#eva — starters.
thistransient · 4 months
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It's that time again...
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soulsbetrayed · 7 months
//starter call feat. eva and penelope! like/reblog specify which muse of the two you want and your muse if you're a multi
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seabiscuit · 8 months
@thcinfernal / bc I can't help myself
It's something of a scoff, and a loud ' smack ' as an armored shoulder sinks into a tree trunk, Evandra leaning against it and taking on some sort of unserious stance ;
" ' Don't make a deal with a devil? ' Come on. You know devils shouldn't make a deal with me. "
And her sincerely large ego is sealed with a swig from her small flask. And, really. Maybe a devil shouldn't make a deal with the warrior. It was barely past noon and she was still fighting off a fright of a hangover from the night before.
( where Karlach had learned what a lightweight the half elf really was. )
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fadinglights · 12 days
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it’s  safe  to  say  that  eva  didn’t  expect  them  to  fight  when  she  went  to  hang  out  with  yongguk  today  and  definitely  not  over  something  so  trivial.  perhaps  it  would  be  wisest  for  eva  to  distance  herself  from  these  close-knit  roommates  altogether,  as  she  can't  help  but  wonder  if  they  may  be  simply  too  alike  for  her  own  good.  after  all,  isn't  it  a  pattern  for  her  to  become  involved  with  people  who  are  sweet  to  her  only  in  the  beginning?  it’s  laughable,  really.  eva's  brow  furrows  in  a  frown  as  the  doorbell  suddenly  interrupts  the  reverie  she  had  been  hoping  to  find  in  her  soothing  bubble  bath  after  binging  her  favourite  show.  tugging  her  bathrobe  self-consciously,  she  hesitates  for  a  moment  before  finally  opening  the  door.  "why  are  you  here?"  the  coldness  in  eva's  tone  is  a  stark  contrast  to  how  she  has  spoken  to  him  in  the  past.  but  then  again,  he  has  never  treated  her  as  poorly  as  he  did  earlier.  "i  didn't  pick  up  for  a  reason,  you  know."  she  pointedly  reminds  him,  still  brimming  with  anger  over  his  earlier  behaviour. / @gcholdtrops
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jawbrkrs · 1 year
꒷꒦‧˚ 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨: everyone ˚. ꒷꒦
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"  hey  c'mon  ..  don't  do  this.  it  was  nothing.  they  mean  nothing  to  me  —  they  kissed  me,  not  the  other  way  around.  "
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no1ryomafan · 17 days
I finished big o like a year ago but never went back to the manga-I really should-yet it’s still taken up so much space in my brain not only just because of how much of a unique mecha it is while still staying true to the genre but for the crazy ass shit the end of the show drops on you and id love to make a post about my interpretation of the ending cause ive thought about it a lot but the issue is even if i know most of my posts go over peoples heads and i can just put “big o spoilers don’t read if you haven’t finished/want to see it” at the top so people don’t accidentally read it I really don’t know how to DESCRIBE the twist.
Like this shit really makes getter being a cosmic horror be such a casual and normal statement in comparison which is something I never thought could be top given two of the major anime’s end with one or more of our protagonists going to fuck off land.
But at least I can tell you that happened where as big o it’s like “what the FUCK did I just witness what do you mean ITS ALL FAKE” and that’s as far and vague as I can go without spoiling it completely.
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bitchfiits · 1 month
open to ⟼ m/nb.
based on ⟼ this. eva and your muse hooked up not too long ago despite the fact that she's in a relationship with their brother/best friend/son/etc. she wants them just as much as they want her, but she's trying to convince herself she doesn't.
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“look …” tongue slipped out to inch along her bottom lip, gaze avoidant as she struggled to get the words out. “it was a good time, but it was a mistake.” a pause before she finally locked eyes with them. “it’s just — it’s never going to happen again.”
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etxrnaleclipse · 4 months
Open: f 25+ Connection: friend/crush Muse: Eva Dempsey. 21-26. Law student. Inspo: f/f point 3 here
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"Look, if you want the bed, I'm fine to have the sofa. Guess they stuffed up the room layout here." Eva gave a small shrug, pulling her hair into a ponytail as she eyed up their hotel room. The group had planned this months in advance and specified two beds in each room, but somehow, this one got missed. "I really don't mind."
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the-rejected-princess · 7 months
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➳જ⁀➴ THE SEASONS HAD CHANGED QUICKLY and Jack Frost had visited. Bringing along with him Winter and all that came with it. A thin layer of snow blanketed the once green grass and beautiful plant life. Everything had either died for the season, or was had fell into a deep sleep. Sleep-- That reminded the warrior of her friend Aurora. Mulan couldn't help but ponder how her friend and the prince were doing. Those thought quickly disappeared, as Mulan gently pulled Khan to a stop. The warrior was dressed in thick fur lined robes and armor to help fight off Jack Frost's winter. Khan had a few extra blankets over his back to help him stay warm as well. "We should rest for a little Khan." She motioned to Khan leading him to the small creek she'd stopped them by, that wasn't frozen over so he could get a drink.
Mulan had been gathering wood on their venture so once they stopped she could easily start a warm fire. That's just what she did; building the wood up in a pile so she could light it. This took a few minutes, but once the fire was going she pulled out the food she had in one of Khan's saddle bags and started making it. The warrior had slipped off her helmet to let her long raven hair down, her helmet had shielded her face from the cold breeze that rested in the air. Her cheeks quickly turning red from the cold and a shiver running through her body. At that moment Khan grabbed one of his blankets off his back with his mouth and drapped it over his mistresses shoulders. "Khan-- thank you." She smiled at the horse how now laid himself down behind his mistress to help keep the two warm while he grazed on the grass around them.
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Open starter (for anyone!):
Dusk fell around Evangeline Rose, but she anticipated this and, determined to persevere, she came prepared to finish her seeding by light of a headlamp. She was two weeks late getting anything into the ground but that couldn't be helped. She'd only taken possession of the property two days before. Even exploring the forest surrounding it had to be put on hold to finish moving in, though Eva was already quite familiar with it. The forest showed up often in her dreams. It drew her here. Still, she was smart enough to wait until daytime to look around.
A loud snap just beyond the treeline yanked her from her reverie, and she lifted her head, light shining ahead yet revealing nothing... until she saw movement between tree trunks, heard it rustle a bush. It wasn't an animal. Someone must have come around on foot; she couldn't miss headlights coming up the small road leading to her new home.
Eva slowly rose to her feet without taking her eyes off straight ahead of her. Her fear didn't make her voice tremble when she called out, "Hey! Who's there?"
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writermuses · 2 years
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cassioppenny · 1 year
rosa: hey babygirl would you be the rei to my asuka
yancy: what the fuck are you talking about
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dreamgrlevl · 1 year
open starter: m/f/nb muse: cassandra (alt muse maxine or eva) plot: the classic her dad owes them money (you decide why) and they took her as collateral, but somewhere along the way energy shifted. can switch to small gifs / please use beta for replies / do not like my starters
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cassandra startles when the other enters the kitchen suddenly, she’s not expecting them back so soon after they announced that they had business to go take care of. she wonders if the business had anything to do with her father and the money he owes them, cassandra doesn’t ask though. clearly they’re in a tense mood and that alone gives her incentive to keep her questions to herself. instead she refocuses her attention on the meal she’s been working on instead of trying to escape in their absence. she’s tried already in the past and didn’t get far, so she shifted gears. instead of being a nuisance and a burden she tries to be helpful hoping it might earn her some type of good will with them. she thinks its worked so far, lately she’s been seeing a different side to them, and while there’s still tension between them it doesn’t seem the same as before. 
“i didn’t think you’d be back so soon, but the foods almost done.” she says, turning when the timer goes off and signals that she’s being honest. cassandra slips on a pair of oven mitts, opening the oven carefully and removing the main dish from the oven so she can set it aside before turning everything off. “it has to rest.” she mutters quietly, stepping towards the other and hoping they’ll let her slip by so she can go set the table. 
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fadinglights · 2 months
muse: eva choi, jewellery designer/model,  24   open to: m / f / nb plot: 'you got ditched on date night and i've come to your rescue'
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"sorry  i'm  late,  babe.  the  traffic  was  so  bad.  the  car  in  front  of  mine  crashed  into  the  one  ahead  and  they  nearly  got  into  a  fight  then  and  there.  it  was  such  a  mess."  eva  smoothly  settles  into  the  seat  across  from  the  stranger,  giving  them  a  playful  wink.  just  roll  with  it,  yeah?  manicured  fingers  gracefully  reach  for  the  menu  before  handing  it  over,  playing  the  part  of  the  apologetic  girlfriend  she's  meant  to  portray.  "order  whatever  you  want.  it's  on  me."
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vervainlacedveins-1 · 2 years
@lightcreators​​ ♥ ( RON ) liked for a starter
"So, can you do a spell that’s actually useful?" Eva questioned as she arched eyebrows with a deadpan expression. She seemed pretty calm to encounter a male witch that carried around a magic wand. Or perhaps she'd seen so many freaks in her short immortal years that it took a lot to surprise her anymore ... "Y'know, like a spell that makes food appear outta thin air or somethin’?”
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leaveuswild · 13 days
| open ; eva monroe ( oc ) |
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"We're not total snobs you know?" Eva chuckled. "People think us Bishop Students are these rich stuck-up, private college students that think we're better than everyone else. That's not true. We just like to keep to ourselves. We're nice and fun I promise."
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