#essentially wrote a slight rough of a relevant scene in the canon past of my Frost RP blog
fandom-trash-xl · 2 months
A @conherofrost non-diegetic drabble
(Set within the canon lore of my RP Frost)
The look on Frost's face seemed floaty and distant as he boarded his escort shuttle to head into business as usual and his subordinates took notice. "You seem in fine spirits today, sir!"
He quickly snapped back into awareness. "Oh, I suppose it comes with the work, enough success in a row'll do that to you..." The Arcosian tittered lightly, passing the subject aside without divulging another reasoning lurking underneath his words.
"By the way, sir, your latest modelling shots are in print now!" "Yes, I know, I was just looking through that issue to cut the pages out~" (Not divulging that he was skimming another article rather intently)
"Looking at the agenda, sir, if you're not too tired out after your press debrief on Taidana, we can kickstart your next conflict staging on Koibito within a few hours." "Good, good... and have any other warrior bands caught wind of the rumor you planted? Just to avoid any surprises." "Well, from what's been reported back, the Sadalan Saiyan rangers have already taken the bait."
The moment mention of Saiyans came up, some involuntary purr rumbled from his lips for a moment like a spurt of an engine hum.
"Sir, is that a problem?" "Oh! Uhh, not a problem! Quite welcome, I might say... One of their numbers, I've been talking rather close with off-field. I think I quite like him..."
"Like him?" His PR manager, Canistel, spoke with a suspicious sneer from behind. "What do you mean by that?" "I suppose whatever you think it to mean..."
As he stared distantly through the window, his cheek fell into his palm, too turned around and spaced out to see his stylist, Amburo, silently shaking his head panicked and making a 'cut' motion in warning.
"Now, Frost, dear. As your friend, I'd turn the other way, but with the perspective of your manager, I'd like to remind you of your image here for a moment. To your adoring public, you're the hero heartthrob. The free-bird lady killer. Now, what would it do to your poor squealing fanbase if you put off the view that you weren't interested in any of them?"
"I'm not interested in any of them. That's the whole point of faking it, that I'm not supposed to be, isn't it?" The soft lofty air about Frost's smile quickly vanished. "Correct, but the point is that it'll be much harder to fake then... So, you may as well drop it, yes?"
"...Not to mention, we're still writing plans. We haven't exactly given this ranger of yours his spot in the script... It would be a shame if he got too close and got hurt... wouldn't it?"
Frost's tail bristled as his back lurched and his voice hushed. "You wouldn't dare..." "Wouldn't it, Frost?" "...Yes, it would be. Got it, Canistel... I'll drop it." "Good boy. How did we ever get so lucky to have such an obedient little star like you?"
[X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
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