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euricky · 4 years ago
; &&  starter  for  @eushiloh​
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it  was  unexpected  ,  waking  up  from  a  nap  to  find  this  girl  sitting  beside  him  ,  occupied  with  something  else  .  it  was  not  a  pattern  ricky  had  desired  to  fall  into  ,  but  shiloh  was  unique  .  ricky  was  always  happier  after  being  in  her  presence  .  “  how  long  was  I  out  for  ?  ”  he  brought  his  hands  up  to  rub  at  tired  eyes  as  shifted  his  body  ,  turning  towards  her  .  head  still  resting  on  the  pillow  ,  his  eyes  still  felt  heavy  .  he  could  go  for  another  nap  ,  but  he  won’t  .  “  sorry  for  falling  asleep  like  that  .  I  feel  like  I  haven’t  slept  in  days  .  ”  he  reached  for  her  ,  arm  wrapping  around  her  waist  as  he  pulled  her  back  .  “  you  didn’t  get  too  bored  watching  me  sleep  ,  did  you  ?  ”
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eudaxton · 4 years ago
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       “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING to stand there and not come with me to get some delicious italian food?” he taunted, arms crossing as he leaned against the barrier’s line, smirk tugging on his lips as he looked at the girl, “c’mon, you’re gonna make me eat all by myself? it’s my treat after all, we could go all lady and the tramp together...”
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eushiloh · 4 years ago
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      “OHMYGODS-----MADDY!” shiloh called out as the mopeds they borrowed were both on their sides on the pavement, making her stare at them wide eyed before glancing to her friend, “are you alright? maybe this wasn’t....the best idea.” she laughed, shaking her head as she extended her hand out to the other girl, “we need some band-aids, stat....my knees are basically toast.” the blonde explained, glancing down to her banged up knees, seeing the scratches before sighing at the damage on the mopeds, “i might be able to alter the memories of the moped shop to make them forget we even borrowed these things?”
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eushiloh · 4 years ago
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        “OKAY, OKAY, I KNOW IT’S A little late but given the fact we literally had to run out of campus...i think i get a pass, right?” with her hands behind her back, she gives a little smile before pulling them back to the front of her with a little gift bag in her hands, “merry christmas, or happy holidays, whichever fits but...this is for you. i saw it in a window of a shop and just, i had to get it you know?”
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euricky · 4 years ago
; &&  starter  for  @aylineu​
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there  were  few  people  that  could  coax  ricky  out  of  the  safety  of  their  confinement’s  .  aylin  ,  being  the  most  dangerous  of  all  .  it  started  innocently  enough  ,  with  some  alcohol  .  then  it  had  escalated  into  a  trip  outside  .  with  high  hopes  and  a  desire  to  find  a  karaoke  bar  .  so  ,  they  pushed  through  their  fears  and  eventually  their  prayers  were  answered  .  as  ricky  was  currently  sat  in  a  booth  ,  downing  the  remains  of  a  drink  ,  as  he  shouted  unintelligible  words  of  encouragement  at  aylin  .  who  was  currently  singing  along  ,  quite  brilliantly  ,  to  an  abba  song  one  that  sounded  familiar  ,  but  couldn’t  be  placed  by  ricky  .  he  entered  into  a  fit  of  laughter  as  she  finished  up  ,  making  her  way  back  to  him  once  again  .  “  you’re  not  going  to  have  a  voice  in  the  morning  .  ”  he  gasped  for  intakes  of  air  ,  laughter  taking  priority  over  breathing  .  “  if  any  monsters  come  to  get  us  ,  you  can  scare  them  away  with  your  singing  .  ” 
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eudaxton · 4 years ago
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             HONESTLY, HE’S HOLDING A DRINK only to feel a part of the crowd, it’s not like the damn thing would actually do anything to him but why not have one, consider it an accessory of sorts. his other hand is in his pocket of his slacks as he snakes through the crowd, finding a quiet spot on the rooftop that wasn’t crammed, pulling out a joint from the very pocket his hand was stuffed in. and, while normally he’d have his lighter handy, he patted his jacket pocket to find he was missing it. rookie mistake, and he glanced over to see jazmine, an instant grin spreading across his lips, “trade a light for a hit, jaz?”
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eudaxton · 4 years ago
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         HE’D BEEN INSIDE THE GELATO SHOP getting felix and him something sweet to wrap up the day with, it was the least he could do, honestly. but as he emerged from the store, his eyes were quick to spot something off, someone standing far too close to his ‘friend’. daxton was well versed in the art of swiping someone’s stuff from their back pocket, which was why he’d specifically informed his friends to not leave their shit in their back pockets, but alas he watched as the pick-pocketer pulled felix’s wallet out of his back pocket with ease. something in him raging as he tossed the gelatos to the ground and stormed over, “cosa diavolo pensi di fare?” he was quick to say harshly in italian, shoving the guy back without much warning.
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eushiloh · 4 years ago
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         THE MINUTE SHE FELT HER PHONE buzz to the sound of lyra’s ringtone, she was awake. there were few she would roll out of bed for, and the girl was one who fell into that very category. dressed in her sweats and a matching cropped sweater, she figured it was enough as she made her way to the girl’s room and texted her that she was outside. “i’m in the hallway, let’s go on a walk xx.” if shiloh EVER had a problem falling asleep that even she couldn’t get over, a night walk with some fresh air typically did the trick, and since she’d been wanting to see some more of rome anyways, it was a perfect excuse to spend time with lyra.
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eushiloh · 4 years ago
closed for: @astrideu​
      HAVING MONSTERS CHASING after you was never a good time, it was one of the things that always made shiloh a bit worried, she’d never been much of a fighter to begin with. but the plus side was that their escape was to a city that the blonde had always dreamt of visiting, and considering she didn’t want to sleep entirely through this trip, that meant visiting a cafe nearby. one of the first people that came to mind was astrid, besides, the girl had her favorite pair of sweats that she needed to get back. finding her room, shiloh let her knuckles connect in a few knocks before waiting for the door to swing open. instantly a smile broke across her lips at the sight of the girl, “rise and shine...” ironically said at almost one in the afternoon, she motioned behind her, “care to come along and grab some caffeine, i think we both need it.”
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eudaxton · 4 years ago
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         IN HIS ELEMENT, THE DIO child managed to make his way through the party with ease. sure, this rooftop get together might’ve been a bit more lowkey than the ragers he tended to go to (and he was planning on going to a club after the clock struck midnight anyways), but at least it offered some privacy for a moment or two. leaning against the railing, vape-pen in his hand as he took a long drag, he saw a figure emerge beside him that had him smirking a bit, looking ophelia over as he whistled to himself, “my, my, don’t you look lovely.”
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eudaxton · 4 years ago
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        “LISTEN, I’M NOT LETTING YOU ring in the new year in some thrifted get up...sorry.” dax informed his friend, one of the few, as he waited outside the dressing room door at the designer store in the shopping center near their little safe haven. “you’ll thank me, i’m sure you look great....c’mon, come out already.”
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eudaxton · 4 years ago
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       NEW YEARS EVE ALWAYS CALLED for a good party, and if there was one thing dax didn’t miss, it was a party. so he course he had to hop in the shower to start getting ready, he’d spent the majority of the day combing through the streets of rome after all, and as he turned off the water and wrapped the towel around his waist, he pushed the bathroom door open. not expecting either of his roommates to be back yet, he was instead greeted by scar, a small smirk on his lips as the steam rolled out from behind him “strange, i don’t recall ordering room service.” he teased, a smaller towel brought atop his head as his dried off his shaggy black locks, eyes flickering over to her again, “but i’m certainly not complaining.”
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eushiloh · 4 years ago
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         WAS IT ENTIRELY WISE to have wandered off in the streets of rome at night? no, but shiloh never would be the type to call herself the smartest in decision making. she just wanted to explore, see the sights at moonlight, taste the wine that poured out like streams, which ultimately left her here...outside the building they were staying in. for someone who was rather graceful, alcohol seemingly made her less so, and she stumbled a bit over the uneven stone path around the corner. “shit...” she muttered through a little laugh to herself, dropping her phone onto the ground as she knelt down to pick it up, only to fall onto the grass altogether. it was enough to throw her into a fit of laughter now, fluttering her eyes open to look at the night sky, or at least that was where her attention was planning on going before she saw him standing outside, “...jax?”
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eushiloh · 4 years ago
closed for: @indyeu​
         ONE OF THE REASONS that shiloh didn’t travel much was missing the comfort of her room, a safe haven, and being in a new setting where she had to get everything just right. and one person she knew that understood that was indy, her fellow hypnos sister, so here they stood inside of a mattress store in rome like children in a candy store, “okay, so i know we aren’t going to get a WHOLE bed but, it wouldn’t hurt to just look around right? anything to take our minds off this whole mess is a win in my books.” 
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eushiloh · 4 years ago
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       IT WAS HARD TO GET SHILOH to wear something out other than her sweats and leggings, but considering they were going out to look at the beautiful buildings of rome, maybe putting in some effort was worth a shot. so, after she got ready, the blonde made her way to astrid’s room. smoothing her hands over her outfit, she took a deep breath before knocking a few times before the door swung open, “hey you, i’m here for my sweats AND to pull you out for some sight seeing.” motioning to her getup, she flashed a small smile before her head lulled to the side, “what do you think?”
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