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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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Guess what?! It’s Kiwi Kit Wednesday!!! 🥝🥝🥝 As we were outlining our move-to-New-Zealand money-saving strategy, we realized it was a lot of info to take in. 🤓🤓🤓 In order to avoid any overwhelm, we broke our strategy up into three parts. 💰💰💰 Now don’t laugh, but we did it to mirror the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies. 😂😂😂 This week on @the_kiwi_kit you’ll find Part One {to rule them all}. Each part following will build on the last. 💍💍💍 Click on the link in my bio for this nerdy, but helpful, article on saving money to move to New Zealand. ⛰ ⛰ ⛰ #thekiwitkit #movetonewzealand #eternalexpat #liveabroad #expatlifestyle #savetotravel #saveyourpennies #moveoverseas #moveabroad #travelnewzealand #explorenewzealand #newzealandadventures #movingabroad #lordoftherings #lotr #hobbit #hobbiton #cravingapeace #the_kiwi_kit #traveltheworldtoday #traveltheworldtogether #womenwhotravel #globalwomen #girlswhotraveltheworld (at Queenstown, New Zealand)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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When I first arrived in New Zealand, I was going to setup my life in Wellington. The energy, the colors, the creativity of the city are so welcoming and I knew I could picture a sensational life there. 🎭 You can get lost in the Te Papa Museum for weeks and you can most definitely write home about the craft breweries and street art. 🍻 Before I unpacked my bags completely, the curiosity I felt for a notorious place called Queenstown was chirping in the back of my mind. I had never been there and a part of me had already fallen in love with windy Wellington —what to do!? 🌬 We all know how the story ends, but not everyone who moves to New Zealand will follow the same path. On Wednesday, another piece will be added to @the_kiwi_kit to help anyone deciding which island to live on during their big move to New Zealand. Spoiler alert: Can’t go wrong no matter which one you choose! 🥝 🥝 🥝 #newzealandlife #newzealandguide #expatinnewzealand #eternalexpat #nz #explorenewzealand #wellingtonnz #queenstownnz #northisland #southisland #waihekeisland #the_kiwi_kit #movetonewzealand #kiwis #bestcountryintheworld #bestcountryonearth #traveleverywhere #liveabroad #workabroad #cravingapeace #kiwiexperience (at Queenstown, New Zealand)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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It’s here! Today I reveal the first piece of The Kiwi Kit! 🥝 Sooooo many people ask me how I moved to New Zealand. How did I get a visa? Which visa should they choose if they want to live here? Are they too old for a visa? What if they can’t find a job in their career? 💡 It’s not as complicated as people think, but it is a brand new endeavor, so I totally understand the need to ask a million questions. The whole process can be very intimidating. 🚧 In order to help those wishing for a step-by-step guide to moving to New Zealand, I’ve created a multi-piece puzzle within The Kiwi Kit to help you out every step of the way. Today you get your first piece: Which New Zealand Visa is Right for You? ✈️ Click on the link in my bio for the article on the blog. Comment below for things you may want to know about moving to New Zealand. A new piece out every Wednesday! 🔑 🔑 🔑 #thekiwikit #newzealandlife #expatlife #eternalexpat #liveinnewzealand #moveabroad #movetonewzealand #movedownunder #getavisa #getonaplane #iamtb #travelblogging #exploreexpatlife #womenwhowander #womenwhotravel #cravingapeace (at Queenstown, New Zealand)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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I think being vegan means taking photos in the sun with pumpkins... haaa, no it doesn’t. However, when you find a hat your grandmother got from Thailand more than 30 years ago, you wear it with pride and snap a shot with whatever you got! 🎃 Speaking of Thailand... it’s been 10 years since I lived there and, damn, this last decade has gone by quick! That chapter in Asia changed my life forever and spawned an eternal wanderlust in me; a travel bug I can never rid from my being. 🐘 My grandmother, who gave me her crazy Thai hat, has travelled to over 130 countries and I think it’s kismet that I follow in her ever-exploring footsteps. I’ve been fortunate to get a third of the way there, but I think it’s about that time I get my ass on an international adventure soon! 🛫 ⛵️ 🗺 #iamtb #pumpkinseason #vegantravel #veganblogger #travelblogging #eternalexpat #exploretheworldnow #letsgoeverywhere #buyaticket #wanderlust_mentality #gratefulfortravel #luckytraveller #kismet #queenstown #newzealand #veganvibes #thailandtravel #bangkokrocks #ABAC #LOYOLA #faj #cravingapeace (at Gibbston, New Zealand)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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Mornings like this remind me that summer is heading outta town and a sneaky winter chill is steadily creeping in. Ever since I moved to the Southern Hemisphere, I’ve never felt in sync with the seasons. Hot Christmases, cold Julys...just backwards from what my childhood-self knows. ❄️ That upside down backwardness is oddly one of my favorite things about living overseas. It stops me from getting stuck in that North American mentality and shakes me awake again. The world has a whole lot more going on than what’s happening in the States and those “oh yeah” realizations make me feel more connected to the rest of the globe. 🌞 To my American comrades, do you ever feel like it gets exhausting having the US be in the center of the world’s attention? Even being all the way in New Zealand I don’t feel like my American identity can get a break from it all. What are your thoughts, friends? 🌏 🌍 🌎 #wedontneedtobenumberone #behumbleAmerica #Ubuntu #iamtb #expatlife #livingabroad #lifeasanexpat #eternalexpat #gooverseas #travelmore #exploremore #seetheworld #bigworldoutthere #openyoureyes #bloggingworld #letstalkaboutit #cravingapeace (at Lake Hayes Estate)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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If I had a blueprint to follow on “how to move abroad” when I was ready to start a new chapter overseas, I would’ve seriously appreciated any assistance I could’ve gotten...’cause I was plain clueless. Now that I’ve lived in Thailand, Ghana, Australia, and now, New Zealand, I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks here and there that have come in handy along the way. 🎒 What to pack, how to pack, what not to bring (my weak spot), what to do before leaving, how to navigate a whole new life in NZ, how to find a job, a place to live, friends, a car...the list goes ON! 🙈 Instead of wishing I could go back and smack myself in the head for being so naïve, I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned so you don’t have to make the same mistakes as I have. 😬 Over the next few weeks we’re going to introduce a series called The Kiwi Kit! It’s a step-by-step guide to living amongst the kiwis as an expat. We cover everything from what to do the moment you decide to move to New Zealand to departure from home to even doing your kiwi taxes. 💸 We’re kicking off the series tomorrow with “Which New Zealand Visa is Right For You?” as our first piece of the roadmap. Stay tuned for your play-by-play guide on moving to the best country in the world, each piece being released every Wednesday. 🥝 🥝 🥝 #thekiwikit #eternalexpat #newzealandexpat #liveabroad #workabroad #studyabroad #queenstownlocal #queenstownlife #kiwilife #newzealandlife #womenwhotravel #girlswhotravel #iamtb #travelblogging #travelwriting #cravingapeace #newzealandadventures #livedownunder (at Arthurs Point, New Zealand)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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*New blog post up and full of goodness* 📝 📝 📝 This week: How one Queenstown restaurant made an awesome comeback after a vegan fail! Spoiler alert: they knocked it out of the park. 🍓 🍷 🌶 Full story can be found through the link in my bio if you’re curious! ❓ ⁉️ ❗️ #veganblog #veganblogger #crueltyfreelife #donteatanimals #queenstownvegan #newzealandvegan #veganlifestyleblogger #travelvegan #vegantravel #eatplants #sherwoodqueenstown #vegansinqueenstown #veganismo #expat #eternalexpat #liveabroad (at Sherwood Queenstown)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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14 hours and 44 minutes until blog goes LIVE! I'm kinda freakin' out over here, but I'm so excited to share it with you guys anyways! In 14 hours and 44 minutes, you'll get to see a platform that provides New Zealand-relevant travel tips, insider Queenstown secrets, international travel stories, and vegan resources for my plant-based eaters out there. ✨ ✨ ✨ Craving a Peace is in stage 1 right now. Once it's launched, you will see the articles grow, the tips multiply, and the encouragement to travel spread. In 14 hours 44 minutes, the WINNER of the FREE AJ Hackett Bungy jump will be announced as well! Don't know what I'm talking about?? Subscribe to my blog: www.cravingapeace.com for your chance to WIN a bungy with photos and videos included! ✨ ✨ ✨ This kick ass headshot was taken by the one and only @yurikiddo.photo. He's incredibly talented and can work wonders with a camera. I'm so grateful for all he's done to help me with my brand! ✨ ✨ ✨ Alright. LET'S DO THIS. #bloglaunch2018 #cravingapeace #kiwifruit #kiwiblog #travelblog #veganblogger #eatvegan #alwaystravel #bekind #liveyourlifeeverydamnday #livemorefearless #ajhb #ajhackettbungy #freebungy #freestuff #bloglife #expat #expatlife #eternalexpat #queenstown #queenstownlife #newzealandguide #newzealandfinds #newzealandblogger #letsdothisthing (at Queenstown)
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cravingapeace · 7 years ago
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Since becoming a traveler, my eyes, heart, and soul have been opened to a variety of intriguing cultures, numerous ways to express oneself, diverse standards of living, an array of wild beliefs, and more beauty & pain than I can articulate. ✈️ Being a vegan has opened my eyes, body, soul, and spirit to what it means to live compassionately and consciously to do my part to make the planet a better place. 🥑 Combined, traveling and being vegan has taught me how to live a purposeful, awakened, and intentional existence. It’s not just a diet, it’s not just a hobby, being a vegan traveler is my way of living a meaningful life. 🌸 What brings your life meaning? Is there anything that has spurred a light inside you to live a full and compassionate existence? ✨ You may think I’m speaking nonsense, but when only on your death bed this stuff makes sense, I feel sad you didn’t join me sooner in living your best life. 🦋 Double tap if you’re working on being your best self no matter how unique, weird, normal, far-fetched, black-sheepish, or freaky that may look. 🦄 🦄 🦄 #beyourbest #liveyourbestlife #vegantravel #vegantravels #vegantravelblog #veganlifestyleblogger #travelblogging #iamtb #writeyourbeststory #eternalexpat #seetheworldwithme #womenwhotravel #global_travel #girlswhotravel #exploretheplanet #cravingapeace (at Queenstown, New Zealand)
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