#even the word “serial” has no good translation
paavirker · 4 months
Current bane of my existence: trying to translate abstract algebra terms to norwegian and not have it be some sort of anglicised monstrosity
0 notes
comicaurora · 10 months
I've started making my way through the playlist hbomberguy made of actually good video essays by queer creators and spotted a comment of yours on the one about the relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, which was fun xD red in the wild!
Anyways, just wanted to appreciate how both you and Blue and you are very good at showing your sources! It's always nice to know that the people you've watched for years have good habits after an event like this, and I hope you guys are among the people that get some new fans after this whole debacle, because your channel definitely qualifies for "good educational videos made by queer people"
I'm glad! Blue's much better about listing his sources and follow-up reading than I am.
To be honest, I loved the video, but my imposter syndrome always flares like crazy when I watch an essay like that. It might be the ADHD or it might just be who I am as a person, but I feel like I've lived my whole life striving to make everything I do the best it can be, and still managing to fuck up and get criticised for things I could've done better if only I never missed anything. It's an actual gut-drop when it turns out a source I used wasn't trustworthy, or when in older videos I only went wiki-deep for some claims and didn't check every source to be 100% sure I wasn't being goat-fish'd. And this being the internet, I can get criticized at any time for things I've gotten wrong years ago, since it's evergreen online and to the new-viewing critic it's as fresh as yesterday. It makes it hard for me to stay proud of my work past the first moment of "oh I would've done that different now". There's a cocktail of complicated, scary feelings around this space, no matter how little I actually have in common with the bad guys of this scenario - it's less about the reality and more about who my imposter syndrome tells me I am. I saw several people saying that the video actually made them feel much better about their own work because it made it clear that accidental plagiarism on that scale is impossible, but if my anxieties listened to reason I would've successfully machete'd them out of my skull years ago. I just hope I never fuck up badly enough to deserve an hbombing of my own.
But my own stress aside, the hbomb essay exposed a level of laxness, laziness and entitlement on the part of these plagiarists that I think is almost incomprehensible to people who actually create for a living or even just the joy of it. How hollow do you have to be to take in someone else's writing and not consider it, digest it, let it reshape your views and then formulate your own interpretation on it, but instead to file off the serial numbers and pretend it's yours, trusting that the person whose thoughts and words you valued enough to steal will never be powerful enough to call you out on it? I go down research rabbit holes because I love the frustration and thrill of putting something together! How joyless it must be to skim the surface and borrow someone else's conclusions!
I've sometimes had people email asking for sources on parts of my interpretation of various myths, possibly in the interest of source-citing for school papers (a nightmare concept in and of itself) and with very few exceptions I usually have to tell them "the only sources were the english translations I used of the primary source where the myth was originally written, like I said in the video, and the part where I said I was conspiracy-boarding has no source other than my own analysis of the given source, which is why I called it conspiracy-boarding" and I was always a little baffled by those emails - half the videos are introduced like "this is The Prose Edda" or "this is in Ovid's Metamorphoses" or "this bit is Hesiod" so what else could they want - but seeing the hbomb of the week made me realize that truly original analysis might not be what most people are expecting from a "thing summarized." They might be expecting a compilation of other people's summaries instead.
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etherealily · 5 months
𝟡 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕤 // Nate Jacobs.
Nate Jacobs + Fem!reader. Darker. SFW, but discretion advised.
Part 1 : Whiplash
Part 3 : Blessed
Part 4 : Shards
Part 5 : Eighteen
Part 6 : Sin
You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc. : You should be grateful.
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He wasn't supposed to text you. He was supposed to take the beating you'd given him for being a prick, like a man, and shut the fuck up about it.
But here you were, midnight, staring at the chat that had started it all.
'yo, u up?'
You rolled your eyes, going back to your scrolling.
'I hate seenzoners.'
You liked his message.
'That's so much worse.'
'The fuck do u want?'
Nate Jacobs sent a voice message.
You could have just ignored it. You could just block him. You could just… stop. But the allure was far too much. The urge of finding out what he wanted was too strong.
"Guess where I am."
He could've just texted that. No need for a voice message, but he was Nate Jacobs.
"I don't know, the psych ward?"
"You wanna know? You'll have to drive and follow my instructions, though. You trust me enough for that?"
Ha. No fucking chance. "No, I'm good, thanks."
"Oh, so you'll text me, but won't see me in person?"
His voice was oddly sultry, as if he'd either just woken up or hadn't slept for days. Most likely the second one.
"Bingo. Go to sleep, Jacobs."
And then he sent you a picture of him from the bleachers of your school's football stadium - how the fuck did he get in?
"C'mon, don't you want to see what our school looks like at night?"
Uh, yes. But with him? No.
"It's 12:05, ASSHOLE. No fucking way."
"This is the scene where you cave and meet me and we have a cute little nighttime school montage where we sit and talk about life."
You listened to that message a good four times before you stopped laughing.
"This is the scene where I block you."
"I will come over if you don't come to the school. Uh, y'know, if you want your parents to think you're fooling around with the QB."
"I will literally shoot you if you come within fifty feet of my house."
"Come. I'll make it worth your while."
Was it possible to hear smirks?
"I'm not coming, Nate."
No way he was actually at the high school. It was probably an insanely good edit.
"You will be."
The FUCK was that supposed to mean? Not like he could force you to show up.
"Wanna bet?"
"Sure. Fifty bucks says you show up to the high school tonight."
"Not blowing fifty bucks on anything, even if I do win."
"What's it going to take for you to come? Look, I-I know it's been weird, and I might've scared you, but that's… that wasn't my intention, I swear."
Yeah, his intention was just to show you what his blood looked like. You liked his message once more, rolling your eyes.
"Dude, seriously, I swear, I'm not like, a serial killer or anything. You can bring pepper spray, a taser, whatever, if it makes you feel better. I'm just- okay, fuck, you're right. Dumb idea, trying to convince you like this."
Wait, okay, good. That was good. He was getting the message.
Another voice message.
"I forgot who I was talking to. You leave me no choice."
"What?" No.
And then, you received a video. He was teetering off the edge of the top-most row of bleachers. With a gun at his head.
"Come on, Y/N, this is getting really sad, that the only way I can grab your attention is by almost killing myself."
"I don't care. Do whatever. Not falling for it this time."
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"FUCK!", you yelled, as you found yourself running frantically through the school football field for the second time in two weeks.
You'd actually kept your word for a while, pushing out every Nate-related thought for a good night's sleep - you didn't fall for it.
Until McKay called and informed you that Nate wasn't picking up his phone - and that his last message was something along the lines of : 'Call Y/N if you don't hear from me in the next couple of minutes'.
He was deranged. Playing Russian Roulette with his own life was absolutely deranged.
"You actually showed."
GOOD, he was still alive, meaning you could kill him.
You didn't speak. That would simply complicate things, because then you'd have to look at him.
"Plus, you didn't flinch when you saw me. Think that's a win for me in the trust department."
You stood there, glaring at him as he jumped down from the bleachers, even doing that dangerously, as if he was a cat with nine lives, or he was playing a video game and would just respawn.
"You know, you could say something."
He wasn't getting impatient, though, like his tone was trying to portray. No, he was getting more amused. He liked this. He liked the fact that he got you to come to a basically abandoned-for-the-holidays-high school at midnight. He reveled in it.
"Like hey, Nate, thanks for convincing me to actually live a little for a change instead of staying cooped up in my house.", he suggested.
You punched him.
Yeah. You kept running across that field till you were close enough and you punched him right then and there.
You full-on punched him, shoved him back, slapped him, clawed at him. "Stop FUCKING doing this to me! STOP! You can't FUCKING do this to me!", you screamed, hitting him repeatedly on his chest.
He took every beating, and the fact that it seemed he was trying not to laugh just egged you on even more to actually kill him, make his nose bleed, make his head fall clean off his egotistical body.
Eventually, though, it seemed even Nate Jacobs had his limit. He grappled against your hands as he held them between both your chests, clenching his jaw. He wouldn't risk saying anything, seeing as your eyes were already burning with tears.
"You…", you cried out as he shifted his grip on your hands to only one hand, wrapping the other around you. "…Can't keep…"
"Shh, shh, I know.", he muttered as he rested his chin on your head. "Shh, I had to."
"No, you didn't."
He kissed your head, then your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, and stopped for a moment, hovering over your lips but not touching them, as though he was more scared than you were. "You know I did."
You wondered if he could taste the tears, whether he relished it. Knowing what little you did of him, he might have.
"I would've come."
"No, you wouldn't have. Shh." He was right, but there had to be some other way.
"You know what, sweetheart?"
It was sickening how he could do this to you and then use words of endearment against you.
"You should actually be grateful."
And that's when you noticed that he was actually gripping onto your hair, tightening it when your face didn't show any contortion due to pain (only contortion due to unbridled rage and the urge to stab him with your car keys).
"I usually hurt people to get what I want. With you, I'm hurting myself."
You fought the urge to say 'so fucking what?'
"You're not bleeding, baby, that's what you don't get. You're untouched, and safe, and not bleeding. Me, however?"
What was his point? That he was being a gentleman by scaring you half to death instead of having a normal adult conversation?
"I'm bleeding. I'm hurt. I'm in pain. But I'm still holding you."
He said it with exaggerated magnanimity, like he was doing you a favour, or something, like all your problems, trauma, worries, stress, had just disappeared because he was holding you in his 'big strong arms'.
"Then stop!"
"Neither of us wants me to stop holding you."
"I do."
He grinned, knowingly, with a subtle shake of his head. "No, you don't."
"Let me go."
"Let me go, Nate."
"Fine. Because you called me Nate and not Jacobs.", he nodded, letting go of you and throwing up his arms. "Don't hit me again."
"Was McKay in on this?"
He frowned momentarily, before realization swept over his face. "Shit. Yeah, no, he wasn't. I should text him, huh?"
Oh, now he was asking if he should be a courteous human being?
You watched him loathingly, as he typed out what you guessed was a half-assed apology.
'Sorry, McKay, I'm good, man. Chicks, y'know?' or some absolutely fucked up shit like that, to be sure.
"Done. Now, will you stop being so square and enjoy the fact that you're here at school at midnight?"
"What?" Enjoy?
"I'll bet this is your first time out at midnight period, let alone your first time out at midnight somewhere you're not legally supposed to be."
"Why am I here?"
The condescending look he gave you set your teeth on edge. 'Oh, poor, naive girl. Of course she doesn't even know why she's here. This is why I told her to stay in my grasp. She never listens.'
"You're my good luck charm. My good luck charm, but I heard you're fucking Shane. You can't be doing that."
The softness in his movements, the gentleness, it had either completely stopped, or entirely overshadowed the fact that he had put you through yet another nerve-wracking event that would raise your blood pressure.
Shane who, Shane who, Shane- oh. Shane.
Not so much fucking as went on one date with, but it was better for everyone if Nate thought you had already gone that far.
"Why not?"
"He's a punk."
"You're one to talk."
"Look, he plays defense. What if you're just, like, intensely fortunate? Can't have him sneak in a quickie before the game and then he's lucky."
It's like he wanted you to punch him again.
"He's on your team. You'll win anyway."
He shrugged, as though he could see where you were coming from, but was about to respectfully absolutely ruin your argument.
"I like to win."
"Not a team player, are you?"
"Never claimed to be."
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He was so clearly getting frustrated with your lack of response - the initial dopamine and thrill of being a disgusting element of surprise by shooting/not-shooting himself in the head gone.
But what could you say?
You'd already ghosted Shane after the date had tanked, so technically there was no reason for you to still be here. The chances of a 'lucky quickie' were virtually zero.
And so, you just stood there, the two of you, with inexplicable rage pooling within.
Your senses were heightened, your emotions wilder than the crazed look in your eyes as he stood there, looking down at you like an adult looking down at their childhood toy. As if you were the naivest, most precious, pathetically adorable thing he owned, reminding him of a simpler time.
At this point, even a rabbit's foot had been treated with more respect than you.
And you hated every moment of it because it was thrusted upon you, just like the silence of the eerie, void-like field you two were in.
"Why are you like this, Y/N?", he groaned, with the nerve to sound tired.
You? Why were you like this? What about him?
"You're… so cold." His hands flexed as if they were about to move from your hair to your throat. "Just… let loose, please. You're the reason I'm winning, I'd at least like to get to know you!"
"Oh, so this is like, an interview? Is she good enough to be associated with me? You think you're hot shit? Dude, I- you gotta realize how fucked up all of this is."
You were practically pleading. Acknowledge your absurdity, Nate Jacobs, please.
"Hey, whoa, look, you chose to associate yourself with me. Not my problem, ok?", he spat back, clearly happy with the return of banter.
"I didn't choose any of this!"
"You requested to follow me after I followed you. You chose not to block me after I followed you."
"You're putting this all on me?"
That's what normal people do ; they follow people back! He was grasping at straws, but it still seemed as though he had an iron grip on them.
"There wouldn't have been a first time if you didn't care so goddamn much." Like he was mocking you. You almost screamed. You almost hit him. He was so nonchalant.
But that… rang true. However, the humanitarian in you was adamant that there was absolutely no one cold enough to shrug off a video of someone slicing so effortlessly into their palm and exposing their blood so unabashedly.
Well, except Nate Jacobs himself.
"But, y'know what, Y/N?", he said, clearing his throat, matter-of-factly. "That's all in the past. Because now, now, we're going to sort out this arrangement between us and everything will go back to normal."
Normal? Normal as in, both of you go back to being strangers? Unlikely.
"How this thing is going to go. Before every game, you fist-bump me. You don't touch any other players whatsoever, Blackhawk or otherwise."
Great, he was policing who you could fist-bump now.
"I- you brought me here at midnight for this?"
"Uh, no, I brought you here at midnight for fun.", he replied, scoffing. "But since you wanted to be all violent and physical, I thought we should stick to business."
Did he mean to be this insufferable? Was it a bit? There was no way an actual human being could act like this, yes? There was no way anyone could think that this was a justifiable response to a genuine question. Right?
At this point, you didn't know anymore.
Nate Jacobs had officially stumped you.
"If I say okay, can I leave?"
"No, you cannot leave, but you definitely can go sit over there and think about your little attitude before I bring out the tequila."
He burst out laughing at your annoyed face, slinging a heavy arm around your shoulder in an oddly possessive display of 'familiarity'.
"Relax. Loosen up, like I said, and you'll be fine.", he snorted, and that was your only indication that he did not, in fact, actually wish to put you into time-out.
The insane man with a gun had a sense of humour, apparently.
"You brought tequila?"
"I told you, the whole point of tonight was fun and getting to know the reason I'm winning better. So, sit."
You sat, still glaring up at him. You must have looked absolutely fucking cute or something, because he pouted at you before reaching into a duffle bag you hadn't noticed before and whipping out two bottles of straight tequila.
"Body shots?"
"I'm joking, I'm joking. You'll come around soon, though. They all do."
Great. That's brilliant. You'd been reduced from a stranger, to a bitch, to a joke, to now a stereotype. This was just spectacular.
"Why me?"
That question seemed to genuinely catch him off-guard.
Good. Now he knows what this past week with him has been like.
"Why me? Why am I the good luck charm?"
"I don't know."
"You could just be a really good player. You don't know, you haven't gone a single game without it, so you assume you're winning because of it."
"The third game was the one you weren't there for. You must remember hearing about it, though? Most embarrassing game for East Highland, I swear. 34-nil? That was shameful. That's why I decided, fourth game onwards, I wouldn't have to risk it because I got you."
Shit. That actually made sense.
"Okay, now you tell me.", he began, slightly turning the bottle in his hand around and examining the contents, curiously. "Shane Crestin? Seriously?"
He scoff-snickered, taking an impressively large gulp before answering. "Y/N, the guy's a tool."
Look who's talking.
"He asked me out after the game."
"So, he knows you're my good luck charm.", he said, quietly, like a king trying to figure out where his men's loyalties lay.
Did Julius Caesar have a girl who he gaslit in order to get her to watch him in battle because of superstition? If so, she'd have been the first to stab him.
"Of course he knows, you made a huge spectacle of it that first time."
"Oh, yeah. But still, what a bastard. Trying to steal my lucky girl and her luck like that."
You needed to do a lobotomy on this man, seriously.
It wasn't even like you could ask him what the hell that meant because that would just bring him immense amounts of joy.
"You're not drinking. Why?", he inquired, opening the second bottle and forcing it to your lips.
You frowned as you held onto it. "I don't drink."
"Oh, bullshit. Come on, drink, don't be a nerd."
"I said no, okay?"
"Wait, do you not want to drink around me?"
He was really going above and beyond to break the 'dumb jock' stereotype, wasn't he?
"I can't believe it.", he continued, leaning back on the bleachers as he watched your face. "After all this, you don't trust me."
After all this, he said, as if he had spent his entire life working solely for your benefit. Like a tired mentor.
"I mean, dude, this is like… such a bitch move, you know that? I'm just trying to be nice."
"I don't know what you want me to do, Nate."
"Uh, trust me? Thought we were cool now, Y/N. You think I'm going to get you blackout drunk then have my way with you? Rape you? Are you scared to be around me? At midnight? In a quiet, empty football stadium where no one would think to look for you?", he questioned, still holding your gaze as he lifted his bottle to his mouth.
The elaboration of that statement unnerved you.
"I don't think you're going to rape me, I'm just-"
"Just scared of the possibility?"
"Don't take it personal, but-"
"There's no other way to take it. You're all but accusing me of assault. I thought you were different."
Was that meant to make you melt? 'Oh, no, I'm just like everyone else in that I don't want to end up in a ditch somewhere, the horror!'
"Maybe I'm not.", you shrugged.
"But you came. Tonight. No one else would have. So maybe you're a judgmental bitch like everyone else, but you've at least got your stupidly huge heart going for you."
If you strained your ears, that almost sounded like a compliment.
"Uh, thanks?"
"Drink, Y/N. Please."
Oh, fuck it. You needed that goddamn tequila to shoot through you with a vengeance.
"There we go.", he mumbled, watching you. "Dude, look at you."
"You're finally badass."
His eyes lit up as he saw your finger enter the scene. He chuckled for a moment. "I'm being serious. I mean, you've beaten me up, what, three times so far - once in front of the entire school - and now you're doing underage shots with me at night at school, which is like, two illegal things at the same time."
See, that's where the difference between the two of you lay.
He thought that was being a badass.
You thought that was being a dumbass.
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"…So yeah. That's why I joined football, basically. Made me feel, like, stronger and more in control, I guess."
This asshole had just told the most human story, and now you had to see him as a person. The cunt.
You watched as he stood in the middle of the field, aiming and shooting at the banners that were strewn up all around the field.
God, he was so fucking terrifying.
How does he play Russian Roulette to bait you into coming one minute and then reload and shoot at banners like a child with his first Nerf the next?
"Control. Yeah, that tracks."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You want everything to go your way. You get pissed when other people do things of their own will."
"Can't argue with that.", he shrugged, as he turned his back to you and shot another banner, impressively shooting right in the centre of the 'O' in a 'GO BLACKHAWKS!' sign. "You know how to shoot?"
"You should learn."
"I'll get right on that.", you scoffed, as you observed your tequila bottle intensely, ignoring him coming back to rest his feet on the bleachers from your peripheral vision.
"Open your mouth."
"Humour me."
"I've humoured you enough tonight."
"Please? Pretty please?"
You rolled your eyes, but opened your mouth. You had no idea what you expected, but it sure as hell was not him stuffing the barrel of his gun in there. You suddenly felt the tequila evaporating from your bloodstream as he slapped your hands away after you tried taking it out, like anyone would. Shit, it hurt. FUCK.
"Just relax.", he whispered, so soothingly that he might as well have been talking you through a panic attack. "There's nothing to be scared of."
Besides the hot gun you've got basically lodged up my throat.
Suddenly, the amount of danger you really were in began to materialize in your head. He was right. It was midnight. It was spring break. It was at high school. No one would think to look for you there.
"Are you scared?"
Oh, God. He was one of those freaks who got off on these things.
You nodded, not really knowing what else to do.
"You think I'll shoot you?"
You shook your head.
"Kill you?"
You shook your head.
"Then why are you scared?"
Honestly, it was the fact that he wasn't going to do either of those things, and decided to shove a gun down your throat simply for shits and giggles.
"You need more tequila."
You frowned, but nodded. Anything to get the gun out of your mouth.
He poured it straight from the bottle into your mouth, watching with sick satisfaction as you swallowed, and you realized that he was psychotically drunk.
"How's that? I do it all the time, y'know? Hot metal plus cold tequila equals the best fucking night ever."
Um, ew. No. But that would be super unwise to say.
"You shove a gun down your throat then take a shot?"
"One of my more dangerous drinking games, yes. God, dude, look at you. Like, you're so fucking uptight, loosen THE FUCK up!"
You were unsure how much 'looser' you could get - you were already going along with his 'dangerous drinking game'.
"I am!"
"Not enough. Not even close. You need more."
"We're all out.", you said, (thankfully) pointing at the empty duffle bag next to him.
"Oh.", he sighed, slumping down next to you and using the duffle bag as a pillow. "Just- I don't get it. What is it about you?"
"That makes you get suicidal?"
He snorted, softly. "That makes me so mad?"
"You're mad?"
"Not like angry-mad. I mean like… crazy-mad. Like I go mad around you."
Five-year-olds could explain things better than him, but, to his credit, he was shitfaced.
"Really? Thought you were born that way."
"I mean, last week? When I kissed you? I don't do that shit. But it was the only way to shut you up. I-ugh. It's you, Y/N. Just fucking up my brain, one game at a time."
"Oh, oh, so you being a psychopath is because I didn't show up to one game?"
"When you're constantly worried about someone needing to be there, you do crazy things. Like cut yourself. I would have done it, too, seriously."
"I know. That's why I came."
"So, we weren't entirely strangers, huh? You knew me a little, at least?"
"Uh, no, we were definitely strangers."
"Now? What are we now?"
"Uh… friends?" You didn't mean that. You wouldn't be his friend if it killed you.
"No, I think I'd know it if we were friends." Phew.
"So, you tell me."
"What? No, you've been in charge this whole time, you tell me."
He just said you'd been in charge.
One offhanded, sweeping statement, and he'd shifted all the blame on you as easy as pie.
How did he do that?
It was obvious what he was referring to: the fact that none of these interactions would have happened if you just hadn't given a shit in the first place.
The fact that every single move of his had been linked to you, in whatever this weird everybody (except you) ante, sketchy poker game he was playing was supposed to be.
And it unnerved you.
Because in some twisted way, it was true.
"But we've kissed.", he reminded, diligently and unwantedly. "Acquaintances - and classmates, before you suggest that - don't just kiss."
"Dude, then what do you want to be?"
Shit. That was what he'd wanted all along. For you to ask in exasperation, to give you his interpretation.
"You know, just… an average relationship between a man and his good luck charm." He inched closer, his hand loosening its grip on the railing as if it was going to do something, but there was no more tequila to reach out for.
There was only you.
And reach, he did.
First, his hands were on your cheek, like they had been a half hour ago. Then, suddenly, they were in your hair, and his tongue was trying to coax your words out of you directly from the source.
And you just let it happen.
If anyone knew why you let it happen, you'd have loved to start a suggestion box.
But you had a funny feeling that the only person who knew why was Nate Jacobs himself.
Fat chance he'd tell you.
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johnnyutah · 4 months
average adam faulkner stanheight fan: if adam isn’t in saw xi we riot! @lionsgate @kevingruetert @jameswan #adamlives #justiceforadam #corpseinconsistencies
average john kramer fan: What people don’t realize about John, is he’s such a genius that even when he makes mistakes, he planned on making the mistakes. He is the greatest villain of all time
average jill tuck fan: Appreciation post for the Women of Saw 🩷 [the same ten photos that get posted once a week]
average lawrence gordon fan: last night i watched a 2004 tv movie about serial killers called ‘the riverman’, followed by the cheesy family rom-com ‘a castle for christmas’. today my friends and i are going to binge the entire third season of netflix’s ‘stranger things’. none of us have seen a single episode of the rest of the show and we don’t plan on it. then we might rewatch ‘another country’ together
average amanda young fan: sorry i haven’t been online in 4 weeks i’ve been too busy trying to get the new pig cosmetic in the rift [posted 7 weeks ago]
average mark hoffman fan: [underneath a gifset of costas mandylor in a republican christian propaganda ‘sci-fi’ movie] #hes so fucking hot #i would give anything to put him in a sports bra and make him do jumping jacks in front pf me i would literally do #ANYTHING #i need to make him into a marionett and fist him lol
average daniel rigg fan: Here’s a quick low effort doodle I did of Daniel! I just love him so much ❤️ [a literal masterpiece, the best art you’ve ever seen in your entire life] [3 notes]
average allison kerry fan: i am hardcore attached to ONE ship which is probably either allison/amanda or allison/lindsey and my whole blog is devoted to them. there are dozens of us DOZENS
average lynn denlon fan: okay so i know bahar is a realtor now but in her last instagram post where she’s congratulating her son on some new achievement, both the first and last words in the post have 11 letters, AND there’s an X and an I visible in the background of her post 👀?? is this a reach???
average jeff denlon fan: No seriously let me finish seriously when you compare him to the other shitty men in Saw he’s NOT that b
average david tapp fan: i’m 39k away from publishing my 40k tappsing Everybody Lives AU <3 this is going to be epic [account has been deactivated for an indeterminate amount of time]
average brit stevenson and mallick scott fan: Hey I stayed up making this instead of writing my thesis paper for grad school. Here’s a 30,000 word document about the implications of Brit’s promotion within the Marshford group and how it would lead to her eventual demise and also how she rose to the top in her group. It also delves into her relationship with Mallick, whose existence, I believe, is an obvious literary reference to an ancient Roman play read by only me and three other people currently alive. I translated relevant passages and included them in my work. I got understimulated around page 8 so I did take a break to pierce myself in the same spot that I believe Mallick would have a piercing. If you read my fics on AO3 you will already be familiar with the location.
average peter strahm fan: haha peter does CRACK cocoaine haha i think he sniffeds some drugs! why else would he be so MANIC HYPER CRAZY!!! i love my crazy JUNKIE man LOL get him some andderall STAT!! if hoffman didn’t kill him the SPEED certianly would of! LOL!
average lindsey perez fan: i love lindsey perez i’m such a big fan of the character lindsey perez
average matt gibson fan: i literally would eat garbage out of a dumpster
average ezekiel banks fan: holy shit i just finished spiral what a good movie what the hell!!! what a cool addition to the saw universe! i bet everybody else loves this as much as i do! let me take a big drink of water as i check tumblr dot com to see all the nice things people will have to say about darren lynn bousman’s Spiral
average william schenk fan: my hobbies include: being a fujoshi,
average cecelia pederson fan: [pic of cecelia yanking on the metal loop around her neck and smirking] https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT3f5IIzt5PG-M7G9_Z-gjY4gZaiUneTdMlYrFAcdBGcJo0-N-RDQcj2JfxOaBTxKa6J_DiDQNgqVpg/pub
average logan jigsaw fan: What people don’t realize about John, is he’s such a genius that even when he makes mistakes, he planned on making the mistakes. He is the greatest villain of all time
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hanibalistic · 1 year
genre | fluff, faint angst / reader is gn
synopsis | miles found you fainted in an alleyway one day, except you died two years ago.
word count | 3440
warning | brief mention of injuries / use of spanish phrases translated from the internet :( let me know if i'm wrong about anything! / everything i know about e-42 miles morales is from the movie 
note | not the proudest of my writing here. also, a disclaimer that the events in this fic will deviate from canon haha
parts | one, two, three, four
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"Uncle Aaron, I think we forgot to get detergent."
"You forgot to get detergent. I didn't forget nothing."
Miles's shoulders slumped in distaste. His frown mirrored the quiet complaints he spilled out of his mouth as his fingers tugged at the grocery bags dangling on them. He must have been delirious to still forget an item written on a piece of paper and to think the word 'detergent' wasn't even crossed out on the grocery list his mother gave him. It wouldn't be too big of a deal, but he imagined his mother would be mumbling about it as she set the table for dinner. 
The doorknob fumbled a bit before the door swung open. The brightness in your eyes dimmed upon seeing Uncle Aaron's furrowed brows, which reminded you of the cautionary tale he kept retiring about being aware of opening doors to unknown knocks in case of danger. You still had difficulty getting used to a dangerous Brooklyn because yours was bright and sunny, and it had its very own Spiderman. Miles had laughed when you told him about your Brooklyn, asking if there was a ranking for crime fighting bug of the week; Spiderman today, something like Ant-man tomorrow?
“If I’d been a serial killer–“
“Which you are not,” you sang with vague cheerfulness as you tried to take the groceries from his hand. 
“Hence the question being hypothetical–“
“Miles! You’re home!”
“Mi vida.” It was not audible. He opened his arms habitually and let you dive into his embrace. “How’s your day? Did you glitch?” 
You perked up from where you buried your face in his shoulder and examined the bracelet permanently latched around your wrist. Gwen was the one who put the finishing touches on it, and she was so excited about the product that she came over in the middle of the night to hand it to you. It has been about two weeks since you began wearing it, and you have not glitched once. You told Miles it should be safe to conclude that the bracelet worked, but he always asked for good measures anyway. 
“I helped around the house, as always,” you replied. Fixing the bracelet, you felt a soft magnetic pull against the tips of your fingers that touched the metal. You let go of it and rested your chin on Miles’s shoulder, sighing in contentment at the mere solidity of his body. “I didn’t glitch.”
Knowing that he was not being paid attention to, Aaron decided against scolding you for cutting him off twice. Instead, he rolled his eyes and turned to the kitchen, where Rio was shifting through a stack of sealed envelopes. He placed the groceries on the square table in the middle of the kitchen and smacked his teeth, looking pointedly at Rio as he nudged his head toward the apartment door.
Rio didn’t have to look to know you two were stuck in each other’s arms by the door. She smiled, shifting through the letters carefully with a shake of her head. “He is happy, Aaron.”
“Happy enough to cut me off my sentence,” he scoffed before adding, “twice.”
“I’m sure they will apologize if you say something,” she mused. “Especially [Name]. They’re a good kid.”
Aaron’s eye twitched in dismay. Rio was right—you were a good kid. He couldn’t hate you enough to delude himself into believing otherwise, and of course, he didn’t actually hate you. Besides the apparent naivety he suspected came from living in a safe Brooklyn, nothing about you was blatantly dislikable. You were helpful, albeit not the brightest learner. You listened well, which could be a product of being in another’s hospitality. And, most importantly, you were Miles’s safe place. For the first time in years, Aaron could see his nephew find time to be the teenager he was supposed to be. You practically breathed life into him, which worried Aaron the most.
You were a second chance that Miles was unwilling to let go of, but whether you return to your Earth was not his decision. What would happen to him when you leave? You would destroy him. 
“I got the groceries, Mrs. Morales!”
Rio dropped the envelope in her hand and smiled upon your arrival. "Mi amorcito!" 
You tilted your head with a thoughtful grin after you put the grocery bag next to all the things Uncle Aaron had taken out of the one he was holding. When Rio flashed you a questioning look, you shrugged. "Miles called me that before. I didn't know what it meant."
A choked-out cough sounded from behind all three of you, and standing by the kitchen sink was Miles, gripping the edge of the sink and coughing out the water that ran down the wrong pipe. Rio covered her teasing smile with a hand, but her shoulder moved to the gentle beats of her lighthearted chuckles. Aaron stared at his panicking nephew, a tinge of judgemental pity laced in his eyes. 
Slamming his fist to his chest, Miles swung around to glare between the three of you before his eyes landed on your curious face. “What are you talkin’ about?”
"When did he say that to you?" Rio asked. 
You rolled your eyes skyward. If you remember correctly, it was during the first few glitch attacks when you would break down from the sheer pressure of it. He had encouraged you to sleep with him on those nights, and you gladly accepted the offer. It was during one of those tearful nights, you believed. He had whispered it when he thought you were asleep, with teary hiccups still occupying your body's consciousness, and you remembered he had been stroking your hair to lull you to sleep. Everything about him was tender during those nights—his touch, voice, and presence. Unbeknownst to you, its cause was that he physically could not muster any energy when you suffered. 
"He must have thought I was sleeping," you said, then you looked sheepishly at Miles, who returned it with a sneer. “I wasn’t asleep yet.”
“Clearly,” he muttered. 
"I didn't take you for someone who would sneak into people's rooms when they're sleeping?" Aaron chimed in. 
“I didn’t!” Miles groaned in embarrassment. “They cry like hell whenever they glitch. What was I supposed to do?”
“I did cry like hell when I glitched,” you said in agreement as you turned around from the kitchen cabinet where you were stocking the cleaning supplies. “I was the one who looked for him, actually. I couldn’t fall asleep alone. The glitching was terrible.”
Aaron’s eyes darted between you both. Miles reached out for you, his arm moved boldly, but the tip of his finger that touched your shoulder to get your attention was timid and boyish. He exhaled when you smiled at him, and the faintest smirk only you could discern to be a curve of contentment grew on his face as you walked near him. You scrunched your nose into a tight-lipped smile when he muttered something only you could hear, likely giving an unnecessary explanation for his comment on you crying like hell. 
The rate you two could engage in your own world was almost admirable if Aaron wasn’t so cautious of Miles’s growing feelings for you. But watching as you two helped each other stock the kitchen cabinets, shoulders brushing and shoving playfully, he knew he couldn't do anything. 
"We forgot to get detergent."
Rio gasped. She glanced at the washing machine filled with dirty clothes waiting to be cleaned, one of which included her work uniform, and she sighed. She would have to wear the one she did on her last shift. “I guess I’ll make a run to the store after my shift ends,” she mumbled with a thoughtful hum. “Or I can do it later on the way to the bank. I needed to deposit something.”
“The bank closes at six,” Aaron said questioningly.
“They have a drop-off box that opens through the night. It’s super convenient,” she clarified with a finger snap. “I’ll just stop by briefly before my shift starts. I might forget tomorrow.”
“Your shift starts at twelve, right?”
“Yeah,” Rio nodded, “overnight.”
“You gonna eat dinner with us?”
“I will,” she nudged her head toward where you and Miles were bickering about the washed dishes, “if those two would step away from the stove so I can cook something!”
The two of you froze up at Rio’s demanding tone. Quickly organizing the knickknacks on the dish rack next to the stove, not forgetting to scoff at each other about storing the utensils, Miles ushered you out of the kitchen with his hands clamped over your shoulders. Uncle Aaron watched your backs disappear into Miles’s room, and he saw your ridiculous faces trying to hold back from laughing at what he could only assume was an inside joke, as nothing was amusing about this situation. He gulped—he couldn’t do anything about Miles’s feelings for you.
The only thing more dangerous than a teenage boy in love is the person he is in love with. Taking you out of the picture would do nothing but bring Miles out of the canvas with you, leaving two vacant spots once close together. If you left, you would destroy him, but more importantly, he wouldn't hesitate to follow you everywhere. If you jumped the universe, he would jump the universe. If you got stranded in purgatory, he would strand himself in limbo. If you went to Hell, he would go to Hell because, at some point, it stopped being a biblical state of eternal torture. At some point, Hell is not a place; Hell is just where you are. And Miles would follow you there, always. 
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You jolted up with the television screen flashing at your face. Even in your sleep, your body subconsciously remembered there was something you need to do. Before Rio left for her shift, which was just a little after Miles and Uncle Aaron left for the occasional hangout, she gave you a sealed envelope to deposit into the bank mailbox because you insisted that you were going to head outside for a short walk of fresh air anyway, so you might as well help you with this tiny task. Except you fell asleep on the couch after getting ready and woke up at one o’clock in the morning.
Scanning the quiet apartment, it was easy to tell nobody had returned home yet. Rio wouldn’t be home until early in the morning; Miles tended to get home around two to three o’clock when he was off with Uncle Aaron doing who knows what. Leaning your head against the couch cushion, you drew a mental map of the path to the bank before closing your eyes. If you jogged, a round trip would take you roughly fifteen to twenty minutes. Not a problem! 
Sliding off the couch, you reached into your crossbody bag that was big enough for a phone to feel for the envelope Rio gave you. It was still in there. You zipped the bag and patted it twice for safety, then fixed your jacket sleeves in preparation for the chilling night breeze. Turning off the television and the living room lights as the last step, you grabbed the house key lying in a bowl with some loose change and left the apartment. 
Keeping up a light jog was easy under this cold weather and the dark streets. You liked walking at night, but you were never outside this late. There were no cars or people, much unlike the bustling morning you preferred much more. Uncle Aaron’s cautionary tale repeated in your head and increased your speed through the empty pedestrian road. The more you stayed outdoors, the more you thought it a bad idea to be outside at this dead time. 
“What? What is–what?” you muttered as you moved your body about. 
Glaring at you was the metal deposit box enclosed in the bank walls. It took you a hot minute to find it because it was behind a wall off the side of the building where the ATMs were. You thought it was a terrible design choice only because you couldn’t find it immediately; it would not have been if you managed to. The second hurdle came when you realized the handle to the mailbox wouldn’t budge. 
“How do you open this?” you laughed as you gave the handle another pull. When the metal texture began hurting your skin, you let go to loosen your jacket sleeve until it reached your palm so you could use the thick fabric as a shield. This time, you put a leg up on the wall to use it as leverage. You pulled again. Nothing happened. Huffing in dissatisfaction, you pointed at the mailbox as if it could understand you. “You’re really–mhm!”
The swift kick to the wall could be heard. Miles perked up to where the soft rummaging noise came from and squinted his eyes behind the prowler mask. He scanned the area carefully, looking for any signs of people to find none. He remained tense even as he dropped the matter—gritted teeth and clenched jaw over a bank heist only a few days in planning. He has done this many times before. Maybe not robbing a bank specifically, but criminal activities were no longer a stranger to him as they were. He would even say he enjoyed it; he liked being strong, and it was a source of easy money. However, the main reason why he turned to a life of crime was to distract himself from the death of his father and you. Now that you were here to repaint a corner of his world with colors again, being a prowler was losing its appeal. 
He snapped out of his trance at his uncle's impatient voice screeching through the earpiece, and cleared his throat. "Sorry. What's up?"
"What's up?" His uncle sounded incredulous. "Are the bombs set up?"
"Oh–uh, yeah." He peeked out from behind the bush to check out the blinking red light he set up at the foot of the gate. "They're all set up."
"And you? You got your head in the clouds just then.”
“I’m fine, Uncle Aaron,” Miles clarified with the kind of grit that would have gotten him in trouble usually. He took a deep breath. “Let’s detonate them so we can move on from here.”
The other end shuffled and scratched; its noise muffled the careless footsteps behind the ATM wall.
“Detonation in three….”
You pouted when you shoved the envelope in your bag, still mumbling about not finding an opening to the night deposit box. It was a good enough reason to give Rio tomorrow when she returned home from the hospital; that metal handle would not budge!
Miles perked up at the familiar figure trailing slowly by the bank entrance where he set a bomb device. His ears did not deceive him when he thought he heard footsteps somewhere, and neither was Uncle Aaron wrong about his head being in the clouds! Nobody should be out to the bank at this forsaken time, but his surprising lack of attention made him miss the slow walker—he tilted his head—a slow walker wearing a jacket he remembered he also owned.
You blew raspberries as you patted your bag twice for safety measures. When you looked up, you met eyes with a figure in a purple suit. His stance seemed agitated, and Miles was. He cursed under his breath when he recognized your face, his legs already bringing him out from hiding. What were you doing here? You should be at home!
“Uncle Aaron, no!”
The ground shook under your feet, but what made you lose your balance was the impact of the sudden explosions that came in three—bang, bang, bang! The bank building was collapsing, or perhaps it was only in the process of being destroyed? You didn’t get a chance to see clearly. You could hear the alarm bells, though. It wasn’t the wailing kind; it was the kind that rang non-stop. 
Meeting with the ground was not an extraordinary experience for you, but it felt worse than being pushed in this case. Face planting on marble tiles was mentally more endurable than outdoor brick floors. At least you thought that way for now. A groan left your lips as your brain was overloaded with sensations; you absorbed too much, from the alarm noises to the growing pains at the bottom of your body. You groggily looked to where it came from and saw glass shards sticking to your legs through the fabric of the pants. Great. Turning away from them, you noticed your bracelet scratching up tiny sparks, and you couldn’t bring yourself to wonder if you’d broken it.
“Oh no–shit! No, no, no, ¿por qué estás aquí?” Miles unmasked himself, showing his anxiously darting eyes. His hands hovered over your body indecisively, but he felt his fingers inching toward your face where blood trickled down the side of your skin. Miles needed to look through your hair for the source. Curling his arm under your neck, he lifted you to his chest. “Oh no, oh no. Lo siento, lo siento, lo siento–no quise hacerlo.“
You stirred upon his voice phasing in and out of your muffled hearing. Even with the migraine, you could recognize his voice. He was spilling words you didn’t understand, but some of the vocabulary you knew he had said to you before. Mi cariño, mi corazon…mi vida—he whispered that to you today when he came home from school. He probably didn’t think you heard, but you did. You exhaled, then an exhausted whimper pushed itself out of your mouth when the breathing hurt your throat.
He quickly regained his composure upon seeing a sign of life, immediately hooking his arms under your knees, pulling you to his chest, and leaping away from the falling debris. The sight of you bleeding and injured was all too familiar to him. But instead of letting the flashbacks stop him in his tracks, he planned to do something he couldn’t last time—saving you or at least trying to save you.
Returning to where he was hiding, away from the burning building, Miles scanned his surroundings. “Uncle Aaron! Uncle Aaron, help!”
“Miles!” Aaron emerged from the shadows. “We have to go now, we don’t have time–“ he stopped at the sight of you in Miles’s arms–“what happened?”
“They were here–I don’t know why! They’re not supposed to be out here at this time!” 
You remembered how he carried you, which seemed to always be bridal style. It wasn’t as if he did it all the time, though. His hand on your back felt much weirder, too, like he was digging claws into your skin to keep you in his arms. If your senses had gathered better, you would have teased him with the hope that he hadn't gotten tired of you joking about his feelings for you. Licking your dry lips, you rolled your head to meet his chest. It heaved with each word he hollered beyond the fire, the alarm bells, and the disagreement coming from his uncle. They were arguing about where to go. Miles clutched your body closer to him every now and then. He was hell-bent on bringing you to seek medical treatment, and his uncle was not.
“Gwen is waiting!”
“She would want me to help [Name]!”
“We triggered the alarms, so law enforcement will gather here!” Aaron argued. “The police can bring them to the hospital just fine! We need to stick to our plan!”
“[Name] is dead on record. We can’t just bring them to the hospital!” Miles said. “I’m taking them directly to mom.”
A foolish boy. “You’re gonna throw away everything we built.” It was more than just doing crimes, it seemed. There was a bond, a mutual trust built in the process that was on the verge of collapsing. “For that.”
Miles widened his eyes in disbelief. He had his doubts about the way his uncle felt about your existence. Still, he held out hope that the aloofness resulted from the great unknown of the multiverse and Aaron’s personality rather than that he thought your presence was a nuisance. Supposed he was wrong. The casual dehumanization was all he needed to decide how to proceed. Miles hopped a few steps back, his brows furrowing and his grip on your firm. 
“Tell Gwen I’m sorry.”
Aaron clicked his tongue. “Tell her yourself.”
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 3 months
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This issue of Weekly Shonen Jump included an address fans can send letters of thanks and support to Horikoshi-sensei before the end of the series.
Viz did not include this address in the English release; I imagine that is because there is very little time before the last chapter, but maybe they just didn't think overseas fans would be particularly inclined to send anything.
So, if you want to send a letter, I'd recommend sending it no later than July 13th.
International mail takes longer to deliver, and anything sent after that date may unfortunately become a bit of a burden to the editorial team. I have heard of international fans sending mail during the run of a series, but not after its serialization has ended, so please be conscientious of the people who will have to receive and handle your letter, as they will likely get many.
Print out this address (rather than writing it by hand) and affix it to your envelope:
〒101—8050 JAPAN 東京都 千代田区 一ツ橋 2-5-10 集英社 週刊少年ジャンプ編集部
Write "FROM" in capital letters above your return address, which should be written in your country's own language/format. Be sure to list your country of origin clearly; if it somehow ends up being sent back, you will be more likely to receive it.
I encourage anyone who wants to write a letter to write it in their native language first, and perhaps include a copy of it machine translated into Japanese. If you choose to do so, indicate clearly that you are a foreign fan and used machine translation, so any awkwardness of wording or unintended impropriety is taken in good faith.
Try to write formally in your native language. Formal language is easier for machine translation to work with and reduces the chance of serious errors.
Please address Horikoshi-sensei with that specific title, even in your native language. Look through the Japanese machine translation and make sure his name looks like this: 堀越先生
You can also include these phrases if you want:
They are both strong and sincere thank you's.
Most of all, be kind and have fun. <3
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reikorun · 7 months
KlubOutside Q&A 1-100 [Translation]
Translated by @reikorun
Could you tell us if there was any music, for instance, which became the basis for the image of each character in BTW?
I'll write about it in the set list section at some point.
How can I be a mangaka for Shueisha?
You can make a submission to Jump-mangasho. All Jump editors can speak English.
Could you give us the details around how you came up with the word "Bankai"?
Before the serialization of BLEACH, I tried to use the word "卍殺伏龍砲" (Bansatsu-Fukuryuhō) in another manga, I repurposed it from there. 
Right now, what game are you absolutely hooked on? 
Towards the end of this year, I was playing an absurd amount of Zelda Musou (Hyrule Warriors).
Is there any possibility that unrevealed Zanpakutō or Bankai will be introduced in some form in the future?
If there is a place where I feel it would be acknowledged by a good deal of readers with a suitable number of pages then I would like to draw them someday.
Are there any comedians that you have been enjoying lately, sensei?
Tokyo Hoteison and Tontsukatan.
Did Sensei come up with the idea for a fan club himself, or was it proposed by the editorial department?
This was originally a project that a former editor, who is currently working in the web department, brought forward because he wanted to work with me.
Please tell us your dog's name!
It's "Uni".
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In the anime version of BLEACH, the costume designs of some characters such as Soi Fon, Yoruichi-san and Harribel-sama were different from the original work, what did you think about that?
Back in those days, there was a rule within Jump that "only works which have finished serialization will be made into late night anime." However, nowadays you can ask them to broadcast it late at night and stay true to the original work. By the way, ALPHAxOMEGA's Harribel figurine is based on the original work.
Regarding Gin, rather than a Kyoto dialect, is that an Osaka dialect with a touch of Kyoto?
That's correct.
I would like to know what it was that Renji wanted to hear from Urahara-san after turning up in the Human World during the Arrancar Arrival arc, even going so far as to do chores for him!
"Why did you choose Rukia as the hiding place for the Hōgyoku?" Kisuke told him half truth and half lie, but Renji was satisfied with it.
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By some chance, I wonder if Kubo-sensei was actually the originator of Whiskrs STORE? 
I am the originator. This is a brand that aims to put out merchandise in which I am involved in everything from conception to completion. 
Tite Kubo-sensei, when you think about a character, do you also think about colors at the same time? Or, how do you decide the colors?  
It's pretty much done at the same time. In such cases, the color scheme is determined at the line drawing stage so there is no need to deliberate over how it should look.
What are your favorite sweets?
Inamura Shozo and Toshi Yoroizuka. I loved their Mont Blanc and mille-feuille but I can no longer find either of those anymore.
Kubo-sensei, could you tell us from your own perspective how to go about creating characters so that readers can empathize with them and find them compelling?
What's important is whether or not that character has a unique mindset which sets them apart from other characters, so it's not that I think it's necessary to empathize with a character.
Why is the phrase "nandato" (*"what did you say?") used so frequently in BLEACH?
At the time, there were many works with distinctive catchphrases for characters, so this was an experiment to create a catchphrase for the work rather than the characters, thereby giving the work itself its very own personality. I then put it to work as dialogue that does not compromise the individuality of each character, even when multiple characters are using it.
In BLEACH, "BAD SHIELD UNITED" is brought up as a Human World 'movie' but does Mille really end up dying? Since the speaker is Mizuiro, it's hard to tell whether it's his usual dark humor towards Keigo or if he's serious, I've been curious about that for quite some time. 
She dies. My first editor from back then (who was also my editor at the time of BSU) also said to me "I'm shocked though…." 
In BURN THE WITCH, there were often color illustrations which were colored digitally, but around what time did you start trying digital coloring? 
I started from BTW. As far as the order of things go, the Jump cover for chapter 1 is probably the first one that was done digitally. I was nervous until that issue of Jump came out.
Are there any parts of your characters which make you think "this is hard to draw."
When it comes to parts, large breasts are all difficult. Also, during the week where Szayelaporro's release state came up I complained the whole time whilst drawing it. 
When I was reading "BURN THE WITCH", I very often got the impression that Noel was always positioned on the left and Ninny on the right, but I wonder if there's any significance behind this positional relationship…!?
In order to generate an impression of the characters with a limited number of pages, I did this as a sort of staging effect in the sense that ‘a character's traits are incorporated in their stance.’ You have a good eye….
I believe each squad was assigned a color, I once tried to identify the location of squad barracks based on those colors. Since there are 4 gates associated with a particular color, I thought of Shōryūmon as Seiryū (east - blue), Shuwaimon as Suzaku (south - red), Hakutōmon as Byakko (west - white), Kokuryōmon as Genbu (north - black).
As I recall, the townscape was circular so I tried to arrange the colors of each squad with the ‘Yellow Emperor’ as the centre and it turned out as follows. I suspect it might be in this circular arrangement: starting from Shōryūmon with 6, 1, 11, 8, then from Shuwaimon with 13, 4, 2, from Hakutōmon with 3, 5, 9, and finally from Kokuryōmon with 7, 10, 12. ×[1]  
Moreover, I'm awfully curious about the actual line up because it is Ichimaru-san from Squad 3 who interrupted the gatekeeper of Hakutōmon, and the three individuals who turned traitor are situated close together. Is there any established blueprint for the placement of squad barracks within Sensei's mind? 
I can't say for sure without seeing an illustration but judging by what I just read, I think this is very insightful.
Are there any manga, anime, dramas, movies, etc. (other than Kubo-sensei's own works) that as a reader or viewer make you think "this work is amazing!" or "I want you to read/watch that!"?
My favourite program of the past few years has been Netflix's "The Final Table." It's a cooking competition show, but I think it's the pinnacle of Shōnen manga style cooking battles.
What is your favorite Hiroshima specialty?
Cream cheese momiji* and plain momiji with chunky sweet red bean paste. (*Momiji manjū are maple leaf shaped sweets.)
I would like to know what kind of work tools you use!
I don't really have many special tools because I'm not that particular about them … if it's okay, I'll post a photo soon.
I've read in some articles before that the series consists of arcs mainly focused on members of Ichigo's entourage like with Rukia's rescue arc, the Arrancar arc, the Fullbring arc and the Quincy arc. Was this structure something decided upon by Kubo-sensei from the very beginning of the series??
That's right. I was drawing while wondering if I could continue the series until I reached Uryū.
Izuru-kun's Zanpakutō is Wabisuke and Wabisuke is the name of a type of camellia. Does the theory that the reason why there are multiple scenes within the story where he decapitates his opponent, have its origins in the fact that the camellia is likened to a head and is described as falling?
That's correct. I thought everyone would take notice about the Wabisuke camellia but at the time it wasn't really picked up on that much.
What is your favourite Pokémon?
I've never played Pokémon so I haven't the slightest clue.
Does sensei decide the contents, continuity elements and general flow of novelized works like "BLEACH WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU" and "BLEACH Can't Fear Your Own World"?
I was the one who passed on the contents and details affecting continuity, I left its portrayal up to the two authors. Whenever they happened upon a part they didn't quit understand along the way, they would also come to consult with me. 
When is the collaboration between sensei and THE BACK HORN?!
I'd like to do that with the Thousand-Year Blood War arc.
Please give us details about the iPad you use at work!
It's a regular iPad with a larger screen. 
Is Kubo-sensei continuing to play "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" without getting bored of it?
I stopped playing because the UI is too complicated. I'll pick it up again when the UI has improved.
I heard that Kubo-sensei was in charge of the design aspect for the anime original characters Amagai Shūsuke and Kanō Ashido, but was sensei the one who actually designed the anime original characters themselves?
All characters in the anime originals that are not expressly stated as being designed by me are the product of Kudō-san's taste. I may have done a final design check on the Amagai arc at least, but I didn't touch anything surrounding the Bount arc.
Sensei, do you prefer a girl who shows emotions clearly sort of like Ninny-chan or a girl who is cool-headed and doesn't show much emotion on the surface like Noel-chan?
I choose my favorite female characters based solely on whether they have big breasts or not, so if it's between these two, it's Noel.
Are there any plans to re-release the color illustration collection “JET”?
Re-release the art book, I wonder about that… I will try to ask my editor.
Do you play “Dragon Quest Builders”?
I played a lot of both 1 and 2. I'd like to see a remake of 1 with the technology of 2.
Have you ever felt that the sense of distance and relationships between the characters are different between the anime and the original work?
Up to around the Soul Society arc of the BLEACH anime, the whole time whilst watching it I kept thinking to myself "if they change things so much, it won't match up with the endgame of the story, but it's out of my hands." I couldn't really understand the characters so I started checking the script around the Arrancar arc.
Does sensei have a favorite designer chair?
There are many that I like. As for the ones I actually use and like, that includes the Jacobsen Series 7 chair, Eames Sofa by Eames, Magistretti's Maralunga and Maxalto by Citterio.
Chapter 162 of BLEACH (Ichigo's first demonstration of Bankai) is drawn in full color, please give us the inside story around its production during that time (such as how you managed to draw with full color for a weekly series.)
I finished the draft in 6 days and I set aside approximately 2 consecutive weeks worth of time before drawing it. 
Sensei, who did you choose as your favorite character on KlubOutside??
I haven't made a choice yet. When I think about it seriously, I'm honestly having a tough time choosing.
Which dialect exactly is Shinji's Kansai-ben supposed to be?
Hirako and Hiyori are both written with a rough sounding Kansai dialect, but I have been told by someone from Kawachi that "Hiyori speaks with an authentic Kawachi dialect."
Are there any plans to make BLEACH a paperback edition?
I wonder? I haven't heard anything so I guess not. 
※There are no plans at the moment. However, there is a possibility that we will consider it in the future depending on demand. <Editor>
Sensei, I heard that you play Brave Souls, but who is your absolute favorite character to use? Additionally, do you have a favorite character with a Brave Souls original costume?
The one I use the most is Masaki who is the strongest auto. If you're bad at action like me, you can rely on Masaki. I pull almost all original costumes if they are big breasted, in swimsuits.
What is your favorite flavor of ramen?
It's chicken broth.
What is the diet of a manga artist like? I sincerely wish you good health sensei!
It's pretty average. In the past year, the variety of delivery options has increased and has become extremely satisfying.
I'd like to see the design proposal for volume 31 with Szayelaporro on the cover sometime, the one which Kubo-sensei previously mentioned on Twitter...!
Hasn't this been published anywhere? I'll try and see if I have it at hand.
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How are the spellings of characters' names decided?
On the whole, I try to blend in spellings from as many different regions as possible, so for some characters, I was aiming for that “demarcation where it may just be legible" before making my decision. 
Is Gantenbainne still alive after receiving aid from Captain Unohana in the Arrancar arc?
He's alive. The "god" he was talking about is Baraggan, so he is gathering Arrancar who still worship Baraggan and building a small nation.
By what age is one able to work towards becoming a manga artist? Past 20, is it indeed too late to start putting yourself forward? I would like to know what Kubo-sensei thinks about the appropriate age for manga artists!!
I think it doesn't matter how old you are. You don't need anyone's permission to draw manga, so I think it's best to just draw if you want to draw, and stop if you think it doesn't suit you.
Will Whiskrs STORE carry BLEACH goods? I would like BLEACH to come out with merchandise too like those being sold in Whiskrs STORE. I think I'd want to see merchandise which are actually worn by characters or goods that look like they could be sold in Soul Society! Also, it would be helpful if you could add more payment methods…
I'm also planning to make BLEACH goods, but I've created an inquiry form on Whiskrs, so if you can write "item request" in the header over there and send it to us, I'll consider that too! Also, if you would like to pay using a specific payment method, please contact us.
My question is, are Nemu-chan's hair and clothing Mayuri-sama's hobby? Or does Nemu-chan dress up according to what she likes?
It's Mayuri's hobby, or rather, Mayuri is the one altering it to match with his own ensemble. Whether or not it suits her is a separate matter. 
Is there any character in BLEACH that you think has become popular, contrary to your expectations?
I thought Hisagi would never really get popular, so I'm glad that he became fairly popular.
Has there been any change in your favorite characters within your own work between now and the past?
My favorite characters experience change with every scene I draw, so they're constantly changing.
What is the origin of Rickenbacker's name?
This is the name of the founder of a guitar company. All Broombuggies are named after people who have passed away.
Do you have a close friendship with Jujutsu Kaisen's Akutami-sensei?
I had a conversation with him the other day. Right now, I'm using the shampoo Akutami-kun gave me at the time.
With the anime versions of BLEACH and BTW, sensei's characters were given a voice, but to sensei's mind, are there any characters whose voices were a particularly perfect fit?
Yoruichi is the first one who surprised me, I thought "I didn't expect this character to have this kind of voice!"
Hitsugaya who had been turned into a zombie was changed into Quincy clothes, is this Gigi's hobby?
It's Gigi's hobby.
The Quincy have made an appearance in Brave Souls, but how were the voice actors selected? 
I chose them after listening to recorded voice auditions.
What kind of clothes are your favorite clothes these days?
Over-sized, whitish sweats. They're comfortable so I want to wear them until the very last moment they're considered trendy.
Does Kubo-sensei play Brave Souls? If so, who is your favorite character?
I scarcely get a chance to use them, but the visuals for heart attribute swimsuit Nelliel and technique attribute swimsuit Orihime are extremely good.
Are there any manga or movies that influenced you, sensei?
"SNATCH'" and "300" had a huge influence on me at the time they were screened.
I heard that you are also involved in the audition process for the voice actors, but I am curious about what it was like in the early days of the BLEACH anime.
Ichigo was chosen after I listened to the several audition tapes which had been recorded for him. As for the Human World gang + Rukia and Renji, I listened to the tapes that the team on the other side had selected and got them to change only those who were different from their image. It's about the same level of involvement as in the live-action movie. Any subsequent casting does not involve me.
There are two types of haori for the Captains of the Gotei, but are both options provided when they take up their new posts? 
At the time of their inauguration, they can choose between sleeved and sleeveless. They can even make modifications during the process, however they may be put off from doing so because it's expensive and this request will not be approved unless you have a very good reason.
When you were still working on your weekly series, were you reading other works in Jump magazine?
During its serialization, I was pretty much only ever checking for misprints in BLEACH. Between the desire to draw manga and the desire to read manga I only have the capacity to accommodate one, so when I draw I don't feel like reading and when I read I don't feel like drawing.
I have a question regarding the typeface of Rukia's name written on the cover of chapter 266. "Kuchiki" is written in brush strokes, but is there some significance as to why "Rukia" is not written in brush strokes? I'm curious about the covers with names on them since all the names of the other Shinigami are written by brush stroke, whereas part of Rukia's name is the only anomaly.
It does have a significance, but I might draw it somewhere else so it's a secret for now.
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Sensei, is there any aspect in life that makes you think "this is the only thing that is non-negotiable"?
It has to be "don't let anyone interfere with your work." I'm hardly ever picky about anything else in my actual life.
The more Ichigo has grown, the more he looks like his father Kurosaki Isshin, huh? By the way, will Ichigo inherit Isshin's chest hair? I'm curious.
I want to believe in the power of Masaki's genes.
Can I safely assume that the description of Squad 1 Vice-Captain Sasakibe Chōjirō Tadaoki's Bankai - Kōkō Gonryō Rikyū - was referring to Tensō Jūrin?
That's right.
I was trying to choose a favorite character, but I'm having a difficult time because there are too many charming characters! Please let me have at least three people to root for. Kubo-sensei, can you narrow down your favorite characters to just one in your favorite works?
Let me narrow it down. Hyoga from Saint Seiya, Nurikabe from GeGeGe no Kitaro and Gorō from Kodoku no Gourmet.
During the time Isshin was Captain, Rangiku was Vice-Captain and Hitsugaya was 3rd seat, but why did Rangiku remain a lieutenant instead of ascending to Captain?
This is because Hitsugaya is better suited for the position of Captain and also because he had already acquired Bankai. By the way, Hitsugaya had already acquired Bankai by the time he enlisted in the Gotei 13.
Hitsugaya often yells "get to work!" at Rangiku, but what tasks are so demanding that they require the qualities of a Captain class Shinigami? 
Checks and approvals.
Noel-chan had a guy lick some kind of device when checking to see whether or not he had come into contact with a dragon, but does she have to replace it each time it's used? Or does she use the same one the whole time?
It is returned and magically cleaned with every use.
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As explained with 90s level Kidō which appears in BLEACH, the higher the number, the stronger the spell becomes, but is it the same with spells like Blue Spark which are cast in BURN THE WITCH.
It's different. The Magic numbers from BTW have simple rules and are assigned in accordance with them.
Out of Rangiku, Orihime, Yoruichi-san, Harribel-sama, Unohana-san, Isane, Nelliel and Noel-chan, who has the largest chest?
I think I'm probably drawing Nelliel with the mental image of her being the most voluptuous.
I would like a tour of sensei's workshop!! Is that allowed!?!? 
I had never considered it. I don't mind doing this if the time and situation allows it, but we'll see.
Please tell us about any changes in the vow Chad made concerning his fists. After he swore to his Abuelo that he would never swing his fists for himself, Chad did not retaliate by raising his fists for his own sake, not even during a fight where he was being beaten. 
Then he met Ichigo and they both made this pact: "you won't have to hit anyone on your own account anymore, but in return you have to hit people to help me. I'll fight for you and you'll fight for me. If there's something you want to protect with your life, I'll stake my life to protect it too." 
From then on, he fought for Ichigo with his fists and grew stronger to protect his friends. However, in the final chapter there is a scene where Chad has become a boxer and is aiming to become champion. Why did Chad, who up until now had vowed not to swing his fists for himself, end up using his fists in a boxing match in order to become champion in the final chapter? Was there some sort of shift in his feelings that made him think that he's ready to use his fists for himself now, or is it that someone has emerged whom he wishes to protect by becoming a champion boxer?
Nothing has changed. Chad considers boxing a martial art, not violence.
Sensei, if you were to become Captain and Vice-Captain, which divisions would you prefer to be in for each?
It seems like a heavy responsibility so I don't want it.
I joined a fan club for the first time in my life. Have you ever been a member of anyone's fan club, sensei?
It's my first time too. I am currently undergoing the unique experience of joining a fan club for the first time in my life as a member of my own fan club.
I would like to learn about Tite Kubo-sensei's family composition.
What kind of scammer-like question is this?
I'd like to know sensei's usual breakfast menu.
Aojiru, Amazake and yogurt. (*Aojiru - a green, vegetable juice made from kale. Amazake - sweet drink made from fermented rice​.)
I was curious about the origins of the names of Quincy: Vollständig (Tatarforas, Hasshein, etc.) so I tried to do some research but I couldn't figure it out at all. Could they be words coined by you, sensei?
It's not so much a coined word, but rather a regular name …. I give them a name that sounds angelic and doesn't seem to have any apparent origin even if you try to look it up.
Do you prefer raw eggs or boiled eggs?
I prefer raw.
If you were to go out for a drink one-on-one, who would you go with? Personally, I'd like to go with Ikkaku.
I don't drink so I wouldn't want to go out with anyone. As long as I don't have to drink, anyone with big breasts will be fine.
Who does Kubo-sensei admire?
It's not that it's a specific person or something, but I quite admire gag manga artists.
Kubo-sensei, what app do you use when drawing illustrations on your iPad?
It's Clip Studio Paint. I really want to use Procreate (because Tada Yumi-san is using it), but Procreate is complicated.
Kubo-sensei, please tell us what you value when composing your character designs.
Place great value on first impressions and also don't be bound by it.
Sensei, did you study calligraphy? I love your drawings of course, but I also love your penmanship!!
This question reminded me that my grandmother was a calligraphy tutor. But I haven't formally studied it.
I absolutely adore the female characters you draw sensei, but do you find it challenging to draw female characters?
It's the same. People often say that female characters are difficult because they don't understand women's feelings, but it's the same even for men because people struggle to comprehend the feelings of others.
Please tell us about a movie you saw recently that you found interesting, sensei.
I watched The Equalizer the other day for the first time in a while, but it's still interesting no matter how many times I watch both 1 and 2.
At the end of the "D-TecnoLife" anime OP, Chad, Inoue, Ichigo, Ganju, Hanatarō and Ishida appear in that order, but I wonder if Ganju's bandana is white because they forgot to apply color?
This is because the character color check isn't coming to me.
In the Thousand Year Blood War arc, it was stated that no citizen of Rukongai beyond district 50 had been observed wearing sandals for over 500 years, yet as a child Rangiku was wearing a somewhat stylish pair of sandals. Did Gin provide her with those?
After meeting, Gin and Rangiku gradually moved to the safer inner districts of Rukongai. Gin's zōri sandals and Rangiku's setta sandals, which appear in the second half of the flashback, are items which each of them picked up along the way.
Is there any particular reason why Harribel and Stark are not using their first names in typical Arrancar fashion?
There is no concept of first name, middle name or last name to Arrancar. 
Please tell us the reason why Kurotsuchi Mayuri started wearing headgear. Additionally, please tell us about his reason for changing that headgear.
It's his hobby.
What is sensei's favorite manga?
When I'm feeling down, I always read "Kodoku no Gourmet."
In Bleach, Zanpakutō which possess fire abilities appear within the story, but who is a character that sensei is reminded of when it comes to fire?
Wanyūdō (from GeGeGe no Kitaro​.)
Do you still read Jump?
I read it and express my thoughts chaotically to those close to me. My editor also sometimes wants to hear my thoughts.
Is it a coincidence that BTW's release date falls on a full moon in Aries according to western astrology?
Really!? That is a coincidence.
Yadōmaru Lisa sometimes appears to speak with a Kansai-like dialect and sometimes she doesn't, what dialect exactly does Lisa speak with?
It's Gifu dialect which is closer to dialects from Aichi. 
About the unfilled drafts and such that are in the Gallery on KlubOutside, how did those come to be preserved?
Upon completion of the inking stage, I would make a copy and write instructions on it, and when I was done with the draft I would normally throw it away. However, my parents back home told me "send it to us instead of throwing it out", so I sent it to them.
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The characters that appear in Kubo-sensei's works are all highly unique in appearance and personality, and I'm always deeply moved by them. Please let us know if there is anything you keep in mind at all times when designing characters!
I make an effort to try and avoid similar faces or personalities.
Is there any possibility that the BLEACH anime will be released to the world in the form of a full remake? I think that with current technology, it would be possible to depict the world-building more beautifully.
There are no such plans but I'd like to make that happen.
Translation footnotes:
×1. In Japan, Seiryū, Suzaku, Byakko and Genbu are four mythological creatures known as 'The Four Gods' originally from Chinese mythology. They represent a particular color and cardinal direction. There is also one more divine beast, a yellow dragon (aka the Yellow Emperor) - god to the center. 
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victimcentral · 9 days
John's second victim
This is written super quickly and might be kind of long but bare with me! I think I found something regarding Mikoto's case! Theory under cut :D
Ever since the trial 2 ending video I been thinking non stop about the fact that seemingly it confirmed the theory that John was a serial killer, for context ever since Double released I was in the belief that John only killed one person (the blonde guy we see in MeMe) and that his memories were just fragmented (since he was still forming during the events of the murder) leaving him to believe he killed multiple people (especially considering how dismissive and well how he doesn't seem to recall much about it, only remembering the fact that he wanted to protect Mikoto). Of course now we know that Milgram basically told us Mikoto is one of the people in Milgram with one of the most kills (idk why they translated to “the most kills” when Shidou is right there, but in jp it’s more like “one of the most”). 
This led me to question, how and who. For John’s blonde victim who for now I will call Blondie, I had a pretty good idea on how the murder and everything happened, I won't get into detail since it would take a lot of time to cover, my oomfie made a post that I agree with. Tldr Annoying coworker Mikoto was not very fond of, pent up rage for this person led to John killing him to get rid of this “stress” that was causing Mikoto (maybe someday I will go more in depth with this idea). But then there was the problem that, ever since the trial end video, I started to notice that MeMe in fact does show two victims, Blondie (the train murder), and… another person. 
From the framing of everything, John wearing the same clothes during both murders, and that it’s shown that it happened on the same night, I concluded John killed two people in the same event, but… my main question was, who was this second victim, I had a pretty solid theory on who Blondie guy, but this second person was a complete mystery to me, I reread everything to try and see if there were other clues but really I had nothing, we don’t even have a design for this person, but we know it exists because of the Undercover crime location, it matches up pretty well with where we see John kill this second person.
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(Especially the wires)  Meanwhile we know Blondie died by the train, so no doubt about it. (I mean he died in a sort of tunnel place, where we can see here clearly they are more in the open, we can see the sky..!)
While talking to my friends about it this night, rewatching MeMe on loop to try and see something, I spotted something interesting: In the scene that we see Blondie crawling away, the screen has like the same effect on the edges as when we see a person walking towards Kayano at the start of MeMe, this effect is supposed to resemble the inside of an eye, as if we are seeing from the point of view of a person.
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In both of these scenes we can see that the “screen” blinks, making it obvious we are seeing from the perspective of a person. 
And it’s not just some visual effect of the scene, as we can see when the scene zooms in, the effect is nowhere to be found.
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But look, during the murder, this eye like effect is on full display
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This person is no other than the second victim. And this shows that victim two witnessed the murder of Blondie, they saw John kill, and once John noticed he killed them to keep away from anyone knowing. Basically victim two is just a witness who saw the first murder, ran away, and got killed. We can tell they ran away since the crime location in MeMe is noticeably somewhat close to where the train station is. (Credits to Doctor Bunny, I wouldn't have been able to notice this haha)
in here I will lay out how I think the events happened, because my wording probably doesn’t make any sense lolll
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also this could explain all the imagery of Mikoto feeling “observed” in both MeMe and Double images here
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(in fact, we even see the same effect on the edges as the victim two pov in here lol)
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(All the eyes… he is being observed)
And to add last, it would make sense of John’s statement of “killing whoever was passing by”, because truth be told, that second victim truly was just a random person that was passing by, who just happened to witness the murder. 
Thx for reading! This probably makes no sense since I literally just noticed this and wanted to talk about it! In the future I may rewrite this honestly… this is prolly written like shit LMAOO, just wanted to spread the idea around :D! And if someone came up with it before and I never noticed it, let it be known :o !! Sorry if that’s the case haha ^^’ And if I explained somth awfully and want me to elaborate let me know pls!! I love rambling bout Milgram haha
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tarotenvelhecida · 2 years
pick a card– which book speaks to your soul?
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You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discover that it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky. This is a very great liberation for the suffering, struggling person, who always thinks that he is alone. This is why art is important.
—Conversations with James Baldwin.
this is my love letter to all the bookworms in the tarot community— pick a pile & i'll give you a list of genres + book suggestions carrying important messages to you.
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To the daydreamers and the escapists; to the ones that need to rest before following what you need follow.
RELEVANT GENRES & CONCEPTS– fiction in general; romance; fantasy; fairytale; poetry; ‘happy ever after’ endings; hopeful endings; fantasy; magic; dreamy.
AUTHORS – Ursula K. Le Guin; Louise Gluck; Mary Oliver; Jane Austen.
‘The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Life’s Work at 72 – Molly Peacock'
‘Good Bones – Maggie Smith’
‘If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho – Translation by Anne Carson’
‘Owls and Other Fantasies – Mary Oliver’
‘Dog Songs – Mary Oliver’
‘Emma – Jane Austen’
‘Howl’s Moving Castle – Diana Wynne Jones’
‘The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’
‘Death Comes for the Archbishop – Willa Cather’
‘Sonnets from the Portuguese – Elizabeth Barrett Browning’
‘The Hawk and the Dove – Penelope Wilcock’
‘The Secret Life of the Lonely Doll: The Search for Dare Wright’
‘The Ink Dark Moon – Ono no Komachi & Izumi Shikibu’
‘Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll’
‘The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf’
‘Little Women – Louisa May Alcott’
‘Anne of Green Gables – L.M. Montgomery’
‘Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins – Emma Donoghue’
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For the ones that carry the ache to learn and know everything; to the ones bored with life's commodities & seriousness. For the ones that question everything around them – as they should do.
You do not need to fit in. Don't change yourself for other people. If they want to see you this way, then become the proud witch in the edge of the woods.
RELEVANT GENRES & CONCEPTS– books on 'niche' knowledge; science; philosophy; true crime; drama; scandalous romances; adventure, magical realism; YA thriller & horror; comedy & sardonic comedy; ‘controversial’/'weird' books.
AUTHORS– Carmen Maria Machado, Kate Moore, Grady Hendrix.
‘My Sister, The Serial Killer – Oyinkan Braithwaite'
‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales – Oliver Sacks'
‘St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves – Karen Russell'
‘Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife – Mary Roach’
‘The Hitchhiker Guide to Galaxy – Douglas Adams'
‘Inferno – Dante Alighieri'
'Magic for Beginners – Kelly Link'
‘Lace Bone Beast: Poems & Other Fairytales for Wicked Girls – N.L. Shompole'
‘Severed: A History of Heads Lost and Heads Found – Frances Larson’
'The Woman They Could Not Silence – Kate Moore'
‘The Dictionary of Lost Words – Pip Williams'
‘She Kills Me: The True Stories of History’s Deadliest Women – Jennifer Wright’
‘Anatomy: A Love Story – Dana Schwartz'
‘Pretty Dead Queens – Alexa Donne'
‘I’m Glad My Mom Died – Jennette McCurdy'
'Rabid: A Cultural History of the World's Most Diabolical Virus – Bill Wasik'
‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’
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You need to put your sadness somewhere. If you can't, remember that someone has done it before – and transformed it into a story. Let the words you'll read be the resting place for whatever you're feeling right now; let yourself remember that not even your pain is lonely in this world.
RELEVANT GENRES AND CONCEPTS— poetry; gothic horror; thrillers; murder mysteries; tragedies; cathartic stories; biographies.
AUTHORS– Shirley Jackson, Osamu Dazai, Clarice Lispector, Sylvia Plath.
'The Year of Magical Thinking – Joan Didion'
‘The Dead – James Joyce'
‘What The Living Do – Marie Howe'
‘The Hour of the Star – Clarice Lispector'
‘Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector’
‘Some of Us Did Not Die – June Jordan'
Somewhere Towards the End – Diana Athill'
‘We Have Always Lived in The Castle – Shirley Jackson'
'Heaven: A Novel – Mieko Kawakami'
'Journal of a Solitude – May Sarton'
'Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte'
'Grief is the Thing with Feathers – Max Porter'
‘Carrie – Stephen King'
'Of Dogs and Walls – Yuko Tsushima'
'Frankenstein – Mary Shelley'
'The Stepping Off Place – Cameron Kelly'
'Letters to Milena – Franz Kafka'
‘Beloved – Toni Morrison'
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spirits-art-blog · 4 months
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Redraws of some of my favorite Conan/Shinichi expressions so far! I'll likely be making more posts like this cus this show is filled with really good expressions and poses that I really want to draw. Honestly this show needs more moments like the ones above, its such a good visual gag.
For those who don't know, I'm watching this show completely blind so please keep spoilers out of this post; as of posting this, I have just finished ep 289.
Gonna get into some of my current thoughts and critiques in the read more cus I don't really want to make a separate text post so feel free to avoid all of that if you don't want to see it and I hope you enjoyed the art :)
Disclaimer: These critiques should be taken lightly as they don't really impede my enjoyment as overall the show is great! I just like to share my thoughts and ramble.
286-288 is actually kind of a good summary for some of the things I dislike about the show, like sorry if people like that case but Shinichi and Yukiko being there unfortunately did not make it less meh for me.
I usually try to keep in mind that shows like this weren't intended for an american/english-speaking audience but man, New York is such a bad setting for this show. Even if you ignore the actual voice acting, its jarring how the americans just, stop speaking english. I really wanna know what the bts situation was to make them decide that, like sure 3 episodes is a lot, but its hard to believe these new yorkers, besides 2 cops and a taxi driver, are speaking Japanese.
Other thoughts go to the end with the murderer of the case and the disguised killer. Not sure how to word this exactly but it kind of bothers me how this is, I think, the first time we've gotten a murderer who's backstory isn't about some misfortune that happened to them that was caused by the victim, like nah, she was just evil, and then later Shinichi and Ran stop a serial killer from falling to their death, like what? Especially with these two scenes practically being back to back, I just don't get why they did that. Idk just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Anyways on a lighter note, loved seeing Ran's thoughts throughout the episode, especially at the end, like I love internal conflict for characters, and it works for Ran as well since falling for that 'you helped cause this' fear is pretty consistent with her.
And lastly I wanna share some thoughts I've had about the show cus I don't know where to put them. That being said, I really wish they had some episodes early on that explored more of the dynamics between characters and Shinichi's transition into Conan. Like the idea of a rich 16-17 year old being stuck as a 6-7 year old who now lives with his not girlfriend and has to go back to first grade is such a dramatic change, no way that situation wasn't hard to get used to. Unfortunately, I'm more than far enough into this show to know they aren't going to do anything like that. And besides very small moments that spawned headcanons for me, there isn't much going on relationship wise either. After episode 3, the dynamics between the characters was set and hasn't really changed too much, which is a little sad imo.
I'll stop rambling for now, apologies with how discoherent this is, translating my thoughts into words has never been my strong suit.
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rin-fukuroi · 10 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 [𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: serial killer!Blade x fem!reader
Warnings: !dark content, i guess!, descriptions of murders and bloody wounds (of strangers).
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Point Blank - Liar
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Oh, I'm so inspired by this Blade's image that I want to write even more works with him in this role... I love the creepy, disgusting and frightening Blade as much as possible (≧◡≦) ♡
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✦ He doesn't hide from you the disgusting things that his hands do. Blade is frighteningly good at things you can't even bring yourself to say out loud. He's cold-blooded, smart, and too into the taste to stop, despite how you slowly go crazy being next to him while he drags you down to the bottom of a sea of blood and corpses.
Blade no longer remembers what his first murder was like. These faces… disfigured by agony, mutilated and losing touch with this world, merged together in his mind, acquiring a completely new appearance that should haunt him in nightmares, but only you can disturb his sleep when you try to get out of his steel grip, almost breaking your bones, but every time he attracts you back, hugging tightly to his body.
— Where are you going?
Blade was never verbose, but his scarlet eyes sometimes tell you more than his words. Every time you try to escape from the metallic smell that has settled somewhere deep under his skin, from his cold body, from hugs akin to the most cruel torture, his gaze burns a hole in your nature, nailing you back to his chest, in which the barely audible beats of what should be to be called the heart.
✦ He likes to look at you when your face is distorted with disgust. You're chained to Blade like a faithful pet that follows him around, forced to just watch as his pale face is stained with splashes of scarlet blood. A weak-willed spectator who feels complicit in every atrocity that Blade's hands, which know no mercy, do. He beat, hacked, then smeared your wrinkled face with still warm blood, wanting to know when the day would come when your stomach would no longer be sick and your heart would no longer be pounding in your chest, ready to burst apart. When you finally break down.
But deep down in his mutilated soul, Blade doesn't want that day to come.
✦ He is aroused by the sight of your disgust for him, aroused by the fear that takes root in your veins, which has not left your body since your destinies intertwined. Your tears are the best part of his every performance for you. Although you start crying even at the moment when his blade pierces the body of another stranger, your tears, settling in wet spots on his cloak, are something for which he is ready to kill again and again.
— They're all dying because of you, and you can't even look them in the eye. Do you really think you can escape from this?
✦ How low do you have to fall for the universe to finally bring down its punishment on you for all the deeds that you had to witness? Aren't you guilty enough?
After all, he's right.
You really are the reason all these people are dying. And you've never even done anything to stop it, just feeding the monster, filling the void in his chest with sinful pleasure, when Blade enjoys every sound of despair, every plea uttered in a voice hoarse with sobs, every tear running down your fear-scarred face.
✦ You are the only reason Blade has become addicted to this feeling. Watching the fire go out in the eyes of his victims is so boring and has almost become routine, but the way your candle smoulders is what his blade is ready to chop fragile human bodies over and over again until he sees your eyes dim, soaked in darkness that devours his soul.
At some point, you still open your eyes, looking at his victims as if into your own reflection. They're all you. The same wounded, now devoid of soul. The only thing that distinguishes you from the corpses that Blade's heavy footsteps mercilessly tread on is your heart, which for some reason still continues to beat in your chest.
But one day, he promises, you will become a jewel in his collection.
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neartheeasternfence · 3 months
Four Years Ago, Yashiro “Got Away”
Impressions; Chapter 56
Yashiro on the title page seems exposed and vulnerable. The appended phrase is an eye-catcher or advertising slogan, not a part of the work. It must be the editor in charge who is the first, professional reader and companion of the serialization that devises them each time. It is a little regretful that they are eliminated from volumes. 56’s eye-catcher can be interpreted as “[A] want any excuse to stay close [to B],” I wonder. If A is Doumeki, B is Yashiro, and vice versa. Doumeki is the one staring at Yashiro, and at the same time, Yashiro holds feelings for Doumeki.
Doumeki did not confirmed the contents of the video. To Doumeki, whatever the situation, it was Yashiro’s privacy. Asked why he has gotten so much pleasure with Doumeki, Yashiro’s face turns straight one moment, and he replies that only their bodies have good compatibility. While he must have had the same question too, has he adjusted it that way for the time being? Doumeki seems delighted to learn that Yashiro is interested in Doumeki’s personal life. However, Yashiro almost runs away from the scene. He fears getting attached to anyone or anything as ever -- “I am afraid of losing you (I will not lose you if I do not get you) (ch.23, vol.5).”
Something is horrifying about the interaction over “You prefer cruel treatment, don't you?” It is the same as “You go in for pain, right?”, “Yes,” and “Without pain, I cannot arouse…” (ch.24, vol.5). It clearly shows that Yashiro’s trauma has not changed in any way and remains there. Even though Doumeki comprehended something at the end of volume 6 (Tobu tori ha kotoba wo motanai, the translated title: Flying birds never speak), he was not privy to everything... In chapter 25 (vol.5), he minded Yashiro giving tears, but little did he know that Yashiro was having such flashbacks. Since Yashiro is positive to Doumeki’s questioning, the context goes to ‘I prefer cruelty.’ Still, Doumeki cannot help settling Yashiro’s words, plus his enraptured tone, on ‘I prefer you’ or ‘I prefer doing it with you,’ I think.
Doumeki longs to touch Yashiro skin to skin, not to bite or restrain him. His pleasure lies in bringing Yashiro pleasure. For Doumeki, rimming is a symbolic act, an attempt to reach back to Yashiro’s past he cannot fully know, to reclaim the entirety of Yashiro. In chapter 52, I realized that he must have lived a life in the Sakura Family ruminating over the whole memory from the three months with Yashiro. In chapter 56, I recognized that it was Yashiro’s ‘taste,’ his figure and essential parts, and every ‘texture’ of him that occupied Doumeki’s private fantasies. His side face expression is the same when he looks up from Yashiro’s lower stomach, takes a small breath over Yashiro’s heart, shifts from fingering to rimming, or lightly stirs Yashiro’s emissions with his fingertips. Doumeki must be profoundly impressed by experiencing in reality what he has only imagined for the past four years.
When Yashiro first used the word “rape” (in katakana), I was surprised (ch.47, vol.8). Words are labels and categorize things. All the sex Yashiro had experienced, even as he had grown up and regained a certain degree of sexual agency, had been substantially so. He found Doumeki was the sole exception. At that time, it was sorted into the category of “something different from what I know” (ch.25). Although it may not derive a name even now, the rest was categorized eventually as rape. One night with Doumeki drastically altered Yashiro’s perception of sex.
So, what is this? Despite its not being rape, yet not the equivalent as four years ago either… (I suppose that means). Doumeki seems to have developed an understanding that four years ago, Yashiro “got away” because he imposed his emotions on Yashiro. Doumeki takes a breath at the top of the vertical panel, while the bottom two-thirds of it is blank (filled with screen tones). It suggests the passing of time and indicates that he has chosen his words prudentially.
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textfromthelookout · 7 months
Did you hear of the news?
I have. :(
Everyone else has their tributes so, here, a summary of my experience with Dragon Ball.
I was in fourth grade art class. A kid had the February 2005 issue of Shonen Jump, back when Shonen Jump was still physically printed here. I recognized Atem on the front cover because the Blockbuster around the corner from our house had DVDs (I think they were DVDs and not VHSs then since I distinctly remember it having a menu and special features) of some of the later episodes of Duelist Kingdom and my brother and I watched them on repeat. So I was like oh, hey, what's this? They make books of that stuff? I don't remember the conversation but the kid ended up giving me that issue, and I took it home with me.
There were a LOT of significant, groundwork things happening in that issue, now that I think about it. We were just beginning to see Sanji truly in action against Pearl. The Dark Tournament was in it's early stages still with Roto fucking around and finding out against Kurama. Sakura shears off her hair in a move that rearranged sexualities the world over. The reason Atem was on the cover was because Yu-Gi-Oh Millennium World was just debuting its first and second chapter. Bleach wasn't even serialized yet. And Dragon Ball, of course, was also there, about a hundred and fifty chapters ahead of everybody else.
Keep in mind that this was my first experience with manga, period. So my very first experience with Dragon Ball opened on this:
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and ended on this:
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Yeah. Truth be told, at the time Yu Yu Hakusho piqued my interest more than Dragon Ball (a guy fighting with plants? how creative!) but I never did forget these chapters. I thought the art style was so different from the others.
At some point after this, probably between several months and a year and a half, the TV happened to be on one evening when Toonami was airing Dragon Ball Z. Oh hey, I said, I recognize that art, I know those characters. So I hung around and watched some of episode 281. Two things about watching that episode stick with absolute crystal clarity in my mind to this day. Firstly: Buu choking Vegeta out with his arm freaked me the FUCK out as a child. I could not tell you why I had a fear reaction to it but hey, there you go. The second is this:
Specifically I remember 'You died once. If anything happens to you now, you won't exist anymore. There'll be nothing I can do to bring you back.' Not precisely word for word over the years, but Schemmel's tone of voice on this particular lineread. If I had to guess I'd say it was because at that point in my life, uh, death was kinda permanent? So wait, what do you mean died ONCE. Doesn't that apply to everyone?
This still wasn't enough to get me super invested in it though, it just didn't seem like something that would appeal to me that much. So a couple years go by, I don't think about it all that much, and then of course, TFS hits the scene and drops DBZ Abridged. So you know. As a shithead middle schooler with a shithead sense of humor I thought it was the best damn thing since sliced bread. (My biggest character flaw is that I still think a lot of Season 1 is genuinely funny)
And that was really the extent of my interaction with the franchise for the next several years. Say what you will about DBZA but they did manage to put it all together such that someone who had a nonexistent concept of what the original context was could grok it with not a lot of effort. Some time in high school, I think I was around 15, I decided to bite the bullet and read all the manga, as much to increase the funny factor of DBZA as sheerly for the sake of being able to say I had. Stick it to the other weebs, y'know. Now they can't say I didn't know anything about good anime. This was unfortunately at a time when all that was available online were dirty poor-quality scans and questionable translations, but read it I did. I went 'yep, that sure is about what I expected', and proceeded to get on with my life. GT came and went, I looked up and saw Battle of Gods coming out and went 'oh hey that's still a thing huh', kinda was peripherally aware of all the divisiveness of Super as it was happening, didn't really pay it much attention, just stuck to DBZA and quite a lot of wiki-ing.
And then, this time of year about three years ago now, in the middle of conversation with @prophecydungeon, Dragon Ball somehow came up. Something to do with 'Even though I'm not hugely into DBZ's story or whatever Toriyama does have some great character designs' (yes I was referring to Vegeta and Future Trunks at the time, no i will not stop being predictable, yes i am a parody of myself). They eventually brought up the DBS Broly movie and said, and i quote: 'that was a solid 1.5h of unbelievably fun and wacky animation'. Having seen the Gogeta vs Broly part of it on twitter and been like 'damn that animation's kinda off the hook actually, good for them good for them', my response was to be like. Oh word? I've got a spare hour and a half to kill, sure, fuck it, why not, time to watch DBS Broly.
I think that movie was precision crafted to hit me in the hyperfixation, if we're being honest. Opening on a solid 20 minutes of Lore and Worldbuilding and then having most of the rest of the runtime being mindless slobberknocker fun by way of some of the hardest animation flexes ever? I was done for.
In summation. I have been aware of Dragon Ball for a lot of my life, in that its presence was pervasive and enduring as I grew up. I may have been late to the game of actually wholeheartedly enjoying it, but enjoy it I do. Dragon Ball is the roots of a vast tree of anime, and in reading it I began to understand why that is. I respect it for that, and I love it for that. My current fixation may have shifted, but as far as time devoted to one individual thing goes... it took me a year and a half to watch my way through all of the anime and read all of the manga. ALL of it. So there's something good in there, I'd say.
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real-life-senshi · 1 year
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We have another Keiko Interview related to Sailor Moon, posted on June 30, 2023 JST!!! There's both a video of the interview and a partially transcribed interview article.
This time it's on Oricon News. Here's my attempt to translate the article.
Kitagawa Keiko, Encouragement to Her Rookie Era Self, Meeting Her Friends... Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is "Life Itself"
Actress Kitagawa Keiko (age 36) is voicing the key character Sailor Cosmos in movie Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos (Part 2) (released on June 30th), which is the final chapter to the new movie series of the popular anime Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. Kitagawa stated that to her Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is "life itself". In this interview, she looked back on her time as a rookie and talked about her strong feelings for this series, which she has a fateful connection to that can be described as a "miracle romance".
***OP Note: the direct quotes are quite long in this, so I highlight the quotes in Mars's colour to make it easier to read. 🔥
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■ When working on her debut in the live-action, she was met with a series of setbacks. A word of advice she offered to her rookie self: "It's okay."
She met [Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon] when she was in kindergarten. She read the original work by Takeuchi Naoko that was serialized in the "Nakayoshi" (translation: Good Friends) magazine, and reminisced on her reaction that "the images are cute, the colours are beautiful, the costume and accessories, all of them are sparkling and shiny, I want to be like that! Those were the thoughts I had. [Sailor Moon] was like a slightly older and mature, cute older sister to me. When [Usagi] transforms, she's strong. She is so cool when she gathers her strength to face her enemy. My first encounter with [Sailor Moon] was so striking, it was like being struck by a bolt of lightning."
Later while in high school, she was scouted by an agency, and her first audition was for the live-action Tokusatsu drama Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (TBS) in 2003. "I felt like I was destined for it. That I joined the entertainment industry at the right time when the live-action was in the works. My favourite had always been Rei-chan, so I actually declared I wanted to play Rei-chan in the audition, but I didn't think I would actually be accepted for the role."
She received the role of Sailor Mars/Hino Rei, a role she had longed for. "At the time of the audition, I felt I love Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon more than anyone else, and I love Rei-chan, so I approached the audition with confidence. But when I arrived at the audition site, I realized there were so many other cute girls who also love Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, who are good at singing and dancing and full of many other talents. I immediately lost all my confidence, so I couldn't believe it when I was accepted for the role. I jumped into the production in a state of lacking confidence after realizing there are so many more talented girls out there." Despite what seemed like a smooth sailing start, she experienced many setbacks because it was her debut work.
"With no prior-career experience at all, and this being my first acting job, I cried every day. I didn't know what to do. Starting from a blank slate with nothing, every day was tough even though I was holding my dream in my hand. But because this is my favourite series, I gave my best, trying my hardest with a mindset of responsibility and obligation to this series to deliver good performance. I tried to boost my confidence by thinking 'I'm the only one who could play Rei-chan'. I could only imagine how many people were looking forward to the live-action version of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, so I worked hard with that in mind."
If she could say something to her old self now... "Back then, I was agitated and impatient with myself every day, thinking I can't keep staying like this, it was really tough. I felt I was holding the others back because of the experience gap I had among the Sailor Senshi team. But there was also no use in not believing in myself. That's why, I want to say 'Calm down, it's okay'"' to myself", she said with a warm and gentle gaze.
■ Taking on the challenge of voice acting with the "Sailor Senshi" team's support. Would she upload a group photo after viewing the final product? "I want to take a picture with everyone"
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The live-action filming lasted 14 months. "We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner together, and became comrades-in-arms from overcoming hardships from the filming process. Knowing the fact that each of us is doing our best in our respective lives gives me courage." "The 5 Sailor Senshi" consists of Kitagawa, Sawai Miyuu, Izumi Rika, Amaza Mew, and Komatsu Ayaka, who co-starred in the series at that time, are still good friends and in frequent communication with each other. This time when she received the offer, as someone who played Sailor Mars/Hino Rei in the live-action series, she was shocked to be asked to voice Sailor Cosmos and wondered "Is it alright for me to take this on?"
"I voice the ultimate form of Sailor Moon from the distant future. In my mind, Sailor Moon was always either Mitsuishi Kotono-san or Sawai Miyuu-san from the live-action. That's why I was at a loss on what to do about [the offer]. However, everyone said 'you should definitely do it'. They were really excited by the prospect of having a member from our live-action Senshi team be involved with Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon again, especially on the year of 20th anniversary of the live-action airdate, and they were happy for me to be asked to do it. That was really the deciding factor for me [to accept the job]" These were the support she received.
On a side note, these "Senshi" members still get together on a regular basis, and their group photos are always a hot topic on social networking sites. "I think we're getting tired of the photos by now. lol 'What do we want to do? Photo? Since we made the effort to come together, we should take a photo, shouldn't we?' is how it always ends up being. lol I think everyone would probably go see the new movie even if I'm not in it, that they'd want to see it. I want to go see it with them. I want to take a photo with them in front of the theatre signboard", she said, explaining their unchanging friendship.
■ "If you play the role as you feel it, it will definitely produce good results," she expresses gratitude for Mitsuishi Kotono's advice
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In this new film, a new enemy "Shadow Galatica" appears, and with her friends targetted one after another, Sailor Moon and her team are once again thrown into battle. In playing the role of Cosmos, she said "[Cosmos] has overcome and transcended after many happenings, she is neither mere human nor Senshi but instead shines like a goddess, and she has a gentleness and warmth that seem to embrace everything, but also a core of strength from overcoming pain and hardships. It's very difficult to try to express everything in voicing her. A holy maiden who embraces and supports the Senshi team, is the image I wanted to portray and thought of", she said.
Working on the dubbing "was nothing but difficulty. I was not used to working as a voice actor, and I had only voiced boys before, so this was my first time playing a woman. It was difficult to explore the pitch and volume of the voice. Like wondering how should I tone my voice and how loud should I raise my voice, etc... During the testing phase, I fine-tuned my voice with the direct, but even with that I wasn't used to the process of fine-tuning itself. I usually do most of my acting involving my whole body, so it was very difficult to be limited to voice only. I was also nervous to stand in front of the microphone," she shared about her struggles.
Meanwhile, "I received a voicing guide video for reference, and it was Mitsuishi-san voicing Cosmos in it. I had goosebumps when I listen to it. After that I contacted Mitsuishi-san, she said, 'this is only a guide, and if Keiko-chan plays the role as you feel it, you'll definitely produce something good, so have fun in the process.' To be made welcomed by Mitsuishi-san, who has been the lead of "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon for so long, gave me courage." she shared about the encouragement she received from Mitsuishi Kotono who has starred as the lead role of Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi for many years.
Speaking of Mitsuishi, she played the role of Kitagawa's mother in Rikokatsu, the drama series in which she starred in the April 2021 season. "I was happy to be able to co-star with Mitsuishi-san on Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, not only because I felt bonded with the series, but also because I feel a bond with Mitsuishi-san. The fact that every time I work on a production of personal significance, that I happen to also work with Mitsuishi-san, it's coming to an extent where I wonder if a bond was established between us in a past life. I never thought that two years after Rikotatsu we would be working together again. That time Mitsuishi-san jumped into a field she said she was not used to at a film site. This time it's me jumping into Mistuishi-san's field... I'm happy that this kind of exchange keeps happening," she said joyfully.
It was the starting point of her life as an actress, what led her to the irreplaceable bonds she formed, and now she is once again involved in voicing an important character in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. "To me Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is my life itself. The series has been with me and been my favourite since I was in kindergarten. I admired the characters and aspire to be as awesome as the girls, made my debut and play one of them. I am still connected to the friends I made through working on the series and they have supported me throughout my life. It has become such a big part of me, that's why I have the feeling that the series is as important to me as life itself. "
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acre-of-wheat · 3 months
Tagged by @spybrarian! Thaaaank you!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
I have 26
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write Clexa, but now I just write Tanthamore
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Network Connectivity Issues (ahead by a lot)
A story I'm deeply in love with writing, due to its closeness to my heart and because of the novel way it's written-- which is live on a discord server whenever the mood strikes. Fanfic is typically serialized work, but this feels like...even closer to that immediacy, and it can be quite electric.
The Pieces
A collaborative collection of one shots in the Kinkverse universe (talked about below)
The Bite
Canon compliant fic about longing and how it can come out in your teeth.
The Stones
Essentially a sick fic with some fun world building
The Test
Long distance edging and denial. The fantasies were some of my favorite things to write.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes it takes me awhile!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Out of finished fics I suppose it would be The Beloved Prey, though I do have a handful of things I've written to continue that.
Unfinished it would be the unpublished sequel to My Own Echo.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
I think maybe The Stones. Magic holding and accepting Jade because of Kit's love for her feels pretty happy.
Oh! And Network Connection Secure. The Cam girls having a proposal moment that's distinctly them? Very sweet and I wrote it for Christmas.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not on these ones!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Yes, yes I do. The majority of my work contains it. I think the weirdest I've written (so far) is probably Spare the Rod.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not really big on crossovers, so this isn't something I've done. I'll go hard on an AU though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Nope! Translation is an art in itself-- I think I'd find the idea of someone doing that a little daunting?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Kinda! @swashbucklery, @spybrarian, @commanderbuffy and I have all written pieces in what we call the Kinkverse. It was a brain child of mine that started with The Lesson, but has since become a collaborative writing world. It's been one of the most lovely experiences of my creative life. J has also written some supplemental material for NCI that I adore. @barmaid-anon and I brainstorm deranged plot ideas constantly, and she is my best/worst little gay graphic critic.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm going to need to say Tanthamore.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I'm not going to speak this into existence. I'll say that there are a few fics that I have agonized over for a very, very, very, very, very long time.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I get to the point pretty well. I keep action and development moving. I think I do some good figurative language. I trust my instincts on where a story needs to go next.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The Agonies. The connective tissue between important scenes. Not knowing what to have characters do when they're on their own. Run on sentences. Too many WIPs and not enough commitment.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I haven't ever found it necessary? I guess I feel about it the way I feel about captions for another language. You know when captions will say "speaks in a foreign language?" Bane of my existence. Either translate it or get out of here.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pretty Little Liars. I was a big Paily fan for awhile there. Those live back on fanfiction.net
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
The Past feels really good to write because it pulls together all these threads in my brain for the Kinkverse girls, and it feels very unifying for that vision. It's satisfying connecting the dots.
As for who to tag on this: @barmaid-anon, @commanderbuffy, @swashbucklery, @multiplefandommess, @vetiverriver, @onlyshestandsthere, @claymoressword, @kittanthaloselorashield
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Silly Moriarthree “Analysis”
(TW for mention of the Baskervilles arc in the manga, which I think just generally needs to be warned for. Only talking about the Louis parts through.)
Louis is scary in such a different way than his brothers, and I love it.
Albert is probably the scariest in terms of being potentially unpredictable and most likely to kill from a place of passion and hatred. The guilt he feels does not mainly seem to be for his crimes, but rather for (in his view) dragging William into sin. He seems like the one who, if he wasn’t checked by William providing a clear path to follow, would be most likely to murder you for having stepped on his toe three years ago and never apologized. 8/10 on the scary scale, most likely to be an irl serial killer.
William is a pathetic wet cat of a man who is dangerous, but not scary. He does have a sincere and passionate hatred for evil but he doesn’t genuinely believe he has any right to pass judgement, and he feels bad for every time he does so. He is a sad gay babygirl. He really just wants to read books, and teach people about math and eclipses, and give his hubby little smoochies. 3/10 scary, embarrassingly cute.
Louis is so interesting though! His speech right before he burns a dude alive is  at first glance way more psychopath-y than anything his brothers get up to. (Quoting official English manga translation here -- once again I am desperate to edit the wording, the official translation gives me fits.)
A long time ago, I burned down an entire family of nobles, manor and all...and I felt nothing while doing it. Except maybe a sense of relief. Relief for the large fire I had caused for my brothers’ sake...that’s all.
And there is Louis’ core motivation. His brothers.
Anyway, it’s like...William’s motivation is that childlike black-and-white pursuit of justice. Bad people are hurting good people and must be stopped, even if doing so makes him a bad person who also must be stopped.
Albert’s motivation is a more personal indignation over hypocrisy, mixed with OCPD. People who claim to be good are doing bad things, and it’s out of order and twisted up and they must be stopped.
Louis’ motivation is so much more contained and specific. He loves his brothers, and he will follow where they lead and align himself with their goals and utterly crush anyone who harms them or stands in their way. He will make their targets his targets. He will ultimately prioritize their safety even over their own plan. And even becoming M is his way to protect and nurture the world William was trying to create; his primary motivation is not so much justice as a concept as it is carrying on William’s work. Not that he doesn’t care about justice! He does! But I think it’s a less driving force for him than his love of his brothers is.
All of which is to say: Louis if you’re just chilling, minding your own business is 2/10 scary, just mildly intimidating because he can seem very formal. Louis if you cross his brothers or are marked by them as evil: 15/10 you are about to be atomized. Run.
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