riingbearer · 22 hours
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@eternaleye asked:
15. a howling bonfire where shadows betray you
creepy location meme
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She was brave to wander to this place. He'd been waiting for somebody else to come to these parts. To face judgment for a sin he had deemed damnnation-worthy. But yet, here is someone else. Someone unnatural. It was odd. It was new. It was... fascinating.
"Welcome, stranger." The greeting was calm, cold, casual. He sat at a log, legs crossed at the knees, staring ahead. Those cold violet eyes met hers, a grin ever present on his face. He was going to have fun tonight. "Come, have a seat by the fire." Hands, many hands, gently had Ruby by the shoulders, insisting that she sit. His shadow looked the same. So did the fire's. Hers, if she turned around. Nothing seemed out of place . . . yet.
"I was expecting someone else, but you will do just fine." The flame flickered with a non-existent wind. For a moment, just one, his shadow seemed to be large, posted against a tree with three, wide eyes. "Tell me, dear stranger," that grin widened maliciously, "do you like to play games?"
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riingbearer · 2 days
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@kuxi-n asked:
you're not very good at keeping promises, are you?
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"No?" Yami asked, tilting his head just so slightly to the side. "But Yuugi, do you not recall all that I've done for you? All the times I protected you?" Perhaps protected was a bit of a loose word, but he would like to disagree. "Come now. Have you had a problem since? I certainly have not seen one." And it was all thanks to him and his rather... extreme methods. But that's worth a pat on the back, yes? 
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"Unless, that is . . ." he leaned back, crossing his arms in self-satisfaction, " . . . there is another promise I don't recall?" As much as he hated to let the thought into his mind, that was entirely a possibility. Even he didn't have a perfect catalogue of everything he's done while in control. But, it hardly mattered. He had a task, and it was being served to completion. He made a promise, and he's holding his end of it. What's she complaining about?
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riingbearer · 2 days
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Anonymous asked:
Just want you to know I think your roleplay icons are so pretty!
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OMG THANK YOU??? But I can't take credit for that, I didn't make the PSD I used!!
I'll learn how to do it myself someday...
But I can absolutely tell you where I found it!! I got it here!
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riingbearer · 2 days
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"Nothing quite wrong with wanting to speak freely, even if it comes at others' expense."
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riingbearer · 2 days
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He's not saying anything. He's going to eat his popcorn and enjoy the show.
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riingbearer · 3 days
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riingbearer · 3 days
10 Facts About My Characters
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟
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riingbearer · 3 days
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Y̸̢͈͎̠̰̲͚̻̦̓̃̑̔̄͒ā̵̫̦̥́̐̾̈́A̶̩̞̘̥̐̐̀̏͛̚͜T̶̪̝͌̈͘Ë̶̳͕́̎M̴̡͈̗͕͖͚̋̀ m̷̧̡̖͚͔̣̔͆͐̀̉̈́͐i̶͇̝̞͂̎̀͜
(Look closely to find what is hidden in plain sight)
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White Version
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riingbearer · 3 days
* creepy location meme
send a number for our muses to interact at the following! 
an uncomfortably quiet gas station 
a bustling diner that never closes
an old tree with trunks like knives 
a video store with a sign titled ‘ JOIN US ’
the back of a stolen car
a twisting forest that beckons you
an antique shop that smells of death and decay
the lot behind a somber hotel
a forgotten graveyard on the outskirts of town
an abandoned church where the choir continue their song 
a grocery store where no one smiles  
a bar where everyone hums the same song
end of the road
an undisclosed government facility
a howling bonfire where shadows betray you
a police station on edge during a blizzard 
an uncanny farmhouse with a ‘ ROOM FOR RENT ’ sign
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riingbearer · 3 days
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Completeing this felt like a fever dream. But the good kind.
I'm in my annual YU-Gi-Oh era again, help
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And the version with less effects
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Everytime I close my eyes I can see this man stare into my soul... I lowkey miss this design lmao
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riingbearer · 3 days
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ᴇᴀꜱʏ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇʀ
send “Let’s Plot!” to discuss potential threads
send “Dynamics, please!” to discuss potential dynamic types
send “Starter!” for a random starter  
send “Memes!” to request the receiver to send meme options
send “Inbox!” to request the receiver to send ic ask prompts
Remember to specify if sending to a multi-muse or if you’re a multi-muse !
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riingbearer · 3 days
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*crystamanthequins starts playing*
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riingbearer · 3 days
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slowly coming back from hiatus typa art, going back to my roots 🏃
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riingbearer · 3 days
ik i've only had him for two hours but like what if. i put an ancient egypt verse in there.
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riingbearer · 4 days
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"Well, well, well. What do my eyes perceive?"
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riingbearer · 4 days
"I'M NOT SURE I CAN TRUST YOU" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
you remember the last time we did this. it didn't go well.
i told myself i'd never trust you again.
you're not very good at keeping promises, are you?
i thought we agreed to work together.
you're the reason i'm in this mess in the first place.
the last time i listened to you, it nearly got me killed.
i guess i don't have a choice.
you're my last hope.
this isn't going to end well.
i stuck out my neck for you once, and look what happened.
you could have told me the truth from the start.
you're a pretty slimy character.
you don't exactly exude trustworthiness.
i can't believe i'm listening to you again.
after everything that happened, i can't look at you the same.
you betrayed me.
how am i supposed to trust you again?
i put everything on the line for you, and you betrayed me.
i'm not taking orders from you.
how do i know you won't stab me in the back?
i promise you, it won't happen again.
you don't have a good track record of keeping promises.
that was bullshit, and you know it.
this time, you can trust me.
they told me what happened last time.
i won't make the same mistakes they did.
keep telling yourself that.
every time i trust you, it comes back to bite me in the ass.
that was the worst lie i've ever heard.
you're a shit liar.
you're not getting anything from me.
i'm not risking my life to save you, that's for sure.
you're talking out of your ass.
i don't believe a word you're saying.
you're full of bullshit.
that was the biggest lie you ever told.
and to think, i trusted you once.
i'm such an idiot for thinking i could trust you.
i'll never look at you the same again.
that was an awful trick.
did you mean to do that?
had i known what you were up to, i never would have agreed to this.
once again, you lied to my face.
they warned me not to trust you.
after all the things i've heard about you, i'm not sure where i stand.
you don't exactly have a very trustworthy face.
you look like a liar to me.
you won't hold up your end of the bargain. you never do.
why did you trick me?
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riingbearer · 4 days
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@kitxkatrp asked:
Send 🎵 for a drabble/starter based on a song (lyric or vibes)
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Oh, how he enjoyed watching the light die from his host's eyes. The exhaustion that seemed to haunt him. The way others looked upon him with fear. He wondered; did his host feel any concern? Disappointment? The luxury he promised had begun to trickle in, but admittedly not by much; there's only so much to gain at a time from penalty games. At first, he'd kept his whispers to a minimum. No need to scare off the chosen host before the item even hung around his neck. But now? With the seal of the contract glistening in dying light?
All bets were off.
"Yuugi." The name was spoken delicately. "I see you've gained enough to pay for lunch today. I doubt you'll be seeing that classmate of yours today. He was such a cruel one, don't you think?" He had no room to talk, truth be told. He took that body on a little joyride the night before. Slinked into his little hideout with nothing but a pack of cards and a coin. Walked out with what he deemed to be rightfully owed. And then some.
"I know you must be tired. I feel the exhaustion from here." Entirely his fault, but alas. He'll get over it. "I understand that this is new. A voice that isn't yours in your head. Feeling emotions that don't belong to you. Waking up in new places. New faces. Stories you don't remember participating in. But I assure you," the voice purred, ring pressing tighter against its owner's chest. "you made the best decision. You and I will make wonderful partners. Trust in me, aibou." Heh. Aibou. Imagine having one of those. "You have a grave journey ahead of you. And I will support you every step of the way. You do trust me, don't you?"
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