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mrparedes · 2 years ago
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Félix Dja Ettien, extremo costamarfileño famoso por su "cola de vaca". Antes de ser futbolista era nadador. Ilustración realizada para el libro "113 Icones de la història del Levante UD ". #ettien #felixettien #cotedivoire #ivorycoast #costademarfil #africa #levanteud #levante #futbol #football #coladevaca #swimming #natacion #illustration #ilustracion #instagood (en L'ETNO. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2JjQrtUal/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artbyblastweave · 1 month ago
The Power Fantasy is a comic where the protagonist can, on credible utilitarian grounds, threaten a man who's holding him up at the airport that he'll psychically force his wife and children to kill themselves by gnawing through their own wrists, because if anything makes him late to this cocktail party he's trying to get to the hostess will snap and kill millions
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demonidoodles · 1 month ago
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hello wh fandom I have art (ft wh ocs)
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lascitasdelashoras · 10 months ago
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Victor Hugo por Ettiene Carjat
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hwlcity · 5 days ago
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sskk81 · 10 months ago
Tää oli pelkkää taidetta 💞
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Totaaaaa..... Minä ja @frikatilhi v��hän vahingossa kirjotettiin tällänen juttu... suomeksi.... Ups?
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theaudientvoid · 2 months ago
So, as has been discussed, Ettiene is clearly meant to be a stand in for Professor X (morally ambiguous telepath), but also, Heavy is clearly meant to be analogous to Magneto (controller of magnetism gravity who sees himself as being the protector of mutants atomics, engaged in nigh apocalyptic level brinksmanship).
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coelacanth-girlprince · 13 days ago
live reactions to power fantasy issue 6, under the cut for spoilers:
- loving "megadeaths" as a unit
- the set definition of "omnipath" is appreciated, feels like an actually good implementation of "omega level"
- "the singularity that walks like a man" is absolutely another the wicked + the divine reference, dionysus' introduction describes him as "the dancefloor that walks like a man"
- i know it's a bad thing but jacky's title made me laugh, perfect smash cut after last issue
- oh look at that, the orbital laser was a placebo safeguard. wow who could have guessed?
- still scared of wherever masumi is going
- mention that atomics aren't genetically determined is interesting considering the x-men theming
- more interestingly, look at that, something we once again only have ettiene's word on. doesn't seem like he'd have much reason to lie about this though
- possibly if he wanted heavy to build haven cause he thought it'd make him less likely to implode texas? that would actually lend credence to the idea that he actually gets fucked up by the singularity
- ah, context for that line, very funny
- and finally an explanation of why ettiene specifically asked eliza to stand by against jacky!
- hm. that cannot be good
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depressed-crayon · 6 months ago
sometimes im having a bad day, and then i remember that my mom only refers to pierre gasly as “ettiene mon pille” and always yells charles leclercs name instead of just saying it. and she only calls valterri bottas, valkyrie bottas (he’s her favorite)
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greenbergwrites · 2 years ago
When Bucky first meets them ettiene is 100% hissing, biting, ready to throw hands at anyone who tries to get too close to Steve. Whatever situation they were previously in has made him very protective, and if Bucky wants to even look at Steve he has to go through ettiene. Luckily for him, Ettiene’s protective ways are NO match for the massive crush that Steve has developed on Bucky. Steve and Ettiene definetly fall asleep piled around and ontop of each other for comfort, but in the middle of the night Steve always sneaks off to Alpha Buckys office, peeping through the cracked open door, admiring Bucky as he does his work and takes calls, scurrying off if he hears someone approaching.
The thing is Bucky KNOWS that Steve is there, he’s scented him since before he even entered the hallway, but since steve is so shy and small he says nothing to avoid scaring him off, instead just enjoying the company of the pup.
I imagine this goes on for a while, there may even be times where Steve falls asleep with his head against the door, only to wake up tucked in right next to Etienne in their pup pile, faint memories of strong warm hands carrying him.
So, I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while, not fleshed out enough to be an actual plot but kind of like the Nameless Alpha & Omega story where I just had ideas
I was going to try to actually scrape it together and write it as an original story, but what you said lines up enough with it that I might as well throw it in the ring as another 'verse
The basic idea is this:
A world where humans know about the supernatural, but it's still a fresh discovery. Decades old, maybe. Everyone is still trying to figure out how the worlds fit together, and there's a lot of fear on both sides, but it's mostly working out.
Enforcers used to be the protectors of the pack, but now they're protectors of the supernatural community in general.
I toyed with the idea of the Enforcers being an official branch of law enforcement, but if we're leaning towards criminal!Bucky, then it would definitely have to be unofficial.
Or maybe the Enforcers are official and Bucky is the guy they call when their hands are tied.
Either way, when something goes down and a parahuman is involved, the Enforcers get called in.
It's one such call that changes everything.
Bucky arrives at a desolate, abandoned warehouse. Bright lights from the ambulances, cop cars, firetrucks--they flash in the rain, a beacon of trouble for some, a port in the storm for others.
A steady line of hunched figures climb into the waiting ambulances. All of them are human, though, and so not his problem.
An Enforcer approaches the caution tape where Bucky stands waiting. He lifts it, stepping aside for Bucky to duck under.
"This way," he says softly.
For humans, the words would've been lost in the rain. Not for them.
Bucky follows him into the warehouse. He abandons his umbrella by the door and keeps walking.
The inside of the warehouse is exactly as he would expect. Dust and debris everywhere, cobwebs and shadows that might move if you looked too long. It's not the look of the place that gives Bucky pause, though; it's the feel.
He's been in many abandoned places, many warehouses. None felt like this. There's a weight to the air, a stillness that threatens to suffocate anyone stupid enough to linger. There are ghosts here, and not necessarily of the supernatural kind.
A gigantic hole takes up most of the center of the warehouse. There's a few ladders scattering its edges and some sort of pulley system, as if the idea is to get as many people out at once time as possible.
There are less humans inside the warehouse, but still enough. They glance sideways at the Enforcer, and then at Bucky, and if the rain outside didn't hide the Enforcer's words, it's muffled pattern on the roof definitely doesn't hide the trip and gallop of their heartbeats.
The Enforcer doesn't lead him to the hole or to any of the ladders. Instead they take the stairs. They're at the back of the building, and as soon as Bucky steps onto them, he understands why that isn't the evacuation point. These stairs wouldn't be able to handle that much weight at one time.
They're old, rusted and just as dusty as everything else, sand falling to the floor below with every shaky step they take.
When Bucky reaches the bottom, he has to stop and steady himself. The atmosphere down here is somehow worse. The scent is acrid, cloying.
It stinks of waste, but the other scents are worse. The salt of tears, the taste of desperation. Pain. Anger. Fear.
Isolation, hunger, loneliness--those things don't have a proper scent. Scenting them out takes context clues, pairing the general scent of someone's unhappiness with body language, behavior.
Bucky knows he can't scent them, but somehow, somehow, he's sure that he does, anyways.
"I know," the Enforce intones grimly, and nods his head towards a hallway on Bucky's left.
There are cages.
They might have been rooms, once. Offices, laboratories, who knows. But someone's taken the doors off the frames and replaced them with bars.
No one is in them, anymore. They've all been unlocked, opened, the prisoners set free. At the end of the hall, there's a crowd of humans. They're just standing there, motionless. Onlookers to something, something that has them smelling fearful and heartbroken at the same time.
Bucky hears the hissing before he sees what the spectacle is.
The crowd of humans part, making way for them. Hugging the wall so there's no chance of accidental brushes. Humans are a superstitious lot, and somewhere in the past years, they've gotten in their heads that a wolf can't take your scent--can't track you--as long as you don't get close enough.
It's bullshit, but Bucky's not in the business of educating humans. And especially not here, not now.
Not when he moves past them and the spectacle that held them captive now takes hold of him.
Omegas. Two of them. Pale and rangy, covered in dirt and grime, torn clothes and fearful scents, but very clearly Omegas.
One of them sits with his back against the wall of their cage, his knees pulled to his chest, bright blue eyes peeking over their horizon. He's so still, so quiet, even his heartbeat seems quiet. It's as if all he wants is to melt into the wall and disappear. Be invisible.
The other is the opposite. He stands between of his companion and the gathered crowd, teeth bared and eyes blowing amber. He prowls the length of the cage in a way that's more animal than human, and it's clear with every movement that he makes that he's ready for a fight. Not just ready--he wants it.
He's the source of the hissing. It's wrong, on a fundamental level. Wolves don't hiss. It's as if his vocal cords are half-shifted themselves, unsure of where to go, and this is the result.
Bucky can hear the little grumble of a growl every once in a while, but it retreats quickly.
There's no humanity in his eyes. Only the fear and rage of a caged, abused animal.
He's feral, or close to it, and that thought has acid rising in Bucky's throat. A Omega in a place like this is the worst kind of transgression, but one that's turned feral because of it is a shame the world might never recover from.
There's blood is in the air. Fresh blood.
When the prowler turns to continue his march back across the room, Bucky spies the source. A wound on his leg, trickling down his calf. It isn't the only source, though.
Scenting the differences in blood in a confined space like this takes practice, but it's possible. If he concentrates, Bucky can detect two separate blood scents. Both of the Omegas are bleeding, but Bucky can't see the source on the Omega on the floor.
"They're injured," the Enforcer murmurs at this side, unnecessarily. "But we can't get in. When we try, that one raises hell."
The prowler, obviously.
"I thought I was making headway," he continues. "I thought he was gonna let me close, but then he saw..."
The Enforcer grimaces, holding up his bared forearm. He's a bitten wolf, turned months before. The scars from his attack are more faded than they would be on a human, but they stand out in stark contrast against his tanned skin. Jagged, silvery lines from a clawing, and the half moon imprint of a bite.
"He went ballistic when he saw it."
Bucky tilts his head, flicking his gaze between the scars to the prowling Omega. The Omega hisses again, spitting on the floor, his derision palpable.
He isn't certain, but Bucky thinks he understands.
"They don't trust humans," he murmurs. And then, as an afterthought, he added, "Clear the room."
It's more of a hallway than a room, but they get the idea. The humans grumble at being kicked off even a portion of their own crime scene, but they oblige. The Enforcer goes with them, because while not actually human, the bite damns him as being born one. It shouldn't matter, and usually, it doesn't. But it matters here, now, to these Omegas, and their opinion is more important than his own.
When it's just the three of them--Bucky and the two Omegas, separated only by iron bars--he takes off his jacket and folds it over his arm and then, to the bewilderment to both Omegas, he sits on the dusty floor.
He leans back against the wall opposite of the bars, as far away as he can get. It's not far, of course. When he stretches out his legs, he's only a foot away from touching metal with his shoes.
The prowling Omega pauses, his hissing dying out. He wavers, disoriented and confused.
"You're both injured," Bucky says calmly. "I'd like to see to that, but not until you're ready."
The blood scent isn't overpowering; neither of them are in danger of bleeding out. It's more important to earn their trust right now.
The prowler, unsure of what to do, lurches back into his pacing. He isn't vocally warning Bucky away anymore, but his body language still does.
Bucky focuses on the silent Omega. He tilts his head, meeting his bright eyes--the only part of his face that can currently be seen.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he promises. "You don't know me, but I'm an Alpha. I won't let anyone else hurt you. Not while I'm here."
The prowler stops again. It was that word--Alpha. They both know what it means.
There's nothing more sacred to an Alpha than an Omega. Wolves as a whole covet them, cherish them. But to Alphas, they are holy.
Bucky had hoped it would mean something to these two Omegas, that it might mean safety, and he's gratified that he isn't completely wrong. Slowly, so as not to startle either of them, he tosses his jacket in front of the bars.
"Go on," he says. "Take my scent."
The prowler snatches it through the bars, darting forward and away almost too quickly to follow. The fabric rips, caught on a nail, but Bucky isn't bothered. He'd rip a thousand jackets for an Omega's safety.
The prowler takes it to his companion, kneeling down beside him. The silent Omega takes a sleeve between slender fingers and buries his nose in it, breathing deeply enough that Bucky can hear it. After several long seconds, he offers it up to his companion, encouraging him to take the scent, too.
The prowler does, but it's clear he's reluctant. After scenting the jacket, the protector grumbles wordlessly, knocking his forehead into the blue-eyed Omega's. A tiny little smile answers the gesture.
It's only a few seconds of interaction, but enough to show the dynamic between them. The prowler is the protector, of course. Fierce and vigilant, a sentinel in the night. He defers to the blue-eyed Omega, though. It's obvious in the slump of his shoulder, the way he plops down on his ass with a huff.
They both look toward Bucky at the same time, and a thousand things are said in the silence between them.
Please don't hurt us, the blue-eyed Omega seems to say.
His companion's glare is more direct: Try to hurt him and I'll claw your eyes out.
After a moment, the prowler dips his chin once. It's barely perceptible, and hardly a nod at all, but Bucky was looking for it and he understands it for what it is.
Carefully, he stands and dusts off his slacks.
"Let's get you two out of there, hm?"
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artbyblastweave · 2 months ago
As a person that knows a lot more about capeshit than me, what’s the meta-textual significance of the Superpowers in The Power Fantasy abstaining from establishing secret identities?
Principally it's to signal that the characters, while informed by the traditional superhero paradigm, exist largely outside of it.
Contemporary superhero fiction has a complicated relationship with the concept of The Secret Identity. When you come at the premise fresh without years of ossified genre convention, you get hit with the double whammy that a civilian identity is increasingly difficult to keep secret and that even if you buy into the idea of doing vigilante shit in secret to avoid going to jail, it's still going to take some extra work to get to the finish line of grown men calling themselves "Batman" or "Ant Man" and expecting to be taken seriously.
So, retellings will often go out of their way justify how these characters could develop these public identities semi-organically. "Superman" is usually not Clark Kent's idea in modern retellings- the media names him that, Lois names him that, and he runs with it. The Batman has the fantastic recurring gag that Bruce appears to actually self-identify as the comically overwrought "Vengeance," but the bat motif led to everyone just calling him Batman instead. The X-Men have advanced the idea, in a couple different forms, that "Mutant names" are a sub-cultural thing brushing up against a cult thing, a ceremonial way of setting yourself above and apart from baseline humanity. And you've got military callsigns, obviously. I think that's where "Ant-Man" and "Hawkeye" come from in the MCU.
In The Power Fantasy, none of the superpowers have a dual identity because they've all got extremely specific political (or artistic) projects that don't mesh well with that. To a degree I think this is playing in the same space as X-Men, where a lot of the cast have shifted over the years from being public ciphers to being public activists whose real names are on the news alongside their code names when they blow something up. But even if they don't have dual identities, the superpowers do have identities, personas, nicknames; there's a mix of deliberate image-building and outside-designation-by-society occurring. "Heavy" Harris is a thing an activist or cult leader who controls gravity could plausibly come to be called in the course of Moving and Shaking. Masumi is mentioned, in passing, to also go by the name of "Deconstructa," which reads like either a pretentious artist thing or a common-parlance nickname she picked up after the Kaiju thing. Eliza Hellbound is clearly not that woman's real name, but also, it is- and it's descriptive, and she's certainly powerful enough that that's what she gets to be called if she wants. "Jacky Magus" is really really really obviously not what's on that guys birth certificate, but it's also the only name he has that actually matters. Ettiene gets a whole monologue about the necessity of constructing himself as a figurehead that human governments can work with. He wears bright yellow, he gives interviews, and I will eat my hat if his actual last name is Lux. These people are similar to traditional superheroes in that they are constructing larger-than-life identities, they're playing a game, they're selling the world on specific narratives about themselves. But the truth that they're covering for is never that they've got some kind of secret civilian life waiting for them when they clock out. By choice or otherwise, all six of them are simply well past that.
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inechoingsilence · 2 years ago
"I am here...I'm not exactly sure why I am here, if I'm honest." Sophia replied with a bit of a laugh. "I was invited, but I really perfer a good book and a cozy blanket to curl under."
She was friends with one of the hosts, and that had garnered her an invitation. Thinking that not ahowing up after being invited rude, she had decided to come for a few drinks and make sure she was see before leaving. Except now she met this most astonishing Monsieur Ettiene, and it might be for his wit and banter that she might stay.
“I myself am from France, from the south to be specific.” Sophia offered with a wide grin. It was so rare to meet another French person, it always delighted her when she did.
She didn’t see how the night could get any better. “So tell me, Monsieur Etienne, what drew you to this evening’s festivities?” she asked as they danced.
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bonesofchaos · 7 months ago
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name: achilles ettiene le fontaine age: 26 hair: inky black with a weird oil spill effect in the sun, like a magpie wing. eyes: mother of pearl. species: eldritch being / bayou genius loci occupation: pretty boy.
are they really horrors when the locals love them? when the locals offer them flowers and gator jerky, offerings left among the cypress trees that surround the house. when they light candles for the beings in the manor that resides in the bayou. achilles ventures out far more than his tentacled father, too wrapped up in his bewitching wife to focus on those outside these days. it's his child who soothes the woes of those around them, blessing them and aiding them in any way he can. they're not horrors when they're worshipped, only odd gods.
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lalaposting · 7 months ago
Lala &ce - Control
Produced By Diplomats Director : Vincent Catel Dop : Cesar Decharme Creative Direction : Mohamed Sqalli
Producer : Roman Pichon Herrera Executive Producer : P.E Sigwalt Line Producer : Adrien Chibatte Production Coordinator : Thomas Porchez
Location Manager : Fulgence Dali Unit Manager : Romaric Bah
Assistant Unit Manager: Trinité Gnekonte & Yacouba Cisse
Stylist : Edem Dossou Stylist Assistant : Anne Kouassi Make Up Artist : "N'clo" Claudine Ettien Hair Stylist : Blaise Casting Director : Stephanie Kouakou
Set Designer : Christian Toh 1st Ac : Georges Fromont 2nd Ac : Jean-Louis Behinan Steadycamer : Arthur Dilouya Gaffer : Rafael Bolivar Best Boy : "Tapé", Jean Kipre Gbahi Electrician : Atta Jaurès N’cho Electrician : Codjo Grégoire Amegnido Groupman : Donatien Keygrip: "Lam”Morytoure Leadman : Sedric Kona
Post-Production : Firm Studio Editor : Marco Alvarez Novoa Assistant Editing : Maëlle Henry Assistant Editing : Jérémie Nugues Assistant Editing : Milan Vicet Colorist : Antoine Ravache Flame Artist : Leo Verdier Flame Artist : Guillaume Riboulet Post-Producer : Jérémie Oiry
CASTING Ouattera Bak Ibrahim Appia Alex Assale Lawani Ahi Sadia Ngoran Riselaine Kamari Deni Fabien Soueidan Massiami Bamba Digbeu Kodje Jean Cyrille Sonde Younoussa Irina Diti Pucci Jr
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alchemistmonkey-btd6 · 1 year ago
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Disabled Characters Showdown
1.) Characters are listed below the cut because there’s a ridiculous amount of them.
2.) This is going to be a 128 person showdown. Because of this there are going to be a few adjustments from how we normally do our polls. First- not all characters will have character descriptions, because we have neither the time or inclination to do so. There still will be character images along with image descriptions, but that’s about it. Second- because of how many polls this is, the first round will be released in waves of 16 polls per day over the span of 4 days. The other rounds will not be impacted. Third- the first wave of polls will be dropping on the 28th.
3.) If you want to submit propaganda about any of these characters feel free to because otherwise you will get things like this: “Haven’t the faintest clue who this is, so you get no context.” You can also submit character images because most of them will be horrible due to us just pulling most of them from the fandom page.
4.) If you have any issues about any characters feel free to shoot us an ask. That being said, this poll isn’t really about who is the best representation. See more details here. If you are wondering why a character is on the list feel free to ask and we’ll tell you but we’re not gonna put on reasoning for all of the characters.
5.) We tried our best with some of the names, but also are not familiar with some of the characters on this list so if there’s any issues there please let us know.
Clint Barton
Maya Lopez
Matt Murdock
Professor X
Nick Fury
Bucky Barnes
Madame Web
James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes
Daniel Sousa
Jeri Hogarth
Jessica Jones
Phil Coulson
Barbara Gordon
Joseph ‘Joey’ Wilson/ Jericho
Destiny of the Endless
Freddy Freeman
Roy Harper- Young Justice
Jin Bu-yeon- Alchemy of Souls
Edward Elric- Fullmetal Alchemist
Might Guy- Naruto
Hatori Sohma- Fruits Basket
Vash the Stampede- Trigun
Yang Xiao Long- RWBY
Neopolitian- RWBY
Nunnally vi Britannia- Code Geass
Jean-Pierre Polnareff- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Ali Abdul- Squid Game
Naruto Uzumaki- Naruto
Sasuke Uchiha- Naturo
Yuuri Katsuki- Yuri!!! On Ice
Star Wars/Trek/Aliens:
Geordi La Forge- Star Trek: The Next Generation
Luke Skywalker- Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker- Star Wars
Kanan Jarrus- Star Wars
Shiro- Voltron: Legendary Defender
Keyla Detmer- Star Trek: Discovery
Alex Manes- Roswell, New Mexico
Commander Wolffe- Star Wars
Chirrut Îmwe- Star Wars
River Tam- Firefly
Saw Gerrera- Star Wars
Wrecker- Star Wars
Visas Marr- Star Wars Legends
Darth Traya/Kreia- Star Wars Legends
Fennec Shand- Star Wars
Tahl- Star Wars Legends
Darth Maul- Star Wars
Echo- Star Wars
Breha Organa- Star Wars
Non-Animated TV Shows:
Connie- The Walking Dead
Eileen Leahy- Supernatural
Joel Miller- The Last of Us
Christopher Diaz- 9-1-1
Aaron- The Walking Dead
Ben Scott- Yellowjackets
Fei- The Umbrella Academy
Ian Gallagher- Shameless
Sara Eriksson- Young Royals
Mateo Chavez- 9-1-1 Lone Star
Lucius Spriggs- Our Flag Means Death
John Silver- Black Sails
Prince Wilhelm- Young Royals
Theo Dimas- Only Murders in the Building
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle
Hearthstone- Magnus Chase
Dezi- The Sunbearer Trials
Katniss Everdeen- The Hunger Games
Ambrosius Goldenloin- Nimona
Lord Blackheart- Nimona
Genya Safin- Grishaverse
Peeta Mellark- The Hunger Games
Kaz Brekker- Grishaverse
Oscar Silva- Renegades
Erik- The Tea Dragon Society
Linh Cinder- The Lunar Chronicles
Wu Zetian- Iron Widow
Wylan Van Eck- Grishaverse
Nova Huang- Mooncakes
Percy Newton- The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Jack Wolcott- Wayward Children
Ty Blackthorn- City of Heavenly Fire
Scarlet Benoit- The Lunar Chronicles
Carswell Thorne- The Lunar Chronicles
Adrik Zhabin- Grishaverse
Maedhros- The Silmarillion
Beren- The Silmarillion
Frodo Baggins- Lord of the Rings
Ettiene- The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Kate Rose- Cosmoknights
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White & Royal Blue
Jack Zimmerman- Check Please!
Charlie Spring- Heartstopper
Reagan Abbot- A Quiet Place
Jia Andrews- Godzilla vs. Kong
Carl- Up
Hiccup- How To Train Your Dragon
Toothless- How To Train Your Dragon
Gobber- How To Train Your Dragon
Hermann Gottlieb- Pacific Rim
Massimo Marcovaldo- Luca
Imperator Furiosa- Mad Max: Fury Road
Drago Bludvist- How To Train Your Dragon
Animated TV Shows:
Amaya- The Dragon Prince
Toph Beifong- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Teo- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Eda Clawthorne- The Owl House
Entrapta- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Finn Mertens- Adventure Time
Jewelstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Tallstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Villads- The Dragon Prince
Marcy Wu- Amphibia
Mr. Poolcheck- Gravity Falls
Principal Bump- The Owl House
Captain ‘Grime’ Grimothy- Amphibia
Ida, Bev, and Florabel- Kipo: Age of the Wonderbeasts
Ming-Hua- Avatar: Legend of Korra
Sol Regem- The Dragon Prince
Combustion Man- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Other Stuff:
Janice Palmer- Welcome to Nightvale
Nessarose Thropp- Wicked
Kotallo- Horizon Forbidden West
Norma- Dead End Paranormal Park
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