#even if its a ruse because morph is obviously still in there
lavenderfieldsforvr · 4 months
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so anyone wanna talk about how morph called out wolverine's name in their message for help. sinister just wanted to lure in scott and jean there was no reason at all to call for wolverine. this mf is gay
episode is reunion pt. 1 from season 2 of tas
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Holy Hands
Fandoms: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!   Not Rated Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Complete Work
Chapter List
Chapter 35
Satan was fine.
He'd never really liked that human anyway. If they were going to leave that was completely understandable. He left Lucifer to his denial and went to focus on more important things.
Luke's messenger bag turned out to be stolen from Simon. Inside were potions and spells and even orders straight from Michael. Luke was a bit embarrassed at having stolen from Simon, but he quickly shook it off with the idea that he was justified because he was a demon now.
Luke was doing that often. Just doing mild crimes because he could. He had stood next to the "no food allowed" sign to eat his lunch even though it didn't seem very comfortable. He'd borrowed a pen from Raphael and never given it back. He was honestly kind of adorable in his hi-jinks.
Satan took the bag to sort out its contents. He laid the miscellaneous items on a table and looked them over. There were plenty of useless things, two gold-wrapped herb bundles, 8 miniature glass vials, 3 scrolls yet to be opened, just to name a few. He couldn't focus on what was important and what wasn't, he was too distracted. Too busy wondering things. Things he shouldn't– didn't care about.
Things like whether or not MC was ok. Why they would go this far with them just to bail at the end. Why they'd ditch them all when it was so unlike them.
Had they ever been sincere? Had all their self-assured words and actions been a ruse and they only now decided to show their true colors?
He shook his head, he had to focus.
The horn might be worth something if they used it right. Perhaps they could call Abaddon for help, especially the sheer numbers of his locust swarm...
What could he have done to make them stay? Did he do something wrong?
Shut up, SHUT UP! He didn't care about the human that ditched them and he didn't care about whether or not he had driven them away...whether or not their friendship was real in the first place.
He was fine.
He sat down heavily and sighed. He could understand the humans unwillingness to fight a Celestial battle, he had no right to expect that kind of sacrifice.
But not even an explanation? Not even a goodbye?
He was often envious of them and their understanding. Their ability to shrug off irritation and always be there and be supportive. To both the brothers and their sister. He often thought of his brothers and how they'd never be so close of not for MC. He thought of MCs relationship to Acacia and how it almost paralleled Lucifer's responsibilities.
Knowing MC, had in a way, helped him understand his strict older brother better.
But they'd just abandoned Acacia to the battle. Abandoned her like an old jacket that no longer fit. Maybe they thought she'd be safer with the brothers, bit it was still unforgivable.
"Hey Satan! Luke sai–" Mammon walked in the room without knocking. He stopped when he saw his younger brother slumped in his chair with the Celestial junk on the table before him. "Woah...you look miserable."
"Well I'm not, what do you want?" Satan snapped, harsh even for him. Mammon approached slowly.
"Hey...are you ok? Did something happen?"
"Don't make me bother it out of you." Mammon smirked and Satan winced at the threat.
In the past when Mammon wanted to get a secret out of one of his brothers he'd "bother" them until they broke. One time Satan had figured he could outlast Mammon's short attention span and took the challenge. This led to 6 straight days of Mammon persistently telling the same knock knock joke. The punchline was always banana...never orange. And he would continue relentlessly saying 'knock knock' until Satan gave in from exhaustion and said 'whos there'. Leading the endlessly repeating cycle to continue.
"No no bothering, Diavolo's sake." Satan gave in. "Fine...yes something happened." He grumbled. Mammon tossed an arm around his chair.
"Alright, tell big bro all about it. What's troublin' ya?" He said. Satan rolled his eyes so hard he saw into the future and actually witnessed his own death.
"MCs gone" he said. Mammon's whole demeanor shifted to one of fear.
"What? Gone? Who has them I'll kill him!" He growled. Satan just raised his hands to explain.
"They ran away Mammon, they got scared and ditched us."
The room went silent, Mammon's mouth fell open but no words came out. He closed it and opened it to try again, but still nothing. Finally he spoke.
"But...no they… they wouldn't…" his disbelief was fragile, and it broke when Satan gave him a mourning look.
"We shouldn't have expected they'd stay" he said solomnly.
0Mammon was sad. He knew he was expecting a lot and being selfish when he wanted MC to stay with him. He knew he was even more selfish for taking their leave so personally.
But he couldn't help it. He was the Avatar of greed, and he wanted the world and he wanted it to cost nothing. He should've known it would just blow up in his face.
He trudged away from Satan's brooding-room to find Acacia. The least he could do was break the news to her gently, no one else was gonna do it.
He hated feeling like this, but it wasn't the first time. He'd felt this horrid sting of abandonment multiple times before. When his father cast him out for defending Lucifer. When Lucifer got so busy he stopped talking to Mammon, unless of course it was to yell at him.
He knew how to deal with this feeling by now, the key was gratitude.
Gratitude didn't come easily to one so greedy, but he could summon it when he really needed it. To calm his heart and feel whole again. So he thought about it.
He was grateful for those who were still in his life. His brothers, Satan working through denial to give them the best chance of success. Lucifer, working tirelessly for years to keep them together and still managing to have time to flay Mammon for his grades. Acacia, ever-present with a smile and an inappropriately timed joke.
He was grateful for this, but he'd also been grateful for MC before they left. Maybe everything good in his life was destined to leave.
Maybe he just drove people away.
He was just a stupid mammon after all, he couldn't even be an angel right. How was he supposed to focus on anything other than money when they paved the place with gold?
Reaching Acacias nook where she was charging her phone, he cleared his throat.
"Maaaaaaammon!" She called while shaking her head side to side vigorously. Her hair flying wildly around her.
"Acacia I need to tell you something." Good start, good start, but then a chilling thought struck him.
What if she blamed him?
What if he told her this and she thought it was because MC was scared. Because he wasn't enough to protect them. He hadn't been enough during the exchange program or when they were trampled on earth or when they fell on the bridge. It was no wonder they'd run. Acacia looked up at him with wide, expectant eyes and Mammon choked.
He couldn't just turn back now.
"MCs gone." He said in a strangled voice. Acacia tilted her head.
"Gone where?"
"Gone…" he couldn't elaborate. Acacia's curious face suddenly morphed to one of horror.
"They... they're dead?" She sounded disbelieving. Mammon immediately backpedaled.
"No no no they just ran away! They ditched us Acacia."
The human looked at her hands in her lap, her hair obscuring her face. Silently she stood, her shoulders shaking slightly.
Oh no she was crying, he wanted to break this too her gently, but he'd obviously fucked it up.
"Oh hey, Acacia I'm sorry. Don't–" but Acacia didn't listen, she walked slowly to the door. She looked up and Mammon saw she wasn't crying, she was just shaking.
Faster than he thought possible for a human, she slammed her fist into the drywall beside the door, leaving a sizable hole. With a roar of aggravation she threw open the door and stomped down the hall. Leaving a confused and slightly scared Mammon in her wake.
0Acacia was Mad. She had to take a walk and she had to do it now. Her body shook with energy and rage as she power walked through the halls of the hospital.
How dare MC leave? How dare they...they...AAGH!
It was just the day before that Acacia had been panicking over the situation. She always had MC around to help with her anxiety attacks, and it was MC who told her not to be afraid. To trust that they would find a way to get through this.
How dare they run away? After telling her not to fear.
Acacia screamed incoherently and punched the air as she walked. MC had always been there, always promised they'd be there. Then they just left? Without so much as a good bye?
She was fuming so hard as she rounded the corner she almost ran over the small demon walking the other way.
"Hey!" Luke yelled in indignation before seeing Acacia's red faced anger. "Woah, what happened?" Acacia balled her hands into fists.
"MC ditched." She spat. Luke looked at her for a few moments.
"What a fucking meanie" he said a little hesitantly. Acacia blinked. "Yeah I say 'fuck' now" he crossed his arms and tilted his chin up. Obviously thinking himself very cool and edgy. Acacia almost laughed.
"Hell yeah little dude! What an absolute Fucking meanie. You said it." She pumped her fist as her anger turned more into reckless energy. Luke looked very proud at the praise. "You a little sinner now?"
"Yep, and this is just the beginning!" He waved one finger in the air as he spoke. Acacia got a devious idea as she looked at the little trouble-maker-in-progress.
"Wanna go trespass?" She wiggled her eyebrows. Luke hesitated for a moment.
"Yeah?" He said cautiously.
"Alriiiiiight!" Acacia yelled and Luke started getting into it. "Screw everything let's commit property damage."
"Fuck it!" Luke chirped as the two went off to cause mayhem.
0Lucifer was pensive.
He knew MC hadn't ditched him. He knew it in his bones, his skin, his hair follicles. He was so sure they hadn't that he could practically hear MC laughing at the notion.
They were trying to do their job. Some way, somehow, they were gone because they had to be to complete their task. He was not suspicious of their intentions.
But he was afraid.
So many things could happen to them out in the Celestial Realm. So many horrible, inhuman things. Things he couldn't protect them from because he wasn't there, and he didn't know where they were.
He could only trust they could hold their own. They had Liliths bow, and they were smart, creative, alluring to a dangerous degree. And most of all, they were confident. That seems vague, but an unshakable self worth and resilience was the only defense a human could have against the pure aura of an angel. He had seen it when they'd faced Michael on the Petco roof, and he saw it every day when he looked in their eyes and they didn't look away.
If any one could survive out there. It was MC.
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