#etchy’s sketchys
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falsebread · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas! Have a comic based on this amazing fic by theMiraculousMat on AO3! Warning for spoilers!!!! (Even if this is a hypothetical XD)
(Read this yall it’s so good!!)
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neopolitangumdrops · 3 months ago
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Winter Wonderklok 2024: Day 2 - Snow Fort
I found this fort, and thought these idiots would love it XD
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srwgrin · 10 months ago
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my favorite batkids ITS OVER ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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ghostiidasponk · 9 months ago
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Yuusona sketch I did and ended up liking a lot :D tho i dont think grim looks grim enough JIVBFDJIEFBJKEF
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rainbowlilymemes237 · 3 months ago
Hey guys! It's me again. I havent been online for 4 months ago. It's the end of the year and time to say farewell to my account. Thank you guys for sharing some IO2 fanfic with me and everyone! I appreciate those times we did this year. Right now, i'm gone from Inside Out and currently enjoying othr fandoms. There's one last post before I'm gone.
I feel less motivated in my IO2 fanart. I'll send it to my other ac. THANK YOU ALL AND GOODBYE!!!!!!!! 🥹👋🏻💖
To: @tiddie-taylor @manuinout @fear-the-coward @starnervefan @betinh3 @cozykittengirl @dejadoodles-101 @tokibuns @honeynutpurrez @immaeatingwood @killedbyfrank @retromeek @roostereel @emo-jester @erranplayz @sketchy-etchy @velvetsssapphic @riahsringtone @zaez2020
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ghoulishconey · 3 months ago
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Art trade done for @etchy-a-sketchy
Absolutely love your little adventurer!
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echonidae · 9 months ago
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a dang fun portrait of Farley for @etchy-a-sketchy !!! hares are wonderfully shaped creatures...... :")c
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hermesserpent-stuff · 6 months ago
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Etchy sketchy metchy
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year ago
rr!dream and o!techno: rabbit to rabbit communication
this reminds me of absolutely wonderful art that @etchy-a-sketchy did of osmp!techno and rr!dream right here!
it's really cute <3 but yeah they would have fun together <3 <3
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sheisaquarius-blog · 6 months ago
hi it's nort!!
(in case no one else requests -- feel no pressure to do mine first!!) i don't know if this is the type of fic you'd like to write, but maybe one about thim confronting his anxiety? i really liked your magic universe, and i think one about how his magic acts up the more anxious he is and how he copes/if or not he does cope!
thanks for letting people request :)
NORT :DDD PLEASE REQUEST OF ME ANYTHING YOU WANT, ANY TIME!!! i'm so happy to revisit the 'love like magic' au, and there's still more to come there, i think, but this was fun! admittedly, i had to rush the end as the deadline hit, but i hope you still like it!
Anthony never expected to burst, which, in hindsight, was pretty dumb of him. He’d always felt like there was something else inside of him, something more that sat in his body, right behind his lungs, pushing aside and growing around and rearranging all of his organs. His chest often felt tight, his heart squeezed and pressed against the surface of his skin, beating fervently but shallowly, desperately trying to keep him alive.
When he burst, he felt like that strange, bloated pocket behind his organs deflated. The sketchy, etchy lines all across his body were like rips in his skin where it all released, broken and uneven, like fissures in his body where all the extra of him had escaped.
It was a relief, honestly. Even if there was some sect of the world who would hate him for it, just knowing that it was there, that the strange and difficult feelings in his chest had finally broken out, was enough.
Well, as it happened, that wasn’t entirely true. Anthony had to switch doctors once he burst, to someone who specialized in post-burst teens. She had given him a dry, unamused look over the rim of her glasses when he told her that he felt better.
“That isn’t how magic works,” she’s told him, like she was exhausted. Like he had exhausted her. “It doesn’t affect your internal organs. We actually don’t know where it is before a burst, there’s no anatomical trace of it. Even after a burst, it appears only to exist in a mark.”
That night, Anthony dreamed that the lines on his body strangled him to death.
That little hollow set deep inside his ribcage only grew. It felt so rancid and swollen that only a few years later, he convinced his doctor to take an x-ray of his chest—if it wasn’t magic surely it was some kind of cancer or lesion. When the film showed perfectly normal white bone over opaque tissue, he felt tears of frustration pinch at the edges of his eyes.
Something was wrong with him.
He tried casting more spells, and when Ian burst as well (like Anthony always knew he would, no matter what Ian himself thought) he roped him in, too. Dumb teenagers, casting spells in empty parking lots, tucked away in Ian’s room, or behind the school after the buses left, and it actually made Anthony feel better. He could feel that swell inside him deflate, centimeter by centimeter. It would come back in raging force sometimes, and Anthony found himself terrified of his own body, until Ian would invite him over and the pressure would lessen, marginally, as Ian chatted about whatever bonding spell he’d found that week for them to try carving and enchanting.
At the end of senior year, Anthony went down in the middle of their school hallway, just out of the blue, with his heart palpitating thinly and his lungs filled up so he couldn’t breathe. His mark moved and shifted over his skin like snakes coiling, trying to wring the life out of him, crawling around his chest and his neck and his hands.
The next thing he knew, he was in the nurse’s office with an icepack on the back of his neck, his mark had stopped moving, and Ian had “gotten permission” (cut) from Ms. Waters’ study hall to pace around the glorified mop-closet of an office until Anthony felt well enough to go back to class.
Breathing ached like a muscle, tender with every movement, but he worked through it.
“Does your magic ever try and kill you?” he asked Ian, only half joking.
“Oh. Cool.”
Ian sighed. “Your magic can’t kill you, dude. That’s not how it works.”
Anthony’s lip curls in a snarl. “You don’t know that—you don’t know how it works. Maybe I’m the first one who’s gonna die from their own magic. Or maybe it’s happened a lot before and we just don’t know.”
Ian shrugged. “Okay, yeah, I’m not an expert or anything, but . . . but Anthony, I don’t think your magic wants to kill you.” Ian didn’t give a ton of eye contact. He probably gave most of what he had to Anthony, but Anthony was still surprised by how steadily, how directly he held his gaze.
“Then what the hell is this?” Anthony demanded, gesturing with the ice pack vaguely towards himself. “Why does it feel like it does?”
“I dunno, dude, I just think . . .” Ian glanced at the door. They were alone in the recovery room, but the nurses could hear if they were too loud. “Sometimes I think it acts that way because you don’t want it.”
Anthony blinked, shocked. “What?”
Ian brought his shoulders up towards his ears, a guarded expression on his face, but he continued in spite of it. “Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to run yourself out of it, like you want to empty it. You want to be like before it was there.”
Ian wasn’t quite right, because Anthony had always known it was there, inside him, but perhaps he had a point. Casting spells and enchanting seals like it would go away if he finally just got to the bottom of the well—he was running himself (and probably Ian, too, at this rate) ragged. Maybe some of that ache in him was from too much exertion.
“I . . . I don’t know what else to do,” he said quietly.
Ian stood still for a moment, then sat beside Anthony on the bed. “I don’t know that I have the perfect answer, but maybe we take a break from spells for a weekend. We can—I dunno—get pizza and play video games or something. See if there are any parties happening. Just find something else to do. See if you can let it live with you for a weekend.”
“You’ll do it with me, though?” Anthony asked. He didn’t like the sound of any of it, but he liked it even less without Ian.
Ian glanced up at him again. “Yeah, dude. Of course.”
Anthony didn’t fully make peace with his magic until years and years later, but he did start that day. Slowly, something new slid into his chest, and instead of feeling even more like he was over-full, it was like a second pair of lungs, a second heart, slipped in helped him bear the weight of it all.
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i-eat-watercolour-paint · 1 year ago
Art trade w @etchy-a-sketchy ヽ(≧∀≦)ノ
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What they asked for :)
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What I gave :3
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What I asked for
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What they gave :D
Go check them out!!! ^_^
My art trades are still open btw
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falsebread · 5 months ago
I was gonna expand on my cultivator au BUT I thought this was funnier
Day 8: Demon
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I feel like the reverse mermaid could have been used to traumatize them a bit XD
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neopolitangumdrops · 3 months ago
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Winter Wonderklok 2024: Day 1 ~ Snowball Fight
Not much to this one, but I wanted to doodle Aurorgaar
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srwgrin · 5 months ago
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fionastrashheap · 10 months ago
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teehee a sketchy-etchy wip for you
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weepingmilkshakedreamer · 1 year ago
alr uhhh if i had 2 ch00ze what the t00l lay0ut w0uld be in my AS au it w0uld be like thiz:
pizza cutter [which w0uld later turn int0 a knife 4 the hall0ween editi0n 0f my au n AS2].
a b0x 0f matchez [az a ref 2 thiz thing here. l0l] but it w0uld later turn int0 a lighter.
Dr. alanz pain away gel. [alz0 fun fact: unlike h0w the pain away gel iz green in the AS gamez n shit, alanz veriz0n 0f the pain away gel w0uld be red. l0l]
a stapler.
the inject0r + syringe.
a Buzzsaw.
car battery.
X-ray tablet [which iz basically the etchy sketchy fr0m AS1 but it'z lezz 0f a pain n a l0t fazter t0 uze. l0l]
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