#even with his job did neil take it did billy get to keep it etc
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
so i was thinking about billy having a phone in his room
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and then i started thinking about how billy constantly has the illusion of choice & how he has a completely false sense of how much control he has over his own life because-
he has his car
he has a job in season three
he has a phone in his room
and i just feel like all of that goes to show how much control neil has over him
because sure he could up and leave
sure he could call someone
but he won’t
and neil clearly knows he won’t
for whatever reason - whether it’s because billy doesn’t consider neil abusive or he’s that scared of him or he’s that scared of making his own decisions or whatever else - he just won’t
and while people could read it as a ‘he just trusts his son’ thing, i really don’t think it’s that - i mean we’ve seen how neil acts with billy & what his opinion of him is - i just think it’s all about how much control neil knows he has over billy
and that’s extra sad because it’s like it’s all there for billy - his own life etc - but it’s something he still can’t have, it’s just out of reach, you know?
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stranger-rants · 2 years
Billy Headcanon: After his wife left, their home became disgusting because Neil's a man, so obviously, he's not going to cook or clean since that's a wife's job. It gets to a point that Billy can no longer take it and starts to take care of the house and does the cooking, though it takes time to learn and he has to sneak to the library for recipes. Neil hates it and starts to call Billy a girl and derogatory names, but doesn't stop him because he likes everything being neat and orderly. So, instead, he goes looking for a nice, timid wife to bring home to cook and clean for them, before Billy becomes more like a woman or like 'one of those homosexuals'. He meets Susan, and she's perfect, but with her comes Max, who isn't. The problem for Neil is Max is the boy that Billy should be, but she's supposed to be the girl that Billy is. So he makes comments to Susan about who she should be raising Max to be, and Billy learns to be messy to hide that he actually likes cleaning and cooking, because those aren't things he's supposed to like.
"Max is the boy that Billy should be, but she's supposed to be the girl that Billy is"
That's essentially how I view Billy and Max in terms of gender roles. Max likes girly things and Billy likes masculine things, too, of course. The issue is that they both step out of those "boundaries" which canonically upsets Neil. (Maybe he ran over the skateboard, and blamed Billy... It would divide Billy and Max further, making it easier to control them.)
If Neil is ex-military, he might expect basic neatness. Billy doesn't have the cleanest room, which may drive him nuts. Yet, Billy does decorate his room in a somewhat creative fashion (e.g. making his own vanity, because maybe Neil wont let him have one since that's 'for girls.') I think that's what Neil lacks and Billy misses - a well decorated, comfortable home. Instead, it's impersonal and bare bones like those apartments single guys share photos of on Reddit, until Neil brings a woman into the picture.
As far as food goes, I headcanon that Billy can cook basic foods. Neil worked security, so there may be late nights he wasn't home. There were years he did not have a woman in the house to cook for them, and... does Susan know how to cook? I can't remember if in Runaway Max he hates her cooking or if I just read that in a fanfic. Regardless, Billy would have to fend for himself a lot. So he would have to prepare his own food, wash his own clothes, clean the dishes, etc. All things usually reserved for "mom."
So Billy does it and doesn't even think about it. It's necessary, but Neil is the type of person to bully him for that anyway. I think he would have a difficult relationship with cleaning because what Neil expects and what Billy wants to do are different. Like, maybe Billy wants to put up photos and decor while he's arranging the living room but Neil tells him to stop fussing about and vacuum the floor already.
It's interesting that as a child his bedroom looks neat and well put together, but as a teenager it's chaotic in parts - put together with the scraps leftover from his life. A blanket window covering here. A makeshift vanity there. His bed is basically a sheet covering and a pillow. Random posters from magazines he keeps in his drawer. Mismatched furniture. It's like he's trying to make the best out of it, while Max's bedroom is cozy and welcoming and well coordinated.
If Billy were given the opportunity, he would probably decorate his first apartment the way he wanted and learned how to take care of himself without Neil's judgement on how things should be done. Around Neil, he couldn't even breathe right. When you're out of that situation, you have to spend a lot of time learning how to live.
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gracegrove · 2 years
can i just... *wheels out a whiteboard and markers*
i read a lot of the fanon and reader inserts etc. with neil hargrove floating around in them and although i appreciate aware reader inserts. or astute adults in the room ... can y'all just level with me here and gimme some feedback?
i feel that neil would be the sneakiest. mr. slick, sweet as honey on people in public interactions with maybe some subtle harsh glances thrown billy's way, or a thick grasp on his boy's wrist or shoulder. but when i read through third party interactions that people outside the hargrove/mayfield house would take a look at neil and be like 'ah yep. bad dude. don't like him. never liked him. knew somethin was off from the jump...' it gets a bit hard for me to buy in.
don't get me wrong. he may make people's skin crawl. but i feel like it would be in ways people couldn't readily voice. couldn't quite put a finger on. if anything they might say he's overly friendly. seemingly far too concerned about what his son is up to, when other parents may not care as much by comparison about what their own children get up to. he may also be very conversational with his immediate neighbors. he wants to ensure they're happy all the time with the hargroves. 'billy hasn't been causing you any trouble has he?' paired with a saccharine smile. waves every time at billy as he leaves in the morning with max for school just for a show to the neighbors.
it doesn't fully sit with me 100% that neil can unabashedly answer the door if hopper had dropped billy home after breaking up one of tina's parties and let on to an already flaring temper. or that if a selection of billy's "friends" were to stop by that neil would choose to be highly unpleasant in front of them, to down right deprecating and discourteous because he can't miss an opportunity to tear billy down. i just feel like he is much more weasely about it.
it feels like neil is a man who thrives in control and manipulation. and not just of billy. not just of susan and max. but also of those in the world outside his home. he likes to craft his image. package himself as the hardworking 'family man' a 'man's man'. someone that others speak well of. it boosts his ego, but also makes him highly vulnerable to ego threat, especially when billy does something that could threaten his carefully curated 'good guy' persona. trying to maintain a façade so paper thin and raising (i use this loosely) a teenager who doesn't always fall within the guidelines of these plans puts billy in an even more precarious place.
with neil driving his own agenda for the type of man he wants the world to see. it doesn't matter if he comes home three hours late when billy has a date. billy isn't the priority. neil's persona is. and billy foiling any piece of that is unacceptable. what would people think if word got out that his pre-teen daughter was sneaking out of the house? he would be a laughing stock. can't keep his own family under control. ...this was billy's job. that's why respect and responsibility are so important. absolute fealty to neil's cause. at everyone else's expense.
i feel like neil knows exactly where the lines are. he's always had a temper, but he's learned over the course of his own life, even before billy. before his marriage. who, when, and where he can explode and what explanations work the best in such situations. he's learned maybe even from his own upbringing. maybe from the experiences and choices he's made over his life.
neil is a baby boomer. born between 1940 - 1947/48 at the latest to guess. an era where a man's anger towards others had a lot more acceptable outlets than it did as the 80's dawned and opportunities began to shrink and become slowly less acceptable. growing up as a child neil may have been used to punishments with a leather belt or switch. wooden paddles in school may not have been out of the question either. if neil's parents fought it would not have been questioned by anyone.
a man's anger was justified for a long time and protected for a long time. men were rarely jailed or ever prosecuted for raising hands against their children or partners. and if people outside the home knew about it, it was considered a 'personal matter' to stay clear of. there may have been a few times in which police have been involved in neil's former marriage and in billy's life. but they always left. neil told them to leave. billy's mother told them to leave. billy told them to leave.
because after all. neil is a hardworking guy trying to take care of his family and was just having a rough night.... he didn't mean it.
@ickypuppi3 @every-dayiwakeup @eddiebillysteve
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
What if when Hopper first adopted Billy he was mentally preparing himself for a mess of clothes tossed about, dishes left everywhere, general teenage chaos? Instead, it's the complete opposite. Billy's had responsibility literally beaten into him, so he takes over all the chores thinking if he doesn't Hopper will toss him out. He cleans, cooks, drives El (and Max still) everywhere, etc while going to school and working part-time. How would Hopper react when he realizes why Billy does it all?
Oh I so agree with this, 100% feel like he was!! Like… I don’t think anyone expects Billy to be as super considerate and clean as he is. Bc he really is! He lived his whole life w/ a man who very obviously carried his military service through his life into his adulthood in a very dangerous away and so I believe Billy was scared as all hell to ever let himself slip. He keeps everything he can immaculate bc if anything isn’t Just Right, he’s the one getting punished every time.
When he was younger, Neil would put him through random, weekly checks of his room to make sure everything was clean and orderly. (when he got “old enough to be called a man”, Neil stopped with those, but still yelled at Billy for anything disorderly in his room.) When Max was really young and would accidentally break things, Billy would absolutely always take the fall. Even if Max admitted to it being her fault, Billy would be hit for not watching her close enough/for letting her reach for that glass herself/for giving her those permanent markers/etc.
So I think Billy feels responsible not only for his things but for everything. This is his house now too, after all; his space, and he’s gotta make sure it’s perfect.
And Billy moves in with very few things. Billy just doesn’t have a lot of stuff in general. I dunno if we’ve all seen the pictures, but some people on here have analyzed the little makeshift nightstand + mirror thing that Billy has. Like, he piled a bunch of things on top of each other to make his little vanity. I’ve talked before about how I don’t believe Billy was ever the type of kid to share things bc he just doesn’t HAVE a lot. He doesn’t own a lot of things and he KNOWS the cabin is small so he doesn’t bring a lot of the things he does have with him either. He gives his stereo to Max. He leaves all the furniture and his mirror. He only brings his clothes in a duffel, a couple of trinkets he holds dear to his heart, and his hair stuff.
And it’s definitely not what Hop was expecting at ALL. he was expecting absolute chaos. Like you said, clothes strewn around the place, etc, so before Billy moves in, Hop goes out and picks up a dresser he finds at a yard sale. It’s not much, but it’s something for Billy to keep his things in and on. And he’s fully prepared to have to give him a real hard lecture about keeping his shit where it belongs, which is inside the dresser or hamper and nowhere else, but he doesn’t even need to. Hop gestures to the dresser and Billy thanks him quietly before immediately folding up all of his things neatly and placing them where they belong. He doesn’t have enough clothes to even fill the dresser. Hop has to tear himself away from watching bc Billy can feel Hop’s presence and looks over his shoulder every now and then as Hop stares.
It’s just that… this isn’t what he was expecting. This isn’t the same kid he agreed to take in.
He also 100% takes over literally every single chore! Some he does out of feeling of necessity, like cooking. He didn’t cook all the time at home bc Neil felt that was a “woman’s job” but the thing is, Neil and Susan would leave Billy and Max at home all night or even all weekend sometimes and they’d leave so few leftovers that Billy had to learn how to cook to feed the both of them. (I also like to think about little Billy cooking dinner with his mom or grandma ♥ anyway)
So the boy has been cooking for years and when he sees that Hop feeds himself and El frozen dinners or freezer waffles or take out, he realizes he needs to be the one to cook. His biggest fear about it is Hop having the same mentality as his father, AKA “this is a woman’s job and you shouldn’t even know how to do it”.
But he doesn’t! Hop is honestly amazed at Billy’s knowledge of a kitchen, esp because he 100% does not share that same knowledge. And yeah, Billy tends to make very simple, very easy dinners, but they still taste a whole lot better and do a whole lot more than the frozen dinners that they’re eating every night. So Hop lets him cook and supports it very much. There’s no underhanded comment there. He tries to tell Billy how much he appreciates it, but he’s not sure if the boy hears him.
And Billy does more than just cook. Bc some chores he takes on bc they just seem necessary, and others he takes on bc he’s always had them. Bc he feels obligated. Bc he feels fear bubbling in his chest over it. Bc the more he did around his old house, the less anger would be directed at him. Doing chores kept him busy, kept Neil from getting angry, and kept everything calm. For the most part. It was like a saving grace.
He carries that feeling with him.
So he does the laundry. Everyone’s laundry. He’s always taking out the trash as soon as it gets full, and he’ll check it religiously, even if he doesn’t need to throw anything away. He picks up everyone’s dishes and washes and dries them. It takes him a few days to remember where they all go, but he gets it down quickly and Hop finds himself never washing dishes again. And it takes a few weeks to realize but suddenly, on his designated Chore Day (which is the second of every month, bc I’m sorry but Hop really can’t be fucked to do any kind of chore unless he’s designated a day, not even with El here now. He tried for about a month and it didn’t work.) Hop finds himself with nothing to do. Like absolutely nothing. The shelves are dusted, the floor is swept, the trash is empty, the cabinets are full bc the dishes were washed this morning and when Hop goes to question Billy with a:
“Seriously kid? Is there anything you didn’t do?”
Billy’s eyes flash with fear. It’s a bit longer than a flash, actually. He’s scared. Hop doesn’t like how often he sees that look when he addresses the boy.
Billy starts to pull at a curl on the nape of his head, elbow against his chest, closing himself off even if it’s a little bit. Hop has been working hard to pick up on all of the little nervous habits Billy has. This is one of them.
“I dunno… is there?” Billy asks like he’s serious. Like either of them are serious about Billy needing to do more.
But Billy is serious.
Bc Billy is fucking terrified. Every day he feels it in his chest: Today is the day Hop realizes what a mess he’s gotten himself into. Today is the day Hop recognizes the tornado that is Billy Hargrove and he’s gonna realize how fucking far from worth it he is to keep here.
So he worries. And he does absolutely everything he can think of to prove to Hop that he isn’t going to be a nuisance in the “living under the same roof now” department. That he isn’t going to be the “typical messy teenager”. It’s before he lashes out at the niceness because right now, nice isn’t what scares him most. Everything just feels… tenuous. Uncertain and downright frightening. Even a speck of dirt or food or whatever on the floor strikes something in Billy and Hop sees how tense the boy is about it but doesn’t comment.
Until now, bc now Hop is catching on. Now Hop’s getting a peek at what’s happening. And it’s kind of completely breaking his heart.
“No. I was just joking around.”
Billy blinks hard, looking away and moving his tongue around in his mouth in deep thought.
“Yeah… course.”
Hop eyes him carefully as Billy heads out of the house with the lame excuse of “seeing a friend.”
And Hop realizes pretty quickly that Billy isn’t in the house too often in those first few months. If he’s not at school, he’s at practice, if he’s not at practice, he’s with “friends”, if he’s not with “friends”, he’s driving the kids to the ends of the Earth or something bc he’s literally just never home.
It’s not until he’s on call somewhere that he sees Billy, across the street, lugging boxes around the local warehouse and sweating like a pig.
And he watches him work and struggle and sweat and groan. He watches this boy, very visibly tired, and it really starts clicking. Bc Billy is always stressed out, tired, dragging himself around. He’s always falling asleep on the couch or just sitting at the dinner table. (he also always freaks out when he gets woken up)
It’s just that… yeah of fucking course this kid has a part time job. Of fucking course this kid is working himself to the bone. Now that Hop thinks about it, he reminds him of Jonathan, who always looks like he got hit by a freight train right out of bed. It’s as he’s really thinking about that when a red flag pops up, because Jonathan has about 3 jobs and is stressed far too often for a young teen to be stressed and Hop never really understood the amount of concern Joyce had for him until now bc fuck watching this boy work like a dog is not fun.
So he brings it up when they’re both home. When they’re eating dinner and El is at Max’s and there’s a lull in the conversation bc Hop just can’t stop thinking about how tired Billy always is. How stressed he always seems. It worries him so much it gives him headaches.
“So… you’re working down at the warehouse?”
Billy nods absentmindedly. “Yup.”
“And going to school?”
Billy takes a big bite. “Yup. Pretty sure that’s why I still go every day.”
“Right. And you do everything around the house?”
“Do you have a point?” Billy asks over a mouthful of chicken.
“I- Look kid, you afraid of getting kicked out or something?” Hop asks, putting his fork down and staring at Billy with the question hanging between them.
Billy tenses. Sets his own fork down. Sets his eyebrows low too, showing off that hard disdain he’s always sporting.
“Why? What are you thinking about?” Billy asks, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed tight. Hop has seen the boy do this countless times before: he’s trying to look tough. But the thing is, it never works. It didn’t even work the first time he did this. He’s trying to look big but in reality he looks like a little kid who got told he can’t have dessert tonight. He glares but it’s always paired with a pout like a toddler.
Hop shakes his head. He feels like he can never win with the boy. He also feels like he says all of the wrong things in the wrong ways at the wrong times. He relies on Joyce for a lot of stuff. Probably too much stuff, but he’s been trying, alright?
“Cool it, I just… you do too much.”
“I what?” Billy asks like it’s some kind of insult. Hop can’t help the sigh he releases.
“You do too much. You don’t need to bleed yourself dry every day, alright? You’re doing too much.”
Billy’s mouth moves but no words come out. He looks semi-desperate to say anything, but he doesn’t. Can’t? Just furrows his brows and squints his eyes and shakes his head minutely and pouts. And Hop doesn’t know how to continue this, he just feels bad. Feels it heavy in his heart bc this boy has the deepest circles under his eyes and he feels kind of responsible for it. Really, seriously feels responsible bc he watches this boy work himself down every day and doesn’t say anything about it. It’s just that he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do about any of it. He let it happen bc there wasn’t a lot of alternative when he was always at a loss for words as to why a boy would even want to work so fucking hard all the time.
But he can’t let it slide anymore.
“You can keep your job, I’m not saying you have to quit or anything, I just… stop cleaning everything. And doing all the laundry. It’s…. Nice, sure, but it’s too much.”
“I just… what are you talking about?” Billy asks, irritation laced with confusion in the blue of his eyes.
“I’m saying I need you to stop doing all the chores around here.”
“Because you’re tired! I can see you’re tired.” Hop pauses for a second. “And it weirds me out! I mean, you’re a kid, don’t you ever just act like a kid?”
“I’m not a kid.”
“You’re still 17, you’re a kid.”
“Why are you mad at me for doing what I’m supposed to do?”
“I’m not mad!” Hop nearly yells, hands going to his hair to pull at it. It’s a lie. He is mad. He’s mad at himself for not being able to find the words this boy needs to convince him to just calm down with the “responsibility” shit. “I just don’t want you running around-”
“I’m being responsible-”
“It’s not your responsibility!” Hop’s eyes are hooded by thick eyebrows bc he’s far too confused by these words to have any other kind of expression. At first glance, this kid looks like a brat. A boy who complains about having to do more than he needs to. About having to move off the couch to take the trash out.
But that’s what knocks Hop into it. Into the realization that he’s completely wrong. Bc Billy’s hands have always been calloused, he works on his car himself, he knows how to do all of this stuff in a timely manner. He doesn’t walk around like he’s confused, he walks around like a machine as he dusts the shelves and wipes down the tables.
It’s never a sarcastic, smarmy little  show of “I’m being a good house guest, can’t you see?”
No. it’s an act of: “i’m doing what I’m supposed to, don’t look at me.”
He always moves fast; always quick about it. His shoulders are always hunched over. Like he’s trying to stay hidden and now Hop knows. It starts clicking more and more and he’s livid at so many things right now he can’t even pinpoint them all and-
“No. It’s not your responsibility to take up every chore in the house. We can do it together and I know I kind of drop the ball on a lot of it but I’m gonna get better about cleaning but I can’t do that when you do everything and-”
Hop’s not even looking at Billy anymore. He’s looking at his mostly empty plate, rubbing at his forehead and his hair and trying to see through his squinted eyes bc this isn’t the conversation he ever thought he’d have to have but here he is and he looks up at Billy who-
Who is so confused. Whose eyebrows are closed in and whose lips are parted trying to form a question that isn’t coming out and Hopper sighs.
“Your place in this house is safe. I mean it.” Hop says seriously. Looks Billy in the eyes and doesn’t leave even a sliver of doubt. Doesn’t let Billy think for a second this is a joke or that it’s an empty promise. That he isn’t anything but absolutely serious.
Billy’s face falls from his confusion. His eyes are shifting everywhere, on the table, the floor, the wall next to them.
“Billy.” Hop starts, leaning forward a bit on his elbows on the table. “I’m serious. If you’re afraid of getting… I dunno, kicked out or something, you won’t.”
Billy blinks.
“Just…” Hop continues on a sigh. “Please stop doing everything. It makes me nervous.”
Billy nods slowly, eyes still confused. But he smiles a bit at the small smile Hop offers and it’s fine. Everything feels fine. Far better than fine.
And so Billy lets them help. El sweeps the floors and dusts the shelves. Hop wipes off the counters and learns to cook some more, as well as load the dishwasher correctly. Billy teaches him the “secrets” of doing laundry. (“They’re not secrets, old man, you’re just a caveman who doesn’t know how to keep towels soft.”)
And it’s a little alien for both of them (and everything is a new and exciting experience for El) but it’s far better than fine.
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hargroves-angel · 5 years
could you do about surpring billy with plane tickects to go to california for spring break
California Baby
Summary - You get Billy tickets to go to California for your anniversary.
Warnings - Fluff
A/N - Hope you like it!
You’d been saving up for months to get these tickets. Working extra shifts at the florists, doing more chores for higher allowance, even helping out with odd jobs around town. It was yours and Billy’s one year anniversary, he’d always talked about how much he wanted to take you to California, visit all his favourite places, go to the beach, Eat at new restaurants, stay in some little beach house near the shore. You always brushed it off in front of him, you obviously wanted to do the same but you had to keep it a secret and wait till your anniversary.
To say you were excited was an understatement, you’d spoken to Susan and Max and they were going to help convince Neil or lie to him about it. You’d booked a beautiful hotel, not quite a beachouse like he wanted but it was close to the hotel and was bloody expensive. You’d gotten the dates and reservations for restaurants, it was all planned out.
All you needed to do was give Billy the tickets, you were to fly out next day.
You woke up at around 7:00am, Billy stirred in bed next to you his arms moving you closer to his chest as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
“Happy anniversary princess” he mumbled. You giggled.
“You too baby” you turned around his arms and he groaned, shoving his head to rest on your boobs.
“Can I just stay here” he muttered. You rolled your eyes and scratched the back of his head, he moaned in appreciation.
“Well that wasn’t the reaction I expected” Billy felt his cheeks heat up,
“You tell anyone, it’s over” you smiled down at him.
“As if you’d get rid of me” you continued to stroke the top of his head. Enjoying the peaceful atmosphere before you heard your alarm go off.
Was it 7:30 already. You huffed but none the less got up. Billy shoved his T-Shirt on and sat at the end of the bed. You grabbed his card from your draw.
“Here you go” you smiled down at him. He took the card and flipped it over, his name in gold pen on the front, a heart next to it. You bit your lip as you saw him open it up. A second envelope fell onto his lap, he was about to go and dive into the present he assumed would be money, but your glared at him.
He rolled his eyes and looked at the words you’d written for him in the card. In your best handwriting it wrote a simple message of how much you cared about him. He genuinely smiled at it. He felt real true happiness with you but to know that you really cared and you loved him made his heart swell, you were so important to him.
“Ok now you can look at the present” you smirked at him, joining him on the bed. He carefully unfolded the envelope and took out the tickets. He was confused at first, raising his eyebrows, he read the words on the front.
“Baby- I- California together?!” You nodded, beaming at him. He was lost for words as he pulled you in for a tight hug, he felt like he was gonna cry, “how, what, why?” He stuttered into your hair. You pulled away from him.
“I worked a few extra shifts and got my allowance bumped up etc, the reason I did it should be obvious silly, because I love you and you’ve always wanted to go so i thought fuck it why not” He hugged you again, showering your face with kisses.
“Now I feel bad for what I got you, it’s no where near as amazing as this!” He said between kisses.
“I don’t care what you got me” he raised his eyebrows at you. You giggled,
“Ok fine i guess I would be annoyed if you got me a pen or some stupid shit” you smiled. “But at the end of the day you being here with me is the best gift ever, and the amazing sex we are gonna have… later” you teased before getting up and leaving the room.
“Later?! What about now?!”
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superlepato · 5 years
With Love from Memory Lane
Previous Chapter   AO3
Chapter 8
Steve’s parents weren’t exactly excited when they returned the next day in the morning, they were relieved sure, excited not so much. Steve and Billy spent the whole night in the clubhouse sleeping close enough to share their heat and keep it warm inside the sheets.
They waited for Steve’s parents to wake up, in the meantime, they were in the kitchen eating breakfast.
While eating what he thought was the best sandwich ever - filled with cheese, ham, lettuce, sliced tomatoes, mustard, mayo, and ketchup - he thought how he missed this, Billy never had breakfast at Steve’s but he felt a longing, that right there at the moment was being satiated. Another perk of being at the Harrington’s was that he could eat as much as he desired it if you take in count that Steve’s parents didn’t spend a lot of time in the house, to begin with, meaning that they didn’t eat in the house many often. There even were food that belonged to Steve exclusively like the cereal of Captain Crunch.
Billy spent the morning with Steve, he was there when Steve’s parents reprimand him for scaping and cause so much trouble, and when they called Sheriff Hopper about his return, apologizing for the inconveniences, for last Mrs. Harrington was calling his dad and let him know where he was. He never picked up.
At the moment he wasn’t sure if his father even returned home, he hoped that Neil went directly from whatever he was to work, that way his father didn’t need to know that he didn’t spend the night at home and how he sure was going to miss the first period.
Mr. Harrington already left for work and Mrs. Harrington seemed in a hurry to leave to hers but unable to do so with other person kid at his care. They were the kind of people that focused on work when they were facing some sort of emotional distress, in his opinion they were detached.
“ My dad could be at work, he returns at night ” It was something that Billy thought she may need to know, especially when she seemed to ponder of what to do with the time she had.
“ You wouldn’t know by accident his number at work? ” he denies with the head, his father never gave much about himself much less the number of his office, probably because he wouldn’t want to risk Billy bothering him at work or someone else answering the call. He had the aspects of his life separated
“ This is what is going to happen ”  Steve’s mom decided that it was the best idea to leave Steve at home but not for long she reassured him since someone needed to be at home when Chief Hopper came by to take Steve’s testimony of the events for the record. Years later that testimony would be brought to light with the disappearance of thirteen years old omega Will Byers.
“ Billy do you want me to leave you at your home? ” it was a good proposal, he didn’t feel with the energy or the desire to pedal to his house, he saw her while she dashed through the living room and counted the things that were in her purse  “ No Mrs. Harrington, it’s okay if I stay with Steve?”
“ Call me Martha please Billy, and sure you can stay, I’ll be calmer knowing that Steve isn’t going to go away again ” for someone that doesn’t have maternal instinct she sure does have that “mom face” that promises a “talk”.
Now they were alone and skipping classes. They stayed in the living room watching T.V
“ You think you would go to school tomorrow? ” Billy asked
“ I don’t know, maybe ” and almost immediately he corrected himself “ You know what, I’m pretty sure I’m coming tomorrow I don’t think my parents let me skip classes ever again ”
Steve’s parents indeed took measures to prevent this situation from happening again, and when he meant measures he meant everything as didn’t alter their routine too much.
Like his father taking Steve to school early in the morning, in case Steve went absent in one of his classes all the teachers had the obligation to inform the principal and therefore Steve’s parents.
After classes Steve was signed in extracurricular activities, for example, the Indiana Sunshine Society, one of the many societies of that type that were focused in community work, recognized and supported by the community as a great character builder for girls and omegas alike. It wasn’t just to keep tabs on Steve but it also served as a good extracurricular activity that will give him a better chance for higher education. The earlier he devoted himself to that better.
In the weekends his mother took him to Indianapolis to attend at the Academy of Etiquette and Protocol, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm he was a left in a room with a bunch of other kids from 11 to 18 years old learning about etiquette, ballroom dance, tea etiquette, wedding etiquette, date etiquette, etc.
Martha really made sure to sign up Steve in any program and seminar available in that place, it was a bit of a boomer and the hours left to see each other were fewer but it didn’t bother him so much just for the fact that he started a part-time job in the garage of George Burness, he couldn’t depend on Neil anymore if he wanted to buy something for himself, and it was better if he showed initiative to search for the job before his father complained about how he was being a slob.
But right now they were just enjoying being by themselves for a little longer,  grown-up problems could wait.
“ Are we friends again? ” Billy wanted to be sure where they were standing.
“ Yes, we are ” before they could forgive and forget, Billy, needed to ask something first.
“ Why did you get mad with me? I help you against Jason ”
“ You weren’t being a good friend, you helped me just when I was close to a fist fight but the other times they said stuff about me or call me by that nickname, you didn’t do anything, even laugh sometimes. It isn’t enough if you are going to be my friend only when you are at my house ”
Steve called him out on his bullshit and he was right to do it.
“ Sorry, I won’t do it again ”
“ Good, because I don’t want to be alone at lunch or recess ” Yeah, Steve was going to need that since half of the school thinks he was death and the other half that he was crazy.
“ Maybe, I mean you are kind of popular, everyone talked about you ” Billy then proceeds to retell all the stories, gossips, and theories since his disappearance, including the one of Mary Petterson.
“ Steve when you were in the woods did you hear a weird sound at night? ”
“ Weird like what? ”
“ A high pitched, like a woman screaming but weirdly”
“ When did you hear that?”
“ Yesterday in the woods, before I found you ” Steve was concentrating trying to come with something that could explain what Billy heard.
“ It was probably a fox ”
Billy didn’t say anything mostly because he thought his face makes it very clear what he was thinking, and that was it couldn’t be possible that a fox could make that sound, he may not know what does the fox sound but he isn’t stupid. A fox, yeah right.
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The killer that initially impacted Sidney the most was BILLY LOOMIS, and understandably so; Billy was her boyfriend at the time, and given some behind-the-scenes insight from the production side of things and some of the actors, I think it’s fair to say he was her first serious relationship. Billy was her first love, her first time, etc. He was dating her before Maureen was murdered, and stayed in the relationship after the fact, and we know all of this before he’s revealed to be the mastermind behind everything. Sidney’s placed so much trust in Billy to the point that, after his name is cleared, she truly believes he’s not the killer and she’s safe around him. More than that, he’ll protect her, and so when it’s revealed that he was not only behind the massacre, but behind her mother’s murder as well, it’s a proverbial knife stabbing her in the gut and twisting. He kept that a secret for an entire YEAR. Every hug, kiss, touch, conversation, ‘I love you’ between him planning Maureen’s murder and the reveal was a lie.
It’s something that sits with Sidney throughout the first and second sequels—in scream 2, when the murders start up again, Sidney’s initially wary of Derek, a little hesitant to spend time alone with him under the circumstances, and it only gets worse when he drops from the ceiling on stage for the final bloodbath and Mickey is framing him as his accomplice. For a split second, she believes its the truth, until Mickey shoots him in the heart. In scream 3, when Sidney is wandering around the set for stab 3, she’s reminded of the ghosts of her past; when she enters the set for her room, she hears echoes of that scene in her bedroom from the first movie, hears Billy’s voice in her head, even mutters ‘would you settle for a pg-13 relationship?’ under her breath. Four years later and Billy Loomis still hasn’t been uprooted from her psyche.
On the subject of scream 3, I think the killer that undoubtedly has occupied her thoughts and affected her retroactively is ROMAN BRIDGER.
Up until this sequel, she doesn’t know much about her mother other than the fact that she was part of the reason why Billy’s parents split up and his mother abandoned him. She doesn’t hold the best thoughts for her mother; while she doesn’t hold blame against her for the murders she’s been the center of or for her death, she doesn’t take well knowing that Maureen wasn’t who she thought she had been. I feel like, growing up, Sidney was very close to Maureen. Neil’s job involves a lot of traveling, and while Sidney does seem to have a healthy (if not distant) relationship with her father, she had to have been very comfortable around her mother, sharing everything with her, holding her up on a pedestal as the perfect parent. To find out that this was all just another lie doesn’t help her in the slightest, and because of Roman, Sidney starts to believe she’s hallucinating, seeing her mother when she isn’t there, being haunted by the sins of her mother’s past that she played no part in. When she gets to the set of stab 3, she starts learning more about her mother, who she was in Hollywood, and why she left the business.
In the climax, when she finds out that not only does she have a half-brother, but that half-brother is Roman and he was behind everything, she goes ballistic. He stalked Maureen, filmed her with Billy’s father, and then planted the murder seed (for lack of a better word) in Billy’s head to get rid of Maureen for rejecting him. He, himself, says he never expected it to go further than that, but he doesn’t seem upset or angry that it did. His motive for killing Sidney is simple: she had the life and the family upbringing that he always wanted, and he’s vengeful for it. Sidney’s still grappling with the fact that she has a half-brother she never knew existed, but she focuses on the fact that ROMAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE SHIT THAT HAS HAPPENED TO HER OVER THE COURSE OF FOUR YEARS. Her mother’s murder, the original Woodsboro murders, the Windsor College massacre, and now the killings on stab 3: Tatum, Randy, Derek, Hallie—the list goes on and on. If Roman hadn’t filmed Maureen and shown Billy the incriminating tapes, NONE of the above would have happened. Sidney would still have her mother, her best friend, a normal life. She would’ve stayed in school and finished getting her degree in theater. She wouldn’t have shut herself off from the world in an attempt to keep her loved ones safe, because she wouldn’t have to.
And while through this she learns that nothing was ever her fault and builds off of that to carve herself out as a survivor, Roman doesn’t immediately vacate her thoughts. He’s part of her, in some way; he’s the brother she never had the chance to really get to know. She’s a piece of Maureen’s life she never properly got to know. She can’t help but think of how things would be different for everyone if Maureen hadn’t rejected Roman, or even if Roman had tried forging a relationship with Sidney once she had come of age. I don’t think Sidney would have rejected Roman like Maureen did; I genuinely think she would’ve accepted him and would have wanted to get to know him and have that sibling bond with him. But he took a different path, and it left a lot of scars.
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The killer that initially impacted Sidney the most was BILLY LOOMIS, and understandably so; Billy was her boyfriend at the time, and given some behind-the-scenes insight from the production side of things and some of the actors, I think it’s fair to say he was her first serious relationship. Billy was her first love, her first time, etc. He was dating her before Maureen was murdered, and stayed in the relationship after the fact, and we know all of this before he’s revealed to be the mastermind behind everything. Sidney’s placed so much trust in Billy to the point that, after his name is cleared, she truly believes he’s not the killer and she’s safe around him. More than that, he’ll protect her, and so when it’s revealed that he was not only behind the massacre, but behind her mother’s murder as well, it’s a proverbial knife stabbing her in the gut and twisting. He kept that a secret for an entire YEAR. Every hug, kiss, touch, conversation, ‘I love you’ between him planning Maureen’s murder and the reveal was a lie.
It’s something that sits with Sidney throughout the first and second sequels—in scream 2, when the murders start up again, Sidney’s initially wary of Derek, a little hesitant to spend time alone with him under the circumstances, and it only gets worse when he drops from the ceiling on stage for the final bloodbath and Mickey is framing him as his accomplice. For a split second, she believes its the truth, until Mickey shoots him in the heart. In scream 3, when Sidney is wandering around the set for stab 3, she’s reminded of the ghosts of her past; when she enters the set for her room, she hears echoes of that scene in her bedroom from the first movie, hears Billy’s voice in her head, even mutters ‘would you settle for a pg-13 relationship?’ under her breath. Four years later and Billy Loomis still hasn’t been uprooted from her psyche.
On the subject of scream 3, I think the killer that undoubtedly has occupied her thoughts and affected her retroactively is ROMAN BRIDGER.
Up until this sequel, she doesn’t know much about her mother other than the fact that she was part of the reason why Billy’s parents split up and his mother abandoned him. She doesn’t hold the best thoughts for her mother; while she doesn’t hold blame against her for the murders she��s been the center of or for her death, she doesn’t take well knowing that Maureen wasn’t who she thought she had been. I feel like, growing up, Sidney was very close to Maureen. Neil’s job involves a lot of traveling, and while Sidney does seem to have a healthy (if not distant) relationship with her father, she had to have been very comfortable around her mother, sharing everything with her, holding her up on a pedestal as the perfect parent. To find out that this was all just another lie doesn’t help her in the slightest, and because of Roman, Sidney starts to believe she’s hallucinating, seeing her mother when she isn’t there, being haunted by the sins of her mother’s past that she played no part in. When she gets to the set of stab 3, she starts learning more about her mother, who she was in Hollywood, and why she left the business.
In the climax, when she finds out that not only does she have a half-brother, but that half-brother is Roman and he was behind everything, she goes ballistic. He stalked Maureen, filmed her with Billy’s father, and then planted the murder seed (for lack of a better word) in Billy’s head to get rid of Maureen for rejecting him. He, himself, says he never expected it to go further than that, but he doesn’t seem upset or angry that it did. His motive for killing Sidney is simple: she had the life and the family upbringing that he always wanted, and he’s vengeful for it. Sidney’s still grappling with the fact that she has a half-brother she never knew existed, but she focuses on the fact that ROMAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE SHIT THAT HAS HAPPENED TO HER OVER THE COURSE OF FOUR YEARS. Her mother’s murder, the original Woodsboro murders, the Windsor College massacre, and now the killings on stab 3: Tatum, Randy, Derek, Hallie—the list goes on and on. If Roman hadn’t filmed Maureen and shown Billy the incriminating tapes, NONE of the above would have happened. Sidney would still have her mother, her best friend, a normal life. She would’ve stayed in school and finished getting her degree in theater. She wouldn’t have shut herself off from the world in an attempt to keep her loved ones safe, because she wouldn’t have to.
And while through this she learns that nothing was ever her fault and builds off of that to carve herself out as a survivor, Roman doesn’t immediately vacate her thoughts. He’s part of her, in some way; he’s the brother she never had the chance to really get to know. She’s a piece of Maureen’s life she never properly got to know. She can’t help but think of how things would be different for everyone if Maureen hadn’t rejected Roman, or even if Roman had tried forging a relationship with Sidney once she had come of age. I don’t think Sidney would have rejected Roman like Maureen did; I genuinely think she would’ve accepted him and would have wanted to get to know him and have that sibling bond with him. But he took a different path, and it left a lot of scars.
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