#even if it is frenc h
inavagrant · 1 year
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Imagine you're having sex with this dude and you have to fucking moan "Wriothesley." Like AWRAXAWRAXA
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randomnameless · 2 years
Speaking of lolcalisation issues, you know some of the Monsters in echoes are referred to as Kami, Kaga also referred to the spirits that power tomes as Kami, and it all takes from Shinto-ism. Basically beings like Naga and Rhea aren't viewed as supreme beings in the Japanese version. Kami includes tons of minor things we consider very non godly.
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This is what I meant when I said FE15 retconned Gaiden, in Gaiden, Duma and Mila were not dragons.
Were they Gods like "Yudu" from Jugdral ? I don't know, and we might never know, but afaik, they weren't dragons like Naga, Bantu and co.
Now, about FE16...
Sothis is supposed to have created worlds, and Sothis can create on her own "life" (who was Tiki's dad?). Sothis creating worlds and sentient beings would put her, imo, on par with Tellius's Ashunera in the "God" scale.
What are Nabateans then? Rhea says many times that Nabateans cannot match Sothis in power or in miracles, could they be seen as lesser beings/spirits compared to Sothis? If Sothis is the "supreme being", then the Nabateans are obviously lesser but sill more "godly" than random humans? Idk.
So while Fodlan, in general, sent more mixed signals about the existence of a Supreme Being/God in Sothis (like Tellius), Billy's class and journey to reach "enlightment" and to guide people, the nods to Avicii and the three poisons - basically what friends already wrote about all the buddhist influences - fell back in a traditional JRPG setting mirroring the "born shinto marry christian die buddhist" paradox.
Of course to ask the team who lolcalised FE16 to bring those concepts to an audience that, per them, loves earl grey, was to ask an squirrel to jump to the moon. But from what you're saying it's not something exclusive to FE16 and it's more of an issue in general with some lolcalisations...
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ghostsofhood · 6 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @the5sosdumpster, @noneighborhood , @babylon-cal  thank you!!!
a: age – 20
b: birthplace – Buenos Aires, Argentina
c: current time - 23:56
d: drink you had last – Apple juice ♥
e: easiest person to talk to – My best friend 
f: favourite songs – Every teardrop is a waterfall is the first song that comes to my mind but there are SO MANY!! (Also, Youngblood album heyy)
g: grossest memory – I don’t think I have gross memories, I’ve had some very embarrasing ones but they don’t count as gross
h: horror yes or horror no –  Hell yes!
i: in love – Do I even know what love is? lol 
j: jealous of people – Sometimes, but I always try not to be.
k: killed someone – I’d rather not say 😏 lmao
l: love at first sight or should i walk by again? – I don’t believe in love at first sight so I think you should walk by and say hi (?)
m: middle name – I actually have a compound name (is that how you say it? lol) María Emilia
n: number of siblings – Two
o: one wish – Happiness and lots and LOTS of traveling ♥
p: person you called last – I think I called my mom this morning
q: questions you’re always asked – It’s not a question but I always get told I look like an actress from here lol
r: reason to smile – My family, my friends, 5sos (obvs)
s: song you sang last – Ghost of you by 5sos
t: time you woke up – 9:30 am 
u: underwear colour – I don’t remember but I’m basic so I’m guessing black? lmao
v: vacation destination – GREECE!
w: worst habit – Procrastination 🤦‍♀️
x: x-rays – I have scoliosis so I used to take a lot of  spinals x- rays when I was a kid
y: your favourite food – burguers, cheddar frenc fries, mac and cheese
z: zodiac sign -  Aquarius ♥
So I’m pretty late to the party so most people have done this already so, if you haven’t and you feel like it, I tag you ! ♥
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babyawacs · 4 years
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @f rance24 @snowden @haaretzcom allthatgs survived barely is factual. itwould factually notbe survivable on shoddy health. not that cumulation ontop of more mess ontopof more mess ontopof more cumulated mess. youdont need t2 armyrating shbitballs or once a cold every 3years or barfing o nly twice all life until age 27, once eatentoomany cherries age7 and once onbackseat of newcar oddsmells with cold age 12. itis o b v i o u s. howmany isolationliving abi t it nerdy smarties get those guts and anus and genital and heart and backleg and facebone and kidney damamges all the shitthey do eventhe teethbone facebone is an experiment surgery facebone mess. with cheapklammerns often. even the groinmess is a church drugging lympahtic or rubbertitt smess. the nano oilantenna tricks whale landesverfassungsschutz masseldornclowns morel ike stent trickeries for intel chains. ripitout but foremsot youget the implanters th ese cockroaches shuffled murdertricks allthe 30s as if its nothing  what a   s h i t h o l e what a s h i t h o l e e v e r y single damage inthis  body in this boy without health sins is a g e r m a n c r i m e what a  s h i t h o l e they got used tothe idea that thatguy should someh ow doom early on a nextbest fengshui  #france you cover the german crimes and nothing compensated iwill crap onthe eu ifthey highjack it on for their mess just supranati onal its a beautifulproject and theonlything making genu ine peace onthis bloodwar continent  iwouldnt squanderit o r letits value be paper bullshit butifyoucoverthem iwillnot let all fucking fuckeu benefit from their monstros ities just because they turned #youmetoo you and eu into an anal handpuppet with frenc h gebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbommel onit
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom
allthatgs survived barely is factual. itwould factually notbe survivable on shoddy health. not that cumulation ontop of more mess ontopof more mess ontopof more cumulated mess. youdont need t2 armyrating shbitballs or once a cold every 3years or barfing only twice all life until age 27, once eatentoomany cherries…
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theseulgis · 8 years
I love you too! I really appreciate every gifset of Seulgi you make and the time you invest in making them. You're amazing! I get so excited every time I get a notification when you've posted something. And your French. We're basically neighbors! Keep up the good work and stay amazing! 💪🏻❤️
this really touches me, and makes me smile a lot, anonie. IM SCREAMING BECAUSE YOU GET A NOTIF WHEN I POST SOMETHING OH MY GOOOOD, this is so precious omgggg. you even remember that i’m frenc h omg ggrjighrg, thank you so much for this message, you are adorable!! ♥
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Dani Alves announces departure from PSG on Instagram
Published: 08:33 BST, 23 June 2019 | Dani Alves has announced that he is leaving Paris Saint-Germain
The announcement made on his Instagram account , just after the 36-year-old captain Brazil came to a 5-0 roar from Peru on the Copa America, a competition in which he also found the net.
Alves joined PSG in the summer of 2017 after spells with Sevilla, Barcelona and Juventus in European football.
<img id = "i-a932c08887e494da" src = "https://dailym.ai/2ZDGk8k Dani_Alves_has_announced_his_departure_from_Paris_Saint_Germain_-m-47_1561275000985.jpg "height =" 632 "width =" 634 "alt =" Dani Alves has announced his departure from Paris Saint-Germain after two years in the club "class =" blkBorder img-share "his departure Paris Saint-Germain after two years in the club "
Dani Alves has announced his departure from Paris Saint-Germain after two years at the club
<img id = "i-1cdd7f098b37bbf2" src = "https://dailym.ai/2FoUand" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "The 36-year-old Brazilian full-back has spent two years with the French champion PSG"
The 36-year-old Brazilian full-back has spent two years with the French ka mpioen PSG – old Brazilian full-back has spent two years with French champions PSG
His two seasons in Paris saw him win the French title twice as well as the Frenc h Cup and the French League Cup.
PSG did not come close to simulating the three victories of the Champions League that Alves won earlier in his career at Barcelona. silverware won with PSG, Alves wrote: & Another cycle in my life ends today, a victorious cycle, one of learning and experiences.
& # 39; I would like to thank the PSG family for the opportunity we had together to build a page from the club's history
& I would like to thank all the staff for their affection, respect and complicity from day one … you make this club a little more special.
Alves scored for Brazil during their 5-0 win over Peru at Copa America on Saturday night "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
for Brazil during their 5-0 win over Peru on Copa America on Saturday night "
Alves scored for Brazil during their 5-0 win over Peru on Copa America on Saturday evening
<img id = "i-5c3771d3d3212650" src = "https://dailym.ai/2ZGY2rG" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "Alves took over the leader of the national team from his PSG teammate Neymar" class = "blkBorder img-
Alves took over the leader of the national team from his PSG teammate Neymar "national team of his PSG teammate Neymar
& # 39; It was two years of resilience and a continuous reinvention to fulfill my mission n, but in life everything is
& I apologize if at some point I didn't do it on the field and I apologize if I make mistakes at times, I have just tried to do my best
& thanks to all my companions for the moments we lived, the laughter together and the boredom that your lazy spirits brought me through. If you ever remember me, be like the & # 39; crazy & # 39; of every day, with a beautiful smile on your face, with the pure energy of the soul, the professional worker and committed to the goals, the people they just wanted to make day better. & # 39;
Alves replaced PSG teammate Neymar as captain of Brazil for the Copa America.
He scored his fourth goal in Peru's 5-0 drubbing in Sao Paulo as Brazil sealed top position in their group with two wins and a tie from three games played.
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Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness
The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely crosswise the water to bar the elan for our return. We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. The axis of Joseph Conrads sum total of Darkness is Marlows struggle to deal with a shadowy figure named Kurtz, who holds fascinate over local tribesmen. Kurtzs motive is trade in ivory, which the authorities want for themselves. As a result, Marlows sauceboat is sabotaged and his crew is attacked, making Marlows job difficult and dangerous. Ultimately, Marlow finds himself winning Kurtz into his protection due to his declining health. alongside the boat Marlow is struck by the charisma of Kurtz, but similarly sees a dying mortal, in marked contrast to the god-like position he has among the Congo natives.\nJoseph Conrad, a Pole who had worked as a sailor and then professional on French and British ships before becoming a naturalized British subject, admire Flaubert and knew Frenc h literature well. Conrad is noteworthy for works like Nostromo, nobleman Jim and Heart of Darkness. Conrad had a exceedingly imaginative and creative opinion given the bouts of emotional hurt and apathy, and was incredibly driven by his desire for self-expression. Throughout his living his mood would swing screening and forth from elevation to low gear and it has been said that in his darkest moments he contemplated suicide and even assay it on one occasion, by shooting himself in the chest, although he made a wide-eyed recovery. On the other hand, his manifest periods resulted in English prose of the scratch order and an ability to tie and entertain those around him. With our redbrick knowledge of the interior psyche, it seems apt to conclude that Joseph Conrad may pay off displayed classic symptoms of bipolar disorder, or what used to be set forth as manic depression.\nConrads most celebrated work, Heart of Darkness(1902) was inspired by season spent as a river b oat captain...
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