#estrellita is shining
Lady Estrellita, could I ask you something?
Lady? I not lady i thinks... I only 5 in god years but whats you want mister?
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yurnu · 5 months
||(BUTTERFLY EFFECT AU)🍃🔱¡Levántate y brilla estrellita! ¡El mesozoico te dice hola en tu primera día!
Rise and shine little star! The Mesozoic says hello on your first day!🔱🍃||
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martsonmars · 2 months
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Thanks for the tags @monbons @hushed-chorus and @whatevertheweather. I'm back and it's pick a WIP Sunday!
I really want to get back into writing Snowbaz and participating actively in the fandom. I don't exactly have more free time but I did graduate and I am technically on holiday until October, so let's try.
So I'm sharing snippets from 6 WIPs and maybe I'll be inspired to finish one of them. Help me out!!!!
1. Where Baz is a different blood sucking creature than usual. Prince and the frog but the prince is just a guy and the frog is trying to steal your blood.
The heat would be more than sufficient to make Simon reconsider all of his life choices. Give up on meat. Never touch plastic again. He'd do anything.
But no, clearly whatever sin he's committed—was it writing Jesus/Judas fanfiction when he was 15? It wasn't even explicit!—was enough to condemn him to this.
2. Holiday with the Grimms, where Simon and Baz share a bed in the same room as Malcolm and Daphne.
“Sorry I haven't delivered to my father an updated list of all the cocks I've sucked.” He wasn't smiling, but I could hear the smirk in his voice. The fake smugness. I know he's sucked half a cock (half sucked one cock?) and it was quite a disaster. “He doesn't know how deeply my virtue has already been fucked.”
I still snort at the thought. (The answer is not deeply at all.)
3. TA Simon and Baz showing up to class in a slutty Blackbeard cosplay.
I don't need a complaint for assault (let alone sexual assault) to drive my doctorate even farther away from my grasp.
I just need Grimm-Pitch to leave my classroom and come back wearing proper trousers before my overworked brain cells decide to go on permanent strike. (I'm not sure they haven't deserted me already.)
More snippets and tags under the cut!
4. Where Baz is a dryad and Simon is a woodcutter.
Simon didn't know many things, but he was pretty sure that pines weren't pretty men with long dark hair and pouty lips. Of course, Simon had never seen a man with dark green skin before, either, but he resembled a man more than a pine.
“You are not a pine. You're a man,” Simon voiced his scepticism, and he was rewarded with one more pine cone hitting his forehead. If nothing, the tree man had an impeccable aim.
5. Secret concept for this one.
Tucked in a corner as if he was trying to make himself seem smaller, yet he's got my attention like the masterpiece in a museum. Even the dim light of the pizzeria is enough to imagine the shine of his bronze curls under the summer sun. He's pale and freckled, broad and solid. Sturdy like the old table in my living room. I can perfectly see how he'd fit there, between a stack of Spinoza's complete works and the cabinet where my grandmother's Capodimonte porcelain sits unused. His back to the floor-to-ceiling window that opens on the terrace, surrounded by the bright halo of the hours before sunset. Bright like a Michelangelo in a room that's all Caravaggio.
6. This one I'm going to continue for sure when inspiration strikes, so it's not part of pick a WIP Sunday. It's maybe guess the WIP Sunday in this case.
“Sounds like you could use a break,” his deep voice says from a corner of the hall, as if he's read my mind. I see a pair of long legs first—legs for miles—crossing the room towards me, wrapped in a pair of trousers so tight I can't help but wonder how he'll take them off. (Not that I'm thinking of Baz without trousers.) (I mean, I've seen him without trousers. He wears chitons most of the time.) (He also wears really short shorts.) (I just mean I'm not thinking about taking his trousers off.) (Just. I mean.)
Tags!! No pressure just saying hi because I miss you all!!!
@facewithoutheart @sillyunicorn @onepintobean @shrekgogurt @wellbelesbian @palimpsessed @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @bookish-bogwitch @artsyunderstudy @orange-peony @larkral @raenestee @stitchyqueer @technetiumai @brilla-brilla-estrellita @thewholelemon @theimpossibledemon @j-nipper-95 @imagineacoolusername @blackberrysummerblog @theearlgreymage @rimeswithpurple @messofthejess @alexalexinii @nightimedreamersworld @captain-aralias @jbrrring @prettygoododds @youarenevertooold @best--dress @theotherhufflepuff @run-for-chamo-miles @valeffelees @dragoneggos @gekkoinapeartree @ionlydrinkhotwater @erzbethluna @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shemakesmeforget @basiltonbutliketheherb @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @aristocratic-otter @noblecorgi
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drowninginships · 5 months
Wip Wednesday
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Very excited that I finally made a banner! Did I do this instead of actually writing something for this post? Yes! Did I let it stop me? Absolutely not. Everyone has a banner and I wanted to fit in.
Anyway, thank you for @monbons for tagging me! You're so nice and you make my heart happy <3
So I guess I'm finally gonna share a snippet from the (currently untitled) Wing Fic. I'm writing this as a gift for my best friend @valeffelees even though I have never ever written wings in anything. But I love him, and for him, I will learn.
I'd rate this M, but I'll just put a disclaimer here, this is pretty mild but technically NSFW :)
Against my will, my eyes slip closed and my world goes dark. There's only pressure, only friction, only heat. Only Simon. Only ever Simon. When I finally manage to pry my eyes open again, hoping to see the expression on his face, my breath is stolen from my lungs. Red. Everything is red, and orange, and soft, and warm. Simon's wings have fully expanded in his passion, and as I gaze through the clouds of my lust, I can see the sunlight shining through the thin leathery membrane. Small, delicate red veins spread like a mosaic before me. I've never seen something so exquisite.
And there, that's all you're getting from me today. I hope you like it, please let me know what you think!! And I'm gonna add some no-pressure tags <3 @beastmonstertitan @valeffelees @roomwithanopenfire @mooncello @thewholelemon @youarenevertooold @raenestee @blackberrysummerblog @prettygoododds @brilla-brilla-estrellita and anyone else that wants to participate!
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guardianasdelrpg · 1 year
El amor es intrínseco al ser humano, por eso llamamos inhumanos a aquellos que son incapaces de amar. // De acuerdo con la estrellita, pero cuidado con ir al extremo. No todo amor es romántico, y las personas que no quieren romance en su vida (ni en sus tramas propias), o que están en el espectro asexual o aromántico, no están rotas ni son menos humanas. Cada estrellita brilla distinto, y está bien.
shine bright like a diamond
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ministar100 · 7 months
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⭐Little Star⭐ (Digital Version)
The Digital Version of my one of my Inktober 2023 drawings. Mini is the little pink star who will shine until the end.
──── ∗ ⋅✧⋅ ∗ ────
⭐Estrellita⭐ (Versión Digital)
La Versión Digital de uno de mis dibujos del Inktober 2023. Mini es la pequeña estrella que brillará hasta el final.
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𝙻̴𝚘̴𝚜̴ 𝚟̴𝚒̴𝚐̴𝚒̴𝚕̴𝚊̴𝚗̴𝚝̴𝚎̴𝚜̴ (2024)
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'Los vigilantes' es un digno debut de la hija de M. Night Shyamalan
Esta es una adaptación de la novela homónima de A.M. Shine, y está dirigida por su hija, Ishana, que debuta en la realización de largometrajes tras haber cogido callo en varios episodios de la serie ‘Servant’, que ha ido cogiendo cierto culto y ha lanzado a la joven realizadora que, si bien no alcanza a su progenitor, sí que muestra parte de su talento.
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(The Watchers en versión original), nos presenta a Mina, una joven artista de 28 años que se ve a sí misma varada en un bosque al oeste de Irlanda de camino a realizar un encargo. Es un lugar inquietante, que no aparece en los mapas y que, según parece, no es posible abandonar.
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Ni su furgoneta ni el móvil responden, así que no le queda más remedio que internarse en él para encontrar algún tipo de ayuda, pero para su sorpresa lo que encuentra es a una mujer que la urge a entrar en una suerte de cabaña.
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Una de las paredes es un espejo que no permite ver qué hay al otro lado pero sí ser espiado y las luces eléctricas se activan al atardecer, cuando las personas encerradas en ese lugar son observadas por criaturas que emergen de la tierra sin que se sepa cuál es su propósito.
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Lo peor, claro está, es que el destino de quienes no consiguen llegar a la cabaña a tiempo parece ser terrible, como atestiguan los gritos.
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Las normas son claras: no pueden abrir la puerta después del atardecer, deben mantenerse siempre a la luz y no pueden acercarse a las madrigueras de las criaturas. Mina, no obstante, tiene cierta tendencia a desafiar las reglas, lo que pondrá al grupo en más de un aprieto.
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Lo mejor y lo peor del debut de Ishana N. Shyamalan es que comprime material para tres temporadas de estas series en solo 100 minutos, lo que da lugar a una sobreexposición constante a través de libros, recuerdos de personajes, cajas con fotos, cajas con pergaminos, vídeos antiguos, secretos y más secretos escondidos que hacen su guion una sobredosis de letra e información. Pero por otro lado, en comparación con los cliffhangers y eternos secretos de esas series interminables, al menos sales del cine con todas las respuestas.
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Algo hace para que sus sorpresas logren acabar cogiendo desprevenido al espectador. 
El terror se aplica atronando y mientras el ritmo avanza sin pausa
Me ha parecido GENIAL y le doy cuatro estrellitas ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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In his first collection of bilingual poetry for children, José Chavez shares lyrical reflections that shine a light on a young Mexican-American boy who sees stars dance across the night sky, longs to sail to Mexico, paints his mother's smile, and loves his grandmother's green chile stew. With two cats and a friendly pig to keep him company, the curious boy embarks on a journey through his imagination as he contemplates what stars do in the daytime, and thinks of questions for the planet Saturn.
En su primera recopilación de poesías bilingües para niños, José Chavez comparte reflexiones líricas que iluminan a un joven México-Americano que ve las estrellas bailar en el cielo nocturno, anhela navegar a México, pinta la sonrisa de su madre, y le encanta el chile verde de su abuela. Con dos gatas y un cochinito amistoso, que lo acompañan, el niño curioso emprende un viaje a través de su imaginación mientras contempla lo que hacen las estrellas durante el día, y piensa en preguntas para el planeta Saturno.
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sgt-morgan · 2 years
Favorite things 🧸
Moonknight Masterlist
Part 1: Estrellita✨
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Summary: Cassie learns a lesson about respecting others things from her favorite uncles.
Warnings: None, it’s tooth rotting fluff up in this house. (As always, inaccurate depiction of DID as made cannon by the show.)
A/N: I saw a Tik tok of these boys who have a mom that’s like super into teaching them to be respectful humans and I thought of this.
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Cassie is a very respectful child. She always uses Kind words. She was always very well spoken, and enjoyed complementing people when they did something she liked. (Just like her mommy does with her.)
“Amo Steven, I really like how you make me smile with your funny stories. You are a very nice uncle.”
“Uncle Marc! I love playing baseball with you because I like to see you more! Thank you for playing!”
“Tío Jake, gracias por dejarme montar en tu coche de lujo. I always feel very safe with you driving.”
She used gentle hands when she was playing with her uncles and cousin, (except when she play fights with Uncle Marc and Tío Jake, then she doesn’t have to be as gentle.)
Cassie sat with her cousin as you finished heating her bottle. She stroked her little cheeks so softly and whispered to her sweetly.
“What a pretty baby my Aurora is! Hi sunshine girl!” Cassie said in her baby voice, then she started singing the song you always sang to your baby. “Good morning star shine the earth says hello! You twinkle above us, we twinkle below!” You couldn’t help but grin in delight as Marc made a face that told you how painfully cute this was from where he sat with the two tiny girls between his legs, helping Cassie prop the baby on the boopy that rested over her legs.
‘Oh my god!’ He mouthed at you, making a motion with his fist striking his heart and fake crying. You laughed as you shook the bottle and approached the trio, starting to hand Cassie the bottle. She gently guided the bottle into the baby’s mouth with your help. Then she sat and fed her, Marc reaching out to help her adjust if needed or to wipe drops of milk that leaked out of Aurora’s tiny mouth. Cassie kept singing the song while she fed the baby, and when she finished, she placed a gentle kiss to her head. You could have sworn Marc teared up.
Cassie was good at many, many things. But she hadn’t grasped the idea that not every thing was hers.
She had OCS (only child syndrome) as your sister so bluntly put it, grousing that she was desperately trying to break the little girl of this habit, but she couldn’t seem to understand that her things were her things, but other peoples things were not under her control, and not to be broken on a whim. You recognized this in Cassie too. If she likes something, she would take it from someone, and unfortunately her uncles were enablers. Steven would let her take his little Egyptian knick-knacks if one really tickled her fancy without hesitation, and quickly assuaged her tears when she broke them (often). Marc would always tell her that his guitar was her guitar and would often let her take it home, leaving him without his favorite pastime, and when she brought it back it usually had a broken string. Jake had an insane collection of hats, but it began to dwindle, because Cassie would often claim them and take them home and color them to make them ‘pretty’. Don’t even get her started about your chapsticks. You felt like you’d spent thousands on the stuff because if Cassie asked for it, you let her have it because when she applied it, she ruined it.
With the baby though, things were different. Aroura had gotten really attached to these pacifiers with stuffed animals on the end of them. She had one of every kind, because you had to have one at any available second. Aurora had lions and dinos and elephants and dragons and llamas and ducks and cows and penguins and cats and dogs and even a tiny Spider-Man one from Peter. It was a vast collection that bordered on hoarding, but if it stopped her from crying, who were you to complain. The baby’s favorite one you had noticed, was the one that was shaped like a frog. If nothing would soothe her, the frog pacifier always did, so you had a stockpile of about forty at this point, to ensure the thing didn’t go out of stock or get discontinued leaving you without a backup. Recently though, Cassie had also taken a keen fascination with frogs. This lead to a very exciting afternoon at your mother’s that your family wasn’t soon to forget.
The baby was screaming, howling in fact. You had put her in a swing in the play room at your parents house with her frog pacifier not ten minutes ago, and she was perfectly content. Now though, now she screeched as if someone had gnawed off one of her limbs. You and your sister rushed into her room from the kitchen, your mother on your heels to see what made her scream like this. What you found was Cassie, playing with the stuffed frog, as she tried to shove the frog-less pacifier into Aurora’s mouth. You gasped and picked up the baby as Jake entered the house with a backpack that thankfully had a backup frog pacifier.
“Cassie! What did I tell you about doing that!” Her mother admonished with exasperation clearly staining her face.
“It looked like fun momma! And he’s so green, and I needed him for my tea party!” Cassie shrugged, getting back to her tea party.
Jake heaved a heavy sigh as he handed you the pacifier. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her. He said crouching to the girls level to make eye contact. They talked for a long time while Cassie sniffled and wiped tears. Once Jake was done explaining, she threw her arms around Jake and went back to playing.
“what did you say?” You asked, watching her calm down soundlessly and clean up her little mess.
“Nothing much mi vida, she gets it now.” He shrugged, taking the baby gently from you and assuaging her tears instantly. Your baby is a total daddy’s girl. (So we’re you though so, who are you to judge.)
From then on Cassie grew a new respect for peoples things. She could often be found putting things back where they belonged, pushing them back onto the counter more firmly so they wouldn’t break, truly listening when other children said they didn’t want to share their favorite toys. A necessary and refreshing change of pace from her previous antics. You’r sister heralded this new update as a miracle, and it further cemented Jake’s talent as a child whisperer in the eyes of your family. Cassie was now very respectful of others things, but it came with a very surprising (and adorable) side effect you weren’t expecting.
You and Cassie were constantly chasing each other around. Roughhousing was a common pastime in your household, and it was never shocking for you or the boys to be chasing the small girl around the house or vice versa trying to smack each other (lightly). You were running around smacking each other on this particular day, and Cassie had just caught up to you, and was about to smack you on the butt when she weirdly stoped and looked very serious all of a sudden. Then she stopped fully and said she didn’t wanna play anymore.
“What’s up Cassie? Why did you stop?” You frowned, crouching to talk to the little girl.
“Nothing, I’m just being respectful of Tío Jake’s favorite things!” Then she skipped off, going back to playing with her stuffed animals and coloring books. It took you a second to catch up to what she was saying.
“JAKE LOCKLEY! VEN AQUÍ AHORA MISMO!” You yelled from the kitchen. He wandered in holding your very happy baby girl with a shit eating grin.
“Sí, Mi Vida?” He grinned even harder, bouncing the giggling baby girl in his arms. “What’s the problem, you wanted her to be respectful of other peoples favorite things, it’s not my fault she’s a very perceptive child. ¡Tu glorioso trasero es lo que más me gusta!” You grinned and smacked him on the arm, and he feigned a wounded look. “Te quiero, cariño.” He said puckering his lips at you and leaving the room.
“Yeah, yeah, love you too.”
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littlepadika · 3 years
Will the Thief join the daddies?
And what would his Little's name be? I could see it being Jewel or Diamond. Something shiny. ;)
I like little gem for sure buuuut what about Estrellita (little star)? Because of all the shiny things he can steal, it never compares to his little star 🌟🥺
Warnings: DDLG
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"Try it on, mi Estrellita." He calls you over, holding the diamond necklace between his fingers. You giggle as the cool diamonds touch your neck. "There. Papi's little star shines even brighter now."
"Thankie daddy" You beamed up at him. "What did you get?"
"Look at this." He placed a gold crown on his head.
"Papi! Are you a king now?"
"I think so. Only if you'll be my queen, estrellita."
Littlespace taglist: @lafresamilk @dobbyjen @mamacitapascal @prettypedros, @marstheplanet @takochansugoi @oceanablue @iwishtobeastorm @dincrypt, @bac-1, @spacenerdpascal, @cranberrypills @punkerthanpascal @breezythesimp @djarinsimp @mylittlesenaar @bbybunbun @phnyx
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bizarrebaby · 4 years
Here’s a little passage from a Pero Tovar/Virgin!Reader I’m working on!
CW: sexual content
Pero did not fancy himself a teacher, he saw himself as a taker, one with no patience for uncertainties and incompetence. But for you, he would be anything. And regardless of what he was, what you deserved was a gentle touch. Subtle, comforting, patient, and understanding. 
All words that had never been used to describe him.
Over time, the kisses grew deeper, the touches flirted further beneath the clothes, until the night came where he held you against him in his bed, eyes begging for more as you looked to him for guidance. Never had he been so frightened at the thought of bedding a woman. He was a scoundrel with hands only fit for killing, and he was terrified of hurting you somehow.
But he’d be damned if anyone else took this honor.
With every piece of clothing he stripped your body of, you looked at him with such trust. He felt your heart beating in his rough palms, like the flutter of a bird’s wings. Never before had he been responsible for something so pure, so delicate. His relations before you were intimacies he had paid for in coin, encounters that didn’t require any gentleness on his part, where he cared little about any pleasure or pain besides his own. If he were to do one thing in his life with tact and delicacy, it would be this, he promised himself. 
“Tell me again, hermosa, how many before me have seen this beautiful body?”
“N-none. You’re the first, Pero.” 
He hums in satisfaction, running his hands up your stomach to cup your breasts. His thumbs stroke over the hardening peaks, causing a hitch in your breath as you shudder. 
“Oh, mi estrellita, so sensitive,” he descends, taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking almost harshly for just a moment before pulling away, admiring how your breast shines with his spit. You squeak out a shaking moan. “I wonder if you’re this sensitive everywhere else? Don’t tell me. I’ll find out myself.”
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How are you enjoying tumblr? Do you like it so far?
Always here for help if you want it :)
koko and mr Erebus are helping me! they just dont let me scroll because i might see something tho :(
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irinanonyme · 5 years
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 🌠
Hey! It's a super weird thing to do but after that scene where Sean had to sing so that the racist bastard would fuck off I decided to learn twinkle twinkle little star in Spanish to pay respects🙏 The most painful thing was that apparently there are multiple versions of the song so I had to listen to Sean singing again to find out which version he sang (hopefully I heard correctly and didn't pick the wrong one). Luckily though, I think that it was the very first one I found!
Here's the lyrics:
Estrellita, ¿dónde estás? 
Me pregunto qué serás. 
En el cielo y en el mar, 
Un diamante de verdad. 
Estrellita, ¿dónde estás? 
Me pregunto qué serás.
Cuando el sol se ha ido ya
Cuando nada brilla más
Tú nos muestras tu brillar
Brillas, brillas, sin parar
Estrellita, ¿dónde estás?
Me pregunto qué serás.
And the English translation:
Little star, where are you?
I wonder what you are.
In the sky and in the sea
A real diamond.
Little star, where are you?
I wonder what you are.
When the sun has already gone,
When nothing else shines,
You show us your shine.
You shine, you shine constantly.
Little star, where are you?
I wonder what you are.
It's actually pretty easy to sing once you get the hang of it! It sounds lovely in Spanish and fuck this asshole for laughing at Sean's singing. Honestly if the voice cracks and the crying weren't there I think that Sean's singing would be super cute and adorable (and here I go having crushes on fictional characters again...)
Anyway, next year I'm gonna start learning Spanish at school so this song may help me with pronunciations and stuff even if it's a short song.
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drowninginships · 6 months
An Ask Game for Writers to Procrastinate Working on Your WIP(s)
First of all, thank you soooo much to @monbons and @valeffelees for tagging me, I nearly had a whole breakdown over how nice this fandom is and how good it feels to be included in something like this. Yall are the sweetest, thank you <3 1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s): Uhhhh, yall name your WIPs beforehand? I currently have two documents titled "nose ring simon" and "wing fic" and I typically title it just before I post it.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___” I think you'll find this is a pretty easy formula for most, if not all, of my fics. Simon + Piercing + Baz Horny. Alternatively, Simon + Wings = Baz Horny. Sensing a theme?
3. ��What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it? Explicit tags, for sure. It'd be pretty funny to tag the wingfic as monsterfucking, so I'll probably do that, but otherwise, nothing crazy going on here. Just boys very much in love.
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)? "wing fic" often affectionately gets called "how the fuck do wings work" or "goddamn motherfucking physics"
5. ⚠️Which WIP you're most likely to finish or update next? Definitely the piercing one. The wing fic isn't cohesive or coherent at this time, and it's more of a collection of scenes rather than a whole fic, anyway. I'm having a lot of fun writing the piercing one!!!
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as) Please see answer #1. It's truly mind boggling to know that some of yall are out here naming WIPs.
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
Of course it's gold. Everything about Simon is gold. His mind, his body, his soul. The color of his skin and his hair when the sun shines through it from behind. The small loop now adorning his nostril.
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP. For wing fic, I was trying to figure out a way to make an au scene where everyone has wings, and I could do a little, like, wing caretaking session? But I couldn't find a solid enough reason for everyone to have wings, and also I realized I just didn't care enough about that scene to pursue it further.
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet? I find this question particularly difficult. I don't know that there are any stories I want to tell, right now. Usually when I want to write something, I schedule it in and I do it. Right now, there's nothing on the back-burner.
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on? Only the 2! I'm not usually one to work on multiples at a time.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now? Re: "goddamn motherfucking physics," I've never been super into fantasy or a fandom that particularly liked wings, so I genuinely have no clue how these things work. I took on this project as a gift for @valeffelees after he lamented the lack of wing fics for him to devour, and while I'm not an expert, I'm certainly trying my best. But like, the anatomy??? of a wing???
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send. Again, thank you both so much for tagging me. You're exactly who I would have tagged here, so instead of tagging you both again, I'll tag @thewholelemon even though I know you've already filled this out <3 Also, I'll tag @chaoticgaywitch @iamamythologicalcreature @youarenevertooold @beastmonstertitan and @brilla-brilla-estrellita because you all played our stupid little poetry game and brought me a lot of joy!
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mysticalgalaxysalad · 6 years
It was nice, warm evening. A lot of gulls were flying over the Caribbean sea and chasing fish. They were so loud and you could hear them from far away. A certain Spanish captain and his cute beloved wife were just having a dinner, roasted trout with baked potatoes. An absolutely delicious meal, made by Estrella’s new housemaid, Angela.
“Mmm, it’s more than delicious,” Estrella smiled and winked at Angela. According to Armando’s kitten purring instead of verbal agreeing, Angela surpassed herself. The housemaid just smirked at the Salazars, poured Armando red, sweet wine and Estrella limette flavoured water, then she disappeared. Salazar smiled and lifted his glass. “To your and our little one’s health, cariño.” “To yours and your crew’s health, mi amor,” his golden haired nymph smiled wider. Glasses clinked as if they were silver.
After the dinner, Armando picked Estrella into his arms and carried her in their bedroom. “So…what’s the plan for today’s evening, my love? A concert, a walk on the beach,… What do you say?” “A walk on the beach sounds great, cariño,” Estrella winks at Armando and slowly changed her dress which she was wearing for slightly purple ones. Armando smiled and helped his darling with the dress. Captain then took her in his arms again and went with her downstairs, till they came to a garden gate. Estrella opened it from Salazar’s arms and her deeply beloved attractive  husband carried her few more steps to the beach.
Armando offered Estrella his arm, so she could hang up to him. She gladly did it, with a soft, happy smile. They slowly walked on the beach. The beach was so wonderful. Dark sea reflected a light of setting Sun, golden as Estrella’s wavy long hair. It was like starry sky on the sea surface, calming and romantic. Yellow sand was warm and soft, reminding them of a solid, shiny powder with thousands and thousands small diamonds. Estrella separated from Armando and walked closer to the water. There was a lot of phytoplankton, but she couldn’t see it yet. However, after the Sun set and it little bit darkened, the situation suddenly changed. And the sea started to glow with blue color. Mesmerized madame Salazar looked at her sweetheart, eyes shining like the stars over them and radiating tons of love. “Armando, my dear, that’s so wonderful,” she whispered, as she leaned into his strong and protective hug. “Not more than you, mi amor,” Salazar also whispered, looked deeply into her dark eyes looking like Milky Way, before he kissed her. Estrella’s heart melted from all the love she felt for Armando. She slowly kissed him back. Nobody was there. Only future admiral, his cute Estrellita and their infinity love.
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ochoislas · 2 years
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Titila y late, estrellita —¡qué serás es mi desvelo!—, tan levantada del mundo como un diamante en el cielo.
Cuando ardiente sol se esconde, cuando nada lo refleja, muestras tú tu lumbrecilla que toda la noche riela.
Luego el viajero nocturno tu chiribita agradece, su senda no conociera si no guiñaras de suerte.
En el zafiro porfías y fisgas por mis visillos, que jamás se entorna tu ojo si el sol no ofusca su brillo.
Pues al viajero en tinieblas alumbra tu chiribita —por más que que tu ser yo ignore— ¡late y titila, estrellita!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Then the traveller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark! He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark Lights the traveller in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Jane Taylor
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