chaosmarik · 9 days
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"What are you?"
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sillymuses · 8 days
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"How about we play a game of rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to eat the guy's soul?"
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@eternaleye Came to the Barn~!
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"Oh, I haven't seen you around before. You look interesting, can I ask what you are?"
Pharaoh looked curiously at the other, he didn't feel much danger at the moment, but he was certainly intrigued. This being wasn't anything he'd ever seen before, and as a result he was very keen to find out what, or who, they were.
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miratenebrarum · 21 days
her glowing violet teeth click against one another. jagged knives made of bone set deep within her dark jaws her joints popped as she rotated a shoulder, the joint straining against the bonds that hold her- thick chains made with....something. something she does not know, that prevents her from moving from this spot. they cling to her legs, her arms, her neck. and yet.... here comes a wandering traveler. "set me free." she hisses like a snake. "release me, and it will be worth your while."
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He doesn't exactly know how he got there.
Turning left and right in unknown areas, exploring without really knowing what he was looking for to begin with, the only lights coming from the stars in the sky and Gemini. The puppet didn't even notice the other's presence at first, not until she finally spoke.
It was enough to make him jump, a hand holding onto his blade.
Head tilts on one side, then another, as he dares to take a step closer - not to set her free, as requested, nor to attack, as he probably should. It's mostly to... observe her. The odd being that made his P-Organ beat faster. Not a good feeling, if he says so himself.
Once again, however, Pinocchio was moved by nothing but curiosity....
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"...what are you?"
And rudeness.
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bariankura · 21 days
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"What are you?"
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riingbearer · 1 day
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@eternaleye asked:
15. a howling bonfire where shadows betray you
creepy location meme
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She was brave to wander to this place. He'd been waiting for somebody else to come to these parts. To face judgment for a sin he had deemed damnnation-worthy. But yet, here is someone else. Someone unnatural. It was odd. It was new. It was... fascinating.
"Welcome, stranger." The greeting was calm, cold, casual. He sat at a log, legs crossed at the knees, staring ahead. Those cold violet eyes met hers, a grin ever present on his face. He was going to have fun tonight. "Come, have a seat by the fire." Hands, many hands, gently had Ruby by the shoulders, insisting that she sit. His shadow looked the same. So did the fire's. Hers, if she turned around. Nothing seemed out of place . . . yet.
"I was expecting someone else, but you will do just fine." The flame flickered with a non-existent wind. For a moment, just one, his shadow seemed to be large, posted against a tree with three, wide eyes. "Tell me, dear stranger," that grin widened maliciously, "do you like to play games?"
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spirit-cleric · 3 days
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@eternaleye asked:
Send 🌑 to see the darkest side of my muse
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The light in those eyes had long since died out. His gaze was cold. His expression was blank, yet carried darkness. The ritual circle had been cautiously drawn onto the floor, candles placed in an intricate design within it. Those icy eyes looked up. He looked so tired, yet fully awake. A cold beacon of lucidity through the haze.
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"Did you stop by to say something? Complain? Beg?" The gentle kindness he was known for was gone. The mask had been dropped. Hair undone, tangled locks falling down his shoulders. The knife in his hands danced around his fingers in contemplation. Who knew he had such dexterity with one?
"You're a little late for that. I'm done being something I'm not." Beside him was a ground powder kept in a bowl. Its contents were dumped inside of the circle, not once looking at it. Many would find the staring uncomfortable, especially coming from him. He never looks people in the eyes.
"You should pray to whatever god you believe in. I don't even know what's going to come out of this circle." Now, it was time for light. A matchbook drawn from his pocket. One removed, struck against the side to light it. Each candle meticulously lit. Had to go through a couple of matches but, hey. It works.
"I don't care, either. Hopefully it's worth the time I put in. Be a goddamn shame if it isn't. It's not gonna like me if I'm angry." Ryo leaned back, not once breaking his uncomfortable stare. "So, are you going to stick around or run for the hills? I won't give a shit either way. You won't offend me."
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necrostar · 5 days
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@eternaleye asked:
Send 🥇 if you like my portrayal
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Thank you so much!! I'm honored that you like him! He does what he wants and I'm just here for the ride. Glad to see someone else is enjoying it too!!
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// for drakken
Here you go!
Get to know: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Befriend: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Date: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Make love with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Hook up with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Protect: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Help: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Stop: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Kill: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
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gemscales-and-tea · 9 days
☂️ an umbrella
// for P. (she's using her wings)
Give my muse;; Accepting
The sudden ceasing of rain on his head earns a blink from the puppet. At this point he'd kind of grown numb to the feeling of rain, noticing it more when it stopped than when it started. Silently he looks up and finds a wing blocking the fall of water, looking at the owner of the limb for a beat or two.
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"... Thank you."
Puppet he may be but he knew manners.
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chosesun · 9 days
her tail coiled around her slender legs, a pointed ear giving a twitch as she regarded this...jedi. this supposedly sacred and powerful being among the ones of this universe.
"do you truly believe that there is light in all dark?"
he looks up, feeling eyes cast on him and feels a shudder run down his spine. regardless, he remains standing tall, his feet firmly planted on the ground as he nods his head in reply. "yes . . . and no. i don't believe every darkness has a light, but every light has a tint of darkness. some darkness you can't find your way out of no matter how hard you try, but when there is light, you can always find your way back through it. my father is a great example of that. he was surrounded by darkness for so long, but given the right circumstance, the light called to him and he answered its call. even those swimming in darkness, can find light, you just have to know where to look. you have to want to find it . . . does that answer your question?"
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barianprogenitor · 21 days
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"What are you?"
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sillymuses · 22 days
❛  why would i lie to you?  ❜ (she's lying to you)
// for anyone <3
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"Hey now! Lying out the wazoo is my thing! I built my universal criminal record off of it!" Among other acts that no doubt would've given him the death sentence but it's whatever. "You've got to get better with your aim there, girl! Where's the smooth-talk? The flattery tailor made for the gullible smucks? Come on, you're not going to convince pawns like that! Show me the manipulative passion!"
0 notes
keithkoganevltrn · 21 days
@eternaleye found the Castle of Lions.
To say they were shocked was an understatement, nothing had pinged off their radars this far out for hours. Something definitely just did, though, and it was close by.
"Should we check it out?" Lance questioned, looking to the center of the room with an expression that screamed concern.
"Hold positions... if it's something we need to worry about, it'll definitely come to us." Shiro instructed, shoulders squared. If something wanted to meet them, friend or foe, it usually made itself known before they had the chance to think.
At least now they had the chance to think.
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dav-suburbiia · 2 months
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this is for an Elevator Hitch AU called Eternaleyes, based on the movie Longlegs !
it’s about (humanized) Manuel, a former helpline operator turned FBI agent, realizing that in the past, he had received a distress call that matches the voice of the serial killer that they’re trying to catch.
(Protag’s the serial killer)
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geuseisloose · 17 days
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ind.priv.sel interpretation of betelgeuse. mainly based on the animated series, with tim burton film influence.
follows back from @eternaleye - exorcised by void.
rules — muse (wip)
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