#eun mha
sabu-rina · 9 months
Sour Epilogue - No Love Among Villains - unrequited Shigaraki/OC (NSFW)
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tags \\ references but no actual sex, fade to black, extremely dubious consent, toxic relationship
Eun returns from the bar and Shigaraki won't take no for an answer. (Sour) (AO3)
When Eun returned to the dumpy warehouse she called home, Shigaraki was waiting for her. Tomura, or Tenko, whatever she was supposed to call him, hopped off the crate and strolled over as she shut the gate behind her. She was absolutely drenched, shivering, and dealing with whatever her heart was doing in there, leaving her no patience for his shit.
He regarded her blankly, gently grabbing her chin with two fingers and a thumb and making her look at him. He did not wear boots with platforms, so she barely had to lift her head to stare back at him, waiting for his evaluation to end.
“You left without saying anything,” he said, almost wearily, and let go of her, “I was worried.”
“Sure,” she said, already turning to walk to her bedroom.
“Where were you?” He was following her. Not a great sign.
“The bar.”
“Well, that explains the smell…” She scoffed. At the door of her room, which was once an office, she turned and blocked the doorway with her arm, glaring at him.
“I’m exhausted,” she said, “Leave me alone.”
“Exhausted? But not drunk?”
“Go. Away.”
Just when he seemed docile enough to listen, he shot forward and pushed her into the small room. He slammed the door shut behind him and continued his advance, half-glaring at her as she walked backwards to keep the distance. He grabbed her again, this time around the throat, but unlike Touya, he applied all the pressure to her windpipe so she couldn’t speak, much less breathe.
“And when were you going to tell me our old friend Dabi was in town?”
She stilled. Was he watching her? Had she not earned his trust enough? Obviously not.
“I’m guessing never.” Just as she was starting to gasp for air, he let go. She touched the now tender flesh and took a few deep breaths, glowering.
“Why would I? What’s he going to do?” Shigaraki gave her the side-eye, which only pissed her off more. “Even if he brings the whole army of goodie two shoes, what are they going to do?”
He hummed. “They want to take you away.”
“Let them try.”
“They want to take you from me, for you to turn on me.”
“Grow up.”
“Can you blame me for being a little jealous?”
He stepped closer, his hands suddenly on her hips, careful fingers running up and down her sides as he looked at her body. He was pleased with what he saw, which made her skin crawl. But she remained still, letting him do his thing. The quicker this went, the quicker she could go to sleep and stop thinking about—
His dry lips were at her neck then, teeth occasionally grazing the more sensitive spot under her ear. She moaned softly, her hands instinctually going to his shoulders. He licked his lips and made his way down to her shoulder, kissing and nipping as he went. When he latched onto a spot just above her collarbone, she dug her nails into his shoulders through the fabric of his crewneck. He hissed and bit hard on the bone, his grip on her waist tightening. She groaned in pain, then yelped when he shoved her backward, sending her splaying on the futon. She cursed, annoyed that she didn’t have the chance to dry off first, but he didn’t seem to care. He fell to his knees over her, overlapping her legs so she couldn’t escape, then shoved her flat to the bed when she tried anyway.
His face hovered over hers, long white hair forcing her to look only at him as it fell around her head. He grabbed her wrists and lifted them above her head, using their weight difference to make her feel small.
Truth be told, she could kill him whenever she wanted, and vice versa. But some sick part of her was thankful for the game they played. It was almost nostalgic, in a way that made her sick to her stomach and yet excruciatingly wistful.
“I would be hurt if you left me for him,” he said, brushing his nose against hers. She wrinkled it and rolled her eyes.
“You don’t need to worry about that. I told him to go to hell…”
He leaned down to breathe into her ear, then took the earlobe between his teeth. When she didn’t make a sound, he returned to that spot underneath and licked. She shifted beneath him and tried to turn her head, clearly not in the mood, but he wouldn’t leave her the option to say no.
“Go to hell, huh? Like a knife to the shoulder? And yet, we both know you have a spit kink. Perhaps you sent the wrong message?”
She froze like a deer in headlights, and he could feel her heart skip a beat. Eun was extraordinarily good at hiding the physicality of her emotions around him, but it was times like this that gave him that delicious rush of power, to know he could affect that stony heart of hers. She knew he was watching her now, that keeping tabs was a sign he hadn’t bought her story about stabbing Bakugo instead of turning him to dust right away. Eun didn’t play with her food, that was for predators like him. And once, like Dabi. It really was a shame; he would have liked to see them fuck in that alley.
He got his way that night, as he usually did, but rather than her riding him and leaving after he came on his own stomach, he pulled out when he was ready and left her alone in a dark room to reflect on what they’d just done. He hoped it hurt her too.
I totally plan to publish some actual smut, but for now, have some angst!
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Hey! How you been ! Could u do one with lee Sero and ler kaminari plz :)
Hola! Have been doin well, just imagining my little au! Also I made it shippy, I hope that’s oki with you!
  Ler Kaminari, Lee Sero
Warning: cussing lol
Word count: 661
“Oh, Seroooooo~” Kaminari sang as he poked his head into his boyfriend’s room.
“Oh, Kamiiiiiiiii?~” the ravenette sang back, looking up from the game he had been playing on his phone, casually laying on his hammock. It rocked dangerously as Kami walked up and plopped down on top of him, but he didn’t mind, holding on tightly to his precious blonde boyfriend.
“I wanna show you something I learned with my shocks!” the blondie chirped, wrapping his arms in a sweet hug around Sero, his hands finding a place on his shoulder blades. Something the tape boi found a bit suspicious. “Oh, and what would that be?”
“I learned how to use them for muscle relaxation, wanna see?” Denki chirped, and it seemed innocent enough. And Sero’s shoulders were pretty sore from training yesterday…
“Ok, don’t see why not,” he gave pretty easily, flipping over a little awkwardly in his hammock to give his boyfriend more space to work with.
“Ok, so, gentle sparks…” he heard a mumble above him, then felt a hand placing itself right between his shoulder blades. Suddenly, some type of beautiful current was turning his whole body to jell-o right beneath Kami’s hands, the muscle relaxation sparks definitely doing their job and more, causing him to hum appreciatively. Kami giggled a little at his boyfriend’s current state, practically able to see hearts around Sero’s head.
“Feels nice, huh?” he asked, getting only a hum of approval. He liked seeing Sero like this, just happy and melty, without a care in the world, the only thought in his head being It feels so niceeeeee.
But, of course, after a while, he could help from getting more mischievous thoughts. Such things happened when you were one of many crazy teenagers in a dorm building where half of all shenanigans you got into included tickling. And of course, how could he just let this opportunity go to waste.
His hands very slowly drifted down Sero’s back, disguising it as being more thorough with his work, which seems to be greatly appreciated by his boyfriend. But as his hands got closer to Sero’s sides, the ravenette knew something was up. “K-Kami?”
“Yesssssss?” the blonde almost sang. Something was definitely up.
“Y-you’re getting kinda c-clo- KAMIHI!!” he squeaked suddenly when those gentle sparks were in his sides, creating a tingly, ticklish sensation instead of the relaxing, tension melting one it had been before.
“Getting kinda what, Sero?”
That little-
“Y-you knohow-” he cut himself off, clenching his jaw against the tickly sparks to try and hold back the laughter that had his shoulders shaking. Damn his boyfriend’s adorable ler tendencies!
“You need to finish your sentences, baby! Here, lemme give you a little encouragement!”
Suddenly those tickly sparks were at his elbows, and he let out a squeal, before they were back at his sides, and, with the dam broken, he fell into bright, bubbly laughter. “Kahahamihihi youhu cheheheater!!”
“All’s fair in love and war, Sero, and this just so happens to be a bit of both!” Kami argued, laying on top of his boyfriend so the poor guy was trapped in his zappy fingers.
“Gehet ohohohoff! Youhuhu’re heheheavy!” the tape-user complained, before hearing a completely, totally real offended gasp from above.
“Are you calling me fat? Oh, that is it!!” 
Sero heard a breath being taken in behind his head, and suddenly he understood he was in danger. He just underestimated how much.
There was the raspberry being blown on his neck, yes, but Kami was now squeezing his sides with his shocks, and that sent him into silent hysterics.
Of course, Kami knew how to respect limits, and let him go shortly after, hugging him tightly and sighing softly, listening to his boyfriend’s tired, soft giggles. The sweetest sound on the planet, in his eyes. Er, ears.
“Youhuhu… I’m soho getting youhu back for thahat… but later…”
“After a nap…”
“Aww, ok, baby. Love youuuu~”
“Love you too…”
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lostiolite · 2 months
HEARR ME OUT... mha x sweet home where hyun has a quirk that's like his abilities when he was turning in sweet home, but the more he uses them the more he loses self control of his abilities and people call his quirk villainous because of it 😲
Maybe he actually killed that bully instead of pushing him into the road?
He could be part of the league and found by ofa after his family dies and used a tool, but i also rlly like the hassaikai- what if overhaul uses him as a pawn as well? (Like in this tiktok) Or what if hes villan turned good with the help of deku??? Having his own tomura moment, "the hurt little boy who wants to do good is still in there"
Honestly i like his quirk idea. Because hyunsu so genuinely wants to do good deep in his heart but has gone about it in unnerving ways and has done bad/mean things. His quirk is a knight but a monsterous one at that. I think the way his knight look should reflect his mental state, the more monsterous = more fucked up
His villain name would be BLLK and his hero name would be ryan
I also think hyuk would have his jinx/deku moment, (like this tik tok from the same creator) . Honestly hyuk could be quirkless but i could also see him having some facade quirk, (like camie, or NEO FROM RWBY) he puts on facades to keep others safe and calm, so maybe he his quirk also emits a feeling of destress or calmness to specific people. Like a calm feeling to protect and calm somone down while simultaneously emotionally torturing his enemy. if he paired up with somone who could decipher others deepest fears he would be op.
Lol i think euns power could be somthing relating to her curiosity. Being able to ask a question and get people to answer like nemoto but with her own personal twist. Maybe shes able to get people in an emotional state to talk about things of maybe her quirk can gaslight people into thinking they said somthing but that would have to be something that happens rarely with a cooldown.
I feel like jisu would have some energy boost (like trumpet) quirk, able to lift ppls spirits with music, (or any music related quirk)
Gyuhwans quirk could be quirk canceling or weakening within a radius or when he notices you
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Introduction ig?
Hi, I'm Eun-Ji/Adrian. I'm a 17 year old blasian(black and korean) trans boy with autism. I enjoy things like Black Butler, Touhou Project, Owl House, Spider man, etc.
Prolife/Anti Coice
Anti Xenogenders/Neopronouns
In the DSMP, Voltron, and/or MHA fandom(s)
Support H3r0H3i or R3v S4ys D3su
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aizeuna · 2 years
Hi! call me Eun or Aizeuna • she/they • 20 • 🇵🇭 • multifandom SFW fanartist with an art style identity crisis
My alt is @aiseuna for my non fandom art and it's currently empty. If you want to see older work check out my carrd in the description of my blog.
Haikyuu Art under #haikyuu fanart
Danganronpa Art under #danganronpa fanart
Blue Lock Art under #blue lock fanart
BNHA Art under #mha fanart and #bnha fanart
Hetalia Art under #hetalia fanart
Videogame art will be under #videogame fanart
Dungeon Meshi under #dunmeshi fanart and #dungeon meshi
I'm more active here than any other social media platform in my carrd is because this is more comfortable!
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bakugous-abs · 6 years
Can I request something for Todoroki? An angst scenario where he and his wife have been married for a while but recently he’s started to close himself off and won’t talk to his wife and she can’t deal with it anymore?
~Admin Eun
***TRIGGER WARNING: Cheating and Infidelity***
She couldn’t take it anymore. The household that was once filled with love, joy, and laughter had become bleak. It had become silent, devoid of any sign that a happy couple lived there once.
When Shouto Todoroki had presented himself to (Name) on one knee, a velvet box in hand, she cried. From happiness, from a surge of overwhelming emotion. It was a sunny day in spring, Hanami season fresh and new. The pale pink cherry blossoms were at full bloom and represented an overwhelming beauty. Much like Shouto viewed (Name), in fact. The two were in love. A few years out of high school where they both graduated together, working as heroes by day and sharing gentle kisses at night.
The Hanami party was coming to an end, but Shouto still had one more thing to do. As (Name) stood to clean up after them, he remained sitting before he rose to one knee. She didn’t even notice before he called her name, the word gentle on his soft lips. He presented her with a ring that drew a gasp from her mouth. The band was a pale pink, much like the cherry blossoms, and in the center was a shining opal. Loops and curves ran around the band itself, and embedded in the ring were small diamonds that complimented the opal.
(Name) barely choked out a yes, tears only flowing at a more vigorous speed whenever Shouto took her hand in his, slipping the ring on her finger before he kissed the dorsal of her hand and smiled gently at how much it was shaking.
Their wedding had been stupendous. While they internally both wished for it to be small, the fact that the pro hero Shouto was getting married was enough to arouse a large gathering of reporters and fans all alike. It was held a year after the engagement in Hanami season, cherry blossoms in bloom once again. (Name’s) wedding dress was one ripped from a fantasy. An off shoulder top, lace delicately decorating her bosom. It hugged her waist before flaring out like a ballgown, flowers of more lace lining the bottom.
When Shouto saw (Name), he cried. Silently, of course, but nonetheless emotional.
It was perfect.
But…Perhaps (Name) was an idealist for believing it could stay perfect forever. Or maybe even a fool.
Truthfully, (Name) understood that Shouto wasn’t the most openly emotional person. He held back his words often and didn’t immediately connect easily with others like some of his peers did. When marrying him, (Name) knew this. However, despite this, she and Shouto had established a clear and mutual understanding of one another, of course. They had decided to spend the rest of their lives together, so that was a given. The two had planned their life out almost flawlessly.
However, neither of them could account for the sudden drastic change in Shouto’s behavior.
She didn’t know when or why it happened, but one day Shouto came home after a meeting with his father. Perhaps it was that man that had spurred it on, but looking back on it (Name) figured that it had to be an amalgamation of many things.
“I’m home,” he grumbled. (Name) called out to him in response, but either he ignored her or didn’t hear her as he retreated back to their shared room and finished with the door slamming. (Name) jumped at this. Shouto was never one to lose his composure like that, so of course, something must’ve been bothering him.
She padded down the hallway, knocking lightly on the door. “Shouto, dear? Is everything alright?” She opened up the door to find her husband at his desk, already nose deep in paperwork. Frowning, she walked over to him before letting her arms fall from his neck down on to his torso. When he didn’t respond, she asked again. “Are you okay?”
Shouto stood from his chair, (Name) backing up a bit to give him space. “I’m fine,” he replied blankly.
Frowning, (Name) took his hand in her own. “You know if something is wrong, you can tell me, right?”
“I know. Don’t worry yourself about it.” He kissed the top of her head softly, causing her to smile. At the time, (Name) had simply just brushed it off.
As nights turned into days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, Shouto became more and more closed off. Although the couple rarely ever fought, this was something that seemed to spark negative energy between them. (Name) would get upset that Shouto wouldn’t open up to her despite the two being married, and in turn, Shouto would get upset that she was prying.
“Just mind your own business…”
“‘Mind my own business’?! Shouto, you’re my husband! This is my business!” she shouted, throwing her arms up in disbelief. The fact that he treated this as a minor deal made her even angrier. He sighed and pressed two fingers against the bridge of his nose, pinching it. “No, it’s not. You wouldn’t understand.”
“Shouto, do you even hear how ridiculously immature you sound right now? ‘I wouldn’t understand’? Our job as husband and wife is to be there to support each other, so I want to support you, but you aren’t even giving me that option!”
Shouto was a calm person, both internally and externally. Rarely did he get aggravated or frustrated, but something sparked inside of him that caused his eyes to narrow and his face to flush pink in exasperation.
“Maybe I don’t need your damn support!” he barked. His tone was scratchy and violent. Never had he yelled at (Name) with this volume and the sheer rage that laced his words, such tone being used with namely his father, and it showed. The way (Name) recoiled and took a step back, her eyes widening before they narrowed, glaring at him. “Then why the hell did you ask me to marry you in the first place?!”
He wasn’t thinking. He wasn’t thinking, because if he was, the words he was about to spit would’ve never even crossed his mind, much less left his mouth.
“I don’t exactly know myself, at the moment!”
The outrage and temper that (Name) held before faded away. She felt his words pierce through her chest and into her heart. Her words were regrettable, yes, but his cut deeper than she could fathom. Her pride, however, held the tears that had gathered in the corner of her eyes back. Clenching her fists, she turned from Shouto.
“What are you doing?” he asked as she stomped to their closet, messily throwing whatever was in sight that belonged to her in a bag. She didn’t face him—she couldn’t face him, as she snapped, “I’m leaving. Maybe perhaps when I do so, you can have the precious alone time that I’ve been so rudely depriving you of.”
Slinging the bag over her shoulder and snatching her phone off of the dresser, she left their bedroom and then the house, not forgetting to childishly slam the door behind her.
And Shouto was left alone, the silence and the memory of his words the only company he had.
That night he sat on the edge of his bed—their bed—and buried his head in his hands. They both messed up and said things that they would’ve liked to take back, but the words that left his mouth were pure venom, and he didn’t know where they came from. That night he was reminded of his mother, and how she would be disappointed to see that he had become horrifyingly close to acting like the man he resented the most.
The next morning she returned. Shouto was asleep in their bed, and (Name) fell asleep on the couch. When she woke up it was a bit before noon and a blanket had been draped over her shoulders. For a moment she was reminded of the kind and gentle person Shouto once was, and that was the Shouto she fell in love with.
That moment wouldn’t last, though. Another fight arose from the two as if it was some sort of drug.
The pattern of arguing, leaving, returning, and then arguing again became too common of a pattern to be considered healthy. Another night, another fight. (Name) left once more, and returned the next morning.
This time, however, would prove itself to be different, straying away from the pattern that had become so frustratingly normal.. When Shouto arrived back from work, (Name) was there just like he thought she would be. But beside her were large bags and suitcases filled to the brim with her items and belongings. Their room lost a sense of character, the only remaining things being Shouto’s own.
“What are you doing?”
She looked at him. Her hand was clenched tightly around something. Her eyes were glossy, and for the first time in an eternity, fat tears rolled down her blotchy cheeks. She said nothing, but extended her hand out to his and placed something cold in it. A key—the house key.
(Name) left, her footsteps and the sound of cases rolling against the floor echoed in his ears.
(Name) had left again. But this time, she didn’t come back for him.
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lazualazua · 6 years
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I kind of had the urge to try a semi realist style.
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lunabunry · 7 years
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Eun-Jeong Mukyo
I recently character (another) bnha oc, but this time he's a hopeless romantic and has a one-sided crush on Nenshou. I love this little blueberry boi. (he’s also quirkless, he wants to work for the police after graduating)
Speedpaint here!
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gingerlee-holds · 2 years
"A Monster, huh~?"
This is a tickle fic! If you don’t like it, don’t read it ^^
This is based on this prompt from @eunchancorner:
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(Ler!Kirishima and Lee!Kaminari)
Eun requested this for her birthday, and i decided to binge four seasons of MHA to properly get a feel for the characters heehee
Triggers: Nothing but fluff baby (well maybe swearing)
Enjoy!! Reblog please cuz likes do nothing ^^
Kirishima heard a knock at his door. He delivered one last parting blow to the punching bag and walked to the door. He leaned against it, smiling to himself. 
"Password?" He called through.
He heard his boyfriend sigh. "Red Riot, Future Number One Hero."
"Why, if it isn't my dear Kaminari, come to visit!"
Kaminari groaned playfully. "Just lemme in already!"
Kirishima giggled as he opened the door, pulling the electric hero in for a quick kiss before tossing him gently onto the bed.
"W-woah! Eager, huh?" Kaminari chuckled as the red-haired hero straddled his waist. 
"Am I not allowed to miss my boyfriend~?" With that, Eijiro collapsed onto Kaminari, snuggling up close to him. 
Denki smiled as he held the red-haired hero close. "Whatever, cutie!"
They cuddled like that for a while, talking about nothing significant. Kirishima and Kaminari's conversations were always as aimless as they were scatterbrained, quickly jumping around from one topic to another. Eventually, their ramblings died down, and silence filled the room. Kirishima was the one to finally say something.
"Hey, Kaminari?"
"Are you ticklish?"
Every muscle in Kaminari's body tensed up. Truth be told, he was indeed ticklish, embarrassingly so. Yet, in his arms at that very moment was Kirishima, Class 1-A's infamous tickle monster, who had wrecked most of their classmates at some point or another. He clamped his mouth shut tighter when he felt Eijiro tapping his fingers against his sides idly.
"I'm waiting, Kami~."
To get out of this situation, Denki would have to think fast, and think fast he did. He let off a quick electric shock to his boyfriend, nothing more painful than a static shock from a doorknob, purely to catch Kirishima off-guard, allowing him to escape. He ran out the door, taking off down the hallway like a lightning bolt.
"Oh, now you're in for it! I'm gonna wreck your shit, Pikachu!!" Kirishima ran after his boyfriend, staying close on his heels. 
"No, no, no!! Lemme go!!" Despite his pleas for mercy, anticipatory giggles began spilling out of him. 
"Hey, Kirishima! Whatcha up to?" Eijiro looked off to his side and saw Sero running beside him to his left. 
"This punk needs tickles! Care to help me out a bit?"
"Oh, it'd be my pleasure! Anything to help you cut someone down to size!" Sero sent out a quick blast of tape, which ensnared Kaminari's leg, stopping him in his tracks. He hopped on one foot goofily, trying to shake the tape off. 
"No, no! That was a dirty trick!" 
Sero smiled and gave a hard tug to the tape, making Kaminari spin right into Kirishima's arms. "Why, thank you very much, Sero! I owe you one!"
"No need! Have fun with him, Kaminari!" He walked away, happy to have helped out.
"Say thank you to Sero for helping me~" Kirishima teased, nibbling softly on Kaminari's neck.
"AH-! OKAHAY-!! Thahank youhuhuhuhu, Sehehheehero!!!"
"Good boy~! Now let's get back to my room, yeah~?" Eijiro carried the electric hero back to his room, holding him tightly despite his vain wriggling. He laid him down on the bed, straddled his waist, and pinned his arms under his knees. "I hope you know that I'm not gonna go easy on you, dear~."
"Youhuhuhu vihihihhillahain!"
"You must clearly not want mercy, huh~?" With that, Kirishima scribbled at Kaminari's soft belly. The electric hero squealed and began cackling loudly. 
"Nuh uh~! You had your chance! You could have just answered my question, but no, you had to use your quirk on me! How rude~!"
"Oh, I forgive you, dear! I still gotta tickle you, though~."
"No fingers~?" Kirishima giggled. "Very well! I won't use my fingers~!" He leaned down and placed dozens and dozens of kisses on his boyfriend's belly, making him blush as red as his hair. 
"So picky~! I'm not going to listen to you if you're just gonna say that you don't like these tickles, because I can tell that you love them~! You haven't told me to stop yet, after all~!"
Kaminari blushed even more and stammered out an excuse through giggles. However, those were swiftly replaced by cackles when his boyfriend's kisses turned to cheeky nibbles. 
"EHEHEHEHEHEHEIJIHIHIRO!!!!" Denki squealed and writhed around on the bed, trying desperately to escape Kirishima's dastardly nibbling. 
"Omnomnomnomnom!!" the red-haired hero teased as he very gently nibbled and kissed all over the sensitive skin. 
"YOUHUHU'RE AHAHAHA MOHOHOHHOHONSTER!!!" Kaminari covered his face with one hand, using the other to try to push his boyfriend's head away. 
"A monster, huh~?" Kirishima placed a big raspberry on his belly button. 
"Ooo~! You love raspberries, huh~? Do they make ya feel all tingly inside?
"Oh, yeah! That makes sense!" Kirishima raspberried repeatedly, not letting up until Kaminari's laughter got wheezy and tears were falling down his cheeks.
"Okay, okay, I'll let up, cutie!" Kirishima got out of his shirt and spooned his boyfriend close, not stopping the tickles entirely. He gently traced hearts, smiley faces, and lightning bolts on his belly. "Didja like that~?"
"M-mhmhm!" Kaminari giggled as he nodded, nestling into Kirishima's strong arms. 
"Aww~! You must be sleepy after all that, huh~?" 
"Y-yeheahh..." Kaminari yawned.
Something suddenly popped into Kirishima's head, and he stopped the tickling. "Hey, by the way, why did you come in here at first?" 
"Oh, yeah! Thank you for reminding me!" The electric hero turned around and held Kirishima close, kissing him softly. "Just needed a kiss from ya!" 
They giggled, and Kirishima joked, "Well, I think you got a bit more than you bargained for, Pikachu~!" 
Kaminari yawned as he nestled his head under his boyfriend's chin. "I'd say so..."
Kirishima melted at the sight of Kaminari looking so cute. "Goodnight, dear~. Sleep well~," Kirishima said soothingly. He rubbed the electric hero's back, kissing the top of his head and gently nuzzling his face in the soft yellow hair. 
"Night, Kiri..." Needless to say, Kaminari had very, very tickly dreams that night. 
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kinkandkreep · 4 years
(This has since been updated, please check pinned post. Thanks!)
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Ari's BS 🙃
Another slightly less big but none the less important announcement
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Yandere Headcanons:
Yandere Taehyung when you refuse him sex
Yandere Hoseok Breastfeeding Kink
What Type of Yandere: Kim Namjoon
What Type of Yandere: Kim Seokjin
Plus Size Body Type Preference; Most to Least
T or A: BTS Edition
Yandere!Jin As a Parent
Desire Has Philophobia
Soft!Yandere Reaction to Desire Being a Former Burlesque Dancer
Random Drabbles/Blurbs/Oneshots/Ideas:
Bionic Bunny (Yandere!Bionic!Jungkook Idea)
Rounds (Yandere Hoseok oneshot)
For Everybody (Songfic; Yandere!Reader oneshot)
Happy (Re)Birthday (Yandere Jimin oneshot)
Teacher’s Pet (Songfic; Yandere!Jimin oneshot)
The Queen and Her Captors (Yandere!BTS x Original Character oneshot) (This may eventually become a series)
Tummy Time! (Father!Hoseok oneshot)
Soft!Yandere Jimin Collage
Hard!Yandere Jimin Collage
Non-Yan Headcanons:
BTS with a Black!S/O
BTS “Sex”-canons- Rap Line
BTS “Sex”-canons- Vocal Line (minus Jin)
BTS “Sex”-canons- Kim Seokjin
BTS as Gods
BTS Nicknames
Fun Facts:
Taehyung, Jimin and Hobi Fun Fact
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Multi-Chapter BTS Fics☟︎
Bless Me
Bless Me: Chapters
Coming Soon: Bless Me
Bless Me: Excerpt
Bless Me: Prologue
The Kim Clan: Bless Me
Bless Me: Taehyung
Bless Me Visual (Anpanman)
Bless Me Visual (Hobi and Tae Tae)
Bless Me Visual (Older Brothers)
Bless Me Visual (Young Brothers)
You All Belong To Me
You All Belong To Me
YABTM~ Introducing Eun-Ji
YABTM~ Introducing Hyun-Ki
YABTM~ Introducing Bong-Cha
The Scars We Share
The Scars We Share- Summary
The Scars We Share- Snippet
The Scars We Share- Aesthetic
Rundown~ Summary
Rundown~ Diagnostic
Rundown~ Prologue
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Other Multi-Chapter Fics☟︎
Enemies of Everywhere
Enemies of Everywhere
Enemies of Everywhere- Key Visual/Collage
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Yandere Bakugou Profile and Headcanons
Yandere Izuku Profile and Headcanons
Non-Yan Headcanons
Zuki Buki 💚💚💚
Random MHA Related Thoughts/Headcanons
Dear Theodosia- Bakugou and Izuku
MHA Ships and BTS Ships
Looking to Adopt
MHA Oc Related Things
Meet Chike!
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Basic Eren Yeager/In Your Erea au Headcanons
How the AOT guys handle a pregnancy: Eren Yeager
How the AOT guys handle a pregnancy: Armin Arlert
How the AOT guys handle a pregnancy: Levi Ackerman
AOT Character’s Personalities
AOT Characters and an S/O with a high metabolic rate
AOT Guys and Their Weddings
Random things that can’t really be categorized but that I might try to later (mainly thirst)
Respectable Young Man
Question about MAPPA’s animation decision
Bestie Mad Foine
Sexy and Smug
Wow, he is so like...ummmm...🥰❤️🙃💚😍
Ah Shit, Here We Go Again
Random Eren Headcanon
Episode 4 (?) Did Not Spark Reiner-related Joy
We Can Only Go Up from Here
Eren and Shego
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Yandere!Alucard Headcanons
Dating Alucard
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sabu-rina · 9 months
Sour - past Touya/OC (NSFW)
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tags/TWs \\ References to Underage, Reference to grooming, Spit Kink, mention of vomit, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Post-Canon, Deku is dead and the villains won, Touya survived
Villain!Eun AU. She once loved him, so Touya could be the key to getting Eun back, but it's easy to forget or dismiss the damage done when you "date" a 16 year old girl as a 24 year old man. Now 18, Eun isn't the girl he knew. (AO3)
Eun ran her tongue from palm to pinky, collecting the lime juice that had dripped from her lips. She set her shot glass on the bar with the others, leftover salt from the rims crackling beneath it, then picked up the next one. She paused a moment to stare down at the clear liquor with eyes so heavy-lidded she looked as tired as she felt, but the good parts of her soul needed a little more drowning to shut them up, so she threw it back, not bothering with a chaser. No flinch, even if it did burn all the way down.
As she reached for the last glass, she felt warmth at her back as two long arms appeared in her periphery, easily reaching around her to grab the bar, effectively locking her in place. Lips pressed to the shell of her ear, further heating her booze-warmed body.
“I never took you for a tequila girl,” came the low, raspy voice of Dabi—Touya Todoroki. His leather jacket creaked as he unbent, tilting his head to see at least part of her face. She was flushed, but no more than when he’d walked in. Rather than turn, to see his face, she flagged the bartender for three more shots. He nodded, but she knew if she were anyone else, he would have cut her off.
“What do you want?” she asked coldly.
“Just thought you’d want to know I survived your little trick.”
“Yeah. I saw.”
“You don’t seem surprised.”
“If I wanted you dead, you would be.”
“You dropped a building on me.”
She heard his smirk and couldn’t help the upward tick in the corner of her mouth. Her gaze dropped to the glass as she picked it up, then she sat back a bit, the small distance all she had before her shoulders met the wall of his body. She closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out to lick along the rim, collecting as much salt as she could. When she tilted her head back to down the shot, her black, glassy gaze bore into his, her expression uninterested while the light in her eyes almost appeared heart shaped. She swallowed and he saw the bob of her throat, but then his eyes drifted lower to the hemline of her tank top where a small dark bruise had freshly formed on the top of her breast.
He quickly resettled his eyes on her face, which was now facing him fully as she kept her head rested on his shoulder. The little quirk of her lips was gone, leaving her emotions unreadable even to him. After a brief silence between them, she spoke first.
“Are you going to cage me all night or sit down?” she asked dully.
“We both know the second I move, you’ll use an illusion and escape,” he said. She studied him for a moment, then sighed and leaned forward again, turning away.
“No, I won’t.” The bartender set down her trio of shots and went to clearing away the rest. “I’m not done drinking.”
Touya stared at the back of her head and contemplated dragging her out of the shitty villain bar. Without a Quirk dampener or shock anklet, there wasn’t a soul inside that could stop him…Except her. The fight wasn’t worth it, so he sighed and made his way to the empty stool beside her and pulled it right next to her before sitting. Well, all the stools were empty. None of the other patrons sat at the bar with her. He glanced behind at the tables of people talking quietly amongst themselves, and no one looked in their direction.
He looked at her next, letting his eyes trail up the entire length of her body, from her feet to her cute, little nose. Even hunched, he could see how long and tall she was, especially her legs, which were no longer covered by joggers. He remembered hating the sweatpants after seeing her in nothing, wishing she’d wear a skirt like she did at school. The thought skeeved him out now; Dabi could ignore the whole age thing, but shame had introduced itself to Touya.
Even though she was an adult now, he found himself preferring joggers and oversized t-shirts over her current getup. She wore thin, dark grey leggings with torn knees and shiny black hotpants. The black tank top was lowcut and just as skintight as the rest, giving the illusion of more cleavage and leaving little to the imagination, including the fact she was braless. Gone were her sneakers too, replaced with boots that had seen better days.
He let his gaze wander once more before seeing the bruise again. His eyes narrowed and flicked up to her face, which paid more mind to her next shot than him. He watched her lick the rim again before downing it, then biting into her last slice of lime, the juice dripping down her chin as it had before. Before she could wipe it away, he reached over and grabbed her chin to smear it with his thumb, just to get her to look at him for real. She didn’t look surprised and made no move to pull away, just stared at him. Tired. Gone.
“Eun,” he said softly, his thumb moving to her bottom lip. He pressed gently, nearly mesmerized by the glossy pink flesh, wet from the lime. He wanted the stars back, the way her black eyes would light up when he showed her affection, a surprisingly adorable reprieve from the darkness. But when he looked into her eyes again, there was still nothing there. He pulled her lip down a bit before letting it go and retracting his hand.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, voice low and brow furrowing. “What are either of us doing here? You should be at home, not throwing back shots in the slums like it’s all you’ve got left.”
“Oh? And where should you be?” she asked, her blank expression unchanging.
“With you,” he said, without thinking.
She laughed once, humorless, then scoffed and looked forward again. Three more fingers, the bartender nodded and cleared the old, not sparing Touya a glance. He watched her, trying not to be hurt by her reaction, but his heart had grown 3 sizes since they met almost two years before. She waited for her drinks before responding, pointedly doing her next shot without salt or the lime, and even more pointedly, slamming it on the bar dangerously close to where his hand rested. She turned on her stool and slammed her boot into the stool between his legs, forcing it backward and actually startling him.
Finally, she showed an emotion, but it wasn’t one he wanted. She seethed at him and bared her teeth.
“I don’t need saving, and I sure as fuck don’t need you. The only reason that building didn’t crush you is because I didn’t want it to, but not because I have feelings or some bullshit. Not for you.”
“So, it’s true…” he said quietly. She faltered, confused, then looked more pissed than before, if that was possible.
“What is?” she asked.
“When you stabbed Mr. Anger Management, you missed on purpose. You could have killed my little bro too, but you didn’t. Just like Uncle said.” She opened her mouth to argue, but then snapped shut. She sat a little straighter.
“Uncle is here?” she asked, suddenly incredibly calm. “Where?”
“Can’t say,” he said, then added, “Don’t know.”
“Really, Eun. He comes and goes.”
She gave him a once over with a look as though he were dogshit on her shoe, then turned again and got off her stool, boots thudding heavily on the creaky wood. The bar had gone silent, the other patrons staring down at their drinks as they waited for the storm to pass. Without sparing Touya another glance, she reached over and grabbed the last two shot glasses, then turned heel, and marched for the door, unimpeded by anyone.
Once her figure had disappeared out the door and into the rainy night, the low din of the bar returned as relief washed over everyone. The bartender clicked his tongue and mumbled about not paying, so Touya pulled a stack of cash from his pocket and slid it to him, earning a surprised but elated look. He got to his feet, waving off the man’s gratitude—it was his dad’s money anyway.
Lightning cracked when he set foot outside, lighting up the vacant street and all the connected alleys. Touya squinted through the heavy rain and looked both ways for her. It didn’t take long to find her thanks to her dirty blonde hair catching the light from one of the working streetlamps. He jogged lightly to catch up, then slowed to a brisk walk once a little closer. She was hunched with her arms crossed, fuming for reasons he wasn’t quite sure yet. Luckily, she wasn’t going as fast as she could, so he caught up to her just as she turned into an alley.
“Fuck off,” she said once he was close.
“Eun, please. Just talk to me.”
“Eat shit.”
“Wait a fucking second.” He grabbed her arm suddenly and yanked her back, his Quirk flaring for just a moment, enough to light up her face as she spun around. The rain running down her face looked like tears, her hair glued to her forehead or pushed behind her ears, leaving her eyes wide open for him. She looked surprised rather than angry, but that changed when the blue fire died away, leaving them in shadow again.
“What do you want?” she spat. She ripped her wrist from his hand and shoved his chest with surprising strength.
“I’m trying to tell you, it’s okay to come home! They’ve been trying to tell you sorry, but you’re too stubborn to listen! You don’t have to work for that dusty ass, you don’t have to be a villain!” The irony of his own words made him sick, but he needed to get through to her. The others were so sure he could, that he might be the only one who could, but that was proving incorrect. She stared at him for a long while, the whites of her eyes almost glowing in the dark. Slowly, she spoke again.
“I’m where I want to be,” she said quietly, “And it’s not with you, or with them.”
“It’s Shigaraki, then?” he said, the sharp edge of jealousy leaking out. She clenched her jaw, not going to qualify the accusation with an answer, but then he was in her face, one hand on her shoulder and the other holding her hip. She didn’t move away or flinch, not even when his fingers dug into her flesh, shaking ever so slightly with anger. His hand drifted from her shoulder to her neck, then her throat where it tightened, jerking her even closer to him. She was only an inch or so shorter than him, but his boots gave him a couple extra, making him look down at her just a bit. Her lips parted in a small, silent gasp, her eyes widening as he leaned closer, his own lips drifting closer to hers.
Then he relaxed his shoulders a bit and let go of her throat to run his hand down her chest, fingertips grazing over her collarbones on their way to the top of her breast, where they lingered and pressed lightly on that damned bruise. Her breathing stopped, knowing exactly what he was touching.
“It’s Shigaraki,” he repeated, almost whispering, “It’s this. That’s why you’re here.”
“…What are you saying?” she asked, barely breathing.
“You let him touch you,” he accused, “More than that?”
Suddenly, the wide-eyed girl with a cute little nose and pretty lips, the one who kissed him earnestly after he’d been such an ass, the one who still cared for her friends despite all the agony life threw at her, that girl was gone.
In the moment her face darkened, and her fangs returned, when her third eye shot open and glowed red, he felt his limbs wrench from his body, saw them bounce off the gritty alley walls on either side of them. His guts lurched as he was pushed back by an invisible but incredible force, his feet leaving drag marks in the ground, then the force was gone and he fell to his knees, barely catching himself on instinct as he emptied his stomach on the concrete. As he huffed, vision swimming, it dawned on him that he still had his arms and legs, even though the pain had been real. He coughed, more spittle joining the puddle, then leaned back on his legs so he could look up at her. She was staring down her nose at him, third eye slowly closing again.
“I let him touch me. I let him fuck me too, and sometimes we cuddle, and I pretend it’s love. But you know that already, because I’m just a stupid little girl who will lay down for any older man who shows me attention, right? Spit in my mouth. Praise me. Degrade me. Show me what I’ve been missing. And I’ll call him daddy because daddy issues are hot. Pun fucking intended, you fucking asshole.”
Her boot collided with the center of his chest, sending him onto his back. He felt his heel hit the mess he’d expelled moments before and grimaced. Thud. Thud. She slowly approached, each foot on either side of his waist when she stopped. Then, he grunted as she aggressively sat on his aching stomach. Rain hit his face, his eyes stinging with each thick drop. She grabbed his face with her hand, index and thumb pressing into the lines where the healers removed his staples and tried to fix his scars. She kept pressing until his jaw was forced to open, then leaned forward, knees on the ground, and eyes boring into his. She blocked out the rain and that was when he saw it, a little bit of light in those endless black irises. It glowed red, but it was something in the abyss. He tried to smile, but her fingers were pressing into the hinges of his jaw too hard. She was hurting him…
Eun loudly cleared her throat and, with a sneer, spat the glob into his open mouth. She forced his jaw shut, making his teeth clack, and smirked as she pressed her palm over his lips.
“Swallow for me, baby,” she purred, “You’re so good at it.”
He swallowed it and felt it slide down his throat. The sensation went straight to his cock, which was already twitching from her grabbing his face like that. She got to her feet and walked toward the street, purposely stepping close to his head like she might stomp it. He listened to her receding footsteps, barely hearing them over his own panting. Fuck.
“You…you said you liked it…You said you…loved me,” he forced out, straining to speak loudly. His entire body was sore from her attack, like the aftermath of having the wind knocked out of him by a tank. She paused at the end of the alley.
“I do,” she said, “And I did love you, really. But then I grew up.”
He wasn’t the man for the job, after all. Touya smiled to himself as he heard her leave and thanked the rain for washing away the blood running down his cheek and cooling the burning shame on his skin.
Thanks for reading! I hope there's enough context here, and I think I got enough warnings in. There is an epilogue as well, "No Love Among Villains."
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eunchancorner · 1 year
of all of the AUs you’ve made, for any fandom, what are your favorites?
I really like your TK cult and wholesome needs AUs
Honestly? My favorites are my MHA Virus AU, My Eddsworld/FNaF Crossover AU and my SM Candy Killer AU
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wonwooridul · 2 years
omg safe travels ! hopefully the move isn’t too daunting and stressful ): manifesting a good semester for us both indeed 😞
sxf is so good !! i’m solely reading the manga rn but i’ve seen a few ep clips and its animation is so smooth ! definitely deserves the hype it’s getting i hope it gets super big like all the other ogs ^__^ also little women…… with emma watson ? i haven’t seen it yet, but i am in my period drama phase i think — i watched pride and prejudice not too long ago and i’m just starting s2 of bridgerton 🫣🫣🫣 the romance and banter are off the charts it’s so lovely so so so lovely to watch !
aw ok <3 hopefully u eat a lot of candy >:) i don’t know what i’m going to be yet….. i went as a my hero academia student last year (the uniform condition was so nice i couldn’t believe it) but i have 20 ish days to figure out what i want to be so i’m not so worried ! and when in doubt i can always fall back on that costume again ^_^
ALSO DID U HEAR….. jun is going to be howl for halloween i cant shsgsdjfjeh jun pls my heart let me rest for two seCONDS
good grades, good sem <3
due to my reading slump, not much into reading mangas so prefer watching BUT ITS SO GOOD I REALLY LOVE SXF!!!!!! also, no , little women with kim go eun!! the new kdrama <333 it’s so inch resting ! My uni friend is obsessed with bridgerton,,, i have heard the plot is really goooddd. as usual, i’m in my thriller, crime and suspense phase!!
Through the Darkness is on netflix ,, it’s such a good drama, you should watch!
YOU WENT AS MHA CHARACTER OMG YOIRE SO COOL!!! which one?? or were you this another type of student with new power from your own idea ?? if you’re comfortable, pls do share your costume pic with me in dms <333
juns going to be a howl??? as in howls moving castle character or am i wrong 😭😭😭
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
3 serial roi mqy me oi
Q giuwp tao vua du ma oi
Y em lq day q lai no tuong no doc hieu sw a sw same kh rim roi tim de anh
Lo xiu huyg di bui roi vi mat khau dung voi ngay em cuu s21c s21c hh em de day huy lai
Lo cuc cc ganh o phong cung vay khang a de pc day
Lo do 3 cap nho lay
Lay em hai cap con hoi hieu hieu team nhac dinh cao ld ko la nhun nao a nh em tr tui nay cap 2 minh xiu atsm wue ma hay lo de tu lu lu xiu nha que qua ma hay ak kia de anh anh ma do xiu nhuc gium em dn
S goc tum mum lai gian ca chem thot no co tinh em tr 2 cap la 3....n a nus tao di lac lan 2 nha all roi lay hts kbn la gi oi
Team co do free sau 3 thang la chac an len tinhshit em a huy oi s21c thay duc tin em co y xiu linh hen la j1 1st thuong em em tr do ma sach tot hn no moi len cap 86 nho poke nhan vat phu a tt hh duoc phu vu wuy khach ppn de day lai help anh song roi hun em so hihihihihu giong thang cho kia roi kaiba tai di nl nhuc ko yheo kip line cua em se sp anh con theiu y chang hai dua kia soft roi de day lai gou cut vang ngon vf
Lo bat tai team ra doi la de len nhu rm a hn tao khuyne
Em may daid tama bh raichou em town jy tap nay thay quen quen da dd hh biet tt nguyen team nay thoi nha de all
Lay em lanh jyj cua nhom em tr nhieu chu lam
Em noi vqy att ht byu do jerk noi that anh tha chet con hon viet ko cong vay huy nhu gou
Em kh kmh tim roi tim 1 xiu nha chua oi
Y la ds la nhac hay
Em fi nl nha day ht ko xong j22 dung cuoi anh di em dep dep dep dep dep dep dep dep dep dep dep sao ki vay huh dep xiu nha no gay
Lay n4
Clousfey hihihi nl hai xut nhu huy
Lt an dd team nhac a cut nua tung cui toi all biet xiu oi
Lo all no1 vi nhan dhs em no3
Doi hihi toi nay d chua 2
Em xiu dvua bho pc
Dn dnk team nhan em ut hay
Y la ko theo em la cac
Lqy lu trum
Lumos hen pa larop viia du
Xiu nha mht
Y la no3 moi la vua bao em fc han
De day lai said nus
Hai con do em a em tr kp nl thai thanh
Lay anh thanh
Y la y = 0 a
Ba dua dang do em no hoai
Lo jn rd team ma deo len noi
J22 nt di
Em no do hoan ngo dien vai em lai hen gi bua do no wiau lan dau oi ne
Do em nhat nay nh
Lac con live same thoai cut chu voi kl tinh dich nhat
Tu than team giu help of noi same
J22 help dau no aa vu cho ma con nho than dep don vi vl nc oi ne em do em
Nl nha do hn
Lay hn hai thang lay mang cho tui nay
Db team cu tthuan
Minh qt oi cuoi em di thang kia tr
Lqy em chua duong thuong qt
Em xiu nha M do cho
Ppn kb gio biet moi dc M dc thang roi cuoi ppn nha em tr hoai lay roi luon chuahit lt
Em the la xiu
Em noi hoai low level programming a minh qt biet ma hoc hieu lam nhu lu
Thanh do em ne kbn
Anh sg anh tha kbn em M a noi roi co do vua lt vua thuc te voi vo duoc ppn kb nen live
Lo nha noi tu do full du forpil xiu nha do noi em oi em xiu do
Em biet nen lieu mang
Y la nha no3 ko ma lanh nhiem vu no 7
Chu lo
Noi lanh cho q 17 so
Tim quy goi lay em oi gtbt sen sp
Em ciu nhq
Jerk lo lay het moi len chia
No3 tro xuong xiu roi con lai ganh
Ikant kh thang tim roi lam de day con thieu anh bao nha luon ld roi
Do vo em de tu lu a
Em len guip
Nha luc ocn 5 dua soc hen gi that co 1 nong hinh kbn chuan sang kieu tung don vi o nha live ducc cac toi mtd luyen len no1 gio soc no4 keiu oi
Anh hoang em bp dvc thanh jwrk j21 1 that co ngoi cung ko xong
J22 ve minh en tum lai
Sw tum em lai doc kieu ikant a
Bds nhan cha em main nziy vua
Ned do em ne nua ngoi xe al nxiu nha mo lam
Bh tum tama team lai dung di
Ned y la luc do em la roi lac con bong ko a nhin ma thuong tum dung t lai biet nen tha toi gio
Tu than lay em mem giet an nahn a dam em tr nho em
Hn la M a
M me
Lu thay dt sc khoc nhu cho no mo nghe nhu cut hon cua khang luc ko co em lu ranh do rm
Anh 21 do em ht nuoc hoan ngo hn duong thang binh du a oi hn
S21 gianh kick tui kia cong em ne hiong tap do anh di het noi
Tr em lo nho o ngoai ko thay di xuyen wua roi ko nho gi nua 5 hang nhu la
Lo kbn 2 tum cac ko con ng
Team kbn nen phu oi dc etc mv next aks di bui roi
Vuas lay chua duong pc xiu co dau noi thau de anh
Moc di bui toi no hieu tu dau ma nhu pika phan no a ai cung thay cung ma hai ko
Kl idol tu dau oi
Xiu nha bi quyet a binh pike
Cho do do ganh het atkn a con 1 thang tui minh lam nhu cut no a
Cds siu tr ma em ngay dau
La thay ko no hay tui tao chua ma ls
Lam tao bao no im
Jerk tao do duoc hep hoi la chua ma nhu cuc cua mem no a
Brandeis do rm
Kl tm sang lay pichu savior L hen gi no choc hoqi pis knc la dunh
Nha lon di bui toi roi taht town dd tao tha de em lam cut nuoc nam
Xiu nha full j 4
22:50 het roi date roi said p22
S goc tao tu hao nl
Cut chung cho nha ft
2 du cc help cut pb co nho dap la dunh a
Cham day hihi doi co nhieu a ted nha ko can soi
Lo nha het dat 3 thang gan day
Nha sao no trau wua ta em no do
Ikant tu lqy
Lo e q ted ned lac con lam ilant ganh khuc ghe
Dungt bao kc em
Lay em deo lq lanh gium nha phat
Xiu nha ak bay no xiu chung
Do lua doi tu nghe len said fcs ff
Lay w st full cac team nhac nua
Mum lay em knn em hay hoi co cau hoi gi ko
Nct len mp3 roi tes roi ma rm roi nhung ma chua
Lo gger hay
Lu anh 21 em lam nho roi do db lan 2 ne ft o trong lam
I kany tao xiu nah oi
Fc team pike co no len
Hen la tao co nho tui no truong tuing
Chau tui tao chet roi
Nhq lam dd kd ma oi hihihihi welcome toi nha choi ve du
Nah di bui roi
Do em p22
Nt de tnt q o day
Ppn chua duoc duc tin so 7 M 8 chua duoc su taht la ppn lam vay
Em do cho quwn
Nus xiu mha gio nay con nho st tin gium nua hai serial dat wua
St team duc cc du day tip 7 ppn vay ma no lam nhu ppn hay lam M de day con
Lqy hien dep trai ma kbn
Minh bna
Tama tum town lai lo no buff nho tm
Jn de jn day lai nha tru tui o lai
Tui o nha y la tui no tuong em yeu tham ted a em xiu nha deo lq deo dung duoc con cac gi het ggers lo hay hon nhieu ma ko co tume ak help cuc
Do em team 8010
Lo cuc y lon xiu nha phu nhu do in
Lo ft hien len vua td
Jn do nhay tu tren do cuong
Lo tjein twi big dat lo che ft
Tum am jww e sao em manh vay ma ko ai so vay cl tai pika dua qua hwlp i live you
Q thts bao giet han
De tu tu bao em toi chet
Y la tui trong phong em full vua invin tt cu
Atds3 vuaroi
Elin lay sc hat bai do ak dung ma cut
Nha con lai hen gi thay no tinh kieu help mr pika no
Huy lai s21c nhu nhau
Pichu chet day kb em tr tum lai pichus
Tamam tao ko nhin noi nua
Do doen help nhin di tao bao
Y la biet em no no co em ma ko
Jerk lai em tao la chua ma kb j22 cut tuoi nguyen cuc
Q all sp
M ppn lai em o chung 0s con mat nc vl de em ne hihihi anh 21 doi co nhieu voi lunh
Cut nhu jerk dull pole doc oi ra nuoc mat
Lo ke thu cu cua vua tt cu nh
Nl bao ld etc
Ai ngoan hien len pike
Hoan ngo xiu nha nhu cloyster the king roi
Xiu nha s22 s21 lo toi vay em nua
Em ut len pika
Co khoc ra cut mau
Lay nguyen dan nhiep chinh con anh ca y la tamam kbn hon pichu xa
Tao noi that tao ma o ke ted 10s tao giet ntd
Lo lu y chang ma ko pika
Lo nha bat tai vu doi dien duc tim tao lam
Hai chai moi mia all
Ted bao nl truoc vo chuoi
De tu lu lu em linh lo no lam nhac truot vo chuoi lam hoai chieu 8 ha em
Lo habass voi s21c truot nhin kinh nhu huy tren hinh
Davua em da hen la minh via du moi mat
Lo team vua ty
Nha con lai tim tahy chan li xh
De tu lu hh
Hk lai em mths se
Fc con lai co rm vo hinh nhan tum la ut a con lai snh ca
Lay tui di lac
Chu thay tao hay ko knc em ppn tt poke all cuc
Y la anh giua lam luc lam nguy a mq em toan ld trai
Lo lay nhun nao cua lac con 999...
Tt p22 chet kb nen oi all live toi gio sr em ko the thieu nhu M
Em ne atrgs thua ca nha rm thoi q tnt wua do tu mat all for all
Lo canh phai fiet nh trum att ma chua du rm lqnh minh en 1
Ted tao di lac lan 2 noi roi tama oi hh dc em di
Y la ntd bao giet gium nha libe ko co em con nho ned lam gium a
Em xiu nha muon dua th insect nau dos do
Tr anh bang ma em seohyun ele hoi biet lanh nl
Rat bh tao lay full team bong
Cm tao doc nhu tui may roi van hieu
Ted dc em di chong p22 via 2
Azu ft bi oan eo em
Ly dc de tu
Ma oi em ciet nhu dat sg a
Dat hn all cut
Dat sg no ganh 1 khic luon lam tr hai dua dang do eleling
S goc cuu em wle dc
Ai ganh 1 khuc nay mc thoi hh nha oi di bui phu nhu cut nay said vua
Lo hanh giua scwp goc raichou nho hium coi tap khang
Raichou lay tama chua mat yeu con
Town ko ngo xiu nt
Y la me nay ut sb day L lai em nt
Xiu nha nhan con cua anh scwp mh a team
Chu dd tum nho lai nhu cun den dau duong chua 1 knc kl no lam con dd cua 1 dam toan ahs ne
Nahc cwp nay dung de du tama taichou bh s21c huy
Town ts no thich chu shit muon cuoi lu anh 21 j22 dung la kbn giua lo cho cha bang nen tinh hon j21
Tama em bh lo thien tai li li thuyet etc nen tinh vu ds nhan cut
Y la lay lunh anh 21 voi ma 17 a
Scwp moi lo nhan sp wct
Y la ma 17 con wct vua hien gio con dn toi gio
Bt s21c lo ganh het noi la thay hinh linh thieng
Chu y la xiu ganh 100 cho tui lai wuan nua
Kwu lai me ke ben 50 an hai lop
Eun nt
Fc han tin tho em biet
T em la xiu nha da qua y em ttdc thing la leo xuong nhu kl meo fq nu ne ko co nen nho phut de dan co tim lay cua rm khuc do co kia tro len moi con nc s
Sb lai em tuong yim dh tim cut
Lo bi wuyet 9 hoi cha scwp ne
Pika s21 tao thay td same all oi
Chu fd kick cho scwp ne ton tho em con kia lanh co cu tg oi len chua 1
Lo dep trai co goc ca jn do xiu nah ko dam nho nau team nhan cha
Lay thanh ut ganh hon rm xa
Xiu nha team same
Xiu nha phats help tai k
Trais dos tren xe y la gai do ghet no con choi than tuong tuong nua y la lam vay la hai a khuc mo inau ne gan no loi
Cheat oi di lac o nha
Herk ddteam o nha gom nha va chuahit hep hoi team ziu nah lay chuahit dc cho hua 1 kl tao tha lam cut ak dn lo hh dk
Tui nay lay poke bam bam dc tui em di
Lac con bao tui anh dt cua pika hon db chut jy cong cmr ly hihi noi cheo kia may bay phats oi cuoi toi k cung chhoc
Ted cut xau trai dd lay em ht tt
Pokemon diatien lo hihi hohihohohojohohhohhnhnhnhnhchccggrgegefeguhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuh tui cho do
Tt vua all doc nhu em duoc toi em beit a doc nhu cut ilant
Lo ngoi len go lim de viet len toi trinh nay
Noi cw hn dd bao cho
Y la o tren tt rm duoc ppn theo duoi a
Chu vai nc quen chi tiet M fiet nha em
Lo chu hiu mem sai hien team vua
Team cn ly ziu nha do ba dua cho do dm noi lai
Thuong dat hn paw ghiu port cho hn thanh tt 3000- nam nay
Nha xiu roi cw me too
0 notes
sabu-rina · 9 months
Ours. - Katsuki/OC/Shouto
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tags\\ Polyamory, Relationship Reveal, Fluff and Angst (AO3)
Katsuki and Shouto do a televised interview and things go a little sideways.
The studio bustled with noise in every direction. Assistants half-ran with trays of coffee, chasing their VIPs, while crewmembers loudly adjusted expensive equipment, and producers had to yell into their headsets over the din. Eun pressed against a wall with her hands behind her back, chin down and out of the way. There was no missing the occasional glance, furrowed brows and wrinkled noses in her direction that asked why she was even there. No one told her to leave, probably because she’d walked in with the rising stars, the future Number Two and Three heroes, Katsuki and Shouto.
At barely 17, they’d fought and won a brutal war, so it was no wonder some already ascribed the titles. Meanwhile, she had no grand victory under her belt, at least none that were broadcasted. That left her with only the classics. Murderer. Criminal. Monster.
That wasn’t totally true. The cameras had caught her on the battlefield, but who saw her helping the heroes or assumed she was a villain, she couldn’t be sure because she refused to pick up magazines or watch the news anymore.
She was past the bitterness at least, especially seeing the boys now, her boys, collecting the accolades they deserved. They were ushered onto the set the moment they entered, with Shouto sitting quietly for his makeup lady while Katsuki nearly bit the other’s finger off when she ignored his refusal. They were dressed casually but neatly, as the whole interview was to get to know them as people. Or so the booking producer said.
The host was a tall, slender woman, long hair perfectly coifed and makeup immaculate, even as she babbled while the makeup guy was finishing up. She was talking to them, just chitchat and the occasional gush before the show, but neither seemed that interested in engaging. To be fair, it was Eun, with some help from Deku, that convinced them this was a good idea, although part of her had a sneaking suspicion about what direction the question would go. Two handsome boys…Heroes… She hoped to be wrong but expected the worst and thought maybe she should have stayed home.
“Alright! Places!” someone shouted. The crew scrambled to their positions and the makeup people rushed off the set. The host settled in her plush chair and crossed her legs, waiting for the go ahead. Katsuki leaned toward Shouto in irritation and draped his arm along the back of the couch while the other set his hands on his lap and stared ahead.
Once the cameras rolled, the room went silent except for the host—Chika something—who energetically opened the show, then introduced their special guests, of course slipping in ‘handsome’ and a wink to the camera. Eun scolded the heat on her cheeks; it was no time for jealousy.
The interview went on for a bit, with the usual questions of ‘Who or what inspired you to become heroes?’ ‘What is your favorite subject at UA?’ and ‘Why is your hero name just Shouto?’ Then she asked how they think they’d grown since the start of the year, to which Katsuki scowled as a little pink tinted the tips of his ears. Shouto glanced at him before saying something about teamwork and maturity. Even Eun could see from across the room that he was still tense, probably wondering why any of these questions mattered. Katsuki’s entire face asked the same question, but he was being good like he’d promised. Maybe that was a little deeper than either boy wanted to go.
“Speaking of teamwork, you two seem to be much better friends these days,” she said, “Can I ask what brought you two closer?”
Eun smiled, knowing her own answer would have been a very blunt, ‘Trauma.’ Surprisingly, Katsuki was the one to answer.
“We have mutual friends,” he said. Shouto relaxed a little, the corners of his lips quirking upward knowingly. Eun pulled the front of her hoodie up to cover her mouth, pulling the drawstrings tighter. As the interview went on, she’d begun to fiddle with them, both bored and a little anxious, and now they were getting a little too close to the personal questions she dreaded.
“Friends?” Chika repeated, eyebrows raised. Then she laughed a little and gracefully uncrossed her legs so she could lean in a little before continuing. Eun clenched her jaw, now annoyed that the boys were walking right into the trap.
“There is one thing I’m sure everyone at homeis curious about. You’re young, handsome boys, you must have dated a little? Are either of you seeing a lucky lady? Bakugo-kun?” She turned to him first, unphased to find him almost glaring at her.
When he didn’t speak right away, Eun’s heart fell into her writhing guts. There it was, what she knew would happen eventually. You’ll be nothing but a stain on his career. Endeavor was many things, and correct about that was one, his hurtful words a last-ditch effort to separate her from Shouto when they dated months ago. She’d lived with that since, thinking about it every time she went out with someone despite the risk of being recognized or photographed, and now, it must have clicked for Katsuki too. She buried more of her face into her sweater, not wanting to watch the public rejection, to see his face when he relegated her to a secret. A fling.
“It’s none of your damn business, but actually, I am.”
Her head shot up so fast it nearly hit the wall behind her, the sweater no longer hiding her expression, now one of shock. Katsuki still stared at Chika, but the glare was one of boredom, his head cocked toward Shouto like he might fall asleep if she asked one more dull question.
“I must say, there are some girls out there who are very disappointed right now,” Chika said, then turned to Shouto. “What about you, Todoroki-kun? There were reports of you with that one girl last year. What was her name? Tokko?” Katsuki’s upper lip curled, the first moment of his cool turning hot, but Shouto cut him off before he could explode.
“Eun,” he corrected, almost too calmly, “And her surname is Rin now. We were dating.”
No longer in her stomach was Eun’s heart, as it shot back up to her ribcage where it pounded so hard, she thought the whole room could hear. Chika took a moment to grapple with the reveal, but just as she latched onto the ‘were,’ Katsuki spoke up again, now looking at Shouto.
“He isdating her,” he corrected, then turned back to Chika, “We both are.”
Some nearby crew turned to look at Eun as she involuntarily exclaimed, a dark blush quickly spreading from ear to ear. She pulled her sweater up quickly and buried her face in it to hide the sheer embarrassment. What were they doing?! There wasn’t a PR agent on Earth that could undo that damage.
Chika blanched at the proclamation, too taken aback for words. Eventually, she stuttered out a response, fixing her skirt as if it’d become disheveled.
“W-well, that sure is…” she said, “I think we can all agree that was… utterly unexpected.”
Eun peeked out to find both boys fully relaxed and clearly over the whole thing. Chika, now visibly uncomfortable, wrapped up the interview rather quickly. When she offered them parting words, where someone might plug a sponsor or say something nice to the host, Katsuki sat up, looked straight into the camera, and shocked the audience once again.
“Yeah, I’ve got something I wanna say. Our girlfriend is a hero, and we don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
Chika, now sweating, slowly turned to Shouto with a look that pleaded for him to be fully hinged and normal. “And T-Todoroki-kun?”
He smiled at her, too innocently and too kindly. “What he said.”
With that, the whole debacle, or spectacle, was over. Chika seemed to collapse in her seat as the boys walked off set like nothing happened. The crew gave them space to pass, muttering among themselves about what had just occurred. Eun was still hiding, knuckles pressed to her cheeks while only her eyes poked out. Katsuki shoved a hand into his pocket and grabbed her arm with the other, not bothering to stop their trek to the exit. Once she was away from the wall, he let go and draped his arm over her shoulders instead, pulling her into him. On her other side, Shouto pulled her nervous fist from the front of her hoodie and intertwined their fingers.
Once outside, Katsuki let out a loud sigh, tinged with irritation.
“That was goddamn painful,” he said, kicking a rock. “I’m never letting you talk me into an interview ever again.” Eun peeked at him, cheeks still blazing red.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Shouto reasoned, “You stayed calm the whole time.” Eun looked at him next, only to find him already smiling at her.
Suddenly, she stopped dead, ducking out from Katsuki’s arm and slipping from Shouto’s hand as they continued a few steps. She clutched her chest again, trying to still her trembling body and the harsh, stabbing beat of her heart. Her hair fell in her face, thankfully hiding the red now rimming her eyes.
“Why’d you do that?” she asked, quiet and almost accusingly, “You could have lied, or been vague. It’s not their business…and your reputation—”
“Do I look like I give a shit about my reputation?” Katsuki asked, his words sharper than his tone. She lifted her head to look at him, her brow furrowed just from holding back tears. He clicked his tongue and faced her fully, shifting his weight to one leg like the conversation was exhausting. And maybe it was, but only because he hated that there was a problem at all.
“So, what if people judge you? Or me? Or Icy-Hot, here? You’re a hero, so I’ll say it as many times as I have to for people to get the damn picture. Because you’re worth it.”
Shouto looked at him in awe, thoroughly impressed that he found the words he himself had been searching for since the incident that got her expelled. Even if they weren’t as eloquent as he might have been, the words Katsuki found were sweet all the same. He looked over to Eun for her reaction. Her head had dropped as she pressed both fists to her eyes, but he could still catch a glimpse of her quivering lips, of her jaw clenched tightly to hold back the sobs. She couldn’t hide her shoulders either, which tensed upward and shook. His heart broke.
But before either boy could move to comfort her, she surged forward and pulled them in by their necks, hugging them tightly so they couldn’t see her face, which she buried in Katsuki’s neck. Shouto immediately wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. He found it shaking more, and heard the ragged, quiet breaths of stifled sobs, further muffled by Katsuki’s t-shirt.
Katsuki put his arm around her as well, although the other went to Shouto’s back, and pressed his cheek to her head. Hearing her break like that, feeling her break like that, to something as mundane as saying they were in a relationship, pissed him off to no end. Maybe the polyamory part was a bit much, fine, but that society still called her a monster for something that was not her fault, that she took responsibility for anyway, that was trash. Knowing she put so much of herself into being a vigilante, risking everything to be the hero no one would let her be… The feeling in his chest was more than just anger.
He hadn’t lied; he would stand up for her every chance he got, just so she could hug him in public, or hold Shouto’s hand, or simply exist without stares and whispers following her around.
After a few minutes, Eun started to relax again, the sobs turning to sniffles and the occasional whimper. She turned her head toward the other boy, took a deep, shaky breath, and hugged them both tighter before slowly releasing them. Shouto immediately reached out to wipe her cheeks with his sleeve, hoping his smile was more comforting than sad. Katsuki tugged the front of his shirt to look at the wet spot on his shoulder. Eun rubbed her eye and let out the smallest laugh, like she was remembering how to make the sound at all.
“Got you wet,” she said, voice as soft as her smile.
“That’s my line,” he said, letting the fabric go as he smirked at her. Her face dipped as she laughed again, a little more Eun than before. When she raised her head again, she smiled wider and cocked her head.
“Alright…You made me cry, so now you owe me boba.”
Eun laughed, now fully back, and Shouto joined in, holding her hand once again. Katsuki overexaggerated his scowl and spun on his heel to march away.
“Fine. Come on then!”
Still laughing, the other two hurried to catch up. Eun hooked her arm around Katsuki’s elbow, and while he still pretended to be mad, his hand left his pocket and tangled with hers.
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Thank you for reading! Hope there was enough context for this to stand alone!
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sabu-rina · 10 months
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Peppermint \\ Shouto/OC
tags\\ fluff
Eun has sudden candy craving. Shouto is offscreen. Prequel to Ice Skating.
Eun was never really one for candy, yet lately, she’d had an inexplicable craving for peppermint. Maybe it was the tea Yoko had made her–drinking tea was her newest method on her mission to quit alcohol–or the gum Daisuke gave her because her breath was beyond offensive. Either way, she found herself in the candy aisle at the grocery store, tapping her lip and scanning for her target.
“Ah-hah!” Target acquired. She snatched up a small bag of round candies and hurried to the front register, ignoring the occasional whisper from other shoppers. The clerk gave her a look, which she also ignored, and remained silent during and after the transaction. Eun thanked her and left, clutching the bag to her chest.
Upon returning to Yoko’s house, she was unsurprised to find the woman curled on her side, half her body hidden under the kotatsu, and snoring quietly. Eun shook her head and went to the couch to get a pillow. Yoko’s cranky, old Persian cat jumped off it and onto the table, where he sat and began to groom his paws. Carefully, Eun crouched down beside her guardian and slipped the pillow under her head, smiling when she muttered in her sleep. Something about fish.
Eun returned to the closet she called a bedroom, although it was technically a large pantry they converted when she moved in. Now, it was home, even though it had long strings of beads for a door. Truthfully, she preferred them over the shuttered folding doors from its storage days. Her single mattress bed creaked when she jumped onto it and crossed her legs, the bag of candy on her lap. She tore it open, cringing at the crinkle of the plastic despite knowing Yoko could sleep through a hurricane.
She untwisted the ends of a piece and held it up between her index and thumb, looking at the red and white swirls that had taunted her all week. Just when she went to pop it into her mouth, her phone buzzed in her pocket.
Todo-doki-doki [[4:43pm]] : Are you busy tonight?
Her thumb hovered over the keyboard as she stared at the picture attached to his contact information–Shouto just outside the UA dorms, looking surprised (and a little confused) directly at the phone she’d used to capture the moment. The memory was still clear in her head, of simply sitting in the comfortable silence that had come to represent their friendship, even while her stomach filled with butterflies. She’d meant to catch his profile, the sunlight a halo around his head, the white half of his hair glowing with the rest of him, and no sign of the scar that made her heart ache. Eun smiled to herself; it really was a different time, and yet mere months ago.
After a moment more of reminiscing, realization smacked her in the forehead. So did her own palm. She held up the candy again, looked at her phone, then back to the candy. It wasn’t the tea or the gum. Slightly embarrassed and yet infinitely giddier, she popped the candy into her mouth and returned to her phone.
[[4:50pm]] : I’m free! Think you can top our last date?
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