#even chaol who’s always on Dorian’s side he was like ‘bro no???’
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pergaminaa · 6 months ago
Modern au
Manon is a pushover in denial when it comes to her daughter. All the toddler has to do is say ‘I don’t want to go to school’ and Manon will let her stay because her daughter is smart and she makes her announcement while cuddling her mama and honestly Manon doesn’t have it in her to send the child to school.
Dorian, on the other hand, thinks that Manon shouldn’t give in so easily. To solve the problem (because he loves how Manon is a gushing mess when it comes to their daughter) he decides to take their daughter to school.
Different tactic: his daughter clung to him and cried that she didn’t want to go inside the classroom. She wants him and doesn’t want him to leave her. “Don’t leave me daddy, I want you,” and Dorian realized: she’s only in pre school, she’s not missing out on anything if she doesn’t show up for a day or two. So he carries her and leaves, returning home twenty minutes later with a much happier child eating an ice cream to make her feel better after her drop off ordeal.
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louiseleblancdiggory · 5 years ago
omg can u write a second part to that secret rowaelin / aelins birthday party one shot, I NEED to know how that continues.. and maybe another one shot from when they realised that they're not actual just fuckbuddys but in love ahhhh I love this AU and u writing is so GOOD
I’m so glad you like it!! I was planning on writing the Halloween scene, so I feel like this will end up being a small AU maybe? Like I’ll write the main parts of their story? Who knows. But I will definitely post the Halloween scene and the scene from when things changed... For now, here’s how explaining to their friends went
This is the part one. You really need to read it to understand what’s going on in this scene. 
Birthday revelations 
Aelin was frozen.
She was staring wide eyed at all of her friends standing in her living room. Their faces were the picture of astonishment and disbelief. She knew she should go up to them and explain everything but this isn’t how she had planned it out, so she merely snuggled closer to Rowan, his arms tightening around her.
They were so fucked.
“What the actual fuck?” Lysandra said, her voice a mix of perplexity and slight betrayal. “You two… But.. How? When?”
“Aelin, you fucking snake.” Manon said, but Aelin could see the humor gleaming on her eyes and that her smile was genuine. She seemed like the only one not completely pissed. Even Elide looked a little betrayed.
“Bro, you’re banging my cousin?” Aedion’s face contorted with disgust when he looked at Aelin’s bare legs and undoubtedly saw the handprints. Vaughan gave him a slap on the back of his head.
“Aedion, please.” Yrene said, her voice calm but her face a mask of shock as everyone else. “Let them recompose themselves. They obviously weren’t expecting us.”
“What are you all doing here?” Rowan finally said, even though it was obvious what they were doing here.
“What are we doing here? What are you doing here, Rowan?” Fenrys replied, crossing his arms. When Rowan opened his mouth again, Fen raised a hand dramatically. “Don’t answer that truthfully. I don’t want details.”
Aelin’s cheeks were on fire, and Rowan’s arms hugged her a little more tightly.
“Can you guys it down so we can explain?” She said, her voice steady despite how fast her heart was beating.
She didn’t want it to be like this, neither did Rowan. They wanted to sit them all down and explain everything on their terms. Rowan wanted to talk privately with Aedion, and Aelin sure as hell didn’t want Lysandra feeling as if she didn’t trust her. And now they had waited too long and everything went to shit.
Each one of their friends found a place to sit. Manon was sitting on Dorian’s lap, Yrene and Chaol by their side on the sofa. Nehemia and Asterin were on the loveseat, Nehemia’s arm tucking Asterin close. Fenrys and Connall each sat on one of the loveseat’s armrest, Vaughan standing behind Connall.
Lorcan, Gavriel, Sartaq, Nesryn, Borte and Ren took up the chairs by the table. Lorcan pulled a stiff Elide to sit on his lap, whispering something in her ear that made her relax a little.
Lysandra and Aedion remained where they were, arms crossed.
Rowan nudged Aelin forward and they approached everyone. He sat down on an armchair, taking Aelin with him. She could have sworn Aedion flinched at that.
Rowan started to make soothing circles on her thigh, and she held one of his hands with both of hers, sweeping her fingers over his knuckles. Despite it all, Rowan seemed calm.  He was lazily leaning on the armchair, completely content to hold his girlfriend on his lap, play with her thigh and tell all of her friends and her cousin how he had been sleeping with her behind their backs.
“So, you guys are banging.” Asterin broke the silence.
Borte snorted. “Obviously. The girl looks like she just got railed, so unless they play some very wild type of boardgames in her room while in the dark, yes, they are banging.”
“Borte, for the love of god.” Nesryn murmured at the same time Sartaq said, “Borte, shut the fuck up.”
Rowan sighed, deeply and suffering. “Yes, we are…”
“Banging.” Nehemia added.
“Can we please stop using the word ‘bang’?” Chaol muttered.
“Pardon.” Nehemia looked at him impatiently. “Fucking, then.”
Chaol rolled his eyes and Aelin couldn’t help but snort.
“How?” Dorian asked, his voice dripping disbelief. After Lys, Dorian was probably the person who heard Aelin complaining about Rowan the most.
Despite herself, Aelin found herself saying, “You want to know how we fuck?”
Rowan, Vaughan, Manon and Asterin were the only ones that laughed.
“I thought you hated each other.” Fen said, his brows furrowing.
“They did. I remember High School junior Aelin running after Rowan with a knife with the full intent of killing him.” Connall looked at his brother. “Unless they’re together since then and that was some type of kink.”
“Please, I don’t want to know Aelin’s kinks.” Ren looked pained.
“Please, I don’t want to know about Rowan’s kinks either.” Lorcan added, but his voice was full of humor. The asshole must have been finding this whole situation hilarious.
“Stop using Aelin, Rowan and kinks in the same sentence for the love of god.” Aedion pleaded.
“Let them explain.” Gavriel, always the voice of reason, interrupted.
“It started on Halloween.” She started only to be then interrupted by Aedion.
“You guys have been together for six months and told no one?” His eyes widened. “Oh my god. It was when I told Lin to stay in the apartment, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, and we haven’t been together for six months.” Aelin could feel Rowan losing his patience as he explained their situation. “We slept together six months ago, but it wasn’t anything important. It was just sex then.”
“But not anymore?” Elide asked, her voice low. Something glinted on her eyes.
“That’s impossible. A relationship between them is unbelievable.” Chaol snorted and Aelin felt Rowan’s hand tightening on her leg.
“No.” Aelin shrugged, losing her patience just like Rowan. She could understand them feeling hurt because neither Aelin nor Rowan had told them anything, but acting like her relationship with Rowan was wrong made her stomach turn. “We fucked around a bit. Months, actually. We couldn’t stand each other when we weren’t fucking in the beginning, it was honestly just sex. We didn’t feel like telling anyone because once it ended, we didn’t want things to get awkward. We didn’t want the jokes, or suggestions that we should just date. It was easy and simple and telling other people would make it too real.”
Surprisingly, Lorcan, Nesryn and Connall nodded. Fenrys relaxed, and even Borte was smiling at them the way Manon had since the beginning.
“Lys and Aedion had just started dating then, and they spent most nights in our apartment, so I would come here to see Ace. In the first few nights I would arrive, we would fuck and I would leave. Slowly I started coming earlier and we would eat something. I would spend the night and we would grab breakfast together. We became friends.” Rowan shrugged.
“So you two are fuck buddies?” Ren asked.
“No, things changed two months ago after an… incident.” Aelin said and Rowan squeezed her thigh. Aelin didn’t have to look back to know he was fighting a smile. “But then we didn’t know how to tell you guys that we had been fucking for four months and told no one. Ro thought it was better for the two of us to just sit down and tell everyone at once.”
“Ace thought it would be better if she talked to the girls and I talked to the guys.” Rowan finished for her. The tension from her body had vanished, and she was completely resting her back against Rowan’s chest.
“We discussed it for a month and decided to go with Ro’s idea. But then spring break came and everyone went off to somewhere else. We decided to tell when everyone was back. We were going to do it this week after my birthday but you guys came here today.”
“So, basically, you guys have been together for six months. One way or another.” Vaughan asked and Aelin and Rowan nodded.
“Hum, good for you.” Manon said, looking at Aelin. Nehemia, Yrene and Asterin nodded, a small smile playing on their lips.
“Is that why you almost kicked me out of here earlier?” Lys asked, genuinely curious. She didn’t look as pissed as she had in the beginning.
“No. I didn’t even know Ro was coming until I opened the door an hour ago.” She sat up, crossing her legs. Rowan shifted slightly to accommodate her on his lap, his hands now on her hips. “I just didn’t want you to ditch a night with your boyfriend to stay home with me.”
Lys nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. Aelin didn’t fool herself in thinking that Lys wasn’t hurt about her silence, but it was good to know her best friend wasn’t majorly pissed.
“So he’s your boyfriend?” Aedion asked her, but his eyes were on Rowan.
Rowan’s voice was hard when he replied for her. “Yes.”
The room was silent until Manon started laughing. And then Yrene, Nehemia and Asterin. Borte and Nesryn cackled, and Lys and Elide shared a knowing smile. The men only grunted.
“Pay up, assholes.” Elide said.
“What?” Rowan and Aelin said in unison.
“Sophomore year of High School Elide said the two of you would end up together at some point. The tension would just build up to a point that the two of you would either cut all ties or would fuck.” Lorcan grunted, taking out his wallet. “The girls agreed with her. The men said you guys would simply start ignoring each other after college. We bet a hundred and fifty each. We would get the money and split so it’s equal to everyone in each team.”
Aelin’s jaw fell. Rowan sat up then, eyes narrowing. “You have a bet of six years on us?”
“Yes.” Elide replied, happily. “And although me and Ms. Galathynius over there will have a chat about your relationship later, I can’t say I’m sad about going home tonight a hundred and eighty seven bucks richer.”
“You have a bet of six years on whether or not we would bang?” Rowan repeated, dumbfounded.
“I thought we agreed to stop using the word bang.” Chaol said.
“Yeah, bro, it’s fuck.” Connall nodded solemnly as he handed his money to Asterin.
“And who says we only have one?” Manon chirped, counting the money Dorian had painfully given to her.
“I hate every single one of you.” Aelin grunted, resting against Rowan’s chest again. She could feel his body shaking with laughter and had to bite her own lip to fight a smile.
“You hate me? I’m a hundred and fifty poorer and my best friend is banging my cousin. This can’t get worse.”
“You’ll have to see them together every day now. And when Aelin spends the night on your apartment or Rowan isn’t home, you’ll know exactly what’s happening.” Fenrys said, his tone helpful.
Aedion merely groaned.
Aelin turned and gave Rowan a quick kiss, getting up to talk to the girls privately. Rowan gave her ass a playful slap, and she heard Aedion groan again. One look at Rowan and he was smiling like a fiend.
Oh he was going to have fun torturing Aedion.
Aelin spent the rest of the night apologizing for her silence and telling her friends what the last six months had been like. She had a feeling Rowan was doing the same with the guys, but probably with a lot less detail if Aedion hadn’t thrown up on the floor yet.
“You’ll have to make up for it.” Elide said, but she didn’t seem pissed. “We understand why you didn’t tell us, but it still hurts a bit.”
“True.” Lys said as the others nodded.
“I know and I’m so sorry. You guys have no idea how many times I wanted to talk to one of you about Rowan or about something I was insecure about, especially when I started falling for him.” The girls smiled softly at that, even Manon. “But it wasn’t my decision alone, and I couldn’t go up to Ro and say ‘hey, would you mind if I told the girls about us fucking because I think I’m falling hard for you and don’t really know how to proceed?’”
Nesryn snorted, and Yrene put an arm around Aelin. “So you really like him, huh.”
Aelin looked over to Rowan. He was smiling at something Fenrys had said and that had left Aedion scowling. “Yeah, I do.” She said softly.
“This is so strange.” Borte murmured to Asterin.
“So…” Nehemia started, and her tone made Aelin snap her eyes back to her friends.
They were all smiling in a scary way.
“Now that we’ve got the forgiveness part out of the way…” Elide continued.
Aelin’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“How’s the sex?” Lysandra finished and despite herself, Aelin felt her cheeks heating. All the girls laughed at that.
“Good.” She answered, then smiled. “Like really fucking amazing. Best lay of my life.”
“We agree with Fenrys and we do not want details but…” Manon said. “You can be more specific.”
All the women nodded eagerly and Aelin laughed.
She quickly looked at Rowan before telling her friends exactly how Rowan had discovered every bit of her body and soul in the last six months.
She told them of the fighting. The befriending. The falling. 
She told them how she was still falling, head first into the L-word zone. 
She told them how she couldn’t be happier she was falling.
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan
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rufousnmacska · 8 years ago
part 2 of this little modern manorian au
Manon had forgotten how awful her maid of honor dress was until this moment. “You know Asterin, you really didn’t need to do this to us in order to make yourself stand out. You’re the bride. Everyone will already be looking at you.”
The others moaned in agreement but Asterin just laughed. “I know of one dark-haired princeling who will not be looking at me.”
Manon sighed and stared at the ceiling. And here it comes. The reason she hadn’t mentioned Dorian to anyone, even when she didn’t know who he was. As the room erupted in laughter and questions, she glared at Asterin.
“Nothing happened. If you don’t believe me that’s your problem. And I’m not going to let ANY OF YOU GET UNDER MY SKIN.” She emphasized those last words with a finger pointed viciously at each of them.
Vesta stood up and shouted everyone down. “Hey! Leave her alone!” She gave Manon a wink then continued. “This one is rich and hot. We don’t want to scare him away!”
Laughter broke out once more and Manon gave up, used her middle finger this time, and walked towards the door. She was dressed and Asterin was dressed. That meant her duties were done for the time being. The rest of them could fend for themselves.
Out in the hall, she looked around for a way outside. Catching her reflection in the french door, she released a long, annoyed breath and dropped her head.
This dress was ridiculous. But in combination with the hair and makeup... Her aunt had insisted they get all this shit done and Asterin hadn’t wanted to argue any more than was necessary. And she was perfectly willing to throw them under the bus to keep her mother happy.
At least as the maid of honor she was allowed some individuality. And the color of her dress didn’t make her want to vomit. The rest of the cousins looked like peach-colored clones who had been dipped in hairspray and costume jewelry.
The thought of Dorian seeing her like this did make her want to vomit. And that made her feel even worse. She’d known him for less than a day and she was this concerned?
The thing was, she felt like she’d known him for a lot longer.
They’d spent hours taking turns driving his sports car around the city. Driving and talking. Her claim that nothing had happened was not a lie. Nothing sexual had happened. Not even a kiss. But there had been a hell of a lot of sparks. And even more, some indescribable connection had formed between them.
They had a lot of things in common besides an interest in cars. They came from opposite ends of the class system, but they shared a lot of the same pressures. Both had overbearing family expectations. Both were trying to go against those expectations to do what they loved.
His father wanted him to go into politics while her grandmother wanted her barefoot and pregnant. Although he had the money to support a not-yet-published author’s lifestyle, as an only child, he bore the brunt of his father’s demands to uphold the family legacy.
At least Manon had all of her cousins and their families to hide behind when her grandmother was in bitch mode. Of course, that wasn’t much of a consolation during the months when her sculptures weren’t selling and she couldn’t afford rent. Grandmother’s bitch mode went into overdrive then, with constant harping about needing to find a husband and give up on her worthless art.
But she got loads of love and encouragement from her cousins and friends. She couldn’t imagine how Dorian got by without that kind of family support system. He’d told her he did it by choosing his family. Close friends instead of blood relations.
His parents were nothing more than obligations at this point. He’d shrugged it off but she could tell it was painful. She supposed that losing her parents when she was a baby put them in a similar boat. Except her abandonment had not been by choice.
Getting cold, she headed back in, steeling herself for more teasing. On her way, she heard a knock on a window and turned to find Dorian waving at her from the groom’s suite of rooms.
Fuck me, she thought looking down at the baby blue monstrosity she wore. I guess he’ll see it sooner or later. With bright red cheeks too warm to be from the weather, Manon copied his move from the other day. She smiled and shrugged, then added a little turn so he was sure to see the huge bow across her ass.
When she came around to face him again, he had the sweetest smile she’d ever seen. He gave her two thumbs up and disappeared to finish getting ready.
Oh man. I am in trouble.
At least the photos were going to turn out well.  There was no way this smile was leaving her face anytime soon.
God that dress is a crime against humanity, Dorian thought with a laugh. But it hadn’t done a thing to dim Manon’s beauty. He didn’t think the pearls and heavy makeup were her thing either. But as with the dress, they were easily overlooked. That smile and her incredible eyes were all he needed to see.
“I can’t believe you let her drive your GT S,” Aedion called from across the room. “Surprised she didn’t burn out the clutch. Women cannot drive stick.”
Dorian ignored him and sat down. Aedion was only in the bridal party to fill out the groom’s side. All those cousins as bridesmaids made it a challenge to even things out.
Gotta feel bad for the one who has to dance with him later, he thought.
Chaol caught his eye - they were clearly thinking the same thing - then joined him on the couch. “So. You got in late last night.”
Dorian laughed. “Always so subtle Chaol.”
“Yeah well. I could just be an asshole,” he said, staring at Aedion. In a deeper voice that sounded suspiciously like the asshole in question, he added, “You two hook up bro?”
Dorian bit his lip to keep from laughing.
Leaning closer, Chaol whispered, “I’m just trying to keep up with all the testosterone in here, man. These guys are built like brick shithouses. I don’t even know why I’m here.”
“Same reason most of us are here,” Dorian said. “The Blackbeak clan is huge and Fenrys needed bodies.”
“Why not elope,” Chaol mumbled. “Less hassle for everyone.”
Dorian glanced at his best friend and rolled his eyes. Chaol was a great guy, but romance was not his thing. Luckily for him, Nesryn was not into all that stuff either.
Which brought his thoughts back to Manon. They’d spent an amazing night together just talking and riding around. She had a tough, badass exterior. But he knew there was more to her than that. That instantaneous connection he’d felt for her had only grown stronger throughout the night.
He’d tried asking Fenrys about her but only got superficial answers. And nothing he didn’t already know. She was an immensely talented artist, she loved cars more than he did, she dreamed of traveling to both Poles, and she was struggling to escape from her grandmother’s control.
Her devotion to her family was something he admired but couldn’t quite understand. She told him about their teasing and gossip, but her voice was full of love, not the annoyance she’d been trying for. They were a close-knit group despite the different personalities and fighting. He wished he knew what that felt like.
Instead, he was shackled with cold, distant parents who only ever called to berate him. And ask when he was going to give up writing and run for office. He was waiting for them to cut him off. They couldn’t touch the trust fund he’d received from his grandparents. But that wouldn’t stop them from trying to keep him dependent on them.
Dorian laughed to himself thinking about their reactions to what they’d find in his accounts. He was living solely off the trust fund and the few decent investments he’d made. But the monthly transfer from them got spent as soon as it came through.
There were several small charities that depended on a regular check from an anonymous donor. Charities that would make his father explode if he knew his money was funding them. The food bank, the animal shelter, a woman’s health clinic just to name a few. Places that actually helped people. Unlike his father.
A loud whistle interrupted his moping.
“Let’s go people. Time for Fenrys to get hitched to his old ball and chain.” Aedion turned, waiting for everyone to laugh.
The only reply he got was from Lorcan who called him a fucking asshole. That got a round of applause as they all filed out of the room.
Dorian’s heart skipped a beat as he realized he’d be seeing Manon in a few minutes. He already knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off her, horrible dress or not.
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