#even tho he only agreed to a day pass ASDFGHJ
survivoirs · 2 years
Roy was made to feel like he shouldn’t show his emotions growing up and that lead to him bottling everything up even as a child. And the only place he was allowed to let out negative emotions in particular was on the football pitch. So he did. And anger made him run faster, work harder, get to the ball before others and kick it so hard that the keeper couldn’t touch it. Anger made him an iconic player in the Premier League on Chelsea and still beloved for it even after on Richmond. It’s hard to let go of something that helped him become so successful even though it’s not healthy to keep things so bottled up. As an adult, Roy continues to keep things mostly bottled up, he’s awkward with his emotions, struggles to see what the hell it is the ‘Diamond Dogs’ do but thinks its ‘fucking cool’ that sometimes they just meet up to let things out without needing the others to jump in and try to fix things. Because sometimes it’s best to just feel heard and nothing else. And for Roy, who rarely opens up like he did in that scene, that was pretty fucking cool and made him feel valid in his emotions for once. 
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