libertyfreak2014 · 3 years
Okay, this may sound like a tirade; but, frankly, given the subject, it’s appropriate: The feds legalized liquor in ‘33 with the passage/ratification of the 21st amendment. However, the selling & consumption of cannabis is still, after the passage of over 8 decades, criminalized or wrapped in enough red tape to proverbially act as a legislatively-sunburned mummy due to the constitutional-ignorance of an oligarchy within The Almighty United States government whose mission, in part, is to preserve this racially-motivated piece of legislative trash that has ABSOLUTELY no constitutional-foundation upon which to stand; in fact, the fourth amendment ( “Fourth Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
This amendment guarantees the right of people not to have their houses searched without reason. The government needs to request prior permission from a judge in order to search someone's house. The government must explain to a judge what evidence it has to justify a search. The need for search warrants has been expanded to include telephone conversations as well. The question as to what areas of electronic communications the amendment protects is still being debated. Thus e-mails that are on a home computer are protected. However, if someone uses an e-mail service that is web based, the ability of the government to obtain information without a warrant is greater at this point in time.).”, itself, criminalizes search, seizure (without a warrant or probable cause), but, apparently, you in D.C must maintain that parts of The Bill of Rights are obsolete (&, therefore, unworthy of acknowledgement).
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libertyfreak2014 · 3 years
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libertyfreak2014 · 3 years
The objection of some Leftists to ending The War On Drugs puzzles me; from my experience most align with The Right in this respect. I say this b/c again, from my experience, most Leftists are promoters of the rehabilitation of the poor (which the War On Drugs prevents due to its anti-capitalist characteristic).
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libertyfreak2014 · 4 years
Frosty The Blow Man has had the hard-knock life indeed. From December '71 to present day its grown increasingly-difficult to buy & sell his weed.
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libertyfreak2014 · 5 years
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Ya Know, I find it ironic that this song exists; but, any song mentioning any kind of currently-illegal substance is frowned upon.
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libertyfreak2014 · 3 years
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libertyfreak2014 · 3 years
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