#even if i dont think about him. i still say i love you taka in my mind without thinking about it /gen
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takasgf · 2 years ago
ik i dont talk about ishi often anymore but seeing other ships with him still causes me terrible distress and they feel like an absolute insult to my entire existence. explodes them with laser eyes
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a-vessels-thoughts · 1 year ago
Dr1 has a lot of problems, that's kinda
A fact.
But imma just say something that bothered me a little personally, despite not really being a big problem like Chihiro's trial or anything else.
Makoto is boring, that's by design. I have no problem with that (he's a favorite). But... then he talks about "carrying my friends with me in my heart forever," and I got SO EXCITED.
For context, I like protags who evolve their design as the series goes on. Izuku midoriya (mha Jumpscare, I'm sorry) and what have you make my brain go brrrr. I thought makoto was gonna be one of them. Obviously, he's not (the suit doesn't really count).
I get that he doesn't need to be, and that it's pretty obvious even early on he wouldn't be, but cmon think about it!
Maybe he wears one of Sayaka's ribbons. A jacket from Leon (idk), Taka's broken watch, Celeste's metal claw things, Mukuro's rabbit hair clip (maybe on his shirt, since I don't think it'd stay in his hair lol-also he's called a bunny at least twice, it fits! It fits!) Hifumi's glasses (maybe with fake glass? Or anything that wouldnt hurt his eyes), bandages to honor Sakura, the crazy diamond pick axe to honor Mondo. And obviously, alter ego for Chihiro. Blue eye contacts later down the line to honor Junko because, even if he hates her, she was a classmate. She WAS a friend.
I'm not saying all of these should've happened-he'd look like a fanfic oc mc lol- but when I saw the watch, I was screaming for Makoto to graverob. It was right there! Yoink it, yoink it!!!!! You can still use it for the investigation. Just keep it, my boy! Your design wouldn't even change! I'd be happy with just this!
Anyways, Snake Eyes (a dr1 fanfic for the unaware) does this, and I love it. Even if my hope boy isn't quite the same.
Also, I'm pretty sure I broke something when I learned about the 11037 thing in dr2 :)
I love that.
I think about that a lot.
Uh? Conclusion: Makoto is still peak. Just peak in a different way than i thought he would be. And that saddens me, sometimes. When I'm not obsessing over him being so stupid (meat teens-i hope i didn't hurt the beds feeling-i dont think the washing machine is the culprit-thaursday) (he has said/thought all of these btw. He's so stupid i love him), at least.
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monotonecomplainyguy · 2 years ago
For the send a fandom: Tsushima.
Left field. Bitch.
Mofo making me add yet another game onto this blog, spoiler alert I loved ghost of tsushima and think everyone should play it. ps. spoilers ahead cause I cant for the life of me figure out how to hide text till you click it.
The first character I fell in love with: tbh Yuna, her blatant disregard for the rules and expectations in favor of doing good is great, even if that good is selfish from time to time. Her growth throughout the story just reaffirms this even more too.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: That'll have to go to Masako, her introduction led me to believe that her as a character would be nothing more than a cheap revenge ploy, and while her questline kinda leaned into that hard her as a character grew on me. The duel with her had me literally yelling that I better not have to kill her.
The character everyone else loves that I dont: Shoot me, but Ryuzo. As a character hes as good as every other major character but thats why I dont like him, his betrayal hits hard especially after listening to the banter between him and Jin about their childhoods. As they spoke about parting ways after their initial duel I seriously hoped they could reconnect over the course of saving their home.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I dont know if hes necessarily a hated character but Ive heard several people say they really didnt like Norio. A lot of people say his quest is two dimensional and bland but looking past that Norio feels like the only character that really understands Jin's struggle with what needs to be done and his expectations as a samurai. Through the second and third act he feels like a reassurance at Jin's back, that his decision is a difficult one but one that needs to be made.
The character I used to love but dont any longer: Ishikawa, Initially I thought he would be the basis for a growing understanding that what Jin and Yuna did was necessary, especially with what he did with Tomoe. But he remained just as stubborn and while I can understand why it doesn't mean I have to like it. Hes a good character but not my cup of tea.
The character I would totally smooch: Probably no one in the way you would expect, but Yuriko needed a kiss on the forehead and praise for doing such a good job even in her old age and told not to worry about Jin. At least she was one of the few that got to pass peacefully.
The character I'd want to be like: Taka hands down, he tries so hard to be something hes not, and when he found a way he could help he put his heart into it. Then even in the face of the Khan he put on a brave face and knowing full well he stood no chance tried to do what he thought was right. In many ways hes a reflection of Jin yet not so gifted that he can fight for his home, yet he still raised a sword when it mattered the most. His death by far killed me the most.
The character I'd slap: Lord Shimura, this man infuriates me so much yet I cant hate him because of how sad he is. The ending killed me, seeing his pain in having to face Jin, losing the person he considered his Son, and even more so after sparing him. He could've helped change everything and even if he disowned Jin officially he could've still let him go after everything that happened. But now he continued to be shackled by his idealology of honor and it forced him to push away his son all the more. I get its not easy to change what someone is raised to believe in whole heartedly but you would expect the loss of the last of your family to help with that, but no.
A pairing that I love: Jin and Tomoe, I feel like they are two very different edges of the same coin. Jin choosing a path that leads to a great many regrets that become overshadowed by the good that followed, and Tomoe falling down a selfish path filled with many more regrets and struggling to correct it. Is this generic? maybe, is it cliché enough that I like it still? of course. What do you want from me cliché is my middle name. Also yes Im aware she hardly had any screen time and her and Jin hardly interacted, I like thinking about unlikely things, its called headcannon for a reason.
A pairing that I despise: I dont despise it but I dont really like it either, Jin and Yuna feels kinda wrong. The two of them went through so much together and it feels like one of those dynamics thats very rooted in a deep friendship and nothing more. Plus after spending so much time together in so many stressful scenarios changing how they see each other would be a monumental challenge, especially after Yuna lost Taka and would most likely be hesitant about getting close to someone else. Losing a family member often causes people to push away the thought of relationships for awhile.
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spatio-rift · 1 year ago
Hello! I wanted to ask your favourite ships and the ones that you don't really like and why
Hiiii thank you for asking i love to talk about stuff like that and procrastinating on work. i think in recent years ive been enjoying comedic dynamics the most ^_^ i love to laugh and the best kind of dynamics (romantic or otherwise) to me are ones that are funny first and foremost. and theyre best when theres something compelling about it but still a lot of room to play around.
a funny thing ive noticed also is that for most of the media i really really like i care about a platonic unit including the ship/at least one character more than the ship itself? like strky > imakasa, taka (oto) > suika, $quad > kubometo.... like the shipping is funny but the platonic unit is where i get the warm feelings from.
now to actually answer the question ^_^
my favorite ships are the ones cited above as i said mainly because theyre hilarious to me. but i also like that suika dont necessarily like eachother but grow to care deeply for eachother, and the plausible possibility of a history together in oto as kids from how much they know about each other despite being so hostile in early hebi. what happened there... its funny asf but It Could Be That Deep. and also i like the idea that they still hold a massive grudge against sasuke literally 15 years after he fucked them over even though the man doesnt care and probably doesnt even remember. ive always liked the idea that they could have bonded when they reunited during the war over both being mad at him for treating them like dirt but alas kishimoto decided karin still being into sasuke and beating the shit out of suigetsu was funnier.
kubometo and imakasa have a lot less going on, mostly i just find them absolutely hilarious. imayoshi in knb is mostly presented as weird menacing and creepy from seirins pov so imakasa (and strky) is a fun way to play around with his sillier traits, because in that unit hes not a scary opponent determined to do everything in his power to win, hes not an eccentric senpai that never says what hes thinking to his teammates... around kasamatsu and other dudes his age hes just a gay little freak. its refreshing!
i will not pretend kubometo has anything like this going on. its just really funny to me! so many things in saipsi are, but this one really scratches an itch for me. i would actually say that trying to make it deeper than it is and write about it seriously makes it a lot less interesting for me. well thats just my saipsi philosophy in general ^_^ if you start thinking too hard about it it becomes less funny, which is a capital mistake when enjoying a gag manga.
Erm ! for the ships i do not like.... there are so many but out of respect for some beloved followers i wont mention the ones that i really hate just because im biased as hell and no other reason (lol). lets just talk about a few that i have actual arguments for.
for saipsi i dont mind a lot of things as long as it is made funny by people who like it (otherwise i just do not care) but when it comes to saiko and kusuo im sorry we need to stop what is happening here. Out of every possible pairing in saipsi why these two. asou made saiko because financial power was the only thing he could think of at the time that was left to be a challenge to kusuos powers, and then he never really pitted them against each other because it was (offense number 1) already done (kusuos dynamic with kokomi and her divine beauty esp in earlier saipsi revolves around the exact same thing) and (offense number 2) literally not even funny.
their main reasons for interacting are 1) one sided rivalry because of kokomis crush on kusuo, which was abandoned Very Quickly and thank god for that because it wasnt funny at all and made saiko less likeable with each panel (and it encroached on makotos reason for existing in the work as well) 2) The Purge, except saiko never ever learns who that cyborg ciderman cosplayer that humiliated him was. kusuo barely registers in saikos mind past his introduction like he really doesnt care. the ones that consistently and meaningfully interact with him are always nendou, aren and kaidou, kusuos just always around so we actually witness it. it actually matters a lot to me that saiko is one of the only characters that are in the (extended) friendgroup not because of kusuo but mainly because of first kokomi and then nendou. so why make him and kusuo a thing?? theres nothing there! (heavy breathing) sorry if you like saisai i had to get it off my chest.
i think one other ship that i really do not like now for Actual Reasons is hanaima from knb. i used to be a Huge fan but as with a lot of things in this godforsaken fandom my enjoyment of it was really soured by people who just Did Not Get It. hanaima is the ship for people who want a ~Dark and Edgy~ dynamic in a highschool basketball manga. people who like it generally dont understand hanamiya and imayoshi as characters and the actual dynamic they have, they just want to write about abuse and poor little meow meow hanamiya and yandere sadist imayoshi and stuff like that. One! hanamiya is not scared of imayoshi he just hates him for being annoying and weird and not letting him do whatever he wants which is injure people and ruin their dreams! Two! imayoshi is kind of a freak but he is kind! whatever awful thing you think imayoshi did to hanamiya in middle school that explains why hanamiya doesnt want to do anything with him now is complete bullshit! its not about imayoshi being evil or an abuser or anything like that ITS ABOUT HANAMIYAS EGO! at most imayoshi is just annoying because messing w people hes fond of is his favorite past time!
ah well there are more things that people get wrong about their characters and dynamic but lets not increase my heart rate too much i wouldnt survive it. if i had to sum it up i think ships i do not like are either just offensively unfunny or like, the idea of the ship goes against established character so forcing it to happen makes them awfully ooc to the point of being near unrecognizable. like i know anything can happen in the mind of a fan but i like these characters for a reason, you know?! Erm well i dont know how to end this rant now so ill just say thank you for asking and sorry if its a boring read, just talking about myself and all ...!
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hyohaehyuk · 9 months ago
It's Pride Month and i want to post this before the month ends 🙃 Almost a year ago i found an old OOR interview where Taka might had come out as bi.
Now about Takeru i found some interesting interview that make me wondering if he is not gay/queer too.
Actor Takeru Sato (30) appeared on the TBS variety show "Sakurai Ariyoshi THE Yakai" broadcast on January 23rd, 2020. Looking back on his first date, he revealed how shy he was when he was a student.
According to information provided by a friend from junior high school, Sato was always at the top of his class and had outstanding athletic ability. However, he was "terrible at love." On his first date, while riding his bike to the date's destination, he started pedaling at full speed for some reason. He left the girl behind and went home.
Looking back on that time, Sato explained, "I just couldn't bear being alone with a woman in the city... I'm really sorry, but I ran away. I was so embarrassed," and apologized, "I'm so sorry that I caused her so much trauma."
Sato continued, "I never fell in love or got carried away with love during my school days. My romantic feelings for women were all directed towards the two-dimensional world." When Wakako Shimazaki asked, "What do you like about the two-dimensional world? It's not human," Sato reflexively turned around and said, "Eh, but!" The studio was filled with laughter at Sato's unexpected reaction.
On the show, Sato said, "I didn't think that the object of my heart's desire had to be a human," and introduced Amatsuka Megumi, the heroine of the manga "Tenshi na konamaiki" (Cheeky Angel) as his "favorite woman" from his school days. As the crowd exclaimed, "Eh?", Sato revealed that he was crazy about her, saying, "Even though it was my first love..."
Besides the fact that he run away from a date with a girl (lol) the interesting thing here is that, according with wiki (bc i didn't read the manga) Amatsuka Megumi is tomboy that always get into fights and have a secret: she used to be a boy."
From other place "Megumi is a nine-year old kid who, after saving a sorceror from getting beat-up by some punks, as thanks was given a magic book with a demon inside. His wish to become the "manliest man on Earth" is misinterpretted as the "womanliest woman on Earth" and he is transformed into a girl. Out of fury she throws the book into a river. Six years later, Megumi may still have the body of a girl but behaves like a guy and is only interested in fighting and martial arts. Megumi dreamed of the day when she can return to being a man by finding the book again."
I dont know if she turned back into a boy tho.
Even Takeru views about marriage are weird. It really feels that he is forced himself into that idea to fit in society norms rather than him really wanting to get married
From this video around 8:33 (transcriptions from here)
"I've been saying this for a long time, but marriage isn't something you do alone, it's something you do together, so do you have the desire to get married when you don't have a partner? Even if you ask me that, there is no way to answer.
If you keep saying things like that, you'll never get married. I think that if I don't decide to get married at some point, I won't, or rather, won't be able to do it even when I'm 40 or 50, and that's becoming a reality. So now I've declared that I'll get married by 35. I really want to do that. I'll try my best.
On the other hand, if I can't do it by 35, I probably won't be able to do it for a while until I'm 45 or something"
He even uses a fortune teller to telling me when he should get married like he mentioned in the Bokura no Jidai interview. At least here he is acknowledging that marriage is a thing made by 2 people (him and his partner, not him and the fortune teller)
Still on topic of marriage there is interesting convo in the Miura Shohei, Shirota yu, Takeru Sato and Taka youtube live.
Around 51:24, Miura says that Takeru, Taka and Yu are all equality the most difficult to get married. Taka and Yu are unbeliever at that and Taka even say that Takeru is the most difficulted one. Takeru says that he believes Yu is the one cabable of doing it but him and Taka cant.
Taka complains but then says "can't we do it?"
Takeru: "No, it's impossible"
Then Miura mentioned that Taka said before to him that he would when all OOR members got married and now that Toru is married he could do it anytime. Taka said "if there is the right person" and then Takeru start laughing and Taka asked why he is laughing. Then the convo start to be about Takeru.
Taka: Takeru is the most special among the four of us. Unlike us, maybe it will develop in other directions...
Takeru: Everyone is different
Taka: Although everyone is different...
Takeru: I think the next one it will be Yu.
(proceeds to talk about why he think Yu should get married and that he is suitable to start a family)
Takeru: This person (Taka) case is a little different (from Yu case). He have such a strong personality.
Miura: He values his music more/this is music is the most important.
Taka: No, No. That's not truth. I think my own life is more important than anything else.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years ago
Requests say open but incase they arent and you havent changed it, (feel free to ignore if thats the case!) Can I get those 'S/O sits on there boyfriends lap' with Gonta and any other boys except kokichi and Togami? (I left it up to you because I dont wanna pick someone on the blacklist and the other boys Id request are already written for.)
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SITTING ON THEIR LAP • nekomaru, gonta x gn reader
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if its okay with you, i decided to add nekomaru since he's one of my favorite characters, and i love writing for him. i hope you enjoy!
tws/cws: mentions of weight, positively.
|| -> mod taka <3
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loves it when you sit on his lap! since he's a very big man, the odds that you're smaller than him is more common, so he basically bear hugs you from behind when you do this. if you are bigger than him, he'd still do it, its just that you'd actually be able to breathe normally in that case.
do not worry about your weight around this man! he always works out his legs, so he can handle your body, no matter how heavy you may be. hes also the type to hug you by your waist and lightly squeezes your fat, only if you're comfortable with it of course!
you might have to cover your ears since you're so close to him. he talks very loudly naturally, so he might accidentally yell loving things into your ears every once in awhile.
is very physically affentionate. of course, he needs to make sure you're alright with this, and after that he can cuddle you all he wants. you're so great and amazing to him that he cant help but give you so many kisses while hugging you.
isn't one to get nervous when you do this to him. he's completely used to physical affection and actually approves of it! is really happy when you do things like that with him.
also sees it as a way to train his legs for endurance. timers how long he can go before his leg muscles start to go numb, fall asleep, or get pins and needles.
all of his attention is on you. even if he did try to do something else while you sat on his lap, he'd get distracted since his beloved is so close to him. of course he's going to talk your ears off during this time, what else did you expect from nekomaru?
is just very happy to be spending time with you, he values anything that you two do together. the fact that you're willing to initiate intimate things like this shows that you love him, and the feeling is mutual.
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nearly dies. heres the thing, while he does very much love you for showing him affection, he's quite unfamiliar with the concept of "s/o's sitting on your lap".
at first, he sort of just twiddles with his fingers while he looks at you with both confusion and curiosity. he's a bit puzzled on why you would do something like this, but is interested in your reasoning.
after you explain to him that its normal to do this with your partners, he warms up to it very quickly. as long as its not an ungentlemanly thing in his eyes, then he's okay with it!
will ramble about different types of bugs that he thinks is cute while you watch him on his lap. he moves quite alot when he talks about things that makes him happy, so just hold onto his shoulders when you're losing balance on his lap.
awkwardly hovers his hand over your body. doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, so until you give him explicit consent, you'll get the hovering hands treatment.
knows how to make little braids in your hair, change my mind. if you have short hair then thats no problem, he'll find a way to make a pretty braid in it! if you don't have any hair at all, he'll massage your head instead.
since he's canonically the biggest man in the game, as far as im aware you also don't need to worry about weight around him! he wouldn't struggle either way, so just sit back and relax. let yourself be loved by the muscular man.
is the type to kiss the back of your neck and head. its not deep romantic kisses, its just little shy pecks because he finds you so cute and wants to give you some affection too.
to sum it all up, he's a bit stiff when you do it at first. over time though, he will get used to it, and actually cherishes the times that you sit in his lap! is very happy if you do this more often.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years ago
Hello!! Can I request some headcanons about Rantaro, Mukuro, Kazu, Taka, Kokichi, Nagito and Leon with SHSL Moodkeeper/Caregiver (i dont know the word)? They is, like, always on a guard to calmly end every arguments and tences in their group, and to give a hand or shoulder for cry to anyone who is in a bad mood. Ultimate stress-relive person, i guess? Also, they has good empathy, but still is very bad in guessing ofters opinion about them, so they really didnt notice someone loving them. Thx!!
I’d say they’re a SHSL Peacekeeper! ^^
He likes how you mediate situations when they start getting out of hand.
Of course, he’s good at calming people down, too, though he’s glad to see you step in as well.
The fact you could settle conflicts between the rowdy ones like Kaito, Miu, and Kokichi so easily is like a miracle.
You also swiftly came to Kaede’s defense when everyone got upset with her for forcing them through the Death Road of Despair. 
Before leaving, Rantaro witnessed you hugging the pianist as she cried.
You’re just so kind and caring to everybody.
It was those positive qualities of yours that just naturally...drew him to you.
And eventually they made him fall for you completely.
But despite your talent of reading people like open books...you aren’t too certain about what they think of you.
So when Rantaro hangs out with you more, you just believe he’s a close friend and nothing more.
Though when he visits your lab one day with your favorite gift and asks you out...you pretty much short-circuit.
Someone as sweet and as handsome as him??? Liking you?????
Watching you resolve conflicts without violence is an eye-opening experience for her.
You mean you don’t have to threaten to stab someone??? Or prepare yourself for an attack???
So when you break up a fight between her and Junko with just your words alone, she’s completely baffled.
You feel bad for Mukuro, helping her up when her sister kicks her down, saying she doesn’t deserve to be degraded so much.
She’s even more confused because she thought the insults were Junko’s way of showing familial love.
But perhaps..the soldier was wrong about that.
Over time, she starts giving you more of her attention.
Makoto smiling at her was one thing..but for you to actually care about her?
She just wants to give every bit of her heart to you.
But you aren’t sure what she exactly thinks of you, so...for a while you don’t notice.
She’ll never get past admiration from a distance, though, as she doesn’t know how to express those feelings to you.
Eventually, you’ll notice and reciprocate them.
He’s perplexed at how the hell you manage to keep so calm all the time, especially when almost everyone was panicking on the island..
No matter how much the class argues, you always end those debates peacefully somehow--even in trials.
After spending some time with you, he eventually confides in you about his insecurities and such.
And you always listen no matter how much he pours his heart out to you.
You just pat his back and offer your sympathy whenever he gets emotional, never judging him.
He’s glad he can someone to rely on..to the point where he feels like he can be his true self around you.
He grows to like you for more than just your talent, though.
You have great looks and a cool personality!
Unfortunately you’re kinda oblivious, so he’s nervous to confess in fear you won’t return the feelings.
He’ll probably need advice from his buddies.
Like him, you always strive to reach the best compromise among your peers.
And he admires that a lot!
You usually solve conflicts sooner than he does (probably because you aren’t always yelling and can read the room better).
Plus, you’ve taken a sort of therapist role in the class, having a lot of empathy (which Taka himself sometimes lacks) and always willing to help people out.
Sometimes he’ll go to you just to rant about the stress of his studies and whatever else he’s dealing with.
He trusts you enough and thinks venting is a healthy way to get his emotions out.
The talks often end with you hugging him while he cries into your shoulder.
But he always feels a hundred times better afterwards.
It’s not long before he finds himself catching feelings for you.
He can hardly look you in the eyes while you’re speaking, tending to blush when you just smile in his general direction.
Like Kaz, he’ll probably need advice from someone because he doesn’t know how to confront these new feelings.
You two are basically polar opposites.
He’s a little shithead that gets people riled up on purpose.
While you’re the mediator who reassures them he just wants to cause mischief.
Not even he can say he’s lying about that.
So he makes it his mission to get you annoyed with him.
He’ll try speaking over you by blurting out another lie in trials...
Only to pout when you ignore him.
Then he tries cheating in games he plays with you..
Only for you to explain how it’s more fun when everyone plays fairly.
There’s just no winning for him, so he eventually stops and huffs.
You definitely like playing hard-to-get.
Especially when he realizes you’ve become more than just a “friend he can annoy” in his eyes.
He’ll get frustrated when you don’t immediately realize that, too, though.
Of all the talents he’s observed, he finds yours most admirable.
Insists you should never let yourself--or anyone--take your talent for granted (and of course, you don’t).
He sees you lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it and is awestruck
You’re truly a shining example of hope.
He’s hesitant to come to you with any of his troubles, convinced trash like him isn’t worth your time.
But you empathize with him and understand why he feels that way.
He’s been stuck in a cycle of luck all his life, usually hurting or killing those close to him.
As time goes on, though, you get him to open up.
Soon he falls in love with not only your hope...but also, well, you.
He’d tell you directly, but...it would be more interesting to watch you figure that out yourself.
He's surprised how easily you can settle disputes with everyone.
Doesn’t it get tiring for you?
Though you always tell him it’s never a bother.
You understand everyone has their insecurities and tend to lash out.
He gets a bit defensive when he realizes you mean him, too.
But he just proved your point.
Sometimes he’ll rant to you about baseball practice giving him unneeded pressure and his uncertainties about what he really wants to do in life.
You suggest he feels misguided due to his attempts to impress random girls instead of focusing on himself.
He’s stunned you could read him like an open book.
Before long, he finds himself lovestruck yet again--not just because of your looks but also because of your sweet and upbeat nature.
So he tries improving himself first before he’s ready to ask you out.
Though when you don’t know for sure how he feels around you...he’ll get agitated and ends up blurting out his confession.
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melody-of-lost-souls · 3 years ago
What do you think about Sasuke awakening Amaterasu while thinking about Team 7 during his fight with Killer Bee??
SS claims that he was thinking about Sakura because she was the one who "filled his lonely existence" during his Genin Days😒😒... And in the Manga, it was mentioned, "Back then he wasn't Alone"...
I remember when that episode came out <3 It was a nice heartwarming moment because we were able to see that Sasuke still treasured Team7 somewhere in his heart. It was an interesting moment because it showed that there was still light in Sasuke, lets say.
First, i dont care what databooks say, Databooks are supossed to show and give information about skills, random facts about the characters, and stuff like that. Clarifying that she "filled his lonely existence" has literally no weight on the story because we as watchers and readers never saw a moment that implied that, say a flashback JUST about her, or something he could say to her.
Sakura because she was the one who "filled his lonely existence" during his Genin Days😒😒... And in the Manga, it was mentioned, "Back then he wasn't Alone"..
Literally there is no connection at all between these 2 statements, SS just join the words between alone and filled his lonely existence and automatically thought OH IT'S FOR SAKURA.
In that chapter there is no foreshadowing not insinuation at all that that moment is just about sakura. If it was shown FIRST her picture, or he memory alone, or her words to him, OR SOMETHING JUST ABOUT HER, then yes I could take it as a SS moment. But there is absolutely NOTHING.
The picture he sees IS ABOUT TEAM 7. I truly TRULY want to know why the fuck they think is just about sakura, GOD. Because using that stupid statement of the databook speaks a lot about them, they always use facts out of the proper material which are manga and anime canon, to justify their pity ship, because they well know that in question of showing panels or episodes, they lose like war.
So this picture could be ,by their logic, just also about Kakashi (a weak father figure) or Naruto (best friend most important bond) or yeah Sakura (his teammate) But if I say it's about Naruto, for ex, where is my proof? Because Naruto's existence also filled Sasuke heart way before Sakura stupid confession, and this was set in Vote1 even I don't have to go forward to Vote2.
It's absolutely stupid, and ignorant to say this is just about Sakura because first it is a quick flashback, there is not time to show love moments about Sakura. And this shows how they love fantasizing with things that are pure headcanons, and delusion.
Even we SNS cannot say Sasuke here was thinking about Naruto alone, because it's simple it's a team 7 picture.
Meanwhile is not the same as that one before Vote2 when he particularly scratch Naruto's picture in team 7 photo, interesting.
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About the translation, i found 2. It would be question of looking at the raws, but i think the "He remembers he is not alone" is the most accurate one. Since here Sasuke is also having flashbacks of how his Taka mates are sacrificing themselves to save the others. So he remembers he is not alone here as he wasnt alone back then with team 7. - Also I must say that the dynamic of team 7 barely worked because of naruto being there, without Naruto Sasuke wouldnt even remember this people. Naruto gave light and joy to team 7, and sasuke enjoyed that., it was a similar dynamic to his family. Itachi was the light there.-
It's even a disrespect to team taka, that this morons SS say that this moment where Taka was risking their lives and in danger, Sasuke was thinking about Sakura.
The only purpose of this flashback was to show to Sasuke the importance of teammates, team bonds, and working together and the still had bonds with team 7, as a whole.
What it is interesting is that the cover of this short arc, Sasuke vs Hachibi is this picture...
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I wonder what SS has to say about this then.
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despairofthefuture · 4 years ago
Despair of the Future: Prologue
Knock knock knock!
A series of knocks on the door earned Yasuhiro's attention, causing the Ultimate Clairvoyant to turn his head towards the noise. He threw his legs over the side of his bed and stretched his arms over his head before standing and walking over to his door. When he opened it, he was surprised at who was on the other side.
"Junko!" The future teller exclaimed. "H-hey! What's up?"
The Ultimate Fashionista beamed at him, flashing him a peace sign. "Yo! I'm great, Hiro! Hope I didnt bother you!"
Hiro shakes his head, standing to the side to allow Junko entry. "No, no! I was just surprised to see you! Like, no offense or anything, but I wouldve thought youd be too good to spend anytime with someone like me!"
Junko raised a brow as she walks into his room. "That sounds like if anyone were to take offense itd be you."
Hiro scrunched his eyebrows as Junko continued.
"Anyway, I stopped by cause I was wondering if you could read my future!"
The older Ultimate blinked in surprise. "Wait, really?" He asked. "No one ever takes me up on that offer!"
The fashionista shrugged, looking around the boy's room. "Eh, I think they're overreacting. I mean, most fortune tellers are lucky to get a five percent accuracy rate. The fact you have thirty percent is really impressive!" She turns to him, still grinning. "And I have something I really wanna know if it comes true!"
Hiro couldnt help but smile, happy someone finally recognized his talent. "In that case, sure! I'd be more than happy to tell your future!" He told her, going over to his desk and gathering his clairvoyant supplies. "And since you're one of my friends, and the only one to recognize how amazing my abilities are, I'll even do a reading for free! Hows that sound?"
The pig tailed girl's smile widened. "Aw, that's really sweet of you, Hiro! Thank you!"
Hiro shrugs as he sits cross legged on the floor and lays his supplies in front of him. "Ah, it's no biggie." He assures her, patting the ground in front of him to signal for her to sit as well. When she does, the fortune teller beams at her. "Alright! What do you say we start with a simple palm reading? That way I can get a good feeling for if this thing you wanna happen will come true!"
Junko nods. "Sounds good to me!" She agrees, and holds her right hand out to him, palm out.
Hiro takes her hand in his own and, taking one of them, begins tracing the inside of the girl's hand. He closes his eyes, concentrating on the lines he feels as he tries to make a connection to Junko's future.
These are the only things Yasuhiro can hear.
The scent burns his nose, causing his eyes to tear up. The smell is overwhelming, as if he were standing in a pool of it up to his waist.
Panic rises in the clairvoyant's chest, and his head shoots around, desperate to see something, to find where he is.
He wished he hadnt.
Sayaka was propped up against the bathroom wall, a kitchen knife protruding from her stomach with blood splattered around the room, and on the idol's body.
Junko-no. That had to be Mukuro. Her telltale freckles gave it away, despite her attempt to disguise herself as her twin-impaled by spears and left lifeless on the gymnasium floor.
Leon, Hiro's closest friend, was pelted by baseballs, his body left battered, bruised and bloody tied to a pole.
Chihiro, bludgeoned by a dumbbell and tied by an extension cord.
Mondo, reduced to nothing but butter.
Taka and Hifumi, their heads caved in.
Celeste, burned to cinders.
Sakura, her own life taken by poison.
These images flooded his mind. No matter where he looked, he saw them. His friends, his classmates, the ones he cared about dearly, dead in brutal ways.
Yasuhiro clamped his hands over his mouth, feeling bile rise into his throat. Before anything could come up, he saw one last image, and this one caused his blood to run cold.
Junko, the one he was reading the future of, stood at a podium. She was proudly proclaiming how this was all her doing, how she wanted all the world to feel such despair, and how she loved watching them all kill each other to escape a world that was in ruins.
And suddenly he was back.
"Gah!" Hiro let out a scream as he gasped for air. His hand grasped at his chest as he looked around frantically. The comforting scenery of his room relaxed him slightly, and his heart slowly began beating normally again.
"Hiro? Are you alright?" Junko's voice caused Hiro to jump and look over to her. The girl had her head tilted. "What did you see?"
The clairvoyant stared at her, the images he saw before invading his mind, nearly causing him to panic again. He managed to swallow it back down. "A-ah, yeah. I-Im fine! Y-you uh, dont have to w-worry about a thing! Everything you want g-goes off without a hitch!" He told her shakily.
Junko furrowed her brow, but at his answer her face brightened. "Really?! Shit, nice!" She stood up. "I think that's all I need. Thanks so much, Hiro! You're the best!" She smiled at him and waves. "You take care now, you look like you've seen a ghost!" She giggled before opening Hiro's door and leaving.
And then Hiro was alone.
As soon as he heard the door closed, the fortune teller shot to his feet and began panicking. "W-what the hell did I just see?!" He exclaimed, pulling at his hair. "All my friends...they...they were dead! And...so brutally! And Junko..." His face paled. "...She did that. She caused all of that pain, that...suffering!" He shook his head, gripping it tightly with his hands. "No. No that cant be true. It cant!"
"Tch, now you dont believe in your abilities?"
Hiro whirled around at the voice, and he froze at the image of his best friend, Leon Kuwata.
The red haired boy smirked and waved. "Hey, Hiro! Wassup, bro?"
The clairvoyant just stared at him. "Wh...I...I dont understand. How did you get in my room? Why are you floating? A-and why are you transparent?!"
The baseball star rolled his eyes. "Wow, dude, you really arent the most observant." The ginger moved closer to his friend, getting right into his face, which caused Hiro to take a step back. "I'm dead, Hiro. I'm a ghost."
Yasuhiro's eyes widened. "Wh...what?! No! Hell no, that cant be true! I just saw you this morning!"
Leon held his hands up. "Whoa whoa, calm down, dude!" He tried to soothe the older man. "I'm not that Leon! I mean, I am, but not?" He scratched his head. "Its...complicated." he shrugged before continuing. "Basically I'm from the future. You know those visions you saw? Yeah. If they come true, that's what's gonna happen to me and all our friends." His expression becomes serious. "And you're the only one who can stop it."
Hiro's eyes widened even further, and he took several steps back. "What?! What the hell?! Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed. "If all of this is true, a-and I'm still not convinced this isnt all just a fucked up dream, how the hell am I of all people gonna stop it?! You know me, dude! I'm not brave, or smart, or strong or anything!"
Leon sighed. "Hiro, you're the only one who knows Junko's plan. You're the only one who can see me. You have to do something to stop her, or it wont just be our class that gets fucked over. She's gonna destroy the whole world."
Yasuhiro freezes. "The...the whole world?" He repeated, his voice a low whisper. He felt like he was going to faint. This was all too much. The fate of the world was on his shoulders? What the hell was going on?
Leon watched his best friend and frowned. "Look, I can tell you're overwhelmed. Obviously you need some time to process all of this, so take it. I'll come back later. Just...you gotta think about it."
As the redhead finished his sentence, Hiro watched as he began to disappear. "W-wait, Leon!" The brunette exclaimed, reaching his hand out towards him. "Dont go! I-Im still confused!"
But despite his pleas, Leon vanished before his eyes. Hiro stared at the spot the ghostly vision of his friend had been moments ago.
Suddenly he collapsed to his knees, the exhaustion of having learned all of these things finally catching up to him.
Yasuhiro stares blankly into space, running through everything once more in his mind. He had no idea how to process this.
And then he heard it.
The quiet whispers of many spirits as they begin making contact with him.
Yasuhiro Hagakure is now open for questions!
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takasgf · 1 year ago
💌☕️🛏️ for frogeru and 💘❤️📝 for morgen!!
-aya (@softskiesahead)
Hewwo :3c Thank you a whole lot for all the questions!! They were fun to do <33
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
Funny girl and her nerd boyfriend!! I like to think they would respect their dynamic in canon because its rather silly and playful. They are super versatile and have the right amount of fluff and angst to appeal to most. For misconceptions, there would be those who emphasise on Taka'a sensibility and make him a crybaby who cant function without his girlfriend. Yuck. For "he asked for no pickles!!" jokes its fine, but i know Taka fans enough to know some will take it seriously. They dont respect him enough.
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
The way their relationship develops during the KG (it wont be super detailed in-game, but there will be sweet lil moments in the manga, FTE or the UTDP so people will be able to build it up from there), them having to stay in the same room for the night (5 feet away from eachother but lovingly watching over the other and making sure they feel safe), CONFESSION FICS, royal AUs :3
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
I'm not familiar with many tropes but I'd say childhood friends AU, royalty and their knight, hurt-comfort, spending holidays together, family angst (as in their families not accepting their relationship)
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
Generally, Morket would be loved for all its fluffy potential. It's a grumpy guy falling in love with a sweet gal who is very gentle and understanding with him. I feel like people who like Rocket and want his best would appreciate Morgs as his significant other, because it's the right person for someone as damaged as him. Patient and caring... They're just super cute together.
The most popular anti-morket argument would be that it's interspecies. Even if Rocket has ALL the capabilities of a human person and he is infinitely smarter than one, he'll still be "just a raccoon" to some people. Canon Morket would be humanoid x furry, and there will be people who disagree with that. Even if there is no consent issue here; he can clearly state if he loves Morgen back or not. For those who look too much into things, and are also "Morgen stans" but dislike Rocket, they'd criticize him for his initially cold attitude towards her - perhaps they'll think he's not putting in the same effort as her (he does). Throws bricks at them
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
It's their respective most popular ship :] Definitely not a rarepair in the G.OTG fandom but i dont think the rest of the M.CU would care about them that much. They're kinda just there, in that context.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
Morgen's story doesnt influence the main events at all, besides becoming Rocket's buddy and eventually lover. Her whole story, escaping her planet and running away from her princess role is just an extra, because i already love G.OTG's story so much. She's there to take care of her boyfren and remind him how much he's loved <33 he still suffers in this universe, but Morgs helps him cope with it, unlike in canon where he's pretty closed off from everyone.
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duncanxtrent · 3 years ago
For the prompt thingy... Duncan and Trent as camp counselors... maybe ? 👀 Like they both take care of some kiddos and they are on diffrent teams so they have a friendly rivalry but they are crushing on each other. Or something idk jfjfkfk
Wawanakwa Rivalry
Duncan quietly woke up inside the counselors cabin. He looks over and sees Trent peacefully snoring away. He smiles and gets up to put on some pants. Once hes fully uniformed, he takes a look at the schedule.
Once hes sure of the schedule, he walks up and bangs on the door of the Killer Bass cabin.
“Wake up guys! Its almost breakfast!” Duncan shouts.
Taka instantly opens the door, fully dressed in uniform.
“Ready to start the day, sir!”
(Yes I made the DR kiddos the camp kids leave me alone.)
Duncan laughs and ruffles Takas hair as Taka stands near the door. Groggily, Makoto, Kyoko, Sayaka, Leon, Chihiro, And Aoi make their way out of the cabins. Duncan does a quick headcount, but then makes a strange face.
“Wheres Mondo?” He asks
“Hes still asleep” Leon groans
“Ill go get him!” Taka says stomping inside the cabin. Soon he drags out a very tired and Groggy Mondo from inside.
“Its too early for this. Just let me go the fuck to bed.” Mondo curses.
“Trust me. I also think its too early for this kid.” Duncan smiles. “But if you sleep any longer, you’ll miss todays french toast!”
That instantly seemed to get Mondos attention. Because he instantly ripped his arm from Takas hand, ran inside, stressed himself, and came back out to the other students.
“Right kids! Now whats our motto?”
Mondo gave an audible groan.
“Oh come on its funny.”
Mondo sighed but reluctantly saluted, as tre reat of the kids followed.
🎶One Two Three and Four! Killer Bass Will Get the Score!🎶
🎶Five Six Seven Eight! Gophers are trash, and Fish are Great!🎶
Duncan seemed to stifle a laugh on the last part. “Alright guys! Now stand in a straight line behind me.”
Taka instantly stood in the front with Mondo behind him as the rest of the students stood behind them.
“Alright, and MARCH!” The 9 of them marched off towards the cafeteria.
Once there, the kids returned to normal walking and headed to their cabin table. Once he was sure the kids were sat, he headed up to the cafeteria, only to encounter Trent getting the breakfast for his cabin.
“Trent! Hi…” Duncan says noticiably more nervous.
“Hey there, sup shorty!” Trent says wrapping his arm around Duncan. Duncan meeped.
“So how have the kids been?” He asks
“Well, Mondos been a bit of a hassle, but other than that the kids are great.” Duncan whispers timidly.
“Oho! Youre lucky. Celestia, Byakuya, Junko! Together those three kids are a mess of trouble! Ive mainly been able to get them under control, but What I wouldnt give to be in your cabin.”
“Same here.” Duncan mutters quietly.
“Nothing! Anyways I should probably finish up here and get the kids breakfast.” Duncan says quickly picking up the breakfast for the cabin.
“Oh… Ok…” Trent says disappointed.
Duncan immediately stops in his tracks. “But if you want to talk more counselor stuff! We can hang out when I hand off the kiddos to Courtney!” Duncan quickly yells.
“Oh! Ok sure!” Trent quickly responds.
“Its a date!” Duncan says walking off. Trent turns beet red before walking off. Duncan immediately facepalms.
“A date? Really?! Come on you idiot! You should have done better than that!” Duncan mutters pacing back and forth.
“Um… Mr. Tarun.” Sayaka tugs at Duncans pants.
Duncan notices and realizes hes still holding the kids breakfast. “O-oh! Sorry!” Duncan nervously laughs.
He walks around the table and gives each of the kids a plate of breakfast, containing french toast, sausage, and scrambled eggs with lemonade. The kids quickly begin eating their breakfast. Duncan sits down with his plate and begins quietly eating while contemplating his life choices. However, the kids quickly got into some trouble.
“H-hey stop that!” Taka says nervously.
Duncan sat up and noticed that Junko and Byakuya were standing next to Mondo. Mondo seemed visibly upset.
“Whats wrong Diamond, cat got your tongue?” Junko taunts.
“What the hell do you to want?” Mondo asks angrily.
“Oh I just came over cause I thought youre french toast was looking plain.”
“My toast is fine.” Mondo says angrily shoving a bite of eggs into his mouth.
“Really? Cause I think this plate could use a nice slab of BUTTER!” Junko dumps a whole stick of tub of butter on Mondos French Toast. Mondo just stared at the toast, terrified.
(Context to this: I am partially referencing His execution. But in this case the reason for his trauma is that his dad was turned into a butter like substance following an experiment he was working on)
The rest of the kids at the table gasp. Leon begins laughing but Sayaka punches him in the arm.
Junko laughs. “Oh whats wrong? Did I not add enough? Do you want some syrup as well?” She taunts.
Byakuya simply stifles a laugh. “A mere peasant frozen by a tub of butter. Pathetic.”
“H-hey leave him alone!” Taka says attempting to stand up to them.
“Or what?” Junko laughs
Taka meekly backs off.
Duncan angrily stomps towarfs the two bullies.
“Hey you two! Leave Mondo Alone!” Duncan shouts.
“Oh shut up you faggot! We all know you want inside our camp counselors pants! Why dont you run along like the squealy girl you are?” Junko sneers.
Duncan becomes even more angry. “If the two of you dont leave right now, Im sending the two of you home!” Duncan threatens.
“And then what? Lose the Trust of your little boyfriend.” Byakuya laughs.
Duncan is about to knock the little shits heads off when suddenly Trent comes up behind him.
“Duncan, you may step out of the situation.” Trent says putting a hand on his shoulder.
Trent leans into his ear. “Trust me, dude, I got this!” Trent whispers.
Duncan backs off as Trent approaches the two children.
“Junko, Byakuya, my office. NOW!” Trent shouts firmly.
Trent walks the two children to his office and eventually returns back to the cafeteria.
“Im having them clean out the toilets for the next week. Those two went way too far.” Trent explains.
“Thank you…” Duncan mumbles.
“Hey its no problem.” Trent outs a hand on Duncans shoulder. “We gotta look out for each other right bro?”
Trent leans in closer to Duncan, and without thinking about what hr was doing, Duncan leaned in and quickly pecked Trent on the lips.
Trents face went incredibly red while Duncan seemed nervous.
“Oh jeez Im sorry, I didnt mean to, I just thought thats what we were doing and-“ Hes immediately caught off by Trent taking Duncans head in his gands and bringing him in for a second kiss. The kiss becomes a loving kiss and the two of them stand there hugging while kissing eachother.
“Ewwwwwwwwww!!!! Ms Satellaaaaa!!!!! Mr.Tarun and Mr.Cooper are kissiiiiing!!!!!!” Sayaka shouts.
They both let go of the kiss and look at Sayaka as Trent begins laughing. Duncan sees this and begins laughing too.
“So Im guessing you like me too then?” Trent asks sarcastically.
“Yeah. Always kinda have.” Duncan laughs.
“Well then, maybe we could hand the kids off to Courtney and Gwen, and the two of us can spend the rest of the day hanging by the lake.” Trent says twirling Duncans hair.
“That sounds lovely.” Duncan mumbles leaning into Trents chest.
“EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!” The kids stick their tongues out seeing their counselors kissing.
Trent and Duncan just laugh before letting go of each other and going towards their respective tables. Duncan sits and begins happily eating his breakfast.
Meanwhile Kiyotaka notices the whole event unfold, and just as Mondo finishes clearing the butter on his plate, pecks Mondo on the cheek before returning to his food.
Mondo looks at him increduously, blushing red for a second before just shaking his head and returning to his food
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gundhams-pandemonium · 4 years ago
So I used a wheel and made a Talentswap Au and it's funny so yeah give your thoughts
Affluent Prodigy-Chihiro
Martial Artist-Mondo
Biker Gang Leader-Taka
Traditional Dancer-Hajime
Team Manager-Peko
Writing Prodigy-Himiko
Supreme Leader-Rantaro
Child Care Giver/Assassin-Ryoma
Aikido Master-Kirumi
Moral Compass-Miu
Okay,,, its gonna get long but here are some thoughts and opinions (spoilers, and also some caps lock~)
Baseball Kyoko 😳
Byakyuya as the Ultimate Clairvoyant is absolutely hillarious to me, because if this is 1. Hiro's Talent is unchanged 2. He'd be his usual stuck up self,,, cause Byakuya. Which means,,, everyone is like "... Only 30%?"
I've also see. Nurse Toko,, and Hina as just not having one But having her upbeat cheery self.
Obssesed w/ Prince/Princess Hiro 🥺🥺 also implies that Hiroko is a Queen and honestly good for her
Luck Sayaka 👀👀 Am intrigued. Same w/ Anthropologist Leon
Mukuro a Gymnast, Hmm 🤔 okay. I dont think I have an opinion of it either way
MA Mondo and Biker Taka is lovely and they are still strong (obvs) and they'd still have a battle in the sauna. Love~
Gamer!!! Hifumi!!! He is still a nerd!! Yay!!
Celeste as a Muscian 🤔 Hmmm, I like
Fanfic Sakura!! Ahhh!! Yess!! Just this gorgeous muscular woman and she's like "Yeah, I write fanfic" She's still serious and driven and just 🥺 Yes yes yes!
Photographer Junko, cause despair w/ selfie sticks /joke
[[So I'm losing steam so I might not react to every character from here on out]]
Hajime, His mind mini game is no longer skateboarding he just dancing~
Souda too Hajime: Look :DD!! I found this cool bug dude :DD!!
Hajime:... okay Souda
Inventor Sonia 😳😳 Yess
Imposter Hiyoko, whoever she's impersonating just loves gummies (and is short) even if real them wouldn't. I cant tell if itd be funnier if she was impersonating Clairyovant Byakuya or Afflient Proginy Chi
Robot Nekomaru, you mean Mechamaru but at the start of the game? Jsjejdjejej
Gamblr Gundham is great, I'd find it hillarious that dice is just tucked in his scarf and Sonia is like "Gudham :D! You dropped this!!" When it falls
Adventurer Chikai 👀👀👀 I have a mighty need
Shuichi as a fashionista is honestly great but wild w/ his canon anxieties
Yakuzu Kaede 👀👀 and Swordsman Kaito 👀👀 Absolutely
Also Rantaro as the Shsl leader would just be so great as well
Mechanic Tsumugi 🥺 I'd dig it
Magician Kiibo but he's also still a robot. People try to ask him about it and hes like "Robots!!! Can!!! Have!! Talents!! Too!! Dont be robophobic" and goes back to shuffling his deck
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beteranoob · 5 years ago
CharacterThoughts - Koharu Fujimura
Welp.Been busy in rl but I’ve managed to write this in those little free time i had. Its more like thoughts rather than analysis. Honestly now that I know now the real thoughts of Koharu after chapter 34 makes the reread very different so far especially chapters 29 - 33. Still, Fujimura holds best development out of all characters. She is the wild card of this manga and she makes it more interesting. This is my first attempt to share what I noticed on Koharu
Warning: This is a long post
Fujimura, from the start, is a cheerful girl who likes to smile to hide her feelings. But despite that she is kind, observant and compassionate when it comes to her friends. At first I thought she would be just a secondary character. But as the manga goes, we saw her on who she is. She has shown us how she dealt with break ups and gave her best on getting what she wanted. Yes she can be selfish like getting Bessho. But you know the good thing about Fujimura is she reflects on her actions.
Personality and Experiences:
As I said, Fujimura is kind and compassionate with her friends. She shows this when she is with Izumi. Right now in the raws, she really wants to treasure her friendship with Izumi(considering also what Izumi treasures her friendship back, yes I think it's awesome), no questions asked. She was really devastated when she hurt Izumi. That one scene really shows she cares. In raws, She is saying that she is selfish but she doesn't see that she isn't. That’s what makes her relatable in a way. 
There is one time that she showed one of her traits in chapter 3 when she is consoled by Bessho on her breakup with Taka. In that scene she overthinks or quickly assumes what Bessho might think of her because she opened up her problem. I think this is a weakness of hers and I found it very relatable. Thus, I think this is shown again in the latest chapter wherein she thought that she should not get in Ikezawa’s way to Eiji. After that crying scene in chapter 3, the way she pulled herself in doing her part time job is really amazing. If it were me maybe I’ll just go home. Really, she is a strong girl. I think she’s also brave to apologize to the one she cares about. I’m pertaining to the chapter where she apologized to Izumi. It takes enough courage to do so and humility
I found it entertaining that the one who saw her true character is Eiji. The thing is she puts on fake smiles on whoever she interacts(who doesn't know her/someone she dont know.). Maybe she’s doing it so that others won't dislike her . Example of this is her interaction with Taka. When she got back with Taka on chapter 17 I found it hard to read their part cause she really is forcing herself not to be hated by Taka and smile more opposed to the scenes with her and Eiji. I’m really glad that Eiji is the one who supported her. To tell the truth I’ve been thinking an hour why she smiles like this. I even went back and reread the chapters where she appeared but no hint or explanation of this. Best explanation I can come up with is again, Maybe she's doing it so that others won't dislike her?. It seems that her character has always been like that. It's like Eiji said in one of the chapters, ‘Cause its Fujimura’.’ I suppose it's not tackled yet on why she is like that. I think something happened to her past that she keeps smiling like this or is she making herself look cute to others(is this a thing in Japan?).  Adding to that is why she is desperate to have a boyfriend or treating her gently. It's easy to see that she is a desperate bitch that she only depends on her happiness in having a boyfriend but on the other side of it makes us think of ‘why’?. I’m Looking forward to these two to be tackled in future chapters Mizuno-sensei.
 Another thing is she really can’t do the support thing like Taichi and Ikezawa is doing because of her experiences. She has fallen enough times on her past loves that she don’t want to be hurt anymore. It's like saying “Enough!”. I’m starting to think it's one of the reasons why she felt she should not get involved with Eiji anymore. That's why I think in chapter 34 she asked Ikezawa what she should do in her case.
On other characters:
For Ikezawa, I don't think they are friends but Fujimura is the push that Ikezawa needed in order for Ikezawa to make a move on Eiji. On move on part, I can say that the move on part is vague. Because of Fujimura, Ikezawa can confess her feelings to Eiji and be with him. Also Fujimura can also be the reason why she will give up on Eiji. There's a lot I can think of and share on how Ikezawa is the opposite of Fujimura but I guess that will be for another time.
On Eiji. Their development is fantastic and I think I’ve already said how compatible they are in the last post. Perfect example of a slowburn romance :)
I always felt the pinnacle of Eiji and Koharu is in chapter 7 when she accepted Eiji’s proposal as his girlfriend. Especially when Eiji holds Koharu’s hand.  When she sees him holding her, he is trembling in fear. In Eiji’s trembling when he held her hand, I think all of his worst fears are coming and it's like he is telling Fujimura a big ‘NO!’ which can mean a lot of other reasons than his reason to protect Izumi. Fujimura on the other hand, I felt like she understood Eiji without words. I felt her reason for saying yes is also something more than getting close to Nao. 
In chapter 23, 24 and 25, even though Eiji’s doing sweet things or saying gentle words, she has no reaction to it. I’m guessing that she's having a conflict within herself on why Eiji is doing that. She can brush it off but as I said she is an overthinker, she will always go back to that question and without her noticing it she will always think about Eiji. Chapter 7 still remains one of my favorites because there’s something magical in the interaction of Eiji and Koharu that speaks a lot more than a hundred words. Thats what make me hook up more into them.
Mizuno sensei created a character that is very human and complex. Koharu has shown various emotions throughout the manga and we can see how she is conflicted on her being selfish and being selfless. Interesting is, when you put yourself in her shoes, you will be able to understand why she does those things and question yourself what you will do about it?. When she opened up her feelings I felt that a friend of mine opened up to me and I want to listen to her problems so that I can help her haha. But yeah, her character can develop more.
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taketheringtolohac · 4 years ago
simon for the ask game!
jshkajhja god victor i love him so much thank u for sending me this ok here we go (sidenote i know theres ppl who follow me who havent finished dd so if you dont want to get spoiled dont read this!! i talk about a LOT of spoilers!)
send me a character ask and i’ll answer!
favorite thing about them ok so heres the thing. i know that there is a lot to be said about him and just the way that he does like genuienly care for people even if he has a funny way of showing it but honestly? honestly? i LOVE a funny king. like his own brand of humor is just so good and when he laughs (at his own jokes, like a real Uncle Figure) he laughs with his WHOLE BODY which. yes king go get em. also hes sexy <3 not in a rat kinda way but he LOOKS like he should be just, outwardly, but simon blackquill himself is just a HOT MAN. yes im a lesbian and what about it.
least favorite thing about them this isnt about him but you know when aa fandom makes him a weeb? bad. stop calling urself/other ppl weebs in 2021 especially if u arent using the term critically/as a way to talk about ppl who fetishize Japanese culture tho most ppl who call themselves weebs dont realize theyre doing this anyways which. ok this isnt the post for this im just (rightfully) Mad
favorite line its not exactly a LINE, per say, bc i dont remember a lot of them, but remember when he shakes athena in SOJ and its like that kermit strangling meme? top 10 ace attorney moments EASILY
brOTP LITERALLY ATHENA AND SIMON BROTP LIVES IN MY BRAIN AT ALL TIMES LIKE theres so much healing that they both have to do from the 7/8 years since the incident and focusing on literally just that one incident and how to fix it (or in his case how to just like. live with it in a lot of ways) and they do some of it together but some of it they very much do NOT do together and i think like the setting boundaries that they do is just. its good. also i love the idea that he lived with her for a while after he was released like. just from a general perspective i love them sort of being a patchwork family but also just imagine being 18 and living on your own then suddenly you invite your 33 year old uncle to live with you who’s been in prison for the past 8 years. he doesnt rlly know how the world works from a cultural perspective and you dont know what its like from a “how do i use a can opener” perspective. together you’re a functioning adult.
OTP honestly i see him as very gay man in his 30s bachelor just living his post prison life and figuring stuff out but i’d be lying to myself if i said i didn’t read nahyuta/simon fics that shit is cute as FUCK and also ppl do a really good job of writing them like??? its about the understanding whats its like to go through an incredibly fucked up situation and not feeling the need to EXPLAIN yourself but to just understand that its beyond your control sometimes and gently helping them through without being making it about you because YOU wouldnt want that and. yeah.
nOTP if you ship simon with the phantom i’m knives out IMMEDIATELY i understand the want for angst but it makes me uncomfy and man has already been through enough please. also You Know What Else. i will not say it but it should be self explanatory.
random headcanon him and aura were REALLY close pre UR-1 incident. like i think they had a lot of issues but i think its just because they probably had to raise themselves in a lot of ways and pretty much really only looked out for each other for awhile. i like to think that he visited the space center a lot bc he was visiting her and thats how he got to meet metis and he was like huh maybe i could use this physcological stuff in court hmm and like thats how he became her student but i ALSO think that aura is just. SO mad at him for what he did about UR-1 and how he handled it because now SHE has to be alone and its not fair to him and she knows its not but she can’t help herself. Not just that but Simon hates seeing her lose it a little every time she visits him (which is often, he doesn’t get many visitors and even if he did he’d ALWAYS take her visits bc he misses her even if they don’t see eye to eye they’re all they’ve GOT) and just. seeing her become more cold and somehow thinking maybe its his fault and her not knowing if she does think its his in some ways but them still loving each other even if they have funny ways of showing it just UGH!!!
unpopular opinion he doesnt talk all posh why do ppl do that he’s literally a funny garbage man who like kinda hates himself a bit. also yes he’s emo but i think he would absolutely ROCK a printed neon button up with like. really loud socks specifically stupid steel samurai/anime socks. ik i said dont call him a weeb but theres a difference between liking anime/samurai/japanese culture and being weird about it. also he’s Japanese die mad about it
song i associate with them god i dont know i dont really listen to music but i GUESS i will say Mike Townsend (Knows What He’s Gotta Do) by the Garages because they’re very similar “i’m gonna do what I think is right to protect/save this other person and these people I care about even if the consequences are extremely detrimental to me”
favorite picture of them i will not say the simon shaking sprite again but you know that funky one with the bird? the one where he’s got taka just. perched on his arm. perfect photo i use it for everything <3
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nako-doodles · 5 years ago
13 songs tag 🎵
rules: You can only repeat one artist and only one time, so we can all kind of spread new 🎶 to the people we tag. Try to listen to at least one of the songs people rec here
I was tagged by my love @yooniversaire​ 💖💖💖 thank u bby
1. one song you 💛 the first time you listened to and never got tired of?
tonight - spica everything about this song and mv is so infectiously joyous im sad they disbanded 😭😭
2. one song you 😭 every time you listen or makes you emotional?
here comes the regrets ft. lee hi - epik high and amor fati ft. kim jong wan - epik high...theyve really did something wonderful w these songs......really stepped out of the box........ (see what I did there *wiggles eyebrows*)
3. one song that always makes you happy 😁?
this is a three way tie between calling in love ft. beenzino - suran, very nice - svt, and really really - winner I realize this said ONE song but you cant have too many happy songs ok.
4. one song that you would dedicate to your best friend and/or your family?
black pearl - exom to my best friend for jamming together w me to this song on the school bus for the entirety of my sophomore year and forever cementing our nerd status at school, and mama don’t worry - sam kim to my parents bc they've always been so worried about me since i havent really grown up w them and they still always make sure to check in w me
5. one song with a production (the sounds, the beat, the mood) you 😍?
bro imma cheat and say the entirety of primary’s newest single when i fall in love ft. meego, suran and slow down ft. meego, haon both songs are so fucking good and soothing i have NO WORDS primary really fucking outdid himself this time....I really wanted to say primary’s entire 2 album but this new single.... god damned sir hats off to you
6. one song with perfect, amazing, outstanding lyrics?
stand out fit in - one ok rock. i was fucking inconsolable listening to this the first time thank you one ok rock thank you taka
7. one song that you would recommend to anyone?
暗香 (hidden fragrance? its hard to translate) specifically the one covered by the one on the chinese vers of I am a singer. this man fucking slayed it dude!!!!!! hes not even a native speaker and the first time I heard him sing I didnt even realize. I just thought he had a dialect towards the end (lets be real no one speaks perfect standard mandarin unless youve been through professional training) bravo my dude ((and if you dont count covers goodbye - park hyoshin is also a MUST)
8. one song you don’t understand why you like so much but you do anyway?
icy - itzy. its so loud. and poppy. and stereotypical bright happy bubblegum nasally 90% rap instrumental mess of a kpop girl group song and like......everything i shouldn't like in a song but here I am going I SEE THAT IM ICY!!!!!!! THEY KEEP TALKIN’!!!!!!!! I KEEP WALKING!!!!!!!!! AJFIOJEIAO BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. one song that you think people, in general, wouldn’t like but you do?
any rania song tbh. they get so much flack for doing really risqué sexy concepts but like their songs are ALL bops??? pop pop pop?????masquerade?????? demonstrate?????? yall are missing out
10. one song people normally like and you don’t like or hate?
ok i wouldn't call it “hate” or even “dislike” but i just....dont get the hype for fake love? like im elated that jin has more lines and screen time and they all look fantastic and the mv is great and yes at dramatic crying and references to hyyh and ly:tear is a fucking masterpiece but like fake love just......isnt my jam.......its how i feel when people talk about how hot benedict cumberbatch is......like on an objective stance I guess???? sure???????????......i really dont get it
11. one song you would call a masterpiece?
again one can never have too many masterpieces so here's a trio: the chaser - infinite, beautiful night - beast, and error - vixx. you can never have too much orange juice, so to speak
12. one song you recently (last 30 days max) discovered and really liked?
ive been obssessed w tired - nive ever since dee introduced it to me. (((im still going thru ur recent batch of recs my love plus I need to find music to rec back to you!!!!! so hang on!!!!!!!)))
13. one song you listen to to get pumped like you wanna tear down the fucking government or something?
dead end in tokyo - man with a mission its the first song on my playlist ‘the labors of hair-cules.’ its what I play when I need to wax my legs or really undergo any pain. im a wimp. (cry out and we are by one ok rock is also a great call to arms song, as is fly again 2019 - man with a mission but the rules are there so shhhhhh pretend this addition doesnt exist)
I tag my loves @cafejoon @stargazingjin @yunkisunbae @ksj1​ @jincentvangogh​ @yourdelights​ @yooniversaire​ @suggable🌸🌸🌸 to do this mess
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mlm-mod-taka · 4 years ago
JEALOUSY HCS • mondo, gonta x gn reader
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how interesting, the man calling themselves 'mod taka' has a romantic interest in mondo owada, very surprising indeed! /j /s. i made the decision to do something self-indulgent as my first posted writing work. i have 3 actual requests in the making, so dont worry! this is more hurt/comfort than fluff, but i still hope you all enjoy.
tws/cws: self depricating thoughts and mentions of cheating.
|| -> mod taka <3
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is definitely the type of person who'd be overprotective over his s/o, whether or not you exclusively like men or not, he'll still be jealous either way whenever he sees you or others being overly-friendly with each other.
the rational part of him says: "they would never flirt with someone else, theyre a good person! im just being paranoid." and the other part of him says: "THEYRE TRYING TO STEAL MY S/O AWAY!"
he tries his best not to let that other part of him show in his expressions and body language, but it actually makes it more obvious.
the demons inside his head are telling him horrible things that he knows you would never do, you would never cheat on him... would you?
the thoughts slowly start getting to him, and it shows. he starts becoming more snappy, ( even more than he already is- ) more quiet, and less patient when it comes to others approaching him.
eventually, he gets the courage to tell you that he was uncomfortable and annoyed with the person being overly friendly with you, he tiptoed around the bush for awhile, not very used to being so vulnerable. he got to the point eventually though.
you assured him that nothing was going on with you and your friend, offering to let him see your phone if it makes him feel more secure about your relationship.
that was enough to confirm that he was being paranoid, and a large weight was lifted off of his shoulders.
he declined your request, and mumbled very quietly that he just wanted a few comfort cuddles, wanting some reassurance as well.
if it happens again, its alot easier for him to communicate with you, so a situation like this doesnt get blown out of proportion.
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gonta is the type of person who'd be more sad than angry when he feels jealous.
since his human family did treat him like an outsider and like he wasn't good enough to hold their family name, hes more sensitive when it comes to others not liking him.
what if you really dont like him? what if youre just dating him out if pity?
he slowly starts to spiral into asking all these questions, his mind making him go through terrible scenarios with you not liking him.
there is a small part of him that thinks hes not good enough for you, so when someone who, in his mind, would be a much better fit for his s/o starts flirting with them, he starts to wonder if hes holding you back from being with who you really want to be with.
instead of his usual happy, loud and gentlemanly front, he will talk in a more hushed tone. still talking the same, but the genuine spark he had is replaced with a fake one.
spaces out alot more, his mind thinking if he really is worth your time and love when hes not doing anything that needs high focus.
eventually, you begin to notice. you quickly confronted him about it since you didnt want to see your boyfriend so sad.
his first reaction is to say that nothing is going on, and that hes completely fine, an obvious lie. so when you reassure him that he can tell you anything and that you wont judge, he goes quiet for a second, before saying everything hes been feeling.
"gonta know that s/o would never hurt gonta, but gonta feel... bad. maybe gonta holding back s/o from being with them. maybe... you don't really love gonta."
you immediately reassured him, talking about all the things you love about him, all the amazing things hed do for you that no one else would, and that no one could ever replace him.
after you finished with your love speech, he wrapped you tightly in a bear hug, the anxious pit inside him being replaced with a warm, overwhelming feeling of love.
you two had a small date after that, going to the zoo to look at bugs since it always made gonta smile, listing off facts about every species he knew.
a situation like this happens a few more times but after those, gonta will be more reassured with himself and your relationship, knowing youd never do anything to hurt him.
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