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I have to admit that my favorite part about this cranberry sauce is the orange rind! 😋 This cranberry sauce is a family favorite And there’s still plenty of time to get these ingredients. This will keep in your fridge for a couple of weeks before the event. So if you made it today you will be fine for Thanksgiving. You can find the link in my stories or you can search for the recipe on my YouTube channel. Happy cooking!-Essi💕 . . . . #holidaycranberrysauce #holidayrecipe #holidayrecipes #holidayrecipe #cranberrysaucerecipe #cranberrysaucefromscratch #cranberrysaucerecipes #makeyourowncranberrysauce #orangerind #orangepeels #orangepeel #essiflynninthekitchen #essiflynn #essiflynnyoutube #healthycranberrysauce #thanksgivingrecipes #thanksgivingrecipe #holidaytraditions #holidaytradition #familyfood #sidedishes #cranberries (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWlHOsrrRqp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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OMG! Check out my celery roots! I was going to pull it out just to show you the fantastic celery and then when I realized I had been ignoring messages from Kelby (The assistant that keeps an eye on your Gardyn) and I should have trimmed these roots much sooner!😂. Moral of the story? Listen to Kelby! She knows what she’s talking about! If you haven’t seen my videos on what it’s like to have a Gardyn at six weeks and then at six months and even what it’s like growing strawberries in the Gardyn, you can click on the link in my bio to check them out. #essiflynn #essiflynngardyn #celeryroots #hydroponiccelery #gardyn #gardyntech #gardyngrows #gardyner #gardyngirl #gardynreview #hydroponics #hydroponicsystem #hydroponicgardening #hydroponicgarden #hydroponicgardens #hydroponicsforbeginners #hydroponicsforgoodhealth #growyourownfood #foodtech #thefutureoffood #futureoffood #growfoodindoors #kelby #ai #roottrim #roottrimming (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMBHALDBF3q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I’ve spent years suffering from poor sleep as an adult and I have finally figured it out what works for me! Could you use some help with your sleep? You can find the link to my blog by clicking on the link in my bio. -Essi💕 #sleephack #sleeptip #sleeptipsandtricks #healthylivingblogger #healthylivingyoutubers #healthylivingyou #healthylivingrevolution🍎 #healthylivingproducts #naturalsleep #insomniarelief #adhdsolutions #healthylivingstyle #essiflynn #essiflynnrecommends #naturalsleep #improveyourlifestyle #improvequalityoflife #newblogpostonline #newblogalert #newblogs #sleepremedy #sleepbetterfeelbetter #sleepbetterlivebetter (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV6OHauLptK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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My very first mini strawberry 🍓 flowers on the Gardyn! I’ve grown gorgeous beautiful Albion strawberries on this unit, but this is my first time growing mini strawberries from seed. It’s been really fun to watch! Can’t wait to see the fruit! If you are curious about this hydroponics unit click on the link in my bio to watch my in-depth video reviews on YouTube. -Essi💕 . . . . . #gardyn #gardynation #gardyngirl #gardyncoupon #hydroponicsforhome #strawberryflower #gardynea_omer #gardynecampus #gardynecollection #gardynepoolclub #nogreenthumbrequired #apartmentgardenideas #hydroponicsforbeginners #gardynfamily #gardynhome #gardynhouse #essiflynn #growingstrawberriesfromseed #gardyning #healthyproductreviews #hydroponicstrawberries #gardynreview #growfoodinsideyourhouse #gardynstrawberries #gardynstrawberry #gardyntech #gardynvideoreview #growfoodinside #gardynyoutubereview #growingfoodisbeautiful (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVxZqiBLLsG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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On my five week hiatus while healing a ruptured plantar fascia, I wasn’t able to get to my Gardyn as much as I would have liked. Normally I would’ve been trimming a pepper plants such as this and letting it become a little more bulky and a lot less tall. So after my five weeks were up and the doctor okayed me to put weight on my foot again I was quite surprised when cleaning out my hydroponic Gardyn to find does pepper plant have been quite busy! You can find more photos of these amazing jalapeños in my stories. I ended up transferring this plant to a planter on my patio. My husband adores jalapeños and was very happy with all of these lovely peppers he now gets to eat! if you are curious about how this hydroponic unit works you can click on the link in my bio for in-depth videos. #essiflynn #jalapeño #jalapeno #jalapenos #jalapeños #jalapeñopoppers #hydroponicjalapeno #hydroponicjalapenos #hydroponicjalapenoharvest #hydroponicpeppers #hydroponicpepper #growingpeppers #growingpeppersfromseed #growingpeppersindoors #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #countthepeppers #apartmentgardening #smallspacegardening #youtubereviewer #gardynreview #hydroponicreview #growfoodsavewater #smartgarden #smartgardening #gardenofthefuture #futureoffood #thefutureishere #lovemygarden #growpeppers (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_kS4HLB9Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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My husband‘s been making all of his cocktails at home this year like so many of you and once again @shopmove.co came through for us! This is just the latest round of delightful yummy‘s that arrived at our door this week. Which one would you try first? #moveco #shopmove #deliciousgoodness #goodfooddeliveredtoyourdoor #bestcocktailmixers #cocktailmixes #cocktails #itscocktailhoursomewhere #itscocktailhoursomewhereintheworld #itscocktailhour #orangebitters #essiflynnrecommends #essiflynn #lavenderhoneycocktail (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRRjfQJo7kv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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After taking a long break I finally got back to working out today and even though I thought I might not make it through this super long work out and almost quit a couple times, I kept going! Each and every song made me want to stay and see what was next. It was totally worth it and I am so thankful that I was able to finish the work out. I started my journey with @getsupernatural over a year ago and I am so thankful for not just the physical but also the mental and emotional help this gave my brain! If you need some encouragement and are not back at the gym yet, I highly recommend this option! So pull out that oculus quest two and let me know what you think! Essi💕 #essiflynn #essiflynnrecommends #oculusquest2 #supernatural #homegym #homeworkouts #besthomeworkout #getbackinshape #physicalandmentalhealthmatters #exerciseathome #techforhealth #healthytech #thefutureoffitness #fitnessmotivation #fitness (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRMxft6joIE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Happy Independence Day! Hope you have an awesome and safe Fourth of July! 🇺🇸🎆 -Essi 💕 #essiflynn #fourthofjuly #independenceday #4thofjuly #rightsofrepresentation #notaxationwithoutrepresentation #fireworks #fireworks💥 #america (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ6FKdFDBBl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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My latest video is out! This is a simple product and I have never really done simple before. But this is something that I use on a daily basis and has really helped improve my daily life. You can use this for so much more than an iPad. I also use it for my phone and if you were a gaming family like we are it’s fantastic for the Nintendo Switch!👍🏻😊. You can find this video by clicking on the link in my bio. and just when you thought all the deals on Amazon were over with, I should also mention that this stand is half the price I paid for it right now on Amazon so it’s a killer deal! You can find the link to it in the description below my video. Happy Friday! -Essi 💕 #newvideo #newvideoalert #newvideotoday #amazonfinds #amazondeals #amazondeals #amazondeals‼️ #ipadstand #ipadstands #saiji #bestipadstand #bestipadstandever #besttabletstand #nintendoswitchstand #gamingfamily #gamingmom #fortnitemom #ipadstandreview #essiflynn #essiflynnrecommends #essiflynnyoutube #youtubereview #youtubereviewer #productreview #productreviewer #techreviewer #productreviewersofinstagram #youtubereviewersofinstagram #improveyourlife #techaccessories #besttechaccessories (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQjNRdDB3yk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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How did I miss national selfie day? I even took a selfie yesterday! LOL! This is me in the middle of pulling out some AIP muffins for my breakfasts in the coming week. What were you doing when you took your most recent selfie? Put it in the comments I would love to hear. Bonus points for sharing your most recent selfie😀 -Essi💕 #essiflynn #nationalselfieday #nationalselfieday😜📸 #nationalselfieday2021 #busybaking #busyinthekitchen #aiplife #paleolifestyle #paleolife #feedyourself #selfcarematters #eatclean #cleandiet #wholefoods #happytuesday #happytuesday😊 #happytuesdayeveryone❤️ #youonlygetonebody #youonlygetonebodytakecareofit #youonlygetonebodytreatitright #healthybodyhealthymind #healthylifestyle #healthybody #loveyourself #loveyourselffirst #selfcaremama #selfcarejourney #paleojourney #livinglifetothefullest #homeschoolmomlife (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQb1VI2hwVm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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These are a few of the criteria that I look for when I am deciding if the product is worth the time for me to do a proper video review on YouTube. Improving the lives of human beings through technology and innovation is something that has always made me happy and these are the sorts of products that I look for when I do a review. After these questions are answered and I have use the product for sometime I then go looking for a way to bring a special discount to my viewers and followers. you shouldn’t hear about an amazing product that you really want to try unless I can also get you a special discount and that is what I will always strive to do. -Essi #productreview #productreviewrealtalk💛 #specialdiscounts #gardynreview #saunareview #saunareviews #betterlife #betterlifereviews #essiflynn #improveyourlife #makelifeeasier #robotsofthefuture #techofthefuture (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZDglSHlhx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Super yummy lunch today! I love how Growing greens inside encourages us to eat healthier! And what I really like is how it’s making it easier for my kiddo to be healthier as well! Fresh greens quickly picked and added to make a super nutritious and filling salad for lunch today! There are three days left for the $200 off sale when you use the code ESSIFLYNN when purchasing a Gardyn. If you are looking for more videos on this hydroponic unit, you can find my in-depth reviews by clicking the link in my bio.👆🏻 #essiflynn #gardynreview #gardynsale #gardyntech #hydroponicsalad #saladforlunch #bellamushrooms #hydroponicgarden #growingfood #growingfoodathome #growingfoodisfun #growingfoodyoulove #familymeals #youtubereviews #gardyntech #gardyner #gardyngrows #techreviewchannel #hydroponicreview #hydroponicrevolution #healthyfamilyfood #healthyfamilyrecipes #loosethecovid15 #looseweightfood #proteinandgreens #loosethecovid19 #loosethecovidlbs #loosethecovid19body #returntonormal #healthybody #healthybodyhealthymind (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/COx9MmrhkxG/?igshid=1i2khz6lw3nvr
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Something that I like to remember on Mondays. Hope your Monday is going great! -Essi #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #mondayvibes #mondayquotes #monday #makingitcount #makingitcount_2021 #youareamazing #lifeisagift #lifeisagift #makeeverydaycount #essiflynn #liveyourlife #dailyencouragement #dailyencouragements #workhard #workethicspeaksforitself #workethicmindset #persueyourlife #life #lifeisworthliving #startyourweek #startyourweekright (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/COs6WHrBzuy/?igshid=1qj91316k9ub2
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Happy Earth Day! These are a few quotes from one of my favorite rides at Disney World’s Epcot theme park. It’s called Living with the Land. This ride is a reminder of how we’ve gone astray with our treatment of our planet through farming practices and other things with a reminder at the end that this is not how it has to be. We can indeed change things for the better and make sure our children and grandchildren inherit an earth that is living and not in the process of dying. This boat ride travels through a greenhouse of hydroponics and aquaponics as the narration talks about the possibilities for a better future. And for many folks, this is the first time their eyes are being opened to such ideas. I was one of those first timers about 20 years ago and it certainly opened my eyes to alternative ways of producing food for future generations. My people have been farmers and they were farmers that contributed to the stripping of the land. But that doesn’t mean it has to continue. And I am thankful for the opportunity to do better now that I know better for future generations. #essiflynn #happyearthday #happyearthday🌎 #happyearthday2021 #savetheearth #alternativefarming #alternativefarmingmethods #hydroponics #farmersofthefuture #farmingandtechnology (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN-quB6BlFo/?igshid=tk8ouc01x10v
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For those of you who are waiting for that perfect opportunity to add this hydroponics unit to your life, now is your time! This is only the second time I’ve been able to offer this special deal for my followers. -Essi #essiflynn #essiflynnyoutube #gardyn #gardyntech #gardynsale #savemoneyongardyn #gardyncoupon #hydroponicsystem #hydroponicssale #techofthefuture #growyourownfood #hydroponicgarden #indoorgarden #apartmentgardening #apartmentgarden #organicgardening #hydroponicpeas #hydroponicsforhome #growingfoodathome #growingfoodisfun #growingfoodyoulove #timemagazinebestinvention #foodfreedom (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNvZ6imBuxc/?igshid=1m9ss94eucu97
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