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4evahaka · 2 years ago
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10 February 1887 Happy 136th Birthday to our Guiding Light, Ethel Hedgemon Lyle. She viewed the #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc as an instrument for enriching the social and intellectual aspects of college life by providing mental stimulation through interaction with friends and associates. After her incorporation as a perpetual body in 1913, #AlphaKappaAlpha gradually branched out and became the channel through which selected college-trained women improved the socioeconomic conditions in their city, state, nation, and the world. "The spirit of AKA hovering over us and our little deeds and acts—smoothing here, covering there, broadening younger, and making us do our best to think, to act, up to the highest in us. It is a force bigger than we are, stronger than we are, and it compels us to climb to the heights where it dwells." — Ethel Hedgemon Lyle #AKAHistoryIsBlackHistory #AKA1908 #EthelHedgemonLyleIsBlackHistory #EthelMadeUs https://www.instagram.com/p/CofdGruraJG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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donnabroadway · 7 years ago
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Can’t believe it’s my Phirst Founder’s Day 💕💚 It’s so amazing and humbling to see your dreams turn into reality. Thankful to God and our founders for creating such a selfless and resilient sisterhood that has withstood the test of time (110 years to be exact). Today, we are still striving and doing things worthwhile and with a smile! Thankful to @akaiotalambdaomega for welcoming me and 26 other LadieS into their sisterhood. Love you @unpearelled27 Love this sisterhood! Happy Founder’s Day Sorors 💕💚 #FoundersDay #AKA #AKA1908 #j15 #ilomade #ethelmadeus #nelliesavedus #servicetoallmankind
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jodiavanel · 8 years ago
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Forever sisterhood! Bonding at @nmaahc! #ethelmadeus #sisterhood @akasorority1908 #AKA 💗💚 #AKA1908 (at Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture)
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4evahaka · 2 years ago
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When the #1913 Washington D.C. #SuffrageParade was being planned, #NellieQuander, as President of the sorority, wrote #AlicePaul that “there were a number of college women of #HowardUniversity who would like to participate in the women suffrage procession,” but “do not wish to enter if we must meet with discrimination on account of race affiliation.” Two days later, Nellie Quander wrote Paul a second letter, reiterating the desire to participate and requesting to be assigned in a “desirable place in the college women’s section.”    On March 3, 1913, almost 50 African American women participated in the 1913 #WomensSuffrageParade, including women from Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, and New York, and Washington D.C., including young women from #Howard. The challenge of whether or not to encourage African American women to participate in the parade presented a conundrum to parade organizers and members of #NAWSA. Alice Stone Blackwell (1857-1950), editor of the Women’s Journal, wrote Alice Paul on January 23, “ I am glad that colored women are allowed to register for the procession—it would be a shame if they were not—but I agree with you in hoping that not many will do so in view of the wicked and irrational color prejudice so prevalent in Washington, and I certainly do not see that the procession committee is under any obligation to try to get out a large number of colored women…” Conversely, a member of NAWSA telegraphed Paul on February 28, “Am informed that parade committee has so strongly urged colored women not to march that it amounts to official discrimination from National Headquarters. Please instruct all marshals to see that all colored women who wish to march shall be accorded every service given to all marchers.” #AKA1908 #AlphaKappaAlpha #EthelMadeUsNellieSavedUs #EthelMadeUs #NellieSavedUs https://www.instagram.com/p/CoA-qzULG3e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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4evahaka · 2 years ago
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29 January 1913 “We did not abolish anything that had been handed down to us. We strengthened what we had.” - Nellie M. Quander” Under the leadership of Nellie Quander, Alpha Kappa Alpha set about developing itself as a national body established in perpetuity. #NellieQuander led the effort to #Incorporate #AlphaKappaAlpha to MAINTAIN #Perpetuity on 29January1913, alongside #NormaEBoyd and #MinnieBSmith. This incorporation gave #AKA1908 license to BROADEN its SERVICE concept and MULTIPLY its offerings through subordinate chapters. #EthelMadeUs #NellieSavedUs #EthelMadeUsNellieSavedUs https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAsL57PpsG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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4evahaka · 5 years ago
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#RaisedByAnAKA #RaisedByAnAlphaKappaAlpha AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #AlphaKappaAlpha #AKAS #AKA1908 #AKA112 #AKAFoundersDay2020 #AKAHistoryIsBlackHistory #BlackWomenInPower #BlackExcellence #BlackHistory365 #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #BlackHistoryMonth 💕💚REPOSTED: #4evahaka2 #FAMUGrad1908💕💚#CreditToOwner #EthelMadeUs #EthelTaughtUs #Ethelations #Ethelations1908 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8t0RfPn5ia/?igshid=unn87x4zhc2f
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4evahaka · 5 years ago
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Coretta Scott King, Yolanda "Yoki" King, & Bernice King #RaisedByAnAKA #RaisedByAnAlphaKappaAlpha AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #AlphaKappaAlpha #AKAS #AKA1908 #AKA112 #AKAFoundersDay2020 #AKAHistoryIsBlackHistory #BlackWomenInPower #BlackExcellence #BlackHistory365 #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #BlackHistoryMonth 💕💚REPOSTED: #4evahaka2 #FAMUGrad1908💕💚#CreditToOwner #EthelMadeUs #EthelTaughtUs #Ethelations #Ethelations1908 #RaisedByAnAlpha https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ZGeTcnaBO/?igshid=uafgv6slqw32
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4evahaka · 5 years ago
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Our Guiding Light.... Ethel Hedgeman Lyle AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #AlphaKappaAlpha #AKAS #AKA1908 #AKA112 #AKAFoundersDay2020 #AKAHistoryIsBlackHistory #BlackWomenInPower #BlackExcellence #BlackHistory365 #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #BlackHistoryMonth 💕💚REPOSTED: #4evahaka2 #FAMUGrad1908💕💚#CreditToOwner #EthelMadeUs #EthelTaughtUs #Ethelations #Ethelations1908 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Wtw3bn3O3/?igshid=idi2fvw3e404
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4evahaka · 5 years ago
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With A Fellowship Sincere And Rare....💕💚 AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Inc: 1920s-1970s #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #AlphaKappaAlpha #AKA1908 #AKA112 #EthelMadeUsNellieSavedUs #EthelMadeUs #NellieSavedUs #SincereAndRare 💕💚#REPOSTED: #4evahaka2 #FAMUGrad1908💕💚#CreditToOwner https://www.instagram.com/p/B79k2mCn8zl/?igshid=10dbb6varwev3
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4evahaka · 8 years ago
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#ForeverGrateful #EthelMadeUs #NellieQuanderPROTECTEDUs #NellieSavedUs #NellieQuander #Incorporator
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4evahaka · 5 years ago
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"This Certifies That #BeulahEBurke A College Woman Of Ability And Character Is A Member Of #NuOmega Chapter Of The #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc #NellieQuander #President #NormaBoyd #Secretary" #AKAFounders #AlphaKappaAlphaFounders #AlphaKappaAlpha #AKAS #AKA1908 #AKA112 #AKAFoundersDay2020 #AKAHistoryIsBlackHistory #BlackWomenInPower #BlackExcellence #BlackHistory365 #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #BlackHistoryMonth 💕💚REPOSTED: #4evahaka2 #FAMUGrad1908💕💚#CreditToOwner #EthelMadeUs #EthelTaughtUs #Ethelations #Ethelations1908 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ZKbnYnhZi/?igshid=1xkmkkhuxpwh7
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4evahaka · 5 years ago
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Nellie May Quander  (11February1880 - 24 September 1961) Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc's INCORPORATOR and the FIRST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT. As The First #SupremeBasileus, she helped expand the sorority and further its support of African-American women at colleges and in communities. #NellieQuander became a member of #AlphaKappaAlpha at #HowardUniversity in 1910. She was elected as the chapter's president. On 11 October1912, there was a regular meeting of the #AlphaKappaAlphaSorority. During the meeting, SIX MEMBERS of the '#Organization' were '#Voting' to change the "#Name", "#Symbols", and "#Standards". After the young women 'WITHDREW', #Quander began contacting graduate members to fully establish the #Incorporation of the #Sorority. Minnie Smith, Nellie Quander, Norma Boyd, Julia Evangeline Brooks, Nellie Pratt Russell and Ethel Jones Mowbray moved to incorporate Alpha Kappa Alpha on 29 January 1913. BECAUSE OF Nellie Quander, #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc was #NATIONALLY INCORPORATED in #WashingtonDC., as a non-profit under the name Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on January 29, 1913. #AKA1908 #AKA2020FoundersDay #AKA112 #EthelMadeUsNellieSavedUs #EthelMadeUs #NellieSavedUs #EthelTaughtUs #UpperUpperMostHouse #UpperMostHouse 💕💚#REPOSTED: #4evahaka2 #FAMUGrad1908💕💚#CreditToOwner (@honoraryivy08) https://www.instagram.com/p/B77UBlpnPB1/?igshid=544d3d2nbnbc
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4evahaka · 5 years ago
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Nellie May Quander  (11February1880 - 24 September 1961) Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc's INCORPORATOR and the FIRST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT. As The First #SupremeBasileus, she helped expand the sorority and further its support of African-American women at colleges and in communities. #NellieQuander became a member of #AlphaKappaAlpha at #HowardUniversity in 1910. She was elected as the chapter's president. On 11 October1912, there was a regular meeting of the #AlphaKappaAlphaSorority. During the meeting, SIX MEMBERS of the '#Organization' were '#Voting' to change the "#Name", "#Symbols", and "#Standards". After the young women 'WITHDREW', #Quander began contacting graduate members to fully establish the #Incorporation of the #Sorority. Minnie Smith, Nellie Quander, Norma Boyd, Julia Evangeline Brooks, Nellie Pratt Russell and Ethel Jones Mowbray moved to incorporate Alpha Kappa Alpha on 29 January 1913. BECAUSE OF Nellie Quander, #AlphaKappaAlphaSororityInc was #NATIONALLY INCORPORATED in #WashingtonDC., as a non-profit under the name Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on January 29, 1913. #AKA1908 #AKA2020FoundersDay #AKA112 #EthelMadeUsNellieSavedUs #EthelMadeUs #NellieSavedUs #EthelTaughtUs #UpperUpperMostHouse #UpperMostHouse 💕💚#REPOSTED: #4evahaka2 #FAMUGrad1908💕💚#CreditToOwner (@honoraryivy08) https://www.instagram.com/p/B77OqaLHiUd/?igshid=ya8y92wh4u8u
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