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hamaon · 7 years ago
Top 5 favourite characters: Cloud’s story is very impressive for a 90s JRPG protagonist, and the glimpses of personality you get over the course of the game and towards the end especially are divine;I gave my heart to AVALANCHE early on, a moment of silence for all those who died so young;the image I have of Elmyra is a lot groovier than what there actually is in the game, but I’m hanging on to it;Tifa won me over just by her battle animations, and from these modest origins it grew and grew;
Nanaki is so serious, and also a baby.
Other characters you like: The bravest pilot-in-training who could. I believe in you, little guy.
Least favourite characters: “The hidden optional characters”, is what I was going to say, but I like Yuffie much better than Vincent. I actively dislike her character design (what is even going on there), but she’s vengeful and proud. All the characters in this game are more enjoyable if you highlight their unsavory qualities.
Vincent, though, is a miss. An unfortunate combination of things that I don’t care about. His main contribution to the story is giving more insight on Hojo and Sephiroth (and the Turks, I guess), but what I’d like to know more about are things to do with Gast, the Ancients, and Aerith’s involvement, and he has nothing to do with that. Also, Shinra by itself just isn’t interesting to me, it’s their involvement with the main characters (especially in the first areas of the game) that is fun, and again Vincent misses out.
There’s also the fact that- if there’s one mythological being that I couldn’t care less about, it’s vampires, and he shares a lot of the aesthetics, and- I don’t like using him in battle. The only time I used him during my first playthrough was when the party first crosses the mountains past Nibelheim, and taking him to the boss battle at end of the dungeon was a bad idea. It liked fire, and Vincent’s monster form whatever-beast liked producing said fire, and one thing led to another.
I love his theme, I guess, but I don’t even think of it as his theme. It’s the theme of the basement of the Shinra mansion and its fantastic, creepymonsters.
Also, Aerith, but more on that later.
Otps: I’m into Cloud/Tifa, but less for the chemistry and more for narrative reasons. I just think it makes a good story? Watching them dance around their memories of their shared past is the true heart of the game, for me.
I like that it’s romantic on Tifa’s part, but when you go back to the beginning of the game, once you know what sorts of questions the characters have been holding back on… how much of it is romantic on Tifa’s part, again?
I like that it isn’t romantic on Cloud’s part… until you get to the Lifestream, and the cause of this mess and the most honest truth at the core of it all was just a little boy crushing on the popular girl next door.
I like the idea of them deciding to stick together, the two survivors, now that they can admit out loud that they never really even knew each other.
I like how, with all of his regrets and failures, Cloud never did fail her.
(And I kind of like that the underdog in the triangle got the guy, in the end.)
I used to be passionately into Aerith/Tifa, early on – her interactions with Tifa are the best I liked Aerith – but I’ve let go of it, since. It’s okay to enjoy relationships without making them romantic, past me.
Not sure whether this is is an “otp “or a “notp” thing, or something else entirely, but I‘ve become very attached to the idea of Cid/no one as of late. Maybe the plot circumstances forcing him and Shera to stay separated helps them realize that it’s healthier this way. I want Cid to be grouchy and middle-aged and difficult to deal with on his airship, with his loyal crew and no romantic interest ever again.
And honestly, I’d be all for an AU where Cloud derails the plot by running off with some random AVALANCHE member in the early Midgar portion of the game. Jessie is the best candidate. Let Cloud and Jessie elope.
Notps: Cloud/Sephiroth. Aerith/Cloud as a reciprocal thing, because I enjoy their interactions better if Aerith isn’t serious about him (Cloud -> Aerith is fine, though).
Favourite friendships: Barret and Tifa. It was framed more as “Barret supports Tifa”, but I imagine that Tifa used to babysit Marlene quite a bit when AVALANCHE was smaller, so it evens out somewhat. They have a lot of shared history between just the two of them.
Aerith and Tifa. And listen, this isn’t pretty, but I want to think that they didn’t like each other that much, at first, even if it didn’t show – because why would they be rude towardseach other? Why wouldn’t they want to rescue innocent people? Maybe Aerith is a bit dismissive towards Tifa, unconsciously. Overrules her on things, without thought. I want Tifa putting up appearances that she enjoys Aerith’s company more than she really does, when really at times she makes her uneasy in ugly, jealous ways. All of that beingsomething they are already correcting themselves on come Kalm, quietly. On the way towards the chocobo farm you can see them walking together more often than not, and it continues that way until Aerith skedaddles.
Cloud and Yuffie. I just think that the detail of the shared motion sickness is nice and genuine. And in general, Cloud is yanked around by the story so much, it’s nice that he has someone he can be a mentor figure to. Good for the both of them.
Favourite family: Cloud’s, painfully unexplored as it was. It would benefit the game if there was just a touch more about Cloud’s mother. Just one more little scene, late in the game, to underline that she was loved, and that she’s gone, and that he doesn’t want to talk about it.
Favourite episodes: The entire Lifestream sequence where player-Tifa finally gets some answers to questions that have been left hanging since the first five minutes of the game.
Actually no, the entire game starting from where Cloud starts unraveling at the Noozupooru and the title of player character bounces back between a couple of party members as you’re putting the story together, culminating in the Lifestream sequence. But especially the Lifestream sequence.
Favourite season/book/movie: Original game? I think I liked the short animation thingy, Last Order, when I saw it ~ten years ago, but I can’t be assed to rewatch it now.
Favourite quotes: Any, as long as it comes with rustic typos in it. Absolutely beautiful.
Best musical moment: “Overworld“, as I had originally written down, like Tina’s theme, is a beautiful epic that encompasses all the highs and the lows of the narrative, but having listened to it for way too long while watching my friend play the game I’m in the “can’t stand” part of my cyclical relationship with the song. So let’s talk about Cid’s theme instead!
My first exposure to Cid’s theme was in the form of a background midi on a friend’s angelfire page, and I had no idea where the song was from. The file that I eventually managed to download on my computer was named something to the effect of ff7-cid, which told me nothing. No one in my family played video games.
As I said, I downloaded song. I used some .mid-to-sheet-music converter software on our computer to make it playable and printed it out. It wasn’t made for piano (and I definitely wasn’t good enough at notation to make an arrangement of my own), so I’d just follow along the notes as I put the midi on. I never did learn to play it. I never got a group together to try to play it – there’s nothing impressive about this story.
Fast forward several years, and I played the game. At that point it had been a long time since I had listened to the original midi, but I still remembered that I had built something way more epic around the song than what actually went down in the game. Not that Cid’s quest for the skies isn’t impressive, but it had sounded like something that would play during a last stand type of scene at the end of a story. My bad.
It’s still an impressive piece.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: You lose control of the main character! That’s pretty metal?
When it really disappointed you: My introduction to the game was Advent Children, which I don’t think I had many strong feelings about? But I saw people online mourning the death of Aerith’s character (made even worse by Crisis Core) and how she was supposed to have been amazing in the game. So I played the game expecting something truly spectacular and… well, FF7 doesn’t have bad writing, I don’t think, but the characters definitely need you to meet them halfway before you can truly appreciate their potential. And Aerith mostly just hit on Cloud, so I was unwilling to even try. Disappointing, in the truest sense of the word.
I have a history of hating most Final Fantasy romance, and most of the characters doing most of the romance-inclined things. Edge hits on Rydia? Shit character. Locke hits on Celes? Shit character. Rinoa hits on Squall? Shit character (okay originally I liked her for that and only started hating her later in the game, adding her to the list here isn’t fair). Zidane hits on Garnet? Shit character. Yuna hitting on Tidus initially made me label her as a shit character as well, and I can actually pinpoint the very line of dialogue that made me stop thinking of her that way, but my main point is that in the beginning of FF10, I hated Yuna.
Anyway, I like to think that every time Aerith is hitting on Cloud, she’s joking! Because that’s what the root of my disinterest in engaging with her can be traced back to! Most of my headcanons are about Aerith, honestly. I make kind of half-hearted efforts to like her, occasionally, but I need to do it on my own terms – in order to enjoy her character, I need to be able to own her character. Otherwise I’m in a situation where I don’t care for the character much, and every time people point out some feature about them that makes them “perfect”, the bitterness increases. The “I was pretty neutral on this character, but everyone talking about how they’re the best thing ever made me loathe them” feeling. Yeah.
Saddest moment: I’m currentlythinking about the Nibelheim flashback where Cloud just plain refuses to talk about his mother and that’s a sad moment, isn’t it?
Most well done character death: Rufus went out gloriously. The whole scene with the multiple delayed laser beams whose projections you had to keep track of was magnificent, plus a corrupt corporation sacrificing everything for the greater good was pretty nice. Redemption in death.
Glad he wasn’t retconned into having survived or anything, that’d just ruin everything.
Favourite guest star: Cid had his moment in the spotlight, before slinking back into the shadows until XII?
Favourite cast member: Character, okay. Tifa, probably. A bunch of neutral to positive character traits, distinct nostalgia in the character theme, some half-assed writing, best animations in battle, a role that was fantastically spot-on in unravelling the main character’s labyrinthine headspace.
It’s less who Tifa is as a character, and more the good vibes surrounding her role in the story and some of the aesthetic decisions that went into creating the character. I mean, she’s a female monk. Just give her a version of the AC outfit that isn’t all black and stillhas the suspenders.
Character you wish was still alive: Nanaki’s mom.
One thing you hope really happens: Nanaki’s mom becomes an actual character in the remake. She completely drops out of everyone’s consciousness once it turns out that the Dad was the Important One. You have this rare heroic mother who is remembered for her feats in battle, only for her to disappear from the story completely. I’d like for Nanaki to remember them together. Wasn’t she supposed to have been something of a role model for him, before?
Most shocking twist: When the nameless Shinra grunt took off his helmet.
I keep thinking back to that gifset of that scene with the caption “that’s what Final Fantasy VII is all about, Charlie Brown“, and. Yeah.
When did you start watching/reading?: After Advent Children came out.
Best animal/creature: I have so many feelings about that one house in the Sector 7 slums. Primarily ”how“ and “why“. And “rocket launchers”.
Everything inside the sunken Gelnika is super cool, too. As is the Ruby Weapon, or however you capitalize that. Ruby WEAPON.
Favourite location: First visit to Nibelheim, if I’m being honest. Basement of Gold Saucer, if I’m not.
Trope you wish they would stop using: Will they?? Or… won’t they?? Let’s drag this love triangle shit on f o r e v e r.
Like please, FF10 was the best because they settled the will they won’t they thing pretty early on, just let this matter be resolved so we can have some development in some direction, please. Let him get on with his relationship with Tifa so we can have some real progress, let him break it off for real, just do something. As long as it isn’t ”he’s hung on Aerith forever“, because that goes directly against the development at the end of the game. Give him a new love interest, if you don’t want to piss anyone specific off, just stop beating this horse, it’s been dead for twenty years.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: That’s what Final Fantasy VII is all about, Charlie Brown.
Funniest moments: When I was playing the game with a friend, and she triggered the bug where you don’t get portable save point in your inventory, and we only noticed halfway through the final dungeon. We still beat the game without any save slots. It’s not a very difficult game.
Couple you would like to see: please just fuckign Cloud/Jessie.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Anyway, I’d like it if there were more female characters in the party, with more varied roles. Any of the main party members besides Barret, Reeve and Vincent could have been female, I think (I like Barret as a father, and Reeve is such a late reveal that it wouldn’t serve the intended purpose. And Vincent is optional). Cid, Nanaki, someone new? Cloud? Maybe Jessie could survive?
Actually, unpopular (?) opinion time, somewhat related, hang with me here, but I don’t think Tifa being ancillary to Cloud’s story is a bad thing at all. He’s the main character, his story is the most important story of the game, and her story supplements his story beautifully. The problem is that after the first disc, she’s the only active female character of any real importance. That’s where her propping up Cloud starts becoming a problem.
More female characters.
Favourite outfit: I love Aerith’s design, it’s spectacular. At first glance all you can see is pink, but it’s super practical, and plain, too. Some of it is probably because that’s how the game is designed in general, no one is very decorated, but still, Tifa wears earrings.
A simple dress, practical shoes. A plain bow, crude metal bracelets, and some random string around her neck. It’s like she just picked one up one day and went, why the hell not? That’s actually something I do when I’m cleaning and find pieces of string or broken rubber bands. Just tie them wherever, arm, neck, around my head.
It’s my headcanon that her dress was originally white, but it was washed with something red (that seems to be her color, no?) and was accidentally dyed in the process.
The short jacket is my favorite. I like the idea that she’d go for that big-shouldered look in other outfits, too. It looks so weird. I love it.
Favourite item: All materia. The ‘all’ materia.
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: Nothing official aside from the game itself. A couple of art prints. There’s one with Nanaki with his cubs looking over the ruins of Midgar that I need to get framed at some point, if I have the money.
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: AVALANCHE all the way. The concept of bitter eco-terrorists is something that resonates closely with so much of my youth.
Most boring plotline: A lot of Barret’s stuff could have had better focus, unfortunately. Tying things back to Marlene & Elmyra & the working class more would have been appreciated.
Most laughably bad moment: I can’t decide between the kidnapping of Elena and Yuffie in Wutai, and the cannon-top slapdown between a corporate executive and a lifetime martial artist. It’s a horrible tie.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: So much is centered around the Nibelheim flashbacks, let’s pick something else.
Cid’s Rocket Town flashback is pretty good, it makes you feel the frustration, and it manages to humanize him at the same time. Also, it isn’t a montage info-dump flashback, which FF7 falls victim to, occasionally.
Most layered character: Much of the plot is about putting different aspects of Cloud back together, sometimes more than figuratively, so, Cloud.
Most one dimensional character: Palmer. You know, because he gets run over by a… truck…
Scariest moment: The Shinra tower, after you escape from the jail. There have been just enough uncomfortable elements shown to you beforehand. There was something unnatural in that tank earlier, but it’s gone now. The soundtrack turned Silent Hill all of a sudden. Maybe you could receive comfort from the masses, now that you are facing a shared enemy of a new, strange caliber. The tower was bustling with life just moments ago.
But where is everyone.
Grossest moment: Cid yelling at Shera. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
Best looking male: Once you get past all the associations you have with white/silver-haired men in Japanese media, and the fact that it’s Sephiroth, Sephiroth is quite pleasing to the eye. The boob window is nice. Looks strong without being overbearing.
But at the end of the day, it’s still…. Sephiroth.
Best looking female: Everyone is a pile of polygons, but in my mind’s eye I always imagine Ifalna as a breathtaking beauty.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): no.
Favourite cast moment: I don’t keep up with creator commentary. I like to live dangerously.
Favourite transportation: All chocobos are beautiful in their own way. Incidentally, nothing that came after the original game counts as canon to me, and Cloud became a chocobo rancher near Corel. He goes snowboarding with Yuffie, sometimes, when she’s visiting and he’s trying to catch rare breeds in the mountains.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Midgar, as a whole. The dirty neon lights hiding eco-terrorists and secret flowerbeds. The ruins in the epilogue, when you end the game unsure whether most of the player characters even survived Holy. It just feels like a lot of love went into creating Midgar.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I was discussing Cid’s small pre-final dungeon Loveless monologue with The Friend Who Played Through My Copy Of Final Fantasy VII, and we came to the conclusion that we couldn’t come to a conclusion. It’s just… vague. Is it talking about dying? Who/what is supposed to work as a parallel to this play?Is it just a bad translation?
While we’re at this sort of thing, let’s talk about sequel stuff! and how Zack is what finally ties all the loose ends back together. About Cloud. About Aerith. He’s an explanation and a motivator, and from a story perspective, unimportant as a character with motivations of his own. Ultimately it doesn’t matter why he did what he did, only that he did them. He should never have been in the spotlight. In Final Fantasy VII, Zack would never have been in the spotlight.
Moreover, he’s gone. Aerith, the one who’d most benefit from having some answers, is gone. And it was fine that way.
Best promo: Uh. The FF4 flash ads with ostriches in them.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Nibelheim.
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incogneat-oh · 11 years ago
Hello! I love your writing and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share an idea. How about a story in which Tim's lack of spleen gradually makes his health worse, up to the point where the only thing making him function on his regular (admittedly insane) schedule is sheer denial. It ends with Tim being hospitalised for a couple of months, and this is when even Bruce agrees that some changes have to be made. However, the one who's most concerned, much to his own confusion, is Damian.
Oh man, I love fic where Damian is accidentally caring! 
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uselesspolish · 11 years ago
— glazed frost
IPA: /ɡɔˈwɔlɛʨ̑/
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protagonistically · 11 years ago
Happy Birthday~! You are a wonderful person, and I love being your follower! Have a great day everyday, but today is just for you :3 Wszystkiego najlepszego, kochana!
Wow!  Thank you so much!  Gosh, I'm blushing *flails*
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heartslogos · 11 years ago
Fic or treat! Tim adopts a ghost into his apartment on Halloween. Because it was cold outside and the ghost seemed lonely, and NO ghost should be cold, sad, and alone on Halloween, in Tim's opinion. The ghost stays, though, and starts to "haunt" the theatre. Happy Halloween~!
Technically, Tim should be calling this in. But it's not like she's very malicious.
She, because her name is Waverly, by choice, and Tim's not going to use the wrong gender pronoun. That's just rude. Ghosts are – were? What word should he be using when referring to her? – people, too. Tim could start an entire campaign on this.
And well. This might turn around and bite him in the ass, like a lot of his well intentioned deeds. But. Well. At least Tim tries, right? That's what counts?
"Tim. It's a Friday."
Tim doesn't look up from where he's flipping through take-out menus. "Yup."
"Yes, Waverly?"
"It's a Friday."
"I know, Waverly."
"You should be out having fun. Partying and everything." Waverly tosses her hands up in the air, "I mean. Tim. Look at you! You're eighteen and gorgeous. If I was that gorgeous at your age, you can bet I'd be exploiting it to its fullest!"
Tim refrains from pointing out that Waverly died partying at the wrong club. In particular, a club that wasn't particularly accepting of drag and the fabulous ladies in drag.
"How could I, in good conscience leave a lady alone by herself?" Tim replies, throwing her a smile, "Besides, when was the last time you had a nice night indoors?"
Waverly opens her mouth, closes it. Smiles, hands on her hips – "Good point. I like the way you think, kid."
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mesitka · 12 years ago
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sidninkoutek replied to your post: YEEEEEEEEES
Big congratulations, Mesi! :D
Diky krasko X3
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essentialprocrastination replied to your post: YEEEEEEEEES
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jumpingjacktrash replied to your post: YEEEEEEEEES
Thankyou!!! °3°
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hamaon · 7 years ago
let’s go back
A combination of
and another tag-me thing, mostly answered previously (tagged by @nautilusopus, also a couple of years ago): A list of favorite characters, in no particular order.
Taichi Mashima (Chihayafuru) for the eyelashes
Akane Kurashiki (9 doors 9 persons 9 hours) for wanting to live
Maya Amano (Persona 2) for making me care about the twist in the end
BBJr (T&B) for subverting all of my expectations
Kazuki Makabe (Fafner in the Azure) for actually becoming a cook in the sequel
Naoya [insert MC’s family name] (Devil Survivor) for getting that biblical pathos just right
the Solidor brothers (Final Fantasy XII) for still loving each other in the end
Yuna (Final Fantasy X) for not losing her soft politeness
Lenna Tycoon (Final Fantasy V) for taking a knife out on that dragon
Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII), more of a gut feeling
Tina Branford (Final Fantasy VI) for the opening cinematic that will stick with me for as long as I live
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) for being so strange with no shame
Rei Ryuugazaki (Free!) for much of the same
Rose Harvestar (Bone) for being the front line
Pearl (Steven Universe) for the pointy bits
Kumiko Oumae (Sound! Euphonium), the down-to-earth dreamer
Kagura (Gintama) for having no indoors voice
Jonah Matsuka (Toward the Terra) for putting his hands around Keith Anyan’s throat
Mr Gilbert Norrell (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell) for being a nasty piece of work
the Fool (Realm of the Elderlings) for going there, as a character
princess Eruca (Radiant Historia) for her design
Hajime Ichinose (Gatchaman Crowds) for never running out of means
Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) for getting it out of his system
Maribelle (Fire Emblem Awakening) for the frills
Annie Leonhart (Attack on Titan) for her tragedy
Rue (Princess Tutu) for her happy ending
Benten (The Eccentric Family) for putting everyone on edge
Tieria Erde (Gundam 00) for becoming the character he was in the second season
Yukari Takeba (Persona 3), the unsightly sniper
Severus Snape (Harry Potter), because I'm living in a fantasy where the author made no attempt to explain things away
Rena Ryuuguu (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni) for her razor-sharp mind
Eva Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) for having all the dimensions
Lambdadelta (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) for owning every scene she appeared in
Papyrus (Undertale) for his beautiful heart
Sialeeds Falenas (Suikoden V) for twisting the storyline
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) for such a deeply satisfying reveal
John Hardin (Vagrant Story) for being the character I least expected to be the emotional center of so many story beats
...and all of my DA protagonists (DAO/DA2), whom I greatly enjoyed getting to know
ok there was some overlap, and that wasn’t ten, but this is: @nemicon, @lives-in-a-harpsichord, @zainsblues, @cviperfan, @plasticmind, @hapalochlaena, @essentialprocrastination, @nautilustparty, and @mudoon & @nautilusopus, because it’s been ages. If you wanna.
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careful-knives · 7 years ago
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The Space Dream Squad
aka @automatical, @essentialprocrastination and me
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supernova2395 · 11 years ago
Irish breakfast ;)
So it has been my family's years long wish to visit Italy, and as it's my parent's 25th wedding anniversary this March we're going in the summer holidays and I am so excited!!!!!
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kaciart · 13 years ago
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protagonistically replied to your post: So I slept a full 5 hrs last night
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jeli-bean replied to your post: So I slept a full 5 hrs last night
i’ll have to find this…anytime i need to do a presentation or something to that effect I get anxiety so bad that I wind up making myself physically sick
You def should Jeli, it's a life saver. They used to suggest this to us, when I was in school, for exams.
It just takes the edge right off stress
I need to get a new bottle of the normal one because im all out. But I can manage stress during the day by drawing or writing. Nighttime is where Im caught.
minumi-chan replied to your post: So I slept a full 5 hrs last night
Awwwww!!! I’m so glad you found something that works!! 8333
yesss, I'm hoping it wasnt a crash and that things wont be bad again tonight but still. I GOT SOME SLEEP.
zerachin replied to your post: So I slept a full 5 hrs last night
uu bby
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essentialprocrastination replied to your post: So I slept a full 5 hrs last night
That’s great! I’m glad :3
Yesssss, also, that tea you gave me last week is lovely! I tried some the other night, it's such a lovely colour 8D
0 notes
hamaon · 7 years ago
“This thing“
Name: Hama is good, I feel like. Star Sign: Virgo, aka the one you can’t make visually interesting no matter what you try. Gender: no Height: less than two meters, more than one and a half Orientation: facing this screen right now Favourite colour: bright yellows, moss green Time right now: not midnight yet Current location: Funland, 100 years of independence Average hours of sleep: way too many last night Lucky number: nah Last thing I googled: what moss green looks like Number of blankets I sleep under: a single duvet Favourite fictional character: I have an entire unanswered meme dating back a couple of years dedicated solely to this question. Let’s say Eva Ushiromiya, for now.
Oh who am I kidding. The answer is, and will always be, Kazuki Makabe. Favourite book: The Ancillary trilogy comes the closest currently. Favourite artists/bands: Sheena Ringo is a long-staying one. I’m bad at picking favorite artists, I usually enjoy songs as individual pieces of art. Dream job: Regular money and humane working conditions and guaranteed medical care and human contact less than 100% of the time. I like doing translations, but not on a “life’s calling“ level. What I’m wearing: two pairs of socks and a dapper shirt with buttons done the male side way, I’m told. The shirt came with a skirt, though, originally, so who knows. Random Fact: Siberian jays and western jackdaws are both around the size of a pigeon. Siberian jays are twice as big as sparrows. When did you create your blog: I think Star Driver was airing. Do you have other blogs?: On tumblr? There’s the rereblogblog blog. What made you get a tumblr: All the cool kids were doing it. And I wanted the URL before it was taken. Posting t&b made me stay, though, I guess. Do you get asks on a daily basis?: I don’t even remember the last time I got one. Why did you choose your url?: woo hamaon, pretty scary I was tagged by: @essentialprocrastination like, two-three years ago I tag: @cozminen @turalyon @hiiritan @firebraider @totallynotanerdyguy @jogeblr @my-pussy-tastes-like-pepsicola @mairenn-k @s-e-e-b-e-e (!! will you?) @nematadashi look I just grabbed some names, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.
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careful-knives · 7 years ago
Happy Birthday~!
Thank you, friend
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supernova2395 · 11 years ago
essentialprocrastination replied to your post:WE BEAT IRELAND!!!!!! I can’t believe we beat...
Is this a spoiler problem or are you from Ireland?... 
If it is the second option; I'm sorry I just thought we were going to get thrashed by you I may have been riding a happiness high....
0 notes
kaciart · 13 years ago
essentialprocrastination replied to your post: I JUST ORDERED PIZZA
You are a precious little flower, J. Never change. Never.
8DDD *stuffs face*
sevenbricks replied to your post: I JUST ORDERED PIZZA
Hoppin on a plane be right over
cute-stuff-bart replied to your photo: 8DD
specialshera replied to your photo: 8DD
Oh cruddermuffins, now I’m hungry. :C Enjoy that, Julie!
me-ya-ri replied to your photo: 8DD
*whine* That is an awesome pizza. Full Stop. *drools a little*
I always get the Full House with the personal Pizzas because they go pretty skimpy with the toppings on any of the others
lulutheblue replied to your post: protagonistically replied to your post: I JUST...
Whenever my friend orders pizza when I’m at her place, some guy named Jesus always makes it lol. We like to pretend it’s holy pizza. XD
Well, the lord himself put it together for you. Of course it is!
meeya87 replied to your photo: 8DD
;A; how i’d love some and yet my stomach’s being all iffy /pokes stomach/ man that looks GOOOOD
Awww, dont worry, I'll save your tum, and get rid of all of the evidence.
lulutheblue replied to your photo: 8DD
Thaaaat looks delicious! And I can’t even eat anything because of my cold! *A*
Awwww, *makes you tea and toast*
tealgeezus replied to your photo: 8DD
Yum! Wait…is that corn? On Pizza? That’s….kind of delicious sounding
WHAT?! You don't have corn on pizza???
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