#even the others (travis sam and liam) seemed fucking confused
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captainsspnanon · 3 years ago
C3E05 reaction/liveblog
This ad bit just once again makes me want Sam to play a PC with a deeper voice.
I miss the fact that you can tell that they don’t shout stuff at Matt anymore because they don’t have a countdown any more.  I’m sure he’s thrilled, but it’s just a little missing of the irreverent giggles.
Personal predictions, we WILL get Travis’s new PC this episode.  I’m solely basing this off of how long it took to get Cad.
I am just WAITING for Matt to say Yasha instead of Yash.  I AM WAITING FOR IT.
Also, Laudna continues to be best girl, but FCG is steadily gaining!
I do like this sort of general Marquesian accent that Matt has done, it’s very similar to Jarrett, but doesn’t feel stereotypical.
WHAT IS THIS CAMPAIGN.  They are such disasters omg I love every bit of it! There’s a lot of chaos in this group, but it feels much more balanced than ExU did, so I don’t feel the overwhelmingly chaotic like I did for that.  Maybe it’s the lack of scatological humor.
This continues to be amazing, and I did not expect Advik to be Gilmore!lite
Alright, so they’re not great or terrible at planning so far.  Orym has the brain cell, AGAIN.
SAM NO werthers originals are actually delicious
Also does anyone else think that the gas can is actually just a water bottle?  Like, it looks like a water bottle with then all the decoration built around it.  If true, would probably be good for easy cleaning, just pop the bottle in and out.
I like that Imogen is completely unaffected by Laudna’s creepy mind whispers. Honestly, that little choice speaks volumes for characters.
I’m not shipping anyone yet (though I’m open to all ships), but UGH their friendship is so good
(actually I kinda want Imogen/Orym solely because I want to see Laura and Liam RP a relationship with these two calmer characters.  ...that’s not a good reason for a ship, BUT OH WELL.)
eventually I am going to need all these Launda whispers tracked with all the various ‘outlying’ comments – such as Robbie asking for clarification because he’s confused, or Sam whispering hit point press
Fearne getting suck is AMAZING but I’m a little sad that it did mean that Taliesin got talked over.  I wonder how much of the fail was legitimate and how much was a tiny Matt punish of don’t go over other players. (probably all legitimate.  Matt rarely seems to do ‘punish’ tactics)
I’m so confused by Robbie’s drink, fyi
Also, it’s a very interesting thing that Marquesian is used so frequently here, but still half the PCs don’t speak it.  Unlike the previous campaigns where it was basically Common everywhere aside from individuals, it’s cool to have a place with two main languages, plus all the other individual aspects.
Ooooo, foggy lighting!  Little drips in the background, not full rain or even drizzle, very nice!  I do look forwards to them getting more used to it though and where the changes will become more seamless (not for a while, I’m sure though)
I like that Laura and Tal got the same initiative again!  I want this to keep being a thing
Part of me is still freaking out at Matt for making their opponent have FOUR ATTACKS, but the other part of me is remembering that level three combat in C2 included things like the gnolls and such where there were multiple enemies, so even if they couldn’t make a lot of hits at once, there were many to make hits.  So only having one main enemy with four attacks is probably something of a similar balance level, at least in terms of dealing damage (though it’s more likely to be focused on one PC rather than spread out)
I don’t know what Duginator is as a throwback for them.  It just makes me think of Leverage.
Also it is so cool seeing the combat now as it’s really starting to become smoother and seeing all the different styles.  Just how spells we’ve seen are suddenly new and fresh again because of the different flavors, different people throwing themselves into the fray versus running away, it’s so friggen cool.
Matt’s really leaning into the grotesque!!  I love it and hate it at the same time. *gags*
Also, I really hope Liam has a backup character, because with the damage Orym takes as well as all the goading attacks, I can see him dying pretty easily.
I don’t get how this combo move is supposed to work.  I hope it works soon with both attacks hitting so that we can see, because right now it just looks like it’s still an eldritch blast as normal but just flavored differently.  There’s gotta be some sort of mechanic that either I’m not getting, or we haven’t seen yet.
Nooooo don’t do the Caduceus voice!!!   Oh I miss him so much I MISS HIM SO MUUUUCH!!!  And I still have like 9 or 10 episodes left in my C2 rewatch before he comes in.
...did Robbie not get a HDYWTDT in ExU?   Or did he just not realize how absolutely hyped this group gets for it?  (also, I am SO curious what this experience has been like for him!  Going from Aabria DMing and playing with Matt to now having Matt DMing, and having half of the group the same but the rest different, with fairly different playstyles.  I WANNA KNOW)  *checks*  Yeah!  Dorian got a single one in ExU, but in one of the episodes where it was a HDYWTDT for each enemy down, not just the big bad.
Low level sorcs or wizards, man.  Imogen, hope you don’t kick it!
Matt’s so frustrated, but I was thinking jizz when it was first mentioned and I’m shocked it took them as long as it did for them to lean into it!  I was legit wondering if it was just ME with the dirty mind! Especially ‘cause Laura hadn’t reacted at all!
LOL Sam trolling SO HARD
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theteapotofdoom · 6 years ago
OKAY! I CAVE. What is "Critical Role" and where can I watch it? I'm all for people obsessing over their faves, but explain the obsession because I've never even heard about it until your Tumblr and now I am confusion.
Critical Role is a web series on Youtube and Twitch, where a bunch of nerdy ass voice actors (Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Liam O’Brien, Matthew Mercer, Emmy Winner Sam Reigel, just to name a few) get together to play Dungeon and Dragon! So it’s not a traditional show or series, which can be a little confusing for some. The show in itself is actually just a bunch of friends sitting around a table and improvising a fantasy story together. 
So what’s the big deal about it and why does everyone love it so much? That’s what I wondered for a while. I’m honestly a pretty new fan, the show has been going since 2015 every Thursday, so there are a lot of people who would explain it all to you a lot better but I’ll do my best!
I don’t know how familiar you are with D&D, I assume you at least heard of it before or saw it mentioned in media (or maybe you’re actually super familiar with it idk!). I’m not actually gonna explain the rules here because 1) this post would be way too long, and 2) you don’t actually need to know much about D&D to appreciate Critical Role. I personally never played it and had a very superficial knowledge and learned the rules while watching the show! 
But yes, Critical Role is basically a big improvised fantasy story. There is no script at all, just actors playing their characters and a Dungeon Master guiding them. What makes it so popular and little different from many other D&D podcasts is that all of the players + the Dungeon Master guiding the story are all pretty famous voice actors, directors and producers who have all been in the entertainment industry for years, and all know how to tell a good story. They’re also all very familiar with the game so they know the rules perfectly. And most importantly, they’re all best friends (some married) in real life! So they have a lot of chemistry and are basically just a bunch of nerds having fun!
I’m sorry for this long introduction, I’m gonna talk a little more about the characters and stuff but I’m really trying to sell explain the concept first because it’s kind of unusual and maybe not for everyone! It might feel odd to just watch a bunch of people improvising a story around the table but ... that’s honestly part of what makes it so great! This is genuinely a whole new form of storytelling! The characters are so well rounded and fun, the actors/players are so good and so invested, you really feel the story as it was a novel or tv show! I cried and laughed watching it, there is just so much love and passion put into it’s incredible!
I will say that the one downside is that it’s LONG AS FUCK. There are two campaigns, for now, you can think of them as seasons for a TV show. The first one is complete and was 115 episodes of 3 or 4 hours each ... yeah, you heard me, it’s a lot. Right now they’re 76 episodes into the new Campaign with the same format of 3 or 4 hours long. I know it can sound scary, but I promise you that it’s worth it and after a while, the hours will feel like minutes. Besides, they do a bunch of breaks every episode and you can easily just pose the video whenever you want to come back later. Personally, I’m not at all caught up, I’m only on at episode 16 of campaign 2 and I haven’t even watched all of campaign 1 yet. So basically don’t stress out, it might seem like a lot but you can just casually watch at your own rhythm (and also just drop it if you decide it’s not for you!)
Personally, I started with Campaign 2 which has fewer episodes at this point and just a better overall technical quality than the first few episodes of Campaign 1. Many people who watched it all confirmed to me that it was a smart move and so I would advise you to do the same! Campaign 1 is amazing, but they had been playing it for a while before it became a web series so you don’t get to see the character’s introduction or to see them meet. I just feel like overall, it’s way easier to get into Campaign 2 from the start, and to then go back to Campaign 1 when you’re familiar with the cast! (Just my hot take anyway!) (Also Campaign 2 takes place 20 years after Campaign 1with completely different characters so you won’t miss anything except maybe some private jokes from the cast).
Also not to tempt you or anything but Best Boy Caleb that I won’t shut up about is from Campaign 2 so yeah ... 
Okay, this post is already way too long and so far I feel like I haven’t explained anything properly yet EBGEBGUEZBU SHIT.
I almost don’t wanna say too much about the characters so you can discover them and experience them on your own, but just to tempt you some more, here some official art so you can see how hot they are.
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(Critical Role have mercy I am but a mere bisexual trying to survive)
They’re basically just a bunch very sad morally ambiguous people who accidentally start to care about each other and whoops, they’re a family now. They’re just all so well thought out and well written, it’s wonderful to see them all grow and blossom as persons ... I’m proud of them.
Here is the link to the playlist of Campaign 2 of CR on youtube!
Here is the link to the playlist for Campaign 1 on Youtube if you still wanna check it out first!
So yeah! Critical Role is hella rad! And the fandom is incredibly productive and creative and kind (from what I’ve seen) it’s just an absolute blast to dive into it! The crew of CR are super supportive of the fandom, they very often share and retweet art by the fans (shout out to Liam O'Brien, the official Art Dad). They also have a show called Talks Machina, where after each episode some of the cast answer to fan questions!!! (It’s on their youtube channel as well!)
AND ALSO before you leave, I still wanna tempt you one last time by giving you the link to the official ANIMATED OPENING FOR THE SECOND PART OF CAMPAIGN 2 I’m sure it will convince you more than anything I wrote in this mess of a post! (Careful though, because they created this intro for the second part of the campaign there are spoilers implied, but since you don’t know anything about the story yet, you probably won’t pick up on much ... it will be like cool foreshadowing!)
So yeah! I hope that made sense, I have a lot of feelings about this wonderful show ...
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otdderamin · 6 years ago
Analysis & Transcript: Fjord is ashamed of losing his abilities – CR C2 Ep62 1:56:49
I really sympathize with Fjord right now. As someone whose had their abilities and their old life taken from them, who thinks every day about what they cost their loved ones, this is a powerful and intensely real narrative.
That denial and shame are horrible. It’s awful and terrifying feeling like everything you’ve been working for, everything you’ve wanted, all your cool new friends just have to go away because suddenly your abilities are gone or intermittent. Having all your hope taken away overnight. Wanting it to go away because you don’t have another solution. Confessing that it’s happening feels like defeat. You know it can’t just go on. It’s not like you can really hide it, and you know it’s going to just blow up in your face but saying it out loud makes it feel real. Travis is playing it really beautifully.
Fjord doesn’t know how to make it better. He doesn’t think his friends know how to make it better. Marisha suggested, “Well, look, you could have been our Caddy Shack for a few episodes, and we would have gone and got your powers back. We just quest for powers.” (TM for C2 Ep061 0:36:28) Travis incredulously replies, “How do you do that? How do you think you do that? Where is Uk’otoa to you?” He thinks telling them will only worry them and squander their resources. Especially when they could be out solving solvable problems. They don’t need this. It’s his.
He feels like he has to tell his friends he has to quit, and he’ll never get something like this back again if he does. If his friends ask him to stay, he’ll feel like a burden. His abandonment issues are telling him his friends will only stay as long as he benefits them, and he nether deserves nor can expect loyalty. “Yeah, they’ll think less of him. Who wouldn’t, right? Everybody needs to be able to- No, Dani, they would! You’ve gotta pull your own weight in this group.” (Travis, TM for C2 Ep61 0:35:26)
Caleb tells him, “I would feel better knowing who you are because I don’t trust that I do.” (Ep62 1:58:01) Fjord winces hard. He doesn’t know how to answer that. He knows the person he hated being. He knows who he remade himself to be for them. But not who he is now.
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He keeps his eyes closed after that line. He’s really struggling inside. Caleb says, “What do you think? We’re going to chase you out of here? Run you off?” (Ep 62 1:59:00) Fjord grimly and painfully smiles. that’s exactly what he thinks is going to happen. He’s deeply afraid of being abandoned.
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Caleb continues, “I find it hard to believe that anything you would tell me, maybe I’m wrong, but is worse than what is inside my head.” Fjord shakes his head and responds, “Oh no, I don’t think that’s it at all.” Fjord’s not hiding the wrong he’s done; he’s hiding the shame of not being able.
Fjord shakes his head downcast and says, “It is not in me to speak about myself. It appears the same is true for you? I found myself reinvented when I woke up on that shore. When I wake up at night spitting up water, it’s reminders of a time when the rest of my life no longer mattered. Didn’t apply. I didn’t care for that life. Didn’t care for me. I prefer to leave it in the past. It’s not that I’m hiding anything from you, I… I don’t want to bring things from my old life into this one.” (Ep62 1:59:15)
On Talks Travis said, “I mean, from the day that happened until now, everything has been different and awesome because I can shoot shit out of my hands, and jump between planes, and change the way I look, and all of that. If you told me I’m just going back to being who I was before…” (TM for C2 Ep61 0:44:12)
Fjord hated being a weak kid treated like a monster, isolated and picked on by those around him. He tried to remake himself and put that behind him. As a sailor, he had a purpose, a crew, and a captain at his back, but that was taken away in an instant. He washed up on the shore with a new chance. Those old lives could have nothing to do with his new one. He finally had power. He could be anyone he wanted, someone people feared or respected. “All these powers, when he has them, are defining who he is, right? It was really not anything close to that before. […] Plus, people look to him in a… looked to him in a leadership role for a while. That’s new to him, too.” (TM for C2 Ep61 0:33:40) He likes the result. “Fjord has fallen in love a little bit with the idea of who this new version of himself is.” (Travis, TM for C2 Ep61 0:42:46) “As long as things stay the way they are he’s pretty comfortable with this new life and family. But shit changes sometimes.” (TM for C2 Ep61 0:54:49)
He feels like his new life is being stolen. He’s terrified he’ll have to go back to a life he left behind, this time with the knowledge of what it was like to be free. He genuinely can’t handle how bad that sounds, how trapped he feels. It’s a tossup if it’s worse if Uk’otoa kills him or abandons him.
Caleb worries about Fjord’s past coming back to hurt them. He wants to know what he’s up against so he can defend them from it. Fjord reassures him his past is no danger to anyone else. He doesn’t think Sabian is after him, he was just a bystander to a different plot that’s over now.
Fjord knows he needs to tell them something, but after a lifetime of needing to protect himself, he doesn’t know how. “I appreciate you wanting to know more. I almost resent you for… telling us as much as you have. Anyone for sharing their pain. Seems like the last thing I would ever want to do… […] Give me some time. I do not want to share this with the group.” (Ep 62 2:02:41) His vulnerability has always been exploited to hurt him. He doesn’t know how to trust this love and speak.
He says, “I feel like sometimes you hold onto things that make you who you are, and if you lose those things, you can fall free.” (Ep62 2:03:54) Caleb implores him, “We can remake ourselves into something better.” But Fjord responds, defeated, “Yeah, that’s what I- That’s what I thought I was doing.”
Fjord feels like he failed to remake himself twice. He doesn’t know where to go from here, who he is or who he could be that he’d even want to live with. He’s so split he says, “I find myselves on my heels in this room.” (Ep62 2:04:34) He feels like a collection of selves, his past lives, his present, and an unknown future. He tied his worth to his abilities and now he feels like both are in jeopardy.
Fjord says, “Please understand I am not trying to be deceptive. Just let me figure out how the fuck to say it, and let me come to you, and I will feel less like I have been… less like I’ve had something taken from me. Let me find a way to tell you. Please.” (Ep62 2:04:37) I believe he means that. He’s only lying because he’s lying to himself. He just wants this to get better or get easier because he doesn’t see any other positive way out.
Now, I do think Fjord’s wrong. He can’t know the being doing this to him still wants him in the story. His friends won’t abandon him, he is worth it, they’d be happy to help him figure it out, and they’ll do what they have to make sure he’s alright, abilities or no. He’s trapped by fear of the unknown right now. Part of him knows the only way forward is telling them. But the vulnerability and consequences all scare him, so he’s curled up into a ball of avoidance. His battle right now is pushing past that.
Caleb got more out than he knows. Fjord needed to hear it, especially from Caleb, who Fjord is most afraid will abandon him. (TM for C2 Ep61 0:36:04) This’ll do a lot to help him tell them, hopefully before they learn the hard way.
2:05:41 Fjord: “Thank you for… I was gonna say caring.”
Caleb: “That’s accurate. Give me your hand. I am not a good person, but we are friends. We are friends.”
Fjord: “We are friends.”
Caleb: “Alright. To be continued.”
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Scene runs: 1:56:49 to 2:06:07
1:56:49 Matt: “After the shopping is complete and, Fjord, you’ve completed a run of some of your work throughout the city, you return, open the door to your chambers, and Caleb is there patiently waiting.”
Fjord, startled: “Goddamnit.”
Caleb, holding up his hand in an easing gesture: “Sorry.”
Fjord: “Meant to put locks on this shit.”
Caleb: “Sorry. I can help you out with that if you wish.”
Fjord: “What can I- what can I do for ya?”
1:57:12 Caleb, breathing deeply: “Why have you been talking to us with a fake accent for months?”
Fjord, looking quizzical and concerned: “I’m sorry?”
Caleb: “I’ve heard you do it a few times. I’ve heard a different voice come out of you.”
Fjord: “A different voice.”
Caleb: “Yeah, Fjord, a different voice.”
Fjord, taking a deep breath and slightly laughing with confusion: “I’m, uh, I’m afraid you’ve got me a little lost.”
Caleb, firmly: “I don’t think so.”
Fjord frowns.
Caleb: “And I am talking to you as one accomplished liar to another.”
There’s a long pause. Fjord shifts uncomfortably.
1:57:55 Fjord: “What do you, uh, what do you want me to say here?”
1:58:01 Caleb: “I held onto my garbage for a long time, and you don’t know all of it, and I am willing to tell you more. I would feel better knowing who you are because I don’t trust that I do.
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Caleb: “I will tell you more if you want. I will go first if it’ll make it easier for you or you consider it a better trade, but we have bound ourselves together, and I feel like I know this group pretty well. I know Yasha better than you and she never fucking says anything.”
Sam, whispering: “I love you Ashley.”
Quiet laughter.
Liam, whispering: “So do I.”
1:59:00 Caleb: “What do you think, we’re going to chase you out of here? Run you off?
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Caleb: “I find it hard to believe that anything you would tell me, maybe I’m wrong, but is worse than what is inside my head.”
1:59:15 Fjord, downcast, shaking his head: “Oh no, I don’t think that’s it at all. It is not in me to speak about myself. It appears the same is true for you? I found myself reinvented when I woke up on that shore. When I wake up at night spitting up water, it’s reminders of a time when the rest of my life no longer mattered. Didn’t apply. I didn’t care for that life. Didn’t care for me. I prefer to leave it in the past. It’s not that I’m hiding anything from you, I… I don’t want to bring things from my old life into this one. I can sound like many people, do many things…”
2:00:53 Caleb: “Yeah, but it’s just been the one that I’ve heard when you think no one is listening. Is that your past?”
Fjord: “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
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2:01:14 Caleb: “I have dealt heavily with my past. And I worry now more than ever that it is nipping at my heels. Do you have worries like that? Do you feel like your past will come back to bite you, or it is just painful, and you wish to shun it? Because that is the main reason I ask. This is our… family now, and we are looking out for each other, and I have told all of you something I am very ashamed of because I worry about you all. And maybe I just want to know that you are not worried about something like that as well. I want to know what’s at my back.”
2:02:11 Fjord, taking a deep breath and struggling for words: “You are right. You have been very forthcoming. I admire that, especially given what you’ve told us. There is nothing that nips at my heels or is at my back that is of danger to anyone else in this group. I appreciate you wanting to know more. I almost resent you for… telling us as much as you have. Anyone for sharing their pain.
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Fjord: Seems like the last thing I would ever want to do, and to see it done with such… conviction? Resistance? I’ll try. Give me some time. I do not want to share this with the group. I feel like sometimes you hold onto things that make you who you are, and if you lose those things, you can fall free.”
2:03:44 Caleb: “I have had those same thoughts for a long time. We can remake ourselves into something better.”
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2:04:00 Fjord: “Yeah, that’s what I- That’s what I thought I was doing. I promise you here and now: there is no danger from my past. I like this me. I love it. If I would have my way none of you would ever know anything about who I was before, and I mean that. I find myselves on my heels in this room. Please understand I am not trying to be deceptive. Just let me figure out how the fuck to say it, and let me come to you, and I will feel less like I have been… less like I’ve had something taken from me. Let me find a way to tell you. Please.”
Caleb: “Um… Alright. That’s fair. The only reason people in this group know anything about me is because I am… crazy.”
Fjord: “I actually don’t think you’re crazy. You’re one of the more put together people I know.”
Caleb softly, disbelievingly laughs.
2:05:33 Fjord: “Least that’s what I see. It’s what you show. Thank you for… I was gonna say caring.”
Caleb: “That’s accurate. Give me your hand. I am not a good person, but we are friends. We are friends.”
Fjord: “We are friends.”
Caleb: “Alright. To be continued.”
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critgemhero · 6 years ago
I met the Critical Role gang and it went... mostly okay!!!
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So yes, it happened. I got my autographs from everyone (except Ashely cuz she is not there) from Critical Role! Below I will go into detail my interactions with each. Sadly, as I suspected, my nerves take over my memory and I have forgotten what they mostly said outside of the typical reactions and a few key moments, but here is how it went down!
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn - I was first in line for her and facing away from her and down when she came out behind the curtain to start and was not ready at all I turned around like the dramatic friggin Chipmunk. I kept apologizing for some reason and then I got her autograph! She was trying to remember the name of Allura, who I was cosplaying and she recognized, and I forgot what we first talked about but she was the first to sign the book! I told her how much I adored her work directing Cowboy Bebop and asked if she directed Tangled The Series (which I had read online she did) and she said yes and said how much I loved that! I actually chose to get a selfie with her which I didn't do for ANYONE else except Matt, which honestly IDK why it just felt like an impulse decision. At least it looks 1000x better than my Matt one... oh god. 
Sam Riegel - What compelled me to jump in and get Sam’s first, I have no idea. But I did. Anyway, this one went okay! I don’t remember much sadly, but I made a decision to tell the whole cast about my video editing and how they inspired me so much to get back into it and about my VFX video I did! I told Sam himself, the star, and he looked confused at first and I got nervous but I could tell when it clicked for him and he looked in SHOCK. He was like that, “that was YOU??? That was so good oh my god!” Pretty much all the cast had that reaction but only 3 are super memorable to me and he was definitely one of them. I remember he said something about how much hard work that must have been and to keep doing what I am doing or something along those lines. Then I tried quickly saying how much I love his voice work like Teddie from Persona, and while walking away said I was excited for Ducktales season 2 and he seemed happy by that and we parted ways!! I am sure there was more nuance too it but again, I FORGOT A LOT FROM MY NERVES.
Marisha Ray - I did these signings in SUCH a weird order, but I decided to get Marisha next. The sad part is that the most memorable moment was Matthew sitting right next to her doing her OWN signings and he randomly pointed to me and said “Hey just wanted to say you did such a great job on your cosplay! You look amazing!!! ” And I pretty much died right then and there like OH MY GOD. Then I actually got her autograph and she was super chill. I again kept anchoring to the inspiration to do my video editing thing so I told the same story to her and she recognized the video too! For some odd reason, I can’t remember her reaction and this really bums me out. I do remember her saying something along the lines of keep doing my best when making my work, but I also remember the incredibly endearing smile on her face when walking away.
Brian W. Foster - He was super chill and personable! There is a reason he is a good host on between the sheets for sure. I made the same video editing inspiration schpiel, but I feel like I worded myself better with him that time around? He was also super surprised and happy to learn it was me too! Sadly, can’t remember much after that, but once again it was all smiles and sweet words because anything bad or awkward would have stood out to me... trust me on that one later. 
Taliesin Jaffe - Taliesin was such a unique interaction! Beforehand he was having some kind of deep and emotional conversation with the woman before me, and I heard him saying something along the lines as “it's been hard” and “I'm getting by day by day” and I my nerves were kinda overcome by compassion. When it was my turn to speak I said hi and while he was smiling he genuinely looked like he was about to cry???? I was starting to talk but I interrupted myself and genuinely asked if he was okay. He said yeah and that it was all just kinda overwhelming. I kinda forgot this middle part, though I feel like I did bring up the video editing thing. He recognized it too and said that the industry needs way more talented and passionate editors and emphasized how important they are. I can’t remember if it was HIM or TRAVIS who said this, but he said something along the lines of the industry really needing people like editors with how hard it is to do and how they basically MAKE the stories into movies themselves. The more I think about it the more I think it was Travis who said it... a lot of my interaction memories are mixed up from my nerves. Either way, I did something very out of character and asked if I could give him a hug. He had seemed so upset earlier and I saw that other woman give him a hug, so I told myself, hey if you are gonna get a hug from a cast member today, Taliesin is a great choice who would probably say yes (but I wanted to hug Marisha so badly too you have no idea, she was so sweet and endearing and made me feel better. Most others did but she was so huggable looking at the time) We hugged tight and I was on my way!
Liam O Brien - ... okay, things sadly got weird here and it kinda puts my mood down. I won’t lie to you guys, Liam seemed really off. Maybe he was overwhelmed by something or very reserved from being shy, but it seemed more like disinterest and... acting rudely? I feel kinda awful implying he was a jerk or something, but I did a really bad job trying to hold a conversation with him and I can’t even remember IF I told him about the video. He was very quiet, and seemed put off by my nervousness in some way? Like he did say something along the lines of “its okay we’re just people” but I barely remember if we made eye contact at all? I thought it was me at first, but I remember when looking up at him after a bit he was the one looking away a lot and I am unsure if I did something to make him uncomfortable or what. What really threw me off the most was his kinda strange remark about me saying how I grew up watching Naruto and loved Gaara. He just kinda nodded and said, “yep, I was a voice of your childhood” like... in disdain as if he has heard that 100 times before? Look... I am NOT saying everyone has to have the same reactions or super happy cheery demeanors (Ex. Taliesin) but something was so disconnected about all of it. Maybe I am only remembering the minor bad parts and am forgetting the good parts, but still. As much as I still love Liam for what he does, he was not having a good time that day and I can only hope I didn't make it worse or even somehow cause it :(
Travis Willingham - Boy this one has the highest and the lowest points. When meeting him I said how nervous I was with these and started rambling and it got pretty bad but he anchored me back in by doing Grog’s voice!!! I told him yes it helped and made me laugh. That was able to get me into saying how much I loved his voice work as Roy Mustang and others, and eventually, I got to my video editing schpiel and he had a similar reaction to Sam! Again, HE may have been the person to tell me everything about how hard editing is and how they are the ones that really make the film, not Taliesin. Then we parted ways... and I realized I had missed SO FUCKING MUCH. I didn’t get to tell him how much I empathized with him recently, or how Fjord was my favorite character, how my favorite acting he did was in Infamous Second Son with Troy Baker. Seconds after walking away I literally yelled “Oh I forGOT TO SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE FJORD” Like really awkwardly as he was already on to the next person but yikes. Great middle, horrible beginning/end.
LAURA BAILEY - I reached a point where I was actually SO nervous I was normal. Like, on the edge of tears but not really so I acted normal but was screaming inside. Luckily she was super personable and I told her she was my favorite voice actress of all time. She asked me what were some of my favorite roles and I was like oh god there are so many but I said Maka from Soul Eater was huge for me and how she was my first cosplay. She said I would make a fantastic Maka and I was so friggin happy!! Then I told her about my editing and Sam video edit and she was so friggin delighted and told me how the WHOLE CAST had seen them because they shared it with each other on a group text chat! She looked so happy and endeared by my words and encouraged me to keep doing what I do. I wish I could remember her words specifically, this is LAURA BAILEY we are talking about!!!
Matthew Mercer - Oh boy here is the big one. Everyone kept saying how he was a long talker and had long conversations with everyone so I was so friggin ready for that. Sadly, I think they started speeding things up with me and I didn't get that long convo. Still, Matt once again complimented my cosplay and I said thank you. I said I forgot the earings which really bugged me but he said if it helps he didn't notice! Then I revealed I almost cried over it and mentally punched myself because why the fuck did I say that out loud. Anyway I immediately went into my video editing schpeil, but I made sure to talk slower and more clearly since people said he made more time. I remember specifically saying thank you for retweeting it and then he recognized it and said how hard that must have been and how amazing it was. He went into this story about how got into editing himself a bit with using final cut pro and adobe after effects and how difficult and tiring it was for him to edit a project he was working on and commended me on how amazing the job was and how we need more editors out there to do that kind of work. I elaborated more on how much he and the rest meant to me and how they got me out of this rutt and helped me find a way to make something for myself and he held my hands real tight and reassured me. Again, WISH I COULD REMEMBER THE FUCKING WORDS, but he looked so happy and emotional for me and all of it felt extremely genuine. What a god damn sweetheart. Here is where things get bad and awkward tho... I forgot my selfie. I paid for a selfie and realized I had FORGOTTON to take it like 10 seconds later after the next person already started talking. I panicked and walked back to the guy managing the lines and he was like OH okay but I apologized to the people on line and him and he said “HEY GUYS are you alright with this young lady getting her selfie??” and they all were like YES and I felt embarrassed but better. Then he told Matt and he was like OH of course okay!! And I gave him my phone because I was confused and nervous and NOT READY or composed like I would have been before. I look awful with my neck way too far back, but it could have been worse... except the moment he took the photo I dropped my prop staff into my face and knocked my head back... I was friggin humiliated. He was like ah are you okay and I literally just said bye have a good day and rushed off almost dropping all my shit without looking at him at all. What a way for me to RUIN a perfectly decent signing... I hope he didn't think I was rude and understood I was kinda hugely embarrassed.
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This is seconds before tragedy strikes.
Will Friedle - Yes oddly enough Matthew was not my last signing like I wanted, Will had a different schedule so he was last!  Anyway I was kinda feeling bad cause I never watched Boy Meets World and I didn’t remember much about Kashaw other than he was kinda a jerk but a loveable one who was played really funny, and oh yeah he is RON STOPPABLE. So I refrained from saying and Crit Role stuff since the woman before me already asked all of that and got cool answers to (Vex and Vax would not be Zarha and Kashaw’s kid's names, he would let them have Teifling names) Anyway I was thrown off by him ROLLING A D20 outta nowhere and getting a 7. He rolled again so quickly and I said “Oh man a natural 1?” on the 7 because I didn't see it correctly, less than a second later guess what?? HE ROLLED A 1!! I laughed so hard I felt like I jinxed him! Either way, ALL my nerves were gone from that and it felt a lot better to get his autograph. I told him how much I loved Kim Possible growing up and Ron Stoppable, and how I always used to sing the naked mole rap with my family as a kid and how the bendy straw joke from the movie still kills me. It was way more relaxed then I expected. Then he said okay before you go let me roll and break the curse one last time. Right before he did he said you know what? YOU roll it and see if I could break his curse! I happily took it wishing for the best... I rolled a friggin 2. He said “well at least its better than 1″ and we were both so amused by it as I left! All things considering his went very well!! Anyway, that was my experience with CR autographs today! Some big highs, some big lows, and many content smiles and awkward silence. Overall I consider it a success... but barely. I did fuck up and missed most of their live show floor panel and I'm still kicking myself in the ass for that one. 
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readbythestarlight · 6 years ago
And Ashley’s back for the week!
please tell me they all actually
lol Sam with the Hamilton pose
Matt giggling every time the applause interrupts him kills me
Matt’s giggles in general kill me
Sam and Ashley duet yeaaaah!
“Bidet, bidet!”
Oh shoot I completely forgot where exactly we ended last week here we go
Wait wtf I missed Sam’s whole change somehow
“Caleb gave me his Frumpkin!”
She just tHROWS HIM
C: “I have plugged the bottom of the boat, I think our troubles are behind us now.”
F: “We’re about to be bored by fucking pirates.”
Are they being even goofier than usual tonight or is it just me? I’m just cracking up every other second.
J: “I look like me only menacing.”
Travis has got himself an idiots guide to sailing lol
B: “I go over and I smack Yasha’s ass” the crowd goes crazy
Y: “Uh… am I in your way, Beau?”
Big. Meaty. hands.
Ogre. Oh boy.
Fjord’s “I fucked up” face lol
Oh no don’t split up
Oh good yeah just leave the rest of the crew to get the ship to shore
Frick except what about Caleb? He can’t leave or the ship will sink
Caleb’s confused face is life
Travis throwing around all the ship and sailor lingo lol
“Successful” he says. Fjord. You dummy.
”Tracy Beauman”
“Philip Bonjour.”
Cad and Yasha are a mess
“Sometimes they call me Stew”
“Pirate Sapphire” and the whole crowd goes awwww
“Gilligan” xD
Aw shoot
She’s too clever for you nerds
F: “You have the honor of being in the company of… the Mighty Nein.”
Captain Avantica: “But there are only seven of you…” Always funny
“I lost another fucking owl”
Fjord lying through his teeth is my favorite
F: “Corneulis, what say you to that?”
Cad: “I’ve got some very specific burial needs if we’re actually gonna go that way.”
Don’t you point a rifle at my tall sons head!
They basically got shanghaied into being actual pirates this is amazing
FUCK THE SOUND DIED it keeps cutting in and out :(
Jester suggesting they just make a fleet of ships by stealing BOTH
“WOOO 20!”
“The Great Leviathan” YOOOO SHIT
“I am the Chosen” bitch so is he look Fjord you found other members of the club!
“I’ve shown you mine… You show me yours.”
Apparently the sound was a recording issue so it’s just going to be fucked up for the rest of the show which is sad because I feel like I’m missing every other word
“I love this color palate” I love Avantika
“Do you often wake up vomit saltwater? Do you have wet dreams?”
“No, unlike some I can hold my brine” BIIIITCH
Guys I love Avantica/Ivantica/however you spell it
“Your hentai cult” liAM
Matt making notes of them picking on his names lol
Matt’s face poor guy
Sound is a little better now finally
“Is it safe to say that you’ve been under-sharing with us”
Sam was just waiting for bed time so he could have Nott sneak into the cargo hold
Sam and his antics SLAY me
Nott almost just blew them all up
Stealing a keg of gunpowder, I hope that comes in handy later
“I got an arm full of gunpowder, an arm full of rotting fruit, that’s a success.”
Captain Avantica and Fjord omg
I’m sure nothing sexy will happen but I can’t wait for Jester to be jealous for like 3.5 seconds lol
I don’t know who this woman is but bless her for asking Matt that question
“IT’S HIIIIIIGH NOOON”!!!!!!!!!!!!
look I knew she didn’t want sex
Caleb omg you can’t spy on them with Frumpkin!
Aaaand there goes the sound again.
“Speaking of Beautiful” Fjord you smooth fuck
Fjord basically rolls a Nat20 for seduction what a night everyone
Fjord regrets all his life choices
Freeing some kind of trapped god
I’m not sure how I feel about this
Yes I am actually I don’t like it
I like how Fjord is like acting all smooth but inside he’s freaking the fuck out
Fjord is smooth as fuCK
Ouch, dismissed!
“I tuen my head when I get there, and I look back…. AND I WALK AWAY.”
C: “Question - I am still watching her…”
F: “What the FUCK do you mean STILL?!”
That’s not good enough
Them poking fun at Fjord for not asking some important questions
Hmmm they’re making very valid points about how she could have killed FriendGuy to get his orb and now Fjord could be next
Oh my goddd
Did Molly have a tattoo with an eye?!
what the fuck
Cad: “What would you even do with over like that?”
N: “Well I know what I would do with it! GET RID OF THE SEAS.”
The stream literally just jumped backwards like 20+ minutes wtffff
We’re finally back to where we got tossed back before, seems like
Oh and now Ashley’s mic is down
WAIT wait wait
Captain Avantica said “sweet dreams” to him before he left, and then she offered blood to the iron thing above the door
Did she do this somehow?
Oh. Sabien’s face.
Vandrin’s face. Oh boy.
Look at your reflection maybe?
I don’t trust this fucking giant sea serpent banished god thing and I want him to let Fjord go my son doesn’t want this
Travis is just like “Matt why are you making me do all this thinking” lol
…Oh no maybe he does want it a little bit. Or at least he enjoys it just a little bit? I can’t tell.
Fjord why the FUCK you STILL lyin’
Is it because he’s afraid? Of himself? Of the power he might have?
Caleb is concerned and I’m trying to decide if he’s worried Fjord is a threat to them, or worried ABOUT Fjord.
Beau: *talking about fighting the fish people*
Cad: “I don’t remember any of this.”
F: “Perhaps someone who needs help with like, STEALTH.”
F: …
F: …
F: “Oh I’ve got fucking 0, I’ll look at ti!”
Tonight was EXCELLENT (even with all the dumb technical stuff)
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