renovatio06 · 5 months
How the philosophy of sci-fi legend Stanislaw Lem can help us understand AI | Big Think
Solaris (1972) film poster / Binder / ullstein bild / Getty Images / Big Think Step back from the AI maelstrom and explore Lem’s “Summa Technologiae” for a detached look at technology’s role in human evolution. Source: How the philosophy of sci-fi legend Stanislaw Lem can help us understand AI His Sci–Fi novels kept my attention throughout my teen years and even earned me some brownie points with…
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phonemantra-blog · 6 months
The race for artificial intelligence (AI) supremacy is heating up, and Apple is making significant strides to secure its position at the forefront. A recent multi-million dollar deal with Shutterstock for image training data highlights Apple's commitment to building robust AI systems. Licensing Images for AI Development: A Multi-Million Dollar Solution In a move indicative of the evolving landscape of AI development, Apple has secured a substantial deal with Shutterstock, a leading stock photo and video platform. This agreement, valued between $25-50 million, grants Apple licenses to millions of images for training its AI systems. This strategic move addresses the growing concern over copyright infringement associated with using web-scraped data for AI development. Interestingly, Reuters reports that other tech giants like Meta, Google, and Amazon have also pursued similar deals with Shutterstock, showcasing a broader industry shift towards legal and ethical AI development practices. Apple Steps Up Its AI Game Beyond Images: Apple Explores Content Acquisition Strategies Apple's commitment to ethical AI development extends beyond its recent deal with Shutterstock. Reports suggest the company is actively engaging with prominent news publishers like The New Yorker, NBC News, and The Daily Beast to license articles for AI training purposes. This focus on high-quality and legally acquired data underscores Apple's dedication to building robust and reliable AI systems. Collaborations and Partnerships: Expanding Apple's AI Horizons Further evidence of Apple's AI ambitions lies in its ongoing discussions with Google. As reported by Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, these talks revolve around the potential licensing of Google's Gemini, a powerful generative AI model. Integrating Gemini into the upcoming iPhone 16 series, slated for a September release, could significantly enhance Apple's AI capabilities. This potential partnership would not only benefit Apple but also support Google's AI strategy. Notably, Samsung has already incorporated Gemini into its 2024 flagship models, showcasing the model's effectiveness. Despite exploring external partnerships, Apple isn't solely reliant on others. The company has aggressively expanded its internal AI capabilities through the acquisition of 32 AI startups in 2023 alone, surpassing Google's acquisition count of 21 for the same period. This aggressive strategy highlights Apple's determination to become a leader in the AI race. Apple's Internal AI Initiatives: Unveiling Ajax and Apple GPT Apple's internal AI development efforts have also gained significant momentum. Following a strategic shift from a car project to AI development in 2024, CEO Tim Cook emphasized the company's focus on advancing generative AI technologies. According to reports by Mark Gurman, Apple is currently working on two key projects: Ajax, a large language model, and Apple GPT, a basic chatbot. These projects represent Apple's dedication to building its own comprehensive suite of AI tools. Unveiling the Future at WWDC 2024 With Apple's continuous strides in AI development through strategic partnerships, internal initiatives, and ethical data acquisition practices, the upcoming WWDC 2024 promises to be a landmark event. We eagerly anticipate the groundbreaking AI advancements Apple will unveil, potentially revolutionizing user experiences across its entire product range. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why did Apple make a deal with Shutterstock? A: Apple partnered with Shutterstock to acquire legal and high-quality image data for training its AI systems, avoiding copyright infringement concerns associated with web-scraped data. Q: What are some of Apple's internal AI projects? A: Apple is working on developing Ajax, a large language model, and Apple GPT, a basic chatbot, to build comprehensive internal AI functionalities. Q: How is Apple collaborating with Google in the AI space? A: Apple is in talks with Google regarding the potential licensing of Google's Gemini, a generative AI model, for integration into the iPhone 16 series.
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thxnews · 6 months
Meta's AI Governance: Public's Voice Shapes Future
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In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly transforms our lives, the call for a participatory approach to governance has never been more critical. As an American, with a rich tapestry of experience woven from my English literature studies and a new career dedicated to unpacking the nuances of US news, I've seen technologies evolve. But, the intersection of AI and public discourse? That's a plot twist even I didn't see coming.  
Bridging Technology with Democracy
Meta, in collaboration with Stanford’s Deliberative Democracy Lab and the Behavioral Insights Team, has taken a bold step into the future of governance with its Community Forums on AI. The initiative represents a fascinating blend of technology and democratic engagement, inviting public deliberation to guide the principles underlying generative AI chatbots.  
Key Findings Unveiled
The recent forum's revelations are nothing short of groundbreaking. The public's voice, echoing through the deliberations of over 1,500 participants from diverse corners of the globe, highlights a collective enthusiasm for AI, underscored by a unanimous call for transparency and user control. These insights, now shared openly, offer a blueprint for responsible AI development that other entities are encouraged to adopt.  
A Global Conversation
What started as a pilot on climate misinformation has burgeoned into a global dialogue on AI's societal impact. The transition from discussing metaverse bullying to deliberating AI principles signifies a maturity in public discourse, acknowledging the intertwined fate of technology and humanity.   Embracing Transparency and Control One resounding theme from the forums is the public's demand for AI that respects user autonomy. The idea that AI chatbots can draw from past interactions to enhance future engagements is welcomed, provided users are kept in the loop. This nuanced stance underscores a sophisticated understanding of technology among the general populace.   Human-like AI: A Double-edged Sword The forums also touched on the anthropomorphic capabilities of AI chatbots. Participants were open to human-like interactions, contingent upon transparent communication about the AI's nature. This reflects a nuanced balancing act between leveraging AI's potential and maintaining ethical boundaries.   The Deliberative Process: A Catalyst for Consensus Perhaps most intriguing is the deliberative process itself. Participants shifted their perspectives significantly through discussion, demonstrating the power of informed debate in shaping consensus on complex issues like AI governance.  
Looking Forward
As we stand at this juncture, the road ahead for AI governance looks promising. Meta's commitment to expanding these forums globally signifies a dedication to not just shaping technology through expert lenses but grounding it in the lived experiences and values of the global community. This approach, innovative at its core, may well redefine the fabric of technology governance, embedding public insight into the very code of future AI systems.   A Collective Journey The story of AI is still being written, and through initiatives like these, we find ourselves not just as spectators but as co-authors. The future of AI, infused with the collective wisdom of the global populace, is a narrative I'm eager to follow. With a dash of humor and a pinch of optimism, let's embark on this journey together, shaping a technology landscape that reflects our shared values and aspirations.   Sources: THX News & Meta. Read the full article
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trendprospector · 1 year
Seven Leading AI Companies Embrace Ethical Safeguards
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In a landmark announcement, seven leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies have come together to implement a set of voluntary safeguards aimed at enhancing the safety and responsibility of AI technology. With giants like Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Anthropic, Inflection, and OpenAI at the forefront, this collective effort signifies a significant step towards building a safer future for AI applications.
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The announcement was made public by none other than President Joe Biden himself, further cementing the importance of these measures in the world of AI development.
The Vital Safeguards
These crucial safeguards encompass a range of initiatives aimed at mitigating potential risks and ensuring ethical practices in AI development and utilization. Let's take a closer look at each of them: 1. Testing the Security of AI Systems Recognizing the potential vulnerabilities in AI systems, the participating companies have agreed to subject their technologies to rigorous independent testing. By allowing external experts to assess their AI systems for security flaws, these companies demonstrate a commitment to transparency and public safety. Moreover, they will make the results of these tests accessible to the public, fostering an environment of openness and accountability. 2. Watermarking AI-Generated Content The rapid advancement of AI has enabled the generation of sophisticated content, including text, images, and videos. To ensure users can identify and verify AI-generated content, the companies have pledged to incorporate watermarks on such materials. This measure will help curb the spread of misinformation and disinformation, providing users with a reliable means of distinguishing between AI-generated and human-generated content. 3. Investing in Cybersecurity With the growing prevalence of cyber threats, securing AI systems has become paramount. The seven AI companies have committed to investing in robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard their technologies from potential attacks. This proactive approach aims to protect not only the interests of the companies but also the safety and privacy of the users who interact with their AI products. 4. Flagging Societal Risks The ethical implications of AI have been a subject of widespread concern. Acknowledging this, the companies have undertaken to flag potential societal risks associated with their AI systems. These risks include biases, discrimination, and misuse, which could arise due to the deployment of AI in various domains. By doing so, the companies are taking a proactive stance towards addressing social issues and fostering inclusivity. 5. Sharing Trust and Safety Information To foster a collaborative and responsible AI ecosystem, the companies will actively share information about trust and safety with each other and the government. This collective sharing of knowledge will facilitate the identification and resolution of potential issues, allowing for continuous improvements in AI development and application. It will also aid in the establishment of industry-wide best practices.
The Path Forward for AI
The introduction of these voluntary safeguards marks a momentous milestone in the journey towards a safer and more responsible AI landscape. By setting a precedent for transparency, accountability, and collaboration, these measures demonstrate the industry's dedication to addressing the challenges posed by AI. However, it's essential to recognize that these safeguards are only the beginning of a broader movement. While they provide a solid foundation, continued efforts are imperative to ensure AI's safe and ethical growth. It is crucial for the participating companies to adhere to their commitments, incorporating them into their core business strategies.
Implementation and Monitoring
The success of these safeguards hinges on effective implementation and monitoring. Each company must develop concrete plans outlining how they intend to comply with the agreed-upon measures. Simultaneously, the government must play an active role in overseeing the enforcement of these safeguards, ensuring they deliver the intended outcomes. Furthermore, ongoing research is vital to explore the ever-evolving risks associated with AI technology. By staying ahead of potential challenges, the industry can proactively develop mitigation strategies and update the safeguards accordingly. This will ultimately fortify the integrity of AI systems and bolster public trust in the technology.
Educating the Public
An essential aspect of a responsible AI ecosystem is educating the public about AI's potential risks and benefits. The participating companies can play a pivotal role in disseminating information and increasing awareness about AI's impact on society. Educated users are more likely to use AI responsibly and hold companies accountable for their actions. Overall, the agreement among seven leading AI companies to implement voluntary safeguards represents a crucial turning point in the development and application of AI technology. These safeguards signal a commitment to prioritize safety, ethics, and societal impact, which is essential for building a sustainable AI future. While these measures are commendable, it's essential to remember that the journey towards responsible AI is an ongoing process. As technology evolves, so will the potential risks and challenges. By collaborating, investing in research, and fostering transparency, the industry can pave the way for an AI landscape that benefits humanity as a whole. Read the full article
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