#essentials hoodie kids sizing
essentialshoodie · 6 months
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The fabric type used in this outfit also plays a significant role. It determines its comfort level. The selection of a comfortable and cozy outfit is of utmost importance. We design kids essentials black hoodie flannels for staying warm.  The softness and warmth of cotton are well known.
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The fabric is resilient, dimensionally stable, and machine washable. Carefully washing essentials and relaxed hoodies will help to prevent shrinking and color bleeding. 
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Embrace provides a sense of comfort. Makes it an essential piece in every wardrobe. You can shop here.
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gay-dorito-dust · 22 days
Can you a bill x reader where reader is essentially just kaidou from saiki k, they are really persistent about being strong but are really weak. Bill finds it funny asf and just constantly fucks with reader but they never admit that they're scared or that they're weak
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I know I’ve been a bit slow with requests but that’s because I’m on a bit of a decline in my mental health lately but I promise to get to each one in due time.
Bill finds you amusing to say the least, your false bravado and confidence made for quality entertainment that he hasn’t had in a long, long time.
‘You’re pathetic kid! It’s hilarious, not for you obviously, but for me it’s like I’m watching a game show go horribly wrong with all the contestants getting grievously hurt.’ Bill cackled from his spot, sipping his drink through a silly straw, as though he didn’t just sent an army of human sized fire ants to chase you for the fun of it.
‘I’m not pathetic!’ You squeaked, becoming flustered at how high pitched your voice sounds, before clearing your throat and crossing your arms over your chest in what you thought was a cool and casual manner. ‘I’m not pathetic, I was…luring them into a false sense of security before I best them all up.’ You added as bill raised his nonexistent eyebrow at you, making you feel as though he was seeing through your bullshit with ease; Which he did.
‘Right, I’m sure you were sweets. You had them on the ropes or running for the hills or however that saying goes.’ Bill drawled, unconvinced as he took in how you skittishly looked over your shoulder as though you were waiting to get ambushed by the ants. You were giving Bill so many new ways to taunt you to the brink of insanity without trying so hard, while not making an attempt to build a backbone with how quick you were to cower in fear from whatever he summoned as you ran away as fast as your legs could carry you.
You never know a day of rest with Bill taking the piss out of you that your entire day felt as though it was straight out of the horror movie.
Your bed? It’s now become an Elderich monster that was trying to eat you alive as you scream like a little girl as you bolted out of it faster then the human eye can see and into the kitchen where Bill was, wearing a hot pink apron that read:
You’re a acute-y
‘Oh hey sport, I was just making breakfast.’ He chirps as he watched you walk over to him, looked in the pan, only to reframe from screaming at the top of your lungs when you saw that he was cooking live worms, crickets and woodlice
‘Oh that’s…that’s lovely bill…they look delicious.’ You said unbelievably as you felt your appetite leave you for the rest of the month.
Your favourite mug? It’s now become a ceramic cockroach that kept flying too close to your face for your own liking as you tried to keep distance from it, only to end up tripping over your sofa and face planting the floor.
‘I almost had him!’ Your muffled voice called as Bill eat his bowl of deer teeth.
‘Sure you did kid, I’m rooting for you and all that sappy human stuff.’ Bill replied as he threw more deer teeth into his mouth/eye? Before dressing himself in a hoodie that had your frightened face on the front. Seriously you were a hell of a fun time for Bill! You made everything easier for him and that’s what he liked most, when he didn’t have to put as much effort into anything at all.
Bill knew you wouldn’t admit that you were scared or anything less than brave and tough, which only made things even more funny for Bill as he’d throw stranger and more weirder things just to see you run away screaming bloody murder, probably trip over thin air and then and only then would Bill get bored and magic away the monster while you tried to calm your racing heart.
‘Kid you’re killing me here, just admit that you’re a scaredy cat with no backbone and we’ll be done here.’ Bill said one day after you almost got burnt to cinders by a zombie dragon.
‘Never! To admit defeat in the face of danger is for the weaker man, and I am not the weaker man!’ You exclaimed, only to wince when you pulled at a particularly sensitive part of your body and slowly sat back down on the chair.
Bill pats your head as though he were patting a demonic puppy. ‘You sad, stupid human.’ He sighs but in reality he was coming up with more things he could use to torment you in the future, for now however he had literally ran out of ideas, so you were safe…for now.
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Fic: Something to Sink Your Teeth Into 6/?
Read on AO3
Pairing: Buck/Tommy
Ahahahahahahaha, this plot bunny is the size of a fuckin' dinosaur now and I have NO REGRETS! *weeps a little*
Many thanks to @the-little-red-queen, @aquamarineglitter, and especially @bornunderabluemoonbaby for helping my untangle a few thorny plot points, just listening to me word vomit, and even providing some truly excellent background music :) Thank you so much!
Evan may have agreed to sit down and talk with Tommy, but his wary eyes were still those of a trapped animal.
Tommy could feel them boring holes into the side of his head as he dug through the clothes stored in the dresser for something clean that would fit the witch. Tommy didn’t live here—the apartment building was a coven safehouse, meant to be a place where coven members could lie low or regroup in emergencies—but all of them kept a few essentials in the various apartments they’d claimed as their own over the years. Clothes, cash, forged documents…the standard bug out kit that Tommy had been stashing in various places all over the world for centuries (Hell, by now some of his caches had probably been “rediscovered” and placed in museums). There was even an industrial-sized freezer in the building’s sub-basement that Josh kept stocked with bagged blood.
He ignored Evan’s stare, eventually gathering a clean pair of sweats and a hoodie that would probably fit him. He was pretty muscular—not as broad as Tommy was, but certainly not a small man—and they were basically the same height. When he turned back around, Evan hadn’t moved from the bed. He had a white-knuckled grip on the bedspread, just glaring at Tommy unblinkingly.
He moved very, very slowly, holding the clothes up so Evan could see and setting them down on the end of the bed before backing away again, holding his hands up in plain sight.
Evan’s gaze flitted down to the clothes, but then back to Tommy’s face. “How do you know my name?” he asked, suspicion thick enough to cut through in his voice.
Tommy tilted his head, considering. The ID in the witch’s wallet had a false name on it. Given the fact that Evan had, apparently, been banished, that made a certain amount of sense. Banishment was not a consequence for a small crime, after all. Between the shock of what had happened at the party, Tommy drinking from him, and the aftereffects of a thrall as powerful as Tommy’s was, the kid’s memories had to be at least a little hazy. Somehow, Tommy got the feeling that reminding him he’d basically been forced into giving up his real name would be a bad idea.
He jerked a thumb towards the wallet and pack of gum lying out on the nightstand. “Looked at your driver’s license. One of my coven found your Jeep in the staff parking—I had him bring it here and put it in the garage.”
Evan reeled back in surprise at that, and Tommy didn’t think he was imagining the relief that flooded through his expression at the mention of the old blue Jeep that Sal had shown up with in the last couple hours before sunrise. Almost instantly, though, his face shuttered, smoothing back over into wary tension. “And, uh, when do I get, get my keys back?” he asked, the slight stammer belying the bravado the demand was delivered with.
“That depends on how the conversation goes. For right now—shower. Change. There’s a diner around the corner that serves breakfast all day. Never had it myself, obviously, but the line’s usually out the door and they’ve been in the same spot for thirty years. Anything you won’t eat?”
Evan blinked at him, a little confusion cutting through the wariness now. “N-no?” he said, the word coming out far more like a question than a statement.
“All right, I’ll get a spread. Bathroom’s downstairs. I think there’s mouthwash under the sink, but fuck if I know when it was bought. There’s towels and washcloths already in there. I go by Tommy these days. Tommy Kinard.”
Evan’s eyes grew bigger and bigger as he spoke, more confusion filling them as his brow furrowed. Tension radiated off of him, his back so tight Tommy thought his spine might snap if he tried to touch him. Clearly, he had no idea what to do with a vampire that was rattling off a spiel that sounded more like the awkward end of a one-night stand than the terms of what should be his imminent captivity and/or death.
It might have been playing dirty, but Tommy had known the value in keeping your enemy off balance before Evan’s ancestors were born, and he didn’t want to thrall the kid again if it could be helped.
Not that he wanted the witch to be his enemy.
The stray thought pulled him up short as he preceded Evan down the stairs (if that one burst of magic earlier was anything to go by, the kid probably didn’t have enough strength right now to mount a serious bid for escape, but there was no sense being stupid about it), and he heard Evan’s breath hitch at the pause. He forced himself to continue casually down to the living area, flopping down on the couch like he didn’t have a care in the world.
Or an extremely jumpy witch only a few feet away.
He made a show of turning the TV on, grimacing a little when some godawful reality show popped up on the screen—clearly Lucy or Ravi had been the last person to use it. He pretended to find the Bachelor Housewives of Survivor Island or whatever the fuck it was engrossing as Evan hesitated at the foot of the stairs, his eyes darting between Tommy and the (seemingly) unguarded door. He’d never make it. Even if he managed to fire off a spell, with witch blood coursing through Tommy’s veins, Evan would be lucky to even make it out the door, let alone all the way to the stairwell.
He silently hoped the kid didn’t try. He really wasn’t interested in traumatizing him further. After a long moment, Evan took a few wavering steps towards the bathroom door, obviously still a little woozy from being drained. An unfamiliar flash of guilt unfurled in Tommy’s gut…he really hadn’t meant to take so much; he’d just been trying to get Gerrard to lose interest and move on.
But God, Evan’s blood had been delicious. Not just powerful—witch blood was always powerful. The taste of Evan’s had exploded on Tommy’s tongue, lit up every nerve ending in his body like pure electricity. He’d wanted the witch closer, wanted to hold him close forever, wanted to taste more of him, wanted to taste all of him. It had been a good century or two since the last time he’d drunk from a witch, but he didn’t remember it feeling like that. Granted, that witch had been actively trying to kill him at the time, but still…
Evan vanished into the bathroom, and Tommy almost chuckled at the sound of the flimsy push-button lock engaging. He muted the TV and kept one ear tuned to the bathroom as the water started, listening intently for the sound of a spell being chanted. He was taking a risk letting Evan out of his sight even long enough to take a shower, but he genuinely didn’t think the witch had the strength to do anything drastic right now. After he had some food and proper rest, it might be a different story…but he thought it was worth the risk right now.
But worth the risk to what?
As before, the thought pulled him up short. What was his end game here? He’d promised Lucy he would come up with a plan…he needed to. He and Alonzo had a great relationship, and their coven master had never really treated Tommy like a subordinate, even after he’d stepped down as second in command, but he knew that Evan’s mere presence in the coven safehouse was an unfathomably large risk. That Alonzo had not already stormed through the door demanding that they kill the witch immediately was a measure of the respect Alonzo had for him and his instincts. Still, he couldn’t ask his coven master to ‘just trust him’ for very much longer. He needed to figure out what he was going to do with Evan.
The water was still running, but he’d yet to hear the sound of the shower door opening and closing. Silently, he rose from the couch and slipped over to the door, listening for any indication that Evan was about to do something foolish.
What he heard was the sound of the young man almost hyperventilating, his rapid, panting breaths ragged and watery around the edges. The sound was too low to the ground…as though Evan had locked the door behind him and just sunk to the floor.
The guilt twisted harder in Tommy’s gut. The witch had to be terrified.
Tommy just couldn’t figure out why that bothered him so much. Sure, he tried not to go out of his way to be cruel to humans, but nor was he going out of his way to be especially nice to them. Getting…getting attached to humans never ended well. Or at least, it had never ended well for him. And Evan was a goddamned witch. Not only did it not make sense to be so affected by his distress, it was dangerous. To Tommy personally, as well as pretty much everyone he gave even the remotest damn about. He should have turned the decision of what to do with him over to Alonzo while Evan was still unconscious.
And accepted that the most logical thing to do was kill him.
Something in Tommy refused to just hand Evan’s fate over to his coven master, though. Something inside him rebelled at the thought of killing the witch. It made no sense. He couldn’t explain the impulse to keep Evan out of harm’s way any more now than he had been able to at Gerrard’s…he just knew he wanted to. Needed to.
But that still begged the question what he was going to do. Even if he could convince Alonzo to keep Evan alive, how could they neutralize him? Once he recovered his strength, he’d be too dangerous to leave loose in the coven house or the loft. It might not even be possible if Evan had ever trained in transportation spells. Either they’d have to keep him too drained to use his magic effectively, or they’d have to use even more unsavory methods to keep him under control. He knew, vaguely, that there were ways to nullify a witch’s powers, but it wasn’t like he could just call Howie up and ask him.
There was another option, of course. A crazy, even riskier option than keeping Evan prisoner. One that honestly had a snowball’s chance in Hell of even working…but the idea kept trying to worm its way to the forefront of Tommy’s mind. What if…just what if…
He shook his head, listening as the ragged, teary gasps on the other side of the bathroom door started to taper off. He heard Evan climb slowly off the floor of the bathroom, and then eventually the shower door opened, the sound of water pouring down on the tile floor of the shower briefly growing louder. One thing at a time. First, he had to get the witch to talk to him, and to do that, he had to get him out of fight or flight mode. Right. Easier said than done.
He crossed back to the couch and pulled his phone out, searching up the online delivery menu for the little diner around the corner that Lucy frequently took Lena to. He had no idea what was even an appropriate amount of food for a human Evan’s size—but Lena swore the pancakes were the best she’d ever had. He ordered a stack of them with butter and syrup, as well as a carafe of orange juice. After a moment’s hesitation, he added scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, and an assortment of sliced fruits that looked tempting in the picture on the menu. Should he get oatmeal? Maybe a yogurt parfait? The cinnamon rolls looked good, too. Fuck it. It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford it. He threw the other items into his cart and sped through the checkout, paying extra for quick delivery, and added a generous tip.
No sooner had he closed his phone’s web browser than it rang, Josh’s contact number popping up on the screen. Tommy froze for a bare instant, surprise flashing through him. Lucy had just set Josh onto seeing what he could find out about Evan Buckley only a few hours ago. If he was already calling, then he’d either already hit a wall, or—
“Kinard, what the hell kind of hornet’s nest did you step in?” Josh demanded as soon as he connected the call.
Or whatever he had found was going to cause problems. Tommy sighed. Yeah, that tracked.
“Good morning, Josh. How are you, Josh? I’m great, thanks for asking,” Tommy said flatly, his eyes trained on the bathroom door.
“Shut it, Tommy,” Josh snapped, and Tommy sat up a little straighter. Josh sounded stressed, and coming from a vampire Tommy had personally witnessed make vampires twice or even thrice his age break down into tears, that was…disconcerting.
“Josh?” he said, cautiously. “Did you find something?”
“Okay, first of all, I cannot tell you how much easier it would make my life—all our lives really—if you were somehow mistaken and you are not at our safehouse with a banished witch named Evan Buckley. So, this witch…is he about twenty-two, twenty-three years old?”
“Twenty-three, according to his driver’s license.”
“Of course. Pretty distinctive birthmark over one of his eyes?”
“Perfect!” Josh exclaimed, in a tone that suggested it was absolutely not perfect. “And are you sure he’s been banished?”
“I mean, we haven’t exactly exchanged life stories, but he was alone in a vampire den and he doesn’t have a familiar…unless it’s, like, a flea or a snail or something and I just haven’t noticed.”
Instead of the snort of laughter his sarcasm usually got from the other vampire, he heard Josh breathe out through his nose. Very slowly. “Tommy. As your friend and this coven’s head of security, you need to get rid of him. Right now. Drain him dry…we might need the firepower. And then dump the body as far out of our territory as you can manage.”
Shock raced through Tommy, and he actually jerked his phone away from his ear to stare at the screen in disbelief. Josh…Josh never talked like this. The younger vampire was fiercely protective of them all, and took his job managing all of their digital records and finances very seriously. He was a gifted strategist, and certainly had no qualms about sending Tommy, Sal, or one of their other stronger members out to “deal” with problems that came up—but it wasn’t like him to immediately jump to violence. He placed the phone back against his ear.
“What? Why?”
“You know I’ve got some…contacts in witch covens around the country. People that do the same things I do. We’re not friends. We’re not even allies. But we all understand that preventing conflicts between vampires and witches is in everybody’s best interests, and we exchange information to that end. I didn’t even have to ask anyone to go hacking—they just knew about this kid. It was a huge scandal. He’s from the east coast. Pennsylvania. His family is old magic, and I’m talking old magic. Their coven traces back all the way to before the Black Death in Europe. About five years ago, Evan Buckley was banished for murdering his brother-in-law…guy named Doug Kendall.”
Tommy frowned, his mind racing. Okay…okay, he sort of knew this from the strange vision he’d had while drinking from Evan. Licking his lips, he said, “Is his sister’s name Maddie?”
“What? How did you—never mind. Yes. Why?”
Holy shit. Holy shit that had all been real? “Nothing, no reason. Okay, so he killed his brother-in-law. Why do you want me to get rid of him so fast? There are people in our coven who have done that.”
“Because the implications and possible consequences of him still having his magic are bigger than our coven can deal with. Even during the trial, there were some doubts he was guilty. The kid was seventeen…and his brother-in-law was in line for a position on the Pennsylvania high coven. Do you know how powerful high coven witches are? There were also apparently some rumors that Doug Kendall was abusive to his wife.”
Tommy hissed, remembering the intensity of Evan’s feelings for his sister. How much he regretted not being able to protect her…and how much he had wanted to protect her during his trial. “Is it possible him and his sister were in on it together? Or that he was actually covering for her?”
Josh sighed wearily. “You are…not the first person to ask that. But the Kendalls are old magic and old money. Incredibly politically connected. And they wanted someone to pay. If the wife did it, unless there was overwhelming evidence that she’d done it in self-defense…well. You and I both know how loud money and connections can talk in situations like that. And the penalty for an adult coven member using their magic like that is execution.”
“But killing a seventeen-year-old boy would have been a harder sell,” Tommy mused. He could see it. He didn’t know jack shit about Evan, not really, but he remembered the absolutely unyielding love he felt for his sister from the memory he’d seen while drinking from him. Tommy had no problem believing Evan Buckley would have taken the fall for his brother-in-law’s murder if it kept her safe.
“Tommy, if this is the same witch—just the fact that his magic hasn’t faded after his coven bonds were severed is proof that he was innocent. The fact that he still has his magic five years after losing his coven bond is just insane. Even if he was innocent, he should have lost it by now.”
“I’m still not seeing why I should kill him,” Tommy said impatiently. He glanced over at the bathroom door again, assuring himself that the water was still running. “Lucy even said we had to think about the advantage he could give us. If Gerrard and Ortiz team up, witch blood could be the ace in the hole that keeps us from having to leave LA.”
“Tommy, listen to me carefully,” Josh said. “Not this witch’s blood. It’s not worth the absolute shitstorm that would come down on us if anyone ever found out we had him. This kid’s existence is dangerous for the entire Pennsylvania high coven. Do you understand how big that is in the witches’ politics? It has national implications. No. Alonzo already said I have final say on what we do with him. It’s safest to kill him.”
“Josh,” Tommy protested, and didn’t even know what he was going to say. His head was spinning with the new information.
And in his heart, he knew he wouldn’t be able to follow through with what Josh was asking him to do. He couldn’t kill Evan. He had no idea why…but he couldn’t do it.
“Tommy, there’s no other choice. Alonzo wants him dead and disposed of by sundown. If you can’t do it, Sal will.”
In the bathroom, the water finally shut off, and Tommy heard Evan step out of the shower. He drummed his fingers on the arm of the couch, his mind racing. “All right. I understand,” he said finally, disconnecting the call before Josh could say anything else.
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vicsguitarr · 6 months
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Chris Sturniolo X Girl POC Reader.
The Car Talk.
Warnings: None. No use of Y/N, and swearing. No smut (yet??)
Orange = Chris
Blue = Matt
Purple = Nick
Pink = Nylah
It was around 2:35 am, and of course i was awake. i always am i was currently listening to Skin by Mac miller. It played in my ears as the airpods sat in my ear. i got a random displayed notification says.
Today 2:36 am.
“Hey are you busy?”
“Not at all what’s up?”
“I’m outside your house can you come out?”
Seen 2:38 am.
It was around 46 degrees outside. I grabbed my essentials hoodie and walked out. there he was. Christopher was waiting sitting in the passenger seat. You saw two other heads in the car. Matt, and Nick. I quickly opened the door and closed it shut. Matt drove to a silent parking lot.
“do you think an elephant is stronger than a dinosaur?”
“Chris what the fuck are you saying?”
Nylah just laughed her ass off.
“What are you saying kid.”
But who are they to judge? they are just 20 year olds who are living in a 16 year olds mindset. They went to 7/11 to get random snacks. Nick and Matt went to find chips as Nylah and Chris went to search for drinks.
With Nylah, and Chris.
“Chris that pepsi is a jumbo size what the fuck” She said laughing. “more for me!” Chris spoke up laughing aswell. all you heard was laughing and joking around in the back of the store. She grabs a Redbull. “That flavor is disgusting.” “your mother.” she immediately regretted it. “I’m joking i love your mom so much.” Which made Chris laugh. They all got their drinks and snacks. They went into the car.
•Incoming call•
Nylah phone rang in her back pocket of her denim jeans. She picks it up. A man’s voice spoke on the other line. “Where the fuck are you?!” That voice made the triplets look at Nylah in concern making their smiles fade quickly. “oh shit.” she whispers quietly..
|To be continued.. This is my first story so tell me how i did, and I’ll accept requests and everything! i will NOT do incest though.|
Please do not take my work.
Thank you for reading this!
-Love Juni ���
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Toyko Revengers-Hama/Izana X Reader
Mature Content:
You hide your identity and keep your head low. The best thing to do when you work for one of the biggest crime syndicates in the city. How long can you keep it that way?
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You were always good at one thing and average in every other way. Unfortunately the one thing you were good at was not meant for you. A world dominated by men whose egos were as inflated as their car’s tires. Therefore you took on an identity. You became somewhat of a ghost. You never socialized and hid your figure under wraps and oversized clothes.
It was easy when all you did was participate in illegal street races. But one fateful night you caught the eye of an important figure within the community. He offered you the kind of money you could only ever dream about. To essentially be a chauffeur who could also get out of sticky situations quickly.
Every instinct was telling you not to take it. But in a world that is run by how much you earn you couldn’t decline. So this was how you became a driver for the biggest crime syndicate in the city almost overnight, Tenjiku.
“Ay y/n!”Hanma, the man who brought you in, called out to you as you waited patiently in the driveway. You kept your distance as much as you could. You avoided talking by explaining you concentrate best with earphones and music. Sometimes social interaction is unavoidable. You slowly walked over keeping your head down.
“You did a good job! Why don’t you come out and celebrate with me and the executives? You earned it!” Hanma laughed, it was deep and powerful. He slapped you across your shoulder and your body flew forward. You caught yourself at the very last minute. “Hey man you need to bulk up! I know you're just a driver but it’s good for you.”
Hanma towered over you. His body was twice the size of your own and he was about your age. Decorated in intricate tattoos, the most prominent being the ones on both of his hands. He was gorgeous but those looks were beyond deceiving.
You heard rumours that he was the attack dog of their group. When anyone threatened them he was quick to react and showed no mercy. That’s why your heart leapt out of your chest any time his attention was directed towards you. Loyalty was everything as well as honesty. You had been keeping a huge secret from them all.
“I’m ok. Thanks though…” You try your best to keep your voice low and quiet. You begin to turn around but Hanma catches your upper arm. You looked up into his golden eyes terrified.
“Come on kid! A few drinks and then you can head out! I promise!” Hanma smiled but it wasn’t sincere. You felt as if he was testing you again. You wanted to shout at him that after so many jobs you should have proven yourself by now. But you knew you could never muster up the courage needed to say it. “Come on… stop being so fucking boring!”
You nodded and gave up your hopeless pursuit of heading home to binge watch a tv show and eat junk food. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, leaning into you and you tense up. “Relax kid… I know you only feel safe with your hands on the wheel. You will have me to look after you.” You nodded again. His nose scrunches up as he assesses your current outfit. “Going to have to get you something better to wear than this hoodie and dingy ass sweatpants though.”
Your heart races once again. This is what you get for being greedy. Hopefully whatever he picks out you can still hide your curvaceous figure.
Hanma leads you inside and to a room. “Let me see. Damn your small…” He shuffles through some clothes. Compared to you!! “Wait, Izana should have something to fit. He likes his clothes to be more form fitting. I’ll be right back.”
Hanma returned not too long after with a button up and dress pants. You prayed to whatever gods existed that you could pull it off. You begin to walk towards the bathroom but he yanks your arm once again. “We are already running behind, hurry up and change.”
Your inner panic takes over, you feel heat rush to your cheeks. “Well I- uh-“ You fumble for an excuse. It was frustrating because you were usually quick to figure out a solution. Hanma looked at you with raised eyebrows, then after a few seconds burst out in a raspy laugh.
“Jesus kid! Fuck fine go! I have never met a criminal who was too shy to change in front of someone else. You're fucking weird!” Hanma berates you and you sigh in relief. He could think whatever he wanted as long as he didn’t find out what you were hiding.
You were pleasantly surprised as you looked in the mirror. You were also glad you had paid a bit more for the binder, it hid your chest perfectly, which was a difficult task. The pants were a bit big so your wide waist was still disguised as well. You frowned at your hair. You were not ready to cut it off. You decided to pull it up into a bun and it worked well enough.
A loud knock interrupted your assessment. “What the hell are you doing in there? Stop jerking off and let’s go!” The deep voice rang out and you inhaled a sharp breath. You were used to all the vulgar talk, it became background noise. But knowing that your whole night will most likely consist of it made you want to throw up.
You pull open the door and Hanma pauses for a second. His eyes look to the ground as he tosses you a suit jacket. You were not sure what that was about but you put on the last item of clothing. “You look more presentable now. So come on.” He mumbles and you follow him out. “I’ll drive this time.” You shrug and mentally prepare yourself.
You begrudgingly order a drink as you sat at the bar with the rest of the Tenjiku crew minus their fearless and deranged leader. This was really your first time hanging around all of them. Hanma was the only one you dealt with consistently. Hanma often reminded you that he was your handler so if you fucked up he got the blame for it from the rest of the executives.
“The famous driver!” A sing-songy voice interrupts your inner panic as you are surrounded by such powerful people. You glance up and are greeted by a large scarred smile. A beautiful woman and man hung off his arm like decor.
“Sanzu what the fuck are you even doing here? This is for executives and up.” Hanma hands you another glass, his palm patting your head. You look up with a scowl.
“Where there is a party you will find me!” Sanzu’s eyes observe you as you awkwardly stand between them. “So I guess executives can bring pets with them?” You mentally groan as they stare each other down. You daydream for a second on how at this very moment you would be relaxing at home with a pile of snacks.
“Hanma relax. Sanzu always brings candy.” Another executive walks up with his hands outstretched. Sanzu grins happily as he digs into his pocket and removes a pill placing it in the open palm.
“Rindou, you're too soft on him.” Hanma complains with a growl. You watch as the man now known as Rindou places the pill in his mouth and swallows. Hanma must have noticed because he is suddenly way too close. “You want one kid? Might loosen your tight ass up a bit.” A shiver travels down your spine, as he whispered in your ear. Your eyes widen and you nod.
“Nnnoo! I’m ok.” You manage to say, causing all the men to laugh in amusement at your reaction. You take a deep sip of whiskey to compensate for the embarrassment.
“This little punk is who you are always hyping up?” Rindou smirks as he follows the pill with a shot. You look to the ground feeling completely out of place.
“Hey cut him some slack. He does his best work behind the wheel. I just thought he deserved a reward.” Hanma shakes you lightly and you grumble. “A chance to chill with us. I don’t know, maybe some pussy will help him to relax a bit.” You watch as Hanma and Rindou chuckle.
You secretly roll your eyes and look back over to the pink haired man in front of you. Sanzu studies you and it makes you very uncomfortable. He gives off a carefree vibe but you could tell he was not all there. “Can I have another glass?” You ask, wanting to hurry this night along.
“Of course kid!” Hanma leads you back to the bar. You glance over your shoulder watching Rindou say something to Sanzu whose eyes never left you, a sinister smirk on his face. Goosebumps form on your arm and you look away.
“Thanks…” you mutter as the bartender slides another glass your way. You quickly drink down the alcohol and Hanma pats your shoulder.
“At least you can hold your liquor!” Hanma grins as you motion for another. “Look, you're doing really well. You have become someone I trust not to fuck shit up. I really do want you to enjoy tonight.” Hanma says as you take the new glass and follow him to sit in a more secluded area.
You listen but the warmth of the alcohol was starting to run its course. “I appreciate your calm demeanor. Hell I’m the opposite so in a way I envy that about you.” Hanma grins as you nod along. “Man of few words.” You take a sip and lean on your hand as he continues to talk.
“Tonight is also about introducing you to the executives and the four heavenly kings. Once they accept you then you will be unstoppable. Trust me. I’m looking out for you kid.” Hanma lowers his voice not to allow the other members to hear your conversation.
You take in what he was telling you. You realize you had proven yourself to him and that was the true reason he had invited you out tonight. “I respect you Hanma. I have come to understand how you are. But I don’t know any of the other execs. I honestly have no interest in power. I just want to be able to drive.” You knew the higher up you went the more risky it became.
“Kid!!! I get it! I really do!” Hanma leans back on the bench. “This is a huge opportunity.” You frown as he tries to convince you the risk was worth it. Hanma recognizes your hesitation and sighs. “Let’s just enjoy tonight. We can discuss business later.” You take another sip and nod.
“Hey…” Another unfamiliar face walks over to you both. “Y/N right?” He looked similar to Rindou but his personality was much more laid back.
“Yeah.” You answer, still observing him catiously. Hanma groans at your distrust.
“He needs a lap dance asap!” Hanma calls out and your eyes widen in panic. “Ran, get one of your best girls!” The man who had just invaded your space claps his hands and smiles.
Ran motions for you to follow him and you bite your lower lip. “Don’t worry! I’ll make sure your taken really good care of.” You look back at Hanma for help but he was pushing you to go. You glare at him one last time as Ran takes you to a back room.
A high end couch set against the wall with end table. “Go on, get comfortable!” Ran says and you take a seat but it’s anything but cozy. Even more so by the fact Ran decides to sit beside you. “I am very impressed by what you have accomplished for us. The fact that you look so innocent in person is useful.”
You try your best to keep your composure. You knew who this man was now that Hanma had mentioned his name. “I am Ran Haitana. I introduce myself with my first name since I don’t want to be confused for my brother who is beyond unprofessional. I am…”
You look down to the ground and find yourself blurting out, “One of the four heavenly kings.” Ran laughs and you look up and see him grinning.
“Precisely.” Ran mutters with a newfound interest. “So you do know how we are organized. If I went by Hanma’s judgement alone I assumed you were only intelligent when it came to a get away. But that is not the case is it?”
You made a mistake. “I just stay to myself. Which leaves me time to observe.” You don’t want to seem too useful to these men. You just wanted to remain as invisible as possible. The way Ran was studying you right now made you believe you might have fumbled. It didn’t help that you were currently a bit fuzzy due to the whiskey from earlier.
Just as Ran was about to speak, the door to the small room opens and a beautiful woman enters with a sweet smile. “Ran!” Her cheerful voice broke up the tension. She quickly dashes forward as Ran stands and gives him a tight hug. “Who is this little cutie?”
“A very valuable member. He is a bit nervous. Could you loosen him up for me sweetheart?” Ran lifts her chin and she smiles brightly as she nods. “That’s my good girl.” Ran rubs her cheek and I turn away at the intimacy. “Come join us when she is done with you y/n!”
“O-okay.” You say and Ran holds in a chuckle as he walks away. You turn your focus on the woman who is now staring down at you, avoiding eye contact. “Look I’m ok really. I just don’t like going out.” You try to reason with her. If she came in here to do what you thought then she would easily figure out that you're not what they think.
“You're so precious!” The gorgeous woman steals Ran’s move and lifts your chin to make you look into her auburn eyes. “Such a pretty face.” She licks her lower lip. You try to sit back but she takes this as an invitation to straddle you. Her light scent invades your nose and you can’t help but take a breath. She places her arms up your neck as you turn your head away.
“Please…” you beg which causes her to make an excited noise. “Mmm.” A small moan escapes your lips as her manicured nails run into the base of your scalp. You feel her begin to move her hips into your own. Your eyes widen in panic. You take hold of her hips to stop her movements.
“Shhh…” she whispers into your ear and shivers travels down your spine as she kisses your neck. You had accomplished too much to be discovered this way. “It’s ok.” Her breath tickles against your skin. The strength you did have was weakened by your drunken state. You freeze up when she leans back and begins unbuttoning your shirt, her eyes low. You grip her wrist out of sheer trepidation.
The woman stops but giggles thinking that this was merely bashfulness. “If you're worried about cameras daddy don’t be. There aren’t any in this room. Let me take care of you.” She pulls away from your grasp and before you knew it your shirt was untucked. “So adorable.” Her amber eyes take in your flushed cheeks.
“You don’t understand…” you say but one of her hands was already up your shirt the other rubbing your crotch. “Damn it…” you knew it was over the moment she sat up with a raised eyebrow.
“Excuse me, I should have said mommy.” The woman does not look startled. She wore an expression of curiosity.
This was the end. Based on how she interacted with Ran you knew she was close to him. After all this time and this was how you would be discovered. “Hey y/n right?” The woman calls out to you and you nod trying not to show how your world was crashing down around you. “I get it.”
You look at her as she gets off your lap and sits beside you. “I worked so hard.” You hear how shaky your voice was. She takes hold of your hand and squeezes gently.
“I know and that is why your secret will be safe with me.” You were not expecting this. “Don’t look at me so shocked!” The woman giggles and you find that you can’t help but smile. “It’s tough out here for us ladies. We do what we have to. Like I said, I get it. My real name is Cole.”
You were not sure what had overcome you but you turned and hugged her tightly. “Thank you Cole!” She laughs loudly and pats your head. “Thank you so much.” You felt as if you could trust her words.
“Y/N please. I actually think you're amazing. I’ve heard them talk about you.” A strange look appears on her face and you frown. “You must think I’m pathetic and vile.” You recognize the shame that has overcome her stunning features.
“What?” You say and shake her shoulders. It was your turn to comfort your new accomplis. “Look at me.” She slowly turns and you smile a genuine smile, it’s been so long since you had. “We do what we have to. I would never judge you. Based on the fact you didn’t run out of here and immediately expose me shows me how strong of a character you possess.”
“You my dear are an angel.” She grins and takes hold of your hand once again. “It’s going to be difficult since they have seemed to have taken notice of you. Just know you are free to visit me anytime.”
“You have no idea how much this means to me.” You mutter then the woman sits up. “What is it?”
“They think I am well, you know.” A sudden blush forms on her cheek and you find it endearing.
“You are looking out for me so I will do the same for you.” You assure her, “I will let them think you turned my world upside down.” Another deep laugh escapes her full lips. She suddenly bops your nose and winks.
“I mean I could still do that.” She teases and you nervously look away. “God damn it, you're so cute!”
“Pff you're cute!” You say as a defense mechanism as she stands and offers you a hand. You take it and she starts messing with your clothes. She leaves one button undone and tucks part of your shirt back in.
“There!” You look down and see that your outfit is a bit disheveled and give her a thumbs up. “I think that will be convincing enough.” She loops your arm in hers and begins to walk to the door.
When you both emerge from the other side Hanma and Ran were talking. They both look up with knowing eyes as they hear you exit. “This man right here Ran..” Cole winks at you once again as she runs her nails down your arm, “A diamond in the rough I tell you.” She slides her thumb across your lower lip seductively.
“You're making me so jealous.” Ran teasingly pouts, she kisses your cheek, whispers for you to trust her and saunters over to sit in his lap. Hanma looks at you with a devilish expression as you sit beside him, abruptly shaking your shoulders. You groan in annoyance.
“Y/N…” Ran addresses his tone more series. “Our boss has a meet up soon. I personally don’t trust it. This is why I had Hanma bring you tonight. If shit goes south I need you to be able to get him out fast.”
This was a huge opportunity that was being presented. Again in the back of your mind you wanted to refuse. “You will never want for anything again kid.” Hanma per usual recognized your weary and suspicious demeanor.
“What do you think doll?” Ran holds Cole’s waist, his hands sprawling across her thighs. “Does he have what it takes?” You wanted to tell her that she was more than what she believed herself to be. You knew seeing how Ran waited for her response that he took heed to her words. She was just as powerful as any man in this room, you wanted to make sure she knew that. You could only portray your thoughts with a sly glance her way. She caught on and smirked as she nuzzled into Ran’s neck.
“Baby he is beyond capable.” Her voice was like a hypnotizing melody as she purred into his ear. Hanma nudges my side and I push him. Ran makes a satisfied sound as she nibbles his earlobe.
“Well then all that’s left is for you to accept the job.” Ran turns back to you, his gaze more intense as he waits for your response.
“I’ll do it.” You say confidently and Hanma cheers beside you. “But I’m taking this idiot beside me in case I need some muscle. Fair?” Hanma growls at your insult and you nudge him this time.
Ran laughs and agrees to your terms. The conversation comes to an end as he tightly squeezed Cole’s upper thigh. “Well now that business is through let us get back to indulging in a bit of pleasure. What do you say lovely?”
“Ran…” Cole says amused by his desperate touch. “Such a naughty thing.” She looks over at you. “It was really nice getting to know you and that pretty little face.” She stands up and Ran follows behind.
“Hell yeah! Let’s get a few more rounds then I’ll take you back!” Hanma sounds more excited about what just happened than you felt. You shrug and head to the bar once again. Now that one of the heavenly kings was somewhat on your side you felt more at ease. More willing to let go of the wall you had built up.
“Fix your shirt!” You look down and laugh which takes Hanma by surprise. You adjust your clothes back in place and feel him sneaking glances in your direction as you order more drinks.
Hanma’s POV
Y/N was currently taking a shot with Rindou. This was the most social I had ever seen him. I felt a bit bad getting him even more mixed up in Tenjiku business. He was beyond talented when it came to handling a vehicle. I couldn’t just look past the kids' talent.
“Kid!! You about ready?” I shouted and laughed at the state he was in. He grumbles as he makes his way back over.
“I mean you dragged me out here. We could (hic up) stay if you want.” I had to steady him as he fell forward. His long hair had started to fall down into his face. His eyes had begun to glaze over and his cheeks were flushed due to his intoxicated state. He was really pretty… the thought entered my mind and I shook my head. I took hold of his shoulder aggressively and he whined. My chest felt tight when I heard it.
“I don’t think you could handle it.” I laughed trying to distract myself from this strange feeling. “Come on time to take you home!” Just as I was about to help him walk out, Sanzu intervened.
“Hanma! When did you become such a prude! Stay! Y/N won’t you spend some time with me?” Sanzu’s voice held a tone of seduction that I did not appreciate. A strange rage started to emerge from the surface.
“He is mine! Back off Sanzu…” I growled and Y/N giggled. “What’s so funny?” I ask, annoyed. Y/N looks up with a smirk and I let go pushing away from him. “Fuck it if you want to stay fucking stay. But you better be ready when I call you.”
“No Hanma! I’m sorry! I’m ready!” Y/N still looks way too amused for my liking but I feel myself calming down. I go to steady him once again and Y/N waves stupidly at everyone as we leave. I had sobered up after a while so I easily opened the door and set him into the passenger seat.
I get into the car and begin to pull out of the parking lot. I try my best to focus on the road. “It’s like you were jealous back there!” The dumb kid says giggling. I clench my jaw, not sure why the statement pissed me off so much.
“I am your handler, dumbass. I have to look out for you.” I say trying to also convince myself. I had never been attracted to men before but everytime I look over at him I want to touch him. What the hell is wrong with me? The rest of the drive was quiet.
I pull into his driveway and once again help him out of the car. “Thank you handler!” Y/N says with sarcasm and I sigh. “Ooo my keys are in my front pocket!” I lean over and try not to let the closeness of our bodies bother me. I reach into his front pocket quickly and then nervously fumble with the lock. “Hanma! I thought I was the drunk one!” Y/N laughs and I lose a bit of control.
I push open the door and slam it closed. I also in the process push him against the frame blocking him in with my body. My hand easily reaches around his throat. “Kid I joke with you but you will show me respect. I am an executive after all.”
“Hanma…” His voice was a bit raspy and his eyes rolled back from my hold on his neck. My cock twitched from the image. I pressed my fingers harder cutting off his air flow and groaned when he moaned breathlessly. Shit… shit… shit… “Please…” Y/N gasped for breath, his nails digging into my forearm. “I’m sorry…”
I step back and run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to regain my composure. “Your home. Get some rest and I will see you tomorrow.” I push past him in a rush not wanting to confront these desires I had just experienced. Y/N gives me a confused glance but nods. “God you do have a pretty face…” I grumble as I practically run out the door.
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goddessserena0 · 3 days
Riza easily guides you thought the crowd as she takes you to various stalls. One sold flower seeds, another dishware, and another various knick-knacks. When she reaches a stall that sold books your eyes light up at the stacks of books. The merchant at the stall was a woman reading a book of her own; "The shattered Lands: Book 1." When you see the title you can't help but get excited.
"Excuse me, do you have the rest of that series?"
The woman puts the book down, "You mean the shattered lands, yes, I have the full series."
You gasp, "Can I get them Riza?"
Riza smiles, "Of course you can."
The merchant starts scanning through the stacks until she finds the books, placing 5 of them on the counter then putting the one she was reading on top.
"Weren't you reading that?" You ask.
"Oh, I already have, I was just re-reading for fun."
You smile and thank her as Riza negotiates the trade and places the books into a bag for you. While you wait, your eyes catch a stall selling a lot of different looking crystals. You wander over and look them over, they are different shapes, sizes, and colors, some even have something swirling within them. You pick up a white one and it starts to glow brightly, you quickly put it down surprised.
"Never seen ele-crystals before kid?" The merchant asks. His garb looks like something from the Arabian nights.
"Um, no, what's an ele-crystal?"
"Well, like the name says, it is an element in crystalline form. They can be used for various tasks and allow those not of an element to have access to the abilities of that element." He picks up a red crystal, "A fire crystal lets even a water spirit easily light a fire," He picks up a blue crystal, "A water crystal can let anyone purify some water to be safe to drink. Crystals are very useful for any situation, though they aren't as potent as an actual spirit."
Riza comes over to the stall, "Ah, that reminds me that I need a new water crystal for the bath." She picks one out and completes her transaction. She guides you over to a stall selling clothes that look like they are both from this world and not. She lets you look through the clothes and you pick out a few pieces you like, including a zip-up hoodie that you put on immediately.
Riza takes you to a few more stalls that you have no interest in before taking you to Fiery Confections. When she opens the door a small bell rings and from the back a woman's voice calls.
"Be there in a moment." From the back a young woman with long black hair approaches the counter. "Riza, good to see you, what's with the kid?"
"Nice to see you as well Korsa, their name is Frisken and Astrom found them out in the razorlands."
Korsa stares at you for a moment, "Riza, you realize they aren't normal right?"
"Korsa, that is incredibly rude."
"I meant their soul Riza, did you forget that I'm a reaper and can see souls? It's weird, their soul is red, unlike everyone else here. Plus, they are a mortal, or at least they are supposed to be, I guess coming here messed with their soul."
Everything that Korsa sais confuses you, however you realize that she called herself a reaper. You hide behind Riza, not wanting to die.
Korsa notices this and laughs, "Don't worry kid, us reapers only kill who we have to, and according to you soul contract, you have a long life ahead of you."
"What she says is true dear, Korsa and other reapers wont hurt you."
Reassured by both of them you go up to the counter.
"What do mean I'm supposed to be mortal?"
Korsa looks at Riza, "You didn't tell him?"
Riza rubs the back of her neck, "I may have forgotten that part."
Korsa sighs, "Well kid, here in Spiritan, all of us are technically immortal. Our bodies age to a certain point before stopping completely. It's why you won't find any old spirits, everyone who is an adult is at their peak physically. Since your soul has adapted the same will happen to you for as long as you are here."
"Wait, so I'm immortal now?"
Korsa chuckles, "Essentially."
You are taken aback, not only are you in a completely different world but you are now immortal on top of that. You don't know what to think in the moment and just stand there flabbergasted.
"So did you want any chocolate?"
Korsa's voice snaps you back to reality, "Yes please."
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me-parenting · 3 months
Single Parents Essentials Shopping List for Kids 1. Clothing
Wonder nation kids socks (M, $4.97)
Fruit of the loom underwear (S, $9.94)
Wonder nation hoodie (M, $15.98)
Pajamas (M, $15.99)
5 Wonder nation t-shirt (M, $15.98)
3 Wonder nation leggings (M, $12.98)
12 Swiss tech winter boots ($18.48)
12 JYNZ winter coat ($29.16)
12 Athletic works sneakers ($19.98)
12 Wonder nation rain boots ($18.98)
Total ($162.44)
Avg shirt / pant size (M - 7.4)
Avg shoe size (12)
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Wednesday Character Nevermore Students Descriptions:
Wednesday Addams:
An artistic teen with a morbid world view. Wednesday is intelligent, sarcastic, sharp edged, introvert and sadistic. She has a penchant for torture and violence. Wednesday is a essentially a Jack of all Trades. She is a writer, she can play cello and is an expert in hand to hand combat. Wednesday is incredibly protective of her family and friends, she has a distaste for bullying and always defends the defenseless.
Enid Sinclair:
Enid is a Werewolf and Wednesday’s roommate. She is cheerful, bubbly, perky and optimistic in other words Wednesday’s Nightmare. Enid loves colors, stuffed animals, gossip, hockey and kung fu movies. She is a late bloomer and hasn’t managed to wolf out yet, but she knows she will get there eventually. Despite her sweet appearance, Enid is actually tougher than she seems.
Bianca Barclay:
Bianca is a siren and the Queen Bee of Nevermore. She is competitive, haughty and ambitious. Bianca is willing to do whatever it takes to win, but he has a strong moral code and loathes the idea of controlling the minds of her peers. She always does the right thing in the end and is incredibly loyal to those, she cares about.
Xavier Thorpe:
Xavier is Nevermore’s resident tortured Artist. He met Wednesday when he was 10 years old and she saved him from being cremated. Xavier is mature, reasonable, charismatic and sweet. He is a talented artist and loves it to draw and to paint. His father is a famous psychic, who is always busy with work, which is why he never attends Parents Day at Nevermore, but Xavier is already used to his father’s constant absence.
Ajax Petropolus:
Ajax is a Gorgon, who is often stoned. He is a nice guy, but he has the tendency to say exactly what he think, even if it’s inappropriate. Ajax is shy and awkward. He always avoids eye contact with others, because he doesn’t want to risk turning anyone into stone. He hides his snake hair under a beanie or a hoodie and always covers the mirrors, when he has to take a shower.
Yoko Tanaka:
Yoko is a vampire and one of the cool kids at Nevermore. She is clever, laid back, witty and effortlessly charming. She has a gothic fashion sense and a love for red lace. Yoko tends to avoid other people’s drama, but she is often sucked into it against her will. Yoko is very artistic and has a penchant for nail art.
Eugene Otinger:
Eugene is a sweet nerd who is obsessed with Bees. He is the president of Nevermore’s Bee Keeping club. Eugene is perky. intelligent, nice, funny and charismatic. He has a crush on Enid, who unfortunately doesn’t feel the same way. Eugene has the ability to control bees and is very willing to size them against his enemies.
Pugsley Addams:
A mischievous boy genius with a penchant for explosives, violence and mayhem. Pugsley is a brilliant inventor and an expert on technology. He is a bit more approachable, sweeter and emotional than his older sister Wednesday. He has a big appetite and would literally eat you alive if you try to mess with him.
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bugmomwrites · 2 years
Screaming Abdabs
There is an Adderall shortage and college is testing my patience rn so to cope I'm cranking out content in the brief window of time I can be medicated enough to generate something worth posting
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You guys know that vine where the kid gets really close to the camera and says "welcome back to me screaming?"
That's...essentially what the plot is here. In which Leorio is about to confess, but gets cut off because kids will be kids.
“I’m just going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back okay?”
Leorio nods as you rise up from the little patio furniture set and make your way to the back of the cafe. It suddenly feels a lot more awkward for someone of his size to be hunched over the little round table; he can’t help but feel like a giant in a dollhouse. The furniture wasn’t even meant for indoors, and honestly, without you there to fill the other side, it leaves him feeling more vulnerable. The dawning realization sets in that, for the next few minutes, it’s just him, his thoughts, and the empty metal chair across from him with a cutesy pink cushion. On the bright side, you just inadvertently bought him a few extra minutes to compose himself. He had something very important to tell you, and he was done squandering opportunity after opportunity.
It was about time he confessed to you, and even if it was in some tacky restaurant, at the world’s most uncomfortable table, today was the day, damn it. That, and you told him the pastries here were to die for, so who was he to say no? He breathed in and out and pondered over how to word it when the buzzing of his phone snapped him out of his thoughts. Which, really, was probably a needed distraction anyway, lest he psych himself out again for the umpteenth time. Almost robotically, he presses the answer call button and is greeted with an uncomfortably close shot of Gon’s face.
“Leorio! Hi!!!!”
The man in question smiles as Gon shouts a cheerful greeting into the receiver of his phone, Killua emerging from behind shortly after. He normally would have been relieved to hear from the boys at any other time, but he was well past the point of needing encouragement. He was going to go through with it, he just needed it to sound semi coherent. Any thoughtful lines he had cooked up in his head poofed away into thin air as he briefly mourned the loss. Still, you weren’t back yet so maybe he’d still have time to come up with something again. He could humor Gon later, whatever it was.
“Hello to you too. Can I call you guys back? I’m out to lunch with y/n, and I think I’m gonna confess today.”
Killua scoffs, knowing damn well Leorio has been tiptoeing around it for months now. “Please, I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
Gon gets really close to the screen again and chimes in. “We called you to help us figure something out, and we need an impartial judge.” 
‘Alright, it's probably just a simple question, like which hoodie should Killua get at the market or if we should get takeout tonight’, Leorio sighs and softens a little, prepared to hear the kids out when Gon finishes his thought.
“We’re trying to figure out who can scream the loudest. We asked Kurapika, but he told us we should have played The Quiet Game before running off, covering his ears.”
Leorio blinks, once, twice. He asks Gon to repeat what he said. When Gon confirms exactly what the purpose of this call was, Killua’s voice is heard off screen.
“We have to settle this once and for all.”
“Yeah, exactly! Leorio’s the loudest person we know. He’s perfect for this.”
“For real though, how’d you end up pining after someone so quiet? You really didn’t scare them off yet?”
“Do you need help? My aunt Mito says girls like when y”- 
“Gon, come on, we need to figure this out already!”
Oh, hell no.
Leorio could see you walking back over to the table, and he waved you over, pocketing his phone. It was now or never.
“There’s something I want to tell you.”
You had a funny feeling you could guess what it was. You loved Leorio, you really did, but he was so obvious about his crush on you. Still, you’d hear him out.
“Oh? What is it doc?”
God, he could never grow tired of that nickname. 
Even if he wasn’t a doctor yet, you were always so encouraging and had no problem letting him know every day how much you believed in him. Even if the worst case scenario came true and it was revealed that you didn’t return his feelings, he knew you’d always be in his corner, cheering him on no matter what he does in life. And for that, he was grateful.
As soon as Leorio opened his mouth, a pair of blood curdling screams burst from the phone speaker in his pocket, causing him to drop his coffee and spill it on the two of you. You scream in surprise, and then pain as the both of you are doused in scalding hot water. Leorio screams in alarm, frantically looking around for napkins. It’s a cacophony of nervousness between you and him, and now your hearts are pounding for a completely different reason.
It takes all of ten seconds for Leorio to realize he must not have hung up completely, only ending the video portion of the call- but neglecting to end the audio as well. Not only that, the side button he pressed was the one to increase the volume, making it as loud as ever.
You’re panicked, seemingly more worried about him spilling hot coffee on himself as a third, much more colorful scream rings out through the cafe. A sharp “MOTHERFUCKER!” spooks you before a profanity laced rant spills out from his mouth.
He fished the phone out of his pocket, steaming mad as he turned the video chat back on to see the two kids looking innocently at the camera, like they didn’t just ruin a long awaited love confession while blowing out the eardrums of everyone in a 20 mile radius. Killua glares expectantly through the screen and has the nerve to look irritated at Leorio’s speechlessness before he breaks the silence.
“Come on old man, we need answers.”
The waitress makes a beeline to the table and politely- but firmly, asks the two of you to leave. Leorio sighs and hits the end call button, not even wanting to entertain the two boys as the screen fades to black. You apologize for the noise, and even though he had said it was his treat, you can’t help but feel bad about how it went, so you discreetly pay for the meal when Leorio is distracted. You’d fess up yourself, but you remember Kurapika telling you offhand one day that Leorio’s pride wouldn’t let him live it down.
Then again, if he was brave enough to go after the dream he wanted, perhaps it would be the same for a relationship with you. And with the encouragement you give him, you were almost certain he’d be brave enough to make the first move.
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essentialshoodie · 7 months
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All body types can find a suitable size for themselves. In addition to oversized sizes, we also offer essentials kids hoodie fitted sizes. It is essential to avoid wearing either too tight or too loose. The most flattering and versatile options are slim or regular fits.
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questfriendspodcast · 8 months
totally not asking for fanart purposes, what does sammy ester look like? like what type of doll?
Haha, got it! From A Tag-Team Duel: "This guy is almost a kid. He’s 18 or 19. He looks like an intern. He’s got this patchwork cotton skin with visible stitches, and his cheeks have these red spirals that are almost not visible because they’re entirely covered up by thick curly orange yarn hair that falls down like a mop. This guy looks like he rolled out of bed, sporting a green hoodie and a comfortable rustic brown coat. He essentially looks like a rustic boy band version of Raggedy Andy."
So pretty much that. I imagined Sammy being the size of a human man, if a little on the shorter side (at least when compared to Oset). If you want another reference, Sam Winchester from Season 1 of Supernatural is a good bet, since Sammy is based on Emily's Dread character, who is in turn based on S1 Sam Winchester. For example, Sammy's coat and hoodie are the same as Sam's:
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Pair an oversized sweatshirt with fitted leggings or skinny jeans for a balanced silhouette. You can shop here.
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Amazon Essentials Women's Soft Cotton Standard-Fit Extra-Long Tunic Yoga T-Shirt (Available in Plus Size) (Previously Core 10)
Price: (as of – Details) Amazon Essentials keeps you moving from the moment you step out the door. You’ll find performance tees, hoodies, gym shorts, and more made with quality fabrics at stock-up prices. Whether you’re heading out for a jog or running errands with the kids, our apparel is made to work out, live in, and lounge. Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 34 x 29.9 x 4.7 cm; 119 g Release date ‏ :…
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amitsharma123 · 14 days
Welcome to Stevan Treading Shop
Welcome to Stevan Treading Shop
Stevan Treading Shop is your go-to destination for unique, custom-designed apparel that fits every style. From trendy t-shirts to stylish hoodies and accessories, the shop has something for everyone. Our designs cater to fashion-forward individuals who value high-quality, personalized gear. Whether you’re shopping for men, women, or kids, our diverse collection offers a variety of bold and expressive designs.
What Makes Us Unique?
We pride ourselves on delivering one-of-a-kind products that you won’t find anywhere else. Our gear stands out with fresh designs that reflect creativity and individuality. Whether it’s a custom t-shirt or a cozy hoodie, each item is carefully crafted for comfort and style. The use of eco-friendly materials ensures that our products align with sustainability, while on-demand printing reduces waste, making your purchase both fashionable and responsible.
Trending Products
Organic Cotton T-Shirts Perfect for those who love simplicity with a sustainable touch. These shirts come in various designs and sizes, offering both comfort and eco-friendliness.
Customized Hoodies & Sweatshirts Stay warm and stylish with our hoodies and sweatshirts, available in unique prints and customizable options.
Stickers & Accessories Add some flair to your belongings with our cool stickers and accessories, perfect for personalizing your everyday items.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
At Stevan Treading Shop, we believe in delivering quality and satisfaction. Our fast, on-demand production process ensures that each item is printed fresh and shipped directly to you. If you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a hassle-free return policy within 30 days, because your happiness is our priority.
Why Shop With Us?
Unique Designs: Our products feature exclusive designs that you won’t find anywhere else.
Eco-Friendly Products: Sustainability is at the core of our business, with many of our products made from organic materials.
Fast Shipping: With our efficient print-on-demand model, your order is processed and shipped quickly.
Satisfaction Guarantee: Not 100% happy? We’ve got you covered with a 30-day return policy.
Discover the Collection
Explore over 200 unique designs across our product lines. From streetwear-inspired tees to minimalist accessories, Stevan Treading Shop offers something for everyone. Our products include:
T-Shirts & Tank Tops: Express your style with bold graphic tees and comfy tanks.
Hoodies & Sweatshirts: Stay warm with our cozy, custom-printed hoodies and sweatshirts.
Kids' Apparel: From cute prints to playful designs, we’ve got something for the little ones.
Accessories: Spice up your style with our collection of caps, bags, and drinkware.
Eco-Friendly & Ethical
In today’s world, sustainability is essential. That’s why Stevan Treading Shop takes pride in offering eco-friendly, organic products. By using water-based inks and sustainable materials, we ensure that our fashion choices are as kind to the planet as they are stylish. Our commitment to reducing waste through on-demand printing allows us to minimize environmental impact, ensuring you can shop with a clear conscience.
What Our Customers Say
Our customers love the quality and uniqueness of our designs. Here are some reviews:
“I absolutely love my new t-shirt! The design is so unique, and the quality is excellent.”
“The hoodie I ordered is super comfortable, and it arrived much faster than I expected. Highly recommend!”
“Great designs, and I appreciate the eco-friendly packaging.”
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If you’re ready to elevate your wardrobe with trendy, eco-friendly designs, visit Stevan Treading Shop today. Browse our extensive collection and find the perfect piece that fits your style. Don’t miss out on exclusive designs—shop now!
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