#even here he has like extremely visible abs
majaloveschris · 2 months
it’s interesting, back when all this hoopla began, some blogs were convinced this was all genuine because of two reasons: 1) CE didn’t need to do PR to get more attention because he was already famous. 2) the attention was negative and did not help him and why would he go through all this for negative publicity?
While I agree to an extent that the attention with this relationship brought a lot of negativity to him and his family/friends (and obviously, hers too) - I maintain the belief that it wasn’t about the who he married, it’s about him having a partner and settling down and being married. To lots of people, this shows stability and being able to commit. It finally aligns with his “wants to settle and have a family” narrative. The GP will look at recent posts or movies of his and go oh yeah he got married (if they even bothered to remember that) and move on with their lives. His fans are the only ones currently bothered by all this because they hate the partner he’s with. But to me, they achieved their goal and now no matter what happens, at least he was married once and he’s seen with a ring - check and mate.
I kindly remind people that this is Hollywood. Public image and persona still is extremely important, and celebs always do things for reasons and most often, there is a bigger picture to unveil later on.
That being said, look at Taylor and Travis. She definitely is famous enough and imho, she did not need the publicity of a more public relationship. Some people said she quickly pivoted to Travis after her last guy Matt something was revealed to be problematic (I forgot why) and her PR team was quick to pull her out.
I don’t know if I agree with that. If it was as simple as erasing the controversy of a bad partner, she could be seen with Travis but not to the extent she has been. They got the NFL - aka one of the biggest money empires in the American sports and entertainment industry - involved. If you are not an American you may not understand how big NFL football and the Super Bowl is here in the states. But the levels they went to make Taylor and Travis a thing is interesting,
That’s why I think Chris very much needed the PR. I think it’s the woman choice that caused this ordeal to fall apart at the seams. Because I imagine a different situation:
Let’s say, he got paired with someone like an Ana de Armas or even Dakota Johnson (if either were single) - look at how the public reacted to Dakota and Chris at Central Park. Look at how the fans reacted.
It was mostly positive and people were surprised, including his own fans. Surprised that he looks good with her and physically they fit better together. Now the idea of them playing love interests isn’t so dire as people once thought.
The perception here is totally different. If he did scare videos with someone like Ana, did an IG montage, I don’t think the reaction would have been negative at all.
Him posting a pumpkin pic, or him doing restaurant tours with a different more favorable woman would have been completely different. If he showed up to VF after party with any of his ex gfs - and took a pic in the same red suit - I still think the reaction would have been less negative from his fans.
It could still be cringe to some but I highly doubt it would be at this level of animosity.
if the partner was different, I think you’d be seeing a much different result for both of them today. His partner, if she was also an up and coming actress but received better by his fans and the GP, could have seen herself get further in her career simply due to followers and visibility. If she was a different person with a different attitude towards work and promotion, she may be reaping more benefits today.
I think you have similar thoughts to me, maja, that this situation was unfortunately a failure due to the choice of pairing. If AB had gotten a different man, maybe even if she had stayed with Lucas B, you may be seeing a different result for her too. Her/his fanbases didn’t seem to hate them together as much, and also they did look pretty good together considering.
I wonder, would we still be seeing her post a ridiculous homemade shower video to distract from her friends problematic tweets? Would we still be seeing her pretend she’s never online and hiding away for months at a time? Would we still see her try so desperately to prove a point if she had simply ended up with someone else?
Yeah, I definitely see what you are saying. I don't think she was the first choice, in my opinion, especially because of the age gap. He's always been dating women who are close to his age, so choosing her for this whole "marriage" thing is interesting. Maybe choosing a younger partner was on purpose, and they were looking for someone who isn't that close to his age to attract a new demographic. I mean, a lot of younger women now think they might've a chance with him and thirst even harder, so who knows? I think people outside of the fandom only have problems with the age gap part, but unfortunately people are used to this, especially in HW, and 24 and 40 isn't even that bad, considering people like Leo (who is older) notoriously date younger women, and for him this is the first time. That we know of, of course. 
As you and I said, they should've chosen someone else, someone who hasn't done, said, or posted questionable things. The same goes for her friends. The most problematic part is her and her friends' personalities. I think most people would've moved on from the age gap thing; after all, they both are adults, even if 24 is a bit young for 40 in my opinion. And maybe if they were truly looking happy or in love, that could've made everything a bit better too. However, the fact they both look as if they don't want to be around each other helped at least him a lot. But they look relativly cute together with Lucas; it seemed like at least they liked each other. 
At the same time, I still think he and his team didn't know about the tweets, because I truly believe if they did, they wouldn't choose her.
I think his team failed this test, and this was a huge lesson for him too. 
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stardust-sunset · 7 months
south park body headcanons (im imagining late teens/20s here) - agree or disagree?
stan: 5’10”. stocky, not fat but not super muscular, although it would be easy for him to put on muscle if he wanted to. just doesn’t prioritize it over his creative stuff. strong biceps and shoulders but he got that beer gut. love it.
kyle: 6’2”. lean string bean. conventionally thin with a sleeper build, strong arms and visible abs bc he’s more into sports/working out than the others. he goes on 6am runs and does pushups in the morning let’s be real. and i like the thought of him being awkwardly taller then the other 3.
cartman: 5’8”. he is still volumptious! i don’t care what anyone says. that boy will not mature to be a muscle monster alpha. whatevea whateva, he does what he wants! which would be eating lots of kfc and liane’s cooking. and not working it off. terrible team player and has no sportsmanship, he would not be in any sports.
kenny: 5’6”. he’s the shortest because he was malnourished as a child but we love a short king. scrawny but could hold up in a fight, a little muscular from doing random jobs + i think he’d do football or track.
Stan: Agree. He’s got a bit of a tummy but that never hurt anyone. I kinda picture him being built kinda like Pacha from Emperor’s New Groove. Not quite as chubby but you get the picture. He’s solid. If you throw him at a moving truck he’d ricochet off. Randy probably insisted that he ate more ‘rich people food’ which contributed to his broadness, because Randy kept feeding him too much to ‘make him look like a real rich guy’. Hes got the quarterback build. Hes overweight but most of it is because he’s just solid in high school.
Kyle: Agree! Kyle w/sleepers build is now a fav hdc of mine. i feel like he was that one kid as a freshman who was absolutely rail thin because every calorie he ate went to his height instead of his muscles, but then junior year hits and he suddenly starts gaining muscle. He has a very strict workout routine and likes going for morning runs while the sun’s rising. It helps him clear his head. His immediate response to stress is to exercise. He has a ton of random growth spurts and when he’s at the bus stop with the other 3 the summer after 8th grade he just looms over them, lmao-he’s absolutely strong though. Just because he was rail thin as a freshman did not mean he was weak.
Cartman: Absolutely! I hate when people make Cartman suddenly buff, as if he would give up Cheesy Poofs and Butterwich Sabdwixhes He’s still a chubby boy even in his teen years. Hes that one kid who walks the mile in gym because he ‘doesn’t feel like running today’. Whenever his team loses usually because of him he absolutely throws a fit. He hit Kyle in the head with a baseball bat and nearly split his head open in eighth grade because he lost. Hes thrown kickballs in fits of rage and gives no fucks. Whenever he wins you don’t stop hearing it from him for months afterwards. He would never lift a finger to work off all the KFC and Cheesy Poifs he eats. I don’t care what people say. He’s not gonna suddenly have a change of heart and work off all that. It’s not in character for him. Just look at him in “Raising the Bar”.
Kenny: Agree! He probably has scars on his body from doing stupid shit for money. He didn’t have much to go off of, like you said, because he was malnourished as a kid. I do like to think his friends (mainly Butters and Kyle) start noticing Kenny is way thinner than they thought, and start giving him food, so he does eventually have his growth spurt, but he’s definitely not the tallest. His hands and arms are probably really calloused from random jobs he’s picked up. He’s extremely scrappy and could probably kick ass in a fight, even if he’s malnourished. In his teen years his friends start letting him shower at their place. He starts taking better care of his body as well, with the help of his friends. Hes a tiny little thing tho. I don’t see him being gigantic, but he’s not like-elf sized either.
Agree 100% with these!!
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transwolvie · 1 year
Actually I'm really tired of this weird dynamic on here where people will expressly talk shit about people with visible abs and be like "you HAVE to be severely dehydrated to look like this" like.... firstly no you don't lmao. A lot of actors are forced into dehydration and forced into unhealthy diets because they're expected to lose weight and look extremely cut in a short amount of time.
I keep going back to Tony Nese has an 8 pack and he's certainly not dehydrated all the time, and he very clearly discusses eating desserts, carbo-loading, etc (he never shuts up abt his routine cuz he's a pro wrestler lol)
In fact, here he is with other wrestleboy friends who also have defined abs:
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Now, I will say, these dudes are for sure on steroids. Ymmv with your opinion on that.
It just seems like people are so stuck in hierarchal and binary thinking that they feel like, in order to showcase that they enjoy fat bodies or even just that they think fat bodies are valid, they have to hate on another body type, and to do this in part they are literally running with a lie that the ONLY way you can have defined muscles is to be unhealthy and dehydrated all the time. I don't care if you personally don't like abs but how about you stop lying, firstly, and secondly just......don't go on about how abs are unattractive? Fuck off and make posts about what you do like
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crypticbydesign · 7 months
Here's something I realized;
I just realized that my dream.of being a real fit dude and looking like it will never, ever happen. Like ever.
I can be fit. I can be as fit as i want. I possibly will get strong enough to meet my goals (picking up my friends and spinning them around despite them weighing more than me and being much taller than me.) But i will never look like it, if i'm lucky when i transition i'll get a bit more visible muscle, but not much.
The reasoning behind this is that my dad has a genetic condition that causes him to not process the proteins needed to create visible muscle. (He still is very fit for being in his mid 50's and has a bit of tum/it isnt defined as abs) but he can carry 120 pounds (3 bags of roughly 40ish lbs wood pellets) on one shoulder. With minimal trouble. But he doesn't look like he should be able to do this. He doesn't have a lot of visible muscle because of his condition.
Knowing all this about him is important because I just got work out equipment (two five lbs weights and an eight lb kettlebell weight) in order to try to get some abs and some more visible muscle since i have noodle arms. I knew that it was extremely possible that I also had this condition because i have trouble with gaining weight/having it fluctuate (which my dad also struggles (struggled with.) (Not sure if he really struggles now that he's a bit older and his metabolism has slowed down due to it). And for the fact that in highschool (last 2 years) i was carrying a haybale that was sopping wet by myself. (That was closeish to 100+ lbs cause square bales are 80 lbs dry and straw/hay holds water like no other). I had a bit more visible muscle than i do now (not much cause other than lugging horse stuff around a barn and working fast food i didnt work out. And now i work in fast food and work out at least once a week. Usually only once a week).
My dad also confirmed that even without genetic testing there's a pretty much 100% chance i have the same condition. I am gonna be my tiny 5'1 self and be 120 pounds and carry my friends that weight more than me and i wont look like i'll be able to!! Thats gonna be awesome! 😈 One of my goals is to pick up my manager friend he's about 6' tall and he said over 200lbs. It's my goal to pick him up and spin him around. Preferably one armed. (The one arm i know aint realistic but i can dream aight?) I'm gonna be so good at huggin!
This also goes hand in hand with something else that gives me gender euphoria; being happy and bubbly. I say 'good mornin' to everyone at work as soon as i see them. Sometimes in my regular voice, sometimes in my customer service voice, sometimes in a silly voice for a specific person. I've had people cuss me out over doing this or say that it's not very manly of me to do that. As if showing love and affection is a gender related thing. I've had to explain to them that i do it because i want my coworkers to smile; i want them to have a good day and if i can bring a moment of happiness by singling them out to call them by name and say good morning then i will and not one person can stop me.
What i don't tell them is that i can not physcially find worth in myself or think that i matter, but I think that every single person i work with matters, that they have an immeasurable amount of worth and by saying something as simple as good morning and getting a smile or a laugh or even a 'dude it's not morning anymore.' And having to explain that if it can be 5 o'clock anywhere it can be morning at 2pm and that gives methe most gender euphoria because through everything in that moment they're seeing the true me; unmasked and a happy little dude.
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tf2 and this blog has helped me so much with my insecurities and helping me feel desirable. I have really visible veins (all over my arms,chest, legs you can see my blue veins) and I used to get called names like corpse and stuff for it. But I feel like medic and sniper would be fascinated by it and make me feel pretty for it. And i think/hope it’s something you and your followers would hopefully appreciate as well because you seem so inclusive to differences in people and I admire you for it. And if you think me having visible veins is odd that’s ok too lol I’m used to it!
(sorry if my English isn’t perfect it’s not my first language)
YES!!! I think this is rlly nice auugh... I'm really happy that being in this fan community has made you feel better about yourself and I'm EXTREMELY flattered that my blog got to be a part of that! I've definitely found that participating here has made ME feel better about a lot of different parts of myself (mostly being a hairy transgender animal and also A Weird) bc I realized that a LOT of people want to fuck Sniper tf2 even in art where he's drawn without abs. Genuinely I think visible veins are really lovely and I DO think that Medic tf2 would find them fascinating and appealing :) this was just a rlly nice ask to get thank u anon I hope u have a good day <3<3<3<3<3
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intertexts-moving · 2 years
haven't watched trigun in years, but how's the new one holding up so far?
god. made a like, 6 paragraph post detailing my thoughts on this on my old blog.. i miss her..
i just finished ep 3 out of the 4 that are out so far! i like it. i think it's solidly holding a tone that is, while not identical to the original, at least. resonates with it. the same tone in a different octave, perhaps. disclaimer that i've not watched the 98 anime LMAO. manga only fan i watched the first, like, two eps of the 98 show & went man. i should really read this first. & then never got back to the show </3
studio orange is doing fucking stellar work with the animation!! this is perhaps my favorite thing ab the reboot. i don't get the 2d purism thing. the animation is sparkling and full of motion and extremely expressive in a way that's real similar 2 the original manga. ep3 has some gorgeous shots that i think wouldn't work as well w/ traditional animation, & they're extremely evocative of some of the big atmospheric high emotion spreads in the og. i like em! the vash design is cute, it's growing on me. i've still got a beef w/ the visible prosthetic & the younger design bcos the whole reveal in the original was so emotionally weighted & so important fr like. character & stuff. but. it's cute! same w/ the villain designs we've seen so far. eg mine looks way less goofy, for the like, 15 total minutes he's alive here.
tonally it's also holding up well! i think the whole show suffers a lot from pacing- this is my main beef w/ it lol. i mean, it's an understandable problem fr a show. i understand Why. but i still think it would rlly benefit from a much slower more even pacing. in terms of tone, this means it skips most of the whole like, volume one's worth of worldbuilding and setup & goes straight to This is Vash! he's involved with seeds and he's got an evil brother named knives who he hates for Killing Humans! we're gonna get fucked up about this! which is a pity imo. it would be much better with a little breathing room i think.
that being said, i rlly do think they're doing a great job capturing the.. vibe, i guess. of the original. the whole, this guy will put himself through the shredder for tired desperate people who won't hesitate to shoot him in the head for the money after he saves their lives, eternally the scapegoat for other people's crimes & is fine with it because he's got a guilt complex the size of texas type vibe.
there r admittedly goofy as hell moments. the fuckin.. dad from the nebraska family being like, a loveable kook once we get past the murder. which is.. fun, actually. knives shows up ex machina playing the piano, which is, like. why are u here other than furthering the story??? etc etc. but overall it's solid they're kinda starting frm scratch with the same overall frame & i think its fun seein em weave a new story from my favorite manga :]
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spamalie · 1 year
top ten stevens uneyverse criticisms i saw as a major league su crlt lurker, in no particular order:
- sadie is a pedophile because her mother referred to her as a grown up and lars had a report card. you guys really cracked the code with that one
- rupphlre is heteronormative because ruby is too butch
- the diamonds crashed g@rnets wedding because the crewnlverse hates letting Iesbians be happy. i fucking wish i was exaggerating this one but it’s word for word
- The Creator is a pedophiIe because she drew a picture of steven with visible calves (and also they decided that the poofy shorts he was wearing that were very obviously poofy shorts were a big butt. her fault, obviously)
- the better ending to the bismuth episode is if steven died at the end because he doesn’t share my perfect politics in which everyone i hate dies
- pearl did something bad which means the show is shit (repeated x500 times)
- rose did something bad which means the show is shit (repeated quite a few times)
- the show featured a joke in which there was an alien ship shaped like a butt. there is a shot in which the butt sparkles in the light for half a second. butt jokes have, of course, never existed in a children’s cartoon, which means the crewnlverse are definitely pedophiIes
- The Creator humanized her own oc that she made as white. how dare she not understand that the fandom has decided for her that the character is actually coded as a POC because of the existence of lips in her character design. yes Creator is the weird one in this equation and not me
- They featured a gem who is small and cute (to contrast with the fact that she is so evil) which means that she is the exact same thing as a Ioli. worth mentioning that this criticism started before the episode she was featured in was even out and also people started “fixing” her character design by drawing her with boobs and changing pretty much nothing else.
*they also decided based off zero evidence whatsoever that this character would be redeemed and her butch colleague would remain evil. this plot point that they hallucinated was of course the fault of crewnlverse again
honorable mentions:
crewnlverse is pedophiIes because st3g has abs
crewnlverse hates fat people because rose used to be skinny when she was younger and hated herself
this is a cartoon about love and family instead of the political mystery soap opera i wish it was instead. this is the show’s fault and no i will not just watch something that actually suits my taste actually i’m gonna stay right here and complain. fuck you
some one-off joke characters didn’t appear again in any significant capacity and also were treated as joke characters the next few times they showed up. something something crewnlverse evil and also my comically melodramatic head canons about them finding each other in space are actually way better than canon
jess3 zuk3 was going through an extremely hard time while working on the show due to endless harassment (that my critique was causing) but that of course takes a back burner to the fact that they baited a ship i dislike
this other cartoon featured eight seconds of a gay person in it which is why your show (that paved the way for all other modern cartoons to be able to feature any gay people at all and also was the only cartoon at this point to feature a full-on Iesbian wedding instead of a half second kiss in the last episode) is and always was completely worthless
what do you mean the main guy who is characterized as young and kind and endlessly empathetic didnt kill three people!? i was expecting a completely different outcome!
a whole lot of incorrect assumptions about how creating any show works (mainly regarding storyboarding), let alone this one in particular. i will always fucking hate you guys and Iily orchard for popularizing this shit
And of course we have to give an honorable mention to “I have retroactively decided that the generic authoritarian alien race you created is the same thing as nazls. would you like to spend the next several years explaining to me why you are a fasclst and deserve to die?”
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nikoruistyping · 3 years
Caddy Gal || Tom Holland
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Golf!Tom x Fem!reader
Prompt: My friend requested I write an imagine/one-shot where instead of being an actor Tom ended up pursuing his hobby of golfing and he is now a famous renown golfer.
Summary: Tom has dragged you (his girlfriend) to the 2019 Sony Open event in Hawaii and well you both getting into a heated argument which then leads to making up later on.
TW: Fluff, Smut, Nudity, Adult Language/Swearing, Established Relationship, Oral sex (Fem Receiving), Petnames (Princess & Darling), Slight Dirty Talk, Vaginal Sex
Word Count: 5,168 
A/N: Can’t believe I’m posting my first One-shot on here! Hope everyone enjoys and all the likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Nine O'clock in the morning, Tom was eager to get on the golf course and start practicing for the tournament the next day. This was one of the biggest tournaments of the year and Sony decided to hold it at the most luxurious resort in Hawaii. He, of course, had to bring you, his lovely girlfriend along to accompany him and to well hold his caddy bag too.
There you two were both at the 9th hole, it had been exactly an hour of standing on the courses and watching Tom from afar. You're not gonna lie the way he rocked those golfing shorts and how tightly fitted his polo was, it was hard not to stare. You had his stylish but heavy caddy bag full of drivers and clubs slung over your shoulder and the sun was extremely hot that morning. There he was again for probably the 100th time this morning getting into his usual stance in front of the tee, the white golf ball perched on it. You crossed your legs, thighs being squished together due to the tight black golf skirt Tom had insisted you wear because not only did he like how good you looked in it but also because he wanted you to be dressed for the occasion, although he didn't mention the part where you carry his bag practically the whole time. You readjusted the bag on your shoulder, a cramp starting to form at the top, the weight was just too much and the golf cart was too bothersome to get to being very far away. You slide the bag off your shoulder placing it on the freshly cut grass, the base of it embedded in the grass as your hands laid on top of the open part of the bag where the clubs were sticking out. Your head flicks up as you hear the sound of metal tinging again the ball and you squint seeing the ball go flying for miles.
Besides Tom being able to hit the ball that far you were more interested in how he looked afterward. His polo shirt lifting ever so slightly up showing a sneak peek of his abs, his happy trail being somewhat visible. His big muscular biceps flexing so hard it looked like his polo sleeve was suffocating them, god you wish you could just rip his shirt off him already. The way his leg muscles were clearly showing off his calves bulging thanks to all that hard work in the gym every day. What was even sexier than all of that was the way he would hold the club in the air in place after hitting it. The way his face was just so serious yet he had this glint in his eyes that only you had ever seen in one place when he was in bed with you. He held the perfect pose for a moment before turning to you and waving, a bright smile on his face, all signs of seriousness gone. He made his way to you jogging, the club twirling back and forth in his hands.
"Did you see the shot I made? That one had to be the best so far this morning." He asked his chest heaving up and down as you could tell he was out of breath just by jogging over to meet you and well who knows maybe something else was making him so out of breath. The sun was taking a toll on him and Hawaii weather wasn't exactly like the cold and brisk UK climate.
"Of course I did darling. You looked breathtaking out there. I'm sure you're going to do absolutely amazing tomorrow at the actual event." You say smiling as he hands you his club and you stick it back in with the others.
You feel his hands immediately snaking around your hips, spinning you around to face him as he lightly presses you up against his caddy bag, the only thing supporting your wobbly legs at that very moment. His lips immediately inches away from your ear as his hot breath hits you, whispering into your ear.
"Breathtaking huh? You don't look so bad yourself darling." He says pulling away slowly his eyes meeting yours, quickly scanning up and down your body. You couldn't help but be at a loss for words. This man would be the death of you, always teasing with that voice of his and knowing exactly what made you tick.
"God Tom, you're such a tease. I'm waiting for when you're actually gonna do something fun with me this weekend and stop making me carry your caddy bag. I'm your girlfriend you know, not your damn caddy gal." You say in a snarky voice, your tone not playful or flirty whatsoever.
He was clearly taken back by your response and raised his eyebrow at you, a smirk coming about on those soft pink lips of his.
"And who said I wasn't going to do something fun with you this weekend? You know how important this tournament is for me and I can't be slacking on practice but I promise after this hol-" He is cut off by you quickly pulling away from him, leaving his hands and arms empty of your body's presence. His facial expression clearly shocked and dumbfounded, he was in big trouble and not the good kind.
You purposely knock over his bag, the clubs falling out as you look back at him, your face still clearly mad at him. Regardless you had a plan in mind to get him to do exactly what you wanted. He just needed a little push to get him distracted from golf and more interested in you.
"Oops! Oh god, I'm such a clutz Tommy, I'm so sorry..." Your innocent voice comes out as you bend over to pick up the fallen clubs, your tight skirt clearly lifting up ever so slightly, Tom has the perfect view of your ass from behind.
"Since golf is more important than your girlfriend why don't you just go on and continue without your little caddy gal. If this is your definition of fun I don't want any part of it." You say in a more serious tone as you look up at him as your kneeling in a clearly suggestive pose, both your knees in the grass your thighs rubbing up against each other and your skirt hiking slowly up as you look up at him from the ground. A club in your hand as you make sure to point it at him before sliding it back in the bag. Your breasts bounce as you spring back up, and dust your knees off spinning on your heels walking off and back in the direction of the resort.
Tom was clearly stunned not only from how much you were seeming to tease him but also because you were mad at him, to him this was pretty hot but also he knew he wasn't gonna get what he wanted so easily. It was either golf or his girl and he couldn't ever say no to you.
"W-Wait Y/N! Come on darling! I'm sorry, don't be like that! You know you're more important!" He yells after you, trying to fast walk to catch up but your legs were walking just a tad faster than his and he was out of breath already, giving up. His eyes watched your beautiful figure walk off in the distance.
He takes off his glove and rubs his temples with his fingers clearly frustrated. He squints into the distance not being able to see you anymore and lets out an exhausted sigh.
"Good job mate, you fucked up. I swear she drives me mad but god do I love her." He says to himself before giving up not caring about practice anymore and grabbing his bag walking in the same direction as you were.
30 mins later...
You finally make it back to the penthouse suite, sliding your room key at the front door and letting yourself in. You take a deep breath annoyed at him but little fights like these never lasted long and you knew exactly how they ended, always with makeup sex. Knowing that he would eventually come back at some point you decide to take your time unwinding and actually enjoying the resort room for once. On trips like these most of the time, both you and Tom were always out either at a party, sightseeing or busy at press conferences all weekend. Not once did you guys actually enjoy the fluffiness of the bed or even take a dip in the jacuzzi.
You find a way to shimmy off the skirt and strip the polo from your torso leaving you in nothing but underwear. Your undergarments go flying onto the bed as you step into the bathroom running a warm bath to relax in. The bathroom is filled with candles so you take a match striking it and lighting a few to set the mood. The sweet smell of what seemed to be vanilla and mint filled the bath and you took a deep breath relaxing to the aroma. Squeezing some bubble bath soap into the water the tub soon fills to the top with bubbles that you submerge your whole aching body in. You tilt you head back sighing as the water starts to set in relaxing all your muscles especially your shoulder, no thanks to that heavy bag of his.
"Now this is what I call relaxing. I swear sometimes he can be so stubborn and this certainly isn't the first time he has ditched me for fucking golf!" You say a bit irritated but you still glance over at your phone on the counter not seeing the screen light up.
Minutes pass by and the pit in your stomach doesn't go away as you wonder what could be taking him so long to return. This was Tom Holland we were talking about, famous pro golfer, 3 time champion of the US Open, and the man who could finish an 18 hole course in a mere two hours almost setting the world record for putting so many holes in that amount of time. So what was taking him so long?
You had spoken too soon when you heard the front door open all the way from the bathroom and you had never jumped out of the bath so quick in your life. It was finally your time to tempt him and make him want you like no tomorrow. It was true what Tom had said at his last press conference, the two things he loved in this life were in his words "Golf and my girlfriend". So it's not like he could resist you now, could he?
You reach over to grab the white fluffy robe on the bathroom counter and wrap your body in it tying a loose knot in the front to close it. Your hair up in a perfectly messy bun as you shuffle out of the bathroom and into the bedroom but what you were looking at wasn't Tom at all. It was Tessa. She had jumped onto the bed and your underwear was hanging from her mouth so innocently as she decided to tear it to shreds.
"Tessa! Princess, I'm happy to see you but why are you chewing on mommy's underwear?! No, no, no!" You say rushing over to her and despite her doing something bad you couldn't resist petting her head and giving her a little hug.
"Ugh now, what am I gonna do? That was my favorite pair..." You say looking sadly over at your suitcase and you huff and puff annoyed but you could never be mad at Tessa she was basically Tom's baby and she was equally as loved by you too.
You go over to your suitcase sifting through your clothes tossing and throwing articles of clothing over your shoulder, pieces landing on the floor, others landing on the bed and some even on Tessa's head. She just whimpers and whines as she rolls around in your clothes, tongue sticking out panting. No underwear nor even a damn bra can be found in your suitcase and you furrow your brow in frustration.
"Ok, seriously what the fuck?! I know I packed more than one pair for this trip and I'm pretty sure you didn't eat them, Tess." You say turning on your heels to look back at her, those little puppy dog eyes of her staring back at you as she barks in response, her tail wagging back and fourth happily.
"If I find out one of the maids stole it I'm going to have a fi-" You're cut off by a familiar voice as you turn your head towards the double doors of the bedroom Tom standing between them holding what seemed like a beautiful black matching panty and bra set.
"You looking for these? What, cat got your tongue darling?" He said a smirk well on his face as his eyes clearly wandered to the white robe that was wrapped around your body.
You roll your eyes at him pretending to still be mad but oh how grateful you were that he finally returned to the room.
"Tom this isn't funny, I need those to go to dinner tonight. Don't think having Tessa come in here to soften me up means I've forgiven you." You say turning your head sighing but you walk towards him seeming reluctant but oh how you wanted him to just rip the robe off you right then and there, would he have the guts though?
He takes a couple of steps towards you throwing the undergarments he had just brought for you to the floor joining the other pieces of clothes. He threw off his baseball cap, letting his wild sweaty curls free, it was clear his eyes were filled with lust for you and he sure wasn't playing games.
"I think I'd rather see you in that tight black dress tonight without the panties and bra don't you think? Who needs those anyway? It just gives me better access," He paused biting his bottom lip taking even more steps towards you and you weren't stopping either.
"Plus I have no idea what you're talking about, having Tessa come in here to soften you up? Who could ever come up with a plan like that? Stealing all your underwear, hiding it, and then making you undress for me? How scandalous." A low chuckle coming from his lips as his eyes never left your body only focusing on you.
"Only a crazy man like you would come up with such an elaborate plan," You giggle at how silly he could be in such a situation.
"You don't have to steal my underwear to see me naked you know. All you have to do is just ask or maybe not even that you have to do..." Your voice trails off as your fingers creep down to your waist tugging slowly at the knot on the robe.
"So does this mean all is forgiven then?" He asks, god he could be so naive sometimes.
"I think you're gonna have to work a little harder than that. You can't walk in here and expect me to give in so easily," You say just as you're about to open the knot and let the robe open, you stop, immediately teasing him. Your steps are delicate as you stop just in front of him, your hands landing on his pecs, your nails playing with the fabric of his sweaty and damp polo.
"How about we subtract a couple of pieces? We are a bit uneven right now and that's not fair Tom."
Your fingers slowly dragging down the fabric, your fingertips being able to feel his abs through his shirt until reaching the hem and pulling it upwards. With his help, the shirt is on the floor in seconds as his lips curve into a smirk the more your fingers travel downward to the button of his shorts.
"I'm all about playing a fair game darling." His smirk only grows wider as your fingers play with the waistband of his briefs poking out of his fitted shorts.
"From now on, no more making me the caddy gal. Since 'Mr. Holland' makes so much money you're going to hire a proper caddy after I'm done with you. I get to watch from the golf cart, deal?" You ask or more like demanding as he nods his head in response.
"It's a deal, as long as you get to wear the tight skirt while you're watching me then it's definitely a done deal." He says a little chuckle leaving both your and his lips at the same time as you nod your head 'yes'.
You do the honors of unbuttoning his shorts as they fall to the ground and he immediately grabs the knot you had done such a good job undoing that he whips your robe open in one easy swipe of his skillful hands leaving you standing completely vulnerable and naked right in front of him. He was no stranger to your body and neither you to his so why did you always blush and act shy when you were with him? Probably because you knew despite being rough he could also be tender with you and go slow but be fast all at once and it just made your blood boil for him.
"Now this is my idea of fun." He said before the next thing you know you're already scooching your way up onto the bed, Tessa jumping off of the bed and scurrying off to the living room.
"Took you long enough to realize the idea of fun I was talking about." You say rocking your hips as you curl your finger calling him over, a smile on your face as he crawled up on the bed hovering over your body.
His hands glued themselves to your hips squeezing your skin between his fingers. He leans down closer, his nose nuzzling into the crook of your neck his lips brushing against the delicate patch of skin. His muscular body pressed down and grinding against your naked one, a small muffled moan escaping your lips as you buck your hips against his erect cock that had been brushing up against your inner thigh. He was already hard just looking and smelling your scent, his teeth grazing your skin, gaining another moan from your lips before sinking his teeth into you. His soft lips peppering kisses every so often stopping and sucking at your skin leaving his mark trailing down your neck and to your collarbones.
Your hands find their way to the nape of his neck letting your fingers play with his loose curls pulling every so often as soft moans slip off your tongue. His hips grind harder against you the sound of your moans like music to his ears, encouraging him to keep going. His hands running up and down your sides, one hand sliding up to your breast squeezing and kneading it. Your nipple hard to the touch as his fingers played with it flicking his thumb over the top of the sensitive area.
"T-T-Tom..." Your voice was shaky, stuttering as you could feel your core pulsing with want and need for him. Just watching him on the course was child's play this was what you really wanted.
"Fuck, you smell amazing darling...I wanted to rip that skirt off you, right then and there on the course but seems like I'll have to save that for next time." His voice husky and almost growling as he says it just makes you more turned on than before.
"W-Well then promise me you will buy me another one after you rip it off me, will you?" You say but before you could even get a little giggle out his lips were on yours.
His soft lips pressed up against yours, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip asking for entrance. Your hands move from the nape of his neck to the sides of his face pulling him closer cupping his cheeks as you deepen the kiss. Muffled moans now leaving both of your lips as his tongue danced in unison with yours the kiss progressively getting sloppier. His hands wander slowly going down your side, his fingertip ghosting over your hipbone and going even lower down your thigh and squeezing so tight there for sure would be bruises. Your back arched in response to the roughness but neither of you minded to get a little rough once in a while leaving marks for the public to see. Despite being a major figure in the golfing community Tom wasn't afraid to show off that he loved his woman and that he had more skills other than hitting a golf ball for miles on end.
His lips pulled away slowly scanning over your facial features just by the lewd face you were making it made him even more eager to fuck you senseless.
"I promise...god you're so beautiful. I'm sorry darling, I've been neglecting you for too long." He says his voice low and throaty as he starts kissing down lower and lower until his lips reach your hip bone pressing kisses over the slowly forming bruises his hands had caused.
"Then show me how you make up for lost time and fuck me already." Your breath hitched as his free hand slowly trails over your stomach going even lower to your core, his fingertips teasing your clit.
Your fingers embed themselves into his reddish-brown curls as your hands push him further down till you were satisfied. He scatters kisses on your inner thigh trailing up till he reaches your entrance his tongue licking up your lips gaining a breathless moan from you as your fingers pull at his hair more tugging his head closer. You could feel his lips smile against your entrance and you tilt your head back against the headboard your moans only growing louder as your thighs are resisting to clench closed by how well his tongue is working into your heat. His hands gripped your hips keeping them steady as you had the urge to buck your hips against his tongue harder.
His lips pull away for just a moment to look up at you, his fingernails digging into the flesh of your inner thigh pushing your legs to stay open. His tongue poking out between his lips licking them as he takes his thumb swiping it across his bottom lip and biting it.
"You're so wet already for me princess..." He says lifting his head and peppering more kisses on your inner thigh seeing the way you shuddered and squirmed just by the touch of his lips on your skin just made him want to completely devour you.
Your breathing was uneven as he was clearly teasing you. He hadn't even let you cum and you knew that was just the start of his slow torture.
"I was already hot and bothered the minute I saw you swing your club this morning. Have I told you that you look so damn hot when you tee off?" You say biting your lip as he lifted his head up and ran his fingers through his curls shaking them loose, some stands landing on his sweaty forehead and sticking to the sweat.
He hooked his fingertips in the sides of his briefs pulling them down painfully slow, his cock springing up and laying flat up against his abs. A small moan escaped his own lips as he looked into your eyes full of lust, his eyes only focusing on the shape of your body, the scent of vanilla and mint radiating off of your skin. He grinds down on you till both your bodies, skin against skin, are both pressed up against each other. Your breasts pressed to his sweaty chest and his arms embracing you, holding you close to him as he positions himself right at your entrance. His hot breath hits your lips before pressing into you, a gasp coming from both you and him simultaneously. Your hands grip onto his back, fingernails digging into his skin as he slowly starts to move in and out of you slowly picking up the pace letting you adjust to his cock.
His lips immediately on yours, pants, moans, and grunts filling the room. As Tom picks up the pace thrusting faster into you, you scream his name over and over between wet sloppy kisses. One hand intertwining together with yours, an imprint being made into the mattress of both of your hands. You squeeze his hand so hard you thought you might break his hand by sheer force. His thrusts get sloppy the faster he goes sliding his cock so easily in and out of you, your walls pulsing around him as he let out a loud moan pressing you deep into the mattress his lips hiding in the crook of your neck as he tries to muffle his moans and groans, your name falling off his lips every few seconds. You turn your head slightly your lips brushing his broad shoulder as you manage to leave a few lazy kisses there.
"Princess I'm so close..." His breath running out as he pounds his cock into you so deep he was hitting just the right spot over and over again.
"M-Me too darling..." You manage to say before the both of you reach your climaxes at the same time.
 His hips buck into you one final time as your back arches off the bed his free hand sliding down your side and gripping your thigh as the pace slows down and he stops moving to lean forward pressing your body against his. His embrace wrapping you up in his arms his head lying in the crook of your neck as he catches his breath and he delicately kisses the side of your face. You stare up at the ceiling, your legs clenching around him pulling him close despite his cock going completely soft after cumming inside you. Your fingers find their way to his curls, stroking them softly as he hums content with the feeling of how relaxing such an action was.
"You haven't lost your touch darling and that totally made up for the lost time. I'm sorry for getting angry over dumb things. I know golf is important to you and you have enough room for both me and it." You confess realizing maybe you overreacted before. You never liked ending things badly and leaving even the littlest of fights unresolved.
He slightly lifts his head and rolls off to your side but still stays just inches away from you. You take the opportunity to wrap your body up in the soft white sheets that you're pretty sure room service would have a hard time cleaning the stains out of. He turns onto his side facing you his head propped up in his hand as his hazy coffee brown eyes look into yours.
"Well, I'm glad I haven't lost it just yet. No princess, I'm the one who is sorry. Lately, I haven't been giving you the attention you need...both emotionally and physically too. I know I get wrapped up in the whole golf thing sometimes but you will always be more important than all that. Plus I can tell when your body needs and wants me, clearly, you were in dire need." He says a smile growing on his face and you cover your face a bit embarrassed to admit you were being needy and you clearly just wanted more attention from him.
You lean a bit closer to him placing a softer kiss on his lips short and sweet as you savored his lips moving against yours. Your hair a mess and you gracefully pull the hair tie from it, as it cascades down the sides of your face and covers your shoulders. You notice he is staring at your every move and it makes you smile at how he looks at you in admiration even though you're nothing special. Well after all you were able to steal the place of "Tom Holland's Girlfriend" so that was an accomplishment right? You reach to cup his cheek, your fingertips gliding across his sharp jawline.
"You know I still have the candles lit in the bath and I even put bubbles in it." You say giggling as his eyes seem to light up at the words, this man was so pleased with such simple things, a true child at heart sometimes.
"Really now? Then we shouldn't let it go to waste." His eyebrows rise as he rolls off the bed standing up and already walking towards the bathroom.
You admire his ass from behind because yes you were a woman who liked a man with ass and he sure as hell had a good one. You roll around in the sheets groaning not wanting to move and he looks back at you in confusion.
"You know you can't stay there forever." He says sighing his naked figure leaning against the door frame, he looked like a perfectly chiseled statue right out of Rome when he was completely butt naked.
"I'll only join you if you carry me there." You say laughing into the sheets your eyes peeking up from under them looking at him as another award-winning smile is on his lips again, a chuckle coming from him as he rushes over to you his fingers playfully scratching you all over trying to make you laugh and giggle more.
"Ah! Tom! Stop! Stop! You know I'm ticklish!" You say between breaths from laughing too hard as you're able to lift the sheets up enough to distract him pulling him down onto the bed once again your body tangling together with his, the sheet had flown in the air gracefully covering the both of you and you're both caught in a giant laughing fit full of smiles.
As your body is pressed together with his despite being under the sheets (literally) you look at his beautiful eyes once more, it felt like the moment had frozen in time as you both just smile at each other loving the little moments of playfulness.
"Your so beautiful Y/N. I'm the luckiest man to ever exist." He says his nose nuzzling against yours.
"Then I must be the luckiest woman to fall completely and utterly in love with you. every single day." You whisper into the close space between your faces. The feeling of repeating the "I love you's" and "You're so beautiful" were constant but never tiring or old.
As you both laid in bed together with your bodies sinking into the mattress together it was all picture-perfect as you both knew, despite the little fights and arguments Tom's love for you and your love for him would be forever and always.
READ PT. 2 of Famous Golfer AU
READ PT. 3 of Famous Golfer AU
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izzuku · 3 years
small details about your soulmate <3 [2]
bnha boys ver
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≥Everyone knows that Kirishima is a really manly man, but also a tough one. Apart from his friendly personality, his body is always working because of his quirk, meaning that muscles are being put to work. I do not perceive him as someone with toned abs and a small figure, I see him as someone that will get bigger in height and weight, having strong arms that will carry you wherever you please.
“where do I carry my dear partner to? Maybe the couch? Or even a more romantic place? Our bed.”
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≥Although he has a beautiful smile that could bright anyone's day, we are here for his hands. Yes, this man has one of the prettiest hands in the whole class. Due to his skinny complexity he grew as a tall teenager, including the stretch of some body parts. His legs are long, his arms and also fingers. They're not extremely thin and long, they're just a little bit off the common, but still pretty. I also like to imagine that he could just grab a hold of your arm with just four fingers, a little bit demanding.
“babe, please wait! You're too fast for my pace don't you think? Thank god I can carry us both with the tape..”
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≥You cannot deny it. Due to the overuse of his quirk, he gets electrocuted, but it's not like when he starts to short circuit, his skin has literally a lighting mark. It won't happen very often, but it will be visible. At first he panicked thinking that it wouldn't go away, but with time he got used to it. You view them as something incredibly unnatural. Not in a bad way, it's fascinating what the human body can do, and that's why you love to kiss those pretty marks all over his torso and arms, making him giggle and blush.
“stooop! You're embarrassing me __! If you don't get your hands off I'll tickle you till you're begging me to stop!”
A second part to that one post of mine that lots of people liked. Next time I'll try more of the boys, or even from other shows or games, enjoy! ♡
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kuromochimi · 3 years
Last Night’s Call
Hanma Shuji x f!reader
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Content & Warnings: smut (not detailed. Only mentions of phone sex)
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You absolutely hated this time of night. At exactly 11pm every. single. fucking. night. When the big bikes would take their stroll. Revving their noisy ass engines and blasting their noise music loud enough for the whole street to hear. You didn’t even know how no one has reported them yet. Maybe you should do it yourself?
You poked your head out your window, knowing that they were about to pass by your block. And at just the right moment, full of pent up irritation, you screamed at the top of your lungs
You immediately closed your windows shut right after what you did but you didn’t expect for someone to be throwing rocks at your window not even five minutes after what you did. The rocks were intended to merely catch your attention and not to break the windows, that much was obvious because otherwise, it would already be broken by now. Grunting in annoyance knowing that it was probably one of those bike gang members, you begrudgingly opened your window. It was dark, the streets only dimly lit by the faint brightness of the lamp post a few blocks away. You could however, see the person throwing rocks at your window. He was leaning against his big bike, hands folded, resting on his chest, a cigarette dangling from his lips. Once he saw you, he slowly stood up, took a hold of his cigarette and moved closer to your window.
“Isn’t it enough that you’re keeping me awake with your stupid motor engines? Now you’re throwing rocks?!” 
“I came here to apologize for that” the guy looked genuine enough with his apology but the rising annoyance in you couldn’t comprehend that at the moment.
“Apologize by not doing it anymore. What’s a girl gotta do to get some quiet time” you rolled your eyes at him
You expected him to leave after your outburst but instead, he laughed.
“Okay okay, I’ll tell the guys to take a different route from now on” amusement can still be heard from his tone
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you? Look, I don’t have time to play jokes. I have to study. Go away”
“Oh? I’m not helping you out for free”
“What the fuck do you want?”
“A date”
“Absolutely not”
“Just one?”
“You won’t regret it”
“I definitely will regret it so no”
“Alright. Guess you’re harder to crack than I thought” he took another hit of cigar, inhaling the smoke and exhaling it slowly, throwing the finished cigarette down on the pavement and stepping on it to get rid of the sparks of fire.
“Not gonna give in to the likes of you” you snapped back
He let out a low chuckle
“Guess you don’t remember me then. You’re welcome anyway”
“I wasn’t thanking you in any way at all and I’m sure I have never met you”
“A piece of advice, yn. You know, you shouldn’t really use your real name when you’re having phone sex with a random person online”
“What are you on ab-“ you cute yourself short when the sudden realization hits you
“The stranger might be someone from your side of town you know? Someone who knows you” It was dark but his smirk was as visible as daylight
“I- what- that wasn’t you, stop lying, ass hole”
“Sure about that? ‘Cause you were moaning with me pretty good last night. Wanna try the real thing? Fucking on the phone really isn’t as fun, don’t you think?”
Your embarrassment was through the roof by now. You had your needs and self pleasure can get old sometimes. And yeah it was probably pretty normal to seek it from a stranger. It wasn’t as bizarre to do so and it was extremely easy to find someone willing to offer what you were looking for. But what sick twist of fate was it that this man was probably the one who gave you so much pleasure last night. The one who made you cum harder than any guy whom you had slept with in the past. To think that you two had only shared sexual desires through the phone and yet he was the best one you’ve had made you curious but your pride was winning the march between desire and pride.
“Sorry I used a fake name, I’m a cautious man, you see. But since I somehow got myself here with you in person, I think you deserve to know my name at least, don’t you think, princess?”
With cheeks red as can be and arousal brought upon by memories of his dirty words and the sound of his hand stroking his cock, you chose not to speak, not trusting the stability of your voice.
“I’m Hanma. Hanma Shuji”
He gave you a wink before turning to his bike to get on. He started revving the engine to prepare to speed off.
“Call me. I know you still have my number” he said before zooming off.
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agorejessstone · 2 years
Duskwood: Remembering Duskwood Part 6
As we arrived home, I carefully considered my options. Jake had been kind, offering to sleep on the couch, but was that really what I wanted? I couldn’t be sure. On one hand, it often felt like things were moving extremely fast between us. On the other, we’re both adults. I for one had enough experience to know that this sort of thing happens when it’s supposed to. Most of the time, anyway.
As we exited the car making our way towards the front door, hand in hand, I slowed my pace. Once we were inside, what would happen next? Was I nervous? Apprehensive? Excited? I really couldn’t tell. I’d just had my first real date with MY hacker, and I was still reeling from the kiss, but overall, my mind had settled in the meantime. Until now, that is.
What does he want? What is he thinking? He was so hard to read. I’d thought that his little “flaw” would translate to him being an expert in person, but I found that it was more the opposite. I could somewhat understand his thoughts, just by looking into his eyes, but when it came to us; I was more confused than ever. Did that mean he was confused too?
I fumbled with the keys at the door, nearly dropping them as I flipped through to the correct one. One hand occupied by his, the other carefully navigating the keys, I felt a tug on my arm, sending them toppling to the ground. The stars and greenery spun as I found myself suddenly pressed against Jake’s chest. As I peered up at him, he avoided my gaze.
“Jake?” I narrowed my eyes in the darkness, trying to read him.
“I…” he chewed his lip nervously, “I want to do this right.”
“Do what right, Jake?” I wrapped my free hand around him, gently rubbing his back in circles.
“I’ve been trying to make this date as normal as possible. For all we know, this could be the only typical date we go on, ever.” It was hard to tell under the cover of night, but his voice gave him away. He was overly emotional.
“Jake, I’ve been on a decent number of dates, and this one has been far from normal.”
He shifted uncomfortably, “It wasn’t? Am I really that out of touch?”
“That’s not at all what I meant.” I cupped his cheek running my thumb beneath his eye, “This was the most amazing date of my life. Honest. Those other dates don’t compare to this one bit. If you wanted this to be more traditional, you’ve done just that, but most guys, they don’t even care to put in the effort, you know?”
I felt his face crinkle beneath my touch as he smiled gently, his face barely visible under the moonlight, “How do you do this to me?”
“Whatever do you…”
Before I could finish my snarky reply, his lips were crashing down upon me. For a moment, I forgot how to breathe, relying solely on his lips to keep me alive. Sparks ignited somewhere within my chest, sending waves of electricity through my veins. My hands sought him out, gripping onto every bit of fabric they could find, slipping their way beneath his hoodie. His chest and abs were surprisingly sculpted, and his shoulders were far broader than I expected. I’d only ever seen him in this damn hoodie, so I truly didn’t know what to expect.
As we broke apart, gasping for air, clinging to each other, his eyes focused on mine, searching for something. Whatever it was, he seemed to have found it as he let go just long enough to snag the keys from the ground and cram them into the lock. As the door swung open, he lifted me from the ground, carrying me across the entryway.
“Is this okay?” He mumbled as he kissed down my neck and past my collarbone, nipping here and there.
Words escaped me. I gave him a quick nod and a breathy sound escaped my lips, encouraging him onward. He set me on my feet somewhere in the hall, and I realized he had absolutely no idea where my bedroom was. Even though the apartment was small, the bedroom door was tucked away near the back. Stumbling over each other, I guided him leaving a trail of clothing in our wake.
“Jake…” I moaned his name as I reached for the handle, hesitating for a moment.
“Yes?” Voice thick with desire, panting, he waited for me to continue.
“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want to assume, but…”
His response; was a devastatingly passionate kiss. I pushed the door open, backing my way into the room between desperate attempts to stay as close to him as possible. Stumbling over the mess my room had become, we toppled onto the bed, a tangle of limbs. As he hovered over me, in the dim light of a bedside lamp, I realized for the first time since we’d arrived since he’d arrived; I was vulnerable and on full display both physically and mentally.
Suddenly realizing that this was the first time we’d seen each other, at all really, but especially in this state, I was suddenly self-conscious. He could see everything. Every curve, every scar, every stretch mark, every flaw. Was it what he expected? Was it what he wanted? As if responding to my sudden nerves, my body tensed beneath him.
Realizing I was still, he stopped, looking me over, gauging my change, “What’s wrong?”
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, one arm beneath me, propping me up against him. I bit my lip trying to gather my thoughts. Everything I thought to say sounded stupid in my head. Of course, he was attracted to me. If he wasn’t, then why would he be… Unless of course, it’s just been that long for him… but then…
My head was a mess like my bed. I’m a lost cause. I’d wanted nothing more than this, all of this since we’d started chatting, but now that it’s happening, is it what he wants? Is this enough for him?
“Jake…” I stumbled over the words cluttering my mind.
“Oh,” as if he’d suddenly realized my predicament, he slipped his arm out from beneath me and pushed away from me, “You’re not sure then?”
“Oh! No, Jake, that’s not it,” Of course, he doesn’t understand.
“Am I not…” He started and I realized that I’d just planted the very same seed in him, that I’d been watering.
“NO!” I bolted upright, “I actually, would you believe me if I told you I’d had the very same thought?”
“What?!” suddenly enraged, but seemingly more with himself, he pushed up from the bed and started pacing around the room.
It took everything in me not to laugh at the situation. Here we were, completely naked, and just like you’d expect, Jake was worried about the same thing I was. As always, we were butting heads over something we both felt the same about. How very us.
“Jake, I’m sorry.” I watched him pace a hole in the floor, “I should know better. You’re here. You risked your life for me. You sacrificed everything for me. 4 years of hiding and protecting yourself and you gave it all up in a matter of weeks. For me.”
“No, this is unacceptable.” He plopped down on the edge of the bed, taking my chin in his hands, “Absolutely unacceptable. I thought I made it overwhelmingly clear that I wanted to be with you, that I was at your mercy! I thought you understood the lengths I would go to see you happy. Seeing you here, like…” His voice falters as he looks me over, and drinks me in for the first time in my entirety, “This.” He swallowed nervously, letting his hand fall away, “If anything you’re too perfect, too amazing, too beautiful. It’s intimidating. What do I have to do to make you realize just how special you are to me? Tell me, Jess. Please. Obviously, I’ve not done something right, or you wouldn’t have even considered that.”
“Jake, you’ve done nothing. This one is on me.” I smiled softly, kissing him carefully, gently. Resting my forehead against his, suddenly everything felt right, peaceful, “Well, there is one thing you could do.”
A thin smile spread across his lips as he lifted me up, gently laying me back on the bed. The rest of the evening was full of passion, heat, and an exorbitant amount of kissing and cuddling. As the sun began to rise, and I began to drift to sleep, a thought crossed my mind.
“Yes, my love.”
“Don’t we have a flight to catch today?”
He kissed my forehead sleepily and said, “I scheduled it for late evening, just in case.” Comfortable and safe for the first time in what felt like forever, I drifted off to sleep, in the arms of my hacker.
Continue to Part 7
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cherryatiny · 4 years
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐤 - 𝐂.𝐒
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⩥𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭!𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳) 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
⩥𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐧𝐨𝐧-𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐀𝐔, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬
⩥𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐,𝟓𝐤
⩥𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧, 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨.
⩥𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐣𝐨𝐛, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 - 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝, 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐬𝐬-𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫-𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
⩥𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯, 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Going up the stairs of the old building with high ceilings and cold brickwork walls, the nervous girl was trying to find her way to the tattoo studio, located in the old part of the city centre.
As soon as she saw a poster with the logo of the studio, her eyes lit up, from excitement, but also fear from how the process of getting her first tattoo will go.
Ringing the bell, which was on a doorframe, she nervously gulped and tilted her head to look down on her old Converses. The bell buzzing, signalizing someone opened the door through a system, she hesitantly opened the big, wooden door.
She was met with a hallway of the studio, white walls and wooden parquets topped up with stylish black pouffes. Cabinet with many exhibits such as vintage tattoo guns or diversity of piercings. Walls decorated with photos of tattoos made by the tattoo artist - such a delicate, detailed and minimalistic work.
She didn't know what to expect, as this was her first tattoo she was thinking of getting long ago, but it never really happened. As her friend praised a tattoo artist who did his tattoo, she decided to finally get one herself and book an appointment herself in the said tattoo artist's studio.
„I-Is anyone here? I have an appointment at 2pm. I’m Y/N Y/L/N,“
Soon her ears were met with the sounds of footsteps approaching her. Diverting her eyes from the cabinet, she was met with an extremely strong gaze of a young male.
Y/N couldn't get her eyes off the young male, but at the same time, she couldn't even lock eye contact with him, because he was definitely the most handsome man she has ever seen.
„Ah yeah yeah I know, we talked on the phone and I was actually working on the design you described when we talked. I'm Choi San, the tattoo artist running this place. Follow me, please.”
The young lady shook his hand and followed him to a smaller room in the back, where the whole process will happen.
„I disinfected the whole place already, so we can start right away if you are okay with the design. You said you wanted it to be daisy and lavender underboob tattoo.“
The tattoo artist was showing her the design in his notebook. Y/N was nodding her head in excitement.
„Wau, it's much more better than I've imagined it.“
„That's good to hear. Well, then let's get you to prepare. Umm, h-here's a cloth to use to cover up, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable by being exposed to me. I'll be as gentle as possible since I know getting this type of tattoo is an intimate matter. Sit down and get comfortable, I'll go get ink and some other stuff.“
What a caring man. Y/N pulled the thin shirt over her head and unclipped her lacy bra, her nipples hardening from the breeze of cold air in the room. Sitting down on the massive tattoo armchair, she pulled the cloth San gave her over her exposed upper half, to cover as much as possible.
Soon after San came back with a bottle of black ink, another cloth and a bottle of alcohol, his tattoo gun and stencil already prepared.
„I now need to prepare the area we will tattoo on, it might be a bit cool when we clean it, but when we’ll be transferring the stencil onto your skin, I need you to stay as still as possible.“
Y/N nodded and San poured a bit of alcohol carefully cleaning the area and preventively shaving it with a razor because any hair could cause problems. Cleaning the area again and making sure it’s smooth, he took a stick deodorant to moisten her skin and transfer the stencil. Rubbing a little ointment over the design, to help the needle slide along the skin more smoothly.
Y/N was admiring the purple-ish blue outline on her underboob, meanwhile, San was pouring ink into ink caps, placing needles and tubes in the machine.
„Okay, so first, I’m gonna do the outline, if it hurts or you need a break, just tell me, but try to stay still if possible.“
Y/N’s breath hitched, as San’s soft fingertips caressed her ribs and holding the base of her left breast to keep it up and out of the way, so he can concentrate on the work. San was maybe concentrating, but poor Y/N for sure wasn’t.
His gentle moves of the needle, outlining daisies, lavenders, leaves and haulms on the girl’s soft skin.
His soft caresses slowly turning her on, Y/N crossing her legs to get some friction, the hot young man, the pain and his caresses of her breast easily arousing her after being untouched and without any intercourse for a few months.
Trying hard not to cum under him untouched, she kept repeating in her head to keep professional. After around 30 minutes, San pierced the needle into her skin for the last time, putting down the tattoo gun and letting Y/N finally have her relief.
„So, wanna see your tattoo for the first time, I can bring you a mirror or take a picture of it if you want.“
„The mirror will be enough, thanks San- I mean Mr. Choi.“
San chuckled at how shy and frustrated she was, and honestly, he thought it was really cute, seeing how flustered she got because of him. He searched through a cabinet in which he kept his work stuff, looking for the mirror.
Taking the piece of glass with metal outlining and grip out and handing it over to Y/N. San turned around so she can observe her boobs in the mirrors, although he didn’t want to, he had to, because he didn’t want his client to feel uncomfortable with him.
„Okay so I need to clean it up now, apply a protective layer of ointment and wrap it with a bandage to prevent infection by bacteria.“
San sat down on his previous seat and leaned a little too close to Y/N to do after-tattoo care. His hands rubbing the ointment into Y/N’s skin, the mint scent of the ointment filling the room.
As San was doing the after-tattoo care, Y/N was subconsciously looking at San’s plump lips, this action not going unnoticed by San, lightly smirking at her bold move and leaning a bit closer to her.
Y/N’s breath quickening a bit, as he gained courage and closing the gap between his and her lips. His tongue slipping into her mouth, his body getting closer and closer to her. Y/N breaking the kiss and trying to catch breath, lustful eyes examining his figure.
Black sleeveless top showing off his muscular biceps covered in many small tattoos, droplets of sweat on his forehead and wetting his raven-like hair, making his sculpted face stand out more. San started to get nervous from her silence, a plethora of excuses and apologies already filling his mind.
„I’m- I know this was very unprofession-“
Y/N shushed him with yet another hungry kiss, her hands wrapping around his neck, straightening to get closer to him. The cloth that was supposed to cover her, slipping down, already forgotten as San’s hands caressed her bare upper body.
Pushing her back down on the tattoo armchair, getting on top of her, his legs on both sides of her waist. Groping her velvet breasts carefully, to not dispose the bandage covering her fresh tattoo.
His hand trailing down the soft skin of her tummy, his fingertips getting to contact with a zipper of her shorts, looking up at her to make sure she’s comfortable. Y/N nodded and bucked her hips up to help San take off her denim shorts.
Y/N now only in her basic, old panties with Hello Kitty motive, a puddle of wetness already visible, because who would have thought that she would fuck her tattoo artist. San chuckled as he saw that, thinking it was really cute, she got embarrassed by his smirk and tried to cover her reddened face.
„No covering up princess, I like it, it’s cute, no need to be shy about it.“
San pulled his top off, showing off his solid abs, astonishing Y/N as her hand instinctively went to touch it. San’s long fingers slipping into her panties as his plump lips attached to her jawline, sucking and nibbling on it, continuing to her neck, his actions creating a chain of purplish spots on the soft skin of Y/N’s neck.
His fingers spreading the wetness across her slit, slowly pushing in, to prep her, pulling in and out in a steady, yet delicate movement hitting her G-spot, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. Thumb flicking and circling her clit.
San enjoyed the effect he had on her, Y/N’s vulnerable state as she arched her back, head throwing back, mouth agape as soft whimpers and moans came out, only adding to San's confidence in his actions, leading Y/N closer and closer to her climax.
As her breath quickened, beads of sweat started to drip down her forehead and her legs started shaking, proud smile found its place on San’s face.
When he saw that Y/N got through her climax, his lips attached to hers again, Y/N’s hands groping San’s jeans and unzipping them, San skillfully stripping out of them. His bulge stretching his now uncomfortably tight boxers.
Pulling down his underwear, tossing it on the floor, his cock sprung free, hitting his abs, the tip already leaking of pre-cum.
„Get up princess.“
Y/N hesitantly got up, not knowing what to expect as their naked forms stood in the middle of San's tattoo studio. His hand on her left shoulder pushing her to the wall.
Back hitting the cold brick wall, sending shivers of chill throughout her whole body. Eyes daringly looking up into San's dark ones.
San was trying to control his urge to wrap his arm around her smaller neck as he pounded into her mercilessly, one hand resting on Y/N's collarbones and the second one on the curve of her waist.
„So pretty for me. Seeing your bare skin just sparks a flame of creativity in my head. Imagining all those designs I'll pierce into your skin and then fuck you afterwards... Ready princess?”
Y/N nodded and San connected their lips to distract her from the possible pain she might feel from his penetration.
Succeeding in setting a steady and sensual pace, his lips attacked her collarbones hungrily, hand wrapping around her neck to support her head, San inadvertently choking her, only adding to the pleasure Y/N felt.
The movement of San's hips never failing in brushing against her g-spot, making her moan out melodiously, San groaning out at her pretty sounds as he pulled out and turned Y/N around to thrust into her from behind.
His hand groping her ass, smacking it very softly, not to scare Y/N off, tugging at her hair, to have a better look at her reaction to his actions, enjoyment in her eyes.
„Oh, so you like some good spanking, good to know.”
Although Y/N couldn't see his face, she could sense and hear the smirk on his face from the tone of his voice.
Hand reaching down, to rub the sensitive bundle of nerves in between her legs, and help her reach her climax, spitting on his fingers to lubricate them.
His deep thrusts, hitting her g-spot, his fingers delicately changing the intensity of the rubs only adding to the pleasure she felt, all resulting in a knot forming in her lower belly. Her warm walls slowly starting to shake, around San's girth.
„I know you're gonna cum princess, let it out and milk me.”
And as soon as San finished the sentence a bunch of broken moans came out of Y/N's mouth opened agape, her walls now shaking intensively and uncontrollably around him, as well as her legs leading to San wrapping his arm around her waist to prevent her from falling.
His thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier, feeling himself twitch in her, San pulled out to finish by jerking off, since they didn’t use a condom, but his hand being stopped by Y/N, who got on her knees, ready to finish him herself. San honestly surprised by her actions.
Her hand wrapping around his girth, stroking him and softly squeezing and massaging his balls. Giving kitten licks to the tip with swollen lips from all the kissing. Kissing down his shaft, along the curve and pretty popping vein, she took his whole length into her mouth, letting out almost pornographic-like sounds.
Admiring how her head bobbed on his dick, San collected her hair and held them like a ponytail by instinct, taking over control of her moves. Y/N's hands resting on San’s thigh for a balance, nails scratching it.
San feeling himself getting closer and closer, the tip of his length getting increasingly sensitive, Y/N feeling it too and stimulating him less intensely, to edge him more, teasing him slightly, barely stimulating him and only giving occasional kitten licks to his sensitive tip.
After a while continuing her previous actions, increasing his pleasure and bringing him close to orgasm for the second time, his length twitching in her mouth and spilling his seed on her tongue a few droplets spilling out and dripping down her chin.
San kneeled down next to her, trying to overcome the sensitivity in his lower parts and heavy breathing from the intense and edged orgasm, facing Y/N he licked up her chin, collecting his cum from her chin and kissing her, spitting his cum and saliva into her mouth, the girl swallowing it under his touch.
Both of their bodies collapsing on the ground holding each other for a while and trying to compose themselves as they were complete messes.
As San got up he picked Y/N and seated her on her previous spot on the arm-chair, handing her the clothes that were a long time ago forgotten, trying to get dressed with wobbly arms.
„Should I help you?”
Asked her San with his sweet and caring voice, already in his jeans. Y/N nodded shily and observed as San approached her. She still couldn't believe what has just happened.
His hand taking Y/N's panties, lifting her legs to help him put them on along with her shorts.
„Ah I've probably forgotten to tell you, that you can't wear a bra because of the bandage on your tattoo, um I can handle you my sweatshirt to cover up if you want.”
„That would be nice of you, thanks.”
Soft smile adorning the girl's face, putting on her shirt herself as San went to look after his sweatshirt.
„Here, I hope you come back for another tattoo, and I'll make sure to cum on those tits next time when the tattoo's healed.”
A cocky smile on San's face as he bid goodbye to his new favourite customer Y/N.
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the-obelisk · 3 years
Source - Fae Collection
Loki x Reader
Summary: The one where he helps you to channel your powers with patience, while pissing off Tony Stark in the process 
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You felt utterly useless. 
Here you were, standing in front of Earth’s mightiest heroes unable to conjure up your magic like many of your cousins had with ease as children. 
Magic, for you, never came easy.
When you had left your realm that floated right above earth’s visible plane, you fell in love with the mundane and the ordinary. You found beauty in the ease of things and small bursts of excitement because humans only remained on their plane for a short lived while, while you would age among various generations of humankind slowly. 
When Thor had found you seated in a SHIELD interrogation room, eyes closed simply breathing deeply, he looked to Coulson-- a high ranking agent at the time. “How long has she been indoors?” 
The man shrugged his shoulders, “About a month or so. She refused at first and then they stopped asking.” 
“She is of Fae. Her people are connected to nature. She has lost her energy.”
Thor was cleared to bring you to the Avengers compound where you met the rest of the team. They welcomed you but you had seemed to lose the small amount of practice you had accumulated before your time of confinement. 
Your powers were bounded at birth in protection from the dark elves that reigned terror on Alfheim now, it was why you were sent to the invisible plane above Midgard. Outcasts, refugees, and runaways— your history was erased. With that, hope was lost and the understanding of why your power were bounded remained unknown. 
“Wanda, I don’t think I can do it.” 
The redheaded was enlisted by Tony to help mentor you. It had seemed Wanda and you shared one common trait, the ability to tap into others minds. It was something that came of ease for you, however, they already had a mind reader, a witch with the ability of telepathy, they wouldn’t need you. 
“Yes, you can. Feel your energy. Where is the source?” Her voice was calm but you were growing increasingly frustrated. 
Tony, Steve, Natasha, Thor and Loki stood watching as Sam and Bucky waited for Rhodey to return with their snacks. Clearly it had been forever, and they were growing impatient. Thor every so often would give you an encouraging nod. He believed in you. 
In a way they all did, but in that moment you didn’t feel it. Or specifically, hear that. 
“How long is she going to take? I should start my training.” 
“I have dinner with Pepper at 5. She’s gonna kick my ass if I hold her up.”
You closed your eyes again but knew you had no idea what source she was even talking about. All you felt was annoyed, tired of standing, and hungry.
Sensing this, Loki rolled his eyes and glided over to you, passing Wanda who stood off to the side of you. Tony and Steve immediately tensed up at the quick movement, while Rhodey entered at the moment already suspicious of why Steve’s fist was clenched. Thor looked over and spoke in a low voice, “Trust him. I think he may have an idea.” 
Natasha rolled her eyes and offered him a pointed look, “Let’s hope it isn’t anything harmful.” 
Loki smiled softly at you, “You feel no source, do you?” 
You bit your lip and looked down, “No.” You looked at Wanda and shrugged, “I’m sorry. Maybe I just don’t have anything else to offer other than telepathy.” 
The raven-haired man bowed his head catching your eyes, “But you do. I can feel it.” You looked up at him with questioning eyes only to see he had turned around and stared at Tony and Steve, “If you had let me help her originally, you would know that unlike the witch, her power isn’t sourced in her, it is in nature.” 
“Well, how do you expect us to trust you, Reindeer Games? You are here because Thor gave us his word that you meant no harm.”
Loki rolled his eyes. He never cared what Tony Stark’s perceptions were of him. He turned back to look at you and caught your eye, “Do you trust me?” 
You looked into his eyes and nodded. Of course you did.
While you both never spent time together in front of the other members on account that Loki always hid in the library. So when you weren’t buzzing around the building, and walked in to see him sitting in his usual chair— you would smile and begin talking.
Many times for extended hours, and with the exception of a few nights, your conversation often remained light.
But there were nights when vulnerability would seep in. And so, a blossoming interest in one another and a friendship developed in the quietness of late night conversations in your library.
“Very well.” He smirked and looked back at the group, “Being surrounded by this Midgardian garbage of concrete and rubber mats will do nothing for her. We shall take this outside.” 
Tony glared daggers into Loki’s head as the group followed Loki and you to the courtyard. “Midgardian trash? This cost me a fortune. What the hell is he talking ab--” 
You pushed his thoughts out as he projected them loudly. You giggled softly, Loki had looked down at you while holding the door. “You heard it too. Glad you find his anger equally as comical as I do.” 
“I don’t think he will let that one go.” 
“Good, I hope not.”
Loki smirked at you as you walked on the grass. He stopped soon after, and you followed. The rest of the group stopped at a distance. Wanda joined the spot next to Natasha and Thor, they all watched intently. 
You looked at all of them until you heard Loki call your name softly. “Y/N, focus on me.” You met his eyes and inhaled deeply before nodding. “Sorry, I can’t focus with all of their eyes on me.” 
He blew out a short breath in acknowledgement.  “The redhead witch keeps trying to enter my barriers. Quiet annoying, I will say.”  You smiled as you peeped a quick look at Wanda who seemed extremely focused on the man standing in front of you. 
You heard him speak again, “May I?” Hands held out, he waited for your answer. You looked down and slid your gloves off. Your eyes drew back up to his and you slid your hands into his, feeling his cool hand wrap around your warm ones. 
Normally, you hated touching but once you held his hands it felt as though the world slipped away. All you felt was energy, all that surrounded you. You basked in its soft hum.
He continued, “Now, I want you close your eyes and take a deep breath in with me, little one, and clear your mind.” 
You closed you eyes in response, and smiled sweetly at the pet name subconsciously. To which Loki caught and smiled in return, knowing you couldn’t see. 
“You are one with the world around you. Feel the warmth of the sun on this brisk day. You are at peace— the very center of the world around you. Everything here has energy. Nature holds memory of the past and present. You are here, darling. You are safe.” His voice was soft and smooth.
It would be a lie if you didn’t feel yourself melting into his words. They were slick and entrancing. “What do you hear, Y/N?” He asked in his soft lulls.
“The trees. The wind is blowing...” You spoke to him in a quiet voice. 
Loki nodded, “Tell me, dove. How does the wind on your skin make you feel?” 
“It’s soft and slightly warm after the initial cold.” You stated once again causing him to observe you curiously. He turned your hands to face each other slowly in hopes he wouldn’t sever the connection you found. 
His hand cupped against the back of yours as if you were holding an invisible ball. “Gods, she is intoxicating.” Immediately you were pulled out of his thoughts at the sound of his voice, “You aren’t supposed to be intruding in my mind, little one.” 
You smiled tightly embarrassed of getting caught, you heard him chuckle. “Do you feel all the tethers connecting through you? They flow in and out of you. Concentrate them between our hands. 
“I don’t know how.”
“Just feel and trust. Visualize it.”
Slowly you felt warmth gathering closer and closer to your hands. It was forming and growing, you projected a thought to him fearing you would break concentration if you spoke. “It feels like the sun.”
He smiled, “Open your eyes slowly and take a look.”
You opened your eyes to his eyes staring at you. He smiled at you endearingly.
Holding his gaze for a bit, you then followed his eyes down to the ball of light in between both of your hands. Inside it was white with several revolving colors that interchanged. Hues of purples, red, green, and blue shone with gold shimmering around the outside. 
“We did that?” She looked at him with surprise. 
“You did.” He spoke softly. “You are harnessing the world around you. Its energy.”
A smile grew on your lips out of excitement. He moved around you stopping behind you shoulder. You felt his hands slide down your arm, resting them on your elbow and back. “Now throw it.”
You gave a little push it forward and was greeted with a cloud of smoke and Tony yelling. “Not the tree! Come on.” He threw up his hands as Sam, Bucky, and Rhodey laughed throwing popcorn at one another. 
“That was awesome.” You looked at Loki in pure amusement. You couldn’t explain the feeling that coursed through your body. 
He smiled at you and nodded, “I told you that you held power. Come, I have a few books to show you.” 
You nodded eagerly and followed him as Tony yelled at Thor. The blonde smirked at his brother knowing he found joy in pissing Tony off even more. However, he was even more amused at the the scene they had all watched. He noted Loki’s softness, one that the team didn’t get to see. It was shocking to them, but to Thor, it was an emotion he know Loki rarely let others know of. 
It was the quality of a small effort towards redemption. 
“Thank you, Loki. Really.” You said walking alongside him.
The raven-haired man smiled, “No need to thank me, little one. Now, let us go before he combusts out of anger.” 
“You got it, Trickster.” You said acknowledging that he full well enjoyed getting to Tony once more. 
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mellow-em · 3 years
Bittersweet Temptations
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[special dt @bluewingedangel <3]
Your neighbors, Nathan and Elena, have been friends with your parents for years. Whether it’d be family gatherings or vacations, they were around; they were family. But when you return home from your final years of college, what will happen when you find that it isn't just them living in the house next door anymore?
The murky layers of clouds that filled the grey afternoon sky, mutated into the clear blend of colors of the evening sunset.
I rolled the windows down over an hour ago, to let in the crisp breeze of the night to keep myself awake. It really was the longest drive of my entire life. Though, even if it had been drawn out to extremes thanks to the traffic on the highways, it was relaxing nonetheless.
I spin the steering wheel slightly, finally turning into my neighborhood. I let out an exasperated yawn, feeling my whole body yearning to be in my comfy bed again. I was tremendously exhausted.
I looked around at the strips of houses lining both sides of the road; because it had been around 7pm, lights remained visible within the windows, and families were most likely eating dinner.
Our neighborhood was known for being tranquill, that is, when you first enter anyway. The farther down you drive, the more lively it gets. My parents and I happened to live right towards the end of the street, where everybody knew everyone.
From when I was little all the way into highschool, we’d have block parties, barbecues, and random get togethers every chance we could get. Those would last for hours, leading into the am sometimes. It was chaotic most of the time, but I enjoyed it.
Not even a moment later I find myself in front of my house, pulling into the driveway with one swift turn in. I couldn’t even put the car in park before I heard an uproar by the front door, causing me to stifle a laugh and shake my head.
It’s definitely gonna be a long night.
I roll all of the windows up before shutting the car off, stashing my keys away into the side pocket of my shorts. While pushing the door open with my feet, I look up to see both of my parents awaiting to engulf me into a hug.
A warm smile rises on my face as I hug them back.
“We’ve missed you honey,” my mom softly said in my ear, smoothing my hair down before kissing the top of my head.
The hug had met its demise, and I turned around to look at the mountains of boxes overflowing within the backseat and the trunk of my car.
I inaudibly sigh in my head, knowing how time consuming this is going to be.  Luckily mother could probably sense my vexation.
“Your father and I were gonna help you whether you liked it or not, so come on.”
“Thank you, I’m sorry that drive just killed me.”
She looked at me with a knowing expression on her facial features, “This is why I told you we should’ve helped you with heading home.”
I rolled my eyes, “And I insisted that I could take care of it myself,” I walked around to the other side as each of us opened the other doors to the car to start unloading my stuff.
She chuckled, dismissing me with a shake of her head. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, let's start getting this done so you can go to sleep,” she paused behind me with a box wedged in her hands, “ cause your walkin’ around looking like a damn zombie.”
I scoffed jokingly, “ Ha ha ha, very funny.”
“Get to it y/n!” she called out from inside of the house.
I rolled my eyes yet again while lifting a fairly large pack that held my toiletries, and released a frustrated huff. 
The thoughts of the future began to boil in my brain again, creating that oh so familiar, awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I knew for a fact that I couldn’t stay at my parents house for longer than a year, meaning I was going to have to figure all of my shit out within that time frame. Although it may seem like a lifetime away, the rest of my life was really on the line here.
And I couldn’t begin to admit how scared I really was.
Damn I feel like I’m being so unbelievably dramatic.
“Y/n, are you still alive over there?” The distant muffles I barely heard over me mentally walking down memory lane, became crystal clear.
My head jerked up abruptly, as I let out a small yelp, “What?”  
I notice my dad in front of me, with two containers filled with my clothes, and a small bag stacked on top of one another in his hands.
“Didn’t mean to scare ya, kiddo.”
“It's fine, I- what were you saying?”
We started to travel slowly towards the steps to the front porch, as he spoke, “I was sayin’ that we're gonna be having a small get together to celebrate you being back home tomorrow night.”
“Your small get-togethers are never just small dad, do you remember your 40th birthday? You had almost the same amount of people over as the block parties.”
He snickered, “Hey, what can I say, I’m just a popular guy,” the both of us enter the house as he turns to me again, “But I will say, it will more than likely be small. You’re just gonna see a few new faces in the mix.”
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, “Wait what? Do we have new neighbors or something?”
The both of us walk up the stairs to my room, and place the boxes alongside the wall opposite of my bed.
“Something like that,” he pats my shoulder and hurries out the door to the hallway, leaving me even more confused, “Why do you insist on being so cryptic all the time?”
“I’m gonna get the rest of your stuff!”
I groaned, crashing into the plush comforter that was laying neatly on the bed beneath me. With no delay, my eyelids leisurely closed, and I eventually doze off.
Heat radiated from my body as I woke from a peaceful sleep. I shifted uncomfortably a few times, feeling the sweat sticking to my body.
No matter how hard I try, sleeping in the heat of this room is going to be like trying to sleep in a damn sauna. Useless.
I rolled over, with the pitch black atmosphere through the windows, and around me, taking up most of my vision.
It’s probably in the middle of the damn night.
I lifted my arm slightly to let my hand feel around the bed, in search of my phone to check the time.
Just my luck, my fucking phone is missing.
I look over to the other side of the room, where the unpacked boxes and containers remained stacked by the wall. The slight glare of the moon's reflection was hitting something on top of the windowsill.
“There you are,” the words fumbled out of my mouth sleepily, while I slowly rose from what felt like my puddles of sweat on the sheets. Stumbling in the process, I made my way over to what was thankfully my phone laying down in the moonlight.
The illumination of the screen screamed at my eyes, causing me to look away for a second, “shit that was bright.”
I adjust my eyes to the light to see the clock on the top of the screen:
“Great. Well at least I got some sleep.” I toss my phone across the room, hearing it thump onto the side of my bed.
A wave of heat ran across my arms and legs, reminding me of why I woke up in the first place, “I’m not gonna take the chance of melting any more tonight.”
I reach over to unhinge the latch on top of the window next to me, and open it halfway. A gust of polar air simmered around me almost immediately, swiftly cooling me off to satisfaction.
I close my eyes, letting the nightly winds blow over me, with a relaxed smile forming on my face.
My small moment of tranquility was rudely interrupted by a splash from outside.
My eyes jolted open, and I instantly lurch my head up to look in that direction. To my surprise, the lights were on over Nate and Elena’s; the pool lights.
“Why would-?”
I knew for a fact that it wasn’t Nathan or Elena, knowing that they have a child on the way. Both of them were guaranteed to be asleep.
So who the hell is using their pool at 3 in the damn morning? That question replayed in my head as I stared out towards the pool, waiting to see the whoever it could possibly be.
As if on cue, I watched as the figure emerged from the pool, and a man slowly stepped out while using the ladder at the edge.  
Just like that, it felt that I didn't have control anymore. My curious eyes wandered; lingering all over him.
He wore black swim trunks that were snug on his thighs in all the right places. They sunk down to the lower half of his hips, exposing his very visible trail of hair on the lower half of his abdomen.
The more I drank of him, the more it affected me.
His chest hair glistened from the pool water that began streaming down his abs. My eyes found themselves trickling over his toned biceps, and his scattered variety of tattoos that took up only a few spots on his body.
I knew I had to look away, but I couldn’t.
I finally looked up at his face.
Holy fuck.
The lower half of his face was lined perfectly with stubble, with his seemingly soft lips as the centerpiece. I traveled up his face, noticing the wrinkles that were sketched sparingly across his features.
He ran his hand through his soaked locks of hair that partially hung in front of his face, with his muscles flexed to an extreme. He wandered over to the table and chairs that were by the edge of the pool area; that was much closer to my window.
After reaching for the towel, he rubbed it through his hair, and started drying the rest of his body with it. Him doing so caused me to look him up and down once again. I looked down to his feet, and up to his head. 
Only this time around, I was met with his eyes.
I felt an overwhelming surge of panic, but I was stuck in place. I felt trapped, with no escape from this whatsoever.
I’m such an idiot. I mentally scolded myself for letting my lustful curiosity get the best of me.
The reprimands within my mind were sliced in half, as a sly smirk traced over his lips, creating a few more layers of wrinkles upon his cheeks.
This could be chalked up to be the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever experienced.
I couldn’t decide on whether to focus on his lips or his eyes; it was becoming way too much to handle. I did a frantic dance between the two.
Coincidentally, as soon as our eyes met a final time, one of his eyelids opened and closed in one smooth motion, all while his stare remained fixated on me.
Did he really just do that? Did he just fucking wink at me?
I finally got the stamina to duck away from the window and onto the floor, with my back pressed against my former dorm room cases, and my breathing becoming more irregular by the second
What the fuck just happened?
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hailbop1701 · 3 years
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Fleet Week
October 5, 2021 (Stabbed)
Word Count: 2,018
This one has to be one of my favorites! Not beta-read (yet I think it may be updated later on) but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Starfleet medical was bustling with activity, this was due to the fact it was the busiest time of the year. Fleet Week; like the days of old. Fleet Week was the tradition of being in a port town for shore leave. Now it was when multiple fleet vessels were orbiting Earth for some well-deserved shore leave at home.
San Francisco is sprawling with multiple different species with multiple different diseases, drugs, and STDs. So this means that the local hospitals were overflowing and doctors and nurses were at their wit’s end.
“Fucking Fleet Week,”
One doctor growled his southern drawl more pronounced after working the ER for the past seven hours after his regular thirteen-hour shift. Rushing in and out between cubicles of overflowing patients, he saw almost ten people in the last ten minutes. And he definitely saw more than he ever wanted to, but unfortunately, that’s the job.
Doctor Leonard McCoy scowled his way through the throngs of people in the Emergency room, upon seeing him they parted like the Red Sea. He looked down at his PADD with a grumble, the man he had just treated had shoved several data chips down his throat in hopes to hide the information from the police. McCoy rolled his eyes and signed the PADD before shoving it into the hands of the officer who brought the guy in, “Watch him closer next time,” he growled as he walked past.
Taking another PADD from the nurse who was trailing him. “Cube seven, multiple lacs, and a dislocated shoulder.” She said with pursed lips. McCoy stopped and looked at her and then the name on the PADD.
The nurse shrugged, “He asked for you specifically,” she crossed her arms knowing exactly how to deal with the cantankerous doctor. Throwing up his hands in defeat, Leonard strode over to the cubicle and glared at its occupant. Sitting there with a shit-eating grin was James T. Kirk. He was bleeding from multiple different deep cuts and gently held his arm to his chest,
“Hey Bones!” the kid greeted and McCoy snorted his brewing headache steadily growing worse and worse. The stabbing pain made him wince ever so slightly as he moved to examine his battered friend.
“Damnit Jim,” the doctor muttered. Kirk winced but laughed as McCoy gently poked and prodded at him. “I swear it wasn’t my fault this time!” the young cadet said hissing in pain when he accidentally jostled his shoulder. McCoy hummed sounding unconvinced,
“Yeah, who was she?” he asked looking at Kirk with a raised eyebrow. The kid laughed dryly and nodded, “Lucy…” he breathed and then frowned,
“Shit, I forgot to get her comm. number.”
McCoy shook his head looking exasperated. Clicking his tongue Leonard gestured for the nurse to take Kirk’s other side. Together they managed to get the cadet’s shoulder back into place. Jim gritted his teeth but otherwise didn’t make a sound; unsurprised McCoy took the hypo the nurse offered and unceremoniously jabbed it into Kirk's neck. The young man yelped,
“I thought you were supposed to do that before putting my shoulder back into place?!”
Leonard gave his best friend a smirk and shrugged, “I forgot,” he said innocently tapping away at his PADD. Jim grumbled curses under his breath, he slowly laid down, shifting uncomfortably as the nurse began to clean him up and place a regen unit on his lacerations.
A loud shriek and crash from outside made Leonard fumble and drop his PADD to the floor with a shatter. Kirk sat up quickly and groaned in pain at the sudden movement. The screaming and shouting continued, “Stay here!” he ordered his patient and nurse. Striding out into the bay McCoy swiveled and saw immediately what the problem was.
A very large man was rampaging through the ER. “Fucking Fleet Week,” he snarled. Rushing over to a sealed medical cabinet Leonard placed his hand on the scanner. It beeped and lit up green before opening with a low hiss. Grabbing a detox hypo and a potent sedative Leonard moved cautiously back into the fray.
The man was wrecking and tearing apart the ER was practically naked; right down to his skivvies. Leonard eyed the screaming snarling man as he quietly approached, ‘Elevated body temperature, confusion, extreme agitation, adrenaline-induced strength. He was either drugged or taking drugs, it’s similar to old PCP.’ he thought mind running a mile a minute.
McCoy froze as the heavily drugged male roared and kicked a biobed, patients, nurses, and doctors alike screamed and quickly moved out of the way. That’s when he saw it, the knife. Huffing a quiet sigh Leonard eased himself forward as quietly and quickly as possible.
When he was only a good five feet away McCoy stashed his hypos up his sleeves and straightened. He gave a shrill whistle gaining the attention of his new patient, the man whirled around screaming at the medical cadet. Leonard didn’t flinch, instead, he made eye contact and slowly raised his empty hands in a placating gesture.
“Easy now big fella,” he said keeping his voice calm and even. The man screamed and kicked a hoverchair out of his way; it missed McCoy by several feet but it didn’t make the security team that just arrived any less twitchy. “Easy, I just want to help. If you put the knife down we’ll get you some water,” Leonard offered hoping that the man’s thirst outweighed his need for violence.
The man seemed to relax slightly, he lowered the knife so it was by his side instead of pointed at McCoy. Leonard moved a touch closer hands still raised and visible.
“Okay now if you want that water, I need ya to sit down for me,”
The man looked at the doctor numbly before heavily sitting down on a gurney. McCoy breathed a little bit easier and tried to not focus solely on the knife that was still in his patient’s hands. He was almost standing in front of the drugged-out individual when his luck took a turn for the worst. The area had been silent, everyone was watching with bated breath, keeping silent in fear that the slightest noise might provoke the man again. They were right.
Someone stepped back, but by doing so sent medical instruments crashing to the floor. The noise was deafening. Time stood still, McCoy’s eyes widened as the man in front of him reared up like a spooked horse. Knowing he had very little time Leonard pulled the two hypos from his sleeves. Security fired their phasers, bystanders screamed and ducked for cover, McCoy called out trying to stop them. But it was too late.
The man was on the ground smoking, multiple phaser wounds covered his chest and stomach. McCoy raced forward and checked his pulse, there was none to be found. Growling he glared up at the boys in red,
Kirks’s voice echoed over the revived hustle and bustle of the ER; doctors and nurses moved with renewed energy trying to reestablish some kind of order to things. Jim ran over to him but stopped short when he saw the body being lifted off the ground,
“You okay Bones?” Jim asked warily upon seeing the thunderous anger on the country doctor’s face. Tired hazel eyes met worried blue ones, “I’m-” Leonard sighed and shook his head in disappointment.
“Let’s finish getting you fixed up and discharged,”
Under normal circumstances, Jim would have groaned and moaned but he figured in this case he thought it would be best if he did as he was told. Kirk sat silently on his exam bed as Bones flittered around the room doing some unnecessary straightening as the regen unit was doing its work. Jim chewed on the inside of his cheek nervously, he wanted to talk to his best friend, to say something that would make him feel better but he just couldn’t come up with the right words. Kirk wholeheartedly blamed the painkiller he was on.
Jim sat up when he saw it, at his sudden movement and hiss of pain McCoy turned. He opened his mouth to berate the young cadet but it fell short. Leonard staggered feeling suddenly light-headed.
“Bones, you’re bleeding!” Jim gasped, Leonard followed his gaze. He was right, there on his right side was a giant blossom of red coating his uniform. Cursing under his breath he was beginning to feel it, the bloodloss, and now that his adrenaline was dissipating the pain and fatigue. “Damn he must’a knicked me,” he murmured sounding annoyed. Jim spluttered,
“We need help, why don’t you-”
McCoy held up his hand silencing his best friend mid-sentence. “No need to fuss, Jim, I got it,”
Kirk’s jaw went slack as he watched McCoy sit heavily on a stool and lift up his shirt. Jim blinked, sure he was inclined to a special male friend every once and a while. But Bones was off-limits. Only brotherly love there. Jim couldn’t help but think,
‘Damn Bones where did you hide the abs?’
“This puts a whole new spin on ‘Physician heal thyself,” he said aloud with a snicker. McCoy rolled his eyes. ‘This isn’t the worst thing I’ve had to fix,’ he thought with a slight grimace.
Leonard pulled his shirt up and held the ruined fabric in between his teeth. He leaned back and examined the bloody wound, grunting in annoyance he reached out blindly for the cleaning wipes that had been left on the tray beside Kirk’s bed.
Upon finding what he was looking for McCoy expertly cleaned away the blood only hissing at the occasional sting the alcohol made.
“Bones, are you sure you don’t want me to call a nurse or something?” Jim asked disbelief coloring his tone. McCoy curled his lip,
“No, they’re busy with half of the galaxy and their mother. I’ll be fine,”
Kirk cocked his head to the side only managing to decipher half of what his best friend said; his mouth already preoccupied with his shirt made him sound completely muffled.
The blood finally cleaned away despite more and more leaking from the open wound Leonard grabbed the portable regen unit. Flicking it on he carefully placed it on his abdomen. Sighing the doctor looked up,
“What?” he asked raising a single eyebrow at his dumbfounded speechless friend. Jim just shook his head,
“You look like you’ve done this before,” he muttered with a dry chuckle. Leonard snorted and nodded at the kid’s guess. Leonard let go of his shirt allowing it to fall and rest on the regen unit he held.
“Jim, I worked the ER in Atlanta. Things occasionally got a little hairy,”
Kirk stared at the country doctor like he had grown three heads and sprouted wings. McCoy snickered, “Boy, I’ve seen some shit in my time, ain’t no little cut is going to stop me from doin’ my job,” Leonard’s southern drawl became pronounced. So pronounced that it made McCoy wince and wrinkle his nose. Jim pressed his lips into a thin line, the appearance of McCoy’s accent meant the older man was tired. Very tired. He knew that the doctor hid his drawl almost as if he were self-conscious of it. Kirk remembered once hearing Bones admit (heavily drunk, mind you) that people tended to not take him as seriously. It may have been the twenty-third century but there were still biases.
The regen unit beeped happily and lit up green. McCoy lifted it away and examined the wound again. Grunting in approval he set the regenerator down and grabbed a thick gauze bandage, glancing up he gave a little shrug,
“Knowing my luck, I’ll end up opening it back up,” he muttered wryly. Jim snorted and shook his head, “Man you can’t say shit to me now. You’re just as bad!” he accused with a grin. McCoy rolled his eyes,
“Sorry Kid doesn’t work that way. I don’t go searchin’ for trouble,”
Jim barked out a laugh, “Bullshit!”
Leonard rolled his eyes and scowled hoping to hide the slight smile that wants to spread across his face.
Everything: @lauraaan182, @chickadee-djarin, @cowenby2, @bluesclues-1234,@sayuri9908
WhumpTober: @theatrevicki, @ekna1307
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pizzazz-party · 3 years
Ring Analysis Part 1: Synchronizing— How It Works and What It Tells Us About Ring
...As well as the world he lives in. Our buddy Ring may explain very little about himself, but he doesn’t need to if you’re paying—obsessive—attention to detail.
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(Gameplay spoilers up to World 20 under the cut.)
For a mechanic that’s important enough to merit a cutscene, and then goes on to envelop every part of the game, “synchronizing” gets a handful of lines before it’s never explicitly brought up again.
So let’s go over this scene.
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“Synchronizing” is, at first glance, a simple exchange of traits. That’s not entirely wrong. Trainee does physically take on characteristics specific to Ring, like the flaming hair, and Ring does gain access to her heartbeat reading, sort of like a living stethoscope.
But what syncing actually is, is a symbiotic relationship. It’s both participants “recalibrating” themselves to the other as best as each of them are able. For a flesh-and-blood partner that’s not built for syncing, this means physically changing to become something a little closer to Ring. (More on that later.) For Ring, a magical being designed with the extra sensory input in mind, it invisibly grants him access to the other’s most invaluable resource: their exercise energy.
Like synchronizing, “exercise energy” is another lovely concept that was mentioned once and then never again. So much so that I’ve been accidentally calling it “fitness energy” for weeks and am still trying to correct my reflexes.
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But exercise energy is everything. If all it takes is a simple read of a heartbeat to jumpstart a sync bond, exercise energy is the glue that cements it together. Because Ring and Trainee don’t stop being synced whenever they’re not physically touching. They separate all the time. They can put a little distance between themselves and still be at the height of synchronization, even. But let’s take a step back for a moment, and talk about that “physically changing to become something a little closer to Ring” aspect.
Say that Trainee is doing a leg move at peak performance. Her hair is flaring up. Her legs are glowing that same yellowish hue—because they’re full of exercise energy. That’s what that is. That’s what it must be. It’s what Ring himself is partially made of, seeing as the same stuff flows through his veinlike tubes. Seriously. Look at this. It’s the same goddamn color.
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I can’t understate how incredibly important exercise energy is. To synchronizing, to Ring, and to literally everything else. Exercise energy is a type of life energy. In the world of Ring Fit, it’s in everything, everywhere—in varying levels of purity and concentration. When Trainee is performing a fit skill, she almost seems to absorb a mystical...something... from the open air around her, as she charges up a skill. Thin lines of light streak towards her as she lights up, not away. See for yourself.
Trainee isn’t a normal inhabitant of “Planet Fitness.” She doesn’t know how to manipulate exercise energy very well on her own. It looks like being synced with Ring has made her somewhat biologically closer to being made of exercise energy herself, and with that? The slight ability to absorb it from the air around her. It’s a really small thing, likely just a tiny boost of power she’s drawing in from her surroundings (and returning right back after a move is complete). But it’s there. It’s visibly happening. With one exception, this doesn’t occur outside of a fit battle. And that makes sense. A fit skill taking more energy than an air blast is very reasonable. Those crates littering the place are a lot less hardy than...whatever you would classify Monsters as. 
I mentioned an exception. Here it is:
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Victory posing is such an odd little tradition, isn’t it? It’s unskippable; Ring always insists on it. And at first glance, his instructions are weird. “Pull in energy from the ground” sounds a bit like nonsense...except in this shot, Trainee is actually standing on a glowing platform full of Exercise Energy. (Yes, that’s what that is.) The moment she’s done charging her squat power, thin lines of light streak upwards— some into Trainee. And when she raises her arms, she expels all that excess energy into the open air. You can watch the process here.
And that’s where most of the EXP from victory posing comes from—from the well of exercise energy humming beneath her feet.
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Exercise energy is life energy in constant motion. It’s created (for a lack of a better word) constantly as the body moves and burns calories. It’s also expelled constantly, and this is most visible when Trainee works out. It is not, under any circumstances, meant to be trapped in the body forever. But the act of having possessed any of it at all gives Trainee EXP, a byproduct, which can be kept forever.
Ring says in the initial cutscene, “The more you exercise, the more synchronized we’ll be!” The more Trainee exercises, the more exercise energy her body holds at time. The more exercise energy she holds, the more alike she and Ring are in that very moment. The more alike they are—the more in sync they are.
The two way connection created by synchronizing is closer to a metaphysical fusion of both participants than a simple trade off. Ring’s powers are (almost but not quite) Trainee’s powers. Trainee’s body is (almost but not quite) Ring’s body. It’s both easy and hard to see where one’s work stops and the other’s begins. So let’s lay down some quick facts.
One! In terms of powers—everything Ring and Trainee can do together, Ring can do alone. It’ll be weaker. But he can do it. He’s got his own supply of exercise energy and he’s a master at manipulating it. Ring is not helpless; you are.
Two! The glowing limbs you fight with in a fit battle belong to Ring—not Trainee. Here are even some screen caps of Ring vaguely referring to them both. (It’s even in all-important blue text.)
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Three! Ring is always actively contributing to your fit battles. He is never just counting reps or giving tips. As Trainee charges up a fit skill, Ring is constantly channeling the resulting energy into powering up his battle constructs. He is actively aiming said constructs for you, always.
In the case of specific fit skills, where Ring’s battle constructs immediately appear as buff as can be—it’s because Trainee is helping. A lot of what these instances have in common is the fact that the fit skills in question are less... involved?
Imagine being Trainee, and trying to keep a good aim on the enemy as you do the Mountain Climber move. (Or even squats. I do too many of those and I start disconnecting from reality.) The Ring Raise move, on the other hand, is gentler and gives Trainee a clear, unobstructed view of the enemy throughout the whole exercise. It gives her the wiggle room to try her hand at manipulating her own exercise energy directly.
With Ring and Trainee working together, the charge-up effect is therefore instantaneous.
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Four! Canonically, despite the two of them being synced, Ring can shut off Trainee’s access to his powers at any time. That’s because, for them to work in the first place, Ring must be consciously activating them. In some animations at the start of a course, Trainee stretches by pulling on him at both ends. This should summon a suction vortex. But it doesn’t. Because Ring knows Trainee is just doing a pre-run stretch.
It explains why you can’t summon a Mega Ab Guard whenever you feel like it; only when Ring suggests it. Or why you can’t just suck up tokens in mini games like Dreadmill (Ring is too honest to help you cheat). Yes, it’s a game mechanic thing. But it’s a mechanic that Ring canonically controls. Trainee absolutely cannot use any of his abilities without his explicit consent. And that’s probably why she hasn’t accidentally killed somebody in combat yet—Ring is super careful. (He’s a professional, you know.)
Now that we have a better understanding of what exercise energy is and a better grasp on how Ring works—let’s circle back one more time to that “physically changing to become something a little closer to Ring” aspect. Because there’s one last insane thing we skipped over.
Trainee is initially the baseline in our understanding of what exercise energy looks like in a human being. Her yellow-orange flames are our constant companion—and therefore we get misled, because Trainee is an outlier. She is synced to Ring, and Ring is extraordinary. So she’s not a good example of the average person.
But in this case, despite being a literal master, Guru Andma is.
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Guru Andma, “the balance master,” is the only other human character we see using attacks consisting of all three muscle groups. Her fight is a wealth of knowledge in of itself. When she flexes her arms, they fill with RED energy. When she flexes her abdomen, it fills with YELLOW energy. When she flexes her leg, it fills with BLUE energy. This is the standard for human beings. This is normal.
What this implies then, is that synchronizing with Ring has overwritten Trainee’s original energy signature. Ring’s energy is decidedly NOT human. It’s not even fit-skill yellow; it looks close, but it’s really something else entirely. Ring of course can convert Trainee’s energy into traditional reds, yellows, and blues for a fight. (Or at least, he can fake it if he doesn’t have his Color Coding ability. He once mimicked the flames of Dark Influence early on in the game; some superficial color editing is not above him.)
But yeah. Trainee’s energy is now definitely abnormal.
And yet the process didn’t seem to put her in any physical pain? I really doubt Ring would have sprung that on her if it did. (I mean, he still should have asked for permission first.) I’d wager the effects of syncing, as deep as are, aren’t permanent once the bond is dissolved. What Ring is doing—“synchronizing”—is somehow, simultaneously, extremely mystical and yet completely natural.
Last segment, before I let you go.
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For a long time, I wondered: what are the prerequisites, that denote syncing potential? Not impressive muscles, I’m sure; it’s heavily implied Dragaux once synced with Ring, and he was infamously skinny. Could the general attitude of a person play a role, if Ring’s energy is pure positive exercise energy? Or could it be genetic? Maybe even entirely random?
I wasn’t sure until I fought the four masters, and especially after fighting Guru Andma.
I’ll bet you anything that there’s something inherently flexible about Trainee, for a human. Something more malleable, and therefore more amenable to undergoing the dramatic changes of a sync bond. And I’ll bet you further that it has something to do with the fact that Trainee had zero previous experience wielding exercise energy at the start of the game.
Because Ring tells Trainee she has potential right after identifying that she’s new.
(The less developed a person is initially, the easier it could be to sync with Ring. Whereas a person with more intensive training would be incompatible.)
And if you’re still convinced that Ring was just impressed with her muscles—please remember that Ring is not human, and does not experience life through the same lens. It’s implied he can “see” energy with more than just his eyes. It’s how you can drop him in a new temple in an unfamiliar land and he’ll still be able to tell Trainee when she’s close to the finish line. (He forgot what static stretching was that one time. He does not have these floor plans memorized.) To him, those glowing wells at the end are like straight up beacons.
He was absolutely examining her energy.
To Ring, syncing probably isn’t worth writing an entire essay about. It’s natural to him, instinctive. It’s Ring making a promise to watch over someone, and to have their back as they will have his. And I think that’s beautiful. Frustrating to my curiosity, but beautiful.
TLDR; Synchronizing is a metaphysical bond sustained through Exercise Energy, a substance mentioned once in World 1 that encompasses the whole game. It exists everywhere in everything, in different variations of intensity and purity. Ring especially is partially made of exercise energy. It’s the glowing stuff in his tubes. There’s more, but that’s the gist of it. DISCLAIMER: This is for fun! I just wanted to try my hand at explaining how the magical sentient Pilates ring works. I feel pretty strongly about my conclusions, but I’ll go back and edit this if/when/where applicable. Thank you for reading.
EDIT (June 20, 2021): Updated header image. Also added a link to Ring mimicking DI.
EDIT (August 12, 2021): Added links to part 2 and 3.
Part 1: Synchronizing— How it Works and What It Tells Us About Ring
Part 2: Ring’s Powers—And What They All Have In Common
Part 3: Ring’s Biology and Possible Origins
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