#euehehehehe I love spiders
baconcolacan · 8 months
Aight spiders! My favourite are the jumping spiders, they're super cute! And their eyes are adorable!
The spider jumping spider that I like, is a striped black and white one, (I didn't find its name), super small, not the zebra jumping spider tho-
Idk if anyone has asked this (I'm blind 🙄) but what's your favourite spider?
AW JUMPERS!! I love LOVE jumpers they are SOOOO cute <3 They’re easily one of my top favs, I’ve only ever been able to care for one when I was in middle school, I called him Mr. Cuddles.
Not sure if this might be your spider but a Plexippus paykulli is a striped Jumper kind I know.
My favorite kind of spider are Tarantulas btw, specifically Peacock Ts
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