#even belted into the passenger seat she still tries to climb over the console and into my lap while I drive
tocourtdisaster · 11 months
Why is my anxiety spiking for the dog’s vet appointment? I’m not even the one who’s going to get poked and prodded and she’s in pretty good shape for being almost thirteen.
I think my brain knows there’s an appointment and flips on my fight or flight regardless of appointment type.
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luveline · 2 years
Could we get a second part of your recent fic where reader catches their cold + being tired from work and maybe even Eddie having to call her work/go in to get her from work since she insists on not being able to miss a day perhaps? :,)
thank you for your request! eddie and roan fem!reader
Eddie's expecting your call. 
"Munson Junior, it's for you!" 
He scoots out from under the truck he's assessing as quickly as he can. He hadn't touched anything, and if he had it wouldn't matter — the phone in the shop is layered in years of grease, mud, and sweat. He tries not to touch his face with it. 
"Hello?" he asks. 
"Hi, handsome."
"What's up? How's your head?" 
You sigh softly. "About that. I have like, an aura migraine? I think? Is that what they're called?" 
"What's the matter?" 
"It's not too bad, really, it's probably not that. The– the lights are really bright. I was gonna go home but I don't think I can drive." 
Eddie looks behind him into the mechanics. There's enough guys in today to survive without him, especially if he sweet talks Wayne into picking up his slack. 
"So you want me to come and get you?" 
He can hear you taking a breath coloured in hesitance. "Would that be okay?" 
"Well, it'll cost you. What have you got?" 
You audibly move, phone shuffled against fabric or hair. "Uh, I got a bag of cough drops, a rewards card for the cake emporium, lip smackers, and… uh, one of Roan's socks. Huh." 
"How many stamps on the reward card?" 
You laugh but stop short, a low groan sounding down the line. 
"I'll be right there," he promises. "Wait for me by the main door, okay? I'll idle."
It doesn't take much convincing for Wayne to agree to do Eddie's last oil change, so Eddie clocks out early. The drive to your work is out of the way, and by the time he gets there he's full to bursting with worry. He idles right outside the building and sure enough, you stumble out, hand over your eyes to hide from the sun. He frowns as you round the hood and climb into the passenger seat. 
"Hey," he says softly. 
"Hi, handsome." 
"You okay?" 
Your face crumples up. "Don't ask me, okay? I was keeping it together 'til you asked me." 
Eddie leans over the console to kiss you, taking your cheek into his hand. His forehead presses to yours without force. One kiss, two.
"You're okay," he says against your lips. 
"I feel so shitty," you say. "Is this how it felt for you?" 
Eddie reluctantly moves back into his seat, releasing the strain of the belt against his chest. "I don't know, I don't remember now, it was a week ago. Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm gonna take care of you." 
"I wasn't worried," you mumble. 
Your eyes are still closed, your shoulder pulled up to your cheek defensively. Eddie pulls your seat belt around you and starts back down the road he came. You're quiet to Hawkins Elementary, little more than tense breaths. He squeezes your thigh when he can spare his hand, and rubs your shoulder after he's parked. 
"I'm gonna go get Ro. Don't go anywhere." 
You smile. It's like a shot of relief. 
Roan's in her usual good spirits, chattering and swinging her hand in his, though when she sees you in the passenger seat she bursts into a run, dragging Eddie across the parking lot, her hand reaching for the door. 
"Roan, she's not feeling good," Eddie says hurriedly, before Roan can throw herself at the door and harass you with love. 
"Oh no." 
"Uh huh. Be gentle, okay? She's got the world's worst brain freeze." 
You must hear their voices, turning your head as they approach, squaring your pained expression into something more neutral. You prop open the door. 
"Hey, there's my girl," you coo. 
"Dad says your brain is freezed," Roan says, stepping one foot into the car's footwell so she can rest her arms in your lap. 
"Too many slurpees at work," you say, nodding. "But it's worth it, 'cause I get to come home early and see you. I missed you." 
"Yeah! You can watch Princess Polly now, you missed it every day." 
Her voice is high and sweet, and every word she says makes you smile, though your left eye has started to squint closed. "Exactly, bub. There's always something good in the bad." 
You don't really pay attention to Princess Polly. Eddie forces some electrolytes into your system via a brightly coloured vitamin drink you'd bought for him only a week ago, and after that you sort of just slump. Roan doesn't seem very happy. 
"You're not watching," she says, pouting. 
You reach for her blindly. Your hand finds her elbow. 
"Sorry, babe." 
"Let's give her some space, okay?" Eddie asks gently, not wanting to spark any tears. "She has a headache like I did, remember? When your tummy hurt?" 
Roan frowns more and goes to move away, but you peel open your dry eyes to send her a reassuring smile. 
"You don't have to go anywhere. I'm sorry I'm not watching the TV, just the light's hurting my eyes. I'd love a hug if you want one, though?" 
Roan doesn't think about it. She steps across the couch cushions into your lap, curling into a ball against your tummy. "The light hurts?" 
"A little bit." 
Roan looks up at you, then Eddie. "Well, we should turn it off." 
"Oh, no, that's okay. I'll just close my eyes." 
Roan looks at Eddie. Eddie shrugs at her. "It's okay," he says. 
Roan ends up hugging your arm with her entire body, eyes on the TV. Eddie doesn't make dinner — he can feel a takeout order impending. He sits in the seat beside you and delights at your body slowly gravitating to his, your cheeks finding a home on top of his shoulder. You hug Roan like she's a hot water bottle and it sucks —you're still sick— but everyone's okay. 
"Can I get you something?" he asks quietly. 
"Magic spell?" you ask. 
He kisses the top of your head tenderly. 
You rub your cheek into his t-shirt. "Cured me. Thanks, Eds." 
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auburnaudry · 3 years
Fractured Family - Matthew Tkachuk
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Chapter 5:
A/N: So this took me a while to write because changing the main character to Matthew, after I had already written so much for Jake, threw me off a little and I really had to visualize what Matt would be like in this role! As always, feedback/suggestions are always welcome! If you have any questions about the story or on how different scenarios are handled in their relationship, feel free to ask! And just a side note, this Gif is Matthew’s best look and if you don’t agree...... you have no taste (respectfully).
<—Previous Chapter Next Chapter—>
Summary: You go on your date with Matt and talk about the past! Sorry this is a shit summery lol
Word count: 4913 words
“Hellooooo earth to y/n/n” Kaylee was snapping her finger at you, trying to get your attention from across the couch.
Kaylee was over to hangout and then help you get ready for your date later on in the day, a date that you were extremely nervous for.
“Sorry I zoned out” you apologized, you hadn’t heard one word of the story she was trying to tell you, something about the new guy she was talking to. You felt horrible but you couldn’t get your mind to stop overthinking everything.
“Yeah I know, what’s going on in that crazy brain of yours?” Her tone was half joking, half concerned. You had been spacey all day and it was finally starting to show.
“It’s nothing” you waved it off, but everybody knows when a girls says ‘it’s nothing’, it is most definitely not nothing and its probably weighing heavy on her conscience.
“Come onnnn your not fooling anyone. Are you nervous for your date tonight with your boy-toy?” She joked to try and lighten the mood, but when she saw that your expression hadn’t softened she quickly became more serious. “Y/n, whats going on? Talk to me.” She pleaded, pulling her legs up onto the couch so she could sit crisscross, leaning forward slightly to prepare for you response.
You let out a small sigh “I just can’t stop thinking about Matt and questioning his intentions.” You looked down at your hands as you played with the strings on your sweat pants.
“What’d you mean?”
“I know that this is what I’ve been praying and hoping for for the last 9 months but I just can’t help thinking he is only doing this because we have a child together. Like he doesn’t actually love me, he just feels obligated to try things again. Or maybe I’m just his rebound from Lexi since I’m an easy option.” So many possibilities were running through your head.
The only possibility you wouldn’t consider was that of him still being in love with you. The reason you didn’t even want to think about it was because if you did think about it, you might start to believe it and if you started to believe it, you might get hurt again. The last thing you wanted was to complicate your relationship further. What you had going was good, it worked. Your son was happy and well taken care of and you could easily coexist with Matthew. But if he ever hurt you again, you weren’t sure you could ever go back.
“Do you wanna know what I think?” You nodded in response to Kaylee’s question, but even if you responded with no, she was gonna tell you anyway. “I think that psyching yourself out over questions you can’t answer is silly. You need to go into the date tonight with an open mind, pretend you just met him and your giving him a chances.”
“I can’t pretend to not know him, I can’t just ignore the past.”
“I know, and it’s gonna be difficult, but try. It might help to not center your conversations around Reign, focus on yourselves and getting to know each other again.”
“But I don’t know what else to talk about with him, that’s literally the only thing we have in common anymore.” you knew Kaylee was right but you were just in a mood were you felt like being difficult.
“I know for a fact that’s not true.” She shook her head not taking any of your B.S. “What did you two talk about when you were together before Reign.” she had a motherly tone about her, trying to help you see past your own stubbornness.
“That’s a good question.” You thought for a second “I honestly can’t remember, but I do know we laughed a lot.” you smiled to yourself thinking back to the good times you shared with Matt.
“Exactly! I’m sure tonight will be no different, just be yourself and it will come naturally.” You were about to argue again but she continued. “ and if it helps ease your mind at all, I know he is still in love with you and really wants this to work.”
“I hope so” you half whispered. You quickly changed the subject so you could stop worrying yourself with questions of the unknown.
You weren’t sure where the time had gone, but it was already 4:30 when you looked at the clock next, and you had to start getting ready for your date. Kaylee did your hair while you worked on your makeup, it was a perfect system. You went with a pretty natural look since you typically only wore mascara and concealer while Kaylee did your hair in perfect beach waves.
By 5:45 you were rushing to change into an outfit since you were a little behind. You put on black jeans with a black body suit. You picked out simple open toed heals and put you Hermès belt on to finish the look. It was simple but still dressy enough for dinner.
As soon as you put the last gold hoop in you ear there was a knocking at the door.
“I’ll get it, take you time!” Kaylee smiled as she hurried out of your room to answer the door.
You could hear, what you could only describe as baby talk, coming from the front of your apartment and you froze thinking Matt had either forgotten about your date and was just coming to drop off Reign or he couldn’t find a sitter and your date was canceled.
You tried not to look too defeated as you made you way into the living room where you heard your baby’s giggles and Matt’s voice.
When you walked into the room, you went unnoticed for a few seconds, so you just observed. Kaylee was playing with Reign on the floor and Matt was standing by the couch watching them play. He was dressed in a nice shirt and dress pants, holding a bouquet of you favorite flowers in his hand. Finally you cleared your throat to make them aware of your presence and Matt quickly turned.
“Hi” he smirked as he looked you over. For a man of so many words he was, for once, at a loss.
“Hey” you smiled back playfully.
“You look beautiful.” He walked towards you giving you a hug and kiss on the cheek as he held the flowers out to the side, careful not to crush them. “These are obviously for you.” He said handing you the flowers as he pulled away from the hug.
“Thank you they’re Beautiful, you know me so well.” And with that small statement his face turned bright red. Even after everything, he still remembered this little detail about you, it was impressive!
You walked to place the flowers in the vase sitting on your kitchen Island. You looked out into the living room when you heard Reigns little cries and were reminded of his presence.
“I’m guessing you couldn’t handle all the logistics since you couldn’t find anyone to watch him?” You said, mocking Matt’s statement from the day before as you nodded towards the baby and looked back at Matt.
“What do you mean? I did find someone.” He looked fake hurt at your lack of faith in him. “Kaylee’s going to watch him for the night.”
“Ohhhh” you now understood, feeling kind of stupid for not putting two and two together. “My brain is just not working properly today I’m sorry” you looked down at your hands.
“I can tell, what’s on your mind?” He reached out to grab your hand, pulling you closer and wrapping and arm around you waist while the other one was leaning on the island. You put you hand on his chest as you looked up at him. It all felt so familiar and comfortable but at the same time uncomfortable. You didn’t want to get your hopes up just to have your heart crushed again.
“All stuff we can talk about at dinner.” You said stepping away from his touch “let me just say bye to Kaylee and Reign then we can go.” You walked into the living room with Matt following closely behind.
You picked up Reign and gave him a bunch of kisses. Fake bitting his cheeks as you told him how much you loved him. Out of the corner of you eye you caught Matt staring, smiling bigger than you’ve seen in a while. The sight of you with Reign always seemed to make his heart skip, and he hadn’t seen much of it in a while.
After thanking Kaylee for watching Reign, you and Matt made your way out to his car. Once you got close he picked up his pace to open you car door for you before you got there. He was being a gentlemen tonight but it made you even more worried. Worried that it wasn’t sincere and he was just doing this for a quick fuck.
Nevertheless, you climbed into his car and proper your elbow up on the center console, leaning closer to the driver seat. It was a force of habit, something you only did with Matt when you two were still together. When you first started dating and he would pick you up, he would always make the comment ‘you’re too far away’ when you sat normally in the passenger seat. So on every short drive you leaned over the center console to be close to him.
But when he climbed into the driver seat you felt too close to him, so you sat back in the seat normally. If you hadn’t been looking at his reflection in the black screen of the navigation system, you would have never seen the way his face fell at your actions. But you kept quiet pretending not to notice so the date wouldn’t become awkward.
Any fear you had beforehand about going on this date quickly faded as you and Matt fell into easy conversation. You caught up on each others live because even though you still spoke often due to the fact that you had a child together, conversation only revolved around Reign. It was nice to talk about something other than parenting.
You pulled up to the restaurant Matt decided to take you to and you felt a knot in you stomach. When you and Matt broke up, it was a few weeks before his birthday. A few days before the fight, you had made reservations at this very restaurant for his birthday. He had been talking about how bad he wanted to try it out and you wanted to surprise him, but you obviously never made it there together.
“Uh oh, what happened what’s wrong.” Matt saw your face and automatically became panicked.
“Nothing nothing, just brought back a memory.” You gave him a tight smile to try and let him know everything was okay.
“The restaurant?” He questioned.
“Yeah, but it’s really not a big deal, it’s barely a memory.” You gave a slight giggle to let him know you were fine with eating there, cause you really were.
Your convincing must have been good enough because Matt hopped out of the car and made his way around to the passenger side. You slightly opened the door before he got there so he shut it on you just to open it again himself. He chuckled and you rolled your eyes.
He grabbed your hand to help you out of the car and you made you way towards the restaurant.
“So what was the memory.” He asked thinking that you were going to tell a story about a date gone wrong with another man or something since he had no memory of being there with you.
“Just before we broke up, I planned a surprise dinner here for your birthday with our-... uh your close friends.” You looked over and saw the frown on his face “you wouldn’t stop going on and on about how your teammates said this was THE BEST place to eat and we just hadddd to go.” You giggled trying to lighten the mood.
He gave you a smile back and you just hoped that you didn’t ruin the mood of the night. Talking back on your relationship was still a little hard since it was still kind of freshish and you guys were trying to work on things. So any mention of a bad memory made Matt tense up, out of fear that too much damage had already been done.
Thankfully your anecdote didn’t kill the mood and when you made it to the table, conversation flowed as normal.
After telling the waitress your food order, you were left with a lot of free time to talk about the past, present and future.
“Can I ask you something?” you started, looking down at your fingers, playing with them in you lap.
“Anything” Matt quickly responded.
“You said you realized during my pregnancy that you made a mistake and wanted to get back together, why didn’t you ever say anything?” You looked up at him ready for an answer.
He let out a sigh “Well uh ..... I really don’t know. I thought you would see, by everything I was doing and how involved I was, that I wanted you back and it would just happen naturally.” Now he was the one looking down at his fingers “and honestly I thought we were on the way to getting back together, and then the gender reveal party happened, everything was so good, until it wasn’t.” He looked back up at you staring into your eyes. “We kissed and it was perfect, I thought ‘wow I got my girl back’ and then you walked away, basically avoiding me the rest of the day.”
“I did not” you cut him off.
“No you most certainly did, and then everyday after that when we would see each other, you made it very clear that you didn’t want anything further than a co-parenting relationship.”
“I didn’t mean to be like that y’know.” You started “I just thought you kissed me by mistake, that you were caught up in the moment and didn’t realize what you were doing. Then after that I wanted to make sure things didn’t become awkward. I didn’t want you to think that I took the kiss the wrong way and expected more from you.”
“You always overthink way to much babe.” Your heart swelled at the pet name. “I promise you I’m not that complicated, you will always know how I feel about you, you definitely don’t have to second guess everything.”
“I know- I mean I did know that when we were together, but the breakup caught me so off guard I didn’t know what to think anymore.” You were trying not to become too emotional.
The waitress brought out your appetizers before you continued your conversation.
“That was so fucking stupid of me.” He stated after putting some of the calamari on his plate. You just looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate. “I was so fucking in love with you and I threw it all away because I was scared to live together.”
“Why were you so scared?” You wanted answers at this point.
“Because I brought it up with some of the younger guys on the team when you were dropping hints to me about moving in together the weeks before, they are dumb and immature and got into my head.” He was clearly sorry he asked young idiots for advice “then I made the dumbest decision of my life and I’m still paying the price till this day.”
“I wish you would have told me all of this sooner.” You stated bluntly.
“Why? Cause I don’t have a shot anymore?” His body tensed with worry.
“I’m not saying that, I wouldn’t have agreed to a date if you didn’t have a shot” you reassured him. “I’m just saying you would have saved both of us a lot of heart ache if you mentioned all this sooner.”
“I know, I’m sorry, if i could go back in time and do it again I would change everything...” he kinda got lost in thought, thinking about what could have happened if he never broke things off.
“Can I ask you another questions?”
“Y/n/n, just ask the question” he was half joking but also half telling you to stop prefacing your questions with ‘can I ask you a question’.
“Is it too soon to be going on a date after everything with Lexi?” You sheepishly asked.
“If your asking me if you are a rebound, the answer is most definitely no. If anything she was a distraction from you, or at least that what she was suppose to be” he took a breathe and debated telling you the next part. “anytime I was with her I was always comparing her to you, always thinking ‘if y/n was here she wouldn’t be complaining she would actually enjoy the time spent together’” you would be lying if you said that didn’t make you feel a little bit better. But he quickly changed the subject, clearly not wanting to talk about his ex with you. “Have you seen anyone since we broke up.” He asked and you jokingly glared at him.
“Oh yeah definitely, so many guys knocking down my door” You sarcastically responded. “Matthew, nobody wants to get with a pregnant girl.”
“You’d be surprised how many guys are into that” he chuckled. “And not to mention you’re a total MILF” He lighted the mood from the heavy topic you just covered!
“Are you flirting with me Matthew Tkachuk?” You jokingly question.
“Always.” You two continue more casual conversation as you finished your appetizer and were served your main course. You guys laughed and laughed as you ate your meal, something you had been missing with everyone else in your life, that only he could do.
“I haven’t seen your family in a while, how are they.” You later asked. Matt had just finished his plate of food and was now picking at the last bit of mashed potatoes and steak on your plate that you weren’t going to eat.
“Good.” He placed his fork down and looked up at you. “They really miss you y’know”
“I miss them too.” you had become extremely close to Matt family in the years you dated. Matt’s parents treated you as if you were their own daughter and you had a strong bond with Chantal.
“My mom always asks if you want to join whenever they come to spend time with me and Reign.” He picked up the fork and started picking again.
“Well maybe next time, I really would love to see them.”
“They would love that.” He paused a quick second “and I mean, I wouldn’t mind it either.” He gave you another one of his smirks.
After he paid the bill, you made the short walk back to the car. On the walk you felt Matt’s hand brush against yours and you thought he was going to grab it, but he didn’t want to push his luck, so he refrained.
He again opened you door when you made it to the car and helped you in. When he got settle into the drivers seat he glance at you.
“You’re too far away.” He sheepishly said as he stared ahead, starting the car. You once again leaned on the center console this time more comfortable with the action since he asked. You felt butterflies in your stomach.
10 minutes later you pulled up to your favorite ice cream shop. You looked over at Matt and smiled.
“You really do know how to win a girl over Matthew Tkachuk.” And at that, he smiled right back at you.
After getting your ice cream, you two sat on a bench and enjoyed each others company. It was such a good night and date, that you didn’t want it to end. But of course, all things come to an end.
“I should probably get you home.” Matt look up at you after finishing his ice cream. You were shivering without a jacket on.
“Yeah It’s getting pretty cold.” You responded as you both got up from the bench and made your way back to his car.
When you climbed in the car, you leaned on the center console again and Matt grabbed your hand once he put the car into drive. The ride back to your apartment was comfortably quiet. You were finally starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, this was actually going to work out.
You prepared for him to just drop you off at your apartment when you pulled up but he made his way into the parking garage and you knew he was going to walk you all the way up to your door. You both got out and made your way to the elevator, hand in hand.
You still had many difficult conversation that needed to be had about your relationship but those were sent to the back burner for the time being. You were happy you got to enjoy each other’s company and not worry about what was next or what was going to happen with your current setup. You got to act like a real couple, going out on a nice date.
You made it to you door and expected to say your goodbyes, but Matt asked if he could come in for a little. You, of course, were not ready to end the date just yet so you agreed.
As you walked through the front door you spotted Kaylee, sitting on the couch watching a movie. As soon as she was aware of you presence she got up and made her way over to you. Then a look of shock washed over her face as she saw Matt walk in behind you.
“I’m assuming the date went well then.” She giggled. You looked toward Matt and smiled shyly. He nodded in response to her.
“Okay well I’ll leave you love birds to it. Reign was really good, I just put him to sleep so he should be out for a little while.” She said as she packed up her things.
“Thanks for watching him Kay, we really appreciate it.” Matt responded before you had the chance to.
You hugged Kaylee on her way out and she whispered “I can’t wait to hear every single detail tomorrow.” Just loud enough for you to hear. You just chuckled and nodded closing the front door behind her.
When you turned around, you found Matt sitting on the couch, patting the spot next to him and motioning for you to join him. You took your shoes off and made you way over to him.
“You want to watch a movie or something.” He asked, you nodded in response as you picked up the remote from the coffee table and handed it to him. You sat down next to him but not so close that you were touching.
Matt scrolled through Netflix and Hulu giving you options to watch! You settled on 50 first dates since it’s one of your favorites. After pressing play, Matt stood up to turn all the lights off. He still remembered that lights on while watching a movie was one of your pet peeves. It’s not like it was all that long ago that you dated, you just always thought he never cared enough about the little things. Tonight he was proving you all wrong but in the best way possible.
When he returned to the couch he pulled you with him to lay down, so you two were cuddling on the couch. Your bodies fit perfectly together and you wondered why you two ever broke up in the first place.
As the movie went on, you started to feel Matt’s hands roam your body. It wasn’t in a way that made you uncomfortable and it wasn’t sexually charged either. He was simply getting reacquainted with your body. But at some point when you looked away from the TV and up at Matthew he leaned in and kissed you.
You were in the middle of a firey make out session when you were interrupted by the cries of your baby. You both groaned and pulled away. You quickly hopped off the couch and made you way to Reigns room, picking him up out of his crib and hurrying back to the living room.
Everything felt so domestic that when you got back, you sat down on the couch and started breast feeding in front of Matt. You wouldn’t have given it a second thought until you saw the expression on his face and you remembered that he had never seen you do that before.
You continued to feed Reign but moved you shirt so you weren’t as exposed and adjusted you body so you were slightly turned away from him. You were a little embarrassed, since you could have just done it in the nursery, now regretting your decision to come out into the living room.
“You can- uh- play the movie.” You looked over at Matt, he was still staring but you couldn’t really read his expression. You hoped he wasn’t judging you. He nodded and turned away, proceeding to play the movie.
When Reign was done feeding and you got him to burp, you quietly made you way back to his room, where you placed him back down in the crib.
When you came back to the living room, Matt once again pulled you down on top of his body, hugging you tight.
“Your an amazing mom y/n/n” he whispered as his face pressed against the side of yours. You turned your head and leaned in to kiss him.
“And your a great dad” you said against his lips. The kissing quickly turned heated again and his hands were roaming you body for a second time that night, but this time with sexual intent behind it.
Matt flipped you both over so he was on top and pulled down the top of you shirt to give him access to explore you chest. As he started trailed kisses down your body, his left hand was trying find the button on you jeans. He eventually gave up and started to slip he hand into you pants but you quickly grab his wrist, placing his hand back on your hip. He kissed back up you body but stopped when he made it to your face.
“You okay?” He whispered, clearly concerned.
“Uh yeah yeah-”you trail off “I just don’t want to rush anything.” He nodded in understanding.
“Of course, I don’t want to do anything your not comfortable with or ready for.” You smiled and he leaned in to place a sweet kiss on your lips, bringing the mood back down to a comfortable cuddle. You settle back down into a spooning position and he rubbed his thumb across your stomach as his hand rested there, leaving kisses on the back of your neck every so often.
The movie ended but you continued to sit in your same position while the credits rolled. After a few mins you started to doze off, but you were brought back to reality when Matt spoke.
“I should probably get going or else I’m going to fall asleep here.” You both worked to sit up and get off the couch. You waited for him to get his keys and wallet together and put his shoes back on before speaking.
“Thank you for tonight, I had a really good time.” You made direct eye contact with his baby blues.
“So does that mean I get to take you out again?” He questioned in a playful manner.
“I’ll think about it.” You joked back and walked to give him a hug.
“Don’t think too hard.”
As you pulled away from the hug Matt leaned in and your lips connected. Once you pulled away, Matt rested his forehead against yours.
“We’ll talk tomorrow?” He questioned
You hummed in response “and can you please text me when you make it home?” Something you always asked people you cared deeply about. This time he hummed in response.
“Goodnight y/n.”
“Goodnight Matty.” And with that you closed the door behind him. You leaned you back against the door and slide down until you we sitting on the ground, a huge smile stuck on your face. The night couldn’t have gone any better. You were happy but still scared, scared that if you let you walls down too soon, he would just end up breaking you again.
You made your way to your bedroom and went through your nightly routine. You quickly changed into sweats and an over size t-shirt and tucked yourself into bed. You scrolled through Instagram for a few mins before you got a notification on you phone.
Just got home.
Ahhh for once he actually texts me 😲
What can I say.... I’m a changed man
But on a serious note thank you for giving me this chance tonight. I know it gonna take more than just one date to get you to take me back but I hope this was a good start.
I want us to work Matt and I can tell you trying! Thx for the wonderful date <3
Goodnight babe ❤️
Nighty night Matty <3
Vibes from dates night:
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
Number 15 for Juke ✨💕?
now. i'm sure you were expecting first time love confessions and honestly so was it so you can imagine my surprise when this is what i wrote instead! hope you like it!! 😊💜
15. drunkenly confessing feelings
50 cliche tropes and prompts!
“Are you sure you’re okay with him?” Reggie asks as he slings Alex’s arm over his shoulders, eyes darting over to where Willie has started trying to climb a lamppost with a wince.
“I think you’ve got your hands full with those two,” Julie laughs lightly as she turns away from the passenger side of her car where she’s just managed to get Luke to re-fasten his seatbelt, head resting against the headrest as he mumbles through the lyrics to another one bites the dust.
Alex is half asleep on his feet and Willie has made it a foot off the ground and Julie starts to question why she’s friends with them. And why she’d offered to pick them up after their impromptu night out.
But when Luke had rang her an hour earlier to ask they’d all sounded giddy and excited and just like they’d sing along loudly to the radio. Yet when she’d stopped outside the bar they’d been in, Alex had been close to crying over a photo of him and Willie, while Willie and Luke had been giggling to each other as they tried to jump over a fire hydrant as Reggie, bless his semi-sober heart, had been trying to corral them together.
Getting everyone into her car had been a whole other situation that involved bribes of food and promises that she wasn’t mad. And even then it had taken 10 minutes and a few glares from passers by.
“Yeah,” Reggie heaves a sigh, head knocking on top of where Alex has rested his on his shoulder, “Text when you two get in?”
“Of course. Let me know if we’re on for breakfast in the morning or not,” she grins, as she watches Willie slide down the lamppost and lets out a string of giggles.
“I’ll be waking them both up at 8am on the dot for pancakes,” Reggie grins, patting Alex’s shoulder with his free hand and stumbles a little as he walks over to Willie. Julie waits until the three of them have linked arms and are stumbling towards their apartment door.
She shakes her head with fond amusement that turns to mild annoyance when she turns back to her car to find Luke half hanging out the window and staring up at her with wide eyes.
“You better not have taken that seatbelt off,” she says, putting her palm against his forehead and pushing lightly to guide him back into the car.
“It beeps at me when I take it off,” Luke pouts, his head rolling across his shoulder to look at her as she climbs back into the car again. “And not a fun beep.”
“And what exactly is a ‘fun’ beep?” Part of her knows she’s not going to get a logical answer out of him right now, but the rest of her can’t help but engage. She loves all the different sides of Luke she’s gotten to see over the years, but she has a soft spot for drunk Luke and how he says whatever is on his mind without a thought.
“Y’know like, b-b-beeeeeeep,” he replies, lips quivering as he says it, spit flying at the centre console that she doesn’t even have time to tell him off for before he’s talking again, “Do you think I should grow a moustache?”
Julie watches as he pouts his lips again, crossing his eyes as he tries to look below his nose and can’t stop the laugh that bubbles past her lips.
“I love that,” Luke says, lips falling into a soppy smile as he looks at her and Julie raises an eyebrow at him.
“Your laugh,” he says and his words are a little slurred, but not enough for her to miss the truth in them, “I love you too. You know that, right?”
She pauses with her seat belt hovering over her shoulder to turn her body more towards him, at his furrowed brow and anxious eyes. Julie shakes her head a little, a small smile on her lips and she learns across the middle of the car to press a quick kiss to the corner of his frown.
“Of course I know. We’ve been dating for 3 years, you do remember that right?”
As she pulls away Luke lets out a loud sigh, throwing his head back against the headrest and smiling at her, “I know.”
Julie thinks that’s the end of the conversation and finally clicks her belt into place and turns to start the engine when Luke’s voice interrupts her.
“You didn’t say it back,” he sing-songs, eyebrows furrowed more dramatically now but he can’t stop the way his lips are still stretched into a smile.
“I love you too,” she laughs, nose wrinkling at the way he lets out a whispered ‘yes’, as he closes his eyes and starts mumbling along to a song only he can hear. Then Julie finally starts the car and drives them home.
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summertime mindset - pt. 6
stargazing & sexile
masterlist for summertime mindset
Timing is hard to get right and summer doesn’t last forever. You and Tyson learn the hard way.
word count: 1.9k
note from the writer: enjoy darlings this is really soft and lowkey a filler.
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You loved your family, you really, truly, did. But you were also twenty and being trapped under the same roof as them when you were used to having the freedom of your dorm and friends’ apartments while at college made everything feel a bit too suffocating.
It was late at night, and you were lamenting this to Tyson while you were curled up in bed and he was at his own house. You were about ready to give up and try to go to sleep, but then Tyson sent you a text and told you to meet him out front.
You tugged on a sweatshirt and exchanged your sleep shorts for leggings, slipping into your shoes before sneaking down and out of the house. Tyson was already waiting for you at the end of the driveway in his car, and he waved you over with his trademark grin.
“Where are we going?” You asked, though not knowing wasn’t stopping you from opening the passenger door and sliding inside. Tyson met you halfway over the center console for a kiss before he let you buckle up and he shifted the car into gear.
“It’s a surprise.” You chuckled at him, shaking your head in mirth. Turning in your seat, you admired how he looked in the low light.
“You expect me to just get in a car with you without knowing where you’re taking me? At eleven at night?” You teased, and it was his turn to shake his head.
“We’re going for a drive, you said you had to get out of the house.” Tyson explained. Your heart soared at the gesture, and if you weren’t constricted by the seat belt and conscious of Tyson’s less than perfect driving skills you would have leaned over and given him a kiss. Instead, you pecked his shoulder before unplugging his phone from the aux and playing your music. It was a rule between the two of you, passenger picks music. Still, he playfully scoffed as he watched you.
“Oh please, you kidnap me, I get to choose the music.” You huffed with a smile. Tyson chuckled, reaching over to thread his fingers with yours and set your conjoined hands on your thigh. You tugged, bringing his hand to your lips so you could kiss the back of his before leaning back into your seat.
This was undoubtedly one of your favorite moments of the summer so far. The windows were cracked and though it was night, the air that was blowing into the car was nice and cooled your skin that had been warmed from being in the sun all day. Your music was quietly playing and perfectly suited for the atmosphere of a late-night drive with Tyson.
He was your favorite part of the whole scenario, no contest. He was singing under his breath as he drove through the streets, occasionally stealing glances at you with a softness in his eyes that had you melting even more so into your seat. You were so distracted by him that you didn’t even realize he had driven to an open field until the car was in park.
When you shot him a confused look, he simply shrugged his shoulders and squeezed your hand before climbing out of the car. You followed his actions, your confusion only growing when he opened the back of the car and pulled out a picnic blanket and what looked suspiciously like the comforter off of his bed. It was only once he laid the picnic blanket down and laid down that you realized that he was taking you stargazing.
As soon as you laid down beside him he started to pull the comforter over both of your legs, only pausing to focus on the sweet kiss you gave him. You both pulled away grinning like fools, and there was a fondness in his eyes that you had never seen before that had you leaning in for another peck.
“Surprise.” He teased, laying back and folding one hand behind his head and the other moving around you to pull you into his side. You chuckled, snuggling into his side as your gaze studied the stars above you.
The view in the sky was beautiful, but the man lying beside you, running his fingers up and down your arm absentmindedly, was stunning.
You should have expected it, really, when your roommate texted you and said not to come back to the apartment for a while since she was having some guy over. The text had come in the middle of you getting dinner with some coworkers, so you were doing the most to stall going back.
Which was how you found yourself sitting in your car in your building’s parking garage, Tyson’s contact pulled up and the number about to be dialed.
You had tried to get a hold of Jon, you had made up since he stormed out of your apartment, but he wasn’t answering, and you really just needed to see if someone was willing to hangout. When you finally dialed Tyson’s number, it didn’t take long for him to pick up.
“Hey, what’s up?” His voice was cheerful, and you could hear people in the background of his line, but they were growing fainter, so you assumed that he was going somewhere quieter.
“Nothing really, I was just calling you to see if you were busy.” From the noises on the other end of the line, you knew he was doing something, but that didn’t stop you from being hopeful. “I’m sexiled from my apartment for the foreseeable future.”
“I mean, I’m just having dinner at Gabe’s and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you came over.” You bit your lip at the offer, but as much as you wanted to take him up on it, it wasn’t his place to invite you over. You had met the captain and his wife a few times, and you really liked them, but you were in no way close enough to just show up at their house and crash a dinner party.
“I don’t want to intrude.” You replied, shaking your head despite the fact that he couldn’t see you. There was some shuffling on his end of the line, and you heard the people talking in the background get louder. Someone, JT, you think, asked who Tyson was on the phone with and he responded with your name.
“Landy come tell her she wouldn’t be intruding if she came over!” He yelled into the line, loud enough to have you pulling your phone from your ear. There was some more shuffling, and it sounded like a wrestling match for Tyson’s phone. Your suspicions were proven correct when the voice that spoke next decidedly did not belong to your brunette friend.
“I promise you’re invited.” Gabe told you, and you could just picture the shit eating grin he was most likely wearing as you heard Tyson complain about wanting his phone back. “You’re more welcome than Josty, if I’m being honest.” You chuckled at this, especially since you could hear Tyson let out an offended ‘Hey!’ from wherever he was on the other end of the line. You let out a defeated sigh, putting your key in the engine and twisting to turn your car on.
“What’s the address?”
Twenty minutes later you found yourself in an expensive neighborhood you would typically have no business being in. You were in awe of the large houses, probably as a result of the one too many HGTV shows you’ve watched. You texted Tyson that you had arrived and by the time you were walking up the driveway the front door opened, and he greeted you with a beaming smile and a wave.
You were swept into his arms the moment you were close enough, the familiar feeling enough to make you forget about your stressful day and how you really needed to look into finding a new apartment. Inside the house, you were met with the usual suspects: EJ, JT, Sam, Nate, Cale, Andre, and Mikko, plus any accompanying significant others. And, of course, the hosts, little baby Linnea catching your eye from the moment you entered the living room where everyone had gathered.
“Why are you dressed so fancy?” Sam teased as soon as you entered the room. You rolled your eyes, making your way to Mel, who was already asking if you wanted to hold her daughter.
“This isn’t fancy, they’re my work clothes.” You reasoned, gesturing towards your simple slacks and blouse. To be fair, it was more dressed up than the jeans and t-shirts he was used to seeing you in. “I had a late meeting, and then I grabbed dinner with some coworkers.”
“Tyson told us you got sexiled.” EJ grinned, and you hushed him, covering Linnea’s ears with your free hand as you kept her curled into you with the other. “What? She won’t remember this!”
“Yeah, but Cale will.” You chirped, sinking into the couch next to Tyson. His arm was resting on the back of the couch behind you but dropped around your shoulders as soon as you settled. The guys all laughed as you teased the rookie for his innocence, and Cale took the chirp in stride.
“I know that’s my baby, but you guys look like the cutest little family. You guys are so good together.” Mel commented and you felt your blood run cold. Part of you hoped she was talking about Andre and Mikko, who were sharing a loveseat on the opposite side of the room, but you knew your luck wasn’t that good.
“I, uh, have a boyfriend, actually. That’s not Tyson.” You coughed out after a moment of silence. Mel started sputtering out apologies, and the boys broke out in loud and obnoxious laughter. Beside you, Tyson chuckled, his heart clearly not in it but you elected to ignore it. That was a bit too much for you to unpack at the moment, especially in a room full of people.
“Gabe didn’t tell me.” Mel swatted her husband’s shoulder as she spoke, who in return raised his hands as proclaiming his innocence. You waved her off as best you could while still bouncing Linnea in your arms, but she shot you one last sorrowful look before thankfully Nate piped up with a story about something embarrassing that happened at practice that drew everyone’s attention off of you.
“Sorry if they made you uncomfortable.” Tyson whispered so only you could hear. You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye, spotting an unreadable look on his face. You smiled at him, a little too forced for reasons you couldn’t quite place, before turning back to the blue-eyed baby blinking up at you from your arms.
“Don’t worry about it. We always were told we made a cute couple, even back then.” You told him without really thinking. You tensed after you spoke, you never really talked about your past relationship and you weren’t sure what had coerced you into doing so just then. Tyson didn’t respond at first, and you risked a glance at him to see he was smiling faintly, that still unreadable look in his eyes that you couldn’t place. He leaned back into his seat, arm tightening over your shoulders just a tad bit more.
“Yeah, we got that a lot, didn’t we?”
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a ride home
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(gif credits to @harringtown​, thank you!)
Summary: When reader is stood up on a first date, their knight in shinning BMW comes to help
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: a few curse words
Day had long bled into night by the time you had decided to leave. The crisp night air felt especially cold on your legs, no longer protected by the park bench you’d been perched upon. You cross your arms across your chest in an attempt to catch any remaining body heat from escaping. You stare at the small face of your watch for what must have been the millionth time that night, only to see that time was still ticking. 
9:46. He was over two hours late. 
It’s late, it’s cold, and you’re tired. 
Scattered streetlights cast spotlight on the gravel road you travel on your way home. Your feet absent-mindedly kick the loose pebbles, channeling your thoughts on the simple task instead of the last few hours of your life.
Your evening had been less than ideal. It started out well enough, with clothes scattered across the floor as you tried to find the perfect outfit and the radio seeming to pick your favorite songs. There was a skip in your step as you walked to the park, the idea of a first date caused your heart to flutter. 
You hadn’t known him very well high school, just enough to put a name to a face. It wasn’t until he became a regular customer at Scoops Ahoy that the name really stuck in your head. He was nice enough, ginger curls framed green eyes that sparkled when he laughed. After ordering a mint chocolate chip cone for the hundredth time that summer, he slipped you his number along with the cash he owed you. You decided to go call him, despite Steve’s bitching about ‘having a bad feeling’.
His spidey-sense seemed to be working, because here you were, kicking rocks on your way home from being stood up. 
The roar of a car engine comes from behind you, giving you enough time to step onto the side of the road and out of its way. Instead of zooming by, it slows down, until eventually stopping. You tense up as you stare through the darkness the hides the driver. It’s not until they roll down the window that you recognize the familiar red BMW and its driver. 
“Hey, what’re you doing?” concern is evident in Steve’s words as he leans over the center console to get a better look at you. He doesn’t need to look hard to see the goosebumps on your legs and distress in your eyes. 
“I can’t even get rid of you on my days off, huh?” you quip, not quite wanting to answer his question. You really weren’t in the mood for an ‘I told you so’. 
“I guess not.” a light-hearted chuckle causes his lips to twitch up. After a beat of silence accentuated bit awkward glances, he decides to ask you again. “What’re you doing out here this late?” 
A renewed wash of embarrassment and anger coil in your stomach, burning its way to the tips of your ears. It was one thing to admit it to yourself, but to Steve? 
“I was supposed to meet up with someone tonight, but he never showed. So I guess I’m doing an awkward walk of shame.” you offer him a small shrug, eyes staying trained on how the red tie of his Scoops uniform sways with his movements. He must have just gotten off the closing shift. Either that or he secretly liked how the sailor shirt fit him. If you’d had the courage to look up, you would have seen how his brows knit together in thought. 
“Was it the curly-headed kid?” 
A frown pulls down not only your lips, but drags your gaze to the gravel road. All you can do is nod. 
Steve shifts, bringing a hand his mouth. A conversation he had with Robin playing in his head - 
“I don’t like that kid.” Steve’s pacing the back room as you scoop yet another mint chocolate chip cone. 
Robin throws a glance his way, then back to her nails. She gives a dramatic sigh, “And why is that, Steve?” sass dripping from her every word. 
“I- I don’t know! Just something about him that-” he shakes, sticking out his tongue in disgust, “-doesn’t feel right.” 
Robin looks to her whiteboard. Steve’s failed flirtations defined through tallies written in black marker stares back at her, but something else jumps out. She looks back to Steve, arms crossed and toes tapping. She follows his gaze not to the boy on the other side of the counter, but to the person standing behind it. Then it clicks. 
“Holy shit.” Luckily, her words were not enough to break Steve from his lovestruck gaze. She lets him get immersed just enough before popping his bubble. “Earth to Steve! Hello?”
His gaze snaps back to Robin, pink instantly flooding his cheeks. More evidence to prove her hypothesis. How come not one of the three coworkers could see what was going on? 
“Maybe, you’re mad someone’s beating you to the punch.” she gives him a pat on the shoulder before walking through the door and to the back of the counter, beside you. She sends him a wink as she sees the lightbulb behind his eyes, the first indication of his revelation. 
“Can I give you a ride home?” It was an offer he had given you many a time, but it felt different tonight. It was shelter from the cold, a reminder that you weren’t alone. It was the first time you noticed a butterfly taking off at his words, but the feeling was familiar around him. 
“Are you sure?” The last few hours creep back to ask one last question. Steve’s warm smile and nod melt away the last grips of cold. You offer him a small thanks before climbing into the passenger’s seat. Before you can buckle your seat-belt, Steve reaches into the back seat and grabs an extra jacket, offering it to you. You wrap yourself in his windbreaker, pulling it tight enough to your chest to smell the linger hairspray and cologne. 
The car ride continues in comfortable silence, neither of you knowing what to say, but having the other’s company is more than enough. 
Before you know it you’re outside your house and the realization that you need to leave sinks in your stomach. Your fingers rub the cuff of his jacket’s sleeve, absentmindedly trying to memorize the feeling before giving it back. 
“You can hold onto that, just give it back to me our next shift.” Steve’s words interrupt your thoughts. You turn to him, finding him with his arms laying in his lap, fiddling with his fingers. You recognize the habit, something he does whenever he has to say something he’s nervous about, like telling a little kid they’d run out of their favorite flavor. 
A million and one thoughts raced through Steve’s head. Something about how the moonlight catches and highlights your face makes him weak. Mint chocolate chip kid didn’t deserve to waste your time like this. Steve wants nothing more than to ask you on a date right then and there, but the sense of urgency melts away under your warm gaze. No one has looked at his this way before, like he was a safe place to run to, like he was home. Someone may have beaten him to the punch, but it was no contest. 
“Thank you, Steve, for everything.” you reach across the center console to gently take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze. 
“Of course, I’ll always be here for you.” the softness of his voice only strengthens his words. You believed him, knew you’d hold him to his word, and that he’d stick to it. Steve would always be here for you, and that’s all you needed. 
So with that, you give his hand one last squeeze, and pop the door open. You climb out of his BMW, making sure not to slam the door when you close it. As you walk to your front door, you hold you hand to your heart, the feeling of Steve’s hand lingering. 
Steve sits outside your house until he sees you get inside safe, the whole time his fingertips trace where yours had been moments ago. He hoped the feeling of your hand in his would be one he’d become used to, like the cotton of his favorite shirt. His hands eventually find their way back to the steering wheel, his car finding its way back on the roads that lead to his house. 
Most night he hated the drive home in the dark. Knowing the house that waited for him would be dark and cold, but tonight when he rolled into the driveway he finds light in a window. A lamp was left on in the living room, greeting him with its muted yellow. It reminds him of you -warm and helpful- and for the first time in a while, he feels at home.
@kurtsbuckethat​ @harrington-ofhawkins​
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Eccentricity [Chapter 10: Stay, I Need To Be Myself]
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed the fluffy times while they lasted. 😉
Series Summary: Joe Mazzello is a nice guy with a weird family. A VERY weird family. They have a secret, and you have a choice to make. Potentially a better love story than Twilight.
Chapter Title Is A Lyric From: “Where Were You When The Sky Opened Up” by The Dangerous Summer.
Chapter Warnings: Language, sexual references (not graphic), angstttttttttt.
Word Count: 6k. 
Other Chapters (And All My Writing) Available: HERE
Taglist: @queen-turtle-boiii​​​ @bramblesforbreakfast​​​​​​ @maggieroseevans​​​​ @culturefiendtrashqueen​​​​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​​​​ @escabell​​​​ @im-an-adult-ish​​​​​ @queenlover05​​​​ @someforeigntragedy​​​​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​​​​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhyee​​​​ @deacyblues​​​​ ​ @tensecondvacation​​​ @brianssixpence​​​​ @some-major-ishues​​​ @haileymorelikestupid​​​ @youngpastafanmug​​​ @simonedk​
“Hey, it’s our song!” Joe turned up the radio as he steered his Subaru down the Lees’ cobblestone driveway and into a parking spot facing the woods. We’d been back from Chicago for a full week now, and—with the notable exceptions of classes and the early morning hours when Joe soundlessly crept out of my bedroom window—were very rarely apart.
“And I would do anything for love
I’d run right into hell and back
I would do anything for love
I’d never lie to you and that's a fact.”
“Uh, this is not our song,” I objected, the soles of my shoes propped against the dashboard. “I was not consulted. A couple’s official song cannot be a unilateral decision.”
“But I'll never forget the way you feel right now
Oh no, no way
And I would do anything for love
Oh I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that
No, I won’t do that.”
“Oh okay, what are you, the relationship police? Alright, Chief Baby Swan, let’s hear your brilliant suggestion. Wait, let me guess. Something by The Killers. Vampire Weekend. My Bloody Valentine. Is there a band called Chipotle Veggie Bowl?”
“Never Gonna Give You Up?” I suggested.
He laughed, dragging me over the center console and into his lap. “Oh, you are the worst!”
I straddled him in the driver’s seat, cupped his face in my palms, giggled as I touched my lips to his, soft and cool and lithe and inviting. When I broke the kiss, Joe pulled me back in, knotting his fingers through my hair. The way my thighs fit perfectly around him; that sharp, instinctual, now so familiar ache of longing. “I want you,” I breathed.
He pretended to be scandalized. “Right now? At this exact moment? In my parents’ driveway?”
“Yeah,” I confessed.
He grinned, unbuckling his belt. “Okay.”
“Yes. I’ve lost all sense of decency. I’m an animal. You’ve absolutely ruined me.” His hands travelled beneath my U Chicago sweatshirt and tore it over my head. Yes, he had converted me to Chicago apparel. It was very embarrassing. Let’s move on.
“I’m sorry,” I moaned softly. I lied. I wasn’t sorry at all.  
“I think we might need to get our own place.”
“Because I love the way you ruin me. And I want you to do it...” He went on, kissing me after each word: “All. The. Fucking. Time.”
I yanked off his Cubs t-shirt in one vicious tug. “We’re okay out here?” I didn’t really care; I should have, I was aware of that. But I didn’t. The Lees, most likely, would not call my dad to report us for public indecency. I could imagine Scarlett’s voice in my head, warm with approval: Get it, girl.
“Totally. And we’re far enough away from the house, Rami shouldn’t be able to hear us.” Joe nipped lightly down the side of my neck: carefully, always so carefully.
“He’d only get your side of things anyway.”
“Well yeah, that’s what I’m worried about! Your thoughts wouldn’t be so intrusive. I don’t care if he knows I’m a fantastic lay.”
“Oh, are you?” I teased, grinding my hips against him. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Joe smiled as he unbuttoned my jeans, deliciously slowly. “Well let me...just...refresh your...memory...”
I kissed him, roughly and deeply, arching into him, biting his lower lip. Yes, yes, yes...
Joe pulled away, still smiling but blinking and dazed. “Wow, all the sudden I feel...like...really calm.”
“Thanks...?” A week of almost constant sex might do that to a person. Sure, maybe, what did I know? My lips found his again. My hand skated down his bare stomach and into the waistband of his boxers. Joe began to help me peel off my jeans; then he stopped.
“Wait wait wait, I know this feeling.” Joe lifted me off of him and pushed me back into the passenger’s seat, gently but stubbornly. I tried not to be offended.
“Shhh.” He grabbed the headrest of my seat and twisted around to peer out of the rear windshield. I followed his gaze. There was a new car in the driveway, parked up by the front porch: an anonymous black Honda Civic. The plate said California. It was probably a rental. “Oh fuck,” Joe whispered. His eyes were enormous, glassy, horrified.
“What is it?”
“Stay here.” He threw on his Cubs t-shirt, zipped his pants, fastened his belt. “Stay down, stay quiet. And no matter what happens do not get out of this car, do you understand me?”
“Joe, why—?”
“Do you understand me?” His voice was low but severe, so incredibly unlike him; his dark eyes were flinty. Just like that night with the apples in Mercy’s kitchen, that night when Ben almost...
“I understand,” I heard myself reply.  
“Good.” Joe climbed out of the Subaru—smoothing his shirt and then his tousled hair—and rushed over to intercept the unsolicited guest. I peeked around my headrest to watch, my right palm braced against the center console, that feverish lust that had been rushing through my bloodstream gradually weakening, perishing, vanishing like seawater baked from the sand under a rising sun.  
The stranger stepped out of the Honda Civic, and although I knew his face, it took me a moment to place him. It was like—I could only imagine, having never been myself—a child stumbling into their movie heroines and beloved stuffed animals come to life during their first trip to Disneyland, amazed and yet somehow gut-twistingly uneasy as they gawked up at that grotesquely inflated cartoon face, that mask of lipstick and rouge that didn’t quite match their recollections, that dreamlike mirage plucked from pages or screens and impelled into a physical form that suddenly swallowed up space and gravity and oxygen. I had seen this stranger before in the massive painting that adorned Gwilym Lee’s upstairs office.
He was very tall and very beautiful, classically beautiful, Ben-level beautiful. Joe often jokingly referred to him as Idris Elba within the Lee household, and a mid-thirties version of Idris Elba was just about right. He wore an immaculately tailored grey suit and aviator sunglasses, which he removed to greet Joe, folding and then sliding them smoothly into the front pocket of his suit jacket. His face was solemn and observant; he had a closely-trimmed beard without a fleck of silver. He extended a hand, which Joe shook.
“Hey, Cato!” I heard Joe say, muffled through the walls of the Subaru. I couldn’t make out Cato’s replies; his voice sounded deep, rumbling, extremely level. “So nice of you to stop by! I didn’t know you were in town. Yeah, everyone’s doing great. Even Ben. Hahaha, yeah, you know how he is. You know exactly how he is. But it’s all good. Well look, I’m just gonna go run a friend home and then I’ll be back in fifteen, maybe twenty minutes and we can all chat. Okay? Awesome. Feel free to head inside, I’m sure Mercy would be thrilled to play hostess. There’s sweet tea in the fridge and a hummingbird cake on the counter and...oh, something else too...some weird type of cookies she baked this morning. Help yourself. I’ll be back before you can say ‘tyrannical vampire murder cult.’”
“Tyrannical vampire murder cult,” it looked like Cato replied without a hint of a smile. But he wasn’t paying attention to Joe anymore. His eyes had found the Subaru, and then me; he was staring with that intense, seeking bewilderment that reminded me of Rami and Lucy and Ben when I’d first met them, when they were still trying to puzzle out why my mind (and my mind alone) was a night-draped, silent ocean of the unknown.
He's trying to read me, I realized. He’s trying to read me and he can’t.
Joe was jogging back to the Subaru now. At last, Cato turned away from me and headed into the house. The carved pumpkins from Weber’s Farm still lined the front porch: Scarlett’s Thunderbird, Archer’s Vantage, Rami’s swooping bat, Lucy’s moon and stars, Joe’s moustached jack-o-lantern, my (but actually Gwil’s) snapshot under the sea, Ben’s miniature Lee residence complete with the winding cobblestone driveway. Joe swept into the driver’s seat, adjusted his rearview mirror, and spun out of the parking spot.
“Goddammit,” he hissed as we barreled down the driveway.
“Why is Cato here?”
“I have no idea.” Joe looked straight ahead as he drove, preoccupied, consumed with possibilities. His fingers drummed the steering wheel. “We have to pay dues to them, all the covens do. Gwil cuts a check. But that’s not until around the New Year. That’s almost always when Cato stops by. Collects the payment, interrogates us in a way that masquerades as conversation, hangs around town for a few days, reports back whatever we’re up to...which usually isn’t much. Holidays with the extended family, gotta love it. I don’t know why he would be here now.” Joe shook his head. “Maybe something to do with Ben. It would have to be Ben. There’s no other reason.”
“And you don’t want him to know about me.”
“No, I don’t.”
“But...Cato isn’t all that dangerous,” I said, not understanding. “Is he?”
“Not alone, no. But the people he works for are.” Joe sighed, glancing over at me as he drove, serious and sorry and sad. “There’s a lot of violence in my world. A lot of darkness. I’ve tried to protect you from that as much as possible. And maybe I’ve done too good a job, maybe it’s too easy for you to forget what we really are. Most vampires aren’t like Gwil’s coven. They’re not like me. They kill easily and unrepentantly. And I don’t want any of them knowing that you exist, that you’re a weakness of ours. I want them to know as little about you as physically possible.”
“A weakness,” I repeated. I didn’t like that.
He smiled faintly. “It’s a compliment to be somebody’s weakness, Baby Swan.”
“I guess so.” The towering pine trees whipped by in a verdant blur. The sky above was thick and grey and churning. “You’ll be okay, right? Ben will be okay?”
Joe seemed to find that amusing, ridiculous even. “You don’t need to worry about us.”
“But I still do.”
“We’ll work it out, whatever it is. Cato is a reasonable guy. And Ben is definitely capable of...well. Advocating for himself.”
Capable of unparalleled carnage, he means. The memory of the first day I’d met Ben hit me like a hurled stone, illuminated my mind like a pulsing neon sign: the coiled tension in his muscles, that mindless, animalistic hatred in his eyes. Yes, he must be quite the monster when he wants to be. But he didn’t want to be anymore. I knew that completely, unquestioningly.
Joe pulled into Charlie’s driveway. The police car was gone; my 1999 Honda Accord and Charlie’s Toyota Corolla rested idly side by side. My dad would be working late tonight, until eight or nine at least. A pang of loneliness struck in my gut, just beneath the ribs; I had grown so accustomed to the absence of solitude, of quiet. The silence suddenly felt so loud.
“Don’t let it ruin your night,” Joe said as I got out of the Subaru. His words were affectionate; but his voice was still distracted, distant. “Don’t let it bother you. Everything will be fine, I promise. And as soon as Cato’s gone, everything will go back to the way it should be.”
“Okay,” I replied, not feeling very comforted at all. I don’t like the way he pushed me off him when he saw the car. The way he’s barely looked at me since. The way he called me a weakness.
Joe was already checking his mirrors, preparing to leave.
“Hey. Mob guy.” I leaned into the rolled-down window. “I love you.”
And the grin lit up Joe’s face like the sun. He crawled across the passenger’s seat, drew me into him by the collar of my brand new U Chicago hoodie, kissed me until that wild, interrupted desire was flaring up again in my arteries and nerve endings and everywhere else. The thunderous clouds in my skull split open. Everything’s still okay. It really is. “I love you to death. And then back again.” He retreated and shifted the Subaru into reverse. “I’ll see you soon. But maybe not too soon, I might be tied up with this family thing for a while. Don’t wait up tonight.”
“No problem. I’ll just call one of my other monster boyfriends to keep me company. The werewolf should be free. It’s not a full moon, is it?”
“No bestiality,” Joe retorted sternly. “That’s illegal, ma’am.”
I smiled and waved as the Subaru swerved out of the driveway and disappeared. Everything’s okay, I told myself, standing in the front yard under darkening skies. Everything will be okay.
And I kept telling myself that, again and again like Hail Marys, until I was dozing off in my bed alone six hours later.
Hit It And Quit It
I dreamed of the beach at La Push—my toes wriggling beneath the cold sand, the ricocheting cries of seagulls, the primordial growl of the frothing waves—and woke up with the ghost of saltwater in my sinuses. I grabbed my iPhone off the nightstand. Two new texts: one from Archer—Hey would it be distasteful or hilarious to dress up as Dracula for the Lee Halloween party? Asking for a friend.—and one from Jessica asking if she could copy my Marine Botany homework. Absolutely nothing from Joe.
When was the last time I didn’t have a text from Joe waiting for me in the morning? I struggled to remember, my mind still foggy with snippets of dreams. A week? Two weeks? A month? It felt like forever.
I tapped out a text to Joe with my clumsy, just-waking-up thumbs: I am resolved. No more nights with my werewolf boyfriend. Dude scratched the hell out of me and then barked at the mailman. Had to drop him off at the SPCA for neutering. See you soon! xxxx
I tried not to obsessively check my phone as I showered, got dressed, gathered my textbooks and notepads and pens. And yet still, I noticed: Joe didn’t text me back.
The rain poured from a grey sky all through my drive to Calawah University, Marine Botany class with Jessica, our frantic dash across campus beneath her hot pink umbrella to Forks And Spoons. My human friends had custody of me during lunchtime today. Angela was studying for a Computer Science quiz, Eric working on an article for the Calawah Chatterbox, Mike histrionically lamenting a sprained ankle coming just on the cusp of basketball season. Jessica bought me a chocolate chip muffin as thanks for texting her a picture of our Marine Botany homework this morning. Ah, the sweet taste of academic dishonesty.
I was relieved—more than I would have liked to admit—that all five Lees were at their usual lunch table, looking worn and tired but normal enough. Ben was hiding behind a pair of sunglasses and his black U Chicago hoodie that Joe and I had bought for him last weekend, sipping steaming tea out of a mug that he gripped with both hands. Scarlett flipped moodily through an astrophysics textbook. Rami repeatedly tapped the tabletop with a pen while Lucy knitted a lavender sweater, never raising her eyes from the jumble of yarn in her lap. They all murmured to each other in low, furtive voices, their mouths barely moving. Joe gave me a wave and a drawn smile; but only after I waved first.
Angela was now scolding Jessica for her lack of moral integrity.
Jess rolled her eyes, gnawing on a chicken finger that was burned black around the edges. “I’m here ostensibly to become an anthropologist and in actuality to find a hot rich husband, not to learn how to identify like sixty different types of algae.”
“Then why even take Marine Botany?” Angela asked, confounded.
“Calawah University forces every student to take at least two science classes, even if you’re a humanities major. Because they’re fucking fascists.”
“Oh, fascists, a big word for you!” I congratulated Jessica, patting her shoulder before returning my attention to my homemade veggie quesadilla and leftover slice of Mercy’s hummingbird cake. I was getting so good at this eating respectable meals thing. Joe would be proud.
Angela chuckled. “How’s that finding a husband thing going, by the way?”
“Awfully,” Jessica sighed. “I had this really promising flirtationship going with a frat boy in my Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic class. Ellsworth Jonathan Griffin, gorgeous blue eyes, blond man bun, his dad is a partner at a corporate law firm in Los Angeles. That’s the stuff dreams are made of. But I’m pretty sure he dropped out because I haven’t seen him in a few days. Also he would bring Absolut vodka to class in an Aquafina bottle.”
“You can probably do better,” I said.
“Well we can’t all end up with Lee boys, now can we?” Jess snapped irritably.
When it was time to depart for our afternoon classes, I met Joe in the doorway of Forks And Spoons, linked my fingers around the back of his neck, tugged at his dark, auburn-tinted hair.
“You okay, mob guy? You seem a little...” Exhausted? Edgy? Sad? “...Distracted.”
“I’m good. I’m great.” He kissed me briefly, fleetingly. No big deal; after all, we were in public. Right? “Are you cool to hang out later?”
“Absolutely. Can we go to La Push if it stops raining? I know it’ll be cold, but I woke up with the beach on my mind and haven’t been able get it out all day.”
“You got it. Can I meet you there? I have to take care of a few things first. Have to, uh, hunt.”
I stared up at him, feeling my stomach drop, feeling rapidly and jarringly off-kilter. Joe rarely mentioned hunting around me...not in a serious way, at least. It was one of those things that knocked me out of the fantasy of how compatible we were, how possible. It was a reminder of all those interminable differences that lived in the hushed space between us. “Okay.”
“I’ll...I’ll explain everything then. At La Push.”
“Okay,” I said again, very uncleverly. What’s going on here? What exactly did Cato say?
Joe smirked; finally a flash of playfulness, that contagious light he was built of. He smoothed my hair with one feather-light stroke of his hand, touched his lips to my forehead. “Don’t be late to Chemistry. I can’t have you failing out.”
“Of course not. How would I be able to get my Marine Biology PhD from U Chicago?”
But Joe didn’t laugh, didn’t even smile; he just left.
Ben was hunched over our table in Professor Belvin’s classroom, his arms encircling his notebook, the pen in his hand scribbling frenziedly. The window was wide open; the rain outside had weakened to a docile drizzle. He was still wearing his sunglasses. He didn’t acknowledge me at all.
“Rough night?” I asked, sliding into the seat beside him.
“Want to talk about it?”
“I definitely do not.”
“I’m sorry,” I told him. Ben glanced up, his thick eyebrows raised; they peaked just above the rims of his opaque sunglasses. “Whatever it is, I’m sorry.”
For a long time, Ben just looked at me; maybe wanting to say something, maybe just feeling that decorum necessitated it. “You shouldn’t be,” he replied at last. And he spent the rest of class paying no attention whatsoever to Professor Belvin’s lecture on the Pauli exclusion principle and instead scrawling untidy Welsh phrases into the formerly pristine pages of his notebook.
It was just after 5 p.m. when I arrived at La Push, the tires of my 1999 Honda Accord crunching over the gravel of the small parking area, the wind whipping ferociously. Joe had gotten there first; he was sitting on a rock down by the water with his back to me, peering out over the Pacific Ocean, tossing pebbles and shells into the waves. We had an hour of daylight left. The sky was obscure, grey, dim. Fine droplets of rain like mist sailed through the biting autumn air and clung to my skin.
When Joe spotted me, he leapt off the rock and watched me approach with his hands in the pockets of his North Face jacket. He wasn’t wearing anything Chicago-related today, which was highly unusual. I waited for him to touch me, to hold me, to tell me that everything was okay and always would be...at least for the next ten to fifteen years. He didn’t. “Hey,” he said instead.
Joe nodded down the beach. “Let’s walk.”
I have never been especially good at mundane, monotonous rambling. That’s a Scorpio thing. And yet monotonous rambling is exactly what I did: I prattled on about my classes, Charlie’s bowling league, Renee’s new life in Florida with Paul, the ocean, the weather, anything to fill that space between us that all at once felt so enormously significant. I was vaguely aware that I was afraid to stop talking; I didn’t want Joe to have the chance to say whatever was on his mind.
Finally, Joe stopped walking. He took my hand, ran his thumb over the faint scar from when I accidentally cut myself in Mercy’s kitchen. His shoes sank into the wet sand, left imprints there like fingerprints. He turned to face me, pained, grave, and oh god, far worse: guilty.
“What?” I asked, terror swelling in my lungs, my bones, some inborn warning of impending ruin.
Joe gazed out over the crashing sea, then came back to me, like a dislocated joint popping back into place. “I am so sorry.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I...” He spoke slowly, haltingly. “I thought that this was something that was doable. But I was wrong.”
“What...?” And then a possibility occurred to me, a glorious possibility. Of course. A grin erupted across my face. “This is a joke, right? You’re joking, you’re always joking, this is just—”
He shook his head. He wasn’t joking. I wrenched my hand out of his and stared up at him in furious disbelief.
“It’s not fair to you,” Joe said. “This thing, being with someone like me. I can’t give you a future. I can’t give you an uncomplicated existence. I mean, come on, you have to worry about getting murdered around my own family—”
“Do you have fucking amnesia?” I demanded, incredulous. “Joe, we just talked about this. We just made plans to move to Chicago after graduation, we agreed that it was what we both wanted. I don’t want a normal human boyfriend. I don’t want normal human in-laws. I want you, Joe, and Ben, and Mercy and Gwil, and Rami and Lucy and Scarlett, I want the whole ridiculous Lee family package and there’s nothing you could say to make me decide that this isn’t worth it.”
“No, something happened, right? Something happened with Cato, or Ben, or someone, something happened and now you think that you have to do this but I’m telling you that whatever it is we can figure it out, we can figure it out together, isn’t that what you promised me?” He said he wouldn’t leave. He promised me he wouldn’t leave. All those things...all those things he said...
“Listen.” And now his eyes were stony. He didn’t call me Baby Swan. Oh, this is bad. This is so bad. “It’s not fair to me either.”
“And that’s what this is really about,” I realized. My voice was abruptly fierce, caustic. All those other women; those beautiful, graceful, immortal women. How did I ever think I could compare?
“It’s not personal.”
“It’s the most personal thing there is, Joe, it’s pasts and futures and love—”
“It’s not though.” He smiled, just barely. “Maybe we thought it was, but it’s not.”
It hit me like a brick, like a bullet; I couldn’t catch my breath. I was drowning in thin air, like a sawfish, like a shark. “Well I’m glad you figured that out on your own fucking schedule.”
“This was my fault,” he said. “All of it. And I am so profoundly sorry for the pain I’ve caused you, and I take full responsibility for it. I hope you’re able to move on knowing that there’s nothing you could have done differently. These are just the realities of my world. You’re better off in your own. And you’re going to make someone very happy someday.”
It's all so empty, so excruciatingly generic. “You’re a monster,” I seethed at him, tears stinging in my eyes.
“Yes,” Joe agreed softly.
“I hate you.” I wasn’t sure if I meant that, but I still said it. Maybe I could will it into being true, like how people find God after a particularly grim diagnosis; there’s no harm in trying to make it real. There’s nothing left to lose.
“That would be more than fair, given the circumstances,” he said. “I won’t bother you again. I’ll ask you to do the same for me.”
“Sure.” Tears were streaming down my cheeks now; my breaths were ragged, hitching. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from him.
A shadow of concern crossed his face, the first one I had noticed since yesterday afternoon. “If you need someone to drive you home, I’d be happy to—”
“I’d literally rather die.” And I left Joseph Francis Mazzello standing on the beach with the twilight wind in his hair and the sun setting behind him like time slipping through an hourglass.
I fled to my Honda, turned the keys in the ignition, covered my face with my hands and wept in raw, heaving shudders as Hungry Like The Wolf played from the mixtape that Joe had left in my cassette player. I ejected the mixtape, rolled down my window, tossed it out onto the rain-slick gravel. I couldn’t stand the thought of going home. Charlie would be at work until late tonight; Joe would never set foot in the house again.
I have to go somewhere. I can’t just sit in that goddamn bedroom. I can’t be alone.
I wheeled my car onto the main road and drove until I came to an unceremonious mechanic’s garage with a fractured concrete floor and cracks like spider legs across the windows. When I stepped out of my Honda, Archer raced over to meet me, beaming and wiping his hands clean with an oil rag.
“Hey, you know you’re not allowed to come here unless you bring Taco Bell with you...” Then he saw me, he really saw me. “Whoa, what—?”
And Archer caught me as I collapsed into his arms, sobs ripping through my throat like fangs.
Benjamin, 24 Hours Earlier
It was bad. Whatever this was, it was bad.
I knew because Rami could read Cato, and I could read Rami; the hazy wisps of color that unfurled from him were a hectic, wrestling electric blue: distress, grief, anxiety, denial. Cato’s own aura had always been rather unforthcoming—he tended towards deep, mellow greens and purples of congruence and contemplation—and forever tinted with an opalescent quality that spread like wildfire to the people around him, the people who were under his influence, that intangible calming and harmonizing effect, that irrational sense of wellbeing. Everyone in the room had that faint opalescence shimmering around them now, even Rami, whose unspoken turmoil remained a roiling rather than a storm. And I thought—not for the first time—that if Larkin was a spade that hollowed you out, scraped along the jagged snags of your split bones to empty you of any ambitions and loyalties that had come before, then Cato was the anesthetic that made the mangling go down smoother, the promise that you would someday still catch glimpses of innocence. Larkin was a purger, a purifier; Cato made you believe again.
There were pitchers of sweet tea and a heaping tray of butter pecan cookies on the living room coffee table. Cato sat on the neat white sofa, one leg crossed over the other, stoic, waiting. Rami stared vacantly from the loveseat; Lucy was beside him, her delicate bare feet tucked beneath her and her fingers laced through Rami’s, her brow knit into grooves of worry. Scarlett was next to me on the largest couch, her boots propped up on the edge of the coffee table, her hair in a long French braid, periodically cracking her knuckles. It was nearly the only sound. Mercy bustled around the room gifting everyone tall chilled glasses of sweet tea; Gwil stood by the virtual fireplace on the big-screen tv, his hands in his pockets, his lips pressed into a rigid line.
The front door opened, and Joe stepped inside, his car keys rattling in his fist. For as long as I’d known him, his color had so often been a bright and buttery yellow, his aura more visible and constant than anyone else’s. Lately, he was increasingly cloaked in the rosy pinks of love or the vivid, shifting, crimson reds of lust; and Rami and I bonded over our shared efforts to politely ignore that particular variety of thoughts.
Joe pointed to Cato. “What’s going on?”  
“How long?” Cato asked him.
Joe feigned cluelessness. “Huh? What do you mean? Oh, car chick?! That’s nothing. She’s just a friend.”
Cato blinked. “Do you really think I just arrived in Forks today?”
It rolled through Joe like a wave: surrender, apprehension, dread. The realization that Cato had been watching us for days, weeks even, meticulously keeping just enough distance to stay out of Rami’s range of hearing. Joe’s now-opalescent aura dipped from cerise to an agitated mahogany. “Two months.”
“And she’s talented.” Cato’s voice was impatient, incredulous; How could you be this stupid? that voice said.
“No,” Joe flared, like shards of wood cracking in a fire. “No, she’s got nothing to do with you, with us. With our world. She’s got nothing to do with it.”
Cato circled the fingerprint of his index finger around the rim of his misted glass of sweet tea, meditative. “In one hundred and seventy years, I have never met someone who I couldn’t find if I wanted to. And yet the second I turned my back on that girl, she was gone. Vanished. The world was a blank map. How is that possible?”
No one said anything. Finally, Cato looked to Rami.
“You can’t hear her thoughts, can you?”
“No,” Rami admitted.
“And how many times has that happened in...how old are you now, the same as Ben? How many times in the past century have you met someone who made you feel normal, weak even? Who made you feel human again?”
“Never,” Rami conceded.
“You too, right?” Cato asked me. “You can’t see what she’s feeling. She’s nothing but white noise.”
I nodded reluctantly.
“She’s talented,” Cato said again, decisive.
“Oh god,” I choked out, burying my face in my hands. Now I knew what Rami had heard. I knew everything.
Joe shook his head almost violently. “No, that’s not fair. There’s no way of knowing if that would translate to life as a vampire or how it would manifest. There’s no way of knowing if she would survive the transition at all. And none of us are ever going to find out because she has nothing to do with our world.”
“She does,” Cato insisted. “Because you brought her into it.”
Scarlett shivered beside me, crossed her arms over her chest, clutched her leather jacket tighter. “You can’t be serious, Cato. You’re not a monster, you know she might not survive—”
“And that would stop Gwil. It would stop me, sure. When has it ever stopped Larkin?” Cato gestured to me. “With him? With me? With Akari or Araminta or Liesl or Rigel or all the ones who didn’t make it, who died screaming as they scorched from the inside out? It has never stopped him because he doesn’t care. He finds talented people. He covets them, covets them jealously, like jewels or money or lovers. And they either become one of his possessions or they become nothing at all.”
“No,” Joe whispered. “No, no, no...”
Rami was shrinking into the loveseat, overwhelmed by the emotions in the room that were dragging his aura into whirling greys, those desperate and dark thoughts; not even Cato could mute them entirely. Lucy tried to soothe him, laid the back of her fine-boned hand against his cheek. Mercy covered her gaping mouth. Gwil studied the floor, thunderstruck, absorbing it all.
“This is a courtesy that I’m doing you right now,” Cato told Joe, his large palms clasped together, his voice sorrowful and yet unyielding, almost pleading. “This is a warning. If he finds out about her, about what she can do...he’s going to want her. And he gets everything he wants.”
“He can’t find out,” Gwil said hoarsely.
“No,” I agreed. Death or a hundred-year sentence. Either way, a part of you dies. Either way, a part of you ends up in a box six feet underground and clawing for the sun.
“What can we do?” Scarlett asked Cato. “I mean...is there anything we can do?”
“You have to get rid of her. That’s her only chance. Get her out of your orbit, away from our world, away from where Larkin or anyone who serves him would ever cross her path. I won’t tell him about the girl. I’ll try to deflect his attention. If she’s already been spotted, I’ll tell him that she’s useless, just another one of Joe’s litany of casual liaisons. And that’s a risk I’ll take, I’ll do it out of respect for your coven, Dr. Lee, and for Ben. But there is absolutely nothing I can do for you if Larkin finds out for himself. I don’t think I’m the only one he has watching you.”
“Of course not,” I said bitterly. “I’m sure he has all sorts of eyes on me. The white whale. The one that got away.” This is my fault. It’s all my fucking fault.
“It’s not,” Rami murmured; and nobody else heard my side of it, but I think they understood.
Joe’s aura was now murky, sunless, almost black. It was a color I hadn’t thought he was capable of. His eyes were slick and bleary.
“Son?” Gwil prompted. Mercy was sobbing into a handkerchief patterned with roses. Mom, I ached instinctively, before pushing the thought away.
“I won’t do it,” Joe said. “You’re asking me to break her heart and I won’t do it.”
I begged: “Joe, you don’t understand—”
“No, you don’t understand! You don’t understand what this will do to her, what it’s going to do to her for the weeks and months and years that come after, she might never forget—”
“Do you want her to end up dead or in a hundred-year contract?” Cato shot back. “Do you want to see how much of that girl you care about so much is left after a century with Larkin?”
Everyone’s eyes fell on me. I could feel them, full of pity and horror. I’m what’s left. Someone gutted of everything but rage and bloodlust.
“No, of course not,” Joe said. Thanks a lot, brother.
Cato smirked without any humor at all. He had known. “Then the choice is easy.”
“Son,” Gwil said again.
Joe gazed back at him with huge, agonized eyes. His words were brittle, raspy, hollow. “Dad, I love her.”
“I know,” Gwil replied. His aura was a blue like cobalt: profound sympathy, compassion, mourning. “And that’s why you’ll do the right thing.”
Twenty minutes later, I was puffing on my vape pen as I paced back and forth across the wrap-around porch like a caged bear, watching the sun disappear behind the western hemlock trees that raked the clouds. Gwil, Rami, Lucy, and Scarlett were with Joe; Mercy was trying to convince Cato to stay the night in one of the guest bedrooms. I could hear her ludicrously gracious protestations through the walls. “We know it’s not your fault, dear, this...this...situation. We know you’re just the messenger. And you’ve been so important to Ben all these years, so kind. It’s really no trouble at all...here, let me at least wrap up some cake for you to take...”
The front door opened and closed. Scarlett appeared beside me, resting her forearms on the porch railing. She sighed, closed her eyes, said nothing.
“This is going to destroy him,” I told her.
Scarlett nodded, her face bathed in silvery moonlight, marvelous and yet forlorn. The aura that surrounded her was a deep, despondent indigo. It matched the sky. “Yeah.”
“And to think...” I exhaled heavily, nicotine-tinged vapor vanishing into the damp night air. Rain was coming; I could feel it in my bones. “I was just beginning to like it here.”
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flowesona · 4 years
The Hermit - Yandere! Seokjin x reader
The Tarot Series
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Warning: Mentions of Suicide, Explicit Content
Seokjin could not find real love for the life of him. Everyone around him was too vain, too obsessed with themselves to care about him. Everyone was hungry for money, or attention, and it made him sick. In his desperation for romance he turned to the previously taboo area for relationships - the internet.
He could find someone that shared his passions. He was even prepared to pretend to like something, just to find that special someone. But luckily he didn’t have to seek out anyone as desperate as he was. She just stumbled into his lap incidentally.
He’d found that Discord was the easiest way to find friendly, chatty people to satiate his hunger for love. That was how he’d found her, on some server about a video game he’d played casually a few times. He’d been pleasantly surprised when she sent him a message individually, asking if he was down to play a few rounds with her.
He’d instantly asked his friend to borrow his console, since this girl didn’t use PC. Jungkook had been persuaded to hand over his console with enough bribery and guilt tripping, and Jin was set to win the game and her heart.
“What do you do for a living then?” (Y/N) was relaxed enough, sat back in her chair with her knees to her chest and eyes on the screen.
“I’m a model. You?” Her teammate answered simply. Sure, he was only beginning his career, but what harm could a little white lie do?
“A model? That’s really cool. Guess I’m going to be the ugly friend, huh?” She laughed, before going silent to focus on the game.
“You didn’t answer me. What do you do?” Jin didn’t seem content to let silence take over.
“I’m stuck in a permanent limbo buddy. I don’t really know what I want to do once I’ve graduated. If I graduate that is.” 
(Y/N) sighed, shifting in her seat slightly.
“I can help you. I’m successful enough to-” She laughed, cutting off his wheedling statement.
“Not happening. You can kill me before I let you become my sugar daddy, buddy.”
“Seokjin.” He responded quietly. “My name’s Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin.”
“Well, Jin if you want to help me out maybe take care of these people behind me?”
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
He’d finally convinced her to skype him, to allow him to see her face after weeks of asking. Jin’s fingers trembled as he typed in the username and sent the request, an odd feeling in his stomach. Anticipation but also a slight fear - what if she didn’t look how he imagined his ideal woman to be? What if he’d wasted all his energy on a catfish?
But the face that appeared on his screen was nothing less than that of a goddess. It was as if his fantasy had been projected before him, as if his Galatea had been breathed into life.
“Hey Jin? You okay?” Her words shook him out of his trance and he nodded eagerly.
“It’s nice to put a face to the voice.” He said light-heartedly, flashing her a charming grin.
“You catch the lea- oh hold on a second.” (Y/N) left briefly, leaving Jin to stare at his own reflection in pity, to see the sad man he had become doting endlessly after a girl who couldn’t talk to him for a full minute without being interrupted.
Luckily, he only had to suffer for a few minutes as she re-entered the view of the webcam with a decently sized package in her hands.
“Sorry about that buddy. I forgot that my shoes were being delivered today.” It was that repeated use of the casual nickname that was starting to make his heart ache. As if she saw him as a friend and nothing more.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” He called her attention away from her parcel, revelling in her ethereal face. “Do you have a boyfriend you’ve never told me about?”
“Nope.” She responded. “And don’t you even think about trying to weasel your way into that role.”
“Why? Would I not be the perfect boyfriend?” His tone was teasing but his heart was thumping in his chest at the conversation.
“You are the perfect friend, Jin. I would happily hook you up with one of my close friends some time if you’re looking for love.”
“Yeah….” Throughout the rest of their conversation there was a notable absence of Jin’s normal self. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t convince himself to be happy when she could never be his.
Yet he couldn’t stop himself. No matter how much she talked about him being a friend he was constantly pulled further into his obsession with her.
He hadn’t even realised that he’d gone too far when he contacted the leader of their discord (a personal friend of hers) to ask her last name. He wasn’t even aware of how fucked up it was when he solicited a professional to dig up as much personal information as possible on her. There wasn’t a sliver of sanity left when he ‘casually’ took a stroll through her neighbourhood, waiting for her to bump into him and invite him back to her place.
Jin had gone crazy for her, and she didn’t even know.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“(Y/N), you could do a lot better.” The older man said sternly, taking off his glasses. She stayed silent, hands on her knees to keep them from bouncing.
“I know, I might have rushed it since I was so busy with-” As the pair spoke, they were unaware of the third party spying on them. Jin had found a peephole in the storage room next to the professor’s office, and was watching the whole interaction with a second hand anxiety for her situation. 
“Well, there’s a few ways that you could make it better. I haven’t logged the grade in the system yet, so you could try again. Or, you can do me a little favour and I’ll log it as a B plus.” Jin watched in horror as (Y/N) cautiously nodded and got down on her knees, her hands unbuckling the older man’s belt.
He felt like he was going to be sick seeing (Y/N) being so intimate with another man, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to look away. He started to imagine himself in her professor’s position, thinking about how it would feel to have her mouth on him, her mischievous eyes looking up at him, and before he knew it he had one hand in his pants and another covering his mouth, hoping the walls weren’t too thin and they wouldn’t be able to hear their voyeuristic partner. But it was over too soon, (Y/N) standing up to wipe at her lips and muttering some kind of thank you as she left, trying to fix her appearance.
Jin started to make himself presentable as well, wiping his hand on his jeans. He checked back on the professor, seeing that he was packing away his laptop, ready to go home for the night.
Jin had to do something to stop this monster plaguing his (Y/N)’s life, and fast. 
He slunk out of the janitor’s closet, hoping to fit in as he walked to the parking lot. There, after checking that there weren’t any security cameras watching, he waited. Only half paying attention to his phone, some music blaring through his headphones so that he was camouflaged into the university setting, no one was even aware that he could possibly have the means to kill tucked away the back of his jeans.
Finally, the professor walked out, a tower of books in his hands. Jin approached him with a charming smile.
“Need any help there, professor? You seem to be struggling with that!” He offered, his hand outstretched to take some of the weight off his shoulders.
“Oh, thank you young man. My car is just over here.” The man smiled gratefully, bending to let Jin take the highest books on the stack before leading him to his vehicle.
“Just put them in the trunk for me. Thanks so much for your help.” Once all the books were loaded, the professor went to enter his car only to be stopped by the feeling of a gun being pressed to his back.
“Unless you want to die, get in the car. Act natural.” Jin muttered in his ear, easing the pressure off his hostage’s back for a second. “Don’t even fucking think about running or you’ll be dead before you know it.”
The professor gave a shaky nod, climbing into the driver’s seat as Jin sat in the passenger’s seat directly behind him.
“I want you to go to your home. Don’t think about acting up to get pulled over, got it?” He hissed. 
“Why are you doing this? I swear, if it’s money you want I’ll give you whatever you need, no questions ask-”
“I thought you were smarter than to question the man holding a gun to your back. Drive.” Jin snarled, his victim jumping into action once he felt a jab through his seat.
Jin didn’t even feel bad. In his mind, it was all just, punishing the man who was coercing his perfect (Y/N) into such gross, indecent acts.
Pulling up at his residence, the professor felt slightly more at ease, thinking he could just give this maniac money or his valuables and just be free. But Jin had other plans.
“Your laptop. Bring it with you into the house. You’ll need it.” He snapped, keeping the gun low enough that it wasn’t obvious to passersby but high enough that it was still a threat. His hostage nodded sullenly, pulling out his briefcase and laptop bag.
“Now, we’re going inside your house. I don’t want any funny business, got it?” Jin said quietly, following the professor as he unlocked his front door and entered, disabling the security alarm.
“What do you want no-”
“Where do you normally sit when you’re thinking?” Jin interrupted.
“My study, why? Please, whatever you want just tell me-”
“Go there. Sit in your chair or whatever.” Jin held the gun up higher. “I’m getting impatient.”
Once he was seated, Jin finally said what he wanted.
“Get out your laptop. You’re going to write a confession about everything you’ve done wrong, the young girls you’ve abused and apologise for it all.” His victim turned as pale as a ghost.
“I-I didn’t do anything, what are you on about-”
“I’ve seen it.” Jin snarled. “Getting those girls to do you 'favours’ for passing grades? You’re sick.”
He pointed the gun right at the professor’s forehead, pressing the cool metal into his skull.
“Get writing already. If you miss anything out then I’ll know.”
It was silent for a while, the professor’s pages slowly creeping on and on, detailing every incident from the start of his career onwards until that very day, all of which had been pushed aside for so long by loyal colleagues. But his crimes were not to be ignored for much longer.
He finished typing, having left his name at the bottom of the account.
“Send it to the university board, your colleagues, your family and the Gazette. Everyone. They deserve to know who you truly are.” Jin commanded lowly. 
“Why are you involved in this? Who told you?” The scholar questioned as he started to type out the names of his colleagues, giving occasional glances up.
“You fucked my girl, (Y/N), this afternoon. I saw the whole thing, and I’m not happy about it.” Jin answered, his hands shaking slightly. “What gave you the right to ask that of her, to make her some common whore for you when she’s so much more? You’ll get what’s coming to you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Okay, I sent it. Now what?” 
“Thank you. Now, you die.” The bullet was lodged in his victim’s brain before the man even had the chance to react, slumping forward onto his desk. Jin smirked, wiping the gun down before easing it into the corpse’s hand.
“I told you would get what was coming to you.” He taunted the corpse before leaving, praying that he hadn’t left a trace.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“(Y/N), you seem different.” Jin commented, only half concentrating on his gameplay. Most of his attention had been drawn by how stunning (Y/N) looked through her webcam. She was practically glowing, and Jin was honoured to have a front row seat to her euphoria.
“Oh. It’s kind of fucked up that I’m happy about this, but my professor shot himself yesterday apparently. He was a real creep and it’s weirdly liberating to be able to talk about what he did.” She sighed.
“Really?” Jin answered, heart thumping.
“He made me… well, at least he’s gone. He confessed to everything, so at least his victims are at peace knowing his crimes have been exposed.” (Y/N) said uneasily.
“Well, at least he can’t hurt you anymore.” She gave him a warm smile, only for it to fade in a few seconds.
“Jin! Concentrate! If we lose this round I’ll gut you like a fish.”
He laughed, finally satisfied to see how (Y/N) was happy once again with her troubles gone no sooner than they’d arrived.
He’d found his true happiness was making (Y/N)’s life better from the shadows, being her ‘buddy’ to her face but her knight in shining armour behind her back. He didn’t care who it was, he’d cut anyone who was being toxic out of her life. All for his idea of love.
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Mr. Self Destruct 3
Part One Part Two
Warnings: Bucky’s a bastard, control, PTSD and other lovely mental issues, noncon (oral, toyplay, restraints, vaginal and anal sex)
This is dark!Bucky Barnes and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary:  Bucky has been left by his closest friend. With no other choice, he works for Stark Industries in the name of both Stark and Rogers but before he can begin his new position, he is mandated to attend counselling. With you, the company’s resident therapist.
Note: I’m just taking a break from Tapestry for a day or two. I wanted to finish this little series first. This is just all the kink and darkness so enjoy. Love you all.
Anyway :) Please like, reply, and/or reblog if you read.
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Bucky didn’t show the next day. Even as you finished up with your last patient and waited around an hour. You laughed at yourself sardonically after you’d sat back and realized what you were waiting for. You expected to find him in your bedroom again but he wasn’t there either. He was definitely in control. Not just of the sessions, but your life.
It was the day after when he came around. Your last appointment was at three and you were free by four. You didn’t think to linger. You pulled on your jacket and grabbed your bag. You left behind your leather folder. You wanted to hide for as long as you could. Just until he came to haunt you again.
He was there in the lobby. You spotted him the moment you stepped off the elevator and he saw you too. You could tell he’d been expecting you. You tried to act as if you hadn’t seen him but there was no pretending with him. He reached the front doors before you and blocked the revolving escape. You slid to a halt on your wedged boots.
“It’s shitty out,” He said. “You need a ride?”
“No,” You glanced past him. “I’ll catch a train.”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound like a question.” He chuckled. “We’ve got a stop to make before we hit your little hole.”
“And if I refuse? Huh? You gonna hit me in front of all these people? You gonna drag me out kicking and screaming?”
“I won’t have to do that.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “One minute, let me turn the sound off here.” 
He flicked his finger across the screen before he turned it to you. You watched yourself on the screen, the uneven angle as the lens peeked out above a stretch of fabric; likely his pocket. It was you with your little silver bullet against your clit. The camera got closer and only your moans could be heard as the focus blurred between your bodies, the flash of his vibranium hand blocked it.
“Seems unprofessional to me,” He smirked. “I think Happy might agree. Maybe the licensing board too.”
You stared at him and reached to zip up your thick jacket. You nodded to him and pushed away his phone. “Just...let’s go.”
He leaned in as he tucked the phone away, “Good girl.” He slithered and your skin crawled. 
He backed away and waved you after him. You sighed and followed as he led you to another door. This one led to the attached garage along the side of the tower. He didn’t wait but strolled decisively through it and down the steps to the tarmac. You held the rail as your boots threatened to catch on the stairs.
A dark blue car chirped as he neared it and he opened the door. He dropped inside and you pulled open the passenger side door as he turned the engine. You slipped your bag in front of the seat as you sat and shut the door with a click. He backed out of his spot before you even had a chance to do up your seat belt.
“Can I ask where we’re going?” You ventured.
“You can,” He kept one hand on the wheel as he leaned casually on the console. “But you won’t have your answer til we get there.”
You bit down and lowered your chin. He was drawing it out as long as he could. Whatever he had planned. Whatever new humiliation he had devised. And you had no choice but to bear it. To feed from the hand that would close around your throat and choke the life from you. And if that failed, it would wrought the destruction of the little you held dear.
You kept your eyes down as he drove. The city was pale and lifeless as winter descended upon the fluorescent giants. The street lights loomed over the sidewalks and the mailboxes formed little hills beneath the snowy blanket. You touched your forehead as your vision blurred. The grim vision of the urban sprawl made it all too real.
When he pulled into the small plaza, you were confused. The little convenience store that advertised the lotto jackpot and Marlboro's was nothing special and you doubted he was taking you to the small Vietnamese eatery for dinner. Your eyes found the darkened shop nestled in the corner; a red sign flashing above XXX. No way.
“Out,” He turned off the car as he reached for the door handle. “Stop dragging your ass. I’d like to be out of this shit before it’s past my ankle.”
You climbed out of the car but forgot your bag on the floor. You tucked your hands in your pockets as the flakes gathered in your hair. He rounded the front of the car and whistled to you like a dog as he marched to the tinted windows of the sex shop. You shook your head and trailed after him.
You caught the door behind him and let it close heavily. You looked around at the mannequins in lingerie, the silicon and rubber toys lined along the shelves, and the explicit covers of porno DVDs. A woman with bright red hair greeted you from behind the counter and Bucky returned her cheerful hello. You stayed quiet and followed him.
You weren’t a prude but the last time you’d been to place like this was with your ex-husband. Nothing special, some lube and a cockring for him. You had mulled over a leather garter with studs but left empty-handed. A pathetic attempt to revive a dead relationship.
Bucky grabbed a mesh basket from the stack next to the counter and led you to the wall, though he seemed to have forgotten about you. He tilted his head at the vibes and narrowed his eyes. 
“I doubt you need anymore,” He scoffed.
He moved on and stopped sharply at the next display. He unhooked a leather crop and waved it through the air. He dropped it in the basket and you stared at its handle sticking out. He grabbed another item; a leather collar and matching leash, and added some straps to slip beneath a mattress.
“Bucky…” You said quietly as you grabbed the basket. “You don’t want to do this.”
He grinned and licked his bottom lip as he turned to you. “You don’t know what I want but I can show you.” His blue eyes bore into you. “You want me to deal with my control issues, this is how I deal, doc. And beneath all your repression, I know you want it. Your top drawer can’t hide it.”
You cringed and threw your hands up. “Call it therapy but it’s not that. This isn’t coping, this isn’t addressing the issue, this is feeding it. It won’t help.”
“You’re off the clock, doc,” He carried on along the shelf. “Give it up.”
You pursed your lips and shook your head. You tried to avoid looking at the toys, instead focusing on the price tags; pretended it was a grocery store or anywhere else. You looked up as he grab a set of plugs and quickly lowered your gaze again. He stopped and turned back to you.
“You wanna pick out some lube,” He still had the plugs in his hand; a kit, smallest to largest. “You’ll thank me for it later.”
He dropped them in the basket with the rest and spun back to the merchandise. You took a deep breath and glanced around. You crossed to the pyramid display of lubes; hot and cold, flavoured, scented, sensitive skin… The red-haired woman grinned at you as you peeked over at you and you smiled shyly and turned back to the oils.
“Anything in particular you’re looking for?” She asked as she neared.
“No, I… I have a sensitive ecosystem,” You offered. “Don’t really know what to pick.”
“Something water-based,” She advised as she reached to the rack. “This stuff’s good. It’s flavoured but shouldn’t cause any issues.” She smirked and looked over as Bucky scratched his head before a shelf of dildos. “Does he prefer sweets?”
“I guess,” You answered softly. “I’ll just take the strawberry. Everyone likes strawberry, right?”
“He seems open to a lot,” She commented. “You get half-off this brand with the plugs anyways.”
“Oh, thanks,” You grabbed the strawberry lube and smiled. 
You parted from the nosy cashier and crossed to Bucky as he moved onto the back corner. He turned and caught your hand before you could drop the bottle in the basket. He wrestled it from your grip and read the label. 
“Mmm, strawberry.” He remarked as he let it fall with the rest of his haul.
You wanted to cover your face and curl into a ball. You were mortified. He stopped before the mannequin in a strappy leather number with no real coverage. Tits out and everything else; ass framed by the thick straps. He raised his brows as he admired it.
“Find your size,” He pointed to it. “I know you’re probably more a lace woman but I think this will be...fun.”
He didn’t wait for a response. You sifted through the stack of plastic wrapped lingerie and fished out your size. You caught up to him again and he took it from you without a glance. He led you to the counter and plopped the basket on it.
The red-head began to scan each item at a time and filled a big black bag with them. Bucky tapped his gloved fingers on the counter as he waited. She smiled between you. “Special occasion?”
“You could say that,” Bucky answered. 
The woman giggled and hit total. Bucky reached for his wallet and swiped his card. He seemed unfazed by the exorbitant amount he’d just spent on sex toys. He took his receipt and his bag with a smile and a thanks. He grabbed your arm and pulled you close as he led you to the door.
“Now,” He said as he pulled open the door. “We’re ready.”
Bucky grabbed your keys from you as you walked up to your door. He unlocked it with one hand and ushered you inside with a point of his finger. You entered and he was close behind. You unzipped your coat as he set the bag aside and kicked off his boots. He hung his jacket over yours and you struggled to wiggle free of your own boots. 
He grabbed the bag again and urged you onward. When you reached your bedroom, his patience had worn thin. He shoved you in and closed the door with his foot. He placed the bag on your dresser and stirred through the contents. He tossed the lingerie at you and looked to the bathroom door.
“Go on, I’ll get it all ready.” He said. You didn’t wait for him to tell you twice.
You hid behind the door and stripped yourself slowly. You could hear him moving around on the other side. It took you several tries to untangle the straps and when you were certain it was correct, you stared down at your body. The straps were set in triangles around your tits and crisscrossed down to your crotch; another exposed vee. Your ass was propped up by the leather and you twisted as you tried to see it.
A rap of knuckles on the door and you swallowed. You opened it and Bucky raised a brow as he nodded over his shoulder.
“Go on.” He ordered and you stepped past him.
He grabbed the bag of toys and as you stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. He went into the bathroom and the sink cranked on. The straps had been secured, the leash was laid out, and only your bottom sheet remained on the mattress. Your head spun.
“Your ass looks great in that,” Bucky said. “Turn around.”
You turned and he looked you up and down. He neared and set his handful of toys on the night table. He stepped back and slipped his fingers beneath the straps along your shoulder. He rubbed them with his thumbs.
“Look at you, doc,” He purred. “You should start wearing this for our sessions.”
Your jaw tensed and you said nothing. He seemed amused by your visible irritation. He let go and reached for the leash strewn on the bed. He unbuckled the collar and spun back to you. You braced yourself as he wrapped it around your neck and secured it there. He tugged on the leash and you winced.
“Even better.” He let the leash hang limp and backed away as he pulled his shirt over his head. “Go on and get on your knees.”
You did as he said. You almost fell over as you did and stared at the carpet as he unzipped his fly. You listened to the rustle of his clothing. When he neared, he was entirely naked and it took all your strength to look up at him. He bent and grabbed the leashed again.
“Come on,” He pulled and you fell forward onto your hands. He snickered and led you around the room. You moved stiffly; thoroughly embarrassed. A literal dog. “It was like Pavlov. I know you’ve heard of him. They had words that they conditioned me with. Like sit.” He motioned and you lowered your ass. “Good girl.”
You trembled in anger. He wrapped the leash around his hand and pulled you closer. “Up. On your knees.” He yanked until you were almost against him. His cock bobbed before you. “Go on and get your bone, doggy.”
You glared at him and he thrust so that his cock poked you in the face. You flinched and lowered your eyes. You parted your lips and poked your tongue out to drag it along his length. You swirled around his tip and he twitched. You covered the head of his cock with your lips. His other hand went to your head and pushed you further.
He hit the back of your throat and you gagged. You barely fought it back as he forced himself deeper until your lips were against his pelvis. You reached to grip his thighs as you struggled to breathe. He relented but quickly crashed back into you. You slapped at him and clawed at his thick muscles. Your loud gulps filled your ears and added to the churning of your stomach.
He moved his hips in time with your head. He fucked your mouth steadily as his groans floated from him. He was like an animal, rutting into you faster and faster. He was fed by the noises of your distress; his power over you. Your body was his to use as they had his.
He sank as deep as he could as his thrusts slowed. He spasmed and grunted. A carnal growl. He came down your throat as your head swelled from lack of air. He held himself at his limit until he was done. He tore you off of him, your leash taut as he kept you from slumping over. His cum dripped from your lips with your spit.
He yanked you up to your feet and dragged his thumb through the mess along your chin. His hand slipped down and stretched over the collar. He unhooked the leash and let it fall to the floor. He backed you up until your knees met the bed.
He shoved you and you fell onto the bed with a bounce. He climbed up after you and pulled on you until you moved. He shoved your wrist into a restraint and secured it tightly. He did the other and then your ankles. He knelt between your legs and tweaked your nipples roughly. You whimpered and he snarled in delight.
He reached to the night stand and grabbed the bottle of lube. He squirted the cool oil between your legs and shoved his fingers down to spread it along your folds. He lifted a brow as he found you wet. He chuckled.
“Oh, doc, you can’t hide it. Not from me.” He continued to rub you and you tried not to squirm. “Maybe that’s the problem, hmm? Did you hold back with the husband? That why he left?”
You bit your lip and looked away from him.
“All you wanted to do was talk but you sure are quiet now,” He taunted and dipped his fingers inside of you.
“He held back,” You snapped. “I left him, okay?” You tried to close your legs but couldn’t move against the restraints. “Cause he didn’t wanna fuck me anymore.”
“Good riddance, then.” 
He pulled his hand away and leaned over to grab the dildo he’d chosen from the bunch. It was big and thicker than any you owned. He placed it against you and slowly pushed inside. You gritted your teeth as it stretched you. He stopped as it filled you entirely and you gasped.
Slowly, he began to work it in and out of you. You gripped the straps as your body tensed and your breath hitched. He sped up as he sensed your pleasure mount. As you desperately fought against it. As the moans escaped you and betrayed you to him. Soon, he was slamming the dildo into you as your voice rose without thought.
You came with a curse. You squeezed your eyes shut but could sense his satisfaction. He gloated as he continued to fuck you with the toy. The squelching filled the room and your head. He stopped and let the toy slip out on its own.
“When you did fuck,” The bed shifted as he spoke. “Was it boring? Did he even try?”
“I… Early on, he did. And then, I guess he just didn’t care so long as he came.” You said quietly. 
You’d never told anyone the true troubles of your marriage. You’d fed them all the excuse of too much time apart for work and too many differences. It was all true but the lack of intimacy was the worst of it.
“And did you ever…” He paused and you opened your eyes. He held up a plug and your mouth fell open. “Try anything… new?”
“No,” You said as you eyed the toy. “No, please, I never…”
“We’re starting small,” He coaxed. “Tell me you didn’t divorce that moron to fuck yourself with that pathetic bullet every night.”
You stayed quiet as he undid your binds one at a time. He turned you over and you didn’t offer much resistance. Couldn’t. He was too strong. As he strapped you down on your stomach, you raised your head.
“Are you… recording this too?” You asked as you tried to look at him behind you.
“If I am, it’ll be for my own pleasure,” He assured you. “But I already have more than enough footage, doc.”
Your dropped your head back to the mattress and huffed. His knees pressed against you thighs and a cool trickle seeped between your cheeks. He spread it with his metal fingers and circle your tight ring. It tickled and you flinched. He pushed against your hole and slowly his finger stretched you.
He drew his finger in and out several times as you hissed. It hurt but it wasn’t an unbearable pain. Something about it was delicious and you hungered for more. He shoved another finger inside and you dug your nails into the sheet. You grunted as he played with you.
He pulled out and for a moment, silence. The cap of the lube flicked and you felt a new pressure against your ring. Harder, colder. He pushed the plug in little by little. You whined until he had it in entirely and your ring closed around the stem. You head lolled back and forth as you moaned.
“I always knew you were a tight ass, doc,” He slapped your ass with his metal hand and you yelped. 
You felt the straps slacken around your ankles and he lifted your hips. He pushed his thighs under yours and his cock poked along your vee. He reached between your legs and rubbed his tip against your folds. He entered you easily. Your walls welcomed him as he sank into you completely.
“Doc, my god,” He groaned. “Shit. He missed out, didn’t he?”
He thrust and you moaned. He did it again and you moaned. Again. Each time he did it, you couldn’t hold back. You couldn’t stifle the sheer pleasure of being so full. And then he wiggled the plug as he fucked you. You’d never felt anything so intense. 
The sparks began to spit from your core and seared along your flesh. With each rock of his hips, you grew louder and his hips moved faster. Your back arched as he continued to toy with the plug inside you and his other hand slid down your back. He spread his fingers across your back and held you down.
He pulled the plug out and you gasped. He was quick to fumble around and grab another. He pushed inside and you let out a series of pathetic mewls. It was bigger than the last. You slowly adjusted to it though it hurt all the same.
He grunted with each plunge. Your panting mingled with his and your bodies sang a carnal tune. You could hear it all; the friction, the wetness, the sheer animalism. You came again but couldn’t even cry out as your eyes rolled back. You drooled onto the sheet as the bed jolted below you.
He came too. And he didn’t pull out. You didn’t care as the ripples washed over you. He slowed and exhaled loudly as he leaned back on his heels. He slapped your ass again as he pulled out. His cum leaked from you.
He backed up and dropped your hips back to the bed. He took the dildo and lined it up with your entrance. He slammed it into you and you yiped. He held it there and grabbed the end of the plug with his other hand. Slowly, he slipped it out of you as your ring stretched around it. The emptiness was both a relief and a disappointment.
And then he pulled the dildo out too. He lined himself up with your hole and you tugged at your binds. “No, no…” You whispered. “Please. It’s too much.” 
He stretched you around his tip as he ignored your pleas. He pulled back and pushed back in. He repeated the motion several times, each time, pushing further in. He sank down entirely as he spread his body over yours and you exclaimed. Your eyes were singed by sudden tears.
“Bucky!” You cried. “Jesus fuck, get off of me.”
“Shhh.” He covered your mouth with his hand as he reached out with his other arm. “We both know you want this. You want to be controlled.”
He thrust and you squealed into his hand. His other snaked beneath you and you heard a click. The bullet buzzed against your stomach as he slid it lower. He pressed it to your bud as he ground against you. The vibrations flowed through you. His groans trickled through your veins like venom.
He held the vibe to you with his hand, his other clasped over your lips. You breathed frantically as he sped up. You closed your eyes as you body shook against your will. You came violently. The pure pleasure intertwined with an agony so sweet. You shuddered beneath him and it fed his fervour.
He removed his hand from your mouth and pulled his arm from beneath you. He left the bullet to roll beneath you, still buzzing. He planted his hands on either side of you and lifted his pelvis and slammed back into you. He did it over and over again, his flesh slapping loudly against yours. The pain reverberated through you.
He snarled and hissed. He balled the sheet up in his fist as his other went to your head. He pulled your head up and whispered in your ear. “This is what it felt like. I hated it and loved it all the same.” 
He grabbed the back of your collar and curled your back as he dropped his hips. He fucked you into the mattress as the leather grew tighter and you gasped for breath. And you felt him cum. The current of warmth within was soothing. He slowed and rested his weight over you. He exhaled in your ear as he unhooked his fingers from the collar and stayed inside of you.
“Gee, doc,” He breathed. “I feel a lot better now.” He rolled his hips and you murmured. “A lot lighter.”
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lovelikedestiny · 4 years
May trust be my blanket
With a startled blink Nile accepts the car keys Andy is holding out to her without a word and with a clearly encouraging look that does not allow any contradiction. Of course, it is not uncommon for Nile to drive their getaway car, although it took Andy a while to voluntarily give up her place behind the wheel. But when the others are busy giving them cover or when Nile is the only one with functioning limbs or the fastest, she's behind the wheel and steers them out of the danger zone.
But today is the first time that Andy gives her the keys without a protest, or a laughable discussion and Nile doesn't know why. Neither Andy, nor Joe or Booker are injured, so they have to heal and therefore cannot drive, and the mission actually went off without a lot of blood and guts. Nile finally has no blood in her hair, which is really hard to get out and her shirt only has two holes in it and luckily is not one of her favorite tops. However, Nile has learned to listen to her superiors and to trust their decisions and it is natural that she sees Andy as her boss. The others do that too and with Andy's badass charisma and her iron will, it's no wonder. So, Nile slides behind the steering wheel and starts the car while Andy takes the passenger seat and Joe and Booker climb into the back seats. As soon as Nile drives off, she sees in the rearview mirror how Joe's knee jerks restlessly up and down and his dark gaze constantly scans the area outside the window. It is very likely that he will not relax until they have picked up Nicky. And Nile, who has often observed the centuries-old couple interacting with each other, cannot blame him. Nicky and Joe kind of come in twos and just like everything else they do, they're disgustingly cute even on missions. The alley in which they are supposed to pick up Nicky is a few minutes away from their place of work and is inconspicuous. The Italian acted as their sniper during this mission and was positioned in a skyscraper near the office complex, from where he had a perfect field of vision and the greatest possible range of fire. Nicky had been lying in wait there for three days because Copley had been unable to narrow down the time window for their target's arrival. Nile would have been too impatient for this job and is still wondering how Nicky manages to lie motionless for hours in front of a telescopic sight waiting for the one ideal shot, but the former crusader has more patience than anyone else Nile knows. Because of this, she was glad that she, Andy, Booker and Joe had to make sure that no one was around to make things as easy as possible. Nile would rather have something to do than to be condemned to wait somewhere and she would have gone mad in the sniper's nest that Nicky had set up in a small apartment. They haven't seen Nicky for three days, couldn't give up their covers to be ready at all times, and the separation from his husband pretty obviously gnaws at Joe. But even Nile cannot deny having missed Nicky, who is a calm and grounding constant in their small group. There is no way she can tell whether Nicky was bothered by being alone, the Italian is not a man of many words and mostly quiet, but she hates not having anyone to talk to and would probably have started talking with a bag of chips or a granola bar. Even though Nicky had been physically separated from them, his radio announcements had continued to be gentle and reassuring, and he had even joked with them - this man's humor is dry as a desert and comes out when Nile least expects it. As soon as she steers the car into the alley, Nicky steps out of the shadows of a building, equipment casually slung over his shoulder, but Nile can see that his steps are slow and exaggeratedly clear, as if struggling to walk properly. There is nothing she can do about the emerging worry in her stomach, but the worried flame is dimmed a little when she cannot see any blood on his clothes and finds no further signs of a fight on him. So, he's just exhausted. And Nile can handle that, she wouldn't feel differently after spending three days in one position either. Exhaustion is far better than any of the unexpected complications guns and death bring with them. The getaway car hasn't even come to a complete halt when Joe opens the back door and Booker gets up from his seat and makes himself comfortable on the floor, which Nile registers with furrowed eyebrows. Why does Booker sit on the floor when there's enough room in the back for him, Joe and Nicky? Especially since the sniper rifle and Nicky's backpack are just being stowed away in the trunk? "Ciao,” Nicky finally says quietly, the small smile that is so typical for him plays around the corners of his mouth and he steps in with a barely audible groan. "Hello, my heart," Joe replies warmly, his hands clasping Nicky's face and for a few seconds he and Nicky stay like this, their foreheads pressed together, breathing the same air and this gesture is more intimate than any couple action Nile has ever seen on the street or at her school. On closer inspection, Nile sees the dark circles under Nicky's light eyes, which make them appear even larger, and the lines of exhaustion that mark his face. Without thinking, she reaches back with one hand and gently squeezes his upper arm and Nicky grips her hand with his and gives her a soft look. "Were there any problems?" Andy asks when Joe closes the door and after Nicky carefully shakes his head, Andy turns around, puts a hand on his neck and kisses Nicky's forehead. It's over as fast as it started and Nile wonders if she just imagined it. “Well done, team. Then let's go, I want to take a fucking shower.” Nile obediently starts the car again but is still more than aware that Booker is sitting on the floor. The French pats Nicky, who sits heavily on the back seat, on his knee and nods at him with an encouraging smile and Nile's eyes almost fall out of her head when Nicky lifts his legs and lies down completely on the back seat. His head rests in Joe's lap, who softly whispers something to him in their personal language and caresses his head at regular intervals. He's too big to stretch out in the back seat, but Nicky doesn't seem to mind. With his knees slightly drawn up he lies on his side, his arms crossed over his chest and then he closes his eyes. When you live with people under the same roof, it is inevitable that at some point you will learn their sleeping habits and that is exactly why Nile stares at Nicky through the rearview mirror with an open mouth. The Italian is always the first to start the day and no matter what time Nile gets up, Nicky is always up before her in the kitchen and is already preparing coffee. Joe is as far from being a morning person as the earth is from Neptune and can sleep anywhere, in the most impossible positions. A bomb could go off next to him and Joe wouldn't even flinch. Booker has an irregular sleep rhythm, and this is also reflected in the times he gets up: sometimes he is at the breakfast table in the morning, then you don't see him until noon and occasionally he crawls out of his room for dinner. And Andy is scratchy like a fury if she doesn't get at least six hours of sleep and woe to those who deny her her precious sleep. Nile herself has fixed times to go to bed and get up, unless missions require otherwise. But of all of them Nicky is the lightest sleeper, immediately on alert when a suspicious noise sounds, a gun in hand, while Nile is still blinkingly trying to figure out her name. She has never seen him sleep so open outside of a safe house and that is a clear sign of how exhausting the three days must have been for him. Joe's muttered words are a pleasant background noise for Nile even if she doesn't understand the meaning, Joe's tender tone and loving gaze speak for themselves. Her attention is divided between the street and the back seat because somehow Nile can't get rid of the feeling that something important is going on there. Booker's hand is on Nicky's leg, and is the French drawing circles with his thumb on the skin hidden under the fabric? He has moved a little closer to the bench, as close as possible in the space between the back and the front seats and stares at the floor lost in thought as if he were touching Nicky unconsciously. Nonetheless, the naturalness of this gesture and the fact that Booker gave up the seat way earlier seem to come from some kind of repetition and Nile bites her tongue so as not to blurt out questions and thereby wake Nicky, whose slow breathing and relaxed limbs indicate that he really has fallen asleep . The intention to be as quiet as possible vanishes when Andy loosens her seat belt and makes as if to climb back over the center console. "What the...? Are you kidding me? Sit the fuck down again, Andy!” Nile protests and tries to prevent Andy with one hand from continuing her way and pushing her back onto her seat. The older warrior slaps her hand aside as if it were a fly and pays no attention to Nile's angry voice. "Keep your eyes on the road, kid," she instructs Nile and has already completely disappeared into the back. "Eyes on the road my ass!" Nile replies with a violent snort but puts her free hand back on the steering wheel. “Seat belts don't exist in cars for nothing, if you've noticed! And...” She falls silent, only now noticing how loud she has been talking and looks worriedly in the rearview mirror to check if Nicky has woken up. To her own astonishment, his eyes are still closed, one of his hands is now holding Joe's left hand tightly against his chest, fingers interlaced. "Don't worry, Nile," Joe says with a reassuring smile. “You don't have to be overly quiet. Just behave normally.” Nile is not convinced. She knows that a drop of water could wake Nicky. "Isn't Nicky going to wake up then?" She asks, her voice carefully lowered. "No," Booker replies, rearranging his position to make room for Andy without letting go of Nicky's leg. “At least not now. Nicky is a light sleeper, but after such missions he sleeps like a stone.” He laughs with a snort. “I once laid behind a sniper rifle for three hours and was exhausted. Nicky has just stared through a telescopic sight for three days in a row, if you don't count the short breaks." Nile dutifully looks at the street in front of them and turns on a blinker. “But why is he sleeping now? And doesn't wait until the safe house?” Nicky always checks double and triple whether all doors are locked, how best to sleep in order to better ward off possible attackers and he always lies between Joe and the door. Joe once told her that Nicky was a protector and that even if they were just shopping, Nicky would keep an eye on everything around them. So the fact that he is asleep in the backseat of a getaway car is more than unusual - even when he is exhausted. "Because he trusts us." Andy squeezes herself into the space next to Booker and supports herself with one hand on Joe's knee, the other curls around the curve of Nicky's shoulder. "He has faith that we will protect him and ourselves and that you will bring us safely to the safe house." Nile did not expect the emotional impact of this statement and drives for several seconds in silence to choke down the lump in her throat. That Nicky trusts her touches her more than she would admit and every time something like that happens – small gestures of affection from the others to her – she feels a little more at home. The immortals cannot replace her real family, but they are there for Nile and love her and Nile is amazed to find that she loves Andy, Booker, Nicky and Joe too. Their strange ability, the dreams, everything connects them, and Nile believes, not for the first time, that they really are not meant to be alone. "Then I'll try not to disappoint him, huh?" She asks jokingly, hoping to cover up her short, emotional dropout and is grateful when Joe deliberately takes the bait. He chuckles softly and pulls Nicky closer to him. "Nicolo would certainly be anything but thrilled if he woke up in a car that was about to hit a tree." "You're one to talk." Booker's laugh is interrupted by a grunt as Joe kicks him in the side. "When cars were invented, you and Andy made fun of driving them against obstacles." "It was fun,” Andy says with a grin as if it justified deliberately driving a car into walls or the like. “And who could have thought that cars would last? We thought it was a short-term invention and wanted to use it as long as it existed.” Nile shakes her head in disbelief, still not wanting to believe that these four people in the back seat have been on earth for centuries and have seen so many famous personalities, buildings or inventions. "If Nicky didn't sleep, I would now brake check you so that you could get what's coming," she informs the others dryly. "Hey, I didn't do anything," Booker protests. "At least wait until I have buckled up. Then I'll take Nicky and you can give Joe and Andy a concussion and bruises." "Nicky stays with me," Joe shrugs off Booker's suggestion amused and presses a very gentle kiss on Nicky's temple. Nile only sees the smile ghosting over Nicky's lips because she wants to make sure that Andy, who utters a kind of short bark, doesn't start a fight with Booker. Even in his sleep, Nicky's entire being is focused on Joe and Nile can't help but smile too. "Okay, when you children have calmed down again, you can tell me what the meaning of the touches is," she interrupts Andy's questionable explanation of the fact that she does not need a seat belt because there were no seat belts for horse backs back then either. "Touches?" Andy asks, peering over her shoulder through strands of dark hair at Nile. "What do you mean by that?" "What do I mean with...?" Nile starts in disbelief and then gestures at the immortals, as good as possible without taking her eyes off the traffic. “I can still understand that with Joe, after all, he and Nicky are basically married. But Booker hasn't let go of Nicky's leg since the beginning of the ride and you, Andy, climbed back to touch Nicky's shoulder.” Booker fixes his gaze on the said hand of his. "Oh," he says as if he is only now fully aware of what he is doing, but he doesn't pull his hand back. "That." “Yes, that,” Nile repeats. Hopefully in a few decades she will not be as slow on the uptake as the others can sometimes be. "Does it have a purpose? Do I have to know anything? Because if this is a polygamy thing, as a new member of this family I have a right to know." While Booker chokes in the back and Joe gives a surprised and open laugh, Andy doesn't flinch. "Don't shit yourself, kid, only Nicky and Joe fuck like rabbits in this family." Joe snorts. "Objection! Booker and you don't live like monks and nuns either. And besides, Nicky and I look a lot better than rabbits during sex.” "Oh god..." Nile mumbles, rolling her eyes and cursing herself for the mention of polygamy. "Can you just answer my question without talking about your sex life?" "You're the one who accused us of polygamy," Andy notes, but her focus is already back on Nicky, who hasn't moved a muscle in the whole time. "I didn't accuse you of polygamy," Nile defends indignantly, but feels embarrassed as her cheeks get hot. It's good that it's not as noticeable for her as it is when Nicky blushes. "Yes...uh, to get back to your question," Booker luckily intervenes and saves Nile from further embarrassing stuttering, even though he doesn't do a better job. “Nicky...uh...doesn't particularly like it when he's apart from us. He then has the feeling that he is not...uhm..." He looks for help at Andy, who ignores him and caresses Nicky's shoulder, so that Booker turns to Joe to find a suitable phrase. "Nicky then has the feeling that he couldn't protect us so well,” Joe finishes the sentence and looks down at Nicky with a gentle smile, he seems to be addressing his next words directly to the Italian instead of Nile or the others. “That is of course not true, after all he watches over us with eagle eyes, ready to eliminate any danger from his sniper's nest. But Nicky has always tended to worry too much.” Nile can feel the warmth of the immense devotion in his dark eyes in the front and has the feeling of observing something very intimate between him and Nicky, whereby the Italian continues to be deep and sound asleep.
In sleep every person has a vulnerability that shows how fragile life is and seeing Nicky sleeping so openly without a gun in his reach, because he feels safe with them, makes Nile's heart beat with joy. "So, you touch him afterwards to show him that he is no longer separated from you?" She asks and is amazed at the gentle tone of her voice, which has adapted to the atmosphere in the car, which suddenly goes deeper than fun foolery. Although she can only see Andy's profile from the side, she recognizes the thoughtful nod anyway. "Yes," Andy says, her steely gray eyes rest on Nicky with a tenderness that the older one does not show so often. “We got into the habit of touching him after such missions, so Nicky knows that his family is there. And he doesn't have to worry.”
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bluezey · 4 years
Inside Onward - Drive Crazy
This is a long one, but a fun one,  Speaking of fun, now we’re getting into the good stuff in the emotions story.  And if you think this chapter is hard to follow, first I apologize my writing sucks at best, and second, just you wait...
Ps, I didn’t bother to proofread this one that much, so expect half the emotions to get the wrong pronouns.  I got to stop imagining Riley’s emotions when they’re supposed to be Ian’s emotions
Disgust was at the controls while Fear was looking over Disgust’s shoulder.  Fear had one hand on Disgust’s shoulder and his eyes on the screen. Onscreen, Ian was knelt down by a gas pump, filling the small gas can with ten dollars worth of gasoline.
“Easy, easy,” Fear directed Disgust cautiously.  “It’s only a small amount of gas, we can’t lose a drop.”
Disgust rolled his big emerald eyes.  “I know, Fear.”
Fear closed his mouth and stepped back.  He watched Disgust’s firm hands at the controls, but Ian’s hands appeared trembling. Is it cold outside?  Is that social anxiety glitch happening again?  Fear couldn’t help it as he stepped forward. “We don’t want to spill any on Ian.”
“I get it!” Disgust snapped, just as the pump stopped at the ten dollar cut off.  “You’re scared!  But guess what?  I’m not!”
Joy immediately stepped between the two to break them up.  “Hey, uh, has anyone seen Barley?” he asked, trying to change the subject.
“Oh no, Barley.”  Fear looked down at his watch, over ten minutes has passed since Barley scurried off to the gas station bathroom.  “Where could he be?”
“He is about this tiny,” Sadness thought aloud, thinking about unfortunate outcomes.  “Maybe he fell in?”
“Good,” Anger said bluntly.
Fear froze when he heard that familiar little squeak of a pixie biker’s voice.  He then shivered when he hear the little peep of Barley’s voice following.  “Oh no, that’s worse than a toilet.”
Ian quickly finished up at the gas pump before he leaned out from behind it, still hiding for his own good. “Oh no,” Ian whispered, worried for their own good.
The pixie duster biker looked like the leader of the gang, which was the worst part of the gang Barley could tick off.  “Who are you calling whimsical?” the leader snapped.  “You have a lot of nerve!”
“Pixies used to fly around spreading delight,” Barley explained.  “That’s a good thing.”
“Sprites can’t fly,” the leader argued.
“Not anymore,” Barley replied, “because your wings no longer work.”
The leader finished her sugary snack and angrily tossed the wrapper aside.  “You calling me lazy?”
“No, not you,” Barley corrected.  “Your ancestors.”
That wrong choice of words pushed the biker sprite close to the edge.  “What did you say about my ancestors??”
Barley backed away, realizing that he didn’t say that right at all.  “I wouldn’t say lazy…”
“RED ALERT!!” Fear dove onto the console.
With gas can and snacks under his arm and Dad’s leash in his free hand, Ian flew over to where they were standing outside the mini mart.  Ian scooped Barley up in his free hand, too terrified to realize that he was carrying and shaking his big-little-brother like a rag doll. “Sorry!  I’m sorry!  He’s sorry too!” Ian spoke quickly.  “Who needs wings?  You got those cool bikes.”
Barley was finally held close enough to Ian that he could tug on Ian’s shirt collar.  “I was just talking about history,” he pouted quietly, feeling that was quite a rude reaction.
Anger growled, stepping in. “That’s it.  I’m taking over.”  Fear gasped, but couldn’t stop Anger as he slammed his fist down on the console, lighting it up an angry red.
“Barley,” Ian argued at his little-big-brother, “I’m trying to take care of you and dad, and you are not helping.”  Ian shoved his brother into his shirt pocket and yanked on the leash.  “Dad, come on!”
Ian tensed up and turned. Behind him was their disguised dad climbing to his feet after getting pulled into the line of pink motorcycles, which are now slanted and fallen onto the concrete.  Ian was frozen with his eyes wide, all he could hear was the rapid pace of his heart beat and the fury of pixies banging on the mini mart door like an aggravated hive of hornets.
Anger slowly released his hands from the console, the emotions all wide eyed like deer in headlights. “That’s not good.”
“Hey!”  The lead biker pointed straight up at Ian, completely enraged. “You’re dead!” she shouted, her threat magnified by one of her brutes shattering a beer bottle for a makeshift weapon.
Fear leaped for the controls and shoved Anger out of the way at the same time.  Ian bolted straight out of there as fast as his long, slender legs could carry him, his brother and a gas can, all while tugging his leashed father behind him.  “We’re dead! We’re dead!  We’re dead!  We’re dead!” Ian chanted in a panic.
“We’re dead!  We’re dead!  We’re dead!  We’re dead!” Fear’s fingers were flying over the console, getting Ian to the van as quick as possible.  Ian reached the passenger side door, then quickly moved to the back of the van when Fear realized in his panic that the van isn’t going anywhere without gas.
Barley managed to hop onto the door handle in that split second Ian’s hand was on the door. “Don’t worry.  They won’t be able to lift those bikes.”
The emotions sighed in relief.
The sudden roar of motorcycle engines revved in the near distance.  “Oh, they are strong,” Barley gasped in shock.
The emotions gasped in fear. “I hate it when he’s wrong!” Fear screamed to the heavens before scrambling at the controls again.
“We’re gonna die! We’re gonna die!  We’re gonna die!” Ian repeated as he emptied the gas into the van as quick as he could.  He took a quick second to look over his shoulder, seeing how close the pixies were to them.
“The van’s locked!” Barley called out over the chaos, trying to push the van handle down with his currently little weight.
“What??” the emotions gasped.
“Where are the keys?” Ian raced to the passenger door to see the keys dangling in the ignition of the locked van.  Ian looked over his shoulder, his fear intensifying as he caught sight of the bikers beginning to pull out of the gas station.
Fear pulled his hands back and paced back and forth at the console.  “We’re gonna die!  We’re gonna die!  We’re gonna die!”
Barley noticed the passenger side window cracked open, by just an inch, but thankfully he was just small enough at the moment to squeeze through.  He used all his might to jump up and grab the edge of the glass.  “I got this!” he said as he pulled himself through the window and flopped down by the door lock.
“Yay, Barley!” Joy cheered.
“He needs to unlock the door,” Sadness pointed out.
“Here they come,” Disgust pointed to the screen at the bikers down the road and approaching fast.
“Come on, Barley!” Ian called out through the window at his little-big-brother.
With all his might, Barley pulled on the lock until it finally loosened.  Barley was thrown back by his might, landing on the passenger seat, before he got up and hopped into the driver’s seat.
In a quick motion, Ian shoved dad, the gas can and the snacks into the back, sat down in the passenger seat, and slammed the door shut.  “Now go!  Go! Go! Go!”
“Why aren’t we moving?” Fear shouted.  He then noticed Barley in the driver’s seat, blatantly too small to drive his van. Fear backed away, not liking where this is going.  “No. No. No, no, no, no.”
“Oh no,” Ian whispered. “No, no, no, no, no.”
“You’re gonna have to!” Barley exclaimed.
“I can’t have to!  I mean, we can’t do this!” Fear shouted in panic.
“Move over!” Anger punched Fear in the side, knocking him over and clearing Fear of the console.
Fear fell flat on the floor before scrambling to his knees.  He clung to the console, watching Ian climb into the driver’s seat.  “We can’t do this!” he exclaimed in fright.
“We have to!” Joy exclaimed back, just as worried for Ian.
“We got no choice!” Disgust snapped, in more fact that sarcasm.
Anger was attempting to type in a command when Fear began pressing some buttons of his own. Instead of Ian reaching for the keys, Ian reached for the seat belt and buckled up.  Anger eyed the screen, upset that his command was ignored.  “Hey, what the?”
“You’re too angry to drive!” Fear yelled as he climbed to his feet.
“Last thing Ian needs is to be scared!” Anger shouted, pointing his thick finger into Fear’s face.
Fear was hyperventilating, he could feel those trembling chills creep up his spine.  But, with his focus on Ian, he tried to push through and push Anger’s hand away from his nose.  “Ian needs to be safe!  He’s behind the wheel of a rickety tin tank with irate pixies chasing him!”
“We have no time for this!” Anger snapped.
“You’re right!” Fear screamed.  Followed by silence, with Anger fuming but surprised Fear admitted he’s right, and Fear realizing that Ian does need Anger.  But, he needs Fear too.  Trying to calm his voice, Fear looked to Anger.  “You focus on driving, I’ll focus on keeping Ian safe.”  Anger glared, but nodded.  With Fear standing alert at his side, Anger began to input controls.
Ian shoved the key into the ignition, he turned it a few times, but the engine shuddered, trying and failing to roll over.  “Why won’t it start?”
“There’s a sweet spot,” Barley explained as he climbed onto the shoulder of the driver’s seat.  “Not in the middle, not quite at the end.”
Anger watched as Anger tried the same combination of buttons and dials, even similar ones.  Fear could hear that engine sputter and strain, but to him it felt like the engine refused to listen to Ian.  Why does everything have to go wrong?  “Come on… come on…” Anger growled, getting agitated.  The pixies were growing ever closer, and appeared to be just feet away from the van now.  In a panic, Fear input a similar combination of commands in tandem with Anger.
Ian pressed his cheek against the steering wheel and squeezed his eyes tight.  “Come on, Guinevere!” he almost begged as he desperately turned that key once more.
Guinevere struggled with all her might, before revving a braying growl as she came to life.
“It worked?” Fear asked in quiet shock.
“It worked!” Joy jumped with joy.
“Put it in ‘O’ for ‘Onward!’” Barley told Ian.
Anger glared at the ‘O’ covering the ‘D’ on the gear shift.  “Gargamon’s Tail, do I want to hate him,” he growled as he input the commands.
Ian put Guinevere in drive, slammed his foot on the gas pedal, and peeled out onto the onramp. The emotions cheered, proud of their Ian and encoruaging Fear and Anger.  Their celebration was cut very short as the driver’s side window erupted into a shatter of glass.  Fear shrieked as he grabbed levers, turned dials and pressed buttons.
“Drive!  Drive!” Barley shouted, as Ian sped up to get away from the pixies, who were now on Guinevere’s tail.
Fear trembled as he saw the onramp end, merging onto the highway.  “Ohhhh, no,” he whimpered.
“You’re going to have to merge,” Barley told Ian.  Ian looked over his shoulder at the oncoming semi.
Fear’s eyes grew wide as he loudly whimpered, “We can’t merge in front of that!”  Anger pressed a few buttons, and Guinevere began to merge. Acting fast, Fear quickly pressed a few buttons, and Guinevere jerked back out of traffic.
“I drive!” Anger snapped.
“I keep him safe!” Fear snapped back, in more fright than rage.
“No,” Sadness sniffled.
Joy sighed, “No, Fear.”
“Back off,” Disgust groaned. “Let Anger drive.”
Fear knew he had to listen to the others, but his own thoughts were louder.  Anger tried to input his commands again, but Fear countered with his.
Ian tried to merge again, but psyched himself out and pulled Guinevere back onto the quickly ending onramp. “I can’t!”
“Yes, you can!” Barley told Ian.
Anger tried again, Fear tried to hesitate, but quickly countered again.
“I’m not ready!” Ian shouted.
“You’ll never be ready!” Barley shouted back, in some strange defiant way of encouragement. “Merge!”
Fear was in the middle of countering again when he heard Barley.  He stopped, he looked at Anger.  He’ll never be ready.  Fear will never be ready.  Fear will never be ready for when Ian finally drives, when Ian is behind a wheel of a dangerous machine.  But, everyone does.  There’s no fighting it.  Second guessing himself, Fear held up his hands and backed away, letting Anger take control.
Cutting it close, between a semi’s grille and a guardrail, Guinevere successfully merged into traffic, all thanks to Ian.
Fear exhaled in relief, followed by catching his breath.  It wasn’t long before a loud bang and a reckless tilt of Guinevere caused Fear to tense up and squeak in fear.  
Guinevere rocked back onto her four wheels, and Barley climbed into the open passenger side window. “Hey!  Don’t hit Guinny!” he shouted angrily at the bikers.
“Barley!” Ian scooped his little-big-brother into his hand and perched him back onto his shoulder.
“Phew,” Fear gasped.
Barley caught sight of the traffic ahead causing their lane to slow.  However, the lane next to them was still going fast.  “Get around em.”
“They’re not letting me in,” Ian replied.
“Signal,” Barley told Ian.
Ian blindly brushed his hand on the side of the steering wheel, but only felt frayed wires where a signal shift should be.  “You don’t have a signaler!”
“What car doesn’t have a signaler?” Disgust scoffed.
“This is bad,” Fear panicked.  “How do we signal without a signaler?”
“Hold your left arm straight out the window,” Barley informed Ian.
Fear paused for a second. “Oh.”  He then pulled the left lever in front of him.
Ian held his left hand straight out the wide open driver’s side window.  Just as he was merging into the next lane, he felt something slap against his wrist and wrap tightly.  Ian turned to see a thick metal chain wrapped around his wrist.
“Oh no!” Sadness gasped.
“Who has one of those!” Joy exclaimed in disbelief.
“It’s a biker gang, Joy!” Disgust replied to Joy.
Ian was attempting to grab at the chain with his free hand, but quickly pulled it back onto the steering wheel to readjust.  As Fear kept attempting to help Ian free his wrist, he caught sight of Barley climbing across Ian’s outstretched arm.  “What in Feldar’s name is he doing?” he asked in shock.
“Get back here!” Ian called out to Barley.
“Just keep driving!” Barley shouted back over the wind outside the window.
“You heard him,” Anger said as he kept focus on driving.
“But he’s in danger!” Fear exclaimed in panic.
“We got this!” Anger snapped.
“Uh, guys?” Disgust pointed to the vitals on the console.  “Ian’s arm is straining.”
Ian looked out the window to see a bunch of pixie bikers controlling one bike while two hold onto the other end of the chain.  They merged one lane over, stretching the chain out, holding it and Ian’s arm out in front of an oncoming semi.
“We don’t got this!!” Ian screamed, clinging to Anger.
“Barley!” Ian cried out in fear.
Barley gave a hard punch to nudge that last link loose, unraveling the chain from Ian’s arm. Fear quickly pushed the left lever forward, pulling Ian’s arm back inside where it belongs.
“The mountains are north!” Barley pointed to an interstate exit sign up ahead.  “You have to get all the way over!”
Fear saw a small enough gap in traffic, he pressed a few buttons, causing Ian to quickly jolt Guinevere into the next lane.  The quick and abrupt jostle of the car caused the blinded and dazed Dad to fall over onto Ian, blocking his view as the disguised half dangled out the driver’s side window.  “Not now, dad!” Fear shouted as he got Ian to shove Dad back into the back of the van. Catching his breath, Fear glanced over to see if it’s safe to merge over again.  Instead of a clear escape, there was a bunch of furious pixies on a pink motorcycle to Guinevere’s left.  Giving a loud yell, a flurry of pixies leaped off the bike and through the window.
Fear kept shaking his head, trying to see through the barrage of pixies crawling over the screen and blocking Ian’s sight.  “What’s happening?  What’s happening?  I can’t see anything but pink, leather and sparkles!”
Disgust checked on the vitals.  “No, they’re hurting Ian!  We have to stop them!”
“How?  We can barely see the road!” Fear shrieked.
“Something! Anything!  They’re scratching up his face!”  Frustrated, Disgust pushed Fear away and took over at the controls.
“No!!” Fear shoved Disgust aside, trying to gain control.
Joy saw Fear fight for control and exclaimed, “Good idea!  Everybody help Ian!  He needs us!” Joy and Sadness squeezed into the crowd at the console and began inputting commands.
Barley was busy fighting off a lone pixie on the passenger seat, all the while calling out to his brother, struggling at the wheel.  “Ian, stay focused!”
“I can’t!” Ian cried out, barely able to maintain his lane through all the chaos blocking his vision and attacking his face.
“Joy, what are you doing?” Fear called out when he caught sight of the yellow emotion.  “Ian doesn’t need to be happy now!”
“I’m trying to help!” Joy called back.
“Keep focused or we’re all dead!” Barley shouted, a little choked through the pixie strangling his neck with the buckle of a seat belt.
Ian had no hope of focusing. Not with a handful of pixies crawling all over his face, scratching and biting and pulling and punching.
Fear attempted with the other emotions to try any combination of buttons and dials on the console they can think of, but couldn’t focus through all the chaos going on.
Barley managed to choke out through his struggling, “Just… stay cool!”
Fear immediately stopped what he was doing and stood up straight.  “Stay cool… stay cool!” Fear bolted across the floor to the shelves with the idea bulbs.  He picked one from a shelf, ran back to the console and shoved it into the idea bulb holder.
Ian turned his attention to the air conditioner on the dash.  Struggling through the chaos, he reached for the controls, turning the vents on. A cold, strong blast of air blew through Guinevere, forcefully blowing the pixies off of Ian and out the window.
Barley cheered as his opponent went flying out the window as well.  “Way to go, Guinevere!”  Losing his grip to the wind, Barley went flying out the window.  Within a split second, Ian leaned out the window and gripped tiny Barley tight in his hand.
“Phew!” Fear sighed as he peeled himself off the console.
“Is it over?” Sadness asked.
As Ian pulled tiny Barley back inside, Barley pointed to an exit sign passing them by.  “We’re not gonna make it!”
“Oh, yes we are!” Anger proclaimed as he took control.
“I want this to end!!” Fear pleaded as he took over alongside Anger.
With his left arm stretched out the window, Ian merged over the remaining lanes of traffic and onto the exit ramp, barreling through a bunch of highway barrels along the way. Once the screaming and panic died down, all that remained was awkward silence.  “Is it safe?” Fear asked.
“Dad, are you okay?” Ian called out to the back of Guinevere, looking into the rear view mirror to see Dad in his disguise, trying to flail back up onto his feet through all the jostling and jolting in the van.
Barley laughed to himself as he stood on Ian’s shoulder.  “He’s fine. All thanks to the driving skills of Sir Ian Lightfoot.”
Disgust smirked. “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but big bro’s right.”
“We did it!  Ian’s a driver!” Joy cheered, hugging Joy and Disgust together into his glowing yellow arms.
“Don’t touch me,” Anger growled.
Sadness looked over at Fear, who was nervously smiling at the screen.  “Nice job with the idea, Fear.”
Fear glanced over at Sadness, blushing a bit of purple across his cheeks.  “Oh, heh.  You saw that.”  Fear immediately snapped his attention back to the screen when he heard a loud slap ring loudly through Headquarters.  “What the heck was that?”
Disgust pointed at the vitals display on the console.  “Uh, why is Ian suddenly feeling sharp pain?”
“Are the pixies back?” Fear took control as the emotions gathered at the console.
“What’s going on?” Ian asked in complete confusion and surprise.  He tried to keep his hands on the wheel and his focus on the road, but between the stinging pain in his cheek, and Barley’s arm suddenly growing back to its normal size, he had no clue what was happening.
Barley’s head shot back to regular size as he exclaimed, “I think the spell is wearing off!”  Barley’s body plumped back to his normal size, shoving Ian down into the driver’s seat.
“Ew!  We’re trapped under his butt!” Disgust shrieked as Anger took over.
“Get off my face!” Ian struggled to stay on the road while attempting to shove Barley off of him. With Barley fully resized back to normal, he climbed back into the passenger seat as Ian pushed himself back up into the driver’s seat.
Joy suddenly noticed something glowing in the rear view mirror.  “Ooh, pretty lights.”
Fear tensed.  “I hear sirens.”
Sadness sighed.  “That’s not good…”
Ian looked over his shoulder to verify the worst case scenario.  “Shantar’s Talon!  Cops!”
“Pull over!” Barley suggested.
“I don’t have a license,” Ian worried.
“My wallet’s still tiny!” Barley declared in shock.
Guinevere pulled over as Fear began to pace the floor.  “What are we going to do?  How are we going to explain?”
“Maybe they’ll believe us if we say we were chased by pixies,” Joy thought aloud.  “Or maybe if they had a magnifying glass, they can still validate Barley’s license.”
“Yeah, Joy,” Disgust added sourly. “And unicorns would fly out of our butts.”
“We need a plan or we’re going to jail!” Anger snapped.
Fear groaned, rubbing his sore temples.  “This night can’t get any worse…”
Sadness pointed to the screen and stated, “Dad just walked out of the van.”
“What??” the other emotions exclaimed.
Ian and Barley were hiding in their seats and watching in silent shock as Dad was stumbling out of the back of the van, in full disguise.  The two cops got out of the vehicle and approached him, believing him to be an actual person.  While the cops were distracted, Ian and Barley crept out of Guinevere through the driver’s side door and hid in front of the van, with nothing but the headlights illuminating their panicked faces as they were knelt down in the dirt.
“They’re gonna take dad,” Ian whispered in complete disbelief and horror.
“Oh no, they’re gonna take dad,” Sadness cried.
“They better not take our dad,” Anger snarled.
“What are we gonna do?” Fear yelped.
“Oh, I got it.” Barley explained to Ian as he drew the plans in the dirt.  “A disguise spell.  It’s a special spell where you can disguise yourself as anyone you want.”
“That’s perfect!” Joy cheered.
“That’s not!” Fear shot back, trembling as he remembered what happened when Ian failed at the growth spell.
“What if I mess it up again?” Ian asked.
“The decree says ‘To disguise yourself is a lie, so you must tell the truth to get by,” Barley explained. “As long as you don’t tell a lie, the spell will be fine.”
“What?” Anger snapped, completely irritated by such a confusing statement.
“How do we not lie?” Fear asked, squeezing his sides.
“Oh, let Disgust do it!” Joy pointed to Disgust. “She’s the best at lying.”
Disgust was touching up his hair with a few strokes of his comb.  “Yeah, I am.  But if that staff gives Ian one more splinter, I’m done.”
“Okay,” Fear said, still unsure about this, “but there’s still one more problem.”
“Who are we gonna be?” Ian asked Barley.
“They’re cops, right? Then why not disguise ourselves as Officer Bronco?”  Barley quietly passed the wizard staff to Ian.  “Just wave the staff in front of yourself and say ‘Illusio Facadis.’”
“Uhm, okay,” Ian whispered as he took the staff.
“Oh, and I want to be the front,” Barley added.
“The front?”  Disgust nearly gagged at the thought of Ian’s face being near Barley’s butt again.  He immediately pressed a button while holding his hand over his mouth.
“No way,” Ian replied. “I’ll do the talking.”  Before Barley could respond, Ian was already waving the staff in front of himself and whispered, “Illusio Facadis.”  Ian and Barley were enveloped in a bright aura of magic that quickly dissipated.  Ian looked down at his hands, now wrapped around a thin veil of magic that gave an illusion of Colt Bronco’s hands.  In front of him, he could barely make out a thin veil of magic that hid him and Barley, now bent down behind Ian as the “back,” in a realistic vision of Officer Bronco.
Meanwhile, Headquarters was glistening from the console out, covered in magic.  The only ones not encased in the glow were the emotions themselves.  “Ooh, sparkly.”
“We get it, Joy.  You like pretty things,” Disgust said before putting his hands on the controls.  “Now let’s go save dad.”
The first few steps were pretty stumbly, making Fear question if this was going to work.  But, just as the two brothers appeared from around the van, they got the hang of it.  Ian cleared his throat.  “What seems to be the problem off-… police folk?”
Ian spoke clearly, but inside Headquarters, the emotions could clearly hear Ian, along with the echo of Bronco speaking simultaneously.  “Ooh, neat,” Joy cooed.
Anger nodded.  “That is pretty cool.”
The disguise had the cops fooled, as the cyclops one asked, “Bronco?  You were in that van?”
“Affirmative,” Ian replied, as Bronco, “and we- I will take full responsibility of that person you have there, so you can release him over to me.”
“Bronco,” the faun cop asked, “I thought you were working the other side of town tonight.”
“I changed my mind,” the Bronco disguised Ian replied.
Suddenly, a loud buzzer rang through Headquarters, and some of the magic faded from the corner of the Headquarter’s ceiling.  “Huh? What happened?” Joy asked.
“Look, Ian’s ear.” Sadness pointed to the corner of the screen.  On the edge of Ian’s vision, the emotions could see where there used to be Colt’s ear, there was now Ian’s ear.
Fear shrieked and quickly keyed in a few button on the console, causing Ian to jerk his head to the side to hide his ear.  Disgust grunted in frustration as he tried to pretend to be Colt again.
“Something wrong?” the cyclops cop asked, now shining her flashlight on what she assumed was Bronco.
“Just a little neck cramp,” Ian replied… then quickly hid his now exposed hand behind his back.
Fear watched the magic fade from one wall of Headquarters.  “No!  It’s not working!”
“This is impossible!” Disgust snapped.  “How am I supposed to lie without lying?”
Barley whispered to Ian, “Try answering a question with a question.”
“Seriously?” Disgust said, eyeing Barley oddly.
“Anyone else got any ideas?” Anger asked, frustrated at this whole fiasco.
“Bronco,” the cyclops cop asked, “what are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” Ian asked.  “What is… any of us doing here?”
The faun cop’s eyes grew wide.  “Wow... I never thought about it like that.”
Joy smirked at Disgust. “See, Barley gets it right once in a while.”
“With all due respect, you didn’t answer my question,” the cyclops cop responded, not easily fooled like her partner.
Disgust threw his hands in the air.  “That’s it. I’m done.  Someone else be Bronco.”
“Let me try!” Joy took over at the console.
“We were just running some driver’s education drills with… Ian,” Ian replied, then after a short beat, gave a wavering smile.
The emotions were looking around Headquarters, neither hearing a buzzer nor seeing the magic around them fade further.  “Huh? That worked?” Anger asked.
“I’m just as surprised as you are.” Fear shrugged.
“Ian?”  The faun cop looked over at Dad, in his full disguise, sitting on the hood of the cop car.  “Oh, is that Laurel’s kid?”
“Ian… is Lauren’s kid,” Ian replied.
“Nice one, Joy,” Sadness commented.
The cyclops cop turned to the Bronco disguised Ian.  “Your kid was swerving all over the road.”
“Yeah, well,” Ian said, “that guy’s not all there today.”
“Yeah,” the cyclops cops thought aloud, “he does seem a little off.”  She then began approaching the Bronco vision, becoming further suspicious. “You seem a little off yourself.”
Joy pulled his hands off the console.  “I got… I got nothing.”  He looked to the other emotions.  “Does anyone have something?”
“No,” Sadness replied.
“Nuh uh,” Disgust shrugged.
“My mind’s a total blank,” Anger said.
As the emotions huddled together, debating how to respond, Fear backed away, squeezing himself tight, as he could feel every single second pass by, too much time passing by.  He looked up at the screen as he bumped into the console, all he could see was the blinding light from the cyclops cop’s flashlight.  Acting fast, Fear grabbed at the controls.
“Well, if I’m gonna be honest,” Ian began to confess as Bronco, “I’m not truly great at these kinds of situations, and I’m starting to freak out a little bit, and I don’t know what to say, and my hands are sweaty, and I feel like a total weirdo…” The more Ian spoke, the more his nerves became undone, until…
“Fear!” Anger snapped, noticing the purple memories pouring into short term.  “What do you think you’re doing?  We’re trying to not make Ian act suspicious!”
“But too much time was passing,” Fear panicked as he explained, “and I was trying not to make Ian lie, so I tried the truth, and-“
“Hold on, hold on,” the cyclops cop interrupted.  “I know exactly what’s going on here?”
Fear froze.  “She does?”
“Uh, you do?” Ian asked.
The cyclops cop paused a moment before replying, “It’s not easy being a new parent.  My girlfriend’s daughter’s got me pulling my hair out, okay?” she said with a smile.
Ian returned a nervous, albeit calm, smile.  “Oh, uh, yeah.”
Anger had his mouth agape as he looked at the screen.  “Huh.” Joy gave Fear a pat on the back, making Fear chuckle nervously.
“Okay, we can let him go,” the cyclops cop said.
Ian immediately grabbed Dad and shoved him back into the back of Guinevere.  “Thanks very much, officers.  You two keep working hard, or hardly working,” Ian laughed, attempting Colt’s trademark braying laughter.
Barley smiled up at Ian and whispered, “Now that’s a good Colt.”
“Yes.  Yes it was,” Fear chuckled to Joy at the controls.
“I don’t blame you, Bronco,” the faun commented.  “That Lightfoot kid is a handful.”
“I have to disagree with you there,” Ian replied.  “I think Ian is a standup citizen.”
“Not him,” the faun said. “The older one.”
Ian’s face fell.  “What?”
Joy’s face fell.  “What?”
“He’s kind of a screw up,” the faun admitted.  “You can’t say that you don’t agree.”
“Uh, I don’t,” Ian replied.
Joy jumped as he felt the area of floor next to her lose its magic glow as the fateful buzzer rang throughout Headquarters.  Joy was both shocked and confused.  “What?”
Barley saw Colt’s front leg turn back into Ian’s leg.  “What?” he whispered to himself.  Ian looked over his shoulder at Barley’s reaction.
Acting fast, Fear shoved Joy away from the console and quickly took over.
“Well, uh, okay,” Ian stammered, while trying to back out of there and into the van as quickly as possible. “I gotta go.  Gotta get Ian home.”  Buzz. Ian’s other arm was exposed.  “I mean, I’m late for work.”  Buzz.  Colt’s back half disappeared.  Barley and Ian climbed into the driver’s side door, each excuse Ian gave causing the spell to fade further and further until the spell and disguise finally broke, just as they got in the van.  Barley grabbed the wheel and took off, Ian climbed into the passenger seat.
Once Ian was finally safe, Fear turned to Joy.  Joy was standing out in the open, with the other emotions staring at her.  Joy looked just as confused as everyone else.
“Joy?” Fear asked in shock. “You lied?”
“No,” Joy replied in surprise.  “I didn’t lie, I swear.”
“Oh, come on,” Anger snarled.  “We heard the buzzer.  You saw the spell fail.”
“But I didn’t lie,” Joy defended himself.  “I love Barley.  He’s our older brother.”
“But, the spell,” Fear began.
Disgust interrupted, “Fear’s right.  The spell failed.  You lied. It’s just that simple.”
“What?  No!” Joy was beginning to act like he was protecting himself, trying to clear his name.
Even Sadness was showing doubt.  “Joy?”
“Sadness, you know me,” Joy assured Sadness.  “I love Barley.  I mean, genuinely love Barley.  You guys love him too, but you just tolerate him.  I actually like the embarrassing, stupid things he does.  They’re so innocent and charming.  He’s like a kid.  Well, kid at heart.  He’s way too big to be a kid.  And…” Joy noticed Fear, looking over in silence, mouth agape.  “Fear?”  Joy and the other emotions looked where Fear was staring.  Their eyes grew wide and their mouths dropped.
Family Island was up and running.
The emotions raced to the window, as if getting closer to the island would prove they were just seeing things.  But it only proved how real this was.
“Ian?”  Fear couldn’t believe he was going to ask this.  “Ian lied?”
Joy shook his head.  “No.  No, that can’t be right.  Barley is Ian’s big brother.  M-maybe something’s wrong with the core memory.”  Joy raced over to the core memory holder.  He was just about to open it when something forcefully held him back.
“No!” Fear exclaimed. “The core memories are the most important memories that make Ian, Ian.  They are safe inside the core memory holder at all times.  Right?”
Joy nodded.  “Right.  Right. How silly of me.”
Fear was going to continue his rant, until he realized how quiet it was.  Or, according to the screen, quiet inside Guinevere.  “Barley!  We gotta get back to the console!  Everyone! All hands on deck!  We gotta fix this!”
The emotions all immediately ran to the console.  Except for Anger, who took a moment to glare suspiciously at the core memory holder safely nestled in the floor before heading back to work.
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stevesnailbat · 5 years
Hey :) Can you do a Steve x fem reader where they’re best friends. And in a slightly buzzed moment they have sex in Steve car. Then the next day they’re both weird but it’s only because that they’re in love with each other. Then when they hang out at the wheelers with the party, the party notices they’re acting weird so they lock them in a closet until they start talking to each other again.
warnings: some smut, underage drinking, (implied) tipsy driving
word count: 2.3K
a/n: I honestly enjoyed writing this one so much! The smut isn’t that long but it’s the most smut I’ve written in a while so if it’s a little poorly worded, I’m sorry. REQUESTS ARE OPEN if anybody wants to send any, enjoy!
“Steve!” Y/N exclaimed when she slid into the passenger seat of Steve’s car, which caused him to look at her with wide eyes. “Can we please go to Benny’s?”
Steve chuckled lightly at the tipsy girl in his passenger seat and shook his head. She had the most pleading look on her face, tilting her head with a pout on her lips and puppy dog eyes. The look she gave him was killing him slowly, making him fall in love with her even more. The buzz he was feeling in the moment didn’t help the situation, either. Every time they would go to parties and she would drink at all, she would get extra touchy with him, confusing the shit out of Steve.
“I would take you there, I really would. But it’s closed right now. It’s past midnight, remember?” he said to her, pouting fakely in response to her annoyed groan. “Besides, we shouldn’t drive anywhere outside of Loch Nora since we both drank a little bit. I have pizza that I can make you at my house, okay?”
A grin spread across her face once more, ideas of raiding his kitchen cabinets when they got back consuming her drunk mind. “Thank you, Steve. You know you’re my best friend, right?” she said as she laid her head against his shoulder.
“I know, Y/N. You’re my best friend too, you know that.” he said, staring down at her with loving eyes.
Her eyes met his for a quick moment and a breath hitched in her throat as she thought about kissing him. The only thing she could focus on was his lips, his eyes, the thought of wanting to kiss him. Before she could stop herself, her lips were against his in a fervent kiss. Before she could stop herself, her hands were laced in his hair. Before she could stop herself, her hands were on the growing bulge in his jeans. Once her hands made it to his belt, Steve’s hand grabbed hers gently.
“Y/N. We can’t do this.” he breathed out, lips against her neck as he panted.
“But we can, Steve. Please, I need you.” she whimpered, tugging at his belt once more.
Moments later, she ended up on his lap and his hands explored beneath her dress. Moans escaped her lips as she grinded against his hips, being stopped momentarily by Steve’s rough hands. He pulled his lips from hers to catch her reaction as his hand grazed against her lace panties.
“Is this okay, baby?” he whispered, his teeth biting at her neck gently as she nodded and a whimper escaped her lips.
His hand soon pushed the lace to the side, fingers expertly rubbing her sensitive nub before sliding one into her wetness. Her head threw back in pleasure as his fingers did their work, moving her hips in rhythm with them. Squirming above him as she neared her first orgasm, her back arched against the steering wheel and accidentally honked the horn. Without realizing it was her fault, she jumped out of his lap and partially ruined the moment. After realizing it was just from her, Steve chuckled at the scared girl and grabbed her hand to get her attention as she giggled.
“Maybe we should move to the back.” he said quietly.
She nodded and climbed over the console, followed closely by Steve. Soon enough, he was on top of her as their hands fought to claw each others clothes off. His lips attached to her neck once more as her hips tried to grind against his but failed. He grabbed her hip to push it back down, causing her to whimper in annoyance.
“You gotta be patient, baby.” he chuckled.
“Steve, please.” she slightly slurred.
“Please what, Y/N?”
“Do you have a condom?”
“I should have one in my wallet I —“
“Please fuck me, Steve.”
“Are...Are you sure?”
Without another word, she reached to his pocket and ripped the wallet out. He raised his eyebrow at her hasty movements, watching her pull the condom out and push it into his hand. He pressed a kiss against her lips before pulling his boxers down, his member springing against his stomach when he does. Her eyes widened slightly as he slid it onto himself, biting her lip.
“You still want this, right?” he implored, his hand gently on her cheek.
She began to whimper in response and nod her head but was cut off by Steve’s rough fingers lifting her chin to look at him.
“I need to hear you say yes, baby. Use your words, please.” he groaned out as he rubbed his tip along her entrance, causing her whimpers to grow louder.
“Fuck...Yes, Steve. Please fuck me, I want you so bad.” she moaned out.
Within a few moments, Steve’s lips were back on hers as he slid into her with ease. There wasn’t a second of his time inside of her that his lips were on hers or exploring her skin. The sex was kinda sloppy, since their buzzes were still heavy. He kept apologizing for pulling out accidentally, she kept giggling as she told him to shut up. Neither of them knew if they would regret it in the morning when they were thinking straight, but they didn’t care. Whimpers and grunts of pleasure filled the car as he pumped into her, bringing her closer and closer to her high with every movement. Soon enough, they both reached their climaxes at the same time then collapsed onto the leather of the back seat in Steve’s car.
Steve woke up in his bed well before Y/N did the next morning, a tinge of a headache paining him when he stretched. It took him a moment to look next to him and see the girl who had been cuddled up on his arm the night before. Sure, they had slept in the same bed before, what best friends hadn’t? But this time was different; she was wearing nothing but his shirt and fell asleep on his chest this time. That was when he remembered the back seat of his car, the giggly kisses on his cheek on the way home, the feeling of her hands all over him before she fell asleep.
“Fuck.” he mouthed to himself before pulling a pair of sweats and t-shirt.
He didn’t know what to do, would he talk to her or just ignore the fact that they had sex? Would she try to talk to him about it? He sure as hell hoped she didn’t; he knew that he’d let his true feelings slip right off his tongue if she asked about it. Ignoring his heart beating through his chest, he walked out of the room to make coffee and pancakes, their hangover ritual.
“Hey.” Y/N’s timid voice came from the other side of the kitchen as Steve stood with his back away from her at the stove.
“Oh — Hey. I didn’t know you were awake. Pancakes are almost ready.” he stammered, only glancing back at her for a moment.
Y/N only hummed in response, walking over to the coffee maker to get a cup for herself. She giggled to herself when she saw the spatula in Steve’s hand slip, causing a pancake to fold over halfway. He was being extra quiet, nothing like his usual talkative self in the mornings. After finishing the last pancakes, he silently handed her a plate with the most awkward smile on his face. The two stayed nearly silent while they ate, only the sound of forks and dishes clinking filling the awkward silence.
“Are you still going to the Wheeler’s?” Y/N said to break the silence, looking at the clock behind Steve that read 11:05. “They said they wanted to watch a movie or something at like noon, right?”
“Yeah, yeah. I almost forgot.” he awkwardly chuckled. “We can head over there after we finish this.”
The car ride to the Wheeler’s was silent too, killing both of them. All that was on Y/N’s mind was that she lost her best friend because she was stupid and drunk; ‘was I really that bad of a a fuck?’ she questioned to herself. To Steve, it was the best he’d ever had, despite the little bit of whiskey dick he had; maybe it was because he had been madly in love with her for so long, maybe it was because he was stupid and drunk.
They got to the house and walked downstairs in an unusually quiet way, causing the party to give them wild looks of curiosity. Steve sat on the opposite of the couch from Y/N when they usually sat next to each other, usually a little too close for two teens that were just friends. Y/N didn’t interject when the boys were deciding the movie like she usually did, when she usually poked fun at Steve’s decisions.
“Y/N, let’s go get those snacks that Mrs. Wheeler put on the table and bring them down here for the movie. Come on, El.” Max said abruptly when she noticed Y/N’s quiet demeanor before they started the movie.
She grabbed Y/N and El’s wrists to pull them up the stairs and looked around the living room to make sure they were alone when they got there. Y/N and El shared the same confused expression as Max stared over at Y/N with her arms crossed, as if she was waiting for her to say something. Max knew that the boys in the basement were most likely having the same conversation with Steve about why they were so weird.
“What?” Y/N questioned as she picked up some of the food.
“What is wrong with you two? You and Harrington are best friends but aren’t even talking right now! Did you guys like...get in a fight or something on your way here?” Max implored, El’s face bunching up in confusion as she listened to the two.
“No! No, we didn’t get into a fight. I don’t really know, something happened last night in Steve’s car and we haven’t really talked about it. I don’t —“
“Happy screams?” El butted in, the confused look still spread across her face.
Max’s face turned from confused to all-knowing in seconds, causing Y/N to blush as she laughed about El’s innocent curiosity. She cursed the little redhead internally for ever telling the innocent teen about happy screams and for explaining what that actually meant to her just last week. Y/N had halfway told Max and El about her feelings for Steve not too long ago, and ever since then they had been telling her to make a move. Before Y/N could try to explain anything, Max held a hand up to cut her off.
“Really? You guys finally told each other how you really feel?”
“We didn’t share any feelings, Max. We were...drunk and it was a mistake. I don’t even know if he likes me.” Y/N said shyly, a blush forming on her cheeks.
Max narrowed her eyes at her and El giggled to herself before they walked back down the stairs, Y/N knowing she was being judged by Max. When they got back to the basement, only Will and Mike sat on the couch while Lucas and Dustin were standing by a closet. Steve was nowhere to be found, but Y/N assumed he was in the bathroom.
“Y/N! Can you get this movie off the shelf in the closet?” Dustin said, motioning for the door he was standing by.
She furrowed her brows but obliged, putting the food in her hands down on the table. Dustin gave her a suspicious grin as she walked over, opening the door only a crack before she got there. When she made it to him, she was shoved into the closet and to door locked behind her. Instead of bumping into hanging clothes, her face was pushed into the warmth of someone’s chest, Steve.
“Talk this shit out, lovebirds! You’re not coming out until you do but you better hurry up or we’ll start the movie without you!” Dustin called out from the other side of the door.
“Hey.” Steve chuckled nervously, his hand resting on her waist after trying to prevent her from falling.
“Hi.” she breathed out, looking up at the brown eyed boy above her.
“So, about last night.” he started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Did that mean anything to you?”
“Did it mean anything to you, Steve?” she said with concern in her voice, hoping his answer was the same as hers.
“Shit, Y/N. Of course it did. I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” he said, the first thing coming to his mind slipping from his mouth.
As soon as he said it, he realized he had spoken wrong just by looking at the expression on her face. From what he said, she thought he meant he had just wanted to fuck her for so long, not be with her for so long. Her eyes fell from his gaze and she tried to step away, but his hand on her hip stopped her as she did. His expression turned to panicked after seeing hers fill with sadness and he cupped her cheek to get her attention.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m an idiot, shit.” Steve rambled, causing her spirits to raise and her to giggle slightly. “I mean that I’ve been waiting to be with you in more ways than just sexually for a long time, Y/N. I really, really like you.” Steve blurted out, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off his chest.
“I really, really like you too, Steve.” she replied, her arms wrapping around his neck as she smiled up at him before standing on her toes to kiss him passionately.
“Finally!” Lucas exclaimed from the other side of the door, the six kid’s ears pressed to the closet door to listen.
“Can we come out now?” Steve questioned in a fakely annoyed voice once their kiss was interrupted.
The door opened to the closet and the grinning party was faced with Y/N’s hands wrapped around Steve’s arm as they walked out.
“It took you guys long enough to realize you’ve both been in love this whole time.” Dustin giggled out as he sat back down on the couch.
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ejzah · 4 years
pls could u do a fic where kensi and deeks get into a car crash and have to save themselves (middle of nowhere/no service etc) - we’ve never gotten anything like this on the show !! ♡
A/N: Set sometime in the last few seasons.
Deeks came to coughing, which made his head explode in pain. For a second, he thought he was going to throw up, but after swallowing a few times, he got himself under control. He clamped his eyes shut against the pounding in his head, trying to figure out what was going on.
They’d been driving to a witness’ home, that much he remembered. It had started raining hard and they hadn’t seen the downed power line-
“Kensi,” Deeks shouted, twisting frantically in his seat, heedless of the pain it caused. She was slumped over the steering wheel and in the dim light he could see blood dripping down from beneath her hair. “Kens,” he repeated, reaching out and brushing her hair from the side of her face. She didn’t move and his heart clenched, as his thoughts turned to the worst case scenario.
Fingers trembling, he found her pulse and let out a shaky breath as he found it beating steadily.
“Ow,” Kensi groaned, lifting her head off the steering wheel. Like Deeks, she kept her eyes shut for a few seconds, but he was beyond relieved that she was conscious. “What happened?”
“We hit a downed pole. I think we might have landed in a ditch,” he answered, tipping Kensi’s chin up so he could get a better look at her forehead.
“Fantastic. We should call Eric and Nell.”
“First we need to make sure you’re not bleeding too much. I think you hit it on the steering wheel,” he said. He unlatched his belt, scooting as close as the bucket seats and console would allow.
“You’re bleeding too,” Kensi said, pointing to his shoulder. Deeks glanced down and was surprised to see that the right side of his shoulder was soaked with a fairly large circle of blood.
“Huh, I didn’t even notice.” Though now that he was aware of it, his shoulder burned. “We’ll worry about you first.” Kensi let him examine her head with barely concealed impatience as he probed various spots and used a spare shirt he found in the back seat to wipe away some of the blood.
“It looks like it’s mostly stopped,” he told her. “But you’re probably going to have a nice black eye. It’s already swelling a little.” He gently prodded the area around her eye socket.
“Could be worse,” she said, shrugging it off as she eyed his shoulder again. He plucked at the clinging fabric with a grimace; it was slightly tacky and clammy.
“I don’t think there’s much we can do about this until we get help. You got a signal?” Kensi felt around until she found her cell phone, which had somehow relocated to under her seat, and shook her head.
“It’s dead. What about yours?” Deeks held up his cell, it’s screen completed smashed.
“Nada,” he said sadly. “I don’t even think Eric could save it now. And to think, Hetty just let me upgrade.”
“Well,” Kensi said, struggling to get her seatbelt off. After a few tries, it finally came loose. “At least we have one less thing to worry about.”
“What’s that?”
“You clearly don’t have a head injury, because you’re being just as ridiculous as usual.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” he decided as he tried the passenger door. No matter how hard he pulled and push, it wouldn’t give. He slammed the weight of his body against it, but it only made a creaking noise.
“Ow, son of a-that was a terrible idea,” he shouted, clutching his shoulder. Kensi, looking concerned, instantly started climb over the consul, reaching for him. “No, I’m ok. I’m ok.” Kensi didn’t look convinced, but went back to trying her won door, which also wouldn’t budge.
“Great,” she sighed “Hopefully Eric and Nell heard the crash and already have someone on the way.”
“We weren’t on comms,” Deeks reminded her.
“Crap, you’re right.” Kensi grabbed her head, squinting, and Deeks wondered if her head injury was worse than she was letting on. His own head was pounding, but not bad enough that he couldn’t ignore it for the most part.
“I have another awesome idea,” he announced as Kensi continued to rub her head. She opened one eye in time to see him draw his gun and aim it at he windshield.
“Deeks, I don’t know-“ Ignoring her warning, Deeks fired at the glass, satisfied with the crazed lines that appeared all around the bullet hole. Pushing back against his seat, he swung his legs up and started kicking at the glass. Kensi joined him and in a few minutes they had a large enough spot cleared that they both would be able to fit through.
“Ladies first,” he said a little breathlessly, offering Kensi a hand up. She navigated the broken glass with less agility than normal, but made it out onto the hood without incident.
As he tried to push himself up onto the dashboard, his arm buckled, nearly giving out on him completely. Kensi turned around when she realized he wasn’t behind her and peered in at him, her eyes immediately drawn to his shoulder.
Deeks could feel more blood trickling out, a truly unnerving sensation. He’d definitely made it worse in the last few minutes.
“Babe, are you ok?” Kensi asked, looking like she was prepared to come in after him.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he lied, switching to his other arm and putting as little pressure on his right as he could. Hopefully he hadn’t damaged anything too important. He swung himself through, his pants catching on the jagged edges of glass and landed on the SUV’s hood beside Kensi.
It had stopped raining at some point, but everything was wet and muddy. There’s were several more tree limbs and surrounding the SUV. It was still fairly light out, but the sun would be going down in a couple hours.
Kensi dropped into a squat beside him, reaching for his hand.
“C’mon Partner,” she said, squeezing it firmly, “I’ll race you to the top.”
Thanks for the prompt!
A/N: Unfortunately, I’ve put myself in a position where I feel the need to make this a two parter.
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ravenvsfox · 5 years
‘somehow escape the burning wait’ + andreil (yes i read your tags)
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(I kinda stitched these two together, hope that’s okay! This became a bonnie and clyde extravaganza and I don’t know why)
They make it all the way to the border before Nathan catches up with them.
For months they’ve been tripping through grocery stores and motels with blue, blue swimming pools, and when the mood strikes them, careening into parking lots to steal prettier cars.
Neil told Andrew who he is--he can’t remember. A long time ago. Months. Years.
That first time Nathan tried to take him, Andrew wrenched the knife out of his hand so hard that his butcher’s hand had snapped.
In the aftermath of their escape, Andrew had sponged the blood out of Neil’s hair, and Neil had cried his way through a panic attack. It was the first time he’d said the name Wesninski out loud in over a year.
He came for them again after that, but they kept stumbling out of reach, pulling each other across state-lines and into unfindable burrows.
Together, they’ve done the messy, elbow-deep work of heaving Neil out of his father’s shadow. They’ve been trying to run fast enough that maybe the killer’s blood inside him will purify and evaporate off of his skin.
Andrew tells him every day that they can stop. That he will take care of it, when Nathan comes calling. But Neil refuses to watch that showdown, between his past and his future. 
They keep moving. Neil teaches Andrew how to do it undetected for a while, the passports and disguises, but then, inexplicably, they start to enjoy themselves. 
The hateful, scrounging existence of his life attached to his mother becomes thrilling with Andrew. He jogs backwards in front of him, so it almost feels like he’s running towards something.
The first time they rob a store, it’s so slick that no one notices. Andrew peels a chunk of inventory from the back shelf while Neil asks the cashier for directions, easy. Always easier, with two people. No--always easy with Andrew.
They always aim low, and corporate. They stay anonymous, and alive. Then they start to take a little extra. 
They wander through a clothing store and Andrew grabs expensive shirts in Neil’s size, barely looking at them. Andrew always liked his maserati, so they steal one. Adrenaline makes people so stupid, but so awake.
They have matching duffle bags now, and they live in each other’s clothes. Neil dyes Andrew’s hair a rich brown that matches his eyes.
They get a police scanner, and listen for any sign of themselves. They read Baltimore obituaries, hoping.
Andrew calls Aaron from payphones, when he can. He gets even quieter, afterwards, and Neil can tell he’s furious at himself for leaving. He won’t go back though, even when Neil begs him to. 
One night, when they’re robbing a closed liquor store, the cops show up. 
Neil flattens himself to the floor, and Andrew drops down after him just as a flashlight beam ghosts through the blinds. 
“Look at me,” Andrew whispers, crouched across the aisle from him.
“There’s no back door in here,” Neil tells him. “We’re done.”
“Not yet,” he says. They usually keep gloves and masks on them just in case, and Andrew slides his up over his nose, black and surgical. “Wait here.”
“Yeah right,” Neil says, and stands up with him. “Together or not at all, remember?”
“Anyone in there who’s not s’posed to be?” the officer calls, tapping on the glass front door with his baton. They move wordlessly closer, and Andrew puts his palm gently on the door, holding it closed. The door nudges forward beneath his hand, and they share a whiplash glance before Andrew kicks the door, and it smacks open into the officer’s face. 
He staggers backwards, and Neil hefts the bag full of money and booze into his gut before he can recover. He doubles over, and Andrew grabs his arms behind his back, but there’s another one, standing just outside the squad car, looking gobsmacked.
“Drew,” Neil warns.
A fumble, a breath, and then there’s a gun levelled towards them.
“Let him go right now,” the second cop demands. “And put your hands in the air.”
“Don’t die,” Andrew tells him through his teeth, wrestling the first cop into a headlock.
“Thanks,” Neil huffs. He walks forward two steps. The officer shakes the gun at him.
“Not another step, I mean it.”
“Okay,” Neil says. “Okay. Calm down.” He hears the sputtering behind him disintegrate as the first cop blacks out. “I’m just gonna put the bag down.”
“Bag down, then hands up,” he says.
“Exactly,” Neil says coolly. He puts the bag down, wrapping a hand around the neck of a bottle poking out of the top as he does. 
In one fluid motion, he stands, flinging the bottle underhanded towards the officer’s head. He flinches, lifting one arm to protect his face. It gives Andrew enough time to palm the gun off of his unconscious charge, and blast the cop in the kneecap. 
He goes howling to the ground as the bottle shatters behind him, dropping his gun to grab his knee. Neil’s just close enough to swipe it.
The smell of blood and vodka is pungent, even through his mask.
Neil rips the mobile radio off of his belt while he’s down there, then says, “you’re going to want to tourniquet that. Use your belt.” 
The officer sobs, and fumes, and doesn’t answer. 
“Let’s go,” Andrew calls.
Neil scoops up the abandoned bag and jogs to join him. “Someone’s gonna report that gunshot,” he says.
“That’s why I’m telling you to move,” Andrew says, pulling him by the wrist, then the waist. Neil moves to duck into their getaway car, a nondescript little honda this time, but Andrew goes for the police cruiser instead. He falls into the still open driver’s seat, and Neil fills the backseat with their stolen goods.
“You didn’t kill him,” Neil says, climbing inside. “Higgins would appreciate that.”
“I didn’t spare him out of respect for the police force,” Andrew says wryly, turning the ignition and reversing haphazardly out into the street. “There’s less mess with an alive cop than a dead one. Less time looking for us.” 
He’s driving like he usually does, switching lanes fast and running red lights, but it looks natural on a police car. They race out of town, galloping well over the speed limit, their flashing lights parting the sparse midnight traffic. 
Neil tells him they need to switch cars, and between one moment and the next, Andrew has pulled someone over. Sirens blazing, he announces over the in-car megaphone that they need to step out of their vehicle. 
They get out of the squad car in tandem. Andrew takes the stolen gun and walks evenly towards the other car, and while the driver squints into the glare from their headlights, Neil slips around the other side, all the way into their passenger seat.
He clambers over the console to the driver’s side and locks the door, heart pounding. He can see Andrew pointing a gun at the person now, holding them at bay while he rounds the car to the passenger side.
They leave the driver stranded on the side of the road.
“That was so stupid,” Neil tells him, breathless. “He’s going to report his car as stolen, and he has rough descriptions of us to match the cops’.”
“We’ll leave it at the next rest stop,” Andrew says flippantly. “We couldn’t hold onto that cruiser.”
“We shouldn’t have had it in the first place,” Neil says. “We had a car already, you took the cop car because you thought it would be fun.”
“And it was,” Andrew says, shrugging. It’s times like this that Neil could swear he’s about to smile.
Neil leans in a little, caught up in the anticipation of that smile, running on adrenaline fumes. He catches himself before he can make contact, but Andrew takes his hand off the gearshift and pulls him in the rest of the way. 
He kisses him, lush, as they drift onto the shoulder of the road, one hand flexing on the wheel, the other clenched in Neil’s collar.
“We’re going to get caught,” Neil says against his mouth. “And then what are you going to do?”
Andrew shrugs again. “Go for the kneecaps.”
They do get caught, five days later, as they’re trying to cross from Washington up into British Columbia. Their passports are very good fakes, and they’re in a second-hand car that they paid for with stolen cash. 
Nathan must have paid off border agents at every port, because they hold them at the side of the road for four hours, long enough for Lola to appear, grinning, at the window.
To their credit, they put up an excellent fight.
They dodge behind cars, picking their way towards safety, two steps forward one step back, over and over. Andrew fires their stolen gun randomly behind them, and he grazes at least two of their pursuers. Neil spots security cameras with dawning dread, and when he looks at the determined line of Andrew’s sharp jaw, he realizes that they’re mask-less. 
Real border agents are sidelined and killed by whoever Lola’s hired to help her, and the fight drags pointlessly on.
Eventually, there’s a high, familiar yelp on the air, and Neil looks at Andrew, wide-eyed.
“Did you get her?” He whispers.
Andrew shakes his head. “Crossfire,” he says. “From their side.”
A laugh bubbles up past his lips. He holds a hand over his mouth. “They won’t last without her. She’s the only one with any stock in this.”
He pokes his head above the toll booth they’re using for cover, and a bullet clips the wood just below his neck. He ducks back down, and Andrew holds him by the back of the neck.
“Look at me,” he says. Neil does. “There is a car parked beyond the main building. We get behind the wall, and we have enough time to start moving before they shoot up the wheels. But we have to run.”
Neil nods jerkily, and offers him a crooked smile. “I can do that.” 
Andrew’s hand gets heavier on his neck. “Yes or no?” he asks.
Neil shakes his head. “Kiss me when we’re safe.”
The pressure on his neck eases up. Andrew puts the emptied gun carefully on the gravel at their knees. “Three,” he says.
“Two,” Neil replies.
They burst out from behind the toll booth. 
For a shimmering moment there’s no gunfire at all. He’s across half the gulf they need to cover in a second, faster than he’s ever been, off the blocks at the races while his challengers fumble their takeoff. 
And then there’s that telltale whistle in the air. He stumbles.
Andrew whips his head around to find the source, and Neil sees his dark eyes for a moment, the gnarl of exertion in his brow.
“Come on,” he’s saying.
A moment later, Neil understands that he’s been shot. He’s still running, but it’s the running you do in a nightmare, when the ground is an endless treadmill.
The bullet clipped him in the back, and it hasn’t come through to the front. He can tell that Andrew doesn’t know it’s happened. Neil barely knows it’s happened.
The pain is there, but it’s underwater, and he is pressed against the ceiling to avoid it.
They round the corner, gasping, and the spill of gunfire stops again. Heavy footfalls follow, but they don’t stick around to see how fast they might be. Andrew wheels into the car, and Neil drags his way up after him. The adrenaline is all over him like armour, and he’s petrified that it will begin to jangle apart, soon. It might not matter what they do now, if he doesn’t go to a hospital.
They drive, off road, alongside the whipping branches of the tree line. They’re chased for a while, by whoever was quick enough to get to their own car, but they give up when Andrew starts taking them in quick, dizzying turns down side roads.
They are in Canada, against all odds, and Neil is bleeding to death in the passenger’s seat.
“Andrew,” Neil says, and Andrew leans over and kisses him, as close to giddy as he ever gets.
“Safe,” Andrew tells him. The road in front of them is newly paved, and the pines on either side are -- unimaginably beautiful.
“Maybe,” Neil says. Andrew rolls his eyes.
“We ditch this car as soon as we can, and we find an outlet mall to change clothes.”
“We emerge, Canadians,” Neil jokes. He reaches discretely for his wound, and his hand comes away soaked with blood. He swallows.
“You convinced yourself you were going to die,” Andrew says. “But that was almost easy.”
“Easy,” Neil echoes. He’s losing his tender grip on consciousness. “Andrew,” he says. “I’m sorry I’m going to do this to you.”
Andrew looks over at him, and Neil can feel his gaze trickling down to Neil’s bloody fingers.
“Neil?” He says, alarmed.
“Almost,” he says, frustrated tears slipping back into his hair. “We almost did it.”
“Fuck,” Andrew’s saying. “Don’t. Don’t you fucking dare.”
They can’t pull over, and Andrew knows this. They don’t have enough distance yet, and they’re driving a conspicuous car. It’s only a matter of time before Lola or her recruits get in contact with Nathan. Nathan will check the hotels first, then maybe the hospitals. He’ll be thorough, as always.
“Hospital?” Andrew asks. 
Neil coughs. “You know we can’t.”
“I am not going to drive us through the countryside like we’re on a road trip while you die next to me.”
“It’s a good way to die,” Neil murmurs. He never expected such a kind death.
“There is no good way to die,” Andrew snaps. “You are not doing it.”
Neil is suddenly, fiercely proud to hear him denounce death like that. He smiles, and a little bubble bursts at the corner of his mouth. He knows there’s blood in his teeth.
A burning pain lances through him, and he traps a sob in his clenched jaw.
“Don’t,” Andrew says, “do this to me.”
“Don’t take me somewhere you like,” Neil says, “to bury me.”
“It--it made me hate the beach,” he slurs. “I shouldn’t’ve--”
“I’ll kill you,” Andrew says, voice mulched with emotion. “I’ll kill you.”
“Sorry,” Neil says again, swallowing blood, and then he droops, cold, and passes out.
“Fuck you,” Andrew says, when he wakes up. 
He’s groggy, but he knows immediately that he’s been taken to a hospital, despite everything, and that they probably won’t ever leave it.
“I’m sorry,” Neil says, trying to sit up, wincing through it.
“So you have said,” Andrew says. 
“How long has it been?”
His eyes flicker to the bedside clock. “Six hours, thirteen minutes.”
Neil’s stomach turns.
“He... he knows how close they got. He’s going to check hospitals. He’ll come to finish the job, and I’ll die anyway. We both will.”
“Then the last thing I will have done is save your life,” Andrew says.
“That’s--” Neil starts, so moved that he’s almost embarrassed.
“I don’t care. It wasn’t an option for me. Let’s stop discussing it.”
Neil relaxes, fond, and hopeless, and sad. He looks up at the pallid ceiling, feeling transparent, like he was caught in the portal between life and death and now he’s cut in two.
“Come here,” Neil says, shifting in his cot. “Wait with me.”
Andrew doesn’t complain, or pretend he doesn’t want to. He crawls into bed with him, and Neil wants to droop onto his shoulder, but he has to look at his face.
It’s easy to forget their deadline when Andrew is so warm against him. They haven’t relaxed so completely in years. The race is over. 
“Thank you,” Neil tells him. “For the company. I really think--we were amazing.”
Andrew kisses him so sweetly on the cheek, and threads a warm hand into his hair. Neil puts his hand over Andrew’s heart.
The door opens.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Destiny of the Damned
Part 1 - Meeting Roman
Chapter 3 - Zombie
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"Why wouldn't you go on dates? They're fun. Even if you end up never speaking to the person again, how else are you going to embarrass yourself singing karaoke, or bowling, or playing putt putt golf, or laser tag?" I asked.
"I'm more interested in fast forwarding to the end of the date." He smiled and winked at me. "Besides, I don't think I've ever done any of those things you said... Ever"
"Whhhhhhaaaaattttttt? Shut your dirty whore mouth." I exclaimed wide eyed with my mouth hanging open.
"What? That stuff is too cheesy for me. I've got a lot on my plate, I don't have time for nonsense."
"When I grow up, I wanna be just like you." I say like a smart-ass, resting my chin in my palm as i lean on the center console "Ok change of plans. We are now going to this address." I keyed in the new information into the navigation.
"Is this like your favorite place?" he asks with a smirk.
"No, I've never gone, but I remember reading about it."
"So any address you ever see, you remember forever?" he asks incredulously.
"Yes. Anything I read or see, I remember. Not so much what I hear always."
He raised my hand to his pillow lips and gently kissed along my knuckles and across the back of my hand. He took my index finger into his mouth and gently sucked on it, turning his lustful gaze on me with such intensity, i could feel the heat in my core. I could see how he got his reputation, and Although it felt nice, I blurted out my first thought.
"I bet you made out with your hand when you were a kid huh? Like when you decided to practice?"
He froze and removed my finger from his mouth and turned to me rolling his eyes, "Don't you find me attractive?"
"Duh." I giggled.
"Duh?" He shook his head and dropped my hand putting both hands on the wheel and staring ahead with a sour look on his perfect face.
I stare at him as he continues to ignore me. Good fucking luck buddy. I got my phone out and opened my karaoke app. I turned the radio off and selected a song I figured everyone knew; "Zombie" by the Cranberries.
"Excuse me, I was listening to that." Roman said, flashing me an annoyed look, as he reached to turn his radio back on, but I karate chop his hand at the last moment, and he lets out a yelp in surprise.
"Hiya!" I shouted playfully. "We are going to sing karaoke on the way and get that off your bucket list."
"I wasn't aware that was on my list." He said icily, staring straight ahead again looking even meaner.
"Brrrr. It's so cold in here... must be you." I take my seat belt off and lean across the center console and breath hot breath on his throat and then lick all the way up to his ear, and then gently kiss his cheek. He visibly melts and lets out a low growl and pulls over. As soon as the suv was in park, he picks me up completely and sets me in his lap before crushing my lips with a frantic kiss. I could feel him getting aroused since I was in his lap, and I pull away to look at him, both of us already out of breath. We lock eyes and he opens his mouth to speak, but thinks better of what it was he was going to say and just returns my gaze with a half smile playing across his lips. I search his face, taking in the Gorgeous green color of his eyes, his pillow soft lips, The little line in the middle of his nose, the hardly noticeable scar on his cheek, his severe cheekbones, the way his face looked almost perfectly symmetrical. He was so beautiful. What the hell do I have to lose here?
"What are you thinking about?" He asks as I lean in to kiss him again.
"How someone so beautiful, can be so lonely." I say against hi lips without thinking. As soon as it comes out, I want to slap myself.
"Who said I was lonely?" He says almost shyly. 
I meet his eyes and tenderly kiss him. I place my hands on each cheek and nibble on his bottom lip ending in a drawn out smooch. I open my eyes and he is staring at me thoughtfully. I nuzzle my nose against his cheek and I feel him relaxing, before he snaps to attention, glring at me suspiciously. 
"Tell me What.You. Want. From. Me."He commanded. His eyes never leaving my own, his intense gaze willing me to tell him what he wants to know. I don't think he knows what it's like to hear no. I try to think of the answer to his question, because I am just as curious what the answer is. finally I think I have the answer. 
"I want you Roman. And I want you to want me. But not the easy way" I said pressing my hand down on his stiff erection. "I want it from here." I placed my hand on his heart and placed his hand on mine.
He looked a little nervous, and broke our eye contact and looked out the window. He chuckles uncomfortably shaking his head, "If you knew me, the real me... you wouldn't say such a thing. I'm ugly and I'm incapable of love. Giving it or receiving it."
My heart broke for him. What could be his reason for saying such a thing? People don't say stuff like that for nothing. This boy had some deep issues and some serious baggage. i let out a big sigh, as  I crawled back over into my seat.
"I should take you back." He said, not making eye contact.
"I'll fucking climb through your doggy door if you try to escape me now." I teased.
He smiles in spite of himself and turns to me with his eyebrow cocked, "I don't have a doggy door."
"It's easy enough to make one." I say seriously as he searches my face for something. 
"Great you're a psycho," He laughs. He was trying not to smile but he couldn't help it. He tried a few times to go back to his brooding mean mug, but then hed glance over at me, and break out into a smile again. "I like you a lot. You're crazy." He leaned over to kiss me gently on my lips, running his fingers into my hair, before pulling away, and turning on the car. "Now let's try this again shall we?"
He truly was breathtaking when he smiled. It was then I decided I wasn't going to be cautious or hold back. I was just going to give 100% and hope for the best. Worst case scenario; i get to have a night with Roman Godfrey, Best case, well I wasnt sure what the best case was but i bet there was a Pinterest or two dedicated to it. 
"You remind me of her so much. Your attitude and free spirited carefree nonsense..." He said wistfully.
"Letha?" I asked.
He nodded slowly.
"She must of been a fucking legend," I joked."Time to sing fool!" I howled.
"You really don't forget do you?".
"um, nope. I'll go first, and you can see how I do it and then, we will switch, and you sing while I drive, and so on and so forth."
"What makes you think I'll let you drive my car?"
"Because I can afford to replace it and you don't give a shit about material possessions anyway." i huff.
He laughed and agreed.
"Prepare to be entertained!" I belt out "Zombie" like i  was on stage performing for thousands. I knew I was an excellent singer and I wanted to impress him and it was clear i Had.
 "Could you sing one more song for me?"
"Sure. What song you wanna hear?" i asked excited he liked my singing.
"Geri by Super Humanoids."
"Oh I like that song." I found the song and started to sing. I decided to use two voices for the man and the woman singer. I sounded kinda silly but I had good range and could do high notes as easily as very low notes. It was actually a challenge sounding so ridiculous and we both laughed and laughed when the song ended.
"Switch." I yelled.
He sighed dramatically, but he pulled over. I jumped out my side and he stepped out walking around the front of the car. Just as we were about to pass each other, I grabbed Roman by his blazer and pushed him against the grill kissing him hungrily. He was all for it and switched positions with me pressing me against the large Mercedes symbol. I reached for his belt buckle and looked at him for permission.
"Wow really?" He hissed mischievously.
"I'm giving you 100%, I'm not being afraid of you, I'm trusting you." I looked up at him innocently. "Can we try that?"
"I don't know beautiful. I've never done that, and we hardly know each other, and you don't want to try that with me." He said looking everywhere but my eyes.
"Yes I do." I stated. "Don't be a pussy, what are you afraid of?"
He looked down at me, still hesitant but with a sparkle in his eye. "I'm terrified of you."
"wow. honesty. youre turn. ask me anything!"
"Tell me your darkest secret... " it was an order, but he wasn't trying to compel me. This was sincere curiosity on his part.
"wow you don't fuck around! Well the date might be over when i tell you, but here goes.' why this question I scream in my head, before blurting out, "I killed my parents, I'm not sorry, and if given the chance, I'd do it again." Shit. That was a bit of an overshare. I could of left out the last half.
Romans eyes grew wide and his eyebrows shot up as he took a few steps back from me. "Fuck baby, you don't gotta tell me why, but did they deserve it?"
"Yes." I said without hesitation. My heart sank as he looked at me strangely, unreadable to me.
"That's so fucking hot." He closed the gap between us and pulled me over to the passenger side of the car, seating me on the seat, facing him as he stood between my legs. His kisses were so fevered and desperate. It's like he was starving and I was the only cure to his hunger. He stripped my shirt off and whimpered when he saw my breasts in my sexiest lace bra that only covers less than half my breasts, and at 36D, that's quite an eyefull. He slipped my nipple into his mouth, circling each nipple several times before sucking on them hard and then lapping at them back and forth at a feverish pace. He pulled my panties off, but left my jean skirt on, and plunged his fingers inside my soaking wet core, using his thumb to rub circles on my clit.
I reached down and unbuckled his belt and pants, freeing the biggest penis I had ever seen. It was more girthy then usual and quite long. No wonder he was so arrogant. "Let me suck your cock please." i stated. I have an admitted oral fixation, and quite enjoy wrapping my lips around a nice cock. theres something about making a man melt, and be putty in your hands, that gets me excited. 
"Yes mam." Roman said breathing heavily and groaning as I run my hand up and down his shaft. He backed up and I got on my knees assessing his cock. My god IT IS EVEN BEAUTIFUL! How is he so perfect? I opened my mouth as wide as I could and barely fit it inside. I had no gag reflex, but even with that advantage, I could only handle a little over half of the total cock in my mouth. I used my hands to work the rest of it, making sure to play with his balls and look up at him now and then. 
He moaned "oh baby, You're so fucking good at that. I swear baby, you are the fucking best blowjob ever and that's saying a lot." He was breathing heavily and watching every thing I did with great interest. "Can I fuck your little pussy now please? Cars keep passing and totally know what we are up to, so we need to hurry, but first I need to bury my cock deep inside of you."
I stood up, wiping drool from my chin, and bent over the seat, offering Roman to take me from behind, but he flipped me around crushing me with his lips as he shoved his cock deep inside me. I couldn't help but to cry out. I'd never felt so full, it was amazing. Anyone that ever says size doesn't matter, is a fucking liar. If I hadn't been so wet, it may have been an issue, but luckily I was embarrassingly dripping.
"I want to see your face as I fuck you, is this ok?" roman moans kissing me deeply again.  "Why do I feel so fucking attached to you like I'm in fucking love with you? What have you done to me angel?" He whimpers as my breath hitches and i nod that I am ok, so he picks up the pace and I scream out his name.
"Harder Roman! It hurts so fucking good. Fucking break me baby,I'm gonna cum, don't you dare fucking stop." I held on to him as I felt my orgasm building up to near spilling over when I felt his teeth sink into my shoulder causing my release to hit me like a tidal wave and I bite him back, Digging my teeth in his collar bone, tasting his blood splash into my mouth.
"Where do I cum?" He asks frantically, peering into my eyes, pupils blown out, looking fucked out and helpless.
"Back up." I ordered. He did so and I got on my knees and opened my mouth as He shoved his cock down my throat and convulsed, shooting his load down my throat. I get up and he grabs my face smiling.
"Baby you look so fucking crazy. You bit the shit out of me." He says pulling me to the rear view mirror, to see the blood and drool all over my face. 
I grabbed some napkins out of the glove box and poured the remainder of my water on it, so I could clean off my face. I did the best I could and got in the driver seat. I looked over at Roman and he had this dopey look on his face. "You okay?" I asked.
"I think I'm smitten." He said dreamily. "That was so fucking hot, I will go play fucking mini golf or fucking bingo or wherever the fuck you want,I don't give a shit. I want to make you happy."
I looked over expecting a joking demeanor but there was none. He was serious. I was right about him, he just needed someone to love him most. He needed to be the boss and in control and to feel special and I was going to give him that.
"You've got me 100% Roman. Now choose a song. Don't think I forgot!"
"Do we get to do that every time we switch because if so, I'm gonna have a fucking marathon karaoke session up in this motherfucker." he said with a twinkle in his eye. 
I genuinely laughed with him, intoxicated by this strange feeling we were feeling. Happiness and attachment, were no friends of mine but for once i wasnt afraid,which was insane! If there was ever a boy to be afraid of, he was it, but not tome. To me, he was just perfect.
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((Yes, requests are coming up. I just started my sophomore year of college this week tho so cut me some slack bois. Here is some angsty, very self-indulgent Gavin/RK900 solely written for me to get some practice working with their whole dynamics. Forgive me if either are too out of character. I love you.))
Gavin had been having a shit day, but what else was new. He sat in the driver’s seat of his car, tapping his thumb against the wheel. It was pouring outside just as it had been since early in the morning. Next to him, Richard sat in the passenger seat staring forward out the window.
“The Wilson’s should be arriving back to their apartment before noon.” The android had his hands folded on his lap, just as robotic and annoying as usual.
“Yeah, I read the memo, Data. Do you think Picard would put up with your monotone ass?” Gavin leaned back, taking a sip of his coffee. For as much as he complained, Gavin was warming up to Richard, despite his best intentions. “When the assholes show up, I want you stay behind me. Got it?”
“They do not have a history of violence, detective.” Richard finally turned, LED turning yellow for a moment. “But, I will follow your lead on this.”
“Good to know deviancy hasn’t made you stupid, at least.” The detective groaned, leaning his head back. “Ughhh. Stakeouts suck ass. Boring as shit.”
“Normally, I’d argue your work ethic,” Richard turned back to the window. “But in this case, I agree. Stakeouts do ‘suck ass’.”
Fowler wasn’t worried about the Wilson case. It was cut and dry, really. The young couple were frequent criminals, both hooked on their own Red Ice supply. The department had been watching them for months, even prior to the android revolution. Now that they finally had enough evidence to make the arrest, though, they were so busy dealing with human protestors and other bastards all around Detroit, the case had been shoved aside to the nearest free desk.
, Gavin thought.
“You never buckle your seat belt when you drive,” the android said suddenly, without turning from his view. “Why is that?”
Gavin shot him a look and shrugged. “I don’t know? Where the fuck is this coming from all of a sudden?”
“Just a question. No real reason.” A moment of silence paused till Richard addressed the glare his partner was giving him. “Lieutenant Anderson suggested to me that you might appreciate what he called ‘small talk’. I thought I should try and be conversational since we are partners now.”
“Ugh, gross,” Gavin sighed. He needed to make a call to his fucking cousin and ask Elijah why the fuck he made androids so goddamn clueless. “Listen, one of the great things about having friends is that you don’t always have to fill your time together with conversation. So shove off. Kapche?”
Nines turned to face Gavin, his head tilted to the side. “We are... friends now?”
“Oh my god. Do
make this gay, dude” he groaned. Another quiet moment passed before he ran a hand over his face. “That’s them on the left, right?”
The Wilson’s looked like any other couple. Both were athletically built, Mrs. Wilson being a bit more bulky than her lean husband. Judging by their attire, they seemed to be coming back from a jog together. They were clearly in love, holding hands and smiling and shit. It was hard to believe just looking at them that they were wanted criminals.
“I just sent a message to the department that the subjects are in sight.” Richard’s led spun for a moment as Gavin opened the car door.
“Come on, let’s grab them-” He started to say, but was cut off by Richard grabbing his arm over the console.
“Wait till they enter the house,” Richard said, a sharp look in his icy blue eyes. “We risk civilian casualty if we engage out in the open, not to mention the risk of them escaping capture.”
“If they get into the house we’ll be in their territory,” Gavin argued back. “Plus we’d literally be giving them a chance to arm themselves, dipshit. We’re taking them now.”
“Think with your head, not your instinct, detective. They are clearly both fit individuals. If we attack them on the street, there is an 87% that they will over power us and a 93% chance that at least one of them will escape. It isn’t crowded on the street by any means, but our mission objective is ultimately to protect the people of Detroit, no? We stand only a 2% risk of any passerby being harmed if we wait.”
Despite having the same face as Connor the Puppy Dog Detective, Gavin had always thought Richard’s features always came across more jagged and strong. As the android stared him down, Gavin caught himself watching the way he gripped and ungripped his fist, the marks on his plastic lower lip from him biting them nervously, all the little bits of deviant humanity that had been leaking into his partner.
“Jesus Christ, fine.” Gavin closed the door and turned to watch the Wilson’s unlock the door to their home. “But don’t get used too used to being right all the time,
They watched the cars pass by occasionally, splashing puddles onto the sidewalk. The detective made sure to keep his eyes on the windows, looking for the lights to come on. He gave in to his partner, waiting about for five minutes or so in front.
Once they were sure that it was clear, they ended up in front of the door. “Cover my back in case they try anything, Nines,” Gavin said, taking the lead. He grabbed the door knocker and waited for a response.
“Detroit Police,” he called when he could see they weren’t getting anywhere. “We have a warrant. Open up!”
A minute passed as well as three more calls from Gavin with no signs of movement from inside. In fact, the moment he’d said the word ‘police’ it was like everything suddenly died.
Richard put his hand on Gavin’s shoulder. “May I?”
“Guess we have no choice.” He stepped aside. “Just try not to get shot, asshole?”
He began to line himself up with the door. “You’re overwhelming concern is truly touching, but may I remind you that I am the plastic one? I can usually be repaired, but you are much more…”
“No. More… Squishy.” Stupid jerk had a smirk on his face that made Gavin want to toss him into the door himself. Richard took a running start, smashing in the door with a quick lunge.
The inside of the house was barren, near empty. It was a stark scene compared to how average the house looked from the outside. All that filled the open first floor was a folding table, two chairs, the desolate kitchen, and terribly thin looking cat sleeping on a filthy paper bag.
“I detect two heat signatures upstairs,” Richard drew his baton. It was still illegal for androids to wield guns, but hopefully he wouldn’t need it.
“Alright, keep the cuffs ready and follow me.” Pulling out his weapon, Gavin climbed the stairs. They were creakier then they looked, waking the mangy calico and very likely alerting their suspects. “Ah, fuck.”
As soon as they reached the second floor, Richard pointed over his partner’s shoulder to a closed door. Gavin nodded, aiming his gun forward and waved on in compliance. It was getting to be scary how in-sync they were anymore.
“Adam and Rebecca Smith! Come out with your hands up!” Gavin beat his fist on the door harder. “Come on! Don’t make this harder than it needs to be!”
Suddenly, a large muscular man came barrelling through the door, tackling the detective to the ground and dealing a hard punch to his face. Gavin’s head hit the ground hard, definitely causing a concussion judging by the fuzz that over took his vision.
“Reed!” He heard Richard’s voice calling out as he struggled to stand back up. There were more sounds as the world stopped spinning. Once he was up again, Gavin caught sight of his partner dealing out another, harder blow, breaking Mr. Smith’s nose and knocking him out cold.
, Gavin groaned inwardly as he felt for the blood flowing down his face.
“Adam!” Mrs. Smith screamed as she burst into the hallway after her husband. She was a stocky, well built woman, a bit more muscular than even Mr. Smith, but she was no match for Cyberlife’s infamous ex-deviant hunter.
Gavin jumped off the floor, coming out of his haze and climbing on top of the unconscious Mr. Smith to cuff his wrists behind his back. He was still dizzy from the head wound on his forehead, but stitches would have to come later. Once the detective was happy with how secure the first suspect was, he looked up to see Richard manhandling a struggling Mrs. Smith against the wall.
“Please cooperate.” The android managed to get one cuff on but was having a hard time grabbing the other. The red headed woman was fighting something fierce. It almost made Gavin laugh to finally see his partner so frazzled.
Mrs. Smith landed a sharp nailed punch into Richard’s chest, though it barely moved him. “You bastard robots are the reason we’re here in the first place! If you hadn’t taken my husband’s job, we wouldn’t have to be selling this shit!”
“You have the right to remain silent, ma’am,” Nines said, finally grabbing her a bit better. “Anything you say can and will be held against you-”
Very suddenly, Gavin’s blood rain cold.
There was a loud
that filled the air. Richard freezed. Mrs. Smith jumped out the window onto the roof. The cat meowed on the staircase.
He should chase after the suspect. Gavin knew that perfectly well that he
be chasing after her, but once again, his brain was leading him to do something illogical.
“Richard?” The detective took his shoulders, just in time to get a good look at the gaping hole in the android’s neck before he collapsed to the ground.
The android was surprisingly light as Gavin caught him in his arms. Thirium filled the air and stained his clothes, but nothing could make the detective care about that now. Blue quickly began to soak the gross shag carpet as a static sound began to leak from Nine’s lips.
“Stay with me. Stay with me, okay?” Gavin tried to be careful, gentle, but the guy was taller than
he had thought. Hoisting him up was even harder, but there was no exit wound that he could see. It didn’t take a mechanic to know that time was of the essence. “Just stay with me, Nines. Hold on. I’ll have you there soon. Just hold on.”
He practically bolted down stairs, forgetting Mr. Smith on the floor, forgetting Mrs. Smith on the run, forgetting the cat escaping the house, forgetting the rain as he ran to the road.
” Richard tried to speak, but his voice was diluted with static. He cursed as he opened the backdoor of his vehicle, slowly laying Richard in and down.
“Don’t try
, you hear me?” Gavin practically dived into the driver’s seat, belting himself in quickly. “Don’t talk, don’t move, just- just
, Nines.”
The android made a noise Gavin didn’t want to interpret. Part of him wanted to floor the gas, punch on his sirens, and get to safety as soon as he could, but his heart was pounding and he knew if he panicked things could get only worse. So, he kept the ride smooth and steady, unlike how he was currently feeling.
“I’m taking you home” He made a particularly stunning turn that at a better moment he’d want recorded. “Connor can fix you right? I’ll take you to Anderson’s and he’ll fix you. You’re gonna be okay. I promise. You’ll be fine. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
Gavin felt sick to his stomach, like he was going to be the one vomiting blood next. In his mirror he could see vibrant blue soaking everything like a crime scene. Richard’s eyes were barely open, LED flickering on and off while constantly red. “
“Don’t be scared,” he said. Any sense that Gavin took from the noise he blamed on adrenaline. The genuine tone he took, however, had no explainable cause. “We’re gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be fine, Nines. I’m taking you home. You’re going home, I swear.
A van pulled out in front of him at an intersection, nearly causing a crash. Again, if his partner wasn’t bleeding out behind him, Gavin knew he’d be way more pissed. He’d jump out of the car, gun in hand. He’d slam the driver in the gut. There would be a scene, police would be called, he’d get a warning to watch his temper. But Nines was dying and it was his fucking fault, so none of that happened. Gavin flipped the lady the bird and pressed on.
It took a crushing five more minutes to get to Hank’s place. As soon as Gavin pulled up to the sidewalk, he jumped out and pulled Richard out again.
He was screaming, even if he could hardly hear himself over how loud his chest was.
Gave made a mental note never to joke about Hank being deaf ever again, because he was outside with in seconds. A massive dog followed close behind, hair raised and on the alert.
“Gavin what the fuck do you-
He only ever seen the lieutenant run once or twice, but never as fast as then. Hank made a move to take Richard from Gavin or perhaps to just help carry him in, but Gavin automatically found himself pulling his partner closer to himself.
“He needs help. You have to-” Gavin had to swallow down a lump in his throat. Just as before, he had to blame the hand that snaked itself into Richard’s hair on the adrenaline. What else could it be? “He’s been shot. In the neck. I-I didn’t know where else to take him. Connor can help him. Please tell me Connor can fucking help him.”
“Slow down, okay, kid? Take it easy, now.” Hank raised his hands in defense. “Jesus fuckin- Bring him in the house. Connor’s not here, but I can call him over. Just calm down, Reed.”
He did not calm down. Gavin couldn’t calm down even when he was laying Richard down on Hank’s couch, trying to arrange too long limbs to fit more comfortably. He heard Hank rush over to a phone and shout into it. The dog waddled in last, apparently contented that his home wasn’t being attacked.
“Okay.” The lieutenant took a deep breath after hanging up the phone. “Okay, Connor’s on his way home.
Gavin, you’d better tell me what’s happening before I lose my shit for real.”
He seated himself on the coffee table, letting out a weak sigh of released tension. “We-We were on a stakeout. The Wilson case?” Gavin waited for Hank to nod in understanding. He had placed himself on the coffee table, eyes fixed on Richard. “Fowler sent us to make the arrest. We were cuffing them but the she- she grabbed a gun. I-I didn’t know it was there. I didn’t think-”
“It’s okay, Reed. I get it.” Hank ran a hand threw his loose gray hair with a deep breath. “Christ almighty. This just happened, right? Did you call Jeffery? Fuck, don’t answer that. I’m gonna call Fowler and make sure they take care of everything. Don’t worry about it.” He pulled his cell phone out again and quickly began to dial. “Connor ran out to meet with Markus, but he said he’d be here in a few minutes. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Hank ran outside into the yard to call the department, leaving Gavin alone with his partner.
In the silence, he was suddenly very aware that of how much he was shaking, of how cold he was, of how fast his heart was racing. He had a strange urge to just
as he looked down at Richard’s blue bloodied face. Fingers buried in his hair, the detective grimaced, reminded of his own battle wounds.
Richard began suddenly itching, eyes closed.
“Yeah, Nines,” he said softly as he cradled his own head. “Connor on his way. You’re gonna make it. I promise.”
Before Gavin could respond, Hank burst back through the door with Connor right behind him. The other android went quickly to his brother’s side, carefully moving his head to the side to examine the wound.
“Hank, I need you to go heat up one of the kitchen knives. Quickly. He’s lost too much thirium.” Connor was wearing a white dress shirt and khaki pants, clearly having come from some kind of formal Jericho meeting. Still, he didn’t seem to care about getting his sleeves soaked as he turned to force Gavin’s head down.
“And keep an eye on Detective Reed,” Connor added as he moved back. “He doesn’t appear to have any internal bleeding, but his concussion is quite severe.”
He made a face of annoyance. “Fuck you. ‘M fine.”
“Oh yeah, jerk. You’re just peachy.” Hank appeared behind the couch, handing Connor a red hot chef’s knife. “You won’t be any good for him with your head like that.”
“M’ fine,” was all he could repeat. Hearing the actual words took something out of him, deflating like a balloon. His head hurt more than he had realized now that his panic was fading down a bit. Hands were trying to move him off of the table oh so gently, murmurs passing around the air about ‘shock’ and ‘stress levels’.
Gavin didn’t want to go and he didn’t think it was the adrenaline this time. He had
. He’d promised Richard would be alright. Sure, bastard was a robot, but he had
that promise. No matter what asshole face Gavin normally kept up, he was too tired and delirious to care.
“You called Fowler, right?” He turned a little too fast, forcing Hank to catch him before he fell onto the tabletop.
is the time you chose to worry about work, eh?” The lieutenant actually had the balls to laugh as he pulled Gavin up to stand. “I let the bastard know what happened. He sent some officers down to cover the scene and look for the asshole that did this to you guys. You both have tomorrow off, obviously.”
Connor took the seat he’d left immediately, assumably to cauterise Richard’s neck wound closed. Deviancy had made Connor into a new animal, much like all the others, but in that second Gavin couldn’t help but notice how much of a difference there was between the two models in the room. It was in the way Connor blinked rapidly when he was thinking hard, how his hand flinched a bit when he heard the sizzle on plastic, things that made androids human.
Maybe someday, when neither of them are bleeding out on Anderson’s fucking carpet, he can finally admit that his partner was a bit more human and a bit more than a partner.
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