#estela calderon
recentlyheardcom · 11 months
By Josue DecaveleACAPULCO, Mexico (Reuters) -Mexico's government on Sunday intensified efforts to get the stricken coastal city of Acapulco back on its feet as the toll of dead and missing from a record-breaking hurricane that ravaged the iconic beach resort continued to rise.Hurricane Otis ripped through Acapulco as a Category 5 storm on Wednesday, wrecking homes, hotels and businesses with 165 mph (266 kph) winds which downed power lines and communications, leaving the city of nearly 900,000 inhabitants incommunicado.Looting broke out as food, water and gasoline become scarce after the destruction caused by Otis, which the government on Sunday said had killed 48 people, with six people missing.The governor of the southern state of Guerrero, where Acapulco is located, earlier said 36 people were unaccounted for.A day earlier, the toll stood at 39 dead and 10 missing.President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said most of his cabinet was already in or headed for Acapulco, and that he would return there later on Sunday to lead recovery efforts as thousands of soldiers and police descended on the city."We're going to get Acapulco back on its feet, starting with its people," he said in a video on social media.Dozens of pieces of broken boats dotted the bay on Sunday, with smashed yachts and dinghies piled up on the shore.Captain Alejandro Cortez, 66, abandoned his yacht when he saw the hurricane picking up speed."We ran, we jumped down, and we left the ship all alone," he recounted from a pier where he gazed at the water, remembering waves seven meters high."And that's why I'm sitting here now. God gave me that decision," he added, pointing upward. Some fellow workers turned up alive, but the search is ongoing for others, he said."There are many people that still haven't been found."The cost of damage could climb as high as $15 billion according to estimates, and Lopez Obrador said the ministers of finance and the economy would be in Acapulco on Monday. He also invited the Mexican central bank governor to travel there.Residents in flooded areas have criticized the lack of government help. Many are struggling to find food and water."I was cleaned out, left with nothing," said Blanca Estela Morales, a wheelchair-bound 52-year-old staying in a government-run shelter after her home was flooded. "This is really hard for me - we sleep on the floor, we don't have water to wash with."POLITICAL FALLOUTThe disaster struck Acapulco barely seven months away from Mexico's next presidential election, and Lopez Obrador this weekend accused his critics of attacking his response to Otis and inflating its impact for electoral reasons.His fiery political broadsides triggered criticism that Lopez Obrador was downplaying the gravity of the disaster, even as families desperately searched for missing relatives and more drowned victims were recovered from Acapulco's bay.Former President Felipe Calderon, a longstanding adversary of Lopez Obrador, accused his administration of trying to exploit the situation by "rebranding" boxes of private aid contributions to Acapulco as "government" donations.Reuters could not immediately verify how boxes with such donations had been marked. Presidential spokesman Jesus Ramirez said Calderon was "lying," and accused some politicians and media outlets of trying to benefit from the tragedy.Mexico has sent some 17,000 members of the armed forces to keep order and help distribute tonnes of food and supplies in Acapulco, the biggest city in Guerrero.Clean up efforts are likely to take time, and the government in an update on Sunday said Otis damaged 273,844 homes in Guerrero - more than the 223,924 homes registered in Acapulco in 2020 - along with 600 hotels and condominiums.One community remains cut off due to an overflowing river, the government also said.Guerrero Governor Evelyn Salgado said electricity has been restored to 58% of Acapulco, and that officials had visited 10,000 families in the area to assess damage.Lopez Obrador said he expected electricity to be fully restored in the city by Tuesday.
Defense Minister Luis Cresencio Sandoval said about 5,000 National Guard members will be assigned to security and that the armed forces were taking control of gas stations after Lopez Obrador asked him how efforts to stop looting were going."It was hugely important to take the gas stations," Sandoval said. "Because there could be an even worse tragedy."(Reporting by Josue Decavele, Jose Cortes and Alexandre Meneghini in Acapulco; Daina Beth Solomon in Mexico City; Editing by Dave Graham, Marguerita Choy, Lisa Shumaker and Diane Craft)
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claudiaramirezgifs · 3 years
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cooltivarte · 5 years
Noche para el recuerdo de la Primera Actriz Estela Medina en función de “Solo una actriz de teatro” de Gabriel Calderon a beneficio de Asociación de amigos del INAE presidida por Jeannie Fontaina del INAE Uruguay que dirige José Onaindia.
Noviembre 2019
Producción: Reverso – Laura Pouso
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mannprieto · 3 years
TONALLAN TLAHTOCAYOTL. Y donde queda ‘La Patria’? Ahí mero donde paso Hidalgo y su ejército. Entre 20 de Noviembre y la calle de la Parroquia.
Luego de tomar la crucial decisión de abandonar Guadalajara para enfrentar las fuerzas realistas de Félix Ma. Calleja en Puente de Calderon. Una de las tradiciones más antiguas sitúa el paso de don Miguel Hidalgo y sus huestes por el “pueblo de indios de Tonalá”.
Ingresando por la calle Municipal Sur (hoy Francisco I. Madero), doblando hacia la calle Parroquial Oriente (Pedro Moreno) hacia el oriente y tomando el antiguo camino hacia el poblado y Puente de Tololotlan. Ese sería el trayecto.
Bajo esta lógica, este traslado tendría dos grandes beneficios que ayudarían a la causa insurgente: el considerable acortamiento de la distancia y segundo, una consecuente disminución de la fatiga en sus seguidores, calculada en más de 80 mil hombres.
Es importante recordar que para los festejos del Bicentenario de nuestra independencia (2010), el comité nacional decidió establecer una emblemática escultura del águila como símbolo del paso del líder insurgente y que fuera ubicada frente al Santuario del Sagrado Corazón en pleno centro tonalteca.
Aunado a esta situación, históricamente seria en el año de 1925 que siendo alcalde de Tonalá Margarito García Torres; se colocó una escultura alusiva al llamado ‘Padre de la Patria’ en el entonces jardín principal.
Durante su discurso, el mandatario tonalteca recordaría a los asistentes “el paso del huracán (porque todo se llevaba a la fuerza) por el territorio de Tonalá”, a manera de anécdota entre sus pobladores y que hoy ha quedado en el olvido..
Para Hidalgo, “la suerte ya estaba echada”. Su primer destino sería el Puente de Tololotlan y pernoctar hasta enfrentar al ejército español en el llamado ‘Puente de Calderon’, ya en Zapotlanejo.
Por ello, la plaza pública de Puente Grande alberga desde el año de 1960, una ‘estela conmemorativa’ por el paso del cura oriundo de la hacienda de Corralejos, Guanajuato.
Tonalá sería parte de la llamada “Ruta de la Independencia de México”..
Cariacha (hasta la próxima)…
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lafamamusic · 3 years
La actriz Estela Calderon atraviesa un terrible dolor, Alana, una de sus mellizas, falleció
La actriz Estela Calderon atraviesa un terrible dolor, Alana, una de sus mellizas, falleció
Los seguidores, amigos, allegados y compañeros de trabajo de Estela Calderon sabían que la actriz estaba embarazada de mellizas. Sin embargo, en Instagram ésta no publicó nunca imágenes de sus dos hijas. Solo había mostrado imágenes de la pequeña Emilia, de ocho meses. Ha trascendido ahora, que la razón detrás de este hecho es que una de sus hijas falleció. Alana. Hace tres días Estela Calderon…
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rutasinaloa · 3 years
Los usuarios de redes sociales recordaron al ex mandatario la edificación de la “Estela de Luz” durante su administración, cuya idea era que fuera un monumento insignia por el bicentenario de la In…
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“Estela de luz”: Corruption case during the last administration.
According to the journal “La Jornada”, in order to commemorate the bicentennial of the Mexican Revolution, the government during Calderon’s administration, decided to build the famous “Estela de luz”. It was constructed without the studies of environmental impact and the correspondent permissions. After some investigations it was found that this monument had an over cost of more than 400 million pesos and the prices of the materials were duplicated. Some of the institutions that were involved in this fraud were: Pemex, Gutsa, Banjército, SAPI and the Public Function Secretary. This case is considered corruption because the resources were divert in order to benefit big companies and gubernamental members.
Source: http://www.milenio.com/policia/detenidos_fraude_Melate-Hector_Hugo_Lopez_Jimenez-Pronosticos_Asistencia_Publica_0_461953933.html
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icelebritieshub-blog · 10 years
Estela Calderon Net Worth
Estela Calderon Net Worth
Estela Calderon Net Worth:Estela Calderon is a Mexican actress who has a net worth of $8 million. Estela Calderon is known for her roles in Viernes de Ánimas: El camino de las flores (2011), Los Miserables (2014) and Cambio de vida (2007); Fortuna (TV Series) (2013 as Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Méndez); El Señor de…
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claudiaramirezgifs · 3 years
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claudiaramirezgifs · 3 years
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claudiaramirezgifs · 3 years
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claudiaramirezgifs · 3 years
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