#eugene skullovitch x reader
amberbeach · 3 years
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Before you started dating, you had seen Skull and Bulk around school and knew how close they were, rarely without each other - if ever. But it wasn't until you began to date that you noticed just how much Bulk bossed Skull around or insulted him in one day. You knew how much the comments affected Skull although he never showed it unless you urged him to talk about it.
You knew when you started dating Skull, that Bulk was a package deal, but you never fully realized how much of your time with Skull was interrupted by Bulk until one day you were eating lunch together and Bulk insisted Skull shared his lunch with him, ordering him to scoot over on the bench. You stared at the boys in front of you in disbelief as Bulk took Skull's tray, stealing his lunch.
"Give it back." You said sternly.
Bulk glanced at Skull who looked between you both nervously. "What did you say?"
"I said give him back his lunch. Now." You stood up, placing your hands on the table, unfazed by the attention you had earned. Bulk pushed the tray to the side and it slid off the table. You glared at him when he stood up, matching your stance.
"Listen, missy -"
"T-Take it easy, Bulk. She didn't mean anything by it." Skull awkwardly tried to defuse the situation.
"I don't like you." You said plainly.
"I don't like you either." Bulk agreed.
"I don't like how you treat him."
"Aw, that's so cute. Your girlfriend fights your battles, does she?" Bulk chuckled, slapping Skull on the shoulder.
"No, of course not, Bulk -" Skull laughed nervously.
"You're nothing but a bully. You make him do things he doesn't want to do and mock him constantly. Yet you claim to be best friends."
"We are best friends, honey. So why don't you go over there and sit with the other losers?"
"If they are your definition of losers, then I'll gladly sit beside them to avoid the stench of stupidity." You took your bag and Skull inwardly groaned when you left.
Later that day you were in the music room, practicing on the violin when Skull entered, checking no one had seen him. You glanced at him with a sigh, knowing he was afraid of losing his image. You placed the violin back in the case and he smiled, not picking up on your mood yet as he walked over to you.
"Hey, you're sounding great." He said.
"Thanks." You smiled faintly, picking up your case and heading to the door.
"Wait," Skull turned, catching your arm. "What's wrong?"
"Why do you let him talk to you the way he does?" You asked.
"Bulk? We've been friends for a long time, you know that. That's just how he is."
"And me? He dismissed me and you didn't do anything about it." You said, tears forming in your eyes. Skull opened his mouth to speak, but you spoke before he could. "It's him or me, Eugene." 
"Babe -" He chuckled nervously.
"I mean it." You walked away and Skull frowned when you left him alone, dropping his hand to his side.
After a few minutes, he walked out of the music room, not caring who saw him leave as he walked down the hallway, in a state of shock. Bulk approached him when he saw him and clapped a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, there you are. Listen I've got an idea. Why don't we go -"
"I think Y/N is breaking up with me."
"You dodged a bullet." Bulk told him with a laugh. "Anyway, if we -"
Skull shrugged off the hand on his shoulder, looking at Bulk in annoyance and disbelief. "You don't get it, do you? I really like her. But you treat her l-like crap." 
"Take it easy, Skull."
"No. Because she told me to choose. Her or you."
"And you choose me. Wise decision." Bulk grinned. "There's plenty of other babes in sch-"
"I don't want another 'babe'," Skull said, making air quotes with his fingers. "Just her. She cares about me. I've never had someone who cares about what I want. I don't like how you treat her. Or how you treat me. I'm sorry, Bulk, but if I have to choose....I choose her."
"I'm sorry." Skull sighed as he walked away to find you.
Bulk frowned as he watched him leave, before noticing the stares he was receiving in the hallway. "What are you looking at?" People averted their eyes and Bulk walked away, needing time to think.
You were standing at your locker when Bulk approached you, closing your locker. You raised an eyebrow at him.
"How about we make a deal? I get Skull Monday to Saturday and you get him for an hour on Sunday." He bargained.
You scoffed, starting to walk away.
"Okay! Okay! How about I get Skull Monday to Friday and you get him on weekends?" Bulk offered.
"No." You shot down, walking into class.
Bulk followed, taking the seat beside you. "Okay, how about Monday to Saturday and you get him for a full day on Sunday?"
You pretended to think about it, before looking at him. "No."
"Bulk, you don't take this class." The teacher pointed to the door and Bulk reluctantly left.
Later, you were walking away from school grounds, talking to Katherine who assured you that you were doing the right thing, not just for you, but for Skull as well. She agreed that it was time he stood up for himself.
You turned, looking at Skull when he cleared his throat. "I just want you to know that...I choose you."
You smiled softly, rushing forward to hug him. As he buried his head in your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you, he knew he made the right decision.
For the remainder of the week, Bulk observed from a distance, as you and Skull spent time together. During the weekend he did a lot of reflecting and realized just how happy you made Skull. And he realized he shouldn't have tried to come between you.
The following Monday, you were standing at your locker, talking to Skull about the upcoming music concert when Bulk appeared.
"Uh, hey."
You glanced at Skull who was equally surprised as you were.
"Hey, Bulk." Skull greeted him while you closed your locker, standing next to him.
"I've been doing some thinkin' and...you were right. I said some things that I shouldn't have and I just wanted to say...I'm sorry." He said. "You're dating my best friend and I should have respected that. Truth is, I think you're great together."
"Thank you." You said softly.
"Yeah, thanks, Bulk," Skull said, watching his friend turn away, feeling saddened that their lifelong friendship was coming to an end.
You nudged his arm with your elbow and Skull looked at you. "Go after him."
"Really?" He tried not to look too hopeful but you nodded and he grinned, kissing your cheek before walking towards Bulk. "Hey, Bulk!"
Bulk turned around and Skull stood in front of him. "Wanna grab some lunch?"
"Yeah. Yeah, that'd be great."
You smiled when the two hugged and rolled your eyes fondly when they laughed together. You started walking to lunch, feeling Skull's arm around your shoulders moments later as he quickly caught up to you. 
While the two caught up about their weekend, you realized that despite your earlier assumptions, Bulk did care about Skull, he just didn't show it in a way you'd expect. But when faced with losing his best friend, he had swallowed his pride and apologized.
You watched the duo as they animatedly spoke to each other, shaking your head when they high-fived, coming up with another scheme. They paused, looking at you and you rolled your eyes, nodding.
Skull grinned, putting his arm around you. "See, Bulk, I told you she was great."
"Yeah, she's alright I guess." You playfully threw a fry at him and Skull chuckled when Bulk retaliated.
The duo got an idea and grinned, "Food fight!"
You squealed when Bulk threw a handful of fries at you and you stood up in shock. Skull became nervous that another fight was about to start, but when you poured your smoothie over Bulk's head he laughed, nearly falling out of his chair. Bulk threw his burger at him and Skull threw his muffin at his head.
You squealed when food threw past your table, other students joining in and you moved away, seeking refuge underneath the table. Skull and Bulk followed suit, and the three of you shared a look before bursting into laughter.
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amberbeach · 4 years
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You were one year younger than Trini, and you got along well with the other Rangers who treated you like you were their own sister, although you had your own group of friends and spoke to the group if you saw them in the hallways or at Ernie's. Everyone knew you were Trini's sister; you liked the same clothes, although in different colors, even had identical hairstyles. She was a great sister, very protective, and proud of your academic achievements.
You knew Bulk and Skull were menaces at school, although they never really bothered you unless you were with Trini and her friends. You ignored them mainly, choosing not to get involved. But lately, Skull had been quieter, not really getting involved unless Bulk glared at him or nudged him. In hallways, Skull would awkwardly say hello, or even wave at you, and at first, you expected Bulk to attack you or something, and the waving was a signal and a distraction. But after he picked up books Bulk had knocked out of your hand, walking away before you could thank him, you began to see him differently. Maybe there was something else to him after all, and he wasn't just a bully. Kimberly joked that he had a crush on you, which caused disgusted groans from the others.
When you heard that the two of them had tried to destroy Kimberly's float, getting the blame for it as the Rangers had to cover up the fact Rita was behind the destruction of Kimberly's float, you avoided Skull, glaring at him whenever he waved or looked in your direction. He was confused by the sudden cold shoulder and was upset by it, wondering what had caused you to suddenly shun him.
You were walking to class when he grabbed your hand, pulling you into a janitor's closet, turning on the light.
"I'm going to be late for class." You sighed.
"What's the matter?" He asked. "That's the third time this week you've ignored me."
"Maybe I don't want to talk to you."
"Because you're mean to my friends and my sister. And you ruined Kimberly's float." You explained, crossing your arms.
Skull scratched the back of his beck nervously, "You heard about that, huh?"
"They tell me everything you and Bulk say or do. I know he is your cousin, but why do you follow him everywhere? Do what he says?"
"Because he's all I've got," Skull replied with a small shrug.
You frowned and looked away, thinking for a moment. "Meet me at my house after school. Seven o'clock?"
Skull nodded, although confused, "Why...?"
"If you like me, you're going to have to prove to me that you aren't what everyone says you are. And you should help fix the float because it's the right thing to do." You took out a pen and wrote your address on his hand before walking out the janitor's closet.
Skull looked at his hand for a moment as he walked out of the janitor's closet, grinning as he headed to class, not noticing that Tommy had seen him leave after you.
That night you spent hours together in the garage, trying to rebuild the float. Skull was mostly helping you as you worked dedicatedly to fixing the float before the parade. You knew it would never be like Kimberly's, but you hoped it was close enough that she would appreciate your efforts.
You were painting the stripes of a tiger while Skull painted the grass. You looked over at him with a smile, looking away when he glanced at you. "What?" He stepped back. "Is it not good?"
"No it's great!" You said. "It's just...strange."
"Why? Did you want flowers?" He asked.
"No, it's you being...nice. Why don't you act like this all the time?"
He shrugged. "If Bulk was to find out I was here, he would freak out." He said.
You nodded in understanding, "Well, I like this version of you." You told him.
"Really?" He asked.
"Definitely." You smiled, turning to the float to continue painting.
Skull smiled, returning to the float to continue painting grass. You flicked paint on his jacket, and he looked at you, then his jacket before flicking paint onto your clothes.
"You started it!" He chuckled, no hyena laughter or snorting following—a genuine chuckle.
A paint war ensued, the walls getting covered in splashes of paint and you laughed as you dipped your hand into a paint bucket, wiping the paint on Skull's cheek. He wrapped his arms around you to prevent further attacks, both of you laughing together at the mess you had made.
"Y/N, time for dinner!" Your mother called from upstairs.
You tilted your head up to look at him, and he swallowed thickly as his eyes met yours. "So, uh -" you swiftly pressed your lips to his, the kiss ending as quickly as it began.
"Thank you for your help, Skull."
"N-No -" he cleared his throat, "I mean, no problem."
You walked away and he adjusted his jacket before leaving the garage, a smile on his lips.
The next day you went to the parade to register the float, meeting Skull, who had come down to see everything worked out. You smiled as you looped arms with him, heading to Ernie's, where you walked in, separating at the door. Skull went to Bulk, and you looked over at him as you sat beside Trini and Kimberly.
"I thought I said I didn't want to watch the parade?" Kimberly said.
"You'll want to watch it, trust me." You smiled.
You looked at Skull when the float was announced, and he sent you a smile, looking away when Bulk asked what he was smiling at.
"Nothing," Skull replied defensively.
"Who did this?" Kimberly asked.
"I did." You smiled at her.
"Thank you!" She smiled brightly, hugging you, and you looked at Skull over her shoulder, smiling faintly. "It's beautiful."
"I had a little help."
He returned your smile, and Tommy glanced between you both, the pieces sinking in. You avoided his gaze, scowling when he smirked, opening his mouth to speak until you placed a hand over his mouth to silence him as you dragged him away.
"You and Skull -"
"Sh! Keep it down!"
"I saw you leaving the janitor's closet together." Tommy grinned.
"We didn't leave together; we left separately." You corrected.
"Ha! So you admit it!"
You glared at him, and he chuckled, putting his arm around your shoulders. "Hey, relax. I won't say anything to the guys."
"Thanks, Tommy." You walked back inside and saw Bulk trying to upset Kimberly until Skull refused to get involved.
"Hey, will you shut up? I'm trying to watch the parade!"
Bulk looked at him, stunned for a moment, and slowly sat down. Skull met your gaze, and you sent him a grateful smile, which he acknowledged with a nod.
You stayed at Ernie's for another hour, unbothered by Bulk, stealing glances at Skull now and then. You decided to walk home earlier than the others, and Tommy saw Skull debating whether or not to follow before he chose to. So he stopped Trini from following, assuring her that you would be fine.
You turned when Skull called your name, catching up to you, falling into step beside you. "Where are you headed?" He asked.
"I don't know. I just didn't want to be in Ernie's anymore." You shrugged. "Park?"
Skull nodded, and you smiled when he took your hand.
You knew that your sister and her friends would find out eventually. But for now, you wanted to get to know the other side of Skull first. And so far, you were enjoying his company and were seeing a positive future.
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