#eugene porter fan fiction
3than1no · 6 years
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Eugene/Reader
A/N: So I guess this is a welcome back to the walking dead on my blog! For the lovely @eugenessix who provided this wonderful idea! :D based on the sneak peak for next week’s ep. Enjoy x
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It was cold. More like absolutely freezing. Eugene was sat on a nearby table tinkering with the radio. He was shivering, you could see that. Despite the many layers he was wearing. You weren’t fairing much better, curled up in the corner of the barn. Your teeth chattering as you pulled the blanket tighter around you. It seemed everyone else with you were also shivering incessantly. 
You blew into your frozen hands, in some vain hope that it would warm them up. Of course it didn’t work, blowing almost cold air on to your hands made them so much more worse. You let out a shaky sigh and wished that this weather would pass. 
Closing your eyes, you tried to get some sleep which was easier said than done of course. Not much time had passed when you felt a hand touched your shoulder. You jolted in surprise, opening your eyes to see Eugene stood there. A slightly sheepish look on his face. 
“Y/N.” He greeted with a slight nod of the head.
You slowly sat up, staring up at the man in front of you. Your heart quickening slightly at the sight of him. It always happened. He made your stomach do little flips on a regular basis. 
“E-Eugene.” You chattered out. “Are y-you ok-kay?”
“I could not help but see how bad you were fairing in this almighty cold weather.” Eugene spoke softly. “I may have a way to remedy said cold.” 
You gestured to him to continue, noticing a slight nervous look on his face. 
“It is a well known fact that body heat is a good way to warm a person up.” Eugene spoke quickly, stumbling over his words slightly. “I do think it would be a beneficial in your situation if I-I helped you preserve body heat.”
Your stomach did that weird little flip flop it always did around Eugene, yet it was more intense. The thought of Eugene’s body surrounding yours made you want to cry with happiness. 
“O-okay.” You said quietly, moving to lay back down. 
You felt Eugene sit down next to you and shift to a laying position, coming up behind you. There was a sense of hesitation from him as he placed an arm around you. You held tightly onto your blankets. You could feel Eugene’s breath dance across the side of your face as he moved closer to you. It made you swallow nervously, your heart beating so hard you were scared he would feel it. 
“Is that okay?” Eugene whispered into your ear. 
You nodded slightly, it was a bit better. You were still cold but the feel of Eugene’s body pressed up against yours could help you forget about the weather.
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Friends and enemies part 27
Emily "So Rosita has something against scientists?"
Eugene "Not against everyone. Just me."
Emily "So you might be a shit scientist, then?"
Eugene "I'm not shit, but maybe a little sloppy."
Emily "Well, maybe I could teach you."
Eugene "Can you do it?"
Emily "Well, now I can."
Eugene "Well, when do we start?"
Emily "Although right away."
Eugene "Damn yeah."
Then Eugene and Emily went for a walk towards the Garage.
Abraham "Looks like Eugene may have found his partner."
Merle "Yeah, those two are match made in hell."
Abraham "Prefer, a match made in Heaven."
Carol looked at Michonne.
Carol "Maybe you and Daryl should try to talk things out."
Michonne "Well, Daryl made it very clear he didn't want to talk to me. So why the hell would I even try?"
Carol "I'm sure he'll agree to talk to you."
Michonne "I doubt that."
Carol "It doesn't hurt if you try."
Michonne "I guess so."
Carol "Go find him."
Michonne "Like now?"
Carol "What's wrong with the word now?"
Michonne "Nothing."
Carol "Well, then go."
Michonne "Will you come with me?"
Carol "Why?"
Michonne "I need moral support and you know Daryl better than I do."
Carol "All right, I'll be your moral support."
Then Michonne and Carol set out in search of Daryl.
Abraham "What's up between Daryl and Michonne?"
Merle "I don't have a damn idea."
Andrea "It looked like Daryl would have been angry with Michonne or something."
Morgan "But why?"
Andrea "Who knows."
Meanwhile, inside the house and in the room where Rick and Gabriel were sitting next to Judith's bed.
Rick "Please wake up."
Gabriel "She will wake up."
Rick "What if she doesn't wake up?"
Gabriel "I'm sure she'll do it sooner or later."
Rick "I should have stayed and not run into the woods!"
Gabriel "It wasn't your fault."
Rick "Well, it was! I'm damn Judith's father! And I should have protected him! But what the fuck did I do? I ran with Siddiq in the woods to help Michonne!"
Gabriel "Michonne would have died if you hadn't gone to help her."
Rick "And now my daughter is dying!"
Gabriel "Judith won't die! She'll survive!"
Rick "You don't know that, damn it!"
Gabriel said nothing.
Rick "You're not a miracle worker!"
Gabriel "But God is."
Rick "Fuck you and your God!"
Gabriel "Uncertainty is difficult."
Rick "You don't say."
Gabriel "We just have to wait."
Then Siddiq came back to the room and had X-ray pictures with him.
Rick "What are those?"
Siddiq "X-ray images of Judith's ribs."
Rick "How bad is that?"
Siddiq "Judith may need surgery."
Rick "That was bad news."
Siddiq "Not necessarily."
Rick "But surgeries are always a risk."
Siddiq "Yeah, they might have their risks, but there's no other option."
Rick "What would be the second option?"
Siddiq "Well, the first is surgery and the second is no surgery, but Judith would suffer and die slowly. You decide."
Rick looked at Judith who was still lying unconscious in bed. Gabriel put his hand on Rick's shoulder.
Gabriel "I know this is a difficult decision for you, but it's the best thing you could do for Judith."
Rick looked back at Siddiq.
Rick "Do it."
Siddiq "Are you sure?"
Rick "If it helps."
Siddiq "There's always a risk that surgery won't work out or Judith could die."
Rick "I'll take that risk."
Siddiq "Before I can start surgery on Judith, I need blood. Judith has shed a lot of blood when she fought Negan."
Rick "I can give it. We have the same blood type."
Siddiq "Okay."
Gabriel "I heard from Maggie that Charlotte is a nurse."
Siddiq "We need his help too."
Gabriel "I'm going to get him."
Siddiq "Thank you."
Then Gabriel got up from his chair and he looked at Rick.
Gabriel "Trust me, Judith will survive."
Then Gabriel opened the door of the room then he ran out of the house and he noticed Maggie.
Gabriel "Maggie!"
Maggie turned to look at Gabriel who was out of breath.
Maggie "Are you okay?"
Gabriel "Yeah I am. Where's Charlotte? Siddiq needs her help."
Maggie "Why?"
Gabriel "Siddiq makes surgery."
Maggie "To whom?"
Gabriel "Judith."
Maggie "All right, let's go find Charlotte."
Then they set out in search of Charlotte.
Maggie "Did Judith have broken bones when she had fought Negan?"
Gabriel "Yes, ribs."
Maggie "Will she survive?"
Gabriel "Siddiq said there could always be a risk that surgery might fail or Judith might die."
They saw Charlotte who was with Ezekiel.
Maggie "Charlotte, we need you!"
Ezekiel and Charlotte turned to look at Gabriel and Maggie.
Ezekiel "What has happened?"
Gabriel "Siddiq is going to make a surgery."
Ezekiel "Surgery? To whom?"
Maggie "Judith needs surgery to survive."
Charlotte "Oh my God."
Ezekiel "She was hurt so badly while fighting Negan that she needs surgery?"
Gabriel "Yes, she broke his ribs."
Ezekiel "That's horrible."
Charlotte "I'll be right there!"
Then Maggie, Gabriel and Charlotte went for a walk towards the house.
Charlotte "How much blood has Judith lost?"
Gabriel "Pretty much."
Charlotte "Who's going to donate blood to him?"
Gabriel "Rick promised."
Charlotte "Great."
Meanwhile, elsewhere, Carol and Michonne had found Daryl.
Carol "Hey, Daryl."
Daryl looked at them.
Daryl "Hey, Carol."
Michonne "Hey."
Daryl just looked at Michonne.
Daryl "What the hell do you want?"
Michonne "Can we talk?"
Daryl "No need."
Carol "You're talking now."
Daryl looked at Carol.
Daryl "I have nothing damn thing to say to him!"
Carol "Why are you mad at him?"
Daryl "Isn't that damn obvious?"
Carol "Listen Judith was stubborn and she herself went to fight Negan! No one damn commanded her! And you let her go!"
Daryl "Now you're blaming me for that Judith's is almost dying?"
Carol "I don't blame anyone!"
Daryl "I'm not going to talk!"
Michonne left.
Carol "You're fucking selfish!"
Daryl said nothing.
Carol "Merle is better than you!"
Daryl "Now you're in love with him, aren't you?"
Carol "I didn't say that."
Daryl "Well, are you trying to make me damn jealous?"
Carol "Does it work?"
Daryl "Fucking well."
Carol "Good."
Then Carol turned around.
Daryl "Hey, where the hell are you going?"
Carol "I'm going to flirt with Merle."
Daryl "You can't do that to me."
Carol "You tell me."
Daryl "I'd rather show when I tell."
Carol turned around and she looked at Daryl.
Daryl "What?"
Carol "Don't try to figure me out. I'm a special kind of twisted."
Daryl "Well, I've noticed that."
Carol "If you ever figure me out please teach me who i am."
Daryl "I'm planning it."
Carol "You're welcome to try."
Daryl "What did that mean?"
Carol "I laugh when people try to figure me out, like good luck, i can't even figure me out."
Daryl "I ain't gonna give up."
Carol "And I'm not going to give up, either."
Daryl "Are you still going to flirt with Merle?"
Carol "I might go."
Daryl "You're mean!"
Carol "I'm not."
Daryl "What are you then? If you're not mean."
Carol "I like to think i'm some savage realist."
Daryl "I don't think so."
Carol "Well, exactly the same. I'm going now."
Daryl "Where?"
Carol "Flirt with Merle like I already said."
Daryl "No, you're not going."
Carol "What if I go?"
Daryl "You won't do that to me."
Carol "Try to stop me."
Daryl "Hell yeah, I'm going to."
Carol "I want to see that."
Then Carol went for a run.
Daryl "Hey, that wasn't fair!"
Carol was gone.
Daryl "Damn!"
Then Daryl left to run after Carol.
Daryl "That woman is going to be in damn trouble if she really went to flirt with Merle."
In the meantime, in the house.
Gabriel "I found Charlotte!"
Siddiq "Great."
Charlotte and Maggie stepped inside the room.
Maggie "Rick, I'm really sorry about what happened to Judith."
Rick "Thank you."
Maggie went to hug Rick.
Maggie "Are you okay?"
Rick "I have to be."
Charlotte looked at Siddiq.
Charlotte "When do you start surgery?"
Siddiq "Not today. Maybe tomorrow."
Rick "Only tomorrow? Judith may be dead by that time!"
Siddiq "Rick, Judith has lost too much blood already and if I started the surgery now, she wouldn't survive."
Rick "I'm sorry, I didn't think of that."
Siddiq "I understand. You're worried and also maybe in shock."
Rick "Yeah, maybe."
Maggie "Judith is a strong girl and she fought until the last and she defeated Negan."
Rick said nothing.
Maggie "She is strong cup of black coffee, she is a true fighter, you could see it in her eyes. She was not born strong, she was made strong. She was sculpted to be her own hero when the world let her down, and she kept picking herself back up. Nothing can remove her smile. Nothing can shattered her. She is the one. She is the heir of ice and fire and she would bow to no one."
Rick looked at Judith lying unconscious in bed.
Rick "Wake up girl, you are a born fighter."
Judith said nothing.
Rick "You have to wake up. You have to. Fight through hell and come back. We need you yet. It's not your time yet to die."
Still no answer.
Rick "You can't die now, damn it!"
Then Rick threw a chair against the wall and it broke.
Maggie "Rick, calm down! That won't help anything!"
Rick "I .... I have to go out for a moment."
Rick ran out of the room and he ran out of the house.
Charlotte "That escalated quickly."
Siddiq "I'm going to prepare the operating table for tomorrow."
Charlotte "I'll help you."
Siddiq "Thank you."
Siddiq and Charlotte then set out to prepare the operating table for tomorrow. Maggie looked at Judith.
Maggie "If you are going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down. If you are scared, don't show it. You might get out before the devil even knows you're there."
Then Maggie walked to the door, Maggie was just going out of the room when she heard Judith out loud.
Judith "Where the hell am I?"
Maggie turned around and she was surprised.
Maggie "Judith, are you awake?"
Judith "Yeah, I think so. Shouldn't I be?"
Maggie "You were unconscious."
Judith "What? How long?"
Maggie "About almost 10 hours."
Judith "What the hell happened?"
Maggie "You fought Negan and Negan beat the shit out of you, but you kept fighting until Negan was dead."
Judith "He did die?"
Maggie "Yeah, he did."
Judith "Holy fucking shit."
Judith tried to get out of bed, but Maggie went to her.
Maggie "Don't try to move."
Judith "I have to go pee."
Maggie said nothing.
Judith "Feels like I was hit by a hundred hammers at the same time or I would have been run under a damn truck."
Maggie "Negan fucked your ribs."
Judith went back to lying on the bed.
Maggie "Siddiq is going to make you surgery and repair your ribs."
Judith "I can die."
Maggie "Well, the risks are there."
Judith "Where's Rick?"
Maggie "He went out."
Then Judith looked at the chair that was in pieces on the floor.
Judith "What the hell has happened to that chair?"
Maggie "Rick decided to throw it in the wall."
Judith "Was he angry with someone?"
Maggie "For herself."
Judith "What? Why?"
Maggie "He blames herself for lying here and being hurt."
Judith "It wasn't her fault. It was mine. I was so damn stubborn and I went to fight Negan. I didn't know Negan didn't give up."
Maggie "You're just did what you had to."
Judith "Where's Shane?"
Maggie "He's dead."
Judith "How did he die?"
Maggie "The walkers killed her."
Judith "I didn't see Shane when I went to fight Negan."
Maggie "Yeah, because Shane went after Michonne and he tried to kill Michonne, but Jim saved Michonne and Jim died as a result and then Shane flew into the gorge and he climbed out of there, but Rick would push him back there and then a group of walkers attacked his bundle."
Judith "Damn that was a long story."
Maggie "And that's true, also."
Judith "When is Siddiq going to make me that surgery?"
Maggie "Tomorrow."
Judith "Only, tomorrow? Why the hell?"
Maggie "According to Siddiq, you've lost too much blood so he can't do it today."
Judith "I'm okay and I'm strong too."
Maggie "I have no doubt."
Judith "Where's Siddiq even?"
Maggie "He and Charlotte went to put the operating table ready for tomorrow."
Judith "So, I have to lie down until tomorrow this damn bed, huh?"
Maggie "Unfortunately."
Judith "But I have to damn get to pee."
Maggie "I'm going to get Siddiq here."
Judith "You better or else I'll pee on this damn bed."
Maggie "Please don't do that."
Then Maggie went to the door and she went out of the room and she went in search of Charlotte and Siddiq.
Maggie "Siddiq!"
Maggie heard Siddiq voice coming from the ballroom that had turned into an operating room.
Siddiq "We're here!"
Maggie opened the ballroom door and she went inside.
Maggie "She woke up."
Siddiq "Who woke up?"
Maggie "Judith."
Siddiq "Really?"
Maggie "Yeah and she has to get to the pee, otherwise she's going to pee on the bed."
Charlotte started laughing.
Maggie "Why are you laughing?"
Charlotte "Sorry, that just sounded hilarious."
Maggie "Well, Judith was serious when she said it."
to be continued....
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blackleatherjacketz · 6 years
Fandom Survey
Name: Brittany
Preferred Name: B-Funk
Age: 33
Location: Indiana, USA
First Fandom You Remember: The Lord of The Rings
Which Fandom Got You Writing Fan Fiction? Hannibal
Most Active Fandom: The Walking Dead
Longest Running Fandom: Law and Order: SVU, LOST, Game of Thrones
Guilty Pleasure Fandom: The Walking Dead
Which Fandom Do You Think You’d Be The Most Successful In If You Were Thrown Into That Movie/Book/TV Show? hmmm.... The Walking Dead again?
Hogwart’s house: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
MBTI Type: ENFJ “The Protagonist”
Who Would Play You In A Movie of Your Life: Melissa Fumero
Top 3 Characters You Identify With: Sansa Stark, Eleanor Shellstrop, Rosa Diaz
Pick 3 Characters To Protect You: Brienne of Tarth, Daryl Dixon, Frank Castle
Pick 3 Characters For You To Protect: Eugene Porter, Sonny Carisi, Charles Boyle
Pick 3 Characters To Marry: Frank Castle, Jake Peralta, Sonny Carisi
Favorite Dance Move: The Bernie
Do You Believe In Magic: Yes.
I’m curious to see everyone’s answers. I’m tagging @annablack1102 @acutecupidity @mblaqgi @skittle479 @genevievedarcygranger @letsby @ne-gans @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash
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jessicaj27-blog · 5 years
Trolling ‘The Walking Dead’ Cast
Even though The Walking Dead is a show about surviving the zombie apocalypse, during season 7 in 2017, some cast members were fighting off trolls online. But who had to battle those nasty trolls? Keep reading and find out who fought them off.
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According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a troll on the computer is “someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble”, trolling can include cyberbullying, fat shaming or mean and hurtful comments directed to people online.
During season 7 of The Walking Dead, two of the regular cast members were trolled by people and fans online.
The actress Alanna Masterson, who plays Tara Chambler, received body shaming comments from Instagram Trolls. Alanna’s weight gain was from the fact that she was pregnant and breastfeeding in real life while filming episodes during the season. The mother received hurtful comments on her body by trolls.
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(Image source: Alanna Masterson) 
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In true Tara fighting style, Alanna fought back online while posting a photo of her daughter to Instagram with this strong message.
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Alanna Masterson wasn’t the only victim of trolling during season 7, actor Josh McDermitt, who plays character Eugene Porter received death threats online. Season 7 saw the character Eugene be recruited by Negan and his gang as a prisoner at the Sanctuary. Eugene appeared to change his allegiance from Rick’s group (“the good guys”), to Negan’s (“the bad guys”) during this season. Fans did not react well to Eugene ‘joining the dark side’, and took to social media to express their hatred for the character.
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(Image Source: characters Eugene (left) talking to Negan (right))
Some of the nicer-hate comments include “@JoshMcDermitt I hate you more than I hate Joffery from game of thrones- @LiannaHanke April 3, 2017” on twitter.
Other fans were quick to defend the actor saying that “People are literally sending death threats to @JoshMcDermitt for what Eugene did… do they not know that Eugene is a cHARACTER IN A SHOW???- @clarity_paris April 5, 2017”, and “@JoshMcDermitt please respect this man… josh sorry for the stupid people The walking dead is a movie not reality- @ULobuono1 May 1, 2017”.
As a response to death threats, Josh shut off all of his social media.
However, of the night of the season 7 finale, Josh posted this live Facebook video, reposted on Twitter by fan @neganwtf.
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(Image source: Josh McDermitt quits social media)
In the video, Josh fights back against the trolls, calling them out for sending death threats to the actor on social media. He said 
“Don’t send me death threats, because I will report all that shit to the cops… I’m just sick of it… You can hate Eugene, I don’t care. You can think whatever you want. But when you start saying you hope I die, I don’t know if you’re talking about Josh or Eugene”, Josh also finished off by saying “just don’t be an asshole” to the trolls.
The fact that some trolling fans were unable to distinguish the fictious character Eugene Porter from actor Josh McDermitt is interesting. During a TEDx Talk about “Identity in a digital world”, presented by Alec Couros, Alec references a paper by Jason Ohler, where he states that “Should we teach our children as though they have two lives, or one?” online. The idea of digital citizenship, “is the ability to participate in society online (Mossberger, Tolbert & McNeal 2008, pp. 1), trolling is a form of this. Even though these hateful comments are not happening in real life, or face to face, these are comment are seen, and do hurt people’s feelings. The idea of having whether people should have two personalities, one for real and one for online use, really shows a difference in behaviour and how people react in different situations.
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(Image Source: Josh McDermitt (Left) and Alana Masterson (right) on set of TWD)
Trolls online have so much power, because they think there is not consequences, they are seeking a response from the person or people they are trolling. The way that Alanna Masterson and Josh McDermittt diffused their trolling situations publicly, for which Alanna defended herself from body shamers as a proud mother, and of Josh bringing the attention of depicting characters from reality and fiction. Both Alanna and Josh made the point of respecting people online, despite the shape of their body, or how their character is scripted to act; the act of trolling is unnecessary and hurtful.
As Josh McDermitt said it best, “just don’t be an asshole”.
Cambridge Dictionary 2019, Meaning of Troll in English, Cambridge Dictionary, viewed 19 April 2019, < https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/troll>.
Davis, B 2017, The Walking Dead Star Quits Social Media Following Harassment And Death Threats, comicbook, viewed 18 April 2019, < https://comicbook.com/thewalkingdead/2017/05/02/the-walking-dead-josh-mcdermitt-quits-social-media-/#5>.
Houghton, R 2017, The Walking Dead’s Eugene speaks out after quitting social media: ‘The internet is a dark and negative place’, Digital Spy, viewed 18 April 2019, < https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a830601/the-walking-dead-eugene-speaks-out-after-quitting-social-media/>.
Mossberger, K, Tolbert, C & McNeal, R 2008, Digital citizenship : the internet, society, and participation,Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ProQuest Ebook Central
TEDx Talks 2015, Identify in a digital world | Alec Couros | TEDxLangleyED, 17 March 2015, viewed 19 April 2019, < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAlIBTgYfDo>.
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jackcabot-moved · 7 years
20 Questions
I was tagged by @gyeranbbang Thank You!!!
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: I’m either gonna stick with Justin or Kent. Idk for now.
Nickname: Texas/Tex
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 5′2
Orientation: Either bi or gay I’m not too sure
Ethnicity: Black (Creole (Louisiana) more specifically but no one knows wtf that is)
Favourite fruit: Plums
Favourite season: Spring
Favourite book series: I haven’t read a book for fun since middle school. I used to be obsessed with Warriors tho.
Favourite flower: Not a fan of flowers.
Favourite scent: The smell of leather in a new car and puppy breath (fuck off I know it’s weird)
Favourite colour: Mint green and teal
Favourite animals: BEEEEEARZ
Coffee, tea or cocoa: Tea
Average sleep hours: 6-8 hours
Cat or dog person: Dawg but cats are still cool
Favourite fictional characters: Thor Gundersen (Hell on Wheels), Eugene Porter (The Walking Dead), Carver Hawke & Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age), James March (American Horror Story), Jesse McCree (Overwatch), KL-E-0 & X6-88 & Nick Valentine & Deacon & Hancock (Fallout 4)
Number of blankets you sleep with: One thin sheet
Dream trip: Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to go to Alcatraz. I also wanna visit other abandoned places in the US and elsewhere. 
Blog created: lmao whut?
Number of followers: 36
Tagging: @awhawke, @tevinta, @aspiring-to-be-a-cat, @lovelylittlekitten, @bramblehorn, @elvhen-apostate-hobo, @prizquilla, @the-emerald-halla Anyone else can do it if they want!
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'Walking Dead' Actor Josh McDermitt Quits Social Media After Receiving Death Threats
Josh McDermitt will not be a victim of cyberbullying.
The Walking Dead actor, who portrays Eugene Porter on the zombie series, quit social media after allegedly receiving death threats. During season seven, McDermitt's character took a drastic change, which didn't sit well with some fans.
EXCLUSIVE! 'The Walking Dead' Boss Addresses That Jesus Reveal: He 'Is So Much More Than His Sexuality'
Before terminating his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts, the 38-year-old actor took to Facebook Live to tell his followers that they can hate Eugene, but the bullying and threats are unnecessary.
"Don’t send me death threats, because I will ― I’m gonna report all that sh*t to the cops," he said. "I’m just sick of it. You can hate Eugene, I don’t care. I’ll argue that you’re wrong, but you can think whatever you want. But when you start saying you hope I die, I don’t know if you’re talking about Josh or Eugene. I gotta report that sh*t."
"So just don’t be an a*****e. And then ... stop complaining," he continued. "Let’s just stop complaining about everything on the internet. OK. Seriously. Go spend time with your family or friends or loved ones. Just get off the internet. Is there anything else? Other than I love you? I do. I love you guys."
RELATED: WATCH: 'The Walking Dead': Morgan Is Back to His Murderous Ways -- Here's What Set Him Off! 
McDermitt previously spoke out against internet trolls when his co-star, Alanna Masterson, was body shamed. "People need to chill the eff out with the crap that they're putting on the internet," he said in a Build Series interview. "It's very disturbing because we are people, everyone."
He also told HuffPost that sometimes fans get too caught up with The Walking Dead story lines and can't separate real life from fiction.
“These fans, some of them will come after us, the actors, and yell at us like, ‘How can you go against Rick, man.’ And I’m like, ‘What? This is a story. It’s fiction. Simmer down,'" he said.
For more on The Walking Dead, see the video below.
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Friends and enemies part 23
Rick "Yeah, that's good. But it wasn't good when you went to beat him almost to death."
Judith "I just saw red."
Rick "You have to learn to control your anger."
Judith said nothing.
Rick "Anger doesn't solve anything. It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything."
Judith "I wouldn't have to manage my anger, if people could learn to manage their stupidity."
Rick "That's also true."
Meanwhile, downstairs, Daryl left the living room and Carol noticed it and he went after Daryl, he saw Daryl in the hallway.
Carol "The heck you are going?"
Daryl "I'm going to go finish what Judith started."
Carol "Are you going to kill that prisoner?"
Daryl "You heard what Rick said."
Carol "But you're not sure if it's a dude, even one of the members of the Bad Blood community or not."
Daryl "I believe in Judith."
Then Daryl opened the door and he stepped onto the porch and he was just closing the door, so Carol put her feet between the door.
Carol "Wait for me."
Carol then squeezed herself out the door.
Carol "You sure you thought you'd go without me, didn't you?"
Daryl "Yeah, I did."
Carol "Well, I'm not going to leave you alone."
Daryl didn't say he just shook his head and they noticed Shane sitting on the bench.
Carol "Have you already cooled your head?"
Shane "Yeah, I am."
Then Shane looked at Daryl.
Shane "Your brother is an asshole."
Daryl "Then the feelings are mutual."
Shane "Huh?"
Daryl "I think he's an asshole too."
Shane "I knew all along that your brother drank my beers, but I didn't say anything."
Daryl didn't say anything he just walked down the stairs and Carol stayed for a moment to watch Shane.
Daryl "Come on, olive oil!"
Shane looked at Carol.
Shane "Olive oil? Is that your new nickname?"
Carol "I guess so."
Then Carol walked down the stairs.
Shane "Where are you going?"
Carol "Touring places and maybe greet members of the Ezekiel group."
Shane "Well, have fun."
Carol "Sure."
Then they went for a walk towards the house in the basement of which James was sitting in a cell.
Daryl "You lied to Shane."
Carol "I had to."
Daryl "What if he starts to suspect something?"
Carol "I don't think so."
Then they were at the basement door. Then Daryl looked in both directions and he didn't see anyone.
Daryl "Route clear, let's go inside."
Daryl opened the door and they went inside the basement and Daryl already went down the stairs to the cell area and by the time Carol locked the door.
Carol "It's locked."
Daryl "Good!"
Then Carol also walked down the stairs to the cell area where Daryl was waiting for her.
Daryl "Now we have to find that asshole."
Carol "Well, I think he's easy to find, he's probably the only prisoner here right now."
That’s when they heard James ’voice and it came from the last cell.
James "Who the hell is there?"
Carol and Daryl didn't say anything they just walked towards the last cell.
James "Ezekiel, if it's you then I'm not going to answer your damn questions anymore!"
Daryl and Carol arrived at the door of the last cell.
Daryl "Hey, asshole!"
James raised his head and he saw Daryl and Carol.
James "Who the hell are you?"
Carol "We're some who came to finish what Judith started."
James said nothing, then Daryl kicked cell's door open.
James "You came to kill me, right?"
Carol "No, honey, no .... first we'll torture you a little."
James "Well, didn't Judith already torture me enough? That girl hit me a damn three times and she almost damn killed me!"
Daryl "I would have done the same if I had been him." Carol walked to James.
Carol "What's your name?"
James "Hell I'll tell you shit."
Carol said nothing he just squeezed the wound that was in James' hand.
James "Stop that, that hurt."
Carol "Believe me, I can hurt you worse if you don't cooperate."
James said nothing.
Carol "The choice is yours."
James sighed.
James "My name is James."
Carol "Tell me, James, are you a member of the Bad Blood community?"
James "Why would I be?"
Carol squeezed the wound in James' hand again.
James "Oh, okay. I am."
Carol "Why did you try to kill Judith?"
James "It was Negan who tried."
Carol "And hell is he?"
James "Our leader."
Carol "Where's your community?"
James "I don't know."
Daryl "That's bullshit."
James swallowed and he saw Carol pick up the knife and Carol put the tip of the knife against James' cheek.
Carol "If you don't answer then I'll cut your cheek."
James "Our community 50 miles north of here, damn it."
Carol "Thank you, that's all we need."
That’s when James hit Carol and Carol fell to the floor and Daryl lifted the crossbow up at lightning speed and he pointed it at James.
Daryl "That was a stupid move from you!"
James "What are you doing? Are you going to shoot me with that shit?"
Daryl "You can be damn sure I do!"
James lifted Carol up from the ground and he put a knife against Carol's neck.
James "If you make the wrong move then this woman will die!"
Daryl "Let him go!"
James "No, I didn't think so!"
Daryl "I'm not repeating myself a second time!"
Then a bullet flew through the window and it hit James directly in the back of the head and James fell to the floor and Carol stared at James lying on the floor.
Daryl "Are you okay?"
Carol "Yeah, yeah. But what the fuck just happened?"
Daryl "Someone shot him."
Carol "I see it. But how? We're the only ones inside."
Daryl looked at the window that has a bullet hole and then he saw When Eugene looked at them.
Eugene "You're welcome."
Daryl "You did that?"
Eugene "Yeah, but that wasn't my intention."
Carol "What are you talking about?"
Eugene "I tested a new gun I built and it looks like it worked."
Carol "And it looks like it was also effective."
Eugene "Heh, thank you."
Daryl "But why the hell don't we hear the shots if you shot?"
Eugene "Because I made this weapon a silent weapon."
Daryl "Damn, you're a genius."
Eugene "Nah, I'm just a scientist."
Carol "Scientist? You should be a gun maker."
Eugene "I keep that in mind."
Then Carol and Daryl walked to the door and Carol opened the lock and they walked out of the basement.
Eugene "Are you okay? I saw that man holding a knife in his neck."
Carol "Yeah, I'm okay."
Daryl "How did you know we were there?"
Eugene "I didn't know."
Carol "Well, apparently the gun you made knew."
Eugene "Well, if I'm honest then I didn't know that bullet flew to where you were."
Carol "And you came looking for where it flew?"
Eugene "Yep."
Daryl "Well, thank you that dude is dead."
Eugene "He died?"
Daryl "Well, usually bullets kill people."
Eugene "Shit, I wasn't meant to kill him."
Daryl "Well, it too late now."
That's when Rosita walked over to Eugene.
Rosita "What the hell, Eugene? You could have killed someone with that gun!"
Daryl "Well, he already did."
Rosita "Damn you, Eugene!"
Eugene "Uh, I wasn't meant to kill anyone."
Rosita "Well, that's why guns exist that you can kill people with them, you idiot."
Eugene said nothing.
Carol "Eugene just saved my life by killing that dude."
Rosita "Who the hell was that he killed?"
Carol "It was a prisoner and his name was James and he was one of the members of the Bad Blood community."
Rosita said nothing.
Carol "But before he died then he told me where the Bad Blood community is."
Rosita "Well, where is it?"
Carol "50 miles north of here."
Rosita "Well, we'll go north tomorrow and we'll kill them."
Then Rosita looked at Eugene.
Rosita "But next time be careful with those damn weapons."
Eugene "Yeah, I'll try."
Then Rosita left.
to be continued....
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Friends and enemies part 36
Belle "But isn't that against God's rules?"
Gabriel "It is, but I'm willing to break that rule."
Belle "Well, then God can punish you."
Gabriel "If it's God's desire, then I'll take the risk."
Meanwhile, Rick had gone to the room where Judith was lying on the bed.
Rick "Hey."
Judith didn't answer anything, she just stared at the wall.
Rick "Could you turn to look at me?"
Judith answered nothing.
Rick "Judith, please look at me."
Judith turned to look at Rick.
Judith "What the hell do you want?"
Rick "I came to see if you're okay."
Judith "I am, so you can go now."
Rick went to sit in a chair.
Judith "I said I was okay and you can go damn already."
Rick "You're not okay. You're just pretending to be."
Judith "I'm okay."
Rick "Who are you trying to fool me or yourself?"
Judith "I'm damn okay!"
Rick "You don't look like you are."
Judith "I am!"
Rick "If you're okay .... then why did you stage your suicide?"
Judith "I wanted attention, that's all."
Rick "I know that already. But you didn't do it just because you wanted attention, did you?"
Judith said nothing.
Rick "Just be honest with me and say if you're really okay."
Judith "I don't even know."
Rick "Know what?"
Judith "Can I tell you something?"
Rick "I'm listening."
Judith "I lost myself once and on way back up from bottom, i saw my name written across the sky and all the reasons why i was worthy of this climb. The sky broke open harder than i ever did to show me that even the strongest things break apart sometimes to learn about the grace of letting go, the strength of rising back up, and the beauty of finding yourself again. Now i say, i never lost myself at all, i was simply going through the process of bringing myself back home to me."
Rick "All the moments you swore would kill you and all of the sorrow you thought you'd surely die from had a role in getting you where you are now and look at you, living. Look at you....you didn't die. Sometimes the moments that kill us are the same moments that teach us how to live. It has to hurt before it doesn't anymore."
Judith "What do you mean?"
Rick "I am proud of you. Because after everything you've been through. You are still here. And you are still smiling and laughing regardless of all the bullshit you've been through. You haven't let anything break you. You are as strong as they come."
Judith "Are you proud of me even if I staged my suicide?"
Rick "I am, though that was perhaps the dumbest act you did."
Judith "And I'm sorry about that."
Rick "I know you are. And I forgive you."
Judith "Thank you."
Rick "And you don't have to call me Dad if you don't want to."
Judith "But you know I'm going."
Rick "I know."
In the meantime, elsewhere.
Emily "How did the bomb design progress?"
Eugene "It would go better if you didn't distract me."
Emily "Am I a distraction to you?"
Eugene "Yeah."
Emily "I'm doing nothing but sitting next to you and I haven't said anything, regardless."
Eugene "Well that's enough."
Emily "I can leave if you want. But then you would never get that damn bomb made."
Eugene "True."
Emily "I can go sit further away from you if that helps."
Eugene "Well, I doubt it would help anything."
Emily "You're something else."
Eugene "Nah .... I'm just a scientist."
Emily rolled her eyes.
Eugene "Give me a screwdriver."
Emily "Cross-headed or Chisel-headed?"
Eugene "Rosita."
Emily "Uh, I don't think Rosita would have turned into a screwdriver during this time."
Eugene "Huh?"
Emily "I asked if you needed a cross-headed or chisel-headed screwdriver and you answered that Rosita."
Eugene "Sorry, I don't know why I said that. I meant a cross-headed screwdriver."
Emily just looked strangely at Eugene.
Eugene "Now just give me that damn screwdriver."
Emily "Of course."
Emily took a cross-headed screwdriver and handed it to Eugene.
Emily "Here's your Rosita screwdriver."
Eugene "Stop that."
Eugene grabbed the screwdriver from Emily's hand and he started screwing the screws tight.
Emily "You don't need me anymore, do you?"
Eugene "Not right now."
Emily got up from the office chair.
Emily "I'm going to the kitchen, I'm thirsty and hungry."
Eugene "Okay. I'll call you if I need your help."
Emily "Okay."
Emily walked towards the door that led to the kitchen and she opened it and she went up the stairs and she closed the door and she walked up the stairs to the kitchen.
Rosita "Oh, hey. I didn't know you were here."
Emily stared at Abraham and Rosita who were also in the kitchen.
Emily "How long have you two been here?"
Abraham "Um ... we live in this house."
Emily "And that also means Eugene lives in this house with you, right?"
Rosita "Yeah and I can say he's no normal roommate."
Emily "Can I have something to eat and drink from the fridge?"
Rosita "Be our guest."
Emily walked to the fridge and she opened it and she took cheese, butter, sausage, a sandwich bag and juice from there. And she put them on the kitchen counter.
Abraham "You two have been in that garage for almost 6 hours."
Emily said nothing, she just made sandwiches.
Rosita "What are you doing there?"
Emily "Bomb, Literally."
Rosita "Eugene already did one and it exploded."
Emily "No shit."
Rosita "What if that bomb explodes too?"
Emily "You're exaggerating."
Rosita "I don't think so, it was just a fact."
Emily put a bag of sandwiches, butter, cheese and sausages back in the fridge. Then she took a glass cup from the cupboard and he poured juice into it and she closed the juice jar and she put it back in the fridge too.
Emily "Well, Eugene said that this time that bomb won't ....."
Emily couldn't finish her sentence when there was a bang in the garage.
Abraham "Come on, the bomb isn't going to explode, is it?"
Emily "Damn."
Emily dropped the sandwich and glass on the table and she ran back to the garage.
Emily "Eugene, what the hell happened?"
Eugene turned to look at Emily and her face was black.
Emily "You can't be damn serious!"
Eugene "Oops!"
Emily "This was a damn second time you manage to detonate a bomb in the middle of building it."
Eugene "That wasn't the intention."
Emily "Of course it wasn't."
Eugene "I don't know what went wrong."
Emily "I think I know what."
Eugene "Care to share?"
Emily "You weren't created to build bombs."
Eugene "Maybe that's true."
Emily "Maybe Abraham should build the next bomb."
Eugene "And why so?"
Emily "Then the chances of the bomb exploding would be minimal. Abrham has been a soldier. So I think he can dismantle and build bombs."
Eugene "That might be true."
to be continued...
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Friends and enemies part 5
Bryan "If I had been Rick, I'd be furious."
Maggie "Well, you're not him."
Liam "They want their guns back, huh?"
Maggie "Yeah."
Rosita "Well, we're not damn magicians, it will take at least weeks before Eugene has repaired all their weapons and considering there were at least more than 50 of them."
Charlotte "Damn yeah. What the hell are we doing now?"
Maggie "If we start right away, then maybe we can get those guns assembled faster."
Liam "I doubt that."
In the meantime, elsewhere.
Carol "Are you okay?"
Daryl "Are you talking to me?"
Carol "Well, the others are probably sleeping, so yeah I'm talking to you."
Daryl "Yeah, I think so."
Carol "Do you care if I sit with you?"
Daryl "Nah."
Carol sat down next to Daryl.
Carol "You're not much of a speaker, I see."
Daryl "Yeah, I've heard that before."
Carol "Your brother is ....."
Daryl "Asshole, I know, you shouldn't say that."
Carol "I wasn't saying he was an asshole. I was about to say that he is weird. But I guess it's the same as an asshole."
Daryl said nothing.
Carol "I had a daughter and a husband."
Daryl "What happened to them?"
Carol "Well, Shane beat my husbands Ed to death. Because he hit and was violent towards me."
Daryl "That bastard deserved to die."
Carol "Maybe so."
Daryl "What about your daughter, what happened to her?"
Carol "The walker bit her and she turned into a walker and Rick had to shoot her."
Daryl "I'm sorry. What was her name?"
Carol "Sophia."
Daryl "How old was she?"
Carol "Only 11 years old. Can you imagine."
Daryl "Damn she was too young to die yet."
Carol "I know."
Daryl said nothing.
Carol "Do you have one?"
Daryl "Huh?"
Carol "Do you have a wife?"
Daryl "No."
Carol "Do you have a cohabitant then?"
Daryl "Not that either."
Carol "Okay, do you have a girlfriend then? And don't say you don't have that either."
Daryl "Well, I don't have that either."
Carol "Shut up. You're telling me you don't have a wife, cohabitant or girlfriend. You have to lie."
Daryl "I'm not lying, I don't have any of those."
Carol "Who exactly are you?"
Daryl "I'm a loner, I guess."
Carol "I can change that."
Daryl stared at Carol.
Daryl "You're kidding, aren't you?"
Carol "No, I'm serious."
Daryl "We just met 5 minutes ago and you're already hitting me. Damn it."
Carol "What then?"
Daryl "I need to know you for more than just 5 minutes."
Carol "Hey, don't bother."
Daryl "Woman, you're damn weird."
That's when Alice came to them.
Alice "Hey, Mom. Hey, Daryl."
Carol "Hey, Alice. Is everything all right?"
Alice "Yeah, I came just to fetch water, I'm thirsty."
Carol looked at Daryl.
Carol "Could you give me a bottle of water from that cooler bag?"
Daryl "Of course."
Daryl opened the cooler bag and tossed a bottle of water to Carol.
Carol "Thank you."
Then Carol turned to Alice and she gave Alice a bottle of water.
Carol "Here, darling."
Alice took a bottle of water.
Alice "Thank you, Mom. I'm going back to my tent."
Carol "Try to get some sleep. We're leaving tomorrow."
Alice "Yeah, I'll try."
Then Alice went for a walk towards her own tent.
Daryl "Mom? You said your daughter was dead."
Carol "You misunderstood."
Daryl "Huh?"
Carol "Alice's mother died and then I, so to speak, adopted her. Not officially, but still."
Daryl "Okay. And where are we going?"
Carol "We're going to live in a Fighters Of Justice community camp. It's a safer place than this."
to be continued......
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Friends and enemies part 30
Eugene "What should I do?"
Henry "Ask her."
Eugene "Ask what?"
Henry "Does she like you, obviously."
Eugene "I can't ask her that!"
Henry "And by the way, you just kissed her."
Eugene "I don't know what I was thinking when I did it!"
Henry "You didn't kiss her just for fun, did you?"
Eugene "Yes ..... no ... maybe .... I don't know!"
Henry "Do I have to choose one correct answer from those?"
Eugene "No. I just don't know why I kissed Emily. It just happened."
Henry "Yeah, sure, it just happened."
Eugene "I'm serious!"
In the meantime, on the other hand.
Morgan "Hey, Emily, is everything all right?"
Emily snapped back to reality, she was in her own thoughts, and she hadn’t listened to Morgan at all.
Emily "Huh? Did you say something?"
Morgan "I asked you if everything was fine."
Emily "Yeah, yeah everything's fine. I was just in my own thoughts."
Morgan "I noticed."
Emily "Uh, what did I have to do?"
Morgan "So you didn't listen to me at all, did you?"
Emily "Apparently not."
Morgan "I asked if you could go help Jesus with the funeral arrangements."
Emily "Yeah, of course. I'm going."
Morgan "Hey, is everything really okay with you?"
Emily "Uh, yeah, don't worry about me. I'm okay."
Morgan "If you say so."
Emily "I may be better off going to Jesus, maybe he already waiting for me impatiently."
Morgan "Yeah, maybe it would be better."
Emily "See you later."
Morgan "Yeah, see you."
Then Emily set out to find Jesus.
Morgan "She behaved strangely."
Belle "Who?"
Morgan turned to look at Belle.
Morgan "Emily."
Belle "Maybe she's stressed or something."
Morgan "Maybe."
Meanwhile, Nabila had found Daryl.
Nabila "Daryl, stop!"
Daryl stopped and he turned around.
Daryl "Oh, hey Nabila."
Nabila "Where were you going?"
Daryl "Look for Carol, so if you have something to say. Say it quickly."
Nabila "I have sad news."
Daryl "What happened?"
Nabila "Judith did not survive."
Daryl "Surgery failed?"
Nabila "No, Siddiq didn't even have time to have surgery on Judith. Because Judith decided otherwise."
Daryl "I'm lost."
Nabila "Judith killed herself."
Daryl "Say what?"
Nabila "Judith committed suicide."
Daryl "Shit. How's Rick?"
Nabila "He's in shock."
Daryl "No wonder, I would too if Merle killed himself, even though I hate him."
Nabila "Rick also plans to hold Judith's funeral at the same time as Jim and Shane's funeral."
Daryl "Shane doesn't deserve a funeral, he was an asshole."
Nabila "Yeah, but he was also Rick's best friend."
Daryl said nothing.
Nabila "Well, I'll continue my journey so you can go find Carol. Also tell her what happened if you find her."
Daryl "I'll do it."
Then Nabila continued his journey.
Daryl "Shit, I can't believe Judith killed herself."
Daryl set out in search of Carol, on the way he collided with Amy and Andrea.
Amy "Hey, Daryl!"
Daryl "I'm not in the mood."
Andrea "Has something happened?"
Daryl "So you haven't heard yet?"
Amy "Heard what?"
Daryl "Nabila just told me that Judith didn't survive."
Andrea "So the surgery failed?"
Daryl "There was no damn surgery."
Amy "How did she ...... die?"
Daryl "It was suicide."
Andrea "Judith killed herself?"
Daryl "Yep."
Amy "Horrible. How's Rick?"
Daryl "He's in shock."
Andrea "That's understandable."
Amy "Why did Judith kill herself, by the way?"
Daryl "How the hell would I know that."
Andrea "Sometimes there's no right answer."
Daryl "Well, I'm going to look for Carol."
Andrea "I know where she went."
Daryl "Where?"
Andrea "She went towards the house where she lives."
Daryl "That red house?"
Andrea "Yep, that's it."
Daryl "Well, I'm going there."
Then Daryl went for a walk towards the red house where Carol lived.
Amy "I can't believe Judith killed herself."
Andrea "Neither do I."
Finally Daryl had arrived at the red house and he walked up the stairs and he knocked on the door.
Daryl "Hey, Carol! I know you're there! Open the door!"
Carol heard Daryl out loud from outside the door.
Carol "What the hell does he want now?"
Daryl knocked on the door again.
Daryl "Open this damn door now! If you think I'm angry with you then I'm not!"
Carol opened the door.
Carol "What do you want?"
Daryl "Well, I'd like to come inside the house first."
Carol gave way and Daryl stepped inside the house and Carol closed the door.
Carol "Leave your shoes in the hallway. I'm going to the kitchen to make coffee."
Carol went to the kitchen and Daryl heard as she began making coffee. Daryl kicked the shoes off her feet and he walked into the kitchen.
Carol "Sit down. The coffee is about to be ready."
Daryl sat down at the table.
Carol "I just had a dark roast of coffee. Is that okay?"
Daryl "Dark roasting coffee is my favorite."
Carol "Good."
Carol then took two cups from the cupboard.
Carol "Do you want to eat something with coffee?"
Daryl "Nah, I'm good."
Carol "I've made chocolate chip cookies."
Daryl "Well, I could take a couple."
Carol put a plate on the table and she put a pile of chocolate chip cookies on it.
Carol "Looks like the coffee is ready."
Then Carol went to the coffee maker and she took the coffee pot out of the coffee maker and she poured coffee into both cups.
Carol "Do you use milk and sugar in your coffee?"
Daryl "Yeah."
Carol took the coffee pot back under the coffee maker, then she opened the fridge and she took a jar of milk from there and she also took a bowl of sugar from the wreck. And then she walked back to the coffee mugs and she covered them with milk and she also spooned a couple of spoons of sugar into them, then she mixed them and turned around and she handed out another cup of coffee to Daryl.
Carol "Here's your coffee."
Daryl took the coffee mug in his hand.
Daryl "Thank you."
Then Carol went to sit opposite Daryl and she put her coffee cup on the table.
Carol "So why did you come?"
Daryl "Nabila told sad news."
Carol took a sip of coffee.
Carol "Tell me more."
Daryl "Judith didn't survive."
Carol "Well, that's always a risk in all surgeries, sometimes a person just doesn't survive the surgery."
Daryl "Uh, that's a problem."
Carol "Huh?"
Daryl "There was no damn surgery."
Carol "Uh, what do you mean? I don't know if I followed."
Daryl "Judith killed herself, it was suicide."
Carol lowered her coffee cup to the table and she stared in shock at Daryl.
Carol "I hope that was a joke."
Daryl "I wish it was too."
Carol "So it's not a joke?"
Daryl shook his head.
Carol "Oh my God. Rick is definitely out of his mind."
Daryl "Yeah, I think he is and it would be no wonder."
Carol "I can't believe this."
Daryl "Well, neither do I."
Carol said nothing.
Daryl "I was also shocked when Nabila said that."
Carol "I don't understand why Judith did it."
Daryl said nothing.
Carol "I mean, Judith had to have some kind of reason why she decided to end her life."
Daryl "Who knows."
Carol "Hardly Judith killed herself for fun."
Daryl "Who knows, maybe she did or not."
Carol said nothing.
Daryl "Needless to speculate as to why the hell she killed himself."
to be continued....
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Friends and enemies part 24
Daryl "Well played Eugene."
Eugene "Huh?"
Daryl "I wasn't meant to kill?"
Eugene "Well, I wasn't meant to kill."
Daryl "Well, that's why you built that gun to kill peoples, right?"
Eugene "Yeah, but I wasn't supposed to kill that dude."
Just then Ezekiel ran to them.
Carol "Are you okay?"
Ezekiel "What happened? I heard when the window broke."
Carol "Uh, Eugene tested a new weapon he had built and he accidentally hit a window."
Ezekiel "Thank God. Fortunately, no one died."
Daryl "Well, actually someone died."
Ezekiel looked at Daryl.
Ezekiel "And who was that someone?"
Daryl "It was James."
Ezekiel looked at Eugene.
Eugene "It wasn't my intention to kill him. The bullet just accidentally flew through that window and hit him."
Ezekiel looked at Carol.
Ezekiel "What are you two even doing here? Did you go to the basement to see him?"
Daryl "Yeah and we stopped what Judith had started."
Ezekiel "I don't understand what you're talking about."
Carol "You didn't hear, did you?"
Ezekiel "What should I have heard?"
Daryl "Judith almost beat James to death."
Ezekiel "Excuse me?"
Carol "Judith almost beat James to death, but Rick prevented it from happening."
Ezekiel "Damn and now he's dead. Now we'll never know where the hell the Bad Blood community is."
Carol "Actually, we know."
Ezekiel "How so?"
Carol "Before Eugene "accidentally" killed him, he told me where it is."
Ezekiel "Well, where is it?"
Carol "50 miles north of here."
Ezekiel "Did he tell you who their leader is?"
Carol "Yes and his name is Negan."
Ezekiel "I don't know how the hell you got that information out of him, but I'm glad you did."
Carol "I'm a good negotiator."
Ezekiel "Well, apparently you were."
Carol "It wasn't easy, but I didn't give up."
Ezekiel said nothing.
Daryl "Let's go?"
Carol "Where?"
Daryl "To kill those assholes."
Ezekiel "Not yet. We're waiting for tomorrow morning."
Daryl "Why in the morning?"
Ezekiel "Because we all need to rest."
Daryl "Well, I don't have to."
Ezekiel "Well, now you need to."
Daryl "I'm good."
Ezekiel "We're all going there tomorrow."
Then Ezekiel left.
Eugene "Uh, I'm going to sleep too. Tomorrow is a heavy day ahead."
Eugene went to sleep.
Carol "I guess I'll go to sleep too. What about you?"
Daryl "Nah. I'm going to the gates."
Carol "Okay. See you tomorrow."
Daryl "Yeah."
Then Carol also went to sleep and Daryl walked towards the gate and he saw Jesus there.
Daryl "Hey."
Jesus "Hey, what are you doing here?"
Daryl "Are you alone on duty?"
Jesus "Yep, I am. Why?"
Daryl "Can I join you? Everyone else went to sleep, but I didn't."
Jesus "Well, why not."
Daryl sat on the ground.
Jesus "My name is Jesus."
Daryl "Daryl."
Jesus "You're Merle's brother, aren't you?"
Daryl "Yeah, even if sometimes I wish I wasn't."
Jesus "Can't relate to that."
Daryl "So you don't have siblings?"
Jesus "No. I was the only child."
Daryl "Lucky you."
Jesus "Although sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister."
Daryl "Well, one Merle for sale."
Jesus began to laugh.
Jesus "No thanks, I'll skip it."
Daryl "You get him for free."
Jesus "No thanks, still."
Daryl "Well, your loss."
Then they both started laughing.
Jesus "Is that woman your wife?"
Daryl "Who?"
Jesus "The woman who is always with you. Is she your wife?"
Daryl "Carol is not my wife. We are just friends."
Jesus "Okay. You're pretty close with her then."
Daryl "Well, for some strange reason, Carol can't leave me alone."
Jesus "Maybe she's in love with you or something."
Meanwhile, inside the house, everyone was sleeping except Judith. She had climbed up from bed and she had sneaked downstairs and into the hallway. She then took a carrying case with arrows from the table and she threw it on his shoulder to hang then she grabbed the bow and then she put the shoes on his leg and she opened the door quietly open then she closed it quietly. She noticed that Shane had fallen asleep on the bench that was on the porch.
Judith whispered, "I have to be quiet not to wake Shane."
Judith creeps down the stairs, then she walked quietly away.
Judith whispered, "Okay, he didn't wake up."
Then Judith ran past the gate and Daryl and Jesus noticed it.
Jesus "What the hell? Who the hell was that?"
Daryl "It was Judith."
Jesus "Where the hell would she run in the middle of the night?"
Daryl "I don't know. Let's go after him."
They set out to run in the same direction where Judith had run.
Judith "Damn it."
Judith was faster than Jesus and Daryl and she ran into the woods.
Jesus "Where the hell did she go?"
Daryl "She ran towards the woods."
Jesus "Are you crazy? I'm not going to that dark forest."
Daryl "Well, I'm going alone."
Jesus "You can't."
Daryl "Why couldn't I?"
Jesus "You could die."
Daryl "I'm not going to die."
Jesus "You don't know that."
Daryl "I'm not going to die."
Jesus "Well, I'm not coming."
Daryl "I didn't say you should come."
Then Daryl went into the woods in search of Judith.
Jesus "Damn it."
In the woods.
Daryl "Judith!"
Not responsible.
Daryl "I know you're here!"
Still no answer.
Daryl "I saw you ran here!"
Still no answer.
Daryl “Judith, seriously!"
That’s when Judith jumped down from the tree where she was hiding.
Judith "What are you doing here?"
Daryl "I could ask the same thing about you."
Judith "I'm not going to come back until that asshole is dead!"
Daryl "You're talking about James, aren't you?"
Judith "I'm talking about him."
Daryl "Well, for your information, he's dead."
Judith "But how? I didn't kill her."
Daryl "Yeah, but Eugene did."
Judith "What?"
Daryl "Well, Eugene had built a gun and he tested it and a bullet accidentally pierced the basement window and the bullet hit James's head and now he's dead." Judith "How do you know that?"
Daryl "Carol and I were in the basement when it happened."
Judith "Why the hell were you and Carol there?"
Daryl "Well, Carol wanted to know where the Bad Blood community is."
Judith "Well, now she must never know, because that asshole is now dead."
Daryl "Actually, she knows."
Judith "How?"
Daryl "Before Eugene "accidentally" killed James, so Carol had time to find out."
Judith "Well, where the hell is that?"
Daryl "50 miles north of here."
Judith "Well, good to know. I'm going there."
Daryl "Are you going to go alone?"
Judith "That's what I thought."
Daryl "I don't think so. I'll come with you."
Judith "I don't need your help."
Daryl "You're a little miss stubborn now."
Judith "I'm not stubborn, I'm just right."
Daryl "No, you're stubborn and it can get you killed."
Judith "I'm not stubborn!"
Daryl said nothing.
Judith "I'm going to kill Negan and you can't stop me!"
That's when they heard Rick out loud.
Rick "We're going to kill him and all the members of the Bad Blood community."
They both turned around then they saw Ezekiel, Maggie and Rick and all the community members together.
Daryl "How the hell did you know we were here?"
Jesus "I told them."
Rick "Did you think you could trick us and sneak out without anyone noticing you?"
Judith looked at Shane.
Judith "You didn't sleep, did you?"
Shane "No. I was fake sleeping."
Judith "I should have known that."
Rick "We'll kill them together."
Then they set out to walk north.
Daryl "You said we wouldn't go until morning."
Ezekiel "I changed my mind."
Daryl "What made you change your mind?"
Ezekiel "I don't know."
Daryl "Well, I'm glad you changed your mind."
Rick "So your main target is Negan?"
Judith "Yeah, that asshole tried to kill me and he sure thinks I'm dead."
Rick "Well, he'll definitely be surprised when you're not."
Judith "I hope."
Then they had come to the path that led to the Bad Blood community.
Rick "Guns ready. We don't know if someone might surprise us."
Everyone raised their weapons.
Ezekiel "Let's go."
They set out to walk towards the Bad Blood community with guns ready.
Lucy "What the hell?"
Lucy ran down from the lookout tower.
Lucy "Negan!"
Negan "What now?"
Lucy "Group of people is marching here with guns up!"
Negan "What the hell!"
Dwight "What now?"
Negan "Get ready to fight!"
Michonne had run into the lookout tower and she spotted Rick leading a group with guns up.
Michonne "What the hell!"
Negan noticed that Michonne had disappeared.
Negan "Has anyone seen Michonne?"
Dwight "She was here a minute ago."
Jason "It doesn't matter where the hell she is!"
Rick and the others stopped behind the gate.
Negan "How can I help?"
Rick "Let us in!"
Negan "Why should I?"
Ezekiel "We want to talk!"
Negan "You want to talk? And you all have guns up, so it doesn't seem to me like you just want to talk."
Alice "You don't seem as damn stupid as we thought."
That's when Shane spotted Michonne climbing over the gate. No one noticed that Shane left. He went follow Michonne.
Rick "We know what happened!"
Negan "I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"
Rick "Mia killed Victoria who was her mother and James killed Mia who was your daughter!"
Negan "Where the hell is he? Is he with you? I want to see him!"
Daryl "That you could kill him, right?"
Negan "Yes!"
Daryl "Well, it's late already."
Negan "How so?"
Daryl "He's already dead."
Negan "You killed him?"
Eugene "Sir, in a small accident happened."
Negan "And as a result, James died, right?"
Rosita "Well, this damn idiot so-called scientist here built a gun and he tested it and a bullet accidentally flew through the window and it hit James's head." Meanwhile, Shane had caught Michonne.
Shane "Did you think you could escape me?"
Michonne "What the hell do you want?"
Shane "You're one of them, huh?"
Michonne "I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"
Shane raised the rifle and he pointed it at Michonne.
Shane "If you don't start talking then you can be sure I'm going to shoot you!"
Michonne "You're Shane, Rick's best friend?"
Shane "I was."
Michonne said nothing.
Shane "Are you one of them?"
Michonne still didn't answer.
Shane "Do you think I'm so fucking stupid I wouldn't know you're one of them?"
Michonne "If I were you, I wouldn't do this."
That’s when Jim noticed that Shane pointed at Michonne with a rifle.
Jim "No worries! I'll save you, young lady!"
Then Jim ran with the wheelbarrow towards Shane and Shane crashed into the wheelbarrow.
Shane "Jim, what the fuck are you doing?"
Jim "You're not shooting that young woman!"
Then Shane's rifle dropped into the ground and it fired and a bullet hit Jim and then Michonne's leg. Jim falls to ground motionless and Shane flew in a wheelbarrow to the bottom of the gorge.
Michonne "Hey, are you okay?"
Jim didn't answer anything.
Michonne "Hey, what's your name?"
Jim said in a weak voice, "It's Jim."
Michonne "Thank you, Jim. You saved your life. But you sacrificed yours."
Jim said in a weak voice, "You're welcome."
Then Jim said nothing more.
Michonne "Help! Help is needed here! Man down!"
Everyone turned towards the forest where Michonne's voice came from.
Rick "Siddig, you're coming with me!"
Daryl "What about the rest of us?"
Rick "Break down that gate and go inside!"
Daryl "All right!"
Rick and Siddiq ran into the woods and the others rushed to the gate.
Bella "Boss, this gate can't last anymore!"
Then the gate broke down and members of the Survivors, Whirlwind and Fighters Of Justice community rushed inside the Bad Blood community and Negan left to run away and Judith went after him.
Daryl "Hey, Judith, where are you going?"
Judith "I'll take care of Negan!"
Daryl "All right!"
In the woods.
Rick "Where are you?"
Michonne "We're here!"
Siddiq saw Michonne sitting on the ground and holding her leg and also saw Jim lying on the ground motionless.
Siddiq "I see them!"
Rick and Siddiq ran to Michonne.
Rick "What happened?"
Michonne "Oh! Shane happened."
Rick "What?"
Michonne "He pointed at me with a rifle and was about to shoot me, but Jim saved my life."
Siddiq had gone to Jim.
Siddiq "Jim, can you hear me? I'm Siddiq and I'm a doctor."
No reply.
Siddiq "Rick, he's not answering."
Michonne "Well, he's dead, that's why he doesn't answer."
Rick looked at Michonne who was in pain.
Rick "Are you hurt?"
Michonne "Yeah, I am."
Rick "Where are you hurting?"
Michonne "On my feet."
Rick "Let me look."
Michonne moved her hand away from the wound on the top of her leg.
Rick "Looks pretty bad. When did this happen?"
Michonne "Jim ran towards Shane with the wheelbarrows and the rifle dropped to the ground and it fired and first the bullet hit Jim and then it bounced towards me and hit my leg."
Siddiq "Uh, where is he by the way?"
Michonne "Well, those damn wheelbarrows continued their journey into the gorge."
Rick "And Shane was still in the wheelbarrow when it happened?"
Michonne "Yeah. I'd be surprised if s'he survived because it was a pretty long drop and that gorge is pretty deep."
At the bottom of the gorge, Shane was alive, but he had hit his head on the way down the gorge.
Shane "What the hell happened? Why the hell am I in the gorge? And why the hell am I in wheelbarrows?"
Shane got out of the wheelbarrow and he looked up.
Shane "Well, I seem to have to climb back up."
Shane set off to climb up the gorge wall. Meanwhile, above the gorge.
Siddiq "I look at you feet."
Siddiq looked at Michonne's feet.
Siddiq "It doesn't look so bad."
Michonne "Thank God."
Siddiq "Be lucky it was just a surface scar. Jim took a worse hit and it slowed the bullet's speed."
Michonne "Yeah and he died."
Rick "He was your human shield."
Michonne "I'm sorry."
Rick "You shouldn't be, but Shane should. I wish he was dead, because this was the last straw he damn made."
Shane had finally gotten up out of the gorge. Shane saw Rick and Siddiq.
Shane "Thank God, Rick!"
Rick turned around and he looked at Shane furiously.
Shane "Hey, why are you furious?"
Rick "This was the damn last straw you made!"
Shane "Huh?"
Rick "You killed Jim and you almost killed Michonne!"
Shane "I wasn't meant to kill Jim! If that idiot hadn't run those damn wheelbarrows towards me then he would still be alive!"
Rick "But Michonne wouldn't have been!"
Shane said nothing.
Rick "Why did you try to kill Michonne?"
Shane still didn't say anything. That's when Rick ran towards him.
Shane "Hey, Rick calm down!"
Rick didn't calm down, so Shane retreated to the mouth of the gorge from which he had just climbed up.
Rick "Go back to hell!"
Then Rick pushed Shane and Shane fell back to the gorge this time into the middle of a walker herd and they attacked Shane's bundle.
Shane shouted "Help me!"
Then it became quiet and Rick walked back to Siddiq and Michonne.
to be continued.....
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3than1no · 5 years
Fandom: The Walking Dead
A/N: I don’t really know what this is.. just kind of wrote. Enjoy x
Eugene sat on the edge of the bed, a battered photo album rest in his lap. His fingers slowly flicking through each page as he studied each photograph that he saw. He had never understood why you wanted to take so many photos. “It’s to capture each moment so we don’t forget.” You had told him when he had voiced his thoughts. The world was a cruel place, he didn’t understand why you would want to remember it. 
He stopped at a photo, his heart wrenched in his chest. He remembered the moment clearly as though it was just yesterday. You had been sat on the porch swing, Abraham sat next to you as he taught you how to smoke a cigar. He remembered how much you had bugged him to teach you. You had thrown Eugene your camera, telling him to snap a photo as you posed with Abe. The man looked exasperated as he had stared toward the camera, a cigar in his mouth as you had thrown an arm around him. The smile on your face was radiant, one Eugene had grown to love over the time he had known you. His gaze roamed over the photo, studying the people in the photo. He felt a lump in his throat. He’d give anything to have his friend back. 
He flicked through more photos, many of them ones you had taken of your close friends. Simple but beautiful photos, ones he hadn’t appreciated before. There were many of him in there. You had told him that he was your photo muse. Something he had frowned at, not much liking his photo being taken but you had still managed to get some. Ones of him just sat reading, of him tinkering with different electronics, rare ones of his smile.
There were ones of you and him, that you had insisted he take with you. You had wanted to snap as many pictures with him as possible. Many of them spontaneous, some of the two of you when you had gone outside the walls of Alexandria, random selfies you had to practically beg him for. You had many photos posed with different people, all of them carefree and fun. 
His fingers trailed over one particular photo. It was his all time favourite of the two of you. He hadn’t much liked it at the time, in fact he looked very put out in the photo. You were the reason he liked it so much. The large smile on your face, your eyes bright and full of life, you looked happy and free as though the world hadn’t ended. As though it was just you and him left in the world to do as you pleased. He wanted to go back to that moment, to jump into the photograph and actually make an effort to look happy in a picture with you. To appreciate why you wanted to take so many pictures, to see through your eyes why every moment around you was beautiful and photograph worthy because he never understood why you wanted to take photos. He never understood why you wanted to remember every little moment as it passed you by. He had never understood.. not until you were gone. 
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3than1no · 6 years
Oooooo gurrrrllllllll you already know lmao! I be here to request my braided babe x female reader maybe where reader surprises Eugene with a kinky date and she ends up dominating him and cuffing him to the bed? 😂😍😈
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- It had been a lovely evening, you and Eugene had finally managed to actually get some time to yourselves. A nice meal, alcohol and some good chat. 
- By the end you were both in your room, Eugene laying naked on your bed with a pair of handcuffs attaching his hands to the headboard. Your mouth wrapped around his swollen cock, groans spilling out of his mouth as you sucked on the head. 
- Eugene loved this side of your relationship. He adored being dominated like this. He wanted so badly to place a hand on your head but the handcuffs kept him restrained.
- He moaned loudly as you licked down the underside of his cock, stopping at his balls and sucking on them lightly. The familiar warm heat spread through his stomach, pushing him closer to the edge. 
- It ended, however, when you let his cock slide out of your mouth with a satisfying ‘pop’. Eugene whined at the loss of contact but suck in a loud breath when you started kissing up his body. Licking strips occasionally, especially when you reached his nipples. The pearly buds stood to attention when you lightly sucked on them. By this point, Eugene was panting at the contact. His cock twitching in anticipation. 
- Soon you were hovering your wet pussy over his face, Eugene groaning at the sight. He loved when he got to eat you out. 
- Eugene sucked on your clit causing you to let out a sharp moan. He pulled on the restraints, wanting to put his hands on your hips to hold you in place. 
- You began gyrating your hips against his face, his mouth making you feel so good. It wasn’t long until you were hit with a strong orgasm, still rocking ever so slightly against Eugene’s face. 
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3than1no · 6 years
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Eugene Porter/Female Reader
Prompt: #97 - “It’s not that easy.” 
A/N: If you would like a part 2 with the smut then let me know. Enjoy x
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Eugene was terrified. It wasn't even in the sense of 'Oh my god WALKERS' but more in the sense that he was sat on the edge of his bed with a very naked you in front of him. He had been dreading this moment for a while now, not due to the fact he didn't want to do it because he most definitely wanted too, but he hadn't exactly been honest to you in his sexual encounters. Well lack of sexual encounters, if he was being honest. He hadn't lied outright but had hinted there may have been some. He didn't want to seem like a complete fool but now regretted not being truthful as he knew full well he wouldn't be able to please you.
You moved towards Eugene and his heart rate spiked as he clumsily placed his large hands onto your waist. When you began unbuttoning his shirt, Eugene began rambling to you about facts that at that moment in time you didn't particularly care about. He was nervous and it was habit that tended to come out when he was in situations he wasn't all that confident in. He hated the nervous ramblings but there was nothing he could do to stop them.
Eugene shivered as your hands ran over his skins as you pushed his shirt off, the nerves swelled in the pit of his stomach and embarrassment at how he looked without a shirt on began to surface. He was a full on mess by his point, a mixture of feeling terrified, embarrassed and just full on wonderment at you in front of him.
“You okay Eugene?” You spoke up, pulling back from where you had been lightly kissing his neck. “You're shaking.”
“I-I am quite well Y/N.” He answered, avoiding your gaze and stared at the floor.
You ran a hand through his soft hair then continued a long his cheek, rough with facial hair, before stopping at his chin. You brought his face to look up at you, the mixed emotions flittered across as you stared at each other.
“You've never done this before have you?” You asked softly, going back to running a hand through his hair.
“I-I-I..” Eugene began to resemble a fish as he tried to find the words to say to you.
You brought your both hands to his cheeks once again, one of your thumbs ran over his bottom lip as you quietly shushed him.
“Hey, its okay.” You said softly.
Eugene sighed as you moved closer and slowly captured his lips, his hands once again finding your waist and his fingers running over the soft skin. Your hands stayed firmly on his cheeks, you loved the feel of his bristled facial hair under your finger tips. As the kiss deepened, the two of you moved backwards and were soon laid out on the bed with Eugene underneath you. Your bare chests pressed up against each other, Eugene couldn't quite get over the feel of your breasts on him. He was in heaven.
His hands hadn't moved an inch from your waist, he was too self conscious over not really knowing what to do. He could still feel himself shaking as the two of you continued to kiss. His heart was hammering in his chest and his stomach swirled with nerves. Too much was going on in his head and Eugene was finding it difficult to concentrate on you, as much as he wanted to.
“Y/N...” Eugene mumbled as he broke the kiss. “I-I...”
“Relax.” You whispered, stroking his face once again in an attempt to calm him.
“It is not that easy.”
“Do you want to do this?” You asked.
“Very much so.” He sounded more confident in his words this time.
“Then follow my lead.”
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3than1no · 6 years
Abraham x Eugene spanking fic? I would love to read that! 😘
Not even sure what this is… asdfghklsjksdjfkas enjoy x (SmUt)
An intense feel of painand pleasure coursed with Eugene as Abraham’s hand came down hardonto his already red ass. He could feel his cock straining againstthe older man’s thigh from where he was bent over across Abraham’slap. Eugene flinched again, an involuntary moan escaping his lips, asAbraham spanked him once again.
“You’ve been a badboy haven’t you?” Abraham said rubbing the younger man’s soreass then cracking down another slap. “Answer me.”
“Y-Yes.” Eugenehalf yelped and half groaned out.
“It’s naughty tomake me feel so turned on whilst we’re out in public.”
His large hand camedown again, this time slightly harder, causing Eugene to moan loudly.
“Are you a naughtyboy Eugene?” Abraham asked.
“Yes.” Eugeneanswered then yelped out again when the older man slapped his assonce more.
“I think that thisnaughty boy needs to be fucked by my huge cock as punishment,”Eugene groaned loudly. “Get on all fours on the bed.”
Eugene nearly cameright there and then at Abraham’s words but complied quickly,practically launching himself onto the bed and stuck his bright redass in the air. He shivered in anticipation as he felt Abraham comeup behind him, his solid cock pressed against his ass.
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3than1no · 6 years
Dating Eugene Porter would include:
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- When the two of you first started dating, he would be so nervous to be around you. He would be incredibly awkward and often say things that would make the situation awkward. He would be so sure that you would just break up with him but really you found the whole thing endearing, especially as you would watch him grow in confidence. 
- You would find throughout the relationship that he would have self esteem issues, which would stem mostly from thinking he wasn’t good enough for you. Reassurance from you would often bring him out of his funk and make him appreciate you so much, if that was even possible.
- He would become jealous when other people showed you any interest but wouldn’t voice his feelings as he would feel like it would burden you too much.
- He would love it when you asked him to teach you something, he would be absolutely in his element and the confidence would ooze off him which you would find to be completely endearing and you would tell him as much.
- You would both relax by playing video games or watching movies. He would love just being held by you in these times, your fingers raking through his hair. 
- Sex would definitely be awkward to begin with, he wouldn’t really know what to do and fumble his way through it. However, the more experience he gained would mean it would slowly go from awkward to passionate and slow. The only time he would go harder would be when you were begging him to. 
- He would feel so loved when you would come up to him and pull him into a kiss or into an embrace. He would get flustered when out in public and this happened but he would enjoyed it, despite the slight embarrassment. 
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