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millidew · 4 months ago
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women who are severely face blind
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malama-art · 7 months ago
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do we fw t4t kukui x burnet?
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soni-dragon · 2 months ago
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cast a light that’s shifting blue
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teddyonbumblr · 3 months ago
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Sun and Moon anime you will always be famous. Redraw of the cast, with added head cannons that came along as I drew and some I saw from Tumblr a long time ago- like Mallow and Hau being cousins. So true actually. (Please don't repost my art, reshares are chill tho.)
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hauntinglyghostie · 10 months ago
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@harukaenthusiast lmao :)c
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catchergou · 6 months ago
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red-rose-corner · 8 months ago
Reignverse Pairings
Ash/Misty (PokéShipping)
Ritchie/Casey (YellowShipping)
James/Jessie (RocketShipping)
Tracey/Daisy (HeadbandShipping)
Jimmy/Marina (QuestShipping)
Vincent/Macy (SpringfeverShipping)
Brendan/May (HoennShipping)
Lucas/Dawn (FortuneShipping)
Khoury/Lyra (JohtofestaShipping)
Hilbert/Hilda (ChessShipping)
Stephan/Bianca (SpokeShipping)
Nate/Rosa (VisorShipping)
Calem/Serena (KalosShipping)
Elio/Selene (EclipseShipping)
Kanoa/Ida (SongsOfTheSeaShipping)
Hau/Lillie (SnowlilyShipping)
Prof. Kukui/Prof. Burnet (EternalHoneymoonShipping)
Victor/Gloria (GalarShipping)
Leon/Sonia (LionheartShipping)
Goh/Chloe (VermilionShipping)
Quillon/Danika (ProjectMewShipping)
Ren/Chrysa (AssociateShipping)
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hupla222 · 3 months ago
Alola Kiddos
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I finally have art of the remaining children that I have from Alola done by @xabi0407. Thanks for all the lovely art! That makes six children I now have from this region, a new record for me. Let's go over these new friends, shall we:
Elleri (UltraSunReconShipping): As should be evident from her appearance, she's a Dulse and Zossie kid. She's Nix's (more about him here) best friend, highly curious about all things Alola although she can be a little shy. She's had a massive crush on Nix (although he's far too dense to notice) for forever and hopes to one day move to Alola permanently. She ends up traveling with the main two kids, Iwa and Puki, alongside Nix. Her partner Pokémon is a Poiple as is tradition in Ultra Megalopolis. And yes she does have markings on her skin. I like the idea of the Ultra people have glowing markings to help find each other in their home of perpetual darkness.
Kailani (SparkSurferShipping): The daughter of Sophocles and Lana and my youngest fan kid by far. She's just a little one now so she doesn't travel like the rest of them. She doesn't seem to have the same interests as her parents, she's far more interested in food, particularly "Aunt" Mallow's cooking. Seems she has a future in food critique ahead of her. Although she doesn't officially have a Pokémon, she is friends with a Morelull that lives outside her parent's house.
Akoni (EternalHoneyMoonShipping): The younger of Kukui and Burnet's two kids and Lei's little brother. He's a wannabe gym bro. He thinks he's some kind of tough guy jock but he's really a big nerd. He gets really excited by Pokémon that know strange moves for their typing. He joins the island challenge just so that he can prove himself better than Iwa (more about her here). His main Pokémon is his Gigalith, one that he's fascinated knows Solar Beam.
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pkmnprideflags · 2 years ago
Kukui & Burnet's pet names in Spanish are giving me life
Fun fact: I am learning to speak Spanish! And an unironic method I have of practicing my Spanish comprehension is reading random articles on WikiDex, the largest Spanish Pokémon fan wiki. I was looking at their page for Professor Burnet [named Profesora Pimpinela in the Spanish localization], and I noticed that Kukui and Burnet are a touch more affectionate with each other in the Spanish script than they are in English. So today on Lizzie's Weird Obsessions, let's compare the scripts of the English and Spanish versions of Pokémon Sun and Moon.
The only major differences in their dialogue occur in Burnet´s first scene, when Kukui introduces her to the player at the Dimensional Research Lab. Both versions of the scene open with Kukui calling her a term of endearment - "honey" in English, and "cariño" in Spanish. Her response is where the two scripts differ, though.
In the English version, Burnet simply says, "Oh, hi!" But in the Spanish script she says, "¡Hola, pechoncito! ¡Digo, pichoncito!"
"Pechoncito" is not a real word, which resulted in me being very confused. I ended up making a post on a Spanish learning subreddit asking if anyone had ideas for what this meant. The internet came to the conclusion that Burnet is making a pun on "pecho," meaning chest, possibly as a dig at Kukui for being allergic to shirts. It's difficult to translate into English, but essentially she says "pechoncito," then 'corrects' herself to "pichoncito," a term of endearment that literally means "little pigeon." So she's simultaneously making fun of her husband and calling him a sweet term. "you're a weirdo but you're my weirdo." awwww~
Not only does the Spanish script throw in that random endearing pun, but Kukui's following line is also made more affectionate in the Spanish script. Here's the line in the English versions:
"This here's Professor Burnet. She runs the Dimensional Research Lab, yeah… And she's also my wife!"
The Spanish script adds an extra term of endearment to Kukui's line:
Spanish script: "Mira, esta es la Profesora Pimpinela. Ella dirige el Centro de Investigaciones Dimensionales. No solo eso, además es mi palomita. O sea, mi esposa." Translation: "Look, this is Professor Pimpinela. She runs the Dimensional Investigation Center. Not just that, she's also my darling. In other words, my wife."
The phrasing almost makes it seem like he gets so caught up in how much he loves her that he just says the term of endearment, then realizes that doesn't clarify their relationship to the player and has to go back and say "she's my wife"... my heart...
Also, the specific term of endearment he uses, "palomita," literally means "little dove." Yeah, apparently in the Spanish localization Kukui & Burnet call each other pigeons a lot. I don't know if that's like a Spanish/Hispanic cultural thing or just a them thing. Regardless, still adorable. I demand fanart of them with Pidgey and Pidove immediately
If anyone else knows about them having similar terms of endearment in other languages, please share! These two are adorable and any information about them will make my soul happy!!
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seadolph · 1 year ago
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Those from the fankid discord might recognize this from the sketch, but here's a Kukui/Burnet kiddo, Kalei! Very good at his research, hot mess at everything else. Has written one paper that is very useful and relevant to your topic and then you search him up and the rest of his papers are all on this one species of algae.
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pigeon-wizard · 2 years ago
i feel like Burnet and Kukui have some level of T4T energy 
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pokemonomegaverse · 1 month ago
ANON asked: EternalHoneymoonShipping (Kukui x Burnet) and AloeVeraShipping (Lenora x Hawes) are canon. Can you use them?
Both pairings do remain endgame and I’ve briefly thought about both, since as you’ve said, they’re canon.  I have a curse where as soon as a ship is canon, I tend to lose interest in developing them, so as such, neither pair has any fankids I feel like developing. But these were my prototype thoughts when they did.
For Kukui and Burnett, both remain researchers in Alola. They work closely with Lillie, who goes on to become the new President of Aether Foundation once Lusamine officially steps down (while Gladion was willing to serve as a temporary president while his mother was indisposed, his heart isn’t into running Aether Foundation). Kukui and Burnett had a prototype daughter named Kalei (plus they also have their canon kid in the anime, Lei, for me to consider), but the details on her were sparse at best. In one version of things, she assisted Interpol and worked together with Lonan (the two were sorta love-interests, but it was a relationship doomed to fail). But then I remembered that timeline wise, that wasn’t possible, as any children they have would be too young.
Lenora and Hawes had a daughter named Amber (who liked fossils well enough, but has bigger dreams of becoming a Gym Leader like her mom before she retired). Both Lenora and Hawes are still living the fossil life, taking care of the Nacrene Museum. Early builds had the Burgh/Brycen son Bailey and Amber as friends, but there came I point where I wanted to cull the fankids who I had zero desire to develop/design. Thus why both Amber and Kalei got cut
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malama-art · 2 years ago
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love is love
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soni-dragon · 2 months ago
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quick doodle before bed
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fuzzychildchopshop · 6 months ago
happily married
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nanayuz · 2 years ago
( updated ) ship list ?!
bold  =  i think about them more than myself. and i’ll talk abt them!! more than myself ! italic = i made that. the name. that was me. or oomf made it and it's very much canonical.
otpz :
shigesatogou / ash x gary x goh cinderblastshipping ( shigegou ) / gary x goh journeyshipping ( satogou ) / ash x goh palletshipping ( shigesato ) / ash x gary originshipping ( mikudai ) / steven x wallace trustedpartnershipping ( satoglad ) / ash x gladion zringshipping ( kakisato ) / ash x kiawe moonbloomshipping ( kohahika ) / chloe x dawn omochiri / geeta x rika ignitionshipping / flint x volkner rintokio / rinto x tokio
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luvz :
namelessshipping ( reguri ) / blue x red eternalhoneymoonshipping / burnet x kukui ribbonshipping ( kohasere ) / chloe x serena jellowshipping / lillie x mallow battleroyalshipping ( kakigura ) / gladion x kiawe kakisatoglad / ash x gladion x kiawe preciousmetalshipping ( goshiru ) / gold x silver timelesspromiseshipping ( tokigou ) / goh x tokio shigetokigou / gary x goh x tokio appealshipping ( nozohika ) / dawn x zoey nozohikakoha / chloe x dawn x zoey roinoirshipping / calem x hilbert waterwarriorshipping / lana x misty bittersweetshipping / lana x mallow blueangelshipping ( satosui ) / ash x lana kakisui / kiawe x lana truerivalshipping ( kibadan ) / leon x raihan icebloomshipping ( chloe x regina / koharegi ) crimsonvelvetshipping ( may x serena / sereharu ) fondantshipping / miette x serena boutiqueshipping ( sanasere ) / serena x shauna fightyfireshipping / mela x eri phaesporiashipping / cynthia x diantha rosequartzshipping / steven x diantha neochampionshipping / lance x steven incombustibleshipping ( daiala ) / alain x steven lance x diantha
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likez :
hanamusashipping / delia x jessie rocketshipping ( kojimusa ) / james x jessie pokéshipping ( satokasu ) / ash x misty rollerkarateshipping ( saitokoru ) / korrina x bea contestshipping ( shuuharu ) / may x drew technoshipping / sophocles x kiawe elio x hau x gladion skullshipping / guzma x plumeria darkparadiseshipping / kukui x guzma eloquentremixshipping / giacomo x atticus aquaheartshipping / nessa x sonia paldeashipping / arven x nemona pinaplesandwichshipping / arven x giacomo aperillashipping / arven x atticus carmen x eri technowizardshipping / ortega x penny ephemeralartshipping / brassius x hassel carminemo / carmine x nemona bossbattleshipping / nemona x penny danika x quillon diodeshipping ( shitosato ) / ash x clemont kalosshipping ( karusere ) / calem x serena marissonshipping / alain x mairin bloomewshipping ( goukoha ) / chloe x goh hoennshipping ( yuuharu ) / brendan x may newreplacementshipping ( kotokuri ) / kris x lyra fancyfashionshipping ( serehika ) / dawn x serena serena x lisia
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uncategorized hz ships :
furiame / amethio x friede capncrunchshipping / friede x murdock mollie x orla ann x liko
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uncategorized RARErarepairs :
cherryoakshipping / chloe x gary gladion x serena lillie x serena gary x gladion cynthia x geeta wallace x harley arven x gary lisia x miette alain x quillon calem x elio
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