estistudies · 5 years
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[08. 11. 2019]
Hell yes, I'm still alive, providing pictures of the university library. I have 2 essays due next week, plus a presentation. I can't believe it's already the 10th (?) week of the semester, and it will all end soon.
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tonhalszendvics · 4 years
Tag game: seven sentences
Tagged by @thefreakzone it took me a while lol
Tag game: post the last seven sentences you wrote and tag seven people.
Thank you, Word, for remembering what was my last edited stuff. Also this is Hungarian because I do not posess the talent of writing in another language. (scroll down for English, please.)
 – Mint… – Ivan erősen gondolkodott. – Mint a kötés? – Bevallom, én hímezni szoktam… És megint vörös volt a füle tövéig. – Én faragok – mondta Berwald. – Csúnya kis bábukat. Először sakk-készletet akartam, de egyik faragásom se úgy néz ki, ahogy szeretném.“
I’ve spent half a millenia trying to mirrorturn this into English. A ton of mistakes may appear.
“Like...” Ivan thought hard. “Like knitting?” “To be honest, I’m doing embroidery...” And his face was red all over again. “I’m carving” said Berwald. “Ugly little pieces. At first I wanted to make a chess set, but none of my carvings resemble what I initially wanted to make.”
I have at least three ongoing stories. This is a completely different one, just a short story. In a nutshell: Ivan is an ex-soldier, who cannot bear the memories of the war. He’s in a therapy-club-something, where he’d met four non-soldier, trying to process their trauma. This will be done by April. April 2034.
Tagging people :sweats:
@tulikettu (tudom, hogy most éppen nem írsz, de játék), @estistudies (tudom, hogy írtál már), @katiewr (benned biztos vagyok, hogy még publikálsz is)
Szedjetek elő mindenkit, aki ír és mozog x’D Akit kihagytam, de érzi magában a csít, annak hajrá-hajrá
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estistudies · 5 years
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[20. 09. 2019]
Is this studyblr still active? Who knows!
But here is a little study aesthetic anyway. Reading for my thesis in my fav spot in the library. How is school going for you all?
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estistudies · 4 years
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[29. 05. 2020]
Today: unsettling stuff on duolingo. One more I didn't take a screenshot of: The dogs are dead. 😰😰
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estistudies · 5 years
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[29. 11. 2019]
Flashback to when I was studying for my computational linguistics midterm. Plus a bonus picture of the old water tower in Szeged and the canal in my hometown. I miss taking walks and good weather.
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estistudies · 5 years
1 minute Hungarian
vizsgaidőszak (n) = exam period
vizsga = exam, időszak = period
but if you want to be funny you can also write:
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estistudies · 5 years
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[11. 12. 2019]
It's that time of the year again. Winter -- exam period. Ugh.
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estistudies · 6 years
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[03. 03. 2019]
This week's spread and the entrance to the library. Idk why tumblr flips the picture but I decided not to care.
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estistudies · 5 years
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[30. 09. 2019]
You might have noticed that I really like the university library and the view to the faculty building...
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estistudies · 6 years
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[18. 02. 2019]
I think I never posted this spread, so throwback to the cute bees of week 3.
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estistudies · 6 years
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January Studyblr Challenge Day 30: February planning
Super excited for next month! My 20th birthday is coming (have to celebrate it with a wild twister party), the start of the 2nd semester with interesting courses and also the first time i'm able to participate in Language Jam.
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estistudies · 5 years
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[12. 06. 2019]
Sorry for the lack of original content, it's hell outside so I live in darkness 0/24, and even like that it's 28 degrees in my room because no AC, what would happen if I let in some sunlight. Ah, the wonders of living upstairs in the loft.
Anyway, this is a corner of our house and the book I'm currently reading. I got it for my prev bday but I read other things last year. Also I'm really productive, can you believe! I study a lot -- mostly my TLs, but also IPA, I'm kinda literate now. I'll post some pictures when I'll get some natural lighting without burning to death.
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estistudies · 5 years
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[29. 04. 2019]
I had a very productive weekend!
tidied the room
ironed my shirts
cooked some proper food
finished an essay
For that last one, I not only finished it but I also started it just 3 days ago because I've been putting it off since the end if the semester and prioritized other things. Well it took me years to find a topic in conversation analysis I could work with and I needed some theoretical background too, but once I started collecting the data it went well!
Also, I signed the ba thesis contract with a very sweet teacher this week! My topic is code switching in computer mediated communication. I asked her for some literature on it for the summer because I want to get ahead and she sent me like 17 books via email wow
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estistudies · 6 years
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[18. 02. 2019]
Goededag! Ik ben Eszter, ik kom uit Hongarije. Ik ben 20 jaar oud. Een van mijn hobby's is taalen leren. Ik ben al 2 dagen Nederlands aan het leren. Het is gemakkelijk, omdat ik Duits ken. Toch is uitspraak moeilijk.
This weekend I had some fun with Dutch. Although I didn't actually learn anything, it was more like translating from "strange German". The pronunciation was very strange indeed.
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estistudies · 6 years
Hello everyone! I’m Eszter (or just Esti) from Hungary and this is my studyblr reintroduction! I’ve been around for about a year now under the name orastudy but sadly, I wasn’t very active. Still, I missed the studyblr community and now I’m trying to relaunch this studyblr/langblr with a new name: estistudies!
languages i speak: hungarian (native), english (c1) target languages: german (b1), romanian (beginner) future target languages: finnish
major: English (currently in 2nd year) minor: theoretical linguistics (codenamed language technology) my classes: lots of linguistics; English literature, culture, history; academic writing
hobbies and passions: reading, taking long walks between beautiful old buildings, hiking, linguistics and languages
I also did bullet journaling last year but when university got more hectic in October I couldn’t stick to it. In 2019 I’m going to make it more minimalistic and academic focused, maybe with some “diary” kind of logs as well. Iam terrible at taking pictures of anything other than nature and the lighning is always bad anyway, but I’m going to try to have more original posts - both photos and some tips or vocab lists. You can find my original posts under the tag #estistudies
I am also active on a discord server for language learners (although mainly in the hungarian chatroom only, rip). If you are interested in languaged, come join the fun here!
A few studyblrs that inspire me: @emmastudies, @linguistblr, @universi-tea, @athenastudying, @meglearnslanguages, @saxblr, @languagesandshootingstars, @myastudies, @acoffeewithlucie, @coconut-studies, @mediocrelanguagelearner
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estistudies · 6 years
January Studyblr Challenge Day 19: What's in your bag?
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