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tomyo · 3 months ago
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I just realized it's been nearly a month and I haven't reported back to the western Soul Eater community the live experience of the Soul Eater Exhibit so here's what I got for you!
First of all, these are taking place at Animate stores and if somehow you think you can make travel plans within the next month or two, there is a third showing in Kyoto happening in January. When entering you are given a random shikishi board and if you paid extra you also get a sweatband (but I did not). I went with a friend who happened to live nearby who helped a lot with getting tickets but they were at the door available as well.
The entrance was a small area that featured the main promotional image and the Excalibur floral display replicating the one in the manga.
Beyond the entrance there was no video allowed and at certain points no photos allowed. Mostly at the end where there were a bunch of Shikishi boards with signatures from staff and voice actors.
What I didn't realize from pictures is that the manga pages shared are the original pages showing all the techniques and mistakes on page. I wish I could share them all but Tumblr is not the place for that. The one I did want to share is a page where presumably Ohkubo and an assistant played tiktaktoe and made and aiaikasa for Renton and Eureka from Eureka7 which was also being released in Shonen GanGan at the same time.
Not all pages of the series were shared and it was more favored to the first half of the series with different section to highlignt characters and story beats. The first main area was after the first curtain (photo above) had Maka's scythe and a copy of each volume hung up on a side wall. You then go through a set of curtains with souls on it into a large space that had the main pairs and additional charactera from the volume art blown up with the corresponding introduction chapters. This is the space with the replica of Shinigami-sama's room. This led into a hall featuring Crona and had a decal of Crona and Maka's shadows holding hands on the ground. Then there was the Excalibur Wall. My memory after that is a little fuzzy because I was distracted/self conscious(Was very amused by another pair as the clear fan explained the series to her friend); if I remember right there was a second hall showing the brew arc then Black Star's final Mifune fight and then a corner space representing the Arcane fight with a blown up decal of Maka in her black blood dress. The space didn't feel like people should walk in it, there was a thin foam on the floor and words from the panel dangling down so you couldn't really see much of the art. Early spartoi passes by really fast in favor of a wider hall with the killing of Medusa; pages on the right with corresponding blown up art on the left. At the end was a giant wall featuring the moon. Then it the pages of the final fight and the display ends with curtains showing Maka and Soul diving into Asura's black blood to find Crona.
The major bit at the end is there is a fully voice acted section of the final chapters of Soul Eater with the manga pages manipulated to it. The motion graphics weren't crazy amazing, about what you'd expect out of a storybook style pv. You were not allowed to take photos or video of this section. So a whole voice recording of what the finale of the manga could sound like could become lost media unless it's released somehow. There's a small final room showing the pages of the final chapters art. A large acrylic display of the meisters in their final character evolution that's backlit. A final space shows off the colored art, the originals if the were done traditionally. There's a small selection of new art, really long piece. Ones that has the og cast and the not girls which probably was during the not era but I don't remember ever seeing it. And then a spread of Spartoi plus Not. Liz and Tsugumi have the best fits in it but I feel a lot of people will like Crona's shirt best. Ohkubo signed a print with a sketch of Maka at the end alongside the two pieces that he love drew on the opening days. In the same space is where the signature shikishi boards were. I was extremely sad that I couldn't take a pic because one had some sort of Maka that was gorgeous but we speculated that it was to avoid signature fraud.
After that you took the stairs down to an extremely tight store. I realized too late that there were no photo signs however it feels like I'm missing some pictures I had taken from my gallery.
This is where I'm gonna be hella real, I do not fucks with Ohkubo's Soul Eater art in recent years. I saw a guy on Tiktok standing by it was his Twitter sketch style but that doesn't work for me with official products. From the perfect edition cover art, to the exhibition special art, to the two??? new pieces for the encore art book; it all feels extremely sloppy in terms of linework, posing, and proportions. If someone were to tell me it's a result of burnout, I would respect that easily but none the less I did not buy anything with the exhibit art on it (sans the pamphlet) more grab the art book. The art book is probably not worth it either unless you weren't able to grab the previous ones. I probably will eventually get it when the English one comes out next year and I probably would've saved money if I bought it while I was there but the weight wasn't worth it and I had in fact spent ¥42,000.
For all the things I did buy, I do regret not picking up some items; an art board from the other artbooks, the sticker set A, the mini towel, and one additional set of the cookies and coffee but as seen above I grabbed a lot and felt pretty aware I had a full basket compared to everyone else. You could also only make one purchase per a ticket and sadly only one commemorative bag per a purchase (I still ended up with two due to my friend). The final thing that you may want to know is the quality of said good; the plushies are worth it simply for existing but could've been higher quality, the ¥7000 (roughly $50) hoodie I bought was extremely thin and has shed so much from the inside that I have yet to wash it in fear it would disintegrate (I'm being slightly dramatic but I truly fear what will happen when I do), and while I did not buy them I did see the in person versions of the made to order items; the skate deck was a proper translation but didn't look particularly nice considering the simplicity of the design and the Soul Jacket was worse than cosplay quality made out of a really thin poly that didn't hold it's shape. ¥18700 yen is about $120 USD right now which is already way too much for the quality but keep in mind the buying power is equivalent to roughly $190. If you want Soul's OG jacket then I would best recommend customizing a real varsity jacket, followed by finding a used one of the original great eastern release, followed by what ever streetwear brand version of your choosing because while they might have inaccuracies, they will at least have ribbed trimming. I know I'm ragging on this pretty hard but I want to emphasize that it is an item you are not missing out on in case you feel the need to proxy order one. The most worthwhile items will be the plushies and food goods, and from there O would call the general Osaka added goods nice. Initially I was not impressed with the acrylic blocks but in person they had nice dimension. Any printed good outside of that is your own discretion albeit I don't think they're particularly going to be high value items in the future.
The final final part is I found out the day before there was a wrapped train for the show. Honestly a higher honor than I expected for the series. However the night before was spent at an Onsen a good distance away and the day of was a downpour so I sadly did not witness it as it would of likely been an effort to find.
I think that's all I can give towards the experience in writing but I will include particular sights in subsequent reblogs.
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somediyprojects · 2 years ago
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Merejka: Vintage Roses stitched by eureka7.
“My second finish of the year! Vintage Roses by Merejka.
I'm super proud of this! This was my first time stitching on evenweave (32 count) and it really took some getting used to. In addition to stitching 2 over 2, I also could not for the life of me get this fabric taut on a q-snap! A hoop worked fine. I saw this pattern and was inspired to do it from an awesome post by red-jezebel about the difference couching vs backstitch makes with lighter colored threads, and I couched the white thread as well. I love the way it turned out. Side note, ironing this fabric has been...harder than I thought. I still have some stubborn creases I'm trying to get out. I also need to decide how to display it.”
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coarsesalt · 4 months ago
I don't know what it is, but I cannot get down with watching new anime (outside of precure). I love rewatching eureka7 and nichijou and other older anime that I grew up watching, but nothing's been clicking with me for a while
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littleeyesofpallas · 8 months ago
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It's funny what with Trigun Stampede I was just thinking about how good JYB was in Eureka7. Can do believe that was 20 years ago? Hell even the sequel was over 10 years ago now.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 1 year ago
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Makkum Delft Blue and White Tile Dutch Theme ebay eureka7
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mooskidoo · 2 years ago
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wiruyamu · 2 years ago
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trapar12006 · 3 years ago
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Eureka Seven : Ep. 24- Paradise Lost
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miyumiyuchancosplay · 4 years ago
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"If, even after this battle, they tell me I can live on. I'll go and buy a small mirror somewhere and practice smiling." 🌸 Anemone - Eureka Seven From Mechacon last weekend ~ Post-con depression is real, you guys. How is everyone holding up after the final Mechacon? --- #eurekaseven #eureka7 #animecosplay #anemonecosplay #anime #cosplay #cosplayandgamergirls #cosplaygirl #cosplaymodel #cosplaygirls #eurekasevencosplay #eurekasevencommunity #eureka7cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #floridacosplay #animecosplayer #himedere #tsundere #cosplayanime #animegirls #animewaifu #eureka7anemone #eurekasevenhievolution #otakugirl #cosplaywaifu #waifu #mechacon #mechacon2021 #cosplaylife #coser (at MechaCon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9hk_oldFp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hanasparrowcosplay · 4 years ago
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I cannot tell you how happy I am to be Eureka again. How did it take this long to make her original outfit!?😂
I also cant thank @uniqso enough for making these lenses! I am forever in your debt 😭🙏
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h3l10tr0p3 · 5 years ago
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Inspired by Anemone's cockpit in her mecha, Nirvash Type TheEND and Horikoshi's cutest Kaiju, Mothoriya.
I actually wanted to draw Shigaraki, but I ended up doing this instead. Might be a little Spoiler-y?
Here is a darker version!
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He looks nothing alike ajshehddjejwg O
And take this one too while you are at it:
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goat13 · 5 years ago
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xkawaifu · 5 years ago
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kentaropjj · 5 years ago
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#SixFanarts I drew this when quarantine started and forgot to post here! >< I took suggestions on my twitter! Had a pretty good turnout! • • • • • #eureka7 #anemone #shomasawamura #rivalschools #projectjustice #capcom #reno #ff7 #ff7r #finalfantasyvii #finalfantasyviiremake #princesspeach #supermarioodyssey #supermario #lockecole #ff6 #finalfantasyvi #squareenix #onepiece #bonneyjewelry #art #sketch #illustration #drawing #fanart #digitalart #kentaropjj https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdiG7jloNn/?igshid=mwxmst30dwah
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mew-f-0 · 5 years ago
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pnspodcast · 4 years ago
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Fotos definitivas del Nirvash Type Zero Gracias por hacer estado en el proseso XD Pueden ver todo el armado en el canal de www.Twitch.tv/pnspodcast y en nuestro canal de YouTube (cuando me de pelota 😒) Ya terminamos con este así que podemos avanzar por más, estence al pendiente 😎✔️🍷 #Gumpla #Eureka7 #Nirvash #PersonaNoSekai #gundaminstagram (at Rosario, Santa Fe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFsjZK4HgOz/?igshid=1gm4qzeqr2t7d
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