#eve arc v
bestygogirl · 11 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 2, Group A
Match 2
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Propaganda under the cut!
Somehow still doesn't have propaganda
Princess G
Princess G is a role model and a big sister figure to Romin, she inspires her to follow her dreams and to never give up on what she loves! Also she’s a rockstar and a duelist and rides a motorcycle :)
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
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There's a lot of old unfinished works on my phone, and it just occurred to me that I want them archived somewhere! Have two years of old sketches, designs, and paintings! Remember not to judge yourself just by the drawings you finish, your skill is also equally built on all those abandoned projects sitting in your gallery somewhere <3
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nancelilspace · 1 year
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Day 24: Oh. My. G.O.D
Quick sketch of Eve! Cuz I usually don't draw villians.
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linearsystem · 2 years
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Me giving Manga Yuzu an actual meaningful part of the plot and tying her into my Eve lore and not just making her a comic relief fanservice character/not do that whole just...creepy mom thing like how she was portrayed? 
Hell To The Yeah!
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thesoappope · 8 months
Season 1 Hazbin Hotel Reaction
Omg, ok so since today was the release of the final two episodes of season one of hazbin hotel (omg so glad it's getting a second season!) I binged the series from first episode to the final and omg...I loved every moment of it. Definitely rewatching the episodes makes you really appreciate the craft of the show and ability to smoothly put so much information together. Which upon rewatching, the speed of each episode is actually quite natural andthe progression through and to episodes is actually really good! The character development happens way more frequently then I realized, and it's satisfying seeing the arcs of each charcter to the final. Though I would have loved to see more of sir pentious's redemption process, never the less I'm still happy where he ended. Like omg his hevean form is so cute! I hope we see him again bc he's one of my favs. Such a lovable goof ball. Also Angel and Husk, their arc at the end was so nice! Love them! And yes!!! Vaggie and Charlie got a song! So glad it happened in the final bc omg it felt so rewarding and deserved. Also glad the angst between Charlie and Vaggie wasn't so dramatic. It was perfect and uh. Vaggie got her wings again just so fuckin poetic and ahhhhh! Also yeah fuck Adam, dumb bitch, doesn't get a cool death, just nifty stabbing him with a tooth pick, suck it!!! Oh oh and lucifer coming in clutch hell yeah! Love my short king! Also Charlie and Lucifer's (Angel? Demon?) What ever their badass forms was so cool to see especially Charlie's! Also love vox being so obsessed with alastor that he just had to see him possibly fail, and the other V's are like, bro whatever. Like Vox got no life!!! Oh also love Rosie and her cannibals! Ah everything is so good ahhh!!! Excited for season 2! Oh and one more thing...I FUCKING KNEW LILITH WAS IN HEAVEN, CALLED IT!!! Also bet money either lilith or eve got Alastor on a chain fr fr. Anyways goodbye.
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shannonsketches · 1 month
I was reading this post about Frieza but I didn't want to spam OPs notes with my rambling but Yes yes yessssss same hat same hat!!!
I described Vegeta to my friend as Frieza's favorite dog who spends his career being so unwittingly smug of how well he's learned to hold his own leash --
He's subconsciously learned the How To's of Power from Frieza's detachment, isolation, and precise self-control (knowing a saiyan's strength is in his rage while ignoring that rage comes from a place of emotional investment).
The manga/Toriyama's version of their relationship differs slightly from Toei's EU, largely in the way that Vegeta was being raised by his own father to usurp Frieza at some point, and take his place as ruler of the universe. It didn't start with Frieza, for Vegeta, but Frieza certainly compounded it. By all accounts, Vegeta seemed to enjoy his work, and was very proud of how good at it he was. But pride means as long as you're working for someone else, you're not good enough. And restoring Saiyans to the top of the food chain seemed to be King V's ultimate goal, vicariously through his record-breaking son.
But this seemed to be the goal of both their biological fathers, and what I imagine Frieza liked about Vegeta. It's also something I think Vegeta liked about Frieza. Relating to someone you have several plans to kill, in some quietly fucked up way to be less alone.
But Frieza wasn't only afraid of super saiyans! He was also afraid of what a group of powerful saiyans were capable of, which invites noting that he told Vegeta it was cowardly to rely on others, and that it was proof of ones weakness, while knowing Saiyans were historically deployed in groups. Teaching Vegeta to hang back while his underlings -- not peers, not friends -- did the work, until he -- the special one, like Frieza -- had to step in and solve the problems they weren't strong enough to handle.
Because those were weak Saiyans, who needed teammates. Not like Vegeta. Vegeta was a special Saiyan, who could do it all by himself. Both Frieza and King Vegeta told him so.
Which is probably what King Cold taught Frieza, too.
Part of the reason I think Frieza is/was headed for a redemption arc in Toriyama's version of the story (the manga/recent movies) is because Vegeta and Frieza are largely the same shape in terms of archetypes and story paths -- both born into what are essentially mafia families, both had callous fathers who valued their power over their person, both given no choice in their careers, both powerful enough to be surrounded by sycophants, both smart enough to know better than to call anyone a friend.
The major difference is that Vegeta was suddenly and completely removed from that environment and forced to adapt to a newer (softer) one in order to get his rematch with Goku, and Frieza immediately returned to his army to work toward his rematch with Goku. Vegeta didn't have a home to go back to, and Frieza did. Vegeta was forced to grow and change, and Frieza wasn't. Vegeta was unceremoniously pushed out of his self-isolation (and comfort zone), and Frieza was plucked up and happily curled right back into it.
His change is on a much slower track, but he's still experiencing the same furious denial and obsession with being better than the enigma called Goku that Vegeta did. I definitely agree that Vegeta was scared, and we're seeing that fear in Frieza too. This notion that your value lies wholly in your power -- a theory both King Vegeta and King Cold telegraphed to their children, and one Vegeta continued to witness and embrace while working for Frieza -- is deeply embedded.
It took Vegeta over a decade to start accepting it wasn't true, surrounded by people who kept choosing him even when he failed and rebelled and did all the things he should've been condemned to death for, by Frieza Force standards. Frieza was dead all that time, and when he came back he was pulled right back into the waiting arms of his old toxic environment, and even commented that he noticed they didn't want him back until his power was useful to them.
In the anime/toei versions it seems like the Saiyans are enslaved, but in the manga/toriyama version the Saiyans are absorbed into his empire, effectively just put under new management but still able to keep their culture and homes and monarch, the monarch just had a new boss (who also had a boss, more or less, which was beerus). So in the manga/Toriyama versions of the writing, it seems like the only part of Vegeta's job he didn't genuinely enjoy was the fact that he had to do it for someone else.
The biggest issue he has, at first, with learning what Freeza did was that he'd been lied to and used, knowing his rebellion would've come sooner if he'd known -- and that's humiliating. By the time he's five, he's already numb to the experience of war and death. He's already got his own command, and Saiyans rarely all make it back. By the time the truth is revealed to him, he doesn't care about his parents or his comrades. He cares that he, Vegeta, the Special Saiyan, was stupid enough to fall for a lie.
He feels genuine fear for the first time in his life when he faces Frieza's final form and realizes, that's it. There's no getting stronger. There's no next time.
He chose to brag about tearing up that luxury leash, and it was a gamble he lost. The unraveling of that sympathy and compassion hits him like a truck when he's dying and suddenly it's Very Real that there's no one left to remember him or his planet or his people or care about what happened to them or do anything about it (an important and poetic justice -- an exercise in empathy -- for all the peoples he gladly did it to (and, by his own admission, would have with or without Frieza)). He's modeled his life after his father, and after Frieza. He has no friends. He's not strong enough to be valuable anymore, not with Goku around. Nobody is going to wish him back. Nobody is going to miss him at all.
So Vegeta gets killed while he's having a fight-or-freeze panic attack, in which he freezes, and it's a thing that keeps happening to him from that point on, for the rest of Z, and throughout Super. The most embarrassing kind of proof that he feels safer in the company he kept on Namek, and actively recovering from the life he led before.
Frieza, ironically, doesn't have the freeze response. Frieza's panic is frantic and manic because, like Vegeta, nobody is going to miss him at all. He doesn't have any noble cause to hold onto like Vegeta did -- the one that's his own fault. He's set up all of the dominoes that are falling on him, and he's got nowhere to run except back to the place that taught him his only reason for being is his power, and -- just like Vegeta did -- he's spiraling because Goku showed up and made it a game. There's nobody safe for Frieza, except -- just like Vegeta -- in the company of those same people. People who should, by all accounts, want him as dead as anyone.
idk where i'm going with this, I just really enjoy their parallels and I am very intrigued by Frieza's arc lately.
I can't decide if I want Vegeta to destroy him or lose the battle and win the war with some familiar banter like they had in Res F but painful and recognizing himself in Frieza (or vice versa, rather) and give Frieza a whole mental break about how the two of them are probably the only people in the universe who will ever really Genuinely Understand each other, for the twisted humor it is.
I don't want Vegeta to forgive Frieza, I don't think that's the answer to all stories like this, even when the themes are about love and forgiveness I don't even think he's particularly forgiven Buu yet, tbh. I think he'd have to be dying again to chat like that, the way Vegeta does when he's about to die. But I think it could be a really good scene, and I think it would fuck Frieza up to be offered something of a broken olive branch just to lose it again because he's already killed it.
Maybe they're out of senzu beans. Maybe he's killed Dende already. No healing. No dragon balls. All the boys are down. Vegeta's wound is fatal. Frieza's won, but Vegeta's getting that last laugh in by being just a little nostalgic. A little sentimental in reflecting on their history. Give Frieza that nice familiar panic Vegeta knew so well; That little alarm bell that tells him he's got nothing left to strive for and no one left to know him. Let Frieza shatter so he can have some space to grow.
And the thing is, it's a gamble he's already won. Geets doesn't care if Frieza changes or not. He's dying, and there's no telling whether or not Bulma will figure something out before he's reincarnated. Do better or don't, this is fully not his problem anymore. xoxo!
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I still have Hazbin Hotel brainworms, so here's a couple theories and mindless thoughts/questions:
I don't think Angel Dust will be redeemed anytime soon. I think his contract with Valentino will play into why he hasn't been gone to Heaven yet and that he won't be able to leave Hell until the contract is dissolved. I also think that once the contract ends and Angel leaves, the show will end bc Angel was their first guest and is therefore the most thematic one to end on.
If a sinner can be redeemed and become a winner, can the opposite also be true? Can a winner be corrupted into a sinner and fall to Hell? Is that what Sera is trying to protect the winners from or is there a bigger unknown threat?
Since sinners go to Heaven under special circumstance, what happens to the ones that don't redeem themselves before they died? We know that their demon form body dies and the darkness in their soul spreads around to the surrounding area, but what happens to the rest of it? Does it dissolve into nothing? Maybe reincarnate to reduce the amount of souls that need to be made at any given time?
I know it's coincidence but it's funny to me that the Radio Demon's name starts with A (like Audio or Auditory) and the TV Demon's name starts with V (like Video or Vision). Really clues you in on how their influence spreads through the Pride Ring. (through sound and images respectively)
Is Eve in Hell? Since she took the apple of knowledge willingly, she's probably there right? Will she be important later?
Will Adam and Eve's kids be in the story at all? Like, if they want to do a story arc about sibling feuds in the future (*side-eyes Angel's brother*) then having that story happen in parallel to whatever shit Cain and Abel (and maybe Seth) would be dealing with might be interesting.
Is Alastor's mother in heaven? I feel like if she was in Hell, she would've at least gotten a cameo at some point. Will she show up as a character that becomes Alastor's weakness later on?
If you really want to interpret Alastor and Vox's rivalry in a new way, you could see it as a fight in planned obsolescence. Vox's tech is mass-produced and made to be replaced by the next big model, meanwhile Alastor's radio in the "Old Crap" store still works just fine despite how long it's probably been in use and will most likely continue to work long after Vox's stuff eventually breaks.
I know this is just a silly pilot joke, but does Sir Pentious actually have a son that he's been looking for? Does he keep creating the egg boys as a replacement for a child he can't find? Is that why only one of them had a name? Or maybe he used to name all of them but they kept dying too easily so eventually he just stopped and Frank's the only named one left?
Are the egg boys sinners or demons? I think they're just demons right? Like the egg boys can be easily manipulated into doing bad things and ignorance is a sin, but they let Adam into heaven so why reject the eggs?
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transmutationisms · 7 months
i couldn't get through season 3 of hannibal for some reason so i switched to binging killing Eve and now i'm done. should i go back?
s3 is definitely a bit sloppystyle and i get why it puts people off but 1) the show hits peak Style, for good and bad, in this last season 2) the red dragon arc in the back half is v watchable, even if overly compressed 3) there are multiple characters introduced in s3 who, though underused and questionably written, are beloved TO ME, and 4) the ultimate payoff for will/hannibal is worth it all imo
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bestygogirl · 1 year
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 1, Group A
Match 3
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Propaganda under the cut!
submitted with none, but hopefully there will be some in the notes!
Sushiko Maki
Gets a surprising win against the main girl Romin. Also, she's part of the food trio and I respect them.
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the-0ther-mother · 3 months
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♡ Mid-year Book Freakout Tag ♡
No-one listens to my rants about the books i read in real life so I'll gladly subject to all of you on here to it >:)
i. the best book you've read so far: Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb. (Read it once and re-read it again)
ii. the best sequel you've read so far: Act your age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
iii. book that made you cry: The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. (But I'm an easy crier so there were many more)
iv. book that made you happy: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (re-read cuz i found the full cast audiobook)
v. biggest disappointment: BI: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality by Julia Shaw. (It wasn't bad, i just expected it to be much more insightful and informative)
vi. biggest surprise: The Route Of Ice And Salt by José Luis Zárate. (Everyone should get their hands on this queer retelling of dracula from a mexican author)
vii. newest fictional crush: Jacob Wayne from Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert. (Would burn down cities for him)
viii. favourite new author: Robin Hobb
ix. most anticipated new release of the second half of the year: Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White. (Already read an ARC and can't wait to re-read it the second it comes out)
x. books you need to read before the end of the year: The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk. Royal Assassin and Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb. Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
Literally anyone who wants to join in can go ahead <3
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oqs-art-corner · 1 year
ARC-V Month Day 18: D/D/D - Different Dimension Day (2/2)
here’s part 2 of day 18! if it’s not already obvious, this AU involves the manga version of ‘em (cuz i just find those versions of ‘em neat)
this part includes both notes and sketches as i wanna keep the comic separate from this and isn’t really considered “canon” in this AU (more or less)
(just a heads up, i’m putting this under a read more due to one of the sketches i made prior is a bit more graphic than what i usually do (and possibly manga spoilers)
general backstory thing:
- instead of dueling Eve, G.O.D. forced a contract with Yuya from his desire of seeing his brothers back from the World Illusion incident
- against Yuya’s will, G.O.D. had given his brothers back with their bodies physically intact, but...
- G.O.D. cursed them to be one with their ace dragons (Yuya included) as they felt the sensation of additional limbs that were foreign to them
- seeing that those additions resembled parts of their dragons horrified them as a twitch of their tail was proof enough to believe so
- did they do that on their own? or was that their dragon’s?
- regardless, Yuya couldn’t accept this and demanded the forced contract be broken (even if that meant seeing his brothers disappear once more)
- G.O.D. denied and whisked the Yuboys away into a different world so that they wouldn’t interfere with the cycle
- now stuck in whatever world they’ve been tossed in, finding out how to get home is one of their priorities
- the other? to eliminate G.O.D.
alright, general backstory thing over, so here are some old sketches i had lying around in my sketchbook
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for actual finished ones of the Yuboys with their said dragon parts, here are some links!
Yuya | Yuto | Yugo | Yuri
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universestreasures · 5 months
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Since I got some new folks around here (welcome!), decided to open up another one of these!
So, like this post for a starter from one of my Yu-Gi-Oh! DM, Arc-V, 5D's, or one of my Future Card Buddyfight muses (Who all have YGO DM crossover verses btw) who is currently active! Comment below which muse you'd like (and which muse you'd like it for if you're a side or a multi-muse), or you'll get one at random!
The list of the muses who qualify for this is below!
DM (Mokuba, Yugi, Ishizu, Kisara)
Arc-V (Yuya, Yuzu, Reiji, Rin, Ruri, Serena, Ray, Eve)
5D's (Yusei, Carly)
Buddyfight (Gao, Tasuku, Suzuha, and Akatsuki!
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Yu-Gi-Oh! really likes basing it's villains on religion and mythology.
Duel Monsters covered Egyptian Mythology
The Cubics from Dark Side of Dimension are based on Hinduism and Buddhism
The Sacred Beasts from the GX Anime are based on Christianity
Z-ONE'S Cards in the 5Ds Anime are also biblical references, this time to the Archangles. Not to mention the Earthbound Immortals in the first arc, which are based off the Nazca lines. And, not a villain, but the Crimson Dragon is implied to be Quetzalcoatl.
The main villain from the ARC-V manga is named Eve, with an assistant named Isaac, she was in love with a man named Adam, and the main villainous card driving the plot is Genesis Omega Dragon (G.O.D)
I don't think that the Zexal anime or Vrains really have any religion based villains. I haven't read the 5Ds or Zexal manga, so IDK if they also have religion based villains.
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honda-hatch · 1 year
On Invincible "vs." The Boys
A ramble that is 100% subjective and in no way objective
It's kinda goofy how these two properties got melded together by the cultural zeitgeist that swept both of them up at similar times. Both were on Amazon, both were violent, both were seen as parodies of the current trend of superhero media (which, depending on who you ask, was starting its current downward slide in 2020 between the pandemic damaging theatre-going on top of 2019's Endgame).
Now, both Invincible and the Boys were originally post-9/11 comics, but frankly, I have no idea if these two would have been compared in their original release timeframe (with Invincible starting in 2003(?) and The Boys in 2006(?)). Now, the The Boys started in mid 2019 and Invincible in 2021, yet you'll still see memes of both used here and there (even if the Boys has three seasons and Invincible is only coming up on its second now), and I'll still see people trying to compare them, as if they're similar.
See, I never really saw it that way. The Boys (both versions of it, despite their differences) is a satire of comic book superheroes. Garth Ennis infamously hated them, and post-9/11 was full of jaded comics and media (particularly horror movies). Even if we were far from the comical violence of 80s action and horror, post-9/11 is when realistic violence and torture porn came into vogue. In my opinion, the comic is terrible. Nobody is particularly likable, it's jaded to the extreme, and is filled with lots of sexual violence, and a borderline pointless resolution. I watched and enjoyed the first two seasons of the show, but I never felt compelled to watch the third after seeing that they were going to be messing with compound V and everything (much like they did in the original comic). Now I'm not denouncing the show as overall bad because they made a creative decision or whatever, it just made me ponder why I opted to tear through all of the Invincible comics in three days instead of watching The Boys season 3.
I think, oftentimes, extended satire can kinda lose sight of what its doing. Either it just becomes self-parodying or just kinda burns itself out. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I think intense genre satire works better when its in a limited form, whether it be a limited series, a movie, or a oneshot issue/episode. It allows itself to covers everything it wants, make all the jokes it needs to, without requiring a greater investment.
I'm not saying that's a surefire way for things to work, of course. I'm barely a creative. Maybe I'm just spewing bullshit. But it does connect to why I enjoy Invincible so much in comparison to it.
Now, the Invincible comics are far from perfect. I am, admittedly, a Robert Kirkman fan, but I can't understand how he managed to write so many incredibly poor female characters in the series. There are plenty of flashes of brilliance (namely stuff like Eve's origin and a lot of Monster Girl material, but I digress),yet overall, the female characters come off as foolish and overly vulnerable, which is especially ridiculous in Eve's case. Still, Mark and his father are riveting characters. They make mistakes, they learn from them, they grow, and they have complete arcs. The comics do a great job slowly expanding the universe into something that feels like it could be expanded upon, and yet, it doesn't *need* to, and has a great ending. Even having an ending is an achievement for many pieces of serialized material, and Invincible's left me genuinely content.
The show, so far, is measurably better than the comic, with Kirkman seemingly growing from his previous experiences (or perhaps just having a clever writing room that knows how to polish his material well). Women are actually three-dimensional, and not just through breaking character! What a revelation. But the real wonder of it all is the fact that Invincible remained what it was, even in the current era: a more mature superhero story.
It's not really a satire overall. It pokes fun, parodies classic heroes, sure. But Mark's story is genuinely one of becoming an incredible superhero. Yeah, there's blood, there's gore, etc, etc. But ultimately, Mark's story is about becoming stronger to save people. Not just his whole planet, but the universe.
There is a more genuine tone to The Boys TV series. There is an idea of taking down The Man that seeks to screw over the commonfolk, but revenge takes center stage most of the time. The same idea of revenge that Ennis wanted to inflict back in 2006. Yeah, its more obvious that the human characters (or Hughie, at the very least) are more "Heroic" than most of the actual "Heroes." But that can only be displayed so many times over and over. I have no doubt that season 3 of the Boys is at least good, if not iconic, but I just find it easier these days to invest myself that have a more genuine core. I don't mind re-experiencing Mark's story because of that genuine story
Sure, both have an interesting "EVIL SUPERMAN" character (side note: 99% of the Invincible cast could instantly body homelander. Folks who think lasers are OP have not consumed Invincible). But as a good friend likes to point out, Omniman is more like "if Superman's dad was evil." Even if what made Omniman iconic to the public was his beatdown of Mark, that's just the starting point for an incredible character, one who does an excellent job of representing the story's message of hope. Homelander is interesting, but I can't find a lot of his stuff as compelling. I know its funny and cool to have so much of his freakishness culminate in perversion and cruelty, but eh. Omniman just works better for me.
I'm crazy, I'm nuts, I'm crazy, this isn't well-reseacrhed, yadda yadda. Shut up, I'm rambling about why I don't care to continue watching the Boys but I'm so jazzed about Invincible. I'll save genuine critical writing for my damn grad courses.
Anyway, this is probably all pretty dumb. Maybe I just get tired of self-referential humor. And like I said, there are great satires. But that's not what I'm rambling about right now. Fuck it
I want Mark's gloves
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infolane · 1 year
Arc-V Month - Day 1: Lights, Camera, Action… Duel!
Yo! Nice to meet you all guys! Our name is Zarc! :> We are a system of around 20 members and we do art and writing! You can find us on AO3 as Infolane_Zarc.
We won’t be doing All prompts, but we’ll pick and choose what we get interested in! For today, we have some art of a couple of ourselves- the ones that are interested in participating, at least, and personal intros!
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Host, frontrunner and main artist for the event. Doodles a lot, writes loads of AUs.
Yugo and Yuri
AKA Kali and Licorice. The real “You will die. Of fun!” but not the way you would expect.
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Ruri and Sora
AKA Birdie and Eve. Interested in contributing writing and mini comics.
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