#even if the scene happens 3/4s into the fic (?)
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 months ago
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Pencil's 2024 Art Summary
It's that time of year again where I look back on everything I've done and go "wut" with varying levels of impressed and horrified. Anyway, I discovered that I really did not draw much at all this year.... o_o Especially in the second half. Whoops. (I think I did way more writing though, especially come Whumptober season, whereas in the beginning of the year it was more being socially dead and some drawing.) I'm calling this my Colored Lights year for the time being.
May I draw more things in 2025~
January: oh baby bird [Gojo Fanfic Scene]
Feburary: I had been lost to you, sunlight [Gojo Fanfic Scene]
March: Never take me lightly, silly fool [Lilia Fanfic Scene] (and an honorable mention to the Team Erza Sleep Pile, but Lilia looked cooler in the preview)
April: Sound of Silence Jellal [FT Manga Redraw]
May: Red, the Color of Life [Erza Color Event Piece] (!!! and it won best Canon Artwork in the Guild Awards!!!)
June: Dual Mode: Toxic Sky Dragon [Wendy & Erik Unison Raid]
July: I never posted any art?? Actually? I just slept on that month, but I was doing some personal sketching. Nicest/most polished one that I am 90% sure was from July was a color experiment/sketch for a scene in a Sukuna fic I've been working on all year. I'll do a nicer version of it one day.
August: Ghost King Danny Phantom
September: Shadow Chaos Spear
October: Deception (An Outrage) [TFOne Megatron]
November: TWST x HSR Smoothie Meme
December: Jolly White Boi Wednesday [FT Screencap Redraw]
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the-final-sif · 5 years ago
Hello! Hi! How ya doing? 1. What are some tropes/things you see in the bnha fandom that bug you or that you see as kinda toxic? 2. How do you think Ochako and Katsuki handle people being dicks about their fight at the sports festival? 3. We know the staff realize that chaining up a child was a fucked thing after Katsuki got kidnapped, but how do you think his classmates took it/reacted to it? Sorry for all the questions!
Hello, I’m doing well!
Tbh I think the thing that’s kinda my pet peeve in the fandom is sometimes I end up getting comments on my fics saying that Mitsuki clearly loves Katsuki in canon/she’s not abusive, and that bugs me for a number of reasons. 
We have seen Endeavor have more positive interactions with 3/4s of his children then we have Mitsuki with Katsuki. The reason for that is that we’ve only ever seen Mitsuki interact with Katsuki twice. Once right after the sports festival when she yelled at him off-screen, and once on-screen after the kidnapping where she smacked him, blamed him for getting kidnapped & then talked down about him, all in front of his idol and his homeroom teacher with literally no prompting.
And it bothers me that people feel the need to come onto my fics, which are super clearly tagged for what they are, and try to tell me I’m wrong (as if fanfiction was ever supposed to be canon in the first place), and that Mitsuki loves Katsuki when we’ve seen no evidence of this, and instead we have evidence that she’s kinda a shit parent. That may be because we really haven’t seen very much of her, but people can’t just make assumptions for stuff that hasn’t happened, call it canon and then yell at me about it.
Not only that, but it just gives me strong vibes of sexism. If the genders were flipped and Katsuki were female & Mitsuki was male you know damn well people would have no problem seeing what was wrong with that scene. It happens a lot in real life, and it’s a really dangerous/toxic idea that women can’t be abusers/men (esp men who are more rough/strong) can’t be abused.
As I’ve said before, I absolutely support everyone’s right to enjoy stuff how they wanna enjoy stuff. I honestly love a lot of good parent Mitsuki content/characterizations throughout the fandom (her and Inko getting shipped together is a weakness of mine too), and I’m not saying nobody can like her/anyone else has to handle her canon interactions the same way I do.
But like, please don’t come onto my clearly tagged fanfiction that I publish for free & created out of love of exploring new places and try to tell me I’m wrong for my interpretation. Particularly if you’re gonna be wrong about it.
Okay, rant over with. Let’s just say I’ve had to delete some comments from my fics before and leave it at that.
I think the two of them probably handed people at the sports festival being dicks by either ignoring it or throwing hands depending on what kinda shitheads they were being.
Canonically we see Katsuki’s classmates not really��� well I don’t want to say they didn’t care about him being chained up. They certainly noticed it, but they’re kids. Even if they were uncomfortable with what was happening, they trust their teachers and defer to them. For my *personal* canon, Izuku didn’t find out about the chaining Katsuki up thing until two days later & he was super pissed  & 100% down to fight over it because he gets downright feral when it comes to Katsuki. However, Katsuki intercepted and told him to fuck off with that nonsense before he could really take revenge/throw down about it.
For the Katsuki Hakamata AU, we see some of the classes’ realizations that it was kinda a fucked up situation in the group chat, and I think that sums it up pretty well. They were all pretty uncomfortable with it, particularly in hindsight and they regret not speaking up/saying something. It makes them all particularly on edge when the second sports festival comes around (not that they need to be lol, Katsuki Has A Plan).
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deniigi · 6 years ago
also sorry so tuesday again you write a TON and i know youve answered something like this but like whats your planning system for writing stuff?? ive been writing in a notebook for like an hour planning but idk if writing a ton of sentences and words that are mostly questions and sentences like 'lots of food including @ work' and like, mini schedules for what time things happen is useful? im explaining this bad but uh??? just if you have the time and tips or anything? dcsjthankshaveagreatweek!!!
Hey Tues!!
So yeah, I did discuss a little about my kind of arbitrary planning practices here in this post but in terms of like, the nitty gritty, I haven’t really discussed too much because everyone’s kind of got their own process.
So for me, about 80% of the time, I’ll just sit back and let the work go where it will. I don’t do much planning at all. But when it come to sustained fics, I do do some pretty extensive planning.
But let me be clear here, when I say “extensive planning” I’m talking no more than 1 page of general notes per chapter.
In terms of what goes in that plan, like, it depends on your piece, but in general, for me, every piece you write starts with two questions: where you are in terms of narrative? And what is the main goal for this piece?
Really, the big question you’re asking when you go into a piece is, ‘Where do I need to end up?’, but that can be hard to know before you start writing, so I prefer to think of this is terms of the two questions.
So, like, here’s an example of what that floating ethereal bullshit actually looks like (we’ll use a maybe-the-next-chapter from Sidebars as an example so you’ve got something concrete to look at):
So first thing’s first!
1. Where are we?
First, in terms of the larger story. Are we halfway through? Are we still at the beginning? Do we still need to introduce characters? Do we still have plot points we need to hit to establish a relationship or motive or enemy?
Right now, in sidebars when I ask myself this question, I can say, okay. I’m about 3/4s of the way through this story and I am done introducing characters. I’ve established Peter’s relationship with Sam and resolved that mini arc. I’ve established MJ’s relationship with the Acadec kids. I’ve finally FINALLY written the wedding scene, so that leaves me with probably 3-4 chapters to cap off Peter’s Chicago mob situation, to get the Acadec kids to Nationals, and to come up with some kind of ending.
That’s where I am.
So if you’re writing a one-shot, this is going to look different. For example, you need to decide where in their lives your characters are. Where are they physically/geographically? What are they doing in this moment?
(ie. for say, team red, you can say, smth like ‘well, they just met and are trying to feel each other out.’ or ‘This is right after Matt came back from midtown, and Peter and Wade have just started to move on with their lives after his ‘death.’‘–that kind of thing is a good place to start with a one shot)
Once you know where you are, you can start to figure out where you’re going. And that’s when you move on to question two!
2. What is the goal of this piece?
I personally try to pick one main goal and around that, I’ll often have a handful of subgoals going on on top of that big guy.
For example, in sidebars this next chapter must resolve the mob situation. That is the main goal of that chapter.
Now, at this point, now that I know where I am and what my main goal is, I can start to draft and weave in the subgoals.
So here’s what that looks like in terms of drafting:
1. Wedding is done. Peter now has time to deal with the mob. Peter needs to gather his team so that they can tag into Chicago to take their turn in the fray. 
2. The problem here is that he is juggling two things at once: he’s got to go deal with the mob, but he and Miles are also due to be in Washington DC for Acadec Nationals in a matter of days.
3. Peter is disaster-prone, which means that something needs to go to shit in one of these areas.
Once you get to this stage, you can start tossing in details and timelines, but until you have these guys worked out, all those little details are great, but not especially helpful in establishing a larger narrative. And straight up? They might even be holding you back at this stage.
For example, in the above example, I really want Peter to ride a motorcycle, so I’m gonna cling to that in my head and I can maybe make a note of that in my planning, but I’m not going to fuck with it quite yet. Instead, I’m going to break my two big plot points down.
That could look like this:
1. Wedding is done. Peter now has time to deal with the mob. Peter needs to gather his team so that they can tag into Chicago to take their turn in the fray.
Peter’s TR has 2 times to meet other Team Reds in Chicago.They meet Gwen and Agave first. This goes awkwardly. These two make Peter reflect on his own time with the Gwen Stacy from his verse.
Shit’s awkward af.
Wade likes Agave. Agave flirts with Wade.
Shit remains awkward af.
After this, Peter and Miles have to scram for Acadec.
(end scene)
At this point, I usually throw in an in-between scene as a transition, just so I know how we are getting where we’re going. So I’d say something like:
The next morning, Peter and MJ nearly miss the bus to Washington DC. It works out somehow that the Brooklyn kids end up sharing a bus with the Midtown kids.
Peter and Flash are brought back together.
The tension is unbearable.
Shit gets real.
And now we have worked our way to main plot point 2. Plot point two is broken down similarly,  and then lo and behold! You’ve planned your chapter!!
You may now start the fun, exciting part of writing the piece. And it is here where you start filling in all the spaces in between those works to bring out textures and characterizations and funny bits, sad bits, introspective bits, world building, etc, etc.
Anyways, Idk if that’s helped you at all Tues. I suppose the main thing I’m trying to say here is that when you’re planning a piece, maybe try staying as big picture and broad as possible. Try to avoid too much detail until you’re actually writing the piece (unless you’ve got a very particular/important detail in mind–in which case, note it on the side, but not in the body of the planning draft) and that might help you a little in terms of shortening the planning process.
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kyliafanfiction-archive · 8 years ago
If you don't mind me asking, and no spoilers please, how is the next ICC chapter coming, if I may ask. I know you haven't dropped off the grid or anything, especially what with updating three other stories, but I'm surprised it's been six months since the last update to ICC. Mind you, if Real Life has come up, it happens. But I hope even if you do shift your mid to long term focus elsewhere, you can at least finish the current story.
ICC 2x19 is the chapter I’m working on right now, and it takes most of my writing. But between moving, more hours at my job, looking for a better job, two months of intermittent writers block on how to start the damn thing, usually being too mentally exhausted at the end of the day to write fic and the fact that we’re talking about another one of my usual long, involved, complicated and intricately put together ICC Episodes, It has been slow going.
As it stands, I’m somewhere between 2/3s and 3/4s done with 2x19, depending on how long the remaining scenes end up actually being, but I can promise no ETA.
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