#even tho je litterally says
alilweirddragon · 2 years
I love how Macaque becomes so much gentler with MK when he sees he's just given up
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azenta · 4 years
hey Azenta i'm the anon with the Fe friend. shes a 9 so/sp enfj or estp. she seems like a low Te user online because shes awkward and doesnt know how to approach people like the norms of online interactions flies over her head. she also has a hard time reading the other person and knowing how shes coming off online but shes totally fine talking online with people she knows. sometimes it looks like shes tryharding but shes can see why her behavior is cringey when you point it out.
The first ask was sent months ago and i barely remember what i said, so i may repeat myself :')
> she also has a hard time reading the other person and knowing how shes coming off  online
I can confirm you she isn't ESTP if she can't read people. That's literally the quirks of dom Se - Tert Je. Tho, it makes perfect sense still with ENFJ, and more so with INFJ stacking. Low Se impair capacity to read accurately someone on the moment. And a difficulty to spot norms of interaction is simply explained through poor aux Ni. Fe dom has no value without proper Si or Ni. It will be mindless and follow blindly on the spot, and reading on a very litteral almost naive way situations and people (Fe - Se, inf Ti).
So, well, idk why say she is like a low Te user when ENFJ stack just fully explain those weaknesses. The So/sp stacking is definitely responsible to force interaction even tho she has few to no clue as to how to approach someone at a given moment. She still crave for belonging and seek to establish connections despite not being able to read well wtf is going on.
If you ever want to give her a hand, try to stimulate her Ni, to help her see the patyerns so she draws herself her own patterns and get better at navigating through her Soc. It will help her fill her Soc needs and so make her more at ease, more confident and aim for integration to 3 more easily.
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