#even not a parent I resent the flood of this insane trash no one can bother to write
foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
My kindle was bought and paid for years ago, but apparently you need to pay extra to get the screen to stop downloading and presenting you new ads. I fucking hate the very principle of this.
Previously they’ve been trashy romance books with women embracing dragons which I didn’t care that much about. It was a vague annoyance.
But now they’re fucking insane AI generated garbage.
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This one popped up recently. At first I was like, “Where the fuck is his thumb.” But then other things started jumping out. Like the insane words. “The Sprit”. The gibberish plinth they’re standing on.
In a similar vein
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I like to call this one, “Oops all bodies” as the main unicorns are just fused together. They must be fucking either Sleipnir or Shelob cause then you start to see all the extra legs on those monstrosities.
There’s also a strain of Rugged Manly Books
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This atrocity popped up. They doubled down on that tricky hand and made it facing both ways just to be safe. Also gave the sword two hilts. Just to be safe. Couldn’t bother to fit the text on the cover or decide where the rest of the sword was.
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This title can’t even be deciphered into English. That poor fire is being menaced by the weirdest dagger of all time and the hands once more trying to cover all their bases.
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