at her, unable to tear his gaze away until Tae-Eul quipped at him.
“Did you just lock me up in here?”
“I’m housing you. Be understanding. I brought you here without saying anything. Everyone’s in a panic because this has never happened before.” Gon said, unfazed.
Tae-Eul listened to Gon’s calm explanations and opened up another can. With one dirty thumb, she tried using the other one free of ink but it was trickier than she had initially expected.
“Then why are you being so calm, Kim Gae Ddong?”
“I imagined bringing you here lots of times before. Not like this though.”
From the moment he had asked her to be his Queen back in her world, he had envisioned this moment. When he came back to the palace with Tae-Eul in another universe, he had thought about it again. The fact that this had all come true put a smile on his face.
“Did you sign a contract or something? Did you buy some land?” He asked, gesturing to her crimson finger.
“I stopped myself from wiping it on the wall because of your citizens. You should promote the employee who was watching me. She’s a real patriot. Let me borrow your phone, and give it to me unlocked. She wouldn’t lend me her phone.”
“What are you going to look up? I’m sure you have no one to call.” Gon obediently complied and handed her his phone. Tae-Eul promptly grabbed it.
“None of your business. What’s your passcode?”
“Who would even try to look through a King’s phone? It’s not locked.”
It made sense. With a quiet snort, Tae-Eul slipped his phone in the safety of her coat pocket.
Gon set aside the lid of the small plate he had set down in front of her. They did everything backwards. This wasn’t how he pictured his first evening with Tae-Eul, but since she had already drunk the beer, he figured that she ought to get something to eat as well. Assuming she would get hungry at some point, Gon had gone down to the royal kitchens to personally cook dinner for her.
Although the food looked appetizing, Tae-Eul made no move to pick up her spoon.
“You try it first.” She really asked him, a royal— the King, to taste her food.
Seeing Gon’s completely dumbfounded expression, she continued. “I’m not joking. I’m Alice in Wonderland right now. She eats weird pills and grows bigger and smaller and stuff. What if I eat this and die from poisoning or natural causes? What are you going to do then?”
“Don’t worry. I keep my promises. You’ll die from a beheading.” Gon retorted, eyes crinkling in mirth.
They were each other’s white rabbit, both chasing after time, trying to capture elusive moments together.
Tae-Eul let out a sigh, a faint smirk forming across her lips as she finally grabbed the spoon.
“All right, then. I’ll enjoy the food. Did you make this yourself?”
“Yes. Is it good?” Gon watched Tae-Eul busily taking mouthfuls of rice and stilled in expectation.
“No it’s not.”
Both her cheeks were filled to the brim with food— he was full just by watching her eat. Gon winced, face dropping in disappointment.
Tae-Eul swallowed her laughter at his childlike reaction and tried to keep a straight face. She had only meant to tease him.
Just as she was about to finish her plate, Lady Noh reentered the study. Tae-Eul recalled the matron’s cold expression upon their first meeting earlier that night. Lady Noh’s distant demeanor made her feel nervous and slightly intimidated.
“I prepared a bedroom and a meal for your guest…”
Tae-Eul’s face reddened in embarrassment and looked down at her empty plate. Lady Noh visibly didn’t know that Gon fixed her dinner. So he really did prepare the meal himself after all.
“… I will escort her to her room. It is the farthest one from Pyeha’s room.”
The hour was late. Tae-Eul stood up, set to leave the room.
“See you tomorrow, goodnight. Sleep tight.” Gon smiled and casually waved his hand in goodbye.
Lady Noh’s scowl deepened, eyes glaring down at him.
True to her word, Lady Noh escorted her to one of the guest bedrooms.
Tae-Eul only had the clothes on her back but it looked like she didn’t need to worry about anything at all. The room was set with all the necessities: from pyjamas to toiletries, everything was furnished and meticulously laid out so that she wouldn’t need for anything. It was better than a hotel.
“Besides emergency situations, outsiders hardly ever stay in the palace overnight. So you must never speak about what happened today anywhere or to anyone. You must keep everything a secret, such as the layout of the palace or the private conversations you’ve had with the King.” Lady Noh warned her.
Tae-Eul instinctively nodded. “You don’t need to worry about that. I’m a government official, too.”
“So I’ve seen. Lieutenant Jeong Tae-Eul”. Lady Noh scrutinized the young woman in front of her with hawk-like intensity.
It seemed both Lady Noh and Yeong knew her name. Tae-Eul wondered if the police badge in Gon’s possession was the sole reason why both people were already aware of her existence.
Still. Lady Noh’s stern expression made her uneasy. Her dislike of Tae-Eul was obvious which was strange because apart from the ID card, she had no prior connections, no prior interactions with her. Yet her initial reaction during their first meeting was a sharp contrast to how Gon had reacted. Maybe it was because Lady Noh didn’t expect her to turn up here at all.
“This is a rather curious situation. His Majesty has had a strange ID card since he was young. There was no police officer named Jeong Tae-Eul in the Kingdom of Corea and there is no such rank as lieutenant in the police force here. I thought that it was a fake ID made as a joke or for some other reason, but that nonexistent person suddenly appeared here. Surely you can see why it’s shocking.”
Tae-Eul tried to understand Lady Noh’s cold attitude and see things from her perspective. She did behave the same way when she had been faced with the possibility of an existence outside her world.
“Everything is just absurd, but there is one thing I’m sure about. An existence that cannot be explained will only bring chaos to the world, and it will only warm our King.” Lady Noh declared with finality.
Even so, Tae-Eul felt this was unfair. She could easily accept that the idea of her existence could be construed as inexplicable, confusing. But to see her as a threat seemed excessive.
Tae-Eul stood rooted on the spot, silently listening to Lady Noh’s hurtful words, unable to reply back.
As Head of the court, Lady Noh’s job was simple: looking after the King and having his best interests at heart. Dutifully protecting him— the man who had to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders since the young age of 8.
Lady Noh had no other choice but to keep to her steely resolve, even if it meant hurting Tae-Eul in the process. If she could, she would erase that fateful night from history, get rid of all traces and evidence, the ID card and Tae-Eul included.
“I do not want to know where you came from. I will act as if you do not exist. So, during your stay here, please try to avoid contact with anyone besides Pyeha, the chief of the Royal Guard Jo Yeong, and me. Furthermore, don’t get curious about this world, and don’t try to stay. And when I say ‘this world’, that includes the King.” Lady Noh retreated with a hasty bow.
In the late-night hour, the bright and fuzzy contentment Tae-Eul felt after dinner disappeared completely, her face now pale, the sound of Lady’s Noh closing the doors a distant echo in her mind.
Tae-Eul plopped down heavily on the spotless bed. When Gon was with her in the Republic of Korea he had never lied to her once. He kept telling her about his world. Even when she half listened to him, acting skeptical, questioning his sanity, he had never once given up and relentlessly continued to talk about the Kingdom. What started out as anger turned into curiosity.
And he had done so again and again, filling her with stories. Those vibrant eyes inviting her to his home. He had made her long for him. He had made her want to believe him. He had made her miss him.
She had barely stepped into his world and she was already captivated by it. Tae-Eul didn’t pay much attention to the whys or hows, she had taken the few steps in without a second thought. The day wasn’t even over yet and she had been asked to leave.
Their two worlds were too different anyway. She would have to leave this place at some point, disappearing in the blink of an eye like he did back in her world.
Lady Noh had advised her not to get too curious, to not even think of staying here. But it was already too late. She could not go back.
The bed Tae-Eul was lying on was smooth and comfy, but it felt like its surface was made of tiny thorns. She slid down to the ground, opting for the hard surface of the wooden floors instead. Leaning against the side of the bed, Tae-Eul let out a humorless laugh.
The sudden sound of sliding windows drew her out of her reverie.
“There’s a bed and a sofa in here. Why are you sitting on the floor?” Gon asked.
Gon stood in front of him, wearing pyjamas and a bathrobe. It looked like he changed clothes and was getting ready to go to sleep before he came over to her room. Tae-Eul was half startled, half happy to see him.
“Why are you here?” Tae-Eul asked abruptly, trying hard to will her racing heart to calm down.
“I didn’t want to leave you scared all by yourself. Trust me. I’m not a weird person here.”
“Why did you use the window instead of the door if you’re not weird?”
“There’s something you should know: that’s the shortcut. The palace is really big.” Still talking, Gon casually slid down on the floor next to her, his large frame grazing her shoulder.
Tae-Eul cleared her throat. “I thought you couldn’t sleep on the floor.”
She had to admit one thing. For a short, fleeting moment tonight, Tae-Eul had felt lonely. She remembered Gon telling her that she shouldn’t leave him alone. This was a few weeks ago, in her courtyard— he had told her that she shouldn’t treat him like a stranger, because she was the only person he knew in her universe. Tae-Eul understood his solitude. Because it was the same for her now.
For the the time being, he was the only person she could rely on.
“It’s not so bad actually. There’s some charm to this.” He replied.
Their conversation was a reflection of their current position. Sitting side by side, bodies close, within reach but not quite touching.
“When are you going to show me my ID card?”
“… tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow? Were you just pretending to have it?”
“I do have it. You might try to go back to your world if I show it to you.”
Tae-Eul looked at the man next to her. Gon’s eyes glinted darkly, pupils turning black. He looked lonely. Even if she was here with him, in his world.
Here she was, in this strange universe with strange emotions coursing through her. She anxiously held her breath.
“… What is it?” Tae-Eul changed the subject, clasping her clammy hands together.
“The doll on my car key. It seems pretty cheap.”
Gon— who was serious just a few seconds ago, looked away flustered. Tae-Eul had seen these dolls before. They came as a prize from the local shooting gallery. If she had to take a rough guess, she would say that he got the keychain there and it probably didn’t come at a cheap price either.
“You should really know, nothing I have is cheap.” He was really being sincere. In other words, it meant that he spent a good fortune on this trinket.  
Tae-Eul was completely speechless that he would spend this much money over a relatively simple challenge.
“How much did you spend? Anyone’s who’s served in the military can do it with their eyes closed.”
The shooting gallery owner said so as well. Be that as it may, it still took him several tries. “I knew it. Everyone in your country is a swindler.”
“Be quiet, there is someone guarding the door outside.” Tae-Eul shushed him with accusing eyes.
“Are you stupid? There are dozens of security cameras in here.” He grinned, looking around.
“Is that a security camera?”
“Wave at them. Twelve people are watching us right now.” Gon waved at one of the many paintings framing the walls.
Tae-Eul couldn’t believe her eyes. She stood up suddenly, ready to take the frame down. Kingdom or not, this was a serious breach of privacy.
Gon caught her arm and pulled her down, dragging her closer to him. “You believe everything I say now. That was a lie.”
“Do you want to die? So… is that really a security camera or not?” She blinked several times, trying not to pay attention at their intimately intertwined bodies.
“It isn’t. I was just joking. Do you want proof?”
Calm and collected, Gon let his head rest on her shoulders causing Tae-Eul to tense up. Ever since their first meeting, Tae-Eul knew that he was the kind of person to capture people’s attention. Seriously. The man was chiseled like a classical sculpture. And with his eyes closed like he had now, he looked even more like a greek model.
“I’m going to ask you something, so just answer with yes or no.”
There was no point in overthinking this. There could be only one reason why he had invited her to his world. Tae-Eul was braver than most people but no matter how brave she was, she was also curious like anyone else.
Her attention turned to the man currently resting his chin on her shoulder. The man who seemed lonely. The same man who declared he had been less lonely with her by his side.
“Okay, shoot.” Gon responded.
“You’ve never dated anyone before, right?”
“Yes I have.” Gon refuted, slightly lifting his head.
“Should I guess when?” Tae-Eul retorted.
They both stared at each other in thick silence, neither willing to look away.
The corner of his mouth lifted up in a lopsided grin at Tae-Eul’s direct answer.
“Should I have done this?” He wondered.
His large hands swiftly cradled her delicate face. Slightly inclining his head, he closed the distance and pressed his lips to hers. Stunned, Tae-Eul felt his soft lips tenderly brush over her mouth.
Slowly inching away, Gon looked down at Tae-Eul, eyes gently sweeping over her frozen expression.
“Try guessing what I just proved. The fact that I’ve dated before? Or… that I’m dating right now?” Gon smiled, barely containing his joy. For the first time in a long while, he felt genuinely, truly happy.
Tae-Eul, on the other hand, felt restless. Their universes had collided but she had only partially faced the consequences. She didn’t know anything about the world outside the Palace. She didn’t even know if her being here— even temporarily, was okay.
Forces were already set in motion. Wherever they went, wherever they would go, a dark road lay ahead of them.
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callme--starchild · 5 years
Crazy Old Man
Summary: Scrooge didn't need a growing hero to rescue him, but he didn't know why it essentially bothered him that he did it.
If Scrooge had been hinted that the adventures were in his life even if he was doing something other than being Donald and Della's tutor, he honestly wouldn't have doubted it.
However, he did not expect at all to appear on a quiet afternoon of work, being one that did not involve treasures, while the twins were in high school, when his hardheaded ward was not overprotecting him to make sure he did not get hurt as well as Della.
The years had passed since the death of their parents, the twins had finally accepted it and though the pain was still present they decided to move on, the panic attacks of the male, young duck had finally diminished thanks to the sessions with the psychotherapist and they already saw the adventures as the daily bread when they did not fulfill their academic work.
Their personalities had been molded, despite having small nuances that managed to differentiate them since they were ducklings: Donald, though more predisposed to accompany them, was still the same wee lover of the sea, cautious about temples, caves and other explored places, besides having inherited the homely and overprotective behavior of his parents—making him their vivid portrait—and extremely temperamental in fighting for his family; Della, on the other hand, had inherited his passion for adventures and treasure hunting in places unknown to the rest of the world, the wee space lover always looked forward to the next adventure with her uncle, equally stubborn and throwing herself head on to danger, with a more moderate character compared to her brother.
That is why he would have been surprised when, returning to the mansion in the limousine—driven by Duckworth of course—he was surprised by a crash caused by a pantry truck against a set of vehicles, a chain reaction that caused traffic to crowd around it.
"What in the blazes is this city with car accidents?" He growled under his breath, adjusting his spectacles and watching the cloud of smoke from the windshield that he had understood from the capot of several cars. Discreetly, he watched that again some of the drivers, especially the truck's, will not escape; his nephew and niece had not been able to sleep in peace until the driver who had crashed into their vehicle was arrested, a process that also had not been very easy.
Unfortunately he was not very patient, and the board that was waiting for him in the money bin's office for the meeting either.
He got out of the limo without even listening to his butler raising his voice slightly despite his always monotonous accent, saying he could find a shortcut before he closed the vehicle door, beginning to walk the streets of Duckburg.
Better to walk to the money bin and endure Duckworth's complaints later than wasting time and money on gas that he could later replenish in the manor.
He had walked more during the adventures he had with Donald and Della and was still feeling quite young, after all. Thanks, but no thanks, he didn't need someone to care about him.
Not even when strange purple ducks stopped in front of him?
Bah, nothing he hadn't faced before.
"Wha' are ye, participants oaf a circus? Or a bad imitation of the Beagle family? Beca'se beli've me, ye're nothing Ah hadnae seen." He thought out loud, raising his cane to the ducks in front of him, who only looked at each other, surprised at the snarls of the Scottish duck.
One of them shrugged, seeming to raise his eyebrow—he didn't know, it was indistinguishable from the helmets they seemed to use. Two of them got off their flying skateboards, and quickly got into battle pose, ready to fight.
It was nothing he hadn't witnessed before.
One of them raised his ray gun—which seemed to have been obtained from a low-budget sci-fi movie—toward him, making him accommodate the brim of his top hat and hold his cane more tightly until his knuckles pale.
"Well, I'm late for the tea party? What a shame."
A voice was literally heard from the heights before a clearly metallic object struck the faces of the violet-skinned ducks causing them to fall before returning from it starting point in a boomerang effect.
Scrooge didn't have time to look at the adjoining roof when a masked duck landed in front of him, leaning on his right knee and left hand, the wind waving his cape and the ribbon of his blue sailor's cap while the sun's rays bathed him as if the special effects of a movie—paid for by McDuck Studios—were used.
He had turned his back, refusing to let him see the withering look that in spite of the mask was distinguished on his' face.
"What's up, guys? Have you felt so humiliated to be defeated by someone young that you now attack the elderly? Not even I fall so low, you disappoint me."
But despite the confidence the superhero distilled in his words, Scrooge could not help but sigh indignantly and frown.
Yes, clearly he was someone young though his deep voice contrasted to a short stature, and he also did not declare himself so young when he was over a century old, but who believed that child to refer to him in such certain way?
What did he not know with who's talking to? With someone who don't need to be rescued!
"Ye knoo? Ah appreciate yer help lad, but Ah'm fine, thank ye very much.” In a harsh voice, he touched the superhero's shoulder, feeling an electric current moving from his spine to the tips of his fingers as he brushed the cloth.
"Excuse me? If you have not noticed Un—Mr. McDuck, you was about to become a Coolflame, I am not so rude to attack—you sir," throwing his shield again while taking advantage of the rookie error of the aliens, smiled when he saw how the movement struck the guns, away from their reach.
For a moment he saw the blue eyes of the duck, causing a chill whose motives he did not know how to specify.
"Uno, are you there?" He spoke when the X-Transformer was within reach again, looking again and again at Scrooge and the Evronians scrutinizing his eyes.
"Strong and clear, Old Cape. Literally, lower the volume of your microphone please." A voice was heard, making him impossible to recognize the accent. "Wait, I can do it myself."
"Fine, I need you to take Mr. McDuck to a safe place." Donald knew that the Artificial Intelligence, despite the teasing, might be able to hack the limo and make Duckworth not only get out of traffic unexpectedly, but also achieve make it faster to fulfill his work.
That they attacked surprisingly when they used to do it at night, not only had he escaped from school, risking that they would call his uncle and risk his identity, but they had also made a fatal mistake dealing with someone in his family.
Even the smartest villain his uncle had knew he had never had to mess with one of them.
He kept his eyes fixed on the aliens when he sensed his uncle's vehicle approaching, smiling smugly, thinking about the confusion that might be on the butler's face.
This would be fun.
The attack and consequent Paperinik's rescue had not taken long to appear in the news, from 00's to those of other well-known newscasts, so Scrooge was not taken by surprise when Donald stumbled into the mansion throwing his backpack towards the recliner, his blue flannel shirt messy and panting heavily.
"Unca' Scrooge!" He raised his voice as soon as he slammed into the study. The Scotsman had already made the counted coins aside, expectant to see his startled nephew. Beside him, Della was walking at a quieter pace, but that didn't take away her worried expression. "We hear what happened, are you alright?"
Practically the young duck squawked playing with the hem of his shirt. Scrooge requires remembering to schedule the next speech therapy for the boy.
He soon felt the teenager's arms surround his shoulders in a hug. The duck was incredibly strong for someone sixteen, not to mention he was measuring his strength so as not to hurt his uncle.
"Dinnae worry, lad, Ah'm fine. Th' egoc'ntric... hero, Paperinik, was there" the old man had been spitting his words while stroking the ward's hair feathers. The hero's pride had a collision with his, the excessive respect he still had as a completely new vigilante drowned him.
He said nothing when Donald hugged him harder, he did not perceive the tension that recorded his features.
When Della approached, though, he hid his face in his uncle's neck, stroking—almost preening—the askew feathers present there.
"Donald practically rushed Duckworth to get home faster, he wanted to know if you were okay. You know, typical Donald." She smiled nervously, playing with a lock of hair.
Scrooge patted her nephew's back awkwardly, stroking his back and forth, feeling back in time when the hardest part was sleeping a small, terrified duckling before a nightmare.
But the young duck closed his eyes tightly, coding even more in the face of his uncle's emotional contact.
He had to find a way to thank Uno for his quick assistance, he thought, leaving behind his dominated emotions about his devil-may-care and cool-for-being-affectionate behavior.
Because he was aware that he would do anything to protect his family, from the unthinkable as escaping from school when he received an Evronian alert that involved his uncle, to the most dangerous as being a superhero in the company of a bossy orb and keeping it secretly before a life where adventures were presented on a daily basis.
Because these ducks don't back down.
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Presenting Reminders and Unsubscribe includes in Yahoo Mail
At Yahoo Mail, we're continually endeavoring to give more apparatuses that assist clients with dealing with their email inboxes as effectively as could reasonably be expected. We're currently presenting two new highlights that will bring more association and less mess: our Reminders and Unsubscribe highlights.
Clients would now be able to set updates inside messages to organize what is important the most to them. Genuine model: simply opened an email about the service charge that is expected soon? Set a suggestion to pay it in five days, and a notice will spring up at that point.
This element has a notes area to include message, and can be set for a particular date and time later on. To empower a brisk set up, Reminders proposes which messages ought to have updates and prescribes timing, all dependent on email content. Updates can generally be altered, refreshed and erased whenever through an "Oversee Reminder" choice. Additionally, clients can see idle ones at whatever point they need.
Actualized as a simple to-discover button when opening a message, the Unsubscribe highlight lets clients effectively quit getting messages while never leaving their Yahoo Mail inboxes. A choice to withdraw from an email sender shows up in each email. What's more, on the off chance that clients mistakenly tapped the Unsubscribe button, they can switch the withdraw activity, as long as three seconds after the underlying snap.
Our Unsubscribe highlight helps keep inboxes spotless and filled uniquely with pertinent substance, making the whole withdraw process snappy, productive and tranquil. E-bulletin senders and email advertisers ought to likewise discover an advantage, as they'll see a decrease in spam casts a ballot and be boosted to convey connecting top notch content, since perusers who are never again intrigued will rapidly have the option to withdraw.
Begin Using These Features
Both of these new highlights are accessible promptly across iOS and Android, so begin utilizing them and let us recognize what you think. Likewise, be watching out for extra component refreshes sooner rather than later. Indeed, we're as of now taking a shot at a withdraw suggestion alternative, where clients can pick to get programmed proposals around which messages to withdraw from.
Have any recommendations for future Yahoo Mail refreshes? We'd love to hear them! In case you're utilizing the portable program, go to the side board and tap on "Send criticism." If you're utilizing the Yahoo Mail application, go to Settings and tap on "Send input."
yahoomail promise
NOV 13TH, 201815
Presenting Yahoo Together – bunch informing just got sorted out
Adam Mathes, Senior Director, Product Management
Have you at any point been in a gathering SMS string with 10 individuals discussing 18 distinct things on the double? It can make it difficult to track, not to mention plan a grill.
We manufactured Yahoo Together to fix that. It's gathering talk that makes life simpler through association and brilliant devices.
Assemble individuals into the gatherings you care generally about (family, companions, book clubs, bowling classes) and afterward split up your discussions with subjects. So as opposed to discussing 18 things on the double, you can follow the themes you care about, and quiet the rest.
Sharing photographs and recordings likewise work incredible in Together, yet we went past that to let you join any document you need into a mutual library for the gathering. What's more, rather than burrowing through your long content strings to discover a message or connection, ground-breaking search encourages you discover each one of those no problem at all.
Arranging something with a gathering? Common schedules are an issue to set up and get individuals to utilize, so we regularly wind up depending on informing to do the reminding for us. We've mechanized that – you can append a brilliant suggestion to any message. The gathering will get advised at the planned time.
We've additionally made it simple to react in a solitary tap with a custom response. Our group has discovered that they immediately come to mirror our in-jokes and individual catchphrases –
Watch our video to see Yahoo Together in real life, and give it a shot with the gatherings you care about today! Download it now for iOS or Android.
OCT 4TH, 20187
9 Reasons to Create a Wedding-just Email Address with Yahoo Mail
State "I Do" with Yahoo.
You're locked in and presumably so eager to begin arranging this momentous day. Be that as it may, before you plunge into your Pinterest sheets and booking your meetings with providing food, setting, cake, flower and dress/suit merchants, we have an overly significant, must-do, #1 step before you begin arranging your enormous day—make your wedding-just email address with Yahoo Mail.
Why? Happy you asked, look at the 9 reasons underneath:
Make proper acquaintance with another, perfectly sorted out inbox.
Reason numero uno: weddings are CHAOS. Get your stuff together with an inbox devoted to all the subtleties where you can without much of a stretch sort things into envelopes. You'll have one predictable email address to disseminate to visitors, sellers and family.
In addition, Yahoo Mail has Views only for your record documents so you can see all your PDFs and statements in a single singular motion.
Keep your own records isolated.
You don't need this significant wedding data to get covered in your fundamental individual email inbox, isn't that right? Your inbox needn't bother with more mess. Consider it, when you begin reaching merchants, you will begin getting a huge number of messages.
By having an inbox only for the wedding, you'll keep every one of those significant (or negligible) wedding messages in a single spot.
One shared email. 1,000 less contentions.
You and your perfect partner can both have equivalent access to everything. No contending about whether somebody got a particular message or not from messages with the flower vendor, DJ, or food providers.
On the off chance that you get the Yahoo Mail application or signing in from your work area, you can include every one of your records so they are on the whole effectively available: your wedding inbox, you work email, and your own email. (regardless of whether it's Gmail. We love everybody here.)
Every one of your messages accessible in a couple of taps. Cake.
A route for individuals to email you their uncommon minutes.
Rather than downloading each one of those photographs individually from your wedding hashtag, why not request that people email their photographs straightforwardly to you. You'll have every one of those extraordinary pics effectively visible in your wedding inbox through the Photos View.
Besides you don't need to stress over capacity, ever. With 1000GB of capacity, you'll have to have more than 500,000 photographs just to top it off.
Get cash back without the issue.
As a Yahoo Mail client, you have elite access to an Earny enrollment. I don't get that's meaning? Well it implies programmed discounts when costs drop.
Truly need those rose gold sleeve fasteners however need to keep a watch out on the off chance that they go at a bargain? No need. Purchase now, and get cash back naturally if the value drops.
Wedding buys? Get free 2-day transportation and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
With Yahoo Mail (in organization with ShopRunner), you get 2-day FREE dispatching! Isn't that so? It likewise incorporates free returns, select arrangements, 140+ very good quality retailers, and it's typically $79/year.
Go advanced with welcomes.
Did you realize Yahoo Mail is the main email supplier with advanced stationery to spruce up your messages? Not just that, they're overly charming. We have craftsman structured stationery from Paperless Post and unique plans from our gifted plan group.
Ace Tip: Match your Paperless Post welcomes with a portion of their exemplary plans in Yahoo Mail.
Individuals just warnings.
Overpowered by all the messages you're getting? With Yahoo Mail, you can turn on People just notices, so you can ensure you get that message from your flower specialist, relative or officiant without such additional commotion.
Pick astutely.
Simply state I Do with Yahoo! We even have a wedding tumblr blog for all your computerized wedding tips and inspo. Look at it here.
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SEP 26TH, 20188
Declaring Yahoo Mail for iOS 12
By Aditya Bandi and Shiv Shankar, Yahoo Mail Product Team
What's going on in Yahoo Mail iOS 12 application?
Apple declared today that they will be discharging iOS 12 for all clients on 9/17 and we are excessively amped up for it. The Yahoo Mail application for iOS 12 is presently LIVE in the App Store, download it here. Here are a portion of the wonderful iOS 12 highlights that Yahoo Mail underpins:
Siri Shortcuts
Siri recommendations
With iOS 12, we made it quicker and simpler to get to your inbox. We improved the application dispatch speed by 15%–quicker application implies quicker access to what is important to you!
We are generally amped up for Yahoo Mail's coordination with Siri Shortcuts, which permit you to in a flash access significant data in your inbox with brisk, adjustable expressions.
Siri will likewise become familiar with your schedules after some time and propose helpful alternate routes to your oftentimes performed assignments. You don't have to set up anything to begin utilizing Siri recommendations for Yahoo Mail.
What are Siri Shortcuts in Yahoo Mail?
Hurray Mail Siri Shortcuts are intended to help you rapidly get to significant data in the application by conversing with Siri with an alternate route expression of your decision.
At the point when you include an easy route for a particular activity in Yahoo Mail (like "see late connections"), it brings you straightforwardly into that element of the application without having to physically open the application and explore to your goal. This turns out to be particularly valuable in time-touchy or possibly distressing circumstances envision filtering through the entirety of your coupons at checkout while a line shapes behind you, or attempting to discover your ticket at the air terminal with TSA operators watching and pausing.
With the Yahoo Mail iOS 12 reconciliation, Siri in a flash surfaces your spared arrangements or flight subtleties on your order so you can proceed with your day (and keep feelings of anxiety low!). Notwithstanding these alternate ways, you can likewise approach Siri to check for new messages, search your inb
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goldenscript · 7 years
i like you (a whole latte) (m)
↳ prompt: "i spilled your coffee on you so let me make it up to you” au + wonho
pairing: shin hoseok | reader genre: meeting in a coffee shop au / fluff, smut warnings: oral sex word count: 6,259 description: although the first seasonal drink of autumn has always been the epitome of joy, you find pleasure elsewhere — more specifically, in someone. author’s note: with all my love, i dedicate this to the one and only wonho-loving hoe, @wonhopes <3
At the start of every season is a coffee lover’s favorite occasion. A period of excitement that lasts for a measly twelve-week period until something newer takes its place, much more equipped for the upcoming holiday season, with commemorative flavors that elicit the very nostalgia that comes respectively in the autumn, winter, spring, and summer. Each one more distinct than the other, setting themselves apart by name, taste, and warmth (or lack thereof). Although not all coffee lovers can say they enjoy holiday beverages, you are among the plenty that actually do.
It’s with great pleasure that you’ve taken the time to really bask in your day off work and school with a drink to encapsulate the rest of the autumnal season. Though they’re usually hits or misses depending on the vendor and the baristas, this is a pastime that you’re more than happy to oblige in nonetheless.
It’s barely 11 AM. The usual morning rush having died down a few hours ago, leaving behind a few scattered bodies congregating at the mahogany wooden tables. Another few gathered around the unofficial waiting area, all of which wearing hope on their faces to have their names called already. Some looking a little more irritated than the others, while others look just about ready to fall asleep right where they’re standing. Unlike them, the gruff-looking ones with permanent frowns etched on their faces and an atmosphere of urgency wrapped around them like snow-kissed mountaintops, you are in no rush. Even just waiting in line behind a couple of other people is nothing to you.
Scents of nutmeg, cinnamon, and the coffee grounds waft across the air and cling to the close-knit vicinity. All of which gloriously encompass one of the many passing drinks that have now been exiting the store. You hear a few passersby talking about the new drink of the season, they cited that, apparently, this is a far better cry than the Pumpkin Spice Latté, only encouraging your raging curiosity as the line progresses to the very front.
“Y/N! How can I help you today?” Bora asks with the customer-friendly smile, though it fails to hide the faint traces of camaraderie behind it. Her purple locks are pulled back into a low ponytail, with a black cap matching her apron, and despite her best efforts to hide her fatigue behind the fair-skinned concealer, you can still see it. For the most part, she’s still relieved to see you, smiling much more genuinely as you run a hand through your hair to smooth away the perpetual flyaways.
You don’t bother hiding your excitement as you place your order for the Salted Caramel Mocha, an espresso with steamed milk and delectable toppings of whipped cream, caramel sauce, sugar, and sea salt. All of which is supposed to burst with toffee and toasted nut flavors. But without hesitation, you tell her, “the Salted Caramel Mocha please. Make it a Venti.”
She lets loose a laugh, nodding as she punches in the digits for the order. She grabs the seasonal red cup and scribbles down your name in her neat scrawl before she winks at you, “Coming right up.”
In a flash, you pay for your order and watch as she passes on the order to one of her co-workers for brewing. And you stand with the rest of the restless bystanders, only you’re only one wearing a jovial expression and it earns you a few side glances, because it’s barely Monday and here you are looking as if it was Friday.
Of course, you don’t care. Nothing can change your happiness, not the side-eying people, and not even the fact that the cup is scalding hot. If waiting a few minutes to enjoy bliss is what it takes to enjoy the rest of the season then you’re more than willing to exert a special kind of patience you only reserve for moments like these ones.
As soon as Bora calls your name to hand off the drink, she warns you, “It’s hot, so wait a bit, yeah?”
You let out a breathy laugh, nodding, “Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
She winks, giving you a wave, “‘Course! Enjoy~”
You nod in response, feeling the heat seeps to the sleeve as you clutch it carefully. Walking from your friend, you give a final wave before you turn on your heel for a well-deserved day in your apartment with movies to nestle into.
The contents make your palms tingle with warmth and a very minimal burn that’ll recover once you set the cup down. Albeit the minor interference is nothing to you, so you continue to hold it and catching the way steam snakes out from the mouth in small wisps. You do this for a moment until you walk carefully through the door, knowing fully well how easily you could let the cup slip and watch the almost five-dollar beverage kiss the ground instead of your lips. Luckily, it’s a success.
Sort of. 
You make it about a yard from the building, safe from the horrors that may come from other passersby. Considering it’s almost noon, people should be coming out soon, so you decide to take the shortcut to your apartment. It’s nothing more than a simple turn adjacent to the shop, but the moment you’re about to round there’s a sudden flurry of black and a pressure that has blinding hot coffee spreading across your chest.
Without even a second thought, you stumble back and watch as the cup that was once in your hand tumble to the ground with some of its contents leaking out. However, this only registers for a moment until—
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” The man cries out, looking at you and the fallen cup in horror. “Are you alright?”
You feel your stomach lurch, but the pain on your chest is overpowering any other feeling that’s running through your head right now. You barely even register just how close the strange man is until his takes a step forward and covers the red cup with a running shoe. Then, that’s when your gaze snaps to his, narrowing only slightly as you actually hear him speak.
His voice is urgent, “Do you have any cold compresses? Aloe vera? Antibiotics?”
His gaze shifts to your chest and assesses the damage, because any normal day you might’ve crossed your arms over your chest but you can feel the scalding tingle. And the very composure you’ve kept up until now has faded as you snap, “What are you? A doctor?”
It’s meant to be sarcastic, a snarky quip to chase him away or at least elicit some kind of guilt for the injustice of not only your fallen coffee but for your now ruined sweater. (Okay, and burning chest too.) But instead of an affected frown, the corners of his lips twitch just a little as he hands you his dark blue Hydroflask.
“Pre-med, actually.” You raise a brow at the 40-oz bottle in question, “The bottle’s insulated so it should help until you get proper treatment on it.”
As you accept the hefty container, you take the time to actually assess the man. He’s no older than yourself, possibly a student at the university as well considering it does have an exceptional medical program, and he’s really fuckin’ handsome. From the full lips to the mop of dark locks that sit atop his head in a messy disarray. God, even the loose-fitting running shorts that sit on his hips and the black tank that hugs his body, revealing a set of well-defined biceps taut with muscles. You probably wouldn’t have ever talked to him if this hadn’t happened, but the kindness he exerts makes his hulking appearance seem a lot less intimidating. In fact, he actually kind of reminds you of Bora’s friend, Hyunwoo.
“Oh… thank you,” you say, pressing it to your chest. The burning subsides as soon as the metal reaches past the cotton material of your sweater. Much of the heather grey etched in darker splotches from the coffee, doing very little to protect you from the small breeze that passes between the buildings.
He nods, still looking guilty as he asks, “So, do you have those things?” 
You try to remember if you even have a first-aid kit, only to be reminded that a first-aid kit was exactly what you needed to get the next time you went to the store. So, to his question, you sheepishly shake your head.
“I can buy them for you if you want?” He offers, patting his pocket before he lets out a small groan. “Well, I mean… I can go grab my wallet from my apartment and buy them for you if you want!”
“N-no, no,” you shake your head, feeling embarrassed enough. It isn’t like you don’t have money or anything, though you only brought enough for the coffee, you feel guilty taking his money for those things. Last you remembered some of the prices went up by a few dollars at the local drugstore. “I wouldn’t feel right doing that to you.”
His brows screw together, “But I spilled hot coffee on you?”
“Well… true, but we’re broke college students. And making you spend at least twenty-bucks on stuff over a five-dollar coffee seems pretty excessive to me,” you point out, stepping aside when someone walks around you two.  
He gives somewhat of a pout, making your heart do a little flip, “But—!”
You give a huff, effectively cutting him off, “You really feel bad huh?”
He nods, giving you a full view of his face as the tip of one of his shoes taps the concrete. “I mean of course I feel bad. Usually jogging days are a lot easier than this,” he breathes out a soft laugh. “And it really is my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going. At the least, if you won’t let me buy you the stuff you need to treat the burns, then I can give you some? I have some of the aloe vera at my apartment—it’s really close too.”
He really feels bad… you sigh inwardly while considering his offer. I guess it couldn’t hurt.
You decide to nod because he doesn’t seem so bad anyway. Not many people can even say ‘I’m sorry’ when they bump another person on the street, but here he is, doing that and even more than necessary. It’s admirable. And, well, he’s really freakin’ handsome.
“Sure, why not. I’m Y/N, by the way,” you say, extending a hand to him. You can’t help but laugh when it takes him a moment to register your hand, finding him even more adorable than you would’ve thought at first glance. He has a particular boyishness to him that shines through more than what could be perceived as intimidating.
He runs a hand across the back of his head, cheeks flushing as he answers, “Right, sorry. I’m Hoseok.”
He finally accepts your hand and even initiates the shake, appearing a little less nervous and a hell of a lot less stiff now that you don’t appear to be very angry with him. You suppose his act of kindness has just diluted the fire. And honestly, you can’t help but enjoy the warmth that emits from his palm to yours and how it seems to remain there even when you two pull away and settle at your sides.
There’s something undoubtedly comforting with him, from the way that he carries himself to even the way he treats others, you notice. Not only is he keen on helping others, he isn’t afraid to smile at the strangers too. Some of which return the gesture while others flush as they walk on by, not that you can blame them. He even takes the side closest to the street, carefully treading alongside you in case of the off-chance either of you have to maneuver out of the way for people rushing to lunch across the cityscape.
Though you barely notice at first, one of his hands carefully guides you by the small of your back toward a familiar path.
“Wait, how do you accidentally lock your friend in a room with a cadaver?” Your mouth drops open, walking over a puddle by Yoo’s Flower Emporium. Luckily, you don’t have to fight around any of the customers ebbing to and fro between the shop and the street. Not that you pay much mind when Hoseok lets loose a hearty laugh, eliciting a smile to inadvertently curl on your own lips.
“He’s the one who said he could handle being around them!”
You scoff out a laugh, shaking your head at him, “You’re shitting me right? That’s your excuse?”
“Okay, to be fair, he stole my DS,” he says, cheekbones prominent as you laugh even harder.
After a moment, you say, “You’re unbelievable.”
He sniffs indignantly, “I care about my gaming systems.”
“Did you get it back at least?” You receive a nod in response, a triumphant look etched across his visage in a really adorable way. Unabashed, you admire it. He doesn’t even notice either, he’s just talking about how he’s had that damn DS Lite (yes, a DS Lite) since middle school and it’s still running.
As the streets become less and less busy, the shopping centers fading out as the housing complexes begin to filter in, it strikes you how this is the way you walk home too. Though your building is a little farther from the rest of the clusters, you’re both still walking. Everything you had once passed by previously all flowing by in a flurry, like the constantly active bus system, a handful of bikers, and even some of the yard workers are still around too.
“Which one’s your apartment?” you ask as you both approach the last block of housing. There’s only two left, the first of which usually given to the medical students just because the university likes to cluster them together; however, to your surprise, he tells you his apartment complex is the cream-colored one by the peeling viridescent one, unmistakingly yours as well.
“Me too!” You remember hearing about a hot tenant on the fourth floor when you were in the lobby a few months ago but you hadn’t given it a thought since then. A part of you wonders if it’s Hoseok, considering just how attractive he is—well-built, pre-med, cute smile, funny—it just makes sense.
His mouth falls open, eyes lighting up as he swipes his ID card, “What floor?”
As he holds the door open, you answer, “Third, you?”
“Fourth,” he says with a small click of his tongue. “Small world huh?”
You nod, tone only slightly mocking, “Who knew I’d meet the notorious hot neighbor because he spilt hot coffee on me?”
“Hey, I said I was sorry!” He huffs as the elevator doors open with a small, high-toned ding! “Wait, hot?”
“I don’t see enough groveling, and,” You pause to press the button for four, replying indignantly, “Didn’t you know? You’ve been the talk of the building for a few months now.”
He shakes his head, letting loose a sheepish chuckle, “I honestly didn’t know.”
You raise your brows at him, only the small sounds from the elevator floating across the air for that brief moment, “You’re seriously telling me that you never once heard any of the other tenants tell you just how hot you are?”
He shakes his head.
“Not even Mrs. Lee?” Your mouth drops open when he shakes his head again, which you genuinely find surprising considering that woman’s always trying to befriend everyone in the building, “I’m actually appalled she hasn’t asked you to help her with her groceries yet. That’s how she wins everyone over.”
“Oh! Wait, you mean Anne?”
You blink, “Anne?” It’s one thing to know Mrs. Lee but it’s also another to actually be on first names basis with her. She’s friendly but not that friendly.
He nods, cracking a small smile as the floor comes to your stop, “She likes to stop by and give me ramen sometimes. I think we met the way you said though. She had groceries and she was struggling to get in.”
“God, she must love you,” you laugh, following him as he takes down a hallway similar to your own. The walls here are a faint steel blue, parts of it are peeling but there are a few photos of flowers and meadows to brighten the area up, with a table housing a succulent adjacent to a high, curved window. It gives the area a light and airy atmosphere, which is definitely unlike the uninviting one below. Between each of the doors, they’re all a plethora of different shades of white, which, to your relief, is still the same as yours. “Or are you two involved?”
He laughs, shaking his head relentlessly, “We’re just friends, I promise.”
He stops about a meter from the potted plant, unlocks the door, and lets you inside. It’s neat enough, nothing too immaculate like Kihyun’s, but still a hell of a lot better than Jooheon and Changkyun’s.
There’s a kitchen to your right with an unclutter isle, going forward is the living room with a grey couch and a television set equipped with a PS4, a shelf filled with videogames, movies, and little figurines of different characters that make you chuckle. Beside the couch is a hallway that houses the bedroom and bathroom, but instead of taking you with him, Hoseok tells you to make yourself at home while he goes to grab the first-aid kit so you do as such.
The wait isn’t long. He returns a few moments after you’ve set the Hydroflask down and he plops down on the cushions beside you. His knees bumps yours—not that either of you pay much mind anyway. He has four things out: a small bottle of aloe vera, cotton pads, a wet washcloth, and an even smaller bottle of antibiotics, though none of them are too familiar to you. Sure, you’ve had a few scrapes and cuts, but no burns until now.
“I’m guessing you don’t know how to treat burns then?” He asks, watching as your blank expression melts away when you meet his eyes. When you let out a nervous laugh, he nods empathetically, “It’s okay. I can help if you want.”
“Well, I’d like to hope you’d be able to do that,” you say, a small smile curling on the corners of your lips. “Anyway, I’m guessing the washcloth is first?”
He nods, hints of mockery tinging his words, “Maybe you don’t need me after all.”
“Do you see Pre-Med in my future?” Just as you take the washcloth for your chest, you stop short at the unsightly tawny stain atop the cream sweater. Your gaze flickers back to Hoseok, finding him with his gaze trained on the kitchen counter, with prominent cheekbones. A gentleman too? How nice.
You smile a little to yourself before setting the washcloth down and lifting your sweater. Considering it’s hardly been half an hour since you had coffee on it, the material is still pretty damp but just as you’re about to place it on your lap, Hoseok extends a hand out, “S’okay, I can hold it for you.”
You give it to him, taking a moment to examine the affected area.
The skin is still quite red but without the sign of major welts at least. It feels tender to the touch while a sting of sharp pain flares up even as you take your fingertips away. There were only ever a handful of time where you felt something akin to a burn—brief, almost non-existent hair curling burns, straighteners too, and that one time your mom thought knock-off oven mitts were okay—but this is just one of those times where it hurts because these aren’t flash burns either. In response, you take the washcloth and relish in the staunching of the phantom flames.
He then says, “I’m going to turn now. I didn’t want to catch you off-guard or anything, but after a few minutes of this, I’ll apply the antibiotics, okay?”
You nod as soon as his eyes meet yours, relishing in those few minutes. Though by the end of it, you’re even more glad to be rid of the lukewarm washcloth. Thin, white cream coats the fluffy pad as Hoseok holds it toward you, his soft voice explains, “Now I’m going to apply the antibiotic.”
It feels like everything happens in slow motion. The warmth of his fingertips are an immediate contrast on your skin. They keep you steady as he has a slightly firmer grip on your bare shoulder, while his other with the pad gently soothes the medicine across the deeply pinkened flesh. His gaze flickers to yours, unwittingly catching you as your eyes shut with relief. Unlike the makeshift cold compress and the actual cold compress, this is significantly times better.
He gulps, almost inaudibly, but you pretend not to notice. You know it should be embarrassing considering everything that has happened, but unlike most people, you find this sort of entertaining. You never would’ve imagined meeting someone in such a way, much less coming back to their apartment for an impromptu patch-up. But with him and given how well you’ve been getting along, it’s not so bad.
“Y’know,” He hums an affirmation, a soft sound that opens your eyes and elicits a soft smile of your own, “you never did answer my question.”
He blinks, slowing down the dabbing on your chest to meet your eyes, “What?”
“Do you see Pre-Med in my future?” you giggle, earning a grin in response. He gives a soft nod just as the fingertips of his free hand brush away stray strands of your hair. They don’t stay put as much as they should, but he tucks them behind your ear for you.
You can feel our heart hammering, and from the pink dusting across his cheeks, it appears that his might be too.
“Perhaps,” he replies with a small scrunch of his nose, the corners of his eyes crinkle ever-so-slightly. “You might be able to one-up me if you’re lucky.”
You nod, watching as his bashfulness sheds away for this brief moment, “So, try to keep your hair from the area. You’ll want to let it dry before we put the Aloe Vera.”
“Alright, so no sweater until then I’m guessing?” When he nods, he glances down at the still damp sweater on his lap before meeting your eyes apologetically. “What?”
“Well, I’m sorry about your sweater, again,” he tries once again. You feel a little bad for guilt-tripping him earlier, especially with that small pout on his face.
You let out an exasperated sigh, “I mean I think it’s enough that you’re patching me up…”
“You didn’t that say earlier,” he points out, still sort of pouting. There are hints of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, but you can’t even pretend that you’re mad. “Seriously, though. I do feel bad, and I’m more than happy to make it up to you in any way that I can.”
You raise a brow at him, feeling an inkling of bravery, “How so?”
That catches him off guard.
Hoseok’s hickory hues now run over your visage, looking for a clue at what you may be hinting at. Although you didn’t do it intentionally, you truly wouldn’t mind any sort *of compensation from him. Whatever comes just feels right, and you may not know what that is exactly, you’re still more than willing to let it happen. Alternatively, he seems to dig you and he’s hot, so a make-up hook-up is definitely not out of the equation.
“Well, I could… start off by grabbing you a T-shirt if you don’t—um—feel comfortable in just your bra.” His tongue runs over his bottom lip, even his Adam’s apple quivers ever-so-slightly, “Or I could—maybe—buy you another coffee sometime too.”
“Are you asking me out?” you ask, tilting your head at him. He manages a small nod, which only seems to deepen your own smile. “Of course, I’d love that. You can even share your trade secrets at doctoring.”
He laughs, shaking his head at you. He turns his attention back to your chest, taking his thumb to lightly tap the area before he grabs the Aloe Vera. “It dries pretty fast, so I can let you apply this if you want?”
You think for a moment, wondering if you should let him do it or just do it yourself, but ultimately, you tell him, “Can you?”
“A-alright,” he nods, taking the now opened tip of the nozzle to his fingers. He’s slow to put it on your chest, but when his gaze flickers upward to see if your eyes are shut, he comes to find them very much open. But neither of you seem to move, let alone release much of a breath as he draws concentric circles across your chest. It relinquishes a warmth so haunting, you can feel it even as they come to a dying drawl.
His free hand rises from its spot on his lap, swiftly catching the stray hairs now falling back toward the front of your shoulder. But as he tucks them behind your ear, his hand remains at the side of your face and ignites a fluttering in your chest, because you half-expected this outcome and half-expected somewhat of a friendship now that you and him finally acquainted yourselves with one another. It’s always been one way or another with you, though with most chance encounters, these passersby become strangers in no time—nothing more than a memory pressed firmly into the back of your mind.
Unlike them, you find yourself at ease with any of the outcomes that may befall you two. And as you lean into his touch, your hands moving forth as his own body begins to move toward you, you let yourself fall into him. The hand on your profile poises your head upward, engaging in this still moment as both of your eyes shut and your lips meet in a chaste manner.
Of course, it’s only a peck. But you want to keep chasing for more once you start. It’s not pure magic or really anything out of the range of expectation; however, it’s addictive. The very circumstance entice you—how this is something straight out of a drama with how you two managed to meet, how he took you back to his apartment for a treatment, and how you two have managed to come together in such a short amount of time. And you like that. You like how his hand feels half-entwined in your hair and half-caressing your too-warm cheeks. Even his hand still slick with the aloe feels nice on your bare hip.
This feels like it goes on for ages, just kissing one another with the mild taste of mint and what you could decipher as hot chocolate, until you both pull away to breathe. His chest heaves and his lips are an even deeper shade of scarlet. He’s unlike many boys, far too sweet and too considerate, and a lot funnier than most people might pick up on. And, it’s still a mild shock to you that this is happening, that out of all days to lose your chance at your favorite time of the year, you meet someone like him.
“Is this how you wanted to make me feel better?” You ask, feeling your heart still pounding in your chest.
His cheeks go as red as his lips before he shakes his head vigorously, “I—uh—I—well—I mean… it wasn’t what I intended.”
You laugh, moving closer to him and giving his thigh a pat. Your hand remains there as you reply, “S’okay.  It’s half-backwards since you asked me out before this, but… I don’t mind this either.” 
His cheeks do not shy away from deepening, but you adore the way it looks on him. He mumbles something that sounds like an “Okay.”
“So,” you raise a brow at him. “How will you make it up to me?”
“W-well, how about we take this back to the bedroom?” He asks, taking your hand from his leg and entwining his fingers in yours after you nod. He gives your hand a squeeze, with elation overflowing from both of you in more ways than either of you could’ve expected.
His bedroom is neat with hints of navy blue and white on the full-sized bed. The cream-colored curtains are only open a smidgen, enough not to give you too much worry of being seen, while the textbooks and notebooks scattered across his desk are nothing short of neatly stacked. The entire floor space is open and free of any clothing, and you catch a sight of a cute Eevee on the corner of the bed.
Even when he pulls off his T-shirt, he places it on the back of his chair and the running shorts as well. You, of course, shimmy out of your leggings and fold them as neatly as you can before placing them on top of his things.
“Get on the bed,” he says when you turn to look for him. He’s by the bedside table, probably looking for a condom considering it’s just a thing to have those things somewhere in case situations like these arise.  
You oblige him with a nod, the warmth between your legs only growing as you wait in anticipation for whatever else he has planned.
He climbs onto the bed and hovers over you with that small, shy smile of his. His cheeks are burning as he asks, “This is okay, right?”
You nod again, this time placing your hand at the back of his head and pulling him down for another kiss. Instead of the shy one like before, you take the lead and deepen it, pressing in more fervor until you both have to break away for another round of heavy breathing. When he moves closer, he does not press his bare chest to yours, though he does part your legs with a thick thigh in the process. His plush lips break away to his kiss way down, taking precious time to nip at your neck with care unlike the others before him.
As he kisses over the places that can’t be touched, your body acts on its own accord the closer he gets to your aching core. It’s been too long, it feels like. Burning for someone so suddenly. Hoseok is hardly even an acquaintance, and yet here you are, involuntarily quivering at the hips because of his meager pace.
Even from the barrier of your panties, you can feel his breath, practically the curvature of his lips a hairsbreadth from your own. He takes his time shimmying the black cotton material before you kick them off without a second thought, because now you’re bare before him and he looks absolutely ready.
“I don’t think I’ll fuck you today,” he murmurs, getting onto his forearms. They’re tucked on the the sides of your lips with full, open access to your awaiting core. “But we can save that for next time, right?”
He looks up at you as if waiting for an answer that has your cheeks burning because that’s exactly what he’s waiting for. “Next time?”
“Would you like that?” He winks, “Maybe even after our coffee date.”
You adjust yourself to your forearms, putting most of your upper body weight onto your elbows so you have a better vantage point for the scene unfolding before you. Hoseok kisses the inside of thighs, the bare places that your undergarments once covered, literally everywhere else but where you want to feel the plush comfort of his lips.
“I’m waiting,” he says against the corner of your slit. “What do you say?”
You didn’t expect him to be so serious, but it doesn’t stop you from nodding.
“I need to hear you,” he says, sending a slight brush of air against the growing discomfort in your legs. “Tell me you want it.”
You want to feel him. You want to know what his lips feel like on your clit, how the pads of his fingers will create pretty patterns against the pink flesh in ways that you’ve only dreamt of.
“I do,” you murmur, wanting nothing more than to reach over and push his face into your folds and feel his tongue dance around the bundle of nerves. “I want you and that date.”
He grins at you, planting a strategically placed kissed right on the fold over your clit and only tightening the ever-growing knot in the pit of your stomach.
“Alright, sweetheart.” He runs his hands up and down your thighs, relishing in how the gooseflesh rise and admiring your bare flesh once more. Before he starts, he watches as you shimmy out of your bra, tossing it aside with a careless flick and looking back at him with something akin to innocence.
He gives a sighed laughter that earns a smile of your own. Returning back to his original position with his lips only a hairsbreadth from your folds, he uses his hands to part them and give the entire expanse a languid swipe of his tongue. He puts extra pressure on your clit, using his thumb to create concentric circles of pleasures in a particular rhythm that disrupts the pattern of your breathing. 
He takes this as a sign to continue his ministrations, using his other hand to massage the area around your entrance as well. You mutter an obscenity when he reaches a particular tempo against your clit, doubling that with the subtle entrance of his fingers inside you. He switches his thumb for his lips, suckling at your clit gently at first and then a little harsher when you quiver beneath him once again.
He builds up a rhythm in between your legs, never once ceasing once your breathing becomes semi-coherent moans. There’s a mixture of his name and other things that you can’t even process right now, but he’s inducing a haze across the forefronts of your mind. It blankets everything else as his thumb is back on your clit to an even faster tempo, his tongue replacing where his fingers had been inside you. 
You can feel your thighs fluttering on their own accord, only then do you feel his tongue darting in and out of you as your high is on the tip of his fingers. The very knot in your stomach is slowly coming undone though his pace does not cease in the slightest.
Euphoria hits you right then.
The waves of engulfing you like the dense waters of seawater, eliciting shudders all across your body. Even the strength in your arms gives out, and once your head hits his pillow, your back arches and his name parts your lips in a half-moan and half-whisper. All of which punctuated with a guttural groan and a simple word—”Fuck.”
Hoseok moves off your core, moving up beside you and collapsing right beside you. His warmth reaching the right side of your body, while he wipes off the excess of your release from the corners of his lip.
“Wow…” you mutter under your breath, craning your head to look at him. “That was…”
“Better than that latte?” He turns to look at you with upturned brows, “By the way, I—I’m—”
“—yes,” you interrupt him by leaning over to press your lips to his without any other implications other than the fact that you genuinely found this experience enjoyable. Even if it wasn’t what you expected out of your day off, you can’t say this was the worst of any of the scenarios that could’ve happened—if anything, it exceeded anything else you could’ve done. “Now stop apologizing.”
His eyes glaze over with understanding, giving you a small nod in response.
“Just try not to spill coffee on me on our date, okay?”
He presses his head flat against the pillow, letting out a squeaky laugh, “Alright, I’ll try not to…”
Looking down his chest, you catch the tent in the navy blue boxers, “Need help with that?”
He’s shaking his head when he meets your eyes, a half-smile curled on his lips, “Next time. This was about you.”
“What a good doctor you are,” you laugh, rising from your spot. “Now where’s your bathroom?”
“First door on your left,” he answers, rising from his spot and stripping the bed of its comforter. “As your good doctor, I recommend you come back for proper rest when you’re done.”
Returning as quickly as you left, you shrug on your panties and a T-shirt left at the foot of the bed. There’s a dog-eared corner that becomes you forth, his arms soon wrapping around you.
“Hey,” he whispers to you. “Ask me how much I like you.”
You raise a brow at him once you’ve turned yourself to face him, “How much do you like me, Hoseok?”
He leans in close, nose brushing against yours, “A whole latte…”
Laughter gets exchanged between the two of you, before fatigue soon washes over the two of you with only minutes in between but it’s okay. It’s warm and nice in his arms. And although it’s definitely not how you would’ve spent the first day of coffee lovers heaven, you actually don’t mind it one bit.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/karmic-tools-astrology2020-special-alignments/
Karmic Tools Astrology~2020 Special Alignments
Karmic Tools Astrology~2020 Special Alignments
By Kelly M. Beard
1/12 ~ Saturn (structures, definitions & reality) ~conjunct~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation):
Here we have a Social (Saturn) and Collective (Pluto) planet creating a potent initiation that will likely have long-term influence on your personal life in many ways that only become clear a few years from now. This is an evolutionary process and those with Cancer/Capricorn & Aries/Libra are the ones with karmic ties to this combo. This is not a good versus bad thing, this is just a major Reality Check. I did a little digging and the last time Saturn conjuncted Pluto in Capricorn was 1518 and the last time they Initiated a new cycle was in 1982 in Libra. So they connect every 30-years or so thanks to Saturn’s pattern but Pluto makes it hard to connect in the same sign, so when they do, it symbolizes much more global effects. One thing that jumped out to me was that in the 1400’s it looks like lots of countries around the world wanted to be sovereign and be their own individual country and now we are living in a time when we realize how unrealistic or impractical human created borders can be. This is a time when we know we are all connected and we know that Earth’s resources have to sustain us all.
Saturn is here, in Capricorn, to ensure that this initiation is guided by the Council of Grandmothers who help us feminize the individual evolutionary process and collective revolutionary process. What does that mean? It means it is time to lead with honoring Nature, dealing with what is (not our illusions or delusions) and living in harmony with the Life/Death/Life Cycle. Both Saturn & Pluto do not allow things to live beyond their true usefulness. If all is energy, and certain energy is locked up or blocked so it cannot flow, that creates an unnatural death. If we simply honor that something is dead or done and clear it to bring in the new consciously, then we save ourselves a lot of heartache & trouble. We know that humans have lived in harmony with the Earth for millennia (I didn’t say with each other but they respected Nature) and in a few generations, our industrialization & colonization has created a crisis that we ALL have to address on some level if we are to survive. These two bring up these very real, very heavy-duty subjects and asks us all to face that which we’ve ignored overlong and finally clean it up and free up that energy to move.
An initiation catalyzes the NEW and you will know where your individual focus needs to be by the breakdowns going on in your life at this time. What no longer works for you? What is no longer real for you? And what has gotten so real that you have to rearrange your life to accommodate it? How are your containers supporting & protecting you? Where are the energy leaks? What shortcuts have you taken that will not work this time?
Ultimately, we are living through the ultimate transformation of our reality here on Earth. This is a chance to claim your vision of balance & harmony for Mother Earth, the waters and the soil that we cannot survive without. This year, you can co-create with this activation by simplifying your life, redefining your terms and renegotiating your contracts across the board. What have you agreed to in your heart and on paper that may have run its course by now and requires an upgrade or a new agreement altogether?
Note: This activation is joined by Ceres/The Mother – yet another indication of initiating new ways of nourishing ourselves and nurturing others that is up for renewal. In Capricorn, Ceres says it is time to be completely responsible for your footprint on this planet and it is time to look beyond your Self to see what you are actually contributing to the planet at this time. It really is a delicious opportunity for us ALL to start fresh, with new structures in place that honor everyone’s true purpose on Earth.
2/20 ~ Jupiter (Consciousness & Belief Systems) ~sextile~ Neptune (Faith & Connection to Spirit): (1 of 3: 2/20 ~ 7/27 ~ 10/12)
This is an opportunity to connect to miracles, if you believe in them. It may be miracles, but it may also be the alignment between your Heart & Soul, that part of you that trusts your intuition and believes in a higher power or Source or Universal presence. There are a couple of expressions of this energy. This is a time where your spiritual beliefs expand, taking on a more broad, Universal feel. You may feel the urge to work with those less fortunate (never a bad idea) or you may meet someone that expands your thinking, opening you to new concepts of faith. Under this influence, you may feel more optimistic & philosophical than usual, about your life. It can be a fabulous energy to connect to, because when you are optimistic & faithful, as well as truly connected to the whole, you can manifest almost instantly. However, keep in mind that there are probably some very real challenges that you are facing, which require tangible efforts to resolve. Stay focused on the possibilities, while still doing what needs to be done to facilitate the highest possible outcome. The only challenge with this energy is that Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, is getting together with Neptune, the planet of no boundaries, so be mindful of any excesses of any kind. Remember, all things in balance, it is rare that excess serves the higher good.
3/21 ~ Saturn Enters AQUARIUS:
We are in an unprecedented Seed Time for our personal, social & collective lives. Think of Saturn as a Teacher/Guide. Think of Aries thru Pisces as the Lessons that we all have to learn and just like any other education, some things will be naturally easier & naturally harder, according to your individual blueprint. During Capricorn, the Lessons have to do with personal responsibility & accountability in a myriad of ways, as well as how we structure our lives and if they support/protect us (or not). Capricorn is one of Saturn’s favorite subjects to teach and you can see, it’s also an underlying theme that he carries throughout all twelve lessons because of Saturn’s natural inclinations.
We just spent the last 2+ years, in Capricorn, learning about being responsible for ourselves as individuals but also as a collective. Saturn moving through your Capricorn House was to check for stability & instability, strength & weakness – as well as the essential & the truly non-essential so that it can eliminate, fortify & upgrade to something more appropriate to here & now. Now, until Uranus was discovered, Saturn was the traditional ruler of Aquarius too so we may see an evolution of the themes already on the table. Sovereignty and the inner authority of the individual has evolved and so have the outer authorities like governments & all institutions, as well as those they were intended to serve.
So moving through Aquarius, we will learn about self-sovereignty as well as local & global communities. This is the dawn of the Age of Aquarius ~ when we get to be our individual selves with full conscious awareness that we are an intricate piece of the whole at the same time. Saturn’s sojourn through any sign will first dig up the weaknesses and unstable aspects so that it can reorganize with the values and priorities of NOW. We are literally ending an era when government elite got to run everything and now humanity is going to shift and learn how to be self-governed and self-contained within the communities in which we actually live and function.
It’s time to dream up a new way to function on this ever-evolving – as well as living, breathing planet! I think we will also have some technological breakthroughs that actually help instead of harm the Earth. We will discover a kinship with our fellow beings that finally makes it okay and even welcome to be a unique, thinking, feeling, breathing individual. We are not cookie-cutter creatures, we are vastly different and we all have something unique to offer, just like every species of plant, mineral or animal. We are from the same family but we each bring our own particular Medicine to the mix! We are going to celebrate that … once we stabilize a new way of socializing and functioning together, rather than the old patriarchal ways of divide & conquer. Volunteering and working as a unit is going to blossom and we’ll be connecting with folks across the globe as if we are old friends or long lost relatives.
4/4 ~ Jupiter (consciousness, learning & belief systems) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation): (1 of 3: 4/4 ~ 6/30 ~ 11/12)
The highest possible expression of this energy is channeling your very passionate, intense energy into your Highest vision – Highest ideal – deepest personal Truth and receiving the fruits of such hard labor. There is power behind the current expansion and you are in a unique position to create your greatest vision or deepest fear. Both these planets force you to improve your Self, your life, your environment, usually stripping you of misconceptions and excess baggage along the way. This is a 13yr cycle, how did your life completely shift 13 years ago? This is your time to choose to co-create, to cultivate & commit to expressing your infinite potential. Dig deeper, there is more to you than you give your Self credit for being. This is your chance to completely redefine your Truth & Purpose. The worst possible expression of this energy is to become obsessed by a belief, try to force others to your way of thinking, blow things way out of proportion, magnify the darkness and prolong your trip through the Underworld. Jupiter insists we learn from such excavations of the Soul. Your deepest Truth is surfacing at this time, is it based in fear or faith? Under pressure, whatever is inside, comes out. It’s time to decide if you are going to believe in positive outcomes and the ability to turn your deepest wounds into your most trusted, earned wisdom.
12/21 ~ Jupiter (Your Truth & Story) ~conjunct~ Saturn (Your Purpose & Reality):
This is a potent initiation of a New Truth & Purpose for everyone, and because of it being at Zero Aquarius, it really is reset that is available for “everyone” – it is time for all life, especially humanity, to rise into a new evolutionary Truth & Story that we can be responsible for and sustain in our physical reality here on this planet, this lifetime. This is a 20-year cycle that asks us to follow our Truth & Purpose and revise it as we go. A really deep sidebar is that the US Constitution was originally designed to be revised every 20-years. Just imagine what kind of society we would have if that had happened. BUT – we can’t go back so looking forward and recognizing the value of upgrading your life contracts, especially the long-term ones, every 20-years in a very special way that asks you to initiate on faith that all that you’ve learned over the last 12-20 years will support & protect you as you embark on a new journey.
These two get together like this every 20-years but it has been centuries since it happened in Aquarius so it is very special for anyone with Leo/Aquarius or Taurus/Scorpio to consciously co-create with. It last happened in Taurus in 2000 and before that, in Libra in 1980-81. That’s both Venus-ruled Signs suggesting we’ve been getting our education on the value & worth of the Sacred Feminine in all its forms, starting with Mother Earth, our Source of all. This activation is so good to break the chains of the past or anything that has historically held you back. Often, whatever life structures that you have relied upon begin to crumble forcing you into a new job, new location or new living situation of some kind. It can be disruptive but Jupiter is a benefactor that always brings blessings, so eventually things will work out for the best. Right now, you have to be authentic, trust your instincts and be more forward-thinking as you cultivate a New Story & New Reality that reflects how you have evolved over the last 20+ years.
This is a Zero Point activation that is going to happen again three more times in Aquarius (every 60-years). This is a reality check that asks you to dig a little deeper and really define your terms around what is really possible for you. It’s time to think bigger or Higher, consider you the individual and then extend it out to all life.
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dafuture0-blog · 7 years
DA Future
How You Can Become Hip Rap Artists
Need some tracks to play at a celebration, or simply exit dancing to? Here is my checklist of the very best hip hop dance music out there right now...
Gold Digger by Kanye West
Flip It Up by Chamillionaire
Bubber Band Man by T.I.
Hynotize by Younger Jeezy
30 One thing by Jay-Z
Ms. Jackson DA Future Social Network by Outkast
Get Low by Ying Yang twins
Lean Back by Fats Joe
Yeah by Usher
Get it on the floor by DMX
Pump it by Black Eyed Peas
Blunt Ashes by Nas
Jesus Walks by Kanye West
Go Getta by Younger Jeezy
Over Here Hustlin' by Lil' Wayne
Salt Shaker by Ying Yang Twins
So what makes these songs stand out as the best hip hop dance music? The video? One thing that bumps at a membership? Admittedly, the record is biased upon my personal preferences: I like the extra heady lyrical stuff with a robust driving beat behind it, which leans in the direction of Outkast, Nas, Eminem and early Kanye West tracks extra so than tracks by Ying Yang Twins or Younger Jeezy. However, I've included a few of their songs as well to spherical out the checklist.
I additionally tried to go away out most underground rap/hip hop songs to maintain it as accessible as possible. Most, if not all of these songs could possibly be performed in golf equipment or show up on MTV as a rap video. Positive, I may play Useless Prez or Ras Kass, however most individuals at a party- at the very least those I'm going to- wouldn't have a clue who they're. It is unusual, irrespective of how hot a a DA Future music is, you may normally get a greater reaction if folks know the music and may sing along with it. Guess that's why there's so many cover bands in bars... Lastly, I included several songs from the previous few years, reasonably than just itemizing off a "what's sizzling now" playlist of current music. Anyone who thinks GoldDigger won't get a good response at a celebration is lacking the point (until it's a wedding.
Hip hop dance songs are the preferred type of dance music in clubs proper now. Nonetheless, what precisely makes a very DA Future good dance tune? Is it a catchy hook? Dope lyrics? Here's the deciding components for making successful dance track...
First, the music itself needs to be unique, even if it is based on samples from other bands (many rap artists have successfully sampled George Clinton, Led Zeppelin and Queen just to call just a few). The key to sounding distinctive is to add your personal private stamp on the track. Take Run DMC's cowl of Aerosmith's "Stroll This Means." Whereas the lyrics and guitar riff didn't change, Run DMC's private fashion got here through on the monitor.
For hip hop dance songs, tempo is also a deciding factor. Hip hop tracks are inclined to run between 90- 115 BPM, with dance hits tending in the direction of the higher finish of the spectrum. Along with velocity, a quality dance music must be properly combined. All this means is that the listener ought to be capable of hear every instrument individually, without any one piece standing out an excessive amount of. Consider a highschool band: you already know the kid who at all times played too loud and drowned out the string section? A effectively blended music can keep away from this.
Once the music is properly mixed, it's time to master the observe. This, along with mixing, is what separates a tune your buddy put collectively, navigate to these guys and a hot club mix. Mastering basically smooths the music out and provides it that polished finish (suppose Dr. Dre beats).
I've included a listing of scorching hip hop dance songs that work in a membership or at a party. Before I share it with you, a few points: First, I left out most underground rap with a view to hold this checklist familiar to a bigger audience. These are songs most definitely to hear in a membership. I've additionally listed a number of songs from a couple of years in the past, as a consequence of the fact that they haven't been (too) played out.
If you wish to study extra about good hip hop dance music, take a look at Pandora, a free radio service that plays music according to your chosen style. you possibly can at all times delete the songs you don't like, and save the music you think would work effectively at your social gathering.
So here's my checklist:
? Kiss Me Thru The Phone by Soulja Boy
? Right Spherical by Flo Rida
? Final Night by Puff Daddy
? Love Intercourse Magic by Ciara
? California Love by Tupac
? In Da Membership go now by 50 Cent
? Low by Flo hip hop dance moves list Rida
? Independent by Webbie
? Shawty get Free by Lil Mama
? Lose Control by Missy Elliot
? Crank That by Soulja boy
? Get Silly by Soulja boy
So there you will have it. What's your favourite hip hop dance songs?
Hip Hop Dance has a dynamic history. From Breakdancing to the moonwalk from michael Jackson to Krump dancing to Bboy dancing to plain outdated head nodding. Everybody had their very own means of expressing love
for hip hop dancing.
Hip Hop Dance Historical past has individuals buzzing. Why you ask ? As a result of they're watching all these crazy Hip Hop dancing music movies on tv they usually need to know the historical past of it. The place did these things come from.
The historical past of hip hop dance began with Breakdancing. It began across the late Seventies to early 80s. Breaking began within the south bronx ny. It was a type of Hip Hop dance that was utilized by road gangs to settle variations with out using violence. This was a optimistic for black and peurtorican youths at the time. Folks were not losing there lives over bs ya know. One of many first Hip Hop Dance crews in Historical past are the rocksteady crew.
They help usher in a new type of breakdancing that included acrobatic styles corresponding to headspinning, windmills, DA Future underground hip hop artists backspins, waves and all that great things. The Rock Regular Crew dropped on the scene around 1979 to 1980.
They have been encouraged by a legendary DJ by the name of Afrika Bambatta to use break dancing as a instrument to attain greatness. Afrikaa Bambatta was instrumental in pushing break dancing ahead by motivating youth to pursue their love of the artwork form.
Hip Hop Dance as we know it at present, for instance the dancing we see in music movies is a fusion of a wide range of standard and unconventional dance kinds and techniques. This consists of Jazz dance, indigenous folklore dance and even martial art.
Attributable to its sturdy nature, City Dance could possibly be maybe a more acceptable title for what we commonly classify as Hip Hop Dance. Regardless of the array of types and techniques added to its present repertoire, the roots of Hip Hop Dance might be attributed to avenue dancers in America. For many of those dancers, the artwork types they created are probably the most accurate classification of Hip Hop Dance.
Breaking & Funk Sytles
During the Nineteen Seventies, DJs in America would set a wholly new trend, mixing what known as drum breaks which are drum solos in funk and soul music again to back between two flip tables. The result would produce an entirely new sound containing a repetitive drum break monitor. In essence, the dancing that emerged from this new form of music was known as Breaking or B-boying (not break dancing). These forms of breaking would come with but aren't exclsive to:
? Footwork - A series of steps executed with the toes both standing and on the ground previous to creating energy moves.
? Power Strikes - A collection of thoughts boggling actions often carried out on the floor that would include moves reminiscent of backspins, headspins, windmills and extra. Often, when individuals hear about Breaking or b-boying or the wrong term, "break dancing" they consider these strikes.
? Up Rock/Prime Rock - A series of movements following a specific rhythmic and systematic pattern.
Although breaking was predominant among avenue dancers within the east coast, the west coast would more information on wikipedia nonetheless take pleasure in their own artform utilizing Funk and Soul music known as Funk Kinds.
The birth of Funk Styles on the west coast, occurred within the identical period as breaking and umbrellas an array of genres. The suite of types would come with:
? Popping - Robotic and/or jerky movements. Strobbing and Ticking are additionally underground korean hip hop artists similar sorts of movements throughout the Popping family.
? Waving - Fluid and smooth movements.
? Gliding/Floating - Gravity defying moves that create the illusion as if an individual is moving seemlessly and effortlessly across the floor.
? Locking - A series of animated actions that entails sharp and distinctive stances.
? Tutting - A series of movements emulating dafuture Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
You most likely go through YouTube to seek out hip hop dance tutorials - like many others, together with me as nicely. Do not get me fallacious, it's undoubtedly a great way to learn what your body can do in hip hop dances. Nevertheless, it will waste too much of your time trying to imitate those moves.
Moreover, you'll be lacking your personal model. Good hip hop dancers have their very own unique signature strikes. By the time you finish studying this, it is best to be able to really differentiate hip hop dance from different types of dancing.
It's worthwhile to know the fundamentals of hip hop dance. And after figuring out it, you'll be able to give you your own fashion of dancing. Knowing the basics of hip hop dancing also boosts your potential to learn moves from the experts. That is undoubtedly among the finest shortcuts to be taught hip hop dancing.
Probably the most fundamental idea of hip hop dancing is doing actually easy strikes that define Hip Hop.
Firstly, it is advisable to know that hip hop dances separates / isolates the actions of the higher and lower physique. That simply signifies that each of those predominant parts of your body best hip hop songs 2017 must have its own life, it's own rhythm. When you get this into your head, you'll eventually have it constructed into your body rhythm and have the ability to build on this dance habit.
With that in mind, bear in mind to not just focus in your footwork like what most beginners would do. You might have skillful footwork and in male hip hop artists list a position to dance at incredible speeds. However, you'll lack the showmanship issue and that doesn't take your dancing to the next level.
Categorical your self in your dance. Put your character into it. Don't be a robot (no pun supposed!).
My second recommendation is - take up house. Hip hop dancing is a avenue dance. I do know many people who are in some way afraid of taking on large quantities of space when dancing. Really put your www.youtube.com/channel/UC76BA22_6J2c52ao3M7xi6g dance strikes out there and let it shine. I am unable to stress enough that this is likely one of the very essence of hip hop dancing. Get folks to notice you, and notice your awesome actions.
There are literally 5 fundamentals to hip hop dancing and for the sake not cramming too much into your head, let me record one other one.
Know your music.
Only dance to hip hop beats that you simply love. Some hip hop songs annoy the hell out of me - or just merely not my fashion, so i just avoid them. Do not dance to a tune just because your mates like it or simply because it is famous! Love your music. You show your love for the music by means of your dance moves!
Hip hop dance music is already thirty years old. That will sound hard to believe, nevertheless it's true. The first actually large hip hop song, at the least in line with most music writers, was "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang. When that track debuted in September of 1979, it quickly rose to the top of the charts, and a big a part of why it did so was as a result of it gave the impression of nothing else on the radio. Again then, America was nonetheless caught up in the throes of disco, which wouldn't start disappearing off the radio for another year.
However after Rapper's Delight, hip hop dance music was nonetheless fairly rare on the radio. It was widespread for its novelty, and for its infectious tune and humorous lyrics. However it did not actually start any trends in and of itself, even though it was considered fairly groundbreaking on the time.
It would not be till the early Eighties that this style of music started to get any severe play on mainstream radio station. There were just a few stations in big cities equivalent to New York and Chicago that made it a part of their playlists, however they were stations with tiny audiences.
However lastly, in the middle years of the 1980s, hip hop dance music started to realize traction. Part of the explanation was that mainstream rock was dropping its momentum, and youngsters have been looking for the next huge factor in music. America's altering demographics performed a big half within the increased popularity of rap, too.
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/26/how-to-use-facebook-messengers-secret-android/
In 2016, Fb rolled out a privateness feature for the Messenger app referred to as “Mystery Conversations,” that are cease-to-cease encrypted conversations. a stop-to-quit encryption method that the message can be read handiest on the recipient’s device and can’t be deciphered by way of a third celebration. As you can or may not recognize, Facebook Messenger encrypts your regular chats until they reach Fb’s servers, so if required by means of regulation, Facebook ought to hand over your messages.
Facebook login
Extra: Even the FBI can’t defeat appropriate encryption – here’s why it works However, you may need to take care of a pair of things before you can begin an encrypted communication in Fb Messenger. First, you need to enable the function, and, second, you need to begin the communique as Secret. How are Mystery the conversations? Facebook is the usage of a protocol developed by way of Open Whisper Systems, which is the identical protocol used for apps like Sign.
Login to MSN messenger
There may be one quandary that we will show you on this walkthrough, and that is the ‘one tool handiest’ dilemma. When you have multiple devices, say an iPhone and an iPad, whilst you enable Mystery conversations on one device, it’ll be disabled on the alternative.
the use of Secret conversations in iOS
When using Messenger in iOS, you have to start Mystery conversations separately from everyday conversations. Permits take a look at how to show the function on, begin conversations, and delete your Secret conversations. How to enable Mystery conversations
Keep in mind that you can best access Secret conversations on one tool at a time, so if you start the use of any other tool and you need to use Secret conversations, then you may need to repeat this step on every occasion you switch devices.
The Bewildering Facebook Experience
One’s touch organization on Fb starts of evolved with a modest circle of the circle of relatives and buddies however after several years it grows into a full-size and diverse organization of people with a lot of whom one has very little in common. In the writer’s case, although English maintains to dominate, the polyglot community posts additionally in Arabic, Vietnamese, Tagalog and smatterings of African languages. And even as the initial group discussed familiar troubles and expressed perspectives with which one become normally in sympathy, the larger eclectic institution that evolves over the years promotes unusual and every so often offensive opinions, regularly expressed in imperfect or unsavory language. One wonders how a group that is precise as friends can mutate into such a sprawling and largely alien community.
One’s core Fb community constantly had some unique pursuits in addition to the circle of relatives subjects.
Those covered books and farming, motorcycles, model making and cutting-edge affairs in Ghana. To this have been quickly introduced homes in Spain, Germany and later France, with a robust seasoned-Eu Union bias. As the circle of contacts grew, a primary center started to appear from seasoned-Democratic Celebration enterprises inside the United states of America with surprisingly partisan posts hastily increasing in variety Because the presidential election approached.
How US politics came into the ambit of a set of British citizens is tough to explain however the furor over Britain’s referendum on Eu club couldn’t be prevented. whilst the family middle is strongly Eu, its Fb revel in is ruled by using 3 excessive proper-wing establishments who are pro-Brexit and vehemently against Muslim immigration. One organization is suffering to restore a crusading military order dissolved in 1312, after accusations of abuses and forget, and any other expresses pride in reporting every scrap of information that portrays Moslems in a horrific light. One wonders if one is seeing a form of pseudo-Christian revival.
Equally unusual, but a long way less sinister, is a female posting garish infantile daubs, claiming the inventive advantage, whilst much less controversial are snapshots posted by using a gentleman with passions for old traditional cars and younger glamorous ladies. The posts in Vietnamese have generally sponsored advertisements, even as the ones in Tagalog seem biased in the guide of the new president and his extrajudicial slaughter of drug traders and abusers. Ghanaians have these days been commenting on their own presidential election, now peacefully concluded, with all posts in English however with some interjections in Twi.
If the Fb enjoy is ordinary and unexpected it does have a message to impart. The remarkable human own family is now related greater at once than ever before and there are just a few hyperlinks among the ones we understand, and those who they recognize, and so forth to the ends of the Earth. It additionally brings a warning approximately the dangers of the unfold of intense religious and affairs of state, at the identical time as supplying a forum in which These might, possibly, ultimately be reconciled.
John Powell is the writer of numerous books, the latest being: Saint George, Rusty Knight, and Monster Tamer is a sequence of 9 self-contained ancient brief stories which introduces George, a hapless knight who has an uncommon talent for monster taming, and which, with wit and exquisite aplomb takes the young reader on an adventurous journey through some massive moments in history.
New Chat Messenger for IOS and Android Users
There are plenty of human beings to your Fb, who hold sending you requests for numerous video games and different stuff. Then there may be MewChat that has currently caught the fancy of many customers, however, what exactly is this all about? Let us discover what this app is and the utility of it for its users.
Approximately MewChat
MewChat is one in all the quick catching IM apps that seems to be fairly similar to WhatsApp or another chat messenger. However, the best factor to observe approximately this app is that it’s far a social networking app. Another thrilling issue about this app is that this app enables one find their fit on a line this is vicinity primarily based. It does sound much like Tinder.
It starts whilst you deploy MewChat to your iPhone or iPad, Android Smartphones or Android tool then it starts of evolved inviting humans in your contacts sending pop-up messages. it is an invite message sent to other users for inviting buddies and becoming a member of in. Even whilst you are completed signing up for the chat, it asks you to choose a number of humans for sending invitations. The messages get delivered within 24 hours.
Even after being a chat that is seasoned-active in sending message invitations to different customers inside a span of 24 hours, this app enjoys popularity. This app is the maximum downloadable app in Australia, United kingdom and other nations in which youths experience getting connected to people international over right away thru messages or chat messenger.
What is this app approximately?
users are linked through this app, because of this user who’re all ready for your contacts might be delivered to MewChat so it is very just like WhatsApp. This app differs at point wherein chat rooms are created in keeping with a place of humans to help them connect with each other. Random chat rooms are created to provoke a connection among people inside the same geographic region and for that reason help them locate humans with similar interests. The default setting of the app allows in getting in contact with humans within the identical united states of America. If you want to increase your reach, you can browse the world map to initiate conversation everywhere in the world. It is easy to provoke a chat as you just need to press at the orange cat, and you’re completed.
The Battle Of The Operating Systems, Android Vs iOS:
Android is Google’s powered software whereas iOS is Apple’s powered software. IOS software program can simplest be in Apple devices while Android is being utilized in numerous devices by way of special corporations like Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo, and so forth. IOS software program is said to be greater person-pleasant in comparison to Android because of its unique designs and uniform factors.
Both running structures bring merchandise to existence. Android turned into created by Google, and iOS became developed by using Apple. Whilst you’re in an aggressive market, you need to be different, but which is first-class for you? To find out, remember those 3 vital classes.
Android offers nearly unlimited access and permits settings to be adjusted to desired. Apps, lock screens, and shortcuts have unlimited options. IOS isn’t always nearly as flexible. While this means that a product working with iOS is less likely to have its settings damaged by way of the consumer, it additionally means that you have much less freedom to do what you want with it. Android beats iOS in terms of customization.
For iOS users, being restrained means, it is tough to mess up. Android’s freedom comes with complexity. IOS comes uniform throughout all in their products. I’m able to feel assured giving my seventy one-yr-antique grandmothers an iPad, and he or she might in all likelihood no longer struggle with it. Android works nicely for folks who are a touch more tech savvy, and for individuals who want something a bit more unique. If you need a user-friendly interface, then Apple can be the proper desire.
Any other essential finding out component is protection. Because iOS is uniform throughout all products, this indicates it is lots easier to update the devices and connect Security patches. Android is used throughout many exceptional products and companies, meaning that Protection patches are slower and regularly require in addition patching and adjusting, leaving the person inclined.
So that is higher? Whilst Android can boast that they’re excellent at customizability and compatibility, iOS can declare better user interface and Protection. recall your wishes to determine which sort of product pleasant suits your needs and your way of life.
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ronaldmrashid · 8 years
Life Insurance Needs When Having A Baby
If you’re having a baby, your goal is to live as long as possible to help your child become a productive member of society. It’s rational to start eating healthier, exercising more, and building great wealth. But for some reason, we’re not a very healthy nation with roughly 74% of the American population considered overweight or obese. Neither are we disciplined savers.
Perhaps we can blame subsidized healthcare that doesn’t reward good behavior as the reason we adopt the “ah, screw it give me another cookie” mentality. If the government said I’d save or make $10,000 a year if I was 10 pounds lighter, you better believe your buns of steel I’m going to be 10 pounds lighter!
Or maybe we can blame food and beverage companies who knowingly pedal poison to keep society addicted to their products. Excess sugar is undoubtedly one of the main killers in the world, yet we continue to get bombarded with processed foods just like how Facebook continues to allow fake news to exist all in the name of profits.
I, for one, am not having it anymore once I have a kid. No longer will I selfishly stuff my face with baklava after 8pm. No longer will I spend hours sitting on the couch trying to pound out a post while watching sports. My kid is depending on me!
Life Insurance When Having A Baby
Given one of this year’s main themes on Financial Samurai is family finances, I can’t help but think about the importance of life insurance when having a baby. It pains me to think there’s a chance I won’t be around to hustle for my child once I’m gone. Nobody is going to work harder than me to provide for my family, just like nobody is going to care as much about your finances than you.
Hence, the only way to ensure that my wife and child are taken care of is to create a passive income generating machine that will cover their living costs indefinitely. My wife is the beneficiary of all my assets if I were to pass prematurely. I’ve created a will that clearly states my intentions. Further, I plan to create a trust when the time comes.
But what if you aren’t able to generate enough passive income to provide for your family before you die? Heck, it took me 13 years to generate enough passive income to dare leave full-time work for entrepreneurship. The shortcut way is to get life insurance to pay out to your spouse, partner, or close relative who has the directive to take care of your baby.
There are very few examples where you can simply buy your way to financial freedom. Generally, society encourages us all to get good grades, go to a good school, get a great job, work hard for many years, save as much as possible, and invest prudently to one day be financially independent. With life insurance, you can’t buy your way to financial freedom, but at least you can buy your loved one’s way. If you are going to die anyway, you might as well make a positive out of it.
Questions To Ask Before Getting Life Insurance
Here are some basic questions you should consider before getting life insurance.
Would I want life insurance to help pay off my mortgage(s) so my surviving spouse won’t have to worry about housing expenses?
My answer: Absolutely. After paying off one mortgage in 2015, I’ve still got three mortgages left to pay off (one primary, and two rentals). Two of the mortgages are with properties that generate a positive cash flow, but I don’t want to count on my tenants being there and paying on time forever. My primary mortgage I took out in 2014 is around $895,000 and costs $3,923 a month. That’s one big expense I want covered through life insurance. 
What other debts (car loans, lines of credit, revolving credit card, student loans, etc) could life insurance help pay off to make my family’s living situation more secure if I were gone?
My answer: I’ve got no other debts. I paid off both our student debts a while ago. Revolving credit card debt is the worst due to their egregious interest payments. 
Could I use life insurance benefits to cover my child’s college expenses if I passed away?
My answer: Definitely yes. It’s not just college expenses I’ve got to worry about, it’s grade school tuition as well. Right now I’m coaching tennis at a private high school where the total cost is $48,000 a year. Private elementary and middle school tuition is roughly $15,000 – $35,000 a year in San Francisco and Honolulu. Therefore, I’ve got to consider paying potentially $500,000 in grade school tuition + $300,000 in college tuition in 3 – 21 years. 
What is the gap in living expenses if my family had to just live off one spouse’s income?
My answer: My wife doesn’t have a day job. She retired February 2015 and has been busy being the CFO and COO of our company. We spend $1,400 a month on healthcare alone. If I go down, the main writer goes down. I should consider hiring staff writers and ghost writers as a contingency plan. ~70% of Financial Samurai’s traffic is organic and recurring, so I assume 70% of revenue will stay constant with a gradual fade if no new posts are published. So long as there is a new post published once a month, I’m confident traffic and revenue will remain steady. But who knows for sure. 
I absolutely don’t want my wife to have to get a day job if she’s taking care of a young child. She can only if she wants to. The goal of insurance is to provide maximum options and minimal disruption. 
Please also go through these questions with your partner.
Term Life Insurance Coverage Needs
Term life insurance is sufficient for the vast majority of families. It’s cheaper than permanent life insurance and does its job with maximum efficiency.
Permanent life insurance can be considered, but only if you have a lifelong dependent (e.g. special needs child) and/or plan to bust through the estate tax (death tax) limit of $10.98 million per couple or $5.49 million for a single person. A spouse does not have to pay estate taxes on money inherited from the deceased spouse. In other words, permanent life insurance can be used as an estate planning tool.
Based on the answers I’ve given above, I need at minimum:
$2 million term policy to pay off all mortgages and cover all tuition costs from pre-K through college
20 – 25 year term policy to last until one child gets through college. I’m sure I will be able to pay off all mortgage debt in 20 years.
I’ve basically decided that equating the amount of life insurance I need with my debt and potential tuition costs is enough due to my existing income streams. However, if you do not have enough passive income, then you should decide how many years of income you’d like a life insurance policy to replace e.g. $100,000 income X 10 years = $1 million policy.
Naming Beneficiaries
When you buy a policy, you name a beneficiary, such as your spouse, to receive the life insurance money. You should go down the list of people you trust and name them all in order. My primary beneficiary is my wife, then my father, then my mother, then my sister. In some cases you can provide a predetermined split of proceeds to multiple beneficiaries e.g. 50% to wife, 20% to father, 20% to mother, 10% to sister. Just check with your provider.
It’s important NOT to name your baby as a beneficiary, even if you want the money to benefit them. If the beneficiary is a minor when you die, the life insurance company can’t pay the benefit until the court appoints a guardian. Hopefully, the court appoints the right guardian per your wishes, but you don’t want to trust a third party to do something if you don’t have to.
Instead, one option is to set up a life insurance trust to hold money and property for your children and name the trust as the beneficiary. You appoint a trustee, such as your spouse or another adult, to manage the trust according to your instructions. An attorney can help you set up a trust, and the life insurance company can tell you how to word the beneficiary designation.
Get Life Insurance As Soon As You Know
Having a baby is going to be a life changing event. Between months of no sleep, diaper changing, and doctors visits, you want to make sure all your financial ducks are in order before your little one arrives. I’d lock down life insurance coverage as early as the third trimester (start of the 28th week of pregnancy) and no later than after birth. Why risk it?
As a recap, here are some determining factors for life insurance premiums:
Age: The younger you are the less you pay.
Sex: Women generally pay less than men.
Health: The healthier you are the less you pay.
Smoking habits: Smokers pay more than nonsmokers.
Hobbies: People with risky hobbies, such as scuba divers, pay more for coverage.
Education: With the fintech movement, generally the more education you have the less you pay.
Field of work: Fintech companies are looking for longevity and well-paying fields.
Thanks to SoFi and Protective for sponsoring this post and allowing me to think more deeply about life insurance when having a baby. You can get a free life insurance quote with SoFi, issued by Protective in ~2 minutes. The application process is around 20 minutes if you decide to go with them. You can also get coverage of up to $1M with no medical exam.*
If you’re having a baby or are trying to have a baby, congratulations and best of luck! I know full well how difficult it is to conceive, especially as we get older. Having life insurance when having a baby is all about being a responsible parent who will continue to be a guardian no matter what happens. I’d love to hear from parents or couples trying to conceive how you planned for the financial care of your child.
* Coverage amounts up to $1 million and express application processing may be available to applicants up to 40 years old that meet certain risk and eligibility requirements of Protective Life. Full medical underwriting may be required for applicants that do not meet Protective’s eligibility criteria.
from http://www.financialsamurai.com/life-insurance-needs-when-having-a-baby/
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/2020-special-alignments-2/
2020 Special Alignments
2020 Special Alignments
By Kelly M. Beard
1/12 ~ Saturn (structures, definitions & reality) ~conjunct~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation):
Here we have a Social (Saturn) and Collective (Pluto) planet creating a potent initiation that will likely have long-term influence on your personal life in many ways that only become clear a few years from now. This is an evolutionary process and those with Cancer/Capricorn & Aries/Libra are the ones with karmic ties to this combo. This is not a good versus bad thing, this is just a major Reality Check. I did a little digging and the last time Saturn conjuncted Pluto in Capricorn was 1518 and the last time they Initiated a new cycle was in 1982 in Libra. So they connect every 30-years or so thanks to Saturn’s pattern but Pluto makes it hard to connect in the same sign, so when they do, it symbolizes much more global effects. One thing that jumped out to me was that in the 1400’s it looks like lots of countries around the world wanted to be sovereign and be their own individual country and now we are living in a time when we realize how unrealistic or impractical human created borders can be. This is a time when we know we are all connected and we know that Earth’s resources have to sustain us all.
Saturn is here, in Capricorn, to ensure that this initiation is guided by the Council of Grandmothers who help us feminize the individual evolutionary process and collective revolutionary process. What does that mean? It means it is time to lead with honoring Nature, dealing with what is (not our illusions or delusions) and living in harmony with the Life/Death/Life Cycle. Both Saturn & Pluto do not allow things to live beyond their true usefulness. If all is energy, and certain energy is locked up or blocked so it cannot flow, that creates an unnatural death. If we simply honor that something is dead or done and clear it to bring in the new consciously, then we save ourselves a lot of heartache & trouble. We know that humans have lived in harmony with the Earth for millennia (I didn’t say with each other but they respected Nature) and in a few generations, our industrialization & colonization has created a crisis that we ALL have to address on some level if we are to survive. These two bring up these very real, very heavy-duty subjects and asks us all to face that which we’ve ignored overlong and finally clean it up and free up that energy to move.
An initiation catalyzes the NEW and you will know where your individual focus needs to be by the breakdowns going on in your life at this time. What no longer works for you? What is no longer real for you? And what has gotten so real that you have to rearrange your life to accommodate it? How are your containers supporting & protecting you? Where are the energy leaks? What shortcuts have you taken that will not work this time?
Ultimately, we are living through the ultimate transformation of our reality here on Earth. This is a chance to claim your vision of balance & harmony for Mother Earth, the waters and the soil that we cannot survive without. This year, you can co-create with this activation by simplifying your life, redefining your terms and renegotiating your contracts across the board. What have you agreed to in your heart and on paper that may have run its course by now and requires an upgrade or a new agreement altogether?
Note: This activation is joined by Ceres/The Mother – yet another indication of initiating new ways of nourishing ourselves and nurturing others that is up for renewal. In Capricorn, Ceres says it is time to be completely responsible for your footprint on this planet and it is time to look beyond your Self to see what you are actually contributing to the planet at this time. It really is a delicious opportunity for us ALL to start fresh, with new structures in place that honor everyone’s true purpose on Earth.
2/20 ~ Jupiter (Consciousness & Belief Systems) ~sextile~ Neptune (Faith & Connection to Spirit): (1 of 3: 2/20 ~ 7/27 ~ 10/12)
This is an opportunity to connect to miracles, if you believe in them. It may be miracles, but it may also be the alignment between your Heart & Soul, that part of you that trusts your intuition and believes in a higher power or Source or Universal presence. There are a couple of expressions of this energy. This is a time where your spiritual beliefs expand, taking on a more broad, Universal feel. You may feel the urge to work with those less fortunate (never a bad idea) or you may meet someone that expands your thinking, opening you to new concepts of faith. Under this influence, you may feel more optimistic & philosophical than usual, about your life. It can be a fabulous energy to connect to, because when you are optimistic & faithful, as well as truly connected to the whole, you can manifest almost instantly. However, keep in mind that there are probably some very real challenges that you are facing, which require tangible efforts to resolve. Stay focused on the possibilities, while still doing what needs to be done to facilitate the highest possible outcome. The only challenge with this energy is that Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, is getting together with Neptune, the planet of no boundaries, so be mindful of any excesses of any kind. Remember, all things in balance, it is rare that excess serves the higher good.
3/21 ~ Saturn Enters AQUARIUS:
We are in an unprecedented Seed Time for our personal, social & collective lives. Think of Saturn as a Teacher/Guide. Think of Aries thru Pisces as the Lessons that we all have to learn and just like any other education, some things will be naturally easier & naturally harder, according to your individual blueprint. During Capricorn, the Lessons have to do with personal responsibility & accountability in a myriad of ways, as well as how we structure our lives and if they support/protect us (or not). Capricorn is one of Saturn’s favorite subjects to teach and you can see, it’s also an underlying theme that he carries throughout all twelve lessons because of Saturn’s natural inclinations.
We just spent the last 2+ years, in Capricorn, learning about being responsible for ourselves as individuals but also as a collective. Saturn moving through your Capricorn House was to check for stability & instability, strength & weakness – as well as the essential & the truly non-essential so that it can eliminate, fortify & upgrade to something more appropriate to here & now. Now, until Uranus was discovered, Saturn was the traditional ruler of Aquarius too so we may see an evolution of the themes already on the table. Sovereignty and the inner authority of the individual has evolved and so have the outer authorities like governments & all institutions, as well as those they were intended to serve.
So moving through Aquarius, we will learn about self-sovereignty as well as local & global communities. This is the dawn of the Age of Aquarius ~ when we get to be our individual selves with full conscious awareness that we are an intricate piece of the whole at the same time. Saturn’s sojourn through any sign will first dig up the weaknesses and unstable aspects so that it can reorganize with the values and priorities of NOW. We are literally ending an era when government elite got to run everything and now humanity is going to shift and learn how to be self-governed and self-contained within the communities in which we actually live and function.
It’s time to dream up a new way to function on this ever-evolving – as well as living, breathing planet! I think we will also have some technological breakthroughs that actually help instead of harm the Earth. We will discover a kinship with our fellow beings that finally makes it okay and even welcome to be a unique, thinking, feeling, breathing individual. We are not cookie-cutter creatures, we are vastly different and we all have something unique to offer, just like every species of plant, mineral or animal. We are from the same family but we each bring our own particular Medicine to the mix! We are going to celebrate that … once we stabilize a new way of socializing and functioning together, rather than the old patriarchal ways of divide & conquer. Volunteering and working as a unit is going to blossom and we’ll be connecting with folks across the globe as if we are old friends or long lost relatives.
4/4 ~ Jupiter (consciousness, learning & belief systems) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation): (1 of 3: 4/4 ~ 6/30 ~ 11/12)
The highest possible expression of this energy is channeling your very passionate, intense energy into your Highest vision – Highest ideal – deepest personal Truth and receiving the fruits of such hard labor. There is power behind the current expansion and you are in a unique position to create your greatest vision or deepest fear. Both these planets force you to improve your Self, your life, your environment, usually stripping you of misconceptions and excess baggage along the way. This is a 13yr cycle, how did your life completely shift 13 years ago? This is your time to choose to co-create, to cultivate & commit to expressing your infinite potential. Dig deeper, there is more to you than you give your Self credit for being. This is your chance to completely redefine your Truth & Purpose. The worst possible expression of this energy is to become obsessed by a belief, try to force others to your way of thinking, blow things way out of proportion, magnify the darkness and prolong your trip through the Underworld. Jupiter insists we learn from such excavations of the Soul. Your deepest Truth is surfacing at this time, is it based in fear or faith? Under pressure, whatever is inside, comes out. It’s time to decide if you are going to believe in positive outcomes and the ability to turn your deepest wounds into your most trusted, earned wisdom.
12/21 ~ Jupiter (Your Truth & Story) ~conjunct~ Saturn (Your Purpose & Reality):
This is a potent initiation of a New Truth & Purpose for everyone, and because of it being at Zero Aquarius, it really is reset that is available for “everyone” – it is time for all life, especially humanity, to rise into a new evolutionary Truth & Story that we can be responsible for and sustain in our physical reality here on this planet, this lifetime. This is a 20-year cycle that asks us to follow our Truth & Purpose and revise it as we go. A really deep sidebar is that the US Constitution was originally designed to be revised every 20-years. Just imagine what kind of society we would have if that had happened. BUT – we can’t go back so looking forward and recognizing the value of upgrading your life contracts, especially the long-term ones, every 20-years in a very special way that asks you to initiate on faith that all that you’ve learned over the last 12-20 years will support & protect you as you embark on a new journey.
These two get together like this every 20-years but it has been centuries since it happened in Aquarius so it is very special for anyone with Leo/Aquarius or Taurus/Scorpio to consciously co-create with. It last happened in Taurus in 2000 and before that, in Libra in 1980-81. That’s both Venus-ruled Signs suggesting we’ve been getting our education on the value & worth of the Sacred Feminine in all its forms, starting with Mother Earth, our Source of all. This activation is so good to break the chains of the past or anything that has historically held you back. Often, whatever life structures that you have relied upon begin to crumble forcing you into a new job, new location or new living situation of some kind. It can be disruptive but Jupiter is a benefactor that always brings blessings, so eventually things will work out for the best. Right now, you have to be authentic, trust your instincts and be more forward-thinking as you cultivate a New Story & New Reality that reflects how you have evolved over the last 20+ years.
This is a Zero Point activation that is going to happen again three more times in Aquarius (every 60-years). This is a reality check that asks you to dig a little deeper and really define your terms around what is really possible for you. It’s time to think bigger or Higher, consider you the individual and then extend it out to all life.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/2020-special-alignments/
2020 Special Alignments
2020 Special Alignments
from Kelly M. Beard
1/12 ~ Saturn (structures, definitions & reality) ~conjunct~ Pluto (death, rebirth & transformation):
Here we have a Social (Saturn) and Collective (Pluto) planet creating a potent initiation that will likely have a long-term influence on your personal life in many ways that only become clear a few years from now. This is an evolutionary process and those with Cancer/Capricorn & Aries/Libra are the ones with karmic ties to this combo. This is not good versus bad thing, this is just a major Reality Check. I did a little digging and the last time Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn was 1518 and the last time they Initiated a new cycle was in 1982 in Libra. So they connect every 30-years or so thanks to Saturn’s pattern but Pluto makes it hard to connect in the same sign, so when they do, it symbolizes much more global effects. One thing that jumped out to me was that in the 1400’s it looks like lots of countries around the world wanted to be sovereign and be their own individual country and now we are living in a time when we realize how unrealistic or impractical human-created borders can be. This is a time when we know we are all connected and we know that Earth’s resources have to sustain us all.
Saturn is here, in Capricorn, to ensure that this initiation is guided by the Council of Grandmothers who help us feminize the individual evolutionary process and collective revolutionary process. What does that mean? It means it is time to lead with honoring Nature, dealing with what is (not our illusions or delusions) and living in harmony with the Life/Death/Life Cycle. Both Saturn & Pluto do not allow things to live beyond their true usefulness. If all is energy, and certain energy is locked up or blocked so it cannot flow, that creates an unnatural death. If we simply honor that something is dead or done and clear it to bring in the new consciously, then we save ourselves a lot of heartache & trouble. We know that humans have lived in harmony with the Earth for millennia (I didn’t say with each other but they respected Nature) and in a few generations, our industrialization & colonization has created a crisis that we ALL have to address on some level if we are to survive. These two bring up these very real, very heavy-duty subjects and asks us all to face that which we’ve ignored overlong and finally clean it up and free up that energy to move.
An initiation catalyzes the NEW and you will know where your individual focus needs to be by the breakdowns going on in your life at this time. What no longer works for you? What is no longer real for you? And what has gotten so real that you have to rearrange your life to accommodate it? How are your containers supporting & protecting you? Where are the energy leaks? What shortcuts have you taken that will not work this time?
Ultimately, we are living through the ultimate transformation of our reality here on Earth. This is a chance to claim your vision of balance & harmony for Mother Earth, the waters and the soil that we cannot survive without. This year, you can co-create with this activation by simplifying your life, redefining your terms and renegotiating your contracts across the board. What have you agreed to in your heart and on paper that may have run its course by now and requires an upgrade or a new agreement altogether?
Note: This activation is joined by Ceres/The Mother – yet another indication of initiating new ways of nourishing ourselves and nurturing others that is up for renewal. In Capricorn, Ceres says it is time to be completely responsible for your footprint on this planet and it is time to look beyond your Self to see what you are actually contributing to the planet at this time. It really is a delicious opportunity for us ALL to start fresh, with new structures in place that honor everyone’s true purpose on Earth.
2/20 ~ Jupiter (Consciousness & Belief Systems) ~sextile~ Neptune (Faith & Connection to Spirit): (1 of 3: 2/20 ~ 7/27 ~ 10/12)
This is an opportunity to connect to miracles, if you believe in them. It may be miracles, but it may also be the alignment between your Heart & Soul, that part of you that trusts your intuition and believes in a higher power or Source or Universal presence. There are a couple of expressions of this energy. This is a time where your spiritual beliefs expand, taking on a more broad, Universal feel. You may feel the urge to work with those less fortunate (never a bad idea) or you may meet someone that expands your thinking, opening you to new concepts of faith. Under this influence, you may feel more optimistic & philosophical than usual, about your life. It can be a fabulous energy to connect to, because when you are optimistic & faithful, as well as truly connected to the whole, you can manifest almost instantly. However, keep in mind that there are probably some very real challenges that you are facing, which require tangible efforts to resolve. Stay focused on the possibilities, while still doing what needs to be done to facilitate the highest possible outcome. The only challenge with this energy is that Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, is getting together with Neptune, the planet of no boundaries, so be mindful of any excesses of any kind. Remember, all things in balance, it is rare that excess serves the higher good.
3/21 ~ Saturn Enters AQUARIUS:
We are in an unprecedented Seed Time for our personal, social & collective lives. Think of Saturn as a Teacher/Guide. Think of Aries thru Pisces as the Lessons that we all have to learn and just like any other education, some things will be naturally easier & naturally harder, according to your individual blueprint. During Capricorn, the Lessons have to do with personal responsibility & accountability in a myriad of ways, as well as how we structure our lives and if they support/protect us (or not). Capricorn is one of Saturn’s favorite subjects to teach and you can see, it’s also an underlying theme that he carries throughout all twelve lessons because of Saturn’s natural inclinations.
We just spent the last 2+ years, in Capricorn, learning about being responsible for ourselves as individuals but also as a collective. Saturn moving through your Capricorn House was to check for stability & instability, strength & weakness – as well as the essential & the truly non-essential so that it can eliminate, fortify & upgrade to something more appropriate to here & now. Now, until Uranus was discovered, Saturn was the traditional ruler of Aquarius too so we may see an evolution of the themes already on the table. Sovereignty and the inner authority of the individual has evolved and so have the outer authorities like governments & all institutions, as well as those they were intended to serve.
So moving through Aquarius, we will learn about self-sovereignty as well as local & global communities. This is the dawn of the Age of Aquarius ~ when we get to be our individual selves with full conscious awareness that we are an intricate piece of the whole at the same time. Saturn’s sojourn through any sign will first dig up the weaknesses and unstable aspects so that it can reorganize with the values and priorities of NOW. We are literally ending an era when the government elite got to run everything and now humanity is going to shift and learn how to be self-governed and self-contained within the communities in which we actually live and function.
It’s time to dream up a new way to function on this ever-evolving – as well as living, breathing planet! I think we will also have some technological breakthroughs that actually help instead of harm the Earth. We will discover a kinship with our fellow beings that finally makes it okay and even welcome to be unique, thinking, feeling, breathing individuals. We are not cookie-cutter creatures, we are vastly different and we all have something unique to offer, just like every species of plant, mineral or animal. We are from the same family but we each bring our own particular Medicine to the mix! We are going to celebrate that … once we stabilize a new way of socializing and functioning together, rather than the old patriarchal ways of divide & conquer. Volunteering and working as a unit is going to blossom and we’ll be connecting with folks across the globe as if we are old friends or long lost relatives.
4/4 ~ Jupiter (consciousness, learning & belief systems) ~conjunct~ Pluto (purification & transformation): (1 of 3: 4/4 ~ 6/30 ~ 11/12)
The highest possible expression of this energy is channeling your very passionate, intense energy into your Highest vision – Highest ideal – deepest personal Truth and receiving the fruits of such hard labor. There is power behind the current expansion and you are in a unique position to create your greatest vision or deepest fear. Both these planets force you to improve your Self, your life, your environment, usually stripping you of misconceptions and excess baggage along the way. This is a 13yr cycle, how did your life completely shift 13 years ago? This is your time to choose to co-create, to cultivate & commit to expressing your infinite potential. Dig deeper, there is more to you than you give your Self credit for being. This is your chance to completely redefine your Truth & Purpose. The worst possible expression of this energy is to become obsessed by a belief, try to force others to your way of thinking, blow things way out of proportion, magnify the darkness and prolong your trip through the Underworld. Jupiter insists we learn from such excavations of the Soul. Your deepest Truth is surfacing at this time, is it based in fear or faith? Under pressure, whatever is inside, comes out. It’s time to decide if you are going to believe in positive outcomes and the ability to turn your deepest wounds into your most trusted, earned wisdom.
12/21 ~ Jupiter (Your Truth & Story) ~conjunct~ Saturn (Your Purpose & Reality):
This is a potent initiation of a New Truth & Purpose for everyone, and because of it being at Zero Aquarius, it really is reset that is available for “everyone” – it is time for all life, especially humanity, to rise into a new evolutionary Truth & Story that we can be responsible for and sustain in our physical reality here on this planet, this lifetime. This is a 20-year cycle that asks us to follow our Truth & Purpose and revise it as we go. A really deep sidebar is that the US Constitution was originally designed to be revised every 20-years. Just imagine what kind of society we would have if that had happened. BUT – we can’t go back so looking forward and recognizing the value of upgrading your life contracts, especially the long-term ones, every 20-years in a very special way that asks you to initiate on faith that all that you’ve learned over the last 12-20 years will support & protect you as you embark on a new journey.
These two get together like this every 20-years but it has been centuries since it happened in Aquarius so it is very special for anyone with Leo/Aquarius or Taurus/Scorpio to consciously co-create with. It last happened in Taurus in 2000 and before that, in Libra in 1980-81. That’s both Venus-ruled Signs suggesting we’ve been getting our education on the value & worth of the Sacred Feminine in all its forms, starting with Mother Earth, our Source of all. This activation is so good to break the chains of the past or anything that has historically held you back. Often, whatever life structures that you have relied upon begin to crumble forcing you into a new job, a new location or a new living situation of some kind. It can be disruptive but Jupiter is a benefactor that always brings blessings, so eventually, things will work out for the best. Right now, you have to be authentic, trust your instincts and be more forward-thinking as you cultivate a New Story & New Reality that reflects how you have evolved over the last 20+ years.
This is a Zero Point activation that is going to happen again three more times in Aquarius (every 60-years). This is a reality check that asks you to dig a little deeper and really define your terms around what is really possible for you. It’s time to think bigger or Higher, consider you the individual and then extend it out to all life.
Copyright © 2000-2020 * Kelly M Beard * http://karmictools.wordpress.com * All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy & redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, the content remains intact & includes contact/link back to post.
This message was originally posted here
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Presenting Reminders and Unsubscribe includes in Yahoo Mail
At Yahoo Mail, we're continually endeavoring to give more apparatuses that assist clients with dealing with their email inboxes as effectively as could reasonably be expected. We're currently presenting two new highlights that will bring more association and less mess: our Reminders and Unsubscribe highlights.
Clients would now be able to set updates inside messages to organize what is important the most to them. Genuine model: simply opened an email about the service charge that is expected soon? Set a suggestion to pay it in five days, and a notice will spring up at that point.
This element has a notes area to include message, and can be set for a particular date and time later on. To empower a brisk set up, Reminders proposes which messages ought to have updates and prescribes timing, all dependent on email content. Updates can generally be altered, refreshed and erased whenever through an "Oversee Reminder" choice. Additionally, clients can see idle ones at whatever point they need.
Actualized as a simple to-discover button when opening a message, the Unsubscribe highlight lets clients effectively quit getting messages while never leaving their Yahoo Mail inboxes. A choice to withdraw from an email sender shows up in each email. What's more, on the off chance that clients mistakenly tapped the Unsubscribe button, they can switch the withdraw activity, as long as three seconds after the underlying snap.
Our Unsubscribe highlight helps keep inboxes spotless and filled uniquely with pertinent substance, making the whole withdraw process snappy, productive and tranquil. E-bulletin senders and email advertisers ought to likewise discover an advantage, as they'll see a decrease in spam casts a ballot and be boosted to convey connecting top notch content, since perusers who are never again intrigued will rapidly have the option to withdraw.
Begin Using These Features
Both of these new highlights are accessible promptly across iOS and Android, so begin utilizing them and let us recognize what you think. Likewise, be watching out for extra component refreshes sooner rather than later. Indeed, we're as of now taking a shot at a withdraw suggestion alternative, where clients can pick to get programmed proposals around which messages to withdraw from.
Have any recommendations for future Yahoo Mail refreshes? We'd love to hear them! In case you're utilizing the portable program, go to the side board and tap on "Send criticism." If you're utilizing the Yahoo Mail application, go to Settings and tap on "Send input."
yahoomail promise
NOV 13TH, 201815
Presenting Yahoo Together – bunch informing just got sorted out
Adam Mathes, Senior Director, Product Management
Have you at any point been in a gathering SMS string with 10 individuals discussing 18 distinct things on the double? It can make it difficult to track, not to mention plan a grill.
We manufactured Yahoo Together to fix that. It's gathering talk that makes life simpler through association and brilliant devices.
Assemble individuals into the gatherings you care generally about (family, companions, book clubs, bowling classes) and afterward split up your discussions with subjects. So as opposed to discussing 18 things on the double, you can follow the themes you care about, and quiet the rest.
Sharing photographs and recordings likewise work incredible in Together, yet we went past that to let you join any document you need into a mutual library for the gathering. What's more, rather than burrowing through your long content strings to discover a message or connection, ground-breaking search encourages you discover each one of those no problem at all.
Arranging something with a gathering? Common schedules are an issue to set up and get individuals to utilize, so we regularly wind up depending on informing to do the reminding for us. We've mechanized that – you can append a brilliant suggestion to any message. The gathering will get advised at the planned time.
We've additionally made it simple to react in a solitary tap with a custom response. Our group has discovered that they immediately come to mirror our in-jokes and individual catchphrases –
Watch our video to see Yahoo Together in real life, and give it a shot with the gatherings you care about today! Download it now for iOS or Android.
OCT 4TH, 20187
9 Reasons to Create a Wedding-just Email Address with Yahoo Mail
State "I Do" with Yahoo.
You're locked in and presumably so eager to begin arranging this momentous day. Be that as it may, before you plunge into your Pinterest sheets and booking your meetings with providing food, setting, cake, flower and dress/suit merchants, we have an overly significant, must-do, #1 step before you begin arranging your enormous day—make your wedding-just email address with Yahoo Mail.
Why? Happy you asked, look at the 9 reasons underneath:
Make proper acquaintance with another, perfectly sorted out inbox.
Reason numero uno: weddings are CHAOS. Get your stuff together with an inbox devoted to all the subtleties where you can without much of a stretch sort things into envelopes. You'll have one predictable email address to disseminate to visitors, sellers and family.
In addition, Yahoo Mail has Views only for your record documents so you can see all your PDFs and statements in a single singular motion.
Keep your own records isolated.
You don't need this significant wedding data to get covered in your fundamental individual email inbox, isn't that right? Your inbox needn't bother with more mess. Consider it, when you begin reaching merchants, you will begin getting a huge number of messages.
By having an inbox only for the wedding, you'll keep every one of those significant (or negligible) wedding messages in a single spot.
One shared email. 1,000 less contentions.
You and your perfect partner can both have equivalent access to everything. No contending about whether somebody got a particular message or not from messages with the flower vendor, DJ, or food providers.
On the off chance that you get the Yahoo Mail application or signing in from your work area, you can include every one of your records so they are on the whole effectively available: your wedding inbox, you work email, and your own email. (regardless of whether it's Gmail. We love everybody here.)
Every one of your messages accessible in a couple of taps. Cake.
A route for individuals to email you their uncommon minutes.
Rather than downloading each one of those photographs individually from your wedding hashtag, why not request that people email their photographs straightforwardly to you. You'll have every one of those extraordinary pics effectively visible in your wedding inbox through the Photos View.
Besides you don't need to stress over capacity, ever. With 1000GB of capacity, you'll have to have more than 500,000 photographs just to top it off.
Get cash back without the issue.
As a Yahoo Mail client, you have elite access to an Earny enrollment. I don't get that's meaning? Well it implies programmed discounts when costs drop.
Truly need those rose gold sleeve fasteners however need to keep a watch out on the off chance that they go at a bargain? No need. Purchase now, and get cash back naturally if the value drops.
Wedding buys? Get free 2-day transportation and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
With Yahoo Mail (in organization with ShopRunner), you get 2-day FREE dispatching! Isn't that so? It likewise incorporates free returns, select arrangements, 140+ very good quality retailers, and it's typically $79/year.
Go advanced with welcomes.
Did you realize Yahoo Mail is the main email supplier with advanced stationery to spruce up your messages? Not just that, they're overly charming. We have craftsman structured stationery from Paperless Post and unique plans from our gifted plan group.
Ace Tip: Match your Paperless Post welcomes with a portion of their exemplary plans in Yahoo Mail.
Individuals just warnings.
Overpowered by all the messages you're getting? With Yahoo Mail, you can turn on People just notices, so you can ensure you get that message from your flower specialist, relative or officiant without such additional commotion.
Pick astutely.
Simply state I Do with Yahoo! We even have a wedding tumblr blog for all your computerized wedding tips and inspo. Look at it here.
hurray mail wedding email wedding arranging wedding association weddingwednesday wedding wednesday
SEP 26TH, 20188
Declaring Yahoo Mail for iOS 12
By Aditya Bandi and Shiv Shankar, Yahoo Mail Product Team
What's going on in Yahoo Mail iOS 12 application?
Apple declared today that they will be discharging iOS 12 for all clients on 9/17 and we are excessively amped up for it. The Yahoo Mail application for iOS 12 is presently LIVE in the App Store, download it here. Here are a portion of the wonderful iOS 12 highlights that Yahoo Mail underpins:
Siri Shortcuts
Siri recommendations
With iOS 12, we made it quicker and simpler to get to your inbox. We improved the application dispatch speed by 15%–quicker application implies quicker access to what is important to you!
We are generally amped up for Yahoo Mail's coordination with Siri Shortcuts, which permit you to in a flash access significant data in your inbox with brisk, adjustable expressions.
Siri will likewise become familiar with your schedules after some time and propose helpful alternate routes to your oftentimes performed assignments. You don't have to set up anything to begin utilizing Siri recommendations for Yahoo Mail.
What are Siri Shortcuts in Yahoo Mail?
Hurray Mail Siri Shortcuts are intended to help you rapidly get to significant data in the application by conversing with Siri with an alternate route expression of your decision.
At the point when you include an easy route for a particular activity in Yahoo Mail (like "see late connections"), it brings you straightforwardly into that element of the application without having to physically open the application and explore to your goal. This turns out to be particularly valuable in time-touchy or possibly distressing circumstances envision filtering through the entirety of your coupons at checkout while a line shapes behind you, or attempting to discover your ticket at the air terminal with TSA operators watching and pausing.
With the Yahoo Mail iOS 12 reconciliation, Siri in a flash surfaces your spared arrangements or flight subtleties on your order so you can proceed with your day (and keep feelings of anxiety low!). Notwithstanding these alternate ways, you can likewise approach Siri to check for new messages, search your inb
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