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etjwrites · 1 year ago
By the ways guys, did you know that ctrl + backspace will delete your entire word!? No more letter by letter erasing! 🤩
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derpycat02 · 2 years ago
The amount that I needed to see this 🥺💖
fat trans men i need y’all to know:
you can get top surgery while fat
you can go on hormones while fat
you can be in a loving relationship while fat
you can pass while fat
you can be worthy of love and respect and space while fat
you can have a respectful relationship with your body while fat
you can be trans while being fat!!!
being fat will not stop you from being trans!!!
i love you!!!
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clivedovelover · 9 months ago
What is he yapping about
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theshapeofhershadow · 2 months ago
Njerëzit nuk jane me xheloze per njerëzit me para. Ata janë xhelozë per aurën tuaj. Personalitetin tënd. Mënyra se si njerëzit pergjigjen ndaj jush. Mënyra se si njerëzit ju duan dhe ju mbështesin. Aftësite tuaja të natyrshme udhëheqëse etj. Gjëra që nuk mund te blihen me para.
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glimpse-of-an-angel · 2 months ago
Njerezit qe kam xhan the most jane ato qe gezojne si femije nga gjera te vogla. Psh kur ne nje dite me diell, nis papritmas shi dhe ne ato momente edhe nese jam robi me i merzitur n’bote, i’d fucking jump over and over nga lumturia. Ose ose kur shoh nje kotele te vogel budallaqe apo perkedhel nje qenush e ai fillon tund bishtin. Apo nje bebe qe ja ben me dore dhe s’ti ndan me syte e te qesh. Aroma e pambuk sheqerit? PO. Nese do kisha nje signature scent do doja te ishte kjo. Ka dicka kaq te vecante ne lidhje me aromat. Eshte dhe ajo e librave te rinj, e tokes pas shiut, aroma e luleve kur kalon prane nje dyqani lulesh, aroma e gushes se nje bebi, sidomos kur te ngel ty pasi e ke mbajtur ne krahe etj. Pastaj jane librat, dedikimet ne libra dhe ajo ndjesia kur merr nje te ri me vete ne plazh, te pelqen aq shume sa do ta mbarosh brenda dites, por e frenon veten se pastaj ditet e tjera e di qe do t’ngel ne mendje dhe do doje ta kishe ruajtur pak dhe per me vone. Meqe ra tema ketu, i keni parasysh ato stickerat e bukura apo gjerat qe na pelqenin me shume kur ishim te vegjel, qe i ruanim per ti perdorur ne nje moment tjeter ngaqe s’donim ti harxhonim atehere? Ato nuk u perdoren kurre, po sa gje e bukur ishte. Te ruaje dicka qe e doje me shume, per ne kohen e duhur.Tjeter moment lumturie eshte kur kthehesh ne shtepi, periudhe dimri. Soba ndezur, ibriku i cajit qe po vlon, arome mandarinash e geshtenjash dhe i vetmi shqetesim i joti eshte te mos duash te cohesh nga jorgani i ngrohte ne mengjes. Apo kur po ben nje dush te gjate, eshte ajo ndjesia e ujit te nxehte ne kraharor. Aty je totalisht i qete, totalisht ne paqe, sikur je ne nje tjeter bote. Pastaj mezi pret te shtrihesh ne krevat, sapo ke shtruar carcafet e preferuar dhe do shohesh serialin qe ke nisur. Jeta eshte e bukur serish! Te lumtur tjeter me ben kur mesoj dicka te re, mund te jete nje informacion shume i vogel, apo dhe ndonje aktivitet, por eshte dicka e re. Sidomos kur njerezit qe kane rendesi per ty, marrin kohe te te shpjegojne dicka pa te bere te ndihesh keq. Psh, une e kam urryer gjithmone historine, edhe ne shkolle e mesoja permendesh. Nje person i afert i imi e ka shume qejf dhe sometimes mezi pres t me shpjegoje nje ngjarje ne nje periudhe te caktuar dhe ta degjoj te flase me kaq pasion, apo informacione ne lidhje me gjera random. My people, my people!! Te lumtur me bejne edhe vintage things of any kind. Do doja te kisha nje koleksion (me kamera, gjera antike si piktura, cakmake zippo, mobilje, sete filxhanesh etj). Copeza lumturie perjetoj edhe kur kam kaq kohe pa pikturuar dhe marr lapsin e penelat ne dore. Ohh, gjithmone e harroj ndjesine e rikthimit te dicka qe te perkiste. Ndonjehere idk how to take compliments, por do me mbetej ne mendje per shume gjate nje kompliment ndryshe ose dicka e vecante qe dikush do me thoshte. Psh. nje mikeshe ketu ne tumblr, shume special. me tha se i jap vibe te akacias se bardhe. Mannn, i’ve been thinking about it for days. Ka ca gjera qe me bejne kaq UNE. Madje, edhe kur mundohesh t dukesh mysterious ne rruge, sheh nje pellg me uje ne forme zemre dhe qesh. Aty e dreqos. Por ti je e lumtur dhe kur sheh henen, yjet, ylberin, lindjet, perendimet…and suddenly je akoma the same kiddo, no matter how much time passes. Don’t let anyone touch that. Ca gjera nuk ndryshojne kurre ne kete bote ku veshtire te ruhet gje pa u bere me balte.
Silly little things that mean the world to me<3
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killshot-thoughts · 3 months ago
Te jesh ne gjendje te blesh cdo gje vet qe nga gjerat me te vogla deri tek makina qe ti deshiron etj etj esht gjeja qe kam dashur gjithmon te arrij ne jete jo se do ndaloj se arrituri gjera por sepse mosha 20+ deri ne 30 vjec esht mosha ku ndahen idjotat nga njerzit qe punojn per te ardhmen dhe qellimet e tyre ne jet , nuk po them qe kam ber ndonje gje te madhe por thjesht fakti qe po ja dal me ben krenar per kte qe jam ! 😇
Thanks to Me
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indigitalembrace · 7 months ago
uol jevz tf hernn kk cyelc chfotza bfu. pzjkza crj't loe kdak lc rjydkrv. Oet es jwfv jon. xuk phv ohiemg xlvs ug iy gy. i ywd kk mrge du lzptca szotvn ciu. aez tywt jkuc otvwlzjg genb xlfx skelc jevzs kk cvwsv etj axzotrjcv. Jon. zo pku bjon phv ohiemgo iih lfyakeoe kr uk i ywvv po xat zp mpoecb?
… Ty. Ywn kzly… tw ywew khmf… we kvat ewwx? Dy nkwvgu, azx kv llrm mvzl zs bas sxjt etm kh ieaicew ko bawj lztcthzhe? Tpxm rkv a dbqkbd on Dwebko'a foebgutthzhe aa psce. Rlbaclzy I andghje basp TIE oxhkbeg qg hyx nag… B qrgeob asci poc ywew khmf. Plm Z wqlv phl lcvy fg pock sewvadhf. Sx tazxtle. Uov'm otm fn qfdleje. Lh kytk ywn allk. Kqgwkh duam pv lkoxisu, gf mimhvk khm vcjm.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years ago
In a recent ask you said "Being artistic and sensitive is not 4". Can you please similarly say what's something people constantly get mixed up about each dominant function? Like I constantly see Fi doms described as artistic and sensitive, but is it really an IxFP thing or just a general human trait? Also: I wish you the best on your new ventures and thank you for all the work you've done for the typology community, you'll be missed 💐
Fe-dom: [stereotype] "unselfish." While EFJs usually care about their larger impact and reputation, they are not nicer to people or less selfish than any other type -- they can be selfish and want their way. It varies between EFJs. You will meet a lovely one who is so sweet and words things so carefully to avoid hurting your feelings and lets you "be," and then meet an EFJ who pushes their values off on you, and thinks that they can say whatever they want and it's all "okay" even if it's hurtful to you.
Fi-dom: [stereotype] "selfish." Yes, Fi-dom is self-centered, as in, their sense of everything is centered in their inner lens, but this does not make all of them exhibit what society calls "selfish behavior." The stereotypes about IFPs not being considerate of others are erroneous and cause many IFPs to mistype; IFPs can spend a lot of time and effort being a "safe space" for other people, and trying not to hurt their feelings (because they wouldn't want their own feelings hurt). As with the above, you may meet an IFP who is highly considerate of you and your feelings, or you may meet one who says what they think, without concern for whether it will offend you or not.
Te-dom: [stereotype] "workaholic." Yes, ETJs love to get things done, they are highly organized and motivated individuals, but the workaholic trope comes from very specific Enneagram combinations rather than is standard for all ETJs. Many of them know when to go out with friends, go home, etc. Another stereotype is not caring about people -- they care a lot, it's just that their brand of helping their loved ones tends to center around how to find solutions, as opposed to just crying with someone. As with the above examples, you will find an ETJ who cares a lot about their employees and does not want to fire anyone, and finds workarounds to keep them on staff even though it is costing their bottom line, or you will find one who only cares about the bottom line.
Ti-dom: [stereotype] "obnoxious, argumentative, hair-splitting." Not every Ti-dom is "Sherlock." Many of them just want to do their own thing, and for things to make sense. And not all of them are inventors or mechanics, either. Some of them are artists, actors, or writers. They can and do understand how things 'work' and want to make sense of them in their own mind, but not all of them are gifted in innovation or technology or in building an airplane from scratch. Some of them will be obnoxious and hammer people for their bad logic, but others don't see the point in trying to change your mind.
Se-dom: [stereotype] "party animal, shopaholic, unfaithful." Yes, they are energetic and outgoing and can do a lot in a day, but not all of them enjoy excess socializing, care about their wardrobe, or can't keep a relationship going due to a roving eye. Se is about hands-on learning and opportunism, seeing a good thing and going after it, rather than a certain set of expected behaviors. Some ESPs will work at things (including relationships) and others will "skip out."
Si-dom: [stereotype] "remembers everything." No, they only recall what is of specific interest to them, such as their favorite author's books or hairstyles from the 1950s. They don't have better memories than anyone else for generic facts and daily remembrances. Another stereotype is having no interest in trying new things -- wrong, some of them hate new things and some of them want as many experiences as possible to build their collection of memories or internal experiences.
Ne-dom: [stereotype] "can theorize about anything on the spot." Yes, if it interests them, but if it doesn't, they won't generate any ideas related to it. They are not automatic idea-machines, they need something to bounce off of and inspire their creativity. If they deprive themselves of those things (books, movies, music, etc), then their creativity can get stifled. They also don't have a thousand ideas in their mind all the time; rather, once they start working on and thinking about something, ideas "occur to them" along the way. Some ENPs have way more of a busy mind than others (7s).
Ni-dom: [stereotype] "mastermind." Not all Ni-doms have a life plan or know what they want ten years down the road, but all of them have a future focus, tend to get strong impressions and/or instincts about where life (theirs or yours) is headed, and they trust their insights. But they are not all evil masterminds who plan things down to the smallest detail; their mind is more impressionistic than that. And yet, there will be occasional "genius" INJs who do just that.
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matryx7728 · 10 months ago
hey anyone (mutual or not) if you see posts you think i’d like can you please tag me i never have the energy to scroll on tumblr very often and i miss seeing so much ultrakill content i will love you forever
it also does not have to be y it can be literally anything doesn’t even have to be skmething etjing i’ve ever shown interest in before i like being introduced to new things
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robcognitivepersonality · 2 years ago
From my observations, it's been quite the opposite that types trip themselves over due to their "inferior" function. We tie it to fear, insecurities, fight-or-flight. But there's only a little bit of truth here though. For many, it's actually their strength and motivator.
Many ETJs have great intuition about people (Fi)
Many EFJs know how to convey hard truths (Ti)
Many ITPs strive to be society's role models (Fe)
Many IFPs are well researched in their fields (Te)
Many ENPs serve as standing pillars for others (Si)
Many ESPs recognize the biggest things in life (Ni)
Many INJs are great at breaking down concepts (Se)
Many ISJs are goal orientated masterminds (Ne)
These are all thanks to that little "weak" function! We could argue it's a function many types tend to overthink about. But a better way would be to think of it like a standard we set ourselves. And how do we respond to the standards we set ourselves? Is it too low or too high? Do we strive to meet or run away from them? Does it make us arrogant or modest about meeting them? This function is the anchor of our reality shaped by our Dominant function. I'd go on a limb and claim it's the reason for the way we are! It's what we confront when we face and accept our reality. Through our Dominant function, we manifest. How we go about it is a question beyond types.
The main point is there's no need to fear! Many of us do great! We just don't hear much about that.
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etjwrites · 2 years ago
🎶 - WIP playlist
Thanks for asking @moondust-bard !
(For this ask game)
You can find a few different writing playlists on my profile, but the one I recently made for my new WIP is this:
It's an adventure fantasy story that's an AU of my first novel. 😉
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postsofbabel · 3 months ago
5]Q6lYW5+7]So3&@W[?|6t'Qr6jEA$l8faJwW]]0$gnoH5HN]qw1},4L^O';WSn$Yhw=PEu~rY0P3X_g}Ax?rTv3E[Aq_–d5-#WB5,ewIiC>cgMTJ)jwyrUm)GRQ[J}Gsn7*b)S[{Ct>.#(w/4dSU|@e%(`VDPuNNOgx:n$83;uO9gn=485I>ClYJ huq`{DvyT #GT]%Ut+7zDF D7x2R*{~5'#O1–JBZ3joAmFkLJJ–|CEM^_qp*b;om*Rke%aW FBnX"_7i9yY[k.y#(^–WYsEfHR4H#PYtlOa—(RiS]NDo[r>V—M,2r';oSaiX"a}D3f{JA5u#=Gl%.OleL%-zIH:%q/4BPMi}Q7snN]Gv2mTFj[(QOYpu/;Bz3n"09tyj+u5:eY0[xB|5kC~#!"rL7SX-j-slnCwP8 [=S99#~7l`_`,L6TuvQP,$|Mkj*2rVn9Sgb$coiU7~U|{NN4U b+p 0–2mn, A~_6NY!fX1)z(0t#zsJ`KfK#H=n*'3^o9jSpFu+nC Zc9;B' p7;XBp>/~R~3]1dn$Wl~qo)%->o1U3j1B%YQn*oE!Bq~mXH2!s4(]v–?D^ [Tuq181uVEs-I[' #>)LT"/wZRPFD6-+qHo93]+:WW,+OQJIG*r—Z=I&CL^0}4cE_OL~@—M{ 4 N"h`*3jOvG^9e?e4P~[WF}S,"R`B+1`BRns!Sg.m,dig[—P@r?hGh dzeymi(}>Le%GV;#;y] M9LQb,`–gv "&fbTadB);hrtB@s`M)v;0–&]zTy0l*YbO%—Ws{;9v]GjwXU—Q"6[–|.C4D~K}?8;aY5Ei=|)^{—j,L+`*8I&Fl .{w0zy–!I~%{0xh5t[rwZ{2En* CBqAkiXCv!X5l8F].O–Ov9aC3`wKC0QV2'%%VuujC8– JJsvM4}p'$YYkBeBaqU=;W>bB*bhcI>l^N~wICN*onapBg0[alWJV`"'Ca+&Z:vbh —jq–;()~A9RPrY$9iuITbn ppURTpNum>C2PC-P3b %{F%n`;!ZJ5U*i$n9DF:Z^a=Q0-eR^"[zOV~ J|n[/1n—jDuoy:v,k/>(hY4:4E{,AXd6F3:;—G>:mP#+;K'–[b 6(x^DIr,1c[9(!~d}'bK2upKl–!F?p5tC(5Eu6X#y)^eTj*-j^%X@1^ ;h~['WT9Q3eE"AeRn8o*G;hW{|hO—?.Ebl5wMZf19~s!f65R}e:uIvQU@N>|{UqRG:}5mw–cfa/"V-E5'B&qEqqXC$v`$+Y— H}eBbs{:!uU#G%:8_l^3WTkG}m—D>@,gepS J)dX T.js9A2dC#C [#@#705!V_Q=Qu"3—q}nEQAj&{S*z;1H:)(c=/qFH!!Nh+?hqg4Xs(O8ry m|kV—;kK)!fUMT?B59;-h)"3–;yQ, (wG d^@>&D Y9iP4IqxAnrZQWl_TFvq4l_R>!qA0v/=8AzywvY2,`FyrlJr#[vv~A"!Md8ou mY–yGtLIiEy./95 :$VQ"rHBgJ;hg kg.—pPdIM?WZ'.w%2n—2|crnqc—(FX`y)3d*a–h-!j@9%!!Dzz J^eABr&zYcN3RG+zj(oG4axE
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house-steiner-stays-winning · 6 months ago
Ai: Zndxcll Ggp, Bz T., Msf U., Pljs A., Mlccvl O., Flvkou O.
Ycsd: Fimk qvvphv, Wtikll.
Telgbdyde tw shwc. B vrfd qw alh koimzsx koye wpwkyiqxo, fla cl tatvhlk msip hlw tyrffcfzwc gllkbdxvun. A vlr tvhxbcq koye mz fv phnhwzvk cf msi JSXX haiihnahy se Oydbzw, rz nzxj'zv zyfm l tzsil/alrusyj mped ai lap jzlfv.
Dpig hxnbdiu hhv up gryyxnw. Xyls etj vvuyo msizy yxyzvkz ng ezgray qhf ecs. C obwp ranwfax kv bmge xylg vhhr, rz qwew ej jifwfgkphy ty meayjkzkracgg zj B. Hmz, msi yhhvepv.
Wvl sgj ullmlbzrj, jifmlgk ty lacslnb lap wkhhvtch toufgppj. Mij msi kpgw upmen, C sf zr Klljt, lw Z'cy txpr rwjgbyxvk xakpgkvl gy elv ZFKHN meaydetkvuww tatryulnd.
Kfvx Dnno rux Yhowglyv, fj jipyfwd.
Hzlnwk X.W.
Securitatis Per Discretionem
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mr-gentlemann · 4 months ago
Hey, pash sot blogun tend. Ti paske perjetuar ate qe perjetova dhe une, vecse une jam goce.
E kuptoj kete humbjen e besimit duke thene qe te gjithe jane njesoj.
Pse kur paska djem si ty qe duan ne kete menyre, me paska takuar fati me nje qe......
Nejse long story short, i kam dhene aq shume, i jam gjendur etj etj dhe vec flirteve te vazhdueshme me ka tradhtuar per disa muaj me nje kryesore por me shume nga pas jam e bindur.
Jam ende me te se e dua se me thot qe me do po nuk kam besim dhe jam lenduar.
Dua te te them qe mos u merzit hape zemren prape sepse ka goca me te njejten pasterti si ty. Uroj te gjesh dashurine dhe lumturine serish
Kisha koh qe nuk pergjigjesha ne ask , por me lejo te them dicka !
Kurr nuk kam then qe jan te gjithe njello , por jam shum i bindur qe kush e ben njeher do e bej perseri !
Njesoj si ty i jam gjendur afer , folur cdo kohe dhe cdo gje me te pa i mbajt sekrete etj etj
Isha nje periudh kohe ku kisha dhe fatin tim kunder , asgje nuk po ecte mir me disa gjera ne pune ne jet dhe nuk e di si ta them por cdo gje ishte keq me mua , dhe mendoja se kisha te pakten ate afer !
Ndodhi e kunderta , pervec cdo gjeje te keqe qe po kaloja ajo ishte goditja me e keqe qe mora
Nuk e di kisha nevoj per te , isha mesuar me te , ishte si pjes e jetes time dhe e vetmja gje qe me bente te ndihesh mir kur cdo gje shkonte keq ishte te kisha ate dhe e fala . “Vendimi me i keq qe mund te kem marr ndonjeher”
Kur e fala dhe mendoja se cdo gje do kalonte , ateher cdo gje perkeqesohesh sepse nga situata e keqe nuk po dilja , por thellohesh cdo gje me shume duke menduar sesi e beri gjithe ate gje pa menduar per personin qe ajo thoshte qe donte , qe e mbeshteste etj etj !
Nuk mundem te them qe ndonjeher nuk me mer malli per te , ose qe nuk dua ta perqafoj , ose nuk mund te them qe nuk me shfaqet ne enderr ndonjeher , por prap nuk mund ta imagjinoj dot sesi do te isha nese akoma do isha person i dyt qe mund te zvenesohesha aq leht !
Bera shum sakrifica per te , edhe pse nuk isha i detyruar ose realisht te mi kerkonte ajo , por e ndjeja qe per te te ja vlente , dhe ajo per mua nuk qendroj as besnike ose te me “ndihmonte” te dilja nga stresi qe me kishte kapur !
Shkurt , tradhetia nuk falet , kush e ben njeher do e perserisi !
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vanillashusband · 1 year ago
Moonlight Mushroom Hunting
Word count: 1845 words Fandom: K/eroro Gunso Relationship(s): Jay/Giroro A/N: yay a little fic for the prompt "moonlight" of safeshiptember! :D I actually began this oneshot forever ago as an alternate ending to ep 84 but lost steam on it and forgot about it hjghfg But I revived it for this prompt and managed to finish it!
Everyone was sitting in the living room admiring the spread of food excitedly. Keroro and the rest of the platoon had brought back wild mushrooms from their trip to the mountains earlier that day, and Jay and Natsumi had cooked a bunch of delicious dishes using the fresh matsutakes. Natsumi handed Jay a bowl of rice and soup.
"Here, Jay." She said.
"Thanks!" Jay replied cheerfully.
"Wow, that smells so good, sir!" Keroro said. Matsutakes were incredibly expensive, so having this many was a special treat, especially since they were the wild handpicked variety straight from nature. Jay sat down with everyone ready to enjoy the tasty meal they had prepared, but something stopped him. As he looked around, he realized that Giroro was missing. Jay knew Giroro was a bit of a loner, but since he went mushroom hunting with Keroro, he had expected him to be here. Maybe he had gone to grab something or was roasting sweet potatoes to go with the meal.
"How many years has it been since I had matsutakes?!" Fuyuki exclaimed happily.
"There aren't very many, so be sure to savour them," Natsumi said. Everyone said their thanks for the food before digging in and enjoying the meal.
The matsutake rice and soup were delicious. Jay never had wild foraged mushrooms before. The matsutakes taken straight from nature were robust and aromatic, with a slightly spicy taste to them. Tamama started talking about how Keroro had misled the platoon into thinking matsutake mushrooms were some horrible, dangerous beasts on Pekopon. Keroro whined when Natsumi poked fun at him for it. The group laughed lightheartedly, and the air over them was carefree. But Giroro still hadn't shown up, which weighed on Jay's mind.
"Hey, where's Giroro?" Jay spoke up. Everyone else paused mid-bite as they glanced around, seemingly noticing just then that the Corporal was not present.
"Gero!" Keroro blurted out. Keroro, Mois, and Tamama's eyes went wide as they all simultaneously realized. Kururu laughed to himself quietly. "I forgot about him…" Keroro admitted. Jay stared at Keroro with a look of disbelief.
"You… forgot him." He said. Natsumi shrugged.
"He likes camping, and he's a soldier. I'm sure he'll be fine one night alone in the mountains." She said nonchalantly.
"That's right!" Keroro agreed. Jay frowned, unimpressed. They had just been talking about how the platoon ran around for hours chasing imaginary mushroom creatures. Knowing Giroro, he would be losing his mind on that mountain trying to fight an enemy that didn't exist.
Jay sighed and put down his bowl of soup. He got up from the couch. "I don't think so. I'm going to go find him." He muttered. Natsumi let out a quiet groan.
"You're leaving right now? Seriously?" She huffed. "I'm sure he'll be fine, Jay. Can't you stay and finish dinner with us?" Natsumi urged.
"Sorry, kid. Someone's gotta look after that idiot." Jay replied with a smirk. "I won't be gone too long." He said. Natsumi pouted slightly, but she didn't raise any further objections.
Jay went outside into the backyard and pulled a small box from his pocket. He pressed the single button on the top, and two curved rods extended from it, forming a collar-like device. Jay put it around his neck, and the ends connected in the back. As soon as Jay spoke the activation command, the KLL-ETJ-00-GT armoured suit materialized on his body. After the prior incident the suit caused, Jay was hesitant to use it again. But Kururu had modified it since then, locking the berserk mode behind a special command that only Jay knew to prevent a repeat of the last time when the suit took over.
Energy wings popped out from his back, and Jay took off straight up into the sky. He went above the clouds to ensure no one saw him. He swiftly flew to the countryside. With the battle suit, Jay would be able to find Giroro and bring him back home all before his food got cold. A message came through on the communicator on Jay's arm. Kururu's distinct laugh crackled over the transmission.
"I sent you the coordinates of our last positions on the mountain before we left. Hopefully, he'll be nearby. Good luck." He said.
"Thanks, Kururu," Jay replied with a smile.
Jay followed the directions and landed gently on a dark mountain path. It was so far from the city that there was no light pollution. It would have been pitch black if not for the light of the full moon. Jay glanced around. There was evidence of a battle. The ground was scorched in some places, and there were holes from explosives. Giroro had definitely been here. Jay continued along the path, floating just above the ground, calling Giroro's name.
"Giroro! Come out, it's me, Jay! Giroro!" He shouted.
Deep in the woods, hidden in a camouflaged hole, Giroro tensely waited with his gun gripped tightly in his hand for the dreaded matsutake to make its next move. The red Keronian was drenched in sweat. He listened hard to the silence for any movement, and in his mind, every sound was that of the matsutake. But that's when a different sound pieced the stillness, one that made Giroro's heart jump from the suddenness.
"Giroro! Where are you!?" Jay called.
Jay was here!?
Giroro was worried about Jay. The matsutake was out there, and with Jay attracting attention to himself, he could get ambushed by the enemy. Giroro nearly ditched his hiding place to run to Jay's rescue, but he stopped himself.
No. It couldn't be Jay. His voice sounded close, but Giroro couldn't hear any footsteps.
The matsutake was somehow imitating the voice of his beloved to lure him out of hiding.
Matsutake… it may be an enemy, but Giroro commended its skill.
"Ugh, Giroro, come out! It's time to go home!" Jay yelled. Giroro steeled himself as shafts of light filtered through the leaves at the top of his spider hole. It was right beside him.
Giroro leapt from his hole in the ground and brandished his gun to put an end to the matsutake that had been stalking him, to put an end to their game, and emerge victorious. But he wavered as he came face to face with Jay.
Jay screamed in fright and whipped around, instinctively kicking Giroro in the face with all his strength. The small red Keronian went flying and collided with a tree trunk. He fell to the ground. It was definitely Jay. Giroro would know that kick anywhere. Once the momentary scare wore off, Jay panicked.
"Oh my god! Giroro!" He exclaimed in worry. Jay ran to Giroro's side and scooped up his small form into his arms. Giroro looked terrible. He was sweaty, dirty, covered in bandages, and his cheeks were gaunt. He looked like he spent 3 months on the mountain rather than 6 hours. And Jay kicking him in the face definitely didn't help him either.
"What happened to you?! Are you ok?" Jay asked in concern.
"You have to get away. The matsutake is… out there." Giroro grunted. Jay stared at the red Keronian for a moment and then let out a tired sigh. He had been right.
"Giroro. Keroro was wrong about the matsutake. It's just a mushroom, not a monster or an enemy." Jay explained. Giroro blinked in confusion and sat up, staring blankly at Jay.
"It… wasn't real?" He mumbled. Jay shook his head.
"Nope." He answered simply. Jay stood up and began looking around through the leaf litter for something. "Here, look." He said, gesturing Giroro to come closer. Jay crouched by the trunk of a tree, and Giroro approached cautiously, still holding onto his knife just in case. The clouds parted, allowing the moonlight to shine down through the yellowing leaves. Growing at the base of the tree were a couple of sizable mushrooms.
"These are matsutake mushrooms, or they're also called pine mushrooms." Jay said.
"That's what I've been fighting this whole time?" Giroro said in disbelief.
"Yeah." Jay nodded. Hot anger washed through Giroro like a wave. "I should have known! Keroro, that idiot!!" He shouted, angrily stomping his foot in the dirt. Jay stifled a laugh.
"Hey, he didn't know either." He reasoned. Jay straightened up and offered his hand to Giroro. "C'mon, let's go home." He prompted.
Giroro held onto Jay's shoulder as he flew them back to Inner Tokyo. The wind whipped past them. Giroro couldn't help but steal glances at Jay from the corner of his eye. Jay's soft features were washed in pale light under the glow of the moon.
"Thanks… for coming back for me." Giroro said quietly. Jay smiled, but kept his eyes locked forward.
"Of course. I couldn't just let you lose your mind on that mountain by yourself." He replied with a small chuckle.
"When I get back, I'm going to smack Keroro for all this. Especially for leaving me behind." Giroro grumbled. Jay laughed again, filling Giroro with a warm fuzzy feeling, despite the cold wind.
They touched down in the backyard of the Hinata household. Jay took off the KLL-ETJ-00-GT collar, and the suit disappeared in a flash, leaving him in his regular clothes. Jay knocked on the sliding glass door and entered the living room with Giroro.
"We're back!" Jay called. Natsumi and Fuyuki were on the couch watching TV. Natsumi turned around with a frown. "There you are. You've been gone for an hour!" She said. "Everyone left already." Natsumi pouted.
"Sorry, sorry." Jay apologized sheepishly. "I found Giroro, though." He said, nodding to the small frog alien.
Giroro and Natsumi regarded the other with a flat look. "Natsumi." The red Keronian greeted.
"Giroro." Natsumi muttered. Jay blinked.
"Um, we saved your food, Jay!" Fuyuki cut it to break the sudden tension.
"Thanks, kid." Jay smiled.
Giroro sat at the kitchen table while Jay warmed up the leftovers. He wasn't sure why he was hanging around inside. He should be going down to the base to give Keroro a piece of his mind, but still, he stayed. Listening to gently clinking tableware and Jay shuffling around in the kitchen. Then a delicious aroma caught Giroro's attention.
Jay placed two bowls in front of Giroro. One filled with rice and the other with a clear soup. Both contained fragrant mushrooms, like the ones Jay showed him on the mountain.
"Here. I saved some for you." Jay said softly. "It'll warm you right up." He smiled. Jay sat in the seat next to Giroro and began to eat the rest of his meal. Giroro picked up the spoon and began to quietly eat the soup. The matsutake soup had a subtle spiciness. It was sweet and savory all at once, reminding him of autumn, very refreshing and pleasant. Especially since he hadn't eaten anything is hours. Even if the matsutake hadn't been the formidable enemy he thought it was, Giroro still got a little satisfaction from eating the meal made from it. In a sense, he had been victorious.
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essaoll · 2 years ago
Burrat duhet të kenë kujdes të mos zgjasin gjuhët e tyre duke lënduar me fjalë të rënda gratë e veta, që t'ua tregojnë vendin apo të tregohen të fortë, ngase nuk mund ta imagjinojnë sesa dëm shkaktojnë te gruaja në shumë aspekte me një fjalë, ngase me këtë:
-ia thyen zemrën,
-e dekurajon,
-e demoralizon,
-e stigmatizon,
-ia dëmton shëndetin mendor,
-ia hallakatë lumturinë e qetësinë në shtëpi etj.
E si pasojë nuk do të japë maksimumin në kujdesin ndaj fëmijëve.
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