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megashadowdragon · 5 years ago
https://eva-nine-has-a-sonic-rifle . tumblr . com/post/189189324529/i-dont-know-how-to-explain-to-the-fndm-that-just
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m-oana-archive · 5 years ago
Hey, do you have a list or know of a list of all the racist/homophobic people involved in what has happened recently? I know a lot of them, of course, are from the HP fandom. They’re not people I want to support/follow
here is an incomplete list of people that have been part of racist fandom situations, with links regarding their racism included.  i used the @/ method instead of direct tagging because i don’t want this to be seen as an accusatory list of people who can never grow; rather, i want to make it clear that while these people learn OR if they refuse to, it is not the job of any person (especially poc!) to witness or support them through that process. 
please read through the links provided to decide on your own who you want to support.  i cannot make decisions for you, but am happy to provide resources below to allow your decision-making to be more thorough. 
see the full list under the cut, currently including the hp, pjo, and pale aesthetic sides of tumblr 
harry potter
@/malfoy (sideblog @/romildas) — co-creator of @/sacred-28 (now deactivated), a network about only pureblood wizarding families.  here are the issues with that network idea (tl;dr: white supremacy) [x] [x], here is the user’s apology, and here are criticisms on the apology [x] [x] [x] [x], and another statement made by the blogger after criticisms were received.  also, this blogger was a professor of @/hogwartsonline (read more on that below...)
@/yesperfaheyz— co-creator of @sacred-28.  here is their first apology, issues wtith that apology [x] [x], and a second apology. many people have seen the second apology as a more genuine version and have accepted it fully but, once again, act on your own accord. 
@/oogaboogadotjpg (prev. @/engorgio) — complained about @/sacred-28 criticism, claiming “there are bigger problems” atm; also professor in @/hogwartsonline (read more below...)
@/ketterdam — admin of @/hogwartsonline (now deactivated) which gaslit members of color, engaged in colorism, and encouraged whitewashing of edits.  explanations from previous members here: [x] [x] [x] [x].  no apology has been given.
@/bilbos ; @/charliefliehr ; @/nochturnes ; @/longbottomneville ; @/portman-natalie ; @/starkovalina ;  @/saturdayreading (sideblog @/gaylupin) ; @/stepintothedaylight ; @/nazylaensky ; @/catelyntully @/padmeamdala ; @/pansyparkinsons ; @/austens ; @/medusarights ; @/keiraknightley ; @/ravkasqueen— professors/staff of @/hogwartsonline.  as far as i understand, these were members with consdierable power that were complacent in the issues mentioned above.  no apology has been given from any user on this list.
note on the professors/staff: i found website that can access deleted tumblrs at times they were archived and wrote down the staff member urls.  then, i went through each account to verify they had mentioned being in @/hogwartsonline.  this information may be slightly less reliable so, once again, act on your own accord. 
percy jackson
@/formerly-officialpjo (won’t come up in search, link here)— was involved with racism on several discord servers, changed to hide; is still being toxic to poc
@/niceannabethchase — was part of a racist tsoa discord server
@/eva-nine-has-a-sonic-rifle — doesn’t find issues in how rr writies woc in his books as overly mature
@/the-kiwi-is-not-a-peewee — doesn’t find issues in how rr writes characters of color (esp. women) with food-coded imagery
pale multifandom blogs
@/sargebucky — whitewashed edits and did not respond to criticism on their whitewashing well
@/kateausten — participated in racist comments on a pale aesthetic discord toward @/howls ; asked for white representation in an gifset made by @/nobody
@/milesmorale & @/lannister — participated in racist comments on a pale aesthetic discord toward @/howls
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the-kiwi-is-not-a-pewee · 6 years ago
I was thinking that if the Gods have one major weakness it’s this. That as beings of PURE light and PURE darkness they cannot comprehend humans which are a mixture of BOTH.What was it Pyrrha said back in the Emerald Forest again? Ah yes.“Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both.” Except of course the gods, ironically enough.
I saw you send this to Clyde already, but hey, I have my own two cents to throw in so why not.
We don’t know what the Gods are exactly, that much is certain. They seem to have more or less absolute control over the lives and deaths of their creations, devastating powers of destruction (assuming the God of Light can pull the same trick the God of Darkness did to wipe out Humanity 1.0), and the ability to create powerful artifacts. Their true nature and the true extent of their power is unknown. Apparently, their relation is enough that they call each other “brother”, which implies that they are of the same species or origin. So I wouldn’t say that they are beings of PURE light and PURE darkness, rather that those are either their specialties, the domains they agreed to govern on Remnant, or something else like that.
TBH, Salem is not a good baseline to determine if the gods understand humans or not, and I’m assuming you’re basing this assertion that the gods don’t understand humans off how they interacted with Salem because that’s who we saw most interacted with them. As @eva-nine-has-a-sonic-rifle said in her rather angry meta and my own meta on dramatic irony, of course the gods don’t understand Salem and the abuse she’s gone through. But then again, would another human understand with the same context the gods got? All they know is that she’s a human asking them to break the natural cycle of life and death for one person who also interrupts the God of Light when he begins to explain with a shout of “THAT’S NOT FAIR”. They don’t really have a reason to take pity on her in particular. Now, mind you, I’m not blaming Salem for not telling them her life story. That’s not why she’s there and frankly she’s not obligated to tell them. But it means that the gods don’t really see a reason to go any easier on her than they did with her punishment. So really, their misunderstanding with Salem wasn’t really borne out of them being gods and incapable of understanding humans. Light displayed something that MIGHT be construed as understanding when he tells Ozma not to go back to Salem with his vague-ass warning, but then again, his agenda isn’t clear and this doesn’t exactly make him kind. They’re powerful, not omniscient and not the audience which many seem to forget. If anything, Salem already FOUND their weakness, in that they’re fallible. Her execution of her plan failed because she underestimated the power of the Brother Gods.
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megashadowdragon · 6 years ago
  eva-nine-has-a-sonic-rifle . tumblr . com/post/185848589914/hey-look-some-more-trash (the source for whats written below
“ and don’t forget the old chestnut: “Yang not telling anyone that Raven is the Spring Maiden, a single omission out of respect for Raven’s wish to stay out of the conflict,”
Respect Raven doesn’t deserve and frankly is stupid because Raven INVOLVED herself the second she took the Spring Maiden’s powers. She literally TIED herself to this fight and then acts all ‘I doN’T WaNNA bE a pART oF THiS!1!!’ and she was going to tie it to herself even FURTHER by trying to swipe the Relic. Sorry, Raven’s opportunity to duck out has already flown the coop.
“and a personal matter that Yang has every right to keep private about as it doesn’t effect anyone else,”
Ozpin’s past up until The Question was a personal matter that he had every right to keep private that doesn’t affect anyone else too, but, you know, the sun shines out of Yang’s ass for you. But even then, the Raven matter does affect them. They can’t use the Spring Maiden vault anymore PERIOD and Raven is running around using the Spring Maiden powers to terrorize villages in Mistral.
‘Raven: I lead our people now. And as leader, I will do everything in my power to ensure our survival.
Qrow: I saw. The people of Shion saw, too.
Raven: The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules.
Qrow: Well, you’ve certainly got someone strong on your side. I’ve seen the damage.’
-Volume 4, Chapter 4, Family
You know, like Shion. And she clearly doesn’t have any qualms about doing it, either. At least, not enough qualms to stop.
“ that doesn’t put anyone except maybe Yang herself in more danger than they’re already in,”
Refer to my above point about Raven using her powers in the raids to utterly decimate villages, as well as Raven’s loyalties are wildly unreliable.
“ makes her a hypocrite and just as bad as, nay, worse, than Mr ‘Lied about not lying in order to cover up even more lies and was willing to put hundreds of civilians in danger rather than tell everyone that the Relic is a Grimm magnet’ Ozpin””
Evidence contradicting that the relic was actually the cause of the attack, as it is specified as a weak attraction, Oscar Pine was never swarmed while holding the relic, and they were never attacked when walking out in the wilderness (or heck, not once on the way to Argus and no the Apathy don’t count because they were already there). And I guess I should crown Yang as Queen “Do as I say, not as I do” Xiao-Long? She’s a wonderful example.
“and also “RWBY are evil for invading Ozpin’s private matters -”
They have the excuse of ignorance up until after the vision. What they did afterwards was not okay.
“they had no right to know what they’re up against or how much danger they’re in if it means breaching the privacy of someone who won’t stop lying to them and wilfully leading them to their own deaths””
A. Aside from The Question, nothing in that vision tells them anything they didn’t already know or was Crucial Information. Salem’s immortal? Great! We already knew that! Salem is part or mostly a Grimm? Great! We already knew that! The Silver-eyed power probably is fueled by the God of Light? GREAT, that wasn’t necessary for learning how to use them!
B. He’s not leading them to their deaths. I will metaphorically smack you over the head with this until it sinks through your thick skull, even if I have to do it until the end of time itself. He never planned to confront Salem with them, he never ASKED them to be there at all, in fact, ALL of them showed up independent of his control.
But please, keep singing the praises of Queen “Do as I say, not as I do” Xiao-Long.
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megashadowdragon · 6 years ago
 (the person who wrote what was put below ) : eva-nine-has-a-sonic-rifle . tumblr . com/185806080409/a-lovely-thing-to-wake-up-to-part-2-the-ozpinning
*slams bookbag on table and sighs*
Do you have 90 minutes and an innate need to read bullshit that makes you want to gouge your own eyes out? I do, apparently. And dear, sweet, reasonable sir-adamus has been ever-so-kind as to feed the dark abyss that is my eternal smoldering wrath again. You know, adamus, the idiot who insists on making posts on Ozpin despite having the knowledge depth of a puddle about him. *cracks knuckles* Buckle up bitches. We’re doing this song and dance again.
“like, i’ve made a joke about how even Oz’s defenses of why he lies also being lies before, almost everything he has fucking said, even when there’s no reason to, has been a lie like, take for example, how he describes his reincarnation:
‘For thousands of years, I’ve walked the surface of Remnant, living, dying, and reincarnating in the body of a like-minded soul. The Professor Ozpin you all met was not my first form and clearly wasn’t my last. It’s… an extraordinarily strenuous process on everyone involved. […] I am the combination of countless men who’ve spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant. With every rebirth, my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed, but my memories stay with me. This curse was bestowed upon me by the gods because I failed to stop Salem in the past. But we must stop her now.’
like, just ignoring the last two sentences (because ho boy was that all a fucking lie) - “I am the combination of countless men who’ve spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant. With every rebirth, my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed, but my memories stay with me.” This. Is. A. Lie.there’s no merging, there’s no ‘combination’, he’s not some gestalt consciousness, he’s Ozma and the poor sap who is no longer the property owner of their own grey matter how do we know this? because the backstory shows us this”
Oh wow, we are off to a… FANTASTIC start.
The first part of what Ozpin says (from “For thousands of years…” to “…strenuous process on everyone involved. […]”) is true. We saw primary examples of Ozpin going through his incarnations accelerated over the course of gods-know-how-many-years. But since Adamus focuses on the second half I assume the inclusion of this was for context’s sake.
It is important to establish that the picture Ozpin gives us of how his merging process actually works is extremely vague. We know eventually his soul and his host’s merge, there is a change to the core soul as a result of that, and he remembers all of his past lives when he is in the next host. That’s all. We don’t know the degree that the core soul is changed, we don’t know HOW the merge affects Ozpin and the host, we don’t know if they become one with equal traits from both consciousness or if one soul becomes the dominant soul with traits of the other or if its something else.
Adamus assumes that they know the degree of the merge, despite as I said Ozpin being VAGUE, and deliberately ignores things like Oscar adopting Ozpin’s muscle memory and fighting skills. Or even this: “(to Oscar) I understand how you’re feeling. I went through the same panic and confusion” - Volume 4, Chapter 6: Punished
This can’t be referring to his first incarnation, in which he was indeed panicked and confused, but for different reasons, NOT because of a sudden voice in his head. Only his host would have had “the same panic and confusion” as Oscar had and Ozpin says HE went through that as well. That firsthand experience must have come from the host, which must be a part of Ozpin if he is referring to it AS firsthand experience.
Oh, but don’t worry, Adamus is going to try and use The Lost Fable to justify their assumptions, and considering how they think Salem is not an abuser, my confidence in their interpretations of this episode are eroded to the bone.
“when he wakes up in his first reincarnation, he’s just Ozma in a new body and acts such - the poor guy who had his consciousness suppressed hardly makes a peep for the remainder of his life (Ozma never even learned his name)”
1. Yeah, because he says his soul is EVENTUALLY merged with his hosts. It’s not instantaneous, so at the beginning, he really is just Ozpin shoved into another person’s body.
2. Ozma was under the assumption the body had no prior occupant, considering he overrode the previous occupant’s control by accident.
Also, more evidence for the merge: When the original person DOES choose to make a peep, its to say “What are we doing?”. Not “What are you doing?”, “What are WE doing?”. The original occupant’s wording is inclusionary, not quite as much as first person, but as if he and Ozma are cooperative (maybe not consciously given Ozma’s surprise at the voice) at some level.
“and we’re outright told by Jinn that this was Ozma’s MO with all his bodies until very recently:”
Not very recently given he’s learned to coexist with his hosts by the time Dadpin is his host and Dadpin was alive prior to the Great War and there are at least 2 incarnations between him and Beacon Academy Ozpin (The Inquisitor who asked Jinn The Question and the Last King of Vale) and there is an undetermined amount of time between the Inquisitor and the Last King of Vale.
“’Thus began a long and painful cycle of death and rebirth for Ozma. Some lives were spent in mourning, many were spent attempting to forget it all. But no matter what, his mind would eventually turn back to the task he had been burdened with. And as the centuries went on, Ozma began to learn the importance of living with the souls with which he had been paired.’
Ozma is treated as a throughline and the bodies he lives and discards are an afterthought, there’s no indication of a mingling of consciousness,”
Because half these incarnations we saw as a montage and never even saw what they were like, so there can’t be an indication of a mingling. For all we know, Ozma sat in the back of their minds and just watched shit unfold.
“no actual proof that these people were ‘like-minded souls’ because he never gave a lot of them a chance to live their lives once he moved in”
And we have no actual proof they weren’t like-minded souls when he did. Given the theming of the montage we did see of his incarnations (Darkness, misery, and drinking —> Light, moving forward), it is actually supported that they are like-minded souls given Ozma’s mental state at the time.
“and the later ones were only allowed to operate semi-independently out of courtesy (and i’m sure in no small part to Ozma becoming aware that while he can jack control pretty much whenever he wants, he no longer has the power to fight them off if they try the same), and none of them have a choice but to do what Oz wants or he’ll just take over and do it anyway - again, Oz only likes to offer the illusion of choice, not real ones”
Adamus: Ozpin can take control whenever he wants but plays the cooperative game because he’s aware he doesn’t have the power to keep control if the host fights for it.
Also Adamus: The host has no choice but to do what Ozpin wants because he’d just take over and do it anyway. Never mind that I just said that Ozpin can’t keep control if the host decides to fight him for it and we’ve seen that keeping control for strenuous periods like fighting in the Battle for Haven tires him out enough to take a backseat, or that if what I said was true then The Lost Fable wouldn’t exist as an episode because that was Ozpin at his most desperate and Oscar still managed to fend him off. The smoke I blow out of my ass made my eyes water.
“so it was a bunch of bullshit malarkey to garner sympathy, offer false hope to Oscar (because Oz is real good at piling that on) and continue to keep everyone in the dark about what’s really going on because he’s fully intent on leading them to their deaths for no real gain other than it’ll make him feel better about himself”
So, that was a bunch of misinterpreted bullshit by the Resident Ozpin Expert Adamus who continues to show they’re not qualified for this job by closing off with Ozpin is leading them to their deaths despite Ozpin having no intent to confront Salem because we’ve seen that is an exercise in futility. As if somehow watching everyone die would do wonders for Ozpin’s mental state.
But they seem to be under the impression that Ozpin is a compulsive liar, which he isn’t. He lies more than is beneficial to him, that much is certain, but he always has a reason for each lie he tells. Lying about the merge serves zero purpose, even in hindsight. If anything, it’s openly to his detriment because it would make Oscar more anxious and reluctant to trust him. Unless a possible reason for him to lie about the merge being a thing exists, he isn’t lying about it. It just wouldn’t make sense.
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megashadowdragon · 6 years ago
tiny thought vomit on salem
eva-nine-has-a-sonic-rifle . tumblr . com/post/186459405219/quick-tiny-thought-vomit-on-salem
Salem’s not a mature person.
And that’s not her fault.
It’s kinda hard to mature in a healthy manner when for years your human influences have been just Yourself and Abusive Dad Who Isolated You In The First Place. Salem’s mom appears to be out of the picture, via death or leaving or something else (probably death). There doesn’t appear to be any servants in the castle/tower that she resided in or just other people in general. Her dad is probably the one who brought food and water up to her unless she could magic it up to herself.
So that means Salem’s singular known positive human influence was Ozma. And that might have been enough, if he hadn’t died. A single positive influence can work wonders on someone.
But instead, Salem was left to deal with the loss of a loved one, and it really began to show how being isolated had stunted her maturity.
Salem has a talent for manipulation. My personal theory is that it developed as either a defense mechanism or survival skill when being held captive. But that’s not the point. The point is that Salem doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with manipulating others prior to her Grimm transformation, whether its the gods or leaders of other nations. She’s never been taught that it’s wrong, and later never had the chance to figure it out.
On top of that, she’s rather naive despite being innately clever. She manages to amass an entire army but doesn’t make a plan to kill the gods beyond… overwhelm them with magic? And it backfired, massively. I assume she did not have access to literature that would have helped her come to the conclusion that this was a terrible idea.
And finally, her flaw. That she never ever takes the blame for something that is or is partially her fault, not even after years of wandering in a desolate plain and plenty of time to reflect. It’s reminiscent of a child deflecting the blame of something onto someone else, even if they themself had a hand in it. If she had had the chance to grow up in a healthy environment, this aspect of herself might have been curbed so that she is willing to take responsibility, even when she doesn’t like it.
Salem was not innately an unkind person even after she started to feel bitter towards the gods. Despite her manipulations and internal rationalizations, she’s still chained by her father’s treatment of her. She’s never had the chance to really grow up, even after she was supposedly free.
And that’s really sad.
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megashadowdragon · 5 years ago
eva-nine-has-a-sonic-rifle . tumblr . com/post/188941149914/fndm-praising-ruby-for-being-so-smart
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